#– dr pines ✍️
local-researcher · 18 days
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Did you know that axolotls never fully mature into their salamander form in the wild?
For something that just floats about all day, this little guy is very interesting. I've decided to name him Frilliam- he stays with me while I work, and is surprisingly good company. I feel as though he really listens and even understands when I speak to him.
That sounds silly, doesn't it?
Although I believe the tank he currently has is only good enough for a temporary home, as happy as he looks, it does seem rather cramped. I'll have to figure out a more permanent solution, I want my new buddy to be happy and healthy.
I'll have to go into town to see if I can find a larger tank.
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local-researcher · 15 days
Helloooo you're a younger one, huh?
Well hello Fordsy !!
- From @billthewillofbills
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I was beginning to wonder if this thing was properly hooked up! Ha-ha!
I wouldn't say I'm that young though, getting close to thirty in a few years! I'll probably start graying soon, especially with the stress.. F is already starting to. Not that it's a bad thing, I think it suits him nicely!
Did you know you have the same name as someone else I know?
What an odd coincidence... At least, I assume it's a coincidence, I don't know how my Bill would get a hold of a computer.
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local-researcher · 5 days
(love this blog! You write a good pre-portal Ford)
Hello! Hope you're well and getting sleep. Do you have any hobbies outside of science and art?
Oh, also! Have you done much or any research on lycanthropy? And what do you think if you yourself were one? Whew, imagine how F would feel 😅
Just hypothetically.
Anyways! Have a great week.
Sincerely, Gg, a lycanthrope enthusiast
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I apologize for the late response, I've been busy lately. Not that I mind, I'm making good progress! I'm sure F will be pleased to see what all I've done when he returns at the end of the week.
Outside of my work, I enjoy star gazing and perhaps the occasional bird watching. F has been trying to teach me banjo, but I'm much better at piano.
As for lycanthropy, I haven't come across any werewolves in Gravity Falls! I can't imagine being one would be great though, especially not with F around- it sounds dangerous, not being in control of my own body.
I would feel awful if I hurt him.
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local-researcher · 5 hours
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I feel as though I've been more productive recently.
My muse has been assisting me with it, working my brain to be more awake. It's as though I've had straight caffeine! He says there are no side effects, so this is a win for everyone.
I don't have to waste time resting and can work much faster! This is wonderful!
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local-researcher · 18 hours
" Stanferd! Was lookin' for your account left and right! Even saw a few versions of you from alternate dimensions on this Tumblr place! Guess your theory was right, haha! Just erm. Give me a bit to get those 5 bucks. "
- @fiddlefords-garage
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It's amazing, isn't it? I've seen many fascinating things already- I saw a goose! It was more interesting than it sounds, believe me..
I saw someone from another dimension as well, so different from the version of them I know here.
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local-researcher · 13 days
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Apologies for the lack of updates today.
I believe I was sleep walking last night and have managed to injure myself! It's nothing serious, but I've been trying to focus on getting some other things done.
Maybe I can sleep proof the house.
I'm thinking padded stairs.
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local-researcher · 16 days
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I would like to introduce you all to my favorite color:
Before anyone says anything, no, this is not gray. It's so not-gray that I can't even describe to you what it looks like! It's actually not visible at all to the human eye, but after coming into contact with an extradimensional being, I'm lucky enough to be able to perceive it.
I even got to name it, if that wasn't obvious.
I painted a few things with the color, if anyone is interested in seeing.
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local-researcher · 3 hours
you mentioned in the last ask that you play piano, have you and F ever played together?
🍀 anon
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Maybe once or twice, but unfortunately not anytime recently.
We've been very busy with our research and this project, I'm afraid there's not much time for stuff like that, but this project comes before all else.
Once it's finished, maybe we'll play.
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local-researcher · 2 hours
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My eyes sting a little, but I'm still not tired. I still feel great besides that and the fact my right eye seems more affected- it's watering a lot, but not enough of a problem to hinder any work.
I feel a little jittery overall, but I get like that when I have too much coffee, so it's nothing new.. well, other than the fact I haven't had any coffee.
