#“I was the duchess until you were born”
potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
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word count: 8.9K
paring: Wolf!Bakugou x fReader
warning(s): cunnilingus, marking (biting and claws), loss of virginity, loss of innocence, some blood (very minor and only mentioned briefly), and dirty talking/slight degradation.
authors note: well, hello again! I'm currently in the middle of writing something new, but I figured it might be a good idea to repost some of my favourite works from my old blog here - especially this one (and another one soon) as I will be adding a sort of continuation to this story; so best to have both in one place - just to tide you over until new pieces are done. Besides I am quite fond of this one, spun three wheels to get prompts (dialog of “Can I just hold your hand?” the trope of Fake Dating, and the AU being Fantasy). I've always enjoyed how this turned out, though it is one of my first works so apologies if it doesn't have the same caliber, and I hope you all do too - I know Bakugou is quite the favourtie~ 🔮
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You weren’t from around here.
Bakugou could tell the moment you entered this seedy tavern, the way your boots clicked against the old wood made his ear shift to your direction, His whole head following suit when he could smell the sweet scent that sat on your skin.
You stuck out like a sore thumb. Maybe not to all the other low lives that surround this place, but Bakugou could tell. Your clothing, though it seemed to match that of the other women around, was too well-tailored; the cloth too fine and expensive and the leather used was not worn enough.
And you had jewels; real ones he could tell. Though you did hide them well, he just had very good eyesight. And really that was the main reason he kept his gaze on you. He wouldn’t mind snagging a few of them for himself; it would allow him to live comfortably for a while – and you could spare a few, couldn’t you?
But there was also a hint of curiosity too; a noble-born on the run? What kind were you exactly? A runaway Princess perhaps? No. He rolled his eyes at himself for the thought – there weren’t nearly enough royal guards around searching for you and causing a ruckus for you to be that.
But there were a few. So perhaps a Countess or even a Duchess? His money was on the latter. The way you carried yourself was not as self-assured and haughty as those that were countesses. If he remembered correctly, those women always flaunted their wealth because they had something to prove.
But the way you sat down and paid for a drink made it clear you didn’t have anything to prove; so, a countess you were not.
You were a pretty thing too. A beauty like you didn’t come around these parts often, and Bakugou couldn’t help but want to continue to look at you. He wasn’t the only one, all these lecherous creatures that were around kept glancing your way – their excitement clear as the whole place grew rowdier.
Not like they had a chance with you, not in hell. They would have to stick with the barmaids and brothels full of women to satisfy any of their barbaric needs. And though Bakugou was technically a part of these grotesque creatures, he was more human than anything; most wolves were. If anyone had a chance it was definitely him.
He knew he was good-looking, could probably pass for a Prince himself if it weren’t for the stupid ears, claws, and tail that held him back. Reduced him to living with others like him on the outskirts of the land, to be treated as a lesser than. That’s why he always found joy whenever a noble, like you, wandered around his turf. He loved scaring them, the frightened expressions as they tried to weakly defend themselves always proved that they were the ones that were beneath him.
But you were different. Bakugou didn’t want to scare you into giving him what he wanted, he wanted you to give it willingly.
“It’s rude to stare.” You mumbled, as you picked up the large mug placed before you and brought the frothy drink up to your lips.
“You’re not gonna like it.” Bakugou replied, eyes moving back to stare at his drink, swirling it, like he was doing before you walked in.
You just rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head lightly before taking a sip. The froth was nice and fizzy, but the rest of it all was the most bitter thing you ever placed in your mouth. You grimaced as it slid down your throat, making it burn all the way down to your stomach. You held back your coughs in defiance of the stranger beside you, not wanting to prove that he was right.
“Told you.” He chuckled, his tone mocking as he downed the rest of his drink, he rested the glass back down heavily on the counter before him “It’s the most bitter thing in this whole world, but it gets you messed up the fastest. But I don’t think you knew that, did you, princess?”
“Don’t call me that….” You mumble, bringing the glass back up to your lips – though it was awful it was helping you blend in more “M’not a princess”
“Could have fooled me.” Bakugou purred as he slunk closer to you, forgetting his glass entirely “Then what are you exactly?”
Your exasperated sigh just made his grin, wolfish and almost feral, spread wider on his face as he leaned on the bar counter; your arms almost touching. You shuffled as much as you could away from the stranger, his breath reeked of alcohol, and you weren’t overly comfortable with how close his face was to yours.
“A traveler, just like you.” You kept your tone pointed, trying your best to prove to this stranger that you didn’t want to talk to him or have him as close as he was.
“No, you’re not.”
“Oh really, now?” You asked through gritted teeth, unable to stop your angry gaze to fall back onto him and his shaking head “And how would you know?”
“These clothes….” He started picking at the wrist of your cotton sleeve, sharp claws ran delicately up and down your forearm “Are too nice, too well-tailored. If you really were a traveler then they wouldn’t be as clean and pristine. They would look more rugged like that chick over there.”
You followed his head movement to where a woman, surrounded by a few men around a dark wooden table, sat drinking merrily – not caring that with each shove and playful push would cause half their ale to slosh onto the floor. But the stranger was right, though her clothing looked nearly identical to you, it wasn’t quite as polished. Loose strings would hang off cuffs and hems, the colouring of the fabrics was more dull, not as vibrant. She looked like she had traveled across many lands, you looked like you just started.
“And” You tensed when you felt his breath in your ear and his hand wandering to your waist “Not many people around here have trinkets such as yours.”
You gulped, throat suddenly very dry, as you looked back at his face; the glint in his eyes made you even more nervous. A lamb suddenly in the jaws of the wolf.
“Are you going to rob me?” You asked, voice trembling. Fright filled your being and shook your body in his loose hold, as you watch him lick his lips “Are you going to hurt me?”
“No.” He chuckled, mirth feeling his being over your frightened state “I’m just wondering who you are, and why you showed up here.”
“Call it curiosity.” He shrugged his shoulders, eyes darting towards the entrance of the tavern; watching briefly as two well-dressed and armed men entered “And you better tell me quickly before they figure out you’re here.”
Your head darted to the entrance as well, eyes widening in fear as you saw the insignia engraved on their chest plates; there was no doubt they were here for you. And that bastard who wouldn’t let you go knew it too.
“Can I just hold your hand?”
“What!?” You whipped your head back as you watched him pull away from you, your breathing quickening in pace as your heart was thumping loudly in your chest that you knew that he could hear it.
“Just take my fucking hand!” He hissed at you, a hand quickly grasping yours before you really had a chance to reach it out to him.
He slunk his other arm so it was now encircled around your waist as he nodded his head at your drink; silently asking you to hold it up for him. You did with a shaky hand, the proximity of his entire being – having it wrapped around you like this – was making your cheeks flush red. You had never been this intimate with a man before, let alone with a stranger. It was all so incredibly overwhelming, it didn't help that being this close only made you realize how attractive he really was.
You wanted to take your eyes off his face, especially when you watched his tongue peek out from his lips to lick around his mouth at the few drops of your drink that spilled out due to your clumsy hand not keeping it steady. You could see his eyes darken and it made you want to shy away; out of fear or something else, you were not sure - the weird sensation that flushed your body was foreign and frightening.
You almost forgot all about the armed men hunting for you until you heard one call out to the pair of you; two pairs of boots rushing to where you sat. You wanted to let out a sigh of relief when his eyes moved from your face; but held back the urge.
“What?” His gruff tone proved he was agitated as he glared daggers at them, almost smirking when he saw them be taken aback by him.
“Excuse your tone!” One of them spoke first, chest-puffing out to look more intimidating than he was. “You do not speak that way to a royal guard!”
“Well, sorry” His mocking tone countered the apology “But I don’t appreciate having you assholes ruining the moment I was sharing.”
“Well, that woman-!” The other interjected, clearly not as afraid as his partner as he got into the stranger's face “Is the runaway Duchess of House L/N! And we are on direct orders to bring her back!”
‘Ah, so you were a Duchess’ Bakugou thought to himself as a smirk crept its way on his face; both out of knowing his assumption about you was right and from this dick of a man who thought he could take him on for size.
“Do you really fucking think that?”
“Don’t speak to me that way.” The man’s tone was dark, his teeth on display as he started to draw his sword out, to prove he meant serious business.
“Then don’t speak to me like that!” Bakugou snarled, fangs on display to show he also meant serious business “Or threaten me in front of my mate! Continue to do it and I’ll rip your throat out right here and now.”
The low, continuous, growl that was coming from his chest was breaking the guard’s tough façade – though it was barely noticeable. But Bakugou could tell that he was getting a little frightened by him, especially when he glanced towards your profile and saw you trembling with fear. Though he couldn’t stare at you for long as he watched a clawed hand place itself at the back of your head and pull you into his chest.
“If she really was the person you’re claiming her to be, then why the fuck would she be in here? Why would she be in a situation like this? Why would she let a beast like me this close?” Bakugou narrowed his eyes at the two men before, as if to challenge his logic wrong.
You both could see, though your vision was limited, the guard’s hand trembling on the hilt of his sword; clearly taking this stranger’s word as fact and now debating what to do next. Bakugou could see the conflict in his eyes – clearly not knowing if he should harass the two of you or move one. His partner, on the other hand, took a step away.
“That’s what I fucking thought.” Bakugou muttered, his eyes watching the weaker of the two, “Now if you’re done threatening us, I suggest you leave before this gets real fucking messy”
You had to commend his acting, truly, as the more brash guard stood upright. He muttered something under his breath, though you couldn’t hear, before both pairs of boots walked sullenly away from you; the footsteps becoming harder to hear the further they went until you couldn’t hear them anymore. A sign that they had left the tavern. The coast now being clear.
“They bought it?” You whispered, pulling yourself more upright as you looked towards where they left.
“Of course, they did” He shrugged, taking your drink once more and downing the last of it “They’re not smart. Besides….” You felt sharp claws take a gentle purchase under your chin to turn your head back to him “They wouldn’t want to fight someone like me”
“Aren’t you full of yourself?” You scoffed, moving away from him fully now. Your mind now coming back to you.
“A ‘you’re welcome’ would be fucking appropriate right now, sweetness. Especially seeing as I risk my life to get you out of that bind.”
You felt him grip your wrist again, and when you looked up at him you could see that same self-satisfied smirk back on his face. It made you roll your eyes and look away once more, a clear look of displeasure on your face as your lips formed a scowl.
He was right, he had helped you out of a really tough bind. His on-the-spot thinking meant that you didn’t have to go back to your home kicking and screaming within those guards’ hold. But, at the same time, he kept touching you without permission. Along with his full-of-himself attitude made saying your gratitude feel as bitter as that liquid burning down your throat.
“Thank you.” You finally managed to mutter out, pulling your hand away from his grip, your scowl deepening further.
“That muuuuuch better!” He cooed, his mocking tone made you ball your fists in anger; but that seemed to only spur him on even more “Now come on, pay up.”
“Pay up…?” You mumbled, your eyebrows furrowing as confusion replaced the annoyance “What…?”
“You owe me, sweetness. Did you a huge favor, now you’re gonna repay me in kind” His arms crossed over his chest that was now puffed out in overconfidence “I can think of a few ways you can too, though let’s start with why those losers were after you in the first place, duchess.”
You sighed; you knew that you had no real choice in the matter, there was no way you were getting out of this. He was strong, and though it was a little hard to tell due to his olive coat and baggy clothing, you were sure he could easily overpower you without breaking a sweat. And well, you weren’t made to fight.
“Fine. I –“ You began, only for one of his fingers to press against your lips; effectively shushing you from speaking further.
“Not here, sweetness” He smirked, enjoying that his little nickname made your nostrils flare in annoyance. “As much as I would love to see you plastered off your ass, I’ve had enough of those low-life extras staring at you.”
He tilted his head towards the other patrons. And true to his word a lot of them were giving you, what they thought were sneaky, glances your way. It could be due to the display that just occurred with those guards stomping your way and causing a scene, but with the suggested undertones of the stranger's words made you question those glances as innocent curiosity.
“Good idea…” You nodded, pulling your head away when you felt the tip of his claw tickle your nose.
You watched him get to his feet, offering you his hand after he got a few paces ahead of you; as if realizing that you didn’t know where he was going. You gingerly took hold of his hand and allowed him to pull you from your seat to stand before him. It was at that moment you realized just how tall and imposing he was compared to you. He didn’t really seem that way when he was hunched over the bar counter, but now? Well, it was enough to make a shiver run down your spine when he loomed over you with that wolfish smirk as he wrapped his arm around you and began to lead you out of the seedy place.
“W-wait!” You whispered; voice frantic as you tried to gain some sense of control over this less-than-ideal situation you found yourself in “I need to know your name before we go any further.”
You heard him huff out an annoyed groan, bringing his free hand up to pass through his hair before it fell limply at his side. “It’s Bakugou, now come on.”
He didn’t give you any time to say anything else, or really to process what he just said. His name only ran through your head with certainty when you felt the cool summer night’s air hit your face.
It was cold.
And damp. Though it was to be expected to some degree in the dense forest you were currently being dragged within. It put you on edge, every little thing that moved and seemed to whisper through the branches; made you tense and cause your breath to quicken at points.
Though after the first little leg of the journey you felt silly for being so afraid. Arguably the most fearsome creature within these forests was the one that was walking beside you in the first place, so really what harm could befall you if you had him on your side?
He was leading you through this place with expert ease like he had done this thousands of times before to the point where it was more memory than thinking. To where, you were not sure, but given the familiarity and ease you could only assume he was leading you to his home; or den, or cave, or wherever it was a creature like him would rest his head.
The moment you began walking, out of earshot of all those around, he asked you to tell your tale; wanting to fill the silence and hear just what led you here in the first place. And though he was quite chatty at the tavern just moments prior, he was quiet now. Trudging along like it was a chore. Listening to you with almost disinterest even though he was the one curious about your situation in the first place.
It wasn’t like he wasn’t listening or found it boring. He was just lost in thought at the details of your story. How overly complicated life was like at court. All those rules and regulations on how to do the most mundane of things, like living and eating, all boiling down to a miserable, controlled, and boring life.
He didn’t envy you at all. If he had to wake up every day and be told what to wear, how to wear it, how to eat, how to talk to people, he may have just ended it all and run away too. No amount of wealth was worth living in such a way.
Though his interest peaked when you brought up the engagement. The straw that broke the camel’s back as it were; the whole reason you ran off in the first place. It caused his ear to stand pointed atop his head as he listened to your mutterings as best he could.
Enji Todoroki, that was the man who had asked for your hand. That was the man your parents more than willingly threw you out to if it meant more land to their name. Bakugou almost laughed at the sudden shift in your tone when speaking about him, with such anger and disdain. A far cry from the soft-spoken women you were moments prior.
But you couldn’t help it. You didn’t want to marry this cruel man. You didn’t want to be sold out to him like cattle simply for more prosperity for your family. The only reason he was interested was because you were a pretty young face, nothing more really.
It made Bakugou roll his eyes. Of course, Enji would be asking for your hand, even someone like him knew the habits of that old man. One recently separated from his wife and was now looking for a younger, prettier, bride. It was all people could gossip about for months. Wondering which woman he was going to propose to – and well it seemed like it was you.
It was ridiculous really. Not only could he be your father, but he also had sons that were of marrying age. In fact, a more suitable match would be for you to marry one of them. You knew that Shoto was your age, and it would still lead to fortune for your family as he would inherit plenty.
But no. Your parents wanted your life, your destiny, to be tied to the older man. To breed and bear his children until another younger and more beautiful thing came around. It happened to his previous wife, and you knew it would happen to you.
“I deserve more.” You declared, your rant about the whole situation over “I won’t even say I deserve love. I just want to be with someone who at least respects me, and I can tolerate sitting in a room with.”
You let out a loud sigh, glancing at your companion who was still as quiet and unreadable as when you started. The only thing that indicated that he was still listening, or just remembering your presence, was the small hums of acknowledgment he would give every now and then.
“I don’t think that’s too much to ask…” You mumble out, feeling slightly awkward from the silence that had now befallen you.
“Your life is ridiculous.” Bakugou finally muttered, bringing a hand up to move a branch out of his way “No wonder you want to fucking leave it. I wouldn’t wanna spend one day as you, let alone deal with that bullshit.”
He had a way with words, one that made you chuckle at how brash and crude they were. No one dared speak that way at court, let alone around a lady. But you found it refreshing that he didn’t care; that he spoke what was on his mind regardless of decorum. That he was honest.
“What are you smiling at?” Bakugou asked, tone irritated as he looked down at you – hating the way your lips turn upwards in that annoying little grin.
“Nothing…” You giggled out, your tone going up in a teasing way as you turned away from him. “You just talk differently.”
“Eh!? What do you mean by that!” He yelled, stepping ahead, and blocking your path with ease.
“I-I don’t mean any harm by it!” You held your hands up in defense to prove your point further “I like it actually…”
The way you mumbled out the last part, and how you bashfully moved your head to look downwards made the man before you smirk. That wolfish grin was back on his face, one that you didn’t know whether you missed or hated, as he leaned down to breathe in your ear. The way you shivered slightly when it hit your ear did not go unnoticed by him.
“If you like that, then you’ll love the way I sound when - !”
You pushed past him before he could even think of finishing that thought; catching him off guard if the little grunt was any indication. Your whole being was too flustered to even want to know where his mind was going.
“D-don’t!” You warned, your voice still sounding nervous but the volume it was at was proof you meant serious business “I don’t want to know!”
You were cute like this, Bakugou couldn’t deny. A little thing so easily flustered by him was refreshing, and it made the animal in him roar loudly. Oh, what he would do to something like you. He would absolutely wreck you, ruin any little part of innocence you had left within you.
His motive now changed. He no longer wanted your trust so you could give him those jewels that were tucked neatly away. He wanted something more precious, more untainted than money. But he would have to play it smart if he were ever going to obtain it.
“Come on,” Bakugou rolled his eyes, trying to seem unfazed by your little outburst “It’s only a little further ahead.”
“What is?” You asked, fidgeting on the spot as you watched him walk ahead and away from you once more – his arm pulling back a branch to clear the path before you.
“My house, dumbass. I want to get out of the cold as soon as possible, so hurry up!”
You didn’t hesitate to scramble yourself forward; feet trying their best to move as quickly as they could to heed his command. You would be lying if you said you didn’t want to get out of the cold night’s air and get some rest. Even if it was in the home of the strange man-wolf in front of you.
~ ~ ~
His home was not what you expected it to be.
Not at all.
It was cozy. A small cottage that seemed just the right size for someone to live in comfort, but not with too much space to spare. It looked soft too, the upholstered chairs, his bed, even the bear-skinned rug before his fireplace, all looked so soft. That if you were to touch them you would delve into them – sinking eternally in their plushness.
