#“I wish I could’ve gone on more adventures
celestialulu · 1 year
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The thing that gets me so hard is natsus lip wobbling like I’m going to collapse
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cuppajj · 3 months
How would the Ancients react to the Beast Ancients and how would the Beast Ancients react to the Ancients?
Ok so I’ve gotten a lot of asks for this, initially I was waiting to make a big post about it but to satiate everyone’s curiosities:
White Lily would pale at the grim reflection of Midnight Lily. She sees the darkness in her other, the freedom in its most toxically extreme form. The unsettling factor is that they both still adamantly hold similar values, so who knows how she came to be this way? Midnight Lily on the other hand would simply pity the other. She sees White Lily as weaker and more fragile, but understandably so. She’s yet to truly realize how she can save herself by making the world bend to her. She’ll learn soon enough.
Golden Cheese is interesting because I see her understanding Celestial Cheese and even kinda seeing through her. She’s understanding of the kingdom she lost, but at the same time wishes it were back; deep down I think they share the same sentiment. However, Golden Cheese would disagree heavily with Celestial’s actions; greed and abundance are practiced by both, but Cheese was selfless to some degree while Celestial victimizes those around her. There’s a difference between abundance and horrid gluttony.
The cacaos… I think Dark would be both disturbed and disgusted to see that he could decline the way Frigid did. Taming the Licorice Sea was an awe-inspiring feat not even he has done, but neglecting the kingdom he built with his own hands and the citizens who care for him deeply, letting them freeze underneath the ice? If only he knew what caused the Beast to become the way he is… unfortunately, Frigid wouldn’t give him any time or mind. The solitary king is so kept to himself that his thoughts of the other are also unknown.
On the surface both Berrys would respect the other for their intense desire for glory, their enthusiasm, and their adventurous spirit, but once Hollyberry learns of how she became obsessed with dragons to the point she imprisoned one of her closest friends, the horror quickly seeps in. Dragonberry wouldn’t take her seriously when she argues that what she’s doing is wrong, simply because she sees her uncorrupted self as weaker and uninspired. I think Dragonberry would be itching to fight her, so if she wants to prove that her Passion is stronger than her own Pride, be her guest. Let’s see who’s the real warrior here!
Poor, poor Pure Vanilla, faced with the utter nightmare that is Saint. A version of himself where his morals of love and peace have been amplified to such a horrific level that he views himself as a messiah, a savior who wants to exterminate every soul on Earthbread under the pretense of salvation… it’s worse than he could’ve ever imagined; and the worst part is that he knows Saint truly believes in everything he says. A soul who believes the world is too far gone to continue as it is, that there is too much irreparable suffering for anyone to live on. Pure Vanilla wishes everyone could live in peace, but not like this—not when everyone is dead. Curiously, purifying his other wouldn’t be on Saint’s mind if he sees him. There’d be an underlying curiosity, almost solemnly so, in the way he looms over him. Does he see Pure Vanilla as his weaker self, or his better self?
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loveliest-venus · 1 year
bittersweet - straw hats crew x reader
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includes: Straw Hats crew x f!reader warnings: major character death summary: In your last moments, your crewmates reflect on their time with you before saying goodbye. content: angst, slight fluff, can be read as romantic or platonic, no spoilers, 1.5k words.
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Dying was never part of the plan.
Then again, none of this was ever part of the plan, from getting experimented on to meeting a rowdy pirate crew that called themselves the Straw Hats to end up joining them, thus starting what would be the biggest adventure of your whole life. Of course, you regretted it from time to time, it was a wonder how this wasn’t one of those times.
Well, maybe a little bit. You didn’t like seeing tears further dirtying Luffy’s face. It didn’t suit him, you weren’t used to seeing him with anything but a huge smile on his face, the smile that gave you hope despite everything. Your ears were still ringing but you thought you could vaguely hear Nami’s cries, or were they Chopper’s? It was hard to say, the poison had spread fast and you were certain that the blurriness in your vision wasn’t because of tears, as your eyes were dry and bloodshot, most likely from the toxins pumping through your veins, making each breath just a little more painful and… Was it just you or was Zoro screaming? You honestly couldn’t tell anymore. Your eyes closed as your body fell forward, stopping as Luffy’s arms wrapped around your torso to hold you up, making your chin rest on his shoulder.
“Hang on!” Your captain called your name hoarsely, snapping his head to the side, desperate yells piercing through the air as Chopper clumsily dashed over to where you were, slumped over Luffy’s shaking form. “Chopper!”
“D-Don’t worry, I will save her!” Chopper’s fur was wet, snot and salty water mixing as he cried, his voice cracking at the vowels of your name while his arms reached out to help stabilize you. It hurt your heart to see them so distraught and you hated that there was nothing you could do to comfort them.
“Chopper… Stop.” Both of them froze, Luffy’s body growing stiff against your clammy skin. “It’s okay… I’m not scared,” the words tasted bitter in your mouth, in contrast to the serene look on your worn-out features. Blood was trickling down your forehead, hanging on your eyelashes and joining the tiny trail spilling from the corners of your lips. “I’m happy to die… for my crew.” You meant it, your heart had never felt lighter.
“Oi! What the fuck are you going on about?! You can’t just–!” Zoro’s voice was unmistakable, rough like the numerous knives on your body. From the looks of it, your peaceful declaration hadn’t settled well with him. You wished you could meet his gaze one last time, blissfully unaware of the milky sheen on yours. It was then that Chopper realized, with a heartbroken sob, that it was truly too late. “Chopper, do something! Hurry up!”
“Moss-head…” Zoro’s earrings jingled when he turned to look at Sanji, ready to cuss him out until he saw the look on his face, somber and pleading. It dawned on him that the cook had already begrudgingly accepted that this was it. But the swordsman wasn’t known for admitting defeat that easily, if ever.
“Save it, you damn– ,” he was cut off when a pale, delicate hand landed on his broad shoulder, Robin’s lips set in a thin line, the only thing betraying her true feelings was the tight grip she had on him.
“Zoro.” Her eyes were fixated on your battered form, her brow furrowing at your labored breathing. “This isn’t the time. She’s too far gone.” It was Franky’s turn to lose composure, aggressively kicking away the remnants of what had once been a beautiful tree. Taking away the destroyed flora, the unconscious enemies around you and your own blood splattering the ground, this could’ve been called a scenic place to die.
“B-B-But Chopper can fix her up! He always can! R-Right, Chopper?! Tell Robin that she’s wrong!” Usopp’s arms were tightly wound around Nami, both of their eyes growing misty, holding each other up in a fruitless attempt to hold it together. At the archeologist’s soft murmur of your name, their hopes were shattered, Nami’s knees buckling under the weight of her grief, almost taking Usopp with her, forcing him to stand up straighter than before, for once staring at death right in the eye. If only it wasn’t your bloodied face staring back…
Brook remained silent, for once devoid of all joy. It was happening again, someone he held dear was being taken away from him all too soon, your life cut short at the capricious hands of fate. Jinbei had a similar expression on his face, choosing to honor your wishes as you clearly didn’t want to leave them without a proper goodbye.
“Why…?” Luffy, who hadn’t stopped crying, tried shaking you as if that would rip you out of your dazed state, your hair tickling his cheek as you didn’t have enough strength to lift your head up to look at him properly. “Why did you do it?!” He kept yelling your name, now crushing you against his scarred chest, refusing to let you go. “You can’t leave us!” A choked sob rocked his body, a shiver running down your spine at the sheer pain lacing his youthful voice.
Chopper was clinging to your leg, burying his face in your calf to hide his swollen eyes. “I’m sorry, I-I’m so sorry! Please…” The mink was talking to himself at this point, stuck between begging whatever deity was listening and apologizing to you for not getting to you in time, for not being smart enough to find a cure. Zoro’s grip on the hilt of his sword tightened, loathing the helplessness wrapping around their group viciously, refusing to look away from you, still being held up by the devil fruit user’s embrace. His heart was fighting tooth and nail to keep itself from breaking, minuscule cracks growing the heavier your eyes got. Unbeknownst to him, there was already a scar in the shape of you.
Sanji gritted his teeth, taking a few steps in your direction, blinking away the moisture building up in his lash line, he didn’t want to miss any detail in your face, knowing it was the last time he’d ever get to admire it. In his eyes, you were as beautiful as ever, not even death could take your beauty away from you. Nothing would convince him otherwise.
Their allies could only watch, growing restless as the silence continued, were you gone already? None of them were close enough to see your face clearly, your crewmates had formed a circle around you, protecting you from unwanted eyes. Each of them had different opinions on your rambunctious group, however, none of them could deny that you were fiercely loyal to each other and seeing such a tight-knit crew lose a member was disheartening, a few of them inching closer to their own. It was an unspoken agreement, to pay their respects to the person who had given it her all to win this battle, saving them from a similar fate.
“Because… you called me your friend.”
Your soft voice cut through their thoughts seamlessly, a few gasps escaping from Nami, Usopp and Chopper. Zoro’s eye widened, almost losing his grip when the meaning behind that phrase registered in his brain; whereas Sanji chose to let his feelings take over, slowly sinking to his knees. Brook hung his head, and if he had eyes, he would’ve closed them, not wanting to witness the inevitable. Franky, on the other hand, kept his steely gaze on you, his fists growing tighter with each droplet of your blood that had touched the ground, none of this made any sense to the cyborg whose robotic body shook with the strength of his pained weeping. Your sweet words were like a knife to Jinbei’s kind heart, all of his memories with you as part of the crew playing like a cinematic sequence in his mind, you were one of the first to approach him when he had finally accepted Luffy’s invite. Robin could only smile, finally allowing her tears to drip down her face, wishing she could hold you for one last time. Life without you was unfathomable to them at this point, could this truly be reality? Wasn’t there any way to rewind time to save you?
None of them could see Luffy’s face, his reaction to you admitting that you were willingly exchanging your life for theirs in the name of your friendship. But it wasn’t hard to guess, seeing as he’d pressed his face into your neck, inhaling your scent to soothe his racing heart, torn to pieces by you and his inability to help you. He knew from the moment that he saw you that you would become an important part of his crew, however, he never imagined that it would end like this. He wasn’t ready to continue his journey without you. How could he become the King of the Pirates if you weren’t by his side?
“You truly are the best crew I could’ve asked for. I’m thankful for you… From the bottom of my heart, thank you.” Your eyes were fully closed, the corners of your lips curling up ever so slightly in a loving smile. It was a breathtaking image that would be branded into their hearts forever, sealed with your very last words to them.
“I love you.”
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© 2020-2023 loveliest-venus — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Please do NOT repost, translate, modify, use for AI or claim my content as yours.
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jennay · 2 months
My Best Friend (3)
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Noah Sebastian x reader
Master list
Let me know if you want to be tagged! I'm making a list.
Summary: jolly is tired of Noah and Readers pity party and offers some adventures.
You were exhausted, both physically and emotionally. The weight of the breakup with Michael was a constant burden, and you felt trapped in a cycle of self-punishment. Despite knowing it wasn’t healthy, you couldn’t stop yourself from revisiting the pain. Each day felt like a battle, a struggle to keep your head above water while the memories of him pulled you under.
. You’d lose yourself in the flickering images on the screen, the rhythmic crunch of leaves underfoot, or the burn of alcohol down your throat. But no matter what you did, the thoughts of him always crept back in, like an unwelcome guest that refused to leave.
Michael had always been a complex character. He was charming and charismatic, the kind of person who could light up a room with his presence. His smile was infectious, and his laughter had a way of making you forget your worries, if only for a moment. But beneath that charm lay a darker side. He was unpredictable, his moods swinging from affectionate to distant without warning. There were times when he made you feel like the most important person in the world, and other times when he made you feel utterly insignificant.
It was a relentless tug-of-war in your mind. Every time your phone buzzed with a message from him, your heart would race with a mix of hope and dread. Maybe this time, he’d realize his mistake. Maybe he’d come back to you, acknowledging that you were the one he truly needed. But deep down, you knew it was a fantasy, a desperate wish that kept you tethered to the past. The reality was that each message only reopened the wounds, making it harder to heal.
Noah had urged you to block Michael’s number, to cut off the source of your pain. But you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. The thought of never hearing from Michael again was too much. Even the briefest connection, a simple text, felt better than the silence. It was a small comfort in the midst of your turmoil, a reminder that he still thought of you, even if it wasn’t in the way you wanted.
“I miss you, I miss us… I wish things could’ve been different,” you thought, the words echoing in your mind like a broken record.
The dim light of the dining room cast a warm glow, and the scent of Noah’s cooking hung in the air. Jolly sat beside you and across the table, Noah’s eyes bore into yours, concern etched on his face.
His cooking efforts—unexpected and thoughtful—hadn’t gone unnoticed. But it was Michael’s message that weighed heavily on your heart, turning your appetite to a stomach ache.
Noah, perceptive as usual, wanted to ask what had changed your mood but he knew from the glow of your phone what had caused the look on your face. His hand reached out, fingers brushing against the tablecloth, silently inviting you to hold his hand.
You hesitated, but then placed your hand in his—a gesture that felt oddly right. His tight squeeze conveyed more than words ever could and in that moment you feel safe.
