#нσтнєαɗєɗ мєɗιαтσя (bane)
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punnybonessnas · 2 years ago
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Family photo of our Fells, Bane & Nerida, taking place on their eldest’s first day of kindergarten. With Riley, Asher, and fussy newborn Brooke (Rookie). Done of course by my ever-talented ship partner @suplexqueen / @kazzyarts as a commission.  ^-^
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punnybonessnas · 4 years ago
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‘i get yer’ frustration sweets, but ta’ be honest, i’m not doin’ all that much either right now, ya know reconnaissance ain’t my strong suit.. an’ there’s a lot of reason we gotta be watchin’ our fuckin’ asses out dere. i ain’t got tha’ patience aleister has, shit’s dicey.’
He breathed a tired sigh, running a hand over his skull in a show of his own anxious energy, though he couldn’t help a small chuckle as she voiced her more realistic wants.
‘somethin’ sweet, an’ my scrawny ass, huh? dat i can do. pretty sure we still got somethin’ in tha’ fridge.. thinkin’ riley would be betta off in his bed, too.’
Approaching the couch slowly so as not to alert the paranoid pup curled protectively around the lump beneath the blankets, he carefully scooped the guppy up into his arms, bundle and all, coaxing another grumpy growl at being disturbed.
‘cool it ya rugrat, ya ain’t gettin’ any peace in here. save tha’ sleep fer yer room.’
Marching up the stairs with his bundled toddler, he put him down for his nap proper, tucking him in before vanishing from the room in a flash of red magic, walking out of the kitchen a few minutes later, carrying two small plates of chocolate cake, dolloped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Returning to his mate’s side, he handed off her cake and plopped down on the couch with her, scooting close and leaning up to press a kiss against her cheek, getting comfortable and practically lounging in her lap, letting their youngest use him to crawl over and flop against the dog, abandoning ship as he usually did when they were getting too affectionate with one another.
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‘there, both wishes granted, keh. i know ya may not feel like it, but ya got tha’ most important job of all, babe. knowin’ yer here keepin’ home, and our lil’ hellions safe means i got a lot less ta’ worry bout when i’m out ‘dere. keeps me safe too, ya know.. if ya think bout’ it.’
'i can tell yer' upset.. do ya need anything right now.?' (Bane)
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“I don’t fuckin’ know....maybe to feel like I’m not just sitting on ma’ damn ass while there’s shit that needs to be done.” She huffed, bouncing her leg as her youngest son clung to it and giggled with delight at the new ride that he was gifted due to the anxious habits of his mother. 
“And I know that I’m doing somethin’ by stayin’ here and dealing with the brats and making sure they haven’t done somethin’ stupid but......shit is slow. probably why the fucker doesn’t want much help because ‘lack of patience’ and what fucking have you.” she threw her hands up with a huff. 
“I’m especially not the fuckin’ person to ask if things are gonna be fuckin’ fine. because I’m not the comforting one other than maybe burying ya in soft shit.” Giving a roll of her eye as she given a irritated growl from The bundle of blankets that was Riley, clearly not a fan of his mother thrashing about while a nap was being attempted.  
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“But if I’m gonna fuckin’ ask for something realistic, Something sweet would be nice right about now and yer scrawny ass over here.”
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punnybonessnas · 3 years ago
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‘h-hold on.. what now??’
He has absolutely no fucking idea what’s going on, he didn’t remember entering any weird contests. Let alone something as stupid and pointless as that.
..And how in the fucking fuck did his cracked up ugly mug end up in the finals??
He couldn’t allude to that disbelief in any way though.. considering how his mate had responded. Or he was going to get his bony ass kicked.
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‘whateva! youse’ll are fuckin’ weird.. do what ya want, jus’ keep me outta yer’ fetishizin’ bullshit. buncha gross freaks.’
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punnybonessnas · 4 years ago
Hey boys, do you have any favorite memories to share of your special someone? Wedding moments don't count, you already shared! (and spec for or your swap boy) w. wha? Your brothers engaged??
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'well hey there nonny, nice change of pace ta' have an ask like this, kinda used ta' the ones tellin' us all we shouldn't be with our partners, not one givin' us an excuse ta' gush bout' em. i will absolutely take that invite, heh.'
