now @pristine-starlight
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katinkadragongirl · 7 years ago
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katinkadragongirl · 7 years ago
Jackie is worried. More worried by the day, actually. A little more worried every day and it's eating at him.
The reason he's worried? Marvin. He noticed a while ago that Marvin is thinner than he should be, but back then it didn't seem like anything serious. After all Marvin hadn't been going through the easiest time of his life when they met, and people tend to lose weight when they're anxious or unhappy.
But this, now? It's getting seriously unhealthy and it scares Jackie. Marvin looks paler than Jackie recalls he was when they first met, hero and villain still. He looks tired a lot, acts tired too until he catches himself and turns lively again, and his eyes dull every time he's not laughing or he's just not aware of Jackie watching him. They both get scrapes and bruises from running around town all day, but Marvin's ones remain even after Jackie can barely remember his own. Marvin's wrist feels thin in Jackie's hand when he catches it to help him keep his balance when they run from roof to roof, and when they stop for a break, Marvin is a lot more out of breath than Jackie is. His strength and stamina seem to be slowly fading.
So Jackie worries. And every time Marvin takes a little longer to catch his breath, every time he starts eating like he hasn't in days, every time Jackie holds him and feels how thin he is, that worry grows.
When Marvin comes over for dinner like he does every other night they hug, just like usual. Jackie squeezes him close to his chest, and it's nothing out of the ordinary either, but he really doesn't want to let go. Marvin feels too small in his arms, too fragile and thin, and Jackie knows he's supposed to have way more muscle than he does now. His worry flares again.
"Are you alright?" Jackie asks before he could stop himself. He mentally kicks himself for it, but Marvin just pulls away from him laughing.
"Of course I am," his eyes are bright as he smiles, and it almost tricks Jackie into believing him. Almost. "Why do you worry about me all the time?"
Jackie decides not to go into it right now. It doesn't feel like the right time, not yet. Instead he shrugs and offers a sheepish smile. "It's just what I do, I guess."
Dinner isn't ready yet, so Marvin just sits at the table and they talk and joke around while Jackie finishes cooking. Marvin had offered countless times to help before, but Jackie is a very stubborn cook, so all Marvin can do is sit patiently and cheer from the sidelines (and maybe occasionally steal a bite or two from the ingredients, which Jackie doesn't seem to mind at all).
Marvin looks pretty as ever, with a black vest over a perfectly ironed purple shirt and his hair brushed back neatly. At first glance it seems like nothing is wrong at all. At second...well, maybe it still looks that way, because Marvin doesn't stop being attractive on the second look, but Jackie knows enough about magic to see below the surface. He knows that in the end it's still the performance that sells the trick, it's the illusion, and Marvin is a master of magic. He knows how to keep up the illusion that he's perfectly fine.
But when Jackie accidentally knocks a knife off the counter and it clatters harmlessly against the tiled floor, he jumps to pick it up immediately. Marvin, however, turns his head a second too late and just blinks slowly as Jackie picks up the knife and drops it in the sink. And Jackie notices. This isn't the villain who had run from him with catlike reflexes, evaded his hand like it was child's play. No, this Marvin is slow and fading. Something is very wrong and for a moment the thought crosses Jackie's mind that it's him. He pushes it aside just as quick, because he's here to help and he will help, but he finally makes up his mind to ask Marvin what's going on after dinner.
Jackie consciously prepares bigger portions than he used to when he had been living alone. Well, technically he still lives alone, but he considers Marvin part of his home now, even if he never stays the night and comes and goes like the autumn chill. Having Marvin there has started to feel a lot more like home than when it's only him in the otherwise empty apartment.
So Jackie makes more food than just double his own dinner, because he knows Marvin doesn't eat well. It doesn't exactly take magic to know that. The way he starts eating every time, quick, big gulps like he's scared someone will come and take his dinner before he's finished tells more than enough. He always slows down after the first few bites, catches himself knowing that he's just having dinner with Jackie, but it doesn't make Jackie unsee it.
They have chicken and cooked vegetables because Jackie finally found good, fresh celery at the grocery store and he couldn't just not. Marvin sometimes mocks him for getting excited over ingredients ("They're plants, Jackie. Plants. For eating."), but it's nothing malicious. And neither of them can deny that Jackie knows how to cook, pretty well too.
Jackie pretends he's full before he really is, and he lets Marvin have the other half of his chicken. Marvin never grows suspicious when Jackie lets him have what's left of his food, and Jackie is glad for that. Because of course he's doing it on purpose. If he feels hungry at night, he can just stumble into the kitchen like a zombie extra from a cheap movie and get a snack. He's pretty sure Marvin doesn't have that luxury.
In the end there's almost nothing left of the food, but Jackie isn't sure how much of that compliments his cooking skills and how much it tells of Marvin's diet.
