#‘hate is always foolish and love is always wise'
leninisms · 10 months
genuinely twelve’s “am i a good man?” arc is the most important story in all of television to me
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sirtadcooper · 6 months
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Twenty-five icons of the Twelfth Doctor (Doctor Who).
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jotun-philosopher · 17 days
I was watching Twice Upon A Time today, and had the thought that this episode in particular highlights that Doctor Who and Good Omens have a lot of mutual thematic sympathy.
First off, there's the whole thing about the Christmas Armistice of 1914 -- a thoroughly human miracle of people on opposite sides of a war choosing to lay down their weapons, find their common humanity and lack of deep-down differences, and above all be kind.
And parts of Twelve's farewell speech, too:
"Never be cruel, never be cowardly. [...] Remember, hate is always foolish and love is always wise. [...] Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind. [...]"
That's kind of the fundamental moral backbone of DW, and the Ineffable Husbands would be pretty sympathetic to those sentiments, no? (One wonders how they reacted to the Christmas Truce, too)
Just some random late-night ramblings of mine XD
(The fact that One's costume resembles the outfit worn by Derek Jacobi's character in TF15 is one of those genuine coincidences, for all that there's probably an off-the-wall meta in analysing the thematic wossnames XD)
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iisthepopeoffools · 1 year
A movement guided by hate, even towards those you view as deserving of hate, will lead into nightmarish paths and become consumed by spite and resentment. A true liberatory movement must be guided by love of liberty, love of life, love of hope, love of beauty, love of others, not hatred.
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crave-mp3 · 1 year
do NOT i repeat NOT look in the 12th doctor tag under the latest section unless you wanna see the worst most awful disgusting ooc and extrmemly fucking racist 12 headcanon ever. it has to do with atomic bombs btw
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i probably don’t need to elaborate on why the premise of a wedding day on which the groom has to die in order to preserve history is so familiar
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xueyuverse · 24 days
It's ironic to me that part of the fandom insists so much that Hua Cheng's personality revolves around Xie Lian when in fact MXTX created Hua Cheng first and then had to make Xie Lian his ideal type. Like, the truth is that Xie Lian was molded for Hua Cheng. I find this contradiction very funny, I'm sorry.
But they were indeed created for each other.
Hua Cheng has a strong personality, he is firm in his ideals and beliefs, assertive in his opinions, cold in his justice and someone who does not bend the rules just to fit in, he creates a third way instead of adapting to a world that hates him and was cruel to him.
His ideal type would have to be someone as confident as him, who not only does not bend the rules, but also does not get corrupted by difficulties, someone benevolent enough to see people like him with kindness, because only someone faithful in his beliefs would be able to be so different from everything that the world says is right — because the right thing is for you to annihilate people like Hua Cheng, whether they are innocent or not, just because of a supposed curse that they did not ask for.
This meta is based on this excerpt from the afterword that MXTX put in TGCF ↓
When it comes to character designs, the Shou’s were decided on first for the first two novels, but I was torn over the Gong’s for a long time, and needed a run-in period. Hua Cheng, however, was an exception. Inspiration struck and there he was; inspiration struck again, and I blinded one of his eyes.
It was actually the Shou, Xie Lian, who tortured me for up to half a year’s time. When the novel started serializing, I was still torn over him for a long time.
But the most important thing is, by my instincts, someone like Hua Cheng will most definitely love someone like this. So, after a good half a year’s worth of qualms, in the end I still typesetted him: It’s you!
Speaking more about this postscript, I found it interesting how for MXTX, Xie Lian was the most difficult character she has ever played. People tend to think that Xie Lian only has two personality traits: (false, for many) kindness and idiocy. The idiocy may even be right lol, but when you stop to think about it, Xie Lian is a really difficult character to create and, mainly, to develop.
For all the layers he has, he could easily be a snobbish prince, a vengeful and bitter ex-prince, a fallen prince who rises again to reconquer his kingdom and reclaim his throne or a spotless saint who is always intelligent and wise and is above things like sadness, anger, lust, etc.
We know that Xie Lian is none of these things, he was not made for these plots. But if he is none of these things, then what could he be? Honestly, I find it very difficult for anyone to come to the conclusion that your protagonist is a "loser" who failed and has no ambition to rebuild his kingdom and become the new king. It's bold to make your protagonist a poor and extremely unlucky nomad, especially with the princely background that you gave him, we can see from the amount of stories out there about protagonists who lost their kingdoms and then have a path of reconquest that it's difficult not to be tempted to follow that path.
