#‘I think William did this horrible thing to Kate and now they’re just covering it up hahaha’ you sound like a nice person
kates--mcqueen · 7 months
Some people I swear
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For A Greater Good 7/18
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gif not mine just the text
Summary: Kate Williams, young healer and member of the Order, joins Durmstrang's staff at Dumbledore's request. Her mission? Find a Death Eater and survive long enough to tell the story. Set in 1996.
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x ofc
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
[Part 6]
Charlie adjusted the collar of his shirt while staring at his reflection in the bathroom’s mirror. Poking his head out of the door that connected to the bedroom, he checked the clock and hurried back into the bathroom to dry his hands with a towel.
He heard a soft bell coming his way and found Grimoire, Kate’s beloved cat, by his feet.
“I know, I know. I still have a few minutes…”
Grimoire hissed in disappointment and disappeared again.
Charlie cleaned the remains of the shaving cream that were left on his jaw and nodded at his work before heading to the fireplace in the living room, where Grimoire was pacing.
He chuckled at the invisible circles that the cat was making. 
With the floo powder in hand, he kneeled next to Grimoire and tried to concentrate on the words that Kate indicated him to say.
Durmstrang’s chimneys were not connected to their home in Romania, but she said to give her two weeks and, in that time, true to her words, found a way to connect them.
“Doorm-strang.” He pronounced, throwing the powder to the logs. The green flames appeared, and he waited for her face to pop out of them.
He rubbed his suddenly sweating hands on his thighs while staring impatiently at the fire. Grimoire had time to spin several times around him, making him consider locking the tedious animal inside his closet. Giving it a second thought, the idea of having to deal with him after that seemed equally, and even more horrible.
“Hey, you” Kate’s voice dragged him back to reality.
He knew he had the stupidest grin all over his face and prayed for the green fire to distortion it a bit. He observed her features: her forehead, her nose, her impossibly long eyelashes, those thin but very well-shaped lips, back again to her moderately thick eyebrows and the gorgeous honey eyes that gazed at him. He couldn’t see her ears, or her neck, probably covered in all of those tangled waves he loved spending hours combing with his fingers. 
His eyes darted back to her lips, now moving again, but he couldn’t identify what they said.
“Charlie? Is there something wrong with your side of the floo? Can you hear me?”
The crinkle between her eyes formed like many times before, and he smiled at it.
“I can hear you, love, loud and clear.”
“How have you been? How are you?” Not even the flames could hide the concern.
“I’ve been better. It’s ah... somehow more difficult being away after living together than... you know.”
He heard how she shifted in her place and tried to get more comfortable.
“I know…”
“I have been busy, though, working, writing, I did some cooking, but it’s infinitely more satisfying doing that for two rather than one.”
Her face lit up with the flames and expanded a little as she leaned in. If he concentrated enough, he could imagine that she got closer to him.
“Did you finish your papers?”
“Not yet, the text is there in my nightstand and I stare at it daily, waiting for it to write itself. Wait, someone wants to see you.”
Kate chuckled, and the flames danced around her when she shook her head.
“That’s not writing.”
“It’s not? Well, maybe I’ll have to plan another strategy, then.” He said equally amused. He lifted Grimoire to the fire level, and the cat mewled in delight, seeing his master for the first time in months. He mewled again, and Charlie had the impression he was telling her his version of the story.
“Hello, Grimoire, is that ginger over there being rude to you? Want me to give him a lesson?”
Charlie huffed and practically threw Grimoire out of his arms, before brushing the hairs out of his sleeves.
“Bloody demon, that poor excuse of a cat of yours.”
“What happened? You’ve never had problems before?” She said with a chuckle.
“It appears we are a tad territorial with your things. I wanted to sleep on your side of the bed these days, and I tried to trick him and put your favourite blanket on the couch, but he won’t have it. He always returns and curls up in your pillow, mocking me.”
“I miss you both, too.”
The light atmosphere evaporated and was replaced by a way too familiar sadness. They had walked this road before, and yet it seemed that it would never end.
Kate gave a sharp inhalation, holding back something that could have been words, tears or both. 
“How did you, ah... get rid of the smoke? Of the fire you said…” Charlie cleared his throat, holding back something that could have been words, tears or both.
“I’m holding my wand up the chimney, vanishing it. Do you know how hard it is to practise ‘evanesco’ on actual smoke?” She chuckled, barely believing how she managed to perfect the spell in just two weeks. “What’s the physical form of... smoke? I have no idea.”
She was just rambling, now. Not wanting to end the conversation, but guilty about not having anything to talk about, or better said, anything safe to talk about.
Charlie puffed out a disbelieving and proud huff at her brightness, and out of pure instinct he stretched his arm to caress her face, immediately regretting his dumb behaviour.
Kate grinned when he brought his fingertip to his mouth to soothe the pain.
“I see some things don’t change, then. Always attracted to the fire.”
Catching her eyes, he was captivated by their sudden shimmer that had nothing to do with the floo powder.
“I like the warm feeling of it.” he whispered.
“You want to be cautious; you might burn.” her voice sounding equally low, and in the silence of the night, it resembled a purr. But it might have been the floo interferences. He chose his words very carefully, selected them to have the desired effect.
