#‘redemption’ feels like the wrong word to say. there’s no coming back from what they’ve done. but they fully understand how messed up it wa
organisation update: the ‘hydra (oc)’ tag has been changed to ‘hydra/rayne (oc)’!
I got sick of it not matching her toyhouse lmao
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loverboy1717 · 10 months
First, I have not seen it yet and if I end up being wrong I’ll eat my words and say so. So don’t come for me in the comments yeah?
Second, I’m sincerely wondering if the people who are saying Next Goal Wins is transphobic are saying it cus it actually is or because it was honest and portrayed transphobia in sport.
I’m wondering if these peeps have any understanding of how fucked up organized footie is? I wonder if they’ve ever seriously followed international soccer or know it well. Cus anybody who does would not expect there to be no conflict or shitty behavior towards an out queer player.
Im not saying it’s okay at all that it happens. Im just saying a world without gender identities being mishandled in soccer does not exist.The sport itself is beautiful. I started playing at four years old. I played competitively from ten all the way through senior year in high school and then quit when I came out and nobody wanted to change in front of me in the locker room anymore. (Being a cis white queer woman sucked. I can’t imagine how much worse it is/was for a player on the international stage as a gender non conforming person of color.) I found my way back in my mid twenties and still play in competative rec leagues at thirty one. This sport is something I could not live without. There are moments of sheer fucking joy and magic and catharsis and banter and shit housing and community. I truly feel kinship with other people who love this silly game as much as I do. But it can also be a trashcan fire of bullshit and hate. It isn’t fucking Ted Lasso my dudes.
And this movie is about FIFA qualifiers for a low af ranked team. It’s about a supremely underfunded and written off team made up of PoC. It follows a white head coach who is gonna come in and turn them around more for his own redemption than for the teams success. This was never gonna be a completely light hearted romp no matter how it was marketed. Fifa fucking sucks guys. The corporate side of soccer fucking sucks. The coaches trying to make names for themselves or don’t think they will have to pay for their actions fucking suck. That doesn’t mean there are not meaningful stories to tell about players.
What I’m trying to say is I’m curious to see if this is transphobia because it’s transphobia or if it is accurately depicting some transphobic bullshit that happened and people online are mad about that existing in a movie they wanted to be safe and gooey and silly. Basically, I remember when people said Jojo Rabit was antisemitic and it absolutely isn’t. So forgive me for taking some of the bad reviews with a grain of salt.
Like I said I’ll eat my words and own being wrong if I end up being wrong. I just don’t trust media literacy these days and am gonna wait to see for myself because I’ve been jazzed as fuck for this movie for months and months.
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cruiseshipmoment · 11 months
This might be a controversial take, but I think Luther tries to love Mac, but genuinely doesn’t know how.
From what we know he’s missed out on a lot of his sons life because he’s been in prison, and it’s put physical and emotional distance between them. Mac feels abandoned but maybe Luther feels abandoned too, even if he’s the one who essentially left his son without a father. Luther is shown to be very repressed emotionally, but when he is out of prison he does make the effort to build bridges with his son (and includes Charlie in that as well, likely only because he’s the friend of his son, which could’ve been so fascinating to explore in the show tbh) only to see his own actions end up putting him back in prison again—all because he couldn’t express the idea of making amends to others, or communicate his feelings or actions to Mac which ended up further driving them apart because Luther is so stuck in his own ways and Mac can’t trust him because because he doesn’t actually know him. Mac thinks his dad is a criminal. Luther was making positive steps forward, and ready to extend an olive branch to his only son, only for the rug to be pulled beneath him and discover that ‘oh, my son is afraid of me. He sees me as a criminal and believes I’m a bad person.’
It would be so hard not to hold onto that anger at both himself and towards Mac, who essentially just turned Luther’s attempts at redemption into a criminal act all because Luther himself wouldn’t let himself be vulnerable enough to be honest with his kid. Plus, to know your son is so scared of you that he would threaten to lie to keep you in prison? That he thinks you would take his life and the life of his friend—believes it with enough conviction he tries to stage his own death? That would feel so awful, knowing you’ve wronged your child this severely and that they in turn have tried to defend themselves from that pain by going on the offense and trying to hurt you first by sabotaging your chance at parole and at freedom? How do you come back from that from either of their perspectives?
But then we find out that Luther wrote to him, consistently, and we never know what he said because Dennis doesn’t tell him. All that pain and distance between two people and once again Luther is trying to bridge the gap and send out a chance for them to be redeemed to one another and have a father-son relationship. He might not say he loves Mac in those exact words, but it must mean something to keep writing to him even when he wasn’t getting anything in return. How long did he send letters only to never have anything returned? Did he think Mac didn’t get them? Did he think Mac got them but didn’t care? When did he give up on receiving a response and send his final letter?
And then we have Mac, who thinks his dad hates him. He can’t reach out because he feels responsible for putting him back behind bars. He is afraid that if he is his true self that his father won’t like what he sees. He doesn’t know if his dad hates him or if he ever thinks about him at all and all that time Luther had been doing what he could to close the rift between them.
We don’t know almost anything about the letters, and I wish we got some follow up to that. There is so much miscommunication and misunderstanding and pain between two men who should have been integral players in one another’s lives—and they are, but not how they should have been, you know? They’re both grieving for what they’ve lost. Mac lost a father, but Luther lost a son, too.
And then Mac shows up one day, out of the blue, and makes the public declaration that he’s gay. Luther didn’t have a moment to process that, or the privacy to do it, and basically he just sees his son show up after years without contact—with a surrogate father, no less, who has gotten to be privileged to seeing Luther’s son grow up and become a man and become His own person. And Luther didn’t get any of that. He’s the last to find out his son is gay, without any sort of warning, and he is expected to make some kind of declaration to that; to love his son anyways despite their tangled history and such a fractured relationship. Mac has come to tell him something important, because he is his father, but Luther hasn’t actually been his ‘dad’ for the majority of his life. He can’t repair ages of loss and absence in one sitting. So he walks away. He doesn’t say anything, but the action itself speaks loudly anyways.
Then there’s Luther’s own childhood, drug abuse/addiction, the criminal background that he’s always had and the hyper-masculinity that is probably all he’s ever known. The strength and stoicism required of his environment being met with the earnest and hopeful personality of his son. I’m sure there’s some envy there, too, to the freedom that Mac has with his feelings and emotions, even if we know that even Mac has such a limited outlet and willingness to acknowledge and express things. Plus the religious trauma and how that might effect both Mac and his dad.
I feel like Luther would see the worst of himself in Mac; whether that be in softness or in hardness. It’s hard to love a mirror of yourself, sometimes.
Idk if I explained my perspective clearly, but I think there is a lot of pain but also a lot of love between them both. They just don’t have the tools or the history required to understand each other and meet in the middle. They don’t know how to love themselves in their entirety, so they hate the versions of themselves that they see in each other. Idk I just think Luther is very repressed and even if he is a horrible father and a terrible man I really believe he is trying to learn how to love his son from a distance with the tools he has because being close to one another only leads to more hurt.
They’re so interesting to me. I want to much more content between the Mac family and a closer look at the dynamics of it all because there are so many ways to read everything we’ve seen between them.
Please tell me your perspective on this, I would love to hear whether you agree or disagree on my interpretation of them!
This is an interesting interpretation, and it's a much more generous one for Luther than I would think of. However, from what we see, I don't think this is true.
We know from "Mac Kills his Dad" that Luther was a distant parent even when he was around. Mac says Luther couldn't possibly have killed someone, since his "bad shoulder" meant he could never play catch with Mac and also couldn't possibly decapitate a guy with a stop sign. The tone with which Luther says "Riiiight" makes it clear that was a lie. Even when child Mac tried to connect with his dad in a hypermasculinity-approved way, Luther wouldn't engage. Catch is not an overtly emotional commitment. Plenty of emotionally repressed people can manage it.
Unfortunately, from Luther's later behavior, Mac is right to be afraid of him in "Mac and Charlie Die." Decapitating a guy with a stop sign takes a lot of rage coupled with some level of calculation. It's not a thing you can do on accident or a split-second impulse, like a gunshot. Also, in "Mac Finds His Pride" we learn that Luther cut out a guy's tongue for tattling on him. "Mac and Charlie Die" was Luther on a very good day. It could have so easily gone a different direction. There's maybe a case to be made for his time in prison contributing to the violent behavior, but since Mac was terrified from the get-go, I don't think the violence came out of nowhere.
We do know a little bit about the letters. Per Dennis, "He never once said he loved you," and, "He mostly just wanted you to send him pornographic magazines and put drugs in your butthole." This very much says that Luther just wants Mac to help him out, not build any sort of connection with him. I don't think Dennis is lying, because these are the same requests we've seen Luther make previously. It's a pattern.
By "Mac Finds His Pride," Luther has completely written his son off before we even get to the coming out scene. When he thinks Mac got someone pregnant, he says "There's hope for you yet. Not with your life, of course, but with the life of your son." He only values Mac for his potential to give him a grandson who might be better able to adhere to Luther's standards of behavior.
Luther waited until Mac was looking at him to walk out. He did so calmly and with an incredibly cold look on his face. That's not a man who got overwhelmed, panicked, and left. That's an awful, calculated "Fuck you." He didn't have to make a public sappy declaration. He just had to sit and watch. Mac is so starved for unconditional love that he would have been happy with Luther saying something as bland as, "Okay, son."
All of Luther's behavior, put together, screams "I love you, but only when you behave exactly the way I want you to." He wants a prop or a puppet, not a real son. Especially not a son like Mac, who has a lot of complicated feelings and needs.
And I'm sure you're right that Luther's own upbringing fucked him up. There's definitely trauma there, since apparently Grandpa McDonald effectively shunned Uncle Donald for being gay. Luther definitely learned that love is conditional from his own childhood. Luther's had sex with a man at least once, so there's a good chance there's internalized homophobia at work too.
Luther does love his son, but in a conditional way. And that's exactly what fucked Mac up so bad. Mac spent decades bending over backwards to be the son Luther wanted, and in the end it still wasn't enough.
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upsideoutinsidedown · 2 years
Quick shoutout to @hawkinsschoolcounselor for their comment on this post (which includes the reblog)
I was initially going to reblog the thing, but it was getting long so I figured I should just make it its own post. But you made a good point, and I wanted to elaborate on it.
In the aforementioned post, I spoke simply of Will’s side of things, because he’s the one I see people suggesting he should be alone rather than Mike (probably because they want Mike to stay in his current relationship), but Mike’s arc is just as important a reason for why anything other than reciprocation would feel like a cop-out.
And I’m not talking about “if it’s not internalized homophobia he’s just a dick and doesn’t deserve anything”, because I don’t personally believe that. A character doesn’t need to be pleasant all the time, even with loved ones, and heck, in the same show, we have a character who uses the word queer as a slur and suggests that a character rumoured to be gay got what he deserved by dying who then goes on to show one of the best acceptances when a character indeed does come out to him.
(In case you haven’t caught on yet, yes, I’m talking about Steve Harrington. Yeah, I like Steve, but I believe truly liking a character means acknowledging when they were in the wrong rather than pretending it never happened. Speaking of, that moment is the biggest reason why I believe he’s not friends with Jonathan in the second season, as opposed to simple jealousy on Jonathan’s part. We’re never actually shown a resolution of that fight—yes, Steve went to apologize, but the demogorgon kinda came and ruined his apology and we’re not shown an actual acknowledgement that Jonathan forgave him for that—which, just saying, even if Steve did apologize off screen, Jonathan does not need to accept it and forgive him. But I’m getting off topic.)
Anyway, Mike being homophobic (even when he’s clearly shown not wanting to hurt Will) but growing from that even without the context of internalizing that shit is fine. That’s what redemption arcs are for, and showing that a person can come to identify the hatred they’ve been spewing, even unintentionally, and grow from that is not a bad story and can in fact be a good moral.
No, what makes Mike’s lack of reciprocation feel cheap, is the fact that Will is so integral to Mike’s conflict. In fact, while Will is the one confirmed to be in love with Mike, his main arc isn’t the one hinging on the other. Yes, he has a romantic subplot which does focus on Mike, but his primary source of conflict is the Upside Down. A hellish other dimension he is intrinsically tied to and needs to overcome, season after season.
Mike’s main source of conflict, on the other hand, is Will’s absence. Yes, he’s fighting the UD too, all the characters are. But where Will’s main adversary is the UD itself, Mike’s main adversary is it’s affect on those around him, particularly Will. In the first season and second season he has some brief encounters with the entities from there, but for both those seasons his actual conflict is dealing with the fact that Will is gone—first by the demogorgon, than the Mind Flayer. Thankfully, by the end of both seasons, Mike gets him back, and his conflict is resolved.
But as great as those two seasons are, they aren’t what sets everything up. And season three is arguably my least favourite of the seasons, but it’s the one that turns their seasonal conflicts into an overarching conflict.
In season three, Mike’s conflict doesn’t resolve itself. It plays out opposite the previous seasons in a way—he starts with Will, and by the end of the season, he’s lost him.
I’m not going to go into the rain fight, because that would be its own analysis and this is getting long enough, but basically, it’s the catalyst of Mike losing Will. The end credits show a possibility that there might be some reconciliation between them, with the “join another party” scene, but there’s no actual scene of Will forgiving Mike, and then he leaves. And season four opens to show us, yeah, no, there was no reconciliation between them, because Will doesn’t reach out to Mike in between seasons.
I’m not sure how many of you have gotten into a nasty argument with someone you love dearly. Where it gets to the point that you don’t actively cut them out of your life, but you decide that you aren’t going to do the reaching. If they treasure your relationship, the ball is in their court, and they need to reach out to you. That’s the stage Will is at, and I don’t think Mike realized that. He was hurt that Will wasn’t reaching out to him because he didn’t recognize how badly he messed up the previous season. Will is willing to keep the relationship strong, but only if Mike makes an effort because you love them but don’t trust them not to hurt you.
By the end of season three, Mike has lost Will. His main conflict for the remaining two seasons is getting Will back. Season four starts the journey of getting him back, and by the end of the first part, you might think he’ll have “regained” Will by the end just as he did in the first two seasons.
But then Will lies, and he doesn’t come clean about his lie, and that’s all the indication you need to know that Will is still holding him at a distance. Will’s establishing character moment is back when he admits he rolled a seven, despite how harmless a lie it would be to keep it a secret, because as the Party likes to say: friends don’t lie. A rule Will exemplified prior to that point. This “out of character” moment showcases that not everything has been resolved.
Mike ends the season in a better place than he started it, but he still hasn’t resolved his conflict, and where else could the narrative lead? Another “we should be best friends again” moment? No, they’ve already had that moment, and it didn’t solve everything, so a rehash would just leave the same doubts behind.
The Duffers wrote themselves into a corner, whether intentional or not, and now the only satisfying ending for this romantic subplot would be reciprocation.
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curestardust · 1 year
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Dust Watched: Bakuten!! Movie
Genres: Sports (Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics), SoL // 1 movie (1h30m) // S01 (x) 
A redemption. We love to see it.
✧  story  ✧
I was, I believe, one of the few people who actually didn’t like the original “Bakuten!!” anime very much. So I was more than ecstatic watching this movie, as basically all of my complaints have been remedied and we got a really nice finale(?) for the show.
The story picks up where the last one left off, a bit before the Inter High Championship. There’s some training and goofing around but red flags are popping up all over the place. Sure enough, when the group was about to give its performance at the Inter High, I checked the time and we were only 20 minutes into the movie. Oof.
A domino falls, and many more follow. The anime’s mood goes into a slow uncomfortable, tense, and depressing downward spiral as nothing seems to be going right. An emotional confrontation where everything just comes to the surface, kickstarts the events that stop our descent into Depression Valley and we get to enjoy the journey of the ascent; the characters finally coming to terms with their situation and feelings, ending us off with a fun final performance. Great pacing all in all.
✧  characters  ✧
I complained a lot about the characters of the senpais due to them feeling like one-gag characters who couldn’t get a second to be *actual* fully fleshed out characters because they had to upkeep a quota of saying a joke X times an episode. And while their goofy ahh designs I’m still not a fan of, this movie GREATLY dialed back the gags which helped a lot. This was essential too, with how character-centric this movie was. The greatest character development obviously goes to Watari, who has the seniority and becomes the new captain with the 3 eldest leaving to start studying for their Entrance Exams. He has no idea what to do and feels horrible about it. Futaba is conflicted and scared while Misato is just silently bottling up his emotions, leading to an incredibly stressful environment. Misato actually barely talks for the first half of the movie so I was kinda concerned that now that his talent isn’t in the spotlight, the story won’t know what to do with him but I was wrong- He is great in the secon half.
And of course, the BasedTM Shiro High members make their (pretty important) appearance too, which was my favourite part from the original season to begin with, so I was happy beyond words.
✧  art  ✧
The movie carries the same quality as the original although with a few... interesting artistic liberties taken. I only wish they had fewer cuts during the performances cause I couldn’t keep track of what was going on.
✧  sound ✧
Again, the music is not my style but goes well with the show and I don’t remember what my problem was with Futaba’s VA in S01 but he must’ve worked it out cause all the VA’s did a great job.
✧  overview ✧
While I quite enjoyed this movie, there was something more that I wanted to congratulate it on. In one scene, Futaba mentions what a shame it is that there’s “no future in Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics” as you can’t go pro or to the Olympics. This prompted me to look up some info on the sport and read an article that gave me a much greater understanding on the goal of this show.
Not only is what Futaba says true, the sport basically only exists in Japan where it has some ties to Martial Arts.
All sports anime have those “oh no, the senpais are going to College/University, and they might not continue doing the sport” arc but in this case, it hurts more because they don’t quite have a choice. And yet the ending of the anime feels hopeful. That even ifnot in this generation, or the next, but someday, kids will be able to look at Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics as a viable career.
This show is a love letter to the sport. And I’m sure the creators are hoping for a future in reality the like of what they’ve set-up in the movie. 
My Rating: 8/10
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adamwatchesmovies · 8 months
Playing for Keeps (2012)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
Playing for Keeps is a nothing of a movie. Its parts are so mismatched that any of them feel like they should be cut to make the picture better but if you went ahead with that advice, there wouldn’t be anything left. It’s not even fascinating bad, or infuriatingly bad, it’s just a waste of time. Even the people in charge seemed to know this, as the DVD for this $55 million dollar romantic comedy has no special features whatsoever, not even a trailer!
