#‘[muttering out of side of mouth] also..if you didnt know…..’
sallymew4 · 22 days
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EVERYBODY SHUT UP IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#the teru & reigen virus can attack at any time.#over the most miniscule things at that.#IVE CONSIDERED THE POSSIBILITY OF THEM BOTH LIKING IT BEFORE. BECAUSE OF REIGEN’S. TASTE IN MOVIES#BUT. AHHHHH!!!!! HAHGHHHGHG!!!!!!!!!!!#its REAL#teru finding reigen’s fdp poster. barely restraining his overjoyed wonder that someone else enjoys something niche he enjoys#teru in his most normalest voice ever: oh wow you like this movie too? what a coincidence! [jittering so bad he might burst]#the teru&reigen movie lineup must he INSANE#be*#i need to make a fic right now (is about to go to sleep)#the possibilities. (<-is insane and crazy and insatiable)#flashback to the flying dead pig comic. tear streaks down cheek#I COULD SENSE THE ENERGY FROM A MILE AWAY. CANNOT HIDE FROM ME#i think reigen would enjoy having someone to talk crappy movies with. but teru would genuinely love them i think so reigen would have to#tread lightly while speaking about them#reigen: yeah the direction in this movie was totally messy#teru concealing biggest saddest frown ever: it is just creative. you dont know a goddamn thing#reigen would not hide his truths [emoji] but he would pity the boy#teru&reigen seventeen hour discussion about old obscure movies (NO SURVIVORS RITSU CAUGHT IN THE BLAST AND KILLED)#im sick#i also love how this trivia is worded. its very deliberate if you get what i mean#‘[muttering out of side of mouth] also..if you didnt know…..’#its a fun piece of factoid to share. and i. i really. im im teally. i jsut . i am telaly gals thhat they worded it aaid ltit like thaey did.#THIS IS SUXH NOTHINGBURGER. IM SORRY#dude this is why i have the teru reigen family album. im desperate for the smallest of morsels. just a CRUMBBB PLEAAASE#GHHAHAHEHEHAJA !!!!! HHHRHEGEGAHAHS S AAWWHHHH AHHHHBABHAHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHH!!! RRRRAGHSHHAAAGAGEGGEHHRHRH#mob psycho 100#mp100#teruki hanazawa#reigen arataka
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amsznn · 4 months
Please I’m begging u could you write Chris x reader when reader gets wisdom teeth out. Pet names only baby
WISDOM TEETH - c.sturniolo
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“todays video is gonna be a bit different guys.” chris spoke into the camera before turning it to you, revealing you leaning on the kitchen counter. “y/n’s gonna get her wisdom teeth out!” your head quickly shifted towards the mention of ‘wisdom teeth’, unfortunately being reminded of what will be your reality in a matter of moments.
“chris stop, she’s literally fearing for her life right now.” nick said while laughing. “don’t worry y/n, its not that bad.” he said while patting your shoulder.
“i dont think i wanna go anymore.” you said quickly as you remembered how much pain nick was in while he was recovering.
“it’s gonna be alright baby, we’ll be right there.” chris reassures as he wrapped his shoulder around you, still holding the camera.
it took some convincing, and maybe some bribery from your boyfriend to get you food after the procedure, to finally convince you to get in the car and go through with getting your teeth pulled out. you had been in pain for a long time, complaining about the pain the teeth were causing you.
chris knew this and knew the best thing for you was to get them out. now you all were packed in the car with matt and chris in the front, while you and nick were in the back.
occasionally chris would reach behind his chair and allow you to hold his hand for some time. he knew as you were trying to appear calm and collected, your mind was actually racing.
but that feeling would only intensify as matt pulled into the parking lot of the dentist office. you did all the regulations upon entering the building, signing in, and waiting.
before you knew it you were in the chair, about to get those teeth pulled out.
“promise, you’ll stay?” you turned over to chris, watching him with pleading eyes as he grasped your hand in his.
a couple of hours passed and you were finally off of the operating table. drowsy and unaware of where you were.
“where..where am i?” you spoke. you realized there was a strange feeling in your mouth. “waths in my mouf?!” you quickly tried to take out whatever it was from your mouth before chris stopped you.
“y/n, you need those in there baby.”
confusion took over for the rest of the day as your boyfriend completed the rest of the paper work and walked you out to the car where matt and nick were waiting.
“sooo..how’d it go?” nick asked amused as he saw your state. “nick, sit in the front i wanna sit with y/n.” chris said as he opened your side of the car door. you almost face planted as you got in but nick was quick to balance you before moving to the front seat.
chris didn’t feel like filming on the way back home since he’s sure you would kill him if he ever uploaded a video of you in this state. blabbering on and on about nothing that made sense while also questioning everything and anything.
“chrissy…why are there three of you.” you pouted before poking your boyfriend’s face, the reaching to poke matt and nick’s face as well. matt swatted your hand away and scolded you since he’s driving.
“why are you yelling at me?” you frowned at matt who you thought was chris before saying, “im breaking up with you!”
chris could only laugh at your antics causing his brothers to join in as well.
“y/n that’s matt.” he softly said while caressing your shoulder.
you made an ‘o’ shape with your mouth in realization, and muttered and apology to matt for threatening him.
you all made it back home, with chris carrying you to your shared room. as soon as he set you down on the bed it was lights out for you. immediately falling asleep in your boyfriend’s bed. he smiled as he moved his face in front of yours, softly giving you a kiss on the forehead, trying not to wake you up.
“i love you, y/n.” chris whispered, to which he got a snore in response. but thats all he needed. he knew you loved him just as much.
a/n: sorry i didnt know how to end it but i hope you enjoyed!
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k-hotchoisan · 9 months
Alright, enough of San for now, I know some of y’all hotteoks are hungry for some Yuyu so I’m serving it on silver platter for you guys 🥳😛🩷
As always, enjoy! 🩷
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golden retriever
<Yunho x fem!reader>
Synopsis: “Do you get jealous?” You ask your partner one day. Well, you were about to find out.
Genre/warnings: dom & possessive!Yunho, dirty talk, slight degradation, oral (m & f receive), unprotected sex, cumming on face, cum eating, orgasms
@bro-atz @diamond-3 @mcarebearsstuff @choisansplushie @pre1ttyies @hwallazia @songmingisthighs
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Golden Retriever.
That’s what everyone seems to associate Yunho as—loyal, considerate, funny and especially so loving. You felt it first hand, even before the both of you officially started dating—him constantly making sure you were comfortable in a room full of mostly men (his friends).
And when the both of you became official, he let you do whatever you wanted—mostly with his arms constantly around you, and you chalking it off as him being clingy. Well, he is known well to be very affectionate, not that you were complaining, and he doesn’t get upset easily, at least, that’s what it seemed.
He was definitely a giver, and he’d cross over the fucking oceans to make sure you were content.
People have different sides to them, that was a fact you knew clear as day. But such a soft person like Yunho, definitely had another side to him right?
“Do you get jealous?” You ask out of the blue. Yunho blinks at your question, wondering what to even reply to that.
You’ve asked all his friends, and they were all pretty adamant that he’s not a jealous lover. It still did not deter you from poking the bear.
And you definitely got your answer when his demeanour completely changes at the sight of another fuckin male trying to talk to you. It started off as ogling your body from a distance. At first Yunho brushes it off—he’s being held hostage by Mingi at the moment near the bar. He doesn’t shift when the male strikes up a conversation.
Yunho simply watches you attempt to entertain this sorry excuse of a person.
And he slams the glass whiskey glass (god knows how it didn’t break) when he notices the way the male is brushing his fingers on your shoulder, and Mingi only surprises a smirk as he watches your boyfriend intercept the failure of an interaction this male tried to initiate.
You jolt slightly at Yunho’s sudden touch on your waist but for some fuck ass reason, introduce the male to Yunho, who apparently was your friend. Yunho barely keeps his face poker, forcing smiles while the male who Yunho does not even bother remembering his name continues to yaps his fucking head off.
Yunho’s annoyed. And he’s never really felt annoyed often.
The fact that you’re completely oblivious to it all makes all the more astounding, especially when your friend had almost touched your arm up while he was laughing away, and Yunho’s arms wrapped around you in the guise of pulling you away, which you thought was nothing more than just a gesture of affection from Yunho.
Half way through his yapping, Yunho, at the peak of his irritation cuts him off, telling you that he has to rush back for an important show he’s catch up on. A blatant lie that you or your friend never caught on.
Oh, but you soon do, when you reach home with Yunho and he has you carried bridal style right into the fucking bedroom.
Yunho has you sprawled on the bed, his fingers wasting no time to tug your bottoms off—including your panties. He’s in a rush to strip you bare for him. Your breathing is jagged despite you trying to calm yourself. Yunho’s lips are burning against your skin as he trails his lips from your sternum till he reaches your hips.
“Pretty curves. So perfect for me”, he murmurs, pressing soft kisses against your skin after every word that leaves his lips. Gasps escape your lips every time you feel him suck against your skin, leaving pretty love bites to bloom in his wake.
“Yu-“, you try, but you’re immediately cut off when he plants another hickey on your hips, a soft groan replacing what you wanted to say.
“Do I get jealous?” He asks rhetorically, crawling over to face you from above. He scoffs as he sinks his fingers into your mouth, swallowing hard when you take his fingers, licking and sucking with a glazed out expression. “What do you think?”
You’re barely in the right mind to process his question, even when he pulls his finger out of your mouth, and especially when he trails his soaked fingers right to your pulsating cunt, rubbing your clit in slow circles.
You grasp at any remaining sanity that remains, your mind swimming in the depths pleasure, ready to just plunge in any moment.
“N-no”, you answer, completely entranced by the way Yunho is staring right into you, lust dripping in his gaze, before your body jolts in pure bliss when he stuffs you two fingers full, your arms immediately wrapping around his neck.
“Not wrong, babe”, he smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes entirely.
“But I fucking hate it when people touch what belongs to me.”
There is a haze that’s clouding over your mind when he begins slowly pumping his long fingers in and out of you, the squelching sounds exposing how much of a dripping mess you are. You try to focus on his words, but barely anything is going through.
“And do you know what belongs to me?” He asks you again, his fingers now completely pulled out of you, leaving your cunt fluttering uselessly in the air. You feel like your heart is at your throat, threatening to jump out from the anticipation. You’ve never seen Yunho like this before, and it’s sending electricity through your spine, you feel goosebumps litter across your skin.
You choke on sob, your turn to swallow hard this time.
Yunho’s smile spreads across his face again, oddly calming, holding anything but hints of gentleness.
He’s not planning to let you go tonight.
He’s not planning to let you sleep tonight.
“Smart girl”, he hums, soothing his hands across your thighs, spreading them open, barely giving you any time to process before his cock pushes into your hole, fitting in all the way through despite his size. “But not smart enough to ask your little friend to fuck right off.”
Your mind blanks out, your breathing deepens in an attempt to accommodate his fucking cock that suddenly slid into you, another hard swallow as your thighs shake, and soft whimpers escape you. Yunho finds it all the more endearing watching you slowly fall apart right in front of him like this.
His good boy golden retriever personality is far from a facade, but there’s a sore spot in him that he does his best to ignore. And he does it well.
At least, up until now.
“And you’d best remember that, babe”, Yunho grunts, his thumb sinking into the corner of your lips, watching your eyes roll back as he snaps his hips against yours, making sure you feel the entirety of his cock filling you up to the brim, the sounds growing wetter by the second.
“-big”, you mutter, your body fighting against the pleasure, your eyelids barely holding up. His fingers press against the sides of your cheeks as he tilts your head to face him, your eyes watering slightly as you hear Yunho’s voice lulling you back.
“What was that?”
You don’t even hesitate, only feeling your thighs twitch whenever he slides his cock into you again, letting your words leave your mouth without even bothering to filter.
“You’re so fucking big. It’s so much. Fuck.”
Something in Yunho shifts, and he slows down in you, his cock decorated with glistening sheens of precum and cream when he pulls all the way out. You gasp at how empty you feel, about to whine at Yunho and your promptly shut up when his face is right at your soaked pussy, lapping you up from your hole all the way up to your clit.
Your hands immediately tug on his hair. Yunho’s gaze is eyeing you down—watch your reactions as he slowly brings you off the edge. His cock can’t take it—he’s rutting against the sheets and staining them with his thick precum, but he still continues to flick his tongue against your clit, making sure your arching your back in pure bliss.
“That’s it, remember who’s in between your legs, fucking you with his tongue”, his voice vibrates through your pussy.
“Yunho, fuck-, wait, I’m gonna cum-”, you gasp, your orgasm being dangled right before you, creeping into your body. Yunho doesn’t relent, for the first few seconds, and you’re sent off the edge, your toes curling when the sensation hits your pussy, and then your empty, pulsating pussy is filled up all the way by Yunho’s thick cock in seconds.
All while you were being engulfed by your orgasm.
That’s when you realise it—he’s gonna send you to the fucking stars—his cock in you while you were cumming amplifies the amount of stars you see splattered in your eyelids, and he doesn’t give you a chance to cry about being overstimulated, because his hand has your throat in a chokehold while he makes sure he fucks you while you ride your orgasm out.
He never once breaks eye contact with you throughout the process, enjoying the feeling of your cunt just clamping down onto him while he fucks you full. Fuckin hell.
“That’s a good girl. See, it isn’t so hard to be well-behaved, isn’t it?” Yunho hums, his voice still low and husky, biting back the pleasure he’s feeling. You don’t answer—only soft hiccups as your eyes continue to water, but the sounds of your wet, sopping pussy does.
Yunho’s lips engulfs yours, prying your parted lips to open further, and you taste yourself in him, moans muffled when he pins your wrists above you, snapping his hips against yours with raw desire.
“You’re gonna behave and take this load”, he whispers when his lips leave yours, wet with spit. You nod frantically, already surrendering yourself to him. He pulls out of you with a wet sound following, before his cock is facing you, letting you watch him fuck his hand.
A string of curses tied with your name leaves Yunho’s lips when he ruts before jerking slightly, then spurts of white decorate your pretty face, and you stare up at him, cum dripping down your chin, as your tongue sticks out. Yunho only takes it as an invitation to collide his lips against yours, satisfied that he’s tasting himself on you.
“Fuck. Can’t get enough. Need more”, he hisses before his lips are your neck again, littering his marks all over your sensitive skin as he pushes you down back onto the mattress to spread your legs open, giving your clit light taps as his half hard cock slides right back into your abused cunt, and you return the favour with marks down his back.
“Yu-ah! It’s too much”, you pant, your tears fully streaking down your temples when you feel him completely growing fully hard in you.
“Don’t worry, babe. I’ll definitely show you what’s too much.”
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mntalbrakdown · 1 year
thinkin' bout you - H. Callahan
mentons of: smut, MDNI, makeouts, cussing, closeted, cheating, thigh riding, oral (r! receiving) exhibitionism, slight nudes sending idk,,,?
synopsis: you were dating a football player, but also sneaking around with Hazel
wc: 3.7k
gif by @taiturner
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friday night lights, a total shit show. the girls on the cheer team didn't know how to follow the choreography of the cheers and they just do whatever they want. almost like everyone else. you on the other hand just gave up and stand there smacking your pom poms together and muttering the chants.
"are you excited about today" Isabel asks you with Josie's arm wrapped around her
"yeah" you say with a weak smile.
your boyfriend, Brody or whatever his name is, you really didnt care about him, was sitting right next to you. he was in football in whatever position, you never kept up with him. you just dated him because Brittany and Isabel wanted you to.
"hey babe want to go to get food before then game" your boyfriend asks twirling a strand of your hair in between his fingers
"i would love to, but um I have plans" you say looking directly at Hazel. she was playing around with the schools pasta, scared of the bad food. she had on her brown sweater with green pants and her red doc martens paired with her silver chain that always made you go feral
in all honesty, you have been secretly hooking up with Hazel, for the past few months. you hated it because you truly did like Hazel. yet you felt that you had to hide that side of yourself. but you decided by the end of this week you would break up with Brody.
when the bell rang signifying lunch was over you got up from the table that contained all your friends or as your boyfriend called them the loser lesbians. you waved at them goodbye and stared long on Hazel. Brody wrapped his arm around your shoulder that was wearing his letterman jacket, with your oversized black pants and a white simple baby tee. as you walked down the halls you met eyes with Hazel, you smiled at her while she rolled her eyes
it was all in slow motion. she looked mad, but she never told you anything or showed any annoyance all week. you were confused, what did you do? you just saw her be happy. now you were worried. who was she walking with? it was a pretty girl who was giggling and all over Hazel, why were you so... so annoyed? you knew you had no place in doing so
"i think im going to walk to class alone" you say looking up to your boyfriend
"what why" he says stopping in the middle of his tracks
"feeling sick, dont want to get you sick when the game is in four hours you say walking away while you put your headphones on. you needed to escape this place and start letting yourself relax
you walked past everyone down the halls, you usually are so chipper and say hi to your mutuals but today you felt like putting on a hoodie and hiding. people could tell something was up, this wasn't like you. even when you get into an argument with Brody you could practically jump off the walls. this time you felt a stream of tears go down your face. you got yourself together from your five-second slump because crying in front of people is so…yuck!
so you walked into Mr. G's class head held high and when you reached your desk next to Hazel you slumped down like usual.