Jolly, pulls his hair into a makeshift bun, eyeing you and Noah with suspicion. He finishes his meal, pushing the plate forward, and takes a deep breath.
Noah’s warning glance didn’t deter him. “We love you,” Jolly blurted out, his voice unapologetically. “But seriously, it’s time to move on from this dude. You deserve better.”
Your eyes trail up to Jolly locking with his brown orbs. You see the concern but it feels like an attack. You pull your hand back from Noah’s and try your best to remain calm for the sake of your friendship but you feel something boiling inside of you. “I’m so fucking sick of people telling me what I deserve!”
You push your chair back and stand up grabbing your plate you set it on the counter and storm off leaving Noah and Jolly in an awkward silence.
“What the hell dude.” Noah harshly speaks. “That's why I was side-eying you.”
Jolly folds his arms over his chest. “She needs to hear it, Noah. This bullshit of holding her hand through everything and babying her isnt working.” he quickly responds. “You.” he says pointing a finger at Noah, “Are part of the problem.”
Noah clenched his jaw, torn between loyalty to you and the truth in Jolly’s words. His gaze followed you as you disappeared into the hallway, and he wondered if he was indeed coddling you, shielding you from the pain that needed acknowledgment.
The conflict churned within him—a battle between compassion and tough love. He knew he had to choose, but the weight of that decision pressed heavily on his chest.
“I’m going to check on her,” Noah says, standing up.
“Or don’t,” Jolly interjects firmly. “Let her pick herself up, Noah.” He rubs his temples. “I don’t know what that guy did to her, but this isn’t like her, and you know it.” Jolly stands and walks over to Noah, gently placing a hand on his shoulder and looking him in the eyes. “Y/N used to pick bar fights for fun, and now she’s crying over some dude? Doesn’t that seem weird? This can’t just be about Michael.” He pauses, “She’s getting depressed.”
“You go upstairs and try! It’s hard to watch,” Noah says, gesturing upstairs.
Jolly nods, dropping his hand back to his side. “Watch me.” He waves for Noah to follow him to your room. He knocks loudly on your bedroom door. “We’re coming in!” he announces. “Pack some clothes for two weeks. We’re going on an adventure.” He then turns to Noah. “You too. All three of us are going, and nobody gets a say in it.”
You sit up on your bed, turning off the TV. “What the hell are you talking about?” you ask with an amused look.
You watch as Noah shrugs but a smirk plays on his lips. “I think he’s right. Let’s go get your mind off everything and forget about Michael, forget about this town. It holds too much over your head.”
Jolly grins, “Plus, I heard there’s a place where they serve pancakes the size of your head. How can you say no to that?”
“That's random.” you say eyeballing him.
“Everythings bigger in Texas.” Jolly says with a sly smile.
“Texas!?” You and Noah day at the same time.
“Thats not the only place but its one of them. Go pack we leave in the morning.”
The next day, Jolly held true to his word. He arrived at 5 am, nearly breaking the front door open and bursting through like a psychopath. Whoever decided to tell him where the spare key was, was a monster. You tried your best to blink the tiredness out of your eyes, stretching out your arms knowing you needed to stand up, but your body didn’t want to cooperate. Instead, you found yourself slowly leaning your weight to the left where Noah sat beside you. Your head landed on his shoulder, causing Noah to flinch at the touch. He claimed to be a morning person, but 5 am was too early.
“Jolly,” he quietly said, “we can’t start the day off like this.”
Jolly shrugged his shoulders, not in the mood for either of you party poopers. “C’mon. I got coffee in the car.” He laughed as he picked up the bags by your feet. “Light packing?” he asked you.
You slowly sat up, this time forcing yourself to stand. “I didn’t know what to pack and I know there will be thrift stores on the way…” You paused, your eyes becoming more serious. “We’re stopping at every single one I want to because this… five am bullshit is so unnecessary and it’s the only way you can make it up to me.”
Noah groaned, rubbing his eyes. “Yeah, Jolly. You owe us big time. I need at least three cups of coffee before I can even think about being civil.”
Jolly rolled his eyes, already heading towards the door. “Fine, fine. We’ll stop at every thrift store, coffee shop, and whatever else you two grumps want. Just get in the car.”
You and Noah exchanged a look of mutual grumpiness before heading out the door. The early morning air is crisp, and you shiver slightly, wishing you were still in bed. Noah mutters something about needing a vacation from this vacation, and you can’t help but laugh. It felt so good to actually laugh.
You hear Jolly’s laughter as he opens the door of the rented van. How he managed to pull this off was incredible to you. “You two are going to thank me for this trip. I promise.”
You don’t hesitate to crawl in the back seat and lay down. “I don’t want coffee I want to sleep till we get somewhere exciting.” You pull your hood over your head and tighten the strings. You hear Noah hop in the passengers seat. He closes the door and says “I’ll wake you if we don’t die first.”
Jolly shrugs his shoulders, “Are either one of you capable of driving right now?” He jokes.
Noah leans his head against the window. “We’re going to fucking die.”
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blueberrymocha · 3 months
hiii!! Do you mind writing about the main 4 surprising reader on their bday?
main 4 surprising you on your birthday
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gon’s wasn’t very great at hiding things, so you knew he had something planned for your special day. his enthusiasm that morning only assured you more. he’d had a party horn in one hand and breakfast (which was a birthday cake) in the other.
“happy birthday y/n!” gon exclaimed, nearly dropping it. he decided to bake the cake himself, as a thoughtful gesture. unfortunately, the first few times it burned or he forgot to add an ingredient, but eventually the cake was perfected
the two of you opted to spend time out in the sun. you adventured through the forest, went for a swim along the coast, and eventually grabbed dinner at a local restaurant.
“put this on, ‘kay?” he instructed, handing you a blindfold and taking you by the hand. your suspense built as he guided you into a part of town you were sure you hadn’t been to before. fifteen minutes of walking later, you arrived at the mysterious location. feeling yourself get onto something before it started moving up, you all but screamed.
suddenly your blindfold was removed, and you heard a loud “surprise!”
glancing around, you realized you were on a hot air balloon. turning to gon, you hugged him and muttered a quick thank you before moving to the ledge and gazing out at the sky. the view was breathtaking, and soon you found yourself pointing out every little thing to the boy next to you.
“ooh do you see the little dipper? there’s an owl!” you paused to look out a different side before continuing, “doesn’t whale island look so small from up here?”
he hummed in agreement, even though the whole time he could only stare at you.
when you woke up to an empty bed, you knew something was off. seeing as it was your birthday, you figured he might’ve had something planned, but before you could figure anything out, a knock came to your door. in front of you stood alluka, holding a gift with a bright smile on her face. and when she asked to spend the day with you, no just wasn’t an option.
after a few hours, your curiosity had grown too much, “say alluka, where’s your brother at anyway?” you asked her causally.
“hm, i’m not sure… why don’t we head back to the house? he might’ve gone back!” she suggested, and you decided she was right. upon walking in, you noted how dark it was.
“hey, didn’t we leave the string li—“
there was a popping sound as you watched the lights come on.
“everyone run right now!”
you immediately turned and started for the door, but in the absence of any other footsteps, you stopped. whipping back, you saw all your friends, until your gaze stopped on killua.
“hold up, what’s going on?” you asked blankly.
taking the time to look around the room, you saw birthday banners, balloons, presents, and a cake on the table… at your revelation, killua burst out laughing.
“killua, that’s not what we rehearsed!” you heard gon complain. seeing the mischievous look on his face though, you knew something like this should’ve been expected.
“hah, happy birthday,” he said, recovering from laughing, then adding “but want some cake?”
“i swear, if you shove my face into it, you’re gonna be sleeping outside tonight.” he rolled his eyes as everyone made it to the kitchen. as annoying as his jokes were, you couldn’t have asked for a better day.
you wished kurapika could be with you today, but naturally he was off doing something. it wasn’t uncommon for you to be left in the dark about his whereabouts, but you thought he could’ve at least left a text or something.
regardless, sulking around at home on your birthday was out of the question. deciding to get a coffee, you grabbed your keys and walked up to the door.
in that moment, you watched the handle twist before it made a clicking noise. freezing where you stood, the blonde walked into your apartment holding a box in one hand.
as you ran to embrace him, he instantly wrapped his free arm around you. “you made it!” drawing away just enough to not damage his ears with your yelling.
he replied with a chuckle and paused before saying, “i didn’t know your expectations were so low, you thought i’d miss today”
you huffed, “if you haven’t noticed, it’s almost 5 o’ clock in the evening. of course i didn’t expect you to come.”
giving you a quick sorry, he continued to the dining table, setting the box down. grabbing a lighter from his pocket, he lit each candle before looking back at you. but you just stared at the cake. it was the nicest dessert you’d seen in your entire life, fit more for a wedding than your party for two.
“you know you’re meant to blow them out, right?” he joked.
“kurapika, thank you.” you spoke. there was no better gift than getting to see this side of him. the playful and loving part of him he let no one else see. no one except you.
it was morning and your boyfriend was nowhere to be found. as you got to the kitchen, you spot a note next to some pancakes
“mornin’ y/n! get dressed and head down to the park? see you soon.”
and you couldn’t hide the grin forming on your face. once you finished eating, you went back to your bedroom to find something to wear.
‘he never specified what the dress code was… guess i can’t go wrong with casual’
walking into the park, you soon found the ravenette sitting on a blanket peering inside a woven basket.
“babe! i’m here,” you announced, earning a yelp from the old looking man. his surprised face quickly morphed into glee as he shouted,
“happy birthday!”
you sat down and began to look at all the food he’d prepared. you remembered how much you loved the dinner rolls he made last thanksgiving, they were here. the tomato soup he fed you when you got sick? here. thinking of all the wonderful memories you’d made with him, you couldn’t help but smile.
“leorio… i’m so thankful to have you,” you said, reaching for his hand. his face flushed red as he seemingly searched the park for any sort of reply. when nothing came to him, he grabbed your hand back.
“let’s cut all the sappy stuff and get to the eating, alright?” he eventually stated after a long silence. smiling once more, you nodded and grabbed a plate.
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sorchathered · 5 months
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Sacred New Beginnings- Chapter 10
A/N- Holy cow yall we are finally here! Our last chapter of this series, but not the end for Jake and Stormy! I will be checking in here and there, I have some one shots planned for them in the future and I’m excited for you guys to see how things have been going for them. Again thank you all so much for the love, I will always have a special place for this series since it’s my first baby. I want to give a massive shout out to @mamachasesmayhem for being my cheerleader from the very beginning of this series, proofreading for me and helping me brainstorm when I couldn’t push through the writer’s block. You have been amazing and I love you!! 😘
Pairing- Jake “Hangman” Seresin x reader (oc Stormy)
Warnings- language, PTSD, smut
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It had been a little over a week since you showed up at Jake's doorstep, he still couldn’t believe that he’d finally gotten what he wished for. Waking up next to you every morning, getting to commute to work together, sneaking off to hook up during lunch, it was all so much more than he could’ve hoped for. You were so damn happy, you and Viper had integrated seamlessly into your new squad, some people like Harvard and Omaha you already knew but there were new players as well and everyone had been so welcoming. You had kind of dreaded running into Bradley and Erin but even that seemed to go well, they had welcomed their son Nicky a few months after your accident and he was now a full blown toddler, the spitting image of his father. Both of them had been friendly, Bradley welcoming you back and Erin saying she was so happy you’d recovered, you knew they truly meant it and graciously accepted their words.
Jake maintained that you were a saint but really it was just that you hadn’t truly loved Bradley, at least not in a way that would’ve lasted. Neither of you had been compatible, and it was so easy to see now that you’d been with Jake for nearly two years; when it was truly meant to be it was unlike anything else mattered but the one you loved, and you couldn’t imagine life without Jake beside you. The ring in the top of his closet seemed to mock him every day, he wanted it to be absolutely perfect but nothing seemed good enough for his girl, so he let it sit untouched for yet another week as he took you out to the arcade on Friday for what had quickly become a weekly date night.
You had put a bunch of ideas in a jar the week before, told him to shake it up and pick one and off you both went on whatever adventure was scribbled on the tiny note, tonight was burgers and laser tag and while he’d joked that he was too old for that he had been the one hunting you down to shoot you as he cackled, maybe he just needed to be reminded that things didn’t always have to be so stressful because he couldn’t remember when he’d had this much fun.
After a lazy Sunday beach day and dinner on the grill he’d curled up with you on the couch with a movie, you’d meant for things to be innocent but he smelled so good and you found yourself turning in his arms to sling your leg over his hip, making out with him like you were a pair of teenagers. He fucked you slow and steady into the leather couch while the movie droned on in the background, his mouth slotted against yours as his hands roamed your body, you loved to joke how insatiable he had become since you moved in but you knew you were just as gone for him, too many nights had been spent apart and now having him in close proximity all you wanted was to make him feel good. You both came undone together as you whispered I love you into his neck, and all Jake could think of was how perfect his life had become.
