#‘anon’ (read: elle) you are!!! too kind!!!
ellecdc · 4 months
elle ur right, we are highkey lowkey a cult, bc my first thought after reading that post was, looks like i'm fighting someone today, i'm ready to use my body for justice (im like 5'10" and decently muscular so i think i can be plenty intimidating, like a guard dog heehee).
🌙 bby, i'm ready to join the ellecdc infantry (apparently not sponsored by elle herself lol). i'll be the one barking like a dog at all the mean people we come across on elle's blog 🫸💥🤛 (that includes people being mean to themselves, if ur here ur obviously awesome and ily, stop being so hard on ur beautiful, incredible selves 💕💕💕)
in all seriousness, do these people respond to every text and ask and dm and email and call they get as soon as they get them? i sure don't. hell, sometimes i read ur response to my asks and i have to wait a bit before i'm ready to write back (because conversating takes lots of energy and effort, things i don't always have), even if i am eager to write back to you! i really hope they rethink their actions and see that they are holding you to unrealistic standards, and maybe gain some empathy and understanding that they can carry into future situations.
anyways, that's all to say i love this community: you elle, your mutuals, my fellow named anons, and all our other friends who stay anonymous (whether that be thru asks, or just liking/lurking on the blog)! i love reading all the asks and learning about how different, but also similar, all of us lil' witches and wizards are. you are all so cool, and funny and kind and you make my day brighter! much love to everyone, and have a great rest of ur day (i demand it!!) <3 :)
….i don’t even have words 😭
I’ve got a little pack of guard dogs now how lucky am I 😭😭😭
honestly I think I should be okay; I know it’s not personal because no one on here will truly ever ~know~ me, but showing up has been taking a bit more effort on my part than it usually does and then to be accused of not doing good enough (not that I didn’t respond or that I took too long to respond, but that my response wasn’t good enough) really pissed me off and then left me deflated haha
The last part of your message has to be my favourite though because I feel the exact same way; I really am so protective of you all and feel so lucky to have made so many connections (and dammit I’ll say it, friends) over this short 4 month period already and truly think we’ve got ourselves a really good group here - I’ll just have to weed out the bad ones every once in a while I guess haha
My little ʕ⁠·⁠ᴥ⁠·⁠ʔ, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here with me 🫶🫶
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athenasparrow · 1 year
How did you get into jily?
Hi anon, thanks for the ask : D
This turned into a rather long answer, but that's rather unsurprising since when I edit a chapter it seems to jump 3k, right? 😅 😂
How I Got Into Jily Reading
My journey into the world of Jily began, like many of you, in the captivating realm of Harry Potter fics (about a decade ago). My initial foray into Jily failed to capture me – I don't know if I was reading in the wrong space (I'm looking at you ffn.net) or if this was just popular at the time – but a lot of what I read fixated on James' persistent pursuit of Lily (often depicting harassment) and "missing moments" that revolved around teenagers (nothing inherently wrong with teenagers, I just found it difficult to relate).
So I ventured beyond the familiar pairings, exploring all sorts of HP characters before being drawn back into Jily during covid. It was then that I discovered authors (@ghostofbambifanfiction @bcdaily @theesteemedladydebourgh @missgryffin & fetchalgernon ) who wrote muggle au's and canon divergent fics that portrayed Lily and James in healthy, enthralling, adult relationships (or very mature teenagers!). The relationships and characters are all magnificent! These authors enveloped me in the warmth of their craft and anchored me in the Jily world. I am still obsessed with all of their writing and happily forsake whatever I'm dong to inhale their latest chapters : D
How I Got Into Jily Writing
I've jotted down a few fics over the years, but never published anything. I impulsively signed up for @jilymicrofics Valentine's Gift Exchange this year. I was a very passive part of fandom before this and had no tumblr account, no AO3 etc. I kind of just signed up to everything on a whim and then @charmsandtealeaves invited me to join all of these servers and suddenly I was in, people seemed to like my Valentine's Fic and in the throes of enthusiasm I committed to a micro a day for March. That month unlocked a flow of creative inspiration and I've been delighted that the writing has kept coming.