"You sure you don't want anything else to eat?" Jackie asks while Marvin helps him clean off the table, turning away to put the dishes in the sink just so that he doesn't have to look his friend in the eye.
"Nah, I'm good," Marvin pushes the chairs back to their place, because that's just one of those things Jackie always forgets and then stumbles over them later. "Why?"
"'Cause you ate everything pretty quick," Jackie shrugs like it's nothing.
Marvin smiles brightly and pokes him in the side with his elbow. "Hey, not my fault that you're an amazing cook."
Jackie shoves him gently by the shoulder, but he appreciates the compliment. "You're just saying that so that I keep cooking for you."
"Maybe, maybe not," Marvin laughs as he starts towards the living room. His walking turns into running when Jackie rushes past him, and they race each other to the couch.
As soon as they're sitting, Jackie pushes Marvin over, who decides that alright, that's pretty comfortable and doesn't move to get back up. Jackie laughs at him. "You lazy bum."
Marvin chuckles and he shrugs, but as he turns his head to the side the smile slowly melts from his lips. He stares into nothing, forgetting what they were even doing, and he looks really tired. Jackie immediately remembers his worries again.
"Hey," he pokes Marvin's side, and he does it again when the smile returns to his lips. "Earth to Marvin!" the poking continues and soon turns into tickling, and Marvin is laughing again, squeaking at he tries to get Jackie off of him.
When Jackie finally stops, leaning above his friend with a cheeky smile, Marvin smacks his arm. "I hate you. You're the worst."
"Don't you mean the best?"
"Same bullshit," he rolls his eyes, but he's still smiling too, staring up at Jackie trying to calculate his next move and all Jackie can think is that damn, he's adorable.
Jackie sits back up and tugs on Marvin until he does the same. Except Marvin lies back down just as quick, and he's grinning like the absolute little shit he is, but Jackie doesn't miss the way he's still heaving from laughing.
"Marvin, this is a couch. People sit on the couch," Jackie scolds him in a mock-serious tone when he refuses to sit up again.
"I'm not people, I'm a magician, bitch," Marvin sticks his tongue out, and lightly kicks Jackie's thigh, just for good measure. "And you're boring."
"Excuse you? Who you calling boring?"
But Marvin doesn't continue the banter. He spaces out, again, and he closes his eyes as if tired. Jackie reaches down and rubs at his side gently until he looks at him.
"Hey, you okay?"
Marvin gives him a questioning look. "Yeah, why?" he pushes himself up to sit properly (finally) and leans back into the couch to get comfortable.
"You just...seem a little off is all," Jackie shrugs, watching for a reaction. This wasn't exactly his plan of bringing it up, but he's going to roll with it now.
"Oh sorry, I'm...I'm good," he laughs absently and runs and hand through his hair. He looks casual enough, but he avoids Jackie's eyes. Then he lights up, a smile spreading on his face again as he turns back to his friend. "Hey, wanna see some magic? I've been practising."
"Sure," Jackie nods, excited. Marvin knows just how much he loves magic.
Marvin pulls his feet up and turns fully towards Jackie sitting with his legs crossed. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, and Jackie can see how hard he's concentrating. There's magic sparkling at his fingertips, and while Jackie has no idea what kind of trick he's about to do, he doesn't miss the way his hands tremble. He hopes it's just due to the magic, nothing else.
The magical charge slips from Marvin's grasp before he's done shaping it, and it crashes straight into Jackie's upper arm. Jackie cries out in pain and shock, and the moment he feels the stench of burnt fabric he knows that his shirt is a goner. He holds his arm and tries to ignore the burning pain crashing into him.
Marvin stares at him wide eyed, hands covering his mouth. "Oh no, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to," he whispers over and over again, voice trembling, and he looks absolutely terrified.
Jackie ignores the pain in his arm. He reaches his other hand out towards Marvin and tugs him against himself. Marvin shows no resistance, he shuffles closer until he's pressed against Jackie's chest, one arm wound around his waist and still muttering his apologies.
"I'm sorry...I hurt you, I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry," he shuts his eyes tight, and Jackie can barely hear what he's saying because he's just mumbling into his shoulder.
Jackie just holds him tight. He might be the one in pain, but poor Marvin needs this more right now. Jackie can feel him shaking, and he grasps at the back of his shirt as much as he can to hold him secure and close because he doesn't dare move his other arm.
Slowly Jackie can feel Marvin's hand trailing up his injured arm until it settles over the wound. He's really gentle, his touch just barely there, and the pain starts ebbing away, replaced by a small tingling bit by bit. Jackie turns his head to press his nose into Marvin's hair and just lets it happen, because it's nice. He's not sure if it's Marvin who's refusing to let go of him still or if it's him who's clinging onto the hug, but he doesn't mind either way.
