#— ✿ i’m never going to be good enough for you am i. › elle's main verse.
scoobynatral · 2 months
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@sweetcobaltblue :: continued from here.
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Elle's lips turn into a frown and she let's out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm just used to people making assumptions about me because of my family and the way that I look." she explains. "I know it's hard to believe, but I'm actually a lawyer."
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suprntralsa · 5 months
— ✿ tag dump. › elle woods.
— ✿ i’m never going to be good enough for you am i. › elle's main verse.
— ✿ i don’t need backups i’m going to harvard. › elle's harvard law verse.
— ✿ trust me i can handle anything. › elle's ucla verse.
— ✿ what like it's hard. › elle's supernatural verse.
— ✿ elle woods. › in character.
— ✿ you must always have faith in people and most importantly you must always have faith in yourself. › elle's appearance.
— ✿ i’m elle woods and this is bruiser woods and we’re both gemini vegetarians. › elle's headcanons.
— ✿ whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed. › elle's aesthetics.
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ofdaiisyflowrs · 3 years
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i’m never going to be good enough for you am i (elle’s main verse)
i don’t need backups i’m going to harvard (elle’s harvard verse)
trust me i can handle anything (elle’s ucla verse)
i’ll show you how valuable elle woods can be (elle replies)
you must always have faith in people and most importantly you must always have faith in yourself (elle woods)
whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed (elle aesthetic)
i’m elle woods and this is bruiser woods and we’re both gemini vegetarians (elle facts)
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seouledbysisi · 5 years
Ambitious Dreams
Chapter Nine
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Three weeks later
Nova sat in a waiting room. She looked around at the swollen bellies. She had actually coped with the pregnancy, might as well since she couldn’t change it and honestly she was bluffing about the abortion thing. Truth be told she didn’t believe in taking a life whether it was born or not. Her parents weren’t happy with her especially when she told them that she wasn’t giving up on her internship. She was going to ride it out as long as she could and if they couldn’t understand that then so be it! All of the pregnant women had a glow. A glow that she just didn’t have. The fathers even had a glow. She saddened a bit. Her child would never experience that type of happiness. Her child had irresponsible parents who hadn’t even planned on having her. The mother was striving to become a stylist. At least her father would be someone it could look up to. He was making a name for himself and was gaining success. A tear escaped her eye.
Nori looked over at her and squeezed her hand. “It’s going to be okay.” She gave her a small smile.
Nova nodded with a smile. “I know. I’m just second-guessing myself as usual.” She shrugged.
“Nova Chaplin?” A lady in a unicorn scrub called.
Nova took a deep breath and raised her hand. She looked to Nori. “Come with me?”
Nori looked over at the entrance door.
Ash had emerged. He was late but he was there. “I’m sorry I’m late.” He told her immediately.
Nova glared at Nori.
Nori raised her hands up. “I’m sorry I just thought he should be here.”
“I won’t go back there with you, I’m fine sitting here if you’d rather Nori go back. I just wanted you to know that you’re not alone.” Ash reassured.
Nova nodded. “Come on.” She said plainly.
Nori patted Ash’s shoulder. “She’s talking about you.” She smiled.
Ash looked up at her with grateful eyes. “Thank you.” He said and walked to the back with her.
They waited in the patient room. Not having said a word to one another.
The doctor finally came in with the nurse towing in behind her.
She and Nori had decided to go with a OB-GYN’s office in Hongdae because they had a doctor who was also fluent in English.
“First time parents?” The beautiful lady with coal black hair asked as she got her equipment ready.
Nova nodded. “Is it obvious?”
The doctor chuckled. “Very. You both are quiet as a mouse and you look nervous.”
Ash cleared his throat and repositioned in his seat. He had a lot to say and so many questions he wanted to ask but he’d better not push his luck. He was just thankful that she was allowing him this opportunity.
“I’m going to lie you back and we’ll get started. Nothing will hurt. The gel that goes on stomach will be very cold but that’s the gist of the discomfort.” She told her and squeezed the gel onto her belly.
Nova jumped at the contact. She stilled.
“You alright?” The doctor asked.
Nova nodded.