Of course, Xie Lian is a god, something greater than a prince or king, but he is a poor god, known as "the joke of the three kingdoms", he has no wealth and for 800 years he only had 1 believer that he didn't even know existed and he is also known as the "god of plague" and "immortal scrap collector", unconventional titles in the literary world lol
He must experience youthful ignorance, overestimation of his own abilities, have been laughable, been foolish, made mistakes, despaired, felt hatred, gone crazy. But he can’t run, and he can’t hide; everything is what it is. All this was killing me. Not just within the text, but outside the text too. My mediation was useless, and I’ve no energy anymore either, so in order not to be affected, I stopped looking at comments altogether. Since I always habitually vaccinate myself before a serialization begins, speculating on all the worst possible scenarios and preparing myself mentally, by the time serialization started I had already expected how all the negative comments would go down. But after much hesitation, I still thought, why not try all different kinds of characters? I haven’t tried writing a main character like this before.
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nikxlaii · 3 months
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☁ Pairing: Zhongli x gn!reader
☁ Category: Angst
☁Synopsis: He excludes you every time he's with her, and now he's living with the consequences of his actions, weighed down by their heavy toll.
☁ Note: It looks better in my head, lmao. I got back into writing after school ended. Still preparing for 12th grade, I'm scared. Good luck reading this. Let me know how it goes. 06/12/2024
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Do you not see me?
You stood in the field of glaze lilies, the soft night breeze gently caressing your skin, a sense of isolation surrounded you. The silence was deafening, save for the voices of the divine beings before you, talking as if you were not there. It was as if they were lost in the charms of the evening, indifferent to your presence.
You knew that going with Morax was a foolish decision the moment you realized that the God of Dust, Guizhong, would also be there. You shouldn't have come, you shouldn't have gone. But your heart would not permit you to resist the urge to spend time with the man you've always loved, even though it may not have been the wisest course of action.
Despite the sinking feeling in your stomach, you couldn't let the chance of being with him slip through your fingers. Yet as the night wore on, a seed of doubt had started to take root within you, gnawing at your innermost thoughts. You now wish you had the foresight to realize that accompanying Morax wasn't the most commendable choice.
"Here," Guizhong, with a playful glint in her eye, reached down to pluck one of the glaze lilies dotting the ground, a sweet scent filling the evening air. With a sweet smile, she tucked the lily behind Morax's ear. "How nice it looks on you!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with amusement. Morax's eyes softened at Guizhong's sweet gesture as he smiled softly at her, an expression you'd never seen on his face before. It was clear that only Guizhong could bring that soft smile to Morax's stoic face.
You stood there watching them, a silent observer, as they talked to one another. Even what they're talking about is unknown to you, making you feel like nothing more than a passive object in the room. You bore witness to the way the man you loved gazes at her with yearning and adoration—a glance that you wish was aimed at you instead.
The sight was not one to behold, causing a deep and unrelenting pain to well up within the deepest reaches of your emotional being. It was a peculiar feeling that possessed you. It was as if a sense of resentment towards the goddess gradually seeped into your bones, permeating your very essence.
But how can you hate such an innocent god who has never actively done any harm? In particular to you? Nonetheless, deep down you can't help but wish she'd never come into his life. That he had chosen you instead of her, that it was you in his arms, the object of his desire. Yet you know it's a futile dream, for you two are incompatible, you are the god of war while he is the god of contracts, forever parted by the gulf between your natures.
Guizhong, being the epitome of refinement and grace, captivates all who lay eyes on her. Unlike you, the deity of battles, Guizhong was a wise, compassionate, and intelligent god who never harmed a single soul. Conversely, you nevertheless bore the scars of battle on your body. Your skin stained with blood from countless battles. You see why Morax is so captivated by her—she was everything that you weren't.
"Oh, I think it's best I leave for now. Perhaps we can meet another time?" You force the words past your lips, your voice a mixture of hurt and disappointment. You hug your arms tightly to your chest, waiting for a response from either the two of them, only to realize that they don't seem to care about your presence. They're too caught up in their own world, and you're not a part of it. Maybe it's best to leave them be.
That night marked the end of your presence in their lives. It was then that you knew that it was time to move on. You couldn't change the way things were, nor could you force Morax to love you. As difficult as it was, you had to accept that your relationship with him was not meant to be. So, with a heavy heart, you decided to leave, choosing to cut all ties and put the past behind you. It was the only way to find peace and move forward.
In a tragic turn of events, the Archon War raged on with no end in sight. The God of Dust lost her life in a fierce battle over the Guili Plains and perished amidst the Glaze Lilies, leaving behind a sea of sorrow in her wake, particularly for Morax. Imagine his grief when he lost her too. He should have known the impending doom that was about to happen, and maybe, just maybe, he would have saved her too. Everything was a massacre.
Despite the passing years, he never ceased his search for you, holding a faint glimmer of hope that you were still alive. Despite giving up his gnosis, his rulership, and the weight of responsibility that he's borne for millennia, his determination to find you remains steadfast. It's as if he's incapable of letting go of the notion that you're still out there, somewhere, waiting to be discovered. Perhaps the gnosis is now in the hands of the Fatui and has become their possession. He continues to look for you without ceasing.
Despite the selfish intentions behind his actions, he continued to search for you over and over again. He knew that he was to blame for your departure, as his behavior had led you to leave his life forever. Nevertheless, he persisted in trying to find you, driven by the guilt and regret that had filled his heart. He struggled to come to terms with the consequences of his actions, and the sadness that weighed upon him only continued to grow. All he could do was hope that somehow, someway, he could make amends.
