#‘dream we all know it’s gonna end soon it’s a phase’ ‘NOT WHEN THOSE THREE ARE ENCOURAGING HIM’
isame-allen · 4 months
Drew getting ‘adopted’ by all the nightmares because of his emo phase and they know it’s going to scare the Von Lichts
Nevin doesn’t know it’s going to scare Drew’s brothers, but he’s still showing Drew more emo things
Dream is pulling up to the newtons
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rabidmind101 · 2 years
2022 review
I think self discovery was a huge theme for me this year. fuck, in the end I am even more confused about who I am then back in January. but it’s okay with me because I have time for that. I realized why I am the way I am. I realized a lot about myself relationship wise. still working on the friend thing.
some things I accomplished this year:
• stayed strong through challenges in my relationships
• started being more cringe (not giving a fuck)
• had a hoe phase
• starved for like three weeks (yes it’s fucked up ik)
• graduated esthi school
• went to a club by myself and socially survived
• taught myself how to clean
• even after I failed and was devastated, I NEVER GAVE UP ON MY DREAM!!
in January I shaved off all my eyebrows, which was somewhat a symbol of rebellion, and somewhat an aesthetic choice. one really tragic thing that happened that month is that I witnessed domestic abuse between my boyfriend at the time and his grandfather. sent me into a huge panic attack and rage fit. I thought it was just gonna be the end of everything. he ended up getting his phone back later in the month and we finally had the freedom to talk like we used to.
most of February was pretty chill, because work was very slow. what really wasn’t chill was the shooting at the mall. super traumatic experience which I embarrassed myself in. but I couldn’t help it, I was so overwhelmed by the whole situation. I freaked the fuck out and screamed at my coworker for holding me because I hate being touched. I know she was just trying to be there for me but I couldn’t fucking stand it. the end of February was a catalyst event for my self discovery. I watched a video from OfHerbsAndAltars on his experience with atypical autism that led me down a rabbit hole that helped me learn so much about myself.
March was spent thinking quite a bit about my future because esthi school was coming next month. I was also hopelessly addicted to Trader Joe’s Takis and was just dipping my toes in the water of rollercoaster enthusiasm. when Carowinds opened up in March I was there as soon as I could. I was also thinking about the cruise I was gonna go on soon. about mid March I left B&BW. I headed over to Miami to get a vacation in before 6 months of school. I boarded Virgin Lady and had such a fabulous time that helped me discover lots about myself, surprisingly. I really just let go of embarrassment and fear and let myself have fun.
April was definitely one of my most challenging months of the year. when I came home from the cruise it just felt like the energy shifted. I found out that I was basically cheated on. then I had to suffer a prom date with said cheater. who was a fucking loser the whole time, I wish I would have fucking left him in the dirt on his ass when I had the chance. there were a lot of sleepless night from here until July unfortunately. my anxiety was so bad that I couldn’t turn my brain off just to rest. and it was so awkward just having to see him knowing what he did. there were so many times that month where I just wanted to leave but I wasn’t ready. then I got into esthi school.
May was super confusing. I met my best friend at school and started to lead the same path I did in my last relationship. I developed a huge crush on her and I felt awful that I could do that while having a boyfriend. she was so beautiful and different to me. I loved everything about her- except the crush she had on this guy she worked with. I lived in my own imagination with a plethora of sapphic fantasies. I couldn’t stop thinking about her and just wanted to spend every second with her. but, she was my friend, and I was in a relationship. it just wouldn’t work. on the flip side, for my birthday I was taken to Busch Gardens Williamsburg which really sealed in my love for rollercoasters and my commitment to the enthusiasm. that was seriously a wonderful trip, I wish I could revisit those moments.
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stylesluxx · 4 years
imprint (II) – p.lahote
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[warnings: angst?? and minor swearing]
summary: in which y/n thinks it’s just the imprint talking | part one | next part
word count: 3,740
You shakily lifted your hand and knocked on Jacob's door. If you were in your right mind, you would've just walked in but you didn't want to feel like an intruder twice in one day.
The door opened and you greeted your childhood friend with a forced smile while looking at him through your wet eyelashes. The rain had started as soon as you were out of Paul's sight and with no warning drizzle, it just started pouring. But you were grateful because you knew Jacob wouldn't be able to tell apart the tears from the raindrops.
"Y/N, what are you doing here? You're soaked! And whose ugly brown shirt is that?" He interrogated as he took your hand, pulling you inside. "Why did you knock? Where's your key?"
You sighed at his questions, not wanting to exert the energy it took to answer them. You slipped off your shoes, leaving them on the mat whilst Jacob shut the door behind you.
"Are you okay?" He asked, picking up on the fact that none of his questions got answered and you were eerily silent. You stayed silent and just looked at him for a moment, thankful that you had someone you could always run to no matter what. "Alright, if you're just gonna be mute, I'm gonna go get you some sweatpants. I know those jeans are uncomfortable-"
"I just- I just needed to be with you. You're my friend. My brother. By choice. Right?" You cut him off with a faint voice as your lip started to tremble and your eyes began to water all over again. You knew you looked pitiful and feeble but you just needed the reassurance.
"Where's this all coming from, Y/N? Is it Paul? I told you he was bad new-"
He sighed once more and pulled you into a hug, not bothered by your damp body, "right. I choose you. Every time."
You nodded and slowly wrapped your arms around his waist, your hold tight. You held him as if he'd disappear right from your arms. It grounded you.
"Come on, let's change you out of these clothes."
You didn't show up to school until Thursday. You needed a break from everything and you weren't ready to be in the same vicinity as Paul just yet. As soon as you got home from Jake's house, Saturday evening, you turned your phone off. You wanted to just disconnect and spend some time with your thoughts.
Maybe you were being too dramatic. Maybe the imprint was a good thing. It was an easy way to find your soulmate, that's for sure, but you couldn't get over the thought that Paul wouldn't have even bothered with you had it not been for him phasing. And while you were debating the imprinting business, you were also trying to process that someone you knew could transform into a huge wolf. It shouldn't be humanly possible, however, you saw it with your own eyes. You honestly wanted to believe that it was all just a dream and you'd wake up and everything would be back to normal. You don't know where you wanted to start over: before Paul even knew you existed or before Paul told you he was a shifter. You wanted a life with Paul. But you wanted a life where Paul chose you.
On Tuesday, you were resting on the couch, binge-watching Criminal Minds, when you were interrupted but knocks at the door. You quietly got up, despite the soreness of your body, and looked through the peephole. Your breath hitched as your eyes caught sight of Paul. You frowned and backed away from the door as quietly as you could and returned to your spot on the couch.
It seemed as if your body thought you were rejecting him and the aching in your chest only grew. You curled into a ball and pulled a blanket over your body, trying to push the image of Paul to the back of your mind while you continued to watch tv. The knocking continued as well as huffs and comments like: "Y/N, I know you're in there."
He finally gave up around 5:30 PM, having been there since school got out. You heard the engine of his truck when he started it up and soon the sound lessened as he pulled out of your driveway and drove down the street. The further he was from you, the more your body ached, and the harder it seemed to breathe. You'll admit, the time you spent with Paul was as easy as breathing, but now if you felt like you were being suffocated. It seemed like you were in the cold ocean, your head bobbing up and down trying not to drown.
And though you told Paul you could be friends, you still needed time and space to process everything. You didn't want to rush to be with him right away just to end up swimming in the misery of your thoughts. And your misery doesn't love company; you don't enjoy spreading your misery with others.
So you ignored Paul and your friends when they came to check up on you on Wednesday.
On Thursday morning, you dragged yourself out of bed despite the soreness and tautness that filled your body, while preparing to be interrogated by your friends. You arrived at school in a pair of leggings and Paul's (now clean) brown shirt and saw the group standing on the steps leading up to the school, chatting amongst each other. And even though Embry was standing right there, it seemed like he was on a different planet. He was brooding, his arms were crossed over his chest, and he wasn't engaging in the conversation. He didn't even flinch when you walked over to them.
"Y/N, we've been trying to call you! Where've you been?" Ashley asked, hauling you into a hug. "You left me with these three idiots for three whole days!"
"Sorry, I, uh, turned my phone off for a couple days. Think it's still off if I'm being honest," You responded and pried yourself out of her death grip.
"We went to your house yesterday, but I guess you were sleeping and your parents weren't home. Jake wasn't lying when he said you were a heavy sleeper," Quil spoke up from next to Embry.
You nodded and glanced over at Embry to see he was now glaring at the ground, refusing to speak.
"Yeah, guess I am," You nodded, going along with their assumptions.
"Paul asked about you. Said he went by on Tuesday but he didn't get an answer either," Ashley added on, her eyes narrowing on you in concern.
"That was nice of him," You coughed and let your eyes fall to your feet while you scratched the back of your head.
"And this shirt again? Since when did you like the color brown?" Jacob scoffed, critiquing Paul's shirt yet again. "Whose shirt even is that?"
"Uh, it doesn't matter. But I'll see you guys inside, alright?" You changed the topic and pushed past them, walking through the main doors and to your locker.
You got the notebooks and textbooks you needed from your locker, before sighing and letting your shoulders fall in dread. You shut your locker and walked over to Paul's, which was down the hall. You were appreciative of this distance because it gave you a chance to prepare yourself. You weren't sure if you were ready to face Paul just yet, but you knew you knew you had to for the sake of your friend. Embry's brooding reminded you of Paul's before he disappeared and you vaguely remembered how Jared was before he too went on a leave of absence.
Jared spotted you before Paul did, making him tap his arm and point toward you.
Paul turned around and his confused and worried expression turned into one of relief but there was still worry in his voice.
Your aches and sores seem to instantly dissipate once you were in his presence and face to face. First, your body relaxed, and then your chest released all the tension you were holding in. And as soon as your body calmed, your heart started to beat erratically. You'd blame it on his beauty but you hadn't even looked at him for longer than a second. Maybe it was his cologne or just his aura, or maybe it was just the imprint thing.
"Hey," You greeted him awkwardly, your eyes cast toward the ground.
"Y/N, where have you been these last couple days? I came by your house and didn't get an answer. I even asked your friends if they knew anything, but you were ignoring everyone. You can't do things like that, Y/N," He scolded you, the concern laced in his words.
"Yeah, sorry, I just needed-" You started but then remembered why you were even talking to him in the first place. "You told me to tell you if one of the boys seemed off."
"Yeah, and?"
"Well, Embry seems off. I just thought I'd let you know. I'll see you in class," You expressed before starting to back away and go to first period.
"You're wearing my shirt," He noticed, a small smile playing on his lips.
"I'll see you in class, Paul."
The rest of the week goes by fairly quickly, but to be fair, it was only two days. Embry was absent on Friday which you figured would happen, so you didn't get to see Paul, and your body was slowly starting to crave him again. You were starting to tense up and the aching and emptiness in your chest were making a reappearance.
You saw how your parents looked at you when you trudged down the steps and into the kitchen. Their faces displaying worry and pity, so you figured you'd do something about it, just so they wouldn't have to worry.
But you were also doing it for yourself. You missed Paul. It was weird for you not to talk to and see someone that you were so used to talking and seeing every day. It's not like Paul didn't try to reach out and talk to you, because he did, you were just being stubborn. He texted every day to make sure you were alright and the only reason he wasn't banging on the door, threatening to tear it down, was because you left your read receipts on (the only thing that indicated you were still breathing).
You didn't want to be a bother because you knew he would be helping Embry all weekend, but you needed to at least see him.
You got in your Jeep and drove to the address Paul had texted you a few weeks ago, the day you shared your first kiss.
"If you ever need me, go to this address. I'll text it to you. They'll know where I am and how to reach me," He said while sending the text.
"Is this your house?" You asked him.
"No, well," He shook his head and sighed. He turned to look at you, still contemplating what he wanted to say. "It's not where I live but it's my home. My home when I'm not around you."
"I see," You nodded and looked down shyly, realizing he considered you to be home.
It was a sweet notion that you reciprocated. You felt safe with him. He was always so sweet and never pushed you to do anything you weren't comfortable with; the complete opposite of the public's perception of him. He was always calm, rational, and considerate. Patient and understanding. Everything he did had a meaning behind it. He was flirty but he wasn't sleazy or lewd. And though he saw you as home, he still got nervous around you. He was still trying to do right by you as if he was still trying to prove himself worthy of you.
After school on Friday and in the afternoon on Saturday, you found two shirts messily placed on the driver's seat in your car. Friday, it was a black shirt and Saturday it was a white one. You thought it was weird to come out of school to a random t-shirt in your car, so you looked around trying to spot the culprit but with no luck.
You carefully picked up the shirt and smelled it, instantly melting. Your heartbeat sped up knowing it was Paul's shirt, the same black one he wore to the movies.
He was so thoughtful that it blew your mind. He wasn't at school that day but he still came by to bring you one of his shirts and he went out of his way to bring you on Saturday as well. He was everything and more and you started to feel bad about how you left things.
You pulled up in front of the small brown house, already amazed at the seclusion provided by the trees. You took a deep breath, got out the truck, and walked up the steps to the house. You took one more breath before reaching up and knocking on the hard part of the screen door. The main door was open, giving you a clear view of the kitchen and a woman by the stove.
She jumped in surprise at the knocking before walking over to the door, opening it to greet you.
"Hi, can I help you?" She asked as a smile graced her face.
She was stunning; copper skin like Paul's, dark brown, almost black, eyes that were sparkling with happiness, and jet black hair complemented by bangs. The right side of her face was scarred from where her hairline started to her jaw. Three jagged thick red lines, despite them being fully healed. You gulped once you realized it looked like scratch marks but you pushed the thought to the back of your mind.
"Sorry to bother, but is Paul in?" You asked and quickly decided to elaborate. "He said if I needed him, someone here would know where he was."
"You must be Y/N! Come in," She gasped and stepped back so she could usher you in. You walked in and gave her a soft smile. "Sit!"
The house was warm, much warmer than outside. You were wearing a grey long sleeve with Paul's black short sleeve on top and a pair of jeans. It would've been smart for you to bring a coat but you figured you were going to see Paul so you didn't need one.
You understood now why Paul thought of this as his second home. Besides the welcoming host, the house too was welcoming. You wanted to kick your shoes off and lay down for a nap after a huge meal or ling day at school. That was the vibe it gave you. You loved it. And if Paul loved it and he felt at home, then you loved it ten times more.
"I don't want to impose," You mumbled, already regretting your decision to come. Emily was nice and you were happy that she wasn't a grouch but despite her kindness and the homey feeling of the house, you still felt like an intruder. This wasn't the first time you were conflicted about how to feel about something pertaining to Paul.
"Nonsense! You're always welcome here. Now sit," She demanded softly, making you nod and listen. She offered food and drinks but you only asked for water to help calm your nerves. She poured you a glass before sitting at the table, in the seat directly across from you. "You're more beautiful than Paul described. I'm Emily, by the way. I already know so much about you, you're all Paul talks about."
"Oh, thank you," You said and let a small smile show on your face, the tenseness escaping for a second.
"Paul's out with Sam and Jared, helping out Embry. Embry's a friend of yours, right?"
"Yeah, he's like my little brother. How do you know the boys, if you don't mind me asking?"
"I don't mind at all! I'm engaged to Sam. He was the first to phase so he's been helping the other boys out. It's not a cult or... a gang like everyone thinks it is," Emily's smile turned into a frown at the end. "But they should be back any minute now.”
Her smile returned as you talked to her some more. She was someone that you never wanted to see upset. You never wanted to see anyone upset but you felt she was too unsullied to frown.
“Oh! Paul told me you enjoyed the spaghetti I made. Well, to be fair we both made it. He was really eager to learn how to make it,” She remembered up and you smiled at the memory of Paul nervously handing over the bowl.
“Yeah, the spaghetti was great. I was shocked he even brought some for me,” You nodded.
“Paul can be a real sweetheart when he wants to be,” She smiled and winked at you.
The screen door creaked open and three pairs of feet shuffled into the house. Your head snapped up, hoping to see Paul but you only saw Jared, Embry, and who you assumed was Sam, all shirtless. All three looked tired but Embry had bags under his eyes and looked beyond fatigued. While this wasn't much of an upgrade, he wasn't brooding anymore so you assumed he was gaining control over his shifting.
"Sam, Jared, this is Y/N," Emily introduced you two the two. "Y/N, this is Sam and Jared."
"I know Y/N; we've been going to the same schools since we were kids. I used to sneak her snacks from her lunch tray," Jared chuckled.
"Wow, so you were the asshole that was stealing my snacks? Figures," You scoffed playfully. "But it's nice to meet you, Sam."
"It's nice to finally meet the person Paul fills the mind link with," He smiled as his deep voice rang through the house, before leaning down to peck the top of Emily's head.
Sam was the biggest of the four boys in the pack. You didn't know if it was because he was four years older than them or if it was because he was the alpha. He was tall, 6'6", and had a tattoo like Paul and Jared that decorated his round and protruding muscles.
"Y/N, what're you doing here?" Embry questioned warily while shifting his eyes to look at Sam and Jared who were now seated at the wooden table.
"It's okay, Embry. She knows," Sam nodded, relieving Embry almost instantaneously.
"Oh good, I hated being away from you. And you're literally all Paul thinks about. Ya know, wolf telepathy. I thought you were obsessed with him. Tuh, have a peek into his mind," Embry rambled. Once he finished, he pulled out of your seat and into a hug.
"Um last time I checked, you guys were obsessed with him. Not me," You laughed and hugged him back.
"You done torturing him?" Jared teased immediately after biting into his banana that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. His words made you frown and bury your head into Embry's chest some more.
Despite phasing, gaining some muscle, and growing a little over Jacob's height, he was still your Embry. Long hair and tattoo-less but you weren't sure for how long. Emily was filling you in on all the small details about the wolves so you knew Embry would have to cut his hair short.
"Ignore him, Y/N. Paul should be coming in soon," Embry said and rubbed your back comfortingly.
"What about Paul?"
The voice made you shoot out of Embry's arms as the heat was settling throughout your body. It was your Paul and your body was happily reacting to being in the same space as him.
He walked around Embry and was ready to sit at the table when he spotted you, making his dark brown eyes gloss over in a mix of joy and admiration.
"Y/N!" He breathed out, still taken aback by your presence and the sight of you in another shirt of his.
Embry chuckled and moved by you to take your seat at the table.
"Hey," You whispered. You tried to look at the boy in front of you, but you only grew shy. "Can we talk?"
"Y-Yeah, of course," He nodded eagerly and held out a hand for you to take. You looked at it for a moment, hesitating, but you grabbed it and squeezed it tight. Now that he was in your grasp, you didn't want to let go. "We'll be back. Don't let Jared eat all the food, Sam," He said before walking out of the cozy house, taking you with him.
He led you into the trees, and it seemed like you're walking forever until you sat down on a log.
"Sorry we had to go so far, wolf hearing," He shrugged and kept his eyes on his fiddling hands that rested in his lap.
"And they know what you're thinking?" You curiously asked.
"I can... keep things to myself if I really wanted to. If I try really hard I can almost block out their thoughts as well; make them quiet," He tried to explain.
You just nodded and kept your eyes down, letting the silence surround you. It shouldn't be like this though. It shouldn't be awkward between you when before you couldn't stop talking to each other.
You felt your eyes fill with the predictable wetness, making you sigh, "it hurts to be away from you for too long. I literally can't breathe. I don't know if it's the imprint or separation anxiety but I need to be with you. The shirts aren't enough."
"Come here, Darling," He invited you, opening his arms for you to lean into which you happily obliged. "I just need you to understand: it's not only the imprint. You mean the world to me; spending all that time with you, you became my best friend. You're my everything. Even without the imprint, I'd feel the same way. The imprint doesn't make the relationship romantic. That was us."
You nodded and held him tightly as he pecked your head and rubbed your back gently.
"It's not just the imprint talking?"
"It's not just the imprint talking," He confirmed. "I choose you."
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[AN: I was not expecting so many people to like the first part so it took me by complete surprise when I was being asked to make a part two !! also, I want to write more for this relationship, like blurbs because I think they’re so cute so let me know if that’s something you’re interested in. but thank you for all the love and support these past couple days, it means a lot. and my inbox is always always open if you need to talk, rant, laugh, or request anything. i'm so warm and fuzzy. k bye !]
[tags: @sana-li​]
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adam-banks2024 · 4 years
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Adam steals you during a long study session to go play some hockey like the good old days.
