#“🤓 he's going to sacrifice himself 🤓”
pinkeoni · 2 months
Will is Going to Die by Sacrificing Himself
...and come back to life. To me, it seems pretty obvious, but I'll explain why.
Will has been characterized as someone who puts others before himself since season one, even if it means costing him his life. The entire series starts off with Will casting fireball instead of protection during their Dungeons & Dragons game, putting his character in danger for the sake of the rest of the party.
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This self-sacrificial nature is echoed in season two, but two a much more extreme end, when Will instructs everyone to close the gate to stop the Mind Flayer, despite knowing that doing so will kill him.
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While we don't see this same self-sacrifice from Will in seasons three and four, we do see two related characters make their own sacrifices, possibly hinting at Will's future fate.
First we have the other character named William, Billy, sacrifice himself at the end of season three in order to stop the meat flayer.
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Then in season four, we have Eddie sacrifice himself while the same song that played for Will after he came back to life in season one plays in the background— "When It's Cold I'd Like to Die" by Moby.
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There are also little ways that we are told/shown of Will's selfless nature, such as giving a girl his tonka truck because she was sad, or giving Mike his painting under El's name. While this trait could be seen as admirable, I think it will ultimately be his undoing.
But why would Will need to sacrifice himself?
Well, we know that despite all of this time, Will still holds a connection to Vecna, and likely to the Mind Flayer and the Upside Down himself. Putting a stop to all of these things is going to be intrinsic to Will's arc next season.
I don't know how many people know about Noah's letterboxd, but he has been rewatching the Harry Potter movies.
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Perhaps for personal enjoyment, or perhaps to study for his character?
The comparisons between Will/Vecna and Harry/Voldemort have been made before, and the Duffers are derivative of other sources if anything.
I think that this could be likened to a horcrux situation. At the end of season four, we saw Vecna be totally flambéd by the older teens, and yet, he's still kicking, and Will is the one to tell us this.
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If the brain dies the body dies, but also, could the brain latch on to another body in order to keep it alive? Similar to how Harry had to die so that Voldemort could be defeated, I believe Will might have to die (at least temporarily) in order to take down Vecna/MF/UD.
We know that the show is bringing back "Should I Stay or Should I Go," which is going to prompt an important question that Will needs to find the answer to, should he stay or should he go? While this could also relate to his romantic endeavors for the season, I think that the song could be alluding to Will's choice to sacrifice himself in order to save everyone else.
What I think will probably happen is this: At some point in the season, Will is going to learn what has to happen, and he is going to go off to sacrifice himself without telling anyone so no one can stop him. (I'm guessing that Will can't just off himself, there's probably a specific way that it needs to be done).
Something I realized while making this post is that Mike is always the one who figures out what needs to be done, or brings up Will's sacrifice to others. My guess is that Mike is going to find out what Will is up to, and try to stop him. Emphasis on try, because I think this death is inevitable. However, bringing the show back full circle to season one (and because ST can never keep a main character dead), he will come back to life.
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realvicoba · 19 days
My views on Gon's rage scene!! 🤓🫶
Let's get this out of the way first— is Gon a selfish monster?
Let me show some nuance in his rage scene and tunnel vision onto Pitou, how he hurt Killua, and his threats on an innocent girl.
Even while filled with rage to the point of almost losing himself and dealing a killing blow to Morel at that phase of his life, he was still worried about Palm's safety and one of the first to realize the inherent danger Knuckle and Meleoron were in on that staircase and the possibility of Youpi not having an oppenent.
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He still had the wit and the care for his comrades.
And when Knuckle came on screen while Gon was actively seething in front of Pitou, he still made an effort to let Knuckle know that Pouf was a liar.
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So we saw two little scenes where Gon showed that despite his rage and goal, he still put time aside to help his comrades. In the middle of all the anger, all the guilt, and the bloodthirst— he didn't forget his bros.
