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ezicorifl · 10 months ago
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Топ 10 аниме предательств
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570ml · 5 months ago
Я поэт, зовусь я Цветик
Задание для ИИ:
Напиши стихи с рифмой розы - мимозы.
Вот такие стихи у меня получились:
Весенний сад благоухает,
Росой покрыты все цветы.
Мимоза нежно расцветает,
А розы пышно расцвели.
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holographings · 6 months ago
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my troubled perfect princess who deserves 400 years in jail <3
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janirah · 3 months ago
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Sleeping schedule
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vestaignis · 3 months ago
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Лай-да-Пальпуонья (Lai da Palpuogna).
Lai da Palpuogna (романш.; нем. Palpuognasee ) — горное озеро на перевале Альбула в коммуне Бергюн , в кантоне Граубюн , Швейцария.
Окруженное лиственницами, сосновыми лесами и величественными горными вершинами, озеро предлагает безмятежную обстановку, которая очаровывает посетителей в течение всего года. Озеро с кристально чистыми водами сине-зеленого цвета отражает небо и горы, создавая живописную сцену, которая идеально подходит для фотографии .
В телевизионной программе швейцарского канала SF 1 в 2007 году озеро было признано самым красивым местом в Швейцарии . Многие туристы и местные жители посещают это природное чудо, чтобы отправиться в поход, устроить пикник и погрузиться в его спокойную красоту.От железнодорожной станции «Преда» (Preda) до озера примерно час ходьбы. Степень сложности данного маршрута и уровень требуемой к нему подготовки – простые.
Lai da Palpuogna.
Lai da Palpuogna (Roman; German: Palpuognasee) is a mountain lake on the Albula Pass in the municipality of Bergün, in the canton of Graubün, Switzerland.
Surrounded by larch, pine forests and majestic mountain peaks, the lake offers a serene setting that enchants visitors throughout the year. The lake's crystal-clear, blue-green waters reflect the sky and mountains, creating a picturesque scene that is ideal for photography.
The lake was voted the most beautiful place in Switzerland by the Swiss television channel SF 1 in 2007. Many tourists and locals visit this natural wonder to hike, picnic and soak up its tranquil beauty. The lake is about an hour's walk from the Preda train station. The difficulty level of this route and the level of preparation required for it are simple.
Источник:/www.myswitzerland.com/ru/destinations/lai-da-palpuogna/#:~:text=Озеро%20Лай-да-Пальпуонья%20с,пикник% 20 на%20площадке%20для%20барбекю.,/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lai_da_Palpuogna,/blog.hitrental.ch/ru/сокровища-швейцарии-осенью-и-зимой/,//www.tripadvisor.ch/Attraction_Review-g1048240-d6938209-Reviews-Lai_da_Palpuogna-Preda_Canton_ of_ Graubunden _Swiss_Alps.html,://t.me/roundtravel.
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corkscrewrawks · 4 months ago
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да я не соврал что запосчу наконец удивительно знаю
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daordinarylinchen · 4 months ago
my bell and his husband🍻
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schrobrm · 5 months ago
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Выше только звезды
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wilxxy · 5 months ago
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nopanamaman · 1 year ago
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смешно насколько он грубее в рус версии
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katyahina · 7 months ago
The 'haired' helmets are strange..
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It IS odd how we get to wear the characters' hairstyles, as it is just really unlikely they're scalps! I suppose the explanation is the same as why we are able to completely change upon looking into a mirror at Roundtable's Hold; as long as the Tarnished is guided by Greater Will, they'll have its aid and be transformed into whatever they see fit to keep carrying on! So I think the implication here is that we do, physically, grow the hair of the demigods (or champions) upon trying to tap on their power! I think if GW abandons a Tarnished, or if they abandon it, they lose this 'ability', which our playable character never does, so..