Monday morning before he’d even had his coffee he’d gotten a text from Maverick to head to Cyclone’s office as soon as he got in, he immediately felt his stomach drop just thinking of what that meant. Deployment, for who knows how long and who knows where, and ultimately having to say goodbye to you again after he just got you back. He couldn’t bear to say anything to you until he knew for sure, so he went through the motions business as usual as you both ate breakfast and headed to work, kissing you a little longer than normal before you parted but you didn’t seem to notice anything off, promising to meet him for lunch with a wink and kisses blown in his direction. His feet felt like lead standing outside of Admiral Simpson’s office, he knew nothing good was coming from this meeting and when he entered he could tell by the look on his face that it was exactly what he thought. “How long?” He said as Mav handed him his papers, he could feel the lump forming in his throat and wanted out of this room as soon as possible. “Nine weeks son, I’m sorry Jake I know Y/N just got here, but you’re the best for the task and if I could I’d let you stay. She’ll be alright, I’ll keep an eye on her, you just do the job and come home safe.” Jake nodded and shook his hand, bailing from the room as soon as he could, he swiped his phone open and dialed you as fast as he could, but he couldn’t seem to catch his breath and when you answered he was full blown panicking, choking out to meet him by the truck and hanging up as he collapsed into the seat of his f-150. He wasn’t ready to go, you’d only been back in the air for a few months and now he finally had you here where he could take care of you, why couldn’t someone else have been picked?
You’d run across the lot to find him with his head in his hands in the front seat, wrenching the door open to wrap your arms around him, anything to help him regulate his emotions. He finally seemed to settle his breathing, relaxing into your arms while you stroked his sandy hair and kissed his cheeks. “What’s going on baby? You’ve got me scared now, did something happen with your family? Is your mom ok?” He squeezed your hand and passed the papers off to you, you knew exactly what it meant and you felt cold all over. This was the job, and while you both loved it you hated this part more than anything. He would miss all the major holidays together in your new home, your heart broke a little at having to celebrate Christmas without him and he let you curl into his arms and cry.
He only had a week from getting his papers to shipping out and it felt like the time was speeding away from him and he couldn’t catch it. He’d been adamant that the two of you update your wills on Tuesday and you had vehemently opposed it, he was stressing a little too much for your liking and it left you unmoored. Deployments were a part of this life, and yes you’d had a serious scare this last time but that didn’t mean he needed to become doom and gloom over it, you were worried about his mindset going into this, he needed a clear head if he had any hope of getting through this unscathed.
Wednesday night he was meticulously going through his packing list, gear spread all over the living room when you stepped into the house with take out, the vein in his forehead that only came out when he was angry seemed to be a permanent presence as of late, he was all furrowed brows and tense shoulders and you couldn’t take it for one more minute. “Jacob Thomas Seresin!” You called from the kitchen and he snapped his head to attention, he hadn’t even noticed you had gotten home until you shouted, looking across the room to find you with a pizza box in one hand and you completely stripped to nothing as you leaned against the doorframe. You sauntered over to where he sat cross legged on the floor, dropping the pizza box on the coffee table as you lowered yourself onto his lap, he was already getting hard for you when you pressed your bare pussy to the front of his gym shorts, his face going completely blank, no sign of that pesky forehead vein in sight.
“Fuck Stormy what are you doing baby? I gotta get this-“ he stopped short with a gasp as you ground yourself into him as you yanked a little roughly on his hair, pulling his face to yours and sloppily licking into his open mouth, he seemed to short circuit for a moment but recovered quickly as he wrapped his arms around your bare torso and kissed you back with fervor. Yanking his head back again to look up at you he blinked glazed emerald orbs at you, you were frustrated with him, he could see that now but he couldn’t focus enough to ask with you on top of him like this, he thought about asking but thought better of it when you reached down and took his length from his shorts, thoughts scattering all over again when you got up on your knees and sunk down on him, you still hadn’t said anything but he couldn’t be bothered anymore, whining out your name as you took him to the hilt with your warm center clenching around him. You nibbled on his lip and rubbed your nose along his as you wrapped your arms around his neck and you could feel the tension leaving him as you held him close, you knew he’d needed it as much as you, just the closeness of your bodies pressed together was enough to soothe whatever had been ailing both your minds.
“I’m going to sit here with you just like this until you calm the fuck down and tell me what’s got you so amped up, you’ve been like an exposed nerve ever since you got your papers and I can’t let you leave like this. You’re scaring me Jake, you can’t leave for a mission distracted you know better than that. You’re the best pilot I’ve ever seen and they picked you to head this op. You have to tell me what’s going on, you just have to!” You cried out as tears began to pour from your eyes, your throat felt raw with the emotion bubbling out of you and you began to shake in his embrace, the combination of being so full of him and revealing your worry almost too much. He seemed to jolt out of whatever trance he’d been in at your tears, swiping at them as they ran down your cheeks and kissing you hard, he knew he’d been distant and stressed couldn’t begin to describe how he’d been feeling, but he hadn’t even thought about himself and how it could affect the mission; all his worries had been solely focused on you.
“Oh baby I’m so sorry, shh hey I’m here ok? I’ll tell you all of it, just don’t cry sugar. I can't stand knowing I hurt you.” He was kissing every bit of your face he could get to, smoothing his hands all over you as you began to come down and regulate your breathing. You couldn’t be closer if you tried and yet he still felt so far away, you needed more so you latched on to his mouth and tightened your arms around his neck, he let you ground yourself and calm down, just breathing you in until the tears finally stopped. “Baby, baby I love you so much, I’m sorry” he murmured against your lips, you nodded and sniffled a little but didn’t loosen your grip, rocking into him slowly knowing he’d know what you wanted. He groaned low in his throat and flipped the two of you over as he pressed you gently into the carpet, letting the hot languid kisses burn the two of you up, all heat and bodies grinding into each other, letting all the stress go and just being hopelessly in love.
Hours later after you were both fully sated and relaxed you laid naked in his arms and ate the cold pizza while he let out all the words he’d kept bottled up. “It hadn’t ever occurred to me that we could lose this, I mean our job is dangerous sure but some naive part of me just thought we were untouchable.”
“Until I got hurt” you said quietly.
“Until you got hurt. It felt like someone had pulled the rug out from under me, every dream I’d ever had of us and our future could’ve been gone in an instant and I am terrified that something could happen to me and I’d leave you here alone.” He tightened his grip on your waist and you pressed a kiss to his chest, you knew exactly how he felt because you’d felt it all as you fell out of the sky during your ejection. But he couldn’t live in fear, it made him a liability to his fellow pilots and he was too damn good at what he did to let this destroy his confidence.
“You have to have faith baby, faith that you’ll make it through, that I’ll make it through and that we will get that long happy life that we want. I’m not going anywhere Jake, and I need you to be my cocky asshole pilot who thinks he’s God’s gift to the navy. Go be a badass and come home to me.”
You both laughed at that, he’d grown so much from that dickish holier than thou douchebag he had been when you first met, he was so much more level headed and mature. He promised he’d fight like hell and you knew he would.
The missions were grueling, the weather had been miserable lately and it made drills almost impossible, intel was scarce and worst of all he hadn’t been able to hear your voice in weeks. He had missed Halloween and thanksgiving, both squads had joined up for a potluck and you’d sent him a bunch of pictures, he was just grateful you weren’t doing this alone. He had gotten an email from his mother earlier in the week hoping he could talk to you about staying for the Christmas holidays and he couldn’t think of a better place for you to be. You loved Christmas, it used to annoy him because it wasn’t his cup of tea but somehow you’d softened him to it. He wrote to her quickly to tell her it was a great idea and to give you a call, when he’d had a knock on his door. Fritz leaned in with a look he knew all too well, it was time to fly out. He emailed you as well, telling you he loved you and then grabbed his gear and headed for the tarmac, he could only hope he’d be able to execute this and get home safely.
You stepped off the plane in Austin on December 18th to the entire Seresin clan in the lobby, Jake’s sisters and mom rushing forward to wrap you up in hugs and you couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt this kind of love, probably not since your grandmother had passed nearly a decade before. She would have adored Jake and his family, they spent the holiday season showing you all over town, hitting up all of Jake’s old haunts and embarrassing family pictures. Movie nights and Christmas cookie bake offs, family dinners and shopping trips with the girls; it had been so much fun and the Seresin’s had welcomed you with open arms, it felt like somehow you belonged here, the only thing missing was your 6 foot sandy blonde dreamboat boyfriend.
Correspondence had been spotty with Jake for a while, you’d gotten a FaceTime call after a mission and he had seemed grim, they’d lost a teammate to enemy fire and the weather had been abysmal, almost everyone had come down with the flu and he was miserable. He said he hoped he’d make it home by mid January and your heart broke all over again at not getting to spend Christmas together in your home, but he was adamant that the best place for you was with his family, and that next year would be a big blowout, he even agreed to let you buy any and every inflatable you wanted to cover the yard in Christmas cheer.
What you didn’t realize was that he was already on his way back to Coronado, he had coordinated with Phoenix to help him turn the house into a Christmas wonderland and would be back just in time for you to get home. He couldn’t let the ring sit any longer, he needed it on your finger now. After too many hours covering his house from top to bottom in snowflakes and Christmas lights, it was finally time for your plane to land. He was so nervous, he knew he didn’t have any reason to be, Javy had kept him up to date on when your plane landed and when he picked you up. Jake could barely sit still, so full of nervous energy knowing what was to come. Finally, he heard Javy’s truck pull into the drive and watched through the blinds as he helped you gather your luggage, even in leggings and his old UT Austin sweatshirt you looked like you’d stepped off a runway in his eyes, every bit his dream come true. This was it, when you came through the door he’d finally get to make you his forever, it had all been worth the wait.
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Epilogue (Lover)
Jake Seresin masterlist
🏷️ Tagging- @mamamaystbr @mamachasesmayhem @bobgasm @attapullman @kmc1989 @pinkdaisies9285 @seitmai @seitmai-too @mrsevans90 @djs8891 @mygyn @jessicab1991 @jostan456 @86laura11 @dempy @shanimallina87 @floydsglasses @dizzybee03 @its-the-pilot @nouis-bum @roosterforme @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer
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asterefflores · 11 months
So I received another request from @achlys-1974 about Roksoo causing the fight this time instead of Cale,,
It turned out too simple that it hardly is considered a fight cuz this is Roksoo we're talking about xD
This is turning into more of a writing than a drawing account lol
Anyway, enjoy 🌸
“I see you’re back.”
Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked toward the door to see Cale resting elegantly against the wall with his arms crossed. However, the intense stare put everyone on edge.
Rok-Soo blinked blankly, wondering why Cale would be glaring at him viciously like that when he had just returned home. “Is something wrong, dongsaeng?”
Rok-Soo slightly frowned when his brother sighed, looking a bit tired and upset.
Cale fixed his eyes on his hyung again, “So, would you mind telling me where you have disappeared off to all too suddenly?”
Rok-Soo slightly flinched when he noticed the vicious smile from the old man standing with his eyes closed behind Cale.
“Ron did inform me that you left on a quick adventure for a week,” Cale explained, still looking unimpressed, “Did I have to look for you and ask around to know of your departure?”
Rok-Soo stared in silence for a moment. Was Cale's bad mood because he hadn't been told in advance that he, Choi Han and the kids were going on a short mission?
‘Ah…’ He finally realized his mistake, taking a moment to recall Cale’s childhood…
However, if he had informed Cale about the problem, his brother would have been even more busy than he already is with matters regarding the territory.
“You’re right. I should’ve informed you beforehand.” He nodded calmly, “It was something that needed to be taken care of and done with.”
“I know.” Cale sharply said with a slight frown, “I received the letter from the Capital, and I was going to take care of it had not a certain hyung gone out of his way to disappear suddenly and worry the whole family, only to receive wonderful news of a whole mountain mysteriously vanishing before I even could take a step to our gate.”
“We took care of the rats, dongsaeng.” Rok-Soo kept blinking blankly for a moment, “You can relax and rest a bit now, right?” Wasn’t it a good thing? The problem is solved. Isn’t this all that mattered now? With this, they both can take their time to slack off. Though he knows Cale will still be busy as the duke, his dongsaeng can now take his time finishing his work and have some free time to breathe and live comfortably as he always wished. 
“You could’ve consulted me before taking any action.” Cale sighed, seemingly less upset now.
“It can be taken care of quickly instead, dongsaeng.” Rok-Soo picked up the cup of tea to take a sip, “Those bastards were disturbing my slacker life, after all.”
‘Hm?’ Rok-Soo opened his eyes, looking at his brother standing not far before him. Even though he could tell Cale wasn't upset with him anymore, he found Cale's stoic face and lack of expression in response a bit strange. “I’ll remember to talk to you on any matter next time, Cale.”
Cale calmly shook his head, “You're not obligated to do anything I say if you can think of a better way to handle any matter, but please remember to tell me before you leave next time.”
“…I understand.”
He watched Cale nod before silently turning around and leaving.
The kids and Choi Han turned to look at him in awkward silence.
Rok-Soo was glad the issue was solved relatively smoothly; Cale was no longer upset with him after all. But then, why does he feel something’s off?
“Would you care to hear my very honest opinion, Young Master?”
Rok-Soo slightly flinched, ‘Why does Ron look upset now…?’