"so how is Brody" Hazel asks nonchalantly to you as everyone waited for the bell to ring
"he's good, were good" you say looking directly at Hazel trying to see if she was playing a game with you
"cool because I might start seeing this girl, she's available and likes me" Hazel could basically hear the breaks and cracks of your teeth by how tense you were
"I'm happy for you haze, hope she treats you right," you say as calmly as possible
"so...you're ok with it" she asks, but lets be honest she cannot take hints nor sarcasm
"yeah" you say nodding and taking out your notebook from your backpack
after class ended and you kept passing looks at Hazel with the ends of your mouth turned downwards.you couldn't actually believe it, but you couldn't hold a grudge. you got up quickly packing all your stuff and getting ready to leave school since that was your last class. you had plans on hanging out with Hazel, but those plans quickly crumbled to the ground
you practically ran out of there not wanting to be held up. Josie and Pj snickering about how you've been acting weirder after lunch. you could hear fast footsteps come closer to you until they finally reached you.
"wait up" they pull your arm to meet your face
"hey!" you exclaim, you just wanted to make it to your car
"what's wrong" Hazel says guiding your face to her, her eyebrows knitting togetehr when she sees you look upset
"nothing it's stupid" Hazel quickly shook her head, how could she be so tender when you're such a brat
"is it about me and her” Hazel asks seeing how your demeanor changed in a heartbeat just thinking about the other girl
“no” you say but she knew you were lying by the way you looked down
“was i just supposed to wait for you to break up with your stupid boyfriend” Hazel slightly raises her voice
“no, but i told you i was going to break up with him by the end of the week” you say pressing your lips together in anger
“than do it, i’ve been all over you for the past few months, and it certainly didnt look like you were, i mean the jacket?” Hazel clenches her jaw trying her best not to get her anger to overflow
“can we please leave” you whisper, you could feel people stare and overhear you in the crowded halls
which Hazel obliges and grabs your hand to lead you to her parked car. she had a Tesla, I mean she was rich what did you expect. she claimed her mom passed it down to her when her mom got a Mercedes as if it’s something everyone does.
she opened the door for you to get in the passenger seat. when you were fully seats and deep breathing to calm yourself down you hear Hazel open the driver door and sit down
“i’m sorry, it’s not fair” you say looking at how Hazels pupils dilated to how soft you became
“it’s ok, i just, want you” Hazel says smiling showing her pearly whites
“ok alpha male” you joke causing the tension to rise and disappear
you caught eyes with Hazel when you finally stopped laughing. and whatever energy you once had converted to lust. you stopped moving and slowly leaned into Hazel to kiss. the kiss was deep and passionate. Hazel slowly pulled your hair to get you to moan so she could slip her tongue. the fight for dominance was strong. so much so that when you pulled away to catch your breath a string of saliva stretched from both of your mouths.
“god i missed this” Hazel said cupping your cheek with her left hand, to be frank it was only a week since your last hookup but time it time and you yearned for her
“i missed you” you say going to quickly kiss hazel as she went over the center console to your seat
she made your seat go all the way back and reclined it so you were laying down as she was in between your legs. she was so eager to take your pants off when you try to push her away
“woah, we’re still at school we can’t do this” you say seeing all the kids walk to their car
“relax my windows are tinted, like illegally, you can’t see in” she says as she shimmied your pants off seeing how you easily relaxed
“Haze” you say as she threw your pants to the back seat
“yeah pretty” she asks looking at you with lustful eyes
“yeah? going to make you scream so loud that your voice goes raspy for a few days” Hazel says quickly kissing the top of your forehead as she goes to kneel back down to your core
“nothing, just missed this” you say as she quickly came up to kiss you
she does back down to your thong covered core that was already soaked. “this for me” she says making you lightly slap her face in embarrassment “it’s hot” she praises
she continued to play and tease you. she slightly moved your panties to the side to just take a quick peak. she than quickly slid the thin cloth down your legs and tucked it in her pants
“Haze you can’t keep those” you say reaching down to try to snatch them back
“i’ll give them back when you break up with him” she says with a bitterful mouth
she than goes to lick a strip of your core. making you arch your back from the seat. than she went in a swing time, sucking for longer and playing with your clit with her tongue.
“Fuck Haze just like that” you squirm in your seat
she continued her attack. kissing and sucking your cunt with her mouth. she was practically making out with it. from time to time she would look up from between your legs and see your scrunched up face and hands pulling her hair.
“god you look beautiful like this” she says moving from your core to the inner thigh and lightly biting it
“haze, god you’re so good” you praise her because of how good she’s making you feel
her calloused hands always feel so nice on you. you love the contrast between your soft skin and her rough. partly because you knew she had ragged skin because of the fight club that made you two meet.
Hazel runs her large hands along your thighs as she pulls away from you to kiss the inside of your thighs leaving love marks to mark you as hers.
“You always look so pretty.” She gives you a lopsided smile, giving you a boost of confidence so you could reach your climax
Hazel's big blue eyes glimmer and sparkle in the dim light, showcasing adoration and lust. She always wonders how you’re so fucking perfect. How she found the most beautiful person to walk this planet. She honestly questions how she even managed to pull you, let alone keep you. aside from having to share with Brody. She takes her bottom lip into her teeth, her eyes wondering over your body.
You both share intense eye contact, Hazel staring at you intently as she feels the need to press a kiss to your soft, full lips. You widely smile at her before leaning in, as she does the same. However, you slightly turn your head to the right forcing her to kiss your cheek instead, which makes you giggle at your childish antics.
You pull back only to see a frustrated Hazel, seeing her eyes darken. She shakes her head as she speaks, “you think you’re so fuckin’ funny, huh?” She questions, first Brody, now this?
You nod your head several times, finding it all amusing before bringing your hand up to her face to push a loose strand of dark brunette hair behind her ear.
She pulls you closer to her, her lips barely brushing against yours before she starts dragging them over your cheek, moving towards your ear.
She presses a soft kiss onto your jaw, slowly lining more closer to your chin before she moves to the other side of your face, taking her sweet time with you.
Hazel then removes her hand, cupping your jaw, moving her lips down to your neck. As she presses butterfly kisses onto your skin. She manages to suck on you harder in certain areas causing delicate moans to slip past your lips.
Hazel loves marking you up, she enjoys the thought of everyone knowing you’re hers and only hers. She thrives on the idea of everyone knowing her lips are the ones running along your skin, claiming you and taking you as hers to keep. But for a while you didn't allow her because of the relationship. Something about her just made you melt and not even care.
You can feel your cunt getting damper with the arousal that drips from your pussy the more Hazl sucks into your skin. You just barely grind your hips into hers which ends up getting you a groan of approval from her.
“You like denying my kisses?” She questions, placing one last kiss on you before pulling back, desire and lust looming in her eyes.
This time, you shake your head, “no, ‘m sorry.” You mumble, letting a soft cry out as Hazel fingers dig into one of your hips, surely leaving bruises in their wake.
The one hand that she is using to cup your jaw pulls your chin down towards her, her lips hovering over yours. “Sorry, hm?” Her soft puffs brush along your top lip as she looks into your eyes, tension consuming the entirety of the car.
She guides your face with her large hand seconds later, pulling you in so her plump lips meet yours. The kiss starts off softer, both of your mouths moving in sync as they perfectly mold together. Hazel's tongue quickly swipes over your bottom lip, asking permission for entrance as she always does.
You immediately grant her access as you open your mouth more, her pink muscle easily slipping through to meet yours. The kiss begins to pick up as your tongues swirl together in harmony, Hazel completely dominating the kiss.
Your hands find their way around to the back of her head, your fingers threading her thick hair through them as you slightly tug on it.
Hazel slightly moans into the kiss as she bucks her hips up into you. Her simple action bumps into your open swollen pussy, which sends a jolt of pleasure through your body.
You pull back to speak, “please.” You mutter, before pushing your lips back against Hazel.
The kiss has now done a complete 180, it slowly dwindling, falling apart as it becomes more messy and sloppy. You find it hard to keep up with the movement the more you grind yourself on Hazel.
“What do you want?” Hazel questions, mumbling into this kiss. As she does so, her hands find the inside of your thighs
You whine in desperation, but also annoyance because you know she already knows what you want. She litters multiple kisses along your cheek and jaw as she waits for you to speak.
“Be a big girl and use your words.” She demands, using her hands to tug at the hem of your shirt, asking if she’s allowed to take it off.
You immediately nod, not wasting any time as you help her pull the thin material off of yourself.
As soon as the shirt falls to the ground beside your pants your nipples harden at the cool air brushing past you, sending shivers down your spine. Hazel's eyes find your bare chest, her eyes raking your entire body up and down. Fuck, how she loves your body and everything about it. the freckles and moles that are now exposed and the soon-to-be bruises sprinkled on like salt and pepper.
A small smirk is brought to her lips as she leans forward a bit, “fuckin’ perfect.” Her pupils seem to be further dilated, her beautiful blue eyes casted over by lust.
Her needy hands grab at your tits before she takes one of your nipples in between her lips. She sucks on you softly, emitting a moan from your mouth as you throw your head back in pleasure. She grazes her teeth against you, pulling at you a bit, letting you go with a ‘pop’ before moving to the other.
Her fingers circle her salvia around your nipple, rolling it in between her fingers as she licks and sucks at the other, her hand gently massaging the tit her mouth is focusing on. The need that Hazel has to make you feel good takes over her entire brain, it’s all she can think about day in and day out. The idea of seeing you a breathless and moaning mess due to the reasons of her hands leaves her enthused, hungry for more.
This time she bites into you a bit harsher before pulling back, “answer me.” Her eyes peering up at you through her long, thick eyelashes.
“I want you” You whisper, your cheeks warm as you feel empowered under her burning gaze.
“Mhm.” You nod eagerly, dragging your fingertips over her shoulders, then next her collarbones.
“I want you to use me, ride my thigh, and cum all over me.” She whispers, kissing the corner of your mouth before she leans back.
You bite into your bottom lip, trying to conceal the smile that threatens to take over your face. You begin to move to be on top of Hazel's clothed thigh, gently rocking your hips on top of her thigh, your clit feeling pressure from Hazel's muscled leg.
She pushes herself further into the chair you both are sitting on, man spreading as she props her elbows up on the sides of the car, watching you intently.
Hazel looks at you as if you’re the best thing to roam these lands, like you were an angel brought down to earth, carved and chiseled from the gods above. She worships the fucking ground you walk on like nobody else. She’s obsessed with you, even more so when she has this pretty little sight in front of her. She's practically drooling over you, and you're still focused on that bonehead who wouldn't even make you moan half the time compared to her.
With her low, hooded eyes staring at you, you feel a bit nervous but you also feel confident and content. You always feel comfortable around Hazel, there’s never a time you haven’t. Not even thinking about the possibility of people seeing you at this instance.
You try to suppress your moans as you slowly pick up your pace, bending over a bit to grab onto Hazel's broad shoulders in order to keep your balance.
Hazel brings one of her hands to your thighs before sliding it closer to your ass. She first gropes at your soft skin, then harshly leaves a slap causing you to yelp out. Feeling the cold metal of her silver-adorned hand.
You both let out a moan, “fuck, angel, you’re soaking.” She states, her eyes watching the way your hot, wet cunt runs so smoothly along her thigh.
“Feels s’good.” You vocalize, your hands moving up to your tits as you play with them in front of her, sensually moving your hips back in forth in a way that makes Hazel go feral.
She shakes her head with a smirk, “my pretty girl putting on a little show for me?” She questions, trying her best to keep her hands to herself, although she’s finding it almost impossible as she continues to yearn for the feeling of your skin under hers.
Hazel's eyes continuously fluctuate in between your own, your tits, and your pussy using her to get off. Her own arousal beginning to dampen her boxers. Just watching you could cause Hazel to completely fall apart.
After a while of her letting you do your thing, allowing yourself to build up an orgasm, that fiery feeling burning deep in the pit of your stomach, just on the brink of falling over, you find yourself losing your pace.
“F-Fuck, Hazel. I’m gonna cum.” You whine, desperately chasing after your orgasm as you use Hazel for your own personal high.
“Yeah, baby? Gonna make a mess all over me?” She tilts her head, running her tongue along her cheek as she watches you begin to experience your orgasm, you simply nodding your head in response. "Fuck I bet Brody doesn't make you scream this loud"
Hazel moves one of her hands, pressing a thumb closer to the top of your clit for more stimulation. You let out a loud moan, searching your brain for words to help you process the pleasure radiating through your body.
“You like that?” She questions, already knowing the answer, cockiness swarming her attitude.
You can only let out a string of whines and whimpers, any words only coming out as a stammer. You slowly fall apart in front of her, your body getting weaker the faster she moves her finger against you.
“Listen to yourself whimper.” Hazel grins, “its fucking pathetic.” The blue eyed girl whispers, although she knows you could do anything to her and she’d melt in your hands.
“P-Please.” You meekly whine, continuing to move your hips back and forth on top of her. slowly leaning your exposed chest to your clothed one.
“C’mon, baby, cum for me.” Her soft voice guides you, finally pushing you over as your orgasm crashes into you.
It takes over every one of your senses and washes over you like a tsunami, crashing into you hard. Your vision turns white as your body spasms on top of Hazel, your cum rolling down her thigh as you make a complete mess on her.
“Fuck, sweet girl.” She groans, finally pulling her hand back as she stares at your arousal coating her thigh.
You let out breath, your body relaxing into hers, a layer of sweat sticking to your skin. You look down yourself, feeling a bit embarrassed as the orgasm fades away.
Hazel can sense that as she lifts your chin, forcing you to look at her, a reassuring look lingering in her eyes. She never wants you to be ashamed, she wants you to feel good. Always.
"that was hot" you say tucking your bottom lip between your top lip. Hazel eagerly grabs your phone to take a picture of the two of you fucked out, your bare shoulders exposed, and your messy tangled hair. quickly sending it to Brody
"Whoops my finger slipped," Hazel says earning a punch and a giggle from you
you quickly get a message from PJ and Josie of a picture of Hazel's car from the outside showing the steamy windows, paired with a message woah hazel gets action?
which made Hazel laugh and take a picture of the car from the inside of you and her kissing accompanied with her action ;p which made the phone actually overheat by the mass amount of messages from both parties. at one point you could hear the screams and jumps from outside the car
Hazel Callahan x reader (pretty sure if i don't add that it won't pop up on the tag :c)
taglist: @shaddyluvs @why-cant-we-all-get-along
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presleyluvschris · 6 months
Hey I got a request for jj
That jj is a single dad to a baby girl and he is to scared to hold because he will think he will drop her and John b everyday will try and get jj to hold her then one day jj was holding her on his chest then he takes her everywhere With him hope that make sense
Koala Care
dad!jj x fem!reader x daughter
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a/n ahh this is so cutie! thank you for the request anon, love you bunches!
desc JJ holds his baby girl for the first time
wc 1.2k
warnings cursing, grammar, fluff
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"Peaches?" JJ comes in through the back door of the chateau, carefully shutting it behind him as he walks through the kitchen to set down a box full of baby supplies.
The usual. Diapers, baby food, her favorite yogurt melts, more of his old band & surf t-shirts to wrap her up in.
He notices Aria crying her eyes out behind him in between the white rails of her bed. he must have forgotten to change her when he left. He also noticed it was pissing off John B who was trying to work on something probably useless and he caught the hint that he's been listening to her cry for at least an hour.
"Shit," he mutters, messing with his backwards hat as he turns his attention away from Aria for a split second to glance at John B. Turns out he was fixing a cooler for the boat.
"Bro." he goes over to him, kicking him in the leg slightly, "You seen Y/n? I really need her help knowing what measurements of tit milk I'm supposed to feed mini me."
John B rolls his eyes to the ceiling as he screws in the side of the cooler handle.
"First of all," he says through a gritted tone from a bolt in between his teeth.
"You gotta stop with the teenage boy, language wording shit."
He spits out the bolt and screws another nail into the bottom.
"You're like a dad now. Its your dick and your daughter, buddy. You really want your kid to go around saying, tit milk?"
JJ tuts. "Bro she cant even talk yet. Plus, I don't remember half the shit i said as a fucking baby. Maybe thats cause my dad probably beat the shit out of me where I like- lost half my cells, but i ain't changing. Plus, daddy will raise her to be the best hooker of man kind. Shes a Pogue, shes not gonna be a goody two shoes if my life depends on it."
John B turns his head around and gives him a look.
"Jesus Christ JJ, did anything click when your girlfriend popped a living thing out of her ass?" He purses his lips.
JJ points his lips downwards and shrugs.
"Or are you always gonna be known as the dad who raised a stripper?" John B rolls his eyes again, taking a weird clear plate out of his box, "Y/n is a doctor for fucks sake, she's the only hope for raising her I swear to God."
John B shakes his head, "I've told you everyday now. You haven't even held her yet."
JJ grips his hat, "Thats because im gonna drop the kid!"
John b slaps his forehead.
"You're litterally her DAD, JJ! Y/n popped a baby out of her kitty sack and you seriously didnt even touch her the day she was born." John B raises his eyebrows. "Do you remember that? Y/n cried in Kie's room FOR AN HOUR thinking you didnt want the kid!"
JJ opens his mouth to respond then stops.
"Whatever. Go back to fixing your cold box and shit," He turns his back to walk away.
John B changes the tip on his screwdriver, "You're gonna have to hold your own ass daughter eventually, dude."
"I hope you screw a nail in your dick!" JJ calls out and tuts again, mumbling under his breath, "teaching me how to handle my own kid..."
"im the one fixing this goddamn cooler so you can drink your shit ass blue moon chilled!" John b yells back, JJ opening the door and slamming it shut to try and find you again.
"y/nnnn," he groans, calling out your name, finding you sitting on the steps outside.
He kneels down and wraps his big arms around you, kissing the side of your head gently.
"Hi baby," he mutters, "How was work?"
you felt your head pulsating before forcing yourself to give a response.
"Hmmm fine. it was busy."
"Yeah?" he strokes your head, "Real quick."
You sigh slightly, "Hmm?"
"how much ti-" He stops, and clears his throat.
"How much milk do I need to feed Ari?" He says in a soft voice, knowing you had a blaring headache from your shift.