We already know he did wrong things. Threatening Komugi was very shocking, but as I've mentioned in my Gon character study— it was a moment of anger, confused morals and desperation to keep the monster in control.
With that out the way, let's get to the main course... How he hurt Killua.
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Killua wants to be relied on, no matter the cost. He wants this to be like the volleyball match where Gon could only rely on him regardless of how much pain it could cause Killua— he wants them to go down in flames together, a "lover's suicide" as the original Japanese text says.
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He wants to be proven to once more that Gon needs him and no one else, that he can't go alone. Killua needs to feel important that way, he needs to feel worthwhile, that he can do something for his best friend to help him the way no one else can.
Gon going off on his own like that broke that source of comfort and self worth Killua had created in Gon needing him.
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And if anything, I think it was very important for Killua's character.
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It was incredibly important for Killua to be pushed away at that moment, to not be allowed to sacrifice himself, and in turn get the time to rethink what he needs and wants to do with his life and his views on friendship.
And having to clean up an impossible mess after him put into perspective just how important Killua is, and that's why he was so adament on being the one to save Gon.
It's honestly such an interesting scene— It's not like Killua suddenly did a 180, but something this severe and seeing Gon's immature side and flaws on display more had a huge hand in his character development.
That's Killua's side, what about Gon's? We know both of them love each other dearly, and while Killua wished to go down with him, Gon wanted to be the one to carry that burden. Alone.
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"I killed him."
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Even though Killua was there too, and blamed himself as well. Gon didn't consider him responsible at all despite him running away as well, and Killua saying so.
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And Gon comforts Killua, and himself.
As much as Killua sees Gon as the light, Gon sees him as the voice of reason. His awesome, smart friend who does no wrong— both have each other on a pedestal.
Though blinded by confusion and rage during the fight, he undervalued Killua's judgment, but still listened enough to wait for Pitou to finish healing Komugi.
And I also believe Gon was saving up his rage for that moment.
It was his battle, because it's his fault. Killua has no business because not only did Kite not hold as much importance to him, but because he had no fault in the matter— Killua didn't need to sacrifice himself again.
So, while Killua was willing to die alongside his friend and carry the burden together, Gon wanted to be the only one sacrificing himself and carrying that burden. He said so in the Yorknew city arc, and he proved it in the CAA.
He loves Killua, and it even shows in his harsher and cruel words.
I hope this made sense 🙏
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shanksbaby · 2 years
Hello may I request yandere aizen hc with human s/o ? For some reason I. Always think that when they call sosuke he melts right Away 🤓 thank you so much in advance
here you go!!
warning: yandere tones
Sosuke Aizen
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he had his eye on you when he was still a captain of the Soul Society. He had gone to the human world on a mission. nothing he couldn't handle: killing a Hollow that was slaughtering humans and shinigami. If it had been up to him, he would never have handled such a humiliating business for someone of his level, but he shouldn't give suspicion.
you were about to become yet another victim of the hollow when he saves you. When he first laid eyes on you, he immediately felt that he was attracted to you, and it was a new feeling for him. The only one he's fallen in love with is himself.
but since he is a scientist he decided to explore this sentiment, and every now and then he would take a peek into what you were doing, if you were in danger, who you were dating etc. Over time he realized he was completely obsessed with you.
he would occasionally follow you around the streets of your city, being careful not to be seen.
when he betrayed the Soul Society together with Gin and Tosen, he came to get you: now that he finally didn't have to pretend anymore with the other captains, you could finally be his. And also since he planned to sacrifice the city of Karakura, and you were from there, he absolutely could not allow you to die.
besides, there were so many dangers that you ran into in the world of humans. You're only human so you couldn't defend yourself from hollow attacks, it's best for you to stand by his side.
in broad daylight so he snatched you from your apartment and brought you to Las Noches. That you were scared was an understatement, not so much for Aizen but for the Arrancar present, who looked at you (most of them) with annoyance.