“I would happily let the flames consume me.”
Grimoire’s angry hiss covered Kate’s shuddering breath, and she thanked Merlin when Charlie turned around at the cat and didn’t see her face.
She looked up, probably checking her spell, and then behind her before focusing on Charlie again.
“You must go already?” He intended to sound as disappointed as he felt, selfishly wanting her to stay at least one more minute.
“I have a bit of time. There’s plenty of healers here, and night-shifts are relaxed. They will survive without me. Now tell me, are you putting on enough sunscreen?”
Charlie’s entire face brightened at the question and proceeded to tell her the amount of work he’d been putting on the sanctuary.
“Some of my teammates have been asking about you, you know?”
“Really? What did you tell them?”
“That you were on a trip around Europe. I don’t think they believe that. They think we broke up.”
“Stick to the Europe story. It’s pretty accurate, anyway. By the way, are you familiar with the book... uh... The Tales of Beedle the Bard?” Her voice above a whisper.
Charlie was taken aback by the question and answered full of curiosity.
“Sure thing, love. Mum used to read it to us when we were kids. Why the sudden urge to read bedtime stories?”
“Someone recommended it...”
“Wait... you’ve never read it? It’s very famous.”
“I don’t remember there being any children’s stories in my house. Arithmancy books, yes.” As the conversation came to a halt, Kate settled down on the floor, adjusting her arm.
“I hope you’ve been watering my plants...” she threatened after she settled.
“Each and every one.”
“And have you been moving Ypsilon? He likes the sun at all times, otherwise his leaves close up and then he gets mad at me.”
“Plants can’t get angry, Katie,” he let out with a laugh, “and yes, every day; in the morning I put him by the window with white curtains and in the evening on the chairs on the other side.”
“That they can’t get angry, he says. You paid little attention in herbology and it shows.”
“You left me an endless list of instructions for each pot and I’m following them to the letter. If you think I’m not doing a good job, come home and see for yourself.”
The smirk that had planted itself on her face deflated to leave only a sad smile.
“I would love to...”
Charlie’s expression suddenly darkened. He adjusted on the carpet to be more comfortable, but Kate noticed the agitation.  She gave him time to say what he had to say and after a long sigh he spoke again.
“Katie, you’ve been receiving letters... letters from your father.”
“Have you opened them?”
“Of course not. But there’s three of them now…”
“But... Oh, shit.” Charlie frowned and leaned into the fire. “A few weeks ago someone from the ministry came looking for Igor Karkarov,” Charlie’s eyes opened like plates “He must have recognised me. I know he was from my father’s department.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Me? Nothing. Well, my job. The important thing is what you do. Open the letters. Probably he’s just asking why I don’t respond. Send an owl saying I have a lot of work.”
“What if he comes here?” Kate snorted.
“Joseph Williams? Getting his trousers dirty to go to a cabin? Don’t worry, he won’t bother.”
“I’m worried, Kate. What if something happened?”
“All the more reason to read them. Don’t tell me anything, don’t send me anything, I don’t want to know anything. The less traceable, the better.”
“Katie, we’ve been sending each other letters for over a month.”
“I know...” They were silent for a few moments, listening to the crackling of the flames. Kate adjusted her arm again, moving the fire, and inhaled to speak.
“Don’t tell me we should stop because I’ll have a heart attack,” Charlie rushed before she could say anything.
“No, it’s just... things can get ugly real fast and I don’t... I don’t want them to get to you.”
“I’m not the one who can’t go home. Besides, if someone intercepts our letters, what will they find? Dumb words of love?”  He managed to get a laugh out of her for the first time in two months.
“Hey! They’re not dumb!” Charlie rested his head on the palm of his hand. “No, they’re not...”
“One question.” Charlie started out of nowhere, “What do you know about giants?” Kate arched her eyebrows before pursing her lips, pensive.
“They’re usually big...”
“Yes, thank you very much. You remember that Hagrid…”
“Dumbledore asked me to fix it...”
“No. Absolutely not. No way...”
“Katie, I already went.”
“Damn you, Charles! Giants, are you mad?” She looked behind her shoulder and murmured, “What were you thinking?”
“About you, and on how useless I was feeling by keeping a low profile.” She tsked and shook her head. “It didn’t go well, but it was worth a try.”
“What made you think it would work, if Hagrid failed?”
“My charm.” He threw a proud smirk at her, trying to tease her a bit. She shook her head again, this time trying to keep the corners of her mouth from curving.
“Are you all right?” She asked in a completely different tone.
“A little bruised, but fine. Though I would have preferred you being the one who healed me.”
“Sweet talker.” She accused. He flashed her a grin again, attempting to make her forget his little adventure.
“So they’re on His side, irrevocably, right?” Charlie slowly nodded.
Asking her to wait, he reached for the flu-powder bowl, and threw a handful into the fire, rekindling the green flames.
He looked at her again, without saying anything. The fire was the only thing that lit up the little room in his home, and if he concentrated enough, he could imagine that she was there with him; reading or writing, both of them in silence, enjoying a quiet night.
“What’s wrong?” She whispered.
“Nothing, just looking at you. Lovely views.”