But then it clicks. "Hey, hey, what are you doing?"
Marvin props his chin up on Jackie's shoulder so that he isn't just talking into his shirt anymore. "Healing you."
As quick as he can, Jackie pulls Marvin's hand off his arm with his free hand, ignoring the unpleasant way his skin pulls at the clumsy movement. He keeps ahold of Marvin's hand, just in case. "No, no, there's not need for that," he says quickly. Every kind of magic takes energy, but healing magic is one of those that take a lot. Marvin barely has energy as is and the last thing Jackie wants him to do is waste it on healing him. He'll heal well enough on his own, without putting a strain on his friend.
Marvin doesn't argue, but he pulls away from the hug. He looks really guilty.
"It's okay, it was an accident," Jackie shrugs clumsily and offers a small smile. Marvin shakes his head and doesn't return it.
"Yeah, yeah, I..." he shakes his head again and avoids looking at Jackie. "That's not supposed to happen, ever. I'm sorry."
"It's alright," Jackie repeats and squeezes Marvin's hand, but Marvin pulls it away. Jackie decides to stay silent instead.
Marvin has the strongest magic out of everyone Jackie has ever met. Most people have magic in them, but most don't know it or it's simply not enough to show. Jackie has magic in him, too, it's what gives him superhuman abilities, but what he has is passive magic. It just works on its own, he has no control over it, and he can't use it for things like Marvin uses his. He's never seen Marvin lose control over his powers before, either. Half his power comes from knowing what he's doing. The fact that his magic managed to slip from his hold and that it did now tells a lot about how his health might be suffering. Jackie puts that all together in the matter of seconds. Looking back, he feels horrible for every time he'd stopped Marvin from stealing food.
"Marvin," Jackie speaks again, voice serious. He catches Marvin's eyes, but Marvin looks away right the next second. He stares to the side, hands in his lap, teeth catching his lower lip. He looks...scared? Jackie has trouble believing that. Marvin the Magnificent, proud and powerful magician and too-smart-for-his-own-good ex-villain is scared. Jackie sighs and makes sure his voice is more gentle when he talks again. "I didn't want to bother you with this, but...when was the last time you've eaten properly? Before tonight, I mean."
When Marvin looks up, the fear and nervousness is gone. Jackie can see him shutting himself off again, putting on an annoyed façade with all too much experience. "Seriously, Jackie?" he rolls his eyes. "I'm okay."
"No, you're not," it comes out more pointed than Jackie means for it to, and Marvin has to clench his hands into fists to make sure he doesn't flinch away. This time Jackie doesn't notice. "You've been even less okay recently. You're pale and tired and for crying out loud, I can practically feel your bones when I hug you, you're not okay."
Marvin's jaw tightens and his shoulders tense. His eyes turn ice cold. "I'm leaving."
But before he has the chance to get up, Jackie cuts in. "Stop running away, please. I just want to help."
Marvin crosses his arms over his chest but he doesn't move to get up again. He stares at Jackie coldly, and he doesn't need words to let Jackie know what he's thinking. You get one chance to talk and you better make it quick, or I'm leaving.
Alright, cards on the table, Jackie thinks. He's not going to let this turn into a fight. "How do you eat when you're not here?"
"I manage," Marvin says curtly and he considers it a complete answer. He's not going to tell Jackie more about it. He's not going to tell him that he doesn't really manage. He either starves, uses magic to conjure up food, which in turn saps his energy and he's right back to where he's started except with his stomach quiet for a few hours, or...he steals. He still steals. Because he's a liar, a God damn liar, lying to Jackie's face and pretending to be a good guy, but he's still just as bad as he used to be, because he takes when he doesn't have enough. He'd prefer to just starve, but there's only so long he can go with an empty stomach and little magic, only so much he can do to convince Jackie that he's fine. He's still a God damn thief, nothing more, nothing better.
Jackie opens his mouth to speak, probably something soft and kind and comforting, but Marvin isn't having any of it. He pushes himself forward, closer to Jackie's face to seem more threatening, and uncontrolled magic sparks at his fingertips.
"I said, I'm fine," he hisses through bared teeth and his eyes turn even colder than before. He waits for Jackie to flinch back, to accept the fact that he's intimidating and completely healthy, to tell him to please calm down, but he doesn't. Instead he quints as a soft smile pulls at his lips and he playfully bumps his nose against Marvin's just because they're so close right now, so why not. It successfully startles Marvin enough to sit back, but the next second he's staring at Jackie again with fury.
Jackie hums and his smile doesn't waver. "I care about you too much to be scared of you."
Marvin's mask of anger melts away instantly to give its place to one of shock. While the tension in his shoulders doesn't let up, his eyes soften and he looks away. "Yeah, and I still don't know why," he mumbles, and he's not sure if he means for Jackie to hear it.