Ron looked with a benign smile at the older redhead sibling. “I suppose you must talk with the Puppy Young Master soon.” He closed his eyes with his hands clasped behind his back, “This old servant wouldn’t be pleased to see the Kitten and the Puppy fighting again.” He bowed his head in respect, then closed the door, presumably to return to the office to look after Cale.
“…Human, did you make a mistake?”
He had done something, and he wasn't sure what, but he didn't want to wait around to see Cale's behavior change slowly.
“Human, I don’t like to see you and the Gentle Human fighting again!” Raon exclaimed. Ohn and Hong nodded along with Choi Han, remembering the first fight that lasted weeks until Tristan had to step in.
Rok-Soo nodded in response but remained silent for a moment. It wouldn’t be wise to seek Cale now to ask him what he had done wrong.
“Human, are you troubled? Should I call Purple Grandpa?”
“No.” Rok-Soo quickly answered, hearing a fake cough from Choi Han. He frowned as the punk seemed to be silently laughing at him, knowing precisely why he reacts this way every time Tristan is mentioned.
Rok-Soo sighed; it’s not like their dad wouldn’t be able to solve the issue within minutes, but they aren’t kids. Tristan wouldn’t be disappointed in either of them, but Rok-Soo still found the man scary. One look from the Emperor’s sharp eyes was enough to make him drop a sweat. If they dragged him to solve another tiny fight between them, Tristan would probably scold them both and teach them a lesson.
Rok-Soo shivered at the thought and stood up. “I’ll go talk with Cale now. No need to ask Dad for help.” He looked at the kids, especially Raon and Hong, “Don’t call Dad or send him a message, all right?” While the kids’ new habit of calling Tristan randomly using his device or Cale’s is sweet, especially since they know Tristan secretly enjoys it, it’s still a bit troublesome sometimes, like now, for example.
“I understand, Human.”
Rok-Soo glanced at Ohn, pleading with a stoic face to watch her siblings in his absence. The silver cat only nodded, holding back a sigh.
“Is the duke inside?” Rok-Soo asked the guards standing by the door and went to knock after their nod. “Cale, it’s me.”
Instead of receiving an answer, the door opened before him, revealing a vicious assassin.
Rok-Soo ignored the vicious smile from the old butler, “Ron, give us a moment alone.”
Ron looked over to the side at the duke, closing his eyes with a benign smile as he earned a nod. “Yes, Young Masters.”
The door closed behind him, and Rok-Soo walked straight to the desk, admiring how organized the office was as usual for a moment despite the amount of reports and work that never seemed to end.
“What is it, hyung?”
He turned his focus to his brother looking up at him and waiting with the quill in his hand.
“I apologize for leaving a week without saying a word.”
Cale nodded calmly, “I appreciate your apology.”
Rok-Soo nodded as Cale kept staring at him with a bewildered look in his eyes, yet his little brother was still not as responsive as usual, almost even formal with him.
“I trust you, Cale.”
This time, there was a subtle look of surprise visible in Cale's eyes. ‘This is it.’ Rok-Soo was now sure of what mistake he had made this once. "I never doubt your skills and ability in dealing with any matter, whether it be inside or outside the territory."
Cale calmly nodded again. “I understand.”
He slightly frowned at the formal response, “Do you?”
“I really do.” Cale nodded with a small smile this time, “You only took matters into your hands because I was busy enough, right?” He let out a breath like a chuckle as he looked down at the papers again, going back to working on the reports. "However, hyung, I may have to provide you with some guidance. A true slacker would rather relax in his room if he knew someone else would do the work for him."
That only made Rok-Soo frown even more, “Didn’t you announce to everyone that my word is on the same level as yours?”
Cale’s hand stopped writing on the paper. He looked up again and was met with Rok-Soo’s scolding eyes, “Yes, I did. My word is your word, and your word is my word.”
Rok-Soo nodded, “Which means you can ask me to help when you’ve enough work to deal with, right?”
“That really is coming from you— Ow…” Cale looked lost with a slight frown when the other suddenly pinched his cheek.
“I care about my slacker life, but I also know very well you want to live comfortably, yet look at you.”
Cale slightly winced at the harsh pinch on his left cheek, “Ow, okay, I understand—”
“What do you understand?”
“You want me to stop overworking myself?”
“What else?”
“You never do anything on my behalf for the reason that you consider my methods are not good enough to solve the issue?”
“Excellent, make sure to remember that every day.”
Cale rubbed his reddened and slightly swollen cheek with a sigh, “How did I end up the one being scolded now?” He slightly shook his head in disbelief as Rok-Soo casually picked a cookie from the plate on his desk.
“I was already scolded by a certain dongsaeng here, then Ron and Raon. Isn’t that enough?” He went to half lay on one of the couches in front of the desk while munching on the cookie.
"Ah, that's good to hear."
The two brothers looked at each other, laughed, and immediately felt at ease again, talking casually for a while, then falling into a comfortable silence as Rok-Soo took a nap while Cale worked quietly.
Later at night…
“Ah, right! Human! Purple Grandpa called when you left your room today! Why did you leave your device here? Did you forget it?”
Cale’s hand holding the glass of wine paused, and Rok-Soo stopped patting Hong while lying on his bed, “…what did he want?”
“He wanted to check on you two. I told him you’re talking to the Gentle Human to make up because you two fought again!”
Rok-Soo turned to Ohn with a look of betrayal. She looked back at him as if saying, ‘You said not to message or call him, right?’
And both redheads sighed at the same time.
The next day…
-So, what exactly made my kids pout this time?
Tristan laughed through the screen at the two brothers, both sighing in embarrassment before their dad.
-Hey, it’s fine to grow backward and live your childhood—
“Please stop.”
And, as predicted, their dad spent the entire call teasing them for two hours while working in his office at the same time.
At least they know Madelin would scold him for it later, even if all that would come out of it is the usual playful bickering between the married pair.
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winniethewife · 11 months
In my defense, I have none (Miguel O’hara x reader)
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Warning: Sad. Angst-ish.
Words: 470
It had been a year since Miguel Disappeared from Neuva York. She didn’t know that he gone to a different universe, where he had a daughter and was happy. She just knew one day he stopped answering her calls. She took the time to grieve to allow herself the space to become a whole person again. She would go for a run in the evening, she would swear she would see him at the bus stop. She didn’t. She went to see more movies. She had time to see as many matinées as she had money to buy a ticket.
She didn’t really seriously date anyone, how do you open that conversation up? “Oh my Ex? He vanished into thin air one day.” That sounded believable. She didn’t take down the pictures of their days together until A few weeks ago. The things he left? Still in a box under her bed. Sometimes she takes it out and held one of his oversized hoodies and just thought to herself.
“It would've been you” She moved on differently than anyone expected her. She acted more like he died then they broke up or he just ghosted her. She would say she liked to imagine that he was off on his on his on adventure. Doing all the things they had talked about. She never was a typical girl, and it was never a typical romance, but it was theirs. It was fun, they had fun, and they could’ve still had fun. She tried not to think about it anymore.
She was walking by a fountain on her way home one day and she looked at the copper pennies littered on the bottom. At this point in time pennies were completely obsolete as currency but you could buy a pack of two at some tourist shops to use in wishing wells or fountains. She thought about the time that she had convinced Miguel to do it. They had stood at a fountain near his place.
“This is silly chiquitita, I can’t believe you actually convinced me to do this”
“C’mon Miguelito, it’s just for fun, what are you just worried your wish won’t come true?” She teased as he rolls his eyes with a smile on his face. They had thrown the pennies in and Miguel leaned in
“What did you wish for?”
“I can’t tell you or It won’t come true! You know how it works dummy.” If her wish had come true he would be standing next to her right now, teasing her about believing in such a silly notion. As she walked on, she swears she sees him at the bus stop again, but she blinks and no one is there. She couldn’t help but wonder to herself.  
If one thing had been different would everything be different today?
Series Masterlist
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spideystevie · 2 years
hi allie! thanks for the invite to ur party hehe <3 i was wondering if i could request 💘 “look, the bed’s surely big enough for us both.” from prompt list three with stevie? i am a sucker for a cliche love and kisses!! happy heart shaped month 🫶🏼
alice! thank you for coming to the party <3 i too love a good cliche and this one is a favorite for sure. happy heart shaped month mwah enjoy  - [1.1k] | join the party!
Road tripping with Steve was proving to be more of an adventure than you thought. You’d already gotten lost twice and nearly ran out of gas once. For all the trouble the two of you had gone through, it was a miracle your friendship was still entirely intact. 
It felt nice to get away from Hawkins, if only for a little less than a week. Just you and your best friend, an open expanse of blue skies above you and dark asphalt creeping away beneath Steve’s car. 
The summer air is sweet smelling and full of that special kind of hope only summer can bring. When Steve lets you roll the windows down on open bouts of highway, it whips through your hair and kisses your skin with a perfect warmth.
You’re miles outside of Indiana, on your way to Chicago, Illinois. You’d already spent a couple days in Indianapolis, exploring the city and its tall buildings. Small town living has its perks but you think you crave being in a city. That feeling of being a part of something bigger than yourself, the sense of anonymity that comes with a bigger population.
You’d gotten on the road later than you wanted and gotten lost a second time. The sun has started its descent below the horizon and the sky has turned fluorescent. Steve’s thrown down his visor to block out the near blinding rays. They shine on the road, making it look almost like it’s lit from within. You take a peak at the map you’d bought just outside Indianapolis. 
“We should probably find a motel or something for the night,” you say. You probably could’ve made it to Chicago by now, truthfully had you’d given the right directions. Now, you were probably a good couple hours away, open road coasting past you. One of Steve’s mixtapes plays in the background on low. 
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re probably right,” he says. You glance at the passing signs and compare them to the map. The sky’s started to turn bright shades of orange and fuschia, looking much like spilt cans of paint. It’s stunning and you rack your brain trying to remember the last time you’d seen a sunset so magnificent.
“There’s one off the next exit. About two miles,” you note, hunching over in your seat to start rifling through your bag for your camera. Steve glances at you for a moment. When you straighten up, camera in hand, the colors in the sky wash over you, making you look like a mural in itself. 
As you take a picture through the windshield, you already know it’ll never do it just the right amount of justice. You turn in your seat and point the camera at Steve instead. He looks over again briefly and you snap the photo just as he does, grinning.
Steve takes the next exit like you said and pulls up outside a small motel not even five minutes later. He has you wait in the car while he runs in to see if they have a room available. You’re doubtful they’re booked out with how empty the parking lot is. 
You’re leaning against the hood of the car when Steve comes jogging back out. He wishes he had his own camera to take a picture of you, perched on his car and staring at the sky.
“Room 205,” he says, walking towards the trunk where your luggage is. He insists on carrying your small duffle bag for you, leaving you with just your backpack slung over your shoulder. The room’s closer to the car than you had thought. 
Steve drops your bags to the ground and pulls out the room key. When the door unlocks, he swings the door open and shoves the key back into the front pocket of his jeans. You step inside first and your heart sinks. Your lips part, opening and closing around nothing. 
“Um, Steve?”
“Yeah?” from the sound of his voice, he hasn’t seen the dilemma. At your silence, he gets a little worried. “What? What’s wrong?”
“There’s one bed,” you state. You hear the door click shut behind you. You can hear Steve’s footsteps as he walks over.
“What? No there’s not. The lady at the desk said…” his footsteps falter with his voice. His left shoulder bumps into the back of your right one. You don’t look at him. “Oh.”
“Oh,” you nod. Steve sighs, trying to think of a way to fix this. He runs a nervous hand through his hair. 
“I can go back down there,” he starts to say. This time, you do look at him. “Yeah, I’ll just go back down there and tell her she gave us the wrong room by mistake.”
“Steve, wait,” he’s at the door but he freezes at the sound of your voice. He turns his head to look at you, eyebrows furrowed. 
You bite on your lower lip, shift on your feet. Your fingers fidget nervously with the hem of your t-shirt.
“Look, the bed’s surely big enough for us both,” you look over at it. It’s probably a queen size, maybe even a king. You look back at Steve. “I’m fine with sharing the bed if you are.”
Steve blinks, lips parting ever so slightly. He seems to fight off a blush. 
“Oh. Okay. Yeah…yeah we can do that,” he says, letting go of the door handle. You nod once and walk over to grab your bag. He watches you in silence as you carry it over to the bed and set it down to pull out your pajamas and toiletries. 
The two of you flit around each other as you get ready for bed, both feeling a little nervous and for the same reasons you don’t even realize. You can hear crickets chirping outside when you slip into the bed. The two of you lay on both sides respectively, on your backs staring at the ceiling. 
“Is it okay if we…” Steve’s voice cuts through the silence, trailing off with a question that you catch effortlessly. It’s like the two of you speak a different language only you know and after so many years of friendship, you think it might be the case. Slowly, you nod, your hair rustling against the pillow. 
“Yeah,” you breathe out. Your heart starts to beat a little faster in your chest as you and Steve shuffle closer together. He wraps an arm around your middle and you press yourself against his chest. It feels nice, normal even to be wrapped up in Steve as you prepare to go to sleep.
Once the two of you are situated, Steve asks: “Is this okay?”
You don’t even have to think twice before whispering: “Yes.”