Former professional soccer player George Dryer (Gerard Butler) has moved to the United States to rekindle a relationship with his son, Lewis (Noah Lomax). When he begins teaching Lewis’ soccer team, the two have something to bond over, but the numerous single moms attending the games and practices also want George's attention…
Essentially, this is a romantic redemption story. George blew it years ago with Lewis’ mom, Stacie (Jessica Biel). He’s just learned she is engaged to Matt (James Tupper, so not in this movie he hardly feels worth mentioning). George wants to make ammends but things just keep coming up and he winds up disappointing his family over and over. It’s also a wacky romantic comedy centering around this handsome man who's biggest problem is that women just won’t leave him alone. Divorcee Barb (Judy Greer), ex-sportscaster Denise (Catherine Zeta-Jones), and married-but-looking-to-have-an-affair Patti (Uma Thurman) all want to jump on George's bones as often as possible. The women's unshackled libido leads to “hilarious” scenarios where Patti sneaks into what she thinks is George's bedroom (actually, it’s his landlord’s). Later, our protagonist can’t get through a soccer game without getting a call from Barb, who will burst into tears unless he gives her attention. The only real prospect is Denise, but the film subliminally tells you she’s not good for George.
What do I mean by that? Let’s begin by making one thing even clearer: this is not a good movie. It’s so poorly written and so thin you could predict just about every beat, even after downing a dangerous cocktail of sleeping pills and alcohol. The film's agenda is plainly clear: it wants you to want George and Stacie to get back together. Normally, a bad rom-com would do this by making her fiancé a jerk. It’s a cheap tactic that undermines the romantic lady’s intelligence but we’ve seen it done a thousand times. Instead, this film makes you understand the upcoming nuptials should take place because… nothing. Matt has a bad haircut and likes to wear sweaters. That’s all we know about him. I don’t think he and Lewis exchange more than six words in total so the boy won’t be heartbroken after he and his mom split up. After all, she can’t REALLY love Matt. Not when her son’s father says he wants to get back together. I mean yeah she’s getting fitted for a wedding dress but you know how women are; unless they’ve been married for years and are blissfully happy, they’re still fair game ;) That seems to be this story's thesis, anyway. I’d love to see the mirror universe version of this movie, where we focus on Matt, who is this great guy that does everything right but sees his future bride whisked away by her deadbeat ex that screws a different, insane woman every night, shows up late for EVERYTHING, can’t pay his rent, doesn’t even have a job and can’t even ride on the coattails of his past fame because he’s a European soccer player in the U.S.
I don’t actually think this film has any kind of twisted beliefs about what families should be like but I am going to point out that the woman George has the most in common with, the one he should get romantically involved with is discarded because she does things the movie wants you to believe are wrong. I’m probably looking too much into it but you don’t have to find any weird angle to see this film as mysoginist, or just plain stupid.
We haven’t even gotten to the other sub plot involving Carl King (Dennis Quaid), Patti's pompous, unfaithful husband. He bribes George with a fat stack of bills to ensure his daughter will sing the national anthem at the beginning of each match while his son always serves as the team goalie. You think the bribe thing is going to lead somewhere. It doesn’t.
Playing for Keeps knows what it wants to be - sorta - it’s just hobbled by all of these extraneous elements that someone was too infatuated with to cut. It's the worst kind of mess - a forgettable one. (On DVD, September 9, 2021)
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sinnabonka · 4 years
It’s cursed speculation time: worst case scenario
I’m drunk Chuck and this post is my design for the ending. Or, I am Gabe from “Mystery Spot” and i am here to teach you a lesson.
Disclaimer: I believe with my whole heart that nothing from this post is anywhere near what we are getting. It’s me being sarcastic. It’s a joke. I think I’m being hilarious, please don’t take it away from me. None of this should be taken seriously. On the opposite, the solemn goal of this post is to show that you should put all the negativity aside and stop worrying. We are up for a happy end!
You can check my opinion here and here.
About ep 19 here.
Light, camera aaaand action!
Cas is not coming back. He just isn’t. The best season arc ever written in Supernatural? Oh no, you are just seeing things again.
Has been to empty before, bounced back twice? Naaaah, this time it’s different. This time it’s for good. No further explanation, just take my word for it.
Regarding Dean. He is not feeling this way about Cas, he can’t reciprocate and he won’t, this was a strictly brotherly relationship for him all way long. The looks? The jokes? The prayer? The parallels with Cain and his wife, with Sam and Eileen, Charlie and Stevie? The despair every time he loses Cas? He’s just a flirty little drama queen, sweetie, and you are delusional.
Sure, he is brokenhearted by the loss of a friend, but never mentions to either Sam or Jack what has really happened in the bunker. Why? Castiel is gone, that’s enough. No reflection on the matter whatsoever, they won’t ever speak of him again.
Character development who? Dean is still an angry man with his rock music, his car and his daddy issues, with “DON’T DESERVE - DON’T CARE” tattooed on his knuckles.
Cas’ confession goes in vain, as well as his sacrifice. Dean doesn’t get the message.
Dean keeps the jacket on as a reminder how hard he fucked up with the whole kill Bill(y) idea. It’s the coal fueling his anger, you know, the only thing Dean Winchester knows.
There’s also guilt, caused by the idea that, at the end of the day, Dean is the reason Cas is dead. Silly angel puts another brick in the wall of his self-hatred. The wall so high he soon won’t need Falcon 9 to reach Mars.
Forgiveness? Redemption? Learning, discovering new things about himslef for at least the last five years? Uh-huh, thanks, but no thanks.
Jack who? Something definitely went wrong with Billy’s plan of taking Chuck out, but we just pretend it never happened. We need Jack to sacrifice himself somehow, for the only acceptable ending, so he simply goes supernova. Again. But this time doesn’t miss.
What about Ruby? What about “you made it loud”? What about Lucifer attempting to get out? “Last time it took all the archangels to cage me” anyone?
Just sweep it all under the rug and forget it ever happened, for god’s sake, it’s not like every second of the show has to actually mean something.
The issue of Jack dying is also never addressed ever again, it just was meant to end this way. No biggie. His troubled relationship with Dean? Their touching conversations with Cas and Sam? The character’s arc screaming “I’m perceived evil, but I don’t want to be” not finished? Come again?
The show is about family. The Winchester family. And following the logic of never ending brothers’ deathly ping pong, it all ends with one of them dying during the fight. To save the second one, of course.
Which one? Dean always throws scissor, so it’s kinda predestined.
How? Heroically, given his unhelthy and unhelpful tendency to put everyone but himslef first. He didn’t even have to die, we see it clearly later, it’s done just for the sake of the Winchesters early seasons dynamics. Dibs on dying first!
Bobby? Eileen? Charlie? Another twenty humans? Sorry, kinda forgot to write them back into the script after they’ve vanished.
Let’s say they are not dead, just away. That’s a happy thought, right?
Everyone we cared about for years is either dead or gone, monsters are still lurking under the kids’ beds, but at least God is dead. That’s a win!
Fifteen years, a few apocalypses, a handful of deathes - yet no reflection, no regret, no lessons learned. The message from the creators: no matter what’s the journey, you still end up where you begun.
The last Winchester takes Impala, salts and burns the dead, and finally drives back to Stanford, following the dream of finally doing law after the exhausting years of killing, being killed and all the side effects.
And to celebrate the beginning of his normal life, Sam hits a dog, for crying out loud.
Happy end!
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cloudenthusiast2 · 3 years
To be a human - Scaramouche x reader - Part 7 (Final)
You knew committing to a relationship with Scaramouche would be no easy task but you loved him dearly and unlike others, you believed he wasn't evil. But as a mortal and the devoted protector of your village you were too much of a good person, too much of a human compared to him and your differences slowly start to show.
Previous: Part 6
Length: 4000 words
Trigger warnings: blood, mentions of loss
A. note: Scaramouche is my favourite character in the game and I really love him. But I couldn't help and feel awful when he said those words in Inazuma. Look, I don't think that Mihoyo is gonna let the huge opportunity slip and not make him playable (for which we need to have at least a tiny bit of friendship with him and well, right now mc straight up hates him) but in case that does happen, in case he doesn't get a redemption arc, I made one myself. I wrote this to redeem him in my own, and hopefully your eyes as well. I hope you enjoyed reading this story of that little bastard as much as I enjoyed writing it.
It was fair to say that Scaramouche was stunned by the sight of the local people.
Certainly not because he suddenly grew fond of them. It was rather because the way they appeared out of blue when little Yu gave them a sign. She let out three short whistles and the forest came to life in front of the harbinger.
Old men and woman, little children and whole families walked towards them. It was clear even for Scaramouche that they looked uneasy and hostile. They surely wouldn’t have appeared in front of the fatui if it wasn’t for Yu.
The sixth harbinger was astonished.
Because they would trust someone, especially a child so much.
Because there were so many of them.
He counted the people walking towards Yu. Way more than he’d thought there would be.
These people were injured, dirty and exhausted. But they were alive. And all because of one person.
‘Impressive’ he thought to himself.
Yu talked to them, explaining why the fatui was there and promising that they’re not in danger any more. The people seemed less at ease in his presence now but the harbinger still felt the piercing gazes. If looks could’ve killed he would have been dead in an instant.
He knew they all blamed him for the things that had happened. Maybe they even thought he was the one who made the abbys attack their village.
But Scaramouche got used to these types of glances during the years and he did not care about them any more. All that mattered was that they were able to help.
He stood behind little Yu who was still clinging onto her doll. Scaramouche stared at the bloodstains on the toy as she asked the people of Qingce to help find you.
The thought to promise them money crossed his mind but the instantly threw it away. He just somehow felt that it would be very wrong.
These people won’t help him because he can pay them. They won’t help because Yu asked them to either. They will help because you had been guarding them for years.
Mentioning your name caused them to stir up, to get loud and the all of a sudden the whole crowd was ready to go and search in the mountains.
It was obvious how much they loved and respected you. Maybe even more than Scaramouche used to, he realized.
Yu turned to him and nodded.
‘I think we can go now.’
‘How are you going to search everything?’ the harbinger asked as he crouched down to the child. It wasn’t needed since he wasn’t much taller than her but it felt like the right thing to do.
Yu’s eyes wandered to the hat. She reached out and gently touched it.
Scaramouche normally would’ve ended the person who messed with his hat but when the child did it, he somehow felt no urge to do so.
‘It’s because so many people are watching’ he explained to himself. But it still felt a bit weird not being annoyed.
He cleared his throat so Yu would focus on him again.
‘We know this place well’ she answered, letting her arms fall back to her side. ‘We will split up and warn each other if we find something.’
‘My people are out too.’
‘Then call them back.’
The harbinger glared at the child. She really was fearless, wasn’t she, huh. First touching his hat and now disrespecting the fatui.
‘You know…’ he crossed his brows as he began to speak but Yu quickly cut him off.
‘Everyone is afraid of them. And they’ll just be in the way. They don’t know the mountains, do they?’
Scaramouche clenched his teeth together. But he had to admit that the girl was right.
He stood up and walked towards the agents standing by a nearby bridge. They were there since the people appeared to make sure they don’t try to do anything to their harbinger.
He gestured to bring them closer then stood and crossed his arms.
‘First, I want to know how a big group of fatui agents were unable to find anyone when there was a whole village hiding in the forest’ he questioned them with a glare.
The agents were bowing already but now they bowed even deeper.
‘F-forgive us, our lord!’ a pyro agent answered. ‘They’re locals and we…’
‘Spare your apologies, I don’t care.’
Scaramouche closed his eyes for a moment and let out a sigh. He really didn’t care, he only snapped at them to let out a little frustration.
‘Call back everyone from the mountains. And let these people do what they want. Anyone who disturbs them in any way shall be punished.’
‘But my lord…’
‘Do as I say!’
Scaramouche turned his back to them and the agents hurried away. He watched as the people of Qingce split up and began their search in the forest, around the destroyed village.
He looked up to the mountains. Clouds hid the most of them, they were so huge, so high. And there were so many places you could be.
Was is it even possible that you were alive?
Scaramouche never lied to himself and this was the first time he wanted to. He simply just didn’t want to accept the small chances of finding you. He wanted to feel hope.
‘You better be alive, Y/n’ he muttered to himself. ‘For your own sake.’
For his sake.
‘Have you taken a look around in that cave too?’
‘I haven’t but I can go if…’
Scaramouche climbed to the cave and looked into the hole. It was smaller than it seemed from below and inside it there was absolutely nothing.
He quietly let himself down. He jumped on a bigger stone on the path under him, the bells violently jingling on his hat.
Little Yu asked nothing. It was obvious from the harbinger’s expression that he found nothing.
The air began to feel a little chilly in the mountains. The sun was getting ready to go down and let the moon take its place.
They’ve spent their whole day with searching. They’ve found absolutely nothing so far.
There were a lot of traces left behind the abbys order and the monsters. It was also clear that the fight continued outside of the village as well. Corpses of dead monsters bordered the narrow paths.
But your body was nowhere to be find.
Scaramouche looked up to the sky. The first star had already appeared. And with that, their last piece of hope started to slip away.
‘We haven’t looked there yet.’
The harbinger snapped out of his dark thoughts and glanced at the child in front of him. She pointed at a smaller mountain nearby.
‘That’s very far away from the village’ Scaramouche claimed. ‘We’d be just wasting our time.’
‘Then where do you want me to go?’ Yu asked.
The man let out a sigh. She was right, they’ve already looked through every bush and searched every rock on this mountain.
He started walking towards the other one without saying anything, and Yu silently followed him.
In the valley below them, lots of figures were moving and changing places. The locals still haven’t given up even though it was getting colder and darker with every passing moment.
A red dot appeared. Then another. They started lighting torches.
Scaramouche felt like choking. He touched his throat and fastened his steps.
He tried to banish the horrifying thoughts from his head but his desperate tries were unsuccessful.
You’re dead. They’re only going to find a cold body and not you. You’re dead and it is his fault.
He shook his head to quiet the voices and to get back into focusing on his search.
This made him realize that he hadn’t seen little Yu in a while. Scaramouche stopped and turned his head to check on the girl.
She was behind him a few meters away. Her movements were too slow to keep up with the harbinger’s.
‘Are you coming or not?’ The man growled at her. ‘Hurry up.’
‘Sorry…’ She was out of breath, quietly panting. ‘You can leave me behind. I know I’m just slowing you down.’
Scaramouche rose his brows at the young child who was not even tall enough to reach the ground from a bigger rock. Was she really that aware? What should he do now? Just leave her here? He was willing to do that, to be honest. The sun was about to completely disappear.
Yu grabbed the side of the rock. She let her feet down, trying to get down safely but she was too tired – the little girl stumbled and fell.
Scaramouche didn’t even realize he was reaching out – but a moment later he found himself holding the child in his own arms.
They stared at each other, the sixth Fatui Harbinger and the kid from Liyue. It was impossible to tell who was more surprised, the one holding or the one being held.
But it was the man who found his voice first.
‘Don’t think I’m gonna carry you like this to the other mountain.’
‘I didn’t think that’ she answered quietly.
Scaramouche cleared his throat and opened his lips. But before any other words could’ve come out of his mouth, a sharp whistle cut through the air.
They both jerked their heads up.
The sound was coming from below, south to the village.
The whistle was repeated – two short, two long ones.
‘They’ve found her’ Yu said.
Scaramouche had no memories of how he got down from the top of the mountain.
All he remembered was the crazy pace of his heartbeat. The darkness invading his head. That terrific feeling clenching his heart, incredible, deep fear he’s never experienced before.
There were many people standing in his way in front of a big cave. He pushed them away as he rushed to get closer.
It was dark. Everyone stood with a torch in their hands. He heard the whispers but the words were incomprehensiblenext to the loud beating of his own heart. There were figures but they were blurry, everything was blurry…
Until he saw you.
You were laying on the ground. Your body completely still, your chest not rising nor sinking. Your clothes torn, bloody.
There was so much blood.
He stumbled and fell on his knees in front of you. A local turned to him and spoke but he understood nothing. His hand was shaking as he reached out to touch you.
You were… cold.
He forgot how to breathe and just stared down at your body. Your messy hair hid your face and that just didn’t feel right.
Why was this happening?!
Everything was supposed to become alright after they’ve found you!
How dare you be dead, how dare you not wake up to his touch, to his wishes, to all wishes around you…!
He snapped out of the blurriness when someone grabbed his arm. An old lady with a serious look tried to pull him back.
‘Let go of me!’ he hissed, pushing her away. He groaned when the grip became stronger instead on his arm. Pain in his heart and body blinded him as he shouted. ‘I said, let go of me or else…’
‘Please stay out of the way of my people’ the lady asked in a calm tone. ‘She needs serious help.’
‘What help can you provide when she’s dead?!’ he screamed at her in a hoarse voice. ‘You stay away from her!’
‘Please calm down. Y/n is not dead… yet.’
Scaramouche slowly closed his eyes. The words echoed in his head.
She’s not dead. She’s not dead. She’s not dead. Yet.
He took a deep, shaking breath. The cold air in his lungs cooled him off a little.
You were alive. But also, only barely. He finally understood what that meant. But he couldn’t let himself feel any relief nor fear…
He was a harbinger, he was part of the Fatui under the rule of the almighty Tsaritsa. He was Scaramouche, the Balladeer who simply could not allow himself to show any vulnerability in front of mere mortals.
Even if it was about you.
Even if he wasn’t the same person any more.
‘Bring a healer’ he said in a lower tone.
‘We don’t have any vision bearers among us’ the lady answered. ‘But we’ll do everything to keep her alive.’
Scaramouche nodded and stood up. It took a lot of strength to tear his eyes from you but he forced himself to do it and turned around.
‘Alert my people and tell them to give you all that you need’ he told the locals as he fixed his hat. ‘Tents, medicine, food, everything.’
The people stood there in silence for a few seconds, not knowing whether to obey him. They only moved when the old lady from before thanked him. Then they finally set off towards the village.