"Just stop questioning it then," Jackie says gently and he scoots a little closer. "Just let me help you."
"I don't need your help," Marvin barks, but there's not enough strength to his voice anymore.
"Yeah, you do," Jackie sighs. He reaches his hand out towards Marvin, wary of the way he's slowly retreating into his shell again. "Marvin, just let me-..."
"Stop it!" Marvin shouts harshly and his arms fly up as if he's trying to protect himself. The same exact moment his excess magic discharges again, but this time it turns against its user. Marvin's voice breaks as he yelps, and he curls in on himself in pain.
"Oh shit...Oh no, I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry," Jackie rushes. Marvin wraps his arms around himself, and when he doesn't flinch away from Jackie's touch, Jackie pulls him into his arms.
Marvin doesn't cry but Jackie wouldn't be surprised if he did, from the way he's shaking and gasping for air. He curls up, cradling his arms to his chest, and Jackie wraps himself around him. He wishes he knew what to say. He whispers sorry a few times, but every time he does Marvin mumbles something unintelligible and shakes his head. So Jackie stays silent, slowly running his hand up and down Marvin's side. He can feel his ribs, he could count them every time his fingers pass over them, and he knows Marvin knows too.
"Hey," Jackie murmurs, head laid atop Marvin's. They're not fighting now, that storm is over as quick as it came. They're back to being nice and gentle and good friends without having to say anything about it. "Are you hungry? Do you want something else to eat?" he asks carefully, waiting if it will make Marvin upset again.
"We've already had dinner," Marvin mutters, but the protest itself is about as weak as his voice.
"That doesn't matter," his voice is quiet and he hopes it's soothing enough. He hates seeing Marvin upset. From the way Marvin's breathing slows and he doesn't move to push him away, he guesses they're good. "I can make you something else."
The silence that follows is a little long, but Jackie has never been anything but patient when it comes to Marvin. If Marvin is to ever accept his help, he can't rush it either. He's content to wait, not just now but in general.
Eventually, Marvin sighs. "Okay."
They bandage themselves up first. The burn on Jackie's arm is already half healed thanks to Marvin. The skin is shiny and red, but it barely hurts anymore, so Jackie just puts cream on it and only wraps it up so that he doesn't get said cream on everything.
Marvin's arms are much worse. When he pulls his sleeves up (he absolutely refuses to take his shirt off, and they both know why) he reveals skin criss-crossed with burns, thin lines not unlike veins covering the whole of both his forearms. They hurt, too, and he has to resist pulling away every time Jackie tries to touch him. But at least his hands are completely unhurt, and the way he pulls Jackie into a hug once they're both patched up tells of how grateful he is for the help and the comfort.
Jackie makes him cream of wheat, because according to him it's the best comfort food and Marvin needs something sweet. Marvin puts as much cocoa powder and cinnamon on it as human possible and burns his tongue multiple times trying to eat it too fast. Jackie laughs at him fondly.
He eats almost two bowls of the stuff before he says that he's full, for real this time. Jackie is glad he didn't make more, because Lord knows Marvin could probably eat himself sick if no one stopped him.
Jackie sits at the table with him after he's done cleaning up. He leans on his arms on the table and looks at Marvin with a serious look in his eyes, hoping he won't scare him again. "You should come over more, or just stay here even. You need a more stable source of food, maybe a place to stay, too?" he runs a hand through his hair. "I know it's hard to admit, but...you need help."
Marvin avoids his eyes again, but at least he doesn't run from the conversation this time. "I have a place to stay," he says slowly, choosing his words carefully and ignoring Jackie's last sentence. "It's not a good place, but it's something."
"You can stay here, too, if you want," Jackie shrugs and Marvin's head snaps to look at him.
Marvin's eyes narrow questioningly. "You're joking, right?"
"Nah, I'm serious," he leans back in his chair and smile widely. "You're welcome to stay here whenever and for however long you please."
"Really?" Marvin laughs without actual joy behind it, because it just sounds too good to be true. He's waiting for the catch. "And take up your space, eat your food, not even pay rent? I can't do that to you. What would I give in return?"
"For now?" Jackie hums nonchalantly. "Nothing," he turns a bit more serious as he leans onto the table again. "For now just let me help you and try to get better. We'll figure out what comes after that when we get there."
Marvin looks away again. It sounds great, perfect even, but good things never last, let alone perfect ones. And he doesn't want to burden Jackie like this, exploit his good heart just because he's a useless street rat. "I...I really don't know."
"It's okay, you don't have to decide right now."
When Marvin looks at him again, Jackie is smiling, that soft, friendly smile, and Marvin feels like crying with joy. There's no catch, he tries to tell himself, no catch, Jackie is just really this good and he really does care this much. "Okay..." he breathes. "Thank you."
