#‘ you’ve reached clark kent’s phone ’ ⇾ ic ┋ answered
svpe-a · 4 years
@smokinmirrors​ reported: ❝  i need you to stay here, okay? i got this.  ❞ 
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Clark Kent had been interested in writing an article on the new vigilante uprising in Metropolis for a while now, but he had never found the perfect candidate to base such an important piece on. That was, however, until he saw her in action. It had only been one time, when he had been flying around as Superman, but she had left an impression on him  — there was something special about her. The most intriguing element had been the fact that he had never seen her again, despite being constantly on the look out. Hiding from Superman, a hero who possessed abilities close to that of a God was no easy feat, and yet she managed to make it look easy. 
Therefore, it was to his utmost surprise to find himself being protected by her from an assailant who had demanded all of his valuables at knifepoint. In fact, it was rather ironic. One of the most powerful heroes couldn’t find her, but she just so happened to run into ordinary Clark Kent. It was a goddamn miracle. 
There was no doubt in his mind that this stranger could handle the would-be mugger without his help, but to let her out of his sight again would be a mistake. Instead, he completely ignored her request, choosing to walk briskly alongside her as the pair attempted to follow the crook who had made the smart choice of retreating down the alleyway once they had realised they were outnumbered.  After a quick adjustment of his glasses ( they had slipped down his nose slightly when he had turned to look at who had addressed him ), Clark pulled out the notebook and pen he always kept in his rather worn out messenger bag.
“Hi, I’m Clark Kent, a reporter for the Daily Planet.” He made sure to pant slightly as he spoke, giving off the illusion that the pace was somewhat strenuous, despite the fact that it was no more challenging than a pleasant stroll through the park. The speed in which she moved was abnormally fast, inhuman fast, but not Kryptonian fast. “If you could spare a few moments afterwards to answer a few questions for an article I’m writing, I’d greatly appreciate it.” A flash of the award worthy smile flitted across his face as an extra means of persuasion. This really wasn’t the time or place to ask, but reporters - especially those in Metropolis - were nothing if not the physical representation of ‘wrong place wrong time’. 
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I Thought You Should Know 2
Part 2.
Part 1 HERE.
Notes in part 1.
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This time when Superman caught you he held you close and wrapped his arms around you before flying away with you clinging to him and crying because you couldn't hold it in anymore.
Awareness came with a background of arguing and a sinfully - sinfully - soft mattress. Tugging the blankets up and over your head you snuggle into your pillow and doze.
    You've grown up with yelling and lived in places that were noise 24/7 and presumed the arguing was the neighbors. A quiet falls over your cocoon and it hits you... your hotel room had a  mattress that was as stiff as plywood. 
    The bed dips and you tug the sheet down from your face and take in the warm tangerine color walls, dark wood molding and the bedside table was a rustic style piece of furniture. Turning over you're startled to find Clark Kent standing with a tray of food but more surprising was the man sitting on the bed in a sharp charcoal suit. 
    Curious, you lift the blanket and peer down at yourself.  You were wearing your underwear... you guess it was bettered than being naked. "Rest assured Miss ****, your virtue is safe."
    "Lex!" Snapped Clark with a glare before he turned to you and floundered for what to say before pushing the tray out, "Coffee?"
    "What happened?" Your brain felt muffled and you can remember bits and pieces and jumping off a ledge... "Shit, did I try to kill myself again?" You sit up and the blankets pool at you waist uncaring of your bra that was all lace and completely inappropriate for your type of job. 
    "Again?" The tray is set down on a bedside table and Clark was crawling to you, grabbing your arms, checking your bare wrists, as if he hadn't seen them before you were tucked in half-naked. "**** we talked about this."
    "Settle down." Lex heaved himself up with a sigh and peered down at the two of you, "Clark brought you here, you were hysterical and I gave you a sedative and while you were high out of your mind you chose my,"
    "Our." Clark snapped but the other man continued on without missing a beat.
    "Bed to make your nest. You had this loon," a finger pointed at Clark who look aghast, "Rip off your corset because, and I quote, I can't catch it rip it off. As you spun in a circle trying to reach for the laces."
    "I kind of panicked and ripped it off. Sorry." 
    "He's not sorry, he burned the thing in the fireplace."
    "Secrets Lex! Married couples know how to keep secrets!" Clark glared and you watched them bicker back and forth, lost. 
    "Can we not? As hot as it is, I'm too nauseous to join in on your makeup sex." That cut through the weird foreplay the duo had.
    "Get out." Lex tries but you ignore him as usual.
    "Here have some coffee!" Reaching for the tray Clark held onto it without strain. 
    It was a giant mug of black coffee, a small plate with an oversized croissant, little jars of jelly that was a mismatched set from various fancy hotels you knew Clark had a habit of stealing from, a bowl of yogurt topped with fruit and granola, a whole tomato, a cow shaped creamer, and a pig shaped cup with sausage sticking up. 
    "Remind me to never request breakfast in bed. You forgot silverware and cutting the dam tomato." Lex clapped his hands, "I'm off. Don't overstay your welcome and you're barred from all future events." And then he was gone. 
    "He does have a nice ass." You mumble into your coffee that was sweet and perfect. 
    "It makes up for his bad bedside manner." Then Clark is gone... and back with a spoon and knife, a knife he uses to cut your tomato. "There's a bedroom here for you." It's spoken softly and your eyes flick up to meet his then away, the croissant butter soft. "****?"
    "I'm sorry."
