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vorobisshk · 28 days ago
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Сегодня праздновали день рождение Кати в котокафе;)) было очень круто, котики ко мне так и липли
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galagrama008000 · 6 months ago
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Я ВОЗМОЖНО буду ИНОГДА, опубликовать такие мини вставки, и это типо часть аска? И да извините что это на бумаге, у меня на бумаге лучше получается и мне так легче, люблю вас жду вопросов :3
I WILL POSSIBLY SOMETIMES publish such mini inserts, and is this supposedly part of the ask? And yes, sorry that this is on paper, I do better on paper and it’s easier for me, I love you, I’m waiting for your questions :3
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noamglompsky · 2 months ago
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dyadkova · 3 months ago
Униженный, растоптанный, оскорбленный
Я не просто записываю. Я собираю, выслеживаю человеческий дух там, где страдание творит из маленького человека большого человека. Где человек вырастает. И тогда он для меня – уже не немой и не бесследный пролетариат истории. Отрывается его душа. Так в чем же мой конфликт с властью? Я поняла – большой идее нужен маленький человек, ей не нужен большой. Для нее он лишний и неудобный. Трудоемкий в обработке. А я его ищу. Ищу маленького большого человека. Униженный, растоптанный, оскорбленный..
- Светлана Александровна Алексиевич “У войны не женское лицо
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vmvne · 5 months ago
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solardick · 7 months ago
First draft of card З.
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Should include completion. Start or finish. Openess vs. enclosure. Destination. Work. Spring. Winding paths or streams. The Card stands between homeland, connected by english to the world card. Travel, the chariot and the И card as strength. A strong association to number three.being interconnected. Thus also to card number 3, Вv. Still undefined.
Though by tarot is the Empress and by latin overlay the high priestess.
Geographically and historically the card would represent the great European steppes and the forest.
At the same time a dozen russian words starting with letter Зз.
Background card is from lo scarabeo’s the law of attraction deck. Which may also be found in russian print. A modern yet, antique oracle class deck. Mixing modern day tenchology and connections to the olden pre-war era.
In addition to the card, by deduction, may be delegated to number 12. Which by russian Cyrillic overlay is the justice card. By tarot to the hanged man. Or by latin overlay to the hermit.
Number twelve is also curios as it stands as midday, noon hour, also the hanged man card. As completion of the zodiac wheel. As it stands for the combining and merging of both sunset and sunrise to, midday. Only missing the unspoken midnight. Which also stands as the completion of the hourly clock. Though because of the stronger connection it has to labour, and easter, and travel also being found between the chariot and the present card of saint george. The midnight image is left to the dream. Or relegated to the purging of the witch trials, by the american west. Or simply on another hand to the evil’s plaguing the land or the feminine body. As Saint- george rescues the damsel princess from the dragon. And rides off into the sunset as a martyr for not sacrificing his beliefs to the pagan gods. But on the negative note against the feminine and homeland or world are also the evils of industrialism destroying mother earth. In the case of carbon emissions and nuclear waste.
As number 15, by the present card of repeating 3���s. Is the devil card. Though this is the Only other letter card in the deck that may take advantage of this. Having a letter and a number being synonymous by image. As said the devil card by tarot. The open to debate chosen death card Oo. Representing among other things, portents and natural omens with the guise of Waite’s magician card. And russian letter H(n). Which by tarot is the lovers card. It gets rather complicated here. As various images come into play which may be connected to others yet unrelated to the present subject. But, having an H stand in for an N is a matter of conflicting perceptions and habit formed association that puts old a language or cultural barrier. As the russian in this case are seemingly saying No to love and harmony and, subject to prejudice.
To fallow on point is that the association, connection to these following cards and images is considered a lesser arcana addition. To be distinguished from the classical major and minor attributions of tarot. There are no minor arcana as shown in the 4 divisions of elements and numbers one through 14 or one through ten with added face cards. The minor arcana of the “trumps major” are majuscule and minuscule letters. A trump major gives extra power to a word by its majuscule form starting a word or a person’s name. Elevating it, aggrandizing it, in the literal sense and not just in the aphorical sense. This is to say that the difference is a minute detail of lesser importance. Though for russian, there isn’t much difference between a major and minor letter. For they are mostly identical, except for in a few cases.
The minor arcana as are known popular by divination are a completely separate and an unrelated aspect of a tarot deck. None ever held much for imagery. And it was mostly left open to others searching for added weight of the missing elements for use in their purposes. They are an addition to aid in divinatory purposes. But, its pretty clear that the alphabet holds major and minor cases. And the minor arcana is a glorified poker deck. With four extra face cards. This is not to dismiss importance, just to make clear the distinction from the major and minor arcanas of the alphabetical suit.
So current theory for the “trumps” major and minor combined with the goal of unity or world peace. Merging alphabets and what-not, a complication affair. Is in assigning multiple letters. My explanation of this is rather meek. But bare with me. The russian language, more so than english. Has variable letter pronounciations. O sounds like A, D sounds like T. Combining the pictorial definitions of tarot with english(latin) and russian cyrilic. … One of the few exceptions of this in english is the letter C. It is a phonemic equalivant to letter S. indistuishable. This plays to notion of the devil S in the mind C. As the sea and to see can only be contrasted by written form or by spoken contextual form. As goes with the devil wispering motivation to sinful actions. Or to mistaken impressions. Example luCid, Circus, penCil, Civil. While other times making it’s proper K sound. CirKus. Or as C being in the temple of the church. One finds the devil. And now one gleams a power in the letter K being the justice card standing vigil in-front of the courthouses. And not as in Waite’s strength as harmony. Embracing the serpent hidden inside the guise of a lion.