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only-lonely-star · 20 hours
⁠♡ Brown Eyed Girl ⁠♡
~ Sodapop Curtis ~
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Warnings - None! Just cute and sappy moments!
Summary - Based off of ‘Brown Eyed Girl’ by Van Morrison !! 💌
Author’s Note - This song reminds me of Soda soooo much so I just HAD TO WRITE A FIC!! I used the song for this fic for inspiration and vibes, not so much the lyrics. I’m a little iffy about the ending so I might edit it a bit. ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU LIKE IT LOVELIES !! 🫶🏼
Word Count - 1.2k.
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To some, you may have seemed utterly insane. The two of you looked like you had been pulled straight out of some romance flick which was far too sappy for anyone to ever finish. Nobody could quite blame you, though. The love you were given time and time again was something people killed for. Your love was rare, it was a one-in-a-million kind of love. Who else would feel crazy enough about you to dream of taking you on so many fun adventures, wishing to explore the world with you?
Sodapop Curtis, of course.
The sunlight had just begun to disperse amongst each grassy hill. The world seemed alive yet again, the moon now a sight that could only be viewed through a squint. The distant fog was lifted and replaced with clouds that looked almost cotton-like. A quiet morning, but a beautiful one. Your bare feet sank into the plush dirt below, the damp grass acting as a carpet for you to run across. You’d lost both heels along the way on account of Sodapop’s fast-paced sprint. Hand in hand with your boyfriend, he guided you up and down the hills of the secluded valley. “Wait, Soda - !” you called out to him, laughing along the way.
“Can’t! We’re almost there!” he replied, his grin wider than you could’ve ever imagined.
Stumbling along behind him, you couldn’t help but crack a smile. Your dress had been absolutely soiled from the various dirt stains splattered across it, and your shoes were long gone, but none of it mattered at this moment.
Sodapop hiked along to the top of the hill with a pep in his step, panting, as you followed. He came to a stop, helping you up along with him. Your knee was on the verge of giving out entirely as you planted your foot onto the peak of the dewy hill beneath you.
“Baby, wait - c’mere,” Soda smiled endearingly. His hands pulled your body closer to him, kissing you before you could even catch your breath. That was the fun of it, of course - gasping for air yet craving nothing more than his touch. Your arms found their way around his neck, encircling him in a tight squeeze. “Ain’t it pretty?” he asked, momentarily breaking the kiss.
Your eyes drifted towards the scenery behind Sodapop, attention focused on how breathtakingly gorgeous of a spot he’d found. No sign of civilization could be found. The valley extended for miles farther than the naked eye could see. Flower fields scattered around the vibrant green grass. It somehow felt prehistoric - as if no human had ever come across the pasture and colonized the territory. There was a picture-perfect view of the sunrise from where you were standing atop the hill. Smaller hills spread all over, and tall grasses billowed in the wind. It was more than perfect, actually.
“Sure is,” you could no longer contain your smile as you attempted to catch your breath, “How’d you ever find such a beautiful place?” your voice was filled with awe as the wonder in your eyes only seemed to grow.
“Used to come down here with Pony all the time, he loves this lil spot,” he motioned to the hill just a little ways down. “I bet he’ll spend every second he gets down here once school lets out.”
“It’s gorgeous,” you emphasized, stepping even closer for another tight hug. Sodapop snaked his arms around your waist with a charmed smile. As you pecked his cheek, your body could sense his sly grin reappear.
“See that flower field over there?” he asked, his voice soft against your neck. You hesitated before nodding, only because you hadn’t a clue what he was planning. You could tell he was about to say something just to rile you up. “We’re gettin’ married there. Oh yeah - definitely. Have a little get-together with Darry…Pony…everyone.”
You kissed his lower lip, removing your arms from around his neck. “Shut up, Soda - it ain’t happening anytime soon if that’s what you’re gettin’ at.” Your eyes instinctively rolled in response to him, yet your smile was unwavering. He could pry all he wanted, but you were sure you’d never commit to marriage at the ripe age of sixteen. “God, you’re such an idiot.”
His chest jerked backwards from the force of your hand which was intended to be nothing but a small nudge. Your eyes went wide, grabbing a hold of his arm in a lousy attempt to pull him back up. “SHIT - ! Soda!”
Sodapop could only holler, the immediate fear now turned to nothing but a laugh. He stumbled back, losing his balance. No matter the situation, he would always drag you along - this was no different. Your own feet weren’t enough to keep your entire body planted into the warm grass. Tumbling down the hill you went, screaming the entire way down. Your arms extended out as if they could do something to help balance yourself. Within seconds, Sodapop crashed into the flowerbed of pink cosmos, yanking your arm downwards before you stumbled right over him. He quickly shifted to lay on his back, his knees in the air.
A low groan fell from his lips as you fell flat against his chest. Sodapop’s hands steadied you, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he burst into pure laughter and joy. Bringing your arms up so that your elbows could prop yourself up in the grass was nearly the only thing you could do. On top of the now crushed flowers, Sodapop held your body down, the sunlight casting a warm hue on his golden hair. “That was insane!” he cried out, his cheeks now reddened from smiling so hard.
“I didn’t mean to. Honestly, baby, I didn’t,” you tried to reassure him as you sat up on his lower stomach. A faint giggle, partially of embarrassment, the other half of amusement, escaped your lips. The back of your hand was raised to wipe off the small shreds of grass off of your forehead.
“Turns out I ain’t the idiot,” he mumbled as his cheeky grin took over once more. His hands gently ran up and down your sides, feeling the soft fabric of your dress graze against his skin. Your waist was by far his favorite place to let his hands rest.
You picked the grass out of his hair gently and cupped his jawline. Forcing a sarcastic sigh, you leaned your face closer to his. “Okay…wedding when?” you were acting as nothing but a tease to him.
“Whenever ya want. Pick a day, I’m there.” Sodapop replied confidently. His hand pressed down on yours as his thumb stroked your soft skin subconsciously.
Your gaze never left his, and a few unspoken words were exchanged through the intimate eye contact. You were well aware not a hint of sarcasm was found in Sodapop’s words. He was as loyal as a dog and didn’t have eyes for anyone else. His heart thumping against yours was all you needed at this moment. Maybe not sometime soon, but one day. One day you will settle down with him. You’ll spend every day with him, living a life never knowing what heartbreak truly meant.
Your lips became latched onto his yet again. His eyes fixated on yours, and you spoke with a soft smile. “I love you, Soda… but gosh you’re such an idiot!”
He couldn’t even be mad. Sodapop was willing to wait as long as you needed as long as he had you by his side. He kissed you with just as much passion as he proudly wore your lipstick on the outer corners of his lips. He’d love you forever.
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stargazer-sims · 8 months
The More Things Change...
... the more they stay the same.
Victor and Yuri have grown a lot since their early days together, but no matter how much time passes, some things remain as consistent as ever.
Yuri matured significantly and managed to conquer his paralyzing self-doubt. He runs his own successful communications firm now and is well respected in the business community. But, he still dissolves into a sad little puddle and demands all the attention when he's not feeling well.
As for Victor, he's still working at the hospital and he continues feeling fulfilled by his profession. He likes caring for all his patients and makes their comfort his priority, but the patient who'll always be first on his list of priorities is the clingy and still impossibly cute one he has at home.
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Yuri: I’m sorry I’m ruining your day off. I know you wanted to go biking with Davey and Lindsey, but now you’re stuck with me instead.
Victor: I’d rather be stuck with you than with anybody else.
Yuri: Not when I’m ill.
Victor: Any time, no matter what. You know that.
Yuri: I feel bad that you’re missing your adventure because of me.
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Victor: It’s okay. The mountain bike trails aren’t about to disappear, and the weather will probably be warm enough for a few more weeks. I’ll have other chances to go.
Yuri: I wish I wasn’t so anxious about being alone. Otherwise, you could’ve gone anyway.
Victor: Honestly, I’m anxious about you being alone when you’re sick, too. Even if you didn’t mind, I don’t think I could’ve just left you.
Yuri: I need you.
Victor: I know.
Yuri: You make it better. I know that probably sounds like a silly thing to say since you can't actually make it hurt less, but you just... make it better. I don't know how to explain it.
Victor: It’s all right. You don’t have to explain anything.
Yuri: Stay close to me. Please.
Victor: I'm here.
Yuri: I was doing so well for so long, but I suppose this was inevitable. They don't call it a chronic illness for no reason, do they?
Victor: I'll take care of you. Don't worry.
Yuri: I know you will, but that doesn't stop me from wishing this wasn't happening.
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Victor: Do you think you’d be more comfortable in bed? I can go upstairs with you and we can cuddle for a while if you want. Maybe I could give you a belly rub.
Yuri: I’d really like a belly rub, but I’m not certain I can move. Not until the painkillers start to work.
Victor: That bad?
Yuri: Yes. It's that awful cramping pain, like someone's twisting my insides.
Victor: Do you feel nauseous too?
Yuri: Mm-hmm. I've been feeling uncomfortable for the past few days, but it's gotten quite a lot worse since this morning.
Victor: You didn’t say anything.
Yuri: The pain was manageable, and I've been busy. But I'm worried this might be the start of a new flare-up, and I don't have time for my body to betray me like that right now. I've got too much work to do.
Victor: I don't think your body understands your work schedule, love.
Yuri: *grumbling* Stupid body.
Victor: *laughing* Would it be inappropriate for me to say how ridiculously adorable you are?
Yuri: Probably, but I won't complain.
Victor: Let me know when you feel like you can move. I'll help you upstairs, and I'll take your temperature.
Yuri: Do I feel warm?
Victor: A little.
Yuri: Oh... brilliant. This had better not be another infection, or I'll—
Victor: What?
Yuri: I'll cry. I'll quite literally cry.
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Victor: It might not be as bad as you think.
Yuri: What if it is?
Victor: If you have a fever or if you're still in a lot of pain tomorrow, I'll take you to the urgent care clinic. In the meantime, try to rest, okay?
Yuri: Maybe we should go now. I mean, not this minute, but when Caroline gets back from shopping with your mother.
Victor: Do you want me to text Mom and let her know what's up? I'm sure Caroline can have dinner with her and Julian, and hang out there for the evening.
Yuri: No, it's fine. I can wait until she gets back at least, and I think she's old enough to stay by herself while we're gone.
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Victor: I don't like the idea of her staying alone, and I'm not sure I can handle being worried about both of you.
Yuri: If anything happens, your parents are across the street.
Victor: You're not concerned at all?
Yuri: Of course, but she's seventeen years old. She needs to be independent at some point.
Victor: I know, but maybe not at this specific point. Maybe we can let her stay on her own for a few hours when you're feeling better, when we can both be available if she needs anything.
Yuri: You know you're being overprotective, don't you?
Victor: You say that like it's bad.
Yuri: It's not necessarily bad. You can overprotect me all you want, but Caroline has a much different temperament than me, and she might not always appreciate being protected as much as I do. I think you need to let go, just a little.
Victor: I don't know. I don't like it.
Yuri: What do you want to do, then?
Victor: I still think she should stay with Mom and Julian.
Yuri: Okay.
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Caroline: I'm back from shopping! I can't wait to show you the cute... Oh! Papa, what's wrong?
Yuri: It's all right, Caroline.
Caroline: How is it all right? Are you sick? You were fine when I left. Was it something you ate, or...?
Victor: Papa hasn't been feeling good for the past few days. It seems it finally caught up with him.
Caroline: You're going to take him to the doctor, right?
Victor: We were just talking about that, as a matter of fact. We decided we're going to urgent care.
Caroline: Urgent care? But that's like, for when it's really serious. Papa, you haven't needed to go there in ages. Not since just after we got back from Sulani last time. That's like, almost two years. This isn't going to be like the times you've had to be in the hospital for weeks, is it? 'Cause those are terrifying.
Yuri: That's what I'm hoping to avoid.
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Caroline: Well, if you're going to the urgent care clinic, I'm coming with you. I'll hold your hand while we're waiting, and I'll do whatever you need me to.
Yuri: Well, I guess that's your dilemma sorted, Victor.
Caroline: What dilemma?
Yuri: He didn't want you to stay here by yourself.
Caroline: What are you even talking about? There's no way I'd stay here by myself in this situation. LIke, I'm already freaking out, so can you imagine how much worse it'd be if I was here worrying about you all alone?
Yuri: I thought you might like to have the house to yourself.
Caroline: Maybe if it was just a normal day and I had a few hours to myself to do something fun, but not right now. Maybe you can let me have the house to myself some other time. You know, like when you're feeling better and I'm not losing my mind over all the worst-case scenarios and stuff.
Victor: There's not going to be a worst-case scenario.
Caroline: I'm coming with you so I can hear the doctor say that.
Victor: Because I'm totally not a fully-qualified registered nurse.
Caroline: Victor, that's not what I mean! You totally are, but you know there's a hierarchy or whatever. Husband first, then nurse. And you can't say there isn't, because I've seen you acting even more panicked than me when Yuri's sick, and I know for sure you'd never be like that with your patients.
Victor: I do not panic. I'm one hundred percent calm. Trust me, I'm a professional.
Yuri: I don't think you're convincing her, love.