Would he ever see you again?
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☁ Note: Zhongli, you selfish man, jkjk, I love you. No hate towards Guizhong! I love her so much. She's so cute. Who do you think is at fault here? Of course, me! for creating this.
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yandereunsolved · 4 months
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🐉 ✧ Yandere Aemond Targaryen ✧ 🐉(part 2)
With you, this has been Aemond's only safe place since you were hired when he was but a child, and so were you. He would see you following the other maids and workers around like a lost duckling, constantly tripping over yourself, and failing at the simplest tasks. You grew proficient over time, but that didn't stop the harassment that came from young Aegon and the others. He had to become blinded in one eye to truly see you.
He thought you foolish at first. He pitied your futile attempts to reject Aegon's advances. Your education was nonexistent, and your manners only the minimum. You had not the physical strength of the guard nor the cunning that every power-hungry noble possessed. You did have two things that made you worth his time: your curiosity and comfort.
You didn't gasp in horror after his horrific disfiguration. You didn't scold him for not being wise or mighty enough to win the battle of being ambushed. Chastising him was not within the rights of your station, but many below him still did. Perhaps that is why he was so surprised when you were the only maid who offered to change his bandages and report to the maesters on his healing.
As you got bolder in his care, you dared to lightly caress the scar with the pad of your thumb. He would never admit how embarrassed he felt that you had taken such a liking to him. You seemed so content with the fact that he was now damaged goods. What lady would want a man with such a deformity?
You even gave him a porcelain eye for his socket as a gift. It wasn't the best made, but it was the most you could afford. You spent half of your weekly wages on such a thing. Aemond could feel a fiery sensation rising in his gullet. His fingers caressing the porcelain and meekly thanking you before dismissing you back to your duties.
He never wore the gift, as it wasn't what he had truly hoped for. Even as a sapphire remained in his empty socket, he always kept that glass eye in a wooden box right next to his bedside. He sat up many nights with pathetic droplets of sadness rolling down his pale face while clutching the object. He couldn't be strong all alone, but your token of good faith helped him get through his darkest hours.
That is when his courtship of you truly began. It was subtle. He had grown into a young man, and you had grown to be a fine worker within the walls of the Red Keep. Many would be suspicious if he always asked for you to care for him and do your duties near his room instead of having to traverse all throughout the castle.
He would leave you small gifts, like how a dragon will offer dead beasts to its rider as a sign of affection. They would be flowers from the gardens, trinkets, and silk cloths. Small notes of words that are translated into High Valyrian. "'Avy Jorrāelan', it means I love you in High Valyrian. I am sure your lips are sweeter than any pastry the finest chefs could bake." The short notes became increasingly violent and lewd over time. "One day, I will kill every man who has touched you who is not me. I will ravage you atop their dead corpses, and you will see their blood mixing in with my spilled seed." You stopped reading them. So he switched to another tactic. 
He had you carry his gear when he went to ride Vhagar. He introduced you to her, and she loved you just as he did. He could see it in her eyes. He's never seen the savage beast look so at peace. Vhagar went as far as to gently grab ahold of your clothing and tear at it. It caused you to become fearful and hide behind Aemond, but there was a certain mischief behind his dragon's actions.
"My prince, I fear your dragon dislikes me." You mutter so softly that his ears are barely able to pick the words up.
"I think she is very fond of you. If she hated you, then she would have eaten you already." There was an air of amusement present in his voice that you haven't ever heard before.
"Should I take comfort in that?" You inquired while a bit confused about this peculiar situation.
"You should."
"I shall, then. She is your dragon, and you know her best. You always end up being right about these things—I mean you are extremely intelligent. You are just always able to figure these things out. Your good looks and charm help to. I—" You felt you said too much and shut your mouth.
Aemond learned to tease you in such a way that would get you to spill these thoughts of yours. He did it so shamelessly. He made sure those bastards knew you were taken through his method. He almost kissed you just to prove that neither Jacaerys nor Lucerys would ever be able to lay a hand on you. He didn't have to worry about Aegon anymore. His drunk of a brother learned well not to trifle with you after he gave him a broken nose and a bloodied lip. If anyone dared upset you, especially those not his kin, well, they have particularly gruesome deaths.
All of this and you thought him mostly indifferent to you. None of the most twisted emotions ever rose to the surface when he was around you. He always waited until in private. He knew he had to keep you in his clutches. He couldn't scare you away quite yet. 
"Me?" You squeak in surprise.
Aemond tucks a dragon's breath flower behind your ear as you turn to face him. No words escape him. Only a contented smirk appears. Before you have an opportunity to question him, he walks off. How strange. You gently adjust the flower in your hair. It makes you oddly giddy. 
"How cute." You murmur.