Kate’s face contorted in worry all of a sudden. She ordered him to be quiet with her finger against her lips and turned around. He saw the back of her head for one solid minute before she faced him again.
“Someone’s outside,” she whispered, “I need to go now. I promise we’ll talk like this again.”
“Katie... Kate!” She looked at him with fear of being caught and with a pointed look, hurried him to talk.
“I love you.”
She softened, and a hint of a sad smile appeared on her face. He watched her close her eyes and take a deep breath.
I love you, too
He barely heard her, but her lips didn’t move at all, and he had to blink several times to register what was happening. It felt like she was there, right next to him, and in his head, and everywhere.
“A connection. An unbreakable bond lets the mind do wonderful things. And the vanishing spell isn't the only thing I've been practising.” She checked her back again and returned to him once more before grinning. “You look handsome, by the way, as always.”
And with a wink and a smile she left him staring at the now cooling logs, touching his recently shaved face and with a devastated expression that would stay with him for the next months.
“Thanks…” he whispered into the night.
She glanced around to make her eyes adjust to the darkness and picked up the heavy skirts of her uniform so that she could stand up. Groping around, she approached headmistress Rhode’s desk and opened the top drawer. Feeling only papers and parchment, she closed it and opened the next.
 Kate made the remaining smoke disappear quickly, as well as the burned logs. She raised her hand to her necklace and then pressed it against stomach, thinking that perhaps, if she put enough pressure, she would make the horrible feeling in her body disappear.
Something cold touched her hand. Bingo.
She lifted the bottle and extended her arms before pressing the valve at the end of the tube. The characteristic smell of the headmistress’ office flooded the room, making all traces of the smoke disappear.
She grimaced at the new fragrance and quickly returned the bottle to the drawer. Just as she was closing it, a new set of voices echoed through the door.
She stood very still, at first, hearing them closer and clearer.
She hurried to her feet, and at her haste, the corner of the desk collided with her hip. Taking her hand to her mouth, she pressed her eyes so hard that she began to see stars.
When the pain became tolerable, she went on her way to the door and bent over the doorknob. Moving the flap that covered the lock, she dared to look.
“You can’t get very far, Marek.”
She could make out Libor Marek’s legs, limping rapidly out of reach of his pursuer. Another pair of legs appeared beside him and Marek halted.
“You’re a lunatic. All those weird herbs of yours can’t be doing you any good.” He lowered the volume of his voice as he stood in front of the door, yet the irritation was evident in his tone.
“I’m only going to ask you once...”
“You mean, ‘once more’...”
“I’m just saying, if you need painkillers for your leg, don’t steal ingredients. You can ask for them. I didn’t say anything the first time, but it’s getting repetitive.”
“Don’t get amiable with me, Jorgensen. I didn’t take anything from your stinking office. Maybe you should ask yourself who decided that poisoning teachers is the order of the day in entertainment.”
“Well, that would be perfect, wouldn’t it? You’d kill two birds with one stone. You never liked her."
Marek didn’t respond. His legs turned away from the potion teacher. Although he said one last sentence, Kate could only make out the word “cretin”.
Jorgensen stood in front of the door before turning around and walking away in the opposite direction.
Kate let out a long sigh and squeezed her wand more tightly. With a grimace, she lifted the latch of the door and pulled. She tiptoed out of the room, trying to avoid the heels of her boots to touch the floor, and slipped through the shadows. To the rest of the world, she had never been there.
She walked through the halls calmly and quietly. The floating candlesticks barely lit the way, enough to keep from tripping.
Darkness had never been a problem for her. In fact, it was preferable. Everything was different; the people seemed good, the problems insignificant, and the world was at peace.
However, everything was out of the ordinary now. Even the night could not avoid that feeling of being watched. There weren’t too many pictures on the walls, but if the stone had eyes, Kate was sure it would squint as she walked.
I’m not very good at this spy stuff, she thought. Suddenly the question she had asked Astrid Rhode on her first day echoed in her mind.
Why me?
I’d never get a clear answer from Dumbledore, that was clear. She could only resign herself to accepting her mission.
Before entering the infirmary, she sniffed the inside of her elbow and shirt collar, and when she saw that Astrid’s potion to eliminate odours had worked, she plastered her healing face on and opened the hospital wing’s doors.
 With the events of the past two weeks related to the herbology professor in mind, she went over to Flavia Hodges’ bed to review her status report. Just a few days before, Flavia suffered another accident; she rolled down the stairs in, what appeared to be, a moment of distraction on her part.
Poisoning. Unknown. Possible Weedosoros. (Symptoms: convulsions, foaming at mouth) - Antidote for common poisons. Effective.
Anxiety attack. - Calming draught. Effective.
Hip fracture- 3-4 days, Skele-gro. Effective.
Looking up from the paper, she observed how the teacher moved in a restless sleep. As she approached to blow out the candle on her bedside table, a hand grabbed her tightly at the wrist.
Professor Hodges took a deep breath; her eyes were wide open, and they looked at Kate with a horrified expression. With her free hand she gestured frantically, and her mouth opened and closed, trying to pronounce the words she so desperately wanted to convey.
“Professor Hodges, breathe with me.” Kate tried to get Flavia to compose herself, but she was getting more and more agitated.
Some sounds came out of her mouth, and Kate sat down on the bed.