    Now you remember, quite convenient when there's a knife in arms reach, "You're not." Strawberry jelly smears heavily. It's flavorful and you chewed slowly, savoring the rich taste. A sip of coffee and a your slurp breaks the silence. 
    "I am. I shouldn't have said that."
    "You thought it and you spoke it. Simple logic."
    "You're a whore." You pick up a tomato slice, "You fucked all the girls you cheered with and you bottomed for half your fraternity." It tasted juicy, "Lois Lane wasn't your only fuck buddy at the paper and Green Lantern misses your dick something fierce." From your peripheral it was interesting how embarrassed his face colored.
    "Now Lex," you interrupt. "Lex is a slut but he's a slut with standards like myself. Dick pics help weed out the useless ya know." Sip, "Men - woman - don't care." Sip, "It helps when you get really lonely and you can leave. No strings, no questions." Sip, "If you speak to me that way again," your gaze meets his, "I won't need kryptonite to kill you." 
    "Refill please." You hand over your mug that's half filled and Clark takes it. Quietly he moves off the bed and walks out. 
    The tray is settled at your side and you manage to shuffle over to the edge and stand by the time he comes back. Meeting him part way you ignore the way his eyes rake over you, "I'm..."
    You were tired of apologies and hugged him. He was tall and you settled for wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tight, "Leave it."
    It's never brought up again.
    The formal gala was beautiful. Lights, cameras, ice sculptures, bottles of champagne flowed as did the money for the secret auction, so secret no one was aware there was an auction.
    At least that's what the news had said.
    Lounging on a couch with a tub of ice cream your face is covered in an organic green tea mask, your body has been massaged by a last-minute goddess with hands that deserved to be preserved in the Vatican vault, and your feet was resting on Clark's lap where the man was massaging your left foot with a hand as the other hand tossed Gummi bears.
    You were horrible at catching them with your mouth but the colorful bears decorated the carpet and sofa with a certain pizazz. Elevator doors opened and expensive loafers dragged, "Why are you still here?"
    Spoon dangling from your mouth you pull it out and point it at the tired man who was being rerun on the massive television. "Did you have fun at your party?"
    "That party brought millions to Saint Jude charity foundation."
    "Uhu... and how much really..."
    Lex dismissed you to turn to his husband, "Why is she still here."
    "I'm not putting her out, you can do that." It was said matter of factly with a hint of try it, go on, I dare you.
    Oh this was good, not as good as the ice cream but good.
    "****." You blink up at the tall bald-headed man, "Leave."
    "But the make-up sex."
    You think his eye is twitching, "There is no sex!"
    A pout twitches your lips and your spoon stabs at the ice cream, "But Dom Daddy Master sex is the best sex." Beside you Clark chokes on a gummy and Lex is a thundercloud as he steps closer and closer to you until he's close enough you can smell his cologne. "See," and you glance over at the coughing man who was thumping his chest, "That's hot. You're hot, we should...."
    "Shut up!" And you shut up, sitting back. "Your jokes are not appreciated. Pack your shit and run back to your Captain America. The epitome of all that's righteous and leave..." you snort and quickly cover your nose as ice cream somehow went up there. "Me and mine alone!"
    A napkin is passed to you, "Ignore him. He saw what's in the box and is not too happy right now."
    "Couldn't you have left it behind?" Wiping your nose you take in all that was Lex Luthor and processed what he said, "Why would I run back to that asshole?" Of course Lex had bared his teeth in a very animalistic way and stormed off so you turn to the quiet second half and said, "What was in the box?"
    "A dress." His face loses trace of all humor, "The accessories are a problem, my nose is quite good and you're not that type of person to..." Clark cuts off as Lex returns and all but flings the box at you and Clark catches it and settles it on your lap while taking away your ice cream. 
    You ignore the argument that's caused by that stunt and take in the dented and dirty box that was lopsided and the tissue paper that hung half out. Clark was right, there was a dress balled up on top and you pull it out... it was a familiar dress.
    Black, shiny, skin-tight, one side would cover down the length of your thigh while the other was cut in a way to barely cover your vagina. 
    You knew this dress.
    This was a similar dress you had in your closet from ages ago. It had been the dress you met Steve Rogers in when you had worked another undercover mission as a singer in an underground club. The lights on stage would make the material nearly sheer and showed off your curves and the nipple piercings you had gotten done for the gig. 
    Well... "He knows." Or at least presumes who you are but how? Dropping the dress to the side you go through the rest of the stuff and pull out a pair of killer heels in your size, "Nope." And drop them both atop the dress. Next was a scrap of fabric that took a moment of turning it here and there to realize it was panties, "What the fuck is this?"
    Clark looks pink while Lex scowls but answers, "Thong."
    "This," you shake it like it's flag. "Wouldn't cover an ass cheek. I have a fat ass... the strings would cut across my hips and make me look like a ham hung to dry." That too was dropped and you rummaged around the jewelery, the hair extension that sat wrapped, and an empty clutch. "Stockings? It's cold, these fucker really think I would waltz around and freeze my clit off?"
    "The point was to entice me, your target, or that idiot." Confused, you glance up at the taller man. "Your choker. There's a mechanism that releases a pheromone when you get close enough to your victim. It's potent, it's an ingenious way to get me to leave and hand me over to SHIELD or attract that asshole who was there, dressed to impress and also wearing a wrist watch that had the same scent, my intel says he was hoping to use it on you if you had arrived. Fucker doesn't realize all phone calls are tapped, that was a mistake."
