tragedyhymns · 4 years
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@raveniisms​ asked:    ❛ Then why are you still here? ❜  
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a  sigh  leaves  his  lips  at  raven’s  words.    ‘   last  time  i  checked,  i  can’t  leave  this  church  either.   ’     maybe  this  wans’t  the  best  time  for  his  cheeky  jokes  but  he  still  says  that.   they’re  at  war  and  shaw  is  balancing  between  the  two  sides,  being  in  both  and  none  in  the  end.    he’s  been  a  soldier  before  becoming  one  of  eligius’  crew  members  and  he  can  tell  that  this  won’t  end  well.     ‘    i’m  on  your  side,  raven.   let  me  help  you.   ’     he  has  seen  the  prisoners  up  close,  shaw  knows  mccreary  and  he’ll  do  anything  to  stop  him.    of  course,  a  part  of  him  wants  to  ensure  his  safety,  if  he’s  valuable  to  them  too,  maybe  he  can  save  his  life.    but  that  doesn’t  mean  his  words  aren’t  genuine  because  they  are.   at  whatever  choice  shaw  had  to  make,   he  wanted  to  choose  the  least  evil.   
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tragedyhymns · 4 years
number one
they ( emori ) realize that the shield outside sanctum is a radiation shield quicker and clarke pulls shaw back and out of the shield much faster than canon, giving him a chance to survive with several burns and radiation sickness. shaw asks jackson to heal him, first right there and secondly on sanctum ( as jordan bolger said that in the original take shaw asked jackson to cure him but they later changed the dialogue ).  when they arrive on sanctum, rusell lets them take shaw, along with abby and jackson, to their medbay where they help him decontaminate, ( jackson also helps him in the water, in the pond to try and decontaminate when they first arrive and there’s no one there since even just water helps remove a lot of the radiation on his skin and clothes) hook him up in an IV and give him drugs to survive the radiation exposure. ( more tba after that abt shaw’s storyline in sanctum )
number two 
the eligius iv crew got blood alterations like every other eligius mission crew to ensure they’d be safer while searcing for asteroids to mine.  after all the prisoners were expendable but the crew wasn’t.  so when they reach the shield in sanctum shaw gets in and tells the rest to wait back as he types in the eligius codes to lower the shield. his storyline is the same as above minus his days resting and healing in the infirmary. 
number three ( eden au )
he’s sitting on the spot right next to mccreary, with a nearly broken leg, when mccreary starts typing in the codes for damocles.  shaw sees the panicked look in diyoza’s eyes and understands what is his plan.  he gets up, supporting himself on the concoles next to him to speak to mccreary when he points a gun to shaw’s face.  shaw ( as diyoza’s actress confirmed ) was previously a navy seal so he manages to put pressure on his injured leg, grab the gun from mccreary ( after all he’s worked with injuries before ) while he’s distracted by the codes and shoot him in the head before he manages to activate the launch codes as clarke shoots mccreary’s follower.  he collapses on the ground right after that but they’ve managed to take back control of the ship. the war between eligius and wonkru stops and they decide to share the valley and live in peace. 
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tragedyhymns · 4 years
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@waldenborn​  asked:    “  i don’t wanna have to do that ever again.  ” @ miles   //   accepting
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they’ve  all  been  through  hell.    that  much  is  obvious  without  them  having  to  say  anything.   he  can  see  it  in  their  eyes,  their  posture,  having  seen  enough  traumatized  soldiers  in  his  time  in  the  military.   so  helo’s  words  don’t  catch  him  by  surprise.   he  doesn’t  really  know  the  other,   but  he  helped  carry  shaw  to  sanctum  without  needing  to.   so  it’s  easy  to  see  that  he  cares  and  whatever  he’s  gone  through  burdens  him.    ‘   you  won’t  have  to.   we’ll  build  our  compound  here  and  you  won’t  have  to  fight  another  war.   ’      shaw  understands  that  his  words  may  not  be  enough  to  convince  him  but  he  has  to  try.
he’s  leaning  on  the  tavern’s  counter,  with  a  drink  water  in  hand  after  his  health  scare.  only  having  been  a  few  days  on  the  planet,  yet  almost  losing  his  life  already.   he  just  hoped  this  was  the  last  time  their  life  was  in  danger.   ‘   i  haven’t  been  through  as  much  as   you,  but  i  left  wars  to  explore  space  and  ended  up  straight  in  another  war.   so,  i  get  it.   ’    he  may  have  played  his  role  in  the  war  with  eligius,  but  that  had  never  been  his  intention  and  now,  he  wanted  peace  as  much  as  the  rest  of  them.