You exhale, leaning your arms on your knees.
"theres about 7 oz in the fridge."
He nods, "thank you sweets," he kisses your hair one last time before leaving you in peace to rest your mind.
He goes back inside the chateau, opening the fridge and taking out the bottle, reaching over Aria's crib and putting the tip to her mouth.
"there we are, sweet girl.." he holds the back of her head while she drinks gently, her cries settling down.
After Aria is finished, he stares at her for a moment.
Why was it so hard for him to hold his own daughter? He feels a wave of guilt floods over his spine.
He reaches his hands out, then stops.
"God damnit," He sighs.
"Okay." He stares at Aria one more time. "3, 2.."
"Fuck this."
He picks Aria up gently in his arms, his heart jumping as he does so.
"Holy shit," he breathes. "Oh my God."
He holds her to his chest, making sure to support her back, something he learned in a parenting book he found online as he feels his soul melt in his stomach.
"There we go," he coos softly, rocking her up and down gently.
"Hi love." he holds her up to look in her eyes with the biggest grin on his face.
"You have your mommas eyes, don't you?"
It's like he fell in love with you all over again. Just this time, it was a baby. And it was his baby.
He holds her to him again, hearing you opening the screen door to come back inside the chateau as he looks at you with the stupidest smile on his face.
"JJ.." you breathe, a grin full of your white perfect teeth filling the room as you jog over to him.
You rub his arm gently as you stare at Aria in JJ's arms.
"im so glad." You said, tears slightly filling the bottom of your eyes as your breath catches in your throat.
"She has your eyes," He repeats the observation he made earlier.
You nod with a sniffle, chuckling slightly.
"She has your lips."
JJ presses another soft kiss into the side of your neck.
A few days later, you noticed that JJ dorkily bought one of those baby carrier things to attach to your chest, and you had to admit it was pretty cute seeing Aria giggle with him, taking her everywhere he went.
John B was relieved her finally built up the balls to hold his kid, and if you were honest, you were relieved too.
Kiara bullied him everyday for taking Aria with him everywhere because the baby holder he chose was literally hot pink. Really hot pink.
He was so happy everyday. To be the dad that he never had. The one he had prayed and wished for everyday as a kid.
JJ was such a tough guy, tough face, tough love, tough soul.
but I guess not when it came to you and Aria. You and her were his new world and there was nothing in the entire universe that could take that away from him.
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☆ divider & gif credits to @viixcyre @baby-bearie
my navigation ♡
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elexaria · 9 months
brother’s best friend! johnny & simon pt 3
the journey back to manchester was daunting, seeing the same old architecture from your past felt like a punch in the gut. the phone call you make to simon was awkward, it was just to tell him that.. well, you would pop by to see him. didn’t tell him anything else, didnt even mention you left years ago.
after checking into a shitty little hotel with the little money you had, you made your way to the pub simon said he’d be at, and where johnny mactavish would also be. mactavish. it’s been a really long time since you’ve thought about him, and it feels strange to know you’ll get a glimpse of him as a 26 year old man, as opposed to the pimply faced teenager you remember.
“the strongest stuff you have, please.” you say dryly to the bartender, who glances at the clock— it’s barely noon, before looking back at you again. “joking. you got any J20?”
with your little bottle of orange and mango juice and a thin paper straw, you nestle down into a booth, pulling out your phone as you begin your wait. simon did say his train would arrive at around 10am, so where was he? that’s fine, the pub at least has free wifi you can use to mindlessly scroll through. and scroll, and scroll and scroll and scroll until—
“fancy seein’ ye here, wee riley!”
you glance up from your phone, mouth agape as you look dead straight at a grown up, scruffily bearded johnny mactavish. “jesus christ—“ you mumble under your breath, eyebrows furrowing at how.. massive and grown up he is. he grins down at you, still standing. “what? gonnae give me a hug or whit?” he chortles, wiggling his thick unruly eyebrows around you. yep, it’s definitely still the same old mactavish brother you remember.
“ye look different than when we was wee bairns. yer definitely the better lookin’ riley.” johnny grins as he shoots a playful wink at you, taking a big swig of lager to parch his thirst. your eyes flit to the beer foam that sticks to his moustache, which makes you giggle. “you’ve got a lil something on your moustache. you saving it for later?” you tease, motioning to where the foam sits on his face.
“yeah, soap, you savin’ that for later?”
if your head had turned around any faster, you’d have probably broken your fucking neck. simon.
he’s… he’s so different now.
rising from your seat, you glance up at your brother with a nervous gulp. you can tell from the way he glances down at you that his heart is damn near close to bursting when he sees how grown his baby sister is, she’s not the little chubby cheeked scamp he remembers. but he quickly shoves the emotions down, his shoulders squared up as he watches you draw closer to him.
“simon,” you mutter quietly, biting your lip as you awkwardly hug his side. it’s been so long, you almost contemplate whether a hug isnt appropriate. a handshake? awkward fist bump? simon grumbles, patting your back as he reciprocates the hug with the same awkwardness. johnny cringes slightly at how uncomfortable you and simon look.
you find out that johnny is known as sergeant soap, while simon is simply lieutenant ghost. “yer brother’s fuckin’ brilliant on the battlefield, he’s saved my arse more times than i can count.” johnny grins, nudging his shoulder into simon’s, who just simply looks down at his drink with furrowed eyebrows. you nod, chewing the inside of your lip. “why do they call you soap?” you ask, tilting your head at johnny. he howls with laughter, shaking his head at you. “ye don’t want to find out, lass.” he simply says, shooting a teasing wink at you. you shouldn’t be attracted to that, but it does gets your heart pumping a little faster.
“so, lass, what about ye? any’hink goin’ on in the life of wee riley?” johnny hums out, propping his arms up behind him on the booth’s rim, his muscles bulging out from his tshirt sleeves. jesus christ, he’s ripped.
stealing your gaze from his biceps with a flushed cough, you shrug and take a sip of your drink. “i’m studying for my masters up in leeds. i.. haven’t been to manchester since i left.” you finally admit, eyes glancing over to read simon’s face, which is stoney and unperturbed. johnny whistles, grinning as he nods at you. “leeds, eh? northern girlie, are ye?” he teases, nudging simon yet again. “can ye believe it, monsi? wee riley’s all grown up, doin’ her masters n shit. damn.”
you roll your eyes, feeling a rush of blood to your cheeks as you fidget with your drink bottle. “there’s two years between us, johnny. ‘m not as young as you think i am.” you mutter quietly, your gaze flicking up to read his reaction. he’s still grinning, though he nods in agreement. “aye, canny argue with that.”
simon doesn’t speak much the entire time you’re all there, it’s almost like he speaks through johnny at times. “si’s been wafflin’ on and on about today, ye ken. been lookin’ forward to the ol’ riley-mactavish clan finally gettin’ back together.” johnny says, the two of you glancing over at simon who simply grunts, the corners of his lips twitching up into what looks like a hybrid of a grimace and a smile.
but at least johnny doesn’t make it awkward, always going on and on about whatever floated through his mind. he gives you updates on his sisters, practically glowing when he gets the chance to gloat about becoming an uncle. “the wee bairns, they like me. mam reckons i’ll make a good dad one day.” he hums as he shows you a picture on his phone, one where he’s flexing his muscles while holding twin baby boys like the deadliest missiles that cute tactical intelligence could muster up. it’s cute, the way he lights up when talking about his life, even how excited he gets for your achievements in life. simon doesn’t seem to want to get a word in edge ways.
as the catch-up comes to an end, you awkwardly slide out of the booth, rubbing your hands together. “well.. it was nice seeing you both.” you say on bated breath, a look of disappointment flashing across your face momentarily as you glance at simon. johnny pouts as he stands, patting simon on the back with a solid thwack. “we’ll have to do some’hink together, all three of us. like the good ol’ days.” he says, grinning up at simon, who nods. “spose so.” is all simon seems to add to the conversation, looking down at you.
and as you all exit the pub together, johnny giving you one last hug with a content groan, you give them a small smile and a wave goodbye, asking them to just let you know what they decide on doing.
as you lay down in the grotty hotel bed, curled up between thin sheets, you think about this sudden revelation that the two boys from your childhood aren’t cherubic anymore. life isn’t full of giggles and adventures, it’s ruthless and it’s dangerous. and the sight of your big brother, stone faced and silent, it makes you feel guilty. does he resent you for not staying in contact? has it been too long to attempt to reforge your relationship with him?
with a sigh, you reach out to grab your phone from the bedside table, eyes watery as you check the time. 1am.
ping. you receive a text.
it reads, “hey wee riley, it’s johnny m. we’re thinking abt going clubbing sat night. u remember jamies near the maccies? just lmk if ur interested xx nice to see u xx”
looks like you’re gonna have to pick out a dress for saturday night.
tag list:
@waves-against-a-cliff @cassiecasluciluce @dead-cipher @hayleybarnesx @maliakealoha @sunflowervase @spicyspicyliving
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biteofcherry · 2 years
What story you would write for him - randomagnes0210.tumblr.com/701345413474729984/chris-you-inspired-me-and-i-didnt-know-i 👀
Holy fuuuck 😳🥵🥵
I'm sorry, my brain kinda short circuited. I need time to get it back to function. Damn. Wow. Okay.
that's a soft!dark Steve Rogers
An enforcer/mercenary Steve (maybe for mafia Bucky? idk), who can make things really bloody and still keep his slate clean of any evidence. From organizing a disposable group to do the dirty work, to a stealthy kill done by himself if needed.
He has a sleek beast of a bike, as well a bullet-fast camaro. There's always a weapon on him, even when he looks like he's there to chill only.
You don't see a gun? No glint of a knife? There's a garrote in the wristwatch, or in the beads he wears on his wrist. Not to mention the things he can do with his hands alone.
It's those hands that got you staring when you approached him with your little nephew at your side. The boy, being all moto crazy, couldn't stop tugging at your hand when he saw the Camaro. So you did what any good aunt would - you took his small hand in yours and approached a stranger, asking sweetly if he won't mind your nephew taking a closer look at the car.
Steve's eyes when they settled on you were cold and sharp like a blade. Almost made you take a step back. Then he glanced at the kid, who was staring at his car with pure awe, and back at you, his gaze softening.
"Sure thing, cherry."
His voice had a rich, raspy timbre, reminding you of how your own voice gets after a few good orgasms (which you gave yourself with the use of your toys, since your latest dates lacked in that area).
Steve's eyes shifted to your chest when he said that, a smirk curling the left corner of his mouth upwards. Your top had printed cherries on it. You found it cute when you bought it. Now you felt embarrassed wearing something so sweet it was almost childish.
You dropped your gaze, muttering a thank you.
You let out a breath of relief when Steve's eyes finally turned away from you. He bent over the hood again and your own gaze slid from his tight ass (you scolded yourself inwardly for even daring to look that way!) over the wide plain of his back to his hands.
Those damn hands that would be your undoing, you thought as you stared at them. Nimble and skilled fingers tinkering with something, a vine of dark ink starting atop his palm and curling upwards over the corded muscles of his forearms, to disappear in an array of color beneath the rolled up sleeves of his shirt.
You saw splashes of tattoos on his chest and reaching up to his neck. Your mind wandered through images of exploring hos the pattern looks over his back, his it moves over his ribs when he breathes.
If there are tattoos leading down his abdomen...
You were so lost in it, you didn't hear what Steve was saying, until you felt your nephew tug on your hand.
"Can we? Can we, please?!" The kid looked up at you with hopeful eyes.
"Um." You swallowed, uncertain of what exactly was asked of you. Feeling all the more embarrassed for it.
"Of course you can, buddy." Steve decided, not waiting for your brain to catch up with his proposition to take you both for a short ride in his car.
His smile was bright and charming, yet held a hint of predatory satisfaction. A cocky confidence you usually hated in men.
Steve's eyes held a mirthful glint as he caught your gaze, but also something dark that quickened your pulse.
"I'm sure your aunt craves a good ride, too."
You had to clench your thighs at the surge of heat that filled your belly and spread down, pooling in a small wet spot on your panties.
You should've said no. Your body may heat up for this tattooed, hot as sin stranger, but your instinct all but yelled at you to run away. There was something dangerous about him, in more than just sexy way.
But it's something you would find out much later.
Too late to run away from his possession, or to stop wanting him so badly.
If you only knew how lethal he was, you wouldn't say yes to getting a lift to your place after you dropped off your nephew at his parents.
You wouldn't follow Steve's raspy command and let him fuck you in the narrow space of his camaro - bruises from the steering wheel faint compared to the marks Steve's hands left on your thighs and around your neck.
If you suspected the dark web awaiting you, maybe you wouldn't like how he called you sweet cherry.
Maybe you wouldn't cream on his cock as he fucked you right outside of your apartment, in a dark corridor where any of your neighbors could walk, with his hand pressed over your mouth to muffle your screaming orgasm and hips snapping hard into you.
You wouldn't whisper a weak Yes, Steve when he told you where to meet him, scribbling down the address on a piece of paper and slipping it under the waistband of your ruined panties.
But you said yes to all of those things. You allowed Steve to do those dirty things to you. And you wanted more. Even if your instinct still alarmed of danger.
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throneofsmut · 4 months
Bound In Flames - Part 12
Eris Vanserra × Archeron-Sister-Reader || WC: 6.1k || Warnings: Mentions of death, trauma, and violence.
Summary: Feyre and her younger sister go hunting in the forest behind their family's cottage and go through life changing experiences.
Author's Note: I know this is a reader fic but for the sake of the plot i had to mention the color of hair and eyes . ( btw the italics mean that they're communicating mentally if you didnt know. )
You hissed as your body was jostled while Raihn lowered himself to the ground on the floor of the bathroom. 
“All right, the water’s warm.” Alis said as she stood to her full height again, “I'll go get you food and water.” 
“Thank you, Alis.” She nodded her head and left. 
You got off of Raihn’s back, carefully, so as not to stretch open the slice on your stomach. You need to let me heal you before you bathe. Raihn insisted. That way you won’t get an infection while trapped in that mortal body.
Sunshine, I wasn’t asking. 
“It’s going to hurt like it’s happening all over again.” You argued, chest still heaving slightly as you braced your hands on the counter. 
Then stop bleeding and heal yourself. He growled.
You scoffed, eyes narrowed into slits, “I would if I could!”
But you can’t! He snarled. So undress and let me heal you so you can bathe. . . Gods you smell terrible. His lips curled in disgust, you smell of Hybern filth.
Taking a couple deep breaths you steadied yourself and undressed. Letting out hisses and groans of pain when your fighting leathers reopened or pulled on your cuts. Raihn let out a pained whimper at the sight of your cut, bruised and bloody form. Most of it on your back. 
“—Just heal me. . . please.” You had no doubt that he was wondering about the scars that weren’t on your back. 
“Raihn! Now.” You ordered, taking three steadying breaths—the last one coming out as more of a shudder—bracing yourself for the temporary pain you were going to feel. Raihn’s ear twitching against your head was the only warning you got before he started to heal you.  
It was all you could do to grip onto the counter and sink as your face twisted in a pained grimace. Knuckles white and nostrils flaring as you exhaled sharp breaths through your nose, while your skin painfully knitted back together with his magic.
You could feel each cut and slice healing—even if it was only a few of them—it felt as if they were cutting you all over again. You didn’t feel them land during the fight with all the adrenaline coursing through your body. But now you did. 
And while Raihn heals the few cuts you have he also starts to heal the bruises on your body. Certain parts of your body like your arms and shoulders shake again as you once more feel the force of their blows. 
His deep gruff voice echoes in your mind just as you start to black out. Put your weight on me. . . come on, sunshine. You lean against one of his forelegs heavily as you stagger towards the bathtub filled with bubbles smelling of rose and citrus bathing oils.
Letting out a soft noise of content as you sink down into the warm water, until the bubbles cover you up to your neck. Soaking for a while with your eyes closed, the warm water eases the soreness from your body and you try to relax your mind for a few minutes. Knowing Feyre’s going to want answers sooner than later. Different scenarios run through your mind and none of them end well.
A defeated sigh leaves your lips as you find Raihn’s eyes already on you, studying you,  as he guards the door and you tear your eyes away looking for the bottles of hair products and soaps. Huffing when you spot them on a chair by the counter. Meaning you’d have to get out of the tub to grab them, but before you could even brace your hands on the sides of the tub Raihn gently grabs the bottles in his mouth. Then he drops them into your hands. “Thank you.”
How many times do I have to tell you that you don’t have to thank me for taking care of you? Raihn mutters. I’ll always take care of you.
“And I'll always take care of you, Raihn.”
Exactly, so why are you thanking me?
You chuckle, pouring one of the bottles of hair product in your hands and then lathering your hair with it. “Well, excuse me for wanting to tell you that I appreciate what you do for me.”
Why tell me when I can feel it through the bond. You do know we’re bonded right? He questions dryly, sarcastically. 
Shaking your head as your lips curve up into a small smile. “Gods, you’re insufferable,” you mutter in the same dry-sarcastic tone as him as you start to rinse out the hair products. Earning a laugh from him. 
You’re one to talk, sunshine. The both of you make eye contact before bursting into laughter. Until you’re cut off by a knock at the door.
“Y/n, I left clean night clothes out for you on the bed and the tray of food you asked for.” Alis announced from the other side of the door. “Do you need anything else?”
“No. Thank you, Alis.”
“All right. Goodnight then.”
“Goodnight,” you reply and seconds later you hear her depart and your bedroom door shut. Your eyes land on the bars of soap still on the chair, wordlessly Raihn goes to them, his nose twitching as he sniffs them before picking one. Gently holding it between his teeth as he brings it to you. “Thank you,” you say with a smirk.
He blinks at you, I hate you. 