‘let’s see.. kinda hard ta’ choose, we’ve made so many together. not ta’ be an absolute cheese bout’ it, but every day feels precious for one reason or another.’
‘ok, it’s.. gonna sound kinda weird, but if we’re talkin’ memories from before lulu was born.. i’m gonna have ta’ say one of the memories that means the most ta’ me.. has gotta be our first valentine’s day. not goin’ into complete detail, but we spent the night under the stars in my favorite gazin’ spot.. and i just.. let go. of everythin’ i’d kept to myself for years.. i entrusted her with secrets i once was sure that i was gonna take ta’ my grave. think it was.. the first time i fully accepted that we had a future.. when the past truly just became the past, instead of somethin’ we were doomed ta’ repeat. it was the hardest thing i’ve ever had ta’ do.. an’ the most painful.. because i knew in doing so, i was puttin’ the burden on her shoulders.. but since that night, we carry it together. an’ instead of breakin’ us, its only made us stronger for it.’
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‘an’ with our cute lil’ tyrant, heh.. we need every bit of that patience and strength we share between us.’
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“I AM-.. Ahem.. Hoping that my brother will allow us to plan a wedding to officiate things, but as much as I’d love to make that a reality, it’s ultimately their choice of course, and you can’t get much more.. low-key than just the two of them eloping. And either way, it will be a very special honor to have Napsta as a brother-in-law, no matter the ceremony behind it, mweh!”
“Now as for a memory! I believe I’ll just go with the first thing that popped into my head! It was the night of Melody’s birth, it was a challenge to pay attention to much going around me when the pain really ramped up, but! I do remember very clearly how proud I was of Selen. It’s no secret that my mate struggles under pressure normally, her anxiety has a way of crippling her in times of duress, but she did SO WELL! She kept a level head and was so attentive all the way through, I truly believe things went so smoothly because I was able to fully focus my energy where it was needed most, she was fully present in the moment, and held it together until our souling was out and safely bubbled. Then she broke down and sobbed of course, but I was able to comfort her afterward. ..Up until I passed out holding her that is, eheh.. maybe not the most reassuring thing to do, all things considered.. Mweh! But it all turned out fine in the end!”
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“..Hopefully I was able to reciprocate that with little Zoey’s birth this year, Heh.”
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‘ok so.. i ain’t.. so versed in bein’ a sappy soft mess like the rest of em’.. but since i’m tryin’ to be less of an asshole lately.. m’not gonna tell ya ta’ fuck off either. i’ll just give ya somethin’ real short and simple. the memory that means the most ta’ me.. is the stupid fuckin’ bar fight that brought us togetha’. cuz the ways i sees it, if that hadn’t have happened, we wouldn’t have made any of the others, right? it’s kinda the.. cornerstone of everythin’ we got now, before that night we were more or less jus’ goin’ through the motions, freedom didn’t mean jack-shit when everythin’ felt jus’ as pointless and shitty as before.’
‘we were jus’ doin’ the same shit ta’ survive as before, not riskin’ nothin’ by steppin’ outta our comfort zone. i.. chose ta’ trust her, and vice versa. an’ ya.. no regrets on that impulsive leap fer’ once.’
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 ‘..that’s all the sap yer’ gettin’ from me. now kindly fuck off.’
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“Hm.. this is a dangerous question. I’m not entirely sure what I’m “legally” permitted to share about my caustic oleander. Generally speaking, due to past events and the old nature of our societal restrictions, though abolished now, we still much prefer to keep our private life well, private. It’s still a very new concept that it’s safe to let.. others be aware of our sentiment toward one another.”
“So my favored memories? I will not be sharing. However, while at risk of retaliation, she is owed a bit of payback, and I would be remiss to let the opportunity pass me by.”
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“This is something that has happened more than once, during the winter, that despite the reasoning for, I do find particularly amusing and endearing. Serina is prone to illness during the colder months on the surface, and because she is obstinate, I will usually find her still researching or in the midst of a project when she is supposed to be resting. At times, when she is startled by my visit, in the throes of her delirium, she will vacate her seat and seek refuge under her work desk, hissing and growling like a cornered cat. She will even use the chair to block herself in, to keep me from forcing her away from her latest obsession. ..And the medicine that accompanies, of course.”