It really was what you wanted most. You had been running all day, and after that walk through the forest to get here, only proved just how worn your feet and body had become. You sighed out in relief once you had the chance to take off those dreaded boots; watching in curiosity at the wolf before as he placed birch logs into the open maw of the fireplace. Humming constantly when those logs burned and quickly filled the home with a gentle warmth.
“Get over here.” You heard Bakugou growl out, watching him in confusion as he rested back on his haunches; elbows resting on his knees as he rubbed his hands together at the flickering flames. 
“Come on!” He urged again, head finally snapping back to you. Rolling his eyes at the witless expression on your face as you continued to stand uncomfortably at his threshold “I know you’re cold, so hurry and get yourself warm.”
You nodded your head, scrambling once more to heed his command. Feet padding gently on the wooden floor before it was muted by the softness of the fur before the fire. When you sat, you couldn’t stop yourself from running your hands through the dense fur, marveling at how it felt under your fingertips. This was possibly the only time you would ever get to touch this kind of beast, and you were going to enjoy it as much as you could.
Though, after a few moments the lure of the fire called your name. Your cold bones were unable to resist the temptation and you found yourself with outstretched arms towards it. Enjoying the warm glow as flames almost seemed to lick and nip at your fingertips.
“What’s your next step?” Bakugou asked, unable to keep himself quiet. Not when he had you all to himself once more “You’re staying the night, obviously. But after that.”
His tone made it clear that it wasn’t up for debate on whether or not you would find shelter here for the night or continue on your way. Not that you were complaining. You would spend every day here in the warm solitude this small cottage provided.
“I’m not sure…” You finally whispered out, after pondering that question in your head for a few moments. “To be honest I didn’t expect to get this far…”
You saw the look he gave you; it was a mixture of annoyance and disbelief. Like he couldn’t believe that you truly had no plan, no thoughts on where you might go and do, as you figured the moment you started to run you would be caged again. It made you pull your hands back into your lap, fidgeting with them nervously, clearly showing you were a little embarrassed by your truth.
“He’s a powerful man.” You reasoned, trying to get him to understand “And I have never known life outside of my family’s estate and court. I wasn’t expecting to get far with the little knowledge I had. Or with his hounds on my tail…”
You chuckled, Bakugou joining you for a moment as well, remembering those idiotic guards you had crossed paths with. How useless they were. Though, after tonight you knew more would be spread out in an attempt to find you. And as the man before you had stated the moment he met you, you stuck out in a crowd. So really, where could you go to hide?
“I have nowhere to go.” You finally admitted, shaking your head. You had been foolish to even think that this would work in the first place “Even if I were able to slip through the border, someone would alert them of me once I tried to sell my jewels. Or they would take them and sell me out for the bounty that will surely be over my head soon.”
“So what? That’s it?” Bakugou retorted, bewilderment in his tone at how easily you were accepting defeat “All that work just to go running back with your tail between your legs!?”
“I don’t have a choice!” You snapped back, eyes narrowing back at his own “I have no friends outside these walls. Only those that wish to see me go back to that horrid fate for a quick coin! Much like you!”
“I don’t want your stupid jewels anymore!” Bakugou defended, hands turning into fists at your truthful accusation – claws digging into his palms.
“So what? You still wanted them the first moment you saw them! Who is to say someone else won’t rob me for what I have on me, and leave me penniless and stranded? Or worse…”
You shook your head at those horrid thoughts. Not wanting to think of those dark and twisted outcomes that may befall you if you were to continue out of these woods. And though returning back to that man was not a fate you wished to have, it was better than whatever may come to you if you continued.
“The safest outcome for me is going back….”
You whispered your sealed fate; taking in a shaky breath to try and calm yourself down, trying your best to ignore the crimson eyes that stared intently at you. Though those breaths quickly turned heated as anger clouded your mind. You threw your fists against the rug as you let out a wail of frustration and anger over that decision; a foot kicking out to topple the small stack of wood that sat before you.
“It’s just not fair!” You declared through clenched teeth “It’s my life! Why can’t I have any say in how it will go!? Why do I have to marry that bastard?”
You took one glance at the man beside you, searching his eyes for some sort of answer. When you could not find one, you sighed out once more before bringing your knees to your chest, resting your chin upon them like a pouting child.
“If you’re gonna have to go back…” You heard Bakugou, his tone softer as if in sympathy for you, as he raked his brain for that solution you were hoping for “Then get even with them.”
“What?” You softly questioned, your face turning back to him – that wolfish grin was back, and it made you nervous at what he was going to say next.
“If you’re gonna have to marry that asshole no matter what. Then the best way to get back at them all is to give up that sweet virtue of yours. And what better ‘fuck-you’ would it be if you gave it to someone like me?”
Your mouth went dry at his words, finding it near impossible to swallow that lump that was now in your throat. He wanted you to do something that was ingrained into you since childhood as sacred; something only to be done to by the person you were to be bound with for the rest of your living days on this land.
And the almost casual way he brought it up, accompanied by those burning eyes – ones that made the fire before you seem mild in comparison – meant that this wasn’t his first time in seducing a lady; to ask her to keep him company for the night.
But a part of you couldn’t help but be seduced by it all. By the thought of going against tradition, against your family, and especially against that man that already broken the sacred oaths before; so why shouldn’t you? Why should you deny yourself this one, and only, rebellion you could dish out? Why should you deny yourself to feel the touch of this handsome man before you? One that seemed to want to give you, probably, the only night of passion and enjoyment you will ever receive?
You couldn’t.
And that was probably why you felt your heart nearly explode in your chest, as a fire ignited in your belly once you felt his warm and slightly chapped lips touch yours.
Your whole body seemed to melt when you felt his palm reach up to caress your cheek and pull you closer, and deeper, into the sweet kiss. A gesture that seemed so small, yet it showed to you a level of tenderness that he had yet to openly give you since you met him. It made you want to return his kiss with fervor.
Bakugou chuckled at your eagerness, finding it endearing at your clumsy and inexperienced actions that were hidden behind your enthusiasm. It meant that you wanted this. And if you wanted this, then it meant that he could show you a night you will never forget. One that you would remember every single time that old bastard took you into his bed at night – that whenever he took you, you would only be reminded of him instead.
That thought made Bakugou growl deep within his chest. For some reason, he really hated that thought. And when he pulled away from the kiss, he couldn’t help himself but duck lower, to your neck, and start to leave his mark on the untouched flesh.
Your whimpers doing nothing but spur him on. He wanted to hear every little sound you could make; wanted you to hear you wail, moan, and scream his name. The animal in him was being set loose, and he was trying his hardest to not let it run free. Though it was proving harder to do when he felt your trembling hands tug at his coat, feeling your hands slip under the fur of his collar to the smooth skin underneath it.
“Kiss me again” You breathlessly whispered to him, your hands pushing down on his neck to bring him closer “Please?”
Bakugou was unable to suppress his low groan at your words, as he brought his head away from your neck back up to yours. Lips clashing with yours in a messy kiss, one that he dominated easily. Who was he to say no to such a pretty request?
Your kisses become more urgent, almost hurried as the moments pass. Unable to let each other part for too long, even if it was to breathe. A part of it was because his lips felt so wonderful on yours, a tantalizing sensation that left you tingling all over. But the other reason was out of bashfulness. Unable to let yourself fully part from him, to look at him, as he slowly untied and unbuckled every piece of clothing you had.
His touches were gentle. The way his fingertips, and claws, would slightly drag over your skin, like a butterfly’s kiss, made goosebumps appear in their wake. Made you shiver and let out shaky breaths as you parted from one another. Your breath mingling with his, and allowing this reprieve, to fully undress.
You bit your tender lip when you felt his heated gaze wash over your skin. It made you squirm; made you place your hands around your chest to hide from his piercing gaze. Unable to stand the heat of it.
He truly was a predator that caught himself a prize, at least that’s how it seemed when he looked at you. He certainly didn’t appreciate you hiding your beautiful skin from him, your wonderful body. A low growl, one that almost mimicked the warning he gave to those guards an hour prior, rumbled into his chest as he pulled your arms away from your chest.
His grasp was firm, but not painful, you could feel the warning in it; telling you to not do something similar again as he laid your nearly bare form down onto the fur. Pinning your arms above your head
“Keep them there.” Bakugou commanded, his rumbling voice that resembled gravel made it clear to you that you had to obey.
And obey you did. You relaxed your arms and turned your wrist inwards as your fingers once again threaded through the bear’s fur. Trying your best to keep yourself grounded, avoiding becoming too sheepish, as to let him continue his ministries.
Swift hands made quick work of your skirts, ridding them and causing you to lay bare before him; the first man to ever see you this was since you were a babe. His gaze was telling more than words ever could at just how wonderful you seemed to look. And though you couldn’t keep eye contact with him for long, he could see the heat in your eyes as well once he started to shed his garments. That smug smirk was the main reason you turned your head away.
Bakugou’s hands started tracing your collarbone, following it along from shoulder to shoulder. His lips came down onto it a moment later to lavish it with wet kisses. You could feel his smirk on your skin when he nipped at a particularly tender spot, enjoying how your hips bucked up slightly into his own.
He was enjoying this as much as you. If the slight breeze of air that came in contact with your legs, the slight brush of coarse hair, caused by the wagging of his tail was any sign. It made you giggle breathless as you watched the appendage pick up speed the lower his lips descended on your body.
He kept up this tender care all throughout your chest. Slowly moving his hands downward, his lips following moments later over the swell of your breasts, allowing the soft kisses to distract you as his fingers pinched at your hardening nipples.
Your mewls spurred him on to take one of the hardened buds into his mouth, eyes glancing up to see if you were liking the way his tongue flicked over it rapidly. Chuckling when you arched your back, and let out a keen, over what he was doing to you. That needy whine sent shivers straight to his cock, as it bobbed up against his stomach.
It was only when his hands slipped themselves down in between your legs that you moved your hands to grasp his wrist. The combination of the low groan that left his mouth mixed with all the wetness that found itself on your thighs was too much for you.
“I said!” Bakugou growled once more, speaking to you through clenched teeth “Keep your hands out of the way.”
He pried your hands off his wrist and moved them once again, this time to rest at your sides. And though you closed your eyes once more in embarrassment, he kept his eyes trained on your face when pressed his hands moved behind your knees to pull them up and apart – baring your weeping cunt to the fire's light.
“Look at me.”
It was hard for you to follow his request, a whimper escaping your throat to show your unease, but finally opening your eyes when he asked once more, tone soft and gentle, to look back down at him. He was handsome and looked so alluring with his hair all mused and ears pointed in between your legs, as he gently caressed your plush thighs in a comforting manner.
You couldn’t help the gasp that came froth, almost in a shrill manner, when you watched his tongue take a long and heavy stripe up your core; not missing the way his claws now dug into your skin, it was almost painful.
“S-stop! Don’t…” You cried out, hands twitching at your sides, trying their hardest to not push him away “Don’t do that, it – it’s dirty down there!”
Bakugou scoffed at your claim, taking a bite out of your thigh to have you look back at him. Once you do he repeats the action, this time accompanying it with a groan – smirking once more at the flush that was now making it down your neck.
“Not dirty at all.” He shrugged his shoulders before settling into a more comfortable position “How can something that tastes as good as you, be dirty?”
You didn’t have an answer for him. Not that you could really, not when your brain did nothing but short-circuit and turn to mush when you felt his tongue swipe up and down at your glistening folds. Unable to hold back any of the mewls and moans that crept out of your throat; especially when his lips found that special bundle of nerves and began to suckle on it.
Bakugou was taking his time, though it was a little bit agonizing. As much as he wished to go faster, to hear the wonton screams that he knew he could make you sing, he knew that you needed this to be as passionate and tender as it could be. So, whenever you would look back on this night, you would not regret allowing him this.
Not that he truly minded. The sounds of your gasps, your twitching thighs, and your bucking hips made up for it. Especially when he slipped a finger into your warmth and felt you tight walls fluttering around the digit. It was delightful, so much so he couldn’t help but let a growl; the vibrations making your hips jump once more. If you felt this good around his finger, he could only imagine how amazing it would feel having your gummy walls around his cock.
After a few pumps, he added another finger. Pushing through your tight entrance to help properly prepare you for his thick member; not wanting it to hurt once he finally got around to fucking you. The sinful, loud, whines you let out as your back arched when he began to scissor his fingers made his head a little dizzy. So aroused by it all that he couldn’t help himself from rutting his hips, and hard cock, on the rug beneath him.
You had the rug gripped between your fingers, your knuckles going white at how tightly you were holding on, as you felt a bundle start to twine in your gut. One that seemed built out of fire and that twisted almost painfully the more he licked, sucked, and played with your weeping core.
“Come on, sweetness” He nearly begs, his voice going hoarse “I can feel you fluttering around me, just let go. I got you.”
You babbled, though you’re not sure of what, as you listened to his gentle command. Unable to resist, you did as he said, and let go of that tight knot deep within you; allowing it to snap and your body to go rigid. Head moving side to side as you whimpered and wept over the overwhelming sensation.
Though it was only now that you truly understood why so many called this feeling ‘le petite mort’ as you felt a part of your soul had died and found its way to heaven. You couldn’t help but want to feel this feeling over and over again until you yourself passed on. Though it was sinful, you had never felt anything so wondrous.
You whimpered when you felt his fingers slowly leave your tender hole, not wanting the feeling of being full to leave you so soon. And neither did Bakugou. He didn’t want to let up when you finally came, wanting instead to continue – to overstimulate you until you were a blubbering, teary-eyed mess, that was begging him to stop. But he couldn’t help himself. He needed to be in you, right now.
“You ready?” He whispered, bringing his hand up to softly caress your cheek, the tip of his cock twitching against your thigh “Cause we can – can stop if you want.”
“No!” You begged, bringing your own hand up to grasp his; kissing his palm “P-please, I want more.”
Your soft confession made Bakugou moan out, hiding his head in the crook of your neck, as he tried to compose himself once more. He knew what he was doing when he started, corrupting your innocence, however he was not expected to become this turned on – affected – by your turning.
He now needed more, want a distant memory from when he began. He placed the blunt head of his cock at your entrance and slowly pushed in, groaning at the tight heat that welcomed him as he slowly, inch by inch, sheathed himself. The stretch itself was a little painful for you, the more he pushed in, but not in a bad way. It simply just felt strange, as you had never felt a man in you before.
Though the more that kept entering you, the more you would whimper out. You had felt full when his fingers were within you, but this was an entirely different sensation; an entirely different feeling of being full. One that made your eyes shut tightly as your mind could only focus on the slightly pleasant burn of being stretched wide.
Bakugou let out a huff, head dangling above yours; some of his hair tickling your cheeks as he allowed you the time needed to adjust to the new sensation. And himself if he was honest. Your cunt was so tight that, mixed with his earlier actions, made him almost cum then and there once he bottomed out.
“You can move now…” You mumbled, pushing his hair back so you could look into his eyes.
He didn’t say anything back, just simply nodded his head as he adjusted your legs to rest upon his hip. It made you moan softly at the shift, his cock feeling deeper in you. Though that moan turned into a hiss when you moved his hips back slightly, your walls still sore from his intrusion; still burned. But Bakugou was careful with his movements, only moving an inch at a time before moving back fully into you.
It was a slow process, but soon he was able to pull almost all the way out before snapping his hips back into yours, quiet pained whimpers turned themselves into cries of pleasure with each thrust. You couldn’t help but bring your around his shoulder, your nails pressing crescent moons into his back with every slam of his cock into you.
The burn of feeling your nails drag into your skin made Bakugou grip your hips ever tighter. You both knew with the way his nails into your flesh, breaking your flesh and having slight trickles of blood run down your legs, meant that there would be scars; ones that your soon-to-be-husband would soon see. And that made you moan out louder, knowing that there would always be a reminder of this night for years to come.
“You like that, don’t you?” Bakugou asked through labored breath, his pace picking up speed as pulled you down to meet his thrusts; salivating at your bouncing chest “You like when I mark your skin? Like when I use your sloppy cunt, use you like the slut that you are?”
Bakugou laughed darkly when you whined at his words and shook your head no. Though you were denying his claims, your body was telling a very different tale; if the amount of slick that dripped down both your thighs was any indication.
“No?” He mocked, a smug smirk forming on his face as your lidded eyes met his “Then why did I feel you clench at my words, huh? Like – ah – like that sweetness? You like when I’m mean to you, don’t you? I told you, you would love how I would sound.”
All you could was keen, brain turning hazy at the sensations he was overloading you with. He was leading you back to that cliff, and you wanted nothing more than to fall over it once again as you brought your legs to lock around his back as you babbled out strings of pleas for him to keep going.
 “Yeah, you’re gonna cum again? I can feel it, sweetness, your walls milking my cock.” Bakugou grunted when he felt one of your hands tug the hair at the base of his neck “Come on then, cum. Cum all over my fat cock, milk it – come on!”
He took your hand away from his hair, clasping it into his as he lowered his body onto yours; entwining your fingers together as he continued to say filthy words to help bring you over that edge. When you felt his pelvis rub so deliciously over your clit you couldn’t help but be sent over the edge; pulling him even closer as your body shook at the powerful release.
Bakugou groaned, quickly following suit when he felt your walls clamp down on him. Unable to stop himself from painting your insides white, with rope after rope of his seed, as he bit another mark onto your neck.
You let the moments pass, let it go by serenely as you basked in each other’s afterglow. Not wanting to leave one another so quickly after such an event. You wanted to hold him close as your heart slowly started to beat at a normal rate, and Bakugou wanted to do the same.
Though, once his cock had softened, he felt it was time to get you both cleaned up. And with a soft hiss as he left your warmth, he slowly lifted himself from your warm embrace; suddenly feeling cold even with the fire next to him.
“Be right back.” He mumbled as he got to his feet, not bothering to hide his body like you were as he walked to where his washing room was.
You took this moment to sit up, wincing at the soreness that now encompassed your lower half, as you searched for your shift; wanting to cover yourself, if only slightly. That’s when you found your small leather pouch, the one that contained all the valuables you thought to take with you.
Around the drawstring of the bag, helping to keep the thing closed, was your family heirloom. A giant sapphire broach that was surrounded by silver in an intricate design; a pattern that was designated to your family only. It was invaluable. And you thought that if Bakugou was kind enough to leave you a memento, you should do the same.
You clutched the item to your chest when you heard him step back into the room, washcloth in hand. You continued to hold it close to you, hiding it away, as he tenderly cleaned between your legs and the now dried blood at your hips. A kind gesture that made you relax once more into his touch.
He crawled up your body once more to place a soft kiss on your lips as his arms wrapped securely around you. You yelped when he picked you up, head spinning from suddenly being off the ground. He chuckled at your reaction, it only increased when you scolded him.