Earning a loud laugh from you as you reach for a washcloth. Bringing the bar of soap up to your nose, smelling it, “Lavender,” you murmur quietly, looking down at the bar of soap in your hands. “I haven’t used lavender soap in. . . since–”
It was all your mother ever kept in the cottage. 
You nod your head agreeing.
Because it was your favorite, Raihn added.
“Yeah.” you say with a soft smile. Bringing the soap up to your nose one last time before lathering your washcloth with it. Raihn laid in the middle of the bathroom, between the tub, counter and door, and told you everything that happened while you were in the Summer Court. 
You washed while he spoke, scrubbing yourself clean with brutal efficiency. It wasn't much except for the fact that he caught a couple different scents around the perimeter of the manor like they had been scouting. Watching.
“Well Tamlin’s running out of time so I'm not surprised Amarantha’s vultures are circling,” you acknowledge. 
There were three scents I picked up closest to the Manor: two I recognized for sure and the other one was–
“Who were the first two?”
Cahir and your mate, Eris. 
Your brows pinch together as you take a moment to think. “Eris doesn’t even know I’m here and my side of the bond is closed.” Shaking your head, looking at Raihn again, “My sides been closed since I last saw him–the morning after Calanmai.”
Well we know Amarantha sent Cahir and only the Mother knows what schemes your mate is playing at.
“Who was the third scent?”
They–it was sort of like yours, but not. It was more like your mother’s except, Raihn’s head tilted to the side, Rhaenrya smelled of starlight, salt and citrus. And this fae smelled of rain, salt and citrus. 
“Male or female?” you ask him as you stand and wrap a towel around yourself.
Male. . . You smell of starlight, rain and citrus. 
Heading to the door leading to your bedroom, “Yeah, what about it?” Raihn trails closely behind you as you go to your bed, where Alis left the set of night clothes and tray of food. 
You obviously inherited your scents from Rhaenyra and Tamlin. The starlight and citrus from her and the rain from him. 
“So?” You popped a grape into your mouth and then started to dry off before getting dressed. 
So, when I first caught the male’s scent I thought it was you for a split second. Until I realized that it wasn’t. Yes, you both smell like rain but yours is like spring rain and his is like night rain. 
Walking towards your vanity and starting to apply moisturizer to your face and body. “I also don’t smell like salt.” 
But, your mother did, sunshine, Raihn points out. And don’t you remember what she used to say to you all the time, especially when she was hugging you. 
Picking up your hair brush, blinking a couple times, trying to remember what your mother used to tell you when she hugged you. Then it finally hit you. She used to say that you reminded her of her twin because he smelled like rain and citrus too. You meet Raihn’s gaze through the mirror as you brush through your wet hair. “So, what you think the High Lord of the Night Court was here?”
Yes. He answers without hesitation.
“All right, but, do you think he was here for Feyre or me?”
Why can’t it be both? 
“I think the real question is, if he’s trying to help me or if he's trying to kill me?” Raihn lets out a low growl when the last two words leave your mouth. You finish brushing your hair and place the brush back down on the vanity. “Don’t worry, I’ll kill him first if he does.” You tell the white wolf, hoping to reassure him.
“You couldn’t even if you had to.” Raihn growls. “You swore to your mother that you would free him. That he would survive.”
“I swore a lot of things. . .“
Yes, but you didn’t simply give her your word. You made a bargain, he stated matter of factly. 
“I know that,” you say softly, “I don’t need you to remind me.” 
He growls softly, muttering something you choose to ignore and then bites your arm so, so gently, leading you back to your bed–to the tray of food. Eat and rest, he orders.
Climbing onto the bed, getting under the covers, “Gods everyone thinks you’re so terrifying but you’re really just a doting mother,” you taunt.
Shut up, he mutters as he nuzzles the tray of food closer to you so you only have to set it on your lap.
You take a couple bites of the bread Alis put on the tray, before shoving meats and cheeses into your mouth. “Gods, I didn’t realize how hungry I actually was,” you say to Raihn around a mouth full of food.
Slow down or you’re going to choke.
You chew a couple more times before swallowing the food and reaching for the goblet of water on your bedside table. “See what I mean, doting mother.” He grumbles a curse at you as he moves to lay on the foot of the bed. Neither of you say anything else; you finish eating everything on the tray and Raihn stretches out further on the bed. 
“What?” You arch a brow at him as you place the now empty tray on your bedside table.
I thought you had scars. You couldn’t meet his gaze. I never got a clear look at your back until tonight because you were always hiding it, but I could’ve sworn you would have them. . . I remember feeling every crack and sting, you visibly shudder at his words and he lets out a pained whimper, of the whip coated with fae bane. I felt every–
“I do,” your voice comes out quieter, more haunted than you intended. “I do have them. . . my entire back is covered. Ruined.” He lets out a menacing growl this time. You don’t know if it's to comfort him or yourself, but you move to pet him. “But, the blood spell, it uh, it glamours them. I can’t even feel them because of it–physically anyway.” You admit. 
Raihn lets out another growl, a mix of his own rage and your pain. You open your mouth to reassure him that you’re all right now when there’s a knock at your door. “Y/n, I know you're still awake!” 
Even though his voice was muffled through the door there was no mistaking who that voice belonged to. Lucien. You sighed, patting the top of Raihn’s head before going to open the door. And as soon as you do Lucien walks into your room, but a growl from the massive white wolf halts him midstep. 
“Well, hello to you too, Lucien,” you grumble as you come to stand in front of him. 
His eyes linger on Raihn behind you before finally settling on you. “We need to talk.”
“No. We don’t.” Lucien takes a step closer to you and you hear Raihn get off the bed. Raihn, wait. I want to hear what he has to say, you tell him mind to mind.
If he lays a single finger on you I’ll kill him where he stands, He promises, laying back down on the bed.
No, you won’t, you command.
Why not?
Because he’s Eris’s little brother. 
He only lets out a huff in response, but you know he won’t kill him. Hurt maybe, but kill? No. 
The red-haired male takes two more steps until he’s less than a foot away from you. His eyes narrowing slightly, his lips in a thin line as he looks down at you. “You didn’t have to kill those Hybern soldiers. Tamlin would’ve—“
You scoff, “By the time Tamlin would’ve gotten there they would’ve winnowed back Under the Mountain or to the manor knowing he wasn’t there.”
“You could’ve told him–or me–and we would’ve gone with you!” he argues.
“I don’t need his help or yours!” You had screamed for help–for anyone when Wesley had first taken you, but no one came. That’s when you realized you would have to help yourself. Save yourself. 
Lucien tilts his head, his brows furrowing, one russet eye and one golden-metal boring into yours. “Do you have a death wish or something?”
Shaking your head, chuckling, “Did it look like I have a death wish to you?” You challenge, remembering the fear and shock that laced his features when he saw all the Hybern soldiers slaughtered around you.
When he saw you covered in blood and your mother’s sword—your sword—at Wesley’s throat. Then when his head rolled, his severed hands and bloodied body at your feet.
He looked away, down at his now shaking hands before putting them behind his back. His voice grave, “So you really took out twelve highly trained Hybern soldiers all on your own?”
You shrug, “you saw what happened,” feigning nonchalance but your voice comes out tight. Angry. Wesley’s face flashing in your mind, the relief—the hope in his eyes. The bastard really thought you would grant him mercy when Lucien showed up and suggested Tamlin should deal with him. 
“They could have killed you! They’re highly trained warriors under Amarantha’s command. Personally selected by her.”
“And they could have killed you!” he repeats.
Cocking your head to the side.“I think you’re confused, Lucien.”
“What?” His brows were pinched, his voice confused.
Your lips curve into a wicked smirk. “I’m not the one that’s lying dead in the Summer Court right now,” you explain. “There were only twelve of them. They’ll need more than that. Amarantha will need more than that to kill me.”
“But that shouldn't be possible,” he shakes his head, “you, a human girl, killed twelve fae warriors all by yourself. . . you should be d–”
“Yes, how’d you do it?” 
“It’s simple. What happened in the Summer Court, is humanity laid bare.” A deep crease forms between his brows. “Fueled by the fear of becoming prey, see how quickly we become predators.” 
His jaw clenches and unclenches before he takes a step closer, so we’re almost chest to chest. “Y/n, you know that's not what I meant.”
You tilt your head, smirking, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lucien.”
“I know you’re not really Feyre’s sister. So, who are you? What are you?”
You give him a sweet smile that doesn’t quite meet your eyes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He scowls at you, nostrils flaring, “Her hair is golden-brown, yours is just golden. Her eyes are blue-gray and yours are deep green with flecks of gold.” You silently curse your mother for making you look so much like Tamlin with the blood spell, but you know once everyone sees you in your true form it won’t take long for them to realize who you are. Once they see your raven-black hair and your eyes that are so blue they’re violet flecked with silver like starlight. “And now that you’ve both been in the sun for weeks, you’ve both tanned, but yours is more sun-kissed, more golden. Deeper than hers” He leans in closer before snarling, “So don’t try to lie to me like I'm some idiot.”
“Siblings aren’t always identical in features. Look at you and Eris, his eyes are amber colored and yours are russet-brown, and you’re tan compared to his fair.”
He scoffs, looking up at the ceiling, shaking his head. “Mother help me.” His gaze falls back on you, “I am so sick and tired of you not telling me anything.You can never give me a straight answer.”
“What, Lucien?! What do you want me to tell you?”
“Let’s start with, how did you know Amarantha’s soldiers were in Summer?”
“Raihn, told me.”
His jaw clenched and unclenched, obviously irritated that you were giving him short answers. “And how did he know?”
“He’s been tracking them.”
“You don’t know?”
“Know what?” His words were laced with confusion.
You search his face, trying to find a tell that he’s lying but find none. Sighing, “Amarantha ensnared one of the Suriel and they told her the full prophecy before she killed them.”
His eyes closed when he realized the weight of your words. “She’s hoping to kill Tamlin’s son–his heir–before they kill her.” You don’t bother correcting him about Tamlin’s heir being female. A daughter not a son. 
Nodding, “She’s been sending her lieutenants court to court in search of his heir. So while they’re hunting they’re being hunted.” 
Raihn lets out a low noise of approval at your words causing Lucien’s eyes to dart between the two of you as he takes a couple steps back. 
“So, why wasn’t he with you when you were in the Summer Court?”
“I needed him here to guard the manor.”
Lucien’s brows furrow, “But I was here.”
“If it really came down to it would you save yourself or save her?” He hesitates. “That's what I thought. Raihn wouldn’t hesitate.”
“Tamlin wouldn’t hesitate,” he argues.
You let out a bitter laugh. “He wasn’t even here. He’s been at the border since before I left.”
“You could’ve sent one of the sentries for us. We can help you!”
“I already told you I don’t need your help or his! I have Raihn, you and Tamlin might hesitate, we won’t.”
”What are you so afraid of losing?”
“Feyre,” you breathe. “Amarantha’s taken too much, I’m not gonna stand by and let her take her too!”
His face softens, his voice gentle, “What about you?” 
“I don’t care about what happens to me,” you admit, “I never really have but I do care about what happens to my sister.” 
“But, I care,” he breathes. “I care, because you’re my friend. . . Both of you.” 
You hold his gaze for a moment before gesturing to the dagger on his belt. “Swear it.” He unsheathes it. “Swear to me, you’ll help me keep her alive.”
He glances at his open palm and then at you. Readjusting his hold on the handle of his dagger before sliding it across his palm, “I swear to help you keep your sister–Feyre–alive.” Then he hands the dagger to you and you hesitate before taking it. “Now swear to me you won’t go after Amarantha,” he says.
Shaking your head softly, “I can’t.”
“Y/n you’re going down a path you won’t survive. You’re going to ruin yourself—“
“No,” you say deathly soft, “I am her ruining.” 
“Please, you’re not thinking! She’ll see you coming and kill you before you get close enough to kill her.”
“I want her to see me coming.”
“Why are you so hell bent on going after her?”
“She owes me a debt.”
“A debt?”
You give him a tight nod. “A life debt.” For you mother, fathers, the Summer Court faerie who’s wings she butchered, for taking his eyes, for yourself and for anyone else she’s hurt.
He tries to reason with you. “Think about Feyre, think about how she'd feel if you died.”
“I am thinking about her, I’m doing this for her!” You shout frustratedly, your fingers curling into fists at your side. “You and Tamlin are practically raising her like a lamb to the slaughter for her!” Your nails dig into your palms and seconds later the scent of copper fills your nose. “I’ll kill her before she kills Feyre.” 
“Why are you so sure you’ll kill her?”
“BECAUSE THE SURIEL SAID SO!” You yell, making Lucien stagger back, eyes flashing. 
You just told him who you are, Raihn says gravely.
“Fuck,” you breathe.
“Ten years ago, the Princess of the Night Court, Rhaenyra and her two husbands were killed by Amarantha and her soldiers.” Lucien’s voice came out shaky as he spoke. 
Even though it wasn't a question, you still answered, swallowing hard, “Yes, they were.” 
“And her child was said to have bonded with a wolf from the Illyrian mountains. The first and only Illyrian to have bonded to a wolf since the Great War 500 years ago. A testament to the child's power.” Raihn shifts on the bed, getting Lucien’s attention, then his eyes flick back to you. “They were the only ones to have survived the attack.”
He ran a hand through his long silky red-hair. “Her child is the “Son of the Night Court,” Tamlin’s heir. . . Tamlin’s son.” 
You scoff, “They never did get that part right,” you say looking over your shoulder at Raihn who lets out a snort. “Princess Rhaenyra did bear him an heir. A daughter not a son. The “Sun of the Night Court.”
Lucien shakes his head in disbelief, “A daughter, not a son? His heir is female? That’s impossible, there’s never been a female—“
“A female heir I know,” you cut him off, “but is it really so hard to believe? Rhaenyra was the most powerful female in the history of Prythian, her brother is the most powerful High Lord in history and Tamlin is a strong High Lord. . .” you argue. “At least that’s what she told me as a child.”
Lucien didn’t say anything, he just stared at you before wordlessly pacing, running his hands through his hair. Suddenly he stopped and turned towards you, “I have to tell him. I have to tell Tamlin.”
Before Lucien could take a step, in a streak of white, Raihn got in front of him. Growling as he blocked his way. 
“Don’t!” you snarl. 
He whirled, “He deserves to know!”
“No, he doesn’t!I've been here for months and he hasn’t even the slightest clue that I'm his daughter!” 
“He thought he had a son,” Lucien tries to argue. “This whole time he thought—he was expecting—a son! Y/n a son—“
“I WILL NEVER BE A SON!” you growl, fisting the front of his green tunic earning a flinch from him. With a frustrated sigh you push him away, “So, no you’re not going to tell him. It won’t change anything.”
“This changes everything.”
“No it doesn’t. I’m still going to kill that Hybern bitch.”
Lucien arches a brow and crosses his arms, “Does your Uncle Rhysand know that his niece is here in Prythian?”
“Careful,” you warn. Your jaw clenching and unclenching as you readjust your grip on his dagger. 
“Does he know that you’re here to kill his lover?” 
Faster than anything had the right to be, you pin him to the floor, pressing the tip of his own dagger into his throat. A drop of blood pooling beneath the sharp tip. “You don’t get to talk about him,” you grit out. 
But he continues. “Oh you didn’t know,” he mocks, “Rhysand is Amarantha’s whore.” 
You let out a laugh before you pull back your arm that’s holding the dagger. 
Sunshine, Raihn warns. 
Fuck it!
So lost in your rage that you didn’t notice Tamlin and Feyre came into your room. The High Lord of Spring calls out to stop you, his voice tight,  “Y/n.” 
But you don’t falter, you bring your arm back down and Lucien squeezes his eyes shut and when the sharp tip of the dagger is an inch from his remaining eye Feyre screams, “Y/N!” Her voice is so full of raw fear that it brings you back to your senses. 
And you stab the dagger so hard into the floor that it goes all the way in, to the hilt. So close to Lucien’s head that it cut his ear. His eyes open slowly, finding you inches away from his face, a feral grin on your lips. You can hear his heart pounding in his chest. He shudders visibly beneath when you lean your head down next to his ear. “You say anything like that again to me. . . and I’ll make what Amarantha did to you look like child’s play,” you swear and he stiffens. “Do. You. Understand?” He nods. “Say it,” you hiss and he swallows hard.
“Yes, I understand.” Without another word you get off of him and Raihn moves to stand by your side as Feyre and Tamlin rush to his side. He waves them off, “I’m all right, I’m all right.” 
Tamlin looks him over. “What happened?”
Lucien’s eyes dart to you and glare back. “I crossed the line. I said something I shouldn’t have said.”
“What did you say?” Feyre asks and you feel her eyes on you but yours remain on Lucien.
He shakes his head, “It was disrespectful,” he gives you a tight nod and places his right hand over his heart. “Y/n, I apologize. I’ll never say it again,” he promises. 
You don’t respond. 
“You need to leave,” Tamlin growls.
“Tamlin, you can’t do this!” Feyre urges and that’s when your eyes slide to them and you see the High Lord glaring at you. 
“Me? Me? You-” you chuckle, “you mea– you mean me?”
“Tamlin don’t!” Lucien pleads but Tamlin’s eyes don’t leave mine. 
“You’re full of rage and unchecked. What if you hurt Feyre–”
“–Tamlin,” Feyre gasps.
“I would never,” you swear and take a step towards her, but he steps in front of her blocking you from her.
“She told me that you were covered in blood tonight,” he says.
“I was protecting her.”
“From what?” 
“The blight.” You take another step closer, sizing him up, “And where were you tonight?”
“The border,” he answers.
“To defend and protect her and the Spring Court.” Her and his lands, not you.
You take another step, “From who?”
“The blight,” his jaw clenches and you hear his claws slide out and you take another step so you’re less than a foot away.