Jackie nods and shrugs like it's nothing. Like offering to share his home and food and everything else with Marvin is nothing. "Do you wanna stay the night?"
Marvin never stays the night. He always gets up and leaves to go home...huh, home...this place feels a lot more like home. But every time he gets up and leaves, a bit after midnight if not sooner, and not matter what, Jackie had never been able to make him stay.
"Yeah," Marvin accepts this time, voice small, and Jackie gives him a beaming smile.
Marvin sleeps on the couch, and that sounds bad, but it's a good couch and it's definitely better than what he usually sleeps on. He can't remember the last time he had gone to sleep without having to worry about an aching back in the morning. He wears one of Jackie's pyjamas, since he obviously hasn't come prepared to have a sleepover, and he steps on the ends of the trousers every other step because they're so long. Jackie finds it very amusing. Jackie gets him the warmest, fluffiest blanket he has and it makes Marvin feel like he's sleeping wrapped in a cloud. Jackie laughs when he says that and Marvin throws the blanket over his head when he does as if that could prove his point. They go to sleep late, tired from laughing and whatever had happened after dinner, and Jackie hugs Marvin goodnight so vigorously Marvin almost topples over.
It's surprisingly easy and very sweet.
When Marvin wakes up in the morning, for a second he doesn't know where he is. The room and its dimensions and the sunlight flooding through the window all feel unfamiliar until his sleepy mind catches up and supplies him with memories of the previous night. He stares for a moment just to make sure he's not dreaming, and once he's secure knowing that he is indeed not, he pulls the blanket back over his chin and sinks deeper into the cushions. Who knows when the next time he gets to sleep this comfortable will be.
Aside from that, there's this new, fuzzy and warm feeling in his chest, and he doesn't know what to make of it, but he likes it. It's a little bit like the feeling he gets when him and Jackie stay up late and talk about random things or sing along to songs from Jackie's phone until they're both falling over laughing. And it's a bit like when Jackie hugs him as a greeting and invites him inside, and Marvin hangs his cape (and mask, if he has it on him) on the same hanger as always. He doesn't know what to call that feeling, but it's nice.
It's not exactly a big apartment, but somehow the two of them manage to not run into each other until Marvin stumbles into the kitchen, freshly dressed. He finds Jackie standing at the counter, looking through the big wooden box of teabags with two mugs set next to him – a random superhero one and the blue one with the stars on it that Marvin always uses when he's over. The sight gives Marvin that happy, fuzzy feeling again, though he's not sure if the feeling had even really left since he'd woken up.
He can't help himself, he runs the next few steps and crashes into Jackie in a tight hug. Jackie has to grab the countertop to balance himself, but once he's standing securely again he wraps his arms around Marvin enthusiastically and laughs. Marvin laughs too, just a little bit, as he buries his face into Jackie's shoulder and he feels Jackie smoothing his hair back because it's just such a huge mess and...he's just so happy.
"Good morning," Jackie chuckles, with so much fondness behind his voice that Marvin can barely believe it's directed at him.
Marvin ends up sitting at the table to be out of Jackie's way, just like when he prepares dinner. They chat about little things and it soon turns into joking. Jackie says that Marvin sleeps deeper than a bear during winter and Marvin shoots back that he's going to put salt in Jackie's tea. Jackie deems that a possibly legitimate threat because both the salt shaker and his mug are within Marvin's reach, and so he quickly moves his tea to the counter without further commentary. Marvin laughs at his hurry.
"Man, I can't remember the last time I had cereal for breakfast," Marvin sighs without thinking about what his comment entails as he stretches in his chair. He's feeling a lot less tense than last night.
"You're missing out," says Jackie as he fetches the milk, but he's too clever to miss the hidden meaning behind that sentence. But he stores that knowledge for later. They're having a nice morning and Marvin looks so happy, he doesn't want to ruin it. He looks causal, yes, that's the word, with his vest left somewhere else and the top couple buttons of his shirt undone. Jackie can easily see the scars from yesterday showing at his cuffs, and he makes a mental note to check up on them later. But even with the scars Marvin looks happy and carefree and pretty, and Jackie loves seeing him like that.
They eat in silence for the first few minutes until the way Marvin chases the cereal around his bowl, obviously lacking the required experience, cracks Jackie up.
"What?" Marvin asks, staring at his friend and making a half-hearted attempt at looking annoyed. He knows very well that Jackie can hear the laughter in his voice and see the smile in his eyes anyway. Of course he can.
"You have...a very unique style of eating cereal," Jackie laughs again, then stuffs his face full off his own breakfast and tries really hard for an innocent look. He knows he's failed when Marvin starts visibly having trouble containing his own giggling.