Becoming active in the Jily community has not only provided me with a plethora of new (to me) talented authors, but also allowed me to put names to stories that I read many years ago. I now have a vast TBR list and am eagerly looking forward to reading every single one of them : D
I'm going to share the authors on my TBR List so you can read their work too : D
@practicecourts @oneofthesirens @charmsandtealeaves @annabtg @wearingaberetinparis @gryffindormischief @annasghosts @ginemrys @itsjamespotter @writtenonreceipts @mppmaraudergirl @winryofresembool @abihastastybeans @arianatwycross @startanewdream @bookeatingbean @ohmygodshesinsane @uncertainwallflower @kay-elle-cee
Feel free to drop a rec in the comments - I'm always up for more reading : D
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harmoniesandhijinks · 1 month
"Hey, look at this weird kid I found!"
-- one of the twins, probably Heya! Welcome to whatever this is, lol If you know me, then you're either someone who checked puyo tumblr a lot during 2018-2023, or one of my followers/friends on my main [in which case, hii!! hello!!! The voices won.] In any case, welcome one, welcome all! I'm Phione, aka the person running this blog, aka a clinically insane professional dummy, aka one of the few HarmoKnight fans that exist, aka--ok you get the jist. I have roleplayed on Tumblr before, but that was a LONG while ago, so i might be a little rusty on this! [im more used to discord tupperbox roleplays,,,] So apologies if I make any mistakes! If you're interested in interacting, check out the read more below!
In any cases, here's the rules! 1. No NSFW interactions or ANYTHING of the sort. While I may be 18 now, the Twins and Tempo are minors. Plus, that sort of stuff creeps me out and makes me VERY uncomfortable! So please refrain from doing that! 2. No fetish interactions. I'm not someone who you can push your weird fantasies upon. Plus, I had to cut ties with someone earlier in the year who would do just that, so stuff like that will make me uncomfortable. 2.5. However, I WILL allow magic anons, as those tend to be fairly harmless. Just not too many at once! [or back to back] 3. Please don't send any kind of slurs! I'm sure both Puyo fandom and HarmoKnight fandom are smart enough to not do that, but I'm putting that out there! 4. I have the right to say no to what's going on. If I ask you to stop, I mean it! And if I say no to an ask or rp, PLEASE don't push me to do it! 5. More rules will be added when I think of em. So be sure to check back here regularly! 6. Any violation of these rules will result in a block if taken too far. [However, violating rules 1 and 2 will result in an instant block.] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Misc. stuff: Please don't be nervous to send an ask or RP invite into my dms! As long as you use common sense, you'll be fine :D I tend to be a little silly sometimes, so do expect some laughs and giggles here and there! I also tend to get nervous really easy however, so if you want to do something with me, please come to me and ask about it! I'm TOTALLY fine with mutliverse RPs! I mean, that was kinda obvious since this is literally an RP/Ask blog with two different games, lol. So long as the source material isn't anything bad [COUGH COUGH coaall COUGH COGUH] we should be fine! I am aware that there is another puyo ask/rp blog that technically also as the twins, and to that I don't mind! Unless it makes the op of that blog very upset in which case I'm really sorry. I don't mind doubles, but if it makes the OP of the other blog upset then I'll stop. Totally fine with AU roleplays though! As long as the origin of the AU isn't from a problematic source, then it's a-okay!