“You maim and kill to defend her and your lands from the blight and you’re a hero, but when I do it, I become the enemy. That doesn’t seem fair.”
He takes a step forward and grabs hold of your jaw, “What makes you think you can do anything against the blight?” he snarls. “She will shred you to ribbons, because you are just a girl. Because you are a mistake!”
Feyre and Lucien both yell his name in unison. Raihn lets out a loud viscous growl as he stalks towards him, hackles raised, head lowered, teeth bared. Your face contorts with rage as you rip his hand off of you, “How ‘bout you shut the fuck up!” He takes a fighting stance, now focused on the pissed off wolf in front of him, Feyre shaking behind him and you huff a sigh. “Raihn don’t,” you command. “The blight will get him soon enough.” Raihn lunges at him before coming to stand behind you and Tamlin flinches.
“Get your wolf and get out!” Tamlin seethes.
You let out a cold bitter laugh, “Fine,” and go to your closest and quickly dress. Throwing on the nearest pants, tunic, cloak, and boots while Raihn guards the door. Then you move on to strapping on your knives and your mother’s sword–your sword, all the while you hear Feyre and Lucien attempt to reason with him. 
Grabbing an extra cloak for the Suriel before making your way towards the balcony door, Raihn follows closely behind, but as soon as you grab ahold of the hand Feyre stops you. Her hand gripping your arm so tightly, she might break her hand. “Tamlin, don’t do this!” She tried one last time. 
His voice is cold, his gaze piercing yours, “Say “please” and I’ll let you stay.”
“Then leave.”
“Happily,” you snarl.
"Y/n, please!" Feyre's voice is a desperate plea. "Just say it, just say "Please," its just a word."
You turn to look at her. "No. I will never say "please" to him. I will never beg him for anything." You try to make her let go of you, but she doesn't budge, not even when she turns back to Tamlin.
“Tamlin, PLEASE!” Feyre begs, clinging to you like a lifeline. “Please, don’t do this!”
His face softens for her and he’s quiet for a long time. “I’ll allow her to stay for you–”
“–Thank you!” she nearly sobs. 
“But,” he continues, “she’s your responsibility.”
You scoff at his words, but Feyre nods her head. “My sister, my responsibility,” she vows, letting go of your arm to hug you before going to hug Tamlin in thanks.  
Raihn let go, you order, throwing open the balcony doors and leap over the railing. Raihn a step behind you. 
Only making it a couple steps before Feyre calls out for you, leaning on the rail, “Y/n! Where are you going? Tamlin said you could stay!” Lucien and Tamlin join her, standing on either side of her. 
“I need to talk to a friend.” The Suriel. 
Then you hear Lucien, “I’ll go with her, there’s been talks of a girl in the woods. I’ll make sure nothing happens to her.”
You turn around, your eyes settling on the High Lord and you smirk, “Do you hear that Tamlin? There’s a girl in the woods.”
His eyes flash. 
You turn back around and hear Lucien murmuring something else to Feyre, but you can’t make out the words and then moments later he’s walking in step beside you. 
Sighing, “Go back to the manor, Lucien.”
He glances at you, “I don’t want you to be alone right now.”
“I’m not alone.”
He peaks around you to look at Raihn, then glances back at you. “You know what I mean.”
Neither of you talk again until you get to clearing in the woods of the Spring Court.
The emissary clears his throat, and gaze snaps to him as you take a seat on a fallen tree trunk in the clearing. “What?”
“I just want to apologize again for what I said about your Uncle.”
“All right.”
“All right? That’s it?”
“What else do you want me to say, Lucien?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know. I guess I thought you’d actually stab me this time.”
You chuckle, “I mean I still can, if you want me to.”
He smiles, “No, thank you. . . but I am sorry. Truly.”
“All right.”
“May I ask, why did you get so upset?”
“He’s family.”
Lucien nods before asking, “Have you ever met him?”
“No,” you breathe, “But my mother loved him until her dying breath.”
“Did she–” he hesitates, “did she know about him and her.” He didn’t have to say her name for you to know he was talking about Amarantha. 
You give a single tight nod. “I’m only going to say this once,” he nods so you continue. “They were brother and sister, but bound by more than blood. They were twins as well–counterparts. My mother used to tell me that they knew each other better than they knew themselves. And that he would do anything for his family and his court. So when Amarantha trapped all the courts, he got her out from Under the Mountain just in time, but it cost him. He had to remain. So don’t believe everything you hear about him. He might be with her but I promise you if he could, he would’ve killed her by now.”
“I am so sorry.”
“Me too.”
“And I’m sorry about Tamlin,” he adds.
“Fuck him.”
“He’s trying!”
You force a laugh, “That’s, him trying? Mother save us, I’d hate for him to stop trying.”
Lucien sighs, “You don’t know him like I do. I’ve known him for centuries, so trust me when I say he’s doing the best that he can.”
“He’s not doing enough! He couldn’t even protect you from that bitch taking your eye!”
“Y/n, listen when I say this, this is war and when you face the kind of threats that he has there’s going to be collateral damage–”
“MY FAMILY is gone. . . were they collateral damage?”
His face softens, “Look, I’m not saying what happened to you isn’t tragic but–”
“—Were you collateral damage, Lucien?” His gaze drops.
"What would your mother, your father's, think about you losing yourself to revenge against Amarantha? How would they feel?" he asks you, his voice gentle. "There's no honor in it."
"I have no honor until I kill her, because of what she did to them, to you, me and everyone else she's ever wronged."
He opens his mouth to say something but that’s when you both hear it: almost like a whisper, cloth dragging over root and stone. Your nostrils flare as you scent the air, confirming who it is. The Suriel. 
The tall, thin veiled figure in the cloak you had given it the last time, sat beside you on the fallen tree trunk. It was focused on Lucien, then it slowly turned to you, the dark hood of the cloak draped over its head blowing in a phantom breeze. “Hello, Darkling.” Click, click went its fingers against each other, one for every word. 
“Hello, old friend,” you greeted back as you handed them the new cloak.
“Thank you.” Its finger’s clicking again. You gave them a small smile and then they peered around to Raihn. “Wolf,” they greeted Raihn, bowing their head and he bowed his in return. Finally, they looked back at Lucien, “Fireling,” they said.
“Hello,” Lucien replied.
“I have three questions,” you tell them.
The Suriel nodded, “Ask them.”
“Does the High Lord of the Night Court know I’m in Prythian?”
“Yes. He knows you’re in the Spring Court, he’s looking for you. But you already knew that.”
“Does he know that I am not a son, that I am female?”
“No one does, except for your wolf and the fireling. Since you killed those Hybern soldiers that you told. . . but know that it will not matter to him either way.”
“Is he going to help me when I go Under the Mountain?”
“That depends on you and your choices.”
You bow your head, “Thank you, old friend.”
They bow their head in return and then shift their gaze to Lucien, “You have two questions, fireling, ask it.”
“Is she really going to be the one that kills Amarantha?”
“Is she going to survive it?”
The Suriel’s looks back at you, their gaze locking onto yours, “She died when she was born. One cannot kill what is already dead.”
You look at Lucien, his eyes wide and his face pale from the Suriel’s words. 
The Suriel holds your hands in theirs, “Princess, you must be ready!” They urge.
“Ready for what?”
“Night will come to Spring when the sun is at its highest.”
“What?” Lucien asks.
But, the Suriel adds, “In three days time a deal will be made.”
You nod. 
“A trade. A life for a life. Remember, “The things we do for love.” Be ready, Princess.” You nod again and the Suriel bends down on a knee and presses the back of your hand to their brow, “Till we meet again, darkling.”
“Till we meet again, old friend.”
They nod to Lucien and Raihn before disappearing back into the woods. 
The three of you were all silent on your walk back to the manor. 
You opened the door to your bedroom to let Raihn in, you were about to follow when Lucien stopped you.
“ ‘Night will come to Spring when the sun is at its highest. In three days time a deal will be made.’ What does that mean, Y/n?” He whispers, his eyes full of panic.
Your face betrays no emotion and neither does your voice as you tell him, “It means I’m going Under the Mountain in three days.” 
For other parts: Bound In Flames Series Masterlist
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11
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hymnserendipity · 2 months
Mikey, netflix and chill
Smut, Age up, no gender mentioned
Lately Mikey had become passionate about one TV series in particular, Sweet Home. You saw her with him, eating popcorn during breaks from work when he didn't have to train for motorbike races. But he was often tired in the evenings, so those were also the times when you could be more intimate and when you both had more energy.
As you smirked and began to tease him by lowering his pants, Mikey's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't expected you to act so boldly all of a sudden as soon as the episode had finish. "Whoa, hey now," he said, his voice laced with both amusement and a hint of desire. "What do you think you're doing there, huh?" You show him your tongue, teasing him.
"Can i, pretty please?" Mikey let out a soft chuckle, unable to resist your plea, especially when you looked at him with such a cute, pleading expression.
"You're impossible to say no to, you know that?" he said, shaking his head in mock annoyance. "Fine, go ahead. But be gentle, yeah?"
You accidentally hurt him ONCE, but he will never forget it. You start with the lenght, teasing him with your tongue and hands, then pass to the tip already dropping pre cum.
As you began to work her magic, Mikey leaned back on the bed, his eyes half-lidded as he watch you. A low, contented sigh escaped him, his body responding to your touch. "Damn...you know just how I like it" he muttered, his voice slightly strained. He reached out, his hand gently tangling in your hair, wanting to feel more of your. A sense of pleasure and tension coiled within him, his breathing becoming slightly heavier as you took all his lenght on your mouth, stuffing it while you twist your tongue. "Keep going like that..." he warned, his eyes darkening with desire. You smirk at him from lower, stop working and lowering your pants to go on top of him with. Mikey couldn't help but groan as you straddled him, your smirk driving him wild. The sight of you sitting on top of him, riding up your thighs, sparked a surge of desire through him.
"You're playing a dangerous game here, you know that?" he said, his voice low and strained. "Teasing me like that is going to have consequences, you know"
"I'm going to be the top now!!" You were so feisty and determined, it was a major turn on for him. "Oh, really now?" he teased, a hint of challenge in his voice. "You think you can handle being on top, huh? Let's see what you've got" As you start to kiss his neck, Mikey's breath hitched in his throat. You were so bold, so uninhibited, it took every ounce of his self-control not to fully surrender in that moment.
"We're not going to use any protection, huh?" he murmured, his voice huskier than usual. "You're really pushing your luck now"
"Hmm okay, maybe you're right" you stoo and open the drawer. Mikey couldn't help but feel a mix of disappointment and satisfaction. He loved your feisty side, but he also knew the importance of safety.
"Wise choice," he said, his voice a little breathless. "As much as I love your recklessness, we should still be careful, we should not make a mess." Mikey watched as you put on the condom on him, his eyes dark with desire.
"Now, where were we.." he murmured, his hands reaching out to caress your hips, pulling you closer again. You couldnt resist to be on top, and you start bounching. His moans fills the room as you both finish quickly, the excitement was too much the two of you didnt had much stamina for that round.
After your passionate encounter, Mikey and you lay cuddled up together. His arms wrapped around you, he felt a sense of contentment and peace wash over him. He gently stroked your hair, his touch tender and loving.
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jhu7ch1992 · 1 year
mike schmidt x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ content, minors dni, p in v, afab, swearing, finger sucking, unprotected sex.
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like always, you made your way through the pizzeria. you knew this place like the back of your hand due to how long you’ve worked here. but you also knew mike would be in a shitty mood as always.
your mind fogged with smart comebacks, as you made your way to the security office. you prepared to piss off mike.
as you entered through the doorway, you saw the man face down, with headphones on.
your eyes wandered to the walkman beside him. as you took a few steps beside him. turning off the “nature sounds” he listened to. he stirred in his sleep, not waking up. you decided you’d slam the desk with your hand, which caused a big bang. as he jerked up, his eyes laid on you.
“wake up asshole.” you say as he begun to roll his eyes, he took off the headphones placed on his hears. he began to grab his things, getting ready to leave. “yeah, whatever.” he responded.
“fucken bitch.” he muttered, as he picked up his hoodie.
“you wanna repeat yourself?” you questioned him. as he turned to you, looking you up and down.
“i called you a fucking bitch.” he said firmly. pausing.
“at least people actually like me.” you retorted, tilting your head with your words.
“fuck you.” he spat.
“yeah, i bet you’d like that.” you replied quickly, and cockily.
“i’d love to put you in your place, you fucking whore.” he responded, as your faces inched closer. your lips connected, it felt so right, but so wrong.
quickly this turned into a heated make out, as he pushed things off the desk that the monitors sat on. hoisting you up onto the desk, opening your legs. “fucking slut.” he said as he disconnected his lips from yours.
“yeah? you’d love to slut me out wouldn’t you?” you responded, as you leaned forward, stroking his clothed cock. he pulled your hand away, ripping off your tank top, as well as your shorts.
“you would look so good with my dick inside you.” he whispered, leaning to your ear. you’d admit, this made you even wetter than you already were.
you fiddled with his belt, as he took the hint, undoing it, letting it fall to the side. you lifted his shirt, he helped you, taking it off.
as well as, pulling his pants down to his knees. his cock sprung out, hitting his lower torso. your eyes widened at the girth of his dick, although your facade didnt falter.
he gripped the back of your knees, dragging you closer. pulling your panties to the side, he rubbed your folds with his tip. “are you gonna put it in? or are you a virgin?” you spoke, amused. his brows furrowed.
he thrusted his dick into you, fast and hard, not even giving you time to adjust to his size. “what’d you say?” he retorted, his thrusts causing you to hit you back on the monitors.
your hand gripped his shoulder stabilising yourself. he pulled his head back, watching his dick slip in and out of you. you bit your lip, stopping yourself from making any noise, or even saying anything to let him know he was making you feel good.
he looked up to your face, as you pretended to yawn with and expressionless face. this pissed him off. quickly, he picked you up by the waist, still on his dick. he turned around his back facing toward the monitors, he thrusted upward, as his dick went even deeper into you. your legs wrapped around his waist
you couldnt stop yourself from moaning this time. so, you moaned in his ear. he found a good rhythm, that hit you hard and fast. “fuck.” you moaned, your head falling back. you felt a knot in your stomach. one hand on your waist, the other caressing your torso, which sent shivers down your spine.
he pushed your head back to face him.
“suck it.” he groaned, you closed your lips around his pointer finger, holding onto his wrist as you gently sucked it. moans seeping through.
“fuck.” he groaned, throwing his head back as he bounced you on his dick. you took his finger out of your mouth.
“im gonna -“ you attempted to finish before unraveling. he pulled out, cumming on your thighs.
“we should do this more often.” he whispered into your ear.
“bite me.” you retorted, standing back up, grabbing your clothes
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ask-noonescity · 26 days
(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) Noelle enters the apartment and approaches Monarch. She smiles and waves at him.
"Heyhey, sleepyhead! Remember me from yesterday? Really hope ya don't mind me overseein' you with silly ass, haha... AHEM, sorry... Anyways, Rim told me about ya when she met that "thing" and you were in Pokémon form...I guess... She's wonderin' (as am I): Are the butterflies...have minds? I also saw one of them flyin', but it wasn't the one she's described."
By "thing" she meant Mingi.
The sylveon had given two good blinked then his eyes started to shift around looking for someone currently
..is she talking to me? Do I know her? Who is Rim???And silly ass?? who is that??
He almost questioned in his mind; shifting side to side with his body now slightly nervous
"uh..." was the only sound escaping him for a second before he quickly pulled up his hand for a moment letting the ghostly bug land on him
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"Err yeah they do have mind of their own, they like sweet things... making me eat the stuff they want ugh " he then thought for a moment "I am sadly half Farigiraf so it has translated into my ribbons..."
He now closed his eyes for a moment thinking to himself as he tapped his chin starting to explain knowing himself it wont be the best way
Why Lady cant be here when he needs her?
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"You know how Girafarig have their tails they have brain of each own think for themselves and so on, I had something similar but mine didnt developed into that mouth or could even help out by looking out for me... I only knew something was up because my tail would move occasionally by itself" he muttered through the thoughts before starting to gesture and fidget with his hands as he spoke further
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"Now that im Farigiraf half normally as a single species the helmet and brain work together now protect each other its like...their brains have fused or they understand each other even more... I dont know..." he gulped understanding it was starting to become harder to speak he murmured "Basically that helmet has become my butterflies they just manifest in this form as 'sort of' normal butterflies and the teeth that Farigiraf have on helmet is something that I can control this time" he pointed to himself
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The teeth opened back up now slowly disappearing seemingly in the hoodie where they came from as he looked to the Houndoom
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"you saw - I explained sort of , please leave now" he now simply stated
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jamilviperswife · 1 year
no thoughts only jack howl being sooo needy during his rut. I’m letting my demons out in yiur inbox I am so sorry
Hello hello! That's alright, we all have demons 😔 I'm going to write this in a drabble/one shot of format, since you didn't specify 😅. And I'm also going to write it as suggestive themes/maybe a lil bit of something else, So sorry if you wanted full NSFW 😭
Warning(s): suggestive themes, implied smut, Jack is in rut and needy
Character(s): Jack Howl
Jack doesn't really get needy when in his rut. He used to just sit in his room and wait it out. That all changed when you came along. Now whenever he's like this he wants nothing more than to rut up into you. He shakes in head in embarrassment, he shouldn't be thinking about those kinds of things! But he can't help it, you make his head spin and his heart yearns for your touch. He wants you to touch him, to give him the relief he so desperately needs.
Jack let out a whimper as he felt his groin throb through his pants. 'I'll just have to wait it out, like always..' he told himself. He would have to avoid you, he didn't trust himself around you at the moment. You two weren't even dating, it would be best if you didn't see him for the time being.
