#“It’s gonna get me by the end of the night.”
connorsui · 2 days
“Believing in love”
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Sylus x fem! reader
Synopsis: Amidst the dazzling lights of a futuristic city, you confront your fears of love
Genre/warnings: Angst with a Happy Ending, soft sylus, reader who doesn't believe in the concept of love, emotional trauma, vulnerability, discussions of betrayal, past trauma for reader, sylus just wants to love you for you and nothing else, hurt/Comfort, emotional healing, small fluff, slow burn, hints of trust issues
Note: okaaayyyyyyy I went overboard this was originally going to be a short imagine ..like maybe five hundred words or less with the concept: “I don't believe in love” and “I'll show you what it can be” – I wasn't planning on this to be a full fledged one shot…but hey …I ain't gonna complain any further my brain is just doing its job ✨️
w.c: 1.8K
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The city hums beneath you, a symphony of noise and light, but your mind is far from the chaos below. You keep your gaze fixed on the skyline, as if it holds the answers you can’t seem to find. Beside you, Sylus’ breath is ragged, his desperation barely concealed as he clings to your wrist. You can feel the tremble in his fingers despite the firmness of his grip, as though he’s trying to hold you together—or perhaps, to keep you from drifting away.
“Why do you always attempt to leave me? What is it that I’m doing wrong?” His voice is soft, almost pleading, a rare break in his usually stoic demeanor. He’s searching your face for something—anything—but you remain still, letting the weight of his words hang in the air.
He clutches you tighter, not forcefully, but in a way that tells you he’s afraid you might vanish into the night, just like the countless times before. The emptiness in your silence gnaws at him, but you can’t bring yourself to say anything.
“Sweetheart…” His voice cracks, the word nearly lost in the wind. “I’m not one to beg, but if it means I’ll get an answer from you, then I’ll lower myself.”
You glance down as you hear the rustle of fabric, your eyes catching the sight of Sylus sinking to one knee. A proud man, reduced to pleading. The weight of his devotion presses down on you, suffocating in ways you hadn’t expected.
“I wish for an answer. Any answer from you.”
But still, you say nothing. The flood of emotions you’ve buried for so long stirs within you, threatening to overwhelm. The city lights blur in your vision, turning into a kaleidoscope of glowing orbs, and suddenly, your throat tightens. You want to speak, but the words are tangled in your chest, caught in the rising tide of emotion.
“It’s… it’s not that I wish to ignore everything you’ve done,” you start, your voice shaky and weak, barely audible over the rushing wind. “It doesn’t mean I hate you, or that you're not trying hard enough. I care for you. I do.”
Your breath hitches, your heart pounding against your ribs, as tears, hot and unrelenting, streak down your face.
“I want to love you, Sylus. I want to be near you every day, to feel what it means to love someone, to truly understand it. But I…” Your voice cracks, the word foreign on your tongue. Your chest tightens, the familiar sting of betrayal flashing in your mind, the memories you’ve fought so hard to suppress now rushing back in vivid detail.
Before you can break down any further, Sylus pulls you close, his arms wrapping around you like a shield from the world. His warmth seeps into you, steadying you amidst the storm inside.
“Shhh… it’s alright. Come here.”
His voice is soothing, and for a moment, you let yourself relax in his hold. You breathe out slowly, though each exhale feels labored. Your chest rises and falls as you try to calm the sobs threatening to tear through you. His hands gently cradle your face as he wipes the tears away with the pad of his thumb, his touch delicate but firm, as if assuring you he won’t let go.
“I’m scared…” Your words spill out between quiet gasps, your chest heaving as you finally let out the weight you’ve carried for so long. “I’m so scared, Sylus. I’ve loved before, countless times… and neither time was it ever given back.”
Sylus' embrace tightens, his chin resting atop your head as he rocks you gently. His voice, though calm, carries a raw edge of determination, as though he’s willing his words into reality.
“I can show you what it can be,” he whispers against your ear. “I’ll show you what love should feel like, what it should be… No one in this entire city is more deserving of that than you.”
His hand rests against your back, moving in slow, soothing circles.
“I just need you to believe in me. let me show you that I can give you the love you’ve been searching for.”
You close your eyes, the weight of his words settling into your chest, pushing against the wall you’ve built around your heart. For a moment, there’s only the sound of your breathing, the quiet murmur of the city below, and the cold wind that carries the scent of the night sky. Moonlight bathes the two of you, casting silver across the rooftop as if the world has stilled for this one moment.
And though the fear still lingers at the edges of your mind, something shifts within you. Perhaps it’s the warmth of his touch, or the sincerity in his voice. But for the first time, you allow yourself to believe in the possibility.
Yet he keeps himself steady, his grip tightens—not out of force, but from desperation, as if he’s holding on to more than just your body. He’s holding on to the very idea of you, of the two of you.
“I don’t need you to say you love me, not now, not in this hour, not tomorrow” he murmurs into your hair. “I just need you to trust that I will. That I already do.”
His words pierce through the walls you’ve spent so long building. The fortress around your heart cracks, letting in the first tendrils of warmth you’ve felt in ages. You try to push him away, afraid of being vulnerable, but his hold remains firm—not possessive, just secure. Safe.
“But Sylus—” you whisper between breaths, your voice breaking.
“I’m not like you. I don’t know how to—how to do this. Every time… I let someone in, they ripped pieces out of me until there was nothing left to give...so, even if you say you love me… what can I give you..when there's nothing? ”
He pulls back slightly, just enough to meet your gaze. His red eyes soften, the intensity that so often burned with dominance now a smoldering ember of understanding.
“You think there’s nothing left to give,” he murmurs, “but every broken piece of you is still yours to offer. And I’ll take them, even if they don’t fit together perfectly. I don’t care if you feel shattered. I’ll hold onto every fragment until you’re ready to trust me with the rest.”
Your chest heaves as you fight for control over your emotions, but the more you resist, the harder it becomes. Sylus’s steady gaze undoes you. How could someone like him—so powerful, so untouchable—look at you as if you were the most fragile thing in the universe?
“ — and yet there will be days you think I don’t know fear?” he continues, his voice low, barely above a whisper. “You think I don’t wonder every day if I’m enough for you? That I’ll lose you before you ever truly belonged to me?”
The vulnerability in his words makes you flinch. You’ve seen Sylus command entire fleets, face enemies without a trace of fear, and yet here he is, baring himself before you. It’s too much—too raw. But it’s also exactly what you needed to hear.
“I’m not a perfect man, and I won’t pretend I am," he adds. "But I will never stop trying for you. Not for a second or an hour or a day of my life"
His thumb brushes the last of your tears away, and for a moment, all that exists is the sound of the wind whipping around you, the lights of the city flickering beneath your feet, and the quiet hum of your hearts—one racing, the other steady.
You finally exhale, the weight of your emotions loosening its grip just enough for you to speak again.
“What if I’m broken?” you choke out. “What if there’s nothing left that is untouched for you to love?”
Sylus’s lips quirk into a sad but tender smile.
“It doesn't matter if any part of you is left …untouched ” he says softly. “When I mean I would love ..you ..I mean you .. Every part of you…that I have fallen in love with”
His words settle into you like a balm, soothing wounds you didn’t realize were still bleeding. You’ve spent so long believing that love was something to fear, something that would eventually turn on you and leave you empty. But Sylus is showing you a different kind of love—one that doesn’t demand perfection but offers patience. One that doesn’t expect you to be whole but promises to stay, even when you’re not.
Your body, tense and guarded for so long, begins to relax in his arms. You close your eyes and lean into him fully for the first time, allowing yourself to be held—not because you’re weak, but because, for once, you don’t have to be strong.
You stay like that for what feels like hours, wrapped up in each other as the city continues its ceaseless rhythm below. The cold air bites at your skin, but neither of you care. Not when the warmth of Sylus’s embrace keeps the rest of the world at bay.
Eventually, you speak again, your voice quieter, more vulnerable than before.
“I don’t know how to let go” you admit.
Sylus shifts slightly, enough to look into your eyes again.
“And, you don’t have to,” he replies. “I’m not asking you to forget anything that has happened to you then or anything that has happened to you in the months or years away. I just wish for you to allow me to be part of your future.”
Your breath hitches, but you don’t pull away this time. Instead, you let the weight of his words sink in. He isn’t asking for grand promises or declarations. He’s asking for a chance—a chance to be the person you turn to, the one who stays when others would leave.
“Would you allow me?” Sylus asks softly, almost pleading.
“Can you let me in?”
There’s a long pause as the world around you holds its breath. Then, finally, you nod.
“Yes,” you whisper, voice trembling. “I’ll try.”
And with that, the dam inside you breaks. For the first time in a long time, you let yourself believe that maybe, just maybe, you can learn to love again.
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Sylus would show you how much you mean to him ..✨️
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aliteralsemicolon · 3 days
; Kinktober 2024
Main masterlist | Read this in advance.
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DISCLAIMER You are responsible for the content you consume. Make sure to read all necessary warnings; there is potentially triggering content in some of these. Under 18's do not interact at all. Please remember these are a work of fiction; if you don’t like it, don’t read.
18+ ONLY
*All Fem! Reader. Detailed warnings at start of each fic. Titles, pairings, plots and kinks may change. Fics may be removed and/or added. Life is unpredictable and there's a lot happening for me right now, so this is just my current plan. Not posting in this order.
I want you to give in, I just wanna give in ⋆ ⋆ Virgin! reader, virginity loss, pleasing kink. You're by no means innocent, but Spencer Reid is the first man you want to give all of yourself and more to. You are my angel ⋆ ⋆ Voyeurism, body worship, praise kink, face sitting. Spencer can't get enough of the sight of your body and the taste of your skin. He shows you just how addictive he finds you. The party & the after party ⋆ ⋆ Sensory deprivation, sex toys, overstimulation, ice play, CNC. Spencer's kept you on edge for weeks after you acted out. You take Rossi's party as an opportunity to rile him up further and you end up getting more than what you bargained for. Bad, bad news ⋆ ⋆ Cock-warming, nipple play, edging, orgasm denial. "Bad, bad news, one of us is gonna lose, I'm the powder you're the fuse...just add some friction." You and Spencer play to see who can control themselves the longest. Loser is at the winners mercy for the rest of the night. Haunted ⋆ ⋆ Unsub! Reader, degradation kink, breathplay, face fucking, spanking. You've taken permanent residency in the mind of the genius Dr. Reid of the BAU and that's one wrongdoing he'll personally make you pay for. You belong to me (oh this is fun) ⋆ ⋆ Stalker! Spencer, praise kink, degradation kink, dubcon, marking kink. You are the only exception to Spencer's moral code. He knows it's wrong, he just doesn't care. You belong to him and he's more than happy to remind you when you forget.
First kinktober ever, I am so nervous to post these. I know it's probably really spooky for you to find out that I'm a freak this way, but don't worry!!!! I'll lock the freak back up when these are done 😞
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lee-laurent · 3 days
A Love Like No Other - Quinn Hughes
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Summary: faye's whole life gets turned upside down
content: angst, pregnancy, making out, refrences to sex, dirty jokes, fluff, panic attacks, body image issues
wc: 17.8k
notes: i'll make a part 2 if you guys want! this took me ages
"I told you I'm fine, Mom," Faye sighed down the phone, continuing to highlight vocabulary words in her textbook.
"Are you sure? Your dad and I could make a trip to help out. Make sure things are-"
"Mom, you guys don't need to do that," Faye sat back in her chair, pressing her palm against the small but growing bump underneath her very oversized hoodie. It was always like this when her mom called--concern that bordered on suffocation.
"Well that Hughes boy isn't, so we just feel--"
"Quinn is busy, Mom. He's working," Faye gritted her teeth, trying to maintain her composure. It wasn't like Quinn could drop everything and come running every time she needed something. He had his own life...that was over 2,000 miles away.
"You and you're health should be his priority, Faye. It's not just about him anymore." Her mom's voice took on that disappointed edge, the one that always made Faye feel small. "You're carrying his baby and he's playing hockey like nothing has changed."
Faye squeezed her eyes shut, a wave of nausea washing over her and it wasn't entirely from the pregnancy. "I told you, he's helping in his own way. We talk. He's... trying." The words felt flimsy leaving her mouth. Like she was defending him way more than she needed to. Or maybe she was defending herself.
Her mom sighed. "I just want what's best for you, sweepea. Your senior year should be about school, not... this."
And there it was. The disappointment. The subtle reminder of everything Faye was now balancing. Projects, assignments, a baby growing inside her, and parents who could barely look at her the same way since she'd told them. It wasn't how things were supposed to go.
"I know, Mom," Faye sounded exhausted. "I've got it under control. I'm handling it." Even if some days it felt like she was hanging on by a thread.
"Okay. But remember, your dad and I are just a phone call away. If you need anything. Anything at all."
"I know." Faye swallowed back the lump in her throat. "I'll talk to you later, okay? I've got class in a bit."
"Alright, honey. Take care of yourself."
As Faye ended the call, she stared at the phone for a long moment, her thumb hovering over Quinn's name in her contact list. They hadn't talked much lately... not really. It was like there was an invisible wall between them, something neither of them knew how to address. Or maybe they just didn't want to.
She dropped the phone onto her desk and stood up, pushing away the overwhelming feelings of fear and isolation that were creeping in. She had class, a paper due, and a prenatal appointment next week. No time to fall apart.
Now how did Faye get into her current position? Well... it was quite the story.
The early summer air had a way of making everything feel lighter. All anxieties faded into the background as the music thumped through the backyard. Faye hadn't planned on going to the party, but Ethan had insisted, dragging her away for one night relaxation.
She stepped into the crowded house, the smell of cheap beer and sweat hitting her like a wall. She scanned the room for familiar faces, relieved when she spotted a few of the hockey boys gathered around the kitchen table, laughing about something she couldn't hear over the noise.
"Faye!" Luca waved her over, a large smile on his face. "We're playing pong. You in?"
She smiled back, shaking her head. "Maybe later. I'm gonna grab something to drink first." She was already regretting not staying home.
She made her way over to a cooler, but a light tap on her shoulder made her turn around. She was met with a slightly familiar face. Quinn Hughes. She knew him from being friend's with Luke's friends. They'd met once before... maybe twice. She wasn't really sure. But he looked relaxed, a grin tugging at his lips, a beer in his hand.
"Hey, funny seeing you here," he said, his voice just loud enough to be heard over the music.
"Yeah, well, Luke and his friends can be persuasive," Faye replied with a light laugh.
Quinn raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of his drink. "You look like you could use something stronger than whatever's in that cooler."
Faye glanced at him, the casual way he leaned against the counter, his presence somehow more noticeable than the dozens of the other people crammed into the house. She bit her lip, weighing her options. It was just a drink at a party. "Maybe you're right," she smiled.
Quinn took her to take a shot with him. Then he went he passed her a cold beer from the fridge, a smile on his face. "They keep the good shit in the fridge."
She hestitated a second, but took it, their fingers brushing briefly in the exchange. "Thanks."
Quinn grabbed himself another beer, popping it open with ease. "So," he said, leaning back against the counter again, eyes on her, "what's a girl like you doing hanging out with a bunch of hockey degenerates?"
Faye laughed, taking a sip of her drink. "Oh, I've got connections," she said, nodding toward the group of guys still crowded around the table. "I'm friend's with your brother's old teammates. You know, the up-and-comers. Met them all first year."
"Up-and-comers, huh?" Quinn smirked. "That makes me feel old."
She raised an eyebrow, her lips turning up into a teasing smile. "You are old. What are you, like 23 now? And still hanging around college parties?"
Quinn let out a low laugh. "I've still got friends here, you know," he said, lifting his beer to his lips. "Besides, I'm not that old."
"Right, you're ancient," she teased. "At least for a college party."
"I'm not out of place. I mean, I can still outdrink everyone here," he leaned in slightly, a playful glint in his eyes. "Think you can keep up?"
"I think I can handle you, Hughes."
"Yeah? I like that."
She chuckled, feeling the lightness in the air between them, the chatter of the party fading into the background as they stood in their own little party. "So, does Vancouver know they've got an alcoholic captain, or is that a secret?"
Quinn put a hand on his chest in mock offence. "Alcoholic? You're really going for it tonight, huh?" He stepped closer, his voice dropping. "Maybe I can prove you wrong."
"Maybe," Faye challenged. She wasn't sure if it was the beer or the way his gaze lingered on hers, but she felt like the whole moment could turn any second. Her usual defences of casual flirting and trying to play it cool, felt harder to maintain with Quinn standing so close.
"You're bold. I like that."
"I try."
"Guess I'll have to step up my game," Quinn said, his eyes flicking down to her lips for just a second. She would've missed it if she blinked. For a moment, neither of them said anything. Faye's pulse raced as Quinn leaned in just enough for their faces to be meer inches apart.
"So," his voice was low and teasing, "are you always this hard to impress, or is just me?"
"Maybe I'm just waiting for you to do something impressive," she tilted her head.
"Alright," he said softly like it was a dare. "Let's see if I can impress you."
Before Faye could respond, Quinn's lips were on hers. The kiss started slow and tentative, but quickly deepened as the spark between them came to life. Faye's heart was racing, her hand reaching out instinctively to steady herself, fingers brushing against his chest. All she could focus on was the heat of Quinn's mouth on hers and the way his hand gently gripped her waist, pulling her closer.
When they broke apart, her breath was short, her pulse still sky-high. Quinn's forehead leaned softly against hers. "Impressed yet?"
"Not bad, Hughes. Not bad."
She glanced around the crowded kitchen, suddenly aware of the fact that they were still in the middle of a party, surrounded by people. Feeling a rush of adrenaline, she looked back at Quinn, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"You know," she started, her tone casual but with an unmistakable undertone of suggestion, "my place is just a couple blocks from here."
"Yeah," Faye replied, stepping back. "If you want to... get out of here."
Quinn didn't hesitate, his eyes still locked on her. "Lead the way."
With a smile, Faye took him by the hand, pulling him gently out the back door, the party fading away as they made their way down the street.
Faye walked alongside Quinn, her hand still loosely intertwined with his as they made their way down the quiet street to her apartment. The silence between them wasn't awkward. It was comfortable, a shared anticipation hanging in the air.
Faye fumbled with her keys for a second before getting the door unlocked. She held it open for Quinn, watching as he took in the cozy studio.
"Nice place."
"Thanks," Faye replied, her casual confidence from the party now felt a bit more fragile in her apartment.
He smiled at her, the same easy grin he'd worn all night, and for a second, she wondered if he was feeling just as unsure as she was.
"So... what now?"
Faye smirked, stepping closer. "I think we left off somewhere around here."
She reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into another kiss. This was one deeper, hungrier, messier than the one they shared at the party. Neither of them was holding back anymore.
Quinn's hands found a place on her waist, tugging her flush against his body. The soft sounds of their breaths and the rustle of their clothes were the only sound filling the apartment. As the kiss intensified, Faye's hands slid into his hair as he pressed her against the wall. For a moment, she broke the kiss, breathing heavily with her forehead pressed against his.
"You good?" his voice carrying a hint of concern.
She nodded as she leaned in to kiss him again. This time softer and slower, savoring the moment. "I'm good," she whispered against his lips. Quinn smiled into the kiss, and they continued to her bed, the outside world disappearing completely.
Faye lay back against her pillows, the sheets pulled loosely over her chest, her body still warm and buzzing. She glanced at Quinn, who was lying beside her, one arm slung over his eyes, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he caught his breath, his body covered in a thin sheen of sweat.
There was an unspoken understanding between them. It wasn't love. It wasn't anything serious. Just two people enjoying a night that neither of them had planned.
Quinn shifted, lowering his arm and turning his head to look at her, a lazy smile on his face. "So, you impressed yet?"
Faye couldn't help but laugh. "You're really fishing for compliments, huh?" she teased, nudging him with her foot under the blankets.
"Can't blame a guy for trying." He stretched, then slowly sat up, running a hand through his messy hair.
Faye propped herself up on her elbow, watching as he reached down for his jeans. "So... what's the plan now?"
Quinn shrugged, slipping on his jeans and glancing back at her. "I should probably get going," he said, pulling his t-shirt back over his head. "Got some stuff to take care of tomorrow." He looked at her as if he was deciding to say something else or not. But he decided against it.
Faye nodded, not feeling any kind of disappointment. It was exactly what she'd expected. "Yeah, makes sense," she pulled the sheets tighter around herself. "I've got summer class work to do anyway."
There was no need for goodbyes or long explanations. It had been fun, casual, uncomplicated. Just how it was supposed to be.
Quinn finished lacing his shoes and glanced back at her. "This was... cool."
"Yeah, it was. No strings, right?"
"No strings," he echoed, moving toward the door, hesitating just for a second before opening it. "Take care of yourself, Faye."
"You too, Hughes." The door softly clicked shut behind him.
Faye lay back against the pillows, staring up at the ceiling, her mind clear. It had been a fun night--nothing more, nothing less.
Faye sat at the edge of her bed, staring blankly at the white stick in her hands. Two pink lines.
She blinked, her mind desperately trying to catch up with what her eyes were seeing. Two lines. Not one. Two. Her stomach churned as the realization slowly set in, sending her world into a spin.
It couldn't be real.
She stood up suddenly, dropping the test on the floor like it had burned her hands. Her hands shook, and she pressed them to her face, trying to breathe, to calm the panic that was rising in her chest. It wasn't possible. She'd been careful. Mostly.
The memory of the night with Quinn flashed through her mind, quick and very much uninvited. The way they had laughed, kissed, fallen into bed with that easy, casual energy, no strings attached. And no condom either.
That night had been something she was supposed to leave behind. But now she couldn't.
Her phone buzzed on her nightstand, filling the silence of her room. Faye glanced at it, her heart skipping a beat when she saw her mom's name on the screen.
"Hey, Mom."
"Faye, sweetie! Just checking in. How's everything going? Classes good?" Her mom's voice was warm and cheerful, completely oblivious to what was storming in her daughter's head.
"Yeah, uh, everything's fine," Faye replied, her voice cracking slightly. She cleared her throat, trying to steady herself. "Just... busy, you know. Summer classes and all that."
"Well, I'm sure you're managing fine, like always." Her mom's voice was full of pride, but it only made Faye feel worse. If she knew... if she knew about this...
"Yeah." Her eyes darted back to the test lying on her bed. Those two pink lines taunting her, screaming at her that nothing was fine. "I'm managing."
She had to tell someone. Eventually. But not now. Not yet. Not when she had barely processed it herself. How could she explain it to her parents? To her friends? Hell, how was she going to tell Quinn?
Her heart dropped into her stomach at the thought of telling him. She barely knew him.
Her mom's voice broke through her spiraling thoughts. "Faye? Sweetie, are you sure you're okay? You sound... off."
"Yeah, I'm fine," she lied. "Just tired. I'll call you later, okay?"
There was a brief pause, but thankfully, her mom didn't press further. "Okay, honey. Just take care of youself. And remember if you need anything--"
"I know. Thanks, Mom. I'll talk to you later."
She dropped the phone on the bed and buried her face in her hands. She felt like she was suffocating. Her breath came in shallow gasps, and she fought to calm down, to push away the fear that was eating her whole.
Why was this happening? What was she going to do? How could she do senior year with a baby on the way? How was she going to tell her parents? And Quinn... what would she even say?
She had to think clearly. Step by step. She wasn't ready to tell anyone yet--not her parents, not her friends, not Quinn. But she had to talk to him. He deserved to know. No matter what she decided, he needed to be a part of this conversation.
But how?
They hadn't exactly exchanged numbers that night. Faye knew she could probably get his contact info from Luke's friends--Ethan or Luca--but how was she supposed to ask for his question without raising questions? She didn't want anyone knowing the reason why. Not yet. Maybe not ever.
Her eyes flickered to the pregnancy test on the floor, the two lines staring back at her, a reminder of the secret she was now carrying alone.
Faye tapped her fingers against her phone screen, staring at the group chat she had with some of the hockey guys she'd gotten close to over the years. She had to figure out how to word her request without making it obvious.
Hey, can I get Quinn's number? Totally normal, right?
She sighed, locking her phone and tossing it beside her. No matter how she phrased it, they'd ask questions. They'd want to know why she needed Quinn's number when she barely knew him. The last thing she wanted was for anyone to guess what was going on before she ahad the chance to figure it out herself.
There was no avoiding it. She had to talk to Quinn.
Her fingers flew over her keyboard before she could second-guess herself.
Faye: hey, does anyone have quinn's number? need to ask him something abt the canucks for a summer class project
Her heart raced as soon as she hit send, the lie hanging in the air. It wasn't a complete stretch--she was in communications, after all--but she felt a pang of guilt lying to her friends. Hopefully, they'd just let it go. No questions. No suspicion.
A few seconds later, her phone buzzed. It was Ethan.
Ethan: You need it for a project? That's kinda random, Faye. You good?
Of course he'd ask questions.
Faye: yeah, it's for a case study thing about sports teams. i figured since i knew some of you guys, i could reach out to a player i've actually met instead of just cold-calling some rando
Ethan: Makes sense, I guess. Hang on, I'll ask Lukey boy for it
At least he seemed to be buying her story now. She stared at her phone, her nerves making it feel like ages before he responded.
Ethan: Here you go. Don't tell Quinn I gave it to you for a project tho. He'll probs think it's weird lol
Followed by Quinn's number.
She copied his number and created a new contact. Staring at his name on her screen felt like she was a step closer to the edge of something terrifying and unknown. She couldn't just sit on it. She had to text him.
But what could she say? "Hey remember me? We hooked up, and oh, by the way, I'm pregnant"? It was ridiculous, but she had to start somewhere.