He led you to his bed and allowed you to get yourself comfortable before joining you. His heart thumping in his chest, and his tail annoyingly wagging, when you moved yourself to snuggle into his side. Your hands softly wandered over the muscles on his chest, as you gazed up at him once more; a small smile formed on your face.
“Here,” You whispered, holding your trinket out to him, waiting for him to take it. You relished in the soft, gingerly, touch he gave your hand before grabbing hold of your treasure.
“What is this?” He asked, voice still dark and raspy as he inspected it further in the moonlight.
“My family broach. It’s invaluable, probably worth a lot of money.” You explained, rubbing small circles with your fingertips on the skin of his collar bone “It was what you wanted to take when you first saw me. And though you can’t steal me away, you can steal this. As something to remember me by.”
You meant it as a joke, light humor to help ease yourself into more mirthful humor rather than one of sadness over what was to transpire once you woke. You snuggled yourself deeper into the blankets, into his embrace as you placed your head on his chest. The lull of slumber began to swiftly overtake you.
Bakugou couldn’t follow suit though. Couldn’t stop his mind from racing as he looked at the broach. The more he thought about it, as he now looked down on your slumbering face, how sweet and perfect you looked under the moonlight rays, the more he realized that he wanted to keep you. So maybe, just maybe, he would steal you away from them after all.
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fanfic-obsessed · 5 months
We Want That one
This is a Satine/Cody/Obi Wan of a flavor that I have not seen before and hope to see more of. It takes a bit there but I think it will be worth the wait. 
At the end of the mission to Mandalore, Obi Wan decides to stay with Satine and leave the Jedi Order. Now it is important to note this is done with Qui Gon’s full and loving support.  In this one Qui Gon is not a raging asshole with many issues and trauma (Melida/Daan happened and after it did both Qui Gon and Obi Wan were required to go to therapy-both separately and together- before they were allowed to go on mission together again). Also it is important to note that in this one ‘Will of the Force’ is not an excuse Qui gon uses to do whatever the hell he wants. The Force does actually have OPINIONS that it will share with specific Jedi (There is no tie to power, abilities, position, or previous messages for who will get a specific message. There is a tie, though not complete because the Force has other measures that mortals cannot comprehend, between who is making the decision the Force has an opinion on and which Jedi gets the message).  The Force did let both Obi Wans and Qui Gon know that it fully supported Obi Wan leaving the Jedi to be with Satine. 
So Obi Wan returns to the temple to formally leave the Order, get comm codes for people he wants to stay in touch with, and his remaining things from his room.  He is allowed to keep his lightsaber and encouraged to keep his login to the Temple Archives so he could keep learning.  Six months after he returns to Mandalore, he and Satine marry with his Jedi friends and family in attendance. A year after that their son Korkie is born. He and Satine take up the mantle of Duke and Duchess and balance each other well.  Though Satine remains a pacifist, she does not begrudge her husband not being one and the addition of Obi Wan lessens the power of some of her more odious advisers. At some point within the first few years Death Watch attacks and through a series of strange and unfortunate (for Death Watch) both Satine and Obi Wan simultaneously defeat Pre Vizsla and win the Darksaber. They both take on the title of Mandalore jointly and unite the clans. The stabilization of Mandalore goes largely unnoticed by the republic (Including Sidiuous and Plagieus, they both just kind of assumed that everything was going as planned)
Now we come to the Naboo mission, a few years down the line. There is little change to the start, save for the places where we are missing Obi Wan. Qui Gon still ends up, with Padme, on Tatooine and helps free Anakin. The High Council is still leery of Anakin and accepting him. Qui Gon is still adamant that this child must be trained. Padme is still tricked into calling for a vote of no confidence. There does come a change when Qui Gon meets up with Padme again as they conspire to return to Naboo. Qui Gon gets an idea and puts in a call to someone he is sure Padme should talk to immediately. When the call connects, greet the pair on the other end as Duke and Duchess Mand’alor.  The man, Obi Wan, sighs deeply and turns to Padme, and in the driest tone she had ever heard goes, ‘I apologize for Qui Gon. He thinks he’s funny and no one has ever been able to disabuse him of that notion. We can be either called Mand’alor, or duke/duchess, you do not need to call us both’. 
Qui Gon explains what is going on with Naboo and Satine immediately goes to Padme, ‘Oh, you poor thing, we will get you some humanitarian aid immediately, right dear?’  to which Obi Wan agrees. 
Something about the way Qui Gon is now looking amused and mischievous and the way that Satine had said that left Padme, for all that she was a bit on the naive side when it came to galaxy politics (As evidenced by the fact that she did not realize slavery did exist until she faced it directly and that she did really believe that doing what was right drove the Galactic senate), with the belief that there was something more going.
They leave Coruscant and are met, just before reaching Naboo’s system, by a ship full of Mandalorians led by Obi Wan.  He apologizes that Satine could not be there as well, but they tried not to be off planet at the same time, just in case, and Obi Wan was better for this.  
Also as soon as Obi Wan saw Anakin, he felt the immediate and nearly irresistible urge to adopt him (Both the Manda AND the Force had opinions here), only the knowledge that he did not know whose child it was and the fact that Satine would kill him for adopting without her stopped him.  Obi Wan did take a moment to ask Qui Gon why there was a small child going into a warzone. 
Eventually they got down to business. Obi Wan explained that, since Mandalore was not part of the Republic, they could not send an army to help with the Trade Federation’s illegal block (particularly since, officially, no one knew about it).  However, if their old friend Qui Gon (Qui Gon good naturedly protested the ‘Old’. In the same dry tone as earlier, Obi Wan said that they all knew that Qui Gon had been there at the start of the Republic (i.e 25,000 years old), there was no need to lie. Then Obi Wan winked at Anakin, making the boy giggle) happened to mention that Naboo was experiencing a crisis and Mandalore chose to send humanitarian aid, well that was not declaring war on a Republic entity. Of course they would also have to send a security force with their aid workers (Never mind that each aid worker is also a commando) there might be pirates or other dangers along the way.  
Blockaded though Naboo may be, the blockade was not meant to hold up to a platoon of Mandalorians (sorry a group of Mandalorian aid workers with their security escort). They get to the surface, though liberation would take more firepower than they had immediate access to (particularly since they people were dying, thus a time crunch) so Padme negotiates with the Gungans to take back their planet. By the way, as soon as the Mandalorians and the Gungan warrior meet they get along like a house on fire (to the concern of more than a few politicians later). Our core group heads to the Theed palace to end things, while the Mandalorians and the Gungan begin the liberation of the camps (Made easier by the fact that the Naboo had not just been waiting to be rescued, many had been working from within the camps to make things as difficult for their occupiers as possible. At least two of the camps, upon hearing that liberation was incoming, promptly rushed their guards and were in the process of tearing the droids apart when the Gungan/Mando liberation team arrived. It may or may not have done more for Gungan/Naboo relations than anything Padme did).
Obi Wan does go with Qui Gon to battle the Sith. He goes armored, made specifically so that he can fight like a Jedi in it. He also goes armed with the Darksaber and a slugthrower (Obi Wan did indeed bring a gun to a lightsaber fight). While there is a little fighting, long before they reach the power reactor, Obi Wan drops back far enough that he is able to shoot Maul in the knee and they capture the Sith.  Anakin does end up taking out the shield generator (though the ship he ‘accidentally’ acquired was from the Mandalorian ship- where he had been told to stay for the battle; most of the mandos were a little alarmed at the 9 year old in the space battle but making heart eyes at the fact that the was able to hotwire one of their ships to do it).
After the battle Obi Wan calls his wife and introduces her to Anakin, Satine promptly asks ‘when are you bringing our new son home so we can say the adoption vow?’. 
The High council arrive, more willing to admit Anakin (though still reluctant) to find that it is a moot point because Anakin, with Qui Gon blessing (as the Force only said that Anakin needed to be Jedi trained, Obi Wan can do that) was going to be adopted by Obi wan and Satine. Everyone is in agreement that this is actually the best solution (I want it clear that this is not a slight against the Jedi Order, their rules and restrictions are there for a reason and they would have taken Anakin in, but they could all sense that he was ambivalent about it). Everyone parts ways, with a light reminder to Obi Wan Jocasta Nu is waiting semi impatiently to read his most recent paper comparing Jedi historical Force traditions and Mandalorian historical Manda sects (The Manda and the Force both are and are not the same thing). 
As soon as Anakin is adopted, Mandalore has an excuse to go after the Hutts (Frankly some of the more aggressive Mandos were getting restless). Due to the way Mandalorian adoption works, adopting a child effectively adds all of childs relatives (that the kid wants to claim) as the adopters relative as well (essentially adopting Anakin makes Shmi family). Family trees get very complicated on Mandalore very quickly (also all new ways to define relationships). 
There are some changes we should acknowledge before going any further. Obviously Anakin growing up as the oldest son of the leaders of Mandalore has some difference (Korkie-Then aged 5- was ecstatic, he had specifically been asking for an older brother for two years), for all that Obi Wan is also training him in the ways of the force and the Manda. Also Shimi is living with them now. 
There are some political ramifications that come from what could, in the loosest sense, be the Mandalorian invasion of Naboo (as some politicians privately call it) and the fact that the Gungan cities become a prime vacation spot for Mandalorian warriors. It never really goes anywhere, since doing so would mean acknowledging that the Trade Federation also invaded Naboo. 
Padme wanted Naboo to cut ties with the Republic, she was fairly disgusted with the interaction with the senate which was highlighted by how differently the interaction with Mandalor went. This was never going to be allowed to happen (Palpatine’s status as Chancellor depends on Naboo being part of the Republic). This combined with Palpatine's (and other politicians) reactions to the Mandalorians that saved her planet, the continuing mistreatment of the Gungans by some (but much less) Naboo humans, and an unfortunate accident that left Padme as one of the sole survivors of her family mean that Padme does not become a senator. Instead when her term is up she, many of her handmaidens, and the other survivors of her family all move to Mandalore where they maintain a close relationship with the ruling family. 
Padme and Anakin start dating when Anakin is 20. Their relationship is very much different than it was in Canon. For one, they had been friends for years before getting together. They were also not each other’s firsts (both having had romantic/sexual relationships with others prior to getting together). They are also not trying to squeeze too much into too little time as they try to hide from their friends and family, or justify to themselves their quick marriage. Frankly the lack of a war or a secret massacre putting strain on their relationship also helped. 
Satine, Obi Wan, and Shmi never put any restrictions on how long they should be together before getting married, nor could they but it is important that they did not even try. They did highly recommend that, before any action that could be legally binding or have long lasting consequences (like kids) that the pair take at least one trip to the outer rim in a two person ship (the equivalent of taking a road trip together). 
Anakin and Padme get married when Anakin is 22. 
The Clone Wars break out a year later, in much the same way as Canon though obviously with different people in place of Obi Wan, Anakin, and Padme (Everything about the Clone Wars and the Clones is pushed back by four years. The setback is mostly because Maul was captured instead of bisected. Palpatine needed to be more careful for the first few years to make sure his cover was not blown). Though Count Dooku is the leader of the Separatists, he is never revealed to be a Sith.
Mandalore remains largely neutral, though they register an official complaint (that absolutely everyone involved knew would go nowhere) that Jango Fett’s, a Mandalorian, progeny were being effectively enslaved in the GAR. The Republic is able to produce paperwork signed by the late Jango Fett where Fett relinquishes any claim to any clones created using his DNA with the exception of a single unaltered clone (Boba), thus denying the clones automatic Mandalorian citizenship.  Privately Obi Wan contacts the Jedi and tells them that any GAR Clone that wishes to not be fighting for the republic will be welcome on Mandalore, where they can get assistance setting up and where being armored (and thus hiding the most recognizable face in the galaxy) would be perfectly acceptable.  The Jedi do find a way to start funneling clones that want to desert toward Mandalore. Oddly enough it actually decreases the amount of clones that want to leave, there was something about just having the option that made the clones feel like they could stay to protect people, instead of being effectively enslaved to the Republic (and it is indisputably true that innocents are being harmed by the CIS). 
Mandalore does send ‘humanitarian aid’ and their security escorts to any planet that wishes for help. Ryloth annexes itself to Mandalore after the fifth time the Mandalorains were instrumental in repelling yet another CIS invasion before the GAR could arrive (The Twilek of Ryloth do not begrudge the actual soldiers of the GAR. They do understand that it is a big galaxy, they can only protect so many places at once, and the various battalions do not actually get to choose where they are being sent. However they do blame the Politicians of the Republic for the war going on).
Somewhere in the first year of the war a group of Mandalorians find Boba Fett. This group, who had long been close to Obi Wan (and had in fact been part of the group going to Naboo), clock the 10 year old with Jango Fett’s face putting himself in dangerous situations and forcibly bring him to Mandalore,  where Korkie goes ‘Free little brother. For Me! Don’t mind if I do!’ and adopts Boba into the family (for the rest of his life Boba will maintain that there is some form of Captive Syndrome happening, but eventually Boba accepts it). 
During the second year of the War several representatives from the Republic are sent to Mandalore, in theory to encourage Mandalore to join with the Republic for the war but several are also secretly on Palpatine’s payroll and looking to destabilize Mandalore or at least their ability to send people to protect other planets (which is making it difficult to extend the war). They are escorted by Qui Gon Jinn’s battalion (an amalgamation of the 212th and the 501st), accompanied by Qui Gon’s new Padawan Ahsoka.  
The representatives were given the biggest run around that was politically feasible (Which is a lot, every member of the ruling family, their closest advisers, and the escorts are all little shits who knows how to pull off ‘we’ll piss you off and you can’t do anything about it’) led by Boba, who still does not like Jedi very much; even he understands what happened was a battle and not an attack so does not want to be around Qui Gon. Qui Gon and his troopers are greeted like family. 
Satine and Obi Wan, as soon as they catch sight of Commander Cody, go ‘Ooooh Pretty’ (Satine had developed a limited Force Sensitivity after carrying Korkie, enough that she could perceive Force presences and both thought Cody’s force presence was the most beautiful they had ever seen). Qui Gon, who had to suffer from a year on the run with Smitten Padawan Obi Wan and smitten Protectee Satine, immediately recognizes the looks in both their eyes and decides he is too old for this shit. He ignores all of it to go play flirt with Shmi (neither he nor Shmi are actually interested in each other and they know it. Qui Gon has not been attracted to anyone other than Tahl and in this one Shmi is very much a Lesbian. They both enjoy flirting and are glad they have someone they can do it with without giving the wrong idea).
I am torn between if I want Padme and Anakin to immediately do the same thing to Rex (‘oooh pretty’), or if I want Anakin to look at Padawan Ahsoka and go ‘oh she’s little sister shaped’ and immediately try to adopt her (Between Anakin and Korkie rampant big brother instincts, the logical consequences of Satine and Obi Wan having a healthy sex life, and the Mandalorian adoption gene- Satine comes by it honestly, no is sure how Obi Wan managed to inherit it- the ruling family of Mandalore has something like 15 children; Anakin is still the oldest). 
The negotiations start and the Duke and Duchess of Mandalore absolutely insist that Commander Cody be there through every step of it. It is in part because they are being little shits toward the representatives(all of whom had been vocal in the belief that the clones were not sentient) and making them flinch whenever one or the other goes ‘And what do you think, Cody, dear?’ It is also so the Duke and Duchess can flirt, heavily and obviously, with Cody the entire time he is there. 
Cody is a bit baffled, since he is not usually the person drawing attention (both for dehumanizing  reasons and Cody is oblivious reasons), but does enjoy the flirting. He also returns the interest in Obi Wan and Satine. Three of the eight representatives began to ask his opinion on their own somewhere around day three. 
At the two week mark, working in tandem, Obi Wan and Satine spring the trap that they had been weaving since the beginning (Cody had been warned what they were doing, and they made sure he was in agreement-which he would have been even if he had not been attracted to the other two, just for the benefits to his brothers). For two weeks they manipulated the representative, and in turn the senate, to get those representatives an unprecedented amount of power in treaty making (Since part of the treaty process, particularly with something like a senate involved, is ratifying the treaty in which the negotiators take it back to the people in charge to agree, there is a vote and all that). Basically anything these representatives agree to is binding, law within the republic, no restrictions on what they can agree to. No one in the senate realized that these eight now had that power, that they had given them that power. Now Obi Wan and Satine led the representative around by the nose until they were agreeing to all sorts of things. Things like the clones of Jango Fett, and clones in general, would be recognized by the sentience of their species (with which comes all kinds of rights and responsibilities on the part of the senate to clones). They also convince the representatives to seal the new treaty with Commander Cody's hand in marriage (incidentally making all of the Fett Clones Mandalorian citizens). It should be noted that the reason these representatives agreed to that was that they, personally, would receive the bulk of the bride price for Cody (the final price was actually higher than the republic bought him for in the first place, Cody was very proud).
In addition Mandalore does not quite join the republic, the agreement is to take control of the GAR to fight for the republic. It is worded in such a way that the Jedi are given a choice (thus they can send the children home), a number stay with their battalions but some are also able to be called back from the field. The GAR naval officers, the natborns, were to be replaced by Mandalorian officers. The few officers that wished to would need to sign up with the Mandalorians (there were a few that wanted to continue serving with the Clones). One of the concessions from the Duke and Duchess was that, though back pay would be handled by the senate, pay for the GAR going forward would come from Mandalore(the reason that the representatives agreed to let Mandalore take over the GAR, they felt quite proud of themselves). Without knowing it this also derails the Orders on the chips, since Palpatine is no longer in the chain of command, no matter what title he does or does not take. 
Three months after the Chancellor’s office stopped being in the loop for the war, the CIS and the Republic sue for peace. Sitting across from each other on a neutral world but publicly broadcasted throughout the galaxy are Count Dooku and Chancellor Palpatine with Mand’alor Obi Wan Kenobi there to mediate. Dooku and Palpatine have too much on each other to reveal that the other is a secret Sith (not without the assurance of victory, which they do not have).  They are forced to play this as if they are both well meaning leaders trying to do what is best for their people, as neither has an army backing them any more (The GAR is now Mandalorian and they have destroyed the droid army). Obi Wan wants to get home to his spouses (Satine was pregnant again, while they would love any and all children equally, Obi Wan was hoping that the little one would be born with Cody’s features).
I cannot emphasize enough that Obi Wan does not know he is sitting with two Sith who, if they thought they could get away with it, would kill him and subjugate the galaxy. He honestly does think that the other two are doing their best (He knows as a leader himself that sometimes a leader will make unpopular or not understandable choices for the betterment of their people-because they had bad information or because of their own prejudices).  
Two Sith are forced to negotiate a peace they do not want because not negotiating (or stalling) would be so obvious as to give them away and if they are exposed now the entire plan is for nothing. 
They are not down and out yet, but it is not far off. Their plans are derailed, and the person who did it never even noticed. 
And I think that is the ending both of them truly deserve.
