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Look at the words that have been written into the dictionary of eight billion humanity because of those who set up sneaky tricks to protect their rank, commit genocide to protect their rank, shout as if they are against genocide to protect their rank, but do not go beyond hooliganism.Be human, act like a human, stop slaughtering living creatures; end the genocide!
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О, Аллах, отреди здраве, хаирлия живот, хелал ръзък(препитание) на всички наши близки и на всички братя и сестри, които се стремят да вървят по Твоя път, които се стремят да спечелят Твоето задоволството... О, Милостивий, спусни милостта Си над тях и им посочи правилната посока.. Ти си Всезнаещ, знаеш какво е в душите им.. Спусни просветлението Си в тях, за да могат да поемат спокойно глътката въздух, отредена за тях... За да могат спокойно да прегръщат децата си, за да могат спокойно да се усмихват(а не престорено), за да се чувстват пълноценни членове на семействата си... Я, Рахману, Ти само кажи: "Да бъде." И за всички тях, ще бъде най-доброто... 🤲🏾 Амин https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce0OjO_jdkD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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В Бангладеш озвучили результаты выборов Новости мира: На "кровавых выборах" в Бангладеш победила правящая партия. Правящая партия премьер-министра Шейхи Хасины победила на выборах в Бангладеш с подавляющим большинством. Об этом заявила избирательная комиссия страны в понедельник рано утром, предоставившая ей третий срок подряд после голосования. Оппозиция отвергла результаты как фальсифицированные. Во время выборов было убито минимум 15 человек Об этом сообщает УНН со ссылкой на Reuters . Альянс, в котором доминирует "Лиг Авами" Хасины, получил 287 из 298 мест. Результаты выборов были объявлены парламенту страны. Основная оппозиционная Бангладешская националистическая партия (БНП), которая бойкотировала последний опрос в 2014 году, получила всего шесть мест. "Мои поздравления Лиге Авами", - сказал Хелал Уддин Ахмед, секретарь Секретариата Избирательной комиссии, в выступлении, читая результаты. Победа Хасины закрепила ее десятилетнее правление в Бангладеш, где ей приписывают улучшение экономики и содействия развитию, но ее также обвиняют в массовых нарушениях прав человека, подавлении средств массовой информации и подавлении инакомыслия. Эти обвинения она отрицает. Вчера в Бангладеш проходили выборы в федеральный парламент и в региональные законодательные собрания. Однако, прежде всего речь шла о возможности назначения премьер-министра страны Шейх Хасины на третий срок подряд.
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Дубай продвигает технологию Blockchain в туристическом секторе
Дубай объявил о создании виртуальной бизнес-площадки для бизнеса (B2B) в сфере путешествий. Это является частью плана инициативы Дубая 10X, продвигаемым правительством.
Основная цель проекта — добавить дополнительный канал продаж для отелей. Первый этап проекта готов к тестированию. Руководители туризма прокомментировали, что Дубай пытается дать путешественникам прямой выбор на местном рынке туризма.
«Дубай позиционирует себя как аналитический центр и инновационный лидер, стремящийся по-настоящему демократизировать поездки», — говорится в заявлении о проекте.
Инициатива заключается в том, чтобы предоставить решение через blockchain с умными контрактами между различными сторонами, участвующими в выборе маршрута поездки. Цены будут намного более прозрачными, позволяя путешественникам выбирать более подходящие поездки для них и их семей или друзей.
При этом рынок позволяет более мелким предприятиям участвовать бок о бок с более крупными. Это означает, что даже более мелкие игроки в отрасли будут иметь одинаковые возможности для привлечения клиентов. Более того, больше компаний, которые раньше были исключены из рынка, теперь смогут участвовать и предлагать свои предложения. Это увеличит число сотрудников и экономическую активность.
Хелал Саид Альмарри, генеральный директор Dubai Tourism, прокомментировал:
«Мы в Dubai Tourism решили завоевать репутацию мировых лидеров в инновациях в сфере туризма, что значительно ускоряет нашу «цифровую, мобильную и социальную» стратегию. Сегодня путешествие претерпевает одну из самых решительных секторальных преобразований из-за радикальных изменений технологических решений во всех аспектах потребительского пути».
Его Высочество шейх Хамдан бин Мухаммед бин Рашид Аль Мактум объяснил во время запуска проекта 10X, что инновационная модель отражает творческий потенциал нации. Основная цель — развивать государственные услуги, превращая в инновационные идеи.
Туризм в Дубае будет находиться в тесном контакте со всеми регулирующими органами. Напомним, что Дубай очень демократично относится и к криптовалютам, недавно в Дубае продали 50 объектов недвижимости за Bitcoin.