Faye: hey, it's faye. we met at the hockey house like a month and a half ago. can we talk?
Her heart pounded in her chest as she stared at the screen, waiting for the three little dots to appear. But they didn't. A few minutes passed. Nothing.
Maybe he was busy. Or maybe he didn't even remember her. Either way, she'd have to figure out something soon. She couldn't just not think about this. She had to handle it.
But all she could do for the time being was wait.
Quinn had just gotten back from training with Jack and Luke at a gym near their home in Michigan. All he wanted to do was crash on the couch, maybe play a round of 'chel with his brothers or scroll through his phone before taking a long nap. The grind was constant during the offseason, but he liked to be busy.
He slumped onto the couch, grabbing his phone to check if he'd missed anything during his practice session. That's when he noticed a text from a number he didn't have saved.
Faye? He had to think about it for a second before it clicked. She was an acquaintance of Luke's, someone he'd hooked up with at that party he went to at Umich. He hadn't really thought about it much since then--it had been a one-night stand. Just one night of fun.
But the way her message was phrased didn't seem like a casual "what's up" kinda text. Something about it felt off. So, he replied quickly.
Quinn: Yeah, I remember. What's up?
Faye: can we talk? it's kinda important
Important? His heart raced. She hadn't been weird that night. They'd both agreed it was just a one and done kinda deal. Maybe she needed something. Maybe it was something about Luke, or-- No, it was probably nothing.
Quinn: Sure, what's going on?
Faye: i don't really wanna do this over text. can i call you?
He sat up the straighter on the couch, his heart beating faster. This wasn't normal. Faye didn't sound like she was asking for a favour. His fingers hovered over the screen, before he typed back his response, thinking of the best wording.
Quinn: Yeah, I can talk. Gimme a sec. I'll call you
He headed up to his room, closing the door. He assumed it wasn't a conversation he wanted to have in the living room where his brothers and parents could hear. His gut told him that whatever it was, it wasn't going to be good. Maybe she had crabs or something. He tapped the call button, and after a few rings, Faye picked up.
"Hey." Her voice sounded different. Shaky, like she was trying to keep herself together.
"So... what's going on?" he asked, leaning forward, elbows on his knees, waiting for her to speak.
There was a long pause on the other end, and he was considering checking to see if the line had dropped.
"I... I don't really know how to say this," Faye said finally, her voice faltering. "But I'm just going to say it."
He could practically hear her breathing heavily on the other end. He waited, his nerves eating him alive.
"I'm pregnant."
For a second, he didn't move, didn't say anything. His brain was still trying to process what he'd just heard. Pregnant? Did she just say she was... no, surely he just heard wrong.
"What?" his mind was struggling to keep up. "What did you say?"
"I'm pregnant, Quinn." Her voice was steadier, though she still sounded just as scared as he felt. "And it's yours."
Quinn's thoughts raced, spinning out of control. He plus thundered in his ear, drowning out anything else she was saying. How? How could this be happening? They'd only hooked up once. They'd been... no they hadn't. Shit. Once was all it took.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
"Quinn? Are you still there?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm still here." His voice sounded far away, even to himself.
"Are you sure?" The question slipped out before he could stop himself, and he winced as soon as the words left his mouth. Of course, she's sure.
"I took two tests, but I, uh, I'll schedule an appointment with the campus clinic. I... I just found out today."
"Holy shit," he muttered under his breath. This was... a lot. He ran his hand through his hair again, pulling at the roots. He hadn't spoken to Faye since that night. And she was pregnant? With his baby?
Neither of them really knew what to say. Quinn's brain was flipping through every possible scenario. His hockey career, his family, his entire future. Everything was crashing down on him at once.
"So what now?" he finally asked.
"I don't know," Faye admitted. "I'm still processing it, honestly. I haven't told anyone yet... you're the first."
The thought of being the first person she had told, hit him harder than he could have expected. He swallowed hard, a sense of responsibility creeping in even through the shock. He might not know Faye well, but it wasn't just about him anymore.
She's pregnant with his baby. His.
"I'm keeping it... I think. Like I know this is a lot, but I'm going to keep the baby."
He knew what he had to say next, even if he didn't fully understand it yet.
"I'll be there," he said suddenly, even catching himself off guard. "I mean... I'll help however I can. I'll be there for you. For the baby."
Faye was quiet for a moment, and Quinn was worried that he'd said the wrong thing.He barely knew her. How could he promise something like that? But the thought of leaving her all alone to deal with this felt wrong. Even if they weren't together, it was his responsibility too.
"You don't have to say that. I'm not asking for anything."
"No, I mean it. I'll be there. I don't know how, but... I'll, uh, figure it out." He rubbed the back of his neck, the weight of the situation settling on his shoulders.
"I appreciate that," she replied softly. "I know this is... a lot. I didn't mean to just spring it on you like this, but I didn't really know what else to do."
"It's okay," Quinn lied. "I'm glad you told me."
There was another long pause, the air between them feeling more and more awkward. This was just the beginning of a conversation that was going to change everything for them.
"So, I guess... we'll figure this out?" Quinn said, trying to make it sound like he had some clue of what came next.
"Yeah. We figure this out."
He stared at his phone long after the call ended, his thumb still hovering over the screen like he might call her back, as if there was more he could say.
I'm pregnant. And it's yours.
He leaned back against his headboard, eyes unfocused, staring at nothing in particular. How had his life changed so quickly? One minute he was gearing up for summer training, focusing on hockey, and the next... he was going to be a father.
Father. The word made his stomach churn. He wasn't ready for that. Hell, he could barely manage taking care of himself, let alone another tiny human. How was he supposed to do this?
Nothing made sense. They hadn't spoken since that night. Just some stupid drunken hookup. He believed her when she said it was. But there was a part of him, a part of him that felt like a dick to say it, but what if it was another guy's. Was she 100% sure it was his? What if she asked for paternity test? No, that was too far. Way too far.
His phone buzzed. But it was a group text from Jack, something about dinner in a bit. He couldn't deal with that right now. He wasn't ready to face his brothers, or anyone for that matter. What would he even say. What could he even say?
Hey, guys, by the way, I just found out I'm going to be a dad.
He stood up abruptly, pacing his bedroom. What would his parents say? What would Luke say when he found out it was Faye? What about his team? Could this mess up his career? It was only his second season of captaincy. He couldn't take a break to look after a pregnant college student.
He stopped, standing in front of his dresser, his hands gripping the edge of the wood. He stared at his reflection in the mirror and he barely recognized himself. His face was pale, his hair a mess, his eyes wide with panic.
I'm going to be a dad. The thought sent a new wave of anxiety crashing over him. He didn't know the first thing about babies or fatherhood. He hadn't planned for this. He wasn't ready for this. But it didn't matter anymore. Faye was already pregnant.
Quinn's phone buzzed again, this time with a message from Faye.
thanks for taking my call. i know it was a lot. but we will figure this out
Figure it out. Easier said than done. His first instinct was to respond, to say something reassuring. But what? The words just didn't come. He didn't want to lie to her. He wasn't even sure he knew how to be the person that she needed.
He didn't respond. Unable to deal with it then. He needed time. Time to think. Time to process. Time to figure out how he was gonna make this work.
He sat back on his bed, his legs bouncing. He thought about his parents. How disappointed they'd be, how they'd probably give him the "we're here for you, but you messed up" speech. He thought about Faye, about how scared she must be, and how, despite everything, she'd told him first. Not her friends. Not her family. Him.
That alone felt like some sort of strange responsibility. She could ever kept it to herself, could have avoided telling him until much later, but she hadn't. Now he was all in. Whether he was ready or not.
Saying that he'd be there for her and the baby was easy in the moment. But now he wasn't so sure. Could he be a dad while balancing everything else in his life?
He needed to talk to someone. Jack? Luke? No, not yet. He wasn't ready for that conversation. He couldn't handle their reactions, not while he was still freaking out. His phone buzzed again, a call this time. From Jack. He didn't answer, instead placing his phone under his pillow. He let out a few long, shaky breaths.
For now, all he could do was wrap his head around it. He had made a promise to Faye, and no matter how scared he was, he couldn't back out of it now. But what came next? He had no idea.
Faye stared at the stack of textbooks on her desk, the words blurring together as she rubbed her eyes. It had only been a couple weeks since the semester had started, but she already felt like she was drowning. Her professors had no idea what she was going through, and she wasn't exactly in a rush to tell them. The fewer people that knew, the better.
She rested her hand lightly on her stomach, feeling the slight curve under her shirt. If anything it looked like she was very, slightly bloated. It wasn't very obvious. Three months. It was still early, but she could feel the changes. The nausea, the exhaustion, how she felt like napping after walking 15 minutes to class. How was she supposed to handle this? Classes, assignments, the baby? It was all too much.
Her phone buzzed on her desk with a message from Quinn.
How're you feeling? Everything good?
Quinn had been checking in regularly since she'd told him, but their conversations were brief. Surface-level. He was busy with training camp and preseason stuff in Vancouver, and she was busy trying to keep her head above water in Michigan. They lived in two differernt worlds, and no matter how many times he texted, the distance between them felt impossible to bridge.
Faye: tired. got a ton of work. but i'm good
She typed the words quickly, not wanting to burden him with how she was actually feeling. What was the point? He had his own life, his own career to focus on. Besides, she had immediate problems... like how she was going to tell her parents. They knew something was off. They'd been calling more often, asking questions, but she kept brushing them off, making excuses. She wasn't ready to face their disappointment. Not yet.
There was a knock at her door. Her friend and neighbour, Casey, peeked her head in. "Hey, you okay? You've been quiet lately."
"Yeah, just tired. I have a ton of work to do."
"You sure? You've been looking... kinda pale lately."
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just stressed, Cas."
"Okay, well, I'm just down the hall if you need anything."
Faye exhaled slowly as her friend left, her fingers brushing her stomach. Soon, more people would start asking questions, and she wasn't ready with answers.
Quinn scrolled through his phone, staring at Faye's message. "tired. got a ton of work. but i'm good." He frowned, feeling the distance betwen them more and more everyday. He'd been checking in, but their conversations were always short. It wasn't enough. But how could it be when he was over 2,000 miles away?
Training camp had just started, and the pressure was already mounting. It was his second year as captain, and everyone had expectations--his coaches, his teammates, his friends, his family. There was barely time to breathe, let along figure out fatherhood.
He didn't know how to be there for Faye. Every time he texted, he just felt like he was checking off a box. He really did want to do more, but how? He was stuck there and there wasn't room for distractions.
But Faye wasn't a distraction. She was... something else.
His phone buzzed again. This time with a message from Petey.
Dinner in 10?
Quinn sighed, pushing himself off the couch. He didn't feel like going out, but avoiding his friends wasn't going to solve anything. He needed to keep his head straight. Focus. But even as he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door, his mind stayed on Faye.
The phone call from her mom came earlier than expected.
"Faye," her mom's voice was laced with concern. "Honey, are you okay? You've been so distant lately. Your dad and I are worried."
She'd been dodging this conversation for weeks, but there was no avoiding it now. Her parents knew something was wrong, and she couldn't keep hiding.
"I'm fine, Mom." Her voice cracked, and she knew her mom had picked up on it.
"You don't sound fine, sweetpea. Is something going on? School? Your health? Please talk to me."
Faye closed her eyes, there was no easy way to do this. "Mom, there's something I need to tell you."
"Okay. Go ahead."
"I'm... I'm pregnant."
The silence on the other end was deafening. Her mom didn't say anything for what felt like forever, and when she finally spoke, her voice was tight. "What? Faye, what are you talking about?"
"I'm pregnant," Faye repeated. "I just... I didn't know how to tell you."
"With who, Faye? Who's the father?"
Faye hesitated, her heart racing. "Quinn."
"Your friend Luke's brother? The hockey player?" She sounded shocked.
Her mom's voice hardened. "Faye, how could let this happen? How could you throw your future away like this?"
"I didn't mean for it to happen. It just... did."
"But now you're stuck," her mom snapped. "This boy has completely derailed your life. Your senior year, your future--all of it, gone! Poof! What is he going to do about it, huh? Keep playing hockey like nothing happened?"
Faye bit her lip, holding back her tears. "He's trying to help. He's... he's going to be there."
"Be there?" her mom scoffed. "How? He's in Vancouver, Faye? You think he's going to stop everything and come running every time you need him? You're fooling yourself."
"I'm handling it, Mom. I'm figuring it out."
"You shouldn't have to figure this out. He should be stepping up, Faye. You deserve better than this."
Faye couldn't say anything. Her mom was angry, but more than that, she was disappointed. And that was the worst part. No matter how much Faye wanted to believe she could handle this on her own, the reality of it was that she knew she couldn't.
The call came late that night, after Quinn had had dinner with Brock and Petey. He'd just gotten home when his phone buzzed with a call from Faye.
"I told my parents."
Quinn sat down, his heart racing. "How'd they take it?"
"They're pissed. They think you've ruined my life. My mom... she think I'm throwing my future away."
Guilt settled in Quinn's stomach. "Faye, I'm sorry. I didn't--"
"I know you didn't mean for this to happen. But I'm the one who has to deal with them. You're not here."
The words stung, even though he knew they weren't meant to hurt. Faye was right. He was in Vancouver, while she was stuck dealing with things on her own.
"I'm trying, Faye. I want to help. I just... don't know how."
"I know. But it's hard. And I'm scared."
Her voice cracked at the end and Quinn felt his heart break. He hated that she going through it all alone, but he didn't know what to do to help.
"We'll figure it out, okay?"
But the words felt hollow. Like she'd given up on him being there. And Quinn knew that "figuring it out" was going to be a lot harder than either of them realized.
It was mid-term season and campus somehow seemed quieter. The October air had settled, bringing out heavier coats and the crunch of fall leaves. Faye at her desk, trying to focus on her computer, but all she could think about was how tight her jeans felt that morning.
She had switched to only wearing oversized sweaters and hoodies to hide her growing bump. The baby had started to feel more real over the last few days. Her morning sickness had faded for the most part, but now her back had a constant ache. She was falling behind on assignments, skipping study sessions, and avoiding her friends. She couldn't keep pretending everything was normal. Her mom had been encouraging her to go to student services and tell them about her situation. Apparently the school was supposed to help pregnant students and students with children.
Quinn: You okay? Haven't heard from you in four days
It wasn't that she didn't want to talk to Quinn--it was just that every time they texted, she felt like she was letting him down by not being stronger, by not being more put together. He was busy with hockey and she was trying not to let her life fall apart all the time.
Faye: yeah, just busy with school. midterms
It was mostly the truth, she was drowning in schoolwork but most of it was that her body was changing faster than she could keep up with. She'd gone up two entire bra cup sizes in a month and new ones were not cheap. But she felt like that was a weird detail to drop on Quinn. Her mom said it wasn't, since he was the father of her child, but Faye disagreed.
She felt more isolated than ever, and she felt that that feeling would just get worse the further along she was. She needed to tell her friends still and it was just a matter of time until someone noticed something was up.
Faye had been invited to the hockey house for a movie night. If she said no they'd definitely know something was up, because she never missed a movie night with the guys. Bowls of popcorn and beers were spread out across the coffee table, and the TV blasted with some shit horror movie they'd found.
Faye had a watter bottle in her hand, keeping it close to her chest, hoping nobody would notice she wasn't drinking. But she could feel their eyes on her already. It wasn't the first time she'd skipped drinking during their hangouts, but the guys didn't want her to think they were peer pressuring her.
"Hey, Faye," Dylan called out. "What's with the water? You've been off booze for weeks."
She glanced at him, then quickly at the others, who were all staring and waiting for an explanation.
"I just... haven't felt like drinking."
But Ethan shook his head, setting down his beer. "Come on, Faye. You haven't felt like drinking since the summer. That's not the Faye we know and love."
"You've been distant. Is something going on?" Mark added.
Time to come clean. She took a deep breath, setting her water bottle down on the table. "I... I need to tell you guys something."
"What is it, Faye?"
She looked down at her hands, lifting up the bottom of her sweater. Her heart pounded in her chest. "I'm pregnant."
"Wait... what?" Dylan asked, blinking in shock. "You're pregnant."
"Yeah. I'm almost four months."
"Four months? Did you get with someone at the party? Last person I saw you talking with was..."
"It's Quinn's?"
"Yeah. It's Quinn's."
"Holy shit, Faye. That's... wow."
"I know," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I didn't know how to tell you guys. I didn't want you to look at me differently."
"Faye, we're your friends. We're here to help you, support you. Not to judge you. You don't need to go through this alone."
"Thanks, guys. I, uh, I'm not fully alone. My parents know. And Quinn. He's... trying to be supportive."
"Does Luke know?"
"Not if Quinn didn't tell him. Luke and I don't really talk that much."
The looks of concern on their faces, the way they were all pitying her made her stomach hurt. She hated it. She didn't want people to be sorry for her. She just wanted everyone to act like things were normal, even thought things would never be the same.
"I need some air," she sighed, grabbing her jacket.
Luke was laying on the couch, scrolling through his phone when he saw a text from Ethan come through.
Ethan: Hey man, Faye just told the group she's pregnant. It's Quinn's apparently. Didn't know they were seeing each other ngl
Luke blinked, rereading the text a few times to make sure he read it correctly. Faye was pregnant? And Quinn was the dad? Quinn hadn't told him he was going to be a dad, let alone that he was seeing Faye.
Luke: You serious? Quinn never said anything???
Ethan: Yeah, dude. She's almost four months along. She showed us the bump. Seemed legit
Without thinking he pulled up Quinn's contact, shooting him a message.
Luke: What the hell man? Why didn't you tell me that you're seeing Faye and that she's pregnant???
Quinn’s stomach dropped as he stared at Luke’s text. His chest tightened with guilt--a guilt he had been pushing to the side for weeks. He hadn’t told Luke, hadn’t told his parents. Hell, he hadn’t even processed it himself. But the truth was out now, and the window to figure things out on his own was gone. He decided to call Luke, instead of texting about it.
"Hey? That's all you have to say after I just found out you're dating one of my college friends and she's pregnant?"
"We... we're not dating. We hooked up at that party the hockey guys threw. Look, I know I should've told you. I just... yeah."
"How about starting with the fucking truth?" Luke scoffed. "You haven't told you family? You can't keep that kinda shit from us."
"I know. I'm going to tell everyone. I just... had to figure shit out with Faye first."
"Next family FaceTime. You should tell everyone. Mom and Dad will help out... probably."
Luke was right. Secret was out and if he didn't tell the family soon, someone else would. He had to tell them sooner rather than later.
Quinn sat in front of his laptop, staring blankly at the screen. His family's faces were staring back at him through the familiar layout of their family FaceTime session. Jim and Ellen in one square, Jack and Luke in another. He hadn't added much to the conversation yet, just letting out a couple half-hearted laughs when someone cracked a joke.
Luke had been on his case all week. Ever since the news had been handed to Luke through his friends, Quinn had felt like his walls were closing in on him. He wondered if that's how Faye felt too.
Ellen was in the middle of asking Jack and Luke about their latest game when Quinn cleared his throat. "Hey, guys," his voice was much more strained than he'd planned. "There's something I need to tell you guys."
Jim raised an eyebrow. "What's up, Quinn?"
He had rehearsed this a hundred times in his head, but the words were stuck in his throat now that he had to say it out loud. He glanced at Luke, who just gave me a slight nod.
"I, um... I'm going to be a dad."
Ellen blinked, her smile faltering. "Wait... what?"
"I... Faye, one of Luke's friends from Umich, she's pregnant. I'm the dad."
Jack was the first to react, his eyes wide. "Holy shit, Quinn. You serious?"
"Yeah. She's almost four months."
Ellen pressed a hand to her chest. "Oh my god, Quinn. Why didn't you tell us sooner?"
"I didn't know how. I've been trying to figure things out with Faye, but... it's been really hard."
"Quinn, this is big. Have you thought about how you're going to handle this and your career?" Jim asked.
"Yeah, I'm still working through it all. Faye's in Michigan and I'm here, so... I'm just trying to be supportive."
"Oh, sweetheart. We'll help however we can. I wish you would've come to us sooner. You don't have to go through this alone. And neither does Faye. We'd be more than happy to help her out."
Quinn nodded, appreciating his mom's comforting words. He hadn't figured out how he was going to balance everything--hockey, the pregnancy, his future with Faye and the baby--but at least his family knew now.
"You did the right thing, Quinn," Luke nodded.
Faye stood in front of the mirror, smoothering her hands over her flowly tank top. She had agreed to a girls' night out after they'd all finished their midterms, and she was really planning on making it through the night without raising any suspicions. Her friends, Casey and Sarah, were already getting ready, throwing clothes around her apartment and laughing.
Faye had told them she wasn't going to drink because alcohol made her stomach hurt--which wasn't technically a lie. But it also wasn't the whole truth. She was trying to pull her favourite pair of jeans on, only realizing that they didn't button up.
She stared down at the small gap between the button and the buttonhole, her hands trembling. That was it. None of her jeans fit anymore.
"Faye, you almost ready?" Sarah called from the bathroom, sticking her head out as she did her hair. "We're running late!"
"Yeah. Just... gimme a minute."
She stood there, her hands still on the waistband of her jeans. Casey walked over, her eyes scanning Faye's reflection in the mirror. "Did you like... get a boob job or something?" she asked, half-joking. "You look different."
Faye wanted to brush it off with a laugh and make up a lie, but when she glanced at her reflection all she wanted to do was cry. Her body was changing too much, everyone would notice soon.
"I, um..." she bit her lip, her hands falling from her jeans. "No, I didn't get a boob job."
Casey frowned, picking up on Faye's seriousness. "What's going on? You've been acting so weird recently."
Faye exhaled slowly, her eyes stinging with tears she'd been holding back for weeks. She turned to face Casey, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm pregnant."
Casey's eyes went wide, and Sarah, who had just stepped out of the bathroom, froze, her mouth falling open.
"You're... pregnant?"
"Yeah. Four months."
Sarah walked closer, the initial shock wearing off. "Faye, why didn't you tell us? You've been dealing with this all by yourself?"
"I'm just really tired of people seeing my differently. I wanted some normalcy."
"We're not going to look at you differently. You're our friend."
Sarah nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Faye. You're not going through this alone."
"Thank you," she whispered. "I didn't know what to say. Everything's been... changing so fast."
Sarah smiled, giving her a hug. "We're here, okay? Whatever you need."
Casey grinned, her usual humour shining through. "Besides, you look pretty damn good for a mom-to-be. I mean, your tits look fucking amazing."
Faye laughed through the tears. "Thanks, I guess. But they hurt like hell all the time."
"Now, come on. Let's go out! Even if you're not drinking, you deserve a night out."
Faye nodded, digging through her drawers to find a pair of pants that fit and went with her outfit. At least she wasn't hiding from her friends anymore.
The ticking of the clock and the rerun episode of something on HGTV filled the waiting room as Faye sat in an uncomfortable, plastic chair. Her 16-week appointment. She had been dreading this one for some reason, even though she knew it was supposed to be one of the more exciting ones.
It wasn't that she wasn't excited to hear the baby's heartbeat--she was. But there was something about all the changes she was facing that made her uneasy. She had been feeling more emotional lately, the hormones sending her on a rollercoaster ride. And her body? That was a whole other issue.
None of her pants, except for stretch-band waisted ones, fit. Her skin was breaking out like she was in high school again, and the weight gain was starting to show in more than just her belly. It was making her self-conscious in a way she'd never been before. She knew it was all part of journey, but it didn't make it any easier.
"Faye Brooks?"
The nurse's voice pulled her out of her head, and Faye stood up, wiping her sweaty palms on her leggings as she followed the woman into the exam room.
"Let's get you weighed," the nurse said cheerfully, like it was no big deal.
Faye stepped on the scale, trying to avoid looking at the number that popped up, but the nurse read it out anyway. "Looks like you've gained about eight pounds since your last appointment. That's good--right on track."
Eight pounds. Her stomach churned. She knew that gaining weight was inevitable, but hearing the actual number sucked ass. She stepped down, forcing a smile. "Right."
The nurse led her to a small room, where she lay back on the table, her shirt pulled up over her belly. The bump was more prominent, although she could probably still get away with saying she was extremely bloated. The nurse prepared the ultrasound equipment and Faye tried to calm her nerves. This was supposed to be a happy moment. She was going to hear her baby's heartbeat for the first time.
The gel toucher her skin, and she shivered. She closed her eyes, waiting for the sound, the moment that would make things even more real... if that was possible.
And then it happened.
The steady, rhythmic thump, thump, thump filled the room, and she swore her heart stopped. The baby. Her baby. It was real. She blinked back tears, unable to stop the happiness that surged through her.
"That's your baby's heartbeat. Nice and strong."
Faye smiled through the tears. For the first time in weeks, the stress of school faded away. The pimples, the weight gain, the cravings--they didn't matter. All that mattered was that her baby was healthy.
"Would you like some ultrasound photos to take home?" the nurse asked.
Faye nodded quickly. "Yes, please."
She couldn't wait to send the little black-and-white photos to Quinn. He wasn't there, and that still made her heart ache, but at least he could see the baby in the photos. She grabbed her phone as soon as the nurse handed the pictures to her.
Faye: just heard the heartbeat for the first time. sending you the photos :)
Quinn was in the middle of a film session with the team when his phone buzzed. He normally ignored texts during meetings, but when he saw it was Faye, he felt that he had to answer. He quickly checked the message, his breath catching when he saw the words: just heard the heartbeat for the first time
Attached were three ultrasound photos. His baby. He stared at them for a couple minutes, barely listening to the meeting anymore. He hadn't been there with her, but seeing the phots made everything feel a bit better.