Scaramouche wanted to turn back and take a glance at you one more time to make sure you’re really there and not just a hallucination. But suddenly little Yu appeared in his sight and that made him stay.
‘She’s alive’ the girl whispered. The mask she had worn so far finally broke and her expression was an expression of a little child. She seemed tired, sad and a little happy. ‘I’m so glad… Scara.’
The harbinger nodded and closed his eyes for a moment. His heart was still beating fast with fear but those heavy weights on his shoulders finally started getting lighter.
He felt something touching his hand and he opened his eyes to the sight of Yu holding onto him.
This type of physical connection was very far away from what Scaramouche would tolerate coming from a human but he felt way too tired to resist. He just let the little girl clench his pinkie and they both watched silently as some helpers grabbed your body and moved it to a safer place.
You felt like something that had been sitting on your chest for a while finally moved. Something even bigger, a huge, scary type of darkness slowly left your body.
It left you with the first breath you were aware of taking in a long time.
You let out a small sigh. And opened your eyes.
There was a fabric cover above you.
You were in a tent, safe and sound. Alive.
The first thing you noticed was the temperature. It was warm, welcoming and comforting. Lot of soft blankets covered your body which hurt badly but the pain was dim.
You tried to look around but your head was too heavy. You could barely tip your head to the side.
But the sight was worth it.
Your breath was taken away one more time. You just stared in silence and you could feel your eyes widen in shock.
‘You’re awake.’
Scaramouche closed the book he was reading and looked at you with a straight face.
He put the book down with a slow movement.
Mixed emotions invaded you. You fell from relief to happiness to fright in a span of a few seconds. You were alive and Scaramouche was here with you, but – why did he seem so distant? Was he still angry at you even after everything that had happened?
You almost let fear overrun you. Almost.
But your gaze fell on his hands and he couldn’t hide his true feelings from you any more. His hands were visibly trembling as he still held onto his book.
Little did you know he could have not read a single word written in the last couple of hours. He just sat there and watched over your sleep, not dozing off for even a second himself.
The shaking of his hands became even more obvious and he couldn’t hold himself back any more.
He moved closer and placed his trembling palms next to the sides of your body. He looked down on you from above and as you stared back at him, you could clearly see something that wasn’t there before.
The usual cold, emotionless blur was nowhere to be found in his dark eyes. Instead, there was pain. And a lot of it.
‘How dare you do this to me?’
During the years of your relationship, he’s grown to be comfortable in your presence but he never ever showed any signs of vulnerability in front of you and you just accepted that it’s probably never going to happen.
It was shocking, almost scary seeing him like this.
The desperate expression on his face softened and he let his head plop on your shoulders.
‘Scara’ you whispered. Your voice was hoarse and dry but it was your voice. You were able to speak.
The realization of how unlikely your survival was suddenly hit you and your eyes teared up.
‘Scara, I… I really thought I was gonna die…’
‘Then you’re stupid’ he answered, speaking into the blankets covering your shoulder. ‘You should know that you can’t die without my permission.’
You laughed through your tears. They streamed down on your face, straight into your ears. But even that felt so good. Crying was a sign of being alive from the very beginning of life and you never understood that so much than at that time.
‘Don’t… leave me ever again.’
You didn’t event think, the words just left your mouth.
‘Don’t worry.’ Scaramouche finally got himself together enough to sit up and at least pretend that he was alright. ‘You have successfully proved you’re not capable of taking after yourself so now I’m definitely stuck babysitting you till the rest of our lives.’
His movements said otherwise though. The way he caressed your cheek to dry the tears up showed that he’s not just stuck. He wantsto stay.
Just what kind of thinks did he go through in the past days? – the question occurred to you.
To think about it… why did he even come back? How did he hear what happened? And your people?! Were they safe?
So many questions echoed in your head and you couldn’t even put most of them into words that made sense. So opened your mouth and quietly asked:
‘What happened?’
‘I want to know the same’ he said. ‘What happened? How did you get so far away from the village? How are you alive in the first place?’
You thought back to the night. Pain stabbed you instantly and you had to close your eyes for a moment to calm it.
‘I don’t remember much. But I think the abbys wanted to take me with them. Is that… possible?’
‘I heard all kinds of things about them’ Scaramouche nodded. ‘It is very possible. Continue.’
‘There isn’t much to say… Obviously I tried to resist but there were too many of them. They probably realized I would be just a burden. I remember a mage knocking me out. But they didn’t kill me…’
‘Well, given your injuries, they must’ve thought there’s not a lot of time left for you. It really is a miracle that you’re alive.’ Scara stated. ‘And you were in that wet cave for an entire day too. You were nearly dead when we found you.’
You stared at him and your heartbeat dropped.
‘You mean…’
‘Yes’ he sighed. ‘That people of yours.’
He went silent for a moment then rolled his eyes.
‘They helped me out… I guess.’
‘So they’re all alive and safe?’ you asked and couldn’t help but laugh in relief. ‘That is so amazing! Thank you, Scara!’
‘Thank yourself, idiot’ he snorted. ‘You were the one who kept a whole abbys army away from them after all.’
The harbinger shook his head.
‘I hate that you were so reckless to do that… but I have to say I’m impressed. We should spar again sometimes.’
‘Aren’t you afraid you’re getting your ass kicked?’ you grinned.
‘I compliment you one time and you get this cocky?’ he crossed his eyebrows. ‘I have to put you back into your place, I see.’
You laughed and as you were finally strong enough to move a little, you grabbed his hand. He had to oppress his smile with force.
‘And how did you know… we were going to be attacked?’
The question made his task much easier. The harbinger’s face turned back to being serious once again.
‘I have my connections’ he answered briefly. ‘But you don’t have to worry, the fatui had nothing to do with the attack.’
‘I would never think that’ you rushed to make your words clear. ‘I just… hope that my people feel the same.’
Scara shrugged. Then averted his eyes as he thought of someone.
‘I don’t know about the others but there’s one person who clearly does.’
‘That girl… Yu or whatever her name is.’
You stared at him in surprise. You’d never thought the day would come where he mentions a child and doesn’t frown. And to think that it’s Yu as well! Yu who was normally wary of strangers and such a gentle child…
Just what happened to him? – you asked yourself again.
You searched for answers in his eyes but it seemed like there were things that even this new type of Scaramouche, this more vulnerable and open one wouldn’t tell.
But it was alright. Maybe you didn’t need to know. You were just happy to be there and experience it yourself.
‘How is Yu?’ you asked.
‘Alright’ Scara muttered.
‘Her mother?’
‘Oh, her… Well…’
He hesitated for a moment and that was enough. Every good and warm feeling was instantly replaced by cold ones and you found yourself sitting up in dread.
‘Please tell me… She’s not…’
‘Hey, don’t sit up! Lie back right now!’
When you didn’t obey, Scaramouche pushed you back with his own hands. He was right, your body started aching terribly from moving and the physical pain almost outgrew the pain in your heart.
‘Is she…’
‘Yu’s fine. Don’t worry.’
‘No! I need to talk to her!’
‘You won’t.’
You clenched your teeth together in despair and Scara flinched. He saw himself in you when you did that. Earlier this day his expression was still this full of pain.
‘Scaramouche!’ you said, calling him by his first name which he suddenly realized, he hated more than that stupid nickname. ‘I will go and talk to her and you can’t stop me!’
‘Just think about everything you felt while I was missing! I know you don’t want me to go away again but you need to understand.’
‘All I’m trying…’
‘Maybe I really am cocky to think that it was painful to you but if I’m not and it really was, then just imagine that Yu feels like that too right now. And on top of that, she has no hope whatsoever. She knows that her mother is dead and there’s no…’
‘Oh, to Celestia, can you shut up for a moment?’ Scara interrupted you harshly. Then he frowned and quickly continued. ‘What I was about to say is that under no circumstances should you get up with these injuries. But you can talk to Yu.’
‘I can…?’
‘Yes, idiot. I’ll call her over.’
You stared at him in silence.
‘You’d… do that?’
‘So… you won’t mind if she stays with us?’
‘I guess not?’
‘Not even for a long time?’
‘I said no, stop asking these stupid questions.’
You were speechless and just gazed at him without saying anything for a long time.
You had mixed feelings about the Scara you woke up to so far. But this had finally convinced you that he really has changed into something better.
A slow smile formed on your lips. It grew bigger and bigger and it completely lit your face up.
‘You’re grinning like an idiot’ Scara claimed but nothing, not even his salty remarks could take away your happiness any more.
‘Scara, I really love you.’
‘You better do.’
He stood up and turned away as quickly as he could to try and hide the blush on his face. He knew if you saw that, you’d be teasing him about it till the rest of your lives together.
You were still grinning “like an idiot” as he was rushing to leave the tent. But even though he was in hurry, before he’d stepped out, he made sure to turn back and say:
‘I’ll be back.’
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letteredlettered · 3 years
Do you have any complaints about HP canon, and if so, what are they? For example I know a lot of people really dont like that Draco didnt get a redemption arc, but your work seems to really thrive off of a close reading of canon Draco in a way I think a lot of fanfic just cant because hes like... a very bad person. Its made me wonder if you are very... canon positive? I guess? Or more positive than most, maybe.
I have too many complaints about HP canon to list in an ask, but I can try to list some of them. First I want to say that choosing to use canon to inform your fic has less to do with whether or not you like the canon and more to do with what you like or want from fanfic. If you don’t like that Draco wasn’t redeemed, you can write a fic that posits he is redeemed and so that canon doesn’t have to be dealt with. Or, you can write a fic that shows how he gets redeemed or deals with the fact of his redemption to show what canon could have been. I obviously prefer the latter style, though I respect anyone’s choice to write in the former style. I can’t say I always understand the former style, but I respect the fact that people want to do it and should if that’s what they want.
I will say that I’m not sure I’ve ever written a fic that’s fully canon compliant, and I can’t quite imagine wanting to. Most of my fics a response to canon--they’re about something that wasn’t in canon, that I wish was in canon; or they’re about something that wasn’t in canon, and I don’t want to be in canon, but I still want to be explored. I wish the MCU would actually deal with the responsibility of wielding outsized power of destruction, so I wrote MCU fics. I do not want Schitt’s Creek to deal with the darkness of David Rose’s trauma or past, but I was still interested in it, so I wrote darker SC fic. I love Star Trek TOS, but I want to see Kirk and Spock hook up, so I wrote TOS fic.
There are a few things where I like the canon just the way it is, so I don’t write fic for it. Rainbow Rowell’s Carry On series is just what I want. I don’t need to write fic.
Back to my complaints with HP canon, the major problem I had was a lot of set up without the follow-through I expected or desired. I discussed that in my tumblr posts about Ron and Ginny. The set up of the Harry Potter universe is rather black and white, which I appreciate--it’s easy to get invested; it’s easy to consume. You know who the good guys are right away, and there’s no more complication. LOTR is rather like that, and I love it. But then HP begins to deconstruct its premise--James Potter was good, but he wasn’t kind. Dumbledore was trying to stop Voldemort, but he wasn’t honest. Snape is a horrible person, but he’s trying to do the right thing. This is my favorite sort of story, the one that starts black and white--vampires are evil; the robots will kill us, and the Gems that didn’t rebel are the enemy. Then a vampire earns his soul, or you find out you’re a robot, or--well, actually I didn’t like where Stephen Universe really went with that, but you get the picture. The Harry Potter series began the process of turning its own premise inside out, but somewhere in Halfblood Prince, that got too hard, and things began to snap back to their original shape. Good is good, actually, and bad people will always be bad.
One example of this is the death of Voldemort. Harry is set up as a mirror to Voldemort. Their pasts are very similar. Harry even feels compassion for Voldemort. At several different points, Harry is faced with the fact that he has to kill Voldemort. But Harry never has to deal with killing Voldemort, or with making a decision to spare Voldemort. In the end, Voldemort causes his own end as a result of his own destructive tendencies. This makes me feel that the text is suggesting that Voldemort deserves death. The idea that anyone “deserves” death for bad things they’ve done is not something I believe in or ascribe to. But even if it is the argument the text wants to make--what was the point of showing us that Tom Riddle was lonely, hurt, feared, and probably mistreated? The point really appears to be to show that two boys can have the same background and one turns out good while the other turns out bad, because goodness is inherent to some people while evil is inherent to others. I find this conclusion abhorrent, but I feel the conclusion is ultimately borne out by plenty of other aspects of the HP books.
The other example is Draco’s lack of redemption. I do not think villains have to be redeemed. The world has proven that shitty people can remain shitty. I also appreciate stories that show us the humanity of shitty people. A story about someone who is faced with thier bad choices but continues to make bad choices because they’re too afraid to do otherwise can be a good story. But I guess with Draco, I felt like I saw enough of his inner turmoil to understand why his heart would change, but not a thorough explanation of why it wouldn’t. Combined with many other similar characterizations in HP canon, it just feels like more essentialism--bad people are bad, and that’s how it is. I don’t mean there’s no nuance--as I said, the series does begin to deconstruct its own premise; we even saw how the Trio could be shitty. But ultimately they make the right choices. The characters who make the wrong choices generally continue to make them, except for Snape and Dudley. My complaint with those two representing a change of heart is that we don’t get to see the actual painful process of what that looks like--Snape’s happens pre-canon and there is too little of Dudley to show what is going on in Dudley’s brain.
The last thing I absolutely hate about HP is a lot of the “bad” characters tend to be overweight or unappealing in appearance. It’s true that a lot of this might be Harry’s POV--maybe Snape actually is the sex god some fics make him out to be, and Harry just he’s greasy because he doesn’t like him, and maybe Harry doesn’t like a good hook nose (I do). Additionally, Lockhart is very pretty, and while I want to firmly stress that Draco is never describes as good-looking, he’s not really described as ugly, and I believe Narcissa is even described as beautiful. But the book isn’t written in close third-person Harry POV, and “pointy” isn’t very flattering. Unkind words and stereotypes are used throughout to highlight the badness or evil of almost all the characters we’re not “supposed to” like. The descriptions of the Dursleys in particular are upsetting.
In my opinion, the  above examples demonstrate a lack of compassion at the heart of the HP story. That’s what I’ve always hated about it and what always made me want to write about it. I want to write and say, “Look at this. This is fucked up. This is wrong.” Some people don’t read fic for that reason, and I think that’s fine. Plenty of those people really hate my fic, which is also fine. I know that many things in this world lack compassion, and I don’t spend years of my life writing fanfic about them. I think the reason I keep coming back is to me, the premise was unkind--which I was fine with, and then the text itself began to deconstruct itself--which I was overjoyed by. It made me fall in love with the series. But when the premise snapped back to an essentially black and white world, I felt betrayed.
In conclusion, I find HP at its very essence to be unkind. Ursula K Le Guin said it best when she said that it was “ethically rather mean-spirited.”
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lonnieontherun · 2 years
Okay I got through the Boys season 3 so here’s a spoilery rant on Soldier Boy and the finale.
One thing though is that the showrunners been good at building up hype, but then been rather bad at the execution of it.
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Soldier Boy in particular was disappointing. Not the character per say because I’ve enjoyed how f*cked up he was and I absolutely expected him not to win afterall, but they kinda did a piss poor job with it. Even from the get go I wasn’t one of those who bought into feeling sympathetic for him because I had the feeling that they would show him still being a bad man. You know, love the character, but accept that he’s not a good guy just because you like the actor.
Then the damned finale happened and uhm. NOW I’m suddenly doing a complete U-turn? Dude what I wasn’t feeling sorry for this guy besides the torture and you do this to me? Waat?
Because like I said, I knew he wouldn’t win and they can’t really have a man like that walk around free (But you can continue to let Homelander walk?!?!?!?). Whether you think he’s worse or lesser than Homelander. He is dangerous. So I saw that coming. Problem for me is the way they did it. 
They’ve spent almost the whole season to get Soldier Boy to fight Homelander and then right when they’re face to face THEN you turn on him? I can’t exactly blame Soldier Boy for getting pissed? Despite how f*cked up he is HE was the one to keep his word?? Wow didn’t see that one coming. 
Look I get it, it’s a kid. But uhm, at the end of the season you’re back to where you started, but now you got a psycho supe kid as well as a still full powered Homelander? Really? That’s lame man. I knew Homie wouldn’t die man, but at least with the build up of Soldier Boy’s powers taking other supes powers I really would have expected at least that to happen? Instead suddenly in the finale Soldier Boy is more important to take down? Of course he fights you when you turn on him? Geez louise what a mess. It wasn’t a bad finale per say, but they messed that up bad. 
So yeah I think they could have handled Soldier Boy better. Either go with the attempt of a redemption story (as much as you can because you can’t blame MM for his need for vengance and I even wished it for him) and do the right thing or go with him really turn on the Boys for real. Instead the Boys (well Butcher) turned on him just the wrong moment? 
Okay that’s it. This makes no sense. Feel free to ignore. One thing tho. KIMIKO
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saphirered · 3 years
We've all seen fics where Caleb's SO dies and gets resurrected, and we seen Caleb accidentally hurting his SO, but what about Caleb accidentially killing his SO? Maybe Reader got burned by one of his fire attacks? The revival's successful, but damn, the angst.
Angst was requested and angst you shall receive. I hope this is to your liking. 😘
Trigger warning for death and grief themes.
Caleb sits on his knees, head bowed, whispering pleas in Zemnian to the gods, the world, to you, your cold hand encased between his own, occasionally pressing a kiss to it in the hopes you’d just wake up. But you’re not going to wake up. Not in the way you would in the morning when you’ve had a particularly late night and Caleb has to drag you out of bed, you being stubborn or pretending to still be asleep so you maybe could convince him to join you for a little more. Not in the way after you got knocked out in a fight, when you sit up and rub your eyes with a grunt like usual. Nothing within his capabilities will wake you up.
So here Caleb sits, begging for it to be a nightmare, some sick and twisted tricks played on his mind but there’s no denying this is real and this is the truth. You’re dead. You’re dead and it’s his fault. You ended up as collateral damage in his reckless attempt to kill the creature. You got stuck in the crossfire of that. He hadn’t realised you were doing so bad already, you even sent him a wink right before when he asked if you were okay. Why did you? Why didn’t you just tell him you weren’t? Why did you lie? Not lie, omitted the truth.