Marvin takes a deep breath to calm himself at least a small bit. "Little shits keep getting away from me," he tries to justify his actions and means, but Jackie doesn't listen.
"Sure, it's the cereal's fault."
"Shut up and eat," Marvin shoots back and they stare at each other for a moment before they both burst out laughing.
It's the first time they've ever spent a morning together. Up until this day it had always been dinners and afternoons and late nights, but never actual mornings when they wake up in the same apartment, greet each other in the kitchen and make jokes over breakfast. Marvin is surprised by how natural it feels. Not like they've always been doing this, but like they were always meant to. Waking up knowing the other is nearby, seeing each other not quite ready for the day and then getting ready for it together feels new yet completely normal. It feels like home, Marvin guesses, though he isn't exactly sure how that really feels. But if it does feel like this, he wants more of it. Which means...
"About last night," Marvin starts nervously, staring into his empty bowl. Jackie silently nudges the cereal box towards him and listens. But Marvin just shakes his head as he grabs the box. He doesn't exactly know what to say.
"It's okay if you need time to think about it," Jackie says quietly, and when Marvin looks up he sees him wearing the same soft smile he had last night. "It's not something you can decide from one day to another."
Marvin sighs. "Thank you," he isn't exactly sure why he's saying it. For the offer? For Jackie giving him all the time he needs? For letting him stay? For everything in general? Yeah, that last one is probably it.
"But," Jackie straightens his back and Marvin feels intimidated for a second until he realises that he's just stretching. "If you need a place to stay, or just anything in general, please remember that I'm here. Okay?"
"Okay," Marvin nods sheepishly. "I'll try."
Jackie watches with gentle eyes as Marvin pours himself another bowl of cereal. He hums softly. "That's more than enough for now."
0 notes
katinkadragongirl · 7 years ago
Marvin runs. He's not being chased, but he still runs because something is calling him, he needs to be somewhere and he needs to be there right now. He can barely see where he's going, the night sky above him pitch black with no moon to guide his way. Still his feet carry him almost as if knowing the way better than his head, turning corners he doesn't even see coming and never once tripping. He runs.
His eyesight is pretty much useless at this point and his sense of direction is completely gone. But he's getting closer, he knows it, as the pull in his chest that guides his step grows almost painful. His nose fills with smells he wants to banish as soon as he feels them – there's blood, poison, gasoline and smoke and who knows what else, mixing into a stench that screams danger. His instincts are telling him to run and hide, to save himself form whatever disaster he's headed for, but the tug in his chest is stronger. There's noise and he doesn't know what it is, it's a thousand noises joining into one and it's getting stronger. Then above it all he hears a single thing, a pained cry of an all too familiar voice.
Marvin wakes up panting, kicking off the sheets that feel like heavy ropes around his body. He gasps for air, but the stench that had been surrounding him just before is gone, all there is left is the laundry detergent from his clothes and the faintest smell of flowers.
He holds onto the back of the couch he's sitting up on with a shaky hand and looks around the room. He's in Jackie's living room and it's the middle of the night. The Moon outside the window casts shapes onto the carpet, just brushing the bag on the floor that's overflowing with Marvin's belongings. He's yet to officially move in, but he spends most of his time here now, and so he has most of his stuff here for easy access. That's it, nothing more.
He listens and hears nothing, nothing aside from the usual noises of the apartment – the ticking of a clock, the fridge occasionally whirring, the distant noise of traffic on the streets. Everything is peaceful.
Except it isn't. Because if you're a magician, especially as powerful as Marvin, nightmares of your best friend calling out for help don't just happen on their own. They always have a reason, and that reason is the most obvious – Jackie needs his help.
He checks Jackie's room and finds his superhero suit missing. That's enough for Marvin to start getting dressed, cursing every moment he wastes fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. It feels like eternity when he leaves, already running down the corridor as he pulls his cape around his shoulders, but in reality it's only a couple minutes.
He rushes to the roof and looks around, hoping for an obvious sign of where Jackie might be. He sees nothing, but...if he just concentrates hard enough he can feel that tug in his chest again. Fainter than in his dream but still very much there, pointing in a definite direction. It fills him with a sense of dread, like he's the one in need of help. He jumps to follow it without a second thought and he thanks his magic for just this once acting subconsciously.
Just like during his patrols with Jackie he runs from rooftop to rooftop, knowing the maze of the city's highest level like the back of his hand. He runs as fast as his feet can carry him, but he's scared it's not enough. His strength has been returning recently, stamina building up again since Jackie has been taking care of him and making sure he eats well, but even with that he can't possibly run across the whole city and make it in time to rescue Jackie from whatever danger he's in.
