#‘dan-isms’ I didn’t know what to call it lol
oasisofgalaxies · 2 months
One of my favorite dan-isms is “alarmingly dead”, there’s just something so funny abt that to me
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Akhir Pekan
omo terakhir nulis adalah… 20 nov 2021 aka 9 hari yang lalu karena hari ini sudah 29nov… wow time flies indeed apa-apaan ini nov sudah mau habis dan begitu juga 2021… scary.
Sekarang posisi adalah di librarynya Exeter karena sedang tidak mood ke office, but I just remember that Yus is back to Ox so he probably looked for me(?) I hope he didn’t….
Just read my last post and I wrote that on Friday night 2 weeks ago. I was talking about planning to work in the weekend(?), which of course I didn’t. Saturday was busy (online), had 3 back-to-back meeting and did basically nothing after 2pm. I guess I watched Netflix or youtube or something? On Sunday, had a morning class until 11am (took a shower in the middle of the class lol), then left to Windsor to Bu Aqaya (Bu Yani’s friend)’s house. We had a meeting as “PPI Oxford” to better plan the day of ISME on 28th (which was yesterday!). Bu Yani and Nadia picked me up and I went there with Alris and Jordan. I don’t know why I went there actually, but it’s OK it’s fun I gotta eat bakwan and arem2 and lontong sayur + cumi asin!
Most of the time during the meeeting, I actually was AFK/madol though because I also joined this gmeet call with ma gurls (Nabilah, Ner, Yuli, Meyks – harusnya ada Fidhia Iwang Arum dan Sirka juga, tapi belum pada bisa datang sptnya). We talked A LOT, mostly on how each of us defined friendship, and what our preference of friendship style is. Tbh, I never though about it a lot (or at all?), until Nabilah brought it up. For me, berteman ya… berteman aja. I mean… I am REALLY grateful for what I have (re postingan w yang lama2, atau di tumblr flysch yang lama, banyak banget part bersyukur tuh ya kerena sudah dikasih teman yang baik-baik sama Allah). Yasudah kan tu, jadi di gmeet ini, most of the time ya w curhat saja tidak punya banyak teman dan susah mencari teman di Ox (which apparently nggak juga karena pas dihitung-hitung cukup banyak juga teman w di sini), tapi it’s OK I am still happy with what I’ve got back home: Abi, Vannia, Mita, Iqbal, Geng Sampah. I think it’s just more difficult to establish something deep to new people I guess?
I mean, with these people I mentioned above, the basically have known EVERY single thing happened in my life so if there’s something come up they can connect the dots easily without me having to give any context/background story. Kalau sama orang baru tuh ya harus ngejelasin aja, keluarga gw tuh gini, SMA gw di sini, si A tu teman w yang ini, si B dulu kenal pas di sini dst., apa tidak cape??? (refer ke tweet hitsnya Iqballail yang “cant it just be you?” UGH cringe, but true).
Well, anyway… lanjut ke event yang terjadi setelah itu… so yaudah kan beres meeting ISME, I got home at 6pm-ish. Then, relax a bit.
Had a pretty rough week because I should have to return my draft at Tuesday evening, but THANK GOD (Makasih YaAllah betulan) spv w mengirim comment at 4pm Tuesday so I had a reason to return it a day later aka Wed evening. I didn’t though. I sent the draft to T and Yus at Thursday morning (after sleeping at 6 am on Thurs) and had a meeting on Fri at 10. Yus went home back to NL for 2 weeks so we had a zoom meeting instead. Itu juga bodoh banget Jumat si bisnya tu datengnya lama gitu jadi I had to do the meeting at MCR Exeterrr karena ga kekejar kalau ke office dulu.
Tue and Sat had two ISME meeting. Tue di Stapeldon Room (after mengajak anak2 panitia ini beberapa kalau ada yang mau ikut, dinner dulu di Dining hall – the menu is steak btw! and the lunch at that day was baked salmon if I’m not mistaken) and Sat di Fitzhugh Cohen Quad. People who came to CQ were pretty impressed tho “we didn’t know this kind of building exists?!” (I’m such a proud Exeter student).
Sunday! The D-day! Extremely exhausted after the Sat but Alhamdulillah all went well! Injured myself a bit (I cut myself pas ngelakbanin pake cutter, but it’s all good now). Met so many people! Ate and drank a lot! Very happy sih basically. Se..senang itu aja. Ternyata emang saya tu cara rechargenya now lebih ke ketemu orang ya… (kembali ke ENFP kah?....). Ini detailnya sebetulnya banyak banget sih dari drama-drama gapenting sampai yang agak penting, tapi yaudalahya males juga di-recount.