Magic word of the day Zinc.
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Wonder who my sociopath is. I bet she’s super hot. She should come to my place and ill show her a good time. Should get me an austrailian girl and make her go down under. Get me both of then and ill introduce them to my butt plugs.
As you can see i started getting positive again. So more sabotage. Cant have that. Got to manipulate and twist the psyche around and fool wveryone. Need to punished. Beaten and tossez around into another neurotic, delinquent or de….. something mess and then punish somemore until suicide becomes the only option. Year after by year. If it continue into my forties. Im not going to
Try and survive anymoee. Not allowed having a life outside being mistreated. Or dominated. Wonder whats thats like. Never rlexperiemced it before. Images of my famuly memeber standing over my body on the ground calling me a pussy or reveling in that fact that tehy are in that position. If im not allowed not being serrounded by violence or degenerate fucken cunts. Well then…. Yup. Spychologicak violence is aoonlow key that you dont notice it until you start lossing your mind. While being puniched for it.
Its like they’re all pretending to be Russians invading ukraine. Annexing what they dont have a right to using military and subversive tactics. Mirroring the image of the cure. While bullshitting the whole time and claimign a war on fake news. Yup. Serving multiple life sentences of satanic bs foe being born. Attacking wveryolatform i have even if its nto a social one. Takign ques from the art of war. Written by a totalitarian communist.
The star card doesn’t equal venus. Its night time. Its a day star. … great what doni wear the whethers all fucked up formt he mentality of this asshole s
Russia and china and the reat if thise counties could wasily take over the rest of the western world. Cant cant. Becaus ethey know the american will use their nukes. More so then they would. Thats why russian keeps threatening to use them. America has done it before.
Noni could i just refuse to be dictated to and subversed by totalitairan nazies pretending to be liberals by perventing it by military jorgon as, “
We’ee not stealing” wemre liberating.
Didnthe russians wver own any slaves? Indont thnk so. Pretty sure they were always at war with the nations of people that did. Like the roman catholics and their descenadant or spin offs.
Its fun being held prisoner like this.
America depends on threats to world destruction for its survival.
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as-sssi · 1 year ago
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tsinkovanie · 1 year ago
Домашние и профессиональные методы защиты от коррозии by tsinkovanie Via Flickr: Домашние и профессиональные методы защиты от коррозии Хотите узнать, как сохранить металлические изделия в идеальном состоянии? Наша статья расскажет о домашних и профессиональных методах защиты от коррозии. Вы узнаете, какие материалы и инструменты необходимы для защиты металла, как правильно наносить защитное покрытие и какие существуют способы очистки металлических поверхностей. Не откладывайте заботу о своих металлических изделиях на потом - читайте нашу статью и защитите их от коррозии уже сегодня Подробнее: key-blank.by/a61231-domashnie-professionalnye-metody.html posts.gle/WdZVwL
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top100k · 1 year ago
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Как подключить тв к антенне дома #Как #подключить #тв #к #антенне #дома
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vsanina-blog-blog · 1 year ago
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neuromantis · 1 year ago
i like the internet. it's like being connected to the morphogenetic field or the web of malkav.
but like. i wish i could take all the joy without Noticing. but i am forever The Noticer.
being connected is nice. but realizing a lot of people aren't... particularly good people is a lot.
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dmingalyov · 1 year ago
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Кёнигсберг. Кнайпхоф. Лодки у набережной Ам Блауэн Турм . Вдали здания на о. Ломзе
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vizapasport · 2 years ago
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🇨🇵ФРАНЦУЗСКАЯ ВИЗА! ‼Франция все еще выдает мультивизы по цели поездки туризм, со сроком действия до 5 лет! А это значит, что можно успеть слетать во французские Альпы🏔 или запланировать весеннее путешествие в Париж, Прованс или Аквитанию🌸. Документы, необходимые для подачи, по цели поездки туризм: ✅Загран паспорт ✅Копия паспорта РФ ✅ 2 фото ✅Справка с работы с указанием должности и заработной платы, контактной информации организации ✅Выписка со счета с указанием остатка ⚠Подача на визу от 1.5 недель, готовность 10-15 дней ________________________________ ✈Если вас интересует оформление французской или любой другой визы, звоните Оформим визу даже в сложных случаях👇 ☎ +7-495-772-89-70🌍 📱 +7-925-772-89-70 www.roxytours.ru ___________________­_____________ #виза #визашенген #путешествия #жизнь #швейцария #гарантия #шенгенна5лет #в­изанедорого #паспорт #загран #аэропорт #италия #сша #франция #германия #испания #греция #болгария #к­ипр #англия #америка #шенген #великобрит­ания #загранпаспорт #без_присутствия #сл­ожныеслучаи #москва #россия #виз­асрочно #шенгенскаяв­иза (at Paris,France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpkFYFnspaX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kimsohyunph · 2 years ago
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idflli · 4 months ago
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Быстренько почиркала кучу дримов
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hilenkychiki · 3 months ago
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