So the next time he jumps, he doesn't do it to make it to the next building. In the blink of an eye his cape is gone, replaced by a pair of wings that carry him higher and faster than his feet ever could. He flies with black leather membranes catching the wind like sails, and he swerves between buildings as if this is the very thing he's been born to do. It would be incredibly fun were he not rushing to his friend's aid.
His instincts lead him the same way they keep his wings from dropping him, and he makes it. He makes it.
It's near the edge of the city and the only building nearby has long been abandoned. And there's Jackie, completely surrounded but still standing his ground, because of course he is. He'd be willing to take on the world if he believed he was doing good by it, even if it would crush him in a second. This time it's not the whole world, maybe just fifteen guys, but that's still fourteen more than Jackie.
Looking back, Marvin will be sure and proud that he probably scared the living Hell out of at least half of them. He drops from ten feet above them, wings blocking out the sky for a moment but folding back into his cape before any of them could really tell them apart from the shadows.
"Get back!" Marvin roars, genuine anger fuelling his voice because how dare these people try to hurt his Jackie. Fire sprouts from the ground and forms a circle around the two of them, the bright orange flames growing five foot tall within a second and startling the attackers back. It gives Marvin and Jackie a moment to breathe and prepare.
Marvin knows without looking that Jackie is behind him, back to back, just as ready to take on these guys as he is. He feels a hand slip into his own for a moment, fingers intertwining tightly with his before they slip free again. I'm here, is what the gesture says. We're doing this together.
As soon as Jackie's hand leaves his own, Marvin extinguishes the flames in a single moment. It surprises their enemies and gives them a headstart.
The guy closest to Marvin probably expects a lot of different magical attacks, so he must be very surprised when instead he gets a fist to the face. The next guy trips over his own feet in fear, and Marvin twists out of another's way just in time to scare the guy who was about to attack Jackie from behind by a well-aimed fireball. When someone yanks Marvin back by the cape they are flung across half the field by Jackie the next second and Marvin even finds the time to laugh at it.
It's incredible how a dozen bad guys lose all order just from two others who know what they're doing. Not like Jackie and Marvin are complaining. They dance around each other with ease, knowing the other's next move as easily as their own and never leaving each other's backs open. When someone tries to rush Marvin they're tripped by Jackie almost too easily, and when another guy tries to grab Jackie by the arm he's tackled onto the ground by a furious magician. By the time the police arrives, they're all very confused and taken care of, arranged into a neat pile on the ground by Marvin's bad sense of humour.
They both withdraw into the shadows when the officers arrive, because from then on it's not their business. They don't want it to be.
The moment it's just them, Jackie tugs Marvin into a hug. It's tight, almost suffocating and kind of desperate. Jackie grabs fistfuls of Marvin's cape and buries his face into his neck, wanting to talk but not finding the words. Marvin just smiles. He pulls his mask off with one hand and presses his cheek against the side of Jackie's head. His blood is still rushing with adrenaline, but he's done fighting for tonight. Holding Jackie is much nicer anyway.
"Thank you," Jackie breathes, and he tries to pull Marvin closer as if that's even humanly possible.
Marvin hums and there's a bit of laughter behind it, and he threads his free hand through Jackie's hair. "No need to thank me," he runs his fingers through Jackie's hair again and he can feel him starting to tremble slightly as his adrenaline rush passes. "I've got your back, remember?"
Jackie laughs a little and Marvin decides to take it as an answer. Jackie hates fighting. He might know how to, he might even be good at it, but on the bottom line he still hates it. Being held by Marvin is by far the best cure he knows for feeling upset after a fight.
"Come on, let's go home," Marvin whispers and waits for Jackie's arms to loosen around him before he untangles himself from him. Their business here is done, they don't need to stay any longer. "Come on," he repeats and gently takes Jackie's hand into his own.
In a second they're home. Jackie doesn't like teleporting, it feels like his breath is sucked from his lungs and he's floating in nothingness for a moment, and despite everything Marvin says he just can't get used to it. But right now he has no objections. The sooner they're home in peace the better, and there isn't really sooner than instantaneous.
They're standing in the living room, everything the same as when Marvin had left it except for the moonlight having moved with time passing. Jackie takes a breath, then he grins and hugs Marvin again, picking him up, and he spins around. Marvin squeaks in surprise, then it turns into a laugh as he wraps his arms around Jackie's neck to secure himself.
"You saved me!" Jackie laughs, because right now everything is worth a laugh. He puts Marvin down but doesn't let him go. Not like Marvin wants him to anyway. "Just like a real hero! My hero!"
Marvin laughs at him but pulls him closer and presses their foreheads together. They laugh together, then it quiets until they're just grinning, but they start laughing again when Jackie bumps their noses together. They have no reason to be laughing this much, not really, aside from the fact that they're okay, they're alive and safe and they have each other. After such a big fright (because fighting well doesn't mean it's any less scary) the best, most natural thing they can do is laugh.
