#˟kh au;; i wanna be your lost boy
misplacedreporter · 1 year
@stellarhistoria || got myself a sword while you were gone
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"Nico!" Meryl doesn't hesitate the moment she spots him in the crowd of Twilight Town, weaving between bodies to slam herself into his chest and toss her arms around him.
A year of wandering, searching. Fighting Heartless and making her way across the worlds with no idea where she was even headed, only the knowledge that she needed to keep moving and follow her heart (whatever the hell that even meant–) as her motivation not to give up. But finally–finally, she's found one of them.
"Found you!"
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aealzx · 3 years
It's funny. I was gonna to ask about Ephemer sooner or later, but it seems I was a little late as we now know. So.... maybe a stupid question, but whats Ephys condition (like what happened to him and stuff)? And you say Vanitas shot Strelitzia? Geez thats rough. These poor children i wanna hug them! 😭
Reaching out to gently rub Ventus’ back as Strelitzia held him, Riku wasn’t sure what had just happened other than it seemed to have been one of those points where Ventus remembered something. Only this time it seemed that Strelitzia knew about it too. It was like there was an instance that had been shared between the two of them, but it was hard to imagine what. As far as he knew no one had ever kidnapped Strelitzia before. And also as far as he knew until Terra’s team had rescued the boys Ventus and Vanitas hadn’t gotten to see much freedom before. It was probably a little insensitive to ask about what Ventus meant by Vanitas having shot Strelitzia, so instead Riku exchanged that question for another one. “Who’s Ephemera?” His gaze when over to the young man in the bed, assuming that was the owner of the name but not sure.
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Blaine’s voice came from behind Riku in the doorway, causing the younger one to flinch. “... Hey,” Blaine then offered as a greeting, and shifted forward to kneel in front of Ventus. For a moment Blaine just examined Ventus to see how he was doing, gently brushing his hand on the boy’s hair.
“You remembered something scary, huh,” Blaine said quietly, giving a tiny huff of attempted mirth at the end. “I didn’t think you would, it was a while ago and you weren’t doing too well.” When Ventus ended up lowering his gaze to the ground, Blaine sighed in relent and got back up again to place the vase of flowers he’d brought on the table in the room. “Ephemera is this guy here,” Blaine began to explain, fluffing the flowers a bit and nodding towards the comatose lad. “A long time ago he and I grew up together. A bunch of silly adventures and all that. There used to be this company that would provide fake murder mysteries and such for people to solve. Ephem and I used to love those, and the idiot had a hero complex that also meant he loved helping people.” He spoke fondly, but kept his focus on the flowers for now. After giving a sigh, he stopped fussing with them and exchanged the task for sitting on the bed, putting his hand over Ephemera’s.
“A couple years ago… like six years or something, we got lost trying to solve one of those mysteries, and ended up finding a real one instead,” he admitted, bringing his gaze over to Ventus again. “A couple of little boys trapped in a cage through the window of a building we had no idea what it was. Of course Ephem couldn’t leave them alone. And unfortunately while he was able to get the cops to listen to him, he also found out they were planning on moving the boys in a few days. Soooo we all got the bright idea to rescue them ourselves. A bunch of dumbass teenagers thinking they could stand up to big thugs.” Rolling his eyes at how dumb they had been now that he could see the event in hindsight, Blaine shook his head in disbelief. “And we actually did get them out. But the blond one wasn’t doing so well, and couldn’t really run very fast. Even with his brother helping from behind. The bodyguards eventually caught up, I assume, and everything went downhill from there. All we heard was a gunshot, and then we found Ephem and Strele unconscious and bleeding in an alleyway. It wasn’t until a few months later that Stele was able to tell us that Vanitas was the one who shot her. Having picked up the gun from the bodyguard after Ephemera hit him over the head with a crate. And… unfortunately Ephem hasn’t woken up since then…… We’re not sure exactly what happened to him. But… he got pretty hurt.”
Letting that be the end of the story, Blaine looked absently at nothing while his foot betrayed his unease by swaying side to side. He tried to make lighter of it, but it was easy to see he still had lingering guilt over all of it.
Ephemera was a hard one to fit in because for a long time it was really vague what happened to him in the canon KH story XD. It just didn't seem to fit quite right for me to put him as one of Eraqus staff like the others, so eventually after thinking awhile I came up with this.
Obviously Strelitzia didn't die in this AU, but I wanted to keep that part of the story in, and that resulted in Vantias just shooting her without killing her.
Vanitas actually hinted at this situation in a different post, but I just realized that it's in the one I put a gore warning on XD.
Here's the clip though where he mentions them:
“…..It’s common for people to do terrible things in the mind of self preservation. You felt threatened, so you performed actions that would keep your captors from harming you. The fault lies with them.”
“Even for the girl I chose to shoot on my own?” Vanitas asked, a smile splitting his face when Vincent’s fingers twitched. “You know, we actually got out once. Some do gooder hero broke us out of the cells. But then there were the bodyguards behind us, chasing the little girl with pigtails as she ran with Ventus. She wasn’t going to get anywhere like that, dragging his half functioning body around. So when they caught up to us I took their gun… and I shot her, for being so stupid. That should have taught her a lesson for ruining everything I built up. Her and the other guy. Can’t say I know what happened to them, for they took us back soon enough.”