"Now, I expect you to treat Y\N with respect, after all they are my partner"
most of your time in Las Noches you spend in a large room that you share with Aizen, who occasionally comes in to check that everything is alright. Every now and then you asked him to go outside but he shook his head like you do with small children and explained that it wasn't possible.
then you discovered his weak point, every time you called him Sosuke, he fulfilled your requests with limitations though. It seemed like calling him that kind of melted him, so you started using this weakness in him to get things done.
be careful not to use it too often or it will lose its effect: being a genius, he will notice sooner or later. It is true that when it comes to you he loses his mind a little.
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boinin · 11 months
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“The biggest blindspot on the field...”
Here's our teaser for how Isagi and Hiori's idealised goal is gonna go down. Any thoughts? Here are mine:
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The second to last panel from chp 237 shows us the situation near the Ubers goal.
There's no defenders in front of the goal, so it's up to Fukaku Gen alone to fend off scoring attempts. (RIP buddy)
Isagi is double-marked by Rico and Aryu—who has incredible reach and excels at aerial battles.
Aiku and Niko are closing in on Hiori. They have the ability to predict actions using MV in a similar way to Isagi, but lack his imagination. Isagi sees more possibilities.
Finally, Kaiser is moving in from Hiori's left—who also has MV, is just as imaginative as Isagi and has better stats... but who's also experiencing frustration-induced tunnel-vision, hampering his judgement.
Isagi can't receive the ball where he is—Aryu would intercept it, even if Hiori gets past Niko and Aiku.
If Hiori hesitates, he'll get pressed by the defenders and/or Kaiser.
So, it seems like Isagi wants Hiori to send the ball to an unoccupied part of pitch, within his reach.
Where's Isagi thinking of?
Where... or what? Has he got another tactic in mind?
More in-depth speculation under the cut.
Nomura and Kaneshiro love foreshadowing outcomes in Blue Lock. It's infuriating, but I love that kind of storytelling.
On a character level, Isagi is driven to win this match with his own goal, winning his bet with Kaiser. He faces steep opposition by Ubers naturally, but also by Kaiser himself.
Two further considerations: Isagi must ensure that neither Kunigami nor Yukimiya profit off his playmaking.
Kunigami is trying to prove his relevance as a striker against all odds and won't hesitate to poach a fumbled kick by Isagi.
On the other hand, Yukimiya has been willing to assist Isagi in this match so far... but will he sacrifice a chance to score himself in order to support Isagi?
Hell no. Isagi understands their individual protagonism. So even if they join the fray, Isagi's goal idea can't involve them. It's between him and Hiori only.
I keep coming back to this panel of Isagi's eye from chapter 235. In chapter 237, we see a version of it in Hiori's eyes.
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His main weapon is his direct shot, which is his ability to score on a pass without stopping the ball's momentum. From Hiori's perspective, we see a slightly hunched or twisted Isagi, kicking.
Remember how the creators love forshadowing? Well, Isagi's positioning in Hiori's vision reminded me of something shown much earlier... before the Ubers match started at all.
Do you remember when Isagi is training with Kurona and Yukimiya between matches? It's from chapter 208.
Here's what came to mind:
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Here, Isagi moves in Yukimiya's blind spot (I'll see myself out 🤓), then uses him for balance to pivot and score with his direct shot.
It's actually a sick goal. Downplayed, since it's during training, but Igaguri comments afterwards that Isagi's become a monster.
Who sent that ball Isagi's way in the first place? I'm glad you asked...
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...it was none other than Hiori.
They're in trickier circumstances. There's way more players in the mix. But this is a goal they've both achieved before.
As Hiori puts it:
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For Kaiser, nothing is impossible.
This isn't the case for Isagi. He is limited by his physical abilities. There's no way he's pulling off a bicycle kick, the way Kaiser did.