Quinn: Wow. That's amazing, Faye! Wish I could've been there
God, he wished he could be there.
Faye left the clinic with the photos tucked in her backpack. She felt so much joy hearing her baby's heartbeat, relief that everything was going well, but also frustration with everything happening to her body.
Her cravings had gotten stranger--pickles with vanilla ice cream, enough strawberries to feed a small town, peanut butter on everything--and her emotions were all over the place. Some days, she felt like crying over nothing. Other days, she was just restless. Her sex drive had skyrocketed, which was great since she wasn't seeing anyone and Quinn was in fucking Vancouver.
It sucked. She wasn't about to start dating while pregnant, but the hormones had her feeling much more needy than she was comfortable with. She tried to push those kind of thoughts aside, but when she was laying in bed at night, she couldn't help but wish Quinn was there with her.
That night, she stood in front of her bathroom mirror, staring at herself. She tugged at her shirt, trying to flatten it over her belly, sucking in as much as she could. But even when she sucked in, she wasn't as thin as she was pre-pregnancy. Her skin was breaking out, a cluster of pimples along her hairline and on her chin. Her hips were wider, her thighs thicker, and her favourite clothes didn't fit the way they used to.
She felt... ugly.
Her phone buzzed on the counter. It was a reply from Quinn. He'd asked for a 'bump-date.'
Quinn: You look beautiful. I know this is hard, but you're amazing. Can't wait to meet our baby
Quinn always knew how to say the right thing, but it didn't make the insecurities go away. She was grateful for his support, but it wasn't enough to make her feel better about the changes happening to her body. She was supposed to feel strong and capable, but she felt was out of control.
She sighed, placing a hand on her bump. "We've got a long way to go," she whispered to the baby. "But I'm doing this for you."
Faye sat at the back of the lecture hall, her arms folded over her stomach. It was the same spot she always sat in, tucked away in the corner where fewer people could see her. But even when she tried to disappear, she couldn't shake the feeling that everyone was staring at her.
With her belly starting to show more and more, and her face breaking out into what felt like a million pimples, she felt like a different person. She no longer looked like herself. Every time she caught her reflection in a window or glanced down at her swollen feet, she wondered where the old Faye had gone. The Faye that felt comfortable wearing the shortest mini skirt and tank top to a party.
She tugged at the hem of her Wolverines hoodie, trying to cover her stomach more. People were definitely noticing. She could feel their eyes on her when she walked through campus, feel their whispers following her as she sat down in class or waited in line at the coffee shop.
It wasn't just that she was pregnant. It was that she was pregnant, in college, and very much not in a relationship. Every time she passed a group of students, she imagined what they were thinking. Is she a single mom? Did the dad ditch her? What's her story? She hated it.
By the time class ended, Faye felt like she was suffocating. She gathered her things quickly, keeping her head down as she hurried out of the lecture hall. She was halfway home when her phone buzzed.
Sarah: girls night at my place tonight! you in?
Normally, she loved hanging out with her girlfriends, but lately, she'd been so tired, so emotional, that the idea of socializing just felt exhausting. But she also didn't want to push her friends away. They were one of the few things keeping her grounded.
Faye: yeah, i'll come by
At least she had friends. They didn't look at her with pity or judgement--at least, not in the way that she imagined other people did. They just supported her. And that's all she needed.
Sarah's apartment was warm and inviting, the smell of freshly baked cookies filling the air as Faye stepped inside. She shrugged off her coat, glancing at her friends already lounging on the couch with wine glasses in hand.
"Hey, girl!" Casey waved her over. "We saved you a seat!"
Faye smiled, making her way to the couch. She was grateful for the normalcy her friends provided. She sat down, tucking her legs under herself, and reached for the glass of water Sarah had already set out for her. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to her.
"So," Sarah smiled. "Tell us what's new. How're you feeling?"
She wasn't sure how honest she wanted to be? How was she feeling? She felt like shit. Her body wasn't her own anymore between all her side effects, but she didn't want to bring the mood down.
"I'm... okay. Tired. Hungry all the time. You know, the usual."
Casey raised an eyebrow. "Girl, you've been looking tired. No offence, but your skin's been freaking out lately. Did you change your skincare routine or something?"
Faye bit her lip, trying to push her self-conscious thoughts aside. "Yeah, it's the hormones. I can't seem to keep up."
"That sucks, but you still look amazing."
She was trying to stay positive, but the truth was, she'd never felt more disconnected from herself. This wasn't her. The Faye she knew wasn't tired, overly emotional, or super uncomfortable in her own body. And the worst part? She had no idea when--or if--she's ever feel like herself again.
Quinn stared at the ultrasound photos on his phone again, a grin tugging at his lips. He had saved the images Faye had sent him and found himself looking at them whenever he had a quiet moment.
The baby. His baby. It still felt surreal at times, but whenever he looked at the black-and-white photos, a wave of excitement washed over him. This was real. The tiny little being in those pictures was growing inside Faye, and even thousands of miles away, he felt connected to it.
He scrolled through the photos one more time before pulling up the family group chat. He hesitated for a second, then decided it was time. His family had been asking about the baby since he told them, and now he actually had something to share.
Quinn: Hey guys, just got some ultrasound pics from Faye. Meet baby Hughes :)
He attached the photos and leaned back on the couch, waiting for the answers to come through. And it didn't take long.
Jack: Holy shit! That's so cool!
Mom: Oh, Quinn, that's amazing! Look at that little face! I can't wait to meet them
Dad: Proud of you, Quinn. Keep us updated
Warmth spread through Quinn's chest as he read their responses. Even though he wasn't physically with Faye, sharing those moments with his parents made him feel like he was more of a part of the journey. It made him feel less alone.
He sent Faye a quick text.
Quinn: Shared the ultrasounds pics with the fam. They're all super excited. How're you feeling?
He knew she was struggling, but every time he asked, she shrugged him off. He was trying his best. He was falling more in love with the idea of being a dad every day. He still had to figure out how to be there for Faye though.
Faye: i'm... okay. just feeling kind of off ngl. don't really feel like myself anymore
Quinn: I get it. But you're doing amazing, Faye. You're strong, even if you don't feel like it. Wish I could be there
She appreciated the support, but right now, no amount of reassurance was going to make her feel like herself again.
It was late, and Faye was curled up on the couch, flipping absentmindedly though a textbook she wasn't really planning on reading. She felt like she hadn't had a moment to relax recently. She sighed, shifting uncomfortably. He back had been aching all day, and felt an unfamiliar tightness in her lower belly.
She placed a hand on her stomach, furrowing her brow. The sensation wasn't painful exactly, but it felt... strange. A dull pressure that came in waves. She tried to brush it off, assuming it was just another pregnancy symptom she wasn't familiar with. But the tightness came again, stronger this time, making her sit up straight.
Something didn't feel right.
The pressure intensified again, her belly growing hard under her hand. Panic surged through her. This wasn't normal. It couldn't be normal. Was she going into labour? The baby wasn't due for months--she was only 20 weeks along.
Another wave of tightness hit her, and this time it was even more painful. She grabbed her phone, hands trembling as she dialed Quinn's number.
Quinn was getting ready for bed when his phone rang. When he glanced down and saw Faye's name, his heart skipped a beat. It was late where she was, and they hadn't planned on talking that night.
"Faye? What's going on?"
"I- I don't know," her voice was shaky and strained. "Something's wrong. I keep feeling this pressure in my stomach... I don't know what's happening, Quinn. What if the baby's coming too early?"
"What? Are you sure? How bad is it?"
"I don't know!" she cried, her panic rising. "I've never been pregnant before. What if something's wrong?"
Quinn's mind immediately went into overdrive. He wanted to be calm for her, but the fear that something was wrong with the baby made his pulse pound in his head. He needed to be there. He needed to help.
"Okay, okay, listen. You need to get to the hosptial. I'll book the next flight out."
"But Quinn, it's so far away--"
"I'm coming. I'll be there as soon as I can. Go to the hospital and let them check you out. Everything's going to be okay." He hoped his words sounded more confident than he felt.
"Okay. I'll call you when I get there."
"Text me as soon as you're on your way. I'll be there as soon as I can."
He hung up and immediately pulled up flight options on his phone. He mind was racing, fear settling deep in his gut. What if something was wrong with the baby? What if Faye was going into premature labour?
He fired off a text to his coach, explaining the situation. Within minutes he had a response telling him to go to Michigan. That they'd be fine if he missed two days of practice for his baby.
The hospital smelled sterile, and Faye felt her nerves buzzing as she sat on the exam table. Her hands were clenched in her lap and every slight tightening of her belly made her wince.
She had texted Quinn when she had arrived and he was already on his way to the airport. Finally, the door opened, and the doctor entered the room, offering her a calm smile.
"Faye, hi. I hear you've been experiencing some discomfort," the doctor said as she sat down beside her, pulling on a pair of gloves.
"Yeah. I've been having these weird contractions or something. I don't know. I'm only 20 weeks..."
"Let's take a look."
As the doctor examined her, her breath came in short, shallow bursts, her nerves eating her alive. But after a few moments, the doctor straightened up, her smile reassuring.
"It looks like you're experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. They're often called 'practice contractions.' They're not harmful, and it doesn't mean you're going into labour."
"So... I'm okay? The baby's okay?"
"Yes! Everything looks normal. It's common to experience these at some point in your pregnancy. It can be uncomfortable, but it's nothing to worry about."
Faye let out a shaky laugh. "Oh my god... I thought I was going into labour."
The doctor chuckled. "No, not at all. Just keep an eye on things, but everything's perfectly fine."
As soon as the doctor left, Faye texted Quinn.
Faye: false alarm. it's just braxton hicks. baby's okay. everything's okay
Quinn's flight landed early the next morning, and as soon as he stepped off, he checked to see if Faye had texted. Relief flooded his chest, but even knowing things were okay, he still needed to see her. When she opened the door, she looked exhausted. Her eyes were puffy from lack of sleep, and her hair was pulled back into a messy bun. Quinn didn't care. He pulled her into a hug, feeling the tension leave his body the second he held her.
"I was so scared," he admitted.
"Me too," Faye whispered, clinging to him. "I thought something was really wrong."
Quinn pulled back slightly, looking down at her. "I'm glad everything's okay. I'm staying for a couple days, just to make sure you're good."
Faye hesitated, then nodded, too tired to argue. "Okay. That... that would be nice."
Quinn sat on Faye's couch, a cup of coffee in his hand, while Faye lay stretched out beside him, her head resting on a pillow. She still looked exhausted, her body worn out from stress and the Braxton Hicks scare.
"How are you feeling now?"
Faye shrugged, resting a hand on her belly. "Better, I guess. I still feel... off. But the doctor said it was normal. It just freaked me out."
Quinn nodded, then hesitated before reaching out. "Can I...?"
"Yeah, go ahead."
Quinn placed his hand gently on her stomach. It was the first time he'd touched her bump, and the feeling of life growing beneath his hand hit him like a ton of bricks. He swallowed hard, his throat tightening with emotion.
"That's... our baby."
Faye smiled weakly, "Yeah, our baby."
Quinn's phone buzzed with a text from his mom.
Mom: Heard what happened. We're so relieved everything's okay. If Faye needs anything, let her know I'm here, okay? She's family now.
Quinn smiled, showing the message to Faye. "Mom wants to help you out. She's pretty excited to be a grandma."
"I appreciate that. Your mom's always been so nice."
"She means it," Quinn said. "And so do I. You're not doing this alone."
"I know."
It had been two days since the scare, and while Faye had physically recovered, the emotional exhaustion hadn't lifted. Having Quinn around helped, though. It was strange at first, seeing him so much more than usual, but also comfortable. He wasn't hovering, like a helicopter parent, but he was there, offering a helping hand
She wasn't sleeping well, though. Not anymore.
At 20 weeks, she'd finally hit the point where it was becoming increasingly difficult to sleep. It didn't help that her back constantly ached and her hips throbbed with every moment. Lying flat on her back made the pain worse, but when she shifted onto her side, it was like her belly was pulling her down, straining her already sore muscles.
Late at night, Faye lay awake in bed, shifting restlessly. Her body screamed for relief, but no matter how she positioned herself, the ache in her body wouldn't go away. She tried hugging a pillow like she'd seen online, but it didn't help. She was surprised she hadn't woken up Quinn with her constant tossing and turning, the rustling of her bedding.
Quinn had insisted on sleeping on the couch to give her space, but when the pain became unbearable, Faye found herself padding softly to the couch. She stood there a moment, watching him sleep, unsure whether she should wake him. But the dull ache made her decision for her.
"Quinn?" she whispered, nudging his shoulder. "I... I can't sleep."
Quinn blinked awake, his face full of concern as he sat up. "What's wrong?"
"I just... I can't get comfortable," she admitted, her hand resting protectively on her belly. "My back is killing me."
"How can I help?" his voice was deep with sleep.
"Come lay in bed with me?"
"Okay," he pushed himself up, following her over to the bed. Faye lay down beside him, curling onto her side, and after a second Quinn's arm came over her stomach. She closed her eyes, letting out a soft sigh of relief as his hand helped her prop her stomach in a more comfortable position. His touch grounded her in a way that felt... right. She shifted slightly, nestling deeper into the curve of his body, and for the first time that night, she felt like she could sleep.
"That better?" he murmured.
Faye nodded slightly. "Yeah. Thank you."
As she drifted to sleep, she realized how much she needed this--needed him. She wasn't used to relying on people, but with Quinn, it didn't make her feel weak. It just felt... safe.
In the morning, Quinn was already awake when she opened her eyes. His arm was casually draped over her, and Faye's cheeks flushed as she remembered how she practically crawled onto him in the middle of the night.
"Morning. How're you feeling?"
"Better," she replied. Her back still ached, but he pain wasn't as intense as it had been when she was trying to sleep. "I think you might've saved me last night."
"Glad to be of service."
She sat up slowly, stretching her sore muscles as she glanced to the textbooks scattered around the place. Finals were creeping up on her, and while she'd tried to keep up with classes, the pregnancy was making it hard. Her professors and the school were understanding, but she still felt the pressure to stay on top of things.
"Do you need help studying? I've got time," he suggested, following her gaze.
"You? Studying?"
"Hey," he shot back playfully. "I wasn't a complete slacker in school, you know."
"I wouldn't mind the company."
They spent the next few hours at her small dining table, Quinn helping her go over some notes for upcoming exams. It felt strangely normal, having Quinn sitting beside her, scribbling down notes on things she missed, cracking jokes to lighten the mood.
Faye let herself imagine what it would be like if things were different. If Quinn lived closer, if they were a couple, if they were navigating this together in a real, committed way. But she quickly pushed the thought aside. It was too much to think about.
"Do you ever think about the future?" she asked suddenly.
"Yeah. I think about it a lot."
"And..." Quinn's gaze dropped to her stomach before meeting her eyes again. "I think about how I want to be there. For you. For the baby. I know it's complicated, but... I'm in this with you, Faye."
She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
That night, Faye lay in bed, Quinn next to her already this time. She needed rest, but her body was only sort of cooperating. Quinn groaned slightly, having trouble falling asleep with all her tossing and turning.
"You okay?"
"No. I can't fall asleep."
He pulled her closer to his chest, nuzzling his face in her neck. "Better?"
"A bit."
She turned over, resting her head on his chest, closing her eyes.
"Thanks," she whispered, her breath warmth against his skin.
Faye could feel her heart pounding in her chest, her mind spinning from the physical relief but also the chemistry she was sure was between them.
And then, in the heat of the moment, their lips met. Faye's heart raced as his tongue swiped across her bottom lip, her body responding to the need she'd been ignoring for weeks. She pulled back, her breathing uneven.
"It's the hormones."
But Quinn just smiled, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I know. But if you need me... I'm here."
She blushed but still laughed at his flirting. Then tension between them was electric, and she leaned up for another kiss. Quinn rested his hand on her belly, pulling away when he felt something.
"It moved."
"What?" she whispered, not liking that he'd ended their make out session.
"The baby, I felt it. It was like a little flutter. Did you feel it?"
"I wasn't really paying atten--"
Then she felt it, the strangest feeling yet. Just like Quinn had said, like a little flutter.
"Oh my god. It's moving!" she laughed, cupping Quinn's face. "Our baby is moving!"
Quinn leaned in, pressing a bruising kiss to her lips. Resting his forehead on hers as they pulled away.
"That's... that's so fucking cool, Faye! That's our baby!"
"I know, Quinn," she giggled, but as excited as she was, exhaustion was starting to take over.
"Do you want me to move my hand?" Quinn asked.
"No. It's fine there," she mumbled, falling asleep while Quinn sat there and waited for the baby to move again. He was even more in love with the baby and it wasn't even there yet.
It was Quinn's last day in Michigan, and Faye didn't like the heaviness that settled in her chest at the idea. She knew he had to go back to Vancouver. It was his job after all, but after everything that had happened, having him around felt comforting. He made everything seem a little less overwhelming.
To make the most of their last day, they decided to keep things light, indulging in Faye's latest pregnancy cravings. Currently, they were at her small dining table, staring at an odd combination of food.
"Are you seriously going to eat that?" Quinn asked, eyeing Faye as she spread peanut butter over a pickle.
"Trust me, it's so good," she insisted, though she had to admit it seemed strange. "It's the pregnancy."
"Well, I'm in. I promised I'd try all your cravings today, so let's see what this tastes like."
Faye handed him half the pickle, watching with amusement as he hesitated before taking a bite. His face twisted in confusion, then something more like... surprise.
"Okay... that's not as bad as I thought."
They spent the next hour going through her line up of food combinations--pickles in vanilla ice cream, hot sauce on a piece of white toast, avocado and chocolate, babybel cheese with whipped cream, lots and lots of orange soda. Each bite brought laughter and more jokes from Quinn, and Faye feeling better about her stupidity.
After, they sprawled out on the couch, stuffed from their culinary adventure. Quinn pulled out his phone, opening an app he'd downloaded to track the baby's development. "So, I was reading about what's going on with the baby at 20 weeks," he said, scrolling through the information.
"What does it say?" she rested her head on his shoulder.
"Apparently the baby's about the size of a banana now. That's... actually kinda big."
"A banana?" She placed her hand on her stomach. "Wow."
Quinn grinned, scrolling further down on the app. "It can hear things now too. Like they can hear your voice when you talk or when music is playing."
Faye smiled, imagining the little banana-sized baby growing inside her. She felt more connected with the baby every time she learned a new fact, but also much more anxious about the future.
As if reading her mind, Quinn set down his phone and said, "I ordered you something, by the way. It should be here tomorrow."
"You ordered something for me?"
"Yeah, I've been reading about pregnancy pillows. I figured it might help with the sleeping problems you've been having."
"You didn't have to do that."
"I know," he smiled softly. "But I want to help however I can. Even when I'm not here. I hate that you've been struggling with getting to sleep."
Quinn had been supportive than she ever imagined, and while they hadn't had a serious conversation about the future, moments together like that made her feel like things would be okay.
They decided to end the day with a movie, cuddled up on the sofa. Faye was wrapped in a blanket, her head resting on Quinn's chest. It was peaceful, but just as she was getting comfortable, her phone rang.
"It's my mom," she murmured, sitting up.
"You want to answer it?"
Faye nodded, then slid off the couch and headed to the bathroom for some privacy. "Hey, Mom."
"Faye, sweetpea! How're you feeling? You've been awfully quiet lately."
"I'm okay. Just... busy with school and stuff."
"Well, your dad and I were talking, and we think you should move back home once the baby's born," her mom said. "It'll be better for you to have support--proper support."
She knew what her mom was getting at. "Mom, I'm fine. I can manage on my own."
"Faye, be realistic," she snapped. "You're going to be a single mother. It's hard enough raising a baby when you have help, but you'll be alone most of the time. And if you think Quinn's going to be around for the sleepless night and dirty diapers, then you're being delusional."
"That's not fair. Quinn wants to help."
"He might think he does now, but once the baby is here, he's going to be focused on his career, on hockey. You'll be left doing everything on your own. You should come home, where we can help you."
"I'm not moving back home, Mom! I've got everything under control."
"You're not thinking clearly, Faye! You're being stubborn, and it's going to cost you. You need to think about what's best for the baby."
"I am thinking about the baby," Faye fought back her tears.
"Then why won't you listen to us?"
"Because I don't want to move back home! I can handle this on my own! And Quinn's not going to just disappear, okay? He's been helping me, and he's going to be there."
Her mom sighed heavily. "I hope you're right. I don't want you getting your hopes up, Faye."
Faye ended the call abruptly, feeling her entire body tremble as she leaned against the counter, sobbing quietly.
Quinn had heard bits and pieces of the conversation from the couch, but when he saw Faye's face, he immediately stood up and rushed over to her.
"Hey, hey," he murmured, pulling her into his arms. "What happened?"
Faye sobbed into his chest, her words coming out in gasps. "My mom... She thinks I should move back home. She thinks... She thinks you're not going... to be around."
"What? Why would she think that?"
"She... she thinks you're just going to focus on hockey, and I'll be stuck all alone. She doesn't believe you'll actually be here."
Quinn felt a surge of anger rise in his chest, not at Faye's mom, but at anyone who would think he wouldn't be involved. He cupped her face, wiping away her tears. "Faye, listen to me. I'm not going anywhere. I'm in this with you. We're going to figure this out together."
Faye sniffed, "What if... What if my mom's right? What if this gets too hard, and you--"
"It won't. Yeah, it's going to be hard, but I'm not going to walk away. I care about you, and I care about our baby. I'm going to be here for you both of you. No matter what. Okay?"
"I'm scared."
"I know. But we'll figure it out. We're a team, Faye."
Maybe, just maybe, they'd figure this out together.
The snow was falling softly outside the Hughes' house, making everything look like a scene out of a Christmas movie. Faye stood by the window, watching the flakes settle on the ground, her hands on her ever growing stomach. It was strange being there surrounded by Quinn's family. Strange but... comforting.
She was 24 weeks along, her belly undeniably visible, and the baby had started kicking more regularly, constantly reminding her it was there. Her back ached 24/7 now and she slept most of the day, but she was still trying to enjoy her holiday break.
"Everything okay?" Quinn's voice came from behind her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
"Yeah. It's just... nice here. Your family is so kind. I still can't believe they invited me to stay for a few days."
Quinn chuckled, "Of course they did. You're part of the family now, Faye. Besides, my mom's been looking forward to spoiling you and the baby for weeks."
Ellen Hughes had gone out of her way to make her feel welcome, treating like she was already part of the family. And was overwhelmed as she felt, the whole thing made her feel less alone.
Later that evening, Faye sat on Hughes' couch, enjoying the warmth of the fire place, when Ellen came in and placed a large, beautifully wrapped, present in front of her.
"These are just a few things we thought might help," Ellen said, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "I know you've probably already started planning, but every little bit helps, right?"
Faye blinked, holding back her tears as she unwrapped the box. Inside was a collection of things she hadn't even thought about yet. There was a breast pump, a coupld sets of baby clothes, a few board books, and even a set of parenting books. One for her and one for Quinn.
"Oh my god, Ellen," her voice wavered as she ran her fingers over the small onesie. "This is so thoughtful. Thank you."
"It was mostly my mom," Quin grinned. "But I helped."
Ellen waved a hand dismissively. "Quinn picked out a few things. The parenting books were his idea."
The fact that he had been thinking about this--about them, about the baby--made her feel even more connected to him. Quinn was clearly committed to figuring things out.
"Thank you, Quinn. I mean it," she whispered.
Quinn reached for her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "We're in this together, Faye. You and me."
Faye was exhausted from socializing, so she and Quinn retreated to his childhood bedroom. It felt cozy and nostalgic, with posters of old hockey heroes still hanging on the walls and a few trophies lined his dresser.
"So this is where the great Quinn Hughes spent his teenage years, huh?" she teased.
"Yeah, it's nothing fancy. But it's home."
Faye lay on her back, immediately feeling the stretch of her belly above her. "It's nice. Being here with you. I wasn't sure how'd I feel, but... I like it."
Quinn lay down beside her, propping himself up on his elbow. "I'm glad you're here. It feels right."
They spent an hour talking about the baby, about names they hadn't settled on yet, and how crazy it was that in just a few more months, they would be parents. As the conversation quieted down, Quinn placed his hand gently on her stomach, his face lighting up when he felt a kick under it.
"Hey, there's my little buddy," he whispered, voice full of wonder. "You're getting strong in there."
Faye smiled, her heart swelling at the way Quinn talked to the baby. She placed her hands over his, enjoying the warmth. "The baby likes you."
Quinn leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her belly. "I like the baby too."
It was late by the time they finally turned off the lights, but Faye found herself still wide awake. She shifted slightly, trying to find a comfortable position without her pregnancy pillow. Sighing softly, she turned to face Quinn, who was lying beside her, his eyes closed but not quite asleep. "I can't get comfortable."
"How can I help?"
"Pillows and cuddles?"
"I can do that," he handed her an extra pillow from the floor, allowing her to stick it under her stomach. "Better?"
"A lot," she sighed.
Quinn gripped her jaw, turning her face towards him. He pressed his lips to her, a strong, quiet kiss. They'd shared kisses before, but this one felt more intimate, more real.
"I'm glad I'm here."
"Me too."
It was nearing the end of January, and Michigan was wrapped in a thick blanket of snow. Faye sat cross-legged on the couch under a heavy knit blanket. The baby's kicks were getting stronger, whenever she placed her hand on her stomach she could feel it responding to her touch.
She was 28 weeks, officially in her third trimester. The reality of everything was hitting hard. It wasn't just the growing bump, the constant back pain, or the shortness of breath. Now, the emotional weight of it all was settling in, and the need to start planning for the birth was unavoidable.