    Rummaging through the box you find rings, bracelets, a pair of studs for nipples - which what the fuck - but no choker. Glancing over at Clark you said, "You said your nose. How does it smell?
    "Musky. I only know about it because HYDRA is interested so they tried to use bait, young bait, to entrap my husband in a scandal. It didn't work, girl scouts don't make penthouse calls at 1am. Thankfully I was home and tossed the girl in the closet before dealing with him."
    "I could have raped that girl." 
    "Lex, no." And Clark was off the couch and crowding his husband who leaned into the embrace with a miserable face and you felt upset. Box plopped on the oddly shaped coffee table you make your way around the duo and bare foot you walk to the elevator door that opens with a soft ping and step on, finger jabbing on the button to the ground floor.
    It was a short trip of quiet, you ignore the dried and cracked gunk that was on your face and stepped out into a lobby with its shiny floor and gold accents. 
    There weren't many people about at this hour except a janitor that was windexing a window and a concierge who stood once he caught sight of you. "Ma'am!"
    "Phone?" You gesture to the old-fashioned looking thing that sits behind the desk. You knew it was a thing installed by Lex that was as private as you could get, and one that no nosey AI could hack into. An alternative option in case he was too lazy to take an elevator to the top floor.
    "I'm sorry but..."
    "Great, thanks, sit and be a good boy as mummy handles something." The man is a stuttering mess as you reach over and take it, plopping it on the high ledge. 
    "Ma'am you can't!"
    Fingers presses into small holes and drag clockwise with each number. "Phone the penthouse, I'm sure Mr. Luthor would be ecstatic over us meeting."
    The concierge, who had his hand on separate phone and was calling security faltered, "Lex Luthor?"
    You smile, green tea dust falling, but before you can utter a comment the line picks up without a greeting, "Brucie poo, remember that favor you owe me? Well I'm collecting." 
    The concierge moves away to stand with the Janitor who had been quick to call him over and tell him to keep his eyes down. Which was for the best since you were walking around in flannel that was oversized, courtesy of Clark. Switching to a different language and lowering your tone you spoke with an unamused Bruce Wayne, while not friendly with Lex, had been highly upset over the use of children as pawns.
    You weren't surprised. 
    The elevator dings and you wave at Clark who jogged to you and you were quick to say your goodbyes, "Why didn't you tell me?" Frowning at the taller man.
    "You're not here, why would we tell you?" And that, that hurt.
    The elevator doors closed and you knew you needed to do something, time was wasting.
    Solid black, it matched the coal around your eyes and the contacts you had struggled to put on. Boots were comfortably strapped up to your knee and you waltzed across a manicured lawn. 
    The cameras were down.
    The dogs had been knocked out.
    Security had been scarce since a good portion had all come down with a mysterious stomach bug. You can't really protect your benefactor if you're shitting your intestines out. 
    Striding up the marble steps that led to a wrap around porch, you tried a door handle and found it locked. A laser took care of that, a nifty little thing you dropped on the ground and waltzed inside, smoke curling into the air from the burned brass and wood.
    Having had memorized the layout you strode to the kitchen, up a flight of stairs, down a hall, up another set of stairs, down another hall and to a bedroom door where you put yourself in a position that your com had instructed. Gun in hand you aim a degree left, swooped right, down center, each bullet piercing through the door and wall.
    Stopping only when your com had said so. 
    You open the door and lean against the door jamb, the bodies on the ground paving a way to a lone man pressed against the corner of a wall holding a gun.
    "Hello honey." He aims and pulls the trigger. The gun jams. "Poor baby," you stalk over. "Let mommy kiss it better."
    From a distance away Superman removes the com in his ear cutting off the scream of the HYDRA operative who had tried to set up his husband. 
    Maybe if your com hadn't been knocked off and landed in a puddle of blood you would have found yourself here, in a chair, at the SHIELD headquarters. 
    Great, just great.
    The chair was uncomfortable so you chose a nice corner to lay down, cross your ankles, and try for a nap. 
    You had gotten as much as you expected from Mr. HYDRA guy which was meh. Not enough info compared to what you had but if you were honest, you weren't there for intel.
    It was just a great excuse to inflict as much pain as you could and death. 
    You hated getting your hands dirty but... yea... getting caught on the back lawn with SHIELD agents storming up to you with guns and K9 was a weird experience. 
    "****." Confirmation that Steve had a really good guess you were you. Ugh. The door closed behind him with a thump and the man strode over. "You can cut the act, I know who you are."
    You sign WHO.
    "I thought you were dead." You yawn, "I knew it was you when I heard you laugh." He pauses as if he expects you to talk. "Superman knows who you are, how do you know him?" Quiet. "Answer me." He sighs, voice changing to one of concern, one you had believed was his true self. "I miss you."
    A hand lifts and you sign QUEEN.
    Middle finger, no two fingers, point in his direction.
    A hand grips your ankle and you're dragged from the wall, your other free foot hits the ground with a thump, you curl your toes - triggering a nifty backup - and out pops a short knife. Steve let's out a shout as you stabbed him in the leg, once, twice, and his arm that swings to stop you before the man let you go.
    Blood coated the ground and the super soldier stumbled back, "What the fuck ****!" The security that patted you down didn't take all your lovely toys. 
    Hopping to your feet you waved a finger at him and signed BAD BOY. The doors open and two men with guns enter, they try to get Steve to leave but he's a stubborn fuck, "Back off, I've had worse." 