Socials!!! @phioneplatinum - Main, check it out if you wanna see what I do on a regular basis! @melodiafunfacts - A HarmoKnight fun facts blog I run! Check it out if you wanna see what obscure facts I can dig up from an even obscurer game! phioneplatinum - Discord tag if you wanna be friendos! [Or see my full power with Tupper Rps, lol] I'm not quite caught up on the more recent internet stuff [ex: pronouns, fictionkins, stuff like that], so PLEASE forgive me if I make a mistake!! Speaking of pronouns, I go with She/Her pronouns! I see Elle with She/Her pronouns, but if you want to go with They/Them, be my guest! I see Jay with He/Him pronouns, but if you want to go with They/Them like Elle, go ahead! Tempo goes with He/Him pronouns, for those unaware about HarmoKnight! [and also thought he was a girl] Annnd I think that's it! I hope to see you around! Stay safe! :D [I'll probably make a caard with character bios and rp info, so be on the lookout for that!! :D]
[note, i tend to shorten harmoknight as rhhk [Rhythm Hunter: HarmoKnight] as to not confuse it with HK/Hollow Knight, so if you see those four letters, assume i'm talking about HarmoKnight!! :D]
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galaxysharks · 1 year
What do you think about Madlyn Heartstopper AU? Like a little gender blend but look:
Charlie - Maddox (duh with those kind of parents)
Nick - Ashlyn (bisexual awakening)
Tori - Jet (again the parents and Maddox protector)
Ben - Madison (just make sense)
Tao - EJ (Kind of a Maddox protector too and like RJ)
Isaac - (not sure but can be anyone)
Elle - Ricky (just read a few Ricky as a trans and again RJ)
Darcy - Gina (another person with a problem with a parent and I'm quite a Gini stan)
Tara - Nini (kiss a boy but again lesbian)
Imogen - Big Red (ally!)
Harry - Lily (I mean any antagonist will do)
Anon this is possibly interesting, but idk anything about Heartstopper.
It hasn't cleared the 'nd mind won't let me watch it because ?????' Barrier yet.
I'll assume this is cool?
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hsmtmts-arrows · 1 year
What do you think about Madlyn Heartstopper AU? Like a little gender blend but look:
Charlie - Maddox (duh with those kind of parents)
Nick - Ashlyn (bisexual awakening)
Tori - Jet (again the parents and Maddox protector)
Ben - Madison (just make sense)
Tao - EJ (Kind of a Maddox protector too and like RJ)
Isaac - (not sure but can be anyone)
Elle - Ricky (just read a few Ricky as a trans and again RJ)
Darcy - Gina (another person with a problem with a parent and I'm quite a Gini stan)
Tara - Nini (kiss a boy but again lesbian)
Imogen - Big Red (ally!)
Harry - Lily (I mean any antagonist will do)
anon being a gini stan how iconic
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alyszaen · 1 year
your moots as skz members!
This was so difficult Istg but so FUN!!! I quoted a few people, so if you want me to remove the quotes please let me know!!! I made sure it's nothing personal you told me and only shows off your vibe. Thank you for the game, anon!!
Chan - @j-0ne25 - my parent LISTEN. Tan is a Stayblr NATIVE. When we first became moots I got so excited, because "omg a stayblr giant is my MOOT now". Tan isn't a moot I have chatted with all that much, but the few times we have I got clear chris vibes. They clearly care a ton for other people, trying to help when they can. She has a lot of experience in writing and it shows. All in all it's just Leader vibes. I would gladly follow you through the world!
Lino - @yrhome - my bestie Okay I know this is a surprise. And from the way she texts, you would not think that elle is lino. One day we were talking about haunting people as ghosts (i don't even remember how that started) and elle did not HESITATE to say this: "I'LL HAUNT HYUNJIN FIRST JUST BECAUSE THAT MF WOULD GET SCARED SO EASY" Do you need any more proof????? This bitch is lino. Aint no way ANY other member would say this. Like leave poor hyunne alone mans is AFRAID for his life. I just know if elle realistically were to ever have hyunjin visit her, she would buy an airfryer just to scare him. She is a fucking menace.
Changbin - @strayingawayy - my husband Welcome to the SHO SHO SHO. Lol I'm so funny fr fr Nah but sho is so changbin coded. Like out of all the members, changbin is the most likely to be married to multiple people (felix and hyunjin). And sho, han and I are married. Sho is my husband. My wife. My bestie waifu bro. (lets be honest han would hate us). Nah but the messages scream changbin, as does changbin himself. If sho and I were in a room together we would be L O U D LOUD. If changbin was there, too, it would be over. Chan would hate us. He really would. IDK how else to explain it other than loud. And I don't mean vocally. I mean that too, probs. But just the vibe.