He knew exactly why you did it but that doesn’t make it any easier. You’d known the other’s weren’t doing great and barely holding on already. You were severely outmatched and couldn’t get away from the creature. Not without it chasing after you and running you in an even more perilous situation. Anything Caleb could do would affect anyone close to the creature. With Yasha having dragged Beau out of the fray you were the only one left to hold it at bay while the clerics worked on patching them up, Fjord and Veth offering them cover. You were the final line of defence. At the end of the day you had to keep the clerics alive.
Caleb took a calculated risk. A fireball to send the creature dropping into the ruined depths of Aeor. He had tried to keep you out of the range but wouldn’t have been able to strike the creature without putting you at risk. The spell worked and the creature got hit with full force. It was your attack right before the fireball struck that had send it stumbling, then with the blast, it lost its footing and stumbled off the edge.
But you too, dropped. and when you did, the creature’s tail lashed out, grabbing onto your body, dragging you with it. The creature had hit the platform below in its fall and the impact had made it release you, saving you from the full drop. Caleb had rushed to the edge, fear, pain, anger and guilt riddling his mind thinking he had truly lost you but there you were, bloodied, bruised, broken and burned. Because of him. All because of him. How could he have been so stupid and reckless. When he brought your body back to the others, he wasn’t quick enough. You’d already faded into the cold embrace of the Raven Queen and the clerics had expended their last resources.
So that leaves Caleb here, sitting at your side a day after you died, body preserved by the graces of Caduceus and the Wildmother. The clerics set up their ritual, working around him and you as the others help where they can. Beau and Veth had tried to console him, tell him it wasn’t his fault and if he hadn’t they might all have been dead right now. He appreciates his friends trying but it’s of no use. He already made up his mind and it’s not going to change anything. You died because of him. He murdered you and how is that any different than his actions in the past? How does that make him any different than the lives he’s taken in the clutches of his former mentor? Is there truly no redemption for him? You’d slap him for even thinking that way.
“Mr. Caleb? Why don’t you try talking to them? Persuasion has worked in the past to coax someone back.” Caduceus places a hand on the wizard’s shoulder but it barely registers. Yet the firbolg knows they did not fall upon deaf ears when the whispers stop for just a moment.
“I-. I do not think they’d want to hear from their murderer.” Speaking the words make them so much more painful. By the looks of it, Beau is ready to unleash in a degrading rant about how wrong Caleb is, breaking him apart only build him back up but she’s held at bay by Yasha. This is not the time and place. Caduceus doesn’t claim to know what Caleb’s going through, nor may he be the brightest mind here but he understands and can empathise.
“I know no matter what I say it won’t change your feelings so instead I will offer you this. You owe it to them to try. Not for what happened here but for the countless times they’ve been there for you, have had your back, and for the unconditional love they’ve given you. You owe them to try.” The wizard looks up over his shoulder to the firbolg, pain in his eyes, and the trails of silent tears that have long since run out. Caduceus is right. He owes it to you to save you and right now it is within his power to try. If he doesn’t, if he fails he’ll have condemned you to this fate. If he succeeds with this part, he’ll be able to look into your eyes again. You may never forgive him but he hopes to see you smile, hear your voice even if just once more.
Caleb nods looking back at you, bringing your limp fingers up to his lips and pressing them against your knuckles. He takes in a deep breath and tries to find the right words as Caduceus steps back. What are the right words? He cannot afford to fuck this up. He cannot afford to fail. He must succeed. He must.
“I know I might be the last person you want to hear right now. I want you to know I’m sorry-“ Caleb’s voice cracks as he feels the eyes of the others on him. He brushes some of your hair away from your forehead, running his thumb across your cheek.
“I don’t-uh. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know if I can do this. You’re always here for me during difficult times. You’d put your hand on my cheek and tell me ‘If anyone can do it it’s you, Caleb Widogast. You could move mountains if you set your will to it. Now stop being stubborn before I slap some sense in you.’ but now you’re not here to tell me that. You’ve shown me there’s a world beyond the walls I put up, that there is a light at the end of that tunnel, but now I cannot help but feel the world has grown dull, the walls are caving in, and that light is fading.”
“I have no right, no right to ask you this, but I need you to save my world one more time. So please, I beg of you. Do not leave me to brave this world without you.” The weight of his heart heavy on his conscious. Caleb feels a pressure causing a ringing in his ears. He’s so focussed on you, he cannot take his eyes off you. Not even when the others do their part in the ritual. He realises this pressure is coming from the effects of the spell to bring you back. He holds his breath, not daring to take in oxygen if only to savour the moment, hoping it will not pass, that for just a little longer he can hold on to the hope you’re coming back instead of having that hope crushed by a potential failure.
The pressure fades but nothing happens. Nothing changes. It’s silent as everyone waits for something, anything to happen. That moment alone feels like an eternity of suspense. Caleb finds himself whispering prayers and pleas in Zemnian again, your hand clasped between his own as he squeezes his eyes shut tightly to live through the memories of you, preserve them for the rest of his life just in case because he refuses to forget even a single one of them. He’s so consumed in his own mind he doesn’t notice warmth returning to your fingers. He doesn’t notice your chest beginning to rise and fall. Caleb’s pleas continue.
“Would you mind translating that? I think my brain got a bit scrambled.” Caleb freezes and his eyes open. Your eyes are closed but your brow is furrowed. Furrowed in discomfort. Not sleeping and not void of your usual expressions. Colour has returned to your limbs and face and no longer dulled. Caleb falls silent in disbelief, frozen in place and mind blank.
“Caleb?” You speak his name, peaking through one eye to see the wizard in his disheveled state. You sit up, grunting in pain. Apparently being brought back from the dead isn’t kind on your physical form, not even mentioning the exhaustion weighing on your mind. You could sleep for a couple of hours… or days… or weeks… You could do with a break really. All of you could. You nudge Caleb’s head up by his chin allowing your fingers to slide onto his cheek.
“Blink twice if you need me to get Beauregard to slap you back into reality.” You muster a smile as you brush your thumb over his cheekbone. Caleb doesn’t understand how you’re not recoiling in disgust or lashing back in anger. He doesn’t understand how you can look at him with love and kindness.
“I’m so sorry. Please-“ Caleb goes off in a spur of apologies, begging for your forgiveness.
“Caleb, I love you but you really need to stop. This is a problem for another day.”
“You died. I killed you. How can you even look at me like you do?”
“So what? I died. I’m here now. I got better. Now preferably I’d like to not die again, some things are beyond our control. And if you need some kind of reassurance; Veth killed Cad that one time and he doesn’t hate her.” Veth yells a ‘hey’ in defence while you earn a chuckle from the firbolg. You know Caleb isn’t just going to take your word for it and you’re also not going to make anyone buy you’re totally okay with just dying and being brought back to life because you’re not but you also know that you can’t blame Caleb for being a factor in what happened when you yourself were aware of the risks of the situation you were in. You made your own bet and it didn’t pay off but all your friends are still alive and well, Caleb’s still alive and well and that alone makes it worth the risk you took.
“You have no idea how much I love you.” Caleb breathes as he pulls you into his arms with a gentleness as if you’re made of porcelain, or will fade out of existence if he holds on too tightly.
“I think I have a pretty good estimate but we can compare notes later if you’d prefer.” You pull back enough to look at Caleb’s face, brush aside some of the red strands and softly place your lips on his. It’s not a heated kiss but one filled with emotion and a desperation no less. Neither of you thought you’d get to be in each other’s arms again but here you are despite everything. Maybe your work here isn’t done yet. You still got some asses to kick.
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Something I think worth mentioning about villain redemptions is, in addition to people just liking the characters; one reason the villain fans want redemptions for the League is that their redemptions would almost certainly signify the addressing & remedy of serous systemic issues that have affected many characters and aspects of the series, and have been felt since the first line of the series.
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It’s no secret that the world of HeroAca is plagued with systemic issues rooted in inequality, corruption, and the gross mishandling of quirks among other things. These have affected both villains like Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, & Spinner, and hero students like Izuku, Shoto, Shinsou, & Shoji. However while the students’ character focus is, on average, about how to overcome these hurdles to become good heroes and what kind of heroes that makes them; the villains’ character focus is more on what to actually do about the systemic issues they were never able to just overcome, and so are attempting to tackle full force. In other words, the handling of the villains is seemingly going to be directly tied and inversely correlated to the handling of those systemic issues and, in turn, just how many problems are really going to be solved in the aftermath and not rear their heads again..
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The Problems
It’s like this: people often like to compare BNHA to Avatar: The Last Airbender (probably because of Todoroki’s resemblance to Zuko, even though his position is more like a less Azula-ish Azula, but that’s beside the point), and have even made comparisons between Shigaraki & Dabi and Ozai. Now that’s more than a bit weird, but we’re gonna role with that to explain something.
See, the thing about Ozai is, he was in a position of power; a position from which he and the last 2 Fire Lords had effectively caused all of the problems. And the reason they did that was basically just because they were arrogant; they thought the Fire Nation was better than everywhere else. Meanwhile; the Gaang had Zuko, the next in line to the throne who had been enlightened by his travels about the values of the other nations & how wrong the Fire Nation’s way of doing things was. The Gaang new if they defeat Ozai & Azula, he gets that position of power and will cease all the problems arising from it. For them, that part of the plan was simple: defeat the big bad = no more problems.
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For Shigaraki & the League, it’s no where near that easy. See, while they have acquired power in various forms; they’re really just average joes picked off the street. Naturally occurring misanthropes produced by societal failures like oppression, abuse, inequality, prejudice, corruption, and other such topics. Heck, Jin’s name means ‘humanity’; both as in compassion, but also as in a face in the crowd (or rather the entire crowd). And Shigaraki even once compared them all to maggots crawling out of the trash piles the heroes swept under the rug. And you aren’t gonna accomplish much just squashing the maggots; they’re just gonna keep coming faster & faster as the piles get bigger & bigger, and even without a League we’d just see more Kaminos, Fukuokas, Daikas, & Jakus. The thing they need to address is the trash piles, the issues in society, in order to actually stop the problems.
The Easy-Yet-Hard Solutions
“Well, okay,” you might say, “but can’t those societal problems get addressed and the villains still get killed or jailed for life, as are the consequence for their actions?” Well technically yes, that is possible, but the problem is it would be a very, very, very hard sell to the audience.
For one; not many on the heroes’ side see these things as problems. To most of them, the biggest problem in society is that it needs more All Might. Not to say there’s no one in the country who thinks society needs to change...but there is the slight hurdle that a good number of them joined the PLF, and are presumably headed off to Death Row for association with Shigaraki. (You may think that’s an extreme assumption, but Kurogiri got worse for very similar crimes.) This doesn’t exactly discount our heroes tackling all those root issues we discussed; but, well, it’s a bit hard to believe the heroes might try to change society in accordance with the wishes of people we assume they’ll just think of as enemies until the end. (Especially regarding the necessary changes that might inconvenience the heroes.)
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What’s more, the villains most directly represent the victims of those issues, so it’s hard to separate their treatment from the handling of those issues. There’s just some dissonance in the idea he heroes would be like “In our pursuit of justice, we shall ensure no hero has the power to abuse their family any more, and shall hold heroes accountable for any breaches of the law they commit. But as a separate matter, screw Dabi. Life in prison for him and he’s (debatably) lucky we’re not killing him. Endeavor of course shall walk free because he’s trying to change, and he’s gone through so much, and he means so much to us.” Like I said, that’s a hard sell. It gives off the impression that the heroes are just doing what they’ve always been doing, which conflicts with the idea that they’re then going to change things.
The Hard-Yet-Easy Solutions
Conversely, if the villains get redeemed and end up working with the heroes; societal restructuring to remedy those systemic root causes of villainy are all but guaranteed. They know better than most what problems there are in society, seem to have thought pretty hard on how to fix them or what alternative systems could be installed, and have no reason to be coy about any of that. The heroes, conversely, tend to have the faith in humanity to think they can better the world without needing any acts of terrorism, and the societal sway to then actually do it. Or at least will acquire that sway, if we’re assuming the UA students are gonna end up doing most of the leg work on this.
In short, each side has about half of what’s really needed to guarantee a societal remedy that’ll ensure we don’t get any more naturally occurring Shigarakis, Dabis, & Togas; and in turn that we don’t end up right back where we are now eventually.
It’s not quite accurate to say they need to work together on this; both sides could accomplish this restructuring on their own. But with the heroes, it’s highly questionable if they’d even think to change things if they get the chance, and how how hard they’d really try if they did; and with the villains we know they’d put their all into it, but it would incur massive costs in human life. If the villains get redeemed though, and the two sides work together on this? It’s very easy to believe the presence of one side would entirely eliminate the issues in the other’s methods. The best solution is the one that comes from both sides working together; and that’s probably why Izuku & Shigaraki’s quirks each ended up being named after half the phrase “All for one and one for all”.
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Look. I get it. The League are terrorists, there’s no getting around that, and at times it can feel like the villains fans ignore this. But that truth is that it’s more complicated than that.
Shigaraki’s inner circle are simultaneously some of the victims most in need of saving & some of the greatest threats the HeroAca-verse has ever faced. They are, in several ways, the greatest conflict a hero could ever face, and how a hero would handle them would define not only the type of hero they are but also the quality of hero they are. I’m just saying; a high quality hero that’d save them, the real Plus Ultra-type, would probably be the kind best suited to taking care of those metaphorical garbage piles and reach that “no more problems” state you usually want your stories to end in.
Does that really mean they need to get away with everything they’ve done? Honestly, got me buddy. Like I said, from a hero’s perspective, their situation is complicated; so if you’re looking for the perfect solution for how a hero should handle them, it’ll probably be pretty complicated in itself. To me personally, that stuff seems like details. What I’m most prioritizing is if we’ll get the best resolution to the root issues as possible.
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jiminrings · 3 years
why do i feel like even if tae is the one who's injured AND caught between stem koo and senior oc's tension, jungkook would STILL be the one who's crying
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
there's fINALLY some sort of peace and redemption between them
taehyung has never been indirectly involved in a palpable situation like this
the last time he was involved in anything remotely close to this, it had something to do with his field trip in second grade
whew god that was a rEALLY pressuring experience for him
it was a split vote to whether they should go to a strawberry field or a newly-opened futuristic kid-friendly interactive dinosaur museum SLASH theme park!!!!!!!
then taehyung picked the strawberry farm that was about 70% dirt
tae's put into a situation again and he doesn't know how to act lmao
"y'okay sweetheart? what's your relation to them?" the kind nurse that's obviously the maternal figure of the emergency ward asks him as she assesses him, a bit of a queue before he could get his leg patched up
he is beyond glad that she asked :D
tae's here to get his leg casted and entertain himself for the meantime!!! his fun isn't exactly correlated to that brooding fucking stem nerd's definition of it!!!
taehyung points to you directly, a cheeky grin on his face as you tilt your head in alert from your seat beside him
"she's my girlfriend!"
you chuckle at his playfulness and even the nurse does so with how proud he sounded, about to scribble it down on her clipboard when someone clearly sounds panicked about it
"she's not his girlfriend," jungkook rises from his slouched position on his seat, wide eyes fixated on the nurse as he shakes his head, trying to make her believe him
it isn't true!!!! that's misinformation!!! that's a crime!!!!
tae snaps his fingers, solemnly shaking his head
"right, my bad!! the two of us aren't in a relationship. actually, the three-..."
god oW
jungkook can't help but whack the back of taehyung's head, their boundary from being semi-strangers in your year you see like twice a day now crossing into semi-friends who aren't reserved with each other jUST because of kook's smack
that's a silent understanding, basically
tae smacks jungkook right back, only stopping on bickering when you intentionally clang your watch on the bedframe to spook them, exiting from the curtain so you could talk with the nurse
being caught in the middle of things cOULD really be fun!!! tae should get involved more often
"so tHIS is why you were outside y/n's dorm when i gave yoongi the cookies!!"
"... you know?"
kook freezes at the possibility that for some way he can't think of, taehyung somehow knows what happened between the two of you
was that why he just hAPPENED to drop by cookies when he was talking with yoongi??
yeah uhm not really
"no. i just know that yoongi hung you out to dry," he snorts because as he recalls it, jungkook looked as pale as a ghost
he didn't really plan to arrive at that time either!!! taehyung just wanted to knock on your door and hopefully drop you his treats then he'll be off his way
he didn't exactly expect to walk in on yoongi looking like he's gonna deck jungkook if only he hadn't yelled out his senior's name
see? it's like the universe just wants taehyung to be at the right places at the wrong times in order for them to eventually fall into place
okay he kinda did take a major L for having his ankle busted but that only means that you and jungkook (even if he doesn't know anything) better make up!!!