    Just to fuck with him you sign, POISON.
    His eyes go wide and he stumbles out with the two guards and you're left alone once again.
    The fuckery begins when the vents turn off, it takes a while for the air to get stifling and hot but you don't remove your uniform and lay on the ground sweating through your material and the pungent stench of blood has you breathing through your mouth. 
    Stubborn to death you try to ignore the nausea that roils your stomach, a migraine forms at the back of your skull, and your mouth was dry and throat parched.
    Time churns and it's hard to focus so you keep your eyes closed but it does little to help. Maybe this was it? A smile quirks your chapped lips, at least you got to stab Steve, hopefully your knife was dirty and he got an infection.
    When did you close your eyes?
    Breathing was like choking on sand and you can hear the ragged sound of you inhaling deeply and sharply. A shadow hovered above you and you felt a tug and your body lifting before dropping. It's dizzying when your head lifts upwards but thankfully you're gently settled down
    "Shit's adhered to her skin." 
    Was someone talking? No, let you sleep. Closing your eyes you hate that you're jostled as your legs are lifted and plopped on someone's knee.
    "Get me water and ice, her legs up will help with blood flow to the heart."
    Cold seeps through your uniform and the lip of a bottle entices your tongue to move and swish by swish cool water washes away the sandpaper feel of your mouth.
    "Cut it off her." You recognize that voice.
    "The first layer was easy, this is adhered to her skin." Pause, "I've seen this before Captain. You'll rip her skin off, best to wait until she regains conscious and..."
    "She's not HYDRA."
    "But you said..."
    "I know what I said, now get out!" There's a scuffle and a slam. Hands are tugging at the edges where the suit left your skin exposed. Someone had removed your boots and gloves... a sharp tug of pain at your temple reminded you you're wearing a mask that showed off your eyes and your mouth once the second layer was pulled aside. 
    "God dammit." Steve growled, "Fine! We'll do this the hard way!"
    Your fingers curl and you try to move but your legs are heavy and a prickling sensation runs up and down. Move you tell yourself but you can't.
    "All I wanted was a simple yes or no." Something cold presses against your cheek, a pointed tip digging, trying to dig, beneath the seam of material and skin. "This is your fault ****." 
    Pain causes your back to arch and your right calf to seize, you choke on a scream trying to move away from the slice of the knife as it digs under your skin and not the material but Steve has a firm grip on your chin.
    Blood seeps out and there's a swear from the man and the knife is pulled out. He ignore your whimpers of pain to move a single hand down your body. Skimming over your breasts, sides, sternum, waist, and back up to your throat, "A little less pressure eh?" The blood stained tip pops through the layer, Steve needing to push harder as the material - as thin as it was - was strong.
    The knife carefully drags downward, blood seeping from between the black material, and stills just under your bust line where your waist cincher catches the blade. "Hmm." Cutting straight down, the blade knocking through fabric and the hooks.
    The suit material was adhered to your cincher leaving your stomach bare. His free hand settled on your too warm skin, fingers tracing over the indentations left from the boning and material. 
    He tries to tug at the material but your body shifts with it, "I'll get this thing off you even if I have to skin you."
    Shouting catches his attention but Steve ignores the sound of gunfire, secure in the knowledge he was locked in. The knife veers direction and he slices down the side towards him, gripping the cincher for leverage. 
    Mid thigh Steve is startled when the door to the room flies across the room, knife jerking and slicing deep causing you to cry out, a pitiful cry. "Fuck!" Steve scrambles to cover the wound with his large hand but it does little to stop the blood.
    A hand grips into the back of his neck and tosses him as if he were a rag doll. He hits the wall leaving a crumbling indentation in the concrete. Shaking it off, Steve is prepared for a fight but once the disorientation is shaken off he manages to catch a glimpse of red before realizing he's alone.
    You're gone.
    The bandage on your face and the butterfly band-aid running down your body to yet another oversized bandage at your thigh made it look as if it was bad. "I'm fine." A nurse stands idly to the side and you glance at her, "Tell him I'm fine."
    The him was Clark who was trying to take your temperature for the fifth time in the span of an hour. "You're not fine!" He also sends a look to the nurse who looks on amused, "Tell her she's not fine, a high fever is a sign of infection, God know what germs that cell had."
    "It was a clean cell." You try but Clark takes the opportunity to plop the thermometer into your mouth and you roll it under your tongue. 
    "It went up a degree!" 
    "For fucks sake. Lex!" You yell the other mans name.
    The phone rings at your bedside and you pick it up and hand it Clark who scowls. "Yes Dear." 
    The nurse tip toes closer to fluff your pillows as you settle back. The past few days a whirl wind of adventure. Between SHIELD putting out a warrant for you - both your identities - and fighting with Lex that no he shouldn't call a war against the organization and that you had a plan. Of course bumming it at the Luthor's meant you had a lovely nurse and a personal chef.
    The high life.
    "The husband requests I should leave you alone less I suffer a dry spell." He side eyes you and you hold a hand out to him which he takes and crawls beside you, careful of your body under the sheets. The nurse leaves and the two of you are left alone. "I was so scared. Seeing you there... bleeding..."
    "Me too." You admit, "I shouldn't be surprised but I am. Steve... that's not my Steve."
    His arm pulls you closer, dragging you off your pillow and into his arms. "He was never yours." It hurt but it was the truth. He gently brushes away your tears - it's not fair you still cried for this man - and gently turns your head so you can gaze at him, his touch soft as it hovers above your bandage. "Give us a chance ****."