“What do you want to tell me?” She put her hand on her forehead and didn’t need a thermometer to know that her temperature was not normal.
“I need help! Fever-reducing potion and... and more antidote!” She screamed over her shoulder, not caring if she woke up other patients.
Two mediwizards rushed to the cabinets to provide the necessary potions. Kate reached out her hand that wasn’t being squeezed by the teacher and flew a cloth hanging from a chair on the other side of the room.
“Aguamenti.” She mumbled. The cloth became wet in her hand, causing several drops of water to travel to her elbow. She placed the cloth on the teacher’s forehead, who winced at the contact.
The promised potions arrived quickly, and the three mediwizards set about healing their patient. Flavia resisted, squirming and holding Kate tighter and tighter.
“Ig...” She put her index finger just below her eye for a second before dropping her hand.
“You saw something. What did you see?” Kate insisted.
“Ig... ov...”
“I’ll give you what’s left of the calming draught.” Kate heard her partner say.
“There’s nothing left but that?”
“Don’t give her anything yet!” Kate interrupted. “Professor. Professor Hodges. Look at me. Do you mean that...”
Before she could finish the question, one of her companions raised Flavia’s head and made her drink from the bottle of the potion that would take effect in a few seconds.
Kate stood up and as she watched Flavia Hodges go into a deep sleep, two dots connected in her mind. It was possible, and almost certain, that Professor Hodges had had an encounter with the Death Eater Igor Karkarov, and that he was roaming the castle at that very moment.
[Part 8]
A/N. I took the liberty of writing the floo net system as I pleased. Did it sound like they were facetiming? Perhaps
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ingek73 · 4 years
Duchess Kate & William are threatening legal action against Tatler
May 31, 2020
By Kaiser
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So much for “stiff upper lip” royals and “never complain, never explain.” Apparently, it’s only biracial duchesses who must never, ever respond to false accusations or untrue reporting. Apparently, it’s only the height of scandal when Prince Harry and Meghan threaten media outlets with lawsuits (and follow through). When the white duchess does it, it’s merely a bold, righteous, feminist move, right? So it is with the Duchess of Cambridge and Tatler’s “Catherine the Great” cover story. It was supposed to be the centerpiece of a 2020 Embiggening Kate campaign. Instead, the piece was full of petty quotes and spilled tea, most of which made Kate look like a lazy, out-of-touch narcissist who thinks she’s working “as hard as a top CEO.” We still don’t know the extent to which Kate and the palace communications team worked with Tatler and/or authorized people around Kate to speak to Tatler. But now Kate and William are threatening to “take legal action” against Tatler:
“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are understood to be taking legal action against society bible Tatler magazine after it published a ‘string of lies’ about Kate. In a highly unusual move, the couple have sent legal letters to the magazine demanding its profile of the Duchess – headlined ‘Catherine the Great’ – be removed from the internet.
It comes after Kensington Palace issued a fiercely critical statement on last week’s article which it said contained a ‘swathe of inaccuracies and false representations’. The palace is particularly ‘furious’ about claims that Kate feels ‘exhausted and trapped’ by the increased workload following Harry and Meghan’s decision to step back. The Duke and Duchess are also said to be upset about criticism of her family, her children and her weight.
A Royal source told The Mail on Sunday: ‘That is such an extremely cruel and wounding barb. It’s disgusting. It’s sexist and woman-shaming at its very worst. The piece is full of lies. There is no truth to their claim that the Duchess feels overwhelmed with work, nor that the Duke is obsessed with Carole Middleton. It’s preposterous and downright wrong. The whole thing is class snobbery at its very worst. The stuff about [Kate's sister] Pippa is horrible. Tatler may think it’s immune from action as it’s read by the Royals and on every coffee table in every smart home, but it makes no difference. It’s ironic that the Royals’ favourite magazine is being trashed by them. The Duchess is a naturally shy woman who is doing her best.’
Tatler’s article also claims that Kate, 38, had a spat with Meghan Markle ahead of her wedding to Prince Harry in May 2018. It says the clash took place at a rehearsal two days before the big day and centred on whether Princess Charlotte and the other young bridesmaids should wear tights. Instead, The Mail on Sunday understands that the fall-out was over Meghan’s reaction to Kate’s request that the hem of Charlotte’s dress be lengthened. The resulting row left Kate in tears.
The Mail on Sunday understands that Tatler approached Kensington Palace in February to ask if Kate would pose for their cover or provide an exclusive cover photo. That request was politely declined and it is understood that Kensington Palace was not offered the chance to comment on the specific content of Ms Pasternak’s article. Tatler did not respond to a Mail on Sunday request for comment and Kensington Palace declined to comment.”
[from the Daily Mail]
As soon as the full Tatler piece began to pick up steam last Wednesday, I kept my eye on Tatler’s site – the link to the cover story was moved off Tatler’s front page, and they also removed it from their “Royals” section and “Duchess of Cambridge” section. But the link was still active, and people could still read the full piece on the site, it was just difficult to access just by navigating the Tatler site. The fact that Tatler was making it more difficult to find the article was a signal to me that there was a lot of screaming and foot-stomping happening at Kensington Palace and a lot of calls and threats were being made, even as early as Wednesday.