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The scent of parchment paper filled the Great Hall, along with that of fresh ink. You could see it shine on the paper if you were seated directly in front of a tall window. The most light comes through during sunrise and sunset, but at the time I’m studying, I wasn’t there during those hours. 
It was almost noon on a Saturday, but here I am, studying. These tables were a place I usually enjoyed, mostly because of the large quantities of food, but it soon had become the place that gave me migraines and a strong urge to doze off every now and then. 
Ever since I started my sixth year, the advanced potions class had turned into a monstrosity that I wasn’t sure I could handle. At first, it started with a few trips to the hall every month. Then it turned into weeks...and now I’m studying during most of my free time. 
I can’t understand why I’m struggling with this class in particular. In all of my other classes, I’m performing above average. Apparently, I just can’t get the hang of “the art that is potion-making.” God, if I hear one more uninspiring word from Snape I might jump from the Ravenclaw tower.
At this point I had been studying for at least four hours now, and I hadn’t even eaten anything that would resemble breakfast. Unless two stale crackers count. The best part about the whole situation is that I had only managed to memorize the ingredients of one potion in my whole time studying. One. So, still, I must persist. Because I do not want to spend a study hall with Snape. I let my grade fall once and suddenly I found out how awkward and unsettling an hour with the professor was. It’s not like he would even help me. He just told me to read from the book and stared at me the whole time. As much as I hate to admit it, having no time to relax was better than spending any extra time with Snape than I had to
As I reached across the table for more ink, a separate hand was already there. 
 A long, dark robe hung from his shoulders, and a green and grey scarf was loosely wrapped around his neck. His cheeks and nose had a blush, while the rest of his face appeared icy. He carried a bag with him that had unorganized papers going every which way. 
“Oh hey, Adam. How’ve you been?”
Adam passed the vial to me and I dipped my quill. He put his belongings on the table and sat on the bench. 
“Pretty good. You?” He ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm the mess. 
“Eh. I’ve been better.” My voice was laced with tiredness and a pang of hunger. Nothing that would have been noticed, though. 
He paused for a moment and then spoke again. “What’s wrong, Snape got you down because he couldn’t meet for a study session?” 
I snorted. Me missing Snape? Yeah, sure, in his dreams. It took me a few seconds to compose myself before I responded. “No. Quite the opposite actually.” Adam hummed in response and gave a small laugh. 
Once the noise subsided there was an awkward pause. I was waiting for him to respond, and I honestly didn’t know what to say. I hadn’t had a decent conversation with the kid since the beginning of fifth year. Now we’re almost done with our sixth. I decided that maybe if I returned to my studies, he’d take that as an opportunity to drop the conversation. 
I hadn’t even gotten the chance to open my book before he cleared his throat. “Gosh, I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.” He leaned his arm against the table and rested his head in his palm, fingers twiddling with the feather of my quill. 
I sighed, slouching in the process. “Yeah. Social interaction has been foreign to me.” 
Adam moved his other arm to the table, resting his head in both hands now. “Well I’m glad that you were just studying and not being torn apart by the whomping willow.” 
“Haha, yeah. I think I would prefer the willow.” We both laughed, knowing that potions class was hell. Well, I assumed that he thought it was hell. 
“Ahh, don’t say that.” It looked as though he was trying to think of what words to say. Mouth opening and closing, eyes darting everywhere. He must have pieced together what he wanted to say.  “You should join me and the guys for some skating.” I shrugged my shoulders, not answering. I knew that if I entertained the idea at all then I wouldn’t be productive the rest of the day, so I decided to read over my notes to get my mind off the subject. Still, Adam persisted. “Maybe take away some of your stress?” I paused. A break sounded really nice, but could I really afford one right now, or even have enough energy? 
“I don’t know, Adam. I have an exam on Tuesday.” 
Adam stood up and walked around the table with a childlike bounce in his step. “C’mon, y/n, it’ll be fun. Just like old times.” Now he was sitting right beside me, his lip now forming a pout.
 “Well...I guess skating for an hour or two couldn’t hurt. What time were you thinking?” He pulled me up. “Right now!”
All of my belongings were still in the hall, but I don’t think Adam had any regard for that. He seemed extremely excited that I had agreed to go skating with him. Well, and other people. Obviously. It’s not like it was just an invitation with him. They probably just needed an extra player so the teams were even. Whatever the case, I was glad to leave my studies for a few hours. 
We earned glares from the portraits as we ran through the west wing haphazardly, bumping each other as we went. Giggling filled the air and it was just like it was a year ago. There was no awkwardness, no distance. It was like we had stayed in touch the whole time we were apart. I’ll have to make a mental note to not let that distance between Adam and I grow again. 
“So, this is where I leave you.” I smiled at him as I turned to enter the Hufflepuff common room. “Well, for a moment. I don’t really want to get yelled at for being in  another house.” Adam shifted his feet.
“Oh. lighten up, cake eater.” He didn’t say anything, just stared at me. “Okay fine. If you’re that much of a stickler to the rules, you can stay out here.” He gave a sheepish grin.
As I walked up the stairs to my dorm, I wondered how that kid was even in Slytherin. He follows the rules, he’s super kind, and he brightens the room. Then again, you find tons of kids who break their house’s stereotypes. 
I ended the thought as I reached to grab a coat, scarf, and my skates. It had been at least half a year since I used them, so there was no doubt that I would be a little rusty when I got back on the ice. Once I was all bundled up, I made my way back to the hall where I found an Adam Banks standing in the same position that I had left him.
He gave a small smirk as I exited. “Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
He hooked his arm through my arm and started to tow me to the frozen lake that was above the Slytherin common room. A blush drew to my cheeks, but I wrote it off as the scarf I adorned. Thankfully he didn’t notice. He was so focused on getting to the makeshift rink that I don’t think anything could have phased him. Not even Dumbledore in a bright, pink dress. 
The trek was long, but there wasn’t a lot of snow, so that made the trip more enjoyable. As we neared the lake, I could see the other guys in the distance. I could only make out Connie and Guy because they were holding hands, but there were four other people that I couldn’t see out on the rink. 
“Who’s all gonna be there today?” I looked up at Adam. The blush on his nose was even darker now because of the cold.
“Umm, Charlie. He had the idea in the first place. Averman wanted to come too. I think Connie and Guy. And then we asked Julie and Goldberg so we had goalies.” He smiled as he spoke, his love for hockey apparent.
Adam and I had played together when we were first years, but we hadn’t really known each other then. That’s where I first learned how to even skate. While I was still getting the bearings, Adam was already an extremely skilled player. When we were closer he used to tease me about it all the time, but he eventually stopped, and then just stopped talking to me all together. Maybe that’s why I’m so excited to go skating with him. After all, there’s no better feeling than reconnecting with an old friend.
The lake was pretty bare aside from two makeshift goals on the ice, and a few benches on either side. There weren’t any blue or red lines that we would have for actual games. Just plain ice. 
“And you’re sure the lake is frozen enough?” Images of me falling through into the chilly water invaded my mind. 
Adam shrugged his bag from his shoulder, “I’m a hundred percent sure. And if I’m not, I personally allow you to punch me.”
I rolled my eyes as I started to sit on one of the benches, putting a skate on. “Wow. how convincing.” He didn’t respond, so I just laced up my skates. Looking at the other people skating around, I wasn’t so sure how good I was gonna be. It had been at least three years since I’d really played a game of hockey, and you could clearly tell that these people practiced consistently. 
I stood up once I laced my other skate, and started to make my way to the ice. Much to my surprise, my balance wasn’t awful. I could successfully skate and stop without much effort. There were still times where I would wobble or need to regain my balance, but I should be able to hold my own. 
Adam brought me a stick and nudged my shoulder. I almost tripped, but I caught myself before anything else could happen. 
“You’re real funny, Banks.” I spoke through gritted teeth, still struggling to stay afoot. He offered both of his hands out to help me gain my bearings again. To my surprise, he started skating backwards, pulling me forward. I laughed, “where are we going?”
I could see Adam’s breath as he laughed with me. “To play, silly goose.” An amused expression was painted on his face while speaking, and he gave a big smile after. I started to skate with him instead of just letting him drag me along. After a moment, he just stopped. Because physics exists, I kept sliding and bumped into him. I almost fell but Adam grabbed me by the elbows before I could drop to the ice.
When he pulled me up, our faces were only an inch or two apart. The world around me seemed to fade until it was just Adam. Neither of us had said a word, we just stood there. Staring at each other. It was in that moment when I realized the blades of my skates were slipping on the ice. I didn’t really know why, because the lake was definitely frozen over, like Adam had said. It might have been because my knees had locked
Then I noticed the slight tug on my arms. I realised I was being pulled, not slipping. I was being moved at such a tiny rate that it was almost unnoticeable. Almost. As I neared Adam’s chest, I simply stopped breathing. My heartbeat sped, and I slowly started to lose my hearing. This feeling that I was only now feeling, had it been there the whole day? At the table, running through the hall, walking to the lake. Was it there the whole time? I was just to blind to have seen it. All of the time Adam and I had spent before we lost touch, was the feeling there too? 
Once there was no more room between him and I, Adam started to part his lips. My stomach was instantly in knots, and my mind preparing myself for the moments that were to come. Nothing else was said, and Adam closed his eyes. With no hesitation, he closed the gap between us, and pressed his lips against mine. 
There were no fireworks. No sparks, no pits in my stomach. Just pure bliss, as I kissed the boy that I met in fifth year.
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I just read the pregnancy rowaelin angst and it made me feel so many things. Would you write a second part, where Aelin actually find out she's pregnant again and is all happy but also scared to tell Rowan? And then the first ultrasound happens? Maybe they already have an adopted child and they are so excited to become a sibling and it's all cute and fluff. ❤️
This is so sweet. Like so fucking sweet it gave me toothache. I threw as much fluff as I possibly could because as I said, pregnancy is something personal to me and I love happy endings. It’s fucking long but I hope you enjoy every single second of it. This is the part one!
Warnings: literally none, it’s just really cute
Safe haven 2
Aelin was resting against the hood of her car, arms crossed and eyes scanning the crowd for…
“Mommy!” A little girl screamed from the school’s door. Her inky black hair bounced as she ran to Aelin, her green eyes shining with excitement. “Mommy, here!”
Aelin’s face broke into a wide grin as she jogged in her daughter’s direction and grabbed the little girl in her arms. She immediately peppered her daughter’s face in quick kisses, earning delighted laughs.
“Hello, Aurora. How was your day at school, baby?” Aelin asked, standing up with Aurora in her arms. The girl hugged Aelin’s neck fiercely, resting her head on her mother’s shoulder. “Made any friends?”
Aelin fought a smile when she saw Aurora blushing and smiling sheepishly. “His name is Lachlan, and he’s new to the school. He speaks nice.”
“Oh, he does?”
“Yes. He said is how people speak where he come from. Some kids made fun of it, but I think it was pretty. Just like daddy speaks a little different too.”
Aelin nodded, kissing her daughter’s crown. For all her excitement and free spirit, Aurora was awfully shy around anyone who wasn’t her family or people she knew since her adoption. Her best friend, Aedion and Lys’s daughter, was a year younger so they couldn’t be in the same class. Rowan and Aelin had been hoping for weeks now that Aurora would make at least one friend in school. She was six and smart like her dad, which caused her to feel a little bit different from the other kids.
Aelin couldn’t wait to see the relief on Rowan’s face that their baby had made a friend.
“So now you guys are friends?”
“Yes!” She smiled excitedly and clapped her hands. “He said he’s gonna bring me some candies from his kingdom tomorrow, and I said I would bring a picture of Fleetfoot.”
“That’s so great, baby.” Aelin smiled, putting Aurora in her seat and buckling her up. “We’ll find the most beautiful picture of Fleetfoot to show Lachlan.”
Her daughter squeaked with delight, and Aelin laughed as she opened her window and closed the door. She stood on the side walk once more, looking around again, searching for someone else.
“Mom!” A teenage boy called her.
“Nino!” Aurora shouted from the backseat. “Nino, I made a friend!”
Nino smiled at her voice, his friend group smiling too. They all waved at Aelin as her son jogged in her direction, giving her a quick kiss on her forehead. Although Nino was adopted, everyone liked to joke he had gotten Rowan’s genes. His and Aurora’s green eyes were the exact same shade as Rowan’s, and Nino was becoming as tall as his father.
He waved back at his friends and they were shouting their goodbyes as they walked away.
“Bye, aunt Aelin!” Evangeline shouted.
Aelin smiled at her and waved back. Evangeline had been Aedion and Lys’s ward much before Aelin and Rowan had even considered adoption. Eva was much as Lys’s daughter as Nino and Aurora were her kids.
“How was your day in school?” Aelin said, getting in the car as Nino took the passenger seat.
“Fine.” He said, and Aelin only raised a brow at him. He sighed, rubbing his eyes under his glasses. “I bombed math.”
Although she should be pissed, should act like the strict mom and reprimand him from bombing another math test, Aelin had to fight a smile. “Your dad is gonna eat your liver with a spoon if you keep failing math exams.”
“Mommy! That’s disgusting!” Aurora said, and Aelin looked back to see her frowning her whole face with disgust.
Aelin laughed, and so did Nino.
“I know, I know. Evangeline also barely passed, Malik did worse than I. Phedre said she could teach me.”
“Oh, she did?” Aelin was absolutely certain that her son had the biggest crush on one of his best friends, Phedre. Whenever Eva came to their houses with Aedion and Lysandra, she would also tease her cousin endlessly.
She batted her eyelashes innocently. “Yes, sweetie?”
“Stop that shit.” Aelin also knew she should reprimand him from cursing, but she fully believed that a sixteen year old boy should be allowed to say some curse words here and there. Never in important occasions, but both she and Rowan were fine with it during their daily lives.
Aelin only snorted, and silence fell upon the car.
She quietly looked at her two kids, Aurora playing with a doll she had found and Nino typing something on his phone, and a small smile played on her lips.
When Aelin learned that she would have difficulty getting pregnant three years ago, her world fell. She didn’t want to base her whole life on that fact, but it was like seeing some of her biggest dreams getting crushed right in front of her eyes. Even when Rowan started explaining to her how the adoption process would be, a part of her was still sad by the prospect of not getting pregnant.
It hadn’t taken them too long to go to foster care. Aelin had to admit, she was only half paying attention during the beginning of their visit, her mind still heavy with a sort of mourning. She still remembered the feeling of being completely devastated, and only Rowan’s pine green eyes had taken her out of her stupor.
She stopped mid track when she again saw Rowan’s pine green eyes staring at her, only it wasn’t Rowan because he was walking behind her. Aelin took in the little three year old sitting on the floor, playing with two old dolls.
That moment had been Aelin’s epiphany.
It was like a whole new path had been revealed to her, a striking realization that she might have dreamed of getting pregnant, but that wasn’t all that there was. She could keep trying, but she wouldn’t waste away in grief.
“Who’s she?” Aelin’s voice was low, and the social worker stopped talking to Rowan, both of their heads turning to her. “The little girl with black hair. What’s her name?”
“Who? Aurora?” At that, the girl smiled at Aelin and Rowan, extending one of her dolls.
For the first time in a week, Aelin’s smile was genuine. Her heart was beating so fast, hope blossoming where grief had been. She approached the girl and seated on the floor with her, taking the doll and starting to play. She felt Rowan’s soft gaze on them, and also heard the whispered words with the social worker.
“How old is she?”
“Three.” The woman responded. “Although our highest demand is for babies, Aurora would have a greater chance being adopted if she didn’t have an older brother. Not everyone is willing to take in two kids, much less when one who is so much older.”
“How old is he?” Aelin said, turning to look at the social worker and Rowan standing behind her. Aurora seemed content with playing with Aelin’s doll even though Aelin wasn’t moving it.
“Dominique is thirteen. We all call him Nino because Aurora couldn’t pronounce Nick, only Nino.”
Aelin stared at Rowan, and he stared right back. They had come here to look for babies, that’s for sure. Aelin wanted to be there every step, wanted to see every phase. They didn’t even know what they would do with a teenager. Or with two kids at once. But Aelin’s heart had almost burst out of her chest when she took a look at Aurora, and the thought of just going home and never seeing her again hurt.
“Can we meet the boy?” Rowan asked, not taking his eyes off Aelin.
“Of course, just a second.” The woman wandered off, and Rowan came to sit by Aelin.
Aurora eyed him suspiciously, but relaxed when he gave her a reassuring smile.
“I’m Aelin, this is my husband Rowan.” Aelin gestured between them, her voice soft so she wouldn’t scare the girl.
Aurora smiled at them, and was opening her mouth to say something when her brother entered the room.
If Aurora had been Aelin’s epiphany, Nino had been Rowan’s.
Rowan looked at Aelin and both of them shared a secretive smile.
And that had been that.
Rowan got all the papers to bring the kids to live with them and then the adoption papers. It was strange in the beginning, the new addition to the house, but they soon feel in such natural normalcy that Aelin sometimes wanted to cry when she thought of it.
Nino absolutely loved Aelin, but he adored Rowan. His father was his role model, and Nino did everything to build a relationship with Rowan as fast as possible. They went to hockey and football games together. Rowan always took Nino to practice, and they would always go out just the two of them after to eat something. Aurora was closer to Aelin, but she adored her father just the same and had him wrapped around her little finger.
There was so much love on Rowan’s eyes when he looked at their kids that Aelin’s heart skipped a beat.
She loved her family so much that sometimes she felt she could die from it.
“Mom?” Nino woke her up from her memories. She parked the car in front of Rowan’s clinic, and when Nino started taking off his seatbelt, she put a hand on his wrist. He looked at her puzzled, but didn’t say anything. He rested against the seat again, playing on his phone as Aelin took Aurora out and walked in the clinic.
Rowan was a surgeon, but he sometimes did some clinic consults. On those days, Aelin would bring the kids to spend the day with him. She waved at Fenrys who was talking with a patient, and he waved back and winked at Aurora, making her giggle at her uncle.
“Dada!” Aurora shouted the moment she saw Rowan’s silver head, and his head snapped up with a smile already on his face.
“If it’s not my two favorite girls in the whole world.” He stood, walking to them. Rowan took Aurora out of Aelin’s arms and bent down to give her a kiss. He gave another quick one before standing straight again. He gave a peck on Aurora’s forehead and she laid her face on his shoulder. “Where’s Nino?”
“Sick.” Aelin lied. “I’m taking him home. Nothing serious, just a little headache and nausea.”
Rowan’s brows instantly furrowed, and he looked to the entrance as if he could see his son sitting inside the car. “Want me to check on him?”
Aelin laughed. “He’s not that sick and would hate the fussing. He’ll be better once you go home, but for today is only you and Aurora.”
He nodded, still not fully convinced.
“Actually, Aurora has something to tell you.” Aelin said with a smile. “About her new friend.”
Rowan’s face broke into a curious smile and he looked at his blushing daughter. “Oh?”
“His name is Lachlan and he speaks nice.” She said shyly.
Rowan bit his lip not to laugh, and Aelin did the same. She stepped closer to him, giving him another kiss. “I’ll see you home. Love you.”
“Love you too, Ace.” He called after her as she left, immediately turning to his daughter to hear about her new friend.
The moment Aelin got into the car, Nino looked at her. “So, what are we hiding from dad?”
“Why would you think that?”
“You say you know me because I am your son. Well,” he shrugged. “I know you because you’re my mom.”
She smiled at that, but it slowly fell. “It’s a secret, Nino. And I really need you to keep it.”
He was suddenly serious. “You can tell me whatever, mom.”
She blew a breath. “I’m pregnant.”
He stared at her for a few moments before a smile broke on his face. Nino had known since the beginning how much his mom wanted to get pregnant. It had never made him feel less wanted or loved, and he couldn’t be happier for her right now. “Mom, that’s amazing! Why can’t dad know?”
“What if I lose it again, Nino? I can’t put your dad through it again. I remember the miscarriages from years ago and although he doesn’t think so, I knew the devastation on his eyes. I never held for more than three weeks. I’m so sorry to put this weight on you, sweetheart, but I just couldn’t go to the ultrasound alone.”
“It’s no weight, mom. Of course it isn’t.” He was still smiling at her. “How long?”
“I don’t know. The treatments mess up my periods so I haven’t had one in two months, but that doesn’t mean anything. I started getting morning sickness a few days ago, so maybe a week.” Aelin was tense, her palms clammy as she started driving to the hospital. “I’m so nervous, Nino. It crushed me three years ago, and I haven’t had a pregnancy scare since then.”
