#˗ˏˋ answers. ⟶ ❛ i'll wait to see you again
ochazos-m · 7 months
△ Do you regret the sacrifice you made?
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character - Accepting
9/10 1/10
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"No." There was a brief pause. "I guess I regret some things about it. But... It really doesn't matter..."
0 notes
0nerd-at-heart0 · 8 months
The Case Continues
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A/N: Thank you for ALL the love and support on my latest fic!!!! ♥ After not writing for a year it felt weird to write again but y'all have been so sweet, so truly thank you to all of you. I just finished 2 of midterms and there was this guy behind me on one of my tests coughing like crazy so now I am sick. While I should take this opportunity to study for the LSATS now that I am stuck in bed, I just had to continue writing. As long as you all continue reading I am more than happy to continue writing. If you want to be added or taken out of the taglist please DM me :) 
P.S. : I used the stars to break down the sections for myself as I wrote and kept them in, if they are weird or unhelpful let me know so I can get rid of them and as always feedback is always welcomed
Taglist: @happy74827 @princessvader15 @hashcakes @malfoys-demigod @yiiiikesmish
Word Count: 5.5 k
Warnings: sexual harassment, cursing, pet name like sweetheart, mentions of food and eating (any more warnings that I missed please let me know)
There will be a part 3 after this one, still writing it but if you haven’t please check out the Part 1:  The Stress of a Case
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As you finished the last bite of your meal in Rachel’s office, a comfortable silence settled between you and Harvey.  Harvey leaned back in his chair, and a sense of relief seemed to wash over his face, "You did well today, Y/N. We'll get through the Jackson case. I promise. Whatever it takes.”
You offered a small, appreciative smile, acknowledging the sentiment. "Thanks, Harvey. It means a lot."
You stared at the clock and the realization that it was time to head home crept in. Harvey, ever the gentleman, offered you a ride, “Come on, I’ll take you home.” He stood up moving the desk back to how he found it and picked up the trash. 
However, your need for control and familiarity after the recent panic attack made you decline the ride, "Thanks for the offer, Harvey, but I think I'll take my own car tonight."
A small, almost imperceptible frown flashed across Harvey's face, quickly replaced by his usual composed expression. "Alright." was all he could stammer out. 
After parting ways, you walked towards the parking lot, keys in hand. As you drove home alone, a subtle sense of curiosity lingered. What if you had accepted Harvey's offer? What could have unfolded in the confined space of his car, free from the walls of the office? 
The thought nagged at you as you navigated the familiar streets, feeling your head cooling off. Rolling down the window to allow the fresh air to overflow your senses  There was a part of you that wished you knew the answer, a desire to unravel the mysteries that lay hidden beneath the surface of your professional relationship with the Harvey Specter.
The next few days went by pretty fast. All days felt the same . It was a routine of restless nights as your mind was clear yet foggy on your night with Harvey. Nervous yet excited on what the following days would bring. You woke up early every day to go to your favorite coffee spot. But every day you spent it at your desk going through Amir related emails and one day you spent the day researching organic cat food for Louis. You haven't even had the chance to really see or talk to Harvey, not that you were keeping track ( 3 times he has spoken to you). 
But about 10 days after the incident, here you were, standing in the elevator, expecting to be another calm day of going through Amir’s associates emails with Rachel.
But when the elevators dinged,  the beautiful face of  Donna Paulsen appeared as the door opened.  She stood there waiting for you and without saying a word she turned on her heel and gestured for you to follow her. And like a loyal puppy you followed Donna through the corridors, her signature click-clacking heels echoing in the hallways as you tried to keep you.
As you walked, Donna’s voice boomed,  efficiently providing a rundown of the latest developments in the Amir Jackson case. Apparently, Amir had signed a contract with his brother-in-law’s firm, and Harvey was currently breaking it down in his office to find any potential weaknesses or loopholes. You were confused but eager to understand your role in all this, so you did your best to keep up with Donna's brisk pace. The details of the case were important, but the question of why Donna was sharing them with you lingered in the back of your mind.
Donna approached Harvey's office, she shot you a sly smile and motioned for you to enter. The door creaked open, revealing Harvey Specter engrossed in his work. Donna whispered, "You wanted to be in the big leagues; well, here you go."
Harvey was seated at his desk, a stack of papers spread out before him. Mike Ross was leaning against the wall, and both turned their attention to you as you entered.