Caroline: You're not. Now, stop pretending to be a tough guy, 'cause we all know the truth. And don't tell me I'm not allowed to come with you because this is one time I'm not gonna do as I'm told.
Yuri: Oh? Just this one time?
Caroline: Ugh! You guys are so infuriating! How can I even love you so much when you're so annoying?
Victor: We're not going to tell you not to come. I'd like it if you did.
Yuri: I would too. I certainly wouldn't turn down the offer of you holding my hand while we're waiting.
Caroline: I know that's not much. It's not going to fix anything, but I also know you really don't like going to the doctor, so hopefully it'll make the whole thing a bit easier.
Yuri: Don't say it's not much. You might be surprised how much it truly can fix when you know you're with somebody who loves you.
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machatheo · 1 year
so i run to you
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pairing: enhypen jake x reader
genre: some angst, childhood friends to lovers, fluff
words: ~4k
warnings: mentions of death, sunghoon cameo
summary: a sudden death in your family brings your childhood friend back in the town, and now, you think, there’s a little more hope for you, if only because you now have something to think about other than what you lost.
a/n: hello hello, it’s been awhile :’) the story you’re about to read contains some of my own personal feelings since my own grandmother just passed a few months ago. i think it’s my coping mechanism to write something for it. enjoy and thank you for reading! :)
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the sun is already setting, making some of the sun rays peak out from behind the trees and blind your eyes. it’s getting pretty late and not to mention chilly. summer is coming to an end.
a single tear rolls down your cheek.
with a heavy heart, you push yourself to stand up, turning around from the view your eyes found calmness at for the past few hours.
climbing down the hill turned out to be pretty challenging. you’d run down it when you were a child, basking in the softness of the grass that your feet would lay upon, laughing and giggling if by one, you’d slip and tumble down. now, you’re scared of that, your steps careful as you make your way down.
the forest is what you’re met with next, another happy memory for you as a kid yet quite mysterious as an adult. as you find the path you came here from, your head is filled with memories. there’s laughter everywhere and squeals all over the place and you wish for anything just so you could bring it back. those happy days went by so quickly. there was always another make-believe adventure waiting for you just around the corner, yet now all that’s it’s become is just fairytales.
you finally reach the end and come out on the village road. it’s got cracks, hence, been fixed once and never renovated since. but you don’t mind it, it only stands as a reminder that nothing lasts forever. only then do you see a familiar hunch of disheveled hair, sporting a tall figure, one that you recognize as your friend.
gathering what’s left of your strength, you jump over the last obstacle of weeds blocking your way and go into your friend’s view, waving your hand to catch his attention, “sunghoon!!”
the said one turns around and a smile paints his features, “where have you been? i have been looking all around for you” he runs up to you, hands flying to fix his hair.
sunghoon stands tall in front of you, catching up to his breath, “sorry,” you say, “i went to watch the sunset on the hill,” you point behind you, not caring to go too much into detail, already knowing sunghoon will know which one you have in mind.
the man nods in comprehension, “well then let me walk you home, it’s getting cold”
you nod and let him walk side by side. it’s silent yet calming. you hear some birds chirp and the wind pick up, sending chills down your bare arms. you cross your arms, hoping for some warmth.
“how are you doing?” sunghoon asks, his voice barely a whisper. it’s not much but you already know the hidden implications behind that question. it makes your lips quiver as you search for an answer. that’s true, how are you doing..?
you slow down your steps and soon stop, making the older stop as well. sunghoon turns around and looks at you, his face already indicating sympathy.
your eyes water and it doesn’t take sunghoon a second to engulf you in a hug, “it will be okay,” he mumbles into your hair, a hand softly rubbing your back.
involuntary sobs escape your throat and get muffled in sunghoon’s chest. you cry until there’s nothing but that heavy feeling in your chest again.
the news of your grandmother’s death rocked the whole town. the worst news anyone could’ve heard that day. maybe because it was too sudden. too quick. too unexpected. that one small bubble of happiness and joy suddenly gone, evaporated into the thin air.
nothing could’ve prepared you for the day your mother knocked on your bedroom door, for the way you felt when you saw her puffy eyes and shaking hands holding a phone, where you heard your dads voice calling from the hospital, telling you that she was gone.
you didn’t sleep that night at all. sitting on the windowsill, you stared at the hill you and your grandmother would always go to play and watch the sunsets. all you felt was coldness, the moon only illuminating the small part of the hill and the big oak tree that stood tall and proud on top of it, the one your grandmother planted along her mother when she was only a child.
your town was small and you’ve spent most of your childhood here. that’s why after finding out the news, the world felt like it shattered.
you only ever left the city to spend your summers here, enjoying the presence of your grandmother and helping her around the house. you knew the neighborhood well and nothing was more exciting than going around and asking how everyone is doing, meeting up with your childhood friends and camping somewhere in the forest. your grandmother’s death meant that not only will you come here less or maybe not even again, it meant that all of your happy memories will never repeat again. and that’s what was the most crushing.
the plans for the funeral were slow. you refused to participate in the process, the mere mention of your grandmother easily bringing you to tears. but long and behold, the day finally came.
not being able to sit in the room where the air felt like it’s been compressed, you leave to get some fresh air. your cheeks feel stiff from the tears that have already dried up. you go a bit further and sit on the bench that looks over a lake.
someone walks behind you but you are too tired to look up until they sit down and you feel warmness. looking up, you turn your head to the side and can’t hold in the gasp that escapes your throat.
it’s jake. your dearest childhood friend. the one you’d swear to clean the whole house for just so your grandmother would let you out to play at ungodly hours of the day.
your first ever friend and the only one you’ve felt like the best version of yourself when you were with him. the boy who would climb over your fence for both of you to lay on the grass and look at the stars. the boy who swore to defeat all the forest monsters and protect you from evil. the boy who looked the upmost jealous when you adopted the neighboring kid sunghoon into your small friend circle.
the boy who now looks nothing like the last time you remember.
“hi,” one word it takes for him to say and all the memories start flooding in. god, you’ve missed his voice so much.
jake was born in this town but left for the city once he turned sixteen. as far as you’ve heard, the boy grew up to be a star basketball player. you’d still keep in touch even when he left but once life kept barging at both of you, you lost him. four years had passed and not once did you not think of how he was doing. and now here he was. not a boy anymore though, a full grown man, sitting right next to you.
still in shock, you keep staring at him, not fully understanding if he’s actually here.
“missed me?” he jokes and you melt at his failed attempt of cracking a joke. you rush to hug him and your hands tremble as you pull him closer.
“jake, oh my god, what are you doing here?” you utter, still in complete disbelief.
jake hugs you back, “sunghoon told me about what happened, i had to…”
your heart clenches at his words. for a moment, you forgot. his hugs still feel warm, as if that never changed about him.
“you should’ve came back sooner,” you sniffle, trying your best from stopping the tears. but here you are again, crying, yet this time unbeknownst to what.
“i know. i’m sorry,” jake sighs into your hair, fingers tracing comforting circles into your back, “i truly wanted to but i couldn’t. i promise you i will explain everything, okay? just a bit later”
you nod, too afraid your voice will crack if you spoke. yet you try anyways, “i missed you…”
“me too. so much.” jake pulls you in closer if that’s even possible anymore.
you sit like that for a few minutes until you feel like it’s time to go back. as you make your way to see your grandmother one last time and say goodbye, jake holds your hand, his hold now seeping warmth into your own, comforting you in a way you’ve forgotten how.
jake had to leave once the funeral ended but he promised he will come back. and he did a couple of weeks later, awkwardly standing in front of your house, hands neatly stuffed in his jeans pockets as he looks around. sunghoon stands next to him, seemingly having more of his attention on the phone in his hand rather than his friend.
you walk out soon later, a bright smile plastered on your face as you come towards jake face to face. he opens up his arms and you engulf him in a hug, a small giggle escaping your lips.
“okay, let’s go,” you announce as soon as you force yourself out of jake’s hold.
sunghoon scoffs as he puts his phone away and glares at you, “where’s my hug?”
you slightly roll your eyes, “you’ve gotten them far more than jake had, deal with it”
they both laugh yet there’s some bittersweet look on jake’s face. you decide to ignore it as you begin walking down the road.
the original plan was to show jake around, remind him of the things he had missed upon from all those years. and then sunghoon being sunghoon, decided to tag along too. you don’t mind it but something deep inside you wanted to be selfish and only hang out with jake. you won’t tell this to anyone though, it would hurt sunghoon’s feelings.
you engage in a lighthearted conversation with both of them. you soon find out that when jake left for the city, his dad enrolled him into a sports academy where he picked up basketball and things just soared from there. you also found out that after changing his phone, he lost all of his contacts and only later, way later, found sunghoon on facebook where he contacted him once again.
“you still use facebook?” you snort and look at sunghoon.
“hey,” sunghoon frowns, pushing you slightly to the side, “i don’t use it, it’s mostly for emergencies like these to be exact. look he found me and now he’s here, you should thank me instead”
“whatever,” you shake your head chuckling. the boys continue the conversation but something irks you. how come jake never asked sunghoon for your number if he had lost it? it’s stupid, really, but you’re a bit hurt from this. again, blaming your fragile heart, you ignore it, rather going back to indulge yourself in the conversation again.
jake continues on about his life in the city and how much he has travelled the world due to the growing popularity of his sports achievements.
“damn, are we friends with a world superstar? should i ask you for your signature?” sunghoon rushes at his words, almost as if pretending to be jake’s biggest fan.
“aw c’mon man,” jake laughs, shoving sunghoon to the side, “i am not that popular”
except that he is once sunghoon pulls out his phone and goes on a searching spree. it doesn’t take him long to find countless of articles, all written about “…the rising basketball player jake sim, once again sets an example for basketball’s history with his upmost precision and-“
sunghoon’s attempt at reading one of the articles gets interrupted by jake snatching the phone away from him, “dude, you are famous,” sunghoon deadpans.
“okay, i might be a little bit, but please stop reading, it’s embarrassing,” jake sulks, deleting all the tabs of the articles sunghoon has opened up. he soon gives him back the phone but not without making sunghoon promise he won’t search for more.
“wah, y/n we’re friends with a star,” sunghoon pretends to be in an awe, as he nudges your shoulder with his own.
“yeah yeah, do you think there’s paparazzi standing right around that corner?” you whisper to him, pointing to a random corner. you’re mesmerized by jake’s achievements but putting on an act with sunghoon is much more funnier.
“guysss,” jake whines at the way you’re both acting, “please”
“okay okay we will stop,” sunghoon laughs, draping an arm around your shoulder. the seemingly small action sets something unknown in jake’s eyes as he shifts uncomfortably on his feet.
“weird question but are you guys uh dating or something?” jake asks and suddenly you get it. so jake thought you and sunghoon were a thing…
“god, no,” you push sunghoon away from you in light speed and the man dares to act wounded, “sunghoon and i are only friends”
sunghoon being the good friend that he is, decides to ignore how you got all defensive, a small grin appearing on the corners of his lips.
“yeahh, we are besties, jake,” sunghoon laughs, patting his back, “even still i wouldn’t date her if you paid me millions”
you let out a fake gasp, “are you saying i would be a bad date?”
“not exactly… but you do be a handful sometimes,” sunghoon raises his hands in a defensive manner.
you roll your eyes, “whatever rows your boat dude”
sunghoon snickers next to you and you focus your attention back to walking. you pass some of your neighbors and most of them seem to recognize jake as they catch him to indulge into small chitchats on how he’s been doing. it’s all fun and chill until you come across one of the old houses.
“oh my god, is he still alive?” jake gapes as he sees that said man sitting on a rocking chair, gaze turned to the fields.
“yeah,” you nod. when you were children, you’d always be scared of him for literally no reason. you and jake would always pass his house on your tippy toes, giggling among yourselves, thinking you were sneaky. you remember that one time the old man came from around the corner, scaring both of you to your cores so much that jake tripped while running down the road. you laughed, of course, before helping him.
it was just something about him that made you shiver. now that you’ve grown up, you realized it was all in your child’s head; the man was just lonely. now he barely leaves his house territory, usually just rocking on his chair, gaze stuck somewhere far far away.
sometimes you hate your younger self for being like that and wonder what would’ve happened if you were nicer. maybe you’d have made friends with the old man and brighten up his life more.
“he’s still scary,” sunghoon interrupts your spacing out on the memory lane moment, “didn’t change much”
“hm,” jake mumbles. you’re about to walk away when the old man turns slowly. very slowly in fact.
“god i just got the worst shivers ever,” sunghoon shakes his body, “let’s go before he runs at us full speed”
you laugh, “stupid, he’s too old for that.”
what you didn’t expect however is for the old man to wave his hand at you. not in a way where he’s asking you to come closer but merely just a wave of saying hello. weirdly you feel at peace as jake and you almost immediately wave back.
“what? he’s suddenly being nice?” sunghoon scoffs but nevertheless waves back because as much as he likes being a prick, there’s still some decency in his heart. the old man returns his gaze to whatever he’s been staring at and that’s how your short interaction ends.
continuing your walk towards the lake (in hopes of going full circle around the town), sunghoon suddenly gets a call from his mother, urging him to go back home. the taller tells you he might join you later for the sunset, and then shortly leaves after. now it’s only you and jake.
when you arrive at the lake, the two of you settle on the grass by its shores. when you look at the time, it’s almost six in the evening. a glance at jake reveals that he has been spacing out for a while. he seems to be thinking of something hard, so you wait for him to talk. he looks at you, his eyes glassy with a distant look on his face.