I also think it’s notable that William & Kate aren’t exactly promising to sue. Look at the wording – “understood to be taking legal action” and “the couple have sent legal letters to the magazine demanding its profile of the Duchess… be removed from the internet.” Right now they’re just hoping the threat of legal action will be enough to censor an unflattering article, an article which they likely approved of in the early stages. I’m reminded of how William made similar threats last year around American and British reporting of the Rose Hanbury-affair story, claiming that his human rights were being violated (lol). The palace even “applied pressure” to Giles Coren for TWEETING about the affair.
It’s also worth noting that with every denial or threat from the palace, there’s a recitation of the “Meghan made Kate cry” story and some kind of added clarification of that. Which just goes along with my theory that Kate originally wanted the Tatler story to focus on throwing Meghan under the bus yet again. The point of it was to reiterate that Meghan Made Kate Cry (For Reasons). It’s also worth noting that Kate couldn’t care less about correcting anything regarding Meghan or how the Cambridges treated the Sussexes. All Kate is mad about is how Tatler made fun of HER. Also: “The Duchess is a naturally shy woman who is doing her best.” Can we all come together and stop infantalizing Kate?
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vanilla107 · 6 years
Golden Hour
GUESS WHAT? I FELL INTO ANOTHER FANDOM. YAY. It was the Life is Strange game that made me freaking weep my eyes out and I played it while my exams are three weeks away (it was such a horrible idea but I have no regrets).  This fanfic is in honour of the Life is Strange week! Day 2: Favourite ship: Pricefield. A huge thank you to @max-cauliflower for hosting this week! I wasn’t sure if there would still be any fans because I played the game recently but I was wrong! Thank you!
Like a dumbass, I got the days mixed up thinking that the week only started on Monday and not on Sunday, so I still need to do my favourite character but here's my contribution for now! I hope you all like it! (Remember comments and kudos keep my fire going so if you want to see more leave a comment!)
Stay healthy! vanilla107 xoxo
Read on AO3
Summary: Max Caulfield is exhausted after a long day and arriving back home is always the best medicine.
Especially if that medicine is her gorgeous blue-haired girlfriend.
Max Caulfield sighed heavily as she unlocked her apartment door and walked in. She put down her camera on the hall stand and stretched, her aching muscles finally finding relief. She immediately took off her black kitten heels and walked to the bedroom to change into more comfier clothes. She changed out of her formal wear and put on a pair of grey shorts and a pink graphic tee before walking to the kitchen.
It had been a long day of taking photos for her latest gallery showing, meeting up with a client who wanted a commission and finally meeting up for tea with Kate Marsh, a close friend from high school, and her latest project as she was in charge of taking photos for her bestselling children's’ books. The twenty-seven year old smiled as she remembered the good memories she had with Kate when they were together as she got a packet of biscuits from the cupboard. She arranged the biscuits on a plate and made a cup of tea.
While the kettle boiled she hummed one of the indie songs she had stuck in her head and once the water had boiled she prepared the tea and walked out of the kitchen. She walked into the tastefully decorated lounge area, a palette of cream and dark reds, and spotted the person she had been looking forward to seeing ever since she left their apartment that morning. Chloe Price, her partner in crime and her girlfriend, was sitting at their dining table, her face screwed up in concentration, as she typed on her laptop.
After graduating from Blackwell at the age of twenty, she stuck around for a while, waitressing with Joyce around the Two Whales and occasionally visiting her parents back in Seattle. Max stayed because of Chloe. Chloe was never really the same after the storm. She seemed deep in thought at times, thought before she spoke (at least to Joyce, David and a few friends. Assholes still got a Chloe beat-down) and somehow cherished life a little more.
She still smoked, had the blue hair and piercings but she seemed a little happier. She visited Rachel’s grave every weekend and Max would accompany her to lay down flowers. Then Chloe would catch up Rachel on all the things she did that week. Max dd find it odd at first but she realised that Chloe was trying to find closure. Max found it strange that Chloe, who wanted to leave Arcadia Bay the second she got the opportunity, stayed longer than she had thought. Eventually the day came.
“Max, let’s go.”
Max didn’t need any more clarification because those words held depth and she just knew that they needed a new change of scenery.
Leaving Arcadia Bay at the age of twenty one, Max never thought Chloe would go back to her old science loving self. Max remembered how much Chloe loved science when they were younger and how she had been a straight A student but after William dying, her expulsion from Blackwell and Rachel going missing, it looked impossible. But after spending some time working at bars in Portland, Chloe had decided she wanted to study again and go into science.
Part of it was so that she didn’t have to rely on Max constantly to pay rent but the other part was for herself. She liked working at the bars because watching people get drunk was fun but she wanted to do something she loved, and her love was science. It had been a hectic few months with Chloe studying to get her school-leaving certificate.
Mr Wells, surprisingly enough, allowed her to write her final exams and Max couldn’t help but feel a burst of happiness when she saw her girlfriend with the certificate. Joyce was already balling her eyes out with David looking prouder than ever. Chloe then moved onto studying full time with the help of a scholarship (Max actually cried when they received the news) and after a few years, she was now part of a team of research scientists, working on different projects on environmental sustainability.