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tragedyhymns · 4 years
@waldenborn​ asked for a starter
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his  weight  is  shared  between  him  and  helo  supporting  him.   the  burns  on  his  side  ache  and  he’ll  be  lucky  if  they  can  get  to  some  kind  of  settlement  that  eligius  iii  has  on  the  planet  before  he  starts  puking  his  guts  out.  jackson  did  everything  he  could  with  the  little  equipment  but  radiation  potioning  is  awful.   ‘   can  i  ask  you  something ?   ’    they  don’t  really  know  each  other  but  shaw  needs  to  say  his  following  request.   ‘    if  something  goes  south  with  my  situation ...   can  you  tell  raven  that  it’s  not  her  fault  and  that  she  deserves  happiness  ?   ’     she  hasn’t  really  opened  up  to  him  yet,  but  he  can  see  her  struggles  and  the  last  thing  he  wants  is  to  leave  her  behind.   it’s  not  love,  perhaps  not  yet,  but  it’s  damn  close  because  he  truly  cares  about  her.   
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tragedyhymns · 4 years
@griefprofiled​ continued from here
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WELL THEN. If they were going to all pretend he wasn’t simping for the mechanic now in earnest, that was none of her business, was it? Good for him, Raven was a good kid. Could definitely do better, but that was neither here nor there, and wasn’t that always the case with one half of a couple. Still good for him, batting out of his league.
“All I’m saying is,” Leaning against the bar wall in the little cult they’d had to negotiate with– well, people that weren’t her had to negotiate with, which was stupid but here they were– her head tilted as she shrugged.
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“I don’t go to weddings without an open bar, so reign it in for another few months, Casanova.” The earth was gone and here she was in a bar, and six months pregnant. What a cosmic joke. There was karma for you. Glass of water tipped towards him. “And the first kid better be named after me, being matchmaker and all.”
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he  expected  these  kind  of  comments  from  diyoza    but  he  didn’t  mind  it  that  much.    ‘    give  me  a  break.   i  just  finished  puking  my  guts  out.   ’      while  he  had  survived  the  blast,   radiation  poisoning  wasn’t  fun  and  it’d  left  shaw  exhausted.     
‘    well  i  wouldn’t  call  you  exactly  a  matchmaker.     we  did  all  the  work  ourselves.    ’    if  she  was  going  to  tease  him  like  that,   he  was  going  to  act  the  same  way.     ‘   but  we’ve  got  time.   need  to  build  our  compound  first  and  celebrations  will  come  later.   ’    if  the  people  sanctum  decided  to  help  them.   something  didn’t  sit  right  with  shaw  when  it  came  to  them.   mostly  because  he’d  heard  about  the  other  eligius  missions  and  he  could  swear  that  the  lightbournes  were  one  of  the  families  in  the  mission.   but  maybe  they  were  just  their  descendants. 
‘   i need  to  run  that  by  raven  first.   ‘m  not  really  sure  she’d  agree.   ’      diyoza  was  obviously  joking,  unless  she  wasn’t.   shaw  wouldn’t  put  it  past  her  to  demand  something  like  that.   at  the  glass  being  tipped  towards  him  he  spoke  again.   ‘   pour  me  one,  will  you ?   ’    alcohol  wouldn’t  be  the  best  idea  after  what  he’d  been  through. 
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tragedyhymns · 4 years
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@griefprofiled​ asked:    "It's not that bad, chill the fuck out."
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shaw  furrows  his  brows  at  diyoza’s  words.    ‘   diyoza,  i’m  telling  you  mccreary  is  getting  out  of  control.   ’      mccreary  had  always  been  unpredictable  and  he’d  never  gotten  along  with  shaw.    although,  that  feeling  was  mutual.   but  ever  since  they  had  gotten  down  to  earth  mccreary  was  getting  worse  and  he  had  seen  him  talking  to  his  men  more  and  more  lately.    that  worried  shaw.   diyoza  could  be  reasonable  but  mccreary  was  not.     so  he  didn’t  know  what  he  would  do  if  mccreary  took  charge. 
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tragedyhymns · 4 years
@damnbird​  asked  for  a  starter 
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feet  take  him  at  the  mechanic  shop  in  the  middle  of  sanctum.    it  didn’t  take  a  genius  to  know  that  raven  would  be  there ,  whenever  she  didn’t  visit  him  at  the  med  bay.     but  the  sight  of  raven  repairing  a  motorcycle  takes  him  by  surprise.   though  he  must  say  it’s  a  pleasant  one.       ‘    what  do  say  we  take  his  baby  out  for  a  ride ?   ‘ll  teach  you  how  to  ride  it.     ’       he’s  still  feeling  a  bit  drained  after  recovering  from  radiation  poisoning  but  he’s  cleared  to  do  as  he  pleases.   and  going  for  a  ride  with  raven  on  this  new  planet  ?     it’s  better  than  what  he  previously  had  in  mind. 
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tragedyhymns · 4 years
the 100  tags  
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