"How did you find me?" Jackie asks quietly once they have both calmed down and settled on the couch. They're both still dressed in their respective costumes and they know they aren't going to sleep anytime soon anyway, but their masks are sitting on the table and Marvin's cape is draped across the back of the couch. They're just the two of them now, Marvin and Jackie, two guys in a nice apartment, staying up late with their sides hurting from laughing.
"A magician never reveals his secrets," Marvin grins cheekily, and Jackie has to give it to him that that was a very good response.
Jackie tilts his head to the side and gives him a sweet smile. "Not even when asked nicely?"
"Okay...maybe then."
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katinkadragongirl · 7 years ago
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katinkadragongirl · 7 years ago
Bing whips around when he hears a loud crash. He had been busy cleaning the table (it somehow always ended up a mess during the day) to prepare for dinner while Chase offered to get the plates and whatnot. And now turning around he sees Chase standing over the remains of a cup he must have just dropped.
What makes the words catch in Bing’s throat however is how scared he looks. His hands are covering his mouth and his eyes are wide as he stares at Bing in obvious fear. He’s fidgeting, visibly wanting nothing more than to escape yet being too scared to move.
“I’m sorry,” Chase lowers his hands to shakily wrap them around himself, and his voice is so small Bing can barely believe it’s him. “It was an accident, I swear!” his voice breaks and he avoids looking at Bing now.
Bing knows what’s happening, it’s not the first time, as sad as it is, but it doesn’t stop him from being worried. He tries for a small smile as he walks around the shards to get to Chase. “It’s okay, it’s just a cup. It’s no big deal.”
Chase still looks absolutely terrified. Bing steps closer, careful to avoid cutting his feet on the remains of the cup. He reaches to touch Chase’s face, soothe him, maybe try to pull him into a hug, but Chase flinches away from his hand. It clicks for Bing a second too late that Chase was expecting to get hit.
“Oh no, no, no, it’s okay, it’s okay,” Bing breathes hurriedly. “I’m not mad at you, I’m not going to hurt you, it’s okay.”
Chase finally looks at him, just for a short moment before his eyes dart away again. He fidgets uncomfortably, and Bing swears he can see him trembling. “I’m sorry,” he whispers again, voice weak.
“It’s okay, it was an accident. It wasn’t your fault.”
Chase looks at him again, longer this time but still scared and tentative, and there’s tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. He’s torn between keeping a safe distance and running to Bing for comfort. But Chase keeps trying to convince himself that this is Bing, he’s not here to harm him, and the next second Bing’s got his arms full of Chase, shaking and almost crying and still so, so scared.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry...” he keeps repeating, voice choking up, hands grabbing fistfuls of Bing’s shirt as he holds onto him. He tries to concentrate on Bing’s arms around him, his gentle words in his ear and his warmth against his chest to banish this visceral, numbing terror back to the darkest corners of his mind where it belongs.
Bing hums his reassurance constantly until Chase calms. “It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault, I’m not mad, it’s okay, you’re safe.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just...” Chase mumbles into Bing’s neck once his breaths deepen and his instincts telling him to run quiet down. He feels weak, tired and absolutely useless. “It’s still really hard...not to think about that stuff sometimes.”
“I know,” he turns his head to press a kiss into Chase’s hair. “I know. But it’s okay, I’m here. And I’ll help you any way I can.”
“Thank you.”
Bing hums quietly and he watches Chase’s face carefully when he pulls back. He’s calm now but still pale, still a little shaky. Bing reaches up, cups his cheek in his hand, thumbs fondly over the freckles dotting his skin. Chase gives him a small smile and leans into his touch.
“Thank you,” he whispers again. He feels ashamed of himself, but he also can’t help the relief flooding him at Bing’s affection. The smile remains on his lips when he’s pulled into a kiss, short and sweet.
He’s glad Bing isn’t dismissing him or scolding him for being scared, or getting offended over it even. Instead he’s here to comfort Chase, make him feel safe and at home, and wait patiently when his past comes back to haunt him. Chase isn’t sure if he will ever truly be alright, if there will come a day when he never flinches at sudden sounds again, when he doesn’t sometimes still get scared and expect the worst over doing something wrong. But he knows it will get easier, bit by bit, as learning to feel safe again. He has Bing to help him with that, and Bing wants to make him feel safe and happy and loved, even on his worst days, even when he makes stupid mistakes he should get yelled at for. But Bing doesn’t yell at him or hit him or make him feel worthless, instead he stays and comforts him and promises that they will be okay. Chase cannot find the words to say just how much he loves him for that. For now, he will just have to keep searching for them.
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katinkadragongirl · 7 years ago
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katinkadragongirl · 8 years ago
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