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I am not sure whether it is Maliketh's own long mane or also a decoration! I'd like to think the former, in which case, same logic as with hair of Malenia, Godfrey and Radahn applies! Vargram's "hair" definitely is a decoration, and specifically for the purpose of imitating shadowbeasts:
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Ensha's armour goes even further and not only gives us a hairdo, but makes us a skeleton:
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We even get his power of slight regeneration, similar to Erdtree's normal powers:
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All implications considered, I really doubt that this is just how armour looks, especially considering no change in size. We are not 'wearing' the skull, we ARE the skull now fhhsfd And this time the NPC data inside simply exists because Ensha does use NPC code and mechanics. So, we turn into a corpse! Again, should not matter much since as long as we're carried by GW we don't need to eat or sleep or... anything, really. (I'll also die on the hill of the theory that Ensha was one of the deceased Marika's offspring whose Mausoleum crashed and what was left from him crawled out but that's another story fdhfhds)
Here are other instances of hair simply decorating a helm:
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Niall is that one guy we fight in Castle Sol, so similarity in this case ALSO checks out! Also cute idea: what if decoration for the helmets of Godrick's Knights IS his own hair? ;-;
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That could also be speculated about Redmane Knights, but I feel like it'd be more appropriate for Godrick's. Radahn would be stingy about his amazing lion mane whereas Godrick can not only take body parts but also give them XDDDD yeah yeah terrible whatever
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The black hair on Night Cavalry's helmet can be removed, also confirming that in this case it is a decoration. This hair does have interesting flowing animation though! Maybe it IS the hair of Night Cavalry themselves, still having their shadowy energy, but cut and attached again to their own helmets (kind of like Ciaran from DS1 decorated her helmet with her own braid!)
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Another case of hair not being actual hair but part of the mask; the way hair is placed, it'd had to grow from like, eyebrows level and face itself or something fdhfdsdfh Maybe this style with braids and grey hair was intended to refer at Godfrey's? Alternatively, what IF their faces are actually furry/animalistic despite otherwise human build, so the hair doubles as fur? We don't see them behind the mask, after all? A food for a thought lol
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^ More of 100% 'mask' types of these
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The water dancer in blue gave the sword to Malenia's teacher, the blind guy that once sealed the God of Rot himself, and these warriors in blue appear to be following the same philosophy of "ever running water preventing stagnation, so, rot itself" as him! Although this head piece imitates just a follower and not the man himself (as far as we are aware....), perhaps the sentiment is strong enough to give us the hairdo too x) Again, funny enough, it seems to resemble the Lady of the Lake fairy herself!
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I suspected the case of 'sharing hair' with Cleanrot Knights too, but upon closer look I can tell it is supposed to be some fabric/rags, rather than hair or hairlike accessory! Probably more efficient to imitate the look with rags rather than something hairlike tbh, considering the lenght of the thing! So I think the design is more meant to represent Malenia's own unhappy fate, with short tuft being the "hair" and the longer tails being the "wings" :
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In conclusion, it is kind of easy to deduce which hair become our actual hair for the time being because of golden grace 'reshaping' us and which hair is just decor! But it is really interesting stuff to think about all the way!
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tochkaofnoreturn · 9 months ago
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"long ago, a mysterious flutist agreed to help the town eradicate hordes of rats in exchange for a generous payment. but when the rodents were lured away and it was time to pay, the authorities refused to give up the promised reward.
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...and then, with the help of witchcraft, the pied piper took all the children with him, who then disappeared irretrievably."
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arrothededushka · 9 days ago
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fishpondfish · 1 year ago
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SIGRUN | Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening
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merenq · 2 months ago
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stuff from drawpile with @latbak and @sczawr
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amateur-flamingo · 2 months ago
Can you pls give us some info about your Breakdown design? He seems really cool
OK, I think I'm ready for this post!!! I know that the question was back in July, when I drew a tfp Breaky as a human, BUT a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, I went deeper into the fandom, discovered the Stunticons and now I really, REALLY love them
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so I'll tell you about my current design of Breakdown! Besides, I seem to have learned how to draw robots, and I'm no longer ashamed to post it here!)
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initially, this is a design from ES, I don't even hide it. I really like it, and especially the fact that it's a Pontiac))
however, at the moment I'm basing it on the story of idw2005 (yes, I read the comics), and Breaky's plot is more likely from there there are very few Stunticons there, but I already have a habit of writing such characters, so yes, I have a story with him! buuut today I'm talking about design, so… it just plays a role too x)
when I reread Primacy, I noticed that there is no white car among the Stunticons
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I know that this is more of a blooper, but because of this I got a headcanon that Breaky was repainted several times (with the help of Dead End) and that's why I have a design for his pre-war time and for the present (stolen from ES)
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later I'm going to make designs for the rest of the Stunticons, but I haven't gotten around to it yet
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this is by the way a headcanon about the Stunticons reflexively sticking to Motormaster in their usual positions in Menasor
there are a lot of sketches here because i still haven't learned how to limit the post
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