Generally, I'm a bit warm? It's usually chilly down in the lab, but I'll be taking off my coat and vest, the warmth is distracting.
Still, nothing that I'd consider bad, so this does seem like a beneficial treat from my muse.
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local-researcher · 3 hours
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A minor set back, but I've managed to spill ink.
Most of it got on myself, so I'll have to get rid of this sweater, even if I did enjoy it... Unfortunately, a bit did get in my journal, so I will see if I work around this or if I need to completely redo the page.
Back to work, I'll keep you all updated.
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local-researcher · 12 days
Mr. Ford!! Would you ever consider pet mice? :) I have a few and they’re very intelligent!
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I had a dream about mice last night, then today I load up the computer to see you here, asking about mice.
Isn't that odd?
In my dream, I believe I had a mouse infestation of sorts. I also was living on some sort of ship, so when I caught a mouse, I'd drop the thing overboard and watch it swim off. No matter how many times I'd do this, I still heard this squeaking, and always found more mice.
I should invest in a dream cat.
Weird dream aside! I would absolutely consider having pet mice! Not only are they incredibly intelligent, like you said, but they're also very cute.
Unfortunately, I just don't have the time for pets right now.
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local-researcher · 15 days
How is researching going?
I truly love the paranormal and urban legends, it's amazing. So are UFOS. I'm a nerd for all those things. And I'm a nerd in general.
I'm a geek and nerd actually.
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The research is going amazing!
There's so much to discover here, I've had to get more than one journal to document it all. These urban legends aren't just legends, I've seen them with my own eyes!
If you really truly enjoy those things, consider visiting. I don't believe the town gets many tourists, and I prefer it that way, but I could make an exception if it's to share an interest.
From one nerd to another.
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local-researcher · 2 hours
if you’re interested in supernatural entities we can have a chat :) an interview is something i’d enjoy. how does a ghost that is also a vampire and a demon sound to you? do i have your attention yet, nerd? - @thatvampireghost
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Firstly, you definitely do have my attention, but I don't think the name calling was needed.
Secondly, I wasn't aware you could be.. all three at once? Vampires are usually immortal, and demons tend to be similar, so I do wonder how you're a ghost? Were you a demon first that got bit by a vampire and then killed?
I'd love an interview.
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local-researcher · 2 hours
Are you single? -🧪
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Oh! I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting this sort of question at all. To answer, it's.. complicated?
I'm not dating anyone, but I'm not exactly in a situation that would allow me to even if I did want to. I wouldn't be able to focus on pursuing anything romantic without either neglecting them or my work.
I have all the companionship I need to keep me going.
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local-researcher · 15 days
I am a goose! 🪿
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You're a very smart goose then, being able to get on a computer, click the buttons to get here, type out the message, and send it! This is either very fascinating, or you're being silly.
My brother once got attacked by a goose though, trying to mess with it. So I'll leave some bread out on the porch as a peace offering, just in case.
How do they say bye in goose?
Honk honk?
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local-researcher · 18 days
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My name is Dr Standford F Pines, I'm here in Gravity Falls, Oregon to research and study the large concentration of anomalies in the town and its surrounding land.
Usually, I am accompanied by my lab partner and assistant, a brilliant man named Fiddleford Mcgucket, although he is currently away visiting his family back home in California.
He has left me with his computer and a new pet to keep me from getting lonely, so I am here to answer anyone's questions. I will also be documenting some of my research, if any of you find interest in that.
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Hello, admin here!!
Just some general info about the blog–
Interactions are open to everyone, including other gravity falls rp blog from aus and such! You can ask him anything you'd like, although if it's anything post-portal related, don't expect him to know what you're talking about. The only exception is that I'd like to keep NSFW asks to a minimum- jokes are fine as long as they're not explicit.
Ford uses he/him and is 28. His tag is ✍️.
Admin uses they/them and is 18+. Admin tag is 💾.
Connected blogs ;;
Fiddleford – @fiddlefords-garage :)
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