“You had three years of treatments, mom. Everything is gonna be alright and Aurora will have a little sibling to pick on.” Despite her tension, Aelin laughed. Nino was always calm, always a steady presence. His reassurance made her calmer, even though she wished she could call Rowan. He was the only one who really knew how to soothe her nerves.
The last few days had been torture. Her hands had been trembling when she bought a pregnancy test. Trembling even more when it came back positive. She wanted to tell Rowan so, so bad. Wanted to have him by her side as she discovered if she would be able to hold it or not, but she couldn’t bring herself to break his heart again. They had been so happy for the past three years with Aurora and Nino that Aelin wouldn’t dare to break his peace.
In the waiting room, Nino talked to his mom about anything to distract her. Aelin forced herself to listen about his classes, about hockey practice, about how Malik, his best friend, had gone to the infirmary after Evangeline accidentally decked him during gym. How he and Phedre had laughed their asses off while watching the scene.
She was smiling softly at her son when the nurse came in, asking her if she was ready. Just like that, all her calm disappeared. Her heart was beating so fast that it was all she could hear as she walked entered the room.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Whitethorn. How are we doing today?” The doctor asked as Aelin laid down. He rode her shirt up to expose her belly, applying the cold lubricating jelly onto her skin. “Your son?”
“My oldest, yes.” Aelin answered automatically. She was too nervous to elaborate further. Nino was sitting on a chair by the bed, elbows on his knees while he stared at the black monitor.
“So let’s get over with it, shall we?” He said with a smile, asking her a few questions before putting the transducer against her skin. Immediately the black screen lit up, and the doctor stared at it, moving the thing across her belly.
Aelin couldn’t tear her eyes away from the screen, trying to understand what was going on. Her heartbeat was steady but so strong that she could feel her whole body shaking with it. “So?” She asked after a few moments.
The doctor was silent, still analyzing what was on the screen. When he turned to her, he gave her a smile. “Everything seems fine, Mrs. Whitethorn. Because of your treatments your period was irregular, and that was most likely what stopped you from noticing the pregnancy earlier. Judging by the size, you have two healthy and strong babies inside of you for two months now. I would still recommend biweekly visits just to make sure nothing changes but... The pregnancy seems fine, nothing apparent to worry about. Congratulations.”
Aelin’s whole world stopped at that moment. She could feel her cheeks dampening, her mouth letting out a small sob but she wasn’t really there. Her mind was spinning and she had never known this feeling. She wanted to put her hand on her stomach, above the two little things she could not even feel but knew that were there.
“Would you like to hear it?”
She nodded, her eyes glued to the monitor. When Aelin first heard the two soft heartbeats twining together, she was fully crying. It was like hearing the response to so many questions she didn’t even know she wanted the answers. It cracked a damn inside of her, and she closed her eyes, basking on the sound of her babies’ heartbeats.
She turned to Nino and he was smiling at her. “Damn, now I have to share my heritage with two more people?”
Aelin laughed out loud, the sound merry to her ears. “Can I record it? To show my husband?”
“Of course, and if you want a picture we can provide that.”
Aelin nodded eagerly, and held onto the recording and the pictures all the way home. When they arrived, Rowan’s car was already parked in the garage.
“Where were the two of you?” Rowan asked the moment Nino and Aelin stepped inside. “And I thought you were sick.”
Nino smiled at his father, speaking to him as he went up the stairs, his voice gloating. “I knew first.”
Rowan’s face was a mask of confusion as he watched his son disappear. He turned back to Aelin, sitting on their couch. “Knew what first?”
Unable to help herself, tears started falling from her eyes and she went to him. He immediately grabbed her in his arms, holding her on his lap. Even not knowing what was going on, Rowan whispered soothing words to her and rubbed her back.
He gave her a strong kiss to the forehead. “Fireheart, what happened?”
She wordlessly took out her phone, looking for the recording. He watched her intently, worry showing on his face.
Rowan was a doctor, he would understand what that was without her explaining, she she silently played it. It took him a moment of listening to the recording to understand what it was, for the expression on his face to go from worry to absolute exhilaration.
He put a hand on her stomach, the other one going to the back of her neck to hold Aelin in place when he kissed her. His lips were warm and soft against hers, and Aelin sighed in complete happiness as she hugged his neck. She could feel the smile on his lips, all the love and happiness he was feeling in that kiss.
“You’re pregnant?”
She nodded cheerly, her eyes watering again. Her tears started falling the same moment a single one fell from Rowan’s eye. “Two months, Ro. And they’re fine, healthy and big and strong.” She laughed, kissing him again. “We’re going to have two more kids, Ro.” She showed him the picture of the ultrasound, the two little things laying next to each other.
He grabbed the picture with one had, staring at it in awe. When his eyes fell upon Aelin’s face, the expression changed to so much love and adoration it knocked the air out of her lungs.
He boomed a loud and happy laugh, standing up with her in his arms and sweeping around. Aelin was laughing, her arms tight around his neck. “I love you. I love you so much, fireheart. I love you so fucking much sometimes I think I’ll combust from it.”
She was crying again, holding onto Rowan as if he was her life line. “I love you too, Ro. I love you so much that just looking at your face makes me loose my breath. I love you so much that I think it’s impossible to love you more, but it happens every day.” Aelin kissed him, euphorically and sloppy.
“The two of you are disgusting. Find a room, for fuck’s sake.” Nino said from where he was standing at the stairs, Aurora in his arms. She was beaming at her parents, and Rowan held Aelin with one arm as he extended the other one to their kids.
Nino smiled and went up to his father, hugging his side as Aurora threw herself at him. She was blabbering about the babies, about being an older sister and Rowan, Aelin and Nino were quietly laughing at her. Aelin, still holding one of Rowan’s hand, pulled Nino into a hug. “Thank you for going with me, Nino. You’re the best son I could ever dream of.”
His cheeks turned a shade of pink but he hugged his mom back, looking at his father. “I knew first.”
Rowan faked impatience, narrowing his eyes. The intimidating effect was completely ruined by Aurora in a pink tutu in his arms, pulling his hair in all directions. “You’ve gloated already, boyo.”
“I’ll never let you forget.” Nino was grinning, his arm around Aelin’s shoulder. She bit her lip to hold her laughter.
“Gods help me.” Rowan muttered.
“You could even say I am mom’s favorite man in the house.”
“You’re asking to get grounded.”
“Lost your position, old man.”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “How was your math test?”
“Actually,” Nino said, taking his arm off his mom’s shoulder and backing up a step. “You can have the favorite man position.”
“Nino Galathynius Whitethorn.”
“It’s all yours!” Nino shouted to his dad as he ran up the stairs.
Rowan looked exasperatedly at Aelin, and even with all her efforts she couldn’t keep her joyous laugh from escaping her lips.
“He gets being shit at math from his mother.” Aelin shrugged.
Rowan huffed a laugh. “The bunch of you will give me silver hair.”
“Dad!” Aurora shouted from his arms. “You already have silver hair, duh!”
This time, when Aelin’s laugh rang out, Rowan’s did too.
@abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass @bilkul-sharam-nahi-aati
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ladyreapermc · 4 years
Fic: Insatiable Craving (John Wick x Reader)
Summary: AU. Visiting Daisy’s dorm, John runs into Y/N instead and they can’t keep their hands off each other. Part 1: Brooklyn Baby  | Part 2: A little loss of innocence | Part 4: Make it Hurt | Part 5: Play with Fire |
Author’s notes: Have some more filth. Feedback is appreciated
Wordcount: 2736
Warnings: age gap; smut (oral; dirty talk)
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This wasn’t the first time that John visited Daisy’s dorm, though he had been out of the country when she did the typical transition of moving into college for the first time, leaving Helen to come with her alone, much to his ex-wife chagrin.
He still remembered the argument they had over the phone when he called to let Daisy know. John visited her as soon as he had been back, unsure how to mark this momentous phase of his daughter’s life since he had never experienced such things as college or even formal education.
Back then, Daisy had a different roommate who asked to be transferred six months in because his daughter was loud. Daisy had been hurt, of course. She was the life of the party and so used to everyone loving her all through high school. In college, it was harder for her to fit in, but one thing that John was proud to see was the resilience that she inherited from him and soon enough she found the right way to manage this new context. Right around that time, Daisy met Y/N, and they became inseparable.
Funny that John barely remembered meeting her back then. She was a meek and quiet girl, trailing along after his daughter and barely being able to hold his gaze. They met a few other times during the last three years, John was sure of it, but he couldn’t even recall what she looked like or if they even interacted. She was a completely different creature now and John wondered what happened that made her grow into her own skin and officially haunt his dreams.  
They both knew what they were doing was wrong, of course. Maybe if they had kept it as a one-time thing, an impulsive decision of two lonely people, it could have been forgotten and he wouldn’t feel as guilty.
However, she showed up at his step two weeks later looking for more, and that put them in a territory of crossed lines that could never be uncrossed. John was too far deep, enamored by her submissiveness, and willing to give herself wholeheartedly to him. He never had that before.
Helen had been his Dom during their whole marriage before that there was Marcus, who also took that position. Whenever he had one-night stands, John never let himself explore those urges. Too many consequences with too dangerous people. But with her? It felt natural to dominate her, command her every motion, and take care of her. It was the release he needed in a life that always seemed so out of his control.
John didn’t choose to be the killing machine that they made him. He didn’t choose to be so effective in his job or to be under High Table’s command, like an attack dog that all they needed to do was direct and release.
He didn’t even choose to be with Helen at first. It was more like a desperate need because she had been something bright and beautiful for the first time in his life. She chose to be with him despite all the ugliness of his soul but she also chose to let him go when she couldn’t take it anymore.
John chose Y/N. He could have sent her away when she showed up on her door. He could have pushed her away when she got on his lap. He could have taken the right path but in a life of darkness, what was one more sin? So he chose her but John had yet to make the call to see her again.
The night after she had visited him, John got a contract and had to leave. She had been disappointed by his sudden departure but accepted his promise of a call as soon as he returned, which happened this morning. Now here John was, ready for his weekly dinner with Daisy but knowing that afterward, she would be meeting him in a hotel, putting herself completely at his disposal.
As John approached the right room, he could hear loud pop music coming from the place. His knuckles rasped on the door and moments later Daisy yanked the door open, her eyes widening at seeing him. She forgot about their dinner, he realized.
“You’re back!” she squealed, throwing herself in his arms, John chuckled and hugged her. He loved how Daisy had inherited Helen’s brightness.
“Just got in this morning. Can you do dinner, or should we reschedule?” He settled her back on the ground, watching as Daisy thought for a moment.
“No, no. We can go. I just need to take a quick shower and get dressed,” she said, already moving about the room, gathering what she needed: toiletry bag, towel, and clothes. “I’ll be back in 15 minutes max.”
John just hummed in agreement, watching his daughter disappearing out the door. He had talked to Helen about getting Daisy an apartment in the city so she could have more space and privacy, but Helen wanted their daughter to make that decision herself; start to learn some independence and in the end, John didn’t argue.
Helen knew their daughter best after all since once they divorced, Daisy lived with her. It was logical, of course. John was always all around the world all the time. Helen was the one that could offer the girl a stable home. So she kept custody and since she and John remained civil, he had visitation rights, which he took advantage of whenever he was in town.
As Daisy grew older, John felt them distancing themselves. Maybe it was just the fact that Daisy had completely different interests and personalities. Or maybe she just sensed that he had been lying to her for so long, either way, John felt the strain and distance and tried his best to keep them together at any cost because the thought of losing his daughter put the fear of God in his heart. She was the only beacon of light in his life.
Just by looking at her side of the dorm, he could see it, her bright and bubbly personality on the pastels tones of her duvet and cheerful wall decorations with little lights and unicorn figures. Her desk was cluttered with makeup and hair ties and other little trinkets she collected over the years. She was, like her mom, an artistic person fond of vivid colors and chaos.
The other side of the dorm showed a much more subdued tone of its other occupant. The bed duvet a dark blue and the walls adorned with sticker notes and study aids, but a few inspirational phrases from famous thinkers. Above the neat and organized desk, there were shelves packed to capacity with books, most of them textbooks but John spotted a few classics too, family pictures, and a few medals.
Before he could take a closer look, have a chance to know a little more about the girl that had just wormed her way into his life, the door opened, dragging his attention away. John expected to see Daisy since her fifteen had long passed but instead, it was Y/N, face flushed, hair wet and messy, her clothes seemly damp and clinging to her skin.
“Mr. Wick,” she looked startled, flush getting brighter. “I thought…”
Her words hung unfinished as John moved closer, crowding her against the wall. He hadn’t realized how much he missed and craved her until he laid his eyes on her. Now all John could think was having a taste.
She met his lips willingly, arms coming around his neck and threading through his hair as John invaded her mouth with ferocity, nipping and sucking her lower lip, making her moan softly against him. She tasted and smelled of chlorine and though it was strange John liked it. He liked everything about her.
“We should stop,” he mumbled even if his lips were descending her neck, chasing her taste. “Daisy will be back from her shower soon.”
“How long she’s been gone?” she asked, tilting her head back, pushing her hair away to give him more space to work.
“ten, maybe fifteen minutes.”
“Then we have another 20 minutes, maybe 30,” she smirked at him, hand cupping John through his trousers and he grunted against her collarbone. “Daisy likes to take her time.”
She squeezed his hardening cock and John wished he had the strength of will to say no that they could get caught by his daughter, but he had spent a week having only his hand as his company and he missed her. He missed the feel of her tight cunt squeezing around him and he shouldn’t be that addicted over something he only had once.
“How do you want me, sir?” she asked, giving him a look through her lashes, and any sanity left for John’s flew straight out of the window.
“Knees,” he growled, pushing her down. “I want your mouth around me right now.”
She nodded, undoing his buttons with quick, nimble fingers while he gathered her hair, brushing them away from her face so John could see her as she licked her lips in want when she took his cock out of his pants and underwear, stroking him to full hardness.
“You’re so fucking big, sir,” she blinked up at him with a smirk. “I can’t fit all that in my mouth.”
“Take what you can,” he ordered, rocking his hips until she took the hint and brought his leaking tip to her lips. “But don’t worry, you’ll learn to take all of me because I’m gonna fuck that pretty little mouth.”
There it was again, the little whimper of need that she let out whenever John said something that aroused her. He bet if he reached between her legs right now she would be hot and soaked, maybe even ready to take him. John loved how horny she was; how she wanted him to use her in any way he saw fit.
Her tongue snaked out to catch the precum glistening at his tip and she hummed in pleasure before kissing the crown of his head softly, lips dragging over his length along with her tongue, exploring and discovering his cock. In other circumstances, John would let her keep going, take her time, but they were toeing the line of getting caught and he was too desperate for slow.
“Open up,” he ordered, tugging on her hair and taking his length in hand, stroking a couple of times to spark those bolts of pleasure all over his body, before he guided his cock into the wet heat of her mouth. Her soft lips pressed and stretched around his girth as he inched deeper and deeper until he felt resistance.
He let her adjust to his size, her tongue rubbing against this underside, her cheeks hollowing with just enough suction and he groaned at the feel of it and the look in her eyes. Big doe eyes silently asking if it was right; if this was how he wanted.
“Almost perfect, darling.” John caressed her cheek, feeling his shape against her skin before he adjusted the angle of her head ad pushed deeper. He saw the flash of panic in her eyes as his head pressed forward, activating her gagging reflexes.
She spluttered and choked, tears gathering on the corner of her eyes and saliva leaking from her mouth. John petted her cheek and shushed her, whispering encouragements for her to relax and breathe through her nose. He pulled back, giving her, a bit of reprieve, she gasped and panted, looking up at him with tear-stained face and pout as if already missing his cock.
John couldn’t resist bending down and catching her lips in a soft kiss before returning his length back into her mouth and this time, when he pushed farther, she was ready and forced herself to relax welcoming him in and swallowing around his head, making John groan.
“You’re such a fast learner, darling,” he praised, speeding up his motions, feeling the telltale drawing on his balls and busts of pleasure through his body. John was close and he couldn’t way to cum all over that pretty little mouth.
Her fists tightened on the fabric of his trousers as she relaxed her jaw and John started to fuck her mouth in a faster pace, the wet heat surrounding him felt delicious, but not quite like the velvet walls of her cunt, which he truly missed. But for now, this would do.
Later tonight, John would spread her open on the bed, make her cum as many times as she could handle until the was an incoherent mess, completely at his mercy just like she put him at hers with her sweet little smile and bewitching gaze.
Just the thought of having her all to himself without the worry and constriction of time was enough to send John over the edge and he felt the pull in his spin, the pressure becoming unbearable. He pulled out just enough to leave only his tip on her lips before he came with a grunt, hand tightening in her hair as his cum spilled over her waiting tongue and mouth.
She took all of it, looking at him hungrily, making a show of swallowing every drop. John groaned again and dragged her upwards for a savage kiss that made him taste himself, her hands clenching on his shirt as she moaned against his lips, her legs pressed tight together and John chuckled, knowing she was soaked and in desperate need for release.
“Remember, darling,” he said, pressing a soft kiss against her jaw. “That cunt is mine and you’re not allowed to touch it without permission.”
“I know, sir,” her voice was a little whiny, almost pitiful as she pouted at him.
“Be a good girl and get your reward later tonight.”
She nodded eagerly, meeting his lips again but the kiss was short-lived as they caught the sound of Daisy cheerfully talking to someone just outside the door. She quickly scrambled to her side of the dorm, while John turned his back to the door to tuck himself back into his pants.
“I’m ready!” Daisy announced as she busted into the room with a wide smile, her gaze bouncing from John to Y/N sitting at her desk, trying to do her best to not look guilty. “Uhh! You should come and have dinner with dad and me, Beebee!”
“Beebee?” John asked confused. She smiled at him and this time the flush on her cheek was more of out shyness than arousal like she reverted to timid girl the second they weren’t fucking.
“Just a silly nickname,” she shrugged.
“Yeah, because she’s a Brooklyn Baby!” Daisy declared with a proud grin and John had a feeling his daughter coined it. “Get it? Anyway, are you coming?”
John just hummed, glancing at her in expectation, part of him wanted her to come along but at the same time, he knew he wouldn’t be able to really focus if she was there, his thought venturing in dirty territories due to her mere presence.
“Thanks, but I have a paper to finish,” she said, smiling at Daisy. “Besides, I don’t want to intrude in your father-daughter time.”
“You can do it later,” Daisy insisted, shooting those very effective puppy dog eyes of hers, but the other girl seemed immune because she just rolled her eyes. “Come oooon.”
“I have a thing later.” Daisy’s pout turned into a smirk.
“Does this thing have anything to do with the reason you came home last week full of hickeys?”
John nearly choked in panic, covering up with a quick, fake cough as Y/N flushed bright red. He had forgotten completely he had left her those little parting gift.
“Daisy!” she chided her friend with a glare and John decided it was time to intervene.
“Sweetie, I’m sure your friend doesn’t want to have this conversation in front of me and we should really get going.” With one hand on the small of Daisy’s back, John guided his daughter to the door, pausing briefly to look at her. “You’re sure you don’t want to join us, Beebee?”
The nickname rolled off his tongue easily and her eyes darkened a little as she caught her lower lip between her teeth, giving him a very suggestive look.
“I’m sure, Mr. Wick. See you later.”
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hoaxsen · 4 years
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| angst has been coming to me easy now and idk how to feel about that.
| tw; character death, in depth talk of death, mentions of blood and other gruesome parts, season three spoilers.
| word count; 1.8k.
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It was all over, spreading like a plague inside the walls upon their arrival. The victory of Wall Maria, along with the near extinction of the Scouts. How many supplies were lost during it? How much destruction was there while it all went down? Does anyone have a true number on how many bodies were being carried back on those flatbed carts after that expedition? 
They were mostly parts of bloodied and mangled things, some weren't even able to be called a body. More like a massive piles of mixed dirt, debris and whatever part of the human body there could be. One hundred and ninety nine people, turned into one enormous jigsaw puzzle that anyone has ever seen. How many carts were used for that, and which cart did this specific body rest upon? 
This body held the features of bright blue eyes, that the captain of the Scouts could sometimes find himself staring into for hours on end. Unknowingly at that. Blonde hair just swept back and kept so neat with its undercut. Sometimes Levi wonders if it was soft to the touch, it doesn't look to be hard, or dirty. Just right, minus those brows. If anything there were times where Levi wanted to trim the blonde bricks of hair off Erwin's face himself. 