Aemond heard your words. He couldn't wait for the morrow. He will take you back to Vhagar and confess his love. He will offer you to become his spouse. His mother surely wouldn't be happy, but he would. And if the worst comes, he will burn down all of Westeros just to be with you.
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kittwix · 5 months
What are the Joestars like in a Relationship?
Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna, Jolyne Cujoh, Johnny Joestar, Josuke Higashikata (Gappy), Jodio Joestar x Neu! Reader
tags: mostly fluff, there might be some sugestive content for joseph and jolyne specifically but you have to squint to really catch it,
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Jonathan Joestar
Perhaps this might be a bit predictable, but he's a total sweetheart and would treat you with the most care in the world. Honestly, it can be a bit overwhelming how affectionate he can be.
To start things off, he's very much the type to always ask you for minor things. To walk you home, to hold your hand, to go out on a date, etc. It was how he was raised, he'd put your feelings first as the gentleman that he is.
He isn't one to initiate a lot of things, he isn't used to romance that often honestly. You had to initiate the first kiss and he allowed you to. However, once he gets the silent approval from your end, that lets him know that he needs to be bolder in order to at least impress you.
Will always defend you, no matter how right or how wrong you are, he will be at your side and believing everything that you have to say.
He isn't the best cook, it wouldn't be too wise to ask him for some help around the kitchen. He may be a gentleman but he is still a very clumsy man. But he would gladly be a taste tester.
He will refer to you with loving, old-fashion petnames (ex. darling, dearest and sweetheart are his favorites)
Very solid relationship, 10/10 he treats you the best out of all the joestars in my personal opinion.
Joseph Joestar
It's never gonna be boring with him, that's for sure. He makes sure you have the time of your life whenever you're around him, even if it means risking your lives.
Seriously, at times you hate to be the party pooper but he takes things a little too far. Though, the last thing he'd ever want is to put you in danger for his own foolishness. A good talk or two would really put him down and keep him in his lane.
He very much does initiate a lot of the activities you do together, as well as the affections that he shows you. And that also means being extra touchy with you too. Seriously, he can't keep his hands to himself.
The kind of guy to go out of his way to really impress you in a way that it feels like a competition. Who is he competiting with? Well any other man that looks your way, of course! He'll always have your heart and you'd have to tell him that since he goes above and beyond in getting you gifts.
Some of the petnames he has for you is very classic (ex. baby, babe and sugar are his favorites).
Pretty strong relationship, however he is prone to have an affair, so take that what you will. 7/10 just because he's hot.
Jotaro Kujo
He's a tough cookie, alright. Honestly, it was a bit of a shock for anyone to see Jotaro act so... soft around somebody.
Part 3 Jotaro would take his time to really warm up to you, as long as you're patient with him and know that he can rely on you, then he'd slowly lower his guard and the most you'll get from him is a little kiss on the cheek. Everybody would be surprised and wonder about how you manage to break this man.
Part 4 Jotaro is a way more mature, with some experience up his sleeve and a career that he could only dream of, he isn't necessarily shy to show his appreciation for you. He'll hug you and his words run a lot deeper than what he would've said if he was in highschool.
Part 6 Jotaro has no shame in calling you his, of course he isn't openly affectionate but behind closed doors he can be a little clingy. But because his job requires him to move a lot, he can be a bit neglectful.
Petnames that I could see him use are a lot more classic and sweet names (like honey or darling).
He still has some hiccups here and there but it could be worse. 6/10. He's trying.
Josuke Higashikata
In his own words, he's a very romantic type of lover and likes doing things the old-fashion way. He doesn't take you for granted, that's for certain.
Because of this, it means that he preferes a much more slow burn of a relationship with you. Expect to see him by your door with a bouquet of flowers just for you. Or how he always stays by your side, walking you home or accompanying you to the store. Sometimes it takes Okuyasu and Koichi to pull him away from being around you so much. Now he's the real loverboy.
He wears his heart on his sleeve and he's a pretty emotionally sensitive guy. He takes good care of himself and he likes to always look good for you, even when you tell him he's perfect no matter what. On date nights, he takes a lot longer to get ready than you, mostly for doing his hair to which he might even ask you to help.
Initiation goes both ways honestly, sometimes he's a little shy to ask for a kiss or to hold hands; Other times he's carrying you bridal style with Crazy Diamond behind him spewing all kinds of lovey dovey crap to defend in your honor.
Petnames he likes to use for you are really classy and unique (such as babe or lovebug).
Pretty good relationship status, I'd say he's second best because he cares and wants was best for you as well as wanting to just have fun. 9/10.
Giorno Giovanna
He's pretty reserved, it can take a bit for him to open up about himself and especially with you since you are his partner. I like to think Giorno has little experience, sure he has a lot of charisma and it's easy for him to use that charm to get what he wants but when has he ever actually been on a date before? Be in a relationship, for that matter? Probably nothing as as serious as the relationship he's with you now.
Which leaves room for him to learn more personal and intimate affections that casual flings won't happen, like discussing the future and actually expressing how much you love each other.
