#Ψ ⮜ interact ✧ Sʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀʀᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʀɪᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘʀᴀʏᴇʀꜱ. && ɪᴄ.
tridentfaith · 1 year
Just gonna... leave these dog pumpkin and dog ghost costumes here... with some treats
Lunafreya will remain stoic & calm on the outside ; but just know that she is excited & bouncing with pure child-like joy on the inside.
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❝ Umbra.~ Pryna.~ I have a surprise for you!❞
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ofsylleblossoms · 2 years
                                      THE ORACLE HAS HEARD YOUR PRAYERS.
@praeniiteo​ said ❛ how many people have you killed? how many? ❜
WORDS COULD SCARCELY scrape the surface upon the amount of guilt and worry the Oracle had felt. Summoning the Tide Mother had been Lunafreya's undoing ; but to aid the Chosen King in his path was always the duty set before the Oracle && aid the King she would. As is the duty of her mother && all others before her, Lunafreya would not forsake her duties for doing so would damn the proud lineage.
Precautions had been made, citizenry evacuated && refuged elsewhere, for Heavens knew what would become of their precious city that had been once called home. Lunafreya knew the Hydraean was not a kind Goddess, who would forsake the King && stubbornly deny her wish to Covenant her power. Never did the Oracle, a beacon of hope && safety believe that foolishness would come of this trying error, intimidation had been the Goddess' answer for the promise of the King's trial, one she had been more than willing to speak on his behalf of being considered worthy
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❝ I pray that all who were within the city walls have been safely escorted outside the parameters. ❞ The Chancellor, ever so cunning && eager to worm his way under the Oracle's skin. Lunafreya would not satisfy him with a bodily response, but instead offer a stoic expression befitting a Princess of a fallen Kingdom. ❝ Those who perished will not be forgotten, but cherished in death as they were in life. It had never been my intention for anyone become a casualty on my behest to assist the King. ❞
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tridentfaith · 1 year
[ soft ] from prom 👀
🌙  *  ―     𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒  [ 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 ] ― sender wraps a soft blanket around receiver’s shoulders.
The stars shone brighter than usual that night. Diamond dust in the atmosphere ; scattered stories told in constellations around the warmth of a campfire. There was no denying their captivating effect on the Oracle ; who merely knew their prophecies by heart but never took the time to properly observe, to breathe in the sights set before her with no obligation.
It felt different, to be stagnate for once without the expectation of being.
Weight wrapping itself around her shoulders had been her beacon back to reality ; plush warmth that offered comfort. Prompto did not have to be so generous with her in offering her a blanket ; but Luna was all the more thankful & the only way for her to properly show it was to offer a space besides her, the blanket raised in offer.
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❝ Won't you join me~?❞
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tridentfaith · 1 year
(anon formally known as princexcharmless): Quietly as he can, Noctis pushes her bedroom door open, peeking in first to make sure Lunafreya was decent or at least covered. He then tiptoed into her room over to her nightstand, carefully reached behind to the outlet, unplugged her alarm clock and then walked out of the room with it as quickly and quietly as he went in. Not today. She gets to sleep in.
Sleep was never easy to come by these last few days. Kept awake at night by the terrors that lie just beyond her eyelids & the amount of work laid upon her desk made it so easy to forgo the precious rest her body so desperately craved.
Tonight, however, Lunafreya had found the will to sleep. Shifting only when she heard the door creak open, but soon went willingly back into the realm of dreams. Only unbeknownst to her the Prince was devious in his endeavors, unplugging the only source of the passage of time that would no doubt send her into a spiral upon her awakening.
For now, Luna remained nestled in the warm cocoon of blankets. The sun will rise in due time & when it does, Noctis best hope to not be around.
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tridentfaith · 1 year
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What in Eos is a Pokemon?
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tridentfaith · 1 year
"Han, Mommy! Han!" Novus was out of his crib for what seemed to be the third time this evening, though the two-year-old was rather keen on holding his Mother's hand even if it was in the dark and in the very early hours of the morning. The Prince knew his parents were here in bed, he just had to figure out exactly where Lunafreya was...
So tired. The Queen was so tired. Fatigue weighed down on delicate features, but it was no fault of the child's, despite how many times she had taken him back to the crib that evening. Noctis, passed out besides her, had done little to ease the ever-growing frustration bubbling within.