“is it bad that i wanted yoongi to punch me that time?” jungkook wonders out loud and he almost wishes he hadn’t, getting an immediate reaction of agreement
“i’ll fill in for him!!” tae half-jokes, getting yet another smack to his shoulder and at that rate, they’d be brothers by tomorrow lmao
“anyways,” he sighs as he leans back to his pillow, keeping his foot elevated. technically, this isn’t his business at all, but what could he do?? he’s sort-of-involved now and jungkook looks like he’s gonna cry out of all people, “you just want yoongi to deck you because that’d absolve you of your guilt.”
kook sighs at that, gripping his hair to keep himself from crying
“but i already know i’m guilty. not only with yoongi, but y/n especially!!”
he whistles at that, getting a mental image with your fists balled because he’s hung around enough practices to photograph all of you for the school paper, knowing that you dO pack a lot of power
“so them decking you is the only way you would feel guiltless?”
jungkook shifts at that, murmuring his answer to the question he’s got thrown
“w-well getting my apology accepted by them would be much appreciated.”
taehyung practically spoon-feeds the answer jungkook need to hear, shrugging carelessly as he watches the boy’s turmoil
god what does he dO?? this is his first interaction with you ever since the incident and he doesn’t know how to act
of all places and scenarios, it just hAD to be in the hospital because stoopid taehyung here decided to run to you while in the rain
as if on cue do you return to the curtained area with a nurse, forms between your fingers
“time to get your x-ray done, tae,” you almost sing-song to him in cheer, being relieved that things were picking up faster than you intended it to
you pat him on the head in an attempt at affection, oblivious to the curious glances that jungkook gives you while he assists the nurse in transferring taehyung to the wheelchair
it’s not until the curtain closes again and taehyung’s gone that you move, hand outstretched to give something to jungkook
.... which is just his share of taehyung’s forms that he needed to fill out so you could get on faster
the two of you are sitting beside each other, chairs close but not exactly close, clipboard in hand and taehyung’s phone at the middle edge of the hospital bed so you could copy his information
jungkook kNOWS he should be focusing on writing tae’s blood type right now, but the spur of the moment nudges him on entirely
"i'm sorry. i'm so, so sorry."
he squeaks and he has to breathe out after that
well there it goes :-)
you knew that the day wouldn’t have finished without jungkook’s input, having avoided him long enough that you didn’t know what to feel
were you expecting an apology from him??? uhm not exactly
are you commending him for apologizing??? not at all!! thanking someone for apologizing over what they’ve done to you in the first place is just a new low
“i know i can’t take back what i said now, but i truly didn’t mean it. i-i was just so confused but — b-but i’m not making excuses!! what i did was beyond shitty of me.”
oh hold on a second
that’s the first time you heard jungkook cuss
you wring your hands as you try to absorb his apology as much as possible without feeling awkward
ok you’re not as good for tHIS type of confrontation
it’s not the first time you’ve been wronged but this is perhaps the first time someone owned up to their wrong and apologize for it face-to-face
,,,,,, and not just because yoongi gave them a piece of his mind
yoongi likes fighting battles for you at times, even if you don’t necessarily ask him to
you appreciate it, but you kNOW he did not get jungkook off the hook so easily!!!!
you honestly thought that with his temper, he would’ve punched jungkook even if it was gonna make you mad
“it’s totally up to you if you don’t want to forgive me, b-but i figured i could die trying, y’know? you can reject me a couple hundred times and i’ll retry a couple thousand.”
jungkook adds and it makes the corner of your mouth raise in the tiniest most miniscule way
he knows that not only does he need to apologize with words, he also nEEDS to make it up to you with his actions!!! that’s why he plans on-
you pause your writing on the form, the act of you doing so making him freeze all the same as you try to carry on with speaking as inaudible as possible
"well you know now. i like you, that was my fault," you offer in response to his apology, coughing when you realize your mistake. "i liked you, i mean."
ok he deserved that
jungkook knows you probably figured out the hyeji situation already through yoongi, cutting his explanations down because you don’t even wanna hear her name
was it the truth? do you really not like jungkook anymore?
you simmer in the own silence you’ve created, only being broken when jungkook shyly murmurs
"can't you like me some more?"
you snort at what seemed to be his playful suggestion, chuckling to yourself
jungkook was only hALF-kidding and he bows his head in embarrassment over your reaction, the pen in his hand feeling extremely light with how his hand’s trembling
you resume your writing wordlessly, not even daring to look at your right because jungkook’s trying to make himself as small as possible too
the words are just dying to fall out from his mouth, an unhinged trap he could no longer regulate when it comes to you
"you're loveable. extremely loveable."
jungkook says out of nowhere and you falter at writing taehyung’s supposed food allergies, a quiet curiosity to your words
"how would you know that?"
there’s no thought process behind it as he speaks surely this time, only taking the slightest bit of courage to look at you from the corner of his eye
"because it's you."
HOW are you supposed to react to that,,,
the curtains peek open and a grinning taehyung on a wheelchair estatically waves his hand
you and jungkook split from each other even if you haven’t been that close enough immediately, thankful for the welcome interruption
tae outstretches his arms for you to hoist him up the bed and you agree instantly, oblivious to the fact that he’s sticking his tongue out to jungkook who’s giving him a mean glare for his playfulness
his x-rays are all finished and he’s just waiting for the doc to come and interpret them (even if it’s beyond obvious that his ankle’s broken!!!!) so he could get on with wrapping his leg with a cast
jungkook takes this as a chance to rise up from his seat, snatching the opportunities he can within the timeframe
"what do you guys want from the cafeteria?"
tae beams at that, grateful because fINALLY someone’s asked him
"ooh!! i want-"
"what would you like, y/n?"
jungkook continues as he effectively interrupts taehyung who’s squinting and looks beyond offended ay the moment
his motive is buying <3 you <3 dinner!! not mr. ankle-breaker over here
you catch on to what he’s trying to do immediately, rolling your eyes with a hint of amusement when you plop back to your chair
“i'll have what taehyung wants.”
so he has no choice then but to ask,.,.,
jungkook clears his throat, his lips curved to a smile but his eyes looking the furthest thing from friendly
"what would you like,,,, taehyung?"
the boy pretend to be deep in thought just to waste kook’s time even more, even throwing in the humming to sell the idea
he’s been humming for half a minute now
“pasta. i want pasta. like, the most expensive pasta they have,” he nods at the amazement he has for himself, sneaking a look to a narrow-eyed jungkook
“c’mon, kook. think about y/n. she’s getting what i’m getting!!”
jungkook’s eyes instantly become brighter, realization sweeping over his features as he tries to hurry because you might be hungry at this point
“right, of course!! i’ll even get dessert :D”
well wasn’t tHAT easy hee-hee
hey maybe getting your ankle busted does lead to better things!!!
jungkook’s never been more excited to pay for overpriced pasta in cash (!!!) and carry up multiple paper bags of food and drinks on the stairs because the elevator’s taking too long
he’s only slightly confused when he walks to your spot that taehyung wasn’t there, even kinda being relieved actually
tae was whisked away for the second and final time to have his leg wrapped up, leaving you and jungkook alone once again
“that looks expensive.”
you remark the moment you see the fancy paper bags, bringing your wallet out to atleast take out a few bills that you think would cover the cost for this hospital dinner
jungkook incessantly shakes his head no, instead making you sit in place so he could turn the area to be a cozy dinner place as best as he could
"i mean it. i'm gonna make it up to you, i swear."
he speaks sometime in the middle of your silent meal, waiting for the time that it’d feel more sincere and not a little forced
ya know he didn’t want to make it seem that buying overpriced dinners correspond to him making it up to you!!!!
"i know."
you answer truthfully because you might have saw this coming, knowing in the back of your head that you wouldn’t put put it past jungkook to be sincere
you hear a noise of surprise when you reply, jungkook immediately putting his hand inside the pocket of his hoodie to fish out something
“your eyedrops, by the way. i meant to give it back to you earlier.”
your eyes skim on the dainty-looking handmade origami box on jungkook’s palm, a fond look he could atleast distinguish
you take it from him nonetheless, unaware at the multiple layers you have yet to know inside said box
“i can always buy a new one.”
he shakes his head at that, scrunching his nose as he mindlessly pokes at the chicken
he thinks back to what he put inside that might’ve been the reason why he didn’t just buy you a new stock in the first place
“i like giving back.”
giving back as in returing feelings too or whatever maybe!!!!! just maybe
he waves you off when you thank him for giving it back, his next words becoming a little weighted on your mind
"open it up when you feel like it. it's up to you."
that was that then
okay maybe not
you’re almost finished with your dinner and you know that you’re about to come home anyway, getting a text from tae that he’s done being wrapped up and is just waiting for his reminders now
why not say what you want to anyway??
"thank you for the lunchbox yesterday, by the way."
jungkook’s the one who’s caught off-guard this time, choking on his rice briefly before questioning you wITHOUT looking pathetic
"h-how did you know it was me??"
your hand only skims to the right of him, having to slightly lean against him to get what you need
it’s tae's record that jungkook had to fill up
you’ve just realized it a little while ago when jungkook was downstairs buying from the cafeteria, the distinct way of how he writes his A’s and curves his Y’s being embedded into your mind
"because it's you."
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vickyvicarious · 3 years
Leverage Redemption Pros/Cons List
Okay! Now that I've finally finished watching the first half of Leverage: Redemption, I thought I'd kind of sum up my overall impression. Sort of a pro/con list, except a little more just loosely structured rambles on each bullet point rather than a simple list.
This got way out of hand from what I expected so I'm going to put it all under a cut. If you want the actual bulletpoint list, here it is:
New Characters
General Vibe
'Maker and Fixer'
Episode Twins
Sophie's Stagefright
You might notice the pros list is longer, and that's because I do love the show! I really like most of what it does, and my gripes are fewer in number and mostly smaller in size. But they do exist and I felt like talking about them as well as the stuff I loved.
There is clearly so much love and respect for the original show here. Quite aside from the general situation, there's a lot of references to individual episodes or character traits from the first show. For example, Parker's comments on disliking clowns, liking puppets, disliking horses, stabbing vs. tasing people. The tasing was an ongoing thing in the original, the stabbing happened once (S1) but was referenced later in the original show, the clown thing only had a few mentions scattered across the entire original show. The puppet thing was mentioned once in S5, and the horses thing in particular was only brought up in S1 once. But they didn't miss the chance to put the nod to it in there; in fact with those alone we see a good mix of common/ongoing jokes and smaller details.
We got "dammit Hardison" and "it's a very distinctive..." but also Eliot and Parker arguing about him catering a mob wedding, and Eliot being delighted by lemon as a secret ingredient in a dish in that same episode (another reference to the mob episode). Hardison and Eliot banter about "plan M", an ongoing joke starting from the very first episode of the original show. We see Sophie bring up Hardison's accent in the Ice Job, Parker also makes reference to an early episode when describing "backlash effect" to Breanna, in an episode that also references her brother slightly if you look for it.
Heck, the last episode of these first eight makes a big deal out of nearly reproducing the iconic opening lines of the original show with Fake Nate's "we provide... an advantage." And I mean, all the "let's go steal a ___" with Harry being confused about how to use them.
Some of the lines are more obviously references to the original show, but they strike a decent balance with smaller or unspoken stuff as well, and also mix in some references between the team to events we the audience have never seen. If someone was coming into this show for the first time, they wouldn't get all the easter egg joy but most of the references would stand on their own as dialogue anyway. In general, I think they struck a good balance of restating needed context for new viewers while still having enough standalone good lines and more-fun-if-you-get-it callbacks.
Similar to the last point, but slightly different. The characters' development from the original to now is shown so well. I'm not going to go on about this too long, but the writers clearly didn't want to let the original characters stagnate during the offscreen years. There was a lot of real thought put into how they would change or not.
It's really written well. We can see just how cohesive a team Parker, Hardison, and Eliot became. We get a sense of how they've spent their time, and there's plenty of evidence that they remained incredibly close with Sophie and Nate until this past year. The way everyone defers to Parker is different from the original show and clearly demonstrates how she's been well established as the leader for years now - they show this well even as Parker is stepping back to let Sophie take point in these episodes. Eventually that is actually called out by Sophie in the eighth episode, so we might see more mastermind Parker in the back half of the show, maybe. But even with her leading, it's clear how collaborative the team has become, with everyone bouncing ideas off one another and adding their input freely. Sometimes they even get so caught up they leave the newbies completely in the dust. But for the most part we get a good sense of how the Parker/Hardison/Eliot team worked with her having final say on plans but the others discussing everything together. A little bit more collaborative than it was with Nate at the helm.
Meanwhile Sophie has built a home and is deeply attached to it. She and Nate really did retire, at least for the most part, and she was living her happy ending until he died. She's out of practice but still as skilled as ever, and we're shown how much her grief has changed her and how concerned the others are for her.
There's a lot of emphasis on how they all look after one another and the found family is clearer than ever. Sophie even calls Hardison "his father's son" - clearly referring to Nate.
Speaking of Nate! They handled his loss so, so well. His story was the most complete at the end of the last show, and just from a narrative point, losing him makes the most sense of all the characters. But the way he dies and his impact on the show and the characters continues. It's very respectful to who he was - who he truly was.
Nate was someone they all loved, but he was a deeply flawed individual. Sophie talks about how he burned too hot, but at least he burned - possibly implying to me that his drinking was related to his death. In any case, there's no mystery to it. We don't know how he died but that's not what's most important about his death. This isn't a quest for revenge or anything... it's just a study of grief and trying to heal.
Back to who he really was real quick - the show doesn't eulogize him as better than he was. They're honest about him. From the first episode's toast they raise in his memory, to the final episode where Sophie and Eliot are deeply confused by Fake Nate singing his praises, the team knows who he was. They don't erase his flaws... but at the same time he was so clearly theirs. He was family, he was the man they trusted and loved and followed into incredibly dangerous situations, and whose loss they all still feel deeply.
That said, the show doesn't harp on this point. They reference him, but they don't overwhelm new viewers with a constant barrage of Nate talk. It always serves a purpose, primarily for Sophie's storyline of moving through her grief. Anyway, @robinasnyder said all of this way better than me here, so go read that as well.
Or should I say, Jewish Hardison, Autistic Parker, Queer Breanna!
Granted, Hardison's religion isn't quite explicitly stated to be Jewish so much as he mentions that his "Nana runs a multi-denominational household", but nonetheless. He gets the shows big thesis statement moment, he gets a beautiful speech about redemption that is the emotional cornerstone of that episode and probably Harry's entire arc throughout the show. And while I'm not Jewish myself, most of what I've seen from Jewish fans is saying that Hardison's words here were excellent representation of their beliefs. (@featherquillpen does a great job in that meta of contextualizing this with his depiction in the original show as well.)
Autistic Parker, however, is shown pretty dang blatantly. She already was very much coded as autistic in the original show, but the reboot has if anything gone further. She sees a child psychologist because she likes using puppets to represent emotions, she stims, she uses cue cards and pre-written scripts for social interactions, there's mention of possible texture sensitivity and her clothes are generally more loose and comfortable. She's gotten better at performing empathy and understanding how people typically work, but it's specifically described as something she learned how to do and she views her brain as being different from ones that work that way (same link). Again, not autistic myself but from what I've seen autistic fans find a lot to relate to in her portrayal. And best of all, this well-rounded and respectful depiction does not show any of these qualities as a lack on her part. There's no more of those kinda ableist comments or "what's wrong with you" jokes that were in the original show. Parker is the way she is, and that allows her to do things differently. She's loved for who she is, and any effort made to fit in is more just to know how so that she can use it to her advantage when she wants to on the job - for her convenience, not others' comfort.
Speaking of loved for who you are.... okay, again, queer Breanna isn't confirmed onscreen yet, and I don't count Word of God as true canon. But I can definitely believe we're building there. Breanna dresses in a very GNC way, and just her dialogue and, I dunno, vibes seem very queer to me. She has a beautiful speech in the Card Game Job about not belonging or being accepted and specifically mentions "the way they love" as one of those things that made her feel like she didn't belong. And that scene is given so much weight and respect. (Not to mention other hints throughout the episode about how much finding her own space meant to her.) Also, the whole theme of feeling rejected and the key for her to begin really flourishing is acceptance for who she is, not any desire for her to be anyone else, is made into another big moment. Yeah, textually that moment is about her feeling like she has to fill Hardison's shoes and worrying about her past, but the themes are there, man.
I talked a bit about this yesterday, so I'm mostly just going to link to that post, but... this series so far is doing a really good job in my opinion of giving people arcs and having some good themes. Namely the redemption one, from Hardison's speech (which I'm gonna talk a little more about in the next point), and this overall theme of growing up and looking to the future (from above the linked post).
New Characters
Harry and Breanna are fantastic characters. I was kind of worried about Harry being a replacement Nate, but... he really isn't. Sure, he's the older white guy who has an angsty past but it's in a very different way and his personality and relationships with the rest of the crew are correspondingly different. I think the dynamic of a very friendly, cheerful, kind, but still bad guy (as @soundsfaebutokay points out) is a great one to show, and he's got a really cool arc I think of learning to be a better person, and truly understanding Hardison's point about redemption being a process not a goal. His role on the team also has some interesting applications and drawbacks, as @allegorymetaphor talked about. I've kind of grown to think that the show is gradually building up to an eventual Sophie/Harry romance a ways down the line, and I'm actually here for it. Regardless, his relationships with everyone are really interesting.
As for Breanna, first of all and most importantly I love her. Secondly, I think she's got a really interesting story. She's a link to Hardison's past, and provides a really interesting perspective for us as someone younger who has grown up a) looking up to Leverage and b) in a bleaker and more hopeless world. Breanna's not an optimist, and she's not someone who was self-sufficient and unconcerned with the rest of the world at the start, like everyone else. She believes that the world sucks and she wants it to be better, but she doesn't know how to make that happen. She outright says she's desperate and that's why she's working with Leverage. At the same time, Breanna is pretty down on herself and wants to prove herself but gets easily shaken by mistakes or being scolded, which is a stark contrast to Hardison's general self-confidence. There are several times when she starts to have an idea then hesitates to share it, or expects her emotions to be dismissed, or gets really disheartened when she's corrected or rejected, or dwells on her mistakes, or when she is accepted or praised she usually takes a surprised beat and is shy about it (she almost always looks down and away from the person, and her smile is often small or startled). Breanna looks up to the team so much (Parker especially, then probably Eliot) and she wants to prove herself. It's going to be so good to see her grow.
General Vibe
A brief note, but it seems a fitting one to end on. The show keeps it's overall tone and feeling from the original show. The fun, the competency porn, the bad guys and clever plans and happy endings. It's got differences for sure, but the characters are recognizably themselves and the show as a whole is recognizably still Leverage. For the most part they just got the feeling right, and it's really nice.
CONS (no, not that kind)
'Maker and Fixer'
So when I started writing this meta earlier today, I was actually a lot more annoyed by the lack of unique 'maker' skills being shown by Breanna. Basically the only time she tries to use a drone, the very thing she introduced herself as being good at, it breaks instantly. I was concerned about her being relegated into just doing what Hardison did, instead of bringing her own stuff to the table. But the seventh episode eased some of those fears, and the meta I just wrote for someone else asking about Breanna's 'maker' skills as shown this season made me realize there's more nuance than that. I'd still like to have seen more of that from her, but for now the fact that we don't see a lot of 'maker' from her so far seems more like a character decision based in Breanna's insecurities.
Harry definitely gets more 'inside man' usage. His knowledge as a 'fixer' comes in handy several times. Nonetheless, I'm really curious if there are any bigger ways to use it, aside from him just adding in some exposition/insight from time to time. I'm not even entirely sure how much more they can pull from this premise in terms of relevant skills, but I hope there's more and I'd like to see it. Maybe a con built more around him playing a longer role playing his old self, like they tried in the Tower Job? Maybe it's more a matter of him needed distance from that part of his past, being unable to face it without lashing out - in that case it could be a good character growth moment possibly for him to succeed in being Scummy Lawyer again down the line? I dunno.