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it is said she will be beautiful, the young duchess of house zephrich. She will be beautiful, and powerful, and strong. she is the one promised to the prince of ryccalid, the high champion, the kingdom slayer. the duchess, firstborn to the Duke of Zephrich, is promised to the prince, and from their union will emerge the most powerful alliance, the most powerful bloodline, the most powerful kingdom the world has known. 
but before his union, the prince is called before the Duke of Zephrich, the Duchess’ father. he claims to have a rebellion in his kingdom. he asks the help of the prince, the kingdom slayer, in destroying this resistance. the prince is skeptical, but the death of the Duke only days later proves the need of his intervention. 
The prince finds this rebellion. he finds their camp. and he finds their leader, asleep on his cot. the prince readies to kill, but is startled by the knife set aside onto this leader’s bedside- the ceremonial opalescent blade of house Zephrich, held only by the firstborn heir. 
the prince has his blade to the scoundrel’s throat.
“the dagger,” he snarls, “stolen from my bride. where is she? have you dared harm her?”
“the dagger is mine,” the leader snarls back, awoken but already his blade at his attacker’s temple and his legs braced to spring the prince away. “i am duke of house zephrich, first and only heir. the blade is my birthright.”
the duke flings the prince effortlessly across the tent, following his landing by pinning the prince’s wrist with his heel and pressing the point of his knee into the prince’s chest. he holds his blade to the prince’s face, so he can barely see it’s glint. 
the prince tosses his blade away, sacrilegious for threatening the blood of zephrich.
“you are not duchess…” the prince murmurs, his gaze unblinking and awed of the duke, his blade glistening with the blues of deep oceans, the greens of lush forests, the orange of roaring flames, and the silvers of endless stars. he glares at the prince, his clothes and hair tossed by sleep but his expression calculating, wide awake. 
“i am duke,” he spits. “who are you to demand my title, my life, at my bedside?”
“i am prince of ryccalid, betrothed to duchess of zephrich,” he answers, searching over the duke. “i was born to combine our houses.”
the duke stumbles over his syllables for a moment. his lips part as he parses through his thoughts. they look soft.
“i’ve never… i did not know i was promised.”
“i am promised,” the prince says, daring to lift his free hand to the prince’s knee on his chest, his touch reverent and light. “you are free.” 
the duke stands, his dagger still clutched but less aggressively now. 
“you wish not to kill me?”
“i thought i was here to kill a rebel, the murderer of the duke,” says the prince, sitting up but not standing, instead kneeling before the duke, his intended. “i would not dare harm the true duke of house zephrich. i would not fathom to harm my destined.”
“you seem not hesitant about my sex.”
the prince lifts his gaze to the duke. 
“your beauty and strength were told to me. you are still as i was promised.”
the duke sets aside his blade. 
“you would have me as duke, not duchess?” he asks, and the prince slowly stands, approaching until he is close enough to place his hands at the duke’s hips and speak into the duke’s breath. 
“i would have you as duke, as prince-consort, as rebel, as peasant.” he lifts his chin and the duke presses their mouths together, chests meeting, hips melting, thighs tangling. they break apart with heavy breaths. his voice low and eyes lidded, the duke smiles. 
“i would have you on your back,” he says, and the prince happily complies. the duke is warm and firm, straddling the prince’s hips, and still their tongues meet, exchange secrets, saliva, desire. 
the ceremonial blade of house zephrich is sacred. but no more sacred than the skin it bares by slicing clothing. no more sacred than the touch one gives to another. no more than the ecstasy shared by becoming one with their lover, in body and soul, in mind and in matter. 
a shiver runs down the prince as the duke sets his blade aside, their tattered clothing no longer separating them. their warmth shares, as does their excitement. the duke kisses the prince to distract them both from the nerves of their first meet, and the duke hardly has to hide his embarrassment. the prince pulls him closer, dragging the smaller man to straddle his chest rather than his hips. 
the prince puts his mouth to the duke, lavishing him with tongue and softness and suction to distract from the first breach of his fingers into the duke. his reward is fingers tightening and tugging into his hair, but also the sweetest moan he could’ve dreamed. the duke grinds, gently, soft bucks accompanying subdued moans as the prince stretches him, thrusts into him. 
it’s only when the duke shudders that the prince pulls him away, rolling them both over so that the prince may be treated to the sight of his destined, half lidded and shuddering beneath him, pleasure slipping from his breath in barely contained moans. 
“may i?” asks the prince, and the duke answers only by wrapping his arms around the prince’s neck and tugging him into a voracious kiss. the prince slowly fucks into him, punching soft ah’s from beneath his ribcage, pulling soft whimper’s from the duke’s mouth. 
devotion is too weak a word for it. the prince could not live without the duke, now that he has had a taste. he could not go on without the promise of returning to this moment, to their gentle embraces but passionate love. there is no life beyond this, their union, their destiny. there is not house zephrich, there is not kingdom ryccalid. there is only what his duke would desire of him. there is only what they demand of each other. there is only pleasure passing between the two of them, back and forth until they both collapse of it, their breathing rapid and bodies weak. there is only truth, this truth.  
they fall asleep just as nestled together as they had been awake. and when the dawn breaks, the kingdom slayer no longer serves the whims of a dead patriarch. he serves the Duke of House Zephrich, the beautiful and powerful. his promised. 
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scuttlingcrab · 8 months
The Stranger
A little piece through the POV of my favourite devil, Raphael.
Bored at a party, Raphael seeks a delicious new soul.
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Mortals. So tiresome.
Raphael sighed as he played with the golden chalice between his fingers, twirling the stem before taking a long sip of wine. He sat in the corner of the politician’s great hall, observing the ludicrous banquet before him. He lost count of how many of these wretched dinners he’s had to attend. Keeping up appearances. And for what? Silly little souls that didn’t amount to anything.
His eyes slowly moved across the candle lit scene before him. A gaggle of the city-state’s most famous high ranking officials flooded the room, indulging themselves in the overflowing barrels of wine, rich sweets, and succulent meats stacked to the ceiling. Dukes, Duchesses, City Officers… fools, the lot of them.
The air was buzzing with slimy scheming and whispers of menacing manipulations, the rank smell of lust lingering above the heads of the guests. A gaudy band occupied the other end of the room, a bard sang a flat tune at the top of their lungs that made even Raphael’s skin crawl.
He unfortunately knew everyone, their deepest darkest secrets, what fuelled their nightmares, what got their lips salivating. He couldn’t escape the desperation. There were more important things to attend to. The Crown. His plans. And yet… here he was. Another wasted evening in Baldur’s Gate.
A fat faced Duke approached Raphael, about to burst from the seams as he bowed, muttering some pleasantries.
Ah, Alistair. Signing your eldest away to relieve those crippling debts. How original. Raphael clenched his teeth as he bowed in return. 
“How are your accounts as of late, Alistair? Plentiful I hope.” Raphael grinned.  
The Duke blushed and quickly nodded, his sagging cheeks swung along with the movement. He whispered a messy thank you before disappearing back into the crowd. 
Raphael snickered to himself. Imbecile. 
His eyes soon stopped, fixating on a woman he didn’t recognise. Raphael nearly missed her, she seemed to blend into the shadows. Her face was long and pale, her auburn hair loose and flowing to her thin waist. She was dressed eloquently but like her face, the design was plain. Her brows furrowed as those dark eyes darted across the room like search lights, until locking eyes with Raphael. 
Raphael’s eyes twinkled, his grasp on the chalice tightening. The woman’s expression didn’t change as they stared at each other. What a curious new creature. 
Their moment was interrupted when a large man approached the woman. He swayed, leaning a hand on the wall to balance himself. He took his other hand and grabbed the woman’s cheeks, pushing her head against the wall. The man’s face grew redder as he shouted at her. Whatever he was expressing, it was inaudible over the idle party chatter and the bard’s horrendous music.
The man took the woman by the hair and pulled her out of the room, causing a riptide to tear through the other party guests. None of them seemed to care about the lovers quarrel, as the hole the man created soon filled back up again.
Raphael finished the last of his wine, placing the empty chalice on the table before slithering through the crowd, a slight pep in his step. Alas… some fun.
Raphael’s feet floated over the dark marble tiles, his pulse quickened, excited about what he might find ahead of him. The castle halls grew quieter the further he slinked away from the banquet. Finally free of that Bard’s vile performance. He really did need to take care of that so-called musician.
The quiet didn’t last long however, the angry man’s shouts now reverberated through the passageway. 
“Yo-you’re g… go… going to w-w-ish you were ne-never born after th-this…I wi-will kill yo-u AND you-you’re bloody family!” The man bellowed, his slurred speech barely comprehensible. 
“Yoland! Stop this madness, pl–” The woman’s pleas were interrupted as she screamed out in pain. 
The shouts muffled and Raphael slowed his pace, keeping to the shadows. Ahead he watched as the man called Yoland kicked open the doors to the Duke’s library and threw the woman inside. Yoland stumbled in after her.
Raphael crept, peeking in through the open doorway. Yoland had the woman pinned up against a bookshelf, holding her by the throat. She squirmed in his arms. 
“You b…bel-belong to ME!” Yoland hissed. 
The woman reached behind her, desperately trying to grab on to a book, to something. She managed to grab a small bust of the Duke, slamming it against Yoland's face. Yoland released her and clutched his head. The woman fell to her knees, gasping for air. She quickly crawled away but Yoland lunged after her. The two wrestled each other on the floor until Yoland was on top, ripping at her dress and pulling at her hair. 
“NO!” The woman shouted and lifted a leg into the air, clawing for her right boot. Raphael raised an eyebrow. Clever girl, no need to intervene after all.
She struggled to pull out a small dagger hidden deep in her boot, nearly losing her grip on the hilt as she dug it into the back of Yoland. He screamed in agony and attacked her harder, hitting her head against the floor. She stabbed again and again and again until Yoland's movements slowed and he soon quieted, dying on top of her with a demeaning grunt.
The woman whimpered as she lay under the corpse. It took her a few minutes but she managed to wiggle her way out from under him, still clinging on to the dagger. She rose to her feet, standing over the corpse. 
Raphael straightened his posture, running his fingers through his hair to check all was in order. Showtime.
“My, my… what have we here?”
The woman spun around, her hand shook like a twig caught in a tempest as she held the bloody dagger at Raphael. 
“Surely you aren’t going to use that on me?”
She backed away but stumbled over the corpse. She fell on her backside and the dagger flew from her hands, sliding near Raphael’s feet. 
“Tut tut, I come as a friend, not an enemy.” Raphael took a step forward, he held his right hand to his heart, pledging his allegiance. 
“Who are you? One of Yoland's bloody goons?”
Raphael couldn’t help but laugh. Rather loudly. 
“Oh, oh my dear, I am sorry. Please excuse the rudeness. This is unbecoming of me. Too heavy on the wine this evening.” Raphael cleared his throat. “No, no, my name is Raphael. And I am very much at your service.” 
Raphael bowed. He paused before taking a step to retrieve the dagger. He heard the woman’s heart stop beating as she held her breath, her eyes growing wider. She grabbed a thick book and held it in front of her like a shield. Raphael knelt down, slowly, as if he was approaching a rabid animal. He turned the blade around in his hands, so that the hilt now faced the woman. 
“Please… I insist.” 
She remained silent. Despite Raphel’s kind gesture, she moved further away from him until her back hit against the far bookshelf. 
“What do you want?” She asked.
Raphael looked down at the large corpse in the room, the pool of blood getting closer to his pointed leather boots. 
“This Yoland is going to be missed, surely. His friends, or what did you call them? Goons? Yes, his goons will be coming soon. How will you manage?”
The woman swallowed, staring intensely at Raphael. Her hair was dishevelled now, half of her face covered in blood and her dress nearly ripped in two. How delicious. Like a direwolf backed into a corner. He could smell the rich fear oozing from his new prey. He was so close. Just a little more patience. He could wait, especially after such a drab evening. 
“What do you suggest then?”
“I’m only a passerby, helping a lost soul in need of some help.”
Raphael placed the dagger on the floor and snapped his fingers. A burst of flame revealed a silk handkerchief in his hands. He carefully removed the blood from his fingertips, going over every inch of his palm, careful not to miss a spot. He snapped his fingers again and the handkerchief disappeared. 
“A… warlock?”
“I’m something far better than that.”
Shouts soon came from the hallway, multiple gruff voices calling out for Yoland. Raphael and the woman continued to stare at each other as the echoes got louder, the words becoming more coherent. 
“Tick, tock. The goons fast approach.”
Rapheal extended his hand once more. The woman paused before accepting Raphael’s invitation. Raphael’s lips curled into a cheeky smile as he looked deep into her eyes. 
“That will do. Thank you.”
The instant their hands touched, Raphael snapped his fingers and the two were engulfed in a warm, welcoming inferno. It was only for an instant but the flames dropped like a curtain revealing his central chamber. He stepped away from the woman and approached a roaring fireplace, standing beneath a portrait. He turned to face her with a grin, lifting his hand in a sweeping gesture, indicating the walls around him. 
“Welcome, my dear, to the House of Hope!” 
The empty chamber echoed his welcoming words. The room was spotless, the table neatly filled with a variety of food and drink, to ease the tension of any weary guest. Yes, less opulent than the banquet this evening but far better in quality. 
The woman took a moment to balance herself, leaning against the table. Her cheeks were flushed and a gloss of sweat covered her forehead. She surveyed her surroundings and her eyes darted to the painting behind Raphael. 
"Ah, the painting. Yes, I had it commisioned many moons ago. One of my favourite pieces yet." Raphael turned to admire it as well, placing a proud hand on his hip before turning his attention back to the woman.
The woman’s grip on the table tightened. Her eyes darted over the glistening horns, the massive wings, and the sharp claws of the painting’s subject. She looked at Raphael in horror and then back at the painting again, looking at the flames lapping around the Devil depicted in the artwork.
“Yo… you…”
The woman collapsed. Before her body could hit the floor, Raphael snapped his fingers and the woman dangled inches from the ground, her knotted hair softly grazing his polished floors.
Raphael flicked his wrists and the woman flew into his arms. 
Must be the heat. Raphael smirked as he delicately carried his new creature across the chamber to a large chaise lounge. He lowered her slowly into a comfortable position, eyeing her hungrily. 
"And you didn't even tell me your name. No matter, my sweet, I shall find out soon enough."
Indeed, the Devil looked forward to hearing what she had to offer. 
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txemptress · 1 year
━━━━ anastacius de alger obelia. manhwa. wmmap
‣ mentions of reader killing some people! . ୨:୧
‣ m.list . recent works . wmmap. ━━━━
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They say the emperor has one face. One of pure evil and coldness of the soul. While this is a hundred and a half percent a perfect statement, there are times when this is not the case.
You see they are wrong at most. Sure, Anastacius has one face to most except one person.
Now here is the most interesting part, some would assume if this was the case it could, would and should be his wife who he shows to faces with, right? Wrong. For the person he shows his most emotion to is you.
Perhaps it was your beauty? That was the assumption you had made since day one. Though it was a wrong assumption, Anastacius has no interest in changing it. Letting you think that perhaps at most this is the case. But there is more behind his obsession with you than just your looks. It is the mere fact that you would do anything for him that comes close. That comes next to the point of your beauty. You'd do anything for him as his most loyal retainer, his sweet little assistant and he'd kill for you. Just as you would for him.
If you weren't someone of such high status such as his assistant, he'd make you his concubine. He really would but you both had jobs to do. Jobs that were too much of a risk to mess up.
You had stayed by his side until his supposed end. During this time, when he was about to be killed, he asked you to run off and catch a few of his rebellious foes. A case in which you were victorious over as he expects. But just as you come back you find a scene you'll never forget. A death crime against the emperor.
At first you believed the news. He's dead. But the thing was…no one knew where the body was and who took it if it ever was taken at all.
It doesn't take long before the day his wake opens, you head in the middle of the night to see, to hear. But the only thing your eyes met was the eyes of a man so happy to see you once more.
During the days of his hiding, you visit from time to time. Bringing gifts and some of his old treasury alongside your wonderful attitude towards his bidding. It was a great sight for him and for you.
Though you didn't have any form of attraction to him, it doesn't take a while before you do eventually. You two marry after a while, a marriage hidden from the public's eye. But a marriage needed two witnesses. The only save for this one rule was Roger Alpheus and his wife's presence at your wedding. They questioned nothing. No words were said but cheers and flattery. It was easy to see that the duchess did not quite enjoy the sight of the marriage, but they had little choice as to follow the former emperor's will.
It is now another day and you were called to the Alpheus house as they have informed you of Anastacius’ presence there as their guest. Surely the plan to take back the kingdom that was his was in action now, wasn't it?
You enter and the first thing you see is a beautiful replica of a daughter. ‘Oh… this is…’ The face and features were terribly unmistakable. She looked like Penelope and Anastacius combined. It made you feel a pang of jealousy but also pity for the girl. To be born by dark magic was not a good thing. You spoke kindly to her asking her for the directions to the duke's office. She obliges with much delight as to see a lady in the house. She's lonely. It was clear as day to you. A ghost of a smile appears on your lips and you two find your way to the duke. You pat her head in gratitude before you head over in, waving to her before you do so.
"I see you've met Jenette." Roger spoke to you, his tone is as icy as could be. As expected from him. He was very cautious towards you, though it was unclear why. Perhaps because you were someone who could kill him within minutes of his words just being displayed? Either way it didn't matter. Fear was fear.
Anastacius is propped on the couch, one leg across his knee. His lips were curled up partly in an almost smile towards you that stayed there the moment you lay afoot in this room.
You bow respectfully towards his presence before the words come rolling out of your mouth. "Why have I been summoned here?" Though it was the least formal of gestures, your husband did not mind. You two have parted for too long.
He stands up and his footfalls are heard, making their way towards the female known as his adoring wife. His eyes are filled with warmth as he lifts your chin with ease. "Why so serious, my treasure?" His words are soft and sweet to the ears, the complete opposite of what the duke hears every day, you assume with much delight. "Humor me with a smile, dearest." He whispered again before his lips met hers. His lips are soft and his taste sweet like his tone. His hand moved down to hug her waist and pull her close. The other goes to the back of her neck to pull her firmly towards him and keep her to him until he has his fill.
When he pulls away, he is met with your flushing face. It is enough to make him laugh and stroke your hair. "Well then, shall we begin the planning?" He says, turning to the duke who bobs his head in assent.
During the attempts of the plan, you became close with Jenette. To the point that she, Jenette, saw you as her mother and family that she never had. She was still blissfully unaware of Anastacius being her father and it was not a problem for Ana that you were becoming her mother figure. After all, the sooner the better no?
When Anastacius finally came forward and told Jenette who he was to her, it became easier to see you both as her parents. Everything was perfect. The plan was going well… not.
