#“Maz” Hatter
Thank you so much for this opportunity! This is my oc Mazarus "Maz" Hatter. Based on the Mad Hatter from Alice in wonderland! He is 6'0" without his hat and about 6'7" with it.
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He tends to act a little snarky when you first meet him. Coming off as a cartoony grifter just trying to sell you something. When in reality it's an act that he uses to keep people away. His powers are considered dangerous with how he man make anything the opposite of itself. Water becomes dry. Ice becomes hot. You get the picture. He sells discounted items from Sam's shop in order to earn money for himself since his parents don't support him financially. He comes off as kinds distant but really he's quite selfless. Even giving up good chunks of his money to other students in need.
I ship him with Riddle as an "opposites attract turn out to have more in common then they realize" sort of thing. They definitely don't see eye to eye at first with Maz unintentionally messing up things around Heartslabyul leading to him getting collared without even realizing he's made a mistake. However after Riddle's Overblot the two do their best to mend things and find understanding in each other. They both have a volatile homelife so they find genuine comfort in each other. Maz being the one to offer all of hims love and time to Riddle when the other needs it. The dynamic is quite gentle and sweet with the occasional upset caused by Maz's manic powers. However Riddle helps him worth though those upsets. They make quite the team.
Thank you for listening to me ramble about my oc I hope it wasn't too long! Thank you so much!
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Hello!! Thank you for your request!! I'm sorry it took quite a long while until I could get to your request, but here it is!! I had a lot of fun trying to figure out how to go about piecing these two characters together, so I hope you enjoy it!!
I made three copies, just in case you wanted to colour it (change the background, add additional elements, etc.)!! Hearing about Maz was definitely interesting!! Although I didn't really get to portray his Unique Magic here, I figured that I could show him trying to amuse Riddle when he's in one of his moods so as to distract him for a bit by making the tea look like ribbons that help the aroma permeate the surrounding air.
Thank you again for requesting!! I look forward to hearing more about him.
- Vinnie
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limonero · 1 year
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Few quick Mobile Task Force drawings, in order:
MTF Mu-13 (“Ghostbusters”)
MTF Theta-4 (“Gardeners”)
MTF Beta-7 (“Maz Hatters”)
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anonauthorsworkshop · 2 years
MC: Yo, Maz Hatters! Check this out! *Holds up copies of Viscera Cleanup Detail and PowerWash Simulator* Max Hatters: *Happy TF2 Pyro noises* ~🐙
MTF squads my beloved
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toadkingstudios · 2 years
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I have now designed 5 Mobile Task Force shirts on my shop! Zeta-9 “Mole Rats,” Epsilon-11 “Nine-Tailed Fox,” Episilon-6 “Village Idiots,” Alpha-9 “Last Hope,” Beta-7 “Maz Hatters.” There are a LOT of MTFs. What team would you want to see done next? Credit to Sunnyclockwork @hisclockworkservants for the Mobile Task Force team logos these use. I’ve changed some details on the logos as to develop them more and add my own touches to them. Someday, I’d really like to totally revamp the logos for new patch designs.
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scary-lasagna · 6 months
Hii! Can I please request some headcannons for the scp mobile task forces? ( Red Right Hand, Last to Fall, etc?). Like, if they were individual people, what would they be like?
Sorry if that doesn’t make sense 😅 let me know if any elaboration is needed!
I've been mulling this one over for a while. I suppose these can double as the head of operations of that Unit as well! In fact, I think that would make more sense, considering an entire force is usually needed for their operations :]
But please give me more of these I loved doing this!! I'd love to get into other organizations as well too!
MTF, humanized.
Red Right Hand - While strictly prohibited to O5 protective services, Red is extremely self-aware of herself and the environment. She is incredibly mindless and loyal, and will execute any orders given to her by the O5.
Maz-Hatters - Sporting a bright yellow hazmat suit, no one particularly knows what they look like, who they are, or even what they're called by. In this field, they are directly responsible for biological, chemical, and radiological hazards. Their words are muffled, and their actions can be a bit...erratic at times. But it's usually in the best interest of the situation.
Green Stags - Stag is deployed into nature-based environments to track down anomalies. He is dark-skinned, sports a thick country accent, and is quite old in age, with many scars littering across his body, as well as a missing arm. But no one ever questions his methods, no matter how outlandish they seem. He knows all the tricks in the books to track what he needs.