“How about you daddy?” She directed at Ash.
He laughed a bit. “I think I’m good.” He answered as he watched the screen. He could hear the monitor but no distinct sounds.
The doctor grinned. “You see that right there?”
Nova and Ash both nodded.
“Say hello to your baby.” She responded.
Nova felt something overwhelming. A feeling she had never felt before. Suddenly she couldn’t control her emotions and began to cry. “My baby.” She looked over at Ash with so much joy. “Your baby.”
He grabbed her hand and caressed it. “Our baby.” He grinned.
“And that noise is your baby’s heartbeat, you’re measuring at about ten weeks.”
“So when is she due?” Ash asked. He could already see himself going shopping for everything that the baby would need. He was itching to buy some things that same day.
The doctor smiled. “Around May 18.” She cleaned Nova’s stomach off and left out.
Ash clasped his hands together. He couldn’t wipe the smirk off of his face. He was happy. Yes, it was unexpected and the tension was high between him and Nova; but he honestly wouldn’t want to go through parenthood with anyone else. Nova was a great woman and he respected the hell out of her whether she believed that or not. He knew his child was in good hands with or without him and that made me him happy. “How do you feel? Is it okay for me to ask?”
She nodded. “I’ve come to terms with it. My parents are highly disappointed in me though.” She wrapped her arms around herself.
“I can imagine. My mother wasn’t the happiest but she said any help that we needed she was here for us. She just imagined a grandchild later in the future.”
Nova nodded. “Does she know that your child is only half Korean?” She giggled a bit.
“Yeah and she doesn’t care. She’s never cared about race and anything else like that. She just wants the baby to be healthy.” Ash smirked.
“Lucky me. My parents want me to come back to the states immediately.” She revealed.
Anxiety rose in his veins. “And are you?”
“That’s the main reason for their disappointment in me. They don’t think I can handle being a mother without them being around 24/7. I can’t just leave my internship. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am and if I’m ever going to be able to financially support my baby then I need this job. And I-“ she took a deep breath and paused. “I can’t just take the baby away from you either. No matter how I feel about you, our child doesn’t have anything to do with it and she deserves you.”
Ash nodded. “I know you don’t believe a word that comes out of my mouth anymore but I’m not just here for the baby, I’m here for you too.” He stood and helped her off of the examine table.
“Thanks.” She told him and headed back into the waiting room to find Nori.
Nori looked up from her phone. “So how’d it go?” She was excited.
“We’re due in May. The baby is healthy.” Nova told her.
Nori eyed Ash as they walked outside. “And how’s?”
“We’re straight, for the baby of course. We’ll be able to co-parent.” Nova told her plainly.
Ash waved. “I’ll see y’all later.” He got into his vehicle and sat in it for a while. He covered his face. He desperately wanted Nova back, more than ever now. She never was really his but she was closer to him than she is now. All over a dumb bet that was never really in play. He understand her standpoint though, and there was no way of proving his innocence.”
Nori pulled up to the studio. “I should’ve asked but you’re cool being here, right?”
Nova laughed. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because you haven’t really been chilling with us all lately.”
“I just needed time to deal with. . .life.” They both got out of the vehicle and walked into the building.
The guys were all sitting around listening to Keem lay his verse down.
“That’s bae!” Nori squealed as she nodded her head to the music.
Nova smirked and sat on the couch next to Hash. Elle was sitting on the other side of him. “Y’all are getting closer and closer!” Nova stated with a smile.
Elle blushed. “Just a little.” She squeezed his arm. “So how’s baby Ash?” She asked in sincerity.
Nova rolled her eyes. “Baby Nova, you mean?”
Ash walked into the studio and found a seat in a far corner.
Nova stilled. “The baby is fine though. She will make her grand appearance in May!”
Changmo laughed. “So we’re betting on what the baby will be, right?” He regretted what he had said immediately when Nova’s facial expression turned sour.
“No more bets please!” Ash interrupted and rolled his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Nova. I wasn’t thinking when I said that. I really wasn’t.” Changmo apologized.