When the plan was proven unsuccessful, Anastacius was sentenced to death now. You had completely lost it when it occurred. It burned you truly. All you wanted was a life with him and Jenette, was that too much to ask?
You even went as far as praying to the deities for their forgiveness. And your prayers were heard. You found that Jenette had begged the emperor's daughter for sparing her father and instead bringing both of them far from the kingdom. Of course, this includes you too. You were quick to agree to the new arrangement.
It was hard at first, leaving the only empire you knew as home but it was better than your husband disappearing.
"Darling?" Anastacius snaps you out of your reverie. His fingers caressed your cheek now.
"Yes?" You say quietly, giving into his loving touch and warmth.
"I asked if you were alright." He said calmly, but there was a small noticeable note of worry in his tone.
"Oh, yes of course." You smile warmly at him. His heartbeat picks up at sight of you. He was deeply and truly in love with you and it showed well. "Are you?"
"Mhm." He hums, pressing his face against your chest. Your skin is warm against his own body. "I'm just thinking…what about another kid?"
"Huh?!" You flush bright red at the thought and this brings a laugh bubbling in Anastacius.
He smirks before he kisses you, implying the action that there was no return to this conversation. It was official that you two were making kids.
"Jenette needs siblings, you know." "I hate you." "I love you too~."
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─────── NOTE?!
final word count? 1,333 words! This was only supposed to exceed at least 500+ 😭 I think I got a bit out of track qwq
─────── TAGLIST?!
@primordixl , @lvmxlee
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mydaddywiki · 9 months
Albert II of Belgium
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Physique: Average Build Height: 6'1"
Albert II (born 6 June 1934 -) is a member of the Belgian royal family who reigned as King of the Belgians from 1993 until his abdication in 2013. He is the son of King Leopold III and Queen Astrid, born princess of Sweden. He is the younger brother of Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte of Luxembourg and King Baudouin, whom he succeeded upon Baudouin’s death in 1993. Albert II abdicate the throne for health reasons in 1993 and was succeeded by his son Philippe on 21 July 2013.
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The former King is adorable. He definitely falls into the 'cute grandpa' category. Sure he’s getting on in years and a little past his best but I'd still do him in a heartbeat. And even if you think he is too old, he was a fucking king. You would fuck him and you know it.
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He married Donna Paola Ruffo di Calabria (now Queen Paola), with whom he had three children; King Philippe, Princess Astrid and Prince Laurent with twelve grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. During the 60s, King Albert had an 18-year-affair with Belgian aristocrat that produced a second daughter, Princess Delphine. If I were alive in the 60s, Albert could have slept with me and not have to worry about admitting he fathered a child out of wedlock. What? He isn’t getting me pregnant.
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otmaaromanovas · 3 months
On June 26, it was 125 years since Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna was born
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Family friend Lili Dehn recalled how when she “first knew the Grand Duchess Marie, she was quite a child, but during the Revolution she became very devoted to me, and I to her, and we spent most of our time together — she was a wonderful girl, possessed of tremendous reserve force, and I never realised her unselfish nature until those dreadful days.“
Maria was noted for her love of children, frequently visiting the local orphanage, and in 1914 wrote to Olga Vorovona, a friend who was the wife of one of the family’s favourite officers, how she enjoyed visiting the “such awfully sweet darlings” at the orphanage. “We gave them all presents and they were so happy with them and each one showed their nanny what they got…. I love little children so awfully much, play with them and carry them in my arms. Do you love babies?" In her memoirs, Olga Voronova described Maria as “kindness and unselfishness personified.”
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Happy birthday Grand Duchess Maria!
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Helen Azar, George Hawkins, Maria Romanov: Third Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters 1908-1918, (Yardley: Westholme Publishing, 2019), see December 1914. 
Yulia “Lili” Alexandrovna Dehn, The Real Tsaritsa, (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1922)
Olga Voronova, “Upheaval”, (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1932)
Main photographs, slide 1 and 10: Grand Duchess Maria in 1914. Both photographs from RomanovsOneLastDance.
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biscuits-of-bagend · 3 months
DnDoc #3 - Tales in the TARDIS
Part #1 Part #2
"I was sort of pessimistic at first? But at the same time determined. It was like, this is hopeless - but also I have to get back to some sort of civilisation or at least somewhere with running water or I will die. I followed the forest trying to figure out if the trees were lined up in any sort of shape, anything that might indicate where I could find a pond. If I could find a pond I could find a stream, a river, a city, if there was one to be found."
   Rogue stopped as Ruby came in with an enormous jug of water. Maybe she'd been outside listening this whole time and knew he really needed it now that he had started this.
   "Stay if you want, Ruby," said Rogue. "It's good to see you too."
   Ruby was no longer dressed like a Regency duchess and instead wore a tartan pattern pinafore over a white t-shirt. She seemed even younger than Rogue remembered and he was glad all over again that his trap hadn't got her killed.
   The Doctor nodded to Ruby and patted the space next to him on his futon. "Come sit,  so far it sounds like it's not going to be a super sexy story."
   "Well," said Rogue.
   "Oh?" The Doctor's eyebrows shot up in what Rogue assumed at first was jealousy but that may actually have been deep intrigue, the Doctor's curiosity perhaps turning a little Chuldur-like.
   "There was a queen who really needed an heir," said Rogue.
   Ruby's eyes bugged out of her head and the Doctor put his hand to his breast and said, "You didn't."
   Rogue grinned and took a drink of water. Then he said, "No, I didn't. But it turns out I am a master match-maker. I am the Emma Woodhouse of my generation."
   "So you did eventually find a civilisation then?" said the Doctor, still shaking his head.
   "Yeah, took a long time, and I sort of turned up on their doorstep just like I did yours," said Rogue. "But they were in the middle of their own problems, away up on this hill above the wasteland. They nearly dispatched me on sight until I could convince them I was not infected with some sort of bacteria they were scared of. I mean, I was scared of it too for a moment there, until their doctor was convinced I was fine. But then they said they'd give me food and water and somewhere to sleep as long as I could complete a quest for them."
   "Aw," said the Doctor, "Just a Rogue all by himself, no tank, no face."
   "Yeah," agreed Rogue. "A face would not have gone amiss. Because what they wanted me to do was go to the one other oasis of green grass and flowering trees in the known world, see if anyone was alive there - which they couldn't tell on their telescopes - and if there was, I was to bring any eligible young males back."
   "That is a lot less romantic than Emma Woodhouse," said Ruby.
   "You're not wrong. There were three eligible young males as it turned out, and they all shared your view. I had to beg one of them and tell him all about how beautiful the queen was and how delicious the fruit away off there at the palace was - I hadn't tasted a bit of it, and wouldn't unless I could get the guy to agree to come back with me. But I'm no slouch on the deception check. So I got this one guy to come with me, eventually, after a truly horrible journey that was like the opposite of a bonding experience and he definitely hates me now."
   Rogue took another breath, wondering how he was coming across. The Doctor and Ruby would understand needs-must kinds of situations, right? He paused for a moment to focus on the burnt orange of the Doctor's jacket, his striped v-neck t-shirt underneath. Once he had his bearings back, he continued.
   "Turned out they were basically long-lost soulmates, or at least, they were willing to see each other that way in the name of speeding things along. But they wouldn't let me go until the baby was born and that took… Oh damn, I forgot to mention. Have you ever heard of Loxodons?"
   "The elephant folk?" said the Doctor.
   "Yeah, all these people were Loxodons. I should have said that at the start." Rogue waved his hand as if to brush away the confusion. He was pleased to note that this caused pain in zero muscles.
   "Wait, but elephants are pregnant for like, almost two years," said Ruby. "I swear on QI Sandi Toksvig said something like twenty-two months! Was it the same for the Loxodon people?"
   Rogue nodded, mouth closed as he watched the Doctor take this in.
   "Yeah," said Rogue. "They wouldn't help me until after the birth in case there was a problem and they needed me to go fetch another male."
   The Doctor took his hand and held it loosely, carefully. "Rogue, that is horrible. I am so sorry you had to go through all this."
   Rogue shook his head, which did cause a slight twinge in his neck but it was fading. He said, "I made my choice. No regrets. We keep moving forward, right?"
   The Doctor relaxed slightly and nodded. "Always on to the next thing."
   "Anyway," said Rogue. "Their library was amazing."
Part #4
@off-traveling-in-the-stars @casavanse @monster-donut (let me know at any point if you no longer wish to be tagged in each post)
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yuwuta · 4 months
have the best of both worlds and go princess reader x runaway foreign prince turned knight satoru/yuuta
wait i like this… and i can see it for either of them… yuuta who ran away from his prince duties because he was always outcast by the other royals and cabinet members, considered a cursed child and tortured until he’d had enough :(( eventually you or one of your knights catch him and he’s so scrawny and malnourished, you take pity on him, give him something to eat and one of the many rooms in the castle. your head butler is the one that sees potential in yuuta and suggests you keep him here, yuuta agrees quickly, not just out of obligation bc you saved his life but because (1) instant lover boy, sort of already fell for the kind princess who treated him like a person for the first time in his life, (2) if yuuta was truly born to be someone to serve other people, maybe becoming a knight is his second chance :((((((((((
gojo running away and not getting caught seems a bit harder only because he just Looks like royalty, there’s no way someone could see him and not immediately see that he’s related to the king and queen, so let’s say he’s not actually of royal blood by birth, but he married into it. was sort of forced into it? he’s gorgeous, so it’s not hard to imagine that royal families have been trying to arrange betrothals since he was young, thinking only in vain of securing strong and beautiful heirs. his parents refute this, but when his mother passes away, some sleaze takes advantage and satoru ends up engaged and married to some duchess he doesn’t particularly care for. he’s not a bad husband, but he refuses to sleep with his new wife for a multitude of reasons, but mainly because he won’t be used as some accessory to produce an heir. it makes her father mad and long story short, he gets himself divorced and almost beheaded, but he makes his way out… it doesn’t stop other people from trying to force his hand into marriage, until you, quite literally, buy his freedom. turns out, your parents and his parents were old friends and as the princess, you had the power to make good on their friendship and free satoru, from, essentially being passed around and sold into marriage again. you tell him he doesn’t owe you anything, but that, ironically, only makes his loyalty towards you grow… he definitely freeloads in your castle for a bit, is brash and doesn’t follow proper mannerisms, but you’re the princess and you say it’s okay and satoru likes that… you have power and you seem to use it appropriately, you’re strong and you don’t care to ruin other people’s lives for the sake of a child. he likes that, he likes you, he thinks you’re a rebellious little princess underneath all your formalities and he wants to stick around and see that, so turns to being your knight, and makes it his life mission to see just how far he can get you to go for him… anyway….
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
The ARC and the Monster
Summary: Three months after the events that left him with prosthetic legs and a prosthetic arm, ARC Knight Echo is on a journey to relearn himself. And while on this journey, he discovers a village that doesn't exist.
Pairing: ARC Knight Echo x Reader
Word Count: 5810
Warnings: Mentions of death
Mando'a Used: sen'ika - little bird (according to the website I saw, lol)
A/N: I am very bad at writing fight scenes, I should work on that, lol. This is a twist on Beauty and the Beast, and I'm actually happy with it, which is surprising.
Divider by saradika
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“Morning again, darlin’,” You smile tiredly at the merchant, “Bacon and a fresh loaf of bread?”
“I don’t suppose you have anything new?” You ask as you lean against the counter.
The Merchant laughed, “You know I don’t, darlin’. One loaf of bread, and one rack of bacon. As normal.”
You sigh and rest your head on your palm, “I am so tired of bacon.” You say with a sigh.
“Ah, I know darlin’.” He reaches out and lightly pats your hand, “How are things at the palace?”
“Same as ever. As per normal.” You smile at him as you take the bag of food, “How’s the wife?”
“Exhausted. We both are. We never expected our son to be an infant for almost 30 years.” He sighs, he accepts the credits and you wave as you head towards the door.
“Maybe someday the curse will be broken,” You call from the door.
“You won’t find many people who still have hope, darlin’. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You wave and step out of the shop, allowing the door to swing shut behind you. You neatly side-step several other people, and start walking the meandering path headed back towards the manor.
At this point, you can walk the path while wearing a blind-fold, you’re so familiar with the path between the village and the old mansion you call home.
You are, or were, the head chef for the Duke of these lands. In charge of all of the cooking and all of the food shopping. At the time it was a good job, high paying with incredible job security, and a chance to move up in the world.
Of course…that’s not what actually happened.
Thirty years ago a stranger appeared at the palace doors on the night of the young Baron’s 15th birthday. The Baron himself answered the door, though it wasn’t his duty, and he sent the guest away with a harsh word and a violent hand.
The Stranger was a Sorceress, and she was so put out by the Baron’s actions that she cursed the entire land. The Duke and Duchess vanished, trapped in a painting to your best guess, the young Baron twisted and changed, until his looks matched his personality…and everyone unfortunate enough to live in this Duchy ended up trapped in a time loop. 
This day, the day of the Baron’s 15th birthday, repeats over and over and over again. And the only way for the Curse to break is if the Baron show’s any true remorse.
He doesn’t. 
You stop in front of the manor, and then turn to walk around the building to enter through the rear. No need to draw attention to yourself, if at all possible.
There are some good sides to being trapped in a time loop, you suppose as you push the door open. For example, anything that happens today will be reset when the clock strikes midnight. Any dishes that get broken will be repaired, any injuries will be healed, and any money spent will end up right back in your account.
Also, no one can die.
But no one can be born either. 
You kind of feel bad for one of the Housekeepers, she was 7 months pregnant when this whole fiasco began, and now, thirty years later, she’s still 7 months pregnant.
But that not dying has been a boon. Especially those first few years when the Baron was so angry at everything that he lashed out at everyone.
It was incredibly…strange. Getting ripped to shreds and then waking up in bed the next morning like nothing happened.
Luckily, the Baron has since learned that his temper tantrums have no lasting effect, and has since locked himself away. You don’t know what he eats…and to be honest, you don’t care. You have more important things to do than deal with a self important brat.
You step around one of the butlers, who is dutifully dusting a vase, “Good morning, Chaz,” You greet.
“Good morning, Miss.” He replies, “Did you have a nice walk?”
Your smile is wry, “Well, it’s warm and sunny, right now, and not a cloud in the sky. So, I was miserable.”
He chuckles, “I sent the young ones to the kitchen for a baking lesson, they seemed thrilled.”
“Well, if I had the choice between cookies and math, I would choose cookies too, Chaz.” You joke as you lightly pat him on the shoulder, and then step around him.
“Quite right, Miss.” He says with a laugh, “Also, the Young Master is in a foul mood today, I would avoid the southern gardens.”
“When isn’t the Young Master in a foul mood.” You reply, “But I’ll tell people to stay clear.” You toss him one last smile, and walk the short distance from the side entrance to the kitchen, and you set your bag on the counter, “I have bread…and bacon.” you call out to your staff.
The room erupts into groans of dismay. “If I have to have bacon one more time,” One of the maids says dramatically as she drapes herself across the prep table, “I’m going to throw myself off a bridge.”
“That would be impressive since there are no bridges in the Loop.” You counter dryly, “Also. I’m making soup with bacon and chicken.” The moaning slows to a stop, “Great. Also, Chaz says stay out of the Southern Garden. Also, who’s doing baking lessons?”
“Granny’s got the kids,” One of the other maids calls from near the window, “And I saw the young Baron head into the Garden, he looked mad enough to spit fire.”
“Alright everyone, let’s get to work. We have a manor to feed.” You call, and the room devolves into organized chaos, and you smile. Running a kitchen is a dance, and it’s a dance you’ve performed over ten thousand times. Everyone is in their positions, and though the room looks chaotic…well, they’re performing a masterpiece. 
You smile and slide yourself into your position, and begin your part of the dance.
It has been three months since the events that saw ARC Knight Echo losing his arm, and both of his legs in a magical explosion. And while he has prosthetics, and they work well, and he’s comfortable with them, he’s still not comfortable with his new body.
It’s why he went to Rex and asked for time. Time to heal on his own, without people hovering around him. Time to get used to the prosthetics and the way that his body moves now.
And after two weeks of camping, he’s starting to feel more like himself. Still, he’s not quite ready to return home just yet. For all that he claims that he hates camping…he’s actually enjoying himself. Enjoying the hunting and the fishing, and navigating the land with nothing more than a map and a compass.
Still, Echo is beginning to think it’s time to return home. There’s only so much time he can spend on his own before he starts missing his brothers, and starts talking to the trees around him.
He glances at his map, and then at the bridge several feet away, “Well…I’ll get to the top of the hill, and then I’ll turn around and head home.” He says to himself. He looks over the map one more time, and then folds it and slides it into his jacket pocket. He then hefts his bag over his shoulder, and he crosses the bridge.
He walks up the shallow hill, crests the top, and then he stops. Slowly, without moving his eyes, he pulls the map out of his jacket and he looks down at it, and then back in front of him.
There is not supposed to be a village here. And yet there is.
A well settled village, at that. The houses look old, like they’ve been there for a while, and the road is cobbled, rather than dirt. Echo pockets his map, and carefully adjusts his jacket so he’s able to rest his hand on the pommel of his blade.
And then he starts walking down the cobbled road.
This is strange, and he loves solving strange.
Once more, you walk the distance between the manor and the village. You go to the grocers, you buy bacon and bread while making jokes about having literally anything else, and you leave the shop.
Normally you don’t pay any attention to your surroundings, you’ve done this thousands of times now, but for some reason, today you do. Maybe you’re just feeling wistful, remembering the days when you could crest the hill and cross the bridge and head into the forest.
You flicker your gaze towards the village exit, and your breath catches in your throat.
There, standing next to the welcome sign, is a man. A strange man.
And, after thirty years, there are no strange men in this village.
You turn and walk towards him. He’s tall, though not the tallest man you’ve met, with dark skin and dark hair. As you get closer, you notice that his hair is curly, and that he’s got a prosthetic arm.
By the time you’re close enough to talk to him, you’re sure. “You’re from outside,” You breathe out.
He pins you in place with a curious stare, “If you mean that I’m not from this village, then yes, you’re right.” He looks away from you, his dark eyes scanning the village properly, “This village isn’t on any map.”
A pained look crosses your face, “We used to be,” You say quietly, “But…not anymore, I suppose.”
He glances at you, and then at some of the other people in the village, some have stopped what they’re doing to stare at him, while others blatantly ignore him, “Why are they looking at me like that?”
“People don’t come here,” You explain, “I…I’m sorry, what’s your name?”
“I’m Echo. Echo Fett. I’m an ARC Knight of Mandalore.” 
You introduce yourself with a smile, “I work at the manor, as the head chef.” You explain as you motion, vaguely, to the manor, “Um, so you asked what people are looking at you-”
“Yeah. They’re staring at me. I know prosthetics aren’t normal-”
“What? No! That doesn’t have anything to do with it.” You hasten to say, as you reach out and touch his arm lightly, “Just…please, will you listen to our story?”