Hyunjin - @boydepartment - my sister Jay is 100% Hyunjin. She not only has his energy level, but also his drama. If Hyunne and JJ ever met, I fear for the world (and whoever is in the same room when they do) because they would probably just spill coffee everywhere. Hyunjin would GAG at what she does with her frozen fruits, but he'd then try it in silence the next day - realizing it's lowkey intelligent. But it's not only the drama, but the sensitivity. My sister is someone who can read the room well, and even if she doesn't particularly like someone, she still shows empathy for them. Also ARTISTS! Jinnie would be OBSESSED with Jays artstyle, honestly.
Han - @stealanity - my me I hope you feel honored that you get MY han spot smh Jokes aside. Matty is so Han. Like okay, I don't even know how to explain it, so I'll just show you guys some quotes. "AJFISJEJE IM SORRY" "YES DONT WORRY i screamed a lot" "HEY OMG???" Like look at these. These are so real. Like same honestly. Actually the more I re-read our dms I'm convinced that Han would be afraid of us lowkey LMAOOOOOO Nah but seriously. Matty can be just as energetic as han. Screaming at me in caps, getting just as excited about things. But she has a way of turning it "professh"? fast. Without matty i wouldn't have gone to music bank. Like ????? I owe her my life basically???
Felix - @gimmeurtmi - my sunshine The second I found out she were a spidey stan, the excitement she showed was IMMENSE. I could feel it through the screen! she is such a lovely person. Lilly is incredibly kind. Whenever we text I feel so warm and comfortable. I just KNOW she has a sunshine smile like felix does. All I want from Lilly is a hug. Like gimme. I know it would be the best of all hugs. Lilly knows the memes. Lilly makes the memes. Lilly would totally have recorded that tiktok. You know the one. The one where felix put his whole felussy into it. Like I know she would have recorded it. She probably would have held the camera for felix. I just see it.
Seungmin - @lino-jagiyaa - my comfort Rin may not believe this themselves, but she has a calmness that I haven't seen anywhere. When we first messaged she matched the vibe immediately, without it feeling forced. They were understanding, relatable but still real and themselves. The way she messages is truly gen-z, but not too much? It's like the way we all know that Seungmin knows how to use his phone like a pro, but he will act all adult about it, like he just LEARNED it and didn't have it all his life. Like bro. But anyways. If Seungmin and Rin were to sit in a room together, it would be the most polite room ever. There would be a couple of conversations, but then both would ask someone else a question and just listen to them, content.
Jeongin - @bbyquokka - my discord emote supplier Okay I know this one is unexpected. Nemu is very internet. Like the way she texts shouts "hey ive known this all my life". Now I know this could go for most of the members, BUT the vibe I get is incredibly innie. She is sweet, kind, calm, but I know she gets excited about things that she cares about. Also her emote game is almost as good as mine so I fear for my status as discord emote queen.
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sellenite · 9 months
I'm honestly too shy and awkward to write this without the anon thing but I just wanted to tell you that I always enjoy reading not only your posts (you're one of my favs accounts on here, your writing skills are GREAT and you have such a personal, interesting way to portray the characters so deeply and accurate at the same time 🫶🏻 your content is gold) but also your replies, I love how you always take your time to write something nice to each one of us when we let you a comment on a post!! You seem like a really kind and thoughtful person and it shows 🫶🏻 a genuinely sweet person. I hope you're having a wonderful day, Elle. Take care and please never change 🩵 (I'm sorry this is so extra LMAOOO 😭😭)
OMG ANON 💓💓💓💓 you have made my day, this is like the sweetest comment I’ve ever gotten so thank you so much 🥲🫶 you also seem like such a kind person for even thinking to reach out and write this to me :’) I just feel that if anyone ever takes time out of their day to comment on one of my posts, I appreciate it so much so I always want to make that known :))) but I’m so happy you enjoy my writing, and that is just such a huge compliment so thank you, thank you 😭 I hope that you have an amazing day as well 🫶
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trickarrows-bishop · 1 year
What do you think about Madlyn Heartstopper AU? Like a little gender blend but look:
Charlie - Maddox (duh with those kind of parents)
Nick - Ashlyn (bisexual awakening)
Tori - Jet (again the parents and Maddox protector)
Ben - Madison (just make sense)
Tao - EJ (Kind of a Maddox protector too and like RJ)
Isaac - (not sure but can be anyone)
Elle - Ricky (just read a few Ricky as a trans and again RJ)
Darcy - Gina (another person with a problem with a parent and I'm quite a Gini stan)
Tara - Nini (kiss a boy but again lesbian)
Imogen - Big Red (ally!)