Nova put her hand up. “It’s not a big deal. It happened and I’m over it.” She lied. She wasn’t over it. Her feelings were still hurt. Every time she looked at Ash it reminded her. She wondered if everything had been a joke and he was just trying to make things right because there was a baby involved. What other guy would still be apologizing over and over for three weeks.
Marz got into the booth next. His lyrics captured everyone’s attention. You was killing me from the inside out.
Nova knew this relationship was toxic for him and Jangmi. They either needed therapy together or they needed to call it quits because it wasn’t healthy. They both were suffering a great loss and if they weren’t careful it was going to destroy their whole mental capacity.
Jangmi walked in with Lee.
The whole aura went dark. Everyone stayed quiet. The tension was so thick you could cut it.
“Ash, have you no respect for yourself?” Lee questioned.
Ash was knocked out of his trance. “What?!”
“You had such a bright future and you’ve tarnished it with being linked to that bitch for the rest of your life.” She pointed at Nova.
Ash looked up at her. He had enough of her drama and disrespectful actions. “Lee, why the fuck are you here? You’re like cancer that keeps spreading and spreading until it kills everyone. No one wants you here!”
She was startled at his words. “I’m just saying you can do better. What do you think your fans are going to say?”
He stood up towering over her. “Anyone who is a fan of mines will be a fan of my child. And if you say one more negative thing about Nova, we gonna have some problems!” He pushed past her and stormed off.
Nova stood up and followed him. “Ash?!” She ran down the hall trying to find him. He was sitting on one of the couches in an open common area. His leg was shaking. He was angry. “Ash, calm down.” She spoke softly.
He looked up at her. “Nova, I’m not in the mood and I don’t want to take my anger out on you. Just go back!”
She swallowed hard. She took a step back. “I just wanted to say thank you. . .for sticking up for me.” She turned to walk away.
He groaned. “I just wish there was some way we could go back in time, Nova! You have no idea how much I want you right now. How much I need you, right now! You think this is all a game and it’s not. My heart is ripping apart. The heart I worked so hard to put back together and it’s back, but worse! I know you’re hurt and you’re stubborn so you don’t want to hear all of this but I would never let someone down you like that. I just pray one day you’ll realize the truth.” He was angry, partially at Lee but more at Nova herself. Had she not shared all the moments they had with him? How could they all be fake? How could she walk around like nothing had ever happened?
Nova simply stared at him. He wouldn’t even look at her and she understood his frustration but if she hadn’t heard it for herself she would’ve never believed there was ever a bet but she heard them talking about it so how could she not believe it? She simply walked away. As she got closer to the studio suite she could see Marz sitting on the floor. She slid down the wall next to him.
He looked over at her. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
She smiled. “I think we’re both lost. Maybe sitting here we can help each other be found.” She giggled a bit.
“Why are you so lost?” Marz asked.
Nova sighed. “Well I got a baby on the way by a guy who betted on sleeping with me, so now I’m all alone. And as much as I hate myself for admitting this, especially to you, he’s not even the one I originally liked.”
Marz looked over at her quickly. “Who’d you like?”
Nova rolled her eyes. “Can you believe I had my eyes on you?!” She laughed. “Until you treated me like I was some type of contagious disease, then I was just downright scared of you.”
Marz laughed. “I had to stay away from you.”
“Why?” She eyed him.
“Cause of Jangmi. She’s crazy.” He laughed. “She knew that you were catching my eye too and she used the-“ he coughed and took a deep breath. “The death of our child against me to keep me away from you.”
Nova shook her head. “She had nothing to worry about, I knew she was your girlfriend and I would never overstep boundaries. That’s not my style.”
“That’s the thing, she wasn’t worried about you. She was worried about me leaving her. She knows I’m not happy. Hell, she isn’t either but she’d rather keep me around to beat me up about the baby. It makes her feel better.” Marz closed his eyes.
Nova saddened a bit. They both were catching hell. His version was much worse though and she wished he didn’t have to go through it. “That’s really cruel of her. Have you thought about going to therapy?”
He nodded. “I have my first appointment next Tuesday.”
She smiled. “I’m happy for you. Are you scared?”
“I’m more scared of not getting any help. I feel like I’m losing all my sanity. I can’t live like this anymore. I’m too young and as much as I love her and wish this had never happened, we’ll never get past it being together.”