You were currently sitting at lunch with your friends. Despite the loud chatter of the cafeteria, your mind seemed to wander to one wolf in particular. You haven't seen him for a few days now, it was starting to get worrying.
A finger snapping brought you out of your head as you turned to the perpetrator. "Helllooo? Y/n? You good? You've been spacing out for 10 minutes." Asked Ace with an eyebrow raise. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, just a little worried about Jack I guess. He usually sits with all of us at lunch, but I haven't seen him in a few days." You furrowed your eyebrows in worry, leaning your head on your hand. Epel gave a shrug in response, "Maybe he's sick? I'm sure it's nothin' to worry about." A sigh came from your mouth as you mumbled a 'maybe you're right.' Still, you couldn't help but wander what was wrong. You decided you were going to stop by his room later to check up on him.
And boy was something wrong alright. Jack has heaving, he was sweating so much and his groin hurt so bad. He tried to relieve himself but it didn't seem to work. He didn't know what to do. A knock on his door brought him out of his thoughts, a visitor? He told everyone in his dorm not to bother him for a few days, so who could it possibly be?
His stomach dropped when he heard your voice on the other side of the door. Why were you here?? This was the last thing he wanted. He tried to keep silent, make it seem as if he wasn't there. Unfortunately for him, you weren't giving up that easily.
"Jack? Are you there?" Another knock "...I'm coming in, I've been worried you know, just wanted to make sure you were okay." Oh did you have to go and say that? Now his face is red from more than just his rut. You were always so sweet and kind to him, no wonder he fell for y-OH GOD WHY IS THE DOOR OPENING!? DIDNT HE LOCK IT!?!?
He infact, did not lock the door. You turned the knob, opening it while silently muttering a sorry for the intrusion. Jack desperately tried to run up and close the door before you came in, your scent already intoxicating him more as he attempted to hold back a groan. He ended up tripping over his blankets as you fully came into the room, closing the door behind you.
When you turned back around it took you a few minutes to take in the site before you. Jack, on the floor, in only his underwear. He was dripping with sweat and looked to be heavily flushed, maybe he was sick? Shaking your head you looked at him with worry before kneeling down Infront of him. "Jack!? Are you okay?" You asked as you brought your hand up to his forehead, gasping softly at the heat that radiated off of him.
Jack shivered at your touch before grabbing your hand and gently moving it away from him. He stood up, bringing you up with him and nudged you away, taking a few steps back himself. "You-, you need to leave.." Jack managed to get out, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to hold himself back any longer if you stayed.
"What? But why?? Jack you're burning up, you need help!"
"I don't need your help. I need you to leave." He lied through gritted teeth. Of course he needed your help, if the growing tent in his boxers were anything to go by, but he wasn't going to ask you for it. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
Despite his attempts at trying to hide it, you noticed. And it wasn't long before the gears started to click in your head. His wavered breaths, his abnormal temperature, his fidgeting, the obvious *bulge* in his pants. It was all coming together.
Your eyes widened as your mouth formed and 'O' shape, letting out a silently noise of understanding as your cheeks darkened. "I-i didn't know, I'm sorry!"
Your eyes seemed to wander his body, your own heating up itself. Jack looked to be in a lot of discomfort, it hurt you to see him like this. An idea came to your head, but you were hesitant if Jack would even be okay with it. Making your way towards him, you shyly placed your hands on his chest and gently started to glide your fingers across his body. "Um..I know you must be in a lot of discomfort right now. If it's alright with you...I could maybe...help you..?" You looked at him hesitantly, searching his eyes for any kind of sign that he was okay with you helping him.
Jack sucked in a breath as his eyes widened at what you said. Help him? You wanted to help him? "...are you sure?" He asked you, his body shivering at your caresses as he leaned into it. You gave him a meek nod, a small grin on your face as your cheeks darkened even more. And that's when Jack finally let his impulses take control, now that he was given the go ahead.
He slammed you up against his wall, hungrily kissing you before moving down your jaw to your neck, letting a groan as he sucked and nibbled on it. You let out a moan in response, wrapping your arms around his neck as his tail wrapped around your body. "Jack..~" You had moaned out running your fingers through his hair.
Jack stopped what he was doing and turned to look you in the eyes. He gave you a lopsided lovesick grin. Jack Howl has never been so needy, until he met you. All he's ever wanted was you. And tonight? He was going to devour you.
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bellewintersroe · 6 months
Ron Speirs x ArmyNurse! OC
Margaret ‘Maggie’ Emerson, an army nurse attached to the 506th parachute infantry regiment, finds herself growing closer to her company’s captain, Ronald Speirs. With war drawing to an end, a side to the mystery that is Captain Speirs is revealed. Both Maggie and Ron have a difficult time resisting their attraction to one another.
This is the third part to this mini-series, here’s the link to part 2 where you can find the first piece also linked. This chapter is gonna be a cliche nurse has to do a physical exam of the soldier she has the hots for lmao- no warnings, just some swearing and mild sexual tension.
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“More, switch lines with me.” Speirs head was tilted, looking towards the door ahead of him.
“Sorry, sir?” More frowned. Speirs held out a pack of cigarettes and More gladly accepted, swapping places with him in the line with no further questions asked. The Captain smirked to himself proudly as the door opened, revealing Sergeant Alley walking out with Maggie swiftly behind.
“Thanks, Mag’s.” Alley teased causing some of the men to jeer and tease. Maggie rolled her eyes, giving Alley a playful kick to the back of his leg before calling out a polite, “next.”
Ron stepped forwards and her lips immediately tugged up in a smile she couldn’t quite bite back. “Captain Speirs, sir, how are you?” The door closed behind them both. From the outside, Luz watched on, mouth hanging open in surprise.
“What the fuck?” He muttered to himself, stunned at the exchange. “Hey, Babe, you see that? Speirs swapping lines with More to get into Maggie’s?” George nudged at the man beside him.
“Oh yeah? Didnt think we’d see the day Captain Speirs was chasin’ a broad…” Babe snickered.
On the inside, Maggie double checked the door was shut before heading towards the check board to write down Speirs’ name and tick him off the checklist. She’s been doing physical exams all morning, blood tests, checking their skin, weight, height. Maggie thought she was growing bored until Captain Speirs walked in.
“Would you take your shirt off for me, real quick?” She muttered, without thinking too much. Ron sat in the chair, removing his tie and moving his hands to unbutton the shirt. “I gotta just get a few measurements from you before I do the blood test and X-ray, that alright?” Maggie turned around, digging her pen a little too hard into the paper when she saw him unbuttoning his shirt.
“Yeah.” He casually nodded, as she pursed her lips, averting her eyes, before remembering she had to take his blood pressure. Spinning around again she retreated the device, stethoscope also around her neck. Her face was flustered and she dared to look up to him when his shirt was completely discarded. Maggie had been around shirtless men all day, it didn’t discompose her until now.
Ron’s gazed followed her tensely, swallowing and tensing his jaw when she took a seat in front of him. Her hair was longer than Ron realised, blonder than the other nurses, curls that weren’t pinned back hanging loosely. He didn’t even care that she was probably breaking every uniform rule, he was too enthralled by her.
“I’ll take your blood pressure first, sir.” He held out an arm as she shuffled a little closer, wrapping the material around his bicep. His muscles were protruding, as were his veins. If Maggie felt like melting just from the sight of his arm then she was curious as to how she reacted from seeing the rest of his seemingly, very toned, body.
“Get the boring stuff out of the way.” She giggled, glancing up to him. “Taking bloods fun?!” Her head snapped up again, pausing her actions. “It is when they faint.” Shrugging, she continued wrapping the strap around his arm before pumping to tighten the machine and read his blood pressure.
“Who fainted?” He questioned, a slight smirk covering his face. “You wanna know?!” Her smile turned into a devious grin as his teeth dug into his bottom lip, nodding. “Well it’s confidential.” She borderline teased, Speirs felt his stomach tighten as he unconsciously leant a bit closer. Maggie noticed and stole another glance over his face. He was even more handsome close up…
“Secrets safe with me.” He played along, eyelids heavy as they met hers. For a second her lips were parted and straight, captivated in the way he was looking at her, the way he spoke- and that was totally unprofessional. Maggie sat up straighter before her lips stretched into a smile again, shaking off the urge to lean closer into him. Ron wondered if all her exams were like this, or if it was just for him.
“I’ll let you guess, sir.” Ron cleared his throat, pursing his lips and looking around to distract himself elsewhere. Maggie scribbled down his blood pressure, “blood pressures good.” She then commented as he quickly snapped back to her, remembering what she’d said before.
“Liebgott. Acts tough but screams at the sight of needles.” He quickly commented, resulting in her laughing a little harder now. “No not Liebgott, stand up for me, Ron.” The name slipped as he smiled to himself. Maggie pulled the stethoscope into her ears and stepped around him so she was directly ahead of him. God, he was muscular. Trim from the physical demand of war, but he was undeniably attractive. Maggie’s tongue pushed to the inside of her cheek, tilting her chin up to look up to him before she pressed the devise up to the left of his chest.
“Sorry it’s cold.” She whispered as Ron felt his breath hitch, heart rate immediately speeding. “Talbert then.”
“Didnt faint, but he nearly threw up.” Maggie muttered, listening to his heart. Ron chuckled as they shared a smile. “Your hearts going so fast.” It fell out of her mouth as he took a deep breath. “I wonder why?” His eyes gazed over her, causing her own pulse to accelerate. The tension was too much, they were so both openly showing their attraction to one another, Maggie thought she might faint if she swooned any harder.
“Take a deep breath for me, sir.” She then instructed, listening carefully. Everything sounded perfect as she listened once on his chest and again on his back- that was also incredibly muscular.
She stood on a literal stool chair in order to reach and measure his height perfectly, Ron’s head tilted up in amusement before she nudged his jaw so he was looking straight. “I’ve been doing this all day.” She reminded, scribbling some more notes down, taking his weight and then doing an x-Ray, hands adjusting his arms in the right position.
“What time do you get off later?” Ron questioned, whilst he was stood in the machine. “You have to ask me that now when I need you to be still?” She gazed up to him. “Would you rather me ask when I’m taking your blood?”
“Preferably not, no.” She smiled to herself, heading over and pushing his arms a little further back so she could get a better view of everything to send to the surgeons to check everything was okay.
“Keep your back straight, alright?” Her warm hands touched slightly the mid of his back nudging him a little more upright. “Alright.” Ron spared her another glance.
“Hold still a second.” A moment later the X-ray was taken. “4.” She then answered, Ron looked at her in a little confusion.
“You can take a seat again- and 4. You asked me what time I get off at?” Again, she felt a little shy, fumbling for the tourniquet and slowly dragging over the tray with everything laid out on. Ron smiled, feeling the words ready to spill off his lips. He knew he shouldn’t, but he so desperately wanted to completely break professionalism and ask her out. He saw how happy all those other men looked to be in her line, he could bet they’d try anything on with her now the war in Europe was over.
“Oh yeah.” Ron muttered to himself as she tightened it over his bicep. “Clench your fist for me.” She muttered, wondering what the question was for. His veins were already popping, she slapped on his skin slightly before returning to get a clear pair of gloves.
It was silent for a minute or so. Not awkward, just a little tense, the unspoken words making the two of them nervous. “Sharp scratch, you okay with needles?” She muttered. Ron gulped, tense at her presence, not the needle. “Okay.” Her whispered tone made him shiver as he watched her prick the inside of his vein, never being one to bother about injections or needles. Ron inhaled, looking up and her head snapped up, making sure he was okay.
“You okay?”
“Go out with me later.” The words on his lips were finally spoken, he blinked back to her, seeing her breath catch in her throat before she turned back to the vial and needle with a slight amusement.
“You’re asking me whilst I’m taking your blood?” She watched it fill up, looking like a freak as she smiled to herself uncontrollably. “Yeah.” His voice cracked, raspy from overuse.
“Okay.” She nodded, not really having to think twice about it. Ron had to tense his jaw to avoid smiling too much. “Great, I’ll pick you up at 8?”
“Where are we going?” She removed the needle gently, dealing with that before disposing of everything she didn’t need and scribbling down everything she needed to, trying her hardest to focus on everything but the fact Captain Speirs had just asked her out.
“There’s a bar in town- don’t ask me to pronounce it.” Now she looked back to him, a smile reaching her eyes and nodding. “8 is good, I’ll see you then.”
“Good.” He gently spoke, looking back to her with a smile. Maggie hadn’t seen Speirs smile this much before. “You can put your shirt back on now, Ron.”
“Oh, right.” God, Ron had Maggie smiling like a lovesick teenager, even when he’d left and the next person, Malarkey had come in, Maggie was grinning like a goddamn child.
“Captain Speirs got you smilin’ like that?!”
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Morpheus and badass warrior/Valkyrie reader like they're almost his height and more muscle-y and a super good fighter and Morpheus kinda likes when they manhandle him and get a lil rough but he's supernaturally strong too so he can fight back a bit and they get all riled up 🥵🥵
Headlock Of Love
Dream of the Endless x Valkyrie!Reader
Summary: Matthew was making a log of every interaction between you and his master. In an exciting turn of events, the whole of The Dreaming, upon learning of this log, began placing their bets on their favored fighter. The conflict of the bet? Which of you will realize you both like each other first.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Dense!Dream & Reader, tall buff and hot!reader, crackfic, fluff, typos.
A/N: GIRL YOU ARE SUCH A BAD INFLUENCE WITH YOUR REQUESTS YOU KNOW I HAVE HOMEWORK GRRRR. It's not funny i've got school. /: but i guess i should thank you for this cause the other dream req i finished was depressing T_T if you read it T_T tell me what you think. ALSO BESTIE YOU DIDNT EVEN GIVE ME A CHANCE TO FINISH THIS BEFORE REQUESTING AGAIN [foams in the mouth] AND I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR IT BECAUSE THAT REQ WAS SO CUTE AND I have TO WRITE IT 🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓 THE POLICE ARE COMING FOR YOU respectfully disrespectfully looking sir (the gif is so large to T_T) Tagging: @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 [@pinksirensong btw do you seriously want me to tag you in everything????]
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"No," Matthew squawks at Lucienne, "no, you're lying."
Lucienne shakes her head as Matthew cocks his head the way birds do at the sound of laughter echoing in the library. The raven hops on the table as he watches his master and the Valkyrie recount whatever it was they were recounting.
"My lord," Lucienne interrupts them, causing them to turn to each to her in sync, "I have found the book you are looking for."
"Ah yes," Dream nods, extending his hand out to the librarian, "thank you, Lucienne."
"Thank you, Lucienne," I echo, turning back to Dream, "you did not have to go through the trouble," I turn back to her, "both of you."
Lucienne smiles and simply nods.
"I am sure Lucienne would agree sharing knowledge is never a trouble," Dream smiles.
"He's freaking smiling," Matthew mutters under his breath, making Lucienne shoot him a dirty look.
"Especially not for my favorite Valkyrie."
"Favorite Valkyrie, Loosh!" Matthew whisper-yells.
Lucienne rolls her eyes, "They have been like this for centuries-- millennium."
"Do not say that to my sisters, my lord," I chuckle at Dream's sentiment.
"Well, I do not have to mind myself. I do not find the need to converse with any other Valkyrie anyway."
"He does not find the need to converse with any-" Matthew is cut off by Lucienne's dark expression.
Log 1: A Battle of Hypotheticals
Lucienne eyed Matthew hotly, muttering under her breath, repeatedly, "don't do it, do not do it, don't you dare do it."
Matthew did it anyway.
"Hey, miss Valkyrie," the raven says, fluttering to my side of my shoulder as I make my way to the throne. I turn to the black feathered creature and smile, "oh, hello, sweet raven. How can I be of assistance?"
"Yeah, I was just thinking," Matthew starts, "you're one of the strongest beings in the galaxy."
My nostrils flare, "I am flattered that you think this."
"So, I was wondering: who would win in a fight between you and Dream?"
I freeze in my place, right in front of Dream who was sitting on his throne. He closes the book in his hand with a loud thud upon hearing Matthew's question.
The two of us begin to get nervous under the King of Dreams' stare.
"I..." I start "would never want to be on the bad side of your master-"
"No I know!" Matthew croaks quickly, making Dream lift his head up, "It's just-- without his powers, I think you could take him."
I turn to Matthew, who was looking down at me from my shoulder. I did not know why he was suddenly telling me this, and I ponder at his words before retorting, "I agree."
"You agree?" Matthew mutters.
Dream's deep voice echoes, "you agree?"
Log 1.2: A Battle of Strength
"This is all your fault," Lucienne sighs, crossing her arms as she watches the king and the warrior ready before them in a 'friendly' sparring match.
"Hey! I thought they'd have some cute banter, then I would-"
"They do not know how to banter!"
"What do you mean they don't know how to banter, that's all they do!"
"That's just how they speak to each other," Lucienne snaps.
"Hey, I didn't think he'd pull out a fucking sword!" Matthew watches Dream as he twisted the massive weapon in his had. It was ridiculously large that, in theory, he should not have been able to lift in the first place. "What the heck even is that- WHY IS IT ON FIRE!?"
Lucienne rolls her eyes.
"Are you certain you can take me while you are unarmed?" Dream asks for the 3rd time as I roll my neck.
"You're not allowed to use your powers, my lord," I stretch my arms, "I would be distressed if I offended you by either holding back or defeating you too quickly."
Dream's laugh is deep and rich, "you know me too well."
Matthew gasps, "You know me too-"
"Oh shut it!" Lucienne cuts off
Log 1.3: Fatality
"Boss," "My lord," & "Dream," is shouted three ways.
"I knew this would happen," Lucienne mutters as she rushes over while Matthew flies over head.