He's gentle with you and surprisingly obedient. He has a heart of gold, yet mischief lies behind those eyes of his that leaves you a giggling mess. His sense of rebellion keeps you up on your toes and yet he was always so gentle with you.
He can be surprisingly pretty protective and almost terretorial for you, always having you behind him of all cause and his hands always seem to gravitate towards your hips just to keep you close.
Once he's mob, leader of them all, Giorno then he'll make sure to spoil you with everything and anything you want.
Petnames that he likes to use for you are sweet and sincere italian nicknames (like caro/cara or bello/bella).
He really cares and he shows that he cares, despite setting his priorities over you at times, you'll always matter to him. 8/10.
Jolyne Cujoh
She definitely warms up to you quicker once you've gained her trust, using any excuse to wrap herself around your arm and is at your side at all times. She can be pretty clingy, being away from you for so long is straight up torture for her.
No literally, everything about her softens whenever she's near you just from how soft her voice gets or how gentle she is with her touches.
Initiation goes both way, though she catches you off guard and at times she gets a little too bold; Not like you're one to complain.
She's an experimental lover, she isn't one to really turn down the adventures you have planned. And I mean that in more ways that one.
She knows that she can be a bit complicated and all she wants is someone who is willing to fight at her side and someone to rely on, much like her dad.
Of course, don't take yourself too seriously, she still likes to have fun and mess around.
Petnames she likes to use are things like babe, baby, and cutie.
Overall, 9/10 relationship! It isn't perfect but she's a lovergirl and if she trusts you enough, she'll swoon over you.
Johnny Joestar
Definitely likes teasing and making a mockery out of you but it's all for love, it's really nothing personal.
Is also the type to be a little clingy, though he likes to deny it from time to time and uses an excuse that he was just worried for you. Honestly, he just wants to be understood and you're one of the few that listens to him.
At first he may seem a bit closed off, but he really likes the attention you give him and honestly he'd be upset if you weren't as affectionate. Thats why he prefers it whenever you take the initiation, he likes being caught off guard and pampered with kisses. But don't worry, he has some tricks up his sleeves as well and he'll return the favor.
I'd like to think that he was still raised to be at least a bit respectful, though that certaintly backfired since he can be a bit of a jerk. Though, not towards you, he has a soft spot for you and doesn't see you as some rich person who he sleeps with when he was at his prime.
Some petnames I could see him use is along the names like Sweetheart, Honey and Dear if he's feeling extra affectionate.
8/10 , he likes to put an image that he's tough but with you around he acts soft.
Josuke Higashikata (Gappy)
You are his everything and he loves you so much, he just likes to express it a little differently. His main priority is to retrieve his memory back and trying to figure out who he is, but in the process of that he turns to you because you are one of the few people that truly understands him.
He doesn't know what he wants or how he is, he was drawn towards you because you're nice to him and is willing to help him out of his situation.
You had to do most of the initiation, he's a little clueless and oblivious to your advances unless you're really direct with it and let him know what you want or what you're gonna do. If you're gonna kiss him, tell him that and he'll close his eyes and pucker his lips just for you to take the intiative to lean in and lock lips.
He loves hugs, being embraced by you calms him down and puts him at ease. Sometimes he thinks a little too much or thinks of nothing at all, only to be reminded that you're still with him and he appreciates you for it. He cries just a little and you poke fun of him for that, just for him to say that he wasn't crying at all (he is).
As for petnames, I can only really see him just call your name.
7/10 , He doesn't know what the hell is going on but he knows for sure that he likes you and we'll do everything in his power to keep you from harm.
Jodio Joestar
A somewhat stereotypical, awkward, highschool relationship where you both have no idea what you're doing but holding hands for some reason is such a big deal.
He's kinda a loser, perhaps you don't say it out loud but because of his inexperience to talking with anyone or being in a relationship in general, he lacks the ability to muster up the courage to do anything further than just hand holding and hugging. So when you surprise him with a kiss, he kinda just stands there with a blush before resorting to just expressing how cool he is (he's freaking out).
The money that he gets from selling drugs and getting himself into trouble, he'd use some of that up to buy something nice for you or at least something that reminde him of you.
Sometime's he's a little mean, a bit of a jerk at times but you learn to bring him back and help him keep his cool. He just likes to run his mouth and at times it can get the both of you in trouble. A little kiss or squeeze of his hand will instantly shut him up.
Petnames he likes to use are a bit obnoxious just to make everyone around him annoyed. So something like babe, honey and baby.
7/10 , you're both young and dumb and its not perfect and yes theres ups and downs but at the end of the day.
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dansemacabre · 4 months
hi sorry i don’t go here anymore but i feel a lot of things about the tommyinnit video and i have a lot of bit ideas and i just. i need to make a numbered list
1. obsessed with how his go to story was always “kids in school bullied me for minecraft videos” (bad, awful, sorry this happened) and not “i specifically asked for my teachers to play my minecraft let’s plays in the middle of science”. this is soooo positive and kind and affectionate because this is both something i do now (lie abt personal stories on the internet) and something i repeatedly did as a kid (deliberately got myself into Embarrassing Situations trying to mix internet and irl. i have stories too thomas….)