Nine Tailed Fox - A classic thirst trap look of a guy. With full swat gear, Fox has most scientists swooning on the brink of death. He's a savior, a fighter, and a strategist. He must be ready for anything to come his way during a breach. Although, he likes his team, he dissociates himself from others, knowing their death date could only be a day away. He's cold, heartless, and knows how to do his job.
See No Evil - A confident woman dressed in scientist garb, she wears scrambling goggles, and keeps an evil eye charm hanging from her neck. Her job is to address, investigate, and possibly contain cognito hazards and memetic agents. She's incredibly smart and always avoids eye contact.
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dreamcast641 · 1 year
SCP OC: Claire Ekaterina Makarova
I decided to make an actual detailed post about Claire, finally. I created her in august 2018 and I got a lot of time to develop here and I'm really, really satisfied of how she turned out to be.
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Full Name: Claire Ekaterina Makarova
Aliases/nicknames: Stoat (callsign), shortie, shortstack
Age: 26-30 years old
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual orientation: Demiromantic/demisexual and pansexual
Date of birth:November 2nd
Place of birth: Unknown but it's somewhere in the USA
Current residence: site 5c
Nationality: American with slavic origins
Spoken Languages: American English (main), Russian ( ONLY with her dad) and American sign language (ASL)
Affiliations/organizations: SCP foundation
Occupation: Mobile Task force Beta-7 ''Maz hatters'' operator, virologist/biologist when not on field, ISD (internal security department) agent.
Rank: unknown
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BUILD: A bit chubby
— Claire is a buxom woman who has curves all over her body, wide hips and a slight bit of fat in her tummy.
— She particularly cares about her image, especially when it comes to taking care of her body.She trains regularly in the small gym made available by the site 5c, focusing on arms and legs, parts of the body that are fundamental to her for work. It takes muscle to hold a rifle that weighs almost half her weight on her so as not to wobble on the recoil.
SCARS: All over her body
— Claire has many, if not too many, wounds all over her body. From cuts to bruises to burns and even gunshot wounds.
— Her little patient behavior and her indifference has led her over the years to participate in many fights, whether they are initiated by her or are part of her job, when it comes to fighting she has always been in the front row. Not caring about the size and danger of whoever is in front of her. This has led Claire to have countless wounds on her body, many of them being stab wounds, a gunshot on her right shoulder, a large burn on her left shoulder and as many bruises..
VOICE: silvery/soft spoken
— slow spoken and not too high voice but at times decisive when needed.
— It's almost as if her voice doesn't match her body. With her character like hers, those around her expect an annoying redundant high-pitched voice to split the eardrums. Hers is an almost calm voice, not too high and maternal.
EYES: Grey/blue
— blue eyes so undersaturated they look gray.
— she inherited light eyes from both parents, but the mother's gene seemed to dominate between the two. Both have blue eyes but Claire's are less saturated, almost gray as opposed to her mother's, blue as ice
FASHION: casual
— casual, doesn't really care for fashion.
— When she's not working, claire usually wears the first thing she finds in her closet, preferring loose-fitting clothes that don't show too much of her body shapes.
More about her aspect:
-Claire has mixed vitiligo all over her body. It started when she was just 5 to 6 years old and it spreaded everywhere;
-Her vitiligo not only affected her skin but also her hair, eyelashes and eyebrow;
-She is only 5'1 ft or 154 cm in height.
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-Color: Black
-Food: Raw Salmon
-Drink: Chamomille with honey
-Song: Ecoute Cherie (vendredi sur Mer)
-Flower: Nightsky petunia
-Hairstyle: messy bun
-Autophobia: also called monophobia, isolophobia, or eremophobia, is the specific phobia or a morbid fear or dread of oneself or of being alone, isolated, abandoned, and ignored;
-athazagoraphobia: When a person has this condition, there is an extreme fear of being forgotten, or of not remembering someone or something. It may also include a fear of being ignored or replaced;
-Atychiphobia:is an intense fear of failure
-Arachnophobia: fear of spiders
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-Moral alignment: Chaotic Neutral
-Myers-Briggs: ENTJ-T
- Serious and efficient but also considerate in the role she covers inside the foundation walls: She makes everyone feel included in her squad no matter what. She is always willing to help them, no one is left behind.
-Observant...a bit too much. If there is something that her training with the ISD thought her is to be aware constantly of her sorroundings. No details is going unnoticed in her presence.