    "Clark..." your eyes burn with more tears, afraid, you're so afraid. "I can't."
    "He could have killed you and yet he still holds a place in your heart."
    What? "No."
    "He's still there, he lived everyday content with another woman while you were left alone and bitter. Everything you've done to get to this point was because of him. He's still there, in your heart, a parasite, keeping you from moving on and taking a risk." You're  quiet and his normally stoic self turns frustrated and says, "The asshole stabbed you, doesn't he deserve to suffer?"
    "Yes. He deserves to suffer." The anger surged and you used your arm to prop yourself up, "Steve humiliated me. They all knew, fucking knew, and... I still have the fucking dress." Clark frowned, "How could he do that to me, why Clark. Why?"
    "Because he can." You flop back on the mattress and cover your eyes with the heels of your hand and will the hurt to die and your tears to dry. "He's  heartless but you're not."
    "No. He never cared ****, he used you while Sharon was away. If it wasn't for the other asshole, Steve would have dumped you at the alter or killed you off and you know that's true. Look what he did to you, you don't think he would have that spy take you out?"
    "No." You choke out and you sniff before a grin curls your lips. "He would have done it."
    "Or the..."
    "No." Sniff, "I hacked his journal. He was going to cause a car accident." Clark went stiff and in the distance you hear a crash, a slam of a door, and you glare at Clark, "You didn't hang up the phone!" It wasn't a question because a moment later the door to your bedroom swings in and the very tall, very angry shadow of Lex Luthor fills the doorway. 
    "****." It was your full name. Your full legal name and you went absolutely still. 
    "Babe..." Clark tries but Lex is a storm cloud as he saunters forward and ignores the pet name only his husband was allowed. 
    "Are you soft in the head?" Lex loomed over you and for the first time you were scared of him. 
    "Car accident? You knew he was planning on killing you and you still did nothing." The man didn't have to shout but each word was laced with venom that had your heart skip a beat.
    "Swallowing a bottle of pills isn't what you do when someone plans to murder you." Oh shit, "Jumping head first into missions without backup or extra ammo is not the way one plots revenge." Fuck. "Running off and putting yourself in suicidal situations does nothing but get you killed!"
    "I know."
    "Then why must you be so stupid!"
    "Because I needed to feel something!" You shout, it hurts to sit up but you scramble to do so as Clark assists. "I was stupid, is that what you want to hear? How stupid I was to believe that someone  could love me? Me? That someone would want me for something other than sex? That I was beautiful? Smart? That I was more? Stupid of me to think that a person could think I was worth a commitment and kids and a last name, a home, I was stupid to think I was worth a home, someone who can... can love me..."  it was hard to breath and see as the old hurt rear its ugly head and you can't be strong, dropping your head, spine hunching you press your hands against your eyes, the pressure easing the headache that was throbbed steadily. 
    "Lex, ease off." Clark rubs circles on your back.
    "No. She needs to deal with this and not wallow in self pity."
    Sniffing up the snot you wipe your nose and say, "It's not wallowing. I'm not a victim, read the definition asshole."
    "Of course you're not love but crying doesn't get back at someone who wants to cut your break cords."
    Sniff, "Drunk driver." Your eyes itch and you rub them again, "A t-bone."
Clark takes in your red eyes and the flush to your face before looking up to his husband, "Kill him."
    "Already on it." Lex says matter of factly. 
    Again you say, "No. Death is too good." 
    Lex sighed, he was ready to snap at you again. "He's enhanced. What's your plan? You can't get close to him like before."
    "He's a conservative man, his reputation is everything to him." You say, "I got a plan to get SHIELD off my back and I'll make public his journals and porn crap."
    Lex frowns, "No maiming? Missing limbs?"
    You shake your head, "No. There's some heavy shit in those journals and secrets about the team. I'll black out the intel from missions but Steve gets off on knowing that the world sees him as this perfect man. A God amongst mortals. He won't know how to deal with it."
    "Alright, ok, we can work with that." Hands continued rubbing circles on your back, "Can I punch him at least?"
    "You're getting your hands dirty?" Surprised, Lex glanced down at you, "Guess he loves you more than me." In response Clark lugged a pillow at him.
    "Punch him twice. One for me and one for you." It comes from you.
    "Break his leg for me." Lex sends you a look but you don't say a word, "Payment for the stitches."
    "Mhm." You'd probably scar too. "Break both legs." You rub at your thigh where it itched.
    "I smell blood." Clark leans over and moves the blanket aside and patches of red bloom on your bandage, your shorts hiked up to V of your thighs. "Lex, get the nurse. You might have popped a stitch."
    "It's ok, I'm ok."
    "No, you're not." 
    The nurse comes in with a first aid bag and your bandage is removed showing that yes, you popped a stitch. It doesn't take long to fix it but you do lean into Clark for comfort. 
    SHIIELD's system is down.
    Their backup of a backup doesn't work, nothing works. Cards danced on the screens, Queens of spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs bounce up and down, left to right, in no specific direction. 
    They all know whose calling card halted all communications and in a solo room where a group of people who had complete access to everything were privy to a badly drawn cartoon of a queen of hearts card threatening to release sensitive information to earth and Google Earth images of all their safe house locations including their own. 
    Less than a day later SHIELD pulled all their warrants and people in the search of you. 
    An email was immediately sent with your resignation and quickly after that a website was made public with Captain America Secrets on full view and no A.I. or hacker could tear it down. 