Faye glanced down at the notebook in her lap, where she'd started to write out ideas for her birth plan. It felt weird, putting pen to paper and trying to map out how it would all go. Of course, she couldn't fully predict how things would play out, but the idea of having a plan eased her worries,
Her phone beside her buzzed, and she smiled when she noticed it was Quinn texting her. They talked almost every day now, and she felt like a school girl with a crush every time he texted or called.
Quinn: You free for a FaceTime? Been thinking about some stuff we should figure out
Faye: yeah, call me!
Seconds later, her phone rang and Quinn's face filled her screen. His hair was damp, probably from a post-practice shower, and he was smiling brightly.
"Hey, how're you feeling?"
"Tired. The baby's getting bigger and I swear I feel every, single kick these days."
Quinn laughed. "Strong kid. Probably gonna play hockey."
"We'll see about that," she rolled her eyes, looking back at her notebook.
"So, I was thinking... We should probably start to make some real decisions here. Like about the birth and everything that comes after."
Faye nodded, "Yeah, I've been thinking about that too. I kinda started writing out my birth plan, but it's a rough, rough draft."
"Yeah? What kinda things are you drafting?"
"Well, I want to have the baby here in Michigan. I've already talked to my doctor about it, and she's amazing. I don't want to risk flying anywhere when I'm that close to my due date."
"Good call. I'll come as soon as I can. Make sure I'm there for baby's due date."
"Yeah, I've been thinking about that too. I know you'll have to travel for games, but I want you here as much as possible."
"I will be. I'll talk to the team, make sure I'm there whenever you need."
"Okay, so after the baby's born..." Faye trailed off, trying to put her thoughts into words. "I don't think I should fly to Vancouver right away. I'll need time to recover and moving across the country with a newborn... it just seems like too much."
Quinn nodded, "Makes sense. I don't want you to have to deal with that stress right after giving birth."
"So, I'm thinking I'll stay here in Michigan for the first few months. Maybe two or three? My parents will stop by and help, and you can come visit when you can."
Quinn's face dropped at the mention of her staying in Michigan. "I hate that we won't be in the same place right after the baby's born. But... I get it. It's the best plan for now."
"I know," she mumbled, her heartbreaking. She also hated the idea of being apart from Quinn for those couple months, but she knew it was necessary. "I just want to give the baby a stable place before we have to move all our shit to Vancouver."
"Absolutely. And I'll come to Michigan as much as I can. And then, when you're ready, you'll move to Vancouver. You... you can move in here with me or... we can get you your own place."
It wasn't something they'd discussed in detail yet, but Faye's heart fluttered at the thought of sharing a place with Quinn. The thought of building a life together with their baby, filled her with a lot of hope for the future.
"Okay, sounds like a plan."
"I've been looking into baby gear. Cribs, strollers, cars seats, all the works. We'll need to figure out what we need in Michigan and what we need in Vancouver."
"Yeah, I've been looking into childcare options for when we move to Vancouver. I still want to finish my degree online. It'll be a lot."
"It will be, but we're in this together. You're not doing it alone, Faye."
"Thanks, Quinn."
"Also, I think we should make a list of names. It'll help."
She giggled, "You've really been thinking about this, huh?"
"Yeah. This baby's gonna need the best name ever. No pressure."
"Alright, let's do it. Let's make a list."
Faye groaned, rolling over to look at the clock for the thousandth time that night. 2:47 AM. She was exhausted, but her body refused to cooperate. The baby liked to be active as soon as she was ready to rest. Which made it impossible to get comfortable and sleep.
Not that comfortable really existed anymore. She felt huge, like she had an oversized balloon under her shirt at all times. The baby had officially taken over. Every breath she took was shallow, and her bladder felt like it was the size of a peanut. She had to pee all the time. Every time she'd get settled, she'd have to get right back and waddle back to the bathroom.
With a groan, she pulled herself out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom yet again. She'd lost count of how many times she'd made that trip in the last hour alone. The baby pressed on every single one of her organs.
"I swear, if you keep pushing on my bladder, you're grounded for life."
The baby gave a strong kick in response, making her wince and laugh at the same time. It was like they already had the same sense of humour.
After what felt like an eternity of pissing, Faye made it back to bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. She drifted in and out of fitful sleep, and then the dreams started.
Faye's dreams had always been weird, but lately, her pregnancy was putting them on a whole new level. Vivid and bizzare, often leaving her very confused when she woke up. This dream, though, took the fucking cake.
In her dream, she was in the hospital, ready to give birth. Everything seemed fine at first--the doctors were calm, Quinn was there, holding her hand. But when the baby finally arrived, Faye's eyes widened in horror.
It had tentacles.
It wasn't a normal, chubby-cheeked newborn. No, this baby was some kind of squid creature, with wriggling, slimy tentacles where it should have had arms and legs. And instead of crying, it made this weird gurgling sound like it was trying to communicate to aliens.
Faye had stared at it in utter shock, unable to process what she was seeing. Meanwhile, Quinn was completely unfazed. He smiled down at the baby-squid hybrid like it was the most normal thing in the world.
"Isn't it cute?" Quinn had said, his voice filled with pride. "Look at all those tentacles."
Faye woke up, her heart racing. She blinked in the darkness, trying to shake off the unease from the dream. 3:30 AM. No way she was getting back to sleep after that. She grabbed her phone, texting Quinn.
Faye: u awake?
Quinn: Yeah, what's up?
Faye: had the weirdest fucking dream. call me
"Hey? You okay? What happened?"
Faye bit her lip, trying to keep from laughing as she thought about the dream. "I had a dream that the baby came out... but it had tentacles instead of arms and legs."
Quinn was silent for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Wait, seriously?"
"Yeah! It was like the baby was a squid or something. And you were completely fine with it. You were holding it like 'Look how cute it is!'"
"Well, I mean, if our baby has tentacles, we'll figure it out, right? It'll be the cutest squid baby, ever."
"I'm blaming pregnancy hormones for that one. These dreams have been getting weirddd."
"I've read about that. Strange dreams are super common in the third trimester. So... get ready for more squid babies."
"Great. Just what I needed. As if peeing every five minutes and feeling like a human punching bag wasn't enough."
"How are you feel otherwise?" Quinn asked. "I know this trimester has been harder."
"Honestly? I didn't think it could get worse, and then... it did. I can't breathe half the time because the baby is squishing my lungs, and I'm always tired but I can't sleep. The baby decides to have a fucking dance party every time I lie down."
"Sorry, Faye. Wish I could help."
"I know. It's not your fault, Quinn. Every week I feel like something new pops up to remind me how massive I am."
"Baby's gonna be here soon. And the sleepless nights will be for a different reason," he offered.
"Great," Faye said sarcastically. "Something to look forward to."
31-weeks. 9 more weeks until their baby would be there. The days were flying by, and with each passing week, she got more and more anxious. Quinn wanted to be at the appointment with her, but he was busy doing hockey stuff. They were doing their best to navigate long-distance pregnancy, something she never thought she'd have to do.
Her OB entered the room with a smile. "How're you feelin' today, Faye?"
"I'm always tired, but good. Baby's active, which is probably a good sign."
"That's great to hear. We're mainly looking for the baby's position, measuring your uterus, and making sure everything is progressing as it should."
Faye nodded, trying to relax as the doctor took her measurements. She watched the doctor gently press along her stomach, feeling for the baby's position. The cold jelly made her shiver slightly, but she was more focused on the doctor's facial expressions.
"Looks like your little one is head down, which is exactly what we want to see. No signs of breech, which is good news."
"That's a relief."
"Things are looking good, Faye! And just to double-check you still want to keep the gender a surprise?"
"Yeah, Quinn and I talked about it, we both want to wait until the birth to find out."
"That takes some serious patience. But it'll be a great surprise when the time comes."
After the checkup, Faye called Quinn. He always wanted to be filled in on what was going on after appointments.
"Hey, Faye! How'd it go?"
"It went well! Baby's head down, which means no breech. Everything is looking good."
"That's awesome. I was worried about that."
"I know you were. But they're in the right position. Doctor said everything is on track, and we're still in good shape for a natural delivery."
"And the gender? They didn't slip up?"
Faye shook her head with a laugh. "Nope, still a mystery. Doctor asked, but I said we're stickin' with our plan."
"As much as I want to know, I think the wait will be worth it."
"Same. But it's getting harder to wait," she admitted, climbing into her car. "I keep imaging what they'll look like. If they'll have your eyes or my nose."
"Well, if they come out with tentacles, we're prepared."
"Let's hope not," she groaned.
"You're doing amazing, Faye. We're almost there."
"Almost there."
The day had finally come and Quinn was back in Michigan, standing in Faye's apartment, helping her settle down for the final countdown. 1 week until her due date. Faye had been anticipating this moment for months, but now that it was there, all she could think about were the things they needed to get done before the baby arrived.
It didn't matter that she'd already gone through every room, tidied the apartment, and organized all the baby gear. The urge to keep preparing, making sure everything was perfect, was strong.
"Hey, how's everything going?" Quinn asked, dropping his bags on the ground.
Faye barely heard him. "We need to get the crib set up today," she blurted out. "And I need to reorganize the dresser-- I don't think I folded all the clothes properly. Oh, and we need to clear space in the freezer for breast milk."
Quinn looked at her with an amused smirk. "You know the baby isn't coming today, right? We've got time."
"Time?" Faye repeated, staring at him like he'd grown a second head. "We have less than a week, Quinn. What if the baby comes early and something isn't ready?"
He laughed, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Okay, okay. Let's do whatever you need. Where do we start?"
Faye was in nesting mode. She had Quinn building the crib, while she sorted through the baby clothes for the tenth time. Everything needed to be perfect.
"Do you think I should organize them by size or typer?" she asked from the floor, surrounded by baby clothes. "Or maybe I should put the newborn ones on top. But then again, I don't know how fast the baby is going to grow."
Quinn glanced over from where he was screwing the last part of the crib on. "I think whatever you decide will be great."
Faye huffed. "You're just saying that. What if I mess this up? What if we're totally unprepared for when the baby gets here?"
"Faye, we're ready. The baby's not going to care if it's socks are in the wrong drawer. You've done so much already."
"I want everything to be perfect, Quinn."
"It will be perfect. You're not doing this on your own."
"I know. Thank you for being here."
"I'd rather be here than anywhere else," he leaned down and kissed her temple. "What's next on the list, boss?"
Faye stood in the middle of the room, staring at the crib. It was freshly made, ready for the baby with nothing that cause any dangers while it slept. It should've given her a sense of peace, but instead she was still freaking out.
"We have the crib," she gnawed at her bottom lip. "But... we also have the bassinet."
Her eyes darted between the two pieces of furniture.
"Why do we need both?" she frantically ran her hands through her hair, pulling at the roots. "What if the baby hates the bassinet? What if they refuse to sleep in either? What if we've set everything up wrong and the baby doesn't sleep at all?"
Quinn came through the front door, just as she was doing another lap of the apartment.
"What's going on?"
"Do we really need the crib and the bassinet? Why do we have both?"
"The bassinet's for when the baby is super small. Easier to keep them close that way. Then we'll use the crib when they're older. That's what the book said, remember?"
Faye just let out a frustrated sigh. Of course she remembered. But nothing felt logical anymore. Everything could go wrong in a million different ways.
Quinn moved to the kitchen to make some tea while Faye continued to pace.
"What if the baby doesn't latch?" she stopped in her tracks. "What if breastfeeding doesn't work? What if we have to switch to formula and we're unprepared?"
"If breastfeeding doesn't work, we'll figure it out. Formula is fine, Faye. We'll handle it."
"But what if the formula we pick isn't right? What if the baby's allergic to it or something? And I've been reading about colic. What if the baby screams for hours every night and we don't know what to do?"
Quinn walked over, gently taking her hands in his. "Breathe. We'll figure it out if that happens. And if the baby doesn't latch, we'll get help. It's not all on you."
"But what about the bottles? Why do we need a warmer and a sanitizer? Can't we just use the microwave?"
Quinn stifled a laugh, realizing Faye wasn't in the mood for humour. "The bottle warmer is supposed to heat it more evenly than the microwave. And the sanitizer is for making sure things are really clean. Trust me, people do it all the time. We've got it covered."
"It just feels like there's so much to keep track of. I keep thinking I'm missing something important, and then I panic," she sighed, collapsing onto the couch.
"You're not missing anything," Quinn reassured. "You've done everything. The apartment is ready, the hospital bag is packed, the car seat is installed in your car, we've got all the gear we need. We are prepared."
"What if the baby gets cold at night? And the swaddle isn't enough?"
"They'll teach us about that at the hospital, Faye. And we have those sleep sacks, we'll make sure the baby is all nice and cozy."
"Faye, no more. We're going to be fine. We don't have to be perfect. No first-time parents are perfect. Now, let's watch something and stop talking. You're giving me a headache."
Quinn was right. They didn't need to be perfect, they just needed to work together.
It was late in the evening, just two days before her due date, when Faye felt a strange twinge of pain. She had been lying on the couch, flipping through Netflix while Quinn did dishes. At first she thought it was just more Braxton Hicks, she got those a lot, but as the pain spread and deepened, her brain told her it wasn't.
She took a deep breath, trying to stay calm as another wave of pain gripped her lower back. She knew what was happening now. This wasn't a false alarm.
"What's up?"
"I think... I think I'm going into labour. The baby's coming."
Quinn froze for a moment, his eyes widening. "Are you sure?"
"I don't now," she admit, feeling the pain again. "But these feel different. Stronger."
Quinn was at her side in an instant, his hand resting on her lower back. "Okay, let's time them. Figure this out."
The next half hour was a blur of counting and breathing. Faye's contractions came steadily, each one closer than the last. She could feel the baby moving lower with each wave of pain, the pressure in her abdomen nothing like she'd ever experienced before.
"Four minutes. We should go."
Once Faye actually got in a bed, doctors and nurses were hooking her up to things, checking her vitals, checking the baby's heartrate, seeing how dilated she was.
They told her she was about six centimetres. And that she and Quinn had some time to wait. Faye had to take her mind off the pain, wracking her brain for something to do.
"You know, Quinn, I really don't know the basics about you."
"What do you mean?"
"Like your favourite colour, favourite movie, that kind of stuff."
"You want to play 20 questions while you wait to push?" he laughed.
"Yes. I'll go first, what's your favourite colour?"
"Blue. I know it's basic. What's yours?"
"Green. But not just any green. Like forest green. Like deep in the woods of Vermont typa shit."
"You have quite the way with words, Faye."
"I know," she winked.
"If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?"
"Hmm, anywhere that I'm happy and with people I care about. But preferably close to a body of water. I find that calming."
"Vancouver, here we come," Quinn smiled, allowing her to squeeze his hand as another contraction hit.
"Are you scared to be a dad?"
"Wow, hard hitting question. I mean, a little. But isn't everyone? I think I'm mostly worried about being there for you guys. Are you scared to be a mom?"
"Fucking terrified. But I can't exactly shove it back in the oven for any longer," she joked, allowing him to brush some hair from her sweaty forehead. "Do I look hot?"
"Oh, amazing. Hotter than when I met you at that party."
"Don't even mention that party. That party's got me pushing a watermelon out of my--"
"Shut up," Quinn cackled.
"One more big push and we've got the baby, Mama!" the doctor smiled.
"I hate you, Quinn Hughes. Ahh!" she gripped his hand, giving her one final push. And then cries filled the room.
"It's a boy!"
Faye collapsed, too tired to cry as they placed the baby on her chest. Quinn, however, wasn't too tired to cry. He wiped at his eyes, staring in wonder at the slime-covered baby on Faye's chest.
"We'll get him all cleaned up and then you can hold him, Dad."
He nodded, kissing Faye's forehead. "You did it, Faye. I'm so proud."
"Is he okay?" she mumbled, beyond exhausted.
"He's perfect. He has my nose, I think. You tell me what you think once he's all clean."
"He's really here."
"He's here," Quinn nodded. "Our baby boy."
A couple minutes later, the nurse brought the baby back, now clean and bundled up, only his face peeking out of the blanket. "Here he is, Mama."
Her little face was scrunched up, his eyes closed, and his lips puckered in the most adorable way possible. Faye stared at him in awe, lightly tracing his cheek with her knuckle.
"Quinn," she whispered. "He's perfect."
Quinn leaned over, wrapping his arm around her as they gazed down at their son. "Yeah. He's perfect."
His little nose did look like Quinn's, but she could see traces of herself in him too, in his chin and the curve of his lips.
"He has your mouth," Quinn said softly, noticing the same thing she did.
"And your nose."
Quinn reached out, gently loosening the blanket and brushing the baby's tiny hand with his finger. The baby stirred slightly, his little fingers curling around one of Quinn's. It was just the three of them, wrapped in their own little perfect bubble of love.
"What are we going to name him?" Faye continued to whisper, not taking her eyes off the bundle of joy in her arms.
"I think... he looks like a James. What do you think?"
Faye smiled. "James. I like it. James Hughes."
Quinn grinned, kissing the top of her head. "James Hughes it is."
Everything they had been through--the stress, the worry, the fear--had all led to that moment. It was all worth it. And as Faye held James close, she felt her heart swell in a way it never had before. She'd never held so much love for one thing.
She glanced at Quinn, who was still staring at James. She reached up, wiping away the last of Quinn's tears with her thumb.
"We're a family."
Quinn smiled, leaning down to give her a proper kiss. "Yeah, we're a family."
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mbsneur · 2 days
5 in a row
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: you give alexia what she wants after she wins the world championship
WC: 2,5
Warnings: Smut18+, Cunnilingus, multiple orgasmn , strap using- reader-receiving,rough sex,
My Masterlist
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Hello, lovely readers! I hope you enjoy this story, even if it's not my best work. I'm always open to feedback, wishes, or questions, so please don't hesitate to write me a request. For more information, you can check my masterlist. I'm truly grateful to everyone who reads my work.
I have a feeling that not many people are seeing my work or my fics, and that they're not getting much attention. I've noticed this with several other writers, too. Do you know why that is? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas on how I can improve! And please, have fun reading! 😊
and that's how it is. spain is world champion. your girlfriend is world champion.
You party all night, you walk the streets of Australia, you haven't seen Alexia this happy in a long time.
You're happy for the chicas, it's what they wanted the most, so all the promises came true, and so your promise was "if you become world champion, I'm all yours" were your words, of course you belong to Alexia, but you meant it in a different way.
She was kept from keeping her promise most of the time you were partying and now you are all having lunch together most of you are tired and forced to be there.
When you finally wanted to leave, Alexia was stopped again: "You have a meeting to attend, ale lo siento, I don't want to stress you any more today, but it will be quick," her manager tells her expressively, and Alexia sighs and rolls her eyes: "How long will it take?" she asks annoyed, "an hour at the most," her manager replies, "I'll go first, please be right there," she adds.
Alexia turns to you and comes closer. "I'm gonna fuck you senseless. Don't worry, neña. I'll hurry," she whispers into your ear. You feel her warm breath on your pulse point and sigh against her. She moves away from you and winks at you before she leaves.
Time has passed, you saw with the others in the hotel lobby.
Alexia came.
"the superstar is back aye" oihane shouts across the room and alexia blushes slightly she comes over to you she leans down and gives you a soft kiss on the cheek "do you want to go upstairs?" she whispers as you walk past and you nod gently at her alexia starts to light up "The superstar is leaving, I have to do some things," she says playfully to Oihane and everyone looks at her as she pulls you up by your hand, "Do what you couldn't do with y/n for 3 weeks because she had to be able to walk somehow," Jenni shouts playfully and laughs out loud, She gets a playful slap from Misa.
alexia rolls her eyes slightly as you walk towards the elevator
alexia presses you against the door her lips are all over your neck your hands are tangled in her hair the air is thick alexia kisses you with so much hunger and lust
Her strong hands press firmly into your ribs, and you let out a deep, gasp. She nibbles at your skin, making sure she marks what belongs to her. Her tongue extends and licks a long strip from the end of your neck to your ear and licks at the shell of your ear. You squirm, and she giggles. "Use me, do what you want with me, but please let me forget my own name," you moan breathlessly.
Alexia stops nibbling on your neck to look at you, her pupils get bigger and she looks at you with her head tilted, her eyes full of fire, her hands literally itch because they miss your pussy so much "do you want that amore" she asks, her voice getting rough "yes please" you answer.
"I need you. I've missed you so much," you say, your head leaning against the door. Your eyes are small and glassy, and you are so wet. You're sure your underwear is ruined. She grabs you by your hips again and leads you to the bed. She sits down and taps her lap to make you realize that you should sit down.
As you sit on her lap, you put your hands on her neck and pull her towards you for an intimate kiss. She sucks on your tongue, your kisses are messy and wet. Her hands, move up to your tits and take them in her hand. You moan softly into her mouth and start rubbing yourself on her. Your hips rock against her, and her hands knead your tits.
She can feel your hard nipples through your bra, and it makes her whimper. You have a hard time kissing her back, One of her hands reaches your ass and gives you a light slap, and you moan out loud. You reach for her hand and guide it to your waistband. "Don't waste time," you say. "Please, Ale, I beg you. I need you so much." You moan, and Alexia's hand slides into your pants.
She teases your hole and you rock your hips against her hand. She has stopped kissing you and puts her forehead against yours. "Please don't tease me," you say, whimpering. Alexia gives you what you need and lets her finger slide into your hole. "fuck, you are so tight," she says, moaning and swallowing hard.
You are trying to block out the sounds that you are making by burying yourself in Alexia's neck.
She grabs your hair and yanks you forward, saying, "Stop hiding your noises. I don't care if everyone hears you." She then inserts another finger into your hole, making you moan and lean back as you ride her fingers.
"I've missed this so much," you say, and Alexia smiles at you. She speeds up with her fingers and hits your G-spot exactly. You kiss her neck, which makes her put her head to the side. You suck and lick her skin. Her fingers curl, and her palm hits your clitoris perfectly with every thrust.
"babe i'm getting closer," you whisper moaning against her sensitive skin "come whenever you need to," her words burst like fireworks in your belly, your teeth biting into her neck as your walls tighten around her thick fingers, your legs pressing tightly against her side and with a muffled whimper the orgasm you've been waiting for so long comes.
She turns you around so that you land on your back on the bed. She climbs on top of you and spreads little kisses on your face. "Put your arms over your head," she says in a soft voice, and you do as you are told. She pushes up your shirt and her eyes widen. She teases your belly by spreading wet kisses on it. Your skin twitches with every touch of her lips.
"You wanna be good?," she says against your stomach before coming up and pulling your shirt over your head, practically drooling at the sight of your hard nipples "I want to be your good girl," you say embarrassed and Alexia gives you a familiar smile and caresses your cheek lovingly.
Her hands ran along the waistband of your pants before she finally took them off completely. You helped her by kicking your pants off with your feet. Despite the stress she's been under, Alexia is relaxed. You've never seen her so relaxed during sex.
She knelt in front of the bed and took your thighs in her hands, pulling you closer to her. You were so wet that Alexia moaned at your smell. She moved her mouth to your core, sucking on your clitoris. "God ale," you moaned, looking down at her. She alternated between licking and sucking on your clitoris.
your hand reaches for her hair to pull her closer to you, your head dropped into your shoulder. Alexia let go of you with a popp "i said keep your hands above your head venga lie back down" she snapped at you, her forehead furrowed, and her eyebrows knitted together. You dropped down annoyed that you couldn't watch her "stop bitching" she added and her head went back to your pussy she teased your entrance before shooting her tongue inside you
Your back arches in response to her touch, and you perceive her smile against your skin. As she engages in oral intercourse with you, her nose makes contact with your clitoris, and her tongue moves in a rapid, deliberate manner. You experience a sensation of thickened blood in your veins, and the inability to move your hands intensifies your arousal.
your eyes roll back into your head as you feel the knot in your stomach again your legs close around her head and shake "fuck ale you're driving me crazy" you whimper feeling your pulse quicken, her tongue still in your hole she feels you coming closer your walls twitch around her tongue "you can cum I want to feel you baby" she says letting go of you for a moment
Your legs are moving and your back is bending throughout your orgasm. She's overstimulating you. You're trying to squirm, "A short break, please," but Alexia doesn't listen. Your body slides backwards to get away from her, but she gets up, grabs your legs, and pulls you to the edge of the bed. Two fingers poke into your hole, and her tongue lands right on your clit again.
You let out a scream and a few tears as she continues to pump into you at a relentless pace. Your legs are still shaking, and your clit is pressed tightly between her lips. She sucks with the expertise of a world champion, and your body shakes, your hips wiggle, and you moan, "Cumming again." You add, "Fuck,fuck" and claw at the bed.
you cum with a deep cry, you see stars. You haven't even noticed alexia let go of you, her lips swollen and wet, her fingers soaked in your cum, she laughs dazed.
"Ready for my strap," she grins mischievously and winks at you, "do I have a choice," you say sarcastically, "not really," she laughs back and gets up to go to her suitcase, she has brought the longest one, "for special occasions," she points out.
she climbed on top of you, "please" you blink at her you have recovered a bit from your previous orgasms. "please what?" she asks stupidly "fuck me" you say with rolling eyes
You look into her hazel eyes as she guides her cock to the perfect spot to penetrate you with a muffled moan. She's inside you now. She kisses you, your tongues playing with each other. Your cunt clutches her cock. You take her in completely.
