#“hey im a furry” or “oh yk blud is a furry right?” and
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montiree · 14 days ago
tired of ranting about how i feel like shit so instead i am going to look at some quotes from Edgar Allen Poe's Silence - A Fable :)
firstly we have: "It was night, and the rain fell; and, falling, it was rain, but, having fallen, it was blood." This is of course the famous one from this one, and its the one that drew me to it. i happen to be a large fan of risk of rain 2, and the soundtrack is just- peak i love the sound track. it has many references in the names of the songs that have then made me fans of those IPs, most notably Jorge Luis Borjes' El Inmortal with the rain quote there (i have it memorized but its in spanish and long and im supposed to be gaming with my amigos rn but im here typing this so...). anyway i like it because i have a rain obsession and it fits well with my already existing rain stuff. cuz like. idk i have a whole rain thing i tell myself when i feel sad and it makes me feel better and ive been trying to capture the feeling in writing but it just doesn't pan out.
"I turned and looked again upon the rock, and upon the characters; — and the characters were DESOLATION." i am the rock. the characters upon me spell out desolation. that is how i am treated half the time. i can't even remember who had told me that they thought i was going to kill myself before the end of 2024 (i didn't, i am purpose built for suffering). anyway cool quote lets go to the next one.
"And his brow was lofty with thought, and his eye wild with care; and, in the few furrows upon his cheek I read the fables of sorrow, and weariness, and disgust with mankind, and a longing after solitude." kinda a long one but relatable one. sorrow, weariness, disgust for mankind, longing, and longing for solitude are all things i feel on a regular basis. cool stuff. ope im bleeding brb
anyway i like his use of repetition i think its well done and emphasizes stuff that was said maybe a couple paragraphs ago. like. talking about the shit happening around this guy and its just like. hes chilling on the rock. just vibing out. until bro (bro is a demon read the thing i linked it its good) cast a curse upon the landscape that made it silent and the chiller was like damn its quiet now im gonna dip and he dipped and it was beautiful.
pretty good stuff from a guy who married his cousin (its ok darwin hadn't been invented yet)(not really its still gross but yk what're you gonna do about it it was the mid 1800s)
insert an image of catboy edgar allen poe because im too lazy to make it rn
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