#‘. 001 kavexis
lexisism · 3 months
With any of your selfships or even with all of em!! <33
masquerade AU: who is the generous host of the ball? who is the mysterious guest? give one headcanon about you and your f/o’s relationship in this AU!
bartender AU: who’s the hard working bartender? who’s the regular who’s had a string of bad luck? give one headcanon about you and your f/o’s relationship in this AU!
angel and demon AU: who is an angel? who is a demon? give one headcanon about you and your f/o’s relationship in this AU!
masquerade au
🦢🏛️ — kaveh as the guest, alexis is the host! kaveh i don’t think has enough money to host one hshshsh… (he also barely had enough to even afford an outfit to go) love you baby…
one headcanon — despite alexis being the one to take notice and interest to this mysterious guest who lights up everything he touches, kaveh is the one who gets flustered by it. interrogator x flustered by it is real, the dance goes crazy…!!!
🦢💭 — aléxios is the guest, veritas is the host! veritas didn’t even invite aléxios, they just showed up.
one headcanon — while familiar, they don’t recognize eachother. classic trope of enemies who kiss not knowing who the other is, complimenting eachother not knowing who it is they are complimenting. aléxios is actually the one to find out its veritas, and after they leave without a goodbye, not able to stay knowing they just kissed him… cue cinderella esc plot where veritas wants to find the person they didn’t get the name of before they left.
bartender au
🦢🏛️ — kaveh as the regular, alexis as the bartender, though is that really a surprise? <3
one headcanon — after his first couple visits, kaveh had started coming by more often just to talk. and when he drinks a bit too much is quite clingy and starved for affection. at one point he almost started an argument with another client cause’ he assumed they were flirting with her haha 😭.
🦢💭 — veritas as the regular, aléxios as the bartender. i know this may be surprising, but i think its specific uni veritas with all the academic stress.
one headcanon — veritas argues with them when sober, but still always shows up to see them after a stressful day. when he passes out from exhaustion or having a bit too much to drink, aléxios brings them back behind the bar; keeps him comfortable. Keeping an eye on him while they close up.
angel / demon au
🦢🏛️ — alexis as an angel, kaveh as a fallen angel. I can’t see either of us as demons… but I can see kaveh falling from heaven cause alcoholism is traditionally seen as “sinful.”
one headcanon — extremely close when in heaven, and after kaveh had fallen and became “ mortal “ alexis would become his guardian angel of sorts and watch over him keeping him safe …
🦢💭 — veritas as the angel, aléxios as a demon. Veritas with his rule-abiding, respectful demeanour works well for a high rank angel position, while aléxios’ more mischievous and free attitude is more of demonic nature.
one headcanon — aléxios takes great pleasure in ruining veritas work, and making it more difficult for him by possessing mortals or creating chaos. Veritas the first couple times tried to exterminate them, but later on had begun to miss and worry whenever aléxios did not show up to bother him.
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lexisism · 3 months
🥰 😡 🌦️ ❤️ 💞 ☕️ & 🛌 w/ both verily & kavexis ^^
TY FOR ALL THE QUESTIOJS MI LOVE 🥰: How would someone who loved you portray you? 
— genshin : probably a tragic comfort character? ^^ a hopeless lonely romantic, ADHD representation and someone they can relate to in that aspect.
— star rail : tragic art piece full of references and appreciation. A good representation of how grief feels and looks like as well as well as mature.
😡: How would someone who hated you portray you? 
— genshin : annoying, loud, adhd toxic stereotypes tbh. Clingy and desperate too probably… Also probably poke fun at issues.
— star rail : childish, immature, hot-headed and narrow-minded. Annoying, rude, also fake asf 💀
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
— genshin : hurt / comfort. I can’t lean on one because I’m definitely feeling both. though, since in general my genshin s/I is a reflection of my healing process, it would be a lot of hurt then being comforted. ( “just let her be happy!!” )
— star rail : oh for SURE angst! I mean alexios is canonically dead and most of their friendships to the audience seem one-sided. There’s a lot of angst you can do with both their relationships, thoughts of their death, how the death actually played out, aftermath. But I also think there’s some fluff stuff defying canon LMAO!! ( actor au )
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair? 
— genshin : definitely assuming we are not already together, I think we’d be pretty popular? While definitely not above haikaveh, I’m really the only other Kaveh ship focused on? People live for parallels, and working through trauma we share is delicious ship content.