"your cock feels so good babe" you grunt as alexia looks down to see the toy sliding into you. Your hands scratching her clothed back you moan into her neck you love this closeness her warmth
she accelerated and the sound of skin slapping echoed through the room, her hips dug into yours. Your breath caught, your throat constricted you moaned her name over and over. Her energy is so boundless she could pound you into the mattress all day like this
her breath is hot on your neck "i'm so close" you moan, as alexia looks at you "yeah? cum for me show me how much you want it" she says moaning as she gets faster lifting your legs over her shoulder to get deeper inside you, your moans become breathless. You feel like you are being kicked off you cum breathlessly and without a sound
alexia grabs your hips to pull you onto your stomach, she pulls you onto all fours. Your legs are shaking you can barely hold on „I can't fuck..." you cry as she pushes further into you "don't cry you can take another one I know you can" alexia says moaning grabbing your hips to pump harder into you
"that's it look at you such a slut for me aren't you? close again" she says after she circles your clitoris tightly you literally see stars
your head presses deeper into the mattress with each bump, the bed hits the wall. You are sure the whole hotel can hear "do you want to cum? shall I give you what you want?" she asks whimpering "words baby" she adds "yes please am so fucking close" you sputter out
"good girl cum for me" alexia says and after a few thrusts you come again alexia pushes you away so that you land on your back your face is all fucked up you can't think straight your vision is blurred all you can see is the mattress giving way as alexia kisses your torso
"you were so good baby I love you" she says caringly "can I get you something?" she adds "just stay with me“
„i love you too“
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superblysubpar · 2 days
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modern!husband!steve harrington x wife!you
2,603 words
warnings: so like, technically, you don't have to read "We'll Call It Love" , my modern steve series, BUT you're missing soooooo much that got these two idiots here, so I really encourage you to do so. This scene is so so so much more fun if you know all that led up to it, I promise. anyways: | alcohol mentions, slight descriptions of use by reader | smut (public - you get caught *kind of* / fingering / piv unprotected intercourse - creampie / wife,mom,breeding, all the kinks from one Mr. Harrington) - 18+ as always
a blurb for the "Trick or Treat, Freak?" event - don't forget to vote for tomorrow at the bottom of the fic!
A/N: I just wanted to say again, thanks for loving We'll Call It Love so much. I actually got to go see the band COIN last night, the music that inspired the fic, the screenplay, and just...wow. I don't have other words for it. Idk, feeling very sappy for all of you today and this story that means so much to me. Thanks for being here, it was fun to revisit these two 💛 and *now* I'm done with them.
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The day hadn’t been without its issues, but he’d expect nothing less, when it comes to the two of you.
First, there was Eddie’s girlfriend showing up in fake blood, late, covered in swatches of dark and gory fake gashes and goo all down her arms as she frantically rushed past him and shouted something about busy season and don’t worry, his bride was gonna look beautiful and not in a tragically haunting poetic way but in a romantic sunset kissed glowing kind of way.
Which, you did.
But then, there was an issue with the cake, which, wasn’t supposed to be a cake, but a bunch of peach pies. Robin and Nancy were whispering loud enough to bring him into the kitchen, both of their mouths snapped shut as Steve blinked at the largest solitary pie he’d ever seen. It was massive, comically so, and Robin was waving her hands at him, it’s going be fine spilling out of her lips that had just been freshly glossed for photos. Nancy was on the phone with a bakery and then Eddie was stumbling through the door shouting about canceling the order. He smiled at Steve and told him that you started crying which made him frown and start towards the direction Eddie had just come from, but his groomsman and your best man stopped him, assured him that then you started laughing, that you said your parents would have loved it.
Which, ultimately led to issue number three.
Robin had approached him slowly, fixing his tie, before she whispered that they couldn’t find you, but that there was a note, with his name on it. He had grabbed it with trembling fingers, only to find it didn’t say anything like sorry or I can’t do this, but a quote:
“I’ll have what she’s having.”
He rushed past Robin, shouted about being right back.
Steve found you on a balcony, which took a little bit of work, asking the front desk if anyone booked a room under Buttercup, or Allie, Kate, and ultimately Sally Albright. Then they wouldn’t give him the room number till he confirmed his name was Harry Albright, not Harry Burns. His breath caught in his chest when you turned to look at him, chin quivering and a quiet greeting for him before you started crying. It all ended alright, after you talked about your parents and him and all of it and he kissed you and made a joke about wedding curses. If seeing you in your dress before the ceremony already happened, where was the harm in a sunset balcony quickie?
You didn’t go for it that time, only grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room with you, asking if he was ready to get married.
Which he really fucking was.
The floor to ceiling windows overlooking the skyline had been good in theory, letting in the beautiful, breathtaking sunset as you said your vows. But they also let in the warmth, the room an oven, leading you to laughing during the ceremony and swiping at his temple with your handkerchief and Eddie fanning Robin while she officiated. And cried.
There was so much crying.
But it was perfect.
You were perfect.
Steve blinked away from where he was watching you take pictures in the vintage photobooth, you, Robin, Nancy, and Eddie’s girlfriend were all crammed in, sitting on each other’s laps, to the attendant in front of him.
Perfect, but distracting.
“So sorry, what did you ask?”
The venue employee smiled, like he knew the look on Steve’s face well, and then he shook his head. “Nothing to apologize for, sir. I was just letting you know that all the gifts are put away and locked in the car downstairs as instructed by your wife. Anything else I can do for you?”
His wife.
Steve looked over at you again, sighing as you tilted your head back in a laugh at the images in Robin’s hand.
He smiled at the man in front of him and shook his hand, “No, thank you.”
You felt him before you saw him, or rather, smelt him.
Your body spun to find the source of the salty and fried scent to see Steve holding a container of fresh french fries and a smile and eyes that seemed to be perfectly made, and only for you.
“Hey Mrs. Harrington,” he kissed your cheek, lips lingered against your skin as he asked, “Hungry?”
“Starving,” you groaned, your body crumpled against his as you exchanged your glass of champagne for the fries you knew would end up being a great late night snack offered. Warmth filled your stomach at the sound of your new last name, like a lovesick idiot you swore you’d never be.
Steve lifted a fry to your mouth, eyes a deep burnt amber in the low reception lighting as he watched your lips part and steal the fry from between his fingers, his tongue with a mind of it’s own, swiping out over his bottom lip as yours brushed the pad of his thumb.
You snorted.
“You’re so easy, Harrington.”
Steve lifted the fries away from you, eyes glinting as you pouted and reached for them half-heartedly, content to just lean against his body instead as he joked, “Hey. We’re married. You have to be nice to me now.”
Warm breath hit his jaw as you huffed, “Well, if I knew that was the rule, I never would have said I do a few hours ago.”
A kiss was pressed to his neck despite your words, right against his two freckles, then a smile ghosted against his skin when you heard the low rumble in his chest.
Steve’s lips brushed your ear as he bent down, speaking softly, lowly, and sending the warmth between your stomach directly between your legs.
“Don’t start something you can’t handle, honey.”
Your head lifted, stares at one another challenging and hopelessly and sickeningly in love to anyone who was watching.
“Oh,” you laughed, quietly, leaned in to whisper against his lips, “I think I can handle you just fine, Mr. Harrington.”
He had you in the bathroom not even a minute later, one hand locking the door behind him and the other pressing over your mouth as you giggled.
Steve’s mouth was all over your neck as his hands found your hips, guiding you to the counter.
“You’re so beautiful,” words warm and sticky and sweet against your skin as your head fell back against his shoulder in a gasp when his lips found a new spot behind your ear. “Can’t believe I’m married to you. Can’t believe you said yes. Can’t believe you’re all-“
His hand smacked at your ass as he grabbed a fistful of it, scrunching up the fabric of your dress you could care less about now as he growled in your ear the word, “Mine.”
“Steve,” you hated how breathless you sounded, hated how he’d barely touched or kissed you and you were wrecked already, “Hurry.”
He whined into the crook of your neck, spun you and let his nose trace along the straps of your dress, across the lace covering your chest as his mouth followed, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
Steve knelt, regretfully removing his lips from your skin so he could carefully lift your dress, handing it to you with a quiet, “Hold this, honey.”
He pressed a kiss to your check as you did what you were told, but then he got a proper look at you and your lip was captured between your teeth at his groan, from the way his hands ran through his hair.
“Fuck,” he sighed, as his finger trailed up your thigh and found custom, cream colored straps and shiny buckles and pretty lace you’d ordered just for him. “Look at you.”
“You like it?” The question answered by Steve’s own lip bitten raw, his fingers still roaming higher, up the sides of your cunt, already soaked.
“Baby,” Steve laughed, eyes cast down between your bodies, watching carefully as his fingers slipped beneath the wet lace. “Do I like it? I love it.”
“That’s,” your head fell back, exposing your neck his mouth was grateful for. Distracted by the way he dragged his fingers through you, swirled around your clit, the same way his tongue was against your throat. “Go-good.”
Steve pressed against your clit harder, humming against your skin where his mouth was still latched to when your body shook underneath him. Your thighs clamped around his hand, yours clutched at his shoulders with fistfuls of your dress still between your fingers.
He removed his fingers from you, quick to make work of his buckle and pants, aligning himself with you but hesitating just as his tip brushed against your entrance.
Steve looked up at you, under his lashes that cast shadows against pink cheeks dotted with freckles. He gazed at you with the kind of look that you imagined you gave a sunset. Admiring, awed, like you were taking in its beauty the first time every time. Like you knew your time with it might be fleeting, so you had to watch it every second so you didn't miss a single second of it.
He leaned in and let his lips brush over yours tenderly, deciding to take his time and forget the frantic pace you both had started with.
He murmured into your lips as they parted in a sigh beneath his kiss.
“I love you. So much. I think I’ve loved you since I saw you in that bar, I texted Robin about soul mates before I talked to you, I-“
You caught his top lip between yours, an over too quick kiss, but then you were speaking into the corner of his mouth, against his jaw.
“I love you too.”
Steve’s forehead knocked yours, your hips wiggled, making his dick twitch as you stared into each other’s eyes.
“Ready, Mrs. Harrington?”
The tip of your nose brushed his as your laugh bubbled out of you, voice all sarcastic and fond, “Ready? I’ve been ready, Steve. You’re the one taking his tim-ohmygod.”
Steve’s smug smirk twitched in front of you as he thrust into you while fake grumbling, “Me? How about you miss I’m gonna wait over a year to say I love-fuckyoufeelsogood…”
He rolled his hips, only getting deeper, and your thighs tightened on the outside of his, head thrown back against the mirror from the feeling of him inside you, which he followed. His lips skated over your cheek, your jaw, as he slowly pulled out of you and thrust back in.
Your mouth fell open with each drag against your walls that cling to him, that want him to stay there. A noise catches in the back of your throat every time he pushes into you, each time only harder and deeper as he babbled.
“Sorry, I wanted,” he grunted, mouth finding yours only to kiss you once and keep talking, “The first time I have sex with my wife to last, to linger, to-“
Your mouth captured his in a kiss this time, tugging on his bottom lip and gasping into his open mouth when he thrust faster, shallower, your name a begged breath between the two of you.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to wait anymore,” you whimpered, your dress left your fingers so you could grip the back of his head, card your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and tug, “To finally have sex with my husband.”
Steve moaned at the word husband, twitching inside of you, which made you grin at the way his hips stuttered, at the way his bottom lip pulled between his teeth.
“Yeah?” You gripped at the back of his head a little harder, knowing what each other liked now. He frantically pushed under the fallen dress to find your clit again with ease, trying to get the upper hand once more as you asked, “You like me calling you my husband, Steve?”
Your mouth brushed the apple of his cheek, it kissed his temple as he fell forward, thrusting faster and making quick figure eights against your nerves, gasping at your teasing.
“Wanna tell everyone I’m your wife? Tell ‘em I’m a Harrington?” Your stomach clenched at the thought too, at the pace which Steve slammed into you even harder, hips meeting in a filthy grind as your head knocked against the mirror. The thumps mingling with the sound of how you were coating him, all a little louder in the bathroom and only making you both a little more turned on.
His forehead pressed to yours as he nodded, lips of parted mouths catching every time he thrust. He moaned, he begged, “Yeah, yeah. Wanna tell them. Wanna…want…pregnant. Mine.”
Your back arched, hand searching until it found his, lacing your fingers together. His others grew sloppy against your clit, slipping over it as you nodded. Chest aching from his admission, from the way you sort of wanted it too, how it didn’t scare you as much anymore, not when it was him.
“Ye-yeah, fuck, honey, I can’t-“ Steve kissed you. Passionate and breath stealing as he held your lips to his like he’d wanted to all day. Your clasped hands hit the counter, the click of your rings together made you whine into his lips when they parted. You let him go, his name loud in the bathroom, echoing against tile and sure to be heard even on the moon as his hips stuttered when you clenched around him. Your stomach burned and your eyes blinked rapidly, sure you weren’t on the planet anymore from the amount of stars you could see as his warmth spilled into you.
It takes a second for you both to come back down to earth, for Steve to laugh, for you to press your hands to your cheeks as you looked down at the mess you’d made of yourselves.
Steve kissed at sweat kissed skin, tenderly cleaning you up as you joked with each other, sleepy eyelids and content smiles. Slow kisses that left you both sighing in between lingering touches that weren’t out of necessity, but just because you wanted to be touching.
Completely in love.
He helped you off of the counter and winced at the way your dress fell down all crinkled and obviously mussed. You shrugged before running a hand though his hair, messing it up even more than you already had, then you untied his tie and let it hang from around his neck saying something about it only being fair.
He grabbed your hand, fingers curled into yours as he kissed your knuckles and led you out of the bathroom.
Robin was the first to slow clap.
Your nose pressed to his shoulder, a groaned god dammit on your lips against his suit jacket.
Then Rocketman was blasted on the speakers, a loud “Annnnnnnd Buckley owes me one hundred dollars!” comes from Eddie at the bar, earning a smack to his chest from his girlfriend, which was nice, until she said “I get fifty of that and you know it.”
And it’s all fine, Steve doesn’t really care, because most of the guests are gone and you’re laughing and heading over to grab pie, flicking Eddie’s ear as you went.
Robin slid up next to Steve, shaking her head. “Wow. I really had faith in you Harrington. A bathroom? On your wedding night? I know you two are animals, but you couldn’t wait to have your wife in, oh, I don’t know, a private bedroom?”
Steve only smiled at the way Nancy handed you a water as you caught peach filling from your lip, while you played with the little ‘S’ dangling between your collarbones with your left hand, the large blue sapphire stone sparkling next to glittering diamonds in the light.
His wife.
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For those of you who don't know, Leather and Lace was an Eddie series I started when I first started writing for the fandom. I only posted two chapters, and I just fell out of writing it. It was something I was holding close to me, and I wanted to really tell it right. I've been poking at it a lot lately, and the story has changed so much, and I'd love to share it again soon. But for now, have a little blurb from it tomorrow, and I'd really love to hear what you think. This Eddie is a childhood best friend, an enemy, a stranger, and hopefully, one day, a lover. Okay, anyways, happy voting!
*voting will close at 10am CST tomorrow, 10/3
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225 notes · View notes
noosayog · 2 days
gravitate ft. miya atsumu
wc: 2.2k part 2 of 2
part 1
contents/warnings: fwb dynamic, a lil bit of jealousyyy <3, angst to fluff, suggestive but sfw, she/her! reader, referred to as girlfriend, wife, reader has minor social anxiety
Atsumu thinks he did the right thing. 
It’s the truth after all, that even if he got a committed partner now, he wouldn’t be able to give them the time and attention they deserve. 
It’s the responsible thing to do. 
Never mind the fact that he’s fallen absolutely head over heels for you. It’s okay, though, because you had always seemed so on board with casual. At the end of the day, he’d only be hurting himself by getting more involved with you; you were the better one at drawing boundaries and saying goodbye.
Yet, after that night, he’s never been more grateful for a lull in the season, a brief break before the games begin again. He could dedicate time to practicing and conditioning and more importantly, no games meant no afterparties for him to give himself the wrong idea.
The idea that you might also have feelings for him. 
It’s wishful thinking right? He’s reading into the fact that you asked if he could wear his jersey right? Logically, he couldn’t stop you from wearing it, so why did you ask? Some roundabout way of asking if that would give all your friends the wrong idea? Of course it would. They would never miss out on a chance to clown him. 
All to say, the break in the season gives him some time away from you.
It’s all completely ironic though because all it does is gives him nothing but more time to think about you. The longer his runs are, the more time his brain has to drift to thoughts of you. At the gym, every rest interval between sets is spent remembering your smell, taste, sounds. And rest days, rest days were the worst. 
The time passes excruciatingly slowly and quickly at the same time until the season picks up and your unsaid meeting time comes around again. 
A part of him had expected that you might not show up to the after-game party after what had gone down between the two of you. 
That’s if you even see what happened as note-worthy. 
So when you show up, laughing it up and enjoying yourself like nothing happened, he’s convinced that he did indeed make the right decision. This is and always has been casual to you, like what was agreed upon. It’s like a stab in the chest, but a foolish part of him thinks that means maybe the two of you will casually be drawn together at some point tonight and he’d be able to take you home and get the small piece of you he sees as his. 
But, damn, he had missed you. He can’t help the way his eyes drift to you every 5 minutes to see when he’ll finally be able to catch you alone. 
Typically, it wouldn’t take long, since he knows you tend to run low on social battery within a couple minutes of mingling. But tonight, you’re like a different person, talking and drinking all night. Every time he looks over at you, you’re a part of some circle of friends laughing like you’ve been friends forever. 
As the night drags on, Atsumu gets antsy, glancing over every other minute. He finally catches you when you break away from your group. 
“Hey,” he says, hoping he sounds significantly less – just less – than how he actually feels. “I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to you all night, miss Popular.” 
You raise a brow at him. 
“I haven’t seen you talk to this many people ever,” he jokes. 
You give him a weak smile at that. “So you think catching me during my one and only break is gonna win you any favors?” 
He relaxes a bit at the quip. “My company should count as a break.” 
You laugh and he grins back. At long last, the sound he’d been wanting to hear all night. Not aimed at some stranger, not the forced robotic sounds he knows you offer out of politeness. He’s about to throw his arm around you and lead you to someplace quiet when you seem to catch the eye of someone you know. You wave them over and he suppresses a groan. 
How many more minutes until he can have you to himself? 
A girl he dimly recognizes from some other gatherings wanders over to the two of you and Atsumu’s eyes narrow a fraction when you take half a step back to let her get closer to him. 
“Atsumu, this is Yukie. Yuki, this is Atsumu.” 
“Hi! Nice to meet you!” She comes in for a hug and almost instinctively, Atsumu shifts his body to turn it into a side hug. He pats once at her shoulder before pulling away but she keeps her hold around his side for one second too long to be friendly. 
“Well then,” he hears you say. His gaze whips to you, like knows what you’re about to do and can’t believe you’re doing it. “I’ll leave you kids to talk alone. I need to take a bathroom break. Don’t have too much fun!” 
Don’t have too much fun? He mocks you in his mind. Could you make it any more obvious? 
Atsumu pries the hand from his side off, intent on chasing you but Yukie steps in his path, starting to chat up a storm, leaving Atsumu frustrated but trying not to be rude. Something akin to rage starts to fill up in his gut, clouding his brain with impatience to end this conversation already and find you to figure out the what fuck your intentions are here.
He finally got one moment, just one moment alone with you after weeks of nothing and you just pass it off to someone else like you don’t give a damn. 
It takes several reassurances that he’d be seeing her again at other mutual friends’ gatherings to break away, and he immediately weaves through the crowd to find you. Fuck subtlety and whatever cat-and-mouse bullshit the two of you used to play.
He half expects you to have gone home; he could feel the social exhaustion oozing out of you in waves even in the couple of minutes he did manage to get with you. So imagine Atsumu’s surprise when he does indeed find you still present, chatting up Tobio-kun of all people. Sure, being high school friends with Shoyo-kun means you had the same relationship with Tobio, but why the fuck do you have a hand on his shoulder, doubling over with laughter as if listening to Tobio’s jokes made your whole night of small talk worth it. 
The red hot feeling bubbles over, and before he knows what he’s doing, he stomps over to rip your arm off Tobio’s shoulder. 
“What? You just pawn me off to some other girl so you can go off and find someone else for tonight?” 
Tobio, bless his heart, with all his social ineptitude picks up the cues and makes himself scarce. 
You shake Atsumu’s searing grip from your wrist and put some space between you two, but he’s not having it. He steps even closer, backing you up until you hit the wall. Suddenly, the hallway seems too empty, too quiet. Atsumu doesn’t hear anything over the roaring in his ears anyway. 
You only look at him for a moment before closing your eyes and turning away. “What are you talking about, Atsumu? It's not that seri-” 
“It is and you fuckin’ know it.” 
“Atsumu, I don’t think this is the place to talk about this– ” 
“So come over to mine. Let’s talk.” 
“Please,” he’s damn near begging, one degree from being on his knees.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” 
He grabs your chin and forces you to look right into his eyes. “And why not? I think we both know something happened tonight that we need to talk about.” 
“Tonight?” you echo. You slap his hands away and shove at his chest, forcing him half a step back. “Something happened last time too and you didn’t seem to wanna talk about it then. Well, now it’s my turn to tell you. Nothing happened tonight, so there’s nothing to talk about.” 
His chest aches, so much so that he can’t get any words out as he processes what you’ve just said. So he didn’t do the right thing after all. 
The aching intensifies hearing you refer to whatever went down tonight between you two as “nothing.” 
He takes a deep, heavy inhale before eking out, “don’t say that, baby. I’m sorry. Can we please talk about this?” 
“I don’t want to. In fact, Atsumu, I don’t think we should-” see each other anymore. 
“No,” he cuts you off. “Whatever it is you’re about to say, my answer is no and that’s final.” 
“And what I want doesn’t matter?”
“It does! But I won't allow you to make that decision for us until we talk properly.” 
“I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want to see you anymore.” 
What should he say? What can he say? He’s running out of words to convince you and you’re not budging. It’s pure panic that arises in his throat when he watches you desperately try to pry his fingers off your wrist. 
He grips tighter. He has a feeling that if he gives up now, it would be that easy for you to venture beyond his reach. You’d never come to another one of these gatherings. Maybe he’d get a glimpse of you at a game against Tobio, you wearing an Adlers jersey with a #20 printed in the back and fuck- 
That’s such a terrible image, he almost feels like physically doubling over to soothe the stabbing jealousy in his chest. 
“I love you,” he utters out. 
His forehead comes down to rest on yours, pouring out his entire being into those three words again. “I love you.” 
“Atsumu! That is not casual!” you whisper urgently. 
He can’t help but laugh. It’s a mixture of relief that the confession has finally freed itself from the confines of his ribcage and at your alarmed but adorably frank comment. 
“No,” he agrees. “It’s not.” 
“So then… why did you… that night…” 
“That night, I was an idiot that didn’t realize how much I felt for you. I took for granted that I’d always be able to see you again like this and have you like I always have. But I don’t wanna live on hope or ‘next time’ anymore. I wanna know that I can and when I will see you again.” 
Foreheads still pressed against another, he leaves you with nowhere to run. You close your eyes. He does too. 
“So will you please come home with me so we can figure this out together?” 
Much like that very first night at the bar, you waver between going back out to the party or staying with him. He sees the indecision in your eyes and for those few moments, he walks on a tightrope and you hold the scissors. 
“Okay,” you whisper, so quiet it barely makes a sound. 
“Missed you so damn much.” 
“Atsumu, wait-” 
It’s immediate when his door swings open. Suddenly, you’re pressed against the wall and the door slams shut. Atsumu pushes closer one leg forcefully opening yours up and picking you up by the thighs. With nowhere to run, you wrap your legs around his waist and open up for Atumu to deepen the kiss. 
“Thought we were gonna talk,” he hears you say between breaths. 
“Later,” he rasps, kissing you harder and starting to rock his hips against you. “Missed you so fuckin’ much.” 
“Me too,” you admit quietly and that’s all you get to say before you succumb to his desperation. 
“You know,” you say, much later that night as you rest your cheek on his chest. “You still owe me an explanation. Just ‘cause we slept together doesn’t mean I totally forgive you.” 
Atsumu considers making a quip about how you being here with him, drawing indiscernible patterns on his torso with your finger, wearing his clothes, sleeping in his bed, smelling like him is making it look pretty good for him, but he figures he flew way to close to the sun for today. 
“I know. And I promise we’ll talk more. No more dinin’ and dashin’ in the mornin’, yeah?” 
You consider this for a moment, before propping both arms on his chest and resting your head on your fists thoughtfully. 
He thinks it's the cutest thing he’s ever seen. 
“Just so I don’t misunderstand anything again-”
“You’re not misunderstanding anything, I promise.”
“I know, but I have to hear it.” 
“Will you be my wife?” 
“Okay, okay sorry. We’ll do that later then. Can we start with girlfriend?” 
“Hmm… I’ll need to think about it. Not sure how I feel about a guy who goes straight to home plate before he even takes me out to dinner.” 
“Y’know what, now that you mention it, I don’t know how I feel about a girl who goes home with a guy she just met-” 
“Shut up.” you snort and something’s definitely not right because every sound you make is the most adorable thing. He swears he’s got hearts in his eyes.
“And ‘Tsumu?” 
Lovestruck, he croons, “yeah, darlin’?” 
“I’d love to be your fiance.” 
“That’s my girl.”
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bucky barnes x fem reader
words: 3.8k
warnings & tags: **18+ ONLY** friends/roommates to lovers oh my god they were roommates, smoking weed, brief mutual masturbation, frottage (i think that's the right word idfk i'm all out of practice), p in v sex, unprotected sex (don’t do that), reader has nipple piercings bc i said so, slight pain kink? mayhaps? ok pls let me know if i’ve missed anything!
a/n: i made this fic my bitch tonight. this is absolutely not proofread or beta'd, you're just gonna have to take it for what it is, sorry not sorry. anyway, it’s been too long since i wrote for this beefy man :’) i really hope you like it. this was originally very loosely inspired by a scene in what’s your number? but it quickly gained a mind of its own to become what it is now, so. there ya go. title is from the song of the same name by V of bts thank you very much. any and all mistakes are my own. feedback is greatly appreciated and heavily encouraged!!! xoxo
bucky barnes masterlist || main masterlist
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Bucky’s introduction to weed was something you’d been supremely proud of.