    Not with the insane amount of protection you encased it in. Still, you had fail safes in case it was taken down plus the internet where nothing died was quick to copy and paste and you sat back in your hello kitty onsie as the world burned Steve Rogers and the Avengers.
    Tony's PR team was quick to claim it was a hoax and the others had denied all allegations against their own humiliation but you had finally let it go. 
    You had to.
    Looking up as a set of floor to ceiling windows slid open and you watched as Superman flew in and landed. His hair was in disarray, a portion of his suit was torn and blood was splattered on his cheek, not his blood you're sure. "Had fun?"
    A grin is tossed your way and the papers on the coffee table ruffled as the man sped to you and was right there, making your eyes cross. "Beautiful. Perfect. Brilliant. Patient. Crazy. Lovely."
    "Clark, heros say no to drugs." You interrupt his rambling.
    "I'm sober."
    "Sugar?" There's seconds, time for you to turn your head as Clark leans in, but you hold your breadth as he kisses you. A soft and gentle pressure and it's so sweet.
    "Let me love you ****." his brows press against yours, "Let us love you. Give us a chance."
    Just no.
    You don't need the extra heartache.
    "Okay." It slips out and you can't take it back. Do you want to take it back? 
    Clark's face is one of excitement and his eyes shine with something that you've seen before, when he looks at his husband and you were a sucker for pain. You can't take it back, "You won't regret it I promise." And with that Clark picks you up and you hold on. 
    "I'm not having sex so you can put me down." You kick your legs because you're almost sure you wouldn't.
    "Oh I know." He walks confidently to the still open window, "We need Lex for that. He has a sturdy desk and sound proof office."
    And he jumps, flying off in the direction of his husband's company. It would be a pleasant surprise but at least he was right, that desk was sturdy. 
I can't write sex scenes so there you go. Use your imagination. I picture a spit roast scenario and a very slippery desk.
 I can confirm that Superman kicked Steve's ass, broke his legs - twice - and punched 3 times. Which is why Clark arrived looking disheveled. Also Steve did give as good as he got but Superman is a pretty boy with hopefully good dick (for you the readers sake ;)
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billyboyblue · 5 years
Heyy! For batlantern 9 or 12 fluff :)
Thanks so much! This one is gonna rock, cuz i’m giving ya both! lol.
Batlantern~ Come here, you can sit on my lap until I’m done working +/ I’m not jealous! It’s just…You’re mine!
Hal was fuming. He was absolutely furious and he was doing everything in his power to make sure that came across. Pulling out all the stops, he’s talking eyebrows in maximum furrow, mouth in full frown, eyes squinting. He was in this, basically. 
The downside however, was that Bruce was more than a little distracted to the frankly ridiculously gigantic computer screen. It was a wonder that Hal didn’t pop a blood vessel with the mental power he was vibing to Bruce; trying to telepath his discontent. ten minutes of that and Hal was already dizzy with the strain. 
This man was the most frustrating person to be mad at, because even if he did turn his big head there was a fifty fifty chance that he wouldn’t even compute that Hal was so close to the edge of constructing a giant rubber hammer and knocking some heads. 
“You know you could always just tell me whats bothering you.” Bruce spoke up suddenly, making Hal jump and flush as ice blue eyes swayed lazily to him. Bruce had a smile so subtle and so Bruce, Hal wanted to kiss it off his stupid perfect face. 
“Oh, I think you know.” Hal answered, just to be thick. 
“Do I?” Bruce answers, turning is chair just slightest bit toward Hal as if that was enough to temper whatever Hal’s problem was. 
“Yes, you should.” Hal moved to lean on the console next to Bruce. 
Out of uniform, and freshly showered, Bruce looked unfairly soft. His raven hair dried in the most rufflable duck tails and Hal was shamed to admit that he was tempered just the slightest bit. With a man as beautiful as Bruce Wayne staring up at you, eyes soft and smile bemused, who wouldn’t. Stupid sexy Flanders, Hal thought, hilariously.
“Well, I have to say that for the first time in our knowing one another, I’m stumped.”
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t just try to mock me as I’m about to explain to you why you’ve wrought my wrath.”
Bruce’s snort was both surprising and infuriatingly charming. “Your wrath, huh?” he asked as he leaned back. His sweats were baggy and his muscle shirt was tight enough to basically be null and void. Hal knew, that Bruce knew exactly what he was doing, the sexy goober.
“My wrath is legendary, I’ll have you know. Believe  me, it’s scary.” Hal assured.
“Mmm, sounds scary. I’m definitely scared. Now, what was it that i did again?”
“You, you big furry, are too much of a flirt.”
“What.” Bruce responded so flatly the question mark was definitely missing.
“You heard me. You Mr. Wayne-Jordan are too loose. Floosie-like. hoey if i may be so bold.”
Bruce’s smile was full blown now, and wow was that ever flabbergasting. “And with whom exactly was I, as you say, hoey?” Bruce asked, mirth obvious in his eyes.
“Well for starters, the paramedic lady earlier.”
“The paramedic lady whom I was informing of all your various injuries, including a near concussion?” Bruce asked, reaching out to slip a finger in Hal’s belt loop, pulling him in slowly.
“Yes well, Batman can be very flirtatious. That brooding thing lends well to romantic allusions. You should be more careful.” Hal said down to him, now standing in between Bruce’s thighs. 
“I most definitely will. I’ll try to keep this sexy sexy brooding contained. Anyone else with whom I’ve been harloting?” 