I was on my knees, hunched over the form that was effectively knocked out on the floor with a bloody nose. I was lightly and rapidly slapping his cheek as my other hand holds his head up by his nape, "Dream. Dream. Dream. Dream, wake up."
"Nice shot!" Matthew says, landing right beside his boss' head.
"MATTHEW!" Lucienne and I shout.
Matthew croaks.
It seems the loud shout was enough to wake the Dream Lord.
I let out a sigh of relief when he begins to groan and stir.
"My lord," Lucienne sighs, relaxing, "I warned you that it would be a good idea to do this, even with Dragon's Breath."
Dream does not seem to hear her as he reaches out to touch my cheek, "you've grown stronger through the centuries."
Matthew gasps, "You've grown stronger throu-"
I chuckle as I give him a guilty look, "My lord, I did not intend to-"
"Nonsense," Dream smiles with his teeth, thumb rubbing my cheek, "you were exquisite."
"You were exqui-"
"But your nose is bleeding," I whimper, pulling him up until he was sitting down.
Dream withdraws his hand to wipe his philtrum and smirks at the blood on his hand, "I admit, I did not think it possible to both injure and knock me out in my own realm."
"Dream, I-"
"I thank you for the valuable lesson, my dear."
"I thank you for the valuable-" Matthew could not finish his whispers as Lucienne stomps at him.
Log 245 243 ???
"I told you that it was pointless," Lucienne plainly mutters under her breath as she flips the page of the book she was lazily reading.
No one could hear her though from where she sat at the far end of the long table as the lot of the Dreaming congregated in the library to discuss their bids and bets.
"How are we so sure that your logs are accurate and they haven't already confessed!" Cain accuses Matthew as the rest of the members of the table break out in an uproar.
"Yeah! You could be scamming us for our money!" Abel agrees, pointing a finger.
"Well, maybe because I'm not the one who's taking the bets, and it's Gilbert!" Matthew says snapping at Fiddler Green's human form.
Gilbert clears his throat as everyone at the table turns to him.
"You dirty cheat," Cain says.
Gilbert raises his hands, "I can assure you, Matthew's logs are accurate because I have witnessed most of these logs myself during their strolls in Fiddler's Green."
"I say we shake him down for all the loose change he's got," Mervyn points his gloved finger to Gilbert before crossing his arms, making another uproar resound in the library.
And yet all it takes to silence them was an "oh."
The whole room turns to me.
"I'm sorry to have interrupted your meeting," I throw my thumb over my shoulder, "I'll just leave."
"Nonsense," Lucienne stands from her seat, "they were all just leaving, actually. You may continue whatever business it is that you need here."
"Oh, yes," I smile, "I was actually in search for the king. I have word of his-"
"Have you kissed him yet," Cain asks out of nowhere, making me slap my hands on my lips. My eyes grow wide, "I beg your pardon?"
"Cain," Abel warns, shoving him. Cain doesn't give a shit, "I'm only aski-"
"I do not understand why you would accuse me of such a treasonous thing."
"Treason huh," Mervyn shakes his pumpkin head at my words.
We all turn to the side when my name is called out.
My cover my entire lower face with hand when Dream comes up to my side. His brows knit at the looks of me, "are you quite alright."
Everyone but us watches the room when it begins to darken.
Dream, once he is stood before me, shoots a dark glare to his side, making everyone evade his look, "did they say something to offend you?"
I feel my body begin to burn in embarrassment at his words. When Dream turns back to me and reaches out to touch my arm, I flinch then run away.
A breath leaves him as he watches, and soon enough, his form begins to grow bigger. If that did not strike fear in you, I don't know what will.
"IT WAS ABEL!" Cain shouts, pointing to his brother, "ABEL ASKED HER IF SHE KISSED YOU YET!!!"
"What?" Abel helplessly mutters.
Dream's voice reverberates the entire Dreaming, "what?"
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chaos-grimlin · 2 years
Part 2 of marked!! The one with Billy and Stu PLSS
Alrighty! Here you go Anon! Also i updated the trigger warnings so PLEASE re read them in chapter 1
Intro: No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teenage boys, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, went crazy. That the boys killed with no motive, that it was a case of crazy and peer pressure. Sidney Prescott, the "girlfriend" of Billy Loomis,Y/n L/n, the girl both boys were deeply obsessed with, and Gale weathers, a news reporter, where 3 of 5 witnesses that were willing to talk and tell their sides of the story to the public while Dewy Riley, the deputy sheriff of woodsboro, and tennager Randy Meeks refused to talk to law enforcements at the time. All the stories told to law enforcement seem to differ from person to person, but...in this tale, we will focus on Y/n, the obsessions, side of the story...
Marked(Poly!Billy and Stu x reader)
Word count:1319
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Chapter 12 -Dont think Stus a suspect
^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^
Me, Tatum,Dewy, and Randy all sat in the living room. Randy was on my left, Tatum on my right and Dewy sat in a chair infront of me.
"The...the voice almost sounded like someones I knew" I muttered, answering Dewys question.
Dewy nodded and wrote something down on a slip of paper. "Who did it sound like?" He asked. "..Billy Loomis" I answered, recalling how the distorted voice had the likeness of Billys voice.
"Yeah I agree, they did sound like Billy in a way" Randy added onto what I had said.
"Alright, im so sorry again all of this happened to you Y/n..youve been through alot over the past few day" Dewy said as he looked at me with sympathy laced in his eyes.
I stayed quiet... Not a singular noise left my lips. All I wanted was all of this to end..but...i didnt want to die.. I have so much i want to do and want to see... Theres endless possibilitys to the point death makes me uncomfortable.
"Y/n if you want I can drive over to your parents house and ask your parents if you can stay here for a little bit if you want" Dewy said as he stood up from his stool.
"That would be nice" I said, my voice barely above a whispered when I did.
Dewy nodded with a smile. "Ill be back, don't any of you do anything crazy" Dewy said with a playful smile as he pointed at me, then Randy, then Tatum. Dewy glared at Tatum. "Especially you" he added.
Tatum gasped, clearly offended. "Your an asshole" she said as she shook her head. Dewy just cackled before shove the slip pf paper in his pants pocket and walking off, opening the door, and shutting it behind him.
"So..what now?" Randy asked as he looked from me to Tatum.
"I knowww" Tatum said as she stood up then stood in front of me and Randy. "I got a question" she said as a sly smirk played its way onto her perfect lips.
"What?" Me and Randy asked in unison.
"Whats up with you two?" She asked, eyeing us both. "What are you on about Tatum?" Randy asked as he tilted his head to the side.
"Oh dont play dumb you nerd... Don't act like i didn't see you grab her hand, and also.. Theres hickeys on Y/ns neck..." Tatum trailed off then gasped, her hand flying up to her mouth.
"You guys had sex didnt you?" Tatum asked, her eyes wide. "What? No" I said defensively as my face started to heat up.
"Hmm..sure.." Tatum said, clearly not believing me. "We didn't Tatum, I am still very much a virgin" Randy said with a huff. "Same here" I added.
Tatum looked at me with disbelief. "How the hell are you a virgin? Randy i understand but you Y/n? Your such a beautiful girl...im shocked" Tatum said.
My face flushed red. Tatum called me beautiful..
"Im beautiful?" I asked, my voice soft and quiet.
"Hell yeah you are!" Randy said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and practially pulled me into him.
Tatum laughed at our behavior and flopped onto the couch beside me.
The laughter faltered and all was silent other then our out of rythem breathing.
I laid my head back onto Randys chest and closed my eyes.
"Ya know.. What if Billy was the one that called you?" Tatum said out of no where.
"Huh?" Randy asked.
"Y/n and you said that the voice over the phone sounded alot like Billy's..what if it was" Tatum said.
"Billy is the type of person that would 100% call someone and fuck with them" Randy added.
I opened my eyes and leaned my head up off of Randy. "Then that means... He....k-killed...Casey" I choked out.
My throat felt tight at the thought and my mind went to the possibility of Billy gutting my best friend...but...he had no reason to..
"I doubt it"  Randy muttered as looked down at my feet.
"What?" Tatum asked.
"Billy has no motive to kill Casey...out of everyone Casey knew..only one person would have a reason to kill her" I felt myself get antsy the more I spoke.
"Who?" Randy asked, looking down at me.
I didn't want to say it due to Tatum being in the room. Tatum was dating the one person i thought could have a motive to kill Casey and that was Stu...
Stu, as i figured out from Casey, that Stu dated Casey, then she left him..so he had a reason.. Plus..Casey was hung from a tree and gutted...
Stu seemed to know alot about how to gut someone and he was tall.. Over 6 feet tall.
"Y/n...who?" Tatum asked again, suspence raised in the room.
"Don't get mad...but....Stu..." I said, going deathly quiet when Stus name dripped off of my tongue.
I lifted my eyes from my feet and looked at Tatum, who seemed to be both ragefilled and confused...
"Its just a thought" I added.
"A thought that's wrong" Tatum hissed out as she crossed her arms, clearly defending her boyfriend.
"How do you know?" Randy asked, cocking his head to the side.
"How do you know?!" She fired back.
"He had a clear motive..." I added as my stomach lurched.
"He dated Casey...then she or he left her and she got with Steve" I muttered as i dug my nails into my forearm.
"Well there's no way in hell Stu would kill her!" She yelled.
Randy was quick to jump to his feet and put his hands on Tatums shoulders. "Cool your Tits Tatum! Its was just a thought! In shit like this everyone a suspect! E.v.e.r.y.o.n.e" he said.
Tatum glared daggers at me as I hung my head low.
I felt like i had fucked up by letting my thoughts slip out through my mouth.. I wish i could take the words back and shove them back into my mind and let them rot in there.
Tatum and Randy continued their argument as my mind stuck on the thought that maybe Billy or Stu killesd Casey..
Then.. My mind went back onto her...
She didn't deserve to die.. She didnt do anything to anybody..she was a sweet girl with so much she wanted to do...
It pained me... I was at fault.. If only i had been there sooner. If only I had snuck out faster.. If only..
I jumped up from my spot on the couch. Randy and Tatums argument was fuzzy in my mind as I rushed off, my eyes started to water although they were sore form all the crying.
I rushed up the stairs of Tatum and Dewys house and rushed into the bathroom and shut and locked the door.
I slid down the door and pulled my knees to my chest.
All i did was fuck everything up.
I fucked up by not being at Casey's quicker, i fucked up Tatum, and i fucked up with my parents...
My eyes were sore from crying, it felt like i had no more tears to cry at this point.
Why did all this bull shit have to happen?
If only I would have changed my relationship with my parents rather then shut them out maybe i would have been able to get to Casey quicker and i wouldnt have had to have the conversation I had with Tatum, which ended in her and Randy almost screaming at each other...
Im just a fuck up..
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silverhenderson · 1 year
The Rabbit and the Wolf
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders Era)
Paring: Remus Lupin x reader (Iris Lebelle) and a bit of Regulus cause why not as well as Marlene x Sirius
Warnings: Angst, Cussing, Suggestive material
Summary: Determined to help her boyfriend during the hardest time of the month for him Iris risks a lot, just so he's safe. But will everything be okay with her life in risk?
Word Count: 5349
It had been an accident. It was her fault, not his. Iris lay against a tree, blood dripping down onto her lap. Her shirt had been slashed and there was an array of deep cuts. If her papa had been there he would’ve fainted from seeing her hurt and having no idea what could’ve done that seeing as he was a muggle. Her father on the other hand wouldn’t see anything on account of being blind as a bat. She laughed a bit to herself and flinched, Reggie would be yelling at her in his sweet way for being so stupid. She slowly moved her head to the side, looking at the dark forest being lightly illuminated by the moon, the full moon. Tears dripped down her face and landed on her thighs she let out a hiss as the salty tear seeped into another set of injuries on her leg. 
How could she have been so stupid? Following them into the woods. Remus had been really upset for the past couple of days, she was worried. Iris had known Remus’ condition for a while, not because he had told her but because she had figured it out on her own. Iris had worked with a variety of magical animals and had noticed that her study of werewolves had matched up completely with Remus’ actions. 
She had walked to the other boys and asked about it. “I know about Remus,” she said to them. James looked up at her shocked, Peter turned red, and Sirius almost spit out his firewisky. Sirius coughed and looked at his friends and then at Iris, “about what?” he said trying to calm down. “That he is a we-” James shot up and covered her mouth with his hand, he held her and the other two also stood. James dragged her upstairs to the dormitory, the people in the common room looked confused at the situation. Although it looked like she was being kidnapped no one did anything; James shoved her into the room and Peter closed the door. He let go of her, she sat down on her boyfriend’s bed. “You done?” she asked, the group was confused at her bluntness seeing as she was the “sweet” one. They nodded, “As I was saying… Remus is a werewolf” The group looked at each other with a mix of shock and fear. “How did you know?” James whispered, like there was someone else in the room who didnt know Moony’s secret. 
“Well, first off his nickname is Moony” she laughed and Sirius rolled his eyes, she ignored him and continued. “Second he always makes sure our dates aren’t on the night of a full moon, I’ve caught you four on my prefect rounds; sneaking around,” she said. 
“But we are always up to something” Sirius shot at her, “True” she replied her hair turning a bit red from how annoying it was he kept interrupting her. “But it’s always on a night of a full moon and he’s bedridden the day after” They looked everywhere but at her. “Oh and I know you’re Anamagi,” she said adjusting her skirt. Sirius glared at her, “and why would you say that?” he said snapping at her. “Cause Marly told me” she smiled; “I’m gonna have to talk to her about that” Sirius muttered under his breath annoyed that she was blabbing their secret. 
James let out a breath and messed with his hair a bit, thinking about what to say to her next. “Why did you tell us you know?” he questioned, “I want in,” she said bluntly. “No,” Sirius said firmly, “why not exactly?” she snapped at him. “Because you’re annoying,” he said. She rolled her eyes, “you’re also a bit” Peter started, she looked over at him quickly. “Im what?”
He bit his lip “Fragile” he said quietly. Iris blinked, she didnt know whether she should be mad or hurt; yeah she was a nice person but she could hold her own. Working with animals that could easily kill her in one swift motion and having a father who worked with magic plants was dangerous in itself. “I’m not fragile,” she stated firmly, James and Sirius exchanged a look. “Well…” James started, “Name one time” she replied and crossed her arms. “Alright,” Sirius said a bit more quickly than she would’ve liked; “what about the time you and Reg were in herbology and you got a cut across your cheek? You cried for like an hour,” he said smugly.
Iris stood, “I’ll have you know professor Garlick had given us Fanged Geranium, which I’m allergic to, and not that it is any of your business but I was on my period” Sirius grimaced at the comment about her “monthly”. “What about when Lucius made that comment about your dad?” James asked. 
“If you recall Malfoy had said that my father was a squib because he’s blind and that he was a freak of nature for marrying my papa.” she crossed her arms again. “That’s a touchy subject and they both were kicked from their families for being together, AND I later hexed him for saying that about them”. The three 6th years got quiet after that. “There’s one more thing” James started, “Remus would kill us if you got hurt,” he said quietly; Iris’s heart ached at the comment. Remus was so sweet but would sometimes assume she was some weak child who couldn’t fend for herself. “I can handle myself, now either you let me join you or I tell Professor McGonigal about your little adventures and your illegal activities,” she said. “You wouldn’t fucking dare” Sirius whispered angrily. 
“Try me.” she shot back, her eyes showing absolutely no fear. They could tell she was completely determined to join them. “Fine” James sighed, defeated. Sirius whipped his head to his best friend. “You can’t be serious!” he shouted, “she’s lying! She wouldn’t compromise Remus or us! And besides she’s like a puppy” he glared at Iris who glared back. “But what if she’s not? She’s smart Sirius she’ll find a way anyway and if she gets hurt and tells Remus he will kill us” James shot back glancing at Iris who was still glaring at Black. 
Realizing there was no way he could convince James he looked to Peter who stood there nervously. “What about you Peter? You have to agree this is bloody stupid” Peter stood quietly. “James is right, she’ll figure out a way to be with Remus whether we want her to or not and I don’t want to get killed by him, and anyway she did hex Malfoy into not being able to speak for a month”. Sirius opened his mouth to say something but realized it would be no use, he groan loudly. “Fine, but I’m not helping” he walked to his bed and face-planted into it with a soft oof. 
Iris couldn’t help but smile, “so I’m in?” she asked excitement in her voice. “Yes,” James said looking at her, “yay!” she said excitedly. Finally, she could be with the love of her life during the hardest time of the month for him. “So how exactly is she supposed to help?” James said looking at Peter. “I want you to teach me how to be an anamagi,” she said bluntly. James stopped, Sirius looked up from his bed. “What?” James asked. “I want you to teach me how to be one of those animal things”
“No. I draw the line there and anyway aren’t you a metamorphamgus?” Sirius said sitting up, Iris rolled her eyes. “ metamprphamguses cant transform into animals stupid and anyway you three did it and I’d like to remind you that I’ll do it anyway, and if I tell Remus you refused to hel-” “fine” James snapped. “We’ll help” she smiled at them. “Where do we start?”
That was four months ago, and they had finally gotten her to be able to transform at will. Iris would transform into a white rabbit with a pink and yellow stomach. She could also change the color of her fur at will with her condition. James had been impressed at how quickly she had picked up the skill, but Sirius was not. And Peter was just happy not to be the smallest animal in the group. 
At dinner that night Iris had walked over to them and kissed her boyfriend on the cheek. He looked up at her blushing and smiling, “hi bunny” he had said not knowing her new skill. She giggled at the nickname and sat next to him. “What so funny?” he asked pushing some hair behind her ear. “Nothing” she whispered and he kissed her softly. He deepened the kiss. “Would you two get a room?” Sirius snapped and Iris pulled away blushing. Remus rolled his eyes and put his arm around her waist. “So we on for tonight?” James asked stuffing his face with some chicken pot pie. Remus nodded and looked to Iris who pretended not to hear, “Meet in the common room?” he asked putting some steak on his plate. 