Now, days like that will never come. For the sole purpose, of Erwin Smith being deceased. Giving his life up to his stupid cause and dream, this isn't what Levi meant by plundering your dream and lead those crying brats to hell. Was it selfish of him to think that Erwin might come back alive for him? It was, wasn't it? The man having to live through this shit as the leader, making gambles that no one knew how the hell they paid off. Let's not forget about the cadets and soldiers lost along the way in his gambles. A devil among men, though it was Levi wanting to be the one to raise hell right now. Bring a darker hell to the one on this very Earth for the fact that he chose to revive Armin instead of Humanity's Hope. 
Cold, and hardened steel grey hues watched as his body was pulled away, riding alongside on his own horse with this cart. Levi felt only himself at fault, what if he did revive Erwin? Despite the small specks of rocks, falling out and shredded intestines, and lack of life in the blonde's eyes, how would he look taking on the power of the colossal titan? Would he have looked the same as the treacherous Bertholdt, or better? If anything, he'd be alive right now. . .fighting a war once more in this hell. Yes, it was selfish, but Levi Ackerman had his reasons to be selfish in a time like this. Bringing back Erwin instead of Armin wasn't just going to be for humanity, it was also going to be for his own desires. To stop toying with the feelings the ravenette has for the blonde, to stop the daily lies about his ' small crush ' being just a phase. 
The captain never even got to make good on his promise before the commander passed. Wanting so hard and bad to end the Beast Titan, to make him feel the pain Erwin did before his final moments. Hopefully that chance comes back for him some other time. How badly Levi needs it, it'd only be fitting since Erwin gave up his dream for the wall retake to even have happened and succeed. 
For all Levi could do now, was regret and hope that Erwin's funeral would bring him into a small state of piece. Since the ex-commander was already in a permanent state of his own, never to be disturbed. The Ackerman slowly starts to wonder to himself, which kind of suit would really bring out a dead man's eyes? For blue, it had to be a subtle white, right? An ashen grey? Whatever color it was going to be, Levi knew he'd detest it. Knowing it'll be the final suit he sees Erwin in. 
Fast forward a bit to the lowering of the old Scouts' commander into the ground, Levi stayed behind a little ways after the ceremony. Standing before Erwin's grave, a short sigh leaving him as he placed a hand on Erwin's tombstone. 
Erwin Smith 
xxxx - xxxx 
Humanity's Beacon of Hope.
The words Levi read over, and over, and over again. Humanity's Hope, snuffed out a little ways too soon. Levi just had to wake up and face the music, it was bound to happen one day or another. He just wishes that day came a little later than this. Brushing his hand over the words, better now to say this before he keeps it inside for too long. He already regrets not saying this to him when he was alive. 
" How many of these have we attended for our fallen? Now look at you, dumbass. Right there with them, tell Petra I said hi when you see her. " 
His last chance to say this all know, because whatever God out there knows that Levi wouldn't visit Erwin's grave again after this. For the small grudge he'd hold against himself for using the syringe on Armin. 
" I followed you into the fire, made it out with a few scrapes. Though you were burned, still had the guts to carry on more bravely than me. . .even make a choice with that odd line. ' What if there is humanity outside the walls. ' Or some shit like that, and then I realized, and knew. . .that was how you were plundering your dreams and leading those crying brats to hell. " 
Unbeknownst to the captain, he wasn't alone. Just standing from afar, was another grieving heart. Armin Artlet, another soul wanting to say an unspoken peace to their old commander. But ended up seeing Levi there before him. 
" It's not fair you know, Erwin. Or that just might be me being selfish right now, yeah sounds like it. A biased opinion, since I fucking loved you and didn't have the guts to say it. Wanna know why? Cause I'm a coward. Since people I love keep leaving me in ways like this, death. Am I that detestable that death is the only way out? Gotta be, shitty way to go if you ask me, but probably your only way. Call it a curse, I guess. Sadly shit like this happens in the fucked world. I didn't even want to use it on Artlet, but you made your choice. So I had to make mine, fucking bastard. " 
Now that was a surprise to the little eavesdropper in the back, covering his mouth with his hand to not make a sound. Azure eyes bugging out of his head as the captain droned on. Armin himself wasn't even sure why he was saved, wouldn't Erwin have been a better pick? The power of the titan wasted on him, that's how it sounded. On the bright side, the colossal titan was in their arsenal with Eren's titan. Just with the wrong user in Artlet's mind. 
" It's not fair, you asshole. You get your peace, and leave me behind in this hell with a bunch of brats! Yes, they can pull their own weight. But you're not leading them anymore, instead it's gonna be someone else who can't live up to your name. All because I got emotional and saved that runt, when I knew, even with Hanji, that you were the better pick! A massive fuck up on my end, but then a small lived victory right? We have another titan ready to fight for us when needed. But I want you here! It's not fair, you trusted me to do the right thing with that weird liquid, and I don't know if I did! I promised myself that I'd follow you wherever, why did you have to go somewhere I can't go yet?! You and your stupid gambles, well make one with the devil down there and win, come back goddamn it! " 
At this point, Levi was screaming to a grave on the verge of tears. From standing to dropping on his knees, the turned up dirt from a freshly dug hole in the ground was staining his pants. Giving him the feelings of touching the underground floors, though this time he didn't care. Fighting back an attack of tears, his hands digging into the soil and gripping it. Dirt being trapped in his fingernails, a fierce look on his face with a few stray falling tears from his eyes. 
" I promise you, I'll make that sonva bitch pay. Along with aiding in to see that your final goal, your final dream is fulfilled. Even if I have to  die to make that happen. " 
It was a footstep, and the use of sharp senses that brought Levi out of his moment. Spinning around quick as could be, just to be met with a crying, tear stained face of one of his cadets. This was Levi's moment of vulnerability, being seen by Armin as if privacy wasn't a thing. Though now, the man couldn't hold it against the boy, dusting off himself to be free of the dirt and grime. Levi sent Armin a small glare, no words have been spoken yet, and not one really knew what to say. 
" Captain . . . I'm sorry, but you should have us--. " 
" Can it brat, I dunno how much you heard, and I hate repeating myself. But I'll make an exception, Erwin made his choice. I acted on it, now you might have to step up to bat. " 
Levi's words drew a small gasp from Armin, making him want to roll his eyes. 
" No one can live up to be Erwin, but I trust that you know what you're doing. Don't make me regret saving you now. " 
" Y-Yes sir! But can I ask a question? " 
That made a brow raise on Levi's face, a sign for Armin to carry on with what he was saying. The boy had to take a deep breath to even get the first word out. It almost made Levi scoff at a time like this. 
" Y-You l-love Commander Erwin, sir? Is-Is that true? " 
The stuttering fool really had the balls to ask. The captain almost looked impressed, but at the same time angered somewhat. 
" Yeah, I loved him, Artlet. A main factor playing on in why I wanted to use the syringe on him. But something happened during it, like I said. Don't make me regret it. " 
All he got was a frantic nod from the other blonde, even a salute for some reason. Levi responded with his own nod back, figuring now that his time alone with Erwin was up. Looking behind him at that grave, he sighed, his eyes narrowing somewhat. 
' Don't worry, Erwin. You won't be along for long, I said I'd follow you right? Into that same fire I'll soon be going. ' 
He whispered out, making his way to leave now. Going as far as to pat a startled Armin on the shoulder. His own line echoing inside his head to help cope with this, just tweaked a bit this time. 
' Plunder all your dreams, and lead those crying brats to victory. In his name. ' 
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Alright, so this is a bit later than I intended, but real life is a pain sometimes. And for those who missed the last post, that’s mostly on me for posting it at midnight, so you might want to go back and check for that - it covers the whole convo between Toshinori and Izuku on the rooftop!
But yeah, this is the final stretch, all the rest of chapter 1, so let’s hop right into it because it’s gonna be a ride.
[No. 1 - Midoriya Izuku: Origin]
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Lookit that firebreath (I know it’s not shh). Also, again with the weird lack of crowds / people around in what should have at least a few stragglers. I get that drawing crowds / background masses is annoying, but in a wideview scene like this it’s unnerving. Japan is a high-population-density country, so… uh...
Izuku stares forlornly at his notebook, thinking about all the things people have told him over the past half chapter I mean day about being realistic and thinking seriously about his future. Izuku turns the book so the title faces away from him and starts tearing up, rubbing them away while he chastises himself for crying when he already knew he was being unrealistic, and that his knowing was what had driven him so hard to not see reality.
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Overhead sign: 田 (den/ta) 等 (tou) 院 (in) 商店 (shouten) [business] 街 (machi) [boulevard, street]
Store sign: (コ)ネストアー (konesutoaa) [cornerstore]
Well, there’s the crowds, though still not able to account for all that empty street. We also see that Izuku has managed to wander his way to another hero fight despite not even really paying attention, and even though he tells himself he’s going to make himself feel bad for watching, he still heads over to join the crowds. 
He snaps out of his funk when he sees the villain, asking himself how they got away, then realizes he must have made All Might drop it, which means it’s his fault (which kid, honestly, considering he just left those bottles in open flap pockets instead of holding them firmly in his hands, you are not the one to blame.) Also, he utters the ‘this is my fault’ out loud, but the people in front of him obviously don’t hear, distracted as they are with the reason the heroes are just standing around - which is the middle schooler the villain has.
Izuku has a brief flashback to when he was being violated by the villain, and is horrified that someone else is going through the same pain. We get a brief panover of the crowd:
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Izuku and Toshinori are like, only fifteen feet apart here, and have the same reaction to the crowd’s commentary. Incredible. We zoom back in to Izuku, who is blaming himself for All Might not being able to do anything. He mentally echoes the same words as the heroes, that someone with the right quirk needs to show up to help catch the guy. He internally tells the captured person to hang in and apologies, saying someone will save him soon.
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God I love this spread. This is everything about Izuku right here. You can actually see where Izuku shoved himself through the crowd in order to sprint forward, and you can also see the genuine fear in Katsuki’s eyes in that moment where he and Izuku locked gazes. Also I checked, he sprinted right past three pro heroes, with none of them reacting in time. Incredible.
Toshinori and said heroes all freak out, and Izuku’s panicking right along with them but is still rushing forward despite that. Death Arms and the bird-helmet hero both yell at Izuku to get back, but don’t actually go after him. The sludge villain and Katsuki both react as well, recognizing Izuku.
Izuku’s notebook hits the ground spine first, and we flash over to Izuku wondering what the hell he’s doing. The sludge villain moves to try and hit Izuku when he gets close enough, while Izuku pulls off his backpack and continues to panic-think over what to do… with the book just so happening to open to the page he ends up thinking about, on Kamui Wood’s signature attack from the beginning of the chapter. 
He throws his backpack right at the sludge, all the stuff in it flying out as extra ammunition for the villain’s face to dodge, and while distracted, Izuku ducks underneath the strike and calls for Kacchan. Fortunately, the sludge has been forced to pull away from Katsuki’s mouth, allowing him to take a breath before demanding “You? Why?!” 
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Remember this for (checks watch) 284 chapters from now. Also fuck, I just realized, remember this?
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'a pro should always be ready to risk his life'
'the reason I smile is to stave off the overwhelming pressure and fear I feel'
'a symbol of peace who saves people with a smile must never be daunted by evil'
Izuku took those words to heart as well, and is already reflecting them only moments after his dreams were crushed. And you can tell in the next panel that Toshinori heard those words and was slammed right to the core because of it, because he knows that kind of drive, that sort of spirit.
We see the villain going back to suffocating Katsuki, while telling Izuku to stop it. Toshinori calls himself pathetic again while powering up, and the villain tells Izuku to stop getting in his way, that it’s only a bit longer, and moves to smash Izuku out of the way. Inside the sludge, we can see Katsuki close to passing out. The other heroes finally dash forward to try to get him out of there in time, only for someone else to latch onto the arms of both kids instead.
That someone, of course, being All Might, still steaming from going into his hero form. He tells Izuku that he (All Might) should ‘practice what he preaches’ and reiterates that a pro should always be ready to risk his life (while blood seeps from his teeth). 
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I’m blown away by Horikoshi’s art in this, and this is where he started. God, just thinking of current manga events and the art there… this man needs to be stopped, he’s too powerful, I am going to cry doing comparisons and I don’t even have a clue about any fancy art terminology or the like, all I can do is stand back and be awed.
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Izuku has had a rough day.
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And here we see the force of the blow, which somehow didn’t blow away the crowds or damage the windows of all the buildings of the surrounding blocks. Jesus fucking christ. And then the remnants of the blow head upward, causing it to start raining because of the rising air current from that one punch. 
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How was all that shit not blown away????? A mystery to everyone. Also, Katsuki and Izuku are both passed out on the ground while the crowd and media go fucking wild over what All Might just did. All Might turns to keep an eye on the two while also wobbling slightly, the pressure of holding this form past his limits.
After that, we go back to narration from Izuku, talking and showing the cleanup efforts and the villain in two garbage bags (as he deserves). The heroes chastise Izuku for putting himself in danger (I want to note that this has nothing to do with his quirklessness as far as the scene portrays), while Katsuki gets praised for being tough and having a good quirk, and gets an offer to sidekick. Katsuki isn’t listening or just plain doesn’t care, too busy glaring… or not really? At Izuku.
We get a short scenery panel, I guess to suggest the passage of time, and then we see Izuku putting his backpack back on, thinking moodily about wanting to apologize to All Might but not being able to, so he’s planning on leaving a message on the hero’s website. Katsuki calls Izuku out, and takes a shaky moment before snapping at him, saying he didn’t need Izuku to save him, that he could have handled it himself, that he doesn’t want a quirkless kid’s pity, and that he’s not gonna get won over just with this and to stop mocking him. He then spins on his heels and stomps off with a last ‘stupid nerd’, while Izuku thinks Katuski’s a tough guy. He still agrees with Katsuki, though - he didn’t do anything, he didn’t change anything, but he’s still happy, and now he can focus on a realistic future.
And then All Might zooms into view, scaring the hell out of Izuku. Izuku asks why he’s there when he was surrounded by reporters, and All Might says it wasn’t hard to shake them off, considering who he is- before he hacks up blood and deflates into Toshinori. Toshinori continues on more calmly, saying he’s there to thank Izuku and revise his earlier statement, as well as offer a proposal. 
He starts off on how, without Izuku’s story, he would have been nothing but ‘fake muscles and insincerity’, and thanks Izuku. (Izuku quietly muttering ‘fake muscles?’ here makes me cackle, because honestly, same.) Izuku tries to refute it, saying it was his fault from the beginning, getting in All Might’s way and daring to ask if he could be a hero despite his quirklessness- only for Toshinori to cut in and say that that was exactly it - out of everyone there, it was only the timid, quirkless kid who acted, and in so spurred him to action.
He goes on to talk about how the top heroes show signs of greatness as children, how many of them claim that their bodies moved before they could think. Izuku is shaking and clutching at his heart, hunching over and tearing up as he recalls his mother’s words, her apology to him. Toshinori continues, asking if that was what happened to Izuku, who replies with a yes while crying. He thinks about what he’d wanted his mom to say back then, and so we cut to the end of the chapter:
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God, what a fucking great first chapter. I can’t think of another series I’ve read that hooks me in so well right from the start like this. 
Also wait, holy shit, the anime LIED to us.
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‘The story of how I became a great hero’, not ‘how I became the greatest hero’. There’s a massive distinction in there between the two, and Izuku’s character leans WAY more towards the manga phrasing over the anime phasing. He’d never consider himself the greatest, those would always go to All Might and likely Katsuki first, and then probably his other classmates and friends as well. He’d be happy to be among the greats, but he’d never consider himself on top of them all. 
...huh, that’s the end, besides the one character panel that I’m gonna throw in a separate post. I fucking love this project so much, and I really wanna see what else the manga has to offer that the anime has lied to me about. This section went by a bit faster than expected, but I suppose that’s what comes from almost all of it being action, so. Thanks for sticking around so far, and let’s see what’s to come in chapter 2 together! :D
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
The Marvelous Misadventures of One: S. Marvin Argentum Ch. 4: Unsettled
Summary: Marvin and his team go to take on the hunters, and to hopefully get back to Egoton in time.
Post A/N: *Host glares at me* Why is he back so early?
Me: *throws hands up* I tried! Okay!
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4
It took a couple days for them to get all the supplies they needed, Techno insisting that a war could not be won without supplies. But when they did and Ghostbur was hanging at some hideout with Techno’s sister, they went up to the hunter’s base and waited a safe distance away from it. Philza sent a couple of his crow familiars to scout ahead.
Marvin dared to hope that it wouldn’t come to anything too severe, like wiping out the entire Guild. He didn’t think they deserved that. After all, everyone on Spade’s list of “people willing to burn an entire city of innocent people” were already dead so he hoped that meant everyone else was fine.
Although he didn’t like the idea of justifying a barely human glitch demon’s murder spree. Especially if that person was an evil Logan.
“So if Plan A an’[1] B don’t work,” Marvin told Techno and Quackity.
“Trust me, these assholes are going to go with the third option,” Quackity smiled, tossing Marvin a potion and the underhanded a second one. “They’re hunters, being dumb and violent is in their blood. I’ve never met a hunter that hasn’t been like Dream.”
“I’ve met a couple of decent ones, Dream’s not so bad,” Techno disagreed.
“Are you fuckin’ serious right now?” Quackity demanded angrily.
“Oi![2] Quit being children, yer[3] gonna[4] give us away!” Phil yelled at them. He glanced at Taylor and Marvin. “Get goin’ an’ we’ll be waitin’ fer the signal.”[5]
“Thank you,” the hunter told him.
“Just don’t blame yerself[6] when it ends violently,” Phil warned, both him and Techno down some invisibility potions and then disappearing.
Marvin and Taylor then walked up to the base and a couple hunters were already waiting for them.
“Bout[7] time you showed back up,” one of the hunters said, the Guildmaster quickly coming out.
“Guildmaster, I challenge you—” Taylor began but the Guildmaster just fired at them. Marvin immediately summoned his cards to deflect the shot but Techno dived in front with a massive tower shield appearing to tank the hit.
A cloud of black began to head towards them as the squawking of hundreds of crowds began to descend on them.
Techno pulled some ash-greyed skulls and his blood red aura curled around them and bones began to construct around them. The human skeletal figures had three heads a piece and gore hanging off the bones, they were just a spinal column with massive rib cages and they were three times the size of a normal human. Instantly they began spitting napalm-like fire and began attacking everything around him. Some of the bursts of fire almost hit Marvin.
Chaos erupted immediately, and Techno flung himself into the fray, his axe gleaming in the sunlight.
“Fucking demons!” Taylor shouted in anger as they raced towards the Guildmaster, both them and Marvin throwing magic at the Guildmaster.
The fight itself was relatively quick, Taylor trying to get a duel with the Guildmaster, and more and more hunters were quickly turning to side with Taylor for multiple reasons. But right before Taylor could fire on the Guildmaster, who was weakened by all the fights and skirmishes she’d been in since May, a single poker chip flew towards her.
It was coated with potent magic and sliced through her skull. The smiley face on it was coated with blood.
The fight switched on a dime as all the hunters looked at Quackity. The skeletal abomination that Techno had summoned was finally killed, bodies strewn around him. Phil was summoning some little configurations of magic to keep Techno fighting something until his bloodlust calmed down.
“What the hell!?” Taylor shouted at Quackity.
Quackity shrugged, “Hey, she was going to kill you, you should be thanking me.”
“She was defeated,” Taylor spat.
“Apparently not if she almost took your fucking head off,” Quackity dismissed.
“I should take your head off,” Taylor spat.
“Quackity, take Slime an’[1] Fundy an’[1] go,” Phil ordered sternly.
“Fine,” Quackity shrugged. “Got shit ta[8] do anyways.”
Taylor was already summoning up magic and Slime turned into a mass of green gloop that Quackity took with him, throwing down some potions to make him and Fundy faster as they left.
Taylor sent some hunters after them, but they would lose them. Quackity too ruthless to let them take or capture him or Fundy. The new Guildmaster turned to Marvin. “We’ll meet you at Egoton, I just have to take care of this mess first.”
“Deal, don’t be late,” Marvin ordered.
“We’ll follow, maybe we can keep the feds off the party,” Taylor promised him.