He turns his attention back on you, “Yeah, alright.”
You tug him off the main road, and to a small park. Families used to picnic there, but not anymore. 
You sit on one of the benches, and wait until he’s sitting next to you. “So…what’s the story with this place?” Echo asks.
“Um…okay. So this story begins thirty years ago, on the night of the Baron’s 15th birthday.” You explain, your voice quiet, “You have to understand, the Baron was never a good child. He was always harsh, always cold, always mean…no one ever had anything good to say about him. I can’t even describe just how awful of a boy the Baron is.”
“Okay. So he’s a brat, the son of a Duke?”
“That’s right,” You nod, “Well, there was a surprise visitor. And for some reason the Baron answered the door himself. He turned the stranger away with violence…and it turned out that the stranger was actually a sorceress.”
“Oh no.”
“The entire Duchy was cursed as well.” You say quietly, “The Duke and Duchess were trapped in paintings. The Baron has become a monster. And the rest of us…well, we’re trapped.”
“In what way?” Echo asks.
“We have to live the same day, over and over and over again. We can do different things, within reason, but time never moves on for us.” Your voice is soft, “You’re the first new person we’ve met in years.”
He leans back against the bench, and he doesn’t say anything for a really long time, “So…what happens when time resets with me still here?”
You bite your lower lip, “I don’t know.” You hesitate, “I would suggest staying away from the manor, though. Until we know if the loop affects you…you need to stay away from the baron.”
“Why?” Echo asks.
“Because he’ll kill you.”
Echo stills, and something flinty enters his eyes, “Does he kill people often?”
“Oh, he hasn’t killed any of his employees in five years now.” You try to soothe, “And, well, it resets at midnight anyway, so…”
“Does that make it better?” Echo asks, his voice very gentle.
Your hands shake slightly as you remember razor sharp claws and teeth dripping with saliva, “...no.” You admit. You clench your hands tightly in your lap, to try and stop the trembling.
Echo glances at your hands, and reaches to place one of his hands over yours, “It’s okay. You’re safe here.” 
“For now.” You answer softly, your hands moving slightly to lightly grip his hand, the metal is cool under your hands, but is also soothing somehow, “It’s why you need to leave.” You say as you look from his hand to his face, “If you stay here-”
“No.” He interrupts, he smiles at you to soften the harshness of his word, “Look, you said that the curse is based around the Baron, right?”
“Yeah. He changed, and then his parents were trapped in the painting, and then the duchy was trapped in the loop. In that order.” You reply.
“Okay, so with the curse centered on the Baron, then to kill the curse we need to kill the Baron,”
You’re already shaking your head, “He’s too violent. If we get too close to him he’ll kill us.”
Echo frowns thoughtfully, “Then I’ll do it.”
You start and stare at him with wide eyes.
“I’m an ARC Knight, this is what we do.” Echo explains, his voice very kind.
“Free people from decade long curses?” You ask doubtfully.
He laughs softly, “Fight things that other people can’t.” He squeezes your hand, very gently, “Trust me.”
You hesitate for a long moment, and then you slowly nod. “Okay Echo.”
He smiles at you and gently releases your hands, “I’m going to need your help. Can you get me into the manor?”
Your gaze lingers on his clothing for a moment, and anxiety twists your stomach, “What if he claws you?” You ask, “His claws are…they ripped through me in one…”
Echo reaches into his backpack and pulls out a small metal orb, it’s glowing faintly, “This is an armor sphere. This is where I store my ARC armor when I’m not actively using it. Don’t worry, sen’ika, I’ll be wearing armor when I fight the Baron.”
“...okay.” You stand and gather your shopping bag in your arms, “Then you should probably follow me.”
“Yes ma’am,”
Echo follows you through the streets, and down the path that leads to the manor, and he follows you around the building to the side entrance. You hold the door to the manor open for him, and he steps into the worn down hallway that leads to the servants quarters.
Chaz is waiting for you. His severe gaze looks from Echo, to you, and then back to Echo. “The Young Master is in the library,” He says in a clipped tone, “I have instructed everyone to remain in their rooms for the time being.” He exhales slowly, and then lightly touches Echo on the shoulder, “Good luck, young man.”
“Thank you,” Echo replies, growing slightly startled when Chaz bows deeply, and then turns and vanishes into a side room. “Sen’ika, I need someplace to put my armor on.” He says to you.
“We can use the kitchen, it’s the one place in the manor the Baron never comes to.” You say, “Plus it’ll be empty right now.”
“Great, lead the way.” He follows you down a side hallway and into the kitchen, where you help him clear one of the prep tables, and he activates the little sphere, and lays all of his armor out on the table, and he quickly starts strapping the pieces to his body, “Where’s the library?” He asks.
“It’s part of the main building, on the third floor.” You explain, “You’ll never find it unless I show you…it’s not like there are any maps of the manor.”
He cuts his gaze towards you, “I don’t want you anywhere near the fighting.”
“I’ll be careful,” You reply, “But you’ll never find it without me.”
He sighs quietly, “Fine, but you will listen when I tell you to do something.”
“Yes sir,”
He finishes pulling his armor on, and he hooks his blade to his hip and then grabs his helmet, “Alright. How big is the library?”
“Massive. The Duchess was all for education.” You answer as you head out of the kitchen and into the hall, “She purchased several copies of every book ever printed and all of them are kept in the library.”
“So it’s cramped?”
“Less so than you might assume…it’s just very big.” You guide him through the twisting halls, until you reach the main living quarters. Unlike the servants quarters, which are clean and well maintained, the main house is dimly lit.
The wallpaper is ripped and torn, and there are some places where the wooden floorboards have been ripped up and flung into the wall. Pictures have been torn to shreds, and none of the furniture is usable. “The Baron did all of this?”
You nod, “He destroys the house every morning…at this point it doesn’t even take him an hour to destroy the house.” You carefully step around one of the floorboards, “Follow me, we need to go upstairs.”
You move silently through the house, and Echo is just as quiet, in spite of the armor he’s wearing. Finally you stop in front of an ornate door, “Is this the library?” Echo asks, his voice hushed.
“It is,” You hesitate, “You can still leave, Echo.”
“I’m not doing that.” Echo replies.
You sigh softly, and then you push the door open just enough that the pair of you can enter. Just like every other room in the main house, the library is destroyed, but you lightly touch Echo’s arm and you point at the ceiling, “There.”
Echo’s gaze follows your finger and he inhales sharply, “That used to be a man?” He asks.
The creature is shrouded in shadow, with claws long enough to rip a man to shreds without trying, and teeth that barely remain in his jaw. He clings to the ceiling, as though gravity has no effect on him. 
“Yes,” You whisper, “That used to be the Baron.”
Echo motions for you to get back, and draws his blade, “How do I get him down?” He hisses.
You glance at him nervously, and then you lift your fingers to your mouth, and you release a loud whistle that echoes through the chamber. And then you immediately duck under a fallen bookcase.
The Baron’s eyes snap open, revealing blood red eyes, and he releases a noise that sounds like a million angry snakes hissing at the same time. And you watch as the Baron moves, lunging at Echo with his terrifying speed.
But Echo is just as fast, and his blade is just as sharp as the Baron’s claws. 
You watch, terrified, as Echo proves just how good the average ARC Knight is, and you gasp when, in a smooth motion, Echo severs the Baron’s head from his body.
You slide out from your hiding space, and take several steps towards Echo, when the pressure in the room changes suddenly. You clamp your hands over your ears as the pressure increases and becomes painful.
You feel Echo’s hand lightly against your shoulder, and just barely hear him calling your name. And then there’s the sensation of a baseball bat slamming against your chest and the world goes dark.
You wake with a painful groan. Your entire body hurts, and your head is throbbing. You let out a noise of discontent as your bedroom door bursts open and Chaz hurries in, “Good you’re awake. Get up, get dressed.”
You groan and roll out of bed, landing on the floor with a painful thump, “Why does everything hurt?” You rasp out.
“You were standing right there when the curse reset,” Chaz replies as he pulls you to your feet, “You took the brunt of the reset.” He explains.
“Oh…it sucks.”
“It does.” He agrees as he shoves an outfit into your hands, “Get dressed, you need to get out of the manor.”
You clumsily take the clothes and start peeling off your sleepwear, replacing them with the loose tunic Chaz gave you, “Why?”
“Echo killed the Baron yesterday, didn’t he?” Chaz asks in return.
“Yeah. He did. But if the world reset-”
“I broke a plate yesterday, it’s still broken.”
Your fingers pause on the ties of your shirt, “That’s impossible.”
“It’s improbable, but killing the Baron caused a change. You need to go back to the village and see if you can find Echo. He’s not in the manor.” Chaz pauses and leans in, “I think he was flung outside of the loop, since he’s not a part of it.” He motions to the blue and black backpack sitting in the corner of your room.
You pull your trousers on, and then pull on your boots, “That makes sense,” you say quietly, “What if he doesn’t come back?”
“He’ll come back. I have a good feeling.” Chaz replies, and then he grips your shoulders tightly, “Listen. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I think if we kill the Baron once for every year that we’ve been cursed, the curse will break.”
“30 deaths? There’s no way. We already know that the Baron remembers things that happen in previous resets.” You remind him, “There’s only so many times that Echo will be able to kill him with a sword.”
“Agreed. Don’t worry, we’ll handle it.” Chaz pushes you out the door, “Now go!”
“I’m going, I’m going.” You allow him to propel you out of your room, and down the hall, and then out the side door, and he slams the door behind you.
You huff out a heavy breath, and groan as pain shoots through you. You slowly walk the familiar path to the village, where you’re greeted by enthusiastic shouts. The grocer is missing a loaf of bread he sold the day before. The baker’s flour level is down just a little bit.
There’s change for the first time in years.
You walk to the Village sign, and lean heavily against it, your arm folded protectively against your ribs. You had forgotten how pain lingered. You don’t like it.
Your head snaps up when you see movement from in front of you, and a relieved smile crosses your face when Echo, still clad in armor, walks over to you. “Are you okay?” You ask.
He pulls his helmet off, “Are you? I found myself on the other side of the bridge when I woke up. Why are you holding your ribs?”
“They’re bruised, I think.” You reply, “I woke up in bed because of the reset.”
“So it didn’t work.” Echo says with a frown.
“Well, it is. But the curse is just…cracked. At least, that’s what we think.” You step closer to him, “Chaz broke a plate yesterday, and it’s still broken.”
Echo frowns, “You have a theory?”
“We think that if the Baron dies once for every year that we’ve been trapped here, the curse will break.”
“Thirty deaths?”
“Yeah. Sorry.”
Echo exhales sharply, “How many more times can I use my sword before he learns how to avoid it?”
“Better to not risk trying it again,” You reply as you reach out and take Echo’s hand, “But, we have lots of weapons…assuming you know how to use them.”
“I haven’t encountered a weapon I can’t use,” Echo replies dryly, “Come on, back to the manor.”
“Yeah.” This time Echo guides you to the manor, and through the side door.
Chaz is sitting in the kitchen with one of every weapon from the armory, “He’s in the west garden today,” He says as soon as he sees Echo, “Which one of these do you want?”
Echo presses his blade into your hands, “Keep this safe for me,” He says, and you nod, curling your arms around it, while he picks through the weapons, eventually grabbing a pair of axes which he spins expertly, “How do I get to the west garden?”
“I’ll show you,” You say.
“You’re already hurt,” Chaz says, “I’ll show you,” He says to Echo.
Echo smiles at you as he pulls his helmet on, “Don’t worry, sen’ika. I’ll be fine.”
You watch him walk out the room, led by Chaz, and you tighten your grip around Echo’s blade.
You wake up in your bed, dressed in the tunic and pants from the day before, with your arms wrapped securely around Echo’s blade.
You lay in bed for ten minutes. Whatever Echo did to the Baron clearly worked, since the day reset less than three hours after it began.
You roll out of your bed, and hurry out of the manor. And by the time you reach the village sign, Echo is waiting for you, his arms folded. “You’re okay?” You ask as soon as you’re close enough.
“A few bruises,” Echo replies as he takes his blade back, “I don’t want to get close to him again, I don’t think.”
“We’ll figure something out.” You say as you hug him quickly.
“I’m sure we will.”
The third death involves a massive amount of crossbows, which pin the Baron to the wall of the ballroom.
The eighth death involves a truly terrifying amount of fire.
The fifteenth death involves an explosive made from flour and gunpowder.
“Halfway there,” Echo says as he leans back on the bench in the garden, “Only fifteen more deaths.”
“Are you okay?” You ask as you reach out and touch a bruise on his cheek.
“Just exhausted, sen’ika.” He smiles at you, “The people sure seem happy with all of the changes,” He notes.
“Change is good, Echo. Being trapped is…it’s a kind of hell. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.” You say quietly. 
“Well, with any luck, you’ll soon be free from this curse.” Echo says with a grin, “What’ll you do first?”
“Leave. I’m going to go literally anywhere else, and I’m never going to eat bacon again.”
Echo laughs, “Maybe I’ll take you back to Mandalore with me,” he says lightly, “It’s very different from this little village.”
“Oh, I’d like that-” You start to say, only to pause when something hits your face. The bustle of the village, just one street over, descends into silence, as the sky opens and rain starts falling.
You scramble to your feet, holding your hands out as the cool water splashes against your hands. And then you laugh, “Rain,” You whisper, “It’s raining!” You laugh again and spin in the rain, turning to grin at Echo, “Echo! You brought the rain back!”
From the next street over you can hear triumphant shouting, cheers of delight, and laughter.
You spin away from Echo, giggles of sheer delight falling from your lips as you stand in the pouring rain.
And Echo…well, he leans his elbows on his knees and he watches you with a fond smile on his lips. And when loud music starts playing the next street over, he gets to his feet, and he lightly takes your hand in his, an impish look crossing his face, “May I have this dance?”
You grin at him, and spin into his arms, “You may,” You agree as you look up into his eyes.
The seventeenth death involves an intricate trap with ropes, pulleys, and the heaviest bookshelf in the manor.
The twenty-first death involves a pit filled with lances.
The twenty-ninth death is much more straightforward, with Echo using a truly amazing number of potions to kill the Baron.
“This is the last one,” You whisper as you apply a healing ointment to Echo’s arm, and then reach up to patch up the bruise on his cheek.
“I think you’re more worried about this than I am.” Echo teases as he gently grabs your wrist, and lowers them away from his face, “Everything is going to be fine, I promise.”
“This is the closest we’ve been to freedom in years, Echo. I’m just…I’m nervous, that’s all.”
He smiles at you, warm and soft, and he leans in and lightly presses his forehead against yours, “There’s no need to be nervous.” He murmurs, “I’m going to take care of you.”
You release a shaky breath, “Okay. Are you sure you want to use your sword?” You ask one more time, just to make sure.
He laughs softly, “Yes. I’m sure. He won’t be expecting it.”
Echo presses a light kiss to the inside of your wrist, “Trust me, cyar’ika. This is for the best.”
“I do trust you, but I’m still nervous.” You murmur, even as heat floods your face at his gentle kiss.
He smiles reassuringly at you, and gently releases you, “Go and take your position.”
You nod once, and take half a step back. Then you hesitate, and step back towards him and stand on your toes to press a kiss against his cheek, “Good luck, Echo.” And then you turn and hurry away.
Echo lets out a quiet chuckle, and then he pulls his helmet on. He walks the familiar path to the main room of the house, and he glances up at the second floor, where all of the employees of the Manor are standing, watching.
There’s the sound of angry hissing, and then the Baron is there. Twenty-nine deaths have left the creature angry and paranoid. Angry enough that his gaze was locked on Echo, and not any of the innocent people in the room.
Echo spins his blade with the ease of someone who knows what he’s doing and he takes a step towards the creature, “It’s time for this to end.” Echo says flatly.
The creature snarls and throws himself at Echo.
But Echo has already killed this creature twenty-nine times. He knows how he moves, how he acts in a given situation, and he’s clever enough to be able to make educated guesses on how he’ll react in unknown situations.
The whole encounter has already played out, hundreds of different times, in Echo’s mind. He already knows how it’s going to end. And so do the people watching the last fight.
Echo moves, just enough out of the way to not get hurt. He activates the runes on the blade, and he strikes. The Baron releases an inhuman scream, and spins to try and flee, but Echo strikes two more times. 
And the creature falls still.
Nothing happens for a long moment. And then the shadows that cover the creature disperse in every direction, washing over all of the people, then across everything in the Duchy, and then the shadows vanish as if they never existed to begin with.
You look at the massive clock on the wall and you watch as the calendar and time speed up to match the current day and year, and then you hurry down the stairs, “Echo!”
He pulls his helmet off and grunts as you crash into his side, “I’m okay, he didn’t even touch me.” His arm slides around your shoulder as you hug him tightly.
“No!” You both turn at the wail coming from the young man kneeling on the ground, “No! How could you? I was strong! I had power!” The Baron, a teenager again, gets to his feet, his teeth bared. “I’ll kill you!”
Echo lightly pushes you behind him as the teenager lunges at him. He draws his fist back, and then slams his fist into the boys face, sending him reeling back to the ground, “On the authority given to me by the Royal Family of Mandalore, you’re under arrest.”
“I was cursed!” The boy spat, “You can’t arrest me for being cursed!”
“No, but I can arrest you for the repeated murders of your employees. Just because it didn’t stick doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.” Echo says flatly, and then he presses the tip of his blade against the teenager’s throat, “Unless you think that none of them will testify against you.”
The boy hesitates and then looks away.
“That’s what I thought.” Echo effortlessly cuffs him, and then tosses him against a wall.
“So…what happens next?” Chaz asks.
“I have to make a phone call to Mandalore, we’ll get people out here to help you all get resettled. Thirty years is a long time, my friend.” Echo says as he clasps Chaz’s shoulder, “Although, unless anyone wants to stay here, we’ll probably reach out to different nations to help you get settled somewhere else.” He smiles at the group of people, “A new start…for all of you.”
He steps away from Chaz as the older man begins giving orders for information to get passed onto the village proper, and he leaves the manor. You chase after him, “So, what happens with me, then?”
“A new start,” Echo says, stopping as you hurry to his side, “Doing whatever you want, wherever you want.”
“What if I want to stay near you?” You ask.
He pauses and looks at you, “Well, I might be able to help with that.” Echo says with a slow smile. “If that’s what you really want.”
You hum thoughtfully, “You brought the rain back, Echo. And you fought for our freedom. There’s nothing I want more than to stay with you.”
He laughs softly, “Come here, sen’ika.”
You step closer to him and he lightly hooks an arm around your waist, pulling you even closer, and then he lightly bumps his forehead against yours.
“I have an idea,” Echo says lazily, “How about, once I make this call, we go down to the village and buy sandwiches from the cafe, and we have a picnic while we wait for help to arrive?”