-Gentle and caring with close ones. She pours her heart with who she loves.
-Practical smart. Let's say that she is good at improvise when needed.
-Respected without using fear
-Claire's past and experiences have led her to be inconsiderate of herself, and those closest to her tend to see it for how expressive she is, without needing her to be alone to show how she really feels. she is a woman with a thousand complexes, her self-esteem has been destroyed and under her feet. She can't be really sure about anything she does especially if it affects those around her too. She refuses any leadership position, unwilling to take responsibility for any deaths that may occur under her leadership.
-So low is her self-esteem that she can't even see the value of her life, risking it every day to protect others at the expense of her own. She has seen death right in her eyes so many times that she no longer fears it. She is not afraid to die but at the same time the idea of being forgotten and replaced, as she has already seen happen to her other deceased colleagues, puts a shiver down her spine.
-Claire gets heated pretty easily, leading her to not think straight when she is outraged.
-She tends to distance people from herself due to her trust issues. It really takes time for her to open up to someone.
-Absolute stubborn. Claire does not listen when she is convinced of something.
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-She absolutely love when her friends makes hand-made stuff for her. She keep them like it's the most precious thing in the world;
-It happens that Claire goes for some days to negaseattle to visit her adopted brother Ira and helping him with the clone kids (check more on Raddagher's author page on the wiki);
-She has a yellow ringneck parrot named banana. He is her emotional support animal;
-BPD (bordeline personality disorder) that she is getting treated for and is under enough control for her to be operative;
-She loves reading almost everything especially if it's related to her job;
-One hell of a cook. She is very, very good in the kitchen;
-She smells like peaches and chocolate;
-Aggressive and very skilled in combat. Knife is her specialization;
-Uses stealth, skills and the enviroment over the strenght;
-Good swimmer, loves using water to her advantage in fights by drowning or exhausting people;
-Survivor's guilt.
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It is not known for certain where Claire and her twin brother Dmitry were born, it is only known that they came to light somewhere hidden in the United States of America.
Raised in the hostile environment of the foundation but with the loving care of their mother Mandy Ross, a former nurse in the US Navy. Their father? Locked in the same site where they were born, metal walls separating this potentially dangerous man due to the toxic, potentially lethal nature of his body.
In the early years of their lives, the twins immediately reveal themselves as curious troublemakers, always looking for other children like them to socialize with and will end up bonding closely with one of them in particular: Ira Watts, whom they will consider for life as a brother.
Mandy, for reasons still unknown to them, decides to leave them and the foundation to join the GOC. it was this event that unleashed in her an immense fear of abandonment. Left to their own devices, Claire was the one she had to mature early to take care of her two brothers.
At just 14, the three were separated by the foundation to be introduced to their respective careers.
While Dmitry continued his medical and psychiatric studies, Claire had to stay on that site with Ira to begin her training to join one of the mobile task forces.
''Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are elite units comprised of personnel drawn from across the Foundation and are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situations that sometimes exceed the operational capacity or expertise of regular field personnel and — as their name suggests — may be relocated between facilities or locations as they are needed. Mobile Task Force personnel represent the "best of the best" of the Foundation.''
And with this clarification, let's say that the training Claire had to undergo was hard and exhausting. She pushed to her limits so many times by her serious and rigid mentor that she was assigned to reach high, real high expectations.
To be ''the best of the best'' she had to shed all of her blood and her will. She failed many times but thanks to this she also managed to learn from her mistakes and correct herself, perhaps becoming probably one of the best students on the site...if not for her rebelious behavior.
Training wasn't Claire's only focus in those years: she was studying biology and virology because of the task force she decided to join, the beta-7. Her knowledge will prove to be fundamental in the future.
Her training and studies ended as soon as they began. At just 22, claire was already serving as a member of mobile task force beta-7 at a different site.
During her years at the site, now with her brother Dmitry, the two were approached by a man from the Internal Security Department (ISD) who was determined to recruit them as they were loyal members of the foundation. The two naively accepted and it was that meeting and that assignment that led them to site 5c where they still reside nowdays.