Pulang sampai rumah jam 19-ish, langsung twitteran ngecek konser LA.... lalu tidur.
Alhamdulillah dah gitu dulu aja guys curhatan recap what’s been going on in Asri’s life (which no one asked), tapi lagi-lagi super duper bersyukur YaAllah dikasih kesempatan buat ketemu orang-orang ini di Ox… sesenang itu setelah setahun kemarin rasanya dark banget hidup (thus the birth of this tumblr). Semoga dengan semakin banyak mainnya saya, bekerja pun menjadi ikutan lebih produktif Aamiin!
P.S. lagi pengen nulis juga deh dari kemaren tuh temanya adalah “confidence”. Ngebahas how confidence works. Tapi yaudalahya nanti dipikirin lagi kapan kosongnya. Sekarang mah kerja weh dulu.
Exeter college library 15:17 pm 29/11/2021
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kaiowut99 · 8 years
Dark Side of Dimensions - A Lance Review
So yeah, got back from watching DSoD, and first and foremost, let me just tell you, the animation was stunning.  Aside from a few lolquality shots, but more on that later haha.  Spoilers below--I repeat, SPOILERS--(and given this is the dub, I’ll be using the dub names; expect an update with the originals whenever I get to see JP!DSod):
1. Acting: solid for the most part, especially coming from the veterans we haven’t seen since DM.  Téa, Joey, Tristan, Bakura, Duke... They all sounded spot-on.  Even Duke’s dad’s voice was appropriate.  Dan Edwards NAILED it as Aigami/Diva; there were his laidback scenes, but then he really shone in his more emotional scenes, like when he confronts Bakura or when he voices over Joey’s running through his crumbling memory world, and he was also good during his Ring comeback.  Sera sounded good, if just a tiny bit high-pitched for my liking, but otherwise no complaints.  KAIBA... While I’d still like it if he went back to his Duelist Kingdom voice for him, nothing about Stuart’s performance took me out of it.  His delivery on the quality 4K lines I’ll get to got a few chuckles out of me, haha.  Dan Green was perfect.  Remains to be seen how well he does compared to Kazama, but his line delivery was on point, emotional scenes or otherwise.  I do like how he voiced those lines about Atem leaving; as extraneous as some of those lines are, he does get across the angst that Yugi must’ve felt. 
2. Visuals: Again, the animation alone is worth the price of admission! Being the geek that I am, I was taking notes on my phone throughout the movie (mainly for any lines that stuck out because lol4K but also for other key stuff), and I definitely noticed some Ebina and Kagami in there (specifically, the “Where are they? They’re running late” Yugi scene and the Yugi/Atem smile staredown scene), but the best was that awesome Takahashi cut of Yugi setting up his Duel Disk against Aigami.  Such detail, much flow... It looked hella good.  One lolQUALITY shot I remember is the shot after Kaiba comes down to meet Yugi post-Aigami and they exchange some words; oh Yugi.  Oh, also, that was totally Junpei Ogawa who animated the glorious Atem returns scene with the Puzzle glowing.  Had to be.  In terms of backgrounds, Joey’s dream world crumbling looked pretty, and overall things looked sharp and detailed; think backgrounds in ARC-V.  I’m amazed they didn’t take the chance to make this a 3D movie... Speaking of ARC-V, one of the Plana kids was totally Masumi.  That explains where she’s been throughout this war... 
3. Script: ALRIGHT.  My FAVORITE part.  So, for what it’s worth, I think the script overall came out alright.  There were many parts that sounded like they’d be lifted from the Japanese version (Kaiba’s “It’s not a Monster--it’s a GOD!” line reminded me of Tsuda so much), and they surprisingly kept “Solid Vision” when he mentions Duel Links.  The scene with the Ring taking out Shadi seemed alright to me, too.  They did add a few offhand lines (like the gag with Bakura’s accent, Yugi’s “My cardio stinks” [same], or “You fight me with fRUIT?!”), which were fun, but there were more 4K-isms that made me sorta groan because I could tell they wouldn’t be there.  From my notes, they are:
Joey jumping down to Aigami with Kudaragi, stumbling: “That was on purpose!”
