#ੈ   𝟎𝟎𝟐 .  🕊  ˎˊ˗   /  /    how   may   i  help  you  ?   (   ᵃᶰˢʷᵉʳᵉᵈ 。)
fiduciia · 3 years
" you realise you don't need to ask my permission, don't you? "
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❛   y - yessir  !  i  mean  ,  thank  you  ...   ❜       wooden  sturdy  chair  beneath  her  would  be  pulled  to  the  side  with  a  subtle  creak  ,   the  gap  between  her  &&  the  esteemed  corporal  considerably  shrinking  .  she  worked  best  under  orders  ,  unyielding  trust  in  close  allies   ——   in  him  .  and  as  silence  reigned  over  the  room  ,  she  drew  a  hint  of  trouble  from  breathing  alone  ;  slow  ,  seemingly  composed  ,  yet  deep  in  thoughts  .  there  were  no  such  things  as  casual  expeditions  for  them  ,  life  put  on  the  line  every  time  ,  hung  by  a  string  no  more  robust  than  the  kind  that  held  up  fresh  wet  linens.
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EVEN  WITH  FULL  KNOWLEDGE  OF  THE  WORST  OUTCOMES  that  heading  into  titan  territory  entailed  ,  honey  gaze  was  steady  under  long  brown  lashes  as  it  hovered  above  the  map  .     ❛   you  know  that  we  will  always  listen  to  you  ,  no  matter  what  ,  captain  .  we've  prepared  ourselves  to  all  kinds  of  results  .  whatever  path  you  decide  to  follow  ,  ❜     an  index  attentively  explored  ridges  on  paper  ,  locations  where  countless  lives  had  been  lost  ,  where  titans  roamed  freely  ,  stopping  shy  of  his  own  rugged  battle  -  used  hand.
surely  ,  she  would  be  permitted  the  intimate  locking  of  her  little  finger  with  his  ,  heart  swelling  with  what  she  rationalized  to  be  military  devotion  .   devotion  ,  DEVOTION  ,  a  thought  that  whirled  in  mind  ,  but  there's  an  undescribable  high  ,   a  euphoria   that  made  her  head  fuzzy  /  her shoulders felt  lighter  ————    even  with  the  complete  stillness  of  the  touch  .       ❛     i  will  follow  you  without  hesitation  ...  ——   i'm  sure  that  it  is  the  case  for  the  others  ,   too  .   ❜     evident  by  how  the  rest  of  the  group  had  been  dutifully  saddling  the  horses  outside  /  ready  to  take  on  their  journey  .  all  but  one  ,  whose  absence  behind  window  came  as  synonymous  with   QUIET  &&  PEACE  ,  alas  short - lived  as  oluo  nonchalantly  pushed  the  hall’s  door  open  :  they  were   ready  .
alert  to  her  breach  in  personal  space  ,   hands  were  retrieved  to  her  sides  &  chair  promptly  put  back  where  it  belonged  to  join  her  team  members  with  a  firm  walk  .   ❛  you  could've  knocked  !   ❜    he  had  .   ❛  here  ,  let's  go  outside  then  ,  the  captain  will  be  with  us  in  a  minute  !   ❜
@liberons  //
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fiduciia · 3 years
List 5-10 songs that remind you of your muse!
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some remind me of petra because of the melody and others the lyrics. :]
Rika’s theme : i absolutely love this theme . it makes me think of petra because the start is full of grace and then explodes into this powerful sound. i highly recommend you listen if you don't know mysme, the game it's from.
The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy
A Demon's Fate - Within Temptation : pretty fitting title i say! just like the tone of this one. very petracore!
Blue Stahli - The Pure and the Tainted  : just a badass instrumental !
Gorillaz  -  Empire ants
Elegy of the dynast
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fiduciia · 3 years
What’s their usual body temperature? are they always hot/cold? do they easily become one of these?
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no matter how many times hands are plunged in warm water for laundry or dishes, petra is known for always having cold hands! but as they say: those with colder hands have the warmest hearts! yet the rest of her body is very warm, especially her cheeks && upper body.
she handles col weathers quite well, being considerably less fragile than her mother and taking after her father, but she easily breaks a sweat, finding hot temperatures to get easily uncomfortable.
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fiduciia · 3 years
ੈ 𝟎𝟎𝟏. 🕊 ˎˊ˗ / / how deep is your devotion ? ( ᶠᵃᶜᵉ 。)
ੈ 𝟎𝟎𝟐 . 🕊 ˎˊ˗ / / may i help you ? ( ᵃᶰˢʷᵉʳᵉᵈ 。)
ੈ 𝟎𝟎𝟑 . 🕊 ˎˊ˗ / / a bird’s view into her world ( ᵃᵉˢᵗʰᵉᵗᶤᶜ 。)
ੈ 𝟎𝟎𝟒 . 🕊 ˎˊ˗ / / ambassador of reviving ur faves ( ᵒᵘᵗ ᵒᶠ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 。)
ੈ 𝟎𝟎𝟓 . 🕊 ˎˊ˗ / / you know her bite ; she can eat you up ( ᶰˢᶠʷ 。)
ੈ 𝟎𝟎𝟔 . 🕊 ˎˊ˗ / / diary entries ( ᵐᵘˢᶤᶰᵍˢ 。)
ੈ 𝟎𝟎𝟕 . 🕊 ˎˊ˗ / / seal your letter & send it her way ! ( ᵐᵉᵐᵉˢ 。)
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