Nova nodded. “So you broke things off with her?”
“Yep and she slapped me.” He turned his face and his was bloodshot red.
“Damn! Well at least in time you’ll feel better. Maybe not on next Tuesday but the therapy will help. Bottling up feelings isn’t good.” Nova rubbed his thigh.
Marz smiled. “And so will you. I know you heard what you heard but I also know how Ash is with someone he really likes, maybe even loves. He loves hard. That’s what pissed me off so much, because he could have something that I couldn’t. You were an idea for me but for him you were reality and I hated it so I passively treated you like shit and that wasn’t fair.”
Nova’s breath hitched.
“And I know you probably think he’s sticking around for the baby but truth is even if that wasn’t a factor he’d be stuck to you like glue. That’s the type of guy he is.” Marz inhaled deeply. “Better than me, right?” He chuckled.
Nova stayed quiet for a moment. “We’re gonna make it thru this. Together. When you need someone to talk to. Maybe we can be real friends.”
“I think that would be nice. You might fuck around and be my best friend.” Marz said and nudged her with his arm a bit.
Nori sat on Hyoeun’s lap and winded her hips to the music.
“Don’t start nothing!” He told her in her ear.
She giggled. “That’s what I’m trying to do!” Her phone pinged back to back.
Where are you?
Are you busy?
I need you.
Hyoeun could see the messages. He sighed. They had never really spoken about each other exes but he could sense that these messages were ex material.
She texted back quickly. Is something wrong?
She carried along dancing on her new man, trying to forget about the messages but Harry was texting back faster than he had ever.
I miss you. I thought this would be better but it’s not. Can we talk?
Nori went back and forth in her head. Part of her wanted to hear what he had to say so she could shut his ass down. Karma was a bitch! But the other part wanted to just let the demons sleep and enjoy the bliss of Hyoeun for as long as she could. I’m busy. Maybe another time.
She placed her phone on do not disturb. The only ones who would need to contact her were in the building with her so it didn’t matter anyway.
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Lost Boys: Day Four: 2
[ < ][First][ > ]
It was easy to keep an eye on Elle for the most part, but in the apartment they were crafty, obviously they’d been around some better than average security systems in their life.  He wished he had the time to sit and really talk with them, or maybe just the time to figure out what the hell was going on with this hacker.
Outside though, Elle didn’t show the same awareness. They didn’t seem to go far out of their way, he always had an idea where they were off to, they kept a pretty regular schedule and keeping tabs of their phone had been easy enough, the app gave him a backdoor into any member’s phone.
And that’s what he was doing now, rummaging through V’s phone, well sort of.  It wasn’t that he didn’t trust V, he owed plenty to the man, but he’d changed.  Luciel wanted to chalk it up to Rika’s death but after two years he was starting to have doubts.  For one he was always so hard to get in contact with, even when he was not traveling.
He used to always be available, even when Rika’s health had started to decline, he had almost never missed a call, and he always called right back, always apologetic.  Now he never seemed to get his calls, always returning them hours later, an emergency could take anywhere from an hour to a day for a response and he always seemed so surprised that the call had been so long ago. 
Then there was the way it seemed like it wasn’t always V responding to texts.  The way he’d been so cautious in the last two years but was so quick to accept Elle into the RFA. He’d given him a phone, one that would signal him if it had been bugged but now, it didn’t even look like he was using it. 
Not to mention the way the connection had just dropped so suddenly in the middle of his search, like he’d just phased into another dimension.  Luciel supposed he should just feel lucky his calls were returned since even Jumin’s calls seemed to go unanswered lately.
He’d noticed in the last two days, there were always two or three faces in the crowd around Elle that he could pick out.  No one could really blame him for pulling up the CCTV feed when he knew where they’d gone, Elle’s arrival in the RFA had been sudden and suspicious, but Elle seemed oblivious to the tail they’d acquired.
He’d thought, the first time he’d noticed it, that it was coincidence.  They’d stayed in a small area that first day, gone to work, an ice rink, rehearsal, home, the apartment, and he hadn’t been as vigilant with Vanderwood breathing down his neck.