Kudaragi: “We got ways of making you cry, and I don’t mean an onion!”
Kaiba’s talk of his Atem simulation: “Quiet, you sniveling syncophants!”; “...to imitate his skills...his perfectly coiffed hair--that part took the longest” made me laugh, lol
Kaiba, after throwing a bottle: “Have the engineer who developed that bottle fired. KaibaCorp’s bottles shouldn’t bend that easily” PFFT. Also why.
Kaiba, on why it took Yugi 8 years to finish the Puzzle: “Because he’s a simple-minded child;” I think at this point, “was” would be more appropriate, no?
Kaiba to his Puzzle Assemblerbot’s system exposition: “Don’t you think I know that?”; its response: “I’m aware that you like to be reminded of your genius” or similar; also lol’d.
Aigami explaining Joey a thing: “Oh, you’re the slow one, aren’t you?” Because character shots fired
Yugi using Lemon to attack Kaiba: “Make some lemonade out of that!” why
Lots of 4K’s typical move punch-ups ala ARC-V, like “Bring the pain, Pandemic Dragon” or “Unleash your fury, Blue-Eyes!”; Yugi saying that Celtic Guard would cut something’s ATK down to size made me think we lost out on an effect explanation.  Also, why don’t they just call these “effects” and not “[special] abilities” already
And the good/funny:
Aigami, responding to Kudaragi’s goon saying he’s history: “No, history is remembered” bc OH SNAP
EDIT: How could I forget Atem’s “I take it you want to duel?”/Kaiba: “I didn’t come all this way to dance!” dance duel revolution when konami
Atem: “Not bad...”; Kaiba: “Got that right!”
Atem, in classic sore wa dou ka na fashion: “I beg to differ.”
Kaiba’s lead excavator or Roland, I forget, when Kaiba gets to the site: “You grace us with your presence”
The aforementioned “It’s not a Monster--it’s a God!”
Kaiba, leaving his duel with Aigami: “Aigami! To be continued!” which instantly made me hear “Roundabout” in my head (I love JoJo)
Joey, after Kaiba reveals the plane blowing up was Solid Vision: “You owe me a new pair of drawers!”
Yugi, to Kaiba trying to control things with Bakura taken: “Now, back off or we’re going to have a problem!” Because DAMN.
4. Music: So the music was surprisingly well-done, and I have to give credit where it’s due to Michael Brady and the other composers and editors who worked on it! It flows like a score should, with plenty of moments of silence (which sounds really nice for a 4K production), there were a few really nice pieces, and they generally fit the mood of the scenes; the music wasn’t just there like it tends to be in their series dubs (especially ARC-V given the treasure that its score is replacing).  As a fan of nostalgia, having grown up with the 4Kids dub, I appreciated the “I’m Back” use, as well as the “Kaiba Hacker” theme (seemed to be from that awful Duel Madness song, but the instrumental is hella nice).  I’m super disappointed that we lost out on “To Believe in Something” for what sounds like a drum-n-bass remix of YGO Theme (which was ok, but like, ehh). Also, according to the credits, “One Card Short” played, but I don’t remember hearing it... Very eager to hear the placements in the Japanese version. (And to rescore the dub to those placements hehe)
5. Side-Notes: -So while Yugi’s working in the Game Shop, we see he has a game called “Dice Panic.” Is that Duke’s? -When Aigami summons his Cubic King against Yugi (I think it was), its name rolls off the screen for it; unintentional editing goof, I’d think. -People were saying the duels were kind of blowing by fast, but moves didn’t seem to be going that quickly to me. Remains to be seen if we lost out on some helpful explanations though. -The end credits touched on the Japanese staff, but unlike BBT’s, made no mention of any of the animators. :|
So, overall, if you’re a fan of the franchise, you’ll enjoy this movie; I feel like I’d have liked it a bit more if I got to finish the manga like I’d wanted to before seeing it, but hey, that’s what the DVDs’ll be for.  Wish Viz could release these 3-in-1s sooner... I’m still super curious about what got cut from the originally 3hr runtime this movie would’ve had, too.  I’m glad I got to go by myself so I could appreciate it before dragging a few friends along who’ll likely rip on it here/there, lol.  Have fun when you go see it! I just have a bone to pick with someone over an Obelisk card I should’ve gotten
(And yes, I do plan to work on a dub/sub comparison when we get the DVD rips.  May also contribute to a sub, but we’ll see...)
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