2. his middle name is michael. LOSER. whos name is michael. only. losers
3. i was like “wow foolish and quackity are in here a lot” until i realized that he Cannot Show Anyone Else. 75% of dsmp clips contain at least One racist and/or convicted felon
4. this guy Cannot keep fading to black and sighing. every transition it’s another fucking fade to black. Please just cut to black please just cut please just cut please please please please
5. THE TOMMY NEG CAMEO……. suddenly it was 2021 and i was on twitter at 4am and my moot was asking me if i hated philza and cheated on my girlfriend bc a random swiftie faked messages with me to be in a joke group chat i was in that dr*am got added to but never actually joined. sorry this isn’t about me but hey that was Fucking wild
7. i fuck w the djo! I am crying real human tears though
8. he found himself thru stand up comedy…….. be yourself because then you’ll get more views…………. he is so wise……. i must become the most famous man in nottingham…………..
that’s all. i don’t think half of these classify as bits. this is like a React video but on tumblr which is somehow worse than a react video. doesn’t matter. It’s all love
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Thinking about fragile s/o suddenly going to dottore hugging n sitting on his lap n mumbling about after they die hes gonna replace them with someone else and forget about them 😭😭 just s/o being so depressing n insecure with their illness
Fragile reader angst part 274892 guys ❤️ GOD DAMN IT. IT HURTS. It was the middle of the night, at some ungodly hour. And you hadn't slept a wink despite having gone to sleep hours ago. Tossing and turning, fixing your pillow dozens of times, kicking off the blankets, and pulling them up again. But to no avail. Nothing could hope to give you peace of mind. Not when your thoughts were so loud. This was a common occurrence, you losing sleep from not just your illness, but the horrible thoughts your illness caused you. You hated not being able to do anything for yourself. You hated having to receive help for everything. You hated being useless. You hated being looked down upon. You hated having to stand next to Dottore like this. You hated him having to waste precious time and resources on you when he could be pursuing far more interesting endeavors. You hate the way he looks at you as if you're the loveliest person his wise eyes have ever looked at, when you couldn't help but disagree. You hated the fact that there were so much people out there better than you, for him too. You hated...
Quickly, you threw the covers off and pulled yourself out of bed. Working yourself up like this always made you feel worse and unbearingly hot, close to tears. Yet it always seemed to happen anyway. But this time instead of weeping to yourself you just wanted to see Zandik. You needed to, otherwise you may not survive the night. He's immediately alarmed when he sees you in his office, surprised as well you managed to dodge any of his segments. When he inquires as to why you're here at this time, your only response is to shut the book he was writing in and physically take the pen out of his hand, indicating you want his full attention. And then you climb onto his lap, Zandik's arms supporting you as you buried your face into his chest... mumbling some things so quietly he wouldn't have heard you if he didn't focus his hearing on you. Things that make him utterly confused. Replace? Another person? Forget? Most importantly, you, die? He can't wrap his head around it, such nonsense. First of all, nothing else in this world could ever hope to be even a fraction of what you are to him. Your intelligence, personality, looks... anyone being close to you is preposterous. Foolish. Even if you happened to be erased from Irminsul he shall never forget you. And you shall not die. He's declared it a number of times. He downright refuses to accept that outcome. Seeing Zandik vehement about anything other than his research is rare, but when it comes to this topic he is rather forceful about his ideology.
When you peer up at him after his words, only replying with a small "really?" he sees that your eyes look so, so tired. He wishes he knew how to make it better. But he doesn't. Though his confident "of course" makes your stiffened body slack against him, as you retreat to nuzzling his chest again. And soon enough, you're asleep. You're fine, for now. But you won't be tomorrow. Or the day after that. Tenderly, he lifts you and carries you to his own bedroom. Il Dottore doesn't know what to do. Things won't get better immediately. But they will one day. So what he'll always do is alleviate your pain whenever he can, even if it'll never be enough, for he loves you so.
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baldwin2001 · 7 months
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"Let go of me!"
"Silence, you shameless woman" said the gentleman without letting go of her arm while his other companion held her by the other arm.
"You will never silence me!" - she said with a hateful look. - "Let me go!"
Suri was being taken to King Baldwin IV after it was discovered that the red-haired Templar knight was actually a lady, and the other knights did not hesitate to take her to the king to have her head cut off, it was disrespectful for a woman to dress up as a man and fight with them.
"Your Majesty" - spoke a Templar in a loud voice.- "We bring you a shameless woman who has pretended to be a Templar knight."
"A woman?" asked the king.
"That's right, yes, your majesty."
The highest ranks of Jerusalem and the Knights Templar were together with King Baldwin IV, who was in the center of the place. They were meeting to discuss the assaults on the Muslim caravans near the city, which had been worrying everyone for a few weeks.