Подробнее на сайте https://my.cryptosignals.io/news/view?id=2242 и https://t.me/CryptoSignalsIoNewsRu и https://t.me/CryptoSignalsIoRU
Больше новостей на https://cryptosignals.io/
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Более 20 афганских полицейских погибли в результате нападения талибов в Кандагаре
В афганской провинции Кандагар 22 полицейских погибли в результате нападений со стороны боевиков движения «��алибан», сообщает местная власть. Представитель полиции Матіулла Хелал 14 ноября заявил, что еще по меньшей мере 15 полицейских были ранены, когда талибы атаковали 15 блок-постов. По его словам, 45 боевиков были убиты, еще 35 ранены в этих инцидентах. Также, по данным полиции, ни один из контрольных пунктов силовиков не был захвачен во время приступов. «Наши силы оказывали сопротивление, пока не... Читать дальше: https://oi5.ru/n368135787
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We wish you a year full of goodness, without wars or deaths, where transparency and law prevail.
#World Halal Union#Dünya Helal Birliği#Halal#Helal#حلال#حلالا#할랄#清真#Хелал#ハラール#Smiic#Hallal#Standard#Halal Certification#Awareness#2024#Goodness
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We wish you a joyful feast
#WorldHalalUnion #DünyaHelalBirliği #Halal #Helal #حلال #حلالا #할랄 #清真 #Хелал #ハラール #Smiic #Hallal #Standart #Standard #HalalCertification #EidMubarak #KurbanBayramı #Eiduladha #Feast
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Since the current conflicts on earth have lost their moral superiority, efforts to further increase and spread conflicts are not met with a response by the people. The attacks carried out under the pretext of terrorism turning into the killing of innocent babies, the events described as defense becoming attacks, those claiming to be religious starting to clash with religious disciplines, the steps taken by those defending human rights and freedom to increase conflicts have allowed humanity to stop and think. All these contradictions have given rise to a mass demand for peace. All of humanity comes together in squares at every opportunity and carries out actions to end the bloodshed and tears. It takes an honorable stance against those who push their people into misery and do not recognize human rights and the rule of law. And instead of conflicts, the agenda is evolving into real problems such as economy, justice, resource efficiency, and global warming.
Stop torturing and murdering defenseless, helpless children. Ceasefire now!
#WorldHalalUnion #DünyaHelalBirliği #Halal #Helal #حلال #حلالا #할랄 #清真 #Хелал #ハラール #Smiic #UNHRW #Peace #Children #Justice #ceasefirenow #genocide #holocaust #massacre #Wck #OpenArms #Unicef #Amnesty #Msf #Fcnl #Artists4Ceasefire
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If we are not going to share what we know, why did we learn them? While the shameful discourses and actions of lawless politicians around the world continue and civil society has started to question the current figures by saying, “is there no one among you who is sinless?” as in the historical records. Getting rid of the politicians who sell dreams in these days when the war with law, quality, reason and humanity has reached its highest level will turn the whole situation in favor of humanity in an instant. The fact that the political formations and figures whose so-called reason for existence is to defend rights and to produce solutions have not taken any diplomatic steps against this genocide we are witnessing, the shameful, disgraceful and exemplary situations of the governments who supposedly work for economic stability and fight against prohibitions… While quality is being massacred, tens of thousands of babies are being burned to death and displaced, is it compatible with being human to remain silent against this evil?
Stop torturing and murdering defenseless, helpless children. Justice, now!
#WorldHalalUnion #DünyaHelalBirliği #Halal #Helal #حلال #حلالا #할랄 #清真 #Хелал #ハラール #Smiic #UNHRW #Peace #Children #Justice #ceasefirenow #genocide #holocaust #massacre #Wck #OpenArms #Unicef #Amnesty #Msf #Fcnl #Artists4Ceasefire
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Asymmetric wars.. The wave of populism that has emerged in recent years has ultimately resulted in shameful situations such as burning babies alive and heads of states not carrying out diplomatic actions while everyone watches. Of course, civil society from different religions, languages, races and geography have undertaken countless actions around the world. However, it is obvious that it will be impossible to shed light on the future without conducting root cause analyses on why leaders remain so silent about this most brutal genocide in history. There is much that needs to be done to protect human values, because people who are as savage as a human being cannot be or as silent and helpless as a human being cannot be are appearing in power. Lawlessness continues to increase so that someone's bribes do not come to light, someone's secret about a relative is not revealed, someone is not tried and sent to prison. These lawlessness damages and destroys quality.
Stop torturing and murdering defenseless, helpless children. Justice, now!
#WorldHalalUnion #DünyaHelalBirliği #Halal #Helal #حلال #حلالا #할랄 #清真 #Хелал #ハラール #Smiic #UNHRW #Peace #Children #Justice #ceasefirenow #genocide #holocaust #massacre #Wck #OpenArms #Unicef #Amnesty #Msf #Fcnl #Artists4Ceasefire
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Preferences.. The colonization efforts of mankind and the sole purpose of the establishment of the states that eventually emerged was to find solutions to security problems. Each state put its own rules in writing and defined the penalties for violating the rules. Security institutions were established so that these rules could be implemented within societies. Today, we see that political figures who derived their existence from these written rules act outside these rules with both their statements and their actions, and that public officials who were armed to provide security with written rules and were expected to give their lives for this purpose, do not arrest these traitors and become accomplices to their crimes. In any part of the world, a baby burned alive or children looking for food in garbage containers are all the results of these criminal politicians... The root cause of all changes is the importance of our preferences.