“is something wrong, jake?” you ask softly as you don’t hesitate to lay your head on his shoulder. he doesn't respond but his hand starts caressing the nape of your neck. his touch sends a pleasant tingling feeling down your spine.
you find yourself not wanting the touch to stop so when he moves his hand from your neck, you instinctively grab it. the sudden contact makes jake's hand tense up.
“god, sorry, i just-” you blurt out, retrieving your hand back as you sense that maybe you've gone too far but jake grabs your hand again.
your face suddenly feels very warm, and it spreads all over your body. the silence that follows feels so loud to you, you can almost hear every beat of your heart.
“i want to apologize,” jake breathes in a shaky voice. he looks away from you.
you frown and sit up, facing him. "why?" you ask, "you haven't done anything wrong, jake."
the look he gives you breaks your heart, and you feel an ache in your chest, “was leaving you behind not wrong enough? i always regret it every time. i don't think i can make amends for what i did, so i can only apologize to you, and say i'm sorry. for all this time, i never forgot you, i couldn't forget you.”
“jake, don’t say that,” you shake your head, "i understand that you had to leave. the city had way more opportunities to you and that was the right thing to do. i know it was a tough choice to make but it's okay. it's alright. i'm alright. you didn't do anything wrong," you cup his face in your hands.
“no, y/n, you don’t understand,” jake shakes his head making your hands fall to your sides, “it wasn’t a tough choice i had to make. i, fuck, i wanted to leave. i had grown so tired, so sick of this town. i felt suffocated here. and when my mom told me the chance to live in the city was open to me, i took it. i wanted to come home to you more than anything, but i thought i was better off in the big city. and you know, it felt amazing the first few years, i found my strength in basketball, i was living the dream. i had friends, a career, a future, i had it all, but i wasn't happy. i felt so miserable all the time, and i think it was because i left you behind, left this place behind, and i-“ jake’s voice cracks as he wipes a tear, and you do your best to hold back a sob, "i missed you so goddamn much. i felt so bad, god, i still feel so fucking bad. no matter where i went, how big i made it, you've always been the only thing in my mind. it was all you, y/n. you were always the one thing keeping me going. and it's hard, you know, it's hard being on your own out there when all i knew is how it was when we were young and stupid and together like two pieces of a whole, you know? it was just so much easier when i was here, i didn't have to be alone."
you gently caress his cheeks and give him a smile, "and you're not alone anymore," you whisper softly, "you're not alone, jake."
the words seem to pierce right through jake's heart. he falls forward into your chest, wrapping his arms around you. you wrap your arms around his head and stroke his hair as you hold him tight.
“i never thought bad about you jake. i just thought you left because you had to and it was enough for me to know you were happy out there. i never wanted you to stay here if you felt like that. you never owed me anything. you never owed this town or anyone anything. it was your life, your choice, you should never have to explain yourself.”
“but i hurt you, y/n. you had to be sad because of me. i never wanted that. i never wanted to make you feel bad, not you. you were my home, my light, my everything.”
your heart does a little twist.
he said home, he said light, he said everything. and then your heart goes into overdrive when jake pulls away and you swear you can see little stars in his eyes. he stares at you with so much affection in them, you're scared to look away.
jake's eyes dart around, looking at you in wonder. you watch as his hand cups the side of your face, gently caressing it, as he leans in. your heart is going out of control, the speed of your heart making your hands tremble. before he can lean in any more, he’s whispering the words you thought you’d never get to hear.
"i love you."
and then his lips are on yours.
his kiss is sweet and loving, full of emotion. it's like he's pouring everything into you, all of his feelings, every feeling he had kept locked up for all this time. and you give everything back, in the same amounts of emotion.
"i love you too," you murmur in the kiss, feeling so alive you might burst.
when the kiss finally breaks, jake's cheeks are flushed pink, he's panting softly.
“god,” he murmurs, voice shaky. he lets out a hoarse laugh and burries his face in his hands, “i was so stupid” he mumbles into his palms, "i should've never left, i should've never let you go, i should've just fucking stayed-"
you put your hand over his and slowly remove it from his face.
“i could have had you sooner,” his voice breaks.
you take his hand and intertwine your fingers with his.
"but you're here now. and you have me."
he looks at you and you swear there's nothing more beautiful than the way he smiles at you right now. you swear on your life it's like staring into the stars themselves.
"and you'll always have me," you whisper, "always."
he closes his eyes as he brings your hand up to his mouth, giving you a gentle kiss. you close your eyes as well, relishing in the soft feeling of his lips against your skin.
“y/n this might be too soon but will you be mine? officially this time? will you be my girlfriend?" jake asks in a shy voice.
"oh my god," you let out a small laugh, "i was already yours, jake. all this time you had me”
and when you kiss him again, there's a feeling of relief that spreads all over his body. relief that finally, he has you back, finally.
“hey! i left you for like an hour and you’re already all over each other?!” you hear a voice call out from behind you.
you and jake immediately break away from each other. you turn around and see sunghoon a few meters behind you. he’s holding a plastic bag in his hand, while the other is placed on his hip. he looks like a bored housewife.
he throws the bag to jake, and he catches it with ease.
"what's this?" jake asks as he opens it up, and you scoot closer to take a look. it's a take out box from the small town's only restaurant, one that you both dearly loved.
"dinner," sunghoon rolls his eyes, "thought y’all would be hungry by now but not after seeing you eat at each other's faces."
“god, how much did you see,” you whine, face growing hot.
sunghoon shrugs his shoulders, "only half," he answers, and you groan in embarrassment.
“whatever, let’s eat please,” you groan again, hoping your cheeks won't burn forever.
sunghoon settles in beside you and you bask in the fact that finally, everything feels right again. even if you lost someone so dear to you and it will take some time to get used to it, you gained one person back.
you finally have jake back home.
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forasecondtherewedwon · 7 months
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how to cook the loch ness monster
Fandom: Masters of the Air Pairing: Harry Crosby/Joseph "Bubbles" Payne Rating: T Word Count: 2178
Summary: If there’d been one, why not two? It was a big sky. Such a big, big sky, and Crosby clamped his eyes shut and listened hard to hear another plane, or one man breathing inside it, or little bubbles of air bobbing in a snow globe.
Or, Bubbles' plane lands after Rosenthal's.
Crosby lived in a wacky reality where heroes outnumbered regular guys a hundred to one. He was one of the regular guys and didn’t mind it. They’d never forget him when they were handing out beers for a toast, but he’d never be the subject of that toast, and that was alright. He wasn’t an ace pilot or blessed with a movie-star face—or both, like Major Cleven—but he was always present, mostly punctual, and able to plot a course about as well as the next navigator. Unless that navigator was Bubbles, whom Crosby admired very much.
And it was possible to admire a man who was simultaneously quick at the chart and possessed of unorthodox beliefs and superstitions. The snow globe was only the tip of the faux-winter iceberg; Bubbles had spoken more than once about taking a leave, the two of them, to go up to Scotland and see if they couldn’t catch themselves a lake monster. Not only did Bubbles believe Nessie could be reeled in, he believed she could be barbecued. Crosby had seen his papers. Where other men wrote letters, Bubbles made calculations based on meat mass and grilling area. They were precise, and this didn’t alarm Crosby, because it was exactly the sort of thing Bubbles was best at. If they could’ve coated the bombs in seasoning, Bubbles would’ve flamed and flavoured every airbase and railyard in western Germany.
Really, Crosby never saw himself as a hero, not even as another character in that kind of story, unless it were something a little more offbeat. He did sometimes think he was a Watson type—a Watson to Bubbles’ Holmes. Bubbles always knew what was actually going on, and Crosby staked his faith on it, tripping along two steps behind but eager to see the solution revealed, and glad for the friend.
When he was promoted, he thought, Well, how the hell ’m I supposed to Watson him from here? They’d always been in two different planes, but at least they’d been off on the same adventures, facing the same risks. Crosby hadn’t signed up to be a long-distance Watson. There was nothing for it though; you didn’t just throw a promotion back in your superior’s face and insist you be allowed to get shot-up and flakked to shit with the rest. You didn’t do that to yourself, to your wife, to the rest of the men who didn’t have the luxury of an offered post on-base. You sat in your office, and thought of the jeep at your disposal, and wore a jacket instead of a parachute.
There was so much time to think while Bubbles was gone, flying to Münster. Crosby rubbed his hands together—slowly, repeatedly—and remembered coming back from the dead, as he and the rest of Blakely’s crew had been treated. It had been like getting home after a long day of work. He’d been exhausted, vaguely proud when the boys alternately praised and mocked his navigation skills. He hadn’t felt like he’d survived in any special way until he’d seen Bubbles. Then, of course, he’d realized. There might never have been another instance of Bubbles spotting him in a room and making a beeline, never another embrace with the slap of Bubbles’ hand on the back of his leather jacket. Never another Bubbles and Crosby, his name first.
Finally, the squadron was almost due back. He joined the others waiting on the tower, falling into the anxious formation of sailors’ wives looking out to sea. Crosby would’ve killed for a pair of binoculars. He wished he’d checked his office, but he hadn’t, not anticipating that this would be the hardest part of the wait: the final margin of time in which the planes could reasonably return. He crossed his arms and chewed his lip and wondered if he’d get better at this too, like he’d gotten better at coming up with coordinates.
His ears did what his eyes couldn’t, picking out an aircraft’s mechanical hum. But the fellows from the 390th reported no sign of the 100th. Crosby wasn’t a violent man—a ridiculous assessment of himself to hold on to, maybe, being at war—but he wanted to deck whatever man had said it, and deck him again for being wrong when Rosenthal came into view. Rosenthal made contact with the tower, and an ambulance was dispatched. Still, Crosby stayed aloft. He gripped the railing. If there’d been one, why not two? It was a big sky. Such a big, big sky, and Crosby clamped his eyes shut and listened hard to hear another plane, or one man breathing inside it, or little bubbles of air bobbing in a snow globe.
At last, a second, distant drone. He opened his eyes. First, he tried not to hope, then he hoped so hard he thought he’d be sick. He turned to Major Kidd and tried not to sound like he was begging.
“The nose? Can you make out the nose?”
Kidd lifted the binoculars back up to his eyes.
Crosby smacked his hand down on the railing in triumph and let out a wet laugh, pinched the end of his nose when he felt a prickle of emotion.
He could’ve stayed and waited to see if there would be more planes, but he remembered he had access to a jeep and tore towards the stairs.
“Where the hell’s Croz going?” Colonel Harding barked.
Crosby heard Kidd explain in just two words: “She’s Gonna.” Crosby loved those words, thought they were the best words ever invented.
He zipped the jeep out onto the hardstand with a speed and a turn that tossed him against the door. He was too oblivious to his surroundings, and realized he had to floor it because he’d pulled out in front of the ambulance headed to Bubbles’ plane. He didn’t consider that it could be for Bubbles, that Bubbles might be dead or dying after going all that way and coming back again. No. He would be fine, Crosby decided, giving a wave to Rosenthal as he raced past him without stopping. They would all be fine.
Getting as close as he could to the men straggling out onto the runway, Crosby threw the jeep into park and tumbled out. He dodged a pair helping one another towards the ambulance that had just stopped behind him and ducked under the belly of the plane. She’s Gonna looked… well, she looked like she’d been through a war. Crosby came out the other side staring up at the pointillism painting the Luftwaffe had made of the wing—medium: bullets on metal. And then there was Bubbles.
He was examining the plane, same as Crosby’d been, remarking on the damage to another crewman.
“Wing, shming,” Bubbles pronounced. “You got two a’ them, only one a’ me.”
“And the wings don’t know their east from their west,” Crosby said.
Bubbles spun ’round. If Crosby’d never gotten to see him smile like that again, it would’ve been too bad. The other airman knew to give them space.
“Hey, buddy,” Bubbles said.
They hugged hard, and when Crosby drew back, it wasn’t possible to hide that a few tears had leaked from his eyes.
“What’s this for?” Bubbles demanded. “I didn’t make you wait like you made me!”
“You’re the last plane,” Crosby pointed out.
“Yeah, outta two!”
They both sobered at that. Tentatively, Bubbles hugged him again. His head tipped gently against Crosby’s.
“It was pretty bad up there,” Crosby guessed.
“It was hell,” Bubbles answered.
They kept their hands on each other’s shoulders as they pulled apart, and Crosby inspected his friend’s face with a frown.
“You broke your nose?” he guessed, taking in the swelling at Bubbles’ bridge, the blood that seemed to have been half-wiped from his mustache, and the bruising rolling in like grey-violet thunderclouds below his eyes.
Bubbles touched his nose and winced.
“Damn flak. Blasted us off-kilter and I went down face-first. Got the blood on the charts, if you wanna see.”
“I believe you,” Crosby promised. “Why don’t you see if they can do anything for you before you go into interrogation?”