“I’ll tell e’eryone ta expect yah then,”[9] Marvin warned.
“Good,” Taylor yelled as they raced off after Quackity.
That left Marvin to tell Chase the good news to the other heroes . . . or he would have. His calls and messages weren’t getting through to anyone, even if he used Phil’s phone. It made Marvin uneasy.
So they were forced to hitch a ride in Thompson’s jeep when they had issues getting a train ride. It let Marvin talk to the two very battle experienced demons and desperately hope they weren’t already too late. They were running out of time. There were only four days left and Marvin knew they needed all the time they could get.
Marvin was currently driving with Techno and Ghostbur currently napping in the back of the car. Ghostbur was leaning up against Techno.
“Like I said,” Philza smiled. “If yer[3] ever in the area when we are, yer[3] welcome ta[8] a couple rounds.”
“Ain’t[10] that a death pit?” Marvin asked.
“Yeah, maybe yeh wanna wait until yer one ‘a us,”[11] Philza smiled. “Yeh look like yer one life away from turnin’.”[12]
“I hope I die then, doesn’t seem that good ta[8] be a demon,” Marvin told him.
“Sometimes it sucks,” Phil admitted. “Yer never full, never content. Yeh always feel like yeh should be doin’ something. But it has its perks sometimes.”[13]
The avian demon looked back at Ghostbur and Techno, smiling a bit. “How’s Tommy doin’[14] these days?”
“He was alright last time I saw him,” Marvin reported. “He’s a good kid.”
Phil smiled, “Yeah he’s a lil’[15] shit but he’s got his moments. Glad him an’[1] Tubbo are back on good terms.”
“So what happened ta[8] him ta[8] make him move out?” Marvin asked. “If I’m allowed ta[8] ask.”
“Tommy was in a rough place an’ he need ta get away from Dream, he lived with Techno fer a while an’ then,”[16] Phil trailed off, waving off with his hand. “Tommy needs ta[8] stay away from Dream. It’s not my business ta[8] talk about something he doesn’t wanna[17] talk about. Ask Tommy.”
Marvin left the topic at that and after switching off between Phil and then Techno they made it back to Egoton in almost record time.
After a nap in a very uncomfortable car, Marvin realized a lot of hours too late that Host could have cut their travel time down to minutes and he was just a little bit pissed about that. But they were here, and everything was going to be alright.
Phil stopped at a gas station right outside Egoton’s city limits, after finally receiving a text from Ethan. The young hero was confused at the urgency, but he promised everything was alright. So Marvin was finally feeling less anxious and stressed.
“We got a couple days,” Marvin smiled, feeling victorious, a coffee in his hands. “We’ll prepare an’[1] then we’ll—”
Marvin’s proclamation cut off when he slammed into an almost invisible barrier, his mask protecting him from breaking his nose.
“The fook[18]?” Marvin spat.
Techno walked up and braced his hand on the barrier. “That’s not good.”
Then he took out an axe and tried to cut his way in but the barrier held.
“Bruh,” Techno looked back at Phil, who was already summoning some crows.
Ghostbur tried to phase through the barrier, but he only slammed against it. “What, why can’t I—”
“Pardon the Host, he thought that Marvin would take longer.”
Marvin glanced around, trying to find the Host, but the four of them were pushed back as the Host almost seemed to emerge from the barrier in a flurry of words.
“Host, what the fook[18],” Marvin spat, only frustrated instead of furiously angry.
“Oh, Host, can you let us in?” Ghost asked politely. “Are people already fighting?”
“No, Marvin and the others are early,” the Host dismissed.
“Then let us in,” Marvin felt an ugly weight settling in his gut.
“Oh Marvin,” the Host smiled. “The Host cannot have Marvin arrive too soon. All his hard work would go to waste.”
“Yeh[19] bastard!” Marvin spat. “We’re supposed ta[8] take this on ta’gether[20]!”
“No,” the Host corrected with an eerie smile. “The Host’s sole mission is to protect his family. Regardless of the goals of the other heroes or villains. The Host has put too much effort and correction to do anything less. Marvin should not worry, the Host will ensure he does not remember this altercation.”
“People are gonna[4] die!” Marvin spat, starting to throw his magic against the Host, his aura wiping it away as if Marvin had merely sneezed at him.
“Marvin does not know what the Host has sacrificed to protect people, he has done everything in his power to protect those close to him,” the Host’s aura wiped around him, words and narrations charging the air. “And the Host will not allow Marvin to ruin it.”
The Host snapped his fingers and his narrations wrapped around the group as Marvin and the others were almost pushed into another space as time began to tick on.
After all, the Host had a wedding to prepare for.
Accessibility Translations:
1. and
2. Hey! (or: Wait a second!)
3. you’re
4. going to
5. Get going and we’ll be waiting for the signal.
6. yourself
7. About
8. to
9. I’ll tell everyone to expect you then
10. Isn’t
11. Yeah, maybe you want to wait until you’re one of us
12. You look like you’re one life away from turning.
13. You’re never full, never content. You always feel like you should be doing something. But it has its perks sometimes.
14. doing
15. little
16. Tommy was in a rough place and he need to get away from Dream, he lived with Techno for a while and then
17. want to
18. fuck
19. You
20. together
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chainsawcorazon · 4 years
How about (Munna Bhai) for pre-massacred Licht with young Patri, Sephirah's Apostles and the Elf Tribe in general?
Hello Anon, thank you for requesting! I’m a sucker for romance, so this fic also includes some romance, namely Patolli/William and Licht/Tetia. Thank you for requesting, and enjoy!
Additionally, to all readers, Bollywood Prompts are now closed! Thanks to everyone who requested a fic! I have nine more to get through, and hope to finish them all by the end of the year. Happy reading, everyone!
Ronne made a silent note of it, of course. The human royal had only begun to visit regularly some weeks prior, so maybe, just maybe Ronne was making bold assumptions based on too few facts. Maybe there wasn't any correlation between the stolen gazes and Licht's sweaty palms. Maybe they were mere coincidences, and Ronne could accept that.
Except Ronne was never wrong.
Rhya figured it out not too long after, and once Rhya caught on, it was only a matter of time until everyone else did. One by one, Licht's inner circle came to know, and little by little, Licht stopped hiding it.
They announced their pregnancy just months later.
“You can't keep avoiding her forever you know,” Ronne remarked one late afternoon. He was husking corn for the evening, and Patolli was supposed to be helping him, but the boy had sat by the river brooding instead of helping Ronne shuck and clean the vegetables.
“I'm not avoiding her,” the boy retorted, biting the inside of his cheek. He was fuming, which disappointed Ronne more than anything.
“You are, and it's hurting Licht's feelings,” Ronne lied smoothly, because Rhya was only half as good as him when it came to the deception game, and because everyone but Patolli knew that Licht was too enamored, too busy with his beautiful lover and their future child to focus on the grievances of one lone teen.
“He's going to marry her, you know,” Ronne added some minutes later. “If you want to be Licht's bodyguard when you get your grimoire, then you have to guard her as well – and all of their children.”
“Why?” He snapped back, his eyes burning with hatred and just a twinge of pain.
Ronne sighed deeply before speaking again. “Because he loves her.”
Rhya told Patolli the same, Reve made some vague remarks about the power of moving forward, and Fana just pulled him into the forest, sat him down on the ground, and told him every single detail of Licht and Tetia's impending marriage so that he could get it through his head that the time for dreaming was over.
Vetto understood, however.
“It happens in phases,” he told him one night while the little boy was out crying in the field, accompanied by Vetto's little squirrels. “You live, you love, you move on, and you love again. It's a cycle, Patolli. It doesn't end with one person.”
Snot covered Patolli's upper lip and his eyes ran wet with tears. When he tried to speak, all he managed were wheezes before the sobbing intensified. Vetto reached for a handful of wildflowers and plucked them from the ground. He carefully pulled off the dirt and roots, and handed the bunch to Patolli who sobbed as he cradled them in his arms.
“Look at those, and tell me if any one of them is the same as the other,” Vetto instructed him gently. It took several more minutes before Patolli's sobs petered out into hiccups and his eyes cleared enough to peer at the flowers in his hand.
Patolli was done before Vetto could finish counting the minute.
“No,” Patolli grumbled with a sniff.
Vetto could only smile. “And?”
“... They're pretty,” Patolli said awkwardly.
“They're flowers!”
“Aaaand?” Vetto had to bite back the chortle.
“They're pretty flowers and they're all different!” Patolli screeched, the tears replaced with fury, his cheeks flushed with childish exasperation.
Vetto burst out laughing, unable to hold back the mirth bubbling in his throat. Patolli stared, gob-smacked, before grumbling underneath his breath. He chewed his cheek and stroked the flowers in his hands while Vetto tried to stifle the laughs.
“Good!” The older man finally wheezed, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes. “Good,” he repeated when he witnessed a forlorn look settle in Patolli's golden brown eyes. “Good,” he said for a third time. “Every flower in this field is beautiful, and every single one is different from the other. When we pick them for our friends and family, we never pick the same ones. We want to give our loved ones all the colors of the world, because we love them in every which way that we can. These flowers, Patolli, they're wild and they have no masters, and we too are slaves to their beauty and warmth, because we want to give their beauty and their warmth to the ones we love the most.”
“I'm not giving Ratri any flowers,” he retorted.
“But you give your mother flowers all the time,” Vetto teased. “It's because you love her, don't you? I know you love your brother as well, but Ratri doesn't much appreciate the subtleties of gifting, but your mother does. You give your mother flowers because you treasure her, and because she treasures you.”
“Hmph,” Patolli huffed, giving Vetto the side-eye.
“And you know that she treasures every flower you give her, no matter how different they are,” Vetto added gently.
“What's your point?” Patolli grumbled, shoulders defeated and fingers still entangled in flowers.
Vetto could see the tears begin to form in the boy's eyes again, and so he turned away and looked up at the moon. “Imagine the flowers in your hands are people,” he began softly, his squirrels nibbling away at the nuts they'd picked from Vetto's pockets. “Imagine that every time you loved someone new, you picked a flower from this field. Over the years, you accumulate hundreds of flowers, each different from the last, and as the years go by, some wither away, while others persist until they too fade away.”
A sob hitched in Patolli's throat, and the little boy began to cry again.
Vetto kept his eyes on the moon. “Imagine Licht was your first flower, Patolli. Imagine him as the most vibrant flower you've ever picked, and the one you cherish the most right now. Give it the respect it deserves, and accept that your heart has chosen what it's chosen.”
Patolli's sobs echoed through the field as the squirrels continued to nibble at their nuts, while Vetto stared longingly at the bright, full moon. “And when it perishes, bury it with honor. There's no shame in loving, little one, but letting go is a part of that process.”
“No!” Patolli snarled back, his sobs getting worse as the evening persisted and the squirrels nibbled away.
“And when you least expect it,” Vetto continued, gaze fixed on the beautiful moon up above, “another flower will come along, and it will be a flower you least expect to love, and yet you will. You will love so greatly that even the sun and moon won't be able to withstand your love. Trust this if nothing else, Patolli. You will love again.”
And he did. A thousand years later, at the gates of the Spade Kingdom, Vetto stood next to his kin in rippling white and black armor as Patolli broke down the gates with a single swipe of his sword. The demons came quickly and so they rode through the swarm with their weapons poised, Fana's great fire breathing Hell down upon anyone who stood in their way.
A thousand years after their deaths, a flower was born. It was a flower few would call pretty, and yet that flower kept Patolli safe in his chest until it was his time.
Vetto hid his smile as they charged through the corridors to where the victims lay chained, like heroes out of fairy tales long dead. They fought every step of the way until they broke down the doors to the roof, cut through the black magic that held down the sacrifices, and finally breathed a sigh of relief as they awoke from their days long sleep.
“William,” Patolli said softly, cradling his beloved in arms much like he cradled those wildflowers one thousand years ago.
“Patolli,” the human croaked in response, “is that you?”
“Yes, my love,” Patolli said hoarsely, voice breaking finally as he pulled the human against his chest and held him tight, kissed along his shoulders and neck before burying his face in his bloodied hair.
And Vetto watched as Patolli cried once more, but this time with relief – this time with love that could defeat even the fists of a thousand demons.
Yami Sukehiro snorted from his position on the floor. “We're gonna die if they don't stop making out.”
“I believe your human friends will be here with transport soon,” Vetto said plainly.
“Scarface hasn't brushed his teeth in like... how long have we been here?”
“Three days!” Fana piped up.
“In three days,” Yami continued. “Your buddy's making out with three days worth of bacteria.”
“He's done worse,” Rhya drawled.
“I'm so glad Pato found someone,” Fana sighed with relief. “Thought he would never get over that schoolboy crush!”
“Lady, you thinking stabbing our king and tryna resurrect your entire tribe was over a schoolboy crush?” Yami asked, deadly serious.
Fana waved her hand nonchalantly. “Oh, of course, Pato is just a little emotional, is all!”
“Never mind,” Yami grumbled, laying back down and staring at the sky. He thought he could see the moon peeking out from behind the clouds. “Anybody gotta cigarette?”
Rhya lit a stick and handed it to the large man. They sat still, some smoking, some chatting idly, oddly content while the rest of the heroes gathered to take them all back to their respective homes.
And just a few feet away, Patolli kissed William tenderly underneath the beautiful night sky.
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liberolove · 4 years
Testing the Waters (pt. 2)
Summary: youve finally graduated high school and now youre moving on to college. youve decided to go to sendai university. its summer and youve become curious about checking out the dating pool in miyagi, so you download a dating app. you figure you might as well have fun before delving too deep into your studies
Part: [part two] out of ???
Pairings: nishinoya x reader / kuroo x reader / oikawa x reader / kiyoko x reader
A/N: theres tons of ships here, just me living out my hoe phase lmao please dont judge me. let me know what yall think
Genre: fluff, smut, crack
Warnings: flirting, college shinanigans
It’s been three days since the last time you saw Yuu. Gosh, even saying his name to yourself gave you goosebumps. You two have been texting non stop and honestly, it felt so refreshing. You were a pretty bad texter but he knew how to keep the conversation going. 
One of his favorite things to do was play 21 questions with you. He wasn’t like those fuckboys who would use this opportunity to ask you if you were a virgin or what your favorite position was. Yuu was different. He came up with the craziest scenarios and judged you on the way you answered. One time he asked you how you would escape a 300 lb lion that just broke out of the zoo you were visiting. You honestly had no idea how to respond but eventually you replied, 
“I’d make sure to run with a crowd and ‘accidentally’ trip a slow runner so that the lion could get distracted and probably (most likely) attack them. This would buy me some time to get the hell out there.”
This response caught Noya off guard but he loved the way you thought. You continued to come up with barbaric schemes to survive all the scenarios he would throw at you. He kept you guessing and that was what you liked so much about him. He was wild and so were you.
You were getting a little impatient over your next date so you took a deep breath and eventually asked him.
Y/N: Heeey, Yuu. I was wondering when you’d like to go out again. I’d really like to go out with you again.
Nishinoya Yuu: hey cutie! I’ve been wanting to see you again but I haven’t had any days off from work lately.. (; ・`д・´) IM DYING!! I just wanna see yoouuuuu
Y: Aw man.. :( That sucks. When do you think you’ll get your next day off?
N: idk tbh but hopefully it’s soon!!
Y: no worries, just let me know.
N: will do!!
Well, that was that. Now you wondered what you should do to pass the time. You were bored again and needed something to do. “Oh wait. I should check the app. I haven’t checked since I messaged Yuu on there. Maybe I have more matches.”
You opened up the app and you had 10 notifications. You had gotten some likes on the selfie you posted and several people viewed your profile. You checked who looked at your profile, and it was mostly ugly, older, men. “Gross,” you thought to yourself. Besides this, you noticed some new messages. 
You opened up the first message. 
“Hey sexy! Wanna come see me play? Click my link https://…..”
“Damn bots. So annoying.” You deleted the message. Next message:
“I mean like yeah, but you could’ve been less forward in your message. What a turn off..” You had one last notification left. Maybe it wouldn’t be a let down.
“Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? 'Cause you are F-I-Ne.”
To be honest, this pick up line did make you giggle a little. You checked out the profile of the mysterious stranger who sent it and you were surprised that it was a bulked up biker. And damn, was he hot as hell. 
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His hair stood up in an organized, weird bed head kind of way. It made him look like a rooster. Rather than smile in his photos, he smirked. And his eyes looked like he could undress you solely with his gaze. He looked like your typical bad boy, but that didn’t make sense. Why would he use a chemistry pick up line?
This made you become even more interested, so you replied back with another cheesy pick up line.
Y/N: I wish I were adenine because then I could get paired with U.
Kuroo Tetsuro: Hey, kitten. I thought you’d never reply. You had me waiting.
Y: umm??? calling me kitten already?
K: What’s wrong? Are you flustered already? We haven’t even met up yet.
Y: woah there cowboy! hold your horses
K: I’m not a cowboy, but I’ll gladly have you ride me instead.
Y: skskskks i cant even-
K: Sorry. Too much?
K: Alright. Let me start over. Ahh, a fellow chemist, I presume?
Y: yeaaah, kind of. I have a love/hate relationship with chemistry.
K: Is that so? Maybe I can help with that.
Y: oh really? how so?
K: I am a chemistry major after all. I go to Sendai. Do you go to school?
Y: uhhh i’m going to start there in the fall. I still haven’t decided what to major in, just yet.
K: Maybe you’ll end up being a chemistry major like me and I can give you private one on one lessons? 
Y: I highly doubt that, but nice try. 
K: Have you gotten a tour of the campus yet? Or are you waiting for freshman orientation?
Y: nah, I haven’t seen all of it yet. 
K: Would you like to?
Y: um sure! When are you free for my private tour? (:
K: How about tomorrow in the morning? Maybe around 9am? I can pick you up too if you’d like.
Y: Sounds good and no thanks. I’m not riding on that motorcycle! Looks scary :(
K: Don’t worry, kitten. I’ll drive safely and make sure nothing happens to you.
Y: there you go again.
K: Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. No, but really. I don’t mind picking you up. Have you ever been on a motorcycle before?
Y: nope
K: Then, let’s change that. Send me your address tomorrow morning. And get some rest.
Y: alrighty it’s a plan then!
K: No. It’s a date.
Y: sksksk omg
After that conversation, all you could think about was how the hell did you get into this mess? Motorcycles are dangerous, yet this rooster convinced you so easily to take a ride with him.. 
It was an understatement to say that you were nervous for tomorrow.
You set an alarm for 7 am the next day and went to bed.
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Your alarm woke you up and you immediately remembered why you were awake so early. You rushed into the shower and once you were out, you spent 30 minutes deciding on what to wear. You opted for some black, ripped skinny jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt. 
At 8am on the dot, your phone’s notification bell went off. It was Kuroo.
“What’s your address, baby?”
You sent him the details and continued getting ready. You put on some light makeup and brushed your hair. You checked the time, and it was already 8:55 am. Then, your phone went off again.
“I’m outside.”
Your heart almost beat out of your chest. You grabbed your purse and put on some chapstick. You know, just in case..
You locked up your apartment and walked down the stairs. You were greeted by the biggest shit eating grin on the sexiest man you’d ever seen. You never went for the bad boys but college is a time for experimenting. 
“Hey, Y/N. You ready to ride? I brought an extra helmet for you.”
“Hi, Kuroo. And yeah, I guess,” your voice shook as you replied. You were really nervous but you tried to hide it.
“Don’t worry, baby. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’ll keep you safe.”
His words made you melt and you had just met him. The way he cooed at you and looked your way made you blush. You felt your cheeks get hotter by the second.
“Alright. Hop on and hold on to my waist. Hold on tight or else you’re gonna fly away when I take off. Okay?”
“..okay..” you managed to mutter. You were shaking but you put on the helmet he gave you and lifted up your leg to sit on the metal machine. You slowly hugged Kuroo from behind and held on as tight as you could. Your head was smashed right up against his large, broad back.
“Ready?” he asked.
“..yeah,” you squeaked.
Before you finished saying this, he had taken off like the devil was chasing him. If this was his meaning of safe driving, you didn’t want to find out his meaning of reckless driving.
The ride to Sendai University only took about 5 minutes, when realistically it would take 20 minutes by bus. You arrived and Kuroo teased, “are you going to let go, kitty?”
You hadn’t realized you were still gripping onto him for dear life. You released him from your hold and your hands still tingled from the amount of force you applied to his shirt. “Sorry!”