“I’m not even entirely sure how self-aware she is when it gets to that point, should tell you all you need to know how stubborn she can be when it comes to her own well-being, but you can rest assured that I always win out in the end.”
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“And now, I await my probable death. I hope that was satisfactory, grayface.”
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“Wow, I triple the sentiment that it’s hard to pick a favorite, especially when you’ve known someone as long as I’ve known Rory.. to condense decades of experiences in your noggin, heh.. creates quite the headache. But it would be a little biased of me to choose anything recent, things felt just as meaningful when we met up in the multiverse by chance, so I don’t want to spurn those in favor of our relationship now.”
“Alright, I know it’s going really, really far back, so some of the detail is a little fuzzy, but.. I’m going to share how we first met, to be completely fair to our very checkered past.”
“I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before.. but I was assigned to track Rory through the multiverse, observe him, try and recruit him if the opportunity presented itself, and save what victims I could from the verses that he targeted. He wasn’t the first Error I’d been charged with, so I thought I knew what to expect, as opposites, Inks and Errors have a tendency to innately hate one another, and being tailed by an Ink during your spree of destruction doesn’t particularly make one any friendlier.”
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“And that was the same for Rory. He was a newer Error, so I must’ve been the first Ink he’d ever come across. Typically.. that’s also grounds for being attacked right at the get-go, but this time.. I just got snapped at to leave him be, and he beat a hasty retreat out of the verse he’d been about to destroy. It was puzzling behavior.. I’d never had an Error flee without first trying to kill me, and I.. admittedly, didn’t have the best mindset at the time. I’d been known to.. bait aggressive Errors in the past, I didn’t care much for my own life, and it was.. exhilarating to fight them. I suppose I felt a little cheated, as stupid as that feels now, and rather than leaving the day on the first encounter.. as I’d been directed to, I tracked him down again.”
“Again, the barking but no bite, and he even went so far as to set up webbing traps when I pursued him into the verse, rather than getting violent as.. honestly, he’d be completely justified in doing at that point. Even though I was pushing him further than I’d pushed any of the others, nothing. I felt.. pretty guilty after that, assuming the worst of him when he’d subverted all my expectations. I got a pretty good scolding from Corey too, and I decided the next time I found him, I would prove to him that I was different too.”
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“And, well.. seeing how far we’ve come now, I guess I did succeed in that eventually, heh.”
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punnybonessnas · 4 years ago
What is your flower love language?
(Taken from: @encchants​ )
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White Carnations
Living for love! You see your partner as a light in the darkness, and you reflect that light back to them, showing your love not only in your words, but in your actions as well. You would fight for and support each other no matter what...it may be the two of you against the world, but when you're together, there is nothing that stands in your way!
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Yellow Roses
Joyful love! You are always searching for ways to make your partner smile or laugh...your love fuels you and brings you light when nothing else does, and you radiate that light in everything you do. You love deeply and warmly; people always gravitate toward your love and your light.
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Red Carnations
Passionate love! Few people can come close to the level of depth and intimacy you share with your partner...every glance, touch, and word is charged with an electricity that cannot be matched anywhere else. You love deeply and romantically, and share a bond with the one you love that can never be broken.
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African Violet
Faithful love! Your love doesn't come across just in your words...you express it in every look, every gentle gesture, every reassuring smile, and every time you tell your partner, "I am here for you". Your heart is brimming with love all the time, and sharing that affection gives you just as much joy as it does to the one receiving it.
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Sterling Silver Roses
Love at first sight! Maybe you and your partner both knew it right away, or maybe you had to fight through a tangle of denial before your hearts realized they had found the one, but whatever the case, you were smitten immediately. You have the soul of a hopeless romantic, and when you fall in love hard and fast...chances are, so does the one you fell for!
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African Violet
Faithful love! Your love doesn't come across just in your words...you express it in every look, every gentle gesture, every reassuring smile, and every time you tell your partner, "I am here for you". Your heart is brimming with love all the time, and sharing that affection gives you just as much joy as it does to the one receiving it.
