#Вега 2.8/120
imagecoffee · 7 months
Carmen Vitae
(c)2023 Huimin Chi Vita est dura,Sed etiam pulchra.Est plena amoris,Et plena spei. Vita est fortis,Ut ferrum.Est plena cordis,Ut rosa. Vita est longa,Ut arbor.Est plena futuri,Ut semen. Киев 60 + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Shanghai GP3 100
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alex-a-z · 2 years
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Алинка | Даша
Fujicolor Pro 400H Киев-60 TTL / Вега-28Б 2.8/120
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imagecoffee · 1 year
I am watching you
(c)2023 Huimin Chi Киев 60 + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Shanghai GP3 100
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imagecoffee · 1 year
Sweet gum in summer
(c)2023 Huimin Chi Киев 60 + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Shanghai GP3 100
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imagecoffee · 1 year
Fleurs 287
(c)2022 Huimin Chi Киев 6С (modified to 645) + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Shanghai GP3 100 (With  Pentacon 6 Extension Tube )
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imagecoffee · 2 years
(c)2022 imagecoffee.net /huiminchi.com 真亦是假,正亦是邪,無以言表的時節,理念在崩壞,秩序在變幻,綻放,終究會有那麼一天,實踐。
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imagecoffee · 2 years
Fleurs 282
(c)2022 Huimin Chi Киев 60 + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Shanghai GP3 100
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imagecoffee · 4 years
(c)2020 Huimin Chi
It’s exactlly not a flower.
Киев 645 (diy modified by Киев 6с) + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Lucky Shd 400 (expired in 2004)
Fleur 265 It's exactlly not a flower. Киев 645 (diy modified by Киев 6с) + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Lucky Shd 400 (expired in 2004)
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imagecoffee · 4 years
(c)2020 Huimin Chi
It’s exactlly pitty small.
Киев 645 (diy modified by Киев 6с) + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Lucky Shd 400 (expired in 2004)
Fleurs 264 It's exactlly pitty small. Киев 645 (diy modified by Киев 6с) + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Lucky Shd 400 (expired in 2004)
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imagecoffee · 4 years
(c)2020 Huimin Chi
It’s exactlly not a flower.
Киев 645 (diy modified by Киев 6с) + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Lucky Shd 400 (expired in 2004)
Fleur 263 It's exactlly not a flower. Киев 645 (diy modified by Киев 6с) + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Lucky Shd 400 (expired in 2004)
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imagecoffee · 4 years
(c)2020 Huimin Chi
Киев 60 + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Shanghai GP3 Film
Fleur 262 Киев 60 + Вега-28(Vega-28) 2.8/120 + Shanghai GP3 Film
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imagecoffee · 5 years
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
(c)2019 Huimin Chi
(c)2019 Huimin Chi
Zhong Xing New Village, Nantou.Taiwan Provincial Government, R.O.C..
Zhong Xing New Village, Nantou Zhong Xing New Village, Nantou.Taiwan Provincial Government, R.O.C..
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imagecoffee · 5 years
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
(c)2019 Huimin Chi
(c)2019 Huimin Chi
(c)2019 Huimin Chi
Zhong Xing New Village, Nantou
Киев 60 + Вега 2.8/120 + Fujifilm pro160ns Kiev 60 + Vega 2.8/120 + Fujifilm pro160ns
Au vert du village: ZNV Zhong Xing New Village, Nantou Киев 60 + Вега 2.8/120 + Fujifilm pro160ns Kiev 60 + Vega 2.8/120 + Fujifilm pro160ns
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imagecoffee · 5 years
(c)2019 imagecoffee.net / huiminchi.com
賦予任務: 挑選撿拾一顆最美的石頭。 那些大小顆粒造型, 異中求同, 同中求異; 心累的人,最後隨便挑選了顆。 自作聰明的人,最後什麼都不選擇。
石頭的顏色 賦予任務: 挑選撿拾一顆最美的石頭。 那些大小顆粒造型, 異中求同, 同中求異; 心累的人,最後隨便挑選了顆。 自作聰明的人,最後什麼都不選擇。
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imagecoffee · 5 years
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
(c)2019 Huimin Chi
(c)2019 Huimin Chi
It’s a whole new day with sunrise on Pacific. I was standing on the balcony looking at the mountains and the beach, Qixingtan, Hualien.
Киев 60 + Вега 2.8/120 + Fujifilm pro160ns Kiev 60 + Vega 2.8/120 + Fujifilm pro160ns
Good Morning Pacific, Good Morning Taiwan It's a whole new day with sunrise on Pacific. I was standing on the balcony looking at the mountains and the beach, Qixingtan, Hualien.
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imagecoffee · 5 years
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
(c)2019 Huimin Chi
(c)2019 Huimin Chi
It’s a little dangerous while typhoon’s coming. But all the rocks and rivers are beautiful. There’s a trail entrance just inside the thnnel: Baiyang Trail. You can check out the information: Click Here(Taroko National Park) https://www.taroko.gov.tw/en/Tourism/TrailDetail?id=214
Киев 60 + Вега 2.8/120 + Rollei Retro 400s Kiev 60 + Vega 2.8/120 + Rollei Retro 400s
Provincial Highway 8, 168Km. Taroko Canyon. It's a little dangerous while typhoon's coming. But all the rocks and rivers are beautiful. There's a trail entrance just inside the thnnel: Baiyang Trail.
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