Harry - Lily (I mean any antagonist will do)
anon bestie i love you but my ex gf ruined heartstopper for me so i never watched it but feel free to put this olli or anyone else’s ask box JDDJJD IM SO SORRY
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brittlebutch · 1 year
Oh, man—I originally went with Elle because I was picturing the potential tiny Punnihawk kids calling her “Ellie”whenever they wanted her to join their games and whatnot*—but I feel like Sara fits her better.
(*also the adults using it as an affectionate nickname—like, she’s holding it together the night she packs her shit and heads for their house, and one of them uses the nickname, and boom—she’s crying in Hawkeye’s arms and he’s rocking and shushing and letting her cling until she can stop sobbing long enough to talk.)
The only other nickname I can think of is, like, Duckling (because I feel like she saw how great Hawkeye’s beside manner was whenever he took care of them growing up and spent a good portion of her childhood wanting to be that kinda person for other people & sneaking glances at his and BJ’s medical books) which…likely still would have stuck.
I think it’s probably not much of a secret at that point that she looked at him as a kid and mentally went “Hey, better dad!” so the nickname likely never faded.
(I’m so sorry for flooding you with so much surrogate/adoptive dad!Hawkeye—I’ve just been struck by the need to see him Actually Parent A Lot Of Misfit Kids ™ as I make my way through this show. 😅 Sara—let the official rename commence!—does love Peg and BJ too. It’s just that Hawkeye’s her favorite parent of the three of them. They all know, but they never say anything about it.)
ogh ‘duckling’ is so cute; but also hawkeye calling her ‘sheifale’ 🥺
i don’t mind at all btw! it is a little funny to me bc i don’t know if i have strong thoughts of hawkeye being Particularly ‘dad material’ (despite all his in-canon cracks about other men getting him pregnant lmao) - but i enjoy reading about it! a fun little glimpse into a world that could be lol. i think that hawkeye would be the kind of adult who has a harder time modulating how one ‘should’ talk to kids and so he just, talks at them like normal and because he never underestimates/talks down to them, kids wind up being really drawn to him and enjoy his company (also the fact that he is Never too proud/‘grown up’ to refuse to go all in for The Bit - his goofy groucho marx act would be a riot)
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elleloquently · 1 year
elle i love ur works sososo much and not just invisibile string, but literally everything you write it’s just so beautiful. ‘Nothing sweeter’ is probably my favourite piece of yours, it feels so delicate and sweet (i’m not going to lie, i think about it everyday) ); I really hope more people will have the plesure to read your works!! And please don’t stress too much about posting, take care of yourself first!!
sending you a lot of love,
- 🎀 anon
(also i hope this makes sense, english is not my first language so expressing sometimes it’s so hard, i’m sorry🥲)
my goodness ): this is incredibly kind and reassuring, thank you so much <3 <3
nothing sweeter is my favorite too (: it feels so much like me, i definitely have a soft spot for it. describing it as delicate and sweet is absolutely making my heart swoon because I really wanted those feelings to be tangible from it 💘
your english is beautiful by the way… i will be thinking ab this message forever… ily anon 💓
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softspiderling · 2 months
I hate your stupid anon! I get why you are taking a break. I just hope that you will be back soon. This is one of my favorite fics and I will miss it. 😭❤️ Bahamas sounds fun! Cant wait to read the next one.
Have a good night Elle! And thank you for updating.
me too😭thank you so much for your kind words and support, it means a lot to me🩷
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ifimayhaveaword · 3 years
listen I know I am late I spent all day thinking about who was worthy of beautiful, wonderful, ethereal Ali and
I ship you with me
jk jk I ship you with
uhm honestly one Santiago Garcia. I know I know but hear me out I think you two would be so well suited.