Never could Lunafreya bring herself to blame the child for wanting to be close to his parents - she would miss these opportunities when he grows older. In the early hours of the morning, when the sun barely trickled over the horizon to cast over its heavenly glow, Luna could just barely see Novus wandering over.
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❝ Mommy's here, darling. ❞ Stifling a yawn, Luna reached beyond the edge of her side, fingertips just gracing over the toddler's hand. Always would she be there. Novus never needed to worry about whether or not his parents would be there to hold his hand nor to guide him.
❝ Mommy's here. ❞
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tridentfaith · 1 year
"It doesn't hurt that bad."
A soft laugh met the child's proclamation. Not to invalidate his experience nor to make him feel in any way shape or form small, but for the matter alone that it was rather humorous to the Oracle. So many times, had she heard this tale, of brave soldiers gone off to war to come back near dead & claiming that that their wounds weren't as grave as they appeared. To act so tall, so bold at his age, despite the blood that stained porcelain skin was at most, cute.
❝ Were you not crying just moments ago, my love? Or was that merely my hearing beginning to go? ❞ A jest, merely to see how far he could carry this facade of chivalry & bravery - & Luna could only see remnants of his father, acting so bold in the face of supposed danger. They do grow up so quickly. Lunafreya could only wish that he'd remain this little a while longer ; just to savour these moments for one day, he will no longer require her healing touch & words of wisdom for he will find his own footing & be independent from herself & his father.
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❝ Do be more careful in the future, mm?❞
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tridentfaith · 1 year
[ CHALLENGE ]: sender challenges the receiver to a sparring match/actual fight.
Of all the people for Novus to approach with the intention of a spar, Lunafreya had not expected herself to be one of them. It had been quite some time since she had the chance to enhance abilities taught in preparation of the ascension, it was past due that she experience the thrill & rush of a good fight ; but for it to be her son had been.. a surprise.
❝ Are you sure you wish to do this, Novus? ❞ Not that she doubted Novus' stubbornness, a trait oh so thoughtfully gifted from his father. The child could barely warp properly, the risk of harm was far greater. Luna wasn't exactly sure if she were prepared to bear hurting the child she so pathetically cared for with all her being.
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❝ I do not wish for you to get hurt.❞
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tridentfaith · 1 year
"But I didn't do it!" Yet the four-year-old was still being walked towards his Mother's office with his Nanny by his side,the two stepping through the open doors. "Your Majesty? The Prince is home early today from school. Novus, do you want to tell her what happened?"
The boy shook his head as he looked down at his shoes. "Then I shall. He's returned home because there was a fight in class, one that he apparently started according to the teacher. She's sent along a note saying he's been suspended for today and tomorrow."
Preoccupied by the files laid upon her desk ; many regarding charity events that needed finalizing, others merely correspondences between other royalty. What she did not expect was her son being dragged into her office by his nanny, when he should have been in school.
Setting suddenly non-important work aside, Luna's sole attention rests upon her son, watching him stand there in the admission of guilt despite his earlier pleas that echoed through the long corridors. ❝ A fight?❞ Neither disapproving nor disappointed, Lunafreya merely continued to stare at Novus, trying to get a better read of him. It didn't sound like him to lash out or cause fights unnecessarily ; but it begged the question as to why.
❝ I'll take it from here, thank you for bringing this to my attention. ❞ The Queen decided, hand waving to dismiss the Nanny and to close the door behind her so that it may be the son & mother alone. Perhaps without the extra eyes & ears about, Lunafreya may get a more precise explanation.
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❝ Do you wish to explain yourself? ❞
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tridentfaith · 1 year
"Are the demands of one's duty louder than the heart's whisper?" Sora, it was too perfect HSDFHFGJ
For years had never been kind, to put aside the needs of herself for the calls of others. The heart has no place in the eyes of duty & Lunafreya has put her heart aside for too long now. One could argue that the Oracle puts her heart into the lives of others, to give them hope & heal what breaks. Luna could say her heart is with the people, but with her King most of all.
Luna struggled with the balance of heart & duty. There were parts of her that struggled to release the binds of allowing the weakness in her to show, but in the depths of her, the heart always won that struggle despite her efforts to remain impartial.
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❝ There are times where the heart does not belong in the line of duty. We make our choice to follow our hearts or to follow what our duty dictates. They cannot be on the same path.❞
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tridentfaith · 1 year
"Have you ever wished to be free of your responsibilities?"