“No worries. Hey, look! I brought you here alive. Aren’t you glad?” he cackled. 
His laugh sounded like a dying hyena but it did sound a little cute at the same time. “Yeah. Thank goodness. Your driving is insane, dude.”
He showed you all over campus, from the administrative buildings to the gymnasium, to the fields. Sendai was a pretty big campus, and it made you glad that you had a personal guide to show you all the different buildings. 
After your little tour was over, he asked, “wanna grab a bite to eat? I’ll be a gentleman and pay for you too.”
Of course, you couldn’t say no to food. Much less, FREE FOOD! You nodded and got ready to ride the devil’s machinery again.
He took you to a nearby sushi bar. “Order whatever you’d like, princess. Today, I want to spoil you rotten.”
You melted at his words and also at the variety of rolls on the menu. You didn’t ask him if he really meant that you could order anything. You just kind of went for it. You ordered everything from shrimp tempura, to octopus, to eel. Sushi was your favorite and being told that you could order everything was a dream come true.
“Damn, girl! I had no idea you had such a huge appetite!  I didn’t know you’d take me seriously on my offer. You’re gonna run my pockets dry.”
You blushed and looked away. “Sorry, Kuroo. I really couldn’t help myself. I love sushi so much.”
“I’m just teasing you, baby. You deserve to be treated like this everyday.”
You had no idea how to respond so you just kept stuffing your face with sushi.
After you finally had your fill, it was time to go home. It was getting late. Kuroo took you home and you were definitely more relaxed this time on the bike. 
“I hope you had a great time today, kitty. And I hope I met your standards.”
“Yes, I did! Thank you so much, Kuroo! This was honestly so much fun. Thanks for everything.”
“Of course. Nothing but the best for you. I just need one little favor from you, baby.”
“Oh? What is it?”
“Can I get a kiss from your soft lips? I know you want to. I saw the way you kept staring at me, today.”
“Oh.. uhh.. Y-yea-yeah. Sure, of course.. Yeah,” you stammered. 
You looked at him with soft, shy eyes and before you knew it, he leaned in quickly and kissed you on the lips. Your eyes were wide open in surprise but as he deepened the kiss, your eyes slowly shut.
The kiss felt like electricity coursing through your body. You didn’t know what it was, but this man definitely already had you wrapped around his long, slender finger. 
As soon as you realized his hold on you, he backed off, and left you wanting more. He was such a tease.
“I can’t just let you have everything today, kitten. I need you wanting more.”
You didn’t know what to respond so you looked down at the ground shyly. 
“I’ll message you later, y/n. Don’t make me wait too long, again.”
You waved and muttered, “Thank you, Kuroo.”
He revved up his bike and was gone in seconds.
You remained in a daze as you walked back up to your apartment. Once you got inside, you plopped down on your couch and released a long sigh. “Who knew that college was going to be so exciting..”
[link to kuroo pic i found]
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haziel-luz · 4 years
Own it..then Redeem it (2007!Leonardo x reader)
Chapter 1: Still Waiting 
I’m giving you guys the first chapter to see how you feel about it. The other chapters is in the link at the end of this chapter, if you wanna see more. This is an ongoing story, so I’m not sure how long it will be, but enjoy~~😍
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Summary: You haven't had good days since Leo left, but why should you wait for him to come back and make it better? Instead of looking back, you should look forward cause there are better things waiting for you. Or so you thought...
"(Y/n), can you do us a big favor and come by tonight, I got a feeling that Casey is going trick and treating tonight and I need you to remind him that he's got a deadline to meet." April says through the phone a little irritated and you giggle.
"Not responding to your messages today huh." You say walking to my fridge and getting a beer.
"Exactly, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with him." She says with a huff while you open my beer.
"Well April, we're gonna have to let the boys be boys until they learn a big lesson into becoming a man." You say getting my jacket and walking out of my window and up the rooftop.
"So never?" She says and you laugh, and then you hear rustles of leaves in her background.
"Where are you now by the way?" you ask curiously.
"Well there's this guy that is really obsessed with these ancient statues and I bring those to him for a good price. I'm actually at the jungles of Central America looking." She says cutting down some leaves while you open my chair and sit on it with an open beer.
"That's cool, I wish I can get to travel just to clear my head for a while." You said drinking my beer a bit.
"Yea it's beautiful here, and there's also this legend going around the village about the "Ghost of the Jungle"." You laugh at the name and shake my head.
"Now there's something to be on the lookout in the jungle, be careful April or the ghost will get you too." You say jokingly and giggle.
"This is actually serious though, this legend is actually an active hero. This guy helps the village in danger and no one knows his identity, all he does is kicks the bad guys asses and he retreats into the shadows of the jungle. Kinda seems familiar don't you think?.." April explains with a soft voice at the end and you go from a smile to a straight face.
"Familiar to who exactly?" You say with no tone and stare at the city.
"(Y/n), you know who I'm talking about. Don't you think it's time that someone finds him?" April says gently.
"April if he wanted to be found, then you would've found him right when you got into the jungle, trust me I know him, he's probably observing you right now just to make sure your safe." You say with a sigh and rub my face softly.
"That sounded a little creepy but you might have a point, but I still think I can give it a shot, the guys need him back." She says while cutting more leaves down.
"Yea your right, just be careful, Leo isn't the only one in the jungle." You say getting up with the empty beer in hand.
"Want me to give him a message from you?" She asks softly. You think about it for a moment and shake my head.
"I don't think that's necessary, if he wants to be in contact with me then he'll find a way to do it, just get back safe." You say putting that beer bottle in the trash can and starting to walk across the rooftop.
"Alright, I'll update you later about him, see you soon and I'll be careful, oh and don't forget to give Casey a surprise visit." She says with a serious voice in the end and you laugh.
"Don't worry I will, bye."
"Bye (Y/n)."
We both hung up the phone and you started running across the rooftops to get to Casey.
It wasn't easy trying to find Leo at all in this jungle, he could basically fit in by just walking around being green and all. April heard rustling in the bushes and she slowly stood up with a raised eyebrow.
"Is anyone here?" Proceeding through the bushes and looking around. "Hello?"
I'm starting to get tired of this. Maybe (Y/n)'s right-
She suddenly fell through a hole and crashed through vines. April yell and close her eyes waiting for a strong impact, but when she landed, she didn't land on anything hard.
"It's a long way from the city to just drop in." She hear a familiar voice and open her eyes to see Leo in the flesh grinning.
"Leo." April smiled, happy to finally see her lost friend.
They talked and she tried convincing him to come back for his brothers but he's too stubborn. Why won't he budge?
"Your training period ended a year ago, and Splinter says you don't write anymore." April keeps persuading him, hoping that it would at least make him think about it.
"Splinter sent me down here to become a better leader. I can't go back to failure. Besides, these people need me more than my brothers do." He confirms while poking the fire with a frown.
"If Master Splinter were here, he would ask you 'what is your heart telling you?'" She said softly while looking at him.
"I don't know..I just know something's missing." Leo sighs while standing up and dropping the stick in the fire.
If (Y/n) were here, she knew what to say to him. Speaking of which...
"What about (Y/n)?" April asked hesitantly. Leo froze and looked back at her.
"What about her?" Leo asked as if he was clueless. She sighed and shook her head.
"Don't you think it was a bad idea breaking up with her through a letter?" She responded, observing his reaction. He looked away a little sad but looked back at her with his regular self.
"I did what I had to. She can't have a normal life with a mutant like me, April. I'm supposed to help everyone move forward, not holding them back." Leo picks up another stick for the fire.
"You should've talked to her to see how she feels about this. She has the right to choose her own path and future. Leo, you should've seen how heartbroken she was. (Y/n) wasn't able to think about her future, she was just furious at herself for not knowing what she did wrong." April reasoned gently and he clenched his fists.
"It was hard sending that letter..but I had to. Come on April, we're talking about (Y/n) here, she's so loyal that she'd do anything to be by my side, even if I can't give her the life she deserves. I don't want her to sacrifice all those great opportunities out there because of me. I just can't live with myself if I failed her." Leo sighed and looked away.
"If you're willing to let her go for good, at least give her some closure, she needs that to move forward. Your brothers need you, Leo. They're all lost without you." April looked down sadly at everyone else's outcome for his absence. When she looked back up, he was gone. She tried calling out for him and looking for a bit but it was getting dark, and she needed to get back home.
Looks like I'm coming home empty handed.
You ended up on Casey and April's rooftop apartment and checked that Casey wasn't there. You sighed and shook your head while looking at your watch.
"A little early for playing vigilante this evening Jones." You looked around and closed your eyes while closely listening to the city and focused intensely.
Your vision went dark and back into seeing Casey beating up some crook with another vigilante with a metal suit.
"Ah, so the Night watcher is at it again and with a side kick." You say opening my eyes and start sprinting and jumping across the rooftops.
You got to them when the guys were tying the guy up in chains and you cross my arms looking at Casey.
"Really Casey? I thought you were gonna watch a game tonight." Casey and the Nightwatcher turned around surprised.
"(Y/n)?? How did you find me?" Casey said, taking off his hockey mask.
"It really wasn't that hard, trust me." You say and look at the Night Watcher, slowly walk towards him.
"So you're the Night Watcher huh? Never thought I'd bump into you." You say crossing my arms and tilt your head while Casey looks a little nervous.
"Nice to meet you as well ma'am but I-uh gotta go-"
"Raph I know it's you."
"Is it really that obvious?!"
"Yes it was that obvious." You laugh and shake your head
He takes off his helmet and glares at Casey who was laughing.
"Can it sidekick". Raph points at Casey
You hear a groan on the ground and look at the douchebag, he started to crawl and climb away from us.
"Aww, ain't that cute, he's trying to get away." Casey sweetly mocks.
You turn to the boys and you all smirked at each other, you turn back to the crook and approach him.
"Well, looks like I got sidekicks." Casey grins and you huff.
"Yea right, you're the sidekick." Raph says confidently.
"In your dreams boys." You glare playfully at them.
Once the crook was chained to the light post, we three ended up on the roof top watching the crowd.
Casey and I look at each other knowing the burning question in our minds. You were brave enough to ask first.
"Hey, what's with the vigilante phase? I thought you and your brothers were done with fighting crime since Leo left." You asked, concerned for his well being. Raph sighed and he looks at the street.
"What was I supposed to do? Sit around, wait for Leo to come back and save the day? I mean we haven't heard word one from him since Splinter sent him away on his little "vacation." Raph glares at the street.
"You're right on that part, but don't you think it's a little tiresome cleaning the streets by yourself? I mean, there hasn't been a foot clan activity since the Shredder's death, so there's no use of handling lower class criminals." You sighed softly and nodded towards the guy chained on the light post.
"Come on, you think these lowlifes take vacations at the first sign of pressure? No. The criminal element of this city may be guilty of a lot of things, but being quitters ain't one of them." Raph puts his helmet in his duffle bag. You look towards Casey and he nods.
"So, what happens if Leo comes back? Are you gonna keep being the NightWatcher?" You asked softly with concern.
"You know, I-I don't even care about Leo anymore. Kinda hope he never comes back." Raph gets up with a dismissive wave. You sighed a bit, kinda feeling guilty about thinking the same thing.
"Come on, aren't you being a little hard on the guy?" Casey suggested calmly.
"Who wouldn't be hard on him." You mumbled quietly.
"I don't know. It's possible. I guess if I could live anywhere other than the city I'd go to, but I can never leave this place. I can't even sleep without the sound of the subway rumbling over my head." Raph sighs while his hands above his head, making his point.
"No offense, but aren't you guys used to loud noises by now since you guys make a lot of noise." You pointed out, looking at him. He sat back down beside me.
"Guess it comes from growing up with a house full of brothers." Raph looks down at the streets again.
"I'm not trying to tell you what to do, I'm just saying that, if it was my brother, I'd find a way to work it out. But that's just me. I got my own issues y'know? Like back at home with April." Casey says, taking off his hockey mask.
"You don't say." You hide my grin and let him continue.
"There's this whole thing about settling down that makes me miss the old times. I don't know if I can be the grown up she needs me to be." Casey sighs and looks down at the street. You pat his shoulder lightly and smile at him.
"It's okay to miss the old times, but it's not okay to wait for it to come back. We all had a good run together. It's time to make more out of our lives other than breaking bones every once in a while. It's not gonna be easy to let go of those awesome times but we can make better ones. Just think about what you want to do with April." You reassured him with a gentle smile and he smiled back.
Casey puts his hockey mask on top of his head and we hear snoring. We look to our right and see Raph asleep while sitting up. Casey sighs and You giggle at Raph's tired state.
"Good talk Raph." Casey sarcastically says and stands up to shake him. You stop him and smile.
"I'll take him back to his place, you go back to your apartment and rest. April told me to tell you to stay alert of the time tomorrow. She's gonna be coming back waiting for you." You informed him with a grin and picked up Raph's duffle bag.
"Oh shit. Thanks for the heads up, I'll put the alarm clock on. Are you sure you can handle this?" Casey gestures towards Raph and you laugh.
"I've handled him from the very beginning, watch this." You grin and knock Raph's shell, making Casey eyes a bit wide.
"Come on Raph, you're sleeping on the rooftop again. Let's go to the lair." You insisted and Raph wakes up and rubs his eyes while standing up.
"Sorry Casey, what were ya saying?" Raph asks looking at Casey. Casey rolls his eyes and pats your back.
"Nothing sidekick, just saying goodnight because April needs me in the morning." Casey salutes to Raph and puts his bat over his shoulder.
"Alright, see ya later." Raph was confused but shrugged it off.
Once Casey left, you walked with Raph to the nearest manhole cover. It's been almost three weeks since you've been to the lair. Being busy with being a bartender and waitress at a fancy restaurant wasn't easy to balance.
"So, how have you been?" Raph questioned curiously.
"Things have been coming along, pretty tired from the long shift, but I'm taking some days off to save the energy." You smiled at him.
"Meet anyone new?" He raised an eyebrow, hinting something.
"Raph...I don't know..He's a good guy, and wants nothing but to spend time with me whatever chance he gets. I don't feel ready for that no matter how long he waits." You hop down the fire escape and stand beside the manhole cover with him. Raph notices the internal battle I'm having and puts a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, it's okay. Just go on one date with him and see how it goes. If you still don't feel like you're ready then cut it off, but if you do then keep going. Stop waiting on Leo to come back. It's been a year. After that letter, you should start thinking about what's best for you. No more looking back." Raph softly says and see's your eyes collect tears, he froze in place, not sure what to do.
"I just want to know why I wasn't enough..." Your voice cracked and tears started to fall from my eyes. Raph sighs and hugs you close.
"It's gonna be okay." Raph murmured softly, rubbing your back. Ever since the break up letter, Raph has been there for you. April was the first to know but since she couldn't stand the way you were shutting myself out, she told the guys about it. Splinter was surprised to learn that his eldest son has ended the relationship with the woman he truly loves.
Ever since then, they were the ones picking up the pieces that Leo left behind. Raph was pretty pissed when Leo decided to break things off with you. He thought that it was cowardly on Leo's part, he may be his brother but you're like a sister to him. He's gonna show Leo that he can't get away with anything when he comes back.
Once you were done crying, Raph took his duffle bag from you and opened the manhole cover.
"You should sleep, and then visit us tomorrow cause Mikey won't shut up about you." Raph grunts thinking about Mikey, making you wipe your tears and giggle.
"I will come by after my shift, so tell Mikey to hold on a little longer." You smile gently. Raph nods and smiles while going into the sewers.
You sigh, disappointed by how Leo still had this affect on you, feeling sorry for yourself and lowering your self esteem. It's been over a year and you need to move on from him. On your walk home you pull out your cell phone and call the number. He picked up on the second ring.
"(Y/n), it's nice to hear from you, are you alright?" He softly asks, concerned.
"I'm good Winters, I-uh, wanted to take your offer on coffee tomorrow. I'm sorry if I called you at a bad time." You felt nervous accepting his offer but you need to keep going.
"Not at all my dear, I'm rather happy of this surprise. I'll come pick you up around 8 o'clock, will that be alright?" You could hear the smile through the phone even though you couldn't see it.
"That sounds great, see you then?" You smiled through the phone as well.
"See you then (Y/n)." Winter chuckles and you both hang up.
You smiled to yourself and put a strand of hair behind your ear, you walked into your apartment and landed on the bed. You finally took the step to move forward and you don't feel as guilty as you would a couple months ago. You get up from the bed and smile while picking out the clothes from your closet, ready for tomorrow in general. You changed into your comfortable clothes and went to bed. Closing your eyes, you can't stop smiling at the thought of giving someone else a chance, it felt weird and exciting. Maybe things aren't so bad after all.
“Who was that brother?” Aguila asked, observing Winters closing his flip phone.
“That, my brother, is an important guest who will help us fulfill our birthrights.” Winters grins at his brother.
Hopefully she's the answer.
 Any thoughts? Love it? Feeling it?
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datleggy · 5 years
Prompt: Eddie and Buck are together and Buck has never felt as serious or as committed as he does once he and Eddie get together. But the rest of the group doubt his seriousness/ability to be with Eddie only because of Buck’s previous wild ways and they continue to make side comments about it, until Buck starts doubting himself and wondering if Eddie deserves better which infuriated Eddie when he sees how horrible it has made Buck feel
this is short and very cheesyyyyyyyyyy i hope u like it anyway!
Buck knows he’s being sensitive about this whole thing. 
He tries to brush it off and pretend not to be phased by the remarks his team makes regarding his relationship with Eddie. They announced about a week ago that they’re moving in together--a decision they came to after dating for the past seven months. 
Buck is beyond his wildest dreams excited about the move, excited about spending more time with his boys, and most of all excited to be starting this new chapter in his life. 
He had really been hoping the 118--his family--would also be thrilled about the new development. 
Instead he’s gotten comments like: “Eh, I give it two weeks tops.” And, “Moving kinda fast, huh?” Or, “I never thought I’d see the day.” and so on. 
And it’s fine. Really. They’re just joking.
Buck is making a way bigger deal out of it than he should be. He knows this. So he tries his best to ignore the ribbing; it’ll pass soon enough, he just needs to wait it out and stop being a baby. 
Except that on his way to Eddies--or rather, what is soon to be his home--Captain Nash stops him as he's leaving the firehouse. “You got a minute?” he asks. 
“Yeah Cap, what’s up?” 
“Listen, I just wanted to say, you’re still young, and sometimes we rush into things without thinking them through entirely and--” 
Buck tilts his head. “Um, what are you talking about?” 
Bobby sighs. “It’s about you moving in with Eddie. I know you two have been dating for a few months, and you’re having fun, but I need you to understand that Eddie has a child, and when you move in you’re making a big impact on that kids’ life, it’s not just about you and it’s not just about Eddie anymore. You need to be one hundred percent sure, one hundred percent committed, before taking such a big step. You get what I mean, right? No one here would judge you for reconsidering, maybe taking some more time to think it through?” 
Buck can feel the heat rising up from his neck to his ears. Is this what it feels like to get the shovel talk from your prom dates dad? Only instead of ‘if you hurt him you’re toast’ it’s more like ‘don’t even bother trying’. 
“Uh, yeah, no, I know what you’re saying. I will, don’t worry.” he rushes out of the station after that, unable to look at Bobby in the eye. 
Is that what the team thinks this is for him? That he’s just having fun and passing the time with Eddie? 
But it’s not like Buck hasn’t given them enough ammunition over time. It makes sense that they wouldn’t think he’d be serious about this relationship--when he’s rarely been in the past. It reminds him of the time that guy online had been using his photo and name to date women on the internet. Abby and his team had all been pretty skeptical over his claims of innocence back then. 
What if everyone is right? What if he reverts back to his old immature self and what if he’s not enough for Eddie? What if he and Christopher hate living with Buck? What if Eddie decides he doesn’t need him in their lives, after all? 
By the time he makes it home--to Eddie’s--Buck is spiraling with crippling self doubt. 
“Hey, what’s wrong? You look pale---well, more pale than usual.” Eddie jokes lightly, putting down the book he’s been reading. 
“Do you think we’re moving too fast?” Buck blurts out, before he can chicken out. 
Eddie sits up, concern and confusion knitting his brows together. “What? Buck, what are you talking about?” 