1 he has lots of money and I think you deserve to be bought pretty things (plus he is a pretty thing and definitely thinks you are too)
2 I think you guys would keep each other grounded when need be but he would also let you be a little impulsive and take risks and encourage you every step of the way
3 I just think he would cook you delicious food and dance with you in the kitchen and he would be truly romantic and I want that for you
!!!! Okay ‘anon’ 👀 (and oh stahp I’m blushing 🥺)
Omg this actually sounds….. so lovely 😭 Santi pls whisk me off my feet 🥺🥺🥺 i really don’t give him enough love!!
who would you ship me with? Why??
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letarasstuff · 4 years
My little Princess
(A/N): This was requested by an anon. I hope you like it :)
Summary: The Fisher King threats the team’s family. Is Morgan ready to bring his daughter in, even though nobody knows about her existence?
Warnings: Some slight angst, I think
Wordcount: 0.9k
“Behave for Granny, can you do that for me?” Derek is crouched down in front of his toddler, who nods giggling. “Yes, Sir”, she salutes in mock. “Oh, it’s on, Little One!” He grabs his daughter and tickles her. Her sweet laughter is heard through the whole house.
“Derek, are you attacking my Granddaughter again?” His mother makes her way down the staircase as she is alerted by the noises. “Of course not, Ma.” He is quick to let go of her, smoothing (Y/N)'s clothes and hair.
A smile appears on the woman’s face. “Honey, how about you go play with your aunties? You father will come up to you to say goodbye, ok?” “Yes Granny!” And off she toddles, as fast as the legs of a four year old can.
“I say this as your mother”, Fran tells her son, “I want you to relax on this vacation. You had enough stress over the last months. So please use it to not worry for once. (Y/N) is going to have so much fun with me and your sisters, she is in good hands.” Because of the distance between Quantico and Chicago and his job, the little family is rarely able to visit them. So for obvious reasons Fran saviours every moment she can have with her granddaughter.
“Thank you, Ma.” Derek hugs his mother, happy to have her support any time.
Unfortunately his vacation with Elle in Jamaica is anything but relaxing. As soon as he sits in a precinct waiting for Hotch’s arrival to get their co-worker out of the police’s custody, an eerie feeling sets down in his stomach. Even though Derek knows to listen to his gut, he tries to ignore it and concentrates on the facts he has so far.
As far as he knows there is nothing to be worried about concerning his daughter’s safety. She is in Chicago with his family probably enjoying a bowl of cereals or something with her Auntie Sarah. His princess is safe and sound.
Once again the FBI agent is wrong. The video from the so called ‘Fisher King’ not only left Spencer running around like a nervous chicken. Morgan looks like he could be his chicken companion.
“Hotch! I need to talk to you in private!” He calls out to his Unit Chief. Aaron nods and shows him to his office. There Derek immediately begins to talk.
“I know you read my files and at first I wanna thank you for not telling the team. I-” “It’s ok. Bring her here”, he cuts off the rambling man. Thankfully Morgan looks at his boss. “Thank you, Hotch. I can’t stress that enough.”
The next half an hour he is not seen by anybody, because the young father walks back and forth in the building’s parking lot, making countless phone calls.
“Desiree, I swear to you, I owe you for a lifetime. Can you come directly to the FBI? I’ll make sure the receptionist lets you through. I love you, see you in two hours.” The following time you can only describe Derek as a nervous wreck. He can’t stop bouncing his leg, is not really there mentally and grows more and more snappy with the team.
After he barked for the third time at Spencer as he tried to explain something and began to ramble, Gideon looks at him. “What is your problem, Morgan?” His calm voice agitates the man further. “What my problem is? There is a freak out there, wanting to play some weird game with us and we have NOTHING! Maybe that is my prob-” A small voice cuts him off.