“Maybe straighten my nose up, but I gotta feeling the rest a’ my face is gonna have to stay the way it is.”
“Ah, you win some, you lose some, pal.”
Crosby couldn’t help taking another look at the beat-up plane before he clapped Bubbles on the shoulder and steered him over to the medics.
Everybody headed for the bar after interrogation, but Crosby hung back when Bubbles did.
“I think I just want the quiet,” Bubbles explained. “And a shower. Wash all this grime off a’ me.”
“Yeah, I understand,” Crosby assured him.
Bubbles’ gaze darted down, then sprang back up.
“Would ya stay with me?”
Crosby was more stunned by how close Bubbles’ earnest expression was to fearful than by the request, but he found himself echoing, “Stay with you?”
“Never mind.” Bubbles tried a smile that didn’t stay in place. “Why dontcha go have a drink, Croz?”
“Nah.” Crosby thought about making an excuse, even a joking one, but he didn’t. There was no appeal in falsifying a reason to stay with his best friend when the fact of Bubbles being his best friend stood alone. Might as well be clear. If something did take them away from one another—Bubbles shot down over there, Crosby killed by a bombing back here—he wouldn’t think, At least Bubbles never saw the depth of my sincerity about our friendship.
Bubbles had said he wanted quiet, and he got it in spades; the barracks were a ghost town. Rows of empty racks where the same men would never sleep again, empty cubbies for kit bags. There were only the things the men had left. Crosby noted tidy decks of playing cards, novels that had been tossed down with splayed pages to save a place that wouldn’t be returned to. There were cigarettes other men might smoke, and vacant hooks where other jackets would hang. Worst, he saw letters that would go unanswered, left on pillows or tucked between the pages of a book. He glanced continually at Bubbles as they walked to the showers, knowing he would’ve been the one to write the letter telling his family that he hadn’t made it back, just as Bubbles had done for him.
Crosby rested against a sink as water from a single nozzle pattered in the communal shower. He didn’t want to think about how quiet it was, how the shower was a thin and lonely sound, but that was impossible. The room used to ring with conversation, groan like an amphitheatre of ancient Greeks watching a tragedy when the hot water ran out. Bucky hadn’t often adopted the role of disciplinarian, but if the hot water hadn’t run out and they’d lingered too long, he’d started singing to make them leave. Crosby smiled at the ground as he remembered.
But then Bubbles made a sound. It wasn’t a loud sound, but it bounced off the tiles and reached Crosby’s attentive ears, primed by the bombers. He walked into the showers and saw Bubbles rubbing a standard bar of soap across his upper back. He’d mentioned getting thrown around during the flakking, and now Crosby saw more bruising. It wasn’t the end of the world, but Crosby winced to think how tender Bubbles’ skin must have been, and that his shoulders must’ve ached deeper than that judging by how stiffly Bubbles moved.
“Bubbles?” Crosby asked, so his friend wouldn’t be embarrassed—not by his nudity, but by Crosby standing there.
Bubbles turned his head and offered a weak smile.
“Still here?”
“You asked me to be,” Crosby said simply, softly. He nodded at Bubbles’ injuries. “Hurts?”
“Not too bad.”
“Let me,” Crosby said, shaking his head and rolling up his shirt sleeves as he advanced.
“It’s not altruism,” he added before Bubbles could say anything. “I suffer too if you stink.”
“If someone comes…”
“They’re not,” Crosby said. They stared at each other sadly. “Gimme the soap, Bubbles.”
So Bubbles hung his head under the spray, and Crosby took the soap. He ran it across the back of his friend’s shoulders as lightly as he could, and when even that made the muscles in Bubbles’ back tense up in pain, Crosby worked the bar over and over between his palms and washed Bubbles’ watercolour skin with his bare hands, touch so delicate it tickled his fingertips. Bubbles’ shoulders began to convulse. Then the sobs came, and Crosby took a step forward and rested his cheek on the back of Bubbles’ neck, slick with suds. His heart was pounding as the water soaked his hair and his shirt stuck to Bubbles’ wet skin. He didn’t try to explain his behaviour to himself, or start writing this scene out in his head as it happened, as he frequently did. Crosby wrapped his arms around Bubbles, strapped himself to his best friend like he was his parachute, and held on.
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Fragmented AU -- "Welcome Home, Family Pines" Chapter 2 Sneak Peek
While the kids were doing the tour of the house, the adults – sans McGucket – had all remained in the living room area, where Stan recalled a moment from his and Ford’s seafaring adventure. Whatever it was about, it was something funny as it made everyone laugh. “Hahaha! And then…and then, Sixer here thought the best course of action was to harpoon the sucker!” Stan guffawed from his recliner. “Well, it was a better plan than to just simply punch the thing,” Ford said, seated near his brother with Gypsy firmly in his lap. The feline purred lazily as Ford lightly stroked her fur. “Hey, it’s helped us before! Just one good hit in the eye and it was gone,” Stan said. “I’m still trying to comprehend that a kraken actually exists,” Shermie admitted awkwardly. “What? You don’t believe us?” Stan smirked. There was a slight edge to it, but Stan managed to dial it back. Shermie wasn’t being condescending or the like and Stan knows it. “Excuse me, Stanley, but I’m the normy here. My life is rather dull compared to yours and Ford’s,” Shermie said honestly. It went generally unnoticed, but Stan glanced at his twin through the corner of his eye. If Ford had felt some type of way about Shermie’s possibly indirectly insensitive comment, he wasn’t showing it, his right hand continued to stroke Whisker’s fur. “Evenso, if you two are adamant that the kraken exists, so be it. I mean, the ocean’s vast. Who knows what else you’ll find.” “My thoughts exactly,” Ford replied. Stan could’ve sworn that there was a small bit of tightness in Ford’s voice. Sweet and patient Maria Ramirez comes into the room. “Does anyone wish for refill? I just squeezed more lemons for lemonade.” “I would like some more, if you don’t mind, Ms. Ramirez,” Shermie said, handing her his cup. Maria giggled. “Cualquier cosa para ti, guapo.” She leaves for the kitchen again. “Awww, come on, Grandma,” Soos cringed. “What? What did she say?” Shermie asked, curious of the man-child’s reaction. “She called you an idiot,” Stan said swiftly. “Stanley,” Ford chastised lightly. Soos looks at him confused. “Uh…no, she didn’t, Mr. Pines. She–” “Cierra el pico.” Soos thankfully complies. Stan sees Ford giving him a disapproving glare and just crosses his arms. Shermie could only sigh with a hint of mild frustration.
Some growing tension!
Was the Spanish okay?
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darklinsblog · 2 years
Stars in the Waking World | Sandman Imagine
Summary: Morpheus and you decided to pay a visit to Death in the Waking World with your twins Hesperus & Eosphorus.
Pairing: Morpheus x Eos! Reader
Part I
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Today it was a very important day, because today was the very first day your twins were visiting the Waking World.
Ever since the birth of Eosphurus and Hesperus you hadn’t left the Dreaming, both you and Morpheus too caught up with the twins and your shared responsibilities in the realm.
Now Eosphurus and Hesperus were old enough for you to accept the invitation to visit Death in the Waking World.
Eosphurus was called the morning star of Venus and Hesperus was his counterpart as the Evening star. The twins were awfully alike physically but Hesperus had black hair like their father and Eosphurus had golden locks and your same skin, meaning if the little one felt worried or sad his skin paled.
The twins were relentless, excited to meet this new world and they would look at everything so intently. Eosphurus had taken the lead, walking a few steps ahead of you and Morpheus while Hesperus was holding hands with both of you as you lifted him slightly rocking him.
This was the perfect picture of both of your sons, Eosphurus had always been more independent and adventurous, Hesperus was more timid and in seek of your protection, you were like his veil of confidence.
You met with Death on the bridge, both of the twins ran to their aunt who looked at their nephews faces with adoration.
“You have your father’s eyes, my loves” she pointed out sweetly. Death hugged you tightly, she had a special connection to you having you in a great concept.
Sometimes it felt like Death was more to you than to Dream himself, she was eternally grateful to you for changing Dream’s life and fulfilling one of his biggest dreams which was to be a father.
After what happened with Calliope and Orpheus, you had given him a brand new life.
Dream and Death were walking side by side while you had gone ahead with your sons that were holding each of your hands.
“I’m glad you decided to follow my advice all those years ago” Death said, looking over to his beautiful family. Dream smiled softly when Eosphurus had looked over and waved at his father and aunt.
“For that, I thank you, my sister. You were right when you said I had a future awaiting me” he acknowledged.
Years ago, when he had missed your centennial anniversary and conflicted after his encounter with Calliope he went to see Death in seek of guidance.
He was struggling as old sentiments arise from seeing his former wife but Death reminded him how he couldn’t keep living two half lives, half in the present and half in the past.
“You deserve a happy and fulfilling life. Not the mere memory of one”
She had said, also letting him in on your wish to have children of your own to him. It was something you had envisioned for long enough, knowing that Morpheus was left thinking that the least he could do was try.
Now, looking back at those times, that was the best decision he could’ve ever taken at the time, because he couldn’t imagine a life without you or his gorgeous sons, his bright Venus’ stars.
The process of pregnancy and being parents had been all that he ever wished for, he was even glad to change diapers and barely getting any sleep.
All of it was worth it, and this new life would be missed if he decided to win Calliope back or simply remaining mourning on all memories.
He would’ve missed the chance of true happiness, the chance of letting himself be happy alongside you, Eos.
His beautiful dawn.
The chance of your love to create new life, two beautiful stars that would eventually light up the sky.
Tag list: @emiemiemiii @ladyfairenvale @hungrhay @adishax @aurorarevenclaw1927
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fukia · 1 year
Fionna & Cake final thoughts , opinions and nitpicks lol
This will be unorganized and random and stinky, sorry
• great pacing first 2 eps
• good ideas
• ignoring multiverse saturation, is p decently done here!
• I miss Neil Patrick’s take on Gary/gumball- he sounded so freakin princely :(
• marshall sounded kinda less mischievous than he used to? Like vocally more down or something- I’m super glad he had the same actor tho lol Donaldddd
• I miss old Prismo voice too but I know why these didn’t work out
• Hunter’s voice either could’ve gone for a deep gravely stoicism or could’ve just been w/ the same actor as Huntress Wizard
• Scarab is ehhh- decent design but feels kinda out of place for adventure time- voice is similarly the same offness too, reminded me of kinda bad anime dub voices, it doesn’t feel intentional to the right extent —- either make a more surreal villain or a funnier one, his presence was rather generic
• the spooky faces and scurrying beetle of scarab was kinda funny
• lemongrab. Why justnonce roiland.
• I will end my life a million aeons over for Orbo - bluey’s dad: “say goodbye to your legs!”
• mmmarceline dress
• bubblegum mmmmilitary
• I wish we saw the fucking MOON vampire
• MOON vs STAR (super cool naming if the uh tarot thing is carried on here I legit don’t know if star is an actual tarot card lemme check)
• marshall n Gary was sweet- but I really wished they played up the bitter exes part before they did just the fluffy dating, bring a bit of parallel consistency
• fionna was good acting! The crying bit made my heart ouches- Character herself was a tad frustrating at times admittedly
• cake is great still - cake and vampire king hilarious
• why no “the star”’s actual dad :(
• BETH SHERMY GIBBON YES YES YES- back to old adventure time: I love the intro theme for Beth and shermy, it’s so melancholic and desolate, cold, with backgrounds that make this so fascinatingly depressing a turn for the land of oo (happy endings impermanent- life goes on kinda deal, so cool, so consistent with adventure time’s own concepts & “everything stays”)
• Simon and Betty made me emotional
• uhh how old was Betty when she starting dating simon? Just offhand lol I’m sure it was fine
• Golbetty had beautiful scenes
• way better simon and Golbetty than that weird adventure time published comic I’m sure some of you read
• the animation is great on some places, other times while well made, feels out of place for adventure time; like it’s trying too hard to be pretty (not the Ice Prince song, stuff like that made sense for adventure time)
• like some bits reminded me of Steven universe’s inconsistencies (same bits that made me really really dislike some of adventure time distant lands’ execution)
• [funny nitpick incoming] like there were points where the characters had really big eyes even tho they r supposed to be dots (not when exaggerating certain emotions cartoonishly, I meant prolonged); adventure time’s deal is keeping them small and kinda hard to decipher
• some bits were just a tinnny too anime that it bothered me, just some! Anime is cool!!!
• I was really expecting or hoping for a Korra styled multi-season just with lesser episodes
• the resolution was… kinda haphazardly handled
• same with some of the final themes, like w/ simon n betty
• adventure time is kinda known for being almost ambiguously optimistic so the whole super happy thing was kinda strange to me
• I know like it shouldn’t have to be the same as adventure time obviously, but that was the general identity of adventure time; the cosmic ambiguity with absurd humor delivered nonchalantly
• like I think of patience st pim’s ice domain during elements and the melancholic quietness of it - also PATIENCE ST PIM WHYYYYY I LOVED YOU (patiencevstheempresscough)
• yes it was a great thing to have this miniseries I enjoyed many parts
• the music was fucking fire!!!
• where was the dr two brains reference ? -3-
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