When the two of you became roommates, you both had been kind of quiet and kept to yourselves at first, which isn’t too unusual, but you noticed that Bucky almost always had a frown etched into his handsome face. A frown that only ever softened after a night out with his friends and, you assumed, a decent hook-up. It never took long for that frown to reappear, though.
You didn’t know what could have been so stressful for him, but you knew he needed a way to relax, and not just for himself, either. The sight of him glumly moving around the apartment—honestly, you’ve never seen someone make fixing a bowl of cereal look so fucking sad—was beginning to weigh on your own nerves.
So, naturally, you thought of asking him if he’s ever tried weed. Somehow, his frown had deepened at that question. He said no, shocking absolutely no one, and then you asked if he wanted to try it. Admittedly, he was a little hesitant at first, but he eventually agreed.
The way his body, all two hundred and whatever pounds of muscle and angst, sank into the recliner like a ragdoll when the high really hit him made you grin. Though, to be fair, you were already smiling, what with you also being high. It was the first time you saw a real, genuine smile from Bucky, and you were immensely pleased to have given him a way to decompress from whatever kept him so tense all the time.
It became a sort of thing for you two. Saturday nights were for getting high, binge-watching Love Island (UK, because you both have class, thank you very much) and raiding the pantry for all the good snacks when the munchies hit. You’d never tell anyone, but those nights quickly became something you looked forward to every week, something you could cling to when your own life got a little difficult. Who knew smoking weed—and on a few special occasions, doing edibles—with your roommate would make a friendship blossom so prettily?
After how late Bucky got in last night, you knew he’d be sleeping in and would more than likely have a hangover. So, for this particular Saturday morning, you get up and quietly start gathering your laundry while Bucky snores loudly into his pillow from his bedroom. You were getting behind on it anyway, down to your last pair of clean shorts.
Before you put them on, though, you purse your lips in thought, staring at your pile of dirty clothes. You didn’t want to put on clean shorts with the panties and shirt you slept in last night. It would be smarter to wash them with the rest of your clothes, right? But that would leave you topless, which, you wouldn’t exactly be opposed to it, but you’re not sure Bucky would appreciate waking up to you walking around with your tits out. Or maybe he would? Whatever, it doesn’t matter.
You shake your head to clear your thoughts and then remember that Bucky did his laundry yesterday, and knowing him, he probably left at least some of his clean clothes in the dryer. Surely he wouldn’t mind you borrowing a shirt.
With that plan in mind, you dump your clothes into your laundry basket and make your way down the hall to the doors where your washing and drying units are (a major selling point of the apartment, if you’re honest). Just like you thought, Bucky’s left a load in the dryer, and even some of his button-downs are hung up on the drying rack. You quickly pull your t-shirt off, shivering against the cool air, and reach for one of the hangers, slipping his shirt off of it and onto yourself. For a dress shirt, it’s actually quite comfortable, obviously one of the shirts he wears more often with how soft and a little worn the fabric is. You shimmy your panties down your legs and add them to your pile, grabbing your clean shorts and tugging them on, too.
You make quick work of starting your first load of clothes, closing the doors to muffle the sound of the washer, and head back to your room to do your morning routine. By the time you’re done and have also cooked yourself breakfast, Bucky is staggering down the hall and into the kitchen, hair a tangled nest atop his head and eyes bleary.
“Good morning, sunshine,” you greet with a teasing smile.
He flips you off and beelines for the coffee machine, pouring himself a cup and not speaking a word until he’s downed at least half of it. Part of you is concerned for his esophagus, but you’ve long since come to the conclusion that Bucky’s probably got a thing for pain—both physically and emotionally.
“Remind me to tell Sam he isn’t allowed to bring Natasha on our nights out anymore,” he grumbles, voice rough from both sleep and a long night of drinking. “I’ve never taken so many shots of vodka in my life.”
You hum. “Sounds like my kind of woman, actually.” He cuts his eyes at you, silently judging while taking another sip of his coffee. “Want me to fry up some bacon and eggs for you?” You almost laugh at the way his expression immediately switches to pleading.
The rest of the morning is spent finishing your laundry and putting it all away, even gathering up Bucky’s clothes that he’d left and dumping them on his bed. You’ll leave the folding to him, though; your generosity only extends so far, after all.
Lunch rolls around and you both decide to order takeout from the burger place down the street, Bucky shushing you when you keep insistently whispering for him to order extra truffle fries (which he does order, after you’ve sworn pain of death if he doesn’t) and once it arrives, the two of you settle around the coffee table in the living room, putting on a random movie to watch while you eat.
And of course, when the sun begins to lower on the horizon, you start pulling out your stash and getting everything ready. Bucky’s already got the windows open in the living room to let the smell air out as you smoke, and he also has Love Island queued up and ready to go.
While you smoke the first joint, you make the conscious decision to bake a small batch of brownies for later. Bucky sits on the counter beside you, passing the joint back and forth as he quietly watches you work. Wordlessly, you hand over the bowl and spoon to him after you’ve poured the batter into the awaiting pan. No matter how many times you’ve tried to warn him about salmonella he always insists on licking them clean.
Sometimes, in these moments, you forget how surly he used to be with you. Not that he was ever rude or anything, but he never would have pouted about not being able to eat raw brownie batter before you helped him break down some of those walls of his.
“He’s such a dick,” Bucky mumbles a while later, face impassive and tone bland as he refers to one of the islanders of the show, slouching so deeply into the couch he’s practically become one with it.
The high from the first joint is finally kicking in fully, doing its job of releasing every ounce of tension from your bodies. It’s also making your mouth dry and tummy rumble for snacks. Thank god you made those brownies and Bucky unearthed some candy from past movie nights and lots of chips out of the pantry cabinets.
You hum at his comment. “Most men are.”
Bucky turns his head in your direction with an affronted expression that has you snickering. He goes to reply, giving you the sassiest once-over you’ve ever seen, but his eyes doubletake on your torso and he pauses. He stares for a moment.
“That’s my shirt,” he states.
You look down at the shirt in question, of which you’ve worn all day long and somehow he’s only just now noticing.
“Wow, you’re like Sherlock Holmes or something,” you drawl.
Bucky stares some more, and then, “Why are you wearing my shirt?”
“Because I had laundry to do and I needed something to wear while all my stuff was washing,” you say in a “duh” tone.
“But…” He frowns. “It’s my favorite.”
You snort inelegantly. “Bucky, you literally have, like, at least four other white dress shirts.”
“So? What, I can’t have a favorite one just because I have more of the same color?”
“Christ,” you say on an exasperated exhale. “I’ll give it back before bed, okay? I don’t wanna move right now. I’m scared I’ll bump into stuff again.”
Bucky huffs a laugh at that, which turns into a full-blown giggle fit that is contagious. Soon after your shared laughter dies down, the conversation moves back to the illicit love triangles among the islanders. You trash talk the couple that Bucky likes, just to see him get riled up and rant about how they’re the most real couple of the season and everyone else is just jealous. He gets red in the face and pouty when you remind him that this is a heavily produced show about pretty people getting a chance to get famous for being pretty people by hooking up with each other and playing stupid games that mean nothing in the grand scheme of it all. Really, it’s quite cute.
To placate him, though, you get a second joint rolled and let him take the first hit.
Turns out this second one hits you rather harder than normal. It feels like your head is a balloon and your neck is the string tethering it to the rest of your body. Everything feels much more sluggish compared to all the other times you’ve gotten high with Bucky. Somewhere in the depths of your hazy brain you remember that you’d gotten a different brand this time around; perhaps that’s why.
On the tv, the islanders are getting ready for bed, and once the lights go out in their room, some of the couples engage in some serious heavy petting, lifting their comforters for a semblance of privacy. The sounds start next, sighs and low moans, and it all begins to settle into your subconscious. Between one lazy blink and the next, you realize you’re… actually kind of horny. It’s not enough for you to really pay attention to it, not at first, just a little sprinkle of it, a tiny twist in your core that briefly has you pressing your thighs together then relaxing again.
But then the arousal builds up inside you so slowly and easily that you don’t even realize your hand has apparently grown a mind of its own and found its way down your shorts. You inhale sharply at the touch of your fingers against your clit, lashes fluttering as the sensation registers. The sound gains Bucky’s attention from where he's been lounging on the opposite end of the couch with his head tipped back and eyes closed.
They’re not closed anymore. Out of your peripheral, you see his head shift in your direction, feeling the weight of his stare like a physical thing. Your mind is both connected and disconnected from your actions, half-aware that this is probably not the smartest thing to be doing, that you’re absolutely crossing a major boundary. Touching yourself in this way in front of your roommate, your friend, is so not normal.
Yet, for some idiotic reason, you leave your hand down your shorts, continuing to lightly pet at your clit, neediness rising steadily. Even though you know he’s watching—and suspiciously quiet—you can’t help but let your fingers slither down to where you’re beginning to drip to gather some of your slick and bring it back to your clit and swirling your fingers at a sedate pace, sighing as your nipples tighten underneath your shirt.
Bucky is as still as a statue, gaze honed in on the movement of your hand, on how your thighs ease open more and more the longer you play with your pussy.
It takes very little time for your eyes to wander over to the man just a couple feet away, and to then notice and fixate on the growing bulge in Bucky’s sweatpants. The weight of his stare is almost a physical thing and you swallow roughly as you think about what he might look like, if he’s at all how you’ve secretly imagined when you’re alone in your bedroom, in much the same position as you are in now.
His hands creep towards his thighs and smooth down the expanse of them and back up, slowly, over and over, like he’s teasing himself. Like he’s teasing you. Your fingers don’t stop as you lift your other hand to tweak and pinch at your nipples through well-worn cotton, a tiny noise slipping past your dry lips.
Bucky pulls the hem of his shirt up, exposing part of his toned stomach and only hesitates for a split second before he lowers the waistband of his pants, pulling his cock out and matching the pace of his strokes with the pace of your fingers. The head of his cock is pink and precum makes it shine under the low light of the lamps in the living room.
You bite your lip as your arousal increases from the sight alone, and you decide to follow his lead, just a bit. You whine from the loss of stimulation when you remove your hand to shimmy your shorts down and off your legs, letting them fall to the floor carelessly. And now, Bucky has an unrestrained view of your glistening cunt as you sink two of your fingers inside yourself and use your other fingers to rub all around your clit. It has you gasping, eyelids threatening to close through the pleasure that sparkles throughout every vein in your body.
It’s good. Amazing, even. And it’s only making you want more. Bucky, it seems, feels much the same.
“C’mere,” he rasps, tone leaving no room for arguing, never mind that you wouldn’t have argued anyway.
You sit up on the couch, knee-walking over to where he’s still in his slumped position, never pulling your hand away from your clit because it feels like you’d cry if you did. Bucky curses under his breath and lets go of his cock to firmly grab you by the hips and tug you onto his lap. Your pussy ends up aligned perfectly with his cock, and you both shudder as you begin gliding back and forth across it, small movements that only increase the suspense of what likely comes next. He meets your eyes, red and glazed over from both the high and the toe-curling feeling of his cock along your wet center.
The kiss, when it happens, tastes like weed and the peanut M&M’s you both were snacking on just a little while ago. Bucky's tongue licks into your mouth like he can’t get enough, nips at your bottom lip to hear you whimper, gets a fistful of your hair and pulls and guides you until you’re pliant for him.
He knocks your hand away from your clit, but before you can complain about it he’s nudging the head of his cock against your entrance and you’re gasping all over again, grinding sloppily as you try to get him inside you. He finally sinks the head in and you allow gravity to aid you in taking the rest of him, moaning brokenly and high pitched at the stretch of him inside you. Bucky groans deep in his chest, hands clutching your waist like a lifeline as you slowly circle your hips, getting used to the feeling.
You stay like that for a few minutes, your breath and Bucky’s mixing hotly between you, and then you finally start fucking yourself on his cock. He grunts when you clench around him on the downstroke. You decide you like the sound, and you really wanna hear it again, so you repeat the action, moaning when the grunt is accompanied by a curse and his fingernails biting into your skin.
It takes what feels like ages for you to realize your thighs and knees ache from riding him, the weed making everything feel like it’s floating, including yourself, but Bucky sees the furrow in your brows and the shaking strain of your legs, and in the next second, he’s got you both moved from the couch to the floor. Time ticks on glacially slow like molasses as you stare up at him whipping his shirt off from where you’re sprawled on the carpet, your limbs shifting lethargically when he spreads your legs to better fit himself between them.
He fucks you hard, but not fast. you’re both much too high for anything fast, yet it still feels like your heart is going to pulse out of your chest, rabbiting away like you’ve run a marathon. Bucky buries his face in your neck, mouthing at your skin while he thrusts almost lazily.
Suddenly, his large hands encapsulate your hips, fingers pressing into the fleshiest parts of them as he sits up, getting his knees under him so he can rest on his haunches. He keeps your ass in his lap and your legs spread on either side of his waist. It makes your back arch and hips tilt up into a position that has you shuddering and sobbing when he begins to grind his thick cock deeper into you.
“I could stay buried in you for hours,” he mutters.
He reaches for the throw pillows on the couch and puts them under your hips, and then he fucks into you so hard it steals the breath right from your lungs, your mouth hanging open on a silent cry. His thrusts are sharper now, angled to perfection and making your toes curl so hard you fear them cramping and body jolt when he glides all the way back in. You gasp when Bucky rips open your shirt (his shirt, your mind helpfully supplies) and sends the buttons scattering across the floor. Those will be a bitch to find and clean up, but that’s a problem for much later.
“Fuck,” he grunts when he sees the piercings glinting in your nipples. “I fucking knew it,” he continues, squeezing each of your breasts in his hands and pinching your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, making you gasp again, pushing up into the sensation.
“Knew—“ You cut off with a whine when he pinches harder. “Knew what?”
“You walk around here wearing those goddamn cropped tank tops as tight as possible with no bra. Thought I was going crazy when I saw what looked like piercings underneath them,” he confesses as his hands travel back down to grip your waist, never losing his rhythm while he pulls you down to meet his thrusts.
At the sight of your tits bouncing with the movement of his hips, he groans, gravelly, his top lip curling as he grits his teeth and squeezes your hips so hard it hurts, and it only adds to your pleasure. With the way your skin is tingling, your pussy fluttering around him nonstop, you’re not sure if it’s because Bucky is fucking you that well or if it’s the weed. It’s probably both, and you have a split second thought that you’ll just have to test that theory once the high wears off.
It’s almost ironic, you think, how wet and messy your cunt is compared to how dry your mouth feels. It probably doesn’t help that your jaw seems to be permanently slack as you’re unable to stop your gasping inhales, only to exhale sounds you might be embarrassed about if you were clear-headed. Alas, your mind is a lot more focused on the way Bucky is splitting you open and carving a space inside you all for himself.
“So much better,” you whisper absently, fingers clawing at the carpet beneath you.
“Better than what?” he wonders, shifting to grip under your knees and push them up, changing the angle.
You cry out sharply, writhing uselessly in his hold. “My imagination,” you whimper.
Through bleary, tear filled eyes, you glance up at him just in time to see his lips pull into a boyish smirk.
“Mine too,” he confesses and sends you reeling.
You whine and reach down quickly to rub your throbbing clit, your whole body jerking as your pleasure mounts higher and higher. Bucky moans as he watches, stare trained on where you’re joined. His speed does pick up then, the slightest bit, a shudder wracking his frame as you clench down on him, head tipping back and exposing the long expanse of his throat for a brief moment before he suddenly leans over you, letting your legs fall into the cradle of his elbows.
“Won’t you be good for me and cum?” he asks, breathless, hips never letting up.
You open your mouth to reply but all that comes out is a strangled cry of his name, your fingers keeping their pace as your climax swells until it overflows, bursting like a firework and pleasure like you’ve never felt before sparks through every vein, muscle, and bone within you. Bucky curses in such a way it would make a sailor blush as you pulse around him. The sounds of your orgasm and his thrusts meeting your hips are the filthiest things you’ve ever heard, and it doesn’t stop for several moments, dragging on and on. It leaves you trembling and shaking and trying futilely to gather air in your lungs as he refuses to let up.
With great resolve, you bring your wet fingers away from your sensitive clit and up to his panting mouth. He groans at your taste, licking and sucking on your fingers as he chases his own release.
“Please,” you whisper, tears finally escaping your lashes and trailing down the sides of your face, and that seems to be his undoing.
Bucky moans, something high and broken, fucking into you rough enough that you’re worried about carpet burn. But then he pauses, gasping as he finally lets go and rides out his high.
Your hand slips from his mouth and falls to the floor like a deadweight. The only noise in the room now is the both your and Bucky’s harsh breathing and the television still playing that stupid fucking show. Bucky doesn’t move right away, of which you’re very thankful, because you’re not ready to feel the emptiness you know is coming, and it feels nice in a weird way to have him buried in you.
“Fuck,” he exhales, breaking the relative silence.
It makes you giggle, a small thing that turns into something uncontrollable, and when you manage to look at Bucky, he’s grinning in a dopey way that sets you off even more.
This is definitely something the two of you will have to talk about when you’re both sober, but like the buttons, that can be handled later. Although, something tells you it’ll all turn out just fine.
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wolverigrl · 3 days
Trying to have a romantic night at home with Hugh but the kids and then Ryan who rings him keep runing the mood
Romance and Unicorn Plushies
Hugh Jackman x f!reader
A/N: Thank you for this idea, and I hope y'all like it! xx
Warnings: fluff
Tonight was supposed to be our night. Hugh had finally finished his work, the kids were tucked in, and we were going to have that long-overdue, romantic evening we'd been craving for weeks.
I could already picture it - just the two of us, no interruptions, candlelight, soft music, and then maybe... well, more.
He was in the kitchen finishing up Dinner, and I couldn't take my eyes off him. The way he moved, so effortlessly casual, like he wasn't even aware of how ridiculously attractive he was.
His forearms flexed as he stirred the sauce, and I found my mind drifting to much less innocent thoughts.
"Careful." Hugh teased without even turning around, his voice a low mumble.
"If you keep looking at me ike that, dinner's going to end up burned."
I leaned back against the counter, niting my lip as I gave him a slow once-over.
"Maybe I like my food with a bit of heat."
He turned then, giving me thas boyish grin that always made my heart race.
"Is that so?" He walked over, eyes never leaving mine as he placed his hands on either side of me, caging me in against the counter.
"I can think of a few ways to turn up the heat."
His breath was warm against my neck, sending a shiver down my spine as he leaned in, just close enough for his lips to brush against my ear. The nearness of him, the smell of him, was making it hard to focus on anything other than how padly I wanted him to close the small gap between us.
"Like what?" I asked, my voice teasing as I tilted my head, giving him more access.
"Mmm.." he murmured, his lips grazing my skin in the softest, most frustrating way.
"I could show you.. but it's much more fun if I make you beg for it."
I let out a soft laugh, running a hand up his arm, feeling the muscles flex beneath my touch.
"Hugh Michael Jackman.. do you really think I'm going to beg?"
He smirked, that slow, dangerous smile that set my pulse racing.
"Oh, love, I know you will."
Before I could come up with a witty response, his lips captured mine, slow and deliberate, as if he had all the time in the world to drive me insane. His hands slid around my waist, pulling me closer until our bodies were pressed flush against each other. The heat between us was immediate, electric, and I was suddenly not hungry for anything other than him.
He pulled back just slightly, his lips still hovering over mine, teasing me with every breath.
"Pasta's almost ready.."
I groaned, tugging him back toward me.
"I don't care about pasta!"
His laughter rumbled through his chest as he kissed me again, deeper this time, his hands slipping beneath my shirt to trace lazy patterns on my skin. I could feel every inch of him, the tension building between us like a coiled spring ready to snap.
"Are you sure?" he murmured against my lips. "I've been slaving over a hot stove for you."
I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me as I pulled him even closer, our bodies flush.
"If you think pasta's more important than this right now, I'm gonna start questioning your priorities!"
"Fair point." he whispered with a grin and his hands wandering lower.
"But you haven't even tried it yet."
His lips trailed down my neck, and tilted my head back, completely giving in to the sensations he was pulling out of me. He knew exactly what he was doing, exactly how to get me to the point where I couldn't think about anything but him. And he was enjoying every second of it.
Just as his hands slipped a little lower, the sound of giggling echoed from upstairs.
We both froze.
"You've gotta be kidding me!" Hugh groaned, dropping his head to my shoulder.
"They swore they were going to sleep." I said, exasperated.
But the laughter continued, and there was no use pretending they'd settle down on their own.
Hugh reluctantly let go of me and straightening up.
"I'Il go check on them."
"I'll come with you." I said with a sigh, and we both headed upstairs.
Sure enough, Ava and Oscar were wide awake, tangled up in sheets and pillows, whispering about something and clearly not planning to sleep anytime soon.
"Guys, come on.." Hugh said, rubbing is forehead.
"You promised you'd be asleep by now."
"Sorry, Dad.." Ava said, looking guilty but still too amused to be fully remorseful.
Oscar just grinned, as if this was all part of his master plan.
"We couldn't sleep."
I couldn't help but smile despite myself.
They were adorable, but right now, I wanted nothing more than to be back downstairs with Hugh, picking up where we'd left off.
"Alright.." Hugh sighed, trying to keep the frustration out of his voice.
"But seriously, you need to go to bed. It's late."
"Can we have one more story? Pleeeease!" Ava asked, pulling out the big, puppy-dog eyes and Hugh, of course, melted immediately.
"One more." he agreed smiling. "But that's it! Then you sleep!"
I gave him a look, raising an eyebrow. He just shrugged sheepishly.
He managed to get them settled after one more short story, and by he time we made it back downstairs, I was ready to pick up exactly where we'd left off. Hugh, as if reading my mind, grabbed my hand, pulling me back into his arm: with that same fiery look in his eyes.
"Where were we?" he asked, his voice a low, seductive murmur. His iands slipped down my back, and I shivered under his touch.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer.
"I think you were about to make me forget my own name."
He chuckled softly, his breath warm against my neck.
"You make it very hard to keep track of time."
His lips brushed mine, and this time the kiss was deeper, more urgent. His hands slid under my shirt, fingertips grazing the skin of my waist, sending shivers through me. I pressed against him, feeling the solid warmth of his body, every muscle taut with restrained desire.
"Bedroom?" I breathed between kisses.
"Good idea." he muttered, lifting me slightly as we stumbled toward the stairs again without our lips parting.
Just as we reached the foot of the stairs, the doorbell rang.
We both stopped, frozen in place.
Hugh groaned loudly, resting his forehead against mine.
"This is some sort of cosmic joke!"
I couldn't help but laugh, even though I was equally annoyed.
"You should probably get that."
He ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated, but headed to the door. I leaned against the banister, trying to catch my breath and calm the frustration that was building as well.
We were so close.
Hugh opened the door, and there, standing in the doorway, was none other than Ryan.
"Ryan?" Hugh asked, exasperation clear in his voice. "It's almost ten o'clock at night!"
"Hey, mate!" Ryan grinned, strolling into the house like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"I just remembered my daughter left her unicorn plushy at your place."
Hugh blinked, still confused. "And you remembered that now?"
Ryan nodded solemnly.
"Yeah, she can't sleep without it, so I couldn't wait till morning."
Suddenly he leaned in, whispering just loud enough for us to hear.
"She has superhuman ears for the sound of her teddy bear being touched by anyone but her!"
I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me, and when Hugh glanced back at me with amusement, I shrugged.
"Unicorn plushies are serious business!"
"Yeah, see! She gets it!" Ryan said, smiling brightly. "You're the real MVP here!"
Hugh stepped aside, letting Ryan in with a sigh. "It should be somewhere in the living room. Try to be quiet. The kids just went to sleep."
As Ryan tiptoed through the house with exaggerated care, I couldn't stop giggling.
Hugh's frustration was palpable, but there was something so absurd about the situation, it was impossible to stay mad. Ryan, of course, found the plushy within minutes, triumphantly holding it up as though he had found some priceless artifact.
"I found it!" he whispered, glancing around dramatically, as if afraid the sound of his voice alone might wake the kids.
"Great. Now, out." Hugh said, trying to hide a grin, but failing miserably. He leaned against the doorframe crossing his arms in a way that would've looked intimidating to anyone who wasn't Ryan Reynolds.
"Leaving, leaving!" Ryan said, mock-saluting. "Sorry for the intrusion. Looks like you two were busy."
Hugh groaned playfully as Ryan winked at me before strolling out the door, whistling to himself like nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
Hugh closed the door behind him and turned to me, his face a mix of exhaustion and amusement.
"Why do I put up with him?"
"Because he's your best friend!" I teased, still laughing.
Hugh sighed, running a hand through his hair before walking back over to me, pulling me back into his arms.
"Now, if there are no more interruptions.
Where were we?" I asked, letting my hands wander across his chest feeling the tension still simmering between us.
"I think I was about to make you beg." he murmured, his voice low and teasing, lips brushing against mine.
"And what makes you think I'm going to beg?" I challenged, wrapping my arms around his neck.
His smile widened, a wicked glint in his eyes.
"Oh, love, I'll have you begging before the night's over."