Episode Twins
This was something small that kind of bothered me a little earlier in the season. It's kind of the negative side to the references, I guess? And I'm not even sure how much it annoys me really, but I just kinda noticed and felt sort of weird about it.
Rollin' on the River has a lot of references/callbacks to the The Wedding Job.
The Tower Job has a lot of references/callbacks to The White Rabbit Job.
The Paranormal Hacktivity Job has a lot of references/callbacks to the Future Job.
I guess I was getting a little concerned that there would be a 'match this episode' situation where almost every new Redemption episode is very reminiscent of an old one. I love the callbacks, but I don't want to see a lack of creativity in this new show, and this worried me for a minute. Especially when it was combined with all three of those episodes dealing with housing issues of some kind. Now, that's a huge concern for a lot of people, and each episode has its own take on a different problem within that huge umbrella, but it still got me worried about a lack of variety in topics/cases.
The rest of the episodes failing to line up so neatly in my head with older episodes helped a lot to ease this one, though. Still, this is my complaining section so I figured I'd express my concerns as they were at the time. Even if I no longer really worry about it much.
Sophie's Stagefright
Yeah, I know this is just a small moment in a single episode, but it annoyed me! Eliot made a bit of a face at Sophie going onstage, but I thought it was just him being annoyed at the general situation. However, they started out with her being awful up there until she realized the poem was relevant to the con - at which point her reading got so much better.
This felt like a complete betrayal of Sophie's beautiful moment at the end of the original show where she got over her trouble with regular acting and played Lady Macbeth beautifully in front of a full theater of audience members. This was part of the con, but only in the sense that it gave her an alibi/place to hide, and I always interpreted it as her genuinely getting over her stagefright problems. It felt like such a beautiful place to end her arc for that show, especially after all her time spent directing.
Now, her difficulty onstage in the Card Game Job was brief and at the very beginning of being up on stage. @rinahale suggested to me that maybe it was a deliberate tactic to draw the guy's attention, and the later skill was simply her shifting focus to make the sonnet easier for Breanna to listen to and interpret, but he seemed more enraptured when she was doing well than otherwise in my opinion and it just doesn't quite sit well with me. My other theory was that maybe she just hasn't been up on stage in a long time, and much like she complaining about being rusty at grifting before the team pushed her into trying, she got nervous for a moment at the very beginning. The problem there is that I think she'd definitely still get involved in theater even when she and Nate were retired. I guess she could've quit after he died, and a year might be long enough to make her doubt herself again, but... still.
I just resent that they even left it ambiguous at all. Sophie's skills should be solid on stage at this point in my opinion.
...And now we come to my main complaint. This is, by far, the biggest issue I have with the show.
I feel like I should put a disclaimer here that I had my doubts from the beginning about the thiefsome becoming canon onscreen. I thought the famous "the OT3 is safe" tweet could easily just mean that they are all still alive and well, or all still working together, without giving us confirmation of a romantic relationship. Despite this, the general fandom expectations/hopes really got to me, especially with the whole "lock/pick/key" thing. I tried to temper my expectations again when the character descriptions came out and only mentioned Hardison loving Parker, not Eliot, but I still got my hopes up.
The thing is, I was disappointed pretty quickly.
The very first episode told me that in all likelihood we would never see Hardison and Parker and Eliot together in a romantic sense. Oh, there was so much coding. So much hinting. So much in the way of conversations that were about Parker/Hardison's relationship but then Eliot kept getting brought into them. They were portrayed as a unit of three.
But then there was this.
I love all of those scenes of Parker and Hardison being intimate and loving and comfortable with one another and their relationship. I really do. But it didn't escape my notice that there's nothing of the sort with Eliot. If they wanted a canon onscreen thiefsome, it would by far make the most sense to just have it established from the start. But there aren't any scenes where Eliot shares the same kind of physical closeness with either of them like they do each other. Parker and Hardison kiss; he doesn't kiss anyone. They have several clearly romantic conversations when alone; he gets important conversations with both but the sense of it being romantic isn't there.
Establishing Eliot as part of the relationship after Hardison is gone just... doesn't make any sense. It would be more likely to confuse new viewers, to make them wonder if Parker is cheating on Hardison with Eliot, or if they have a Y shaped relationship rather that a triangle. It would be so much clumsier.
Still, up until the Double-Edged-Sword Job I believed the writers might keep it at this level of 'plausible hinting but not quite saying'. There's a lot of great stuff with all of them, and I never expecting making out or whatever anyway; a cheek-kiss was about the height of my hopes to be honest. I mostly just hoped for outright confirmation and, failing that, I was happy enough to have the many hints and implications.
But then Marshal Maria Shipp came along. And I don't really have anything against her as a character - in fact, I think she has interesting story potential and will definitely come back. But the episode framed her fight with Eliot as a sexyfight TM, much like his fight with Mikel back in the day. And then his flirting with her rode the line a little of "he's playing her for the con" and "he's genuinely flirting." The scene where he tells her his real name is particularly iffy, but actually was the one that convinced me he was playing her. Because he seems to be watching her really closely, and to be very concerned about her figuring out who he really is. I am very aware though that I'm doing a lot of work to interpret it the way I want. On surface appearance, Eliot's just flirting with an attractive woman, like he did on the last show. And that's probably the intention, too.
But the real nail in the coffin for me was when Sophie compared herself and Nate to Eliot and Maria. That was a genuine scene, not the continuation of the teasing from before. And Sophie is the one whose insight into people is always, always trustworthy. She is family to the thiefsome. For this to make any sense, either Eliot/Parker/Hardison isn't a thing, or they are and Sophie doesn't know - and I can't imagine why in the hell she wouldn't know.
Any argument to make them still canon leaves me unsatisfied. If she knows and they haven't admitted it to her - why wouldn't they, after all this time? Why would she not have picked up on it even without an outright announcement? Some people suggested they wouldn't admit it because they thought Nate would be weird about it, but that doesn't seem any more in character to me than the other possibilities. In fact, the only option that doesn't go against my understanding of these people and their observational abilities/the close relationship they share.... is that the thiefsome is not a thing.
And furthermore, the implication of this conversation - especially the way it ended, with Eliot stomping off looking embarrassed while Sophie smiled knowingly - is that Eliot will get into another relationship onscreen. Maybe not a full-blown romantic relationship. But the Maria Shipp tension is going to be resolved somehow, and at this point I'm half-expecting a hook-up simply because of Sophie's reaction and how much I trust her judgement of such things. Even if she's letting her grief cloud her usual perceptiveness... it feels iffy.
It just kinda feels like I wasn't even allowed to keep my "interpret these hints/maybe they are" thiefsome that I expected after the first couple episodes convinced me we wouldn't get outright confirmation. (I mean, I will anyway, and I love the hints and allusions regardless.) And while I'm definitely not the kind of fan who is dependent on canon for my ships, and still enjoy all their interactions/will keep right on headcanoning them all in a relationship, it's just.... a bummer.
Feels like a real cop-out. Like the hints of Breanna being queer are enough to meet their quota and they won't try anything 'risky' like a poly relationship. I dunno. It's annoying.
That's the end of the list! Again, overall I love the new show a lot and have few complaints.
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Tell the Truth
Prompts: aaaa the way you write angst is just *chefs kiss* wonderful. I’ve been really enjoying the butterfly project series, it has made me cry multiple times. May I request some fluff to balance the angst? - anon
Excuse me while I sob over Redemption Never Came and politely grabby hand for more angst with a happy ending (Roman angst my beloved) (Also you are an amazing fanfic artist :D) - anon
This is so heartbreaking and whumpy but so soft in the end and I would devour a second part about everyone trying to help undo all the negative patterns they've all instilled in Roman and just showing him affection and everyone's hearts breaking a little more each time he's surprised they actually want to be around him. - LadyofhteWoods
And now a part of me wants to see all those scenarios again, only this time Roman gets loved- walk in the kitchen, get a hug. Sit on the couch? Cuddle pile. Go on a quest? Bring friends, if hurt, patch up and movies. Crying in bed because you had a bad time and your brain is screaming that you suck and a wave of depression has rippled through you and you feel horrible? Have some tea… cry it out…. We’re here. - A_tiny_star_prince
Read on Ao3 Part 1
Warnings: self-doubt, self-deprecating thoughts
Pairings: dlampr
Word Count: 7688
Roman lies. A lot. Maybe it's time they did something about it.
Roman’s lies don’t vanish overnight. How could they? When he’s so used to repeating them, over and over, in a horrific little mantra before he goes to sleep, how can he be expected to get rid of them in only one night?
That doesn’t make them less difficult to hear.
Janus is downstairs, helping Virgil fold up one of the blankets strewn about the living room, when he winces and hisses.
“J? You okay?”
Janus nods, jerking his head upward. Virgil follows his gaze and winces too.
“I think so.” That’s a lie. He knows it’s Roman.
“I got this,” Virgil says quietly, taking the blanket from Janus, “you go. He seems to let you help more than he lets us.”
He never really had the choice to let me.
Janus swallows heavily as he appears outside Roman’s door. The lies aren’t nearly as poisonous as they were a few days ago, but they’re strong enough to curl his tongue at the bitterness in his throat. He raises a hand to knock on the door.
The lies falter for a moment before another one floats through.
Don’t come in.
He smirks, gently pushing the door open to meet a darkened room.
“Impressive,” he says softly, making his way over to the figure in the bed and perching on the end, “that could’ve been one of mine.”
He’s rewarded with the quietest of huffs before a head shyly peeks out at him from the covers. Janus smiles and tilts his head.
“Hello, sweetie.”
“Hi.” Roman shuffles a little. “Sorry. Didn’t realize I was summoning you.”
“There’s no need to apologize.” Janus glances around the room. His computer is off and shut. The bathroom light and fan are off. He looks back. “Can I help, sweetie?”
A shuffling of the blankets that’s probably supposed to be a shrug.
“Let me come find you, then,” he murmurs, standing and moving to where the head was a moment ago, “how did you get this many blankets on top of you?”
He slowly starts to move them out of the way, peeling back layer after layer, only briefly wondering whether or not Roman can breathe properly under these. It’s a careful act, one he treats with the same reverence as cleaning his gloves or his scales, creating a little cocoon of blankets as he gets further and further into the covers.
The last one puffs just the slightest amount, up and down.
So you can breathe, good.
Janus doesn’t move this one all the way out of the way, just lifts it up enough to peer inside. Roman’s little face peers back at him, partially covered by another blanket clutched tight to his chest. He looks so…child-like.
The realization makes something warm turn in Janus’s chest.
“Knock knock,” he says softly, “anyone home?”
Roman blinks. “Mm.”
“May I come in, sweetie?”
“Mm.” Roman jerks his chin toward Janus’s clothes. “Lose the sharp bits.”
Janus snaps his fingers, transforming his usual clothes into a soft yellow shirt and sleep pants. “Better?”
“How did you manage to get so many blankets balanced on your bed,” Janus asks as he slips beside Roman, “mine always fall off after three.”
“Practice.” Roman shifts to make room.
Janus frowns. “Come here, sweetie, let me cuddle you.”
“You don’t have to.”
The frown deepens. “Sweetie?”
Roman buries his face a little deeper into the blanket. “You don’t like cuddling. Virgil an’ Remus said so.”
Oh, Roman…
“Come, sweetie,” he insists, tugging Roman gently into a proper hug, “there.”
“I may not be as big a fan of cuddling as you and Patton,” Janus says firmly, cupping Roman’s face, “and I’m certainly the type that enjoys being tackled by Remus—“
Roman snorts.
“—but you’re upset,” he finishes gently, “and I want to help.”
Don’t understand boundaries.
Don’t deserve help.
Janus hisses. Roman sighs.
“No need for that,” he assures, still cradling Roman’s face as he pulls him close, “I understand. It’s alright.”
“I know, and I—I don’t want you to leave, but—“ Roman swallows— “I just—I still don’t believe you’re here.”
Janus wraps a pair of arms around Roman’s waist and squeezes. “I’m real, I’m here.”
“I just—“
There’s another lie swirling in Roman’s brain, too nebulous to make it all the way to Janus, but present enough that it makes his mouth tingle. He leans down to kiss Roman’s forehead.
“…you said it was your job to protect the Ego.”
“That’s right, sweetie, it is.”
“I guess I…I just…”
Janus gives Roman another encouraging squeeze. Roman brings the blanket further up his face.
“…I guess I figured that if you—if you could h-hate me that much or h-hurt me that badly and not—not care, then you…maybe you…”
Janus’s heart clenches as the lie finally makes itself known.
Not worth protecting.
He pulls away, shushing the heartbroken whine that Roman makes, taking off his gloves and wrapping every arm around the poor thing. He presses another kiss to his forehead, letting the hiss out into his hair.
“That’s not true, sweetie,” he promises, “and you’ll never know how sorry I am for hurting you and letting it get this far.”
And the poor thing is so tired, so weary that he goes limp in Janus’s arms, save for the blanket clutched tightly to his face. Janus frowns, opening his mouth to say that might be a little uncomfortable, what with Roman’s arms tucked between them, when he starts putting the pieces together.
Roman is still wearing a fair amount of clothing, he’s got something pressed up against his face, under his chin, and he’s got so many blankets piled on top of him that even Janus feels warm.
“And here I thought I couldn’t feel more rotten,” he whispers, carding one hand through Roman’s hair, another scratching gently between his shoulder blades, “but you must be in agony.”
A questioning hum is let out against his throat.
“You’re still touch starved, sweetie,” he says in way of answering, squeezing a little tighter, “are you still cold?”
There’s a soft rush of breath as Janus cups the back of his neck and then a noise is just about torn from his throat as he uses it to pull Roman close.
“Oh, shh, shh, you poor thing,” he murmurs, pressing another kiss to his cheek, “I’m right here, sweetie, I won’t leave you.”
They lie there for a while longer, Roman’s arms slowly lowering the blanket until he shyly puts his arms around Janus in return.
“There you go, sweetie,” he encourages, “hold onto me, that’s it.”
“Why—why are you letting me hug you?”
“Because it seems like you’d like to hug me.” Janus squeezes him again. “You don’t need to have a reason, sweetie, if you need a cuddle, you can have one.”
I need a reason. I need an excuse. I need an argument. I have to convince you.
Another hiss. “You can always ask for hugs, sweetie, you don’t need to convince me to hug you.”
Oh, Roman… “Yes, sweetie, you can ask any of us.”
The wave of disbelief that hits him makes him grit his teeth.
“I promise, sweetie. I promise.” Another kiss to his forehead. “You’re not unwanted, you’re not a burden.”
The silence he gets implies that Roman may not want to prove that—or disprove it—for himself right now.
“…can we just stay here for a bit?”
“For as long as you need, sweetie,” Janus murmurs, settling them in for some rest, “for as long as you want.”
Patton is in the kitchen, the first one downstairs this morning. There’s already a pot of coffee brewing and he sets the kettle up on the counter. He reaches up to pull the mugs for everyone. The plain black one for Logan, the Nightmare Before Christmas one for Virgil, the sparkly one for Remus, and the blue puppy one for himself. He frowns.
Roman used to keep his mug down here too. This really big red one with a golden crown on the side. He hasn’t seen it in ages.
Footsteps on the stairs.
He turns and sees Roman walk into the kitchen, smiling brightly as if there’s nothing wrong in the world, not a seam or stitch of his prince costume out of place. He strides into the room like he owns it, as if he’s just come down the stairs in his resplendent palace to a crown of adoring onlookers.
“Ah! Patton!” Goodness, he speaks like it too. “Good morning!”
“Roman!” Patton rushes forward and wraps him in a hug.
This is where everything goes wrong.
Roman tenses. Not in a way that means he wants out, but out of sheer surprise. Patton waits for Roman’s arms to wrap around him but instead, there’s just a very, very soft touch to his shoulder.
“Patton,” he asks quietly, “are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m great, kiddo, why?”
“W-well, you’re…you’re hugging me.”
“Sure am.”
Suddenly Patton feels very cold.
He pulls back, not enough to let Roman go completely, but enough to look up and see a truly heartbreaking look of confusion on his face. He can’t help the soft noise that comes out of his mouth as he raises one hand to his face.
“Are you asking why I’m hugging you?” Roman nods. “I want to hug you, kiddo. You’re hug-shaped.”
“Hug-shaped,” Patton repeats, tugging him a little closer with the arm still around his waist, “you’re worth hugging, I like hugging you.”
And Patton has to watch as every scrap of confidence falls from Roman’s expression, his shoulders slump, and he looks like he loses some of his height, even. The shift is so drastic that it almost springs tears to his eyes at how much Prince Roman suddenly looks like a lost child, swimming in a costume too big and too heavy for him. Roman face contorts as he looks at a spot on the counter, furrowing his brow as if it’ll explain everything to him if he just glares hard enough.
There’s something fragile about the way Roman leans into Patton’s hand, something breakable about how warm he is right now. Patton shifts his weight to his other leg and there’s a flash of panic in Roman’s eyes, quickly stifled but there.
“Oh, kiddo, I’m not going anywhere,” he murmurs, pulling Roman back in for a proper hug, “I’m right here, it’s okay. You just let it out, okay?”
Roman’s breathe shudders a little into Patton’s shoulder. Then he starts pushing Patton away.
Patton listens, confused, until he watches Roman shake himself and put the mask of the prince right back on.
“Terribly sorry,” he says in the awful, awful cheerful voice as he rakes a hand through his hair, “don’t know what came over me.”
“Don’t,” Patton blurts before he can stop himself, “don’t do that, sweetheart.”
“Don’t do what, Padre?”
“Don’t pretend,” he says, reaching out for Roman again, “you don’t have to pretend you’re okay. Or that you don’t want something.”
“I don’t like being needy, Patton,” Roman says in a soft voice that’s just this side of wobbly, “and you don’t like me needy.”
And doesn’t that just feel hot and guilty in Patton’s throat?
“I like you, sweetheart,” he says instead, “and you’re not being needy if you want comfort or even just a touch. You’re allowed to want something, Roman, you are.”