“You know, us. Us and moving in together. Is it too soon? Because I get it if you need more time, to like, think about it and stuff. It’s kind of a big decision and I don’t want to rush you into anything--” 
Eddie stands up, walks over to Buck, and rests his hands over his shoulders. “Hey, look at me, breathe; you gotta’ calm down and then we can talk about this super sudden change of heart you’re having? Here, sit.” he gently leads his boyfriend into the living room so they can have this conversation more comfortably. 
Buck sighs. “I’m sorry, I know I’m freaking out, it’s just…” 
“What happened?” 
“I’m happy with you, with you and Christopher, and I just really don’t want you to regret this next step we’re taking, if this is too fast for you or for Christopher." 
Eddie shakes his head. “Buck we talked about this. And honestly, this whole moving in thing is more a formality than anything--in case you haven’t noticed you’ve been basically living here for the past two months. 
“Your toothbrush is in the bathroom, your hair gel, your shampoo and conditioner, your body wash, all of it’s in there; all your favorite foods are in the fridge and in the pantry, also all your clothes are in my closet, your underwear are in my drawers--and it’s not just stuff. 
“Buck, my abuela calls the landline looking for you more often than she does to talk to me, you drop and pick Christopher up from school so much his teacher invited you to the next parent teacher conference next week. And last month when you had to go back to your apartment for a whole week because your moronic upstairs neighbor flooded your bathroom Christopher and I were miserable here without you. 
“I have never been more sure of anything, Buck. I want you to move in. Officially.” Eddie takes his boyfriends’ hands into his and squeezes. “Now, tell me what’s really wrong.” 
Buck chews on his lip anxiously. “It’s nothing, really. I let all these little comments get to me, and then Bobby’s weird shovel talk made me feel some type of way, I guess. It’s dumb.” 
“What comments? And I’m sorry, did you say Cap gave you the shovel talk?” 
Buck shrugs, looking away. “Just, you know,” he clears his throat awkwardly. “Before you joined the team I was this wild, immature kid who never really thought with the right head, if you get what I’m saying? And so, I get why they think that maybe I’m still that same guy, who hops around  from person to person, and can’t commit. That’s the word Bobby used, he said if I wasn’t a hundred percent committed to this, to you and to Christopher, that I should reconsider. But I don't want to." 
"You are committed. I don't even have to ask you to know it." Eddie says fiercely. 
Buck breathes out. Relieved. "I am. I've never wanted anything more. I love you. The both of you." 
Eddie leans in, slowly closing the distance between them. "And I love you." 
Bucks eyelashes flutter and his heart stutters for a beat. He lets himself be pulled in the rest of the way. Eddie wraps his arms around his waist, kissing him softly on the mouth, and Buck can feel Eddies warm breathe on his face as he pulls away. 
"I'll be back." He gets up from the couch and grabs his jacket off the hook by the door. 
“Um, where are you going?” 
“I’m just gonna’ go have a chat with Bobby, that’s all.” He says, putting his keys in his back pocket. 
Buck blinks. “Wait, what--” 
Eddie opens the door and leans in to kiss Buck one more time before stepping out. “Christopher’s asleep. Leftovers from dinner are still warm in the oven, I’ll be back in a bit. Love you.” 
Buck is left standing at the doorway, a crooked smile on his face. Even though it feels as if he just sent the equivalent of a raging storm over to the 118, it also feels nice to know that Eddie cares that much.
Bobby looks up, surprised to see Eddie--who was off today--at the station so late at night. Hen and Chim, who are fighting over a video game, pause it when the younger man stomps inside. 
“Everything alright?” the Captain asks. 
“Oh yeah, everything’s great--except for the fact that apparently my boyfriend needs to reconsider moving in with me?” 
Bobby raises his hands in a placating motion. “Eddie, that is not what I meant. Buck can be impulsive sometimes, I don’t want him to end up hurting you or Christopher because of it, that’s all. It's nothing to do with you.” 
“After all this time, is that really what you think of him? You know damn well how much he values your opinion--all of your opinions--” he says, pointing at Hen and Chim, too. “But most especially yours, Cap. He’s been so ecstatic about this move, and today he came home miserable, doubting himself because of what you said." 
Bobby looks suitably chastised. "Miserable? That wasn’t my intention at all--I just, sometimes I’ll admit I still see him as my ki--a kid--" he corrects himself last second, “I should know better. I didn’t realize my opinion meant so much to him.” 
"Of course," Eddie shakes his head. "Buck cares a hell of a lot what you all think of him." 
Bobby grimaces. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said those things to him."
Chim sighs, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, Cap isn't the only one. Maddie and I teased him about the big move last week at dinner." 
Hen nods. "We've all been less than supportive. I feel awful, guys." She looks at her watch. "Shift ends in five. I think we should all go and apologize."  
Bobby looks to Eddie. "Only if it's not too late. I'm sure Christopher's asleep by now; I wouldn't want to intrude so late at night." 
Eddie shrugs. "Never too late to say sorry." 
Only the light in the hall is on by the time Eddie gets home with three other firefighters in tow. 
Christopher must have woken up some time after he left. 
In the living room, on the couch, Buck is sat half slouched with Christopher laying on top of him, head against his chest. Charlotte's Web is loosely held in one of Buck's hands, almost falling off the couch. They're both soundly asleep. 
"On second thought, maybe midnight was a little ambitious for an apology." Eddie mutters. Buck had just finished a twenty four hour shift, after all. 
Seeing Buck like this, with Christopher, it makes Bobby feel that much more ashamed for his unnecessary little talk earlier in the day. Buck is ready. How had he not seen that before? 
He claps Eddie's shoulder lightly. "We'll be back tomorrow. He's had a long week. We should let him get some rest." 
Eddie nods, leading everyone back out quietly. "I'm holding you to that." 
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imaginingsoftly · 5 years
Home Videos - Tyson Jost
Type: childhood friends to lovers, Y/N insert shorts
Requested: Yes
Warnings: swearing
(Y/N = Your name)
A/N: From prompt list, #59 (“How is it that you’re so stupid and so hot at the same time?”)
You hated summertime. For 9 months out of the year you could go about your life in Edmonton completely unbothered, minus the couple of trips Tyson made to play the Oilers, but those three months always came too soon. When Tyson had been drafted and everyone else had moved away for college or to start their careers you had all agreed to meet up at least once a year for a week of catching up, a promise that no one had broken in the three years since. For the third time that week, you were holding your finger over the green button to call Tyson and tell him you were busy and wouldn’t make it to the cabin. It wasn’t necessarily a lie; you were an ER nurse, and getting a week off wasn’t easy if you were to have tried to get it on short notice, but Tyson knew you. He knew that you wouldn’t have forgotten that week, and that something else was happening. 
You’d already told Syd you wouldn’t be there. She had yelled at you over the course of the last week for being an idiot, that you just needed to tell Tyson you were in love with him, but you knew better. He was bringing a girl home with him this year. He’d called you after their first date over the moon, raving about how much you’d love her and how he couldn’t wait to bring her around. Syd had talked to you for hours that night as you’d cried. It was irrational, and you knew that, but that knowledge didn’t make hearing about Tyson kissing another girl any easier. You also felt guilty. This was your best friend, your oldest friend, and he really wanted you to meet this girl. You wanted to be happy for him, to welcome her into the friend group with a smile and the multitude of embarrassing stories you had about Tyson from your years living next door to each other, but you didn’t think you could do it. Honestly, just thinking about it had you almost in tears. 
You clicked out of Tyson’s contact. 
Not tonight. 
Two days later, you were staring down at your phone screen as Tyson’s contact photo again lit up your face in the darkness of your living room. You were sitting alone in a small pity party, watching an old home video, a hockey game between all of the neighborhood kids from when you and Tyson were eight or nine. You mom had been in a home video phase then, and you had some great footage of yours and Tyson’s shenanigans over the years. Somewhere there was a video of the time Tyson decided to shovel the snow off of his roof by himself, and had gotten himself stuck in the snow headfirst when he fell off of the roof. You had run over there laughing, and the video captured the hilarity of the two of you as he had yelled for help and you had grabbed his ankles and pulled ineffectively. Your dad had eventually gone out there to help, clearing out the snow enough for Tyson to get himself upright again. It was one your parents never failed to pull out every winter, to which Tyson would declare it his proudest moment. 
Your phone lit up again with a voicemail, and you turned it facedown and snuggled deeper into your blanket. The pickup game was still happening, and you and Tyson were dominating the game. It had always been like that; Tyson had been the only one of you to go pro, but he had done his best to convince you to play as well. You were good, and you knew that when you could keep up with and even beat a lot of the boys as you guys got older. Tyson was your favorite centerman. He knew where you were going to be, and you knew the same about him. It was probably because your dad had taught the two of you how to play, but you liked to think it was some kind of special connection forged over all that time spent together dreaming and skating around whatever ice surface you could find.
A knock at your door almost made you fall off your couch. It was almost one am, and there was no one in Edmonton who would be knocking on your door at that time of night. You crept off the couch cautiously, and another knock, louder this time, made you jump again. “Y/N come on! I know you’re in there.” Tyson’s voice sounded through the door, and you stopped short before hurrying to open the door. “Tys? What’re you doing here?” His curls flopped in his eyes as he stared down at you tiredly. “Well Syd told me you couldn’t get the time off to come visit, but I know that’s bullshit, so spill.” He shoved past you as he spoke, closing the door and pulling you into him in one motion. You sighed into the soft cotton of his shirt, and his arms wrapped around you a little tighter. This was what made lying so hard. Besides how familiar his hugs were, Tyson had a knack for getting under your guard without you even realizing it. If he asked you right now why you weren’t in St. Albert you knew you’d probably tell him without much thought. “I missed you,” he whispered, “and there was no way in hell I wasn’t gonna see you, even if I have to smother the truth out of you.” You pulled back to look at him incredulously. “Smother it out of me?” He smirked at you, nodding. “I know you’re lying, and I want to know why. Who is he?” 
Tyson was heading for your kitchen as he spoke, and you knew he was looking for the Oreos you always had on hand. “Top left cabinet. What do you mean who is he? You’re the one with the relationship, not me.” You tried not to sound too upset, but Tyson saw right through you. Oreo fell out of Tyson’s mouth as he spoke, and he waved the Oreo in his left hand dismissively. “Yeah we didn’t last. She wanted me to change my phone background after like the third date. Got pissed when I wouldn’t do it.” He held up his phone, and you smiled. It was a picture of the two of you from last summer, when you’d made a trip out to Maine to enjoy the New England coast and Tyson had convinced you to go to every lobster shack in Portland, of which there were many. The two of you were standing on one of the rocky beaches in Portland, in front of an old lighthouse that Tyson had loved. “You know, Tys, she probably didn’t like the fact that she was dating someone who had another girl on his lockscreen.” Tyson shrugged, putting his phone back in his pocket and shoving another Oreo in his mouth. “My lockscreen is for pictures that are important to me. That picture is one of my favorite recent memories of us. Katie and I didn’t have any photos together that were worth a lockscreen.” You cringed a little bit. Hopefully he didn’t word it to her that way, because otherwise he was deserving of a smack, not just a breakup. 
It was hard to come up with a response to that, so you stared into your living room instead. Tyson looked out there too, and visibly brightened when he saw what was on the TV. “You’re watching that? I have to see this.” He ran into the living room and fell back onto the couch, gesturing at you. “C’mon shorty, reminisce with me!” Tyson pulled you into him when you sat on the couch, and you rested your head on his shoulder. It was nice to sit and watch these videos alone, but watching them with Tyson was even better. This was your shared history, and getting to chirp him for all of the stupid shit he did was so nice it was almost like high school again. The video ended and you started to get up to play another one when Tyson tightened his arm around your waist. “Why did you decide not to come out, Y/N?” 
“No, Y/N,” he interrupted, “don’t call me that and then give me some bullshit excuse. We never get to see each other all at once anymore, except this one week out of an entire year, and you bailed for no good reason. I know you could’ve gotten the time off, so stop lying to me and tell me the damn truth!”
Tyson’s eyes were lit up in anger, something you weren’t used to being on the receiving end of. He never looked at you like this, except maybe that time you’d walked home by yourself after his game one night and one of his teammates saw you and called him. He’d shown up at your parents house that night so mad he was shaking, and he was getting close to that point right now. You stood, and this time he let you. His eyes tracked your movements as you walked to the window, staring out at the city rather than looking at him. “I thought you were bringing Katie. I know you wanted me to meet her, Tys, but I couldn’t do it.” 
You paused, trying to decide how you were going to do this. It was probably going to put a ton of strain on a lifelong friendship, but he deserved the truth. Tyson stood, coming to stand behind you. He grabbed your shoulder gently to turn you around, and his eyes had become impossibly soft. “How is it that you’re so stupid and so hot at the same time?” You smacked his shoulder, an instant reaction after a lifetime of chirps. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” He cupped your cheeks. 
“I’m in love with you, dumbass. Why do you think girls never last? Do you know how many of them tell me to choose between you and them? Like I’m gonna give up my person for a girl I’ve known for like two months.” He cocked his head, shaking his head at you. “I need my emotional support Y/N in my life. I’ve been trying to man up enough to tell you, and EJ has started threatening bodily harm. He’s tired of me pining and circling our Edmonton trip on my calendar.” That definitely sounded like EJ. 
The two of you stared into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. It had been years since you two had really laughed like this, definitely since before Tyson had been drafted. You hit his shoulder again. “I can’t believe you didn’t just tell me.” 
“Me?! What about you?” Fair enough. “Well how about I tell you now? I love you and I’m gonna be really pissed if the next girl you take out isn’t me.” Tyson rubbed his thumb across your cheek before leaning down to kiss you gently. It felt right, like the piece of you that left with him three years ago was back in place. “I love you too,” he whispered against your lips. You pulled him in close for a hug, and breathed in his cologne. “I guess I owe everybody an apology, eh?” Tyson nodded against your head. “We’ll head out there tomorrow. They’ll be happy when they know why.” 
Tomorrow sounded good. Tyson walked over to your pile of home videos, shuffling through them until he saw one that made him laugh. The two of you settled into the couch again, and you laughed as well when you saw what he had put on. There was a summer where you and Tyson and the others had decided you were going to be a band, and had gotten hold of Syd’s older brother’s instruments. The sound was awful, Syd the only one who could play any instruments, and Tyson’s singing voice had been enough for Syd’s cranky old neighbor to call the cops because she thought somebody was getting murdered. The concert you’d recorded was perfectly horrible, the kind of thing you considered sending to EJ so that he could give it to the Avs video people for their jumbotron. 
This was the kind of scene you had been hoping was in your future, and you were glad it was finally happening for real.
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twisted-nox-sidus · 4 years
Hello! I read you latest update of your fanfiction and I loved it! After reading it, a question popped up: How is Strix during Satan's waterfall days? Is she moody or the same? does she have weird cravings? How would the boys react? If you can make a scenario or headcannon it would be awesome. Have a nice day!
Never have I thought the cycle would be referred to as “Satan’s waterfall days” lmao 🤣 I’m gonna use that here 😆
Strix on her period
Once Strix is at that time of the month, her sleeping habits suddenly vanished. There was never a day where she doesn’t doze off at least once when the sun is above and glaring. Now she actually sleeps decently. That ain’t right.
The boys knew something was off when Strix was wide awake during first period of magic alchemy. Divus had even remarked on it and hoped to see her pay as much attentiveness as she did. He would lose all hope once those 5-7 days pass, though.
Grim was kicked out of the bedroom and had to sleep in the lounge room instead. Makes no difference honestly, though he’s a scaredy-cat who didn’t want to sleep alone when the ghosts are out there and could try pulling pranks on him.
Speaking of, Strix threatened the trio of ghosts with a vacuum tube if they don’t cooperate with her demands for peace and privacy. Maybe she’ll get to experience it like the Ghostbusters.
Strix used to behave the same in her world, but after being surrounded by boys with zero brain cells and inability to cooperate and having only female paintings as girlfriends, it starts rubbing off on her twice as worse during the cycle. So yes, she has gotten cranky. Her cravings tend to lean for any coffee-based sweets and desserts (gotta feed that bitterness into your system to uphold your spite against the world, amirite). Man, she wants some dark chocolate now... (Dark chocolate (+60% cacao) actually helps temper your mood swings, did you know?)
She would deviate from her group of friends to her circle of female paintings during the week to rant of the woes of being a woman. If pre-Strix was there to see her now, the whole thing would be surreal.
Strix nearly prostrated -I repeat, PROSTRATED- before Ashton to let her pass on PE for the next 5-7 days. It sucks when you’re surrounded by sausages who can’t truly sympathize with the excruciating pain. It almost makes you want to ugly sob, doesn’t it? Ashton relented, though she would have to make up for it with written work. Never had he seen a student so overjoyed in his PE class over written assignments.
Sam is her best friend when it comes to woman’s necessities. And her cravings whenever she wants to buy a snack. 
Meanwhile in the office, Crowley could almost tremble at the image of being at the girl’s mercy. He’s been singing his own praises of “how kind he is” less before Strix. Thankfully she hasn’t kicked down his door to demand a week off (yet).
Strix made it a point to avoid Savanaclaw (and anyone with sharp sense of smell cuz yeah. You know. The real question everyone is afraid to address. You know what I mean.) Leona wondered why she had her dream eater send a letter simply stating she’s taking a week off with no reason whatsoever. Then came the “ohh” moment. Okay, carry on.
Leona even had the whole dorm gather in an assembly to address this. If you dare lay a hair on the girl, it’s not Leona that will maul their asses. It’ll be Strix herself. She can and will throw hands if the hotheads think about provoking her during the phase.
And so, Jack and Ruggie barely make contact with Strix. After Strix is free from the cycle, she’ll go to them and ask to touch their ears and/or tail to be soothed from “Satan’s waterfall days”. They never refused even if they wanted to. It’s tough being the only female in the school with no one to relate to, so they might as well help her as much as they could.
The same statement letter goes to the rest of the dorms. Savanaclaw was the first to realize why within three seconds. Heartslabyul soon came second.
Why? Strix suddenly kicked down the door to the common room and ordered Trey to make some cakes (after adding a stiff please in the end). The whole gang was playing cards at the time. Trey and Cater connect two and two together and made eye contact with the other, mouths shaped into perfect circles. Cater knows, too, since he has an older sister to suck up to.
Deuce realized it a few seconds later, being the only boy in his family. Riddle was gauging their reactions and came to the same conclusion as well. A tea party will relieve her cravings, he had decided. Ace however, the same ass who can’t read the damn mood, dared to utter:
“What? Are you PM-” Remember when Strix swore to deck Ace and his unruly hair across the floor as a mop substitute on the first day they had to wipe 100 windows as punishment? She did just that. Never had she felt so accomplished since arriving to NRC.
The rest of the boys huddled by a safe corner. What a beautiful straight punch! Are we sure she’s not compatible with Savanaclaw?
Fortunately, Ace was the only victim to receive this punishment out of the whole cast. Most understood while some select few were confused until they had to spell it out for them.
Azul, being the gracious man he is, treats her to her cravings at Mostro Lounge in exchange for her outstanding piano performance (no contracts were made on that). Jade would serve her tea to relieve the stress while Floyd...has to stay a good five meter radius away from her, lest she’ll be the one to “squeeze him first”.
Kalim would buzz around Strix asking if she wants anything and he’ll have it delivered ASAP. Be it heat packs, snacks, or even the whole selection of period pads. He would have Jamil whip up something for her but by Strix’s insistence that the vice head wouldn’t mind doing more work for her troubles.
Vil immediately pampers Strix and gives her all the care and treatment a lady needs (tbh I don’t know what they are). Poor confused Epel doesn’t know how to help aside from providing her the best quality of apples sent from his village. Meanwhile Rook is lurking somewhere in the shadows taking research notes on the owl’s behavior, diets, and etc. He does pitch in once in a while to help Vil help Strix.
Ortho, the sweet cyborg angel he is, helps Strix by being a cyborg heating pack with a function Idia (who has never been seen during the week) temporarily included to assist Strix. Strix was going to spoil Idia rotten after this with all the dream eater cats she has in her arsenal.
Lilia is the first to immediately understand, being the wise ancient fairy he is. He had to relay the details to Silver since his head is in the clouds too often to understand. While Sebek is rather indifferent (like, okay, should he give her pity?? Is that what she wants? Not really) he doesn’t start bickering with her as much and holds his tongue. The banter will resume once Strix feels better.