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(coming soon)
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eparchclass · 10 months
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Beta1taskic | Cautertaskic [left] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Beta-1, aka "Cauterizers"
Beta2taskic | Bayoutaskic [middle] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Beta-2, aka "Bayou Boys"
Beta4taskic | Castawaytaskic [right] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Beta-4, aka "Castaways"
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Beta7taskic | Mazhataskic [left] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Beta-7, aka "Maz Hatters"
Beta777taskic | Hectspeartaskic [right] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Beta-777, aka "Hectate's Spear"
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foundationhq · 7 months
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𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐞 35+ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 gregarious, energetic, devious. 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 open
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An inspiration to us all, [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] has never turned back in fear of the unknown. A mainstay in the frontlines since the start of their career in MTF [REDACTED], they have braved SCP after SCP and have always managed to return alive, cheery and vivacious. Though they’ve been given internal awards and numerous commendations for their bravery, [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] has refused to rest on their laurels, preferring to carry on serving as a first-responder. Their reason is a testament to their virtue, as they say they solemnly feel for their lost brethren and will not leave the frontlines in honor of them. However, there are colleagues who have responded to the accolades [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] has proudly added to their portfolio with surprise and dismay, insisting that this operative should not have survived, as no one is “that lucky.” Accusations flew of unfair allocation of resources, convenient relocations, and unusual adjustments to their duties. Detractors claimed these undocumented perks served to insulate [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] from under-performance, mishaps, and the same hazards their fellows faced. However, to the Foundation’s understanding and thorough internal review, anyone who has been on the field with [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] claims they have seen the team’s hero fighting with them, side-by-side. To our knowledge, [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] has responded to these allegations with grace and kindness, insisting that these comments stem from misplaced hurt and grief for the fallen. A close confidante and fan of [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅], who wishes to be anonymous, has stated the popular operative is merely resourceful, a talented networker, and a devoted employee, therefore an easy target for jealousy. With this recommendation, the Committee is certain that their service with the Broken Scales of Themis will provide a staging ground for [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] to demonstrate their true worth, once and for all. — Internal Memo from the Ethics Committee.
UTP;  recommendations  include  a  frontline  Tactical  Response  Officer  or  Containment  Specialist  from  MTF  Xi-5  “Newton's  Bullies”,  Beta-7  “Maz  Hatters”,  Lambda-5  “White  Rabbits”,  Lambda-12  “Pest  Control”,  Mu-13  “Ghostbusters”,  and  Phi-2  “Clever  Girls”.
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𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅. Your new Commander has quite the impressive CV so you expected someone distinguished but, in person, you find yourself a little… underwhelmed. A leader should be someone who can galvanize the masses and motivates their comrades to push forward, no matter what — and unfortunately, you can’t say 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 is an inspirational figure. Perhaps their long tenure as the Committee’s favorite has blunted their edge and therefore, that of the Broken Scales — an edge you could hone. It’s not that you’re angling to undermine them, no, you’ve never been interested in a leadership position — but if the other members of MTF Chi-00 feel like they have to turn to you for guidance, who are you to turn them away?
𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑉𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶. You’re sure to keep yourself in tip-top form and acing every medical exam; your body is a temple! However, the team medic seems to be peering at your files a little closer than most. Which SCP was it, again, that gave you that rather debonair scar? Well, as a fellow high achiever — please, you can practically see the Ivies growing off of them — they should understand that, sometimes, it’s hard to keep track of your many glowing achievements.
𝑈𝑅𝐵𝐴𝑁 𝑀𝑌𝑇𝐻. So wide-eyed! So dazzled! By you, clearly, how sweet. You’re glad to answer all their questions, even the ones they haven’t thought to ask yet. Why mine the old, outdated guard for insight — you’re here now, and you’ll set them straight. Just wait for 𝑈𝑅𝐵𝐴𝑁 𝑀𝑌𝑇𝐻 and their fellow newbies to see you in action in the field. While there’s no danger of any of them outshining you, it’ll be amusing finding out what they’re made of. Some of them might even be useful.
𝐶𝑂𝑁𝑁𝐸𝐶𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁 𝑈𝑇𝑃. — Propose a connection between your character and any of our taken or open skeletons!
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You know what I really want
I want a SCP game that straddles a line between Ready Or Not and Phasmophobia
Like, you deploy to an area with a suspected anomaly. There's civilians and local law enforcement on the outskirts, you speak with them to get the basics of the anomaly, then you head in with whatever gear you think would be good for the job. You identify and contain the anomaly, then exfiltrate the area and hand things off to a containment team.