But he's been working hard to increase his number of possibilities: increasing his 'luck', per the meaning Ego gives. Back to another thematically significant moment in chapter 213:
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For Isagi, this match has been all about proving his worth as a striker. He spent a lot of it defending and being a midfielder—but now he has Hiori by his side, he's free to focus on offence... utilising his weapons' potential to the fullest.
So, to finish things off? Isagi will be scoring a goal that's unique to his skillset and weapons. He'll position himself using MV, and he'll score with a direct shot. In addition, I believe he and Hiori will exploit another character's blind spot, to distract all the defenders.
Who will that be? Well, Nomura/Kaneshiro might have hinted at that too, towards the end of chapter 237:
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Kaiser? Barou?
It'd be a risky play. But Hiori does call this idea totally crazy...
Roll on Friday's leaks! ⚽
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highseraphs · 9 months
🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
🌴 PALM TREE — does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening?
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
🤓 SMILING FACE WITH GLASSES — is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy?
🌈 For Lovelace he’s nonbinary and achillean! He also uses They/him pronouns
For Ebrietas, he’s agender and I’d say he’s gray ace. His pronouns are they/he/it
🌴lovelace loves flowers but he doesn’t have a green thumb! He doesn’t have much experience gardening.
Ebrietas doesn’t have much of one either, especially since he grew up in a mansion, he never had to tend to any gardening. He’s interested in botany as a science, but he doesn’t active engage with it.
🍎Lovelace was born in Golmore Jungle, Dalmasca in a village called Del-Eleyh. He doesn’t live there now, but he does visit. He lives on his airship, so he doesn’t really have a set place that he lives in, though he does have a few homes in some city states he stays in when he is in those locations. He lives Del-Eleyh, even if he does have some unpleasant memories, still he is proud of his birthplace.
Ebrietas was born in the northern mountains of Sharlayan in a densely forested, isolated location. There wasn’t any civilization around, just the large mansion his parents owned. He still lives in Sharlayan, but has a smaller property near old Sharlayan so he can frequent the town easier for books and other indulgences. He doesn’t like that old mansion that he lived in, he changed it to fit him after he killed his parents, but he still feels whispers of their presence with the home so he only goes there if he has to.
💘Lovelace considers Elidibus to be the most important to him because of Dionysus and Elidibus being such passionate lovers in ancient times, as well as the many things Lovelace had gone through with Elidibus throughout the years. Despite Lovelace seeming like he wouldn’t get along so well with Elidibus, they are very infatuated with each other. Lovelace is the most open with him. But other than that Ebrietas, Thancred, his voidsent familiar Ash, etc. He also keeps a ribbon with him that his adoptive father gave to him as a child.
Ebrietas doesn’t consider other people he meets as important, but he does place value in the books and items people give him. He acts as if he doesn’t, but he likes receiving gifts from others (this could be because of the ways his parents gave him ‘gifts’ (sacrifices), he also enjoys things with heart like 🫀 imagery. Won’t go too far into that reason tho LOL)
💚Lovelace loves being outside! He hates being cooped up in buildings and would rather be out within nature.
Ebrietas likes being inside unless it’s cold outside. He hates warm & hot weather (but like it’s when it’s warm inside of buildings, he’s just weird about things like, that) it could also be a result of how he was before he became himself, he’d destroy stars and they’d be engulfed in flames, it made him viscerally angry that his influence was always resulting in ruining his goal of ruling over the planet, so the cold is a comfort for him.
🍔both of them can’t cook to save their lives, but Ebrietas’s food would be downright inedible, like it would be absolute eldritch abomination type shit it would be indescribable LOL
😊Lovelace is a sky pirate! And he wants to remain a pirate. He can’t see himself doing anything else but being a debaucherous sky pirate. He always thought playing hero was just to off to him, so he’d still even now, rather remain a pirate.