A girl stands in the doorway to the conference room. Derek turns around and runs over to her. She meets him halfway and throws herself into his arms. “Auntie Desi and I flew with a plane, just like we did! I also got peanuts, but I told Auntie Desi I wanna share them with you.” (Y/N) pulls out a small white plastic bag and offers her father some.
Morgan begins to smile, though he gets teary eyes. “Thank you Princess. God, I love you so so much.” He hugs her again, keeping his daughter closer to him and kissing her hair. “I love you, too, Daddy. I hope you had as much fun as I had at Granny’s.” The agent chuckles. “I did. Hey, there are some people I want you to meet. Is it alright with you?”
Not until this moment the little girl realizes that there are more people in the room. She nods timidly.
“Ok, this is Spencer, the genius I told you about. Say Hi to Elle, she is the tough lady. There is JJ, she is perfect with words. At the table sits Jason, the wisest man you can meet. This is Aaron, even though he has a mean stare, he has a pure heart. And the woman you can see there walking through the bullpen is Penelope, my only other baby girl beside you and a goddess with computers”, Morgan describes every single person to his daughter.
(Y/N) turns towards him, whispering not so quietly into her father’s ear: “Are these your superhero friends? The people you make the world saver with?” The team’s heart swells, so does Gideon’s, though he won’t admit it out loud.
Between the cruel things they saw in the last hours and such an innocent act let them believe there is still good in the world.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hello Storm! Newbie Army here. Seeing one of your recent anon's asks mention the "typical lie about dating" reminded me of this:
https://bangtan.online/ bts-graces-the-cover-of-elle-russia-the-boys-talk-fame-dating-and-their-decision-to-speak-themselves/
I don't know Russian so I cannot find or read the original article, but if what's translated in this page is true, Jimin seems to have made an extra effort to go around the topic (the "even if..." statement). My Jikooker brain also cannot help thinking that his statement would make perfect sense if Jikook are indeed in a relationship (since they don't have time for "dating" but spend a lot of time together). I am curious about your take on this.
Here is the original tweet about them being on the cover of the Dec 2018 issue:
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It looks like the cover photo was taken around DNA era, no idea if they took those photos and did this article a year prior to the actual release in winter of 2017 of if they used older photos 🤷🏻‍♀️ but it looks like DNA era bangtan to me.
Here is the translation you sent:
The comp het questions and focus on the word girl and girlfriend 🙃🙃 not the point though. I agree that Jimins answer is both being clear with his we aren't dating general answer they always give because heaven forbid people think their idols are dating someone who isn't them and ruins their fantasy of one day marrying them themselves.... and his answer seems to be worded very carefully too.
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“If you were in our position, you’d understand quickly,” Yoongi said. “We don’t have the time. As today, we’ll finish work in the morning and get up at the same time tomorrow to rehearse again.”
“I don’t think we can date anyone,” his friend and colleague, Park Jimin, supported him “Frankly speaking, there is no time to even see our own families. We don’t have a normal lifestyle. Even if there was some kind of a relationship, it would be difficult to call it a relationship… in the traditional sense of the word.”
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Notice he denies a relationship stating lack of time to see anyone, even their family. They see their members daily though. And notice he tacks on that last sentence basically stating that even if their was a relationship, it couldn't be called a traditional relationship. Idk, it definitely sounds like a dodge of the het focused relationship status question of someone who might be in a secret and gay relationship. Definitely not very traditional...
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Not saying that's for sure what he meant, but it tracks as an answer for sure. The article continues to quote that none of them have a girlfriend and aren't looking for one. Again, of course he doesn't have and isn't looking for a girlfriend if he already has a boyfriend 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yoongi and jimin are the only ones who got an official quote put out on the girlfriends and dating question and it was only a short part of the article. But I agree baby army. Its definitely one of those Jimin is so careful with his words and how he phrases things moments.
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maybege · 3 years
Hi May! Can I ask who your favourite Paz writers are? You're my go-to Paz writer but I'd love to know *your* go-to too!