You can go in as different MTFs, too. So, if the first responders are Iota-10 ("Damn Feds"), but the anomaly is likely toxic in nature, you can call in MTF Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters") to take point while Iota-10 handles the coverup
I just think that'd be neat
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clown-demon · 11 months
Ellie arrived at the mansion, dressed as the queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland. It was finally the day of the party, and she couldn't wait for all of the festivities. "Nikolai! Its good to see you again! What do you think of my costume?" The woman did a little twirl before waving her little wand.
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"Wuah~! More Alice in Wonderland theme outfits I see~! You match with me being in my Mad Hatter outfit~! You look A-MAZ-ING, Ellie-chan~!"
He turned his body and stepped to the side so she could enter his mansion. "Go ahead, come inside and get comfortable~! We have all sorts of drinks, anywhere from alcohol to non~! Right now we're just getting everyone in here, but soon we'll probably be carving pumpkins~! I get MANY in the back, ready to be scooped out and carved~!"
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Planned Coins
Alt Coining - [1] [2]
Gendersafe | Safe
Gendereuclid | Euclid
Genderketer | Keter
Genderthaumiel | Thaumiel
Genderneutralized | Neutralized
Genderapollyon | Apollyon
Genderembla | Embla
Genderunnecessary | Unnecessary
Genderarchon | Archon
Genderuncontained | Uncontained
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Containment Classes
Flor Galana
Disruption Classes
Risk Classes
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Amnestics (General)
Class A | General Retrograde
Class B | Regressive Retrograde
Class C | Targeted Retrograde
Class D | Progressive Retrograde
Class E | Ennui
Class F | Fugue
Class G | Gaslighting
Class H | Anterograde
Class I | Transient
Mnestics (General)
Class W | Reliable
Class X | Restorative
Class Y | Drill
Class Z | Lifetime
Gnostics (General)
Agnostics (General)
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K-Class Scenarios
AK-Class "Madness" Scenario
CK-Class "Restructuring" Scenario / RK
EK-Class "End of Human Consciousness" Scenario / MK
GH-Class "Dead Greenhouse" Scenario
HK-Class "Deific Subjugation" Scenario
IK-Class "End of Global Civilization" Scenario
LK-Class "Species Transmutation" Scenario
NK-Class "Grey Goo" Scenario
SK-Class "Dominance Shift" Scenario
XK-Class "End of the World" Scenario
XK-Δ-Class "Solar Singularity" Scenario
ZK-Class "Reality Failure" Scenario"
"Broken Masquerade" Scenario
ΩK-Class "End of Death" Scenario
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MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" | Overseer Council
MTF Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" | O5, Internal Security
MTF Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand" | Ethics Comittee
MTF Rēsh-1 "Seat of Consciousness" | The Administrator
MTF Omega-7 "Pandora's Box" (Disbanded)
MTF Alpha-9 "Last Hope"
MTF Omega-12 "Achilles' Heels"
MTF Epsilon-6 "Village Idiots" | Rural, Suburban
MTF Tau-51 "Urban Brawl" | Urban
MTF Pi-1 "City Slickers" | Dense Urban
MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" | Underground
MTF Theta-90 "Angle Grinders" | Unstable Geometry
MTF Lambda-5 "White Rabbits" | Unstable Reality
MTF Alpha-4 "Pony Express"
MTF Iota-10 "Damn Feds"
MTF Psi-7 "Home Improvement"
MTF Eta-10 "See No Evil"
MTF Eta-11 "Savage Beasts"
MTF Upsilon-4 "Sugar Pill"
Anomaly Specialists
MTF Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" | Bio/Chem/Radio Hazards
MTF Gamma-6 "Deep Feeders" | Oceanic
MTF Eta-5 "Jäeger Bombers" | Gigantic
MTF Theta-4 "Gardeners" | Flora
MTF Kappa-10 "Skynet" | Cyberspace
MTF Lamba-4 "Birdwatchers" | Airborne, Avian
MTF Lambda-12 "Pest Control" | Vermin
MTF Mu-4 "Debuggers" | Electronics
MTF Mu-13 "Ghostbusters" | Intangible
MTF Rho-9 "Technical Support" | Cybersecurity
MTF Phi-2 "Clever Girls" | Prehistoric
MTF Psi-8 "The Silencers" | Reanimated
MTF Chi-9 "Page Turners" | Literature
MTF Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" | Information Control
MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" | Emergency Battalion
MTF Omega-0 "Ará Orún" | Noöspheric Constructs
MTF Epsilon-7 "Forget Me Nots" | Mnestics
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[ACS Guide] - [Esoteric Classes List] - [Amnestics Guide] - [K-Class Scenarios] - [Task Forces List]
Send a request if something you're looking to see isn't here, not everything under each category is included.