To be free. A grown woman, forever trapped in the nightmares that claimed her thoughts each time her eyes closed. She could still smell the burnt flesh & death of loved ones, both Lucian royalty & Tenebrean. It almost felt like a lifetime ago ; to watch a lifeline run in fear of being the next to fall & Luna picking up what little pieces laid before her.
Carrying the title of Oracle weighed heavy upon her shoulders. To carry the legacy her Mother & all women before Luna had, was all too much for a child to bear. & yet, Luna knew she had no place to utter a complaint. It was her duty, her role to play. Until her dying breath, she would play along & act as she should.
❝ There have been times, yes. ❞ Learning the prophecies. Fasting for days, if not weeks. Meditating in isolation. Learning the prayers of each deity. So much to learn & so little time. For someone still so young, there was so much to learn & she understood so little of her place in this world. To guide the future King, to watch him grow & flourish had been her calling now.
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❝ But without them, what would become of me? ❞
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tridentfaith · 1 year
@madeimpact continued from ♡
Mere appearances, to see the joy in the faces whom she held brief conversation & Insomnia come alive for the festival was a delight to witness. An old friend, one corresponded in a single letter but never had the proper introduction ; a debt to be repaid in kind.
❝ It can be too much at once, yes. ❞ A smile, kind & delicate in turn to his light jest. Lunafreya had the social battery to back the endless waves of conversation - but for now all she merely wanted was a moment of peace.
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❝ Please, there's no need for formalities. You can call me by my name. ❞
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tridentfaith · 1 year
"May I have this dance?" Noctis :')
As Oracle, it had always been preferred to be seen, rather than become lost in an endless sea of mindless conversation. As Princess, it was nothing but expected than to mingle & share a dance or two. A people pleasure by nature, Lunafreya did her best to force a smile & nod every so often despite her level of tolerance for people was beginning to dwindle.
& yet, Luna could never say not to Noctis when invited to dance. Curse her need for a brief moment of normalcy - to drown out the incessant chatter & merely focus on one person, if only for a short time. Slowly, her hand reached for his, fingertips gracing the offered open palm.
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❝ I thought you'd never ask. ❞
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tridentfaith · 1 year
❛ so why’s it so important anyway? ❜
To a child, the word important seemed to be vastly different than what she had become used to. Upon the table the long lineage of the Lucis Caelum bloodline ; an extensive history that must have taken years, if not decades to collect & document. ❝ A prince should know his history. ❞ Lunafreya could have easily allowed his mentors to teach him the old Kings & history of Lucis ; but with Novus' attention spanning only for a short period before he became bored was prominent.
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❝ We can either start with the Kings or the history. ❞
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tridentfaith · 1 year
❛ close your eyes and hold out your hands. ❜
Curiosity spread across delicate features ; unsure but nevertheless ever trusting. Never had Noctis given the impression that Lunafreya shouldn't trust him ( casting the ever present doubtfulness of Ravus aside ; he was all too stubborn & unforgiving to see past disdain. ) The Oralce was a creature of horrible habit ; to follow suit with commands of those who pulled the strings from afar & she, the ever dutiful listener, obeyed.
Dark eyelashes fluttered closed after a short moment of contemplation, a world of light becoming shadowed by the darkness past her eyelids ; but she knew for this moment there was nothing to fear. As instructed her hands set before her, palms upwards to the Heavens, fingertips twitching ever so slightly in quiet anticipation.
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To trust so easily was not commonplace for Luna ; but for Noctis, she would fall apart at the seams were he to ask that little of her. Such is the hope of a child who saw the carnage of the world but still held onto the hope of a new day ; her faith within him was vast & never changing. Never would it stray from the beaten path & she could only pray that he would do well not to break it.
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tridentfaith · 1 year
"Mom? Can I stay home from school today? I got a headache..." He did though what he didn't really explain was that his older brother, Kiran, had used his head as an armrest again earlier. "Please?"
Skepticism painted upon her expression, staring at her youngest. There was no reason for him to lie about ailments such as a headache; but there was something underlining Lunafreya couldn't quite explain. " Is that so? " Leaning down, her palm pressed against the child's forehead in attempt to catch a better idea of the cause of such a headache. He did feel rather warm, nothing too concerning. At least, not that she could see.
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"I suppose keeping you home wouldn't hurt." Reluctantly, Luna thought it best to keep Novus home. A just in case scenario. "Just for today, though. This will not become a routine thing."
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