Roman huffs in disbelief and turns.
“No, Roman—“ Patton hurries to get in front of him— “you are.”
Something flickers across Roman’s expression. Patton doesn’t even need Janus to tell him that Roman thinks he’s walking into a trap.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” Patton says quietly, “I’ve hurt you so much, haven’t I? I’ve made you think that your job is wrong, that you—that you’re wrong and you’re not, kiddo. You’re not wrong. You’re not awful. I promise.”
Roman’s lip wobbles.
“Oh, come here, sweetheart,” Patton coos, wrapping him back in a hug, and finally, finally Roman’s arms come up to wrap around him too, before he’s being squeezed so tight it borders on painful.
Patton doesn’t care.
“It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart, I promise.” He rocks them back and forth a little as Roman buries his face in his shoulder. “We’ll figure it out, I know we will.”
They stay like that until the kettle goes off and Roman startles, jumping back a little bit. Patton soothes away the last of the jitters and smiles, watching Roman look like…Roman. Not the Prince, not the horribly lost child, just…just Roman.
“I think that’s my cue to make you the biggest mug of hot chocolate you’ve had since Christmas,” he says quietly, “now what mug would you like?”
Roman glances at the cabinet. “Anyone is fine.”
“Then why don’t you go grab one while I get the hot chocolate?”
Patton busies himself with the box, purposely letting Roman have his privacy as he picks out a mug, trying not to make his smile too blinding when he turns and sees Roman shyly hold out a big red mug with a sparkly crown.
“Good choice,” he says softly as he takes it from him, “I missed this mug.”
Judging by the way Roman’s mouth curls up in a little smile, he knows what Patton meant.
Virgil walks into the room and sees Roman sprawled out across the chair. He almost doesn’t see it.
He’s got to give it to Janus; even though he knows he can hear lies, he’s not sure he would’ve believed that they were actually coming from Roman. Because Roman looks the fucking picture of relaxed right now. It looks like he saw Patton and Logan on the couch and decided there wasn’t enough room for him to take up as much space as he wants. It looks like he’s occupying the entire fucking corner and not just the chair. It looks like he’s every bit the arrogant prince they used to think he was.
Then he sees how tight his jaw is and the slight tremble of his hands.
The room isn’t warm, there’s no reason for Princey to be shivering. There’s certainly no reason for him to be so tense as he sits in the chair, tapping a pen against his cheek in a fabulous impression of mindless thinking but is actually a carefully controlled way of preventing himself from moving any further.
He’s gotta hand it to him. Princey’s good.
Virgil walks up to Roman and shoves his hands into his pockets as Roman looks up.
“Dark and Stormy,” he says in a perfected casual lilt, “is there something I can do for you?”
And wow, okay, if this is what Janus hears all the time then Virgil has no idea how he fucking does it.
Janus hears lies, Virgil hears fears.
Please don’t make me leave.
If you want the chair I’l give it to you, I’ll move, I’ll sit on the floor, I’ll be quiet, but please don’t make me go. I want to stay, please, can I—can I stay? Is that okay?
Virgil tilts his head. “Move the book.”
Roman furrows his brow. “What?”
“The book.” Virgil nods to the notebook in Roman’s lap. “Move it. Move your arm.”
Confused, Roman does as he asks only to squeak in surprise when Virgil pronounces it perfect and plonks himself in Roman’s lap.
“Yeah?” Virgil pulls out his phone and leans his head against Roman’s shoulder. “What’s up?”
“You—you’re—“ Roman still doesn’t move— “you’re in my lap.”
“Sure am.” Virgil looks up at him and lowers his voice to a whisper. “No?”
Roman’s voice drops too. “What?”
Virgil indicates his weight. “No? This okay?”
“Y-yeah, it’s fine, I just—what?”
In lieu of a verbal answer, Virgil reaches behind him to take Roman’s free hand and pull it close, tucking it under his chin and clutching it there. Roman’s hand trembles. He finds himself absentmindedly running his thumb over the knuckles, the palm, the fingers. He keeps his eyes on Roman’s face.
Roman’s other arm lowers, gingerly resting on Virgil’s legs. Virgil smiles and squeezes his hand.
“I’m sorry, Princey,” he whispers, “I’ve been fucking awful to you.”
Roman’s face twitches. “…so have I.”
“What, been awful to me or awful to you?”
For a moment, he thinks Roman’s just going to say that he’s been awful to Virgil. Which, yes, he was in the past, but not like Virgil’s been. But instead, Roman opens his mouth and shakily whispers: ‘both.’
“I know, Princey.” Virgil squeezes his hand again. “You’re all good with me, and we can…if you want, I can help with the second part too.”
Roman’s eyes widen and godfuckingdamnit that hurts.
“I gotcha, Roman,” he says softly, lacing their fingers together, “and ‘m sorry I haven’t been there for you recently.”
Roman swallows, Virgil’s eyes drawn to the roll of his throat. “You…you want to help me?”
Roman, you’re gonna ruin my reputation of not having a heart by smashing it into fucking pieces.
“Yeah, Roman,” he reassures, “I wanna help you. You’re important.”
“I am?”
“Sure are, Princey.” He lightly knocks his head against Roman’s. “And if it ever feels like I don’t believe that, call me out on my bullshit. ‘Cause that’s bullshit.”
“What are you two muttering about over there?” Patton shakes his head fondly when Virgil decides to just turn his head upside down instead of turning around. “Virgil, that’s not good for your spine.”
“We’re metaphysical, Pop-star, who cares?”
“When you start complaining about neck pain,” Logan says wryly, “me.”
He glances up too and Virgil hides a smirk at how his face softens when he spots Roman’s expression.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yes, yes,” Roman says hurriedly, “everything’s fine.”
“It’s Hug Roman time,” Virgil says immediately after, “so I’m hugging Roman.”
“I think that’s less of a hug than you sitting on his lap,” Logan says, standing, “but we’ll never fit all of us on that chair.”
Virgil feels more than hears Roman’s inhale as Logan and Patton start moving the couch cushions to the floor. He sits back upright just in time to see Roman’s hopeful face and butts his head against his again.
“Come on, Princey, let’s go.”
“…are you going to stand up, or…?”
“Or you could carry me.”
“Virgil,” he hears Patton chide.
“No, no,” Roman says, “it’s fine, I can carry him if he wants to be carried. I will need my hand back, though.”
Okay, yes, Virgil does enjoy Roman carrying him a bit too much for altruistic purposes but it’s worth it when Roman goes to gently set him down and the other two pull him down instead.
“There,” Logan says softly as Roman’s head comes to rest against the base of the couch, “much better.”
Roman opens his mouth to say something when Logan’s hand tangles in his hair and it turns into a slightly strangled sound. Patton chuckles, wrapping his arms around Roman and sighing softly.
“Hey, who wants to play a game?”
Remus’s head pops up from behind the couch.
“We’re already playing a game,” Virgil says, “it’s called Cuddle Roman, now get your butt down here.”
Remus gasps. “My favorite!”
“Okay good,” Virgil mutters as he moves out of Roman’s lap to make room for Remus, “I totally thought he was talking about butts.”
“I have a feeling, my dear,” Janus sighs, striding from the shadows and totally not making Virgil jump, “that it’s both.”
Remus just cackles. Janus takes a seat, reaching out to take one of Roman’s hands in his. Roman frowns at him slightly, his head still spinning from the amount of people around him.
“What—is there something wrong?”
Janus shakes his head. “It’s Hug Roman hours. So I’m here.”
Vigil chuckles at the blush on Roman’s face. “So this is becoming a regular thing, right?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
Remus just holds his brother tighter.
“…come in.”
“If you’d like to reschedule, Roman, it’s no trouble, I’m happy to…”
Logan trails off as he walks into the room, Roman’s back to him as he hunches over a table near the door to the Imagination. He shuts the door quietly behind him and tucks the notebook under his arm.
“Roman?” He takes a step forward. “Are you alright?”
“Never better, Specs,” Roman says cheerily, too cheerily, “just give me one moment and I’m all yours.”
Logan frowns. “If you’d like to reschedule, Roman,” he repeats, softer this time, “I can assure you, it’s fine.”
“No, no, that’d be rude.” Something crinkles in Roman’s hands. “Just—just one moment.”
There’s a heavy clunk and a barely contained hiss.
“Roman—“ he starts forward— “are you hurt?”
“Not hurt.” Another clunk. “Just…incredibly clumsy, it seems.”
“Can I help?”
If he weren’t paying attention, he would miss the way Roman’s shoulders tense with disbelief.
“N-no, that’s alright,” Roman says, the first time his voice has slipped, “I’m just…no, it’s alright.”
He jerks his head toward the desk, being very careful not to let Logan see his face.
“It’s over there, I’ll be with you in one moment.”
Logan looks, then walks over to the desk and carefully sets down his notebook. He glances up at Roman and can’t stop the soft noise at seeing Roman’s hands shake and fumble with a large bottle.
“Roman,” he calls softly, “Roman, please.”
Roman freezes.
“…please what?”
“Let me help you,” he says, walking over, “let me help you with this.”
Roman shudders and tries to laugh again. “You don’t need to busy yourself with inane and worthless tasks, Logan.”
Oh. Oh, dear.
“You’re not inane or worthless, Roman,” he says firmly, “nor are you a task.”
Roman’s shoulder is cold under his hand. He cups it nonetheless and leans closer, mindful to keep his gaze down and away.
Under his hand, Roman sighs. “…if that’s what you want.”
He’s not prepared for when Roman turns around, a bottle of micellar water in one hand and cotton ovals in the other. His makeup—done so wonderfully this morning—is smeared and wearing away, his nose bright red under the concealer. Logan lets out another soft noise, taking the proffered items and gently pushing Roman to sit on the table.
He takes one of the cotton ovals and gets it damp, cupping Roman’s chin in one hand.
“Let me know if anything starts to sting or hurt,” he instructs softly and starts to clean the smudges from his face. Roman sits perfectly still, his gaze down at Logan’s tie. His hands fold neatly in his lap and he looks every bit the cooperative ideal.
Except for the way he looks terrified every time Logan so much as shifts his hand.
“You are not worthless,” Logan says quietly as he works, swapping out the cotton ovals when needed, “you are not annoying me. You are someone I care about very deeply and someone I enjoy helping.”
Roman’s chin wobbles.
“I am always impressed by the ideas you create,” he continues after quietly bidding Roman to turn slightly, “and you never cease to amaze me with your creativity.”
Roman’s throat works against his hand as he swallows. “Remus—“
“Remus is Remus,” Logan interrupts gently, “turn—yes, there you go—and you are Roman. You are clever, you are kind, and you are wonderful, and I care about you very much.”
He takes a new cotton oval and takes Roman’s chin again, tapping gently until Roman makes eye contact.
“Close your eyes,” he bids, “and let me know if they start to sting at any point.”
Roman closes his eyes and Logan carefully, carefully starts to clean off the eyeshadow. The golden sparkles are stubborn, clinging to the skin, but he works patiently until the last of them come off. He realizes after that the oval is wetter than it was when he began.
“Oh, little star,” he breathes, glancing around and summoning a soft washcloth to clean Roman’s face the rest of the way, “it’s alright, you can cry if you need to. I won’t mind.”
“It’s stupid,” Roman mutters, raising a hand to swipe angrily at the tears, “it’s stupid.”
“If it’s making you upset, it’s not stupid.” Logan gently but firmly places Roman’s hands on his own shoulders and replaces them with the cloth. “Tell me?”
“I—it’s not even a quest.” Roman’s voice cracks horribly on the last word. “It’s just—I was making something and it broke and I—I worked really hard on it and now it’s ruined.”
Logan lets out a soft noise. “I’m sorry.”
His chest aches when the apology makes Roman shake himself. “It’s fine. Sorry, I didn’t want to just dump that on you.”
“I asked you to tell me what was wrong,” Logan chides, patting his cheek dry, “you’re not dumping anything on me.”
He sets the cloth aside and cups Roman’s face with his hands.
“And I am also sorry,” he whispers, “that I have made you believe that I do not worry about you the same way I worry about Thomas.”
Roman’s eyes fly open. “You—you what?”
“I care about you very deeply, Roman,” Logan says, “you’re very important to me. So yes, of course, I worry about you. You’re upset, and I’ve made you feel like you can’t come to me. I…I have not behaved well toward you. And I will remedy that.”
A new wave of tears meets Logan’s thumbs carefully swiping them away.
Roman leans forward and lets Logan rest their foreheads together. After a moment, his hands move to give Roman a proper hug, leaning up to press a kiss to his forehead.
“What were you making, if I may ask?”
“…just a house.” Roman sniffles. “It got destroyed in the last brainstorm.”
“Would you like help?”
“…don’t we have to work on the ideas?”
Logan smiles, resting their foreheads together once more. “This feels more important, doesn’t it?”
Roman’s small but warm smile is more than worth the extra hours they’ll have to spend working on the videos.
Somehow they forgot.
Somehow they forgot that Roman was scared of the dark.
It wasn’t common that thunderstorms plagued the Imagination, simply because—well, Thomas didn’t need literal brainstorms when he’s got Logan working with him. Sure, sometimes Remus decides he’s going to make his entrance extra cliché and arrive in a literal flash of lightning. Or Roman will create a field of flowers larger than the eye can see and soft bruised purple clouds will roll across the sky, quiet thunder and light rain that feels like a cushion.
But it’s never enough to cause a blackout.
For a moment, they’re all just confused. Thomas’s apartment is fine, Thomas is fine, so they don’t understand what’s happened. Then Remus points out that they, uh, maybe didn’t close the door to the Imagination as tightly as they should have.
He gets smacked upside the head for that.
So they’re here, in the middle of the dark, trying frantically to figure out how to not run into everything. Well, three of them are fine. Virgil can see in the dark. Janus can see in the dark. Remus can see in the dark.
“Is that because you’re the Dark Sides,” Patton mumbles as he puts his glasses back on for the fifth time in the past minute, “or do you each have some kind of ability?”
Remus smiles, even if Patton can’t see it. “It’s more fun!”
“That doesn’t—“ Logan pinches the bridge of his nose— “that doesn’t even answer the question, Remus.”
“I think you’ll find that’s his justification for most things,” Janus says wryly, taking Patton carefully by the arm and guiding him to sit on the couch, safely out of harm’s way.
Virgil elbows Remus to get him to put down the Morningstar, please, and sits down next to Patton. “How long is this going to take to go away?”
Remus shrugs. “Dunno. Probably won’t be that long. We all just gotta sit tight.”
Janus raises a hand to his mouth—not that Logan can truly appreciate his expression—and mock gasps. “Remus, suggesting that we don’t do anything?”
“Oh, fuck off, Snakey.”
Remus blows a fat raspberry. “Even I know it’s a bad idea to try and do something right now. I mean ask Roman—“
It takes a moment for them to realize that Roman isn’t sitting there.
“We should go get him,” Logan says after a moment, “just to make sure we’re all in the same place.”
And with that, Remus is off, stomping up the stairs and conveniently forgetting that two Sides can’t see past the little pinpricks of light at the bottom of the windows. Virgil rolls his eyes and makes to stand, only to frown.
“Virgil?” Logan touches his elbow when he notices him pause. “Are you alright?”
“Feels like I’m being summoned.” He rubs his chest absentmindedly. “But not really.”
“Well, let’s just keep an eye on—hey!”
Virgil doesn’t even hear the end of Logan’s sentence before he’s yanked into another room.
He blinks, disoriented, shaking his head to figure out where he is. Only when Remus bursts up the stairs and pouts that how dare Virgil sink out to beat him here does he realize why he’s here.
Judging by the way Remus’s face falls a second later, he does too.
Remus knocks lightly on the door. After a moment, he curses and goes to knock louder.
“Don’t,” Virgil mutters, grabbing Remus’s arm, “you’re gonna freak him out more.”
“Well, I can’t just blow the fucking door open,” he growls, shaking him off, “that’s gonna make it worse.”
He opens his mouth but another sharp tug from his chest makes him wince. “Okay, then don’t bust it down. Just—oh, god, we gotta get in there.”
“Don’t gotta tell me twice.”
Remus doesn’t rear back and kick the door open, which says something about how concerned he is. They can’t see much of anything except for—
Oh, no.
Roman notices immediately when the blackout happens. How could he not? He’d been in the middle of trying to sort out his journal for the day when suddenly he was drowning.
Oh god.
Oh, god.
Within an instant, his chest seizes. He can’t see. He can’t see. There’s something—
No. No, it’s fine. He’s in his room. Everything is fine. Because he’s safe. He’s in his room, he knows where everything is, he knows what everything is in here, he’s fine.
There’s nothing here to be scared of. There’s nothing here to be scared of.
So why is Roman so scared?
He shouldn’t be. He shouldn’t be. He’s a prince, for Disney’s sake, he’s the protector of the Mindscape, he’s—he’s—
He’s Prince Roman. Not some newly minted squire crying because he’s away from home for the first time and it’s all dark and scary and he can’t see anything because he doesn’t know what’s going on and he can’t tell where anything is and he swears he can see things moving in the shadows and—and—and—
Roman shoves his fist in his mouth before he can whimper.
No. No. He’s fine.
He’s fine.
…besides, what would the others say?
He’s a prince. He’s Roman. He’s not some scared weak thing. He’s just—he’s just—it’s—it’s—
They can’t see him like this. He’s supposed to be strong. He’ll never be taken seriously if they don’t see that he can be strong. They don’t take him seriously already, do they? Let alone if they could see him in the dark, alone, hyperventilating, terrified.
But he is.
Something moves.
Oh, god, something moved.
He freezes, goes absolutely still, tries frantically to still his heaving chest, be small, be unnoticeable, his pride doesn’t matter right now, it doesn’t, he’s not gonna be hurt if he can’t be seen—
His next inhale is a whine.
No, no, not Remus—he can’t—not Remus, Remus is strong, Remus will laugh at him, Remus loves the dark, he can’t cry in front of Remus, not for this—
“Oh, Ro-Bro,” he hears through the haze, “Ro-Bro, I’m so fucking sorry, I forgot, hey—hey—“
He won’t cry. He won’t cry. He won’t cry.