Upon arriving at the place both knights threw her to the ground, in front of the king, leaving her exotic red knight in sight.
Instantly Baldwin recognized her, he sighed stressed.
It was Suri, his beloved.
Despite the great love he had for her, he could not deny how reckless she could be.
"Lady Suri Sahar, the most stubborn and foolish woman I know" said Tiberius, noticing that this was the young red-haired girl he had known since she was a naughty little girl.
"Lord Tiberius, you know I am a great warrior, please. Let me stay with the Knights Templar and go fight against Saladin" begged the red-haired woman in front of the king's confidant.
"Arrogant woman!" The man who brought her was furious at her words, and was about to silence her with a blow, until the king himself spoke.
And the room fell silent, all looked to him; the leprous king. Wise and loyal before God and the people of Jerusalem, but damaged by leprosy since he was a child, that did not prevent him from being a great ruler.
"Lady Suri, you are permanently out of the Knights Templar" the monarch spoke firmly.
"But your majesty...!"
"Nothing!"- exclaimed Baldwin without a hint of kindness.- "Many of us in this room know of your skills with your back, they are magnificent. But to dress as a man and go to a showdown in Egypt is delicate."
"I am very sorry, your majesty. I will accept your punishment, even if this is banishment from Jerusalem or.... Death" Suri said trying to sound sure of her words, but at the end you could hear the fear in her voice.
Baldwin thought about it for a moment, she used to be rebellious and stubborn, he thought she was just going to apologize but banishment? Even...? Death? It was unthinkable, she would never do such a thing to her crimson flower.
"Tiberius, take her to my chambers, there I will tell her what her sentence will be."
Murmurs began to be heard throughout the room because of the king's words, but no one dared to raise his voice against the king, except for one.
"Your majesty, how can you say such a thing" -spoke Reinald of Chatillon with indignation- "She committed a grave act, she must be punished by death, the most faithful knights want her head."
"Silence!" -Baldwin rose from his throne, and spoke loudly.- "I am the king of Jerusalem, the highest authority. You nor any knight will choose your punishment or when, only I. Understood?"
"Yes, my king."
There was fear in his voice but also hatred, hatred of being humiliated again and again by a leper like him.
The meeting was adjourned. The monarch turned and left. Tiberios took Suri by the arm and they both followed the king. He looked angry because of his way of walking, quick and precise steps. He did not deign to look at her.
"My lord, I am sorry. I know I played with your trust..." a shout was heard in the corridor.
"You don't know anything" at last he looked at her, she was stunned.
She was stupefied.
He had never yelled at her. He always did silly things and sometimes made her hair stand on end from stress, and only got a few scoldings from her. He was always the serious and responsible part of the relationship, but this time it was different.
"Come" -he took her by the arm and led her to her room, without first giving Tiberios a glance- "No one is to enter."
"Yes, my lord."
He slammed the door shut, and began to walk around the room. Although I couldn't see his face, his blue eyes said it all, he was angry.
"Baldwin, I'm sorry" the redhead muttered.
Baldwin completely ignored her comment and walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders.
"Do you know what you just did? Do you even know?"
"I went to Egypt to fight like the warrior I am, I was very helpful." - The young woman spoke firmly before the king.
"You could have died, Suri" Baldwin said angrily.
"I know, my king."
"Are you aware of all the damage you would have caused me if that happened?" -he asked, sighed for a moment and then looked at her with concern. -. "When I saw you being brought by the knights like that I knew something was wrong."
"The last thing I want to do is to worry you" she commented sincerely.
On this occasion she was speaking the truth. Many times she liked to have fun with Baldwin, being a bit naughty. But this was not one of those, she had been of help in Egypt, because in addition to knowing how to handle the sword, she was good with medicine and first aid, managing to help many knights so that they did not go even with God.
The young monarch took her by the cheeks, staring at her through his mask, his blue eyes crystalline because of everything that had happened.
"I love you, Suri" - he whispered close to her lips - "I don't want to lose you."
"That's not going to happen, Baldwin. I swear" - she moved even closer to him, leaning her head on his chest, managing to listen to his heartbeat- "I love you too, how you have no idea."
"Promise you won't go to war."
"But Baldwin..." she blurted out, a little bit complaining about what her lover had said.
"Promise me" - she said almost in supplication.-"I just want you to be safe."
"I promise" she said resigned to his words.
"Thank you" she murmured close to his ear before giving him a soft kiss on his unruly hair.
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inastarlesssky · 4 months
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Run like hell because you'll always need to. Laugh at everything because it's always funny. Never be cruel and never be cowardly. And if you ever are, always try to make amends. Hate is always foolish, and love is always wise. Always try to be nice, and never fail to be kind. Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind.
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milftrickster · 8 months
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mrstsugikuni · 1 year
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"His moonlight."
