zhitomir · 9 months
«Справедлива мобілізація». Юля Тимошенко запропонувала свій законопроект
Партія «Батьківщина» заявила, що нової хвилі мобілізації в Україні не уникнути, однак завдання влади – зробити її справедливою та розумною, такою, яка посилить наше військо й наблизить перемогу,... Читать дальше »
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Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and her Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin enter a hall to start the meeting of heads of governments of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) group on May 23, 2008, in Minsk.
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avrelia · 6 months
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In Anger, 1957, by Lydia Timoshenko
Рассердилась, 1957
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eurovisionru · 2 years
В порнофильме о Тимошенко "Юлия-3" отправится на "Евровидение" в Белград
Скандальный режиссер и продюсер Александр Валов объявил о том, что весной намерен начать съемки фильма "Юлия-3, или Оно не тонет" - третьей и заключительной части политико-эротической комедии про Оранжевую Принцессу и Сексуально Озабоченного Грузина. В новом фильме зрители снова увидят узнаваемые лица: Мисс Москву 89 Елену Бонд - в роли Юлии, Ару Акопяна - в роли Миши, порнозвезду Елену Беркову - в роли дочери Юлии Женечки и ведущего программы НТВ "Ты не поверишь!" Владимира Тишенкова - в роли к... Читать дальше »
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lyrics365 · 2 years
Горит Чечня
Вот опять командировка Автомат, берет, спецовка, И ветра аэродрома Нас уносят вдаль от дома Вновь пылает юг России Дай нам, Боже, только силы Устоять в огне и дыме И домой придти живыми Горит Чечня на блокпостах На перевалах, в “кишлаках” Горят Шали и Гудермес Вертушки падают с небес Горят Бамут, Урус-Мартан, По полной наливай, братан, Горит Аргун, горит Шатой И мы опять уходим в бой Снова вверх…
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noisykoalapersona · 1 year
Юлия Тимошенко
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Никогда и никому не навязывайте свою помощь, подождите, пока вас о ней попросят.
Наталья Тимошенко
Лукавый Морок
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artificii-in-ceata · 2 years
Finally settled some details so here have another character sheet
Name(s): Laurențiu (Pronounced LA-u-REN-tsi-u). Etymology: essentially the same name as Laurence etc. From Latin "laurus" = laurel
Surname: Beniuc (Pronounced be-NYUK) Etymology: from Ben (as in Benjamin etc) + typical Ukrainian surname suffix -yuk, Romanised as -iuc.
Place of origin: Bukovina, the Romanian part (Northeast of Romania; an ethnically diverse region; the most conservative and religious region of the country)
Place of residence: a big city in Transylvania (the Western part of Romania; extremely ethnically diverse; very culturally Western, the most progressive leaning region)
Languages spoken: Romanian (native), Ukrainian (heritage: from grandparents), Russian (pretty low level, from neighbours' kids or classmates etc); English (very fluently, from being terminally online)
Religious affiliation: irreligious (identifies as agnostic; raised Protestant - which is very much a religious minority)
Name(s): Mădălina-Maria (Pronounced, respectively: MƏ-də-LI-na, ma-RI-a). Etymology: Maria is obvious. Mădălina is basically Madeleine, which comes from Magdalene.
Surname: Lazăr (Pronounced: LA-zər). Etymology: literally just the name Lazarus.
Place of origin: mixed, lived in many different cities as a child, but ultimately born in the city she now inhabits.
Place of residence: Transylvania (same city, see the above)
Languages spoken: Romanian (native), Russian (heritage: her dad being a native speaker - he originates from the Republic of Moldova), English (fluently, due to being chronically online)
Religious affiliation: irreligious (identifies as agnostic; raised in a vaguely secular environment, "non-practicing" Eastern Orthodox <- this being the majority)
Name(s): Андрiй (Pronounced: an-DRII). Etymology: Ukrainian for Andrew.
Surname: Тимошенко (Romanised: Tymoshenko, Pronounced: TY-mo-SHEN-ko, the y being a more narrow ü type of sound). Etymology: from Тимофiй (Tymofiy) aka Timothy.
Place of origin: Bukovina, the Ukrainian part (in the south center of Ukraine; a region in which, among others, there is a significant Romanian ethnic minority)
Place of residence: the same as the place of origin
Languages spoken: Ukrainian (native), Romanian (heritage: mom was a native speaker), Russian (mid to high level, due to it being spoken a lot around him, neighbours, classmates etc), English (largely fluent, from video games etc)
Religious affiliation: Protestant Christian (very much a religious minority; raised in a lot of different, but largely culturally Eastern Orthodox environments <- again, that being the majority)
Name(s): Tereza-Teodora (Pronounced, respectively: te-RE-za, TE-o-DO-ra). Etymology: the first one, from Theresa. The second one is the female equivalent of Theodore, which roughly means gift from God.
Surname: Olaru (Pronounced: o-LA-ru). Etymology: it means potter, as in the occupation of pottery.
Place of origin: moved places a lot as a child, thus no stable place.
Place of residence: Transylvania (see above)
Languages spoken: Romanian (native), Russian (to a mid level, from her stepfather), English (mid to high level, from movies etc)
Religious affiliation: Protestant Christian (a minority, though not as uncommon in Transylvania as in the other regions; she was raised in a largely secular environment)
Name(s): Cezar-Tiberiu (Pronounced, respectively: CHE-zar, ti-BE-ri-U). Etymology: Cezar is from Caesar (and a rather common name in Romania!), and Tiberiu is the Romanian form of Tiberius (again, a pretty normal name to have; more common in Transylvania)
Surname: Lazăr (see above)
Place of origin: same as Mădălina
Place of residence: Transylvania (see above)
Languages spoken: Romanian (native), Russian (heritage, his dad being Moldovan etc see above + the comment that yes there is non negligible amount of Moldovan immigrants in Transylvania specifically), English (high ish level due to watching movies etc) + a little bit of every language he hears his acquainces speaking (for example Hungarian, German etc).