The other marauders nodded. Someone crept up behind Iris and covered her eyes. She squeaked, “guess who?” the person said. “Hmmm” she replied, “I smell cologne, books, cigarettes, and Jelly beans. Sooooo Reggie!” she said. He laughed and let go of her she spun around and beamed up at him. Remus let his arm slip from her waist as he ignored the Slytherin. Regulus smiled at her, “we still on for tonight?” he asked glancing over at Remus to see his face. Remus’ jaw was set and he ground his teeth together. “I can’t,” Iris said sadly, “I have to help Hagrid with some Fwoopers he’s nursing back to health” Regulus nodded a bit of disappointment on his face. “Alright,” he said calmly, “well let me know when you want to meet up” he smiled at her. She nodded, he leaned forward and kissed her on the head. Iris smiled up at him. Remus noticed the exchange. He possessively put his arm around Iris and pulled her close, he kissed her again. This one was much more inappropriate in public. Jame and Sirius looked away grimacing, Peter watched in awe like what they were doing was some sort of entertainment. Regulus gagged and walked away. Remus slipped his hand up Iris’ skirt and she pulled away. “Remus,” she said breathlessly, he smirked and continued eating like the events that had just occurred didnt happen. 
Much later the four marauders stood in the Gryffindor common room. The sun was almost finished setting when there was a soft knocking at the portrait hall. Remus went over to see who it was, and the other followed, “I still think this is a bad idea” Sirius whispered to James. “So do I but we don’t have much of a choice” 
Remus pushed the back of the painting open to see Iris standing there sheepishly. He blinked, surprised by her presence “I-Iris?” he stuttered, “hi sweetie” she smiled at him. “What are you doing here? I thought you were helping Hagrid” 
She giggled, “That’s tomorrow sweetheart, tonight I’m here for you”. Remus’ mind filled with thoughts, “As much as I would love to bunny I can’t. I and the others are going too…” he looked over at the others pleading with his eyes. “She knows Moony,” James said motioning to Iris, it took Remus a minute to understand what he was saying. When he did his eyes went wide, “you know?” he said looking at her. She nodded, “Surprise,” she said moving her hands into small jazz hands. His jaw dropped, “I have so many questions, but if you know why are you here? Unless…” she waited for him to realize. “No,” he said firmly, “Remmy-” she started, he grabbed her hands, “Iris no I won’t let you come with us, what if I hurt you? I’ll never forgive myself” she smiled. He was so concerned about her, it was so sweet. She wanted to kiss him right there but it wouldn’t be appropriate. 
“Remus, you are my everything and I will be dammed if I let you suffer alone.” he opened his mouth. “I’m not done” She held up her hand and he closed it. “I know this is dangerous but I can and will make this choice for myself; I’m going with you whether you like it or not” he looked at her blue eyes, saying nothing. 
“Fine” he huffed, and she smiled. “Everything will be okay” Boy would she be wrong. He held her hand and kissed it, “I want you to be behind the others though, as far away from me as possible” she nodded. He kissed her on the cheek, stepping out of the portrait hole. The others followed and lastly Iris.
James looked at the marauder’s map and directed them so they wouldn’t run into a teacher doing their rounds. Sirius sped up next to Remus. “I told her not to come,” he said to Remus, “but she insisted,” he said rolling his eyes. Remus nodded, “she’s stubborn,” Remus said not looking at his friend. “I don’t even know how she’s supposed to be with us, I don’t think metamorphamgus can transform into another animal can they?” he looked at Sirius with worry in his voice. 
“Well she kinda made me, Prongs and Wormtail teach her how to become an Anamagi” he smiled awkwardly. Remus sighed “Of course she did, what hers?” he asked. He knew it couldn’t be anything big, she was too soft of a person to be able to be any large animal. “A bunny” Sirius laughed, “A bunny?! She’s gonna get herself killed!” Remus shouted. Sirius shooshed him, “Don’t make this any more difficult, we should just show her how tiring this is and she’ll never come with us again.” he whispered to Remus. 
To say Sirius found Iris annoying would be an understatement, she was different from him in every way; he hated that she was a part of this. It was supposed to be their time when the four boys could be free but since Iris and Remus started going out she was everywhere. Not to mention how much he saw her when she visited Grimmauld Place during the summer to see Regulus. This could be the moment where if they scare her enough he wouldnt have to see her stupid face around him for at least one night a month.
  “Left,” James said behind them, Sirius looked back at James confused. “But we always go right” “We just need to go left” James argued back. “No teacher goes down this hallway at night it’s too dark” Before James could say anything Sirius lit his wand and went down the right hallway. He took two steps before he saw a couple snogging in front of him, he made a disgusted face before he saw who it was. Steven Rosier, Evan’s brother, and Marlene. He stopped, anger bubbled up inside of him. He walked over and shoved the couple apart, Steven yelled at him. Marlene looked up to see it was Sirius, he looked like he wanted to punch the boy in the face. Her expression was a mixture of embarrassment and anger, “what the hell Black?!” she shouted, he spun and looked at her. “Me what the hell?! You should be in bed! And why the fuck would you kiss that twat?!” he yelled at her. She shoved him away from her, ���Since when do you bloody care about what I do with other people?! I thought I was just another loop on your belt”. He looked hurt at the comment, James grabbed him by the arm. “Sirius we have to go” he motioned to Remus who was looking more stressed by the second. 
Sirius looked at his friend and opened his mouth to protest. James just shook his head and pulled his arm. Sirius allowed himself to be pulled away, Marlene glared daggers at him until she was out of sight. 
The rest of the walk down to the whomping willow was silent and awkward. Sirius looked at his feet the whole time, Iris yawned tiredly. As they stepped onto the stairs of the castle James held Iris back as the others continued their walk. “Iris I know you want to help him, but he’s scared. You don’t have to do this” he said softly; his eyes soft. “I know,” she said calmly, “but I love him James, and I hate that he has to suffer I just want to know he’s safe and okay. He’s my world and to know that he has to suffer like this and I can’t stop it hurts more than any curse. But I can be here for him and that’s all I want.” he nodded, and he hugged her. She hugged him back, “be careful and stay close okay?” he whispered in her ear and she nodded. Life had been cruel to her, not in the way that it had been to Remus or Sirius but James couldn’t help but feel he needed to protect her from the world. 
They let their embrace go and followed the other three boys when they caught up Peter had already turned into a rat and was pressing a knot on the tree. Sirius and Remus ducked into a hole she had never seen, before Iris could follow James grabbed her again. “Wait here, it’s safer” she nodded. He followed his friends along with the rat that was Peter.
Iris waited, she sat in the moonlight; her mind wandered to what could be happening down in the hole. She flinched at the thought of Remus suffering during his transformation. She had studied werewolves and had even met a couple before. All had described different ways they transformed all slightly different but all excruciatingly painful. Her heart ached at the thought of her beloved being hurt by some curse he had been given by the world. 10 minutes passed then 20 until finally she saw Peter in his rat form climb out of the hole. He trotted up to her and transformed back into himself, “he’s coming” she nodded and he transformed back.
She took a deep breath as she heard the panting of something much larger breathing, its footsteps heavy; walking closer and closer to the entrance under the willow. It’ll be okay she thought, everything will be okay she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The footsteps got louder and louder. Turn she shouted in her head; nothing happened. Now she said again in her head but nothing. She felt something warm breathing on her neck. The breathing was heavy, rough, and monstrous. Iris opened her eyes, and there before her; stood a large animal. Its eyes glowed yellow, inches in front of her face. It snarled at her, Remus; Her Remus. But it wasn’t him, no trace of him, this was a monster.
She didn’t move, her body screamed at her to run; run as fast as possible, away from him. But she couldn’t. Behind Remus stood a large dog and a stag. They watched, also unable to move. The werewolf breathed deeply before reaching his claw up in the air. Before the other marauders could intervene it was too late. He had sliced straight through her stomach. She fell back and screamed in pain, he ripped away at her. Out of their trance, the stag ran right into him, pulling Remus away from her. Iris looked down at her bloodied body. The fear of everything that had just happened caused her to transform. The white rabbit that replaced her was just as bloody, cuts deep she ran off into the forest. Behind her, she heard the howl her body screamed at her to stop; the pain from her injuries was too much. Iris continued running, far away. Until she collapsed in a heap, passing out from her injuries. Time passed, and the small bunny lay in a clump of tangled limbs. Its fur slowly turned blood red. Its breathing was staggered.   
Deep in the forest near a lake were two large beasts, a dog, and a wolf. The sun beginning to rise the wolf was slowly disappearing into Remus. When he was completely back the dog transformed into Sirius. He helped Remus up on the log he sat upon, he put his arm around his friend. Remus looked at him, “where are Prongs and Wormtail?” he asked shakily, “looking for Iris”
 Iris her name rang through Remus’ head. Memories flashed into his head, she had gone with them; where was she? Why wasn’t she with them?! Remus’ eyes filled with tears, and fearing the worse he began to cry. His tears fell and mixed with the water of the small lake. Sirius looked down at him, “why are you crying?” he asked confused. “It’s not cause of Iris is it?” he asked causing something in Remus to snap. He pulled away. “Of course, it’s because of Iris!” he yelled, glaring at his so-called friend. “She’s not here! She could be hurt or worse! Because of me! And your acting like nothing is wrong!” tears streaming down his face. Sirius watched in shock, never had he seen Remus like this. 
“All you ever do is shit talk her! I love her and you treat her like shit! I don’t know if it’s because your jealous or what but I love her more than anything in the world and you just cuss her out.” Remus stood, Sirius reached out to steady him but he pulled away. “Do you know what it’s like?! To love someone more than anything in the world and have your friend hate her? To be in love?! No, you don’t because you’re a fucking whore” Remus fell to his knees. “You will never know what it’s like to love someone but know you can never show them who you really are”.
Remus held himself and sobbed, he knew he hurt her. He had to have hurt her. Or she saw who he was, the monster he was and she had left him. Both thoughts teared him up inside, he pulled at his head. Sending himself into a panic attack and a bad one at that. He cried and screamed, pulling at his hair; digging his nails into his skin.
Sirius watched, he wanted to help Remus he really did but he didnt move. He had watched him attack Iris and did nothing, and Remus blamed himself. He came to his senses and grabbed Remus’ arms and wrestled him so they looked at each other. “Stop.” he said demandingly, “She wouldnt leave you, she begged to be here. She risked everything for you Remus; I have never seen someone love someone else as much as she does you. To be honest I’m so jealous of what you have. I want to be like you both; she put herself in harm’s way for you, I know for a fact everything she does is for you; she fucking loves you” his heart stung. “And your right” It was his turn to cry, “I’ll never understand that because the one girl I would trade the world for wants nothing to do with me” 
Sirius let go of Remus and began to sob, Remus watched his friend. Slowly he leaned over and hugged him, the two cried; both wondering what they had done to deserve any of this.    
James and Peter ran through the woods calling out for their friend. “IRIS” James screamed out, not caring what animal he would attract. Peter looked under every rock, nook, and cranny he came across. “JAMES” he heard Peter call, James ran to his friend. He pushed Peter away, there sat Iris. Her breathing was shallow, blood covered every part of her. She was dying. Peter looked at James fearfully. 
“Peter stays with her” He nodded and knelt down to the girl. James ran to the front of the forest, dodging trees and roots. Finally, after what seemed like thousands of miles he arrived at the outskirts of the forest, booking it to Hagrid’s cabin, he banged on the door. “HAGRID” he screamed continuing to bang, the door opened. Hagrid stood there in the nightcap, clearly, he had just been woken up from his sleep. “What is it, James?” he said grumpily rubbing his eyes. “It’s Iris,” James said with clear panic in his voice, Hagrid’s expression changed. “Where is she,” he said sternly.
Peter pushed Iris’s hair behind her ear, he held his hand to her head where there was a particularly deep gash. He heard footsteps behind him, grabbing his wand he pointed it at the people. Hagrid and James. “Move boy,” Hagrid said, looking down at Iris; the two boys saw something they never thought they would see from Hagrid. Fear. He picked her up gingerly, “James go get Professor McGonigal” James opened his mouth and Hagrid shot him a look. Potter nodded and ran to the castle.
“Peter come with me” The two ran through the forest, Iris growing limper by the second. They arrived at the castle, and at the front doors stood McGonigal and James. When seeing Iris Minerva put her hand over her mouth in shock. “Hagrid, take her to Dolly” Hagrid nodded and walked inside. The two boys tried to follow but she stopped them. “My office Potter and Pettigrew. Now,” she said sternly the boys nodded and walked inside. 
Minerva noticed another set of figures walking to the castle, Sirius helped Remus who limped along and up the hill. When the two were close enough that they could see her face she called out to them. “Lupin go get cleaned up and then my office immediately, as for you Black you can go straight there” The two nodded and walked inside. Minerva slammed the large oak door and walked swiftly to the headmaster’s office. 
All four boys sat in her office, heads down with looks of regret on their faces. Minerva sat down at her desk, they looked up. “What happened?” she asked calmly. “Where is Iris?” Remus asked quickly, “Ms.Lebelle is in proper care right now, now tell me. What happened.” none of the boys said anything; gilt was etched on each of their faces. She sighed, “Pettigrew tell me,” she said looking at the smallest boy. Before he could respond James interrupted him, “We found her in the woods, she clearly had been attacked” While he wasn’t lying he was very much dancing around the whole truth. “Yes I noticed Potter,” she said looking at him. “Mr.Lupin has an excuse for what he was doing during the early morning, you three however have yet to tell me what you were doing”. It was Sirius’s turn to speak, “It’s my fault,” he said. Remus looked at him, “I asked Iris to come with us for a morning stroll, I thought it would be funny to take her into the woods” he looked down at his lap. “I didn’t know this would happen” shame in his voice. Minerva nodded, “well thank you for being honest Mr.Black; however, you three will be given detention for a month and you sir will be given 3 months’ worth as well as staying after my class to help clean up” Sirius nodded.
Now you have all had a long night so you may head to bed. They all stood except Remus, they walked until Peter noticed he wasn’t with them. “Remus?” he asked quietly, Remus stood and said nothing. Following behind his friends.
Talk of what had happened the previous night had spread through the school like wildfire. The marauders walked into the great hall and were greeted with stares from every table. Lily ran over to them and hugged James tightly. “James are you alright?” she asked as he hugged her back. “I heard what happened” She buried her head in his shoulder and he nodded. Marlene looked over at the group from her seat next to Dorcus and an empty space where Lily had been sitting seconds prior. She looked at Sirius, concern in her eyes. He stared back, she gave a small wave to him; surprised at her action he waved back. “Lupin,” a voice said behind them, Jame let go of Lily and turned with the others. There wand in hand stood Regulus.
Behind the younger boy stood a group of Slytherins and one or two Hufflepuffs. “Where is she” he spat, glaring daggers at Remus. “What did you do” he stepped closer to the group, “Reg don’t do anything rash,” Sirius said calmly. Regulus ignored the warning and pointed his wand at Remus. “I’ll ask you one more time, what did you do?” Remus said nothing. The room was silent, all staring at the confrontation. Regulus put down his wand, placing it in his cloak he walked over and socked Remus right in the nose. 
All hell broke loose, the two fought; striking each other over and over again. Lily yelling at Remus to stop, Regulus’ friends egging him on; Sirius trying to stop the brawl and everyone cheering for either Remus or Regulus. After a bit, they pulled the two apart, “Stay away from her, you monster!” Regulus screamed trying to get away from his Brother. James held Remus back who was trying to grab his wand to hex the younger Black. James pulled Remus away and Sirius for Regulus taking him out of the great hall. 
After all classes had ended Remus walked alone to the hospital wing. He ran headfirst into a man dressed in a formal suit, “oh sorry” he said calmly. Remus looked up, the man didnt look down at him; instead right over him. A bird perched on his shoulder, it squawked Remus’ name. “Remus Lupin, Remus Lupin” it repeated, the man smiled softly and looked down a bit more still a tad over Remus but close enough. “You must be Remus,” he said calmly, “yes” the young boy replied. “Im Gregory Lebelle,” he said calmly, Remus opened his eyes widely “I’ve heard a lot about you the older man chuckled; Iris is very fond of you” Remus laughed awkwardly. “How is she?” he asked shamefully, “she’s doing better, she is at Saint Mungo’s her father is with her.” Remus nodded. 
“I’m so sorry,” he said tearing up, “it’s alright, she’s strong and will be back soon”. Remus looked up at him, “I know what you’re going to say” Gregory breathed out calmly. “Don’t, she needs you more than you think, I’ve never seen her so happy than when she’s been with you” The man reached out and patted Remus on the head. “She really does love you” Remus sniffed, “she loves me?” he asked; he nodded at the boy. “Something tells me you two will have many more adventures together but you have to let trust her okay young man?” Remus nodded. “Good now I must be going” he walked around the boy. “Oh and Remus?” Gregory turned around; “you should come over for dinner something tells me you’ll love my husband’s dinner” he winked at the boy and walked away. 
Remus stood there in shock but smiled to himself. 
A month later Remus sat reading a book in the common room, Sirius busted in startling him. “Remus!” he yelled, Remus looked to his friend. “Shes back” Remus shot up; he let the book fall to the ground. He ran out the door and too the entrance hall, there stood Iris who was hugging Lily. He stopped, looking at her, the two girls let go of their embrace. Iris looked up to see him, she dropped her bags. He ran to her and hugged her, he sobbed into her shoulder; “I’m so sorry” he cried. Pulling away he kissed her face all over, she laughed. “Remmy,” she said smiling at him, he looked at her. “It’s okay” he hugged her and thats where they stood never wanting to let go.
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