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: The Blob
Code Name: The Manifestation of American Greed
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Surviving SCP-AAR samples are kept in 4 separate biohazard capsules sealed within a freezer that should always maintain -120 degrees Celsius. The Freezer is in question is in the Level 4 area of the Biohazard labs of Site-AC. Due to testing not being permitted at the moment the freezer is to only contain SCP-AAR samples and have its liquid nitrogen explosives always active so that the samples inside can never escape even in the event of a containment breach. 
Description: SCP-AAR is a gelatinous blob comprised of a colony highly mutated amoeba. This colony is sentient, intelligent, durable, shape changing, and extremely hazardous with acidic properties. Any organic lifeform SCP-AAR comes into contact with, it quickly dissolves the mass entirely and absorbs the remaining nutrients to grow bigger. SCP-AAR has the ability to grow in mass, strength, speed, and intelligence the more it devours, eating humans seems to lead to the best results. Despite being a biological life form, SCP-AAR is immune to fire, energy, physical, and projectile based attacks. However freezing temperatures does harm the anomaly and can even kill its cells. SCP-AAR absolutely despise the cold and will retreat at the slightest hint of temperatures being lower than 5 degrees Celsius.
SCP-AAR was discovered in 1988 when the small town of [data expunged] was attacked by the organism after it crash landed on earth. After breaking form its satellite capsule, SCP-AAR immediately started hunting victims to assimilate into its own mass. Foundation Agents in the town were unaware of the incident until US military biohazard forces entered and quarantined the town. Though none of them could confirm what was happening they quickly contacted Foundation Command as a precaution. In response Mobile Task Force Beta-7 “Maz Hatters” was called to action right away.
It should be noted that SCP-AAR was the result of an experiment made during the cold war, created by US government. When it was realized the satellite containing SCP-AAR landed on earth US government officials entrusted Group of Interest PENTAGRAM to deal with the situation. For those that don’t know PENTAGRAM is a division of the United States Department of Defense. They were created back in 1949 as a countermeasure against anomalous weapons developed, discovered, and utilized during the Cold War. They were the ones that tracked SCP-AAR’s landing on earth and tried to contain it with zero success.
Unfortunately, by the time MTF Beta-7 arrived, the situation was already escalated beyond containment. SCP-AAR burst into the town and started going on a rampage. Explosives, Firearms, and Flamethrowers from all units proved to be ineffective. As a result, Beta-7, the US military personnel, and the civilians suffered massive casualties. SCP-AAR was only stopped when [data expunged] and [data expunged] risked their lives to expose SCP-AAR to liquid nitrogen. They successfully defeated SCP-AAR where Foundation and PENTAGRAM forces failed, as such under protocol "Sole Survivor" they were offered positions at the Foundation. 
[data expunged] refused as she didn't want to be separated from her family, however [data expunged] accepted. Because of his amazing results from training, he is has been assigned to Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 “Red Right Hand” and goes by the codename: Monster Slayer.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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ectopus · 2 years
I hope it's okay that I request twice. If not I understand ^^
This is my boy Maz! He's based on the mad hatter. Could you possibly draw him with Cater? Maz actually tends to get in trouble with Riddle since he is unable to control his abilities. He tends to cause a little havoc on accident. Maybe Cater is comforting him?
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Get angsted idiot haha
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anonauthorsworkshop · 2 years
Will MC become familiar with some of the more known MTF members? I imagine if you can escape and cause as much as damage as MC can, you have groups like the Maz Hatters being like 'really MC? We just cleaned up.'
YES YES YES!!! i absolutely want to write interactions with MTF eventually!! i know the scientists get a lot of attention but what about the other departments i need to give them justice
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veemytheveemo · 3 years
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neon scp backgrounds, agender scp logo, lesbian scp logo, and gay man nine tailed fox logo, and non-binary maz hatter logo
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bl00dbite-reblogs · 3 years
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sketch of one of my possible three scp ocs!
i present to you Bonita "Bonnie" Mejia!
Chemist that turned out she knew how to shoot at things and act in moments of high preassure!
Shes part of the MTF-beta 7 the Maz Hatters. ofc i gotta do a bit more of research in a few thingies and stuff but ye!
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