“Hey,” Remus calls, tugging carefully at the hand clapped over his mouth, “hey, don’t do that, Roro, you’re gonna hurt yourself, stop it, it’s gonna fucking hurt if you do that, you know that—“
The sob that tears itself out of his throat as Remus pries his hand away hurts his ears.
“Hey, Roro,” Remus soothes, taking his hands and squeezing them firmly, “hey, you gotta just be here for me, you focus on me, okay?”
“Come here, Ro.”
Remus scoops him up into his lap. To hell with whatever is twisting around in the shadows, Remus is holding him in his lap, rocking him back and forth and Remus is of the dark.
A rush of shame through his stomach and the first real sob into Remus’s shoulder hurts.
“Nuh-uh, Ro,” comes the mutter over his head, “don’t hold it in.”
The shame only grows. Then Remus tightens his grip until it’s all he can feel.
“I’m right here, Ro, I’m right here. It’s okay. You can be scared.”
“N-not scared.”
A gentle hiss in his ear as something—someone presses against his back and more arms than he can count wrap around his chest.
“Shh, shh,” Remus murmurs as he starts, “it’s just Janny.”
“Boo,” Janus whispers as he presses a kiss on his shoulder. Why—why is he here—did he—did he lie too much? He’s not scared, he’s not scared—
“Shh, sweetie,” he whispers as Roman starts to flinch, “I’ve got you, you’re okay, sweetie, stop that. We’ve got you.”
“You’re scared, bud.” Is that—is that Virgil? “Hey, hey, buddy, we got you. I’m sorry, Roman, I forgot you were so scared of the dark.”
Can’t be scared, can’t be scared—
“Shh, shh, sweetie,” Janus murmurs, “stop that. You’re allowed to be scared, it’s okay. You don’t have to be ashamed of it.”
Virgil presses closer, nudging Janus’s head out of the way and replacing it with his own. He leans down to nuzzle into the crook of Roman’s neck, finding the place his collar digs into his neck and loosening it. Curse him. Curse him.
“Hey, bud,” Virgil murmurs, “you’re okay. You’re okay.”
Janus hisses gently in his ear again.
“No—“ Roman’s breath hitches— “no, no, no—“
“Roman,” comes Logan’s warm voice from somewhere above him, and no—
“Give him to me,” he hears again after a moment, and when he feels Remus’s arms begin to loosen and Janus pulls away he mewls—
“Hush, little one,” Logan says softly, gathering the poor prince into his lap, “you’re safe, you’re right here, it’s just a blackout.”
“You’ll—“ Roman hiccups, his hands still pushing Logan away from him— “you’ll laugh—“
“Never,” comes the chorus, Logan’s arms firmly around his waist. Then another pair of hands covers his and pulls them away.
“Hey, kiddo,” Patton murmurs, gently but firmly placing his arms around Logan’s neck so Logan can cuddle him properly, “sorry it took us a little longer to get here, we had to take it slow up the stairs.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Patton coos, crouching down to run a hand through his hair as Logan tucks him into the crook of his neck and Virgil rests his head on his shoulder, “we’re all here, it’s okay.”
“Stupid—st—stupid,” Roman mumbles, “I’m stupid—“
Another hiss, followed by a kiss to the nape of his neck. “Stop lying, sweetie,” Janus whispers, “stop it. You’re not stupid.”
“I’m a prince afraid of the dark,” Roman spits out, disgusted, “of course I’m stupid.”
“Falsehood,” Logan murmurs with more tenderness than Roman can remember, “you’re not stupid. You’re not.”
“I’m crying because I’m afraid of the dark,” he spits again, “I’m af-fraid of the dark—I’m afraid of the dark, I’m—I’m afraid—“
He’s afraid of the dark.
Patton presses a kiss to his forehead. “I don’t like the dark either, sweetheart.”
“You’re—you’re not—you’re not crying—“
“No, I’m not.” Another kiss. “But you are, Roman, and that’s okay.”
“Come on, Princey.” Virgil butts his head gently against Roman’s. “You just gotta breathe first, okay? We’re not going anywhere.”
Remus calls from somewhere over his shoulder—what has he been doing? Where’s he been?— “come on, I got all the pillows.”
“Come on, Ro-Bro,” Remus murmurs, appearing at his other shoulder, “close your eyes.”
“It’s already d-dark, Re.”
“I know, but I don’t wanna get the blanket in your eyes.” Suddenly, there’s a swath of fabric hitting him in the face. “It’s just for a moment, Roro.”
“Ready?” Logan scoops him up. “Up we go.”
“H-how can you see?”
“He can’t,” Janus says, suddenly appearing behind him, “but I can. Come now, my prince, we’re just over here, come on…”
Roman lets out a soft noise of surprise when his back hits something soft.
“Snap yourself into something more comfortable, sweetie,” Janus murmurs, “we’re all just going to stay here for a while.”
Patton takes his hand and kisses the back of it as Logan helps tug down the t-shirt he’s poofed himself into.
“I’m sorry,” Roman mumbles, “I’m sorry I’m so scared.”
“None of that now, sweetheart,” Patton chides, cuddling into his side—oh, Patton’s in soft things too now— “you’re gonna be taken care of now. We’re right here.”
“I’m right here, Ro-Bro,” Remus says, promptly flopping down over Roman’s legs, “and no one else is going anywhere.”
Virgil huffs, curling around his head and ruffling his hair. “He’s right, Princey. Just relax for a little.”
“H-how long is the blackout going to last?”
“I don’t know, sweetie,” Janus says, snuggling into his other side, taking his hand between two of his, “but we’ll be here the whole time. Now please, sweetie, breathe.”
He tries. But it’s still dark and even though he knows the others are here, he can still feel the darkness pressing in on top of him. He can still see things moving in the shadows. He can feel it. He can see it. It hurts.
“Roman,” comes Logan’s voice, warm in the dark, “Roman, listen to me.”
“Yes, dear,” he says, “it’s alright. Virgil is by your head, and he can see in the dark.”
Virgil gives his hair a little tug. “Right here, Princey. I’ve got you.”
“Patton is on your left. He won’t let anything hurt you.”
“I’ve got you, sweetheart.” Patton kisses his cheek. “I won’t leave you.”
“Janus is on your right. He can also see in the dark, and it’s his job to protect you.”
Janus leans down to kiss his temple and squeezes his hand. “My prince,” he murmurs tenderly, “my sweetie.”
“And Remus…”
“Nothing’s laying a fucking finger on you, Ro-Bro,” Remus growls from down by his feet, “they’re gonna have to get through me first.”
Logan chuckles. “See?”
“I’m right here, little star,” he says softly, “what do you need?”
“W—where are you?” Roman’s hands tense in Patton’s and Janus’s. “Where—I—I can’t—“
“Hush now,” Logan says, so softly, so softly, as a hand cups his cheek to brush away his tears, “I’m right here, I know you can’t see me. I’m sorry. I know it’s dark. I know you’re afraid. It’s okay, my dear, shh.”
Roman tries to reach out for him only to be thwarted by the grip on his hands.
“Hush, Roman, it’s alright, what can I do?”
“S-stay, please, stay—I want you to stay—“
“I’m right here, can I—“
He almost sobs again with relief when Logan lies down, his head tucked over his shoulder, curling his arms about his waist.
“We’re right here, sweetie,” Janus murmurs, “we’ve got you.”
“I’ve got you, sweetheart.” Patton kisses the back of his hand.
“It’s okay to be scared, Princey.”
“We won’t let anything happen to you, Roro.”
It takes another half an hour for the storm to end and the lights to flicker back on. Roman stays tucked up in their arms, their soft words in his ear, gentle hands wiping away his tears, until he can blink up at all of them and murmur ‘thank you.’
“Of course, sweetie.”
“We’re here for you, Roman.”
“It’s no problem, Princey.”
“We’ve got you, kiddo.”
“All you gotta do is ask, Roro.”
Remus knocks on the door, the present in his hands. Roman opens the door and tilts his head.
“Can I come in, Ro-Bro?”
“Yeah, yeah, come on.” Roman shuts the door. “What’s up?”
“This is for you,” Remus says, holding out the box.
“Oh—Remus, I didn’t—I’m sorry—“
“You didn’t miss anything, Ro,” Remus says quickly, “and I’m not expecting anything in return. Just wanted to give you something.”
He shuffles.
“And I, uh, I also haven’t really apologized for the shit I’ve done to you, so…it’s that too.”
“O-oh.” Roman clutches the box. “Thank you, Remus. Can I open it now?”
“Sure.” He watches as Roman carefully opens the box and pulls out the stuffed octopus.
“Oh, Re, this is so cute!” He holds it up, looking at the little face. “I love it, thank you.”
He turns it over.
“Wait, what’s…”
“It’s a mood toy,” Remus says quietly, “if you flip it this way, it’s happy.”
The cream side of the octopus has a little smiley face.
“And if you turn it inside out—“ Roman flips the plush so that a red face frowns at him— “it’s sad.”
Roman’s eyes widen and he looks up at Remus.
“I know you find it hard to ask for things,” Remus says, edging a bit closer, “so I thought this could…help.”
“And I—oof!” Remus lets out a grunt as Roman tackles him onto the bed. He chuckles, his arms wrapping tightly around his brother. “I’m glad you like it Roro, just promise me you’ll use it?”
He gets his request a few days later.
It’s been quiet, Thomas is taking a break, and they’re all in various corners of the living room. Janus and Virgil are lazing about in the patch of sun by the window, Patton is in the kitchen, Logan is working on something on his laptop, and Remus is toying with the grip on his Morningstar.
Roman walks down the stairs and he’s clutching a little red octopus.
“Hey, Ro,” Remus says quietly, hopping up and scurrying over to meet him as he comes down the stairs, “you wanna go be alone?”
Roman shakes his head, pushing gingerly into the living room. Remus turns to see everyone paying attention to them, including Janus, who’s sat up fully and is reaching out to Roman.
“Come here, sweetie,” he calls, “is your brain being a bastard?”
Distantly, Remus hears Patton huff at the language but no one says a word as Janus gathers Roman into his chest, bending to murmur softly in his ear. Virgil scoots closer, acting as the guardian, letting Roman relax with the knowledge that nothing will surprise him right now. A gentle tap on Remus’s shoulder and he turns to see Logan, who bends closer.
“What do we do to help?”
“Help me make a mattress big enough for all of us?”
Under Logan’s guidance, Remus manages to make a normal mattress with lots of comfy blankets and pillows. Patton comes from the kitchen with a glass of water set on the table near the three on the floor. He pauses as he turns and quickly sets a cup of tea next to it.
Roman’s grip on the octopus doesn’t lighten up, even after he’s been in Janus’s arms for a while, even after Logan’s gone over and helped Virgil walk him through coming out of the spiral. Janus walks over to Remus and Patton and quietly tells them they should try and get them all to eat something. Nothing too straining for Roman’s system, but something.
Patton brings out a few bowls of snack food and sets them at the foot of the mattress. Then he goes and gently cards his hands through Roman’s hair.
“Come on, kiddos,” he says softly, “let’s move to the mattress.”
Logan scoops Roman into his arms, depositing him safely in the center of the mattress, little red octopus in tow. The rest of them cuddle around him, some Disney movie playing on the TV. Roman eats, then lays his head on Remus’s shoulder. Logan takes Roman’s free hand into his lap and cradles it there, stroking it with his thumb.
About halfway through the movie, Roman turns the octopus so that the cream side smiles at the screen too.
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airashisakura · 3 years
My first entry for @ssskmonth | Prompts used Glances and Years Past
Summary: In the journey of life, they lost and found something along the path.
Fixing her red ribbon, Sakura glances at the dark-haired boy. Sakura looks around before looking at him again. The classroom is lively as ever — Naruto and Kiba are fighting, Ino is bickering with Choji while Shikamaru yawns and mutters something, Hinata fidgets uncomfortably in her seat while Shino observes everyone. Sasuke’s elbows are resting on the desk, his chin supported by his interlaced fingers. Sakura’s green eyes wander on his face, and a shade of red stains her cheeks. Lucky for her, his eyes are closed. She wonders what he’s thinking.
The classroom is too noisy for his liking. Sasuke wants for Iruka-sensei to start class as soon as possible, because his 5 year old brain thinks the sooner the class starts, the sooner it will end. Today, he wants time to fly fast because his nii-san has promised to pick him up after school.
Everytime Sakura glances towards Sasuke while Iruka-sensei lectures about five basic nature of chakra, she finds him gazing out of the window. Strange, she thinks, because Sasuke-kun is always attentive to lessons. She hears Naruto get scolded for not paying attention, and he grumbles that he doesn’t understand a single word. However, this is not the case with Sasuke. She is confident of that. She nods and tells herself Sasuke-kun is a genius. He already knows what sensei is teaching.
Sasuke doesn’t want the class to end today, because he has been tired of being greeted by an empty house and crying himself to sleep. It’s only been a week, and he misses his mother's lap, his father’s voice, and his older brother’s presence. But he shouldn’t miss his older brother, should he? It’s too hard of a question for an 8 year old to figure that out. He bites hard on his lower lip; he doesn't want to cry in front of his classmates.
Sakura glances lazily at the campfire in front of her. Still in slumber, she hears Kakashi-sensei waking Sasuke-kun up for the watch. She recalls they were returning from an escort mission, and they were all tired, especially Naruto, to return back to the village immediately. So they settled to sleep under the open sky accompanied by a summer breeze. Sakura smiles in her sleep, thanking her sensei and teammate for giving her some more time to spend with Sasuke-kun.
Sasuke looks toward the sky. The darkness of the night is fading slowly, and in the distance, he could hear the birds chirping, ready to start their day. Kakashi said he needed an hour of rest before they start again for the village. Sasuke doesn't like that. He frowns, mulling over the fact that he isn't making any progress in his plan of revenge with a lazy sensei and two unskilled teammates. However, the 12 year old genin hums in gratitude because these people protect him from lonely nights.
It's been a year since Tsunade-sama took Sakura under her tutelage. Sakura tries to slip into a dream where Sasuke hasn't left the village and Team 7 isn't disbanded. But the pain that washes over her body doesn't let her. Grunting, Sakura glances over the picture of Team 7 kept on her bedside table before she shuts her eyelids again. Her 14 year self doesn't know which was more painful — broken bones or a bruised heart.
Sakura glances at her reflection before she punches the mirror. Her knuckles bleed, but her punching doesn't stop. Her short breaths change into sobs while her body shakes violently. While tears overflow from her green eyes, she thinks it's better now because broken shreds can't reflect the dark marks of Sasuke's fingers on her pale neck. She cries harder, realizing that the mark would disappear after some days, but the pain that her love for Sasuke brings won't. Her 16 year self was now wise enough to know that bruised hearts hurt more than broken bones.
Sakura wonders whether the examination rooms of the hospital are too small? She presses her fingers gently on Sasuke's left stump, examining it. She applies more pressure and glances at Sasuke's face to determine whether his arm still hurts. Sasuke doesn't flinch, though his expressions are unreadable as ever. The 17 year old Sakura isn't naive to deduce a silly conclusion. Although she can't read his thoughts, she feels a pain stirring behind his mismatched orbs.
Sasuke suppresses a gasp when Sakura touches his arm. It hurts a little when she prods him with her fingers, but he doesn't complain. However, it hurts more to accept that Sakura has forgiven him. He wants to jerk away from her touch and tell her not to treat him so gently. He doesn't do that and diverts his mind to search for answers that trouble him — the definition of home, his loyalty to Konoha, and his bonds with Team 7. His wandering mind is dragged to the present moment when Sakura applies more pressure. It hurts more than before, but he doesn't flinch. Instead, he notes that he should thank Sakura before he leaves for his redemption journey tomorrow.
After taking a shower, Sakura settles with a cup of tea beside the window. She sips the jasmine tea and hears the sound of falling rain along with metallic sound coming from the room. Sasuke, on the other side of the room, is busy taking care of his chokuto. It has been months they've been married, but Sakura still blushes on the thought that they share a room together. Perhaps she won't ever stop feeling giddy around him, but the 19 years old Sakura knows Sasuke better than before. She knows some of his past, can tell when he is bothered although she doesn't always know the reason, and has seen the little upward tilt of his lips when he is happy. She steals a glance at Sasuke before closing her eyes, and a satisfied smile creeps on her face.
The summer rain had drenched them badly, and out of habit Sasuke settled on the floor after a shower to wipe off the water from his and Sakura's weapons. He almost smiles when Sakura fumbles with the tea pot and watches her as she settles beside the window. He sighs and wipes his chokuto. He is still amazed by how comfortable he is around Sakura. It's the same feeling he had when he was around oka-san, otou-san, and Itachi; he realizes. His fingers abruptly stop on the blade when he remembers something oka-san had said years before. He looks towards Sakura — eyes closed, smiling — and realizes a rented room to take shelter from rain can turn into home because Sakura is there with him.
Sakura is tired. The exhaustion from the hours of labor has seeped deep in her bones. She glances at the dark ceiling of the hideout and clutches the sheet closer to her body. She cranes her neck to see the little human she had given birth to, and she smiles softly. Sasuke is curled on the other side of bed, watching their newborn daughter with awe. She catches something in his eyes that she has never seen before, and she feels tears pooling in her eyes. Sakura has once accepted that she couldn’t give Sasuke what he had once lost, but little Sarada has proved her wrong.
Sasuke watches as Sarada scrunches her eyes and wiggles. Sasuke places his index finger on her little palm and starts counting her fingers. Although he stops when she hears Sakura giggling softly. “She is so small,” he tells her, and Sakura says, “She is only a day old.” He hums and though he doesn’t say it out loud, he thanks her as he stares into her green eyes. Sarada’s little adorable fingers wrap around his index finger, and he realizes that at 20 he has found what he lost at a tender age of 8.
Sasuke glances at the clock before he slips under the sheet beside Sakura. It's late, and he almost groans on the thought that he has to leave early in the morning for a mission without seeing his daughter. At the age of 33, he wonders sometimes if he has taken the right decision to spend his life out of the village, working from the shadows, protecting the village. He turns around to face Sakura's back and snuggle closer to her body. Sakura stirs in her sleep and sleepily murmurs, “Okaeri.”
“Aah, Tadaima.” He realizes this way he can always come back to Sakura — and come back to his home.
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