Her girlfriend donned a black blazer, which was now hanging behind her chair, a white shirt, matching black formal pants and high heeled boots. Max smiled a small smile because of the sharp contrast of Chloe’s light blue hair, her tattoos, piercings and her brash attitude with her work attire. Max remembered being a little worried about Chloe’s first day at work since she was working in such a huge corporation and looking professional was valued highly.
“Max, I will be fine. If they can’t see my intelligence through my tattoos and hair then this company is not worth it,” Chloe said as she buttoned up her shirt.
“But this job could change everything-”
“-Max. I know that you want the best but if I want to be happy, I want to do it my way.”
Max swallowed her worries and sighed, “I just...I don’t know…”
“Max, do you love me? For everything I am?”
The photographer’s eyes widened.
“Yes, you know that.”
“Do you want me to change?”
“Do you think I should change for some company?”
Max hesitated and smiled.
“Hell no.”
Chloe had pressed a long kiss to her lips and Max felt her insides light up.
“Looks like we have our answer.”
She had gotten a few odd looks when she walked into the company building and she had been underestimated at her first meeting when a colleague of hers tried to humiliate her with his knowledge of sustainable energy. Chloe, controlling her temper, used her wit and debunked his whole presentation in front of the CEO. She had been assigned a new project immediately, which was a bit daunting being thrown into the deep end so quickly, but Chloe came back home that day with a smile on her face and a week later she had been promoted. Chloe had been working for them for a few months now.
Max knew that Chloe had had a meeting that morning and judging from Chloe’s facial expression, she was getting frustrated. Chloe sighed heavily and closed the laptop. That was when Max walked over and offered her tea and biscuits.
“Max, can you believe that there are people out in the world who think climate change doesn’t exist?” Chloe murmured as she blew her tea and took an eager sip.
“Let me guess, Mr. Conners and Miss Gillin?” Max asked as she gently touched Chloe’s cheek.
“The same fuckers,” Chloe groaned and took a long sip of her tea. “I don’t know why they want to invest in a project that freaking prevents climate change when they don’t even believe in it! It’s bullshit! I mean hello? I swear I don’t see why the company doesn’t fire them!”
“Hey, you’re gonna burn yourself if you drink too fast!” Max warned and Chloe gave her an infamous ‘Chloe’ grin.
“Live life on the edge, Super Max. Now, please drag me away from my laptop before I send a very strongly worded email to Conners and Gillin explaining that they’re fucking idiots and probably got their degrees through cheating.”
Max laughed and lead Chloe away from the desk and they collapsed onto the leather couch. Even though Chloe was the taller one in their relationship, Max liked wrapping her body around Chloe. It made her feel solid and almost acted like an anchor because as long as Chloe was in her arms, nothing could take Chloe away from her.
Max cradled her girlfriend's body and gently ran her fingers through her hair. Chloe’s body instantly relaxed and shifted her body so that not all of her weight was pressing onto Max. Chloe closed her eyes and savoured the moment, the smell of softness and warmth enveloping her. She heard Max’s breathing relax and she could tell that she had fallen asleep. Chloe smiled as she listened to the slow heartbeat.
Max had woken up a few minutes later to find her girlfriend facing her and stroking her cheek with the goofiest smile on her face. Their apartment was had floor to ceiling windows, making the rays of the setting sun cast a golden glow on them. Chloe looked like an angel in the light, her blue eyes radiating and her skin glowing.
“This is called Golden Hour right?”
Chloe smiled and nodded before giving Chloe the softest kiss on the nose.
“It’s...wow…I mean it feels like something magical is supposed to happen.”
Max sighed in content and brushed a stray hair from her face.
“Chloe?” Max whispered.
“Hmmm?” Chloe hummed as she looked at the sunset.
“I love you.”
Chloe chuckled but the blush was undeniable as she turned to face her. “I’d be worried if you didn’t, Max....I love you too which is why....”
Chloe sat up straight and retrieved an object from her pocket. Max raised an eyebrow curiously and propped herself up to make herself comfortable. Chloe opened up the velvet box to reveal a glittering silver ring.
“Max Caulfield, will you do me the honour of being my partner in crime and in time for the rest of my life?”
Max felt her hands fly up to her face and she covered her mouth in shock. She stared at the ring and felt tears in her eyes.
Was Chloe being real?
“Babe, please don’t cry,” Chloe smiled and wiped away the tears.
“It’s not you-” Max tried to explain but burst into tears and Chloe was a little taken aback.
Dammit! I know the love of your life can cry when proposed to but full on sobbing? Is that normal?
“Max...if you’re not ready…”
“No! It’s not that!” Max yelled but she grasped Chloe’s hands tightly and tried to calm down.
“I just...Chloe when I...when I first got my rewind powers...you kept dying...and...and there were times when I thought, ‘Damn am I just supposed to loose my best friend in every reality? That can’t be? It’s too fucking unfair.’”
Chloe embraced the trembling photographer and rubbed her back soothingly.
“I tried so hard to save you and...and...when I had to choose between you and Arcadia Bay I...I felt so selfish at first because people did die. But I needed you and I didn’t want to lose you ever again.”
 Max took in a deep breath.