Ebrietas just wants to travel, read and eat sweets lol. He has a very unnerving presence, so he doesn’t even try to interact with people because he thinks it’s not worth it. But yeah, he also wanted to destroy Etheirys after he regained his abilities while he was ‘resting’ within the coffin in his home, but was stopped by Lovelace. He realized then besides the interesting history and food Etheirys has to offer, he can play cat and mouse with Lovelace for fun.
🤔Lovelace’s ears are very expressive! If his expression doesn’t show on his face, it’ll show up on his ears. He tried to bully himself out of doing that, but he still does it occasionally.
Ebrietas sucks his teeth at anything that annoys him (many things), he tends to scratch down his arms if he is stressed enough (though the self-harm he does to himself will heal very quickly, and due to his limbs being black, and scars he does have aren’t very noticeable) he frowns a LOT, most of the time he is frowning or looks like he’s seething/annoyed.
🤓Lovelace is an extrovert, so he talks a lot. He doesn’t have much shame and he is not shy whatsoever. Given he’s a captain of a huge amount of criminals, he himself isn’t afraid to be blunt and honest with others, so yeah he’s def a talker.
Ebrietas hates other people so he won’t engage in conversations unless he has to. And when he does he is not very pleasant, often scaring other people away from him, making them uncomfortable, or angry. He doesn’t care at all how he makes other people feel unless he does have a semblance of care towards them. (Like Erenville, he’s very cautious with how he talks to him because he actually likes him, but a lot of their conversations are Ebrietas being like ‘are you sure you wanna speak to someone like me?’ To him and Erenville being like ‘?…what is the harm?’) Though he is charming appearance wise, which annoys him because it’s always been something that has made people want to talk to him, so unnerving other people gives him pleasure because they back off.
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decadentworld · 1 year
tag game: stranger things addition 👻
Thank you @harringrove-heroes for tagging me.
1.ride or die ship (your otp): To be honest Harringrove and Steddie are a tie here but… see text below
2.most annoying ship: I don’t know if I find it annoying per se, but I’ve started to become annoyed by Steddie if it’s written in a specific way.
3.second favourite ship: Stonathan😁
4.favourite platonic relationship: Um… idk if this will sound controversial but I love to think of Hellcheer as a more platonic friendship😁 And also Billy & Heather!
5.underrated ship: Stonathan😁
6.overrated ship: … Steddie again (CEO of hating on my own faves)
7.one thing i would change in canon: K*ren gets treated like the groomer she is and not a cougar MILF uwu feminist icon💁‍♀️
8.something canon did right: Um. None lol
9.a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: This Kas Eddie artwork and this Lucas artwork ft. Patrick😁
10.a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Actually🤓☝️ no character in Stranger Things is perfect and that’s what makes all of them interesting. I can admit that even the ones I hate the most can have interesting plots as much as I might hate to say it, because a lot of the things that don’t make sense about a character are a direct fault of the writers and maybe even the higher-ups in N*tflix, given that they’re usually extremely out of touch with reality and can oversee or think that something that’s fucked up in real life (like thinking grooming a teenager is fine and/or sexy) is normal/logical or that people are going to think it’s normal as well; hell, if they hadn’t gone down that path with Karen she would’ve been one of my favorite characters but as it stands I can only say that I like my faves because they can have complex, imperfect stories, and as for other characters, I can handpick little things here and there that interest me even if I hate those characters.
Just kidding it’s Patrick Lucas and Chrissy
11.the character i relate to the most and why: No one really lmao. Maybe Jonathan because socially awkward besties🤝
12.character i hate the most and why: Karen and Neil, no explanation needed.
13.something i've learned from the fandom: Many of the people in the fandom have really selective ‘critical’ thinking or none at all. As in, will say an abused 18-year-old who sacrifices himself for others in the end is somehow worse than a pedophile or a child abuser/womanbeater or someone who tortures kids. I wasn’t on Tumblr for this but apparently people were hating on Will when he was possessed? So… yeah.