“Don’t laugh! This is serious, Bruce. You’re too fast and loose with those bedroom eyes. That cop lady was picking up what those baby blues were throwing down. She was down to clown.” Hal assured, hands coming to rest on Bruce's unfairly broad shoulders. Thumbs stoking the base of Bruce's neck, Hal manfully pretended he wasn’t pouting, but from Bruce's look of unabashed amusement told him he’d failed. “You’re an incorrigible flirt, Bruce. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you. I’ll take my apology in cash and or sexual favors. you can get me back whenever.”
“Say, this little performance wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that i’m going off world with Clark in two days would it?”
“Oh, you’re going off world? I had no clue.” Hal lied, eyes wandering over to the cave at large. 
“Uh huh, and this would also not have anything to do with the fact that you’ll be unable to join us seeing as Diana will need back up now that Arthur is focusing on Atlantis.”
“Clark is my friend Hal, and occasionally yours when you remember to pick up the phone. You don’t have anything to be jealous of.” 
“I’m not jealous! it’s just... You’re mine!” Hal blurted as he met Bruce’s heavy gaze. “That space hick is gonna pull some of his down home charm, pulling some of that shirtless action like he did tonight, and before you know it you’ll be Bruce Wayne-Kent-El, and I love you too much for that to happen to you.”
“Well i’m glad, because you couldn’t get me to look at Clark that way with Ivy’s Flowerdust. I’m more into crass, hot headed, test pilots these days. Space hick’s aren’t my cup.”
“Hm.” Hal answered, trying to will the flush on his cheeks to kindly fuck off. “Well, i mean, who wouldn’t be into that. The test pilot sounds amazing.”
Bruce pulled him in again, smile kind and hands warm as they settled on Hal’s waist. “You have no idea.” He answered, pulling Hal down to meet his lips in a too soft, too sweet, kiss.
“Mmm. I’m being dumb.” Hal sighted into the kiss.
“I’m not touching that, except to say that no, you’re not dumb. Just blind to your own perfections.”
“How do you do that?” Hal asked as he straightened again, heart beating a little faster just from the sweet words. He was getting so soft.
“It’s a gift. Now, come here and sit on my lap until i’m done working.”
“Oh see you just played yourself, because you may have been joking, but i’m going to definitely take you up on it. Scooch.” Hal giggled out as he planted himself on Bruce’s too hard, but enticingly large thighs. he leaned back, resting his head on Bruce’s shoulder and heard a quiet chuckle as Bruce maneuvered around Hal to get to the keyboard. They’d be here for far too long to stay like this but for now, it was perfect.
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svpe-a · 4 years
@reapeir​ reported: ❝ how did you find me?  ❞ //  being human sentence starters
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“Call it ‘reporters luck’,” Clark replies, coming to a halt and pretending to hold a stitch. “I saw you were in a spot of trouble so I ran over to help.” There is a slightly awkward pause as he continues with his human act. “It seems like you have everything under control, I guess I won’t have to swing my bag at some troublemakers after all.” The corners of his lips curl up in a small smile, before being replaced by a ripple of concern as the streetlight above them flickers slightly. “It’s getting quite late, would you like me to call you a cab or something? These streets can be dangerous at this time of night.” 
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svpe-a · 4 years
@brbievmp reported: ❝ Do you have a band-aid? ‘Cause I scraped my knee falling for you. ❞ // bad pick-up lines
“Is that how you greet every stranger you meet at a coffee shop?” Teeth grit, a look of second hand embarrassment flashing across his face as he puts down his mug of coffee and gives a small smile. Indicating the chair opposite, he beckons for her to sit down. “As flattered as I am.” He truly is flattered as he adjusts his glasses, making sure they are properly perched on his face. “A simple hello would have worked just as well.”
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svpe-a · 4 years
@rightfights  ( anthony ) reported: ❝ let’s go trick-or-treating! ❞ 
“Great idea! I think there are some eggs I forgot to throw out the other day still in the fridge.” With an almost childlike enthusiasm, he turned his head towards the kitchen and discretely peered over his glasses, looking through the wall to see if the coast was clear. The coast was very much not clear. Unfortunately, Lois and Lucy were in there, and it didn’t seem like either one of them was going to leave any time soon. He might be Superman, but he knew better than to be caught teaching Anthony something immature by the Lane sisters. “On second thought,” he pushed his glasses back up his nose. “No eggs. Let’s just focus on the costume instead. Are you going as Superman this year?” 
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svpe-a · 4 years
@chivalrytorn​ ( scott summers ) reported: ❝ happy halloween! ❞ // autumn / halloween sentence starters
“        Happy         Halloween         to         you         too         ,         fri        -        ”         Clark         pauses        .         Brows         furrow         as         he         assesses         the         other         man’s         costume        .         He        ,         himself        ,         is         dressed         as         Harry         Potter        ,         a         character         who         also         happens         to         wear         glasses        ;         he         thinks         it         best         if         he         keeps         that         particular         accessory         on         his         face         at         all         times        .         “        I’m         sorry        ,         what         are         you         supposed         to         be        ?        ”
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svpe-a · 4 years
@liveslost ( lois ) reported: ❝ you tried to protect me from it all, didn’t you? ❞ // being human sentence starters
“I know how much you hate me hiding things from you.” Clark feels extremely guilty about keeping Lois out of the loop, but it had to be done, there was no other way to guarantee her safety; some things were enough to scare even Superman. Anyone who knows his secret is in danger, and Lois is the very last person on Earth he is prepared to risk. “I never wanted you to find out like this ( especially not so soon ). You are the most important person in my life, and I need you to tell me that this doesn’t change anything between us.” He so desperately wants to cling to normal. “Can you forgive me? I’ll make you pancakes every morning for the rest of the year.” A look reminiscent to a pleading puppy crosses his face. He knows that pancakes aren’t enough, especially in the long run, but perhaps they will be enough to keep 'ordinary’ for the next few days ─ anything to prolong the inevitable conversation. “Please?”