 “Which is why I wanted to get out of Arcadia Bay so badly after the storm. I couldn’t handle anymore close calls and damn I was pissed at you for wanting to stay longer but....but I understood your reasons. You needed closure with Rachel and Nathan and I just...I just couldn’t lose you again. I...I didn’t think this day would ever happen,” Max swallowed and watched Chloe take the ring out of the box and slip it on her left hand.
“Well, it’s happening now Super Max….but you haven’t answered my question. Be my partner in crime and in time for the rest of our lives, forever and always?” Chloe sniffed as she looked at the ring and smiled through the tears.
“Yes. Yes, it would make me the happiest girl alive to be your partner in time and in crime for the rest of my life. I love you Chloe Price.”
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Chapter Eleven
Authors note: Soooo soooo sorry about the wait! I ended up in hospital from dehydration because of the food poisoning I had and other issues because sometimes I’m not very good at being an adult and don’t take care of myself. Thanks for your patience and enjoy! :)
Later that day Harry was also preparing himself for what he was sure would be an unpleasant conversation. Both his father and his brother had been calling him all morning enquiring about Everly. His father was more annoyed that his name was being dragged through the papers again whereas Will was mostly hurt that Harry hadn't told him he was seeing someone. His father had instructed him to come over for dinner to discuss the matter and Will invited himself and Kate along to give his two cents as well.
“You're in big trouble,” William said with a soft smile as he opened the door for Harry once he arrived at his father's place.
“Oh shut up, Will,” Harry rolled his eyes. “There's really no reason I should be.”
“I'm not so sure,” William informed him. “Apparently Pa forbid this relationship years ago, he's less than impressed that you went ahead with it anyway.”
“He forbid it when I was a teenager and he actually had some say in my life,” Harry pointed out. “I'm an adult now and we're both very different people than we were back then.”
“I still can't believe you didn't tell me about her,” William playfully pouted, but there was real hurt behind his words and Harry felt a twinge of guilt. “Is it a serious thing?”
“Yeah, it is,” Harry nodded. “It's been two months now and I really care for her.”
“Well good luck explaining that one to Pa,” William said, patting his shoulder before he led him into the living room where Charles, Kate and Camillia were seated.
“The guest of honour has arrived!” Kate teased from her spot on the couch closest to the door.
Harry rolled his eyes yet again, but leaned in to kiss her cheek in greeting.
“You can be quiet, I've heard it from Will already,” He told her. “But you look well tonight, much better than the last time I saw you. Are you feeling better?”
“Much better, thank you,” She smiled. “This baby's been nothing, but trouble though.”
“It'll only get worse once it's born,” Harry reminded her as Charles cleared his throat. “Sorry, Pa. Eager to yell at me, are you?”
“I'm not going to yell,” Charles said sternly. “I just want to know what on earth you're thinking.”
Harry took a seat on the opposite end of the couch to his sister-in-law, facing his father.
“I'm thinking that I met someone who makes me happy and I want to be with her.” Harry explained simply.
“But things were just starting to go well for you, Harry,” Charles resisted. “People were finally starting to take you seriously and respect the work that you're doing and then you go and start flouncing around with a drug addict!”
Harry tensed at his father's words feeling protective of Everly who wasn't there to defend herself.
“She isn't a drug addict,” Harry informed him. “In fact she's never even done anything stronger than marijuana which she only did when she was a teenager to make her father mad.”
“I see why you two get along,” Will chimed in earning himself a dirty look from his brother and his father.
“How can you be so sure, son?” Charles questioned. “She was heavily involved with a very bad crowd for a very long time.”
“Only because she was stuck there with no where to go,” Harry pointed out. “She was being horribly abused, it wasn't a situation she wanted to be in nor is it one that she is proud of being in.”
“Well whether she wanted to be there or not, she's earned herself a reputation. The people don't like her and if you continue to associate with her then it'll drag your name down as well.”
“People don't like her because they've made assumptions about her much like the ones you've obviously made as well,” Harry said, his voice raising as his frustrations grew. “She made a few bad choices and she'll be the first to admit it, but she's more than suffered the consequences and she deserves a fresh start. The press are cruel and badly informed and I thought that people in this family would be the first to understand that.”
“This isn't about her,” Charles insisted. “I feel for the girl. I know she's been through some terrible things, but that isn't your problem and her reputation will damage yours.”
“It is my problem,” Harry argued. “Because I care about her and I'm not going to turn my back on her because the press and some people in our country have misjudged her.”
“I just don't want to see all your hard work be tainted by a woman,” Charles sighed. “I want what's best for you.”
“She's what's best for me,” Harry said confidently. “How would you feel if the bad choices I made when I was young or even just the bad choice I made that had naked pictures of me on the front cover of the Sun was what defined me? If everyone saw me as the “party prince” for the rest of my life no matter what I did to show them that I wasn't like that anymore?”
“I would be angry and frustrated that they weren't giving you the credit that you deserve,” Charles resigned after a moment of hesitation.
“Well that's what they're doing to her,” Harry shrugged. “They have this image of her when she was a wild child teenager and even after all she's been through they won't change how they see her.”
“But putting the press aside,” William cut in. “Do you really think it's a good idea getting involved with someone who's been through what she's been through? That's a lot to take on, it's bound to be emotionally draining and difficult for you.”