Then yesterday there the faces were again, in a car outside the skating rink way too early for it to be coincidence, then again that afternoon he’d caught them on the CCTV outside the park Elle had taken their dog to, the park was out of the way, not a popular spot as far as he knew, not that he got out much.  Today he’d seen them at the park again, then outside Jumin’s penthouse, outside the building Rika’s apartment was in. 
Always the same two men, but he’d seen a profile behind them, one that seemed impossibly familiar.  One that had him hacking into V’s phone. Or at least trying to.
“Argh,” he groaned and slumped in his chair.  At least Vanderwood wasn’t here today.  He’d had time to monitor Elle more closely, and leave too many messages on Vs voicemail.    He pulls up the CCTV for the parking garage to Jumin’s building.  He watches Elle get in their car and pull away, those familiar faces parked 3 cars over pull out seconds later.
He lets his face fall onto his keyboard and ignores the angry series of noises his computer makes, his fingers already know the familiar patterns of his phone screen and he calls Elle without even looking, he thumps his face on the keyboard a few more times before lifting the receiver to his ear.
“Alert Alert,” he calls out, “the safety app detects that you are using your phone while driving.”  He doesn’t feel chipper, he doesn’t feel like joking, this is serious but he doesn’t want to scare Elle, so joke he does.
“You know hands free exists right?  It’s a thing, you can buy an adapter on the cheap.”
“I’m so charming, how could you ever concentrate,” he quips.
“It’s difficult,” they agree, “I do feel the urge to run into oncoming traffic when you call.”
“Ah, you too, long for death,” he laughs.  “I knew we were meant for one another, soul mates even, the 606 to my 707.”
Elle snorts.
“So, here’s a funny question.”
“What are the chances that Mr. Trustfundkid has a security detail on you?”
There’s silence from the other end, just the quite hum of the engine, and road noise.  “No, not without warning me, he knows I’d kill him,” they say firmly.
“You’re sure?” he knows he’s being too serious too sudden, he’s sure they’re going to worry now.
“No, if Jumin was worried enough to do that he’d have said something to me by now, probably make me stay with him, by force if he felt like he needed to. He’s been weird the last few days but I’m sure that’s about the messenger not worrying, unless you think Jihyun may have told him something.”
“Jihyun,” he draws out the name. And they inhale sharply.
“V,” they correct.  “I mean he approved me joining, it’s not like he doesn’t know who I am.”
“Yeah of course,” Luciel says numbly.
“What’s going on, Seven?”
“You should turn around and go home,” he says firmly.
“I can’t.”
“You should go home and you should clean the lenses of the cameras you messed up.”
“Seven if I don’t go to rehearsal tonight Zen is going to be suspicious.”
“I thought you were an actor,” he snaps, “why is everyone so damned suspicious of you.”
“Wow, calm down.  Tell me what’s going on.  If there’s something going on won’t I be safer in a group of people who know me; if I’m rehearsing with Zen rather than if I’m in that apartment alone?  The apartment that no one knows I’m staying in?”
They had a point; he doubted anyone suspicious could get close to Elle at the rehearsal space without being noticed.  They way Zen had been in the messenger, he was sure Elle would be in good hands.  Still he was uneasy.
“Fine,” he relented.  “It’s ok, just don’t go anywhere alone.”
“I mean I’ll walk in alone,” she says softly.  “The free parking lot is like a block away.”
He bites his lip in frustration. “Pay for parking tonight,” he starts pulling up city maps and rattles off address to the closest parking lot he can monitor.
“That’s private parking, Seven.”
He sighs, exaggerated. “Text me when you get there, don’t worry about it, and make sure Zen walks you to your car.”
He still finds his mind wondering back to the phone call with Elle.  He’d just wanted to flirt, something to pump him up before his meeting with the director, well he’d been pumped up, uncomfortably so.  She’d caught him off guard. He’d been on the train surrounded by people, besides like anyone wouldn’t have responded like that to knowing the woman they were talking to was naked in the shower.