(name) kibutsuji is the daughter of muzans kibutsuji and out of all his off spring she has proven herself worthy to him. Kokushibo always saw her as distraction since muzan has actually taken a liking to her and actually loved her, he was almost always busy spoiling her and giving her his attention. Kokushibo never understood why until he finally saw what he saw his heart taking it's first beat in 500 years.
This whole story will be in kokus pov. Unless said other wise in one of the chapters!
WARNING: The story itself WILL contain suggestive scenes, and/or sexual encounters. I will put a warning before the scene so you can skip if you're not comfortable. Anyways enjoy the story lovelies 🫶
Chapter 1.
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Muzans did it again. He brang his daughter to the meeting. Oh how I hate her with every non living gut in my body, I can't stand her unique eyes, her smile that's almost like the sun, and just everything about her! I'm so sick of her I wish muzans never even saw anything in her and she'd disappear!
I just don't understand, why is she so favored she hasn't been alive that long at all! Just 21 years, so why her from any of us! Why her and not me! She's just like yoriichi and I hate that! Why can't he see she's just like him! It isn't fair.
I bowed before my master, even if I did believe he was being foolish for this girl. But I'm being even more foolish or childish as some would say because of the way I'm acting about this. I mean it's just some girl, nothing more. I just don't understand why he's still keeping her so close like she's 5, she's an adult.
"kokushibo, please refrain yourself from staring at my daughter!" I heard my master, was I staring? I mean I knew I was zoning out from my jealous thoughts but I didn't think I was staring. "Yes, master sorry." I bowed my head to stare at the floor and not his disgusting daughter since I was apparently staring.
"I will be going somewhere for a while, Tomorrow I will decide who shall take care of her and I don't wanna hear any complaints if I choose one of you." Muzans said, and knowing my luck he might choose me since he trusts me more than any of them.
Suddenly I felt a pair of eyes on me, I looked up once more scanning the room for who might be staring and that's when I met her eyes, that brat.
Her face flushed red as she looked away and hid behind her father, I rolled eye's and looked back down not wanting to part take in her childish acts.
I simply wasn't interested.
The meeting was over and muzans had asked for us to get to know her while he went off to think by himself for a bit. It seemed as of tho she wasn't interested in what any of them were talking about but I would find her trying to look for someone probably me, luckily I was hiding.
Without even realizing it, I felt a presence behind me and I knew exactly who it was. "what do you want?" I asked trying to get this useless conversation over with. "Well, my father told me to get to know everyone so that includes you as well!" She gave me her signature smile and I couldn't help but grimace at such a face.
Disgusting. *perfect?* No.
Her eyes fluttered open like a princess under the night sky with moonlight shining on her perfectly shaped face.
Ugly. *Pretty..* No!
Her eyes capturing mine sealing them in as she continued to talk to me in her little sweet voice or what ever.
Obnoxious. *Funny!* NO!
These unwanted comments bubbling in my head piss me off. I hate her more than anything. There isn't a day where I don't think about smashing her head into a wall.
That's when I felt another presence and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Hello, (name)-chan! I missed not being able to talk to you!" Douma said in a voice coated with the sickening fake sweetness he puts on.
"Oh hello douma-san!" Her face lit up at seeing him as she patted the spot next to her.
*should be me...* NO!! SHUT UP!
He sat next to her scooting closer to her, he was almost on top of her it seemed and that's when I felt it.
But why? I hate her, why do I feel this, if anything I should be happy cause now she isn't talking to me but I'm not. I want him to disappear and go away. He shouldn't even be near her.
Almost like he knew he was making me angry he put his arm around her and pulled her close. I got up and just walked away. I didn't wanna feel any of that, I didn't understand why I was in the first place. Nothing he was doing felt right but I hate her.
I hate her more than yoriichi.
I continued to walk around the infinity castle trying to figure out why I was feeling such an emotion when he was near her. But nothing I couldn't think straight.
"Kokushibo-dono~." Great the bastard followed me. "What do you need?" I asked him obviously showing signs I was annoyed with him. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok, you just got up and left." He said smirking.
"Nakime, teleport me to my home."
I was in the safety of my home, away from him, and away from her. "Maybe some meditation will help me calm my nerves and figure out why I was acting in such a way." I walked outside where the mist ran thick and no human dare go, the silence was overpowering, and the trees blew in the wind.
"What a lovely night." I sat in a patch of grass, and gazed at the moon before closing my eyes and taking in deep breaths.
My mind couldn't stop thinking about her.
Her smile, her eyes, her voice, and her lips.
I shouldn't be thinking of her in such a way, but something keeps pulling me closer to these thoughts.
When she was younger I never had these thoughts I hated her, wished she would die. But when she turned 18.. everything changed. I started getting weird thoughts, unwanted ones.
It was almost like it was her blood demon art.
Hallucinations? Mind control? Just messing with ones brain in general? I don't know and perhaps I never will.
But there isn't a day she isn't on my mind, and there isn't a day I'm not begging for her death. I need to figure all this out, I need to find out why I get such thoughts, maybe muzans knows but he doesn't have time for such a foolish question.
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