#‘betrayed by our brothers. that’s something Varric and I could relate to if I could relate to anyone after this’
flashhwing · 2 years
having horrible dark au thoughts about Templar Carver and Tranquil Hawke
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
🦋👻👨‍🎤FOR FANE <3 <3 <3
Another FRIEND! My humble abode is so full of friends! Welcome, welcome! :D
Let's talk about our resident dragon, shall we? X3 Thank you so much for the ask! <3
🦋 ] does your muse have any unconventional interests? what are they?
One of the major things is that Fane relates a lot of things around him with color. He views the world as grey, as well as himself. He views Solas as 'blue', calm and soothing, an echo of the sky and its unending reach. He views rage and corruption as crimson or black, red hot or a desolating echo. A lot of this has to do with Fane's fixation around poetry and verse. It's also a part of his draconic side which sees color and emotion as the same thing. Red/anger. Blue/serenity. Black/despair. And grey is...the most complicated one for Fane to view because he feels like that color all the time.
So, taking that into account, Fane has a tendency to listen to music or read a certain wall of text (scripture in ruins or poetry) and relate everything he's hearing, seeing, and feeling with color. It's not really a hobby, I know, but it's something that not even many poets or eloquent people do. Many of his companions find it odd and try to question him about it, but then Fane locks up, won't share why he does it because he feels he shouldn't have to explain why. Solas understands, of course, but so does Cole, and it's why our dear cinnamon roll is one of Fane's closest friends next to Solas and Varric. :3
[ 👻 ] does your muse have regrets? what are some of their deepest ones?
So, we all know about the Well of Sorrows, of course, but did you know that Fane is literally the Well of REGRET? My boy has so many regrets. So many that I would be here all night listing them all, so like the second half of the question states, let's go with the deepest.
The first and probably most deepest regret Fane has is that he turned his back on his kin when he was a dragon. When the Evanuris began enslaving dragons along with the elves, Fane...hid. He stole away in the mountains, kept to the edges of the major cities of Elvhenan, and if he happened to stumbled upon one of his kin out in the wild, somehow managing to escape from magic leashes and mind shattering corruption, he would...leave them, ignore them. It was partly because of fear, fear of being turned into what he saw, into a slave. And another part, and the one Fane regrets feeling the most, is that he was filled with pride. He believed himself to be the only true dragon, strong, infallible, and one that would never be broken by pathetic magic of pathetic creatures who thought themselves 'gods'. And how did that turn out for him? Horribly, and Fane regrets it so deeply, so painfully, and it's why he will do anything to atone for his inaction.
"Why would you abandon everything we fought for, brother?! Why would you abandon me?! Is it because of Solas?! Is it because of something I did?!"
"No, My. This isn't just about Solas. And it has never been your fault. I know you don't understand, but--"
"Then make me understand! What's so important that you would betray the Inquisition, our friends?!"
"...My kin."
"...I don't have time to explain this to you. The Qunari are getting closer, and I have to get back to the Solas. I'm sorry, sister. Maybe one day I can explain the importance of...action over inaction to you, but not today. Today, you either turn your back or you fight. I choose to do the latter this time, but not for you, not for the Inquisition, not for Thedas, but for the world and the ones who were betrayed, who were leashed."
Another deep regret of Fane's kind pieces together with the one above and that's that he left Solas alone, alone to face a burden that they vowed to shoulder together. Solas had to kill Fane, guide his mind to rest when magic broke it and ancient weapons tore into ivory scales, painting a majestic body crimson and black, alone. Solas had to bear the grief of countless deaths, including Fane's, on his shoulders, alone. Solas had to sleep, power exhausted and mind weary as the world they both knew and loved crumbled, alone. Solas had to wake and wander in a world so stagnant, so quiet, so grey, alone.
Fane left Solas alone. And again, he will do anything to stay by his wolf's side this time, even if it means he has to bloody his hands with those who wish for Fane to be at their side instead. He will not forsake. He will not turn a blade against him.
"You must promise me, ma'isenatha, that if I stray, if I fall too far for your wings to follow, you must turn your back. Promise me.."
"Nothing will take me from you again, Solas. If you fall, I fall. If you stray, I stray. You won't be alone again, my sky. I won't allow it, and I'd rather break my back catching you then turn away."
"...You are an infuriating dragon, you understand that, yes?"
"I'm well aware, but that's why you love me, right?"
"Indeed it is, my heart. Indeed it is.."
[ 👨‍🎤 ] would your muse define themselves as rebellious or by-the-book? what are they, actually?
Fane would probably describe himself as a mixture of both? Like he doesn't conform to what the Dalish do, other than the vallaslin, but that was a personal choice. He goes to great lengths to disassociate entirely from the elves, even though deep down he wished he could be that...simplistic. On the other hand, his draconic nature has him fixating on order, on observing, and on accepting those observations as truth. Obviously, as I've said, Fane's nature is warped and observation and acceptance are replaced with assumptions and prejudice, but he still tries to do what his nature demands. Hence why Fane feels guilty every time he desires something. (Solas, hobbies, etc.).