Tags: @angelofthorr @haytchee
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kalims · 9 hours
⋆ too drunk to recognize your boyfriend
feat. third years of diasomnia
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"I.. have a boyfriend,"
to an extent. the guarded, suspicious look on your face would have concerned malleus to no belief, to others. he wouldn't have bat an eye whatsoever, but it's you so the feeling crawls up his spine and clouds his heat. he can't help the slight nudge of offense clouding his face cause you definitely shouldn't have any reason to make such a face to his.
the more his arm reaches out towards you—to ground your swaying form perhaps, the more you seem to be inching away from him. which shouldn't make sense at all! "child of man?" he murmurs. dropping the attempt to console you, to which you squint at him. back pressed against the front door to his dorm.
"who are you?!" you point at him, and he blinks. mortification spreads in his head. you've.. accumulated amnesia?!
malleus' fingers clench around the fabric on his chest, just after he had retracted the outstretched limb in fear of frightening you even more. there's a certain stiffness to his hand that illicit a drop of sweat from his forehead. him? he's your mal?
if he had the nerve to cry, he would.
but of course, you remain a priority. you exhibit unnatural behavior. no one just forgets important details in a day! you especially, won't forget about him! and he won't let you, ever.
you sway. your eyes darting around, and squinting like you're struggling to focus on one subject of your attention, a factor that might affect it is the fact you keep looking around instead on settling on something, preferably him. and, malleus is torn between steadying you, or him.
he chooses you.
despite your half hearted protest that audibly makes him sulk more, he twists the door to the dorm open and ushers you inside. not too much of a struggle, if anything, you seem lighter, and he almost actually hauled you around with minimal effort.
"must be a good night," a voice purrs, malleus doesn't have to glance at the source to know that it's lilia. years spent with the man does wonder with familiarity. it took him a couple of decades to get used to him. strangely enough he feels like he's known you longer, despite not.
the statement makes the taller male frown. lilia though, keeps the tiny smile, now tickled with a hint of amusement as the rubies shift from your blubbering form to malleus' face. oh? he's upset now. lilia muses. it's easy to ascertain his boy's move, like a sixth sense.
so lilia decides to probe further. "no? your face tells me otherwise."
malleus huffs a little. one of the habits he never seemed to grow out of ever since he learned to keep his... more draconic traits at bay. "you are less than accurate with your assumption," his eye twitches, either torn between distressed or irritation. despite the conflicting behavior, he still manages to treat you with a gentle hand while leading you towards the couch.
"it is a very terrible day." malleus continues. sad enough to complain, but fond of you enough to take the hint from your apparent cautious behavior towards him. lilia almost laughs when he spies him gloomy, sitting on the far end, away from you.
the lightning strikes just as the clouds roll in. lilia peers behind the curtains, chuckling a little at the weather.
well! he just hadn't seen malleus moping around this much since, what? when that gold trinket wouldn't fit in his tower anymore? "why so, my dear?" lilia coos, positively charmed by the 'adorable' disposition.
of course, he already knows. he'd heard your exchange moments ago.
lilia retains the easy look. "the child of man has forgotten about me," malleus explains. looking more stressed by the second. "whoever has done this, will pay." from a sad, faraway look to rage suddenly. "I beg of you, please return them." then switches back...?
he has half the mind to pretend like you're never gonna return normal but decides against it.
"of course!" lilia chirps. "they'll be well by tomorrow."
and, malleus looks like he had been holding the world by his shoulders seconds ago, a sigh of relief.
the next day, you're not sure why malleus is introducing himself in concerning detail. do you really need to know what color his assigned blanket was when he was given birth to...?
if anything, he's really the one who enabled your behavior.
"just one more." , "oh my, need another?" , "you look like you need it, come on now, don't be shy, you only live once~"
concerned, silver steadied you as you wobble on your feet. babbling about some nonsense under your breath which only illicits the boy to cast a disapproving glance at lilia (who only wears an amused smile).
"seems like they had quite the night." a cheery comment from the latter, and silver makes no move to resist when he moved closer with silent steps, then pries you to his side inside with a gentleness that would prove that he isn't.. actually the reason for your state, but not really.
lilia cooed, like he'd coddled them before. silver thinks but it is so distinct from the way he used to coax them into bed. "time for bed."
you peel your eyes open, squinting with a crease between your brows. you tug at your arm, of which doesn't really budge but lilia decides to humor the struggle so he lets go and raises his brows. "I'm not a kid!" you say, then turn your head to the side—like a kid.
oh, so adorable. lilia croons, swooning inside his head for a bit. how he'd like to simply hold you for hours end...
the romantic monolog of his daydreams though, is interrupted by you once more. ironic since you were the one he was just day dreaming about.
"oh, my. is that so? how lucky of me." he chooses to say instead.
silver sweatdrops. glancing between your hazy... anger maybe? it's not really anger in all honesty, just bordering. then to the lax demeanor his father exhibited. a glance would find normality in it, but he hasn't seen him pick on someone so...
he doesn't know the word for it, perhaps insisting on bothering a singular person as much as he can?
you gasp, snapping your head to silver. cause apparently you recognize him, but seemed scandalized by lilia's presence. "silver! protect me!"
amused, lilia watches you scurry back behind the boy.
"there's nothing to protect you from..."
"there's a man!"
"I'm a man too..."
"there's a bad man!"
your head peeks out from silver's confused frame, lilia's head follows the action. tilting to the side as you eye him hilariously warily. hmmm.. so very cute. "I'm an innocent, only wishing to steal my beloved." he replies, with a usual lightness. though the usual relaxation you had around him is replaced with irritation.
"you can't steal me away, my boyfriend and his children will strangle you."
lilia shares a look with silver. where did they get the idea of... such violence?
silver shrugs. not a clue, he seems to reply back, committed to just remaining a bystander even if he's technically in the middle.
"is that so?"
you nod vehemently, a more open vulnerability clear on your face than before. you point to lilia (well, technically you don't actually know its him! or maybe you're just playing with him?) squinting, accusing at all with him at the end of your pointer finger. the male only raises his brow, and flashes you a cheeky smile.
lilia contemplates playing with you. as in, replying 'why don't you guess?' because knowing you, even in this state you'd probably tell him: "how would I know?" then proceed to guess anyway.
you would have a cute expression, perhaps. but he isn't so cruel to the point where he would waste time—time you could be using to rest instead, preferably get sober, remember him when you wake up, and return to your lovey dovey self.
alright. maybe not lovey dovey on some days but he would definitely prefer that than you using his son as a shield against him, like the boy could actually hold him back.
well, it is technically his fault... but lilia had all the intentions to care for you if you ever got too drunk, he'd hold you up if you were too unsteady, guide you away from possible fiends, and make sure you recovered well the following morning.
but, this definitely didn't enter his area of expectations.
"yup!" you cry. "he might be short, but he can kick butt." for someone who's heard many arrogant words, he's never seen one who says one thing—a threat in your case, then you proceeded to cower behind the nonchalant silver.
you nudge silver.
silver blinks. "um... that's correct."
you glance back at lilia. as if to say I told you!
"so... he will kick my... butt?" lilia hums, indulging in using the world. goodness, good thing sebek is not here. that boy definitely would've kicked you out for endorsing such foul language.
he feigns a look of horror, to his amusement you seem to brighten.
simply adorable...
long story short. you seem to believe you've truly scared him off when he disappears.
concerned even more, silver watches you welcome lilia back with a dreamy sigh. like... you actually recognize him as your lilia, and not the guy you were just... threatening to bite the curb.
this is absurd... I should just rest... silver sighs.
lilia only beams at the showering affection.
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trulyy-yourzz · 2 days
Pleasee we need a fic where Billie gets jealous as shit and pounds the fuck out of us after we get back home with her
Oh yes. Your wish is my command 🤭
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Billie had won another award for the best song of the year. She was so talented, and you were so proud of her. She'd come so far.
After the award show, a close friend you both knew decided to throw an after-party. But unfortunately, when you and Billie walked in, you both met eyes with the one person Billie despised most.
The woman she oh-so "hated" was someone she knew personally from a long time ago. And apparently ruined a close relationship with a friend. Who was now trying to take her spot for #1 best artist of the year.
Billie had left you alone for a few seconds to go grab drinks and came back to a very... unpleasant sight. You were talking to her, out of all people. Billie set the drinks down on a nearby table and shoved past everyone, absolutely furious, and trying to get to you before anything else happened between you two.
"Hi." Billie wrapped her arm around your waist, yanking you close to her. "I see you've met my girlfriend." She was pissed. Extrenely pissed. The girl just laughed and nodded her head. "Yes, I had pulled her for a conversation. About you, actually." Billie glared at her and scoffed.
"Really? And why's that?" Billies grip on your waist tightened, looking at you with a fake smile planted on her face. "Baby, we were just..." you pleaded.
"We should go. It's late, and I have plans in the morning." She grabbed onto your wrist, dragging you away from that awful situation.
The car ride home was quiet, not a peep was made from either of you. When you initially got to the car, you tried to explain yourself, but Billie really didn't want to hear it.
Once you guys pulled up to the house, she immediately got out of the car, walking to the front door and unlocking it. You followed behind her, guilt burried deep in your chest.
"Billie, listen, i -" She turned around to face you, her expression making it obvious she was still mad. "You should shower." She said and just kicked her shoes off, turning around to go elsewhere in the house.
You scratched the back of your neck and sighed. You'd felt so bad for what had happened, but you genuinely did try to end the conversation between you and that girl because you knew this would've happened.
You were in the shower, thoughts racing through your head as you contemplated about a bunch of what-ifs and what you should've done. You jumped, hearing the bathroom door suddenly open. But quickly calmed down, realizing it was just your girlfriend, Billie.
She abruptly opened the glass door to the shower, eyeing your body up and down before stepping in with you. She had already undressed herself and was now backing you into the wall of the shower. "What made you think that was okay?" She looked down at you, disappointed in your selfish actions from earlier that night.
"I tried to, but she was persistent... billie, I'm sorry, really -" She just hushed you and scoffed. She grabbed your arm and spun you around, pushing you against the wall. Your back facing her.
She leaned into you, whispering closely in your ear. "Be a good girl for me. Okay?" You're heart dropped, knowing that this was gonna be one hell of a torturous night.
Billie had thrown you onto the bed, her strap connected to her body as she pounded into you like an animal. She was wild, and she didn't care to stop. No matter how loud you whined.
"P-please, billie I can't - no more..." You screamed into the pillow, face down, ass up, whilst she fucked you into oblivion. She leaned down, cupping your chin and pulling you up to connect her lips with yours. Your legs started to tremble. She could tell you were close. "Mhm. Just like that." She pushed your head back down and removed the strap from your dripping cunt. You frowned into the pillow, and you could've sworn you were about to cry. You were so frustrated and needed to cum.
Billie moved you onto your back, locking your wrists into her hand, using her other one to tease your throbbing clit. Your eyes rolled back, and you exhaled sharply. She lightly tapped your pussy before sliding two digits into your wet folds. You shakily moaned, your cunt squeezing down on her fingers.
Billie sped up her pace, and you felt yourself reaching heaven. Or was it hell? It didn't matter. You just wanted to feel the release. You craved it.
She lifted your legs up, throwing one over her shoulder as she removed her fingers, replacing it with her cock. Not gently. But thrusting it roughly deep inside if you. "Don't you go pulling some stupid shit like that again, do you understand?" Your eyes fluttered shut, but you nodded your head and bit down hard onto your lip, feeling your orgasm approaching.
"Fuck... yes. Yes!" Billies hand slid up your stomach, stopping at your neck and gripping gently. Not too hard to hurt you, but enough for you to know who was in charge.
You're legs began to shake, body convulsing and eliciting a moan through your parted lips every time she drove her hard cock into your seeping pussy. You felt a strange feeling starting to build up in your core. You wanted her to stop. It was weird, and your body was burning. But she didn't care. She continued to fuck you til your last breath.
And before you knew it, you were squirting all over her cock, giving it a nice and shiny coat. Just for her. She groaned, watching as your eyes rolled back and your chest heaved. "Fuck. I love you so much." She leaned down, kissing your plump lips as you laid there. So fucked out and delicate. So beautiful.
Notes: idk why this took me 3 days... this week has been exhausting 😓 but of course, I still have to be here for my babiesss! I hope you enjoyedd💕
Also, what are our thoughts about billies concerts so far??? Personally, I'm going feral, but I need to know what you guys think 🤭
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synthetickitsune · 2 days
Mingyu (SVT) | Late night walk comfort | 0.7k | gn!reader
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He finds you lying down on your bed, windows wide open and the cool night air flowing in.
“If it was safe, if I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow, I’d be out there. Walking, wandering,” you explain. Your voice sounds calm but you’re anything but. Call it his sixth sense, but he knows.
“I can help with the first one,” Mingyu gives you a soft smile, “And for the second… I could call in for you? Be your witness that you’re not feeling well? That wouldn’t work right…” 
You smile and it breaks his heart. The moisture collecting in the corner of your eyes carves deeper lines into the cracks.
“It’s okay,” you close your eyes, “I’m just sad.”
He can see that, but he’s helpless as to how he can help. He goes over the day - was there something to cause this? He goes over the whole week in his head, but he can’t come up with anything that could trigger this state. Not like it’s that simple. He knows sometimes it just happens. But he wishes it wouldn’t. He wishes that there always was something concrete, something that he could protect you against.
He takes a seat next to you, slowly stroking the top of your head.
“We can go for a short walk if you’d like,” he offers, still hopeful despite everything. He knows it’s not worth it - it’s late, before you put on clothes, shoes, then change and shower again, you’ll just spend more time with all that than the actual walk.
“It’s fine. It’s late anyway and going home too soon would just make me feel worse and more hopeless,” you sigh. While he’s not completely convinced, he lets it go. It’s better to trust you on this anyway.
He lays down, watching your face for reaction as he pulls you closer and wraps his body around yours. He feels reassured when you turn to lay on your side and snuggle closer to him.
“I’ll be fine,” you mumble into his chest, “I just need to rest. I need a vacation.”
He perks up. Mingyu knows it’s gonna take a lot of effort and planning to make it work but a nice long vacation, just the two of you, sounds like something he wouldn’t mind toiling endlessly for. 
“You’re working too hard,” he says while rubbing your back, “I’m surprised you’re not talking about work while you sleep.”
“You wouldn’t know anyway, you sleep like a log,” you grumble. He can’t refute that, so he just chuckles.
“I promise I’ll take you somewhere nice,” his voice softens, “Somewhere you won’t need to worry about anything at all.”
“I’ll have to worry about you,” you tilt your head up with a tired smile, “That you’ll wander off and get lost, beating girls off with a stick and stuff.”
He pouts, however happy he is to see you smile, he pouts deeply and whines. He knows you’ll do just what you do - pull him in for a kiss. He breaks into a wide smile when your lips meet his. It doesn’t last long before you cuddle up to him again but it’s enough.
“We should sleep,” you state. You always say that around this time. Only usually it’s laughing because you’re too in love with him to just cut your time with him short, or sulking because you want to watch one more episode. Not dejected like you’re giving up. And Mingyu still has no idea how to help.
“Sometimes sleep helps,” he whispers, more to himself than to you. Sometimes there’s nothing else to do but sleep and hope for the best.
He murmurs a goodnight into your hair and gets equally soft a response from you. He’s not entirely happy with the day ending like this. And it’s not like either of you will fall asleep any time soon.
He uses that time to think - how can he help? How can he lift even a little bit of the burden off your shoulders?
He falls asleep troubled by his helplessness and he doesn’t realize that he holds you too tight in his sleep. Or that you’re grateful; that it’s the only reason you fall asleep at all.
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san8ny · 3 days
hey girlll, i’m like literally ovulating right now 😭 could you write about sneaking up on ellie and pulling her away for a quickie?? (to feast on her pussy)
I Treat You Well-ish
!: haven’t written anything in a bit with classes and clubs but i needed to complete ur requests, hope this is somewhat digestible im sorryyy- ?: Oral, and brief alluding of Ellie being seen as just a fwb..
“Mm, and here I thought you couldn’t stand me..” She murmurs tiredly, glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose as she tilts her head down, an olive-toned hand woven into your tresses from where you kneel before her, a throbbing ache pooling inbetween your legs as you continue fumbling with her drawstring—“Never meant it like that.” You retort under your breath once she finally gives you a hand, strumming 2 slender fingers inbetween the tight loop to undo the difficult knot easily. Me next!
“I’m pretty sure ‘I hate Ellie!’ can only be interpreted one way, but i’ll let it slide per usual.” She sighs once the damp-warmth of your drooling tongue meets first contact with her cotton boxers.
Eager, weren’t you?
“Easy…” Ellie’s breath seemingly hitches, dark bags under her eyes as you hook your thumbs into the waistband of her confines rather impatiently, “Sorry, I haven’t done this since our last time so i’m a bit rusty.” You reply softly. Ellie hates how your words can be interpreted as exclusivity— who exactly was she to think so, or get happy at that?
“I’m gonna finish early if you say that shit.” She groans, turning her face away as it reddens slightly. So much for getting homework done tonight..
What even was this anymore? It seemed oddly distorted from the idea you once brought to her when your good-for-nothing partner had dropped you out of the blue, Ellie still remembering how out of it you were during that entire time-period.
‘Look, we both hate eachother but how about trying it out? It’ll relax us both, no?’
Wrong! Ellie hasn’t had one calm night since you started making appearances in her fucking dreams, which has now become a nightly occurrence for her. Even the strongest of melatonin couldn’t ward your evil off
You were a walking contradiction in her eyes, acting like you wouldnt touch her with a 10inch pole, yet sending back-to-back messages detailing in the most gruesome way the stuff you’d let her do to you if she just pulled up to your dorms right now. Which, let’s not get shit twisted, she has a few times here and there
A true slut you were, but she wasn’t too far behind either
“You only ever call me when you need me anyways.” Duh. She finally yawns, leaning down to thumb your lips apart as she initiates a deep kiss, that is, before shoving you inbetween her own legs, locking you in with her knees as she mindlessly reaches for your cellular device
It’s seem like she’s sighing for the upteenth time in a row, lomg-sought bliss displayed on her face while you award her with kisses all around her pussy, an exceptionally long one on her hidden-away clitoris, awarding it a few laps as you smile
Speaking of which, You really weren’t lying when you said you needed it, Ellie scrolling to find your only recent contacts making up to be yourbparents and close friends she somewhat knew of, however, her face immediately drops when she stumbles upon an unsaved number, scoffing when she sees the strings of clearly unreciprocated paragraphs sent on the persons end, your responses not even being more than 3 words each— She wants to laugh, but she really can’t. She’d been in that losers shoes before, not like you see her any different with or without the sex, or so she thinks
A stifiled moan escapes her once you begin pinching at her inner-thighs, your own expression shifting into clear annoyance when you realize Ellie’s attention isn’t all on you currently. “W-what? Am I not doing this right or something?” Before you know it, she’s accidently clicking the random contact, throwing it onto the bed while she practically steers your head in accommodation to the tempo she wants, the tension she has on your hair bringing slight tears to pool at your pretty waterline— didn’t you want her attention?
Each time your mouth slams onto her gushing pussy, it gives you the lightest wafting of her scent, though you’re way too pussydrunk to really identify it— she reminds you of laundry detergent in the best way however, like the cliche advertisements you’d see about smelling like a fresh load of laundry. You don’t even notice the periodic moments Ellie has to physically move your head herself because of how dazed you are..on her damn smell..
Clearly unbeknownst to either of you, the recipient on the other end of the phone is listening in on your businesses
“OUCH!” You yell out abruptly, clicking back into reality— Ellie had managed to sneakily reach a hand down to pinch your puffy breasts through your thinly-veiled tanktop, causing you to briefly come up for some needed air and a scolding, “You’re being mean! Touch them nicer, ‘arright? They’re sensitive.”
She chuckles at your reasoning, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head before immediately furrowing her eyebrows together close-knitly, an all too familar elasticity beginning to snap in her lower stomach, “S-shit, baby, i’m about to— i-in a bit, you still hungry?” She teases, overstimulation washing over when you immediately return to work in an even desperate manner to get her off, “Almost!” You slur, burying your face deeper into her center, almost feels like the air in your lungs was being sucked out
Wouldn’t be the worst way to go out..
“Well, i-im gonna need your highness to hurry it up..” Ellie faux-mocks, toes curling when you unexpectedly ram your fingers into a certain spongy spot rather harshly, “S-shiiit…
“Cum for me? Pretty please?” You attempt to match her whines, leaning up to bury your wet face against the burrow of her neck, all while your digits make play inside of her, “I wanna make Ellie happy.” You pathetically admit, raising your head from her nape to, instead, lick the outer shell of her ear
Ellie’s body immediately shudders at the combination of words and actions, slightly convulsing as splashes of electrifying arousal pulsate across both of your own body; her grip on you doesn’t ease up either, with blunt nails digging into your plush sides, threatening to draw blood if they hadn’t already,
“Did..you?..” Ellie rasps, not being fully able to complete her sentence, sweat pooling in crystal beads at the meeting point of her hairline when she catches her breath and something she’d noticed
“Did you just orgasm untouched?”
“D-don’t push your luck!” You hiccup embarrassingly, grabbing your phone where it lays besides you on her comforter to check how lomg you two had been at it, surely your roommate had to have texted you about your late-night whereabouts, though the nearly 1 hour call in-session feels like an ice-cold bucket thrown at you instead
“Oh my—“ Immediately ending it, you embarrassingly shove your face into a pillow to scream. Ellie looks at you bizarrely, leaning over to meet your face more directly, “Sex so bad you’re trying to..suffocate yourself?” She has the audacity to joke,
“You called my building RA!”
She pauses, crossing her legs as she scratches the back of her neck, “Wait— so— ..no, that makes sense— ah, forget it! I, uh, thought it was some dude you were messing with or something.” Ellie sheepishly admits, “Given the stuff you say, I just thought you had other people or ‘somethin.”
“Wait, what do I say?”
“you know, like the whole thing about me not being your type ‘n all.”
You hate how a small frown shows on your face. Despite how you act, you couldn’t help feeling like a coward for how you tried evading your feelings for Ellie by just ghosting her all those weeks after you’d been the one to even start this.
Instead, you lay back down where you both were sprawled and cup her cheek, “I don’t think anyone buys what I say anyway, even you.” You murmur, kissing her cheek gently
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frenchkisstheabyss · 3 days
♡ to love a boy ♡
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♡ Pairing: boyfriend!joshua hong x chubby!fem!reader, best friend!hoshi, best friend!dk
♡ Genre: fluff/angst/smut
♡ Summary: Over the past year of being with your boyfriend you've grown close with his dearest friends. Something that he's always seemed happy about. That is until one night when he wakes up to find you hanging with two of his best friends when you should be lying in bed next to him. Joshua can't really be jealous over something so small, so absolutely innocent...right?
♡ Word Count: 3.2k-ish
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♡ Warnings: jealousy/relationship insecurities, penetrative sex, fingering, overstimulation, creampie, a lil nipple play, possessiveness, pet names (baby), light dom/sub/switch dynamics if you squint, some thigh/ass slapping, fluffy love, & that's it, babes.
♡ A/N: This one is a request I got a little bit ago and I'm so happy to have finally finished it. I don't tend to get SVT x chubby reader fic requests so it was really nice to get one. Thank you to the sweetie of an anon who sent this in and was so patient with me getting this out. I hope you enjoy this my beautiful carat babes 💜
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“DK, would you sit still? You’re gonna mess me up” you giggle, doing your best to apply false lashes to DK without poking one of his eyes out.
Seated on the edge of his bed, DK continues to do the exact opposite of what you’re begging him not to. “I am sitting still” he insists, flinching any time the lash even comes close to his eyelid. 
Over your shoulder a half awake Hoshi has a hand clasped over his mouth to quiet the laughter that has him turning red. Finally you get the lashes on, despite DK’s squirming, and you step back to admire your work.
DK bats his lashes, feeling prettier than any runway model, “Am I gorgeous or what?”
Hoshi collapses into laughter, his head falling on your shoulder as he wheezes, “This was the best idea ever. You look insane.”
“You shut up!” DK scolds, reaching for a pillow to no doubt knock the life out of Hoshi with. 
You stop him just in time, grabbing the pillow and holding it tight to you like a prized plushie. “Ignore him” you say, delicate fingers tilting his cheek, “I happen to think you look beautiful.” And you aren’t lying to him. You hate to toot your own horn but you’re pretty good with a brush and the makeup you’ve done on him suits him well. Subtle lipstick, flawless wingtip liner, and the slightest bit of blush to brighten up his face. 
Proud as you may be of the outcome, none of this was your idea to begin with. This all started when you found yourself tossing and turning at 2 in the morning. You’d tried every trick in the book to fall asleep but your restless mind wouldn’t let you. Not wanting to interrupt the boyfriend snoozing peacefully beside you, you wandered out into the kitchen in search of snacks. 
You navigated the halls quietly, not wanting to wake the rest of the house, only to stumble upon DK and Hoshi already in the kitchen. It turns out you weren’t the only one struggling to get to sleep tonight. Figuring there was no use climbing back in bed to suffer alone, the three of you made your way back to DK’s room, snacks in hand, and decided to play a late night game of Truth or Dare. And for poor DK this is how things ended up. Well, maybe not so poor DK. He seems to be as amused with it as you and Hoshi are. When people talk about “core memories” that’ll stick with you forever this will definitely be one for you. 