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punnybonessnas · 4 years ago
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He’s laughing uproariously, a raspy, baritone cackle that quickly devolves into wheezing chuckles, a hand pressed against his ribs as if they were about to break from the force of his hysterical mirth, ducking his head while he tried to get control of himself again.
‘ah buddy.. pal. ya got some impressive wooin’ skills there.. can’t even get ‘er name right. ya know. ma wife’s.’
The last word was laced with venom, sharp teeth shut over it like a bear-trap snaring a victim, his laughter tapering off into a tense, eerie silence, the atmosphere suddenly feeling weighted, like the heavy, silent pressure before a violent storm.
‘now.. it’s true that i’ve mellowed out a lot.. went domestic, whateva tha’ fuck ya wanna call it. i’ve settled inta’ tha’ peace of it. tryin’ ta’ turn ova’ a new leaf.. not get so.. aggressive these days.. betta example fer’ tha’ kids, ya know?’
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‘that can all flip on a dime. i’m real territorial when it comes ta’ my family.. so don’t even look at my wife again.. or i’ll show ya firsthand why..’
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‘dey called me executioner.”
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punnybonessnas · 5 years ago
Late Night
@suplexqueen​ from X
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‘s’not like i’m gonna jump down yer’ throat sweets.. i still remember how difficult it is ta’ sleep when yer’ feverish, tire’s got nuthin’ ta’ do wit’ it.’
Making sure to deadbolt the door after him, he zipped out of his jacket, still wet and dripping from the downpour outside, hanging it up on the coat rack positioned nearby, followed shortly after by his damp turtleneck.
Thankfully his undershirt had been spared the rain by the rest of his layers, though his shorts and sneakers also had to be discarded, the shorts and turtleneck hung up to dry a while before they’d inevitably be tossed in with the wash, his shoes shoved to the side of the doorway.
Entering the den fully and noticing his mate had made room on the couch for him, arms opened expectantly, he hesitated only for a moment, the worry that he naturally ran too hot for her ailment currently, always the first thing to flash through his mind.
‘ya sure..? i don’t wanna make yer fever worse..’
Eventually her mulish expression and anticipating grabby hands won out, and with a defeated chuckle, he closed the distance between himself and the couch, climbing up to lay comfortably in her waiting embrace, pressing a kiss against her hot forehead.
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‘hey babe. how ya feelin’? hope tha’ kids didn’t give ya hell today.’
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punnybonessnas · 5 years ago
Happy fathers day boys!! What'd ya get from your kiddos?
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‘oh, hey kid. heh.. appreciate that. i honestly would have forgotten all bout’ it, if ‘dyne hadn’t helped lulu make a card for me. she’s only just startin’ ta’ develop those motor skills, but she loves ta’ scribble, didn’t take much coaxin’ ta’ get her to hold the crayon.’
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‘i love my gift. it’s a mother n’ daughter work of art, an’ it’s definitely gettin’ framed.’
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“Melody is, of course, too little to make anything for the occasion, but we spent the whole day together as a family. Selen and I introduced her to anime for the first time, and she truly seemed entranced by it!”
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“Mweh heh, if this first experience is anything to go by, I think she’s an otaku in the making. Dove’s very proud.”
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‘yeah, yeah.. thanks. even if i don’t really see tha’ fuckin’ point of ‘dis.. holiday. i’m a fatha’ every day, why does this one gotta be different? s’not like my mate n’ kids don’t show their ‘pprecation all da time as is, don’t need ta’ be guilted inta’ it.’
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‘..anyway. riley made a card too, an’ drew a picture. ain’t gonna fuckin’ frame it, but.. it’s on the fridge. little shit is gettin’ real good with his colors, and stayin’ in tha’ lines.. he’s a persistent lil’ fuck, that’s fer’ sure. as fer’ asher..’
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‘geh heh, the lil’ fucker bit me, drew marrow too, i have it wrapped an’ everythin’. he’s certainly got a mean streak, heh.. dunno where that could have come from, but we’re gonna have ta’ work on it, in time. least i know he can defend himself if needs be, that’s a pretty special gift.’