Also, I'm happy to hear that your hiatus is making you feel lighter! Take care of yourself darling ❤️
Thank you anon! 🥺♥️
Okay so I don’t have like a list of the go to writers for Paz fics just because I think most works I have crossed came from authors who write mostly for other characters and not mainly/exclusively for Paz. That and also I haven’t had time to really read fic during the summer and I feel like I have missed so many things but here’s an assortment of works/authors whose Paz works I really enjoy (in no particular order and without links because I’m lazy and a teeny bit tipsy):
A series called Something Sweet by @starlightrows (pastry chef!Paz has my heart!), a bartender!Paz AU series by @pilothusband (yes please!) and were!Paz by @princessbatears (recently updated after a bit of a break and absolutely worth the wait) are the Paz series I can name of the top off my head.
Then anything by @ohheyitsokay (Elle has a way of words that makes me swoon and yearn in a way that I can only dream of achieveinh with my own writing), also a were!Paz OS by @saradika as well as several little stories by @hdlynnslibrary and @aerynwrites
OH MY GOD AND ALSO THE PAZ FIC THAT STARTED IT ALL: Saviin’ika by @stubbychaos - I’m sure anybody who likes Paz has already read this masterpiece five times over but this fic has such a special place in my heart in that it was the first Paz fic I ever read. Amber has such a gentle and kind and wonderful characterization of Paz that I see him as canon for the universe. No one - not even Disney - will ever be able to top what she has achieved in this story.
I hope this helps anon! If you have any recommendations of your own feel free to send them my way, I’d love to discover new Paz writers 😭🙌
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casiavium · 3 years
from the preppy ghirahim anon: what personality/backstory/au/etc do you like for modern day ghirahim?
In a list because I have a lot lmao. College au is one of my favorite daydreams
I definitely lean my Ghirahim towards a preppy Regina George-Heather Chandler kind of Ghirahim, he's in charge on his own but eventually joins people with more power that just use him. Also a little Elle Woods, what, like, it's hard? He's both queen bee (on his own or with lesser minions) and ditzy bimbo companion (Demise and/or Ganondorf) to oversimplify it and feed into fandom stereotypes lmao. He's always in his Electra Heart era
I find the idea that Demise and Hylia are the divorced parents of Fi and Ghirahim hilarious. However I also like Ghirahim joined Demise as a "second in command" (read: sugar baby boytoy) and those two cannot work at the same time lmao so there's multiple universes in my head at once
I saw someone hc him as a art history major once. Absolutely. And he's damn pretentious about it.
Joins Demise path: He dropped out of college. It wasn't for him. Has a really high up position in Demise's crime cover company or whatever
Hylia is mom backstory: he gets a full on PhD in art conservation or archaeology but he's hella corrupt about it. Like selling priceless artwork to Ganondorf behind the scenes kind of thing
I personally don't particularly like the fashion designer route for him. I do like him doing modeling as a temporary career though and read a really good Ghiralink fanfic where he ran a fashion advice column for a newspaper
(Demise route) He's super smart but grows bored of school, he doesn't drop out because he's not good but because he's offered something better.
(Hylia route) Gets a job at the student tutoring center, despite being super rich and influential Demise is making him pay for school himself. Parties and shit? Who cares, he's not checking the credit card bill. Doesn't even know he's using it. Actual tuition? You're 18. You're an adult. Get out of my house. (Hylia covers Fi's tuition.) Link is s t r u g g l i n g and Zelda makes him get professional help and Ghirahim gets assigned him and he's just so bad it frustrates him. Link's not "bad" he's just unmedicated ;-;
Fi and Ghirahim give off forced to do ice skating/dance/gymnastics vibes so he quits that as soon as he's on his own, but maybe he joins the club sport for whatever he did to show off (he's way better than everyone else, except Fi)
Link's a year or two below him but they still have classes together because Ghirahim put his gen ed off until the last minute
Ghirahim was expected to join a fraternity (probably a legacy) but absolutely did not. Got into an academic one though
Link's in the one co-ed fraternity that's barely even Greek life on campus known for being nice (everyone else in the Knight academy is in it too) Link's in a bunch of clubs and stuff and has a completely different friend group from Ghirahim so no one even knows they're dating until he shows up to a formal event with him
I'll stop here because I'm tired but I think about modern au all the time lol
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