14.three tags i seek out on ao3: Umm… Billy Hargrove & Maxine “Max” Mayfield, Billy Hargrove Needs A Hug😔 I don’t remember any more (<-liar)
15.a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: Soldier’s prayer – Timo Tolkki for Billy. Emerald Sword – Rhapsody of Fire for Eddie. On niin helppoo olla onnellinen – Olavi Uusivirta for Jonathan. Also Glory Days – Stratovarius for Lucas but it must be because I put it as background music for a process reel of an artwork of him I made😁
Tagging: (no pressure tags) @hellfirefucker , @orchidmunson , @boldlyshadowytrash , @c-nstellati-ns , @raincloudxyx , @killthepurplemusic , @lilacdesired and anyone else who wants to do this…!
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restartjupiter · 2 years
Fuck it.
Cooking Companions
Tw// sappy fluff. Fluffy stuff
No major spoilers, doesn't reveal anything big. Just a tad spoiler but it's minor
Relationship headcanons! bc I said so
🤓 Crushing on you: Anatoly is always blushing when he's around you, just hearing your name makes butterflies in his stomach. He'll try to teach you about plants as way of getting closer to you, he'll pretend to read just so he can have some quiet time with you.
🥗 Anatoly in a relationship would be him trying to act smart until you finally get him to lower his guard and act himself around you. He's incredibly insecure about himself and he tries to be intelligent or at least act like it so others think he is.
🤓 One of his favorite ways to spend time with you is you reading him a book. Since he can't read he loves to listen to you read aloud as he rests his head on your lap staring up at your face.
🥗 Another way he loves to be around you is cuddling. Cuddling and he doesn't mind being big or little spoon (prefers little spoon)
🤓 Anatoly might not be good at standing up for himself but he is good at comfort. So if you ever yourself getting sad then Anatoly will help make your day seem brighter again (even if he doesn't feel like he's doing anything)
🥗 Just as you can go to him for cheering up, he'll go to you when he feels down in the dumps. After a long day of Karin being her-mean-self, Anatoly finds himself laying in bed hugging you tightly with his face in the crook of your neck. It feels nice when you rub his back gently and tell him how much you love him the way he is <3
🍄 Anatoly wouldn't trade the world for you and he'd sacrifice himself to protect you. He loves you so don't let him go 💙
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thelittlehansy · 3 years
My POV about a redemption Hans story in Fanfic...
We talk a lot about Hans redemption redeem hans so that’s some special post about the trope and what should be in my opinion element of a Hans redemption story.🤓🤓
1-No ship goal
I feel like writing a hans redemption story to have as a goal to ship him with the sister is not really right.
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2-keep Hans point of view
To us hans tried to kill Elsa and Anna but I think we should not ignore arendelle events through the character eyes when writing a redemption story. Like to him Elsa tried to intentionally murder Anna he wanted to save arendelle from destruction and killing elsa was to become king. so that’s to me definitely a context that should be put into consideration. For example I have see fanfic when the girls are afraid hans is gonna kill them but Hans only wanted to kill Elsa to be king not out of nowhere.
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3- anna has to got a big part in the story.
Of course Hans main arc and familiarity was with Anna I just can’t imagine a redemption story where hans/Anna relationship is put to the side when breaking Anna heart was big part of hans villany in the movie if not the main. To me it’s obvious. 90% of Hans was link to Anna in the movie. A Hans redemption should have continuity with the movie and suddenly hans not wanted at first to makes think right with Anna seems off to me. To me Hans would want to redeem himself to Anna at first. 🤷🏻‍♀️because he personally betrayed Anna and was the most familiar with her. By the end of the movie hans wanted to kill Elsa because of the winter and before to be king there was nothing personal. In the betrayal scene he was personal when it was not necessary to achieve his goals.
