#καλα αμα κανω ποτε την ανατομια του σαλιγκάριου θα σε ενημερώσω. μου είπαν οτι το υγρο ειναι το σπερμα του
sugaroto · 1 year
Aftg as my classmates cause I was thinking about this interaction the whole day:
Neil: Aaron look! *shoves something into his face*
Aaron: You know, people usually say good morning... why the fuck are you shoving a snail into my face at 8am??
Neil: I want you to explain it to me
Aaron: the snail?
Neil: yeah I want you to explain me it's anatomy
A: if I ever study snail anatomy I sure will •-•
N: They told me the liquid it leaves behind is its sperm
A: Are you stupid?
Nicky and Kevin laughing on the background: I can't believe he fell for it
A: Are you two idiots?
N: Oh cmon guys shut up
A: where did you even find that snail?
N&k: he picked it up from the street while we were walking and just brought it here
N: he's my lil friend. Look
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