And I would say he's both, too. Fane will do what he's told to an extent. Meaning, if he sees it as practical, worthwhile, and born from a place of knowledge and adept experience, then he'll follow it. If not...then Fane will make everyone's life a living hell and do it his way. *sweats nervously*
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fluxanddragons · 6 years
Recently got round to playing and completing Dragon Age 2. I went into this knowing nothing about the game and almost instantly loved Anders. (I played the introduction a few times to get a feel for the mechanics and the classes)
So there I was a Snarky rogue helping Anders in any way I could I felt sorry for him and empathised with the whole getting possessed to help others thing. It was an opportunity to actually save lives. (He also is a cat person, which is nice)
Maybe because of films, games, and History I took Templar's to be bad people, So killing them seemed like the right thing to do. Add that to Bethany and Anders talking about the circle and the Templar's the more I sided with them. Ser Thrask and Emeric helped make them seem human and not just Over Zealous Bastards. This Eventually lead me to play as someone who believed that the circle wasn’t inherently bad just very flawed and, wherever possible, I would try to compromise.
And Even as more and more instances of Blood Magic occurred I felt that the mages felt they needed to resort to the forbidden schools just to be free. During an Act of Mercy I sided with the mages but only distracted the Templar. Even as the acts of blood magic got worse I didn’t falter in my resolve. I kept going middle ground all the way.
Then I was in the Quest all that remains and after finding out Leandra was missing I actually got scared. (As mentioned previously I started some characters to get used to each class and pick a favourite in that time so I played Birthright for each class. This meant I felt that I had a connection with her) As we followed the blood trails I had the same tone as Hawke, Utter Terror. But Even as I completed All That Remains I was almost in tears I actually stopped to collect myself. But this was the act of one man. A pathetic man focused on his past. I didn’t let it taint my view of magic.
Of course there were comforting scenes from Anders and Aveline and a less comforting but accurate portrayal of grief by Gamlen. Which helped and I continued the game.
Then Act 3 came around and boy was it difficult there was the Blood magic, Working for Meredith, The Mood Whiplash with the Emile just trying to have fun then the poverty stricken woman just trying to feed children and the power hungry Elf. In fact All of ACT 3 felt like an emotional roller-coaster there was hardly time to stop it just seemed to be a non-stop punch-down by emotions.
The there was Anders Quest Justice. I was feeling hopeful. Anders had seemed like had come down to Earth and become more rational especially when he said he wanted to separate from Justice. So I happily helped collect ingredients and was curious what he needed from the Chantry, Though I thought he was collecting something special from Elthina’s office. I loved his new coat being a fan of Black myself. Then there’s the scene with Anders and Varric, I thought it odd but in hindsight it was obvious why he was doing it’s just he seemed so content and happy with our romance and while disgruntled I would never have thought Suicidal. What makes this heart-breaking is have experienced what Anders was doing with Varric myself and have been in the same emotional state, sans spirit, myself. So the fact I missed it completely is...just...I don’t know.
And of course the Climax the heated  argument between Orisino and Meredith made me think I would need to start being a diplomat for them that Elthina maybe able to help. And then Anders started monologing to everyone and starts glowing and Then the Earthshaking explosion, The Complete and utter portrayal and the hands of the man I Love it shook me to my core. I felt my stomach sink the realisation of what I had helped him do it was crushing. Then the killing of all mages whilst Anders just sat there.
And despite this I couldn’t kill him. I know what he did was wrong But I couldn’t do it. I lost my Father before the Game My Brother to an Ogre My Sister to the Grey Wardens and my mother to Magic I couldn’t lose Anders too I couldn’t.
This Game was by far the best/worst game I have ever played.
The only reason it is the worst is how emotional taxing it was, with no information or foreknowledge and romancing a terrorist It caused a minor existential crisis I lost my own Identity when I spared Anders. Everything he did was wrong and for almost the right reasons. It hurt and I felt betrayed and lost.
On the other hand this game was amazing in every sense. The Romance the Gradual build to each climax, Especially the last one. It felt natural Growing tensions between Everyone and the Qunari and Mages and Templar. The fact that we couldn’t save Leandra or stop civil war was a well executed change to the invulnerable hero who Always Saves The Day It made Hawke Human, The emotions of the characters The Grief they show. Even Male Hawke gets scared and sad. The scene with Leandra dying was well written and believable the numbness shown by Hawke at the Estate was very relatable. When someone you care about dies the world feels wrong as if you’re living someone else’s life you’re floating in void. I feel Bioware created a good sense that, that was what Hawke felt. And No compromises was hard, having to pick a side, a lesser of two evils where both end up killing everyone. Like choosing between six rotten apples or half a dozen apples full of worms and maggots.
TL:DR “Dammit Anders”
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