Then the way she’d shifted, the bold way she’d called him out and then she’d called him cute, a puppy.  He sighs.  He’d stepped out for a cigarette after his meeting with the director, he still had to go in and find No.  How was he going to get through this evening? I’d rather the wolf. God, he would have skipped his meeting and gone to find her if it were possible but he’d gotten several texts from Seven that claimed that it was totally out of the question.
No is laying on the stage with her feet hanging over the edge when he peeks into the main rehearsal area.  He almost misses her, it’s not until she sits up and waves that he recognizes the halo of red hair coming loose from her braid.  He watches her turn and gesture at the people behind her, the way the skirt she’s wearing flutters out when she slides off the stage.
Hyun stop, he scolds himself, but he finds himself wondering what else she’d hidden under loose shirts.
She slaps a stapled set of script pages against his chest and bumps him with her shoulder.  They take seats at the back of the room near a pair of pot lights and she starts to excitedly explain the scene to him, he’s not sure if he’s thankful or offended.
“Hey, No, slow down,” he smiles.
Her face is bright and she freezes mid hand gesture, to smile at him.  “You can call me Noelle, No Kira is just a stage name.”
“I like No,” he laughs.
“So I’m probably boring you, I’m a complete geek for this, why don’t you just start with the soliloquy.”
“The uh, hah.”
“Hamlet’s speech,” she smiles at him.  The way the nicer teachers had smiled at him before he quit school.
He does what she asks but it’s hard to pay attention to the lines. He’d gotten a copy from the library this morning and had made himself familiar with the lines but she’s sitting across from him making faces. “I’m sorry,” he stops.  “Am I that bad.”
“No, I’m sorry, I’m really picky.”
“It’s just you should be reading in blank verse, you know?”
“I what?”
“Iambic Pentameter, yeah?” 
“I what,” he repeats with a smirk.
“Musicians,” she curses with a laugh.  “It’s like, you know when you sing, the words you put emphasis on aren’t like if you were just saying the words conversationally, you emphasize the beat  It’s not that you were performing poorly you were just using the wrong count.”
He can’t help the goofy smile that spreads on his face, she’s trying so hard but he’s not really sure he gets it, he shakes his head.
She tucks her knees under her in the seat.  “Ok like, a five count heart beat right?” she leans forward and taps his chest as she speaks. “da-dum­, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum.”
Can she feel the way his breathing changed when she touched him. “So like this?” He recites a few more lines but he can see from her face he’s not doing it right.
She smiles though.  “Close but a little too severe, more like this,” she settles back on heels and taps her chest on the proper syllable.
It’s hard to pay attention to the lesson she’s giving him, she’s not just pushing the emphasis, she knows this speech by heart and right now she is Hamlet, trying to teach him to be a poor imitation of Hamlet.
“I’m so sorry,” she relaxes mid speech.  “I’m being ridiculous, you’re not auditioning, you’re barely going to perform it, you don’t need me harping on you about little details.”
“It’s ok, you’re passionate, it’s cute, I like it.”
She blushes and frowns.  “This scene is,” she stops.  “Ophelia she thought Hamlet was in love with her and she’s returning things he’d gifted her, the king and her father are trying to get a reaction from him, to test if her ending their flirtation is what made him lose his mind.”
“Uh, huh,” he says.  “He’s just pretending that though, right?” He can’t help but watch the way she presses her lips together when she pauses.  Then he realizes she’s waiting for him to say something.  “So should I, uh start again.”
“Why don’t you start from fair Ophelia?” She smiles at him
They start sitting down, her legs tucked beneath her as she leans towards him, and he picks up the timings quickly enough as they start a back and forth, she stops occasionally to offer stage direction or explain where his tone may have been off.  She’s not even using the script she’s clutched in her hand and eventually they’re standing behind the chairs, and she’s abandoned it along with her cardigan.
He notices the tattoo on her forearm for the first time when she reaches out and tucks a stray hair behind his ear while she recites her lines. A crisp black honeycomb pattern broken by a thickly outlined triangle on the outside of her arm.  She stops and encourages him to reach out to her, places in the script where there could be gentle touches or rough gestures.
“Grab me here,” she tells him pointing to a line on the paper.  “Don’t be gentle just” she presses her lips together again and he starts to wonder if she’s nervous or excited, “grab me and just, like you want to shake me, like you just want me to understand and nothing is working.”