“I already have taken it on. We've been together for two months now and there have been some challenges along the way,” Harry admitted. “There's little things that happen or things I do that remind her of what her ex-boyfriend did to her and it's hard, but she's opened up to me about everything that happened to her and we work through it.”
“But wouldn't it be easier to just find someone without all that baggage?”
Harry scowled at William for even asking such a question.
“Everyone has baggage. And people pushing her aside because they couldn't be bother to help her with her problems is what gave her so much baggage in the first place,” Harry told them. “Her mom died not long before the night we met at the banquet, but her dad never bothered to help her through it. He threw himself into his career and left her to cope all by herself. Losing mum was hard enough, wasn't it, Will? Can you imagine how we would have felt if we had no one to support us while we were grieving?”
William nodded in understanding as a quiet gasp came from Camilla.
“Oh, I didn't know her mother died. I thought her parents were just divorced,” She said, her voice full of sympathy.
“See? There's a lot that people don't know about her, but they make all these assumptions about who she is when they don't even know her.” Harry said, shaking his head. “I appreciate your concern for my reputation and I'm sorry that I'm putting our family in the spotlight in an unflattering way once again, but I know what I'm doing this time. Everly's a wonderful person and I'm not going to turn my back on her because other people can't see that.”
There was a moment of silence in the room as they all mulled over what Harry had said and to everyone's surprise, it was Kate who spoke up first.
“I think Harry's right.”
“You do?” Harry asked, surprised that one of them had come around so fast.
“I do,” Kate repeated. “I know you've made a few mistakes, but generally you're a good judge of character and the press are absolutely not so it's unfair of us to take their word over yours.”
“I would have to agree,” Camilla nodded. “The press said quite a lot of awful things about me not that long ago, but that didn't stop us from being together, Charles, or stop your family being welcoming of me. And I must say, Harry, you seem very smitten with this young woman.”
Harry grinned, knowing that if he'd won over the women in the room then his brother and father would soon follow.
“I am,” Harry agreed. “She's honestly wonderful and she's not the only one with baggage. I have plenty of my own and she's been there for me. I've spoken to her countless times about losing mum and going to Afghanistan, she's helped me just as much as I help her.”
“Where did you even meet her?” Charles asked, exasperatedly as he sensed he was fighting a losing battle.
“At a bar,” Harry admitted. “The one she works in actually. I was looking for a quiet place to have a drink when I came home and the media got to be too much and I just happened to pick the one she works in.”
“Well that's a classy job,” Charles scoffed earning a look from his wife.
“It's a perfectly respectable job, Pa,” Harry defended her.
“It seems like your mind is already made up so if you know what you're getting into then you have my support,” William conceded. “But do we at least get to meet her to see if she's as amazing as you claim she is?”
Harry sighed and leaned back into the couch, feeling more relaxed now he wasn't on the defensive quite as much.
“I would love to introduce you,” Harry confessed. “But I don't even know what's going on with us now or where we'll be going from here.”
“What do you mean?” Kate asked, her concern evident as she noticed the sad shift in his body language.
“She got very upset this morning,” Harry elaborated. “She was in a proper panic about everything, but her father kept calling her and she left to go explain things to him before we got a chance to speak about it.”
“They were saying some awful things about the poor girl,” Camilla said, shaking her head with disgust for the press.
“They were and she's been trying to lay low since her ex-boyfriend's trial ended, she wanted to get out of the spotlight and away from their abuse so I'm worried that she won't be willing to deal with again and it's unfortunately an unavoidable part of being my girlfriend.”
“So you're here defending your relationship by saying you'd stand by her no matter what, but you're not even sure if she can deal with a few nasty comments?” Charles asked, trying to get things straight and still unsure of this woman his son seemed to care about so much.
“We all know it's more than a few nasty comments,” Harry pointed out. “And I know she feels the same way about our relationship that I do, but it's only been a few months since she was being trashed in the papers for being a victim of some horrible abuse. I would understand if she couldn't stand to go through that again so soon.”
Harry's stomach turned as he said those words. He'd been so busy worrying about how Everly was feeling and how his family would react to the whole situation that he hadn't thought about what would happen next. He would understand if she couldn't handle it and he wouldn't hold it against her, but that didn't mean he wouldn't be quite devastated himself.
“Have you heard from her since this morning?” Kate asked, her voice laced with sympathy once again.
“No, I haven't,” Harry admitted, shaking his head. “I sent her a text, but she hasn't answered. I know she doesn't get along with her father though so I would assume their conversation this morning didn't go well. I figure I'll give her some space then reach out again tomorrow.”
A silence fell amongst the group as they mulled over what they'd been told until Charles broke the quiet with a sigh.
“Well, son,” He started, looking defeated, but still very reluctant. “Once you speak with her and know if there is a future for your relationship, you should bring her round for tea. It's only fair that we give this young lady an honest chance.”
“Great!” He smiled as relief that he'd won his family's approval, at least for now, washed over him. “Now, I believe I was lured here with the promise of dinner. Shall we eat?”
There was a chorus of laughter at Harry's less than subtle changing of the subject, but Charles nodded in agreement and stood to lead the family to the dining room.
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