Religious affiliation: irreligious (doesn't identify with any label; raises in a largely secular environment, see above)
Name(s): Răzvan (Pronounced rəz-VAN). Etymology largely unknown; one theory suggests it comes from the Slavic *rad, which means happy. This name doesn't have an equivalent in other languages, but is rather common in Romania.
Surname: Beniuc (see above)
Place of origin: same as Laurențiu
Place of residence: same as place of origin; plans to move cities in the future
Languages spoken: Romanian (native), Ukrainian (low ish level, heritage, from grandparents), English (high level, from school, movies, online etc)
Religious affiliation: Protestant Christian (very much a minority; raised Protestant Christian)
End notes:
This is precisely why I chose to place the plot in my own country, so that I can know details such as these from a more insider perspective. It may seem like some level of forced diversity is at play but really I just wrote whatever felt fun + these particular minority combos (both an ethnic and a religious minority at the same time?!!) are actually plausible irl. Source: my grandpa is a Protestant Ukrainian-Romanian. I was more closely related to these very niche environments than the mainstream 100% Eastern Orthodox ethnically Romanian majority experience. Which is exactly why I haven't made my characters representatives of the majority, because I wouldn't be able to write it like an insider (although I could obviously ask my friends etc). If you feel tempted to pull the self-insert card, have a friendly reminder that all fiction is a self-insert to some extent. Also, the particular minorities and other group combos the characters belong to are not only plausible because I've seen examples irl but also statistically speaking, as I've explained, such as a guy from Northeastern Romania having Ukrainian ancestry (and the guy from Southern Ukraine having Romanian ancestry), and both knowing some Russian etc. Given the inter ethnic relations in that region, it's all par for the course actually. The names the characters bear are largely symbolic but are also plausible to the particular regions they belong to, and all of them are fairly common and normal, usual names.
I hope you found this informative from a cultural perspective as well, not only as a character index
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eu-ukraine · 2 years
Рашисти випустили по Україні понад 90 ракет, ППО збили 70
Ворог випустив по Україні більше 90 ракет. Про це повідомив заступник керівника Офісу Президента Кирило Тимошенко. "Ворог випустив по Україні більше 90 ракет! Наші ППО збили 70!!! Але є влучання – пошкоджено 15 об’єктів енергетичної інфраструктури", ... Читати далі »
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nezalezhna · 5 days
Народ знов дурять та забирають у нього копійки Юлія Тимошенко
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eground01 · 5 days
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Соляры. 3 модуль практикум - Тимошенко (2024)
Соляры. 3 модуль практикум
Ирина Тимошенко
В курсе было много теоретической информации, но теперь хочется попрактиковаться- ведь одно дело выискивать те события в соляре, которые ожидаемы, а другое дело- комплексно на практике читать разный спектр событий в соляре.
Вот этим и займемся на 3 модуле - практикуме.
Этот модуль является дополнительным ПРАКТИКУМОМ, по вашим просьбам. (теория в слайдах здесь не предполагается)
На каждом занятии разбираем по одному...
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Подробнее на https://eground.org/threads/soljary-3-modul-praktikum-timoshenko-2024.134558/
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svyatosogodni · 15 days
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🎊 8 вересня — Яке сьогодні свято? ⠀ ❤️‍🩹 928-й день повномасштабного вторгнення російської федерації в Україну ⠀ 🇺🇦День міста Дніпро 📸 Міжнародний день солідарності журналістів 🇺🇦 День працівників нафтової, газової та нафтопереробної промисловості в Україні 🩻 Всесвітній день фізіотерапії 📝 Міжнародний день грамотності ☕️ День посиденьок на кухні ⠀ 👼 Іменини сьогодні святкують Адріан, Віктор, Георгій, Дмитро, Єгор, Петро, Роман, Марія, Наталя. ⠀ 🇺🇦 Цей день в історії: ⠀ 1989 — у Києві заснований Народний рух України за перебудову 1993 — створено Всесвітню організацію міст культурної спадщини ЮНЕСКО 2005 — Президент України Віктор Ющенко відправив у відставку уряд Юлії Тимошенко ⠀ 🎂 Сьогодні народилися: Річард I Левове Серце, Наталя Ужвій, Григорій Слуцький, Серджо Пінінфаріна, Олександр Івахненко, Ніко Кейс, Пінк. ⠀ 👉 Більше про те, що варто сьогодні святкувати читайте на нашому сайті → https://sogodnisvyato.com.ua/8-veresnya-svyato/
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Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshchenko in Moscow on April 29, 2009. Ukraine's and Russia's prime ministers voiced cautious optimism that their countries' energy disputes were being resolved after past gas cut-offs caused alarm in the European Union. 
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Порошенко, и Тимошенко готовятся к смене власти: каждый уже имеет свою карманную вооруженную армию | FAKEOFF
Я не знаю что по этому сказать. Но Владимиру Зеленскому вероятно такое нужно видеть.
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lukazone · 1 month
Служба безопасности Лукашенко. Войсковая часть 01549. Военнослужащий. Дата рождения: 25.07.1976 г. Минск https://luka.zone/person/32ee67e6-2707-402f-846c-6a04061abb33
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kimasov · 2 months
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Лётчики качают лётчика-истребителя Ивана Тимошенко, сбившего фашистский самолет МЕ-109.
Июль 1942 г.
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