— star rail : rare pair! There’s a shit ton of reading between the lines, hidden analysis, and side stories to get content of it, alexios / veritas are not handfed to the audience so much! The avid lore readers are the main ones into it., also overshadowed by ratiorine .
Pain of self shipping with two of the most popular pairings (good thing I love both characters in these pairings) LMAO
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why? 
— genshin : there’s so many character options, thinking Childe just because we’re both from snezhnaya, and it could create a juicy plot, or alhaitham cuz of the brain x heart stuff. Expanding on alhaitham I think of being an extension to Haikaveh.
— star rail : sampo / sparkle for delicious masked fools x mourning actors crossover.. or aventurine (ratiorine extension?) because he’s the most outwardly close, and there’s a good parallel as well. (Trailblazer too cause’ they are also one of the only people to outwardly care)
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
— genshin : healing !! Over coming our shared trauma together and ridding the loneliness through each other. Also random domestic stuff, and creating a pattern, a life with one another
— star rail : between alexios and veritas specifically I think it’s grief, and how veritas handles the death. A very character study couple. Similarly I think there’s a lot of “what if” fanfics. 
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship? 
— genshin : hurt/comfort, dorks in love, love at first sight, pining, -au, old married couple, tooth rotting fluff
— star rail : hurt/no comfort, enemies to lovers, canon major character death, arranged marriage, unrequited love
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lexisism · 3 months
🌸 sakura — what's your favorite thing about them?
💘 heart with arrow — what's the closest you've ever gotten to confessing?
🌷 tulip — do you know their favorite flower? if so, what is it? if not, what flower(s) would you give them?
✏️ pencil — have you ever drawn them? what about you together?
🖼️ picture — what's your favorite picture of them?
With all of your selfships pls or or with any ya would like 🥹🫶💕
w / kavexis since i answered some of them for verali already ^^
🌸 — mnnnn…. his eyes, his hair, his smile, his pure heart, his empathetic nature, talent, love, laugh… ugh I can’t choose one i’m sorry ><‘’’ kaveh is just soo perfect…
💘 — embarrassingly its through flowers… red chrysanthemums, and red tulips… he knows I study flower language, but before we could discuss anything i shoved it in his arms and ran away like a pussy TT… he did tell me afterwards he understood but only thought of it as a misunderstanding TT….
🌷 — crown imperials! ( irl mourning flowers - genshin ) he loves the colors of them and they remind him of his mum! < 3 his second favorite are chrysanthemums… specifically the orange ones!
✏️ — ><…. i.. have..!!! i have drawn little doodles of us holding hands.. and his smile… childish i know, but its comforting.. he’s very comforting to draw…!!
🖼️ — one a photographer took of us without us knowing.. we were playing, or moreso dancing, in the water together alongside the beach and the sun was setting, and one of the local photographers said it was a beautiful sight… he gave us the photo afterward… kaveh has painted that same photo… its a very beautiful photo of us. as so an individual photo? well don’t tell him, but its a photo of him on his work desk asleep ><.. he looked so soft and pretty!!
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lexisism · 3 months
sweet bb !!!
🌱 sprout — what's your relationship with them right now? acquaintances, friends? rivals, enemies? strangers?
🐶 puppy — is your crush on them obvious? how do you act around them?
🫧 bubbles — who all knows about your crush on them? what do they think about it?
🎶 music notes — how does their voice sound?
with any of ur selfships ! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
hehe 🤍 tysm for the questions cutie 🤍 imma answer with pre-relationship Kavexis!
🌱 — I’d like to think friends ,, we don’t talk all too often but when we do I think we both have a good time… I know I do ,^^
🐶 — oh it’s so obvious ><,,, I’m caught staring at his beautiful face so often,,, and I’m a lot more chatty and flustered around him! It’s kinda embarrassing how often I stumble my words or get flustered from simple acts !! ?~?
🫧 — I’m quite sure anyone who has seen me around him probably knows… except him T~T not only do I talk about him all the time but I’m quite loud about my affections through both touch and words… he can’t tell it’s not a joke yet though…
🎶 — like a sweet dream, I swear he speaks and suddenly all my pain and troubles goes away, his voice sweeps me off my feet all the time… man it’s so nice to listen too… embarrassingly but sometimes I get distracted in convos cause I’m just holding onto how he pronounces each word that falls off his tongue… ahhh,,, sorry I’m rambling again ><
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