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svpe-a · 4 years
@rightfights ( lucy ) reported: ❝ So tell me Clark.. What is it about you that does it for Lois? I mean you are not that attractive.. and ok so you can fly... and pick things up.. Not that unique I mean Kara can do them too. Also she is way less annoying then you are. ❞
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Do not throw your sister-in-law into the sun. Do not throw your sister-in-law into the sun. Do not throw your sister-in-law into the sun. Do not throw your sister-in-law into the sun. Do not throw your sister-in-law into the sun. Do not throw your sister-in-law into the sun. 
“You know, you could have just said that you like Kara better.”
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svpe-a · 4 years
@lampstaffed​ reported: ❝ how did you find me?  ❞ //  being human sentence starters
“I show up when there are people in need of saving. It’s a good thing I found you back there, you were pretty hidden. Are you alright? Perhaps you should see one of the medics, I’ve heard that smoke inhalation can leave pretty damaging effects on the body.” Superman glanced at the remains of what had been a pretty threatening fire. Luckily, he had managed to put it out before any real damage had been done to the residents; however, parts of the building hadn’t been so lucky. The culprit was yet to be determined, but for now, his priority was making sure everyone inside was okay.
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svpe-a · 4 years
@embracedself ( blak ur ) reported: ❝ hey, super*boy*.... are you a vampire? cos you really suck. ❞
“Alright, where did you learn that one, hm?” Clark crossed his arms, eyebrows raised as he impatiently waited for the answer. “Was it Kara? I bet it was, that sounds just like something she would say to me.” 
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svpe-a · 4 years
@celerem reported: ❝ [ 📲 • sms ] —— why are you texting me? i’m standing right beside you... ❞ // text messages
[TEXT: 📲 WALLACE WEST ➝ SENT] —— you were not next to me when I hit send
[TEXT: 📲 WALLACE WEST ➝ SENT] —— wait...
[TEXT: 📲 WALLACE WEST ➝ SENT] —— why are texting me, young speedo? we are next to each other
[TEXT: 📲 WALLACE WEST ➝ SENT] —— *speedster
[TEXT: 📲 WALLACE WEST ➝ SENT] —— stupid technology
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svpe-a · 4 years
@tragedybcrn reported: ❝ believe it or not, it’s hard to find someone with shared life experience. ❞ // mcu quotes    
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“Come on, you’re just not looking hard enough. I mean, how difficult can it be to find another billionaire who happens to also be a hero who dresses like a bat during the night? I’m sure the internet is full of Bruce Waynes,” Clark grinned before clearing his throat once and addressing the statement properly. “I do understand though, there aren’t many people who have been through the same things as I have. I mean, there aren’t many kryptonians period.” It was amazing how morbid things became when conversing with Bruce. “But, you know, sometimes different is what you need. Surrounding yourself with people who are similar isn’t always a good thing. Look at us, we couldn’t be more different and we’re great friends.” Great and friends may be a little bit of a stretch, but it certainly lightened up the mood a little. 
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svpe-a · 4 years
@luthcrborn reported: ❝ i’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. ❞ // mcu quotes
“I don’t think you should continue seeing Kara,” Clark repeated firmly. Although he was less suspicious of Lena herself, he couldn’t help but draw comparisons to his own experiences with a Luthor. He could see how happy Kara was with Lena, and the last thing he wanted to do was go behind her back, but he also knew that the pain of having to fight someone you cared for far outweighed the loss of contact with them. “I know I can’t stop either of you, but I hope you can see why I’m suggesting this. We both care for Kara, and we both know how good of a heart she has. Just...” Clark folded his arms, clenching his jaw in an attempt to make his warning seem more consequential. “Don’t take advantage of that, or I will step in.”
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svpe-a · 4 years
@comicbuilt ( lois ) reported: ❝ I ‘witch’ you’d go out with me. ❞ // halloween pick up lines
Clark only agreed to attend the work Halloween party because of Lois, even getting into the spirit enough to wear a costume - if you can call it that - of what can only be described as a ‘walmart jedi’. Not to his surprise, the punchbowl is the most crowded area, with vampires, mummies and ghosts alike all happily laughing and drinking from cheap plastic cups. Spotting the one person he actually knows on more than a name basis, he makes his way through the huddles of co-workers until he reaches Lois. Her greeting statement takes him slightly by surprise, and he can’t help but smile slightly. “Lois?” He questions tentatively, picking up one of the cups, and pouring himself some of the aptly named Pumpkin Punch. “Are you a little drunk?”
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svpe-a · 4 years
@potstickerparagon reported: ❝ lena is NOT her brother! ❞
“Not yet,” Clark corrected, folding his arms. This was the most common argument that the two of them replayed, and neither had wavered on their views. All he wanted to do was protect Kara from the pain of being betrayed by, and then losing a Luthor, but no matter how hard he tried, nothing swayed her. “She’s already coming between us, can’t you see that? It’s what the Luthors do, they ruin things. I can’t lose you, Kara.” 
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