You rest your hands on his chest plate, “Like a date?” You ask softly.
“Exactly like a date,” He confirms.
You smile at him brightly, and you raise up on your toes to brush your lips against his, “I like that idea.”
He smiles against your lips, “Glad to hear it, cyar’ika. Now, I really do need to make this call, but you don’t have to move if you don’t want to. Actually, they’re probably going to have some questions for you, so it’s best that you don’t move-”
You grin and lay your cheek against his shoulder, it’s not a happily ever after, not yet at least, but it’s a start and that’s all you can ask for. 
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Cordonian Royal Family (A Bad Romance Extra)
I wanted to share these images because they're fabulous. I didn't make most of them, I suck at these things, but I love them and felt like they should be seen by others. Of course, me being me, I wanted to give information about each character but if I'm doing that, then it needs to read like an article in the Cordonian Star so here we are. Enjoy! The article is under the cut.
These images were all generated by the AI art app Wonder. For anyone interested, you may see my AI art disclaimer here.
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It’s been one year since the death of His Royal Majesty Constantine Arthur Augustus Hector Rys in an unfortunate ceiling collapse at the palace just days before the current king announced his engagement to the queen.
King Constantine was married three times, sired two sons, and fostered three other children. Here is a look at the royal family today.
Photos by Ana De Luca.
His Royal Majesty Liam Nicolai Ulysses Augustus Rys
King of Cordonian, Duke of Stormholt, Duke of Bellmede, Duke of Valtoria, Earl of Alriel, Earl of Ennan, Earl of Lykos, Baron of Throngate, Lord of the Isles and Commander in Chief of the Cordonian Royal Forces.
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From Spare to Heir. Never meant for the throne, this second-born son of royalty was thrust into the role of leader when his older brother abdicated. Many believe he was always more temperamentally suited for the role. Indeed, after a rocky start, Cordonia has thrived under his leadership.
Tied romantically to only a small number of women in his youth, (and one alleged man), King Liam’s younger years were as devoid of scandal and impropriety as his brother’s were full of them. He received good marks at the prestigious, elite Wellingford Academy and later Epton College.
He managed to stay out of the spotlight for the most part until his eventful social season. Marrying a commoner and a foreigner, changing the laws of succession for his children, and legalizing gay marriage, he has a track record as a progressive and is viewed favorably by the majority of Cordonians.
Her Royal Majesty Riley Catherine Brooks Rys
Queen of Cordonian, Duchess of Stormholt, Duchess of Bellmede, Duchess of Valtoria, Countess of Alriel, Countess of Ennan, Countess of Lykos, Baroness of Throngate, Lady of the Isles and Champion of the Realm.
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Rumored to have had a contentious relationship with the late king, this last-minute addition to the present king’s social season was a long shot. As an American and a commoner, she reportedly was not King Constantine’s first, or even second, choice for his son.
Always King Liam’s favorite, however, she was a front-runner from the moment she set foot on Cordonian soil, her beauty, charm, and grace captivating the nation. Meeting at a bar in New York where she was his waitress, their whirlwind romance seemingly ended in scandal, accusations of infidelity, and the king’s engagement to another woman.
Their love endured despite the obstacles and in an astonishing turn of events, not only was her name cleared, but the king made a move as historically unprecedented as it was shocking, breaking a council-approved political engagement and marrying for love.
Prince Leonardo Tiberius Constantine Fabian Rys
Prince of Cordonia, Duke of Abanthus, Earl of Ebrimel, Baron of Auverneen.
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Born into privilege and wealth, he threw it all away in what many consider a selfish and short-sighted move led by the vagaries and hubris of youth. Other interpretations range from the young prince simply recognizing that his brother was better suited to rule; to unsubstantiated rumors that he was pressured into stepping down by his father.
Prince Leo bounced around between elite boarding schools, both domestic and abroad before making barely passable marks at Epton College. Dubbed by the media as the Playboy Prince of the Mediterranean, he has been romantically linked to the likes of Olivia Nevrakis, Duchess of Lythikos, Princess Margot of Auvernall, and American actress Victoria Fontaine.
Abdicating both as Crown Prince of Cordonian and Duke of Stormholt, he retains the title of Prince as well as holding the titles Duke of Abanthus, Earl of Ebrimel, and Baron of Auverneen while living abroad. The Playboy Prince is still unattached.
Captain Drake Nolan Walker
Lord Commander of the Queen’s Guard, Knight Protector of the Realm.
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Born to commoners, he and his sister were taken in and raised by the royal family after his father’s death in service to the crown. Having lived in the palace since the age of six, he became a ward of the crown at age fourteen and received the same basic upbringing and education as the princes.
Unlike the princes, he dedicated his life to military service, later following in his father’s footsteps by transferring to the Royal Guard. During King Liam’s social season, Captain Walker was charged with killing a man. All charges were eventually dropped, and he was exonerated when it came out that he was acting undercover on the king’s orders as a de facto member of Queen Riley’s security detail.
He currently serves the crown as captain of the Queen’s Guard, lives at the palace, remains close friends with the king, and is by all accounts deeply devoted to the queen.
Her Grace Savannah Evangeline Walker Beaumont
Duchess of Ramsford.
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Like her brother, the duchess became a ward of the crown after the death of her father when she was twelve years old. She retained the title of Lady until the advent of her marriage to the Duke of Ramsford, Bertrand Beaumont, raised her status to duchess.
Scandal rocked Duchy Ramsford when it was revealed that the duchess had a child out of wedlock. She left Cordonia, taking the heir to Ramsford with her. She lived abroad for a year before returning and reuniting with the duke. They were married in an elaborate ceremony a few months after her return.
Unidentified sources close to the couple report the marriage is strained and often rocky.
His Grace Bertrand Atticus Beaumont
Duke of Ramsford, Leader of the House of Lords, Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal.
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Taking on the role of Duke at a young age, he, along with the rest of the world, was shocked by the return of his presumed dead father, the late Duke Barthelemy Beaumont. His Grace relinquished control of the duchy to his father only to pick up the mantle again a few months later when the late Duke of Ramsford was killed in a head-on collision on his way home from a meeting at the palace.
He currently serves in the House of Lords as The Lord Leader, a position he has held for the last five years.
His ties to the monarchy are many and varied. His marriage to Savannah Walker made him a de facto member of the royal family, as did making the queen an official member of House Beaumont as part of his sponsorship of her during the king’s social season. His younger brother, Lord Maxwell Beaumont serves as the queen's top advisor and personal assistant. Prince Leo is a close friend, was the best man at his wedding, and is godfather to his son.
Lord Barthelemy Jackson Beaumont
Future Duke of Ramsford.
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As the only child of the Duke and Duchess of Ramsford, young Lord Barthelemy is the heir to the duchy, nephew to the Lord Commander of the Queen’s Guard Captain Drake Walker, and to the queen’s personal assistant, Lord Maxwell Beaumont, has Prince Leo as a godfather and is treated as a grandchild by the queen mother.  
Her Grace Olivia Vanderwall Nevrakis
Duchess of Lythikos, Counsellor of State.
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Also a ward of the crown, Duchess Olivia Nevrakis lost her parents in a tragic car accident when she was five years old. The late Queen Eleanor sent for her, and she was raised and educated at the palace, taking over control of Duchy Lythikos from her aunt at the age of sixteen.
Lythikos has thrived under her leadership, and she is beloved by the people. A suitor in King Liam’s social season, she has also been romantically linked to his brother, Prince Leo. Sources close to the duchess report that her participation in the social season was out of courtesy and duty as she and the king have always enjoyed a close friendship, but nothing more.
She currently resides at Lykos Keep, sits on the king’s small council, and divides her time between Lythikos and the capital.
Her Royal Majesty Regina Beatrice Amaranth Rys
Queen Mother, Dowager Duchess of Stormholt, Countess of Loutreo.
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Born in Krona, her father was the younger brother of the late Duke, Karolos Amaranth. The current Duchess of Krona, Adelaide Amaranth, is her cousin. A countess in her own right, she became queen when she married King Constantine after a lengthy courtship.
She was the late king’s third wife. Marrying later in life, she had no biological children of her own but was instrumental in the upbringing of both her stepsons and the other three children entrusted to the monarchs’ care.
Now a widow, the queen mother continues to live at the palace, advises the queen, and works with the various charities she has championed over the years, notably Hope Haven a nationwide organization that works with homeless youth, and The Empowerment Zone a nonprofit helping single mothers. 
Her Royal Highness Eleanor Elizabeth Hana Olivia Rys
Crown Princess of Cordonia.
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Born just six days ago, Cordonia’s newest princess has already captivated the hearts of the nation. The king and queen have retreated to the queen’s estate in Valtoria while they adjust to new parenthood, taking with them, among others, the queen's personal assistant, Lord Maxwell Beaumont. No nannies are yet in residence, but Duchess Hana Lee, the queen’s best friend and official Master of the Household, is.
This exclusive photo, which originally appeared in The Cordonian Star yesterday, is the only public photograph of the crown princess, who was named after her grandmother, the late Queen Eleanor.  
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The Locked Tomb Series Name and Symbolism #3
This one is a beast. Be warned.
And now, onto the original Penumbral Lady, the Mother of the 9th House, the First Keeper of the Tomb, the Lyctor that that never was, Anastasia the First.
Now Anastasia is one of the characters most riddled with symbols and hidden meaning and conspiracy theories, so I'll do my best to add my own tidbit here.
The studious over-researching scion of the Ninth House has ended up being a Symbol herself, in a way that all saints are to those that love and follow them. And the Ninth does love her, or at least, they love what they understand, what they perceive she stood for (The Anastasian monument and the whole "You could not trip in the Ninth House without falling over an Anastas, an Anastasia, or an Anastasius; or, in later years, bumping into their niche.")
But here we'll look into more mundane, if you will, aspects of her symbolism and perhaps come up wit ha theory or two on the way.
First things first, her name itself. Anastasia or Αναστασία is a name of Greek origin that is quite popular in Eastern Europe, and closely associated with Christianity (You'll be surprised at how many Saints of the Orthodox Church have born that name. Okay it's five, but it still seems a lot) It originates from the ancient Greek word ἀνάστασις, meaning Resurrection. The noun itself comes from the compound verb ἀνίστημι, which for our language nerds such as myself out there has two components ἀνά meaning again and ἵστημι meaning stand. So practically, stand again, which is my personal favorite take on the name. Being the one that stands up again, and again, and again. Beautifully stubborn, don't you think? And quite fitting for our Saint here, for research is nothing but failing and falling down time after time only to rise back up wiser than before and face the challenge again. In all honesty, this also reminds me of a few other Ninth House dolts, that redid that trial countless times without any sleep, food whatsoever. For all my experimentalists and researchers out there, do NOT be like Harrow. A few hours of sleep, or a walk down the hallway and a glass of water might help you figure it out, more than tiredly redoing the same thing over a thousand times. Oh, I am off track though, I apologize.
Back to our point, Anastasia = Resurrection. Now whether that resurrection refers to her own coming back from the dead (we see Alecto recognizing her bones huddled in a corner ready to roll the stone back up) or perhaps another Second Resurrection, with John overthrown and things returning to their natural order - more or less, kinda, I mean who knows?- and her or her blood aka Harrowhark playing a significant part, I don't know.
What we also do not know, are the exact circumstances of her existence post ascension attempt, and the manner of her death, both of which are clouded in mystery. Kind of like another Anastasia in history. Yes, that's the one, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia. Countless rumors of her possible escape circulated after her death, fueled by the fact that the location of her burial was unknown until even decades later. And still even after the mass grave was found, the bodies of the young tsarevich and one daughter were missing. (Those were found in 2007 and the body is attributed either to Maria or to Anastasia). Another Anastasia that for decades was clouded in mystery.
But mysteries are kind of a Ninth House thing, aren't they. What with the jawless skull, the only known treatment to a sewn tongue being the house symbol and all. And my gosh, the whole thing with Alecto has my brain spinning. Because why would John ask of Anastasia to guard Alecto in the tomb? Why would he sent his only failed student, the one he betrayed, with the thing that could spell his end? Why lock them up together? Unless the point was not to give Anastasia a role, but to punish her.
According to the eighth as they so graciously inform us, the Ninth shouldn't even exist. Anastasia should have sealed herself with Alecto in the tomb and died there. There was no plan for her having descendants, a bloodline unbroken for ten thousand years (Why, I wonder? What did it service? Why was it so important and so deeply integrated in the Reverend Family that Harrow's parents had to go to the lengths they did to ensure the continuation of Anastasia's bloodline? To ensure, unknowingly that the oath between Anastasia and Alecto still held true?)
Before diving to my own conspiracy theory about these questions I would like to point out a parallel between Anastasia being locked as a punishment in the tomb and one of the most well known tragedies of the ancient Greek world. It could be none other than Sophocles' Antigone. And again the parallel between Antigone and Anastasia is so prominent as the Alecto Αληκτώ one, that having translated the part
Ὦ τύμβος, ὦ νυμφεῖον, ὦ κατασκαφὴς οἴκησις αἰείφρουρος, οἷ πορεύομαι πρὸς τοὺς ἐμαυτῆς, ὧν ἀριθμὸν ἐν νεκροῖς πλεῖστον δέδεκται Φερσέφασσ’ ὀλωλότων· ὧν λοισθία ’γὼ καὶ κάκιστα δὴ μακρῷ κάτειμι, πρίν μοι μοῖραν ἐξήκειν βίου. Ἐλθοῦσα μέντοι κάρτ’ ἐν ἐλπίσιν τρέφω φίλη μὲν ἥξειν πατρί, προσφιλὴς δὲ σοί, μῆτερ, φίλη δὲ σοί, κασίγνητον κάρα·
I don't know how many times, I should be ashamed of myself for not making the connection sooner. Our Greek speakers have probably already figured out the translation, but lets put it here as well... this is the most famous
Ω Τάφε μου, κρεβάτι νυφικό, σπίτι μου στη βαθιά τη γη κι αιώνιο κελί μου, έρχομαι να βρω τους δικούς μου νεκρούς που μέγα πλήθος η Περσεφόνη φίλεψε...
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(I am cutting this short, we will need the English version either way. Don't ask why this part is such a big deal. It just is)
Anyhow, for everyone else that didn't grow up around Greek comedic series of the 90s this whole thing translates to
O tomb, my bridal-bed—my house, my prison cut in the hollow rock, my everlasting watch! I'll soon be there, soon embrace my own, the great growing family of our dead Persephone has received among her ghosts. I, the last of them all, the most reviled by far, go down before my destined time's run out. But still I go, cherishing one good hope, my arrival may be dear to father, dear to you, my mother, dear to you, my loving brother...
And while the bridal bed line would make for an interesting interpretation, seeing Harrow's -Anastasia's blood, instant pull to Alecto and seeings as we never figured out the nature of the relationship between Alecto and Anastasia, it is the greater premise of the story that we care about.
In short, Antigone had two brothers, who fought over who could rule over Thebes. So evenly matched they were, that they both perished in the fight, and Antigone's uncle, Creon, takes over. Eteokles (Ετεοκλής) who stood for Thebes was buried with the honors befitting a king. His brother Polyneikis (Πολυνείκης) however was left out of the city borders, exposed to the elements, his body abandoned to be consumed by vultures. Creon ordered that no one was under any circumstances allowed to give Polyneikis any sort of death rites, and going against this order was punishable by death. If you know your way around Greek myths, you know that is the worst thing you could do to someone, and it was considered a heinous crime both by mortals, and most importantly, the gods. Antigone, defies Creon's order to not bury Polyneikis and performs the rites symbolically, applying a thin layer of dirt on her dead brother's body. Creon finds out, and after his son begging him for Antigone's life instead of her being killed by stone throwing, Creon decided to bury her alive in a cave with no food or water, until she died of thirst and hunger. Thus the tomb, and prison Antigone mourns about. The story does go on, and ends up with Antigone being found dead, having taken her own life in the tomb, Creon's son, who was in love with her trying to kill his father, failing, and killing himself, and Creon's wife Euridice, killing herself at the loss of her only son. Creon then exiles himself from Thebes cursing his own αστοχασιά, foolhardiness and imprudence at not following the moral laws and the will of the gods.
Antigone chooses to go against man-written laws, and the power of the mortal king, in order bury her brother, following the divine honor and will of the gods, as well as her love for her brother. In return she is punished by being buried alive where she chooses to end her life and meet her family in the Underworld.
The parallel to Anastasia is rather prominent in this case. Anastasia in attempting perfect Lyctorhood goes against John's will, something however that she didn't know, and John himself didn't realize probably until the oh crap she is going to achieve perfect Lyctorhood, and my mistakes will be obvious for everyone to see. Doubt is going to enter everyone's minds and then I will have lost them all over again.
So he kills Samael - again, I think that something might indeed have gone wrong in the process and Alecto might have been involved with or without John's urging, but that' s a story for another time. And Anastasia is all that remains, brokenhearted and unwhole. He doesn't kill her and she lingers, probably doubtful and distrusting. Then she is tasked with guarding Alecto's tomb until her death. John seals Anastasia in the tomb, much like Creon seals Antigone, because she went against his will. Whether that is because of perfect Lyctorhood or some later transgression - a potential pact/ blooming friendship with Alecto, we don't know.
John like a petulant child, locks his broken toys away, where no one but him can find them, where nothing but his blood can free them. Anastasia like Antigone, follows rules larger than her small king, and is entombed with the body she is supposed to protect as a result. She makes peace with her death, does not cling to life, seemingly already having met Samael in the life after (if he is indeed dead)by the time Alecto is freed and tastes her in Harrow's blood. She is naught but a pile of bones ready to roll the stone and seal the tomb once more. John's intentions were never for her to have descendants, for the ninth to become a house. It was to lock the women who he left behind, whose trust he betrayed, for eternity. To keep their doubts, and their secrets and power forever buried.
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inlovewithregencyera · 9 months
down here...allow me to present to you:
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Theme song: ♫♫♫!!!!!!!!
As midnight's shroud envelops Auglire castle, its timeworn stones seem to exhale the whispers of a ghastly past.
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The flickering candlelight casts elongated shadows that dance along the walls like moths to flame.
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The air, heavy with the weight of centuries-old secrets, echoes with the ghostly moans of the forsaken.
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Blood has stained the very stones upon which this noble abode stands, each echoing corridor a silent witness to the sins buried in the family's coffers. Even the creaking floorboards tell tales of unspeakable deeds that have seeped into the very essence of the ancestral halls. Curse is the Castle, and damned are the Greys.
You see, there are secrets within the Grey family that have been covered up for generations. Auglire Castle (their oldest estate) was built in 1593.
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It came with a heavy price of the pockets as well as the labor of others. Their money is tainted, like most of the royalty and nobility in Isturia. But there's something different about their fortune. Mysterious circumstances started occurring there in the latter half of the 17th century after the death of the Duchess of Hollow and word soon got out that it was haunted...