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3- not death by redemption
Oh my please...I can hear right know but how can you except him to redeem himself if not died ? Well so ok a sacrifice and then he is resurrect in the beauty and the beast tangled style. but like my heart will be so broken so destroyed if a redemption story do that
Because here we got a little boy that has only know but neglect mistreatement abuse emotional physical mental verbal never got support that’s what his childhood teen years young adult years were then during 3 years and 3 days he did horrible stuff in order to prove himself to the people who mistreat him and then he go back home to be mock even more and suddenly he has to died because redemption...
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Sorry not sorry that’s just extremely tragic can’t deal with that😭😭😭
4-the king has to be here somewhere in the storyline
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Ok so right know this have to be a consequences of me taking books canon until proven otherwise so I know it’s very controversial but I take official information as canon so it’s mean a frozen heart. the whole point of that book was to show that hans did was he did because he wanted to prove himself have respect and attention from the king. So hans redeem himself have to show imo hans finally stop clinging to his dad and think he is right. If not I can’t see how hans would want to redeem himself to Elsa and Anna. If anything Hans would want to redeem himself to the king of the southern isles imo
5-show the dynamic between hans and his father
That’s kind of a subtle but when we read the book the king is manipulative and coerce his son into becoming what he want. So to me a redeem Hans fanfic that take the novel into consideration should show that the king manipulate hans into proving himself to him.
«  don’t disappoint me...again » is a sign of it. The king said it on a book it’s clear to put pressure on Hans to did what he want and makes sure that peasant stop critized him.
The king directly encourage his sons to commit crimes. He burned himself a farm and its heavily imply he get rid of of his opposant by torture or worse murder we don’t know exactly what but that some disgusting stuff he did himself or makes I guess others did when that’s not hans who did it during those 3 years on the novel. So to me we shouldn’t be afraid to mention the king responsabilty caring to retired from Hans his own . But again here is in the scenario we follow A Frozen Heart.
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 years
[ mm i am the curious 🤓 ]
My Muse’s Honest Reaction to Yours!:
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“Wassup, Vags? Did ya need somethin? Because if this is about the box of popsies-”
Does my muse trust yours?: Oddly enough, he does! Like with his unconscious body, and not to sell him out. She’s reliable if nothing else.
Does my muse dislike yours?: He doesn’t actually! He’s a little difficult and stuff, usually needing his persona. But, he doesn’t hate her or anything! She’s not all bad!
Would my muse kill someone for yours?: He totally would. If he’s willin to hold her back from trying to kill a radio demon, he’s willin to do something he’s good at for her too!
Would my muse kill your muse?: Probably not, I mean, he probably has those moments where he thinks “Aw shit, she’s totally gonna kill me”, but even if he’s pissed, he generally doesn’t wanna hurt her.
Would my muse save yours?: Yeh! He would! Probably goes along with the killing thing too. That and, he’s oddly willing to sacrifice. She’s grown on him.
Does my muse find your muse attractive?: He thinks she’s attractive, yeah! Never thought of her as freaky or anything! He might have a little inspired Drag piece.
Is my muse disgusted by yours?: Nah. But he’s got a sneaking suspicion she’s disgusted by him.
would my muse go on a date with your muse?: Not really his thing, but, hey, guess if she offered to take him somewhere he wouldn’t say no! But he wouldn’t think it was a date.
would my muse kiss yours?: probably! Give her an obnoxious noisy smooch on her cheek as either a cheering up, or a playful “thanks” like a fuckin dumbass.
would my muse betray yours?: Hm. He already feels it’s betrayal having kept a secret like that. But. No. He couldn’t bring himself to do anything unless it was somehow forced.
my muse's favorite thing about yours is: Her devotion! Or her being off her guard and bein smiley! It’s real sweet!
the thing my muse dislikes about yours is: The fact that he’s sometimes afraid of her? He can play it off, but he’s certain those raised fists might get him one day. Or- well he didn’t like her nagging, but it’s part of her job description. C’est la vie.
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