Stop torturing and murdering defenseless, helpless children. Justice, now!
#WorldHalalUnion #DünyaHelalBirliği #Halal #Helal #حلال #حلالا #할랄 #清真 #Хелал #ハラール #Smiic #UNHRW #Peace #Children #Justice #ceasefirenow #genocide #holocaust #massacre #Wck #OpenArms #Unicef #Amnesty #Msf #Fcnl #Artists4Ceasefire
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We hope that this holy day will be instrumental for people to find their worth, for wars, blood and tears to end, and for justice and peace to come..
#WorldHalalUnion #DünyaHelalBirliği #Halal #Helal #حلال #حلالا #할랄 #清真 #Хелал #ハラール #Smiic #UNHRW #Peace #Children #Justice #ceasefirenow #HolyMonths #MiraçKandili
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We have seen that even seemingly minor violations of law open the door to much larger violations. We have seen the effects of a regional regression on every country on a global scale. We have seen that violations of law first cause security and economic problems. We have seen that violations of law quickly create lawlessness as a system, like metastasis in the body. We have seen that the systems that have been formed, beyond corruption, bribery, and favoritism, have reduced the fat content of cheese in the market, the weight of the product on the shelf, and the money in the pocket. We have seen that the administrators of countries that have taken steps towards lawlessness have started to remain silent about each other's lawlessness, causing international pacts to lose their functions. We have seen that bombs have been dropped on millions of defenseless, civilian people, babies have been burned to death, and the perpetrators are still walking among us. We have seen how easily those who appear to be religious can deceive societies. We have seen that the root cause of all changes is the importance of our preferences.
Stop torturing and murdering defenseless, helpless children. Justice, now!
#WorldHalalUnion #DünyaHelalBirliği #Halal #Helal #حلال #حلالا #할랄 #清真 #Хелал #ハラール #Smiic #UNHRW #Peace #Children #Justice #ceasefirenow #genocide #holocaust #massacre #Wck #OpenArms #Unicef #Amnesty #Msf #Fcnl #Artists4Ceasefire
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“Ne tükettiğimizin farkında mıyız?” sorusu ile başlayan yolculuğumuz, bilinç ve farkındalığı arttırmak ve doğru tercihler yapabilmek üzere devam ediyor.. Yeni yayınlanan kitabımızın tüm insanlığa katma değer sağlamasını diliyor, emeği geçen Akademisyenlerimize şükranlarımızı sunuyoruz.
#WorldHalalUnion #DünyaHelalBirliği #Halal #Helal #حلال #حلالا #할랄 #清真 #Хелал #ハラール #Smiic #HelalGıda #Kitap #Akademi #Eğitim #UludağİlahiyatFakültesi #BursaBüyükşehirBelediyesi #Academy #HalalFood #Book #Education
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Are we aware? The political arena, whose reason for existence is to increase people's level of welfare, has become full of criminal people. Politicians, whose salaries are paid by the people with their own earnings, have made it their duty to disrupt laws and order, trade in dreams, spread hatred and eliminate quality. This is the political summary of recent years. Today, countless actions that human reason and conscience would not accept are taking place in the international arena and only weak reactions are observed. If you gathered millions of animals in one area and then dropped bombs on them, the whole world would rise up. However, the same is being done to defenseless, unarmed people, the majority of whom are children. Dozens of new massacres every day overshadow the meaning of the word genocide. Very popular politicians, who are constantly appearing in the media, do not go beyond rhetoric and take a diplomatic step for babies who are burned to death. Are we aware?
Stop torturing and murdering defenseless, helpless children. Ceasefire now!
#WorldHalalUnion #DünyaHelalBirliği #Halal #Helal #حلال #حلالا #할랄 #清真 #Хелал #ハラール #Smiic #UNHRW #Peace #Children #Justice #ceasefirenow #genocide #holocaust #massacre #Wck #OpenArms #Unicef #Amnesty #Msf #Fcnl #Artists4Ceasefire
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Are we aware? Babies continue to be slaughtered.. The genocide of those who do not recognize the law continues. Actions that begin by usurping the rights of other nations or not speaking out against rights violations also evolve into not recognizing their own legal systems. Then, quality disappears in every field. While vicious serial killers roam freely, babies who have no idea about anything are burned to death. What religion, what discipline, what conscience, what living being can accept this? The taxes people pay from their own earnings become bullets, bombs and kill babies. Those who carry out these actions see themselves as even greater and act superior to the people who pay their salaries. At the end of the day, diplomatic steps are needed instead of empty words to be remembered in a humane manner. Now the world needs brand new discourses. Are we aware?
Stop torturing and murdering defenseless, helpless children. Ceasefire now!
#WorldHalalUnion #DünyaHelalBirliği #Halal #Helal #حلال #حلالا #할랄 #清真 #Хелал #ハラール #Smiic #UNHRW #Peace #Children #Justice #ceasefirenow #genocide #holocaust #massacre #Wck #OpenArms #Unicef #Amnesty #Msf #Fcnl #Artists4Ceasefire
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