This will be my official story (and I'll actually post quite frequently), and I've discontinued my other two. You may ask, why? Well for starters, if you read the first one, 'Those who have gone before me', that was a prequel to the events that were going to lead to this. I have been planning this story meticulously since January. I felt stuck with those who have gone before me, the prequel to this, as it was primarily in the Baroque Era for a good bit. Don't get me wrong, that era is loveliness in itself and I'm actually making a CC set for it right now, but I wanted to make my Regency-era story come to life sooner than later. But don't fear, there will be some Baroque era scenes for flashback purposes. I felt that if I continued my elonged duration of the Baroque Era I'd burn out and lose motivation, and I did for a while! That is why I came up with the concept of 'Amelie and Virginie', some Regency storytelling to fill the void (yes those hats I promised will still be released). It helped a bit, but I longed to be able to tell this story, as I have been planning it forever. So I came to the decision of just starting this one. Allow me to tell you what this will be about :)
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This humongous continent? This is Euriria. It is heavily inspired by Europe during the early 19th century with some slight adjustments. All of my stories will essentially use this map as I like the country names I've come up with. If you read the country names, you can tell exactly which each one is based on (and if you know your geography well too). Now, let's discuss the country of Great Bremson. Great Bremson is obviously inspired by Great Britain, and Isturia is inspired by England. My story will take place in Isturia, and many of its cities! Allow me to show you the aesthetics of the 6 main cities displayed in my story out of the hundreds you'll hear about:
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well, since I said this is set in the regency era, who is the protagonist??!? glad you asked
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Meet Aurelia Jane Charlotte Grey. Born July 8th, 1798, she is the 3rd daughter of the current Duke and Duchess of Hollow. Her father is one of the most (if not the most) powerful nonroyal Dukes in Isturia. She is a few weeks shy of her 20th birthday when our story unfolds. Throughout this story, we will follow her throughout her life along with her siblings, her children, etc. until she dies! Aurelia is half Isturian but also half Incubinian (Based on Haiti but my other worldly maps aren't done). When her father marries her mother, ALL of Isturia talks about the marriage. Of course, slavery ended in Isturia in 1602, but most native Isturians married other native Isturians, not anyone else. In fact, Incubinians didn’t have the same rights as Isturians until 1679 (all except marrying someone of Isturian blood). In 1750, the law that had prevented Incubinians from marrying Isturians was lifted, so this wasn't an entirely new concept. Aurelia's identity is something that she struggles with a lot, but I won't go into that much detail with that just yet. Aurelia soon begins to believe the rumors circulating about her family after a traumatic event happens in 1807 which leads her to believe she is damned. Will Aurelia ever discover the truth of her family's past? Will she ever become secure in herself and her identity? Are the Greys truly damned and doomed or is it superstition? Find out and see. Here is the Family tree and the character page coming soon
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Can we get facts about MCs family members both alive and dead ? So brothers, cousins, mother and father. What did MCs parents think of their children ? What type of parents were they ? (Sorry if it’s too many questions at once).
I had to sit on this until I released the demo to avoid some spoilers. Sorry for the delay!
Now let’s drop some fun facts:
(Spoilers for the demo below!)
Loves cheeses and wine. He typically prefers savory food
He’s a work-a-holic, so he prefers foods he can eat with his hand at his desk. 
Likes reading trashy love novels in his down time. 
100% a songbird. He paints silly pictures of cats when he’s bored. 
He wears a very soft and elegant smelling floral perfume. It’s the same brand as his mother’s. 
He hates hot climates and rain. The change in air pressure makes his stump ache ):
Loves sweets and baked goodies
A very talented cook. 
He’s the kind of person to smuggle injured animals into his room to nurse back to health.
Cold and aloof, but really well respected by the younger Heath Knights. Sieg takes good care of them because they remind him of you. 
Has stage fright. 
Ledea (Mother)
The MC's entire world before she dies. Ledea was worried about bonding with the MC after birth, but when her husband dies, she becomes very protective of them. 
The other boys might have suffered because of that though. 
She was a very attentive and protective mother. She took the MC everywhere she went. 
Became Duchess of Vagnyr after her Father dies in a hunting accident 
Married her long time childhood best friend :) 
Highly artistic and feminine. Alberich takes a lot after her. 
Ledea loves all her children- in her own way. She didn’t(couldn’t) love them equally, however.
Vayne (Father) 
He is dead before the MC is born so there isn’t any strong connection, only a sense of loss for what could have been. 
It’s unknown who was born first between the Twin Princes, but Vayne was a popular successor due to his military record, but people were apprehensive of his more gentle nature. 
Because of his duties as Prince, he was often away from home, but when he was home, he was a very active and present Father for the boys. 
DIY dad that will build you a doll house mansion if you asked nicely with his bare hands. 
He does build an entire birdhouse/flight pen for all the pigeons Sieghardt rescues. Even to this day, those pigeons and their off-spring circle the castle property because of it. 
His children were his life. He would die for them. (And He did.) 
Maeve (Empress) 
gaslights gatekeep girlboss 💅
Regardless of the MCs opinion of her, she does consider them her baby. Ledea can go die in a hole.
What can go wrong when the crazy party aunt becomes your full time guardian?? 
Maeve is very indulgent and will coddle the MC, but she does live by the old ways of tough love. 
She loooooves eating fruits, especially bite-sized ones, like grapes! 
Tans very easily
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His Mother, Duchess Thrya gave birth to a bastard shortly after his father died, so he is very-not-okay. 
He lives a very isolated life in his territory. 
Loves fishing, swimming, sailing and collecting little seashells for his collection. 
He’s got gadgets and gizmos a plenty… 
His crew are ride or die for him so watch out! 
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Chapter 3
Chapter warnings:// none
Chapter summary:// the ball is here! and tension are on the rise as you bring tamaki as your date.
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As the chilly air nipped at your nose, you took Tamaki's hands, grateful for his assistance as you disembarked from the carriage. The Todoroki mansion glowed with the warm light emanating from various areas, instantly triggering memories of a time when you were once a playmate in this very place. Running around with the future crown prince and the slightly older Tamaki, you recalled the bittersweet moments of your childhood. Tears were shed when Tamaki was taken away for princely training, until the gates closed following the disappearance of the first-born prince. Despite the twists and turns in your stomach, the happy memories associated with the mansion provided a comforting warmth as you made your entrance.
"Now entering the future crown princess and future duchess to the L/N estate, accompanied by the future count of the Amijiki estate," the announcer's voice sounds surprised, and the crowd, too, is taken aback as the person by your side is not your betrothed. Ignoring their reactions, you proceed down the long steps, feeling engulfed by the crowd, only realizing minutes into the conversation that Tamaki is nowhere to be found. Excusing yourself to go outside for some fresh air, you step into the cold night, letting the brisk air wash over your face, enjoying the tranquility until the music grows louder for a brief moment before the door clicks open.
"Lady Y/N, do you have a moment?" The voice of the man you've been ignoring all evening prompts an eye roll from you. "I suppose, but only for a moment, as I'm sure Sir Tamaki is wondering where I've gone." You turn around, leaning against the ledge. "Ah, yes, you were always close to Sir Amijiki. I remember you two always playing together." Izuku's voice coughs lightly, and you respond, "Yes, he is precious to me. That's why I came tonight with him." You can hear Izuku attempting to justify his actions, mentioning that he was only dancing with Lady Uraraka as friends. Frustrated, you retort, "How is it acceptable for you to come with a friend, but I cannot?" He counters, "It's unseemly for a lady to come with another man, Lady Y/N. Don't you understand the rumors that follow your newly acquired title and how it reflects on me?" Fed up, you retort, "Ah, yes, there it is, how it reflects on you. You have no concern for me; you only wish to preserve your image. Please, continue enjoying your evening with Lady Ochako. Good day, Prince." Dismissing him, you left the terrace, embarking on a night stroll, unaware of someone who had overheard the entirety of your exchange. On the walk you had discovered the mansion the ball was being held in by itself was tremendous. The ball alone was breathtaking, with glistening crystals and elegantly dressed individuals, resembling a scene from a fairy tale. However, if someone were to inquire about your whereabouts, you would confidently say you were in the garden. Filled with an array of flowers, it reminded you of the times you would pick them for your father during playdates at the Todoroki estate. But among all the blossoms, it was the blue roses that illuminated under the moonlight that captured your attention. As you walked through the garden, gently touching the dew-covered petals, you arrived at a bridge with a grand gazebo in the center. Standing near a pillar was a man with striking red and white hair - Shoto Todoroki, the reason for the celebration and your childhood playmate. Approaching him, you witnessed a longing gaze from his eyes, directed towards the other side of the gazebo where the glowing roses reflected on the ocean, and the moonlight accentuated his features.
"You don't have to hesitate, Y/N. Please, come stand by my side," he spoke aloud, acknowledging your presence. He turned towards you, extending his hand for you to take. His grip was gentle and tender as he led you to his side. Both of you embraced the tranquility of the moment, accompanied by the melodious chirping of crickets and the soothing sound of fish splashing in the distance. "You are a dear friend, despite the passing years since we last played together."
"How I've missed sharing this space with someone," you thought to yourself, silently agreeing that the past three weeks of adjusting to an unfamiliar place, with no one to confide in, had been exhausting. Recognizing that Shoto, known for his few words, had something on his mind, you remained quiet, allowing him the space to express himself. "You know, it can be suffocating at times, all of this," he began, holding one arm behind his back. You offered an agreeable hum, indicating your willingness to listen, as he continued, "Sometimes I feel as if I'm drowning whenever I try to find a way out. It's not always the same person holding me down. Sometimes it's my mother, and even Fuyumi, with their attempts to mold me into the perfect prince for the king's kingdom. Rarely Natsuo, but most of all, it's my father, and strangely enough... myself. I've lived solely as this machine, meant to fulfill my father's vision of the perfect prince, but its facade is slowly crumbling. Every day, I miss Touya more, not for him to replace me, but for the moments when he would sneak me out to the marketplace, granting me a taste of the freedom he possessed. I don't mean to overstep my boundaries, but may I ask why you had such a heated conversation with Prince Midoriya earlier?"
You turned your gaze towards him, and in that moment, both of you understood the shared struggle you were facing.
"You wonder why I show hostility towards Izuku," you sighed, guiding him towards the swing on the veranda. Feeling that he wouldn't judge you, you decided to reveal the truth. "You might think I'm crazy, Shoto, but... this isn't my first life." Although his face didn't portray his shock and confusion, you could sense a shift in his demeanor, as if he was trying to comprehend the weight of your words.
In the past, Izuku had crossed paths with Ochako. The exact circumstances are unknown to me, but she was quite the talk of high society, so naturally, I had heard of her. I even attempted to befriend her, but it seemed that her attention was solely fixed on Izuku. He, in turn, reciprocated those feelings. Soon, strange situations began to arise. It started with minor incidents, such as accusations of me tripping her or sending her the wrong invitations. At first, Midoriya believed it wasn't me," your voice cracks slightly, "but then it all escalated. Suddenly, it emerged that my father was involved in money fraud."
"That's impossible. Your father was always wise with his finances. He even played a part in our kingdom's prosperity," Shoto interjects.
"I know, but he's ill...someone, I don't know who, framed him. They stole from him, but that's just the beginning. Ochako would mysteriously find her jewelry in my pockets or my room. That's when Midoriya started to distance himself. That's when they began growing closer behind my back, falling for each other while he knew my heart still belonged to him," tears well up in your eyes, and Shoto pulls you into a comforting hug. "What pushed me into prison was sudden evidence that showed me supposedly leaking secrets to the barbarian king of the Almighty Kingdom. I told them I had never met him, that I had only heard rumors of his battles, but they didn't believe me. They painted me as this evil person, this vile villainess. I didn't even get to say goodbye to my father when they took my life away."
As you both sat there, Shoto's gentle touch wiped away your tears, his hands caressing your cheeks with tenderness. The intensity of your gazes locked once again, his mesmerizing heterochromatic eyes searching every depth of your soul. The air crackled with an electric energy as you inched closer, feeling the warmth of his breath against your skin, until your foreheads gently touched. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the world narrowing down to just the two of you, lost in the depths of your emotions.
And then, as if guided by an invisible force, your lips met in a soft, passionate, and soul-stirring kiss. It was a brief yet profound connection, filled with the unspoken words and unyielding emotions that had been building between you. In that single touch, the weight of your shared burdens and past hardships melted away, leaving only the overwhelming sensation of love and comfort.
"Shoto... I-I think we should return to the ball," you whispered, your voice trembling with a mixture of vulnerability and longing.
He tenderly caressed your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine as he leaned in closer, his warm breath caressing your lips. "Yes,I believe we should. let us go back before they come searching for us."
Your foreheads still pressed together, neither of you were in a hurry to break the intimate connection. With a gentle squeeze of your hand, Shoto led you out of the enchanting garden, his touch creating a sense of security and reassurance. Before leaving, he paused, his eyes drawn to the beautiful blue roses that adorned the surroundings. With a delicate touch, he plucked one of those exquisite blooms, its vibrant color captivating against the night sky. With utmost care and affection, he placed the rose behind your ear, a symbol of his adoration for you.
"Lady (Y/n)," he spoke softly, his hand gently cradling one side of your face, "I firmly believe the opposite of what they have accused you of. You are not a villainess, but rather a thorny flower, both graceful and delicate, yet fiercely protective of yourself. You are willing to defend yourself against anyone who dares to harm you. If Prince Midoriya fails to see this, then I am grateful to have the privilege of witnessing your strength for myself."
A rare smile graced his lips, illuminating his face as his pearly white teeth flashed. It was a sight that made your own laughter bubble forth, an echo of joy in response to his genuine expression.
As you walked back together, there was no trace of awkwardness. It felt as if you were children again, returning from a playful adventure and eagerly anticipating snacks. However, the carefree atmosphere was abruptly shattered when a wet Ochako slapped your face upon entering the ballroom. The sound of others' conversations ceased, their attention drawn to the scene unfolding before them - Shoto holding you protectively, his touch gentle against your cheek.
"What reason do you have to strike her?" Shoto seethed through clenched teeth, his voice laced with anger. Ochako smirked, displaying the damp clothing she wore.
"She pushed me into the fountain outside. She claimed to be jealous of me dancing with Zuzu," Ochako retorted, her tone filled with spite.
In that moment, the ballroom was engulfed in a hushed silence, the tension palpable. Shoto's eyes narrowed, his protective instincts flaring. He released your hand, stepping forward to confront Ochako, his voice firm and unwavering.
The mention of the name "Zuzu" caused your gaze to shift towards the green-haired male who had been silently observing the scene. "Zuzu? Really?" Anger seethed within you, your words laced with frustration and betrayal. "I can't even hold hands with Tamaki, an old childhood friend, and yet you allow this harlot to give you a pet name? You let her slap me? Fuck you, Midoriya." The intensity of your emotions radiated off you, leaving others in the room gasping at your outburst. Izuku, however, remained silent, refusing to acknowledge your innocence.
"I couldn't have pushed her into that damn fountain because I was having a conversation with Shoto in the garden," you continued, determined to defend yourself.
Ochako visibly paled at this revelation, and Shoto nodded in confirmation. "She was with me for the majority of the evening. Accusing her is not only unsightly but also unfounded. Such baseless accusations make the accuser appear no better than filth on the streets," Shoto's icy stare pierced through Ochako, his disapproval evident.
"It had to be her! I clearly saw her dre--" Ochako's words were swiftly cut off as Shoto unsheathed his sword, positioning it at the side of her neck. "You dare defy a prince's word and go as far as to commit blasphemy by calling me a lowly liar?" his voice dripped with authority and menace.
"Prince Todoroki, lower your sword," Izuku demanded, pulling Ochako into his side. Your eyes rolled at his actions, but you swiftly intervened, guiding Shoto's hand away from the vulnerable girl. "When my name is being dragged through the mud, you remain silent. But when she puts herself in danger with her own words, you speak up?" you faced Izuku, staring directly into his green eyes, your disappointment evident.
Without hesitation, you delivered a resounding slap across Izuku's face, the force behind it surpassing anything Ochako had done. The impact also struck Ochako, a clear sign of your determination to end the facade of your engagement. "Take this as my declaration of ending this charade. I no longer want you near me, and I will personally inform King All Might of my decision."
As if on cue, Tamaki rushed into the room, his heaving form catching everyone's attention. " (Y/n), we must leave. Your--your father has worsened. Aizawa wants us home immediately," he gasped out between breaths.
You turned to Shoto, who gave you a curt nod, signaling his support. "I promise to write you, Shoto," you assured him, swiftly picking up your ballroom gown from the floor. With determination in your steps, you ran as fast as you could, the sound of your heels echoing into the night.
That night marked your first taste of victory, and you held onto the hope that more triumphs would soon follow.
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weirdplutoprince · 2 months
Who is your favorite female lead in shojo isekai? your favorite male lead? what kinds of plots are your favorites? :3
I really like Penelope Eckhart because she's so bitter and resentful towards everything. Like, non ironically every scene is so cathartic and intense, I love watching her go. (Got kinda long so the rest is under read more)
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I kinda liked the girl from 'They Say I Was Born a King's Daughter' because she was so good at manipulating the men around her, but it got kind of annoying once I realized they were never going to acknowledge the inherent imbalance and resentment that should permeate basically all her relationships - THE WAY PENELOPE'S DO.
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The girl from 'The Lady and the Beast' was also fun because she was so non chalant and aloof about everything. I also like the red hair. Literally the story was awesome until the male lead gained the ability to talk again. Sad.
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I love Hilise from Untouchable Lady. <3 I love the pink-red hair gradient. I love the flower powers. I love the aloofness and complete disregard for everything, she's so cool. I love the trauma too. Very awesome.
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As for Male leads, uuuuhhhhhh. I usually don't care because they're just there to look pretty and not be annoying 😭
Sable from Not Sew-Wicked-Stepmother is pretty nice. Only isekai man to have a genuinely reasonable and forgivable reason to be a shitty husband and father. I forgive him. He's great.
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Guy from Villainess Reverses the Hourglass is Fine, I Guess.
Honorable mention to Claude Who Made me a Princess IN A PLATONIC SENSE, because I think he's the most iconic isekai father to have ever lived.
Duchess' 50 tea recipes guy is acceptable as well.
 Is it a fortune or is it a woe? guy is nice enough. They're just mid, man, I don't have much to say about male leads if they don't suck lol.
As for plots I really like the 'fake __' kind. Like, surviving as the fake daughter, fake saintess, fake princess - whatever. I really enjoy those. I also like when villainess already have a bad rep once they switch, so they just go around fucking shit up and accidentaly save their reputation.
Thank you for this ask, that was fun!! <3
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