Malleus also understood why Strix is suffering through her pain. However, he’s sort of indifferent like Sebek, since he’s lived longer and doesn’t really sympathize (not in a cruel way). It’s more of a reminder for the fae how humans are born the way their bodies are structured.
Strix almost instilled fear into NRC within the span of 5-7 days. Everyone parts like the red sea whenever she passes by in the hallways or makes a beeline for the canteen ordering a single cup of black coffee before leaving. It’s actually embarrassing when the entire school knows when you’re on your period, but whatever gives them a heads-up.
This monthly reminder to all the boys that women are frightening will haunt NRC until Strix graduates or returns home. Whenever that will be.
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shianhygge-imagines · 5 years
Middlemarch: Alternate Universe [Ravus/Reader] Finale
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AN: This final chapter of Middlemarch was a long time coming. I’m so sorry for how long it took! 
There are purposely some stuff left unanswered and open ended, though if asked, I will elaborate on it :3
|Masterlist Link|
After the Trial of the Archean
It was immensely awkward, you decided in that moment. Why? Because after that moment of affection and intimacy from the High Commander, it seemed as if the both of you had taken five enormous steps backwards in terms of your relationship. Despite your past together as playmates, and despite the fact that he had saved you, Ravus still seemed to resent you immensely. The morning after you recovered your memories of your connection to Ravus, you’d been greeted with the old stoic and borderline antagonistic attitude you’d seen briefly. When confronted, Ravus had simply huffed, stated that nothing good could come of any relationship with a Lucian, he’d taken his paperwork and all but stomped out of the room. Occasionally, you’d see Ravus come check on your recovery progress, but it had been the last that you had personally spoken with him.
His eyes are not the same. You observed during one of his visits to check on your health. A metal arm, and a different colored eye. Probably from the aftermath of trying to wear the Ring of the Lucii. There were so many questions that you wanted to ask him. Why did you stop writing to me?
Had I done something wrong?
Why are you so cold to me now?
It’s been three days since you’d last spoken with the broody man, and the bitterness was starting to build up again. Just like it did when Noctis abandoned you in favor of his love, Lunafreya, you felt the loneliness build. Except, unlike the last times, where you had Ravus and then Cor, this time you had no one. With Ravus seemingly abandoning you as well, you’d been left as prey for the one person you knew who liked to mess with people the most.
Yes, as of right now, you were being dragged around from location to location by the Chancellor of Niflheim himself, Ardyn Izunia. You’d protested heavily when the auburn headed man practically stormed your room and swept you off your feet, carrying you like a sack of potatoes as he seemed to teleport in the same manner of those blessed by the Crystal.
Once Ardyn seemed to touch back down onto solid ground, he let you squirm out of his hold, aiming a rather mischievous look at you. “So? How was my driving?”
What in the- Driving? You groaned as your stomach turned unpleasantly, “I think I’m gonna puke.” You’d used the King’s power to phase and teleport before, but never through such a long distance. At least, you gathered this from the sudden fact that you were outside the airship, in a military base. Though appreciating the fact that Ardyn had given you some time to regain your footing, you still gave him a stern glare. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Aww. You don’t want to see your beloved friends? I thought I told you that your beloved Prince was waiting.” Ardyn pouted heavily, and while you admitted that the look worked for him, it still didn’t seem right that a man his age would pout. 
The twitching in your cheek came out of nowhere as you opened your mouth to shoot out a snarky reply. You were interrupted by a loud thud when you tried to snark back, bringing a halt to your statement as Ardyn tsked, waving his hand for you to follow. “Come hither. Wouldn’t want anyone getting killed now.”
Ardyn walked off before you could answer, leaving you following behind at a slow pace. What the hell is wrong with this guy?
“I’d say that’s far enough.” you suddenly heard Ardyn chide, like an adult scolding children, though you snickered at the irony. “A hand, Highness?” Your eyes narrowed, Highness?
“Not from you.”
“Oh, but I’m here to help.”
“And how is that?”
The familiar voices had you sprinting at full speed, catching Ravus’s eye as you practically slid around the corner to see your friends.
“By first bringing back something you lost.” you heard Ardyn answer.
“What do you mean by-”
“NOCT!” You practically screeched, sprinting past Ravus and Ardyn to glomp your friend.
All around you, there were gasps of surprise. The man in your arms froze, unable to move in his disbelief, afraid that everything was a dream. That you weren’t really in his arms. “Y-Y/N?”
“I’m so glad you’re all okay!” You cried in relief at seeing your childhood friends and brother.
“We thought you died!” Gladio looked on the verge of tears as he ran to engulf you and Noctis in a great hug. Prompto and Ignis followed soon after, and you allowed yourself to grin in happiness at being reunited with those you had considered your family.
“Y/N… You shouldn’t be running around so soon.” Ravus protested, extending a hand, something resembling worry passing over his face for just the briefest of moments. When you only ignored the older man, his face hardened, schooled into another stoic mask as he turned his attention to Ardyn. “I told you not to bother them.”
“I could let dear Y/N die of boredom, now could I?” Ardyn argued with a tone that suggested a lack of seriousness. “To torture your Little Light by abandoning them in that cold metal prison… how cruel.” The Chancellor tsked, a knowing glint to his eyes as he started to walk away. “Come now, Commander. Make haste.” His sly gaze spoke volumes as he stared at Noctis, “When next we meet, it’ll be across the seas. Just so happens we have business of our own with the tutelary deity, don’t we?” 
Ravus refused to acknowledge Ardyn, his gaze set upon your form, still surrounded by your friends. There was an almost pleading sadness to his eyes when he stared after you, but you stubbornly refused to acknowledge him in return. Something about Ardyn was hauntingly familiar as he bid the group farewell and walked away with Ravus. You shook your head in confusion, forcing your mind away from the matter, simply happy to have been reunited with Noctis and Gladio.
During the Trial of Leviathan
You missed being able to throw your weapon and teleport, especially now that the entirety of Altissia was under siege by the Hydraean and Niflheim forces. Noctis, Gladio, Prompto, and Ignis had all begged for you to stay with the evacuated civilians, but you couldn’t sit back and let your friends do all the fighting. The minute that the Hydraean appeared to answer Noctis’ call, you’d sprinted back into the city just before the waves rose to form a barrier. When the Niflheim airships encroached upon the city, seeming to head towards the Alter of the Tidemother, you sprinted faster, slipping the communications earpiece that Ignis had given you into your left ear. The floor rumbled as the waves shook the water bound city, and still you didn’t stumble. “Ignis? What’s going on?” “Y/N! Whatever you do, stay far away from the city!” It’s your brother’s voice that advises you from the earpiece, sounding like he was running somewhere.
“Uh…” You paused your sprint to look around for a higher vantage point, “Maybe too late for that.” There’s an exasperated groan from the other end of the comm link from your older brother. “Fine… just… play it safe, okay? I can’t lose you.”
You’re about to respond when an angry roar shakes the area. Stand on top of a building after having scaled the walkways and side tiles, you could see the Hydraean screech in anger from afar before attacking a flying speck… who you assumed to be Noctis. Remembering that you should have responded to Gladio, you spoke in a winded voice. “I’ll stay away from anything overwhelming, but it’s still my job to protect Noctis.” The tired sigh from Gladiolus brings a regretful frown to your face, knowing that your big brother only wanted you to be safe from harm. “I guess that’s all I can really ask for, huh… Love you, sis.” “Love you, too, big bro.” Was the response you gave before jumping towards another rooftop, making your way towards the Altar of the Tidemother.
You’re just about halfway to the altar when a bright beam lights up the sky, the ground shaking violently following. The Archenn rises from the water to challenge the Hydraean, and your comms piece crackles to life, Ignis’ voice filtering through. “Noct! Do you read me?” You could hear Ignis call over the comms unit before Titan slammed a fist into the water, creating a shockwave that knocked the approaching airships out of the sky and into the city. 
Too focused on keeping your balance on top of one of the Altissian buildings, you failed to notice that one of the airships had crashed into a towering piece of architecture, sending debris plummeting down around you.
“Ah! Damn!” You cursed, eyes darting around for a building that was still stable. When you didn’t see any to climb up towards, you sprinted over to the edge of the building, deciding that down into the water was better than getting crushed by pieces of building. “Let’s hope the water isn’t too turbulent.” You muttered before jumping off in a pencil dive.
Not even 15 minutes later
You coughed and sputtered as you tread water, once more having been knocked under the Altissian waters from the violent waves that crashed around the once beautiful city. The communication device fizzled in your ear, emitting only a few words from your brother, Prompto, and Ignis before dying from all the water damage.
“Great. Just great.” You muttered as you swam towards the closest ledge and pulled yourself out of the tepid water. Yanking the device out of your ear before it shocked you, you took a minute to rest your muscles, sea water dripping off your body as an exhausted groan left your lips. “Okay… Altar… that’s where I need to go.”
Climbing to your feet, you glanced around the street for any sign of enemies before allowing your gaze to drift upwards, wanting to get on top of another rooftop. Even among the rubble that littered the street, there wasn’t any easy way to climb up to the rooftops. “Okay then… I guess we’re doing this the old fashion way.” The sigh that escaped your lips was cut short by the distinct sound of a screeching Magitek soldier. “Astrals preserve me.” You cursed with a roll of your eyes, turning in place to summon your greatsword in a flash of crystalline light just as a large group of Niflheim puppet soldiers rounded the corner of the building towards you, surrounding you on all sides.
You’d seen the inhuman soldiers fight before, but had never personally fought one until now. As such, you remained a cautious distance away from the Niflheim puppets as they attacked with random patterns and seemingly zero team coordination. There was no technique for you to be weary of, no pattern for you to exploit. Just the overwhelming number of them. They were just mindless toys of the Niflheim Empire, but that was fine. You’d faced greater odds before. It took a little bit of time on your part, as well as the use of some thunder elemancy, but all the Magitek soldiers eventually fell at your feet.
“Waste of my time!” You growled, moving to scale the nearest wall in order to get a better vantage point of the city. Explosions and gunfire could be heard all around you, though you barely paid attention to anything besides the beam of light from the Altar. “Gotta get to Noct and Luna.” You muttered before sprint forward once more, doing your best to dodge the magitek armors that patrolled the ruins near the Altar.
The closer you came to the Altar, you began to notice the skies darken, rain falling as the Archaean and Hydraean departed. The beam of bright light that was once your waypoint dimmed and disappeared just as you rounded the corner and onto the path towards the altar. “No, no, no, no!” You pleaded under your breath, “Please don’t be too late to save them.”
For all the resentment you held towards Lunafreya, you didn’t hate the older woman. She had supported and protected Noctis during the darkest times of his childhood, and you swore to protect those that your King cared for.
But now, as your eyes took in the scene before you… of two tall familiar figures standing over the fallen lovers, you realized that you’d failed. The radiant glow from Lady Lunafreya dimmed until it was extinguished, though you still forced your tired feet to stumble forward, stopping to stand beside Ravus and Ignis, an expression of horror on your face.
“No…” the grief in Ravus’ voice gave you pause as he stumbled disbelieving towards Luna’s body. You could understand part of the grief, having lost your father only days before, but you couldn’t imagine losing your entire family. 
“Ravus…” you lifted a hand to reach out to him, but the Prince of Tenebrae continued forward, a growl to his tone.
“First, the Lucians stole from me my mother…” Your breathing paused as you scrambled through your memory for what little you remembered of the old reports on the attack. We didn’t… But we weren’t the ones that killed the Queen. Eyes darting to rest on Ravus’ back, your body tensed as he continued to speak, drawing his sword to strike down the unconscious Noctis. “And now they make a sacrifice of my sister!”
Ignis reacts just a split second faster than you do, stopping Ravus’ downward strike. Bewildered and still shocked from the lack of life in both Lunafreya and Noctis, you missed the two protectors’ exchange until Ignis roughly shoved Ravus back, taking the enraged and grief-stricken Prince on and pleading for him to return to his senses.
Trusting Ignis to handle calming Ravus down, you dashed forward and fell to your knees, checking both Oracle and King for heartbeats. “If I can do one thing right this day, please let it be to save them.” You pray, utilizing what little first aid you learned. As was expected of a King’s Sworn Shield, you confirmed that Noctis was okay first before moving onto Lady Lunafreya. The rain had long since washed away most of the evidence, but from the trail of blood from the altar proper to where the two lovers lay, you knew that Luna had lost too much blood for your meager first aid to be able to do anything about. Still, you worked to staunch the bleeding, using as much Curative Magic as your body could produce, hoping that you could at least prolong her life enough for proper aid to arrive.
Don’t die, You begged, pulling at all your magical reserves as you forced yourself to use the unnatural magic. Don’t die, Lunafreya. Don’t leave Noctis. Don’t leave Ravus. Please! Healing magic was never supposed to be used by a Lucian, only the Oracles of Tenebrae, and despite using everything you had in your body, the spell did nothing. Exhausted and without energy, you slouched forward with a miserable sob. “No! What good am I if I can’t even save one life?”
Before you knew it, a body sank heavily to the floor beside you, reaching out towards Luna’s body. “But… part of me always hoped… that I might see you happy one day. Your burdens lifted, free to live and love as you please.” Your eyes darted away from such a private moment between brother and sister, though it didn’t stop you from hearing, “You would have made a beautiful bride.”
Your eyes darted to stare at Noctis, silently agreeing that Luna would indeed have made a beautiful bride for Noctis. The Fates are cruel. You lamented as the darkness was briefly illuminated by Luna’s passing, her spirit appearing above the water… beautiful, benevolent, and lively as she smiled towards her brother, who begged for her not to go. And as you watched Ravus sob, something within you mourned with him.
Once upon a time, Ravus had been the light to coax you away from the darkness. As you shifted weakly to sit beside him, you knew that it was time you acted as his light.
Hesitantly, you extended a trembling hand to rest on his Magitek arm, drawing mournful heterochromatic eyes to your own. Nothing was said between the two of you, though Ravus raised his right hand to grasp your own. 
Please stay with me. His eyes plead, tears trailing downwards with the rain.
A squeeze of your hand was all the answer that the Prince needed, I won’t leave you.
After a small lot of time, the group of you could hear thudding footsteps approach. “Gladio!” You raised your head from where it rested on Ravus’ shoulder to stare at your older brother, only to furrow when he ignored Ignis’ follow up questions in favor of staring at the man beside you.
“Well, well.” Your brother muttered a little too elegantly as he approached. “What have we here?”
You rose, your greatsword summoned with the intention to block your brother’s attack upon Ravus, but even summoning your weapon proved too exhausting, and you slipped, slumping into Ravus’ firm back, which remained steady even as he blocked Gladio’s strike, “You… “ Ravus growled, staring up at your brother’s towering form. “Ardyn.”
“Ardyn?” Blinking in confusion, you watched in horror as the illusion dropped, and Ardyn Izunia stood before the lot of you, Niflheim soldiers surging forward to detain all of you.
Watching as they manhandled Ignis and Ravus ignited a fury within you. And despite how exhausted you already were, you called upon the power bestowed to you by the late King Regis. A powerful surge of electricity discharged from your body, shocking the troops around you and Ravus enough for the Prince to distract Ardyn. Weakened from reaching far over your limit, you reacted too late to block the descent of Ardyn’s arm to your neck, hearing only the cry of your name from Ignis and Ravus before your vision went black and you slumped forward into the Chancellor.
The next you woke, Noctis had sealed himself into the Crystal and eternal night had fallen over the world.
I know if you were awake, you would have yelled at me for doing this. But I have a destiny to fulfill. I wanted to be there for you when you woke up, but the world couldn’t wait. While I take care of what I need to, I’m leaving everything to you, Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto. And do me a favor? Live for yourself. I know you spent your entire life training to protect me, but I don’t want your life to go to waste. Ravus promised me that you’d be safe in Tenebrae, and I hope that when I do return, you’ll have your own story to tell me.
With Love,
You sighed as you read the letter in your hand for probably the fiftieth time since you woke up. The pristine room seemed to taunt you as you sat in the soft bed, mulling over Noctis’ request. “Live for myself, huh?” An anxious laugh escaped your lips, “How to even begin…”
“You could start by trying to leave the bed.” A voice suggested dryly from the room entrance.
The smile that rose to your lips didn’t go unnoticed as Ravus stepped further into the room, closing the door behind him as he balanced a tray of food you. “Good morning, Ravus.” You greeted your host… though caretaker seemed a more appropriate title for the Prince of Tenebrae at that point.
Setting the tray of food down onto the small tea table, Ravus strolled forward to extend a hand, urging you to your feet gently as he stood by you for support. “It is actually closer to the afternoon, but that is of no consequence.” With one arm supporting your waist, the ex-Commander extended his left arm to pull out a plush chair before guiding you to the seat. “You should eat to recover your strength.” The last of the Nox Fleurets suggested, buttering a slice of bread for you before handing it over.
Muttering a soft ‘thank you,’ you took the buttered croissant, noting with affection that Ravus had remembered your love of spreading a copious amount of butter onto your bread. “You remembered how I like my butter.”
The ex-High Commander allowed his lips to curl at the edges, “I don’t think I could ever forget your bad habits.”
“Hmph.” You stuck your nose up and pouted haughtily as you bit into the bread, chewing and swallowing before answering Ravus. “Butter makes everything better, Rae.” Ravus merely continued to smile, his only answer being a soft chuckle as he set about fixing you a cup of tea. 
Now that he wasn’t looking at you so closely, you could see the well hidden exhaustion on the twenty-eight year old. Having been trained to read people, you could tell that recent events had truly taken a toll on your childhood friend. “I can practically feel your stare burning a hole into me, Y/N.” Ravus’ blue and purple eyes suddenly meet yours, “I suspect you have some questions.” Unfortunately, you were never that subtle with your observations…
Licking your lips to get rid of the butter and crumbs, but also as a nervous habit, you set the croissant down. “I understand all that Ignis told me… about the Starscourge… about Ardyn’s true identity… and about Noctis’ role in all this. But what I don’t understand is why I’m here in Tenebrae. I appreciate what you’ve done for my friends and I… and I’m more grateful that you’ve allowed me to stay here but… Surely your contempt of Lucians has not magically disappeared.”
“You needed a safe place to rest and recover.”
“I could have done that in Lucis. My brother and sister would have looked after me.” You quickly refuted Ravus’ reasoning. “Ravus… I know you promised to protect me when we were children… but… in light of what happened… I don’t think you should feel obligated to protect me.”
Blue and purple eyes gazed upon you with hurt and outrage, “You think that I allowed your stay here out of some misplaced sense of obligation?”
Not letting his tone affect you, you merely stared back at the Tenebraen Prince calmly, “Ravus… What else am I supposed to think of this situation? You cut off all connection with me for over ten years, and when I see you again, you make it no mystery that you abhor Lucians. And now, for whatever reason, you’ve suddenly taken an interest in my well-being.” Ravus almost looked ashamed for a moment, “So, I’m asking you now, Ravus. Why am I here?”
The silence that descended upon the room was tense and awkward. And when Ravus wouldn’t meet your eyes, you just wanted to kick yourself. And why can’t I keep my fat mouth shut. He was being nice, Y/N. Nice after ten years of ignoring your existence. And now he’s lost his little sister, and you’re being ungrateful. Sighing heavily, you took a breath before speaking, an apology on the tip of your tongue.
“Ravus, I-”
“... Is it too much to not wish to be alone?” 
The heartbroken and stressed edge to Ravus’ voice brought a wince to your face. And there you go, Y/N. Congratulations on being the most insensitive a-hole on this side of the planet. “Rae…”
“My sister is dead, Y/N. The last of my family has been taken from me and I…” His voice caught as his head turned to look in your direction, tearful eyes meeting yours. “She was all I had left. And now I have nothing.” You weren’t entirely sure if Ravus had even allowed himself to mourn. “Would you fault me for wanting a friend?”
You were on your feet before your brain had time to think about it. It’s not too much to ask. You want to say, but what leaves your lips is, “I’m here.” Your legs fail the moment that you put weight on them, and while you don’t scream or emote, you cry on the inside when Ravus catches you. WHAT IS THIS HORRIBLE CLICHE. 
Hoping that the moment hadn’t been ruined as you’re gently guided to the floor, you continue to speak, sinking to your knees alongside Ravus. “I’ll be here for you, Ravus. Until you no longer need me.”
Something in Ravus’ expression cracks and he pulls you close, embracing you as his body trembles, “Oh, Little Light. I don’t think there will be a time where I won’t need you.”
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