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misplacedreporter · 1 year
tag dump
˟main;; a hell of a team
˟ooc;; we're out of print!
˟vash;; you're not as lonely as you think
˟self;; ace reporter reporting for duty
˟roberto;; booze and blackjack
˟knives;; swiss army knife
˟zazie;; bop a worm
˟vashmeryl;; still painting flowers for you (plantisvox)
˟wolfwood;; bullet of a broken gun
˟musing;; we're written in the stars
˟canon;; it's only dark when your eyes are closed
˟crack;; dark arts
˟mashwood;; i still fall for you like suns do for skies (gen)
˟merylwood;; love was never a choice for me (gen)
˟vashmeryl;; i understand more than you know (gen)
˟vashmeryl;; tonight i want to dance with you (typhoonvash)
˟royalty masquerade au;; fantastic mr fox
˟and so i called him atlas; for i placed the world onto his shoulders;; (wolfwood) full of merc
˟and lo! the lamb laid his head upon the altar of his own accord and was slain;; (sheepwood) apostacizing
˟merylwood;; I'm out of my head of my heart and my mind (full-of-mercy)
˟merylwood;; if you need a confession i'm guilty (forgivenpunishment)
˟merylwood^2;; just know that mine is a hand to hold (forgivenpunishment & full-of-mercy)
˟pokemon eeby deeby;; all along it's been a race against the clock
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aealzx · 5 years
Hi! I really like your heart transplant au but I'm a little confused with the story? What happened to the quads parents since they need to be adopted? Were Ven and Van kidnapped by Xehanort? What happened to Xion? Sorry, I may have lost some post along the way so that's why I'm a bit confused! I really love the htau, especially seeing nice moments between the brothers, that's for sure my favorite part! Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us!!
Hahahah no, you’re fine, everything I have up is kind of a jumbled mess depending on where my brain is at the moment, so it’s understandable that you’re confused. X’DD This is a lazy project that has a bunch of holes in it ‘cause I’m not focusing toooo much on it being super tight coherent. |D
Buuuut, I’ll give you a basic synopsis XDD
First all the quad’s parents are both dead, and are just nameless faceless NPCs because I couldn’t think of anyone that I wanted to torture with having quads XDDD The dad died of cancer when the quads were 5, and then their mom got killed via snapped neck from whiplash in a car accident when Roxas was in the hospital. |D Because I didn’t want to deal with putting the parents in there and needed Ven to be adopted by Eraqus.
For Ven and Van, yeah, they were kidnapped as newborns by Xehanort. There’s this made up heart condition that I’m deliberately being super vague about because I’m not a medical expert and don’t wanna be called out XDDD But Xehanort is obsessed with figuring out a way to prevent it. It’s genetic though, and he found out that the quad’s parents had markers for it, so he nabbed the two to watch grow and do experiments on to try and figure out what exactly causes the disease and how to fix it. Good intentions, bad actions. |D
They were eventually rescued when they were 11 yo though. Roxas and Ven both ended up with that heart problem, and when Roxas’ issue started manifesting in crappy symptoms that left his really sick his mom took him to the hospital that Eraqus works at because Eraqus is famous for working with heart troubles. At the same time Terra is in the police work, and found the missing child reports a few years ago for Ven and Van, and is kinda obsessed with them. Eraqus stays out of the police work because he doesn’t really like it, but after working with Roxas, and talking with his mom and finding out Roxas and Sora have twin brothers that were kidnapped from the hospital when they were born, and some passing conversations he had with his buddy Xehanort, Erqaus figured out Xehanort had the boys. So Eraqus agreed to set up Xehanort to arrest him and figure out where he was hiding the boys. He feels somewhat responsible for the boys’ fate because of being friends with Xehanort and not seeing his actions sooner.
Vanitas is kinda crazy because Xehanort tended to talk to him like he only existed to be there to fix Ven, and then also tried some DNA splicing on Vanitas to see if he could erase the heart issue genetics that way, and that’s why Vanitas has black hair and yellow eyes. He also has an unhealthy obsession with Ven becaaaause that’s how he is in the game |D A lot of this stuff is just me giving my brain an exercise of taking what happened in the games and porting it over to a modern setting |D
Okay, and then for Xion 8′D In order to have her adopted by Axel, and keep her backstory of being a science experiment I had to give her crappy parents. |D So I just kinda grabbed Braig since he’s pretty much Xehanort’s right hand man in a way. But pretty much Braig has that heart disease marker, and Xehanort was like “hey, go make a kid with this lady that also has the marker so I can study them”, and Braig was like alright fine whatever =A= and tadaaa, Xion was born. Because she couldn’t come from a replica |D But Braig is a dick, and super neglectful of her because what does he care, she’s just there for Xehanort to study. But Axel finds out about it and took Braig to court to try and get custody of Xion away from him to get her away from that life. Axel and Xion had no idea about Braig’s involvement with Xehanort until Aqua presented Xehanort’s notes on it to the judge.
Whew, that was long 8′DD feel free to ask anything else. XDD I’m just doing this ‘cause I wanted more KH content after finishing KH3 X’D
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