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punnybonessnas · 5 years ago
MUSE FEARS: Repost rather than reblog.
bold any fears which apply to your muse.    
italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
TAGGING:@platinumperformer & anyone else this appeals to!
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The dark  // fire  // open water //  deep water  // being alone //  crowded spaces // confined spaces //   change  //   failure //   war //   loss of control //   powerlessness //   prison //   blood  //  drowning //   suffocation //   public speaking //   natural animals   //   the supernatural   //   heights   //   death //   dying //   intimacy // rejection  // abandonment // loss //   the unknown  //   the future // not being good enough //   scary stories   //   speaking to new people   //   poverty   //   loud noises  //   being touched //  forgetting // being forgotten
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The dark  // fire  // open water //  deep water  // being alone //   crowded spaces // confined spaces //   change  //   failure //   war //   loss of control //   powerlessness //   prison //   blood  //  drowning //   suffocation //   public speaking //   natural animals   //   the supernatural   //   heights   //   death //   dying //   intimacy // rejection  // abandonment // loss //   the unknown  //   the future // not being good enough //   scary stories   //   speaking to new people   //   poverty   //   loud noises  //   being touched //  forgetting // being forgotten
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The dark  // fire  // open water //  deep water  // being alone //   crowded spaces // confined spaces //   change  //   failure //   war //   loss of control //   powerlessness //   prison //   blood  //  drowning //   suffocation //   public speaking //   natural animals   //   the supernatural   //   heights   //   death //   dying //   intimacy // rejection  // abandonment // loss //   the unknown  //  the future // not being good enough //   scary stories   //   speaking to new people   //   poverty   //   loud noises  //   being touched //  forgetting // being forgotten
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The dark  // fire  // open water //  deep water  // being alone //   crowded spaces // confined spaces //   change  //   failure //   war //   loss of control //   powerlessness //   prison //   blood  //  drowning //   suffocation //   public speaking //   natural animals   //   the supernatural   //   heights   //   death //   dying //   intimacy // rejection  // abandonment // loss //   the unknown  //   the future // not being good enough //   scary stories   //   speaking to new people   //   poverty   //   loud noises  //   being touched //  forgetting // being forgotten
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The dark  // fire  // open water //  deep water  // being alone //   crowded spaces // confined spaces //   change  //   failure //   war //   loss of control //   powerlessness //   prison //   blood  //  drowning //   suffocation //   public speaking //   natural animals   //   the supernatural   //   heights   //   death //   dying //   intimacy // rejection  // abandonment // loss //   the unknown  //   the future // not being good enough //   scary stories   //   speaking to new people   //   poverty   //   loud noises  //   being touched //  forgetting // being forgotten
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The dark  // fire  // open water //  deep water  // being alone //   crowded spaces // confined spaces //   change  //   failure //   war //   loss of control //   powerlessness //   prison //   blood  //  drowning //   suffocation //   public speaking //   natural animals   //   the supernatural   //   heights   //   death //   dying //   intimacy // rejection  // abandonment // loss //   the unknown  //   the future // not being good enough //   scary stories   //   speaking to new people   //   poverty   //   loud noises  //   being touched //  forgetting // being forgotten
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The dark  // fire  // open water //  deep water  // being alone //   crowded spaces // confined spaces //   change  //   failure //   war //   loss of control //   powerlessness //   prison //   blood  //  drowning //   suffocation //   public speaking //   natural animals   //   the supernatural   //   heights   //   death //   dying //   intimacy // rejection  // abandonment // loss //   the unknown  //   the future // not being good enough //   scary stories   //   speaking to new people   //   poverty   //   loud noises  //   being touched //  forgetting // being forgotten
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The dark  // fire  // open water //  deep water  // being alone //   crowded spaces // confined spaces //   change  //   failure //   war //   loss of control //   powerlessness //   prison //   blood  //  drowning //   suffocation //   public speaking //   natural animals   //   the supernatural   //   heights   //   death //   dying //   intimacy // rejection  // abandonment // loss //   the unknown  //   the future // not being good enough //   scary stories   //   speaking to new people   //   poverty   //   loud noises  //   being touched //  forgetting // being forgotten
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