It was intimidating when you and Joshua first started dating. Naturally you want your boyfriend’s best friends to like you but “best friends” usually consists of 5 people at best. Not 12 unhinged men with a lifelong bond that makes them protect each other more like brothers than friends. You still remember the first time that you met them. Every week the boys gather at their favorite restaurant for dinner to catch up on things. It’s usually reserved strictly for them but Joshua decided to invite you this time around, insisting that the guys would love you. You spent every day leading up to that dinner worried out of your mind. Standing here now with DK and Hoshi you can’t imagine how you were ever nervous about meeting them. They’re so sweet. So harmless. 
“What are you doing?” Joshua asks, drawing your attention to the doorway where he stands, arms folded across his chest. Joshua’s always so soft spoken, it’s one of the many things you find so charming about him. Not once in your relationship have you heard him raise his voice so the added bass in his question makes you short circuit. 
“I…I couldn’t sleep” you stutter, smiling nervously, “So we were playing Truth or Dare and…”
DK smiles at Joshua, trying to maintain the upbeat mood, “I chose ‘dare’.”
Joshua responds with a frown, charging over and snatching you away from Hoshi. “You’re a little too close don’t you think?”
“We were just hanging out,” Hoshi says, his joy deflated by his best friend’s anger. It’s an anger he isn’t used to. An anger none of you are used to. The only person who seems to know where it’s coming from is Joshua and even he’s a bit thrown off by how strongly he feels. 
“Right, well, she’s done hanging out now” Joshua says, turning to DK, “And I’d appreciate you not having my girlfriend in your bedroom in the middle of the night anymore.”
“Shua!” you gasp at the insinuation of his words but there’s no time for you to protest, he’s already locking his fingers with yours, dragging you out into the hallway. 
The short trip back to his bedroom is plagued by a tense silence that only breaks when you’re behind closed doors. “Don’t do that again” Joshua forbids, his back resting against the door. 
“Don’t do what? You heard Hoshi. We were just hanging out."
“Well I don’t want you hanging out with them. Every time I turn around you’re with Vernon or Seungcheol or Hoshi. I can’t even sleep without one of them stealing…” Joshua pauses, choking on that last word. Stealing. He doesn’t mean that. Actually, he does. He only wishes that he didn’t.
“Tell me you don’t seriously think I’d cheat on you, Shua” you laugh as if it’s the silliest thing in the world because it is. You await his answer, anything to tell you that he’s joking, but you’re left with a silence that cements for you that he isn’t. “You know what, if that’s how you feel then maybe I should go.”
Too angry to even look at him, you grab your backpack from a nearby chair and begin to gather your things. It’s the middle of the night and he’s the one who drove you here but you’d rather walk home than sit around and be accused of something like this. You’d think that after a year of being together, after all you’ve gone through, he’d know how much you loved him. But clearly you thought wrong and the truth of that hurts.
Joshua can see it painted all over you and hurting you is the last thing he ever wants to do. “Please, just stop for a minute” he begs, taking your phone from your hand the second you pick it up. 
You snatch it back, ready to get out of here before someone else wakes up and he accuses you of trying to sleep with them too. “I don’t wanna hear anything else you have to say.” 
You maneuver around him to grab your hoodie from the bed when he swoops in behind you, locking his arms around your waist. He flops down on the edge of the bed, his feet firmly planted on the ground, refusing to let you go. You fight to twist your body free, fueling yourself with every bit of anger you feel towards him right now, but it isn’t enough. 
“Let me go” you demand but it only makes him hold you tighter.  
“Only if you let me say something. One thing and then I’ll let you go” he promises, “I’ll even let you take my car.”
It’s your instinct to be petty. Why should you let him get a word in when he’s said enough already? But that walk home is pretty long and you don’t really feel like hopping in a stranger's Uber this late at night.
“Fine” you huff, “Say what you have to say and then give me the keys.” 
“Look, I know you’d never cheat on me, it’s just…”
“Just what?”
“I’m jealous!” he admits, feeling equal parts embarrassed and relieved at his confession. “Minghao’s all zen and chill, Woozi’s this super cool producer, DK’s funny as fuck, Mingyu’s buff, and Vernon’s got that whole mysterious thing going on. Everyone has this thing to impress you with and what do I have? I’m afraid that the more time you spend with them the less I’ll be able to keep up. I don’t want you to get bored with me.”
You want to stay mad at him, you deserve to be for the way he acted, but it breaks your heart to know he feels this way. You can’t help but soften at the sadness in those brown eyes usually alight with so much happiness. Letting your backpack fall to the floor, you’re able to turn just enough to face him. You place a hand on each of his cheeks, trying not to lose it at the cute pouty face he’s making.
“I adore you but you’re being insane right now. I could never get bored with you, Shua. I don’t give a shit about how buff or funny or mysterious some other guy is. None of them are you and you are the only man I want in this whole world. Can you trust that?”
Joshua’s almost ashamed at how easily his insecurities are soothed by your words. For weeks he’s been holding onto these feelings, wishing he knew how to make them go away, and all along what he needed was your validation—to simply hear you swear to him that he’s enough.
“I can if you can forgive me for being an asshole” he says, easing his grip on you, now at least somewhat confident that you won’t run away. 
“Mmm, I don’t know” you sigh, chewing at your lower lip in contemplation, “I feel like I wasn’t mad at you long enough.” 
Joshua laughs, kissing you under your chin so lightly that it tickles, “Fine, stay mad at me a little longer then. I’ll just be here trying to make it up to you. Tell me when you’re done, okay?”
Parting his lips, he drags them down the softness of your chin, trailing sweet, open mouthed kisses down your neck. He rests his palms at the center of your back, smoothing them down and around to rest at your plush hips. He massages them, rocking you in his lap just enough to grind up against you. The barrier of his sweatpants and your shorts do little to stop the friction from sending a tingling sensation to your core.
You swallow hard, feeling your body flush with heat. You try your hardest to resist him, to pretend that some part of you is still upset, but how can you possibly hold that look of annoyance when he’s pushing your t-shirt up, his fingertips gently tracing the contours of your curves. “For the record, I am sorry” he says, tugging your shirt up over your head.
By the time the fabric comes to rest on the floor his lips are already skimming your breasts, his tongue teasing your sensitive buds through the lace of your bra. A hand ventures behind your back and the clasp of your bra snaps free, the straps dropping from your shoulders. You let out a gasp bordering on a moan and his lips curve into a smile at the sound of it. He’s enjoying this just as much as you are. Maybe even a little more.
Tossing your bra aside, he captures one of your pillowy breasts in his mouth, suckling at the bud as his tongue makes perfect figure eights around it. The pleasure it sends rushing through you has you tangling your fingers in the soft strands of his dark brown hair, your body arching with every flick of his tongue.
Slipping an arm around your waist and tucking a hand behind the band of your shorts, he lifts you up, laying you back on the bed. The second your head hits the pillow you’re biting your lip to choke back moans at his fingers dragging through your slick folds to stimulate your clit. He dips between your legs, using his free hand to tear your panties and shorts off at once. His fingers skate down to your dripping entrance, hovering there a moment to let him admire how wet you are.
Joshua goes all starry eyed at the arousal that leaks from you when his fingers sink into your core. And those sounds you make, those sugary little whimpers, have his cock straining against his sweatpants. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he groans, his gaze dancing back up to take in those gorgeous faces you make, “And you’re all mine, aren’t you?” 
He curls his fingers against the spongy texture of your walls, rotating his wrist at in a motion so heavenly you’re on the verge of drooling. You’re too lost in ecstacy—too busy riding his fingers to speak a word. Joshua grips your belly, pinning you down to the bed, his fingers pounding mercilessly into your needy core.
“I want you to answer me, baby, so everyone can hear you. You’re mine, aren’t you? Hmm?”
“Yes, I’m…I’m yours” you stutter, grabbing for his wrist. The feeling’s too intense, you can hardly keep still. Your heart’s racing in your chest. You want more but you fear you’ll lose your mind if it goes on like this. He’s working your sweet spot like only he knows how and you can already feel yourself coming undone. 
Joshua climbs on top of you, kissing his way up your belly, between your breasts, all the while fucking his fingers into you without missing a beat. His lips ghost yours, parting them to taste the moans that spill out. “Louder” he whispers and adds another finger, making you feel so much fuller than before. 
“I’m yours, Shua! All yours! Nobody else’s! N…nobody’s” you cry out, your moans as melodic as his favorite song.
“That’s my girl. Always so good for me” he coos, stealing your breath with a kiss laced with enough passion that you’d swear you were floating. 
If your lips were free, if your tongue weren’t fiercely tangled with his, you might spill a few broken moans out to let him know how close you are but Joshua doesn’t need your words, your body speaks for itself. The trembling of your jaw. The arching of your back. The way your walls are fluttering around his fingers, clenching tighter each time.
Reaching his thumb up, he presses it to your clit, rubbing it faster and faster until your screams fill his cheeks and your juices gush around his fingers. “Shua, mmm, oh god” you gasp, your fingers knotted in the fabric of his shirt. “I need you.” Tearing his shirt off, you summon what minimal strength you have in your weakening limbs to force him onto his back. You crawl on top of him, straddling his lap, and the room begins to spin. Maybe you made that move a little sooner than you should’ve. 
Joshua giggles at the slight sway in your movements before you collapse onto his chest, looking up at him with glossy eyes. He cups your cheek, brushing away the hair sticking to your flush cheeks. “How’d I get a girl who’s this cute all the time?”
You place your palms flat on his chest, pushing yourself back up just enough to hover over him. “Because you’re this cute all the time” you say, smiling down at the handsome man beneath you, “It’s like we were, I don’t know, made for each other or something.”
Joshua pulls his pants down, careful not to disturb your position. He likes you right where you are. His cock springs free, rubbing against your still sensitive pussy as it comes to rest between your legs, the tip of his cock wet with arousal. “Made for each other” he muses, lifting you up and slowly lowering you down onto his cock, teasing himself with the warmth of your core. “I like that.”
“Me, aah, too” you moan, your nails pressing into the bare skin of his chest enough to leave tiny indents behind.
The fullness from his fingers was one thing but it’s nothing compared to the fullness you experience when his cock’s deep inside of you, stretching you deliciously from all angles. You meant what you said when you called him insane. How could a man who looks this hot with a cock this nice ever think you’d look at someone else for a second? 
Sitting back you rotate your hips in a circular motion, alternating side to side, and your walls are just clinging to his cock as it pulses against them. You run your fingers down Joshua’s stomach, feeling the muscles tense beneath your touch. He tries to keep his eyes open because he wants to watch you—needs to see you riding his cock, your body jiggling with every movement—but his lids are growing heavy already. The pleasure hits him, wave after unforgiving wave, and all he can do is take it. 
Leaning forward, you take him by the chin, tempting him with a kiss that you ultimately deprive him of. “Now you say it” you whisper, rolling your hips to make him whimper the way he did you. You pick up speed and his eyes nearly roll back in his head. 
“Say what? Fuck, I’ll say anything you want me to say” he moans, his palms crashing into your thighs with a snap that makes them vibrate around him. 
“Say that you’re mine, all mine, so that everyone can hear.” 
The light in his eyes darkens at your request and he throws his arms around you, positioning himself at just the right angle to thrust into you. This was supposed to be your power position but he has you held tightly again, fucking into you so that you bounce up and down in his lap, the swollen head of his cock leaking deep inside of you.
“I’m yours,” he says loudly, fearlessly, “I’m yours, this cock is yours, so take me. Take it.” 
Every thrust echoes through your body. You can feel it in the tips of your fingers and your toes, taste it on the back of your tongue. It’s like heaven. Your hips are still working, eager to swallow every inch of his length, desperate to match the intensity of every thrust. The friction between you bumps your clit and the overstimulation has your body humming. You’re struggling to keep it together, fighting back the high that so badly wants to overtake you.
Joshua steals the kiss that you denied him, grabbing the soft flesh of your ass. “No holding back. Cum with me, baby.” 
As if on command, because that’s exactly what it is, you surrender, letting your high crash into you for a second time. It’s even more devastating this time around with his cock swelling inside of you, filling your walls to the brim with warm, thick ropes of cum. You’re both completely out of it, your limbs turning to jello, but you’re too greedy to stop until your bodies give out, absolutely forcing you to.
Breathless, Joshua pets your back, leaning down to plant a kiss on your forehead. You look up at him with the brightest eyes, like he’s the very center of your universe, like there’s no one else in the world who can come close, and his heart skips a beat. You do soothe his insecurities. He does need your validation and that’s okay because he knows he’ll have it always and forever. 
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onim5 · 3 days
The worst conversation
Portgas D. Ace x pregnant reader.
But it's not really about that. It's more about ASL brothers.
Warnings: Just read at your own risk.
Ace stood proudly before everyone, as they all cheered. It was just such great and unexpected news.
"I'm gonna become an uncle!" Luffy yells happily. Ace nods and finds Luffy giving him a bone crushing hug. Sabo joins in and gratulates Ace.
"So where's the baby?" Luffy asks, looking around.
"Uh, it's still in Y/n's stomach." Ace answer, as they all broke lose from the hug.
"It's in her stomach! Did she eat it?!" Luffy yells.
"No, no, Luffy, don't you know how babies are made?" Sabo asks.
"Not really. How are they made?" He asks. Sabo and Ace look uncomfortably around. Before taking Luffy to another room, where they could speak in private.
"Ace, how did you and Y/n get a baby?" Luffy asks innocently, making Ace blush and look away.
"It's, it's um, complicated." He stuttered out.
"What did you two do?" Luffy asks, curious. Ace blush darkened.
"Um, well, when two people love each other." Ace began, but Luffy interrupted.
"Like brothers?"
"NO!" Both Sabo and Ace practically yelled.
"Like food?" Sabo face palmed while Ace groaned. They had both assumed Luffy had figured this out himself a long time ago.
"Not like food either. But like one you wanna spend your life with and such, get married." Sabo tries to explain.
"Wait is a wedding the process to get a baby?" Luffy asks.
"No, it happens more often than not, after marrige." Ace shrugs uncomfortably.
"But what do you do? How did the baby end up in Y/n's stomach?" Luffy suspiciously asks.
Ace sighs. And figures that he need to tell him. "When two people spend the night together and love each other, very, very much. Nine months after that, a baby will arrive." Ace explains, waiting for Luffy to come to the crushing realization.
"Wait, don't you and Y/n sleep with each other every night? Do you guys have a lot of babies on the way!"
Ace choke on his own spit. His face turned deep red as he heard Luffy's question. "Luffy, no, the hell we don't. That's not how it works!" Sabo stood at the side and covered his cheeks. This was embarrassing, to say the least.
"But you and Y/n love each other, very much. And you sleep in the same bed every night." Luffy points out.
"Listen, Luffy, I do not get Y/n pregnant every night." Ace clearifies. Secretly cursing his little stupid brother.
"What's the difference?" Luffy asks, confused.
"It only happens when we want it to." Ace answers.
"And what do you do then, some kind of ritual?" Luffy asks curiously.
"Um, kinda." Ace answer while frowning.
"A ritual huh. . . . . Can I come next time?" Luffy asks innocently. Ace and Sabo feel like a brick slammed to their heads.
"Absolutely not!" Ace almost yells.
"What, why, I can be on the side." Luffy suggests with a pout.
"Just, no, no, no, no, no." Ace states clearly while blushing madly.
"But why?! I wanna see the ritual. What if I want a baby one day. You need to show me how to make one if you wanna become an uncle." Luffy uses as an argument.
"I can also make Ace an uncle." Sabo mutters, embarrassed. Ace groans and looks at Sabo for help. Not whatever that was.
"Anyway, Luffy, it's not some kind of spirit summoning ritual. Do you know how plants grow from seeds?" Sabo asks.
"Yeah, but we aren't plants." Luffy answers.
"No, but it's kind of the same idea. You need two people to make a baby, like you need two parts to make a plant grow - a seed and soil." Sabo explains.
"So . . . . Ace has a seed?" Luffy asks, his face scrunched up in thought.
Ace face turns bright red, his hands coming up to cover his face. "Sabo, I hate you for this."
Sabo chuckles at his brothers misery. "Not literally Luffy, but kind of, yeah."
"So you and Y/n planted a seed? But why did you plant it in her? I'm sure we have a pot here somewhere." Luffy says, looking around.
"It's not literally a seed." Ace repeats, still blushing in frustration.
"Can you give me one? I wanna try." Luffy states. Ace face turns beat red, and at this point, he might as well bang his head on the wall. Sabo bit his tounge, he really shouldn't laugh.
"Wait, aren't I'm supposed to have one too?" Luffy mumble, more to himself. As he walks away, he grabs a pot and puts a strand of his hair in it.
"Luffy, if you think a pot will help you make a child, I smack you on the head." Ace mumbles. Then glance at Sabo to see him just as dumbfounded.
Is he for real about to shove a strand of hair down a pot and expect a child from that? They both think.
"I wanna try." Luffy answers, confirming he actually thinks that.
"First of, it won't work. Second, I give up." Sabo sighs.
"So do I," Ace says, smacking Luffy on the head.
"I don't know what this is. Comment if you want."
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bugboybuck · 7 hours
bucktommy prompt: late-night date
"We don't have to do this if you're too tired," Tommy says, for what feels like at least the thirtieth time. "I can take a raincheck without getting my feelings hurt, I promise."
"No! No, I want to," Evan insists. The insistence would maybe land a little harder - just a little - if his jaw didn't crack on a huge yawn at the tail end of his sentence. He's quick to stifle it into the back of one of his hands, but Tommy can see the rings of exhaustion on his face, the way his big blue puppydog eyes are drooping, and feels a wave of fondness for groggy, sleepy Evan still being just as stubborn. Around his yawn, Evan continues, "Do-oon't - don't take this a-ah-away from me."
The sky is dark outside, the blinking lights of the city cutting through the inky sky outside the expansive windows of Evan's loft. LA never really gets quiet, but Tommy still feels like they're in a hidden sort of moment here, world shut down around them; the sun is down, the neighbours are asleep, and Tommy knocked so quietly on Evan's door so he wouldn't disturb anyone when he came over. Evan's been up all night and Tommy has to leave in the morning, but for now, even just for a few hours, they have some time to snatch together, a small and desperate opportunity to collide. It's been too long of their shifts not lining up lately, and Tommy feels like he's been in Evan withdrawals - a lifetime being fine alone, and suddenly he's pining when he goes a week without seeing a man he's only known for two months. He's trying to put up a good front, but the truth is, Tommy's desperate for this date. He's up four hours early for his early-morning shift just for an opportunity to kiss Evan Buckley three or four times and then listen to his snores when he falls asleep. When did life get like this?
"I'm just saying, I don't feel like you're gonna make it through more than ten minutes of the movie," Tommy says, but he starts setting up Evan's TV anyway, loading into Netflix while Evan flops down on the couch behind him.
"That's not, like, unique to it being 2AM, to be fair," Evan says. He stretches out one of his long legs to kick the back of Tommy's knees. Tommy catches his broad foot in both his hands and then works his way up Evan's leg until he can tug Evan to the edge of the couch, and lean down to press Evan into a kiss. He kisses him once, twice, wet smacking kisses that Evan eagerly leans into. No matter how tired he is, there never seems to be a time Evan Buckley isn't enthusiastic about being kissed - his hot hands slide around Tommy's waist immediately, his teeth scraping at Tommy's mouth.
"Don't remind me that you're a horrible freak who doesn't like movies just when I'm starting to get fond of you," Tommy says, when they break apart. Evan rolls his eyes with great affect.
"Can't fool me, I know you're already obsessed with me," Evan says, grinning - god, his smile is so bright it nearly hurts to look at. Then he pauses, turns flirty; "I mean, we don't...have to watch a movie, necessarily, though."
One of his hands starts creeping from Tommy's waist down to his belt. Tommy narrows his eyes. "I'll be way more insulted if you fall asleep during sex than during The Notebook, Evan."
"Oh, fine," Evan says. He pulls Tommy down onto the couch. "At least let me use you as a pillow."
"Go for it. I've been told I'm an excellent pillow. Hotel quality," Tommy tells him.
He presses play on the remote and then wraps his arms around Evan, letting Evan curl up against his shoulder. Evan's so warm, always runs hot, Tommy's personal space heater - he smells like warm skin and citrus soap. Tommy wants to smell it forever.
Evan suddenly sounds huffy when he says, "Told by who? You better not be letting anyone else sleep on top of you."
Tommy laughs, and pulls him closer. The movie starts, and sure enough, within ten minutes, Evan is drooling on his shoulder, completely dead to the world. Tommy doesn't move him. He'd take a 2AM nap date with Evan's snores over a five-star restaurant with anyone else.
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lucimaaie · 1 day
missed you ✧.* tlou
pairings - ellie williams x fem!reader
summary - ellie was just missing you when you showed up at her doorstep
warning - short & not proofread as always
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being ellie's ex was no doubt awkward. more at the beginning when everything's fresh and you just have to get used to not being together anymore. seeing something that reminds you of her or not being able to knock on her door and say. "i just need you right now."
then a couple months pass, a year, then three and things were normal. relatively normal for exes, ellie guessed. you didn't talk much besides what was needed or when you happened to end up together.
ellie wasn’t going to admit that she missed you. you were her first relationship, sure. that mattered, she knew that, but something in her head told her she needed to not need you. that that was the mature thing to do: not needing your ex-girlfriend. that’s not what she wanted to call you.
she couldn’t rekindle things again, could she? what if she fucked everything up again and everyone in the town found out? she rolled her eyes at the thought and tried to fix the mess she’d made of her sketch. she’d gotten your nose all wrong and it just didn’t look like you.
the thought that she was forgetting what you look like made her want to knock on your door at..3am in the morning. “damn,” ellie rubbed her eye as she realized the time. she shut her book and walked over to her bed when a quiet rapping on the door stopped her. she waited for it to continue and it did. in that familiar beat that was meant for the two of you when sneaking out to see each other was a big no-no.
ellie realizing it was you, cursed as she searched for pants to put on and a jacket to throw on. she scrambled around to get dressed before opening the door with a startled expression. "hi."
"hi." you sung, swaying from side to side like a child.
ellie tilted her head at your behavior before replying. "are you okay?"
"m'finee. why does everyone keep asking that?" you stepped forward to lean against the doorframe but you ended up leaning and missing the frame altogether.
"woah," ellie barely caught you when it hit her. you were drunk. or high off your ass. or both. either way it was concerning how you got like this and decided to come to her of all people. "you're drunk. like really drunk." her hands wrapped around your waist moved to your arms, pulling you inside before closing the door behind you. "drunk." ellie laughed in disbelief as she looked at you.
she'd wanted to see you, but this wasn't exactly the way she imagined it. regardless, she was happy to see you not so tense around her. "staring." you sang again, flopping back onto the bed.
"shit, sorry. let's get you sober." she grabbed the cup on her desk and walked to the bathroom, but not before taking a glance at you. "ish." it wasn't long before she sat next to you. "here."
you sat up and gulped down the water, something you'd probably regret later, and handed her the cup. "ah," you laid back down.
"ah-ah" ellie pulled you back up. "you are not gonna throw up on my bed. please don't do that."
you opened your mouth in offense. "I wouldn't-" you hiccuped. "do that. I wouldn't do that, el. I promise." you said as if it was the most serious thing on earth.
"i believe you." ellie couldn't help but laugh.
she let out a deep breath as she looked at you in your own world. it was good seeing you be you again. it reminded of her of the nights she'd force you into watching some shitty 80s movie for movie night and listen to you complain about it the whole time. or patrols when you'd gift her some random thing you found who knows where saying "it reminds me of you." with a horrible attempt at a wink. days when there was less to worry about.
"missed you, you know." she said quietly. "a lot actually." the confession didn't come off her chest easily but you wouldn't remember later anyway. call it a test run.
"I missed you too, e." you said so naturally she questioned the truth of it. though it seems she was given her answer when you patted around for her hand. she quickly gave it to you. "we shouldn't have broke up." you slurred.
ellie froze. "don't say that."
"why not?" you pouted, leaning your head onto your shoulder. you looked up at her with slightly glossy eyes.
"cause i'm gonna think it's true.” she disconnected her hand from yours to put her arm around your shoulder. “and you’re drunk which meant i shouldn’t take anything you say to heart.”
“that’s just mean. you should take everything i say to heart.” you nuzzled your head into her neck, making her let out a strained hum. you knew she was touch-starved and was probably doing this to tease her. goddamn you.
“that’s very credible.” she got up. “c’mon, you’re gonna sit up in bed till you fall asleep.” ellie squatted down to take off your boots and set them by the bed.
“will you lay down with me?”
her eyes flicked back up to you at the question. she shut them for a while, trying to keep her head on a straight. “you’re not laying down, remember?”
“fine. will you sit up with me?”
“in bed?”
“yup.” you popped the p like this was some casual occurrence. like the last time you’d been this close wasn’t three years ago.
“okay.” ellie said slowly.
“just like a kid.” ellie smiled as she pulled back the covers and patted the spot. you glared at her for the comment and she matched the energy with a smile in her eyes. “get in, kid.”
“only cause i want to.”
after you slid in, ellie did the same. she looked at the ceiling as you scooted closer to her and laid your head on her shoulder again. this time your hands snuck around her waist. “had no idea you were a cuddly drunk.” ellie smiled as you giggled.
“i’ve grown up.”
“i see.” ellie grabbed on your hands from her waist, feeling brave enough to lace your fingers together. she’d enjoy the closeness for the moment. in the morning, you’d awkwardly apologize and scamper off. probably not talk to her for a while.
“missed you.” you mumbled sleepily before closing your eyes. “missed this.”
“me too,” ellie looked at you in this relaxed state. thankful for the opportunity to see this before the morning hit. but she didn’t want to think about that now. she wanted to think of how cute you looked sleepy. how much you enjoyed her touch. how much she was enjoying your touch. “me too.” she laid her head on yours.
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thank you for reading!
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