“Really, are you sure?” He’s doesn’t want to hurt her she seems so delicate standing in front of him in that outfit.
“He’s somewhere between losing his mind and pretending to, he’s not emotionally stable and he just can’t get her to understand she’s not safe with him,” she says suddenly.  “I think,” again she presses her lips together and this time she glances away from him, “I think he loves her very much but he has to turn her away, he’s about to cause a lot of trouble and he doesn’t want her involved, I think he was relieved that she’d turned away from him and now this interaction, she’s obviously still feeling for him and he just wants to crush that in her.”
“Wow,” Zen has to step back a moment, “that’s really—”
“I’m a huge nerd,” she laughs at him shaking her head, “too much information right?”
“No it’s just,” he laughs.  “I’ve never really met someone so into this.  You really know your shit.”
“I mean I better, I paid a stupid amount of money to know this stuff,” she laughs.
They run the scene a few more times, each time he notices some new subtle way she’s become the character, the way she moves her head a certain way when he speaks, or the twitch of her foot when Ophelia might want to step away.  He takes her by the arms when he’s shouting about the nunnery and her body tenses, he shakes her slightly and doesn’t fail to notice the way she looks away and bites her lip.  She only does that once.
By the time they call it for the night he’s sure that she’ll have marks on her arms from his grip.
“If anyone asks I’ll tell them I had a really exciting date this weekend,” she smirks at him and rubs her arms again before pulling her cardigan back on and then glances away suddenly shy.
She seemed so similar to Elle sometimes; he had to wonder, no, it’s just a coincidence.  They both came into his life at the same time is all.  What did he really know about the woman on the other end of the phone anyway?
“Could you maybe walk me to my car?” She might be blushing.
She’s really cute, he thinks.  Dressed the way she was he had to wonder, what was she like in her everyday life.  Usually she was nondescript at rehearsals, black leggings, or jogging pants, a loose shit, a face in the crowd.  But in this she was almost deliberately feminine, almost a performance in itself.  “Yeah, sure,” he smiles. 
She stops at the bottom of the stairs and turns in a circle like she’s not sure where she’s going before heading off.  They chat quietly as they walk about nothing in particular and when she rubs her arms obviously cold he finds himself pulling her closer to him and then he stops. 
“Hey here, take my coat.”
“We’re almost to my car it’s ok, you’ll be cold.”
He wraps his coat around her shoulders; she blushes and presses her lips together again.  He can’t help but glance at the way her cleavage when she pulls it tighter around her, stop it, he chastises himself. “Thanks.”
Her car is small, nothing fancy but more than he has and glancing in the windows it’s a mess, it reminds him of Seven’s house.  There are fast food bags and papers all over the floor, energy drink cans and coffee cups. 
She places his coat over his shoulders and presses a kiss to his cheek catching him off guard. She steps back and he sees a smile creep across her face before she covers her mouth. “I’m sorry, I’m just leaving my mark on everyone tonight.  Just a second.”
She opens the door to her car and comes back with a napkin, he laughs while he wipes the lipstick from his cheek, dangerously close to the corner of his mouth. 
“I’m sorry,” she says again with a smile, “I keep forgetting I’m wearing it.”
“It’s fine.”
She reaches out and takes the napkin from him and he watches as she wipes the lipstick off her own lips, a faint stain left behind.  Her lips are full and when she wets them with her tongue he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to kiss her.
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scoobynatral · 2 months
— ✿ tag dump. › elle woods.
— ✿ i’m never going to be good enough for you am i. › elle's main verse.
— ✿ i don’t need backups i’m going to harvard. › elle's harvard law verse.
— ✿ trust me i can handle anything. › elle's ucla verse.
— ✿ what like it's hard. › elle's supernatural verse.
— ✿ elle woods. › in character.
— ✿ you must always have faith in people and most importantly you must always have faith in yourself. › elle's appearance.
— ✿ i’m elle woods and this is bruiser woods and we’re both gemini vegetarians. › elle's headcanons.
— ✿ whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed. › elle's aesthetics.
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