Donna, standing in the doorway, mouthed, "You got this."
It dawned on you—this wasn't just an update on the case. Donna had orchestrated this moment for a reason. You were being given a seat at the table, an opportunity to contribute to a high-stakes strategy session. The realization sent a surge of adrenaline through your veins. Harvey was keeping his word after all. 
 Harvey and Mike acknowledged your presence, you straightened your posture and mentally prepared to engage in the battle of wits that lay ahead.  You are ready to keep up and prove your worth beyond your typing skills. 
Mike walks up to you handing you a file, and you take a seat. Knowing the breakdown you take out your colorful pack of highlighter ready to color coordinate. Purple for potential loopholes, yellow for things to research, blue for important dates and green for  contacts. 
Harvey couldn't help but notice you being meticulously organized. With a smirk, he quipped, "Really, Y/N? Color-coordinated highlighters? Are we in kindergarten?"
You, shot back with a playful smile, "Well, Harvey, some of us appreciate a little order and aesthetic appeal. It's called professionalism."
Harvey raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the quick retort. "Professionalism, huh? I prefer the classic black and white approach. Simple and effective."
You without looking up from your file said, "Well, Harvey, sometimes a splash of color can make things more interesting. Maybe you should try it sometime.” Reaching down to your highlighter bag you pulled one out handing it to him, “Here, I think pink suits you”
He takes it from your hand, not backing down, “You know if your legal skills were as efficient as your highlighting skills we would be done with these files already”
You retorted, “Well, Harvey, if your people skills were as smooth as your hair, we'd have won the case yesterday."
Mike, who had been silently working, looked up with a bewildered expression, unsure of how the banter had suddenly transformed into a flirtatious exchange. He blinked, processing the unexpected turn of events.
Harvey  leaned against the table and raised an eyebrow. "Smooth hair, huh? You're just jealous, Y/N."
"Oh, please," you replied with a smirk, "I've seen smoother hair on a mannequin."
Mike, now thoroughly confused, looked between Harvey and you, trying to decipher when this banter became a new development. 
Before anything can go any further there is a knock at Harvey’s door, it was Rachel. After hearing from Mike about your little fainting incident, she was kind of overbearingly persistent on making sure you were eating and were okay no matter how much you told her you were fine.  Despite your reassurances that the incident of passing out was a one-time occurrence and that you were doing better, Rachel continued to express her care in thoughtful ways.
Today was no exception. Rachel asked to borrow you for a moment. Excusing yourself from your work, you followed Rachel outside the office. She had a warm smile on her face and a bagel in her hand, with your name on it.
"Hey, I know you said you're doing better, but I thought you might need a little pick-me-up," Rachel said, offering you the bagel.
You couldn't help but smile at Rachel's thoughtful gesture. "Thanks, Rachel. You really don't have to keep doing this, but I appreciate it."
Rachel chuckled, "I know I don't have to, but I want to. Consider it my way of making sure you stay fueled and ready to tackle anything."
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While you were outside having that conversation with Rachel, Mike couldn't help but seize the opportunity for a little teasing. Looking at Harvey with a mischievous glint in his eyes, he remarked, "What was that?"
Harvey, ever the master of composure, shot Mike a sharp look. "Shut up and focus, Mike," he retorted, trying to divert attention back to the files.
Mike, undeterred by Harvey's attempt to change the subject, leaned back with a playful grin. "Oh, you're definitely focused on something," he said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Harvey rolled his eyes, realizing that he might have just opened himself up to a barrage of teasing from Mike. 
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You returned to the office with the bagel in hand, you tucked it away in your bag without giving it much thought. However, Harvey's raised eyebrow didn't go unnoticed. He questioned, "Aren't you going to eat that?"
Unbeknownst to you, the hesitation stemmed from a lingering unease about eating near files, especially in front of Harvey—thanks to the hot Cheeto incident. Harvey, catching on to your reluctance, decided to assertively intervene, "Eat."
You raised an eyebrow, teasing, "Bossy much, Harvey?"
Harvey quickly adds, “Well I am the boss”.
Mike, always quick to jump into the banter, chimed in, "Hey, wait a minute. Rachel didn't get me a bagel."
Harvey, in his usual deadpan manner, responded, "Deal with your relationship drama outside the office”
Mike mumbled to himself though directed at Harvey “you deal with your relationship drama outside the office” as he turned over to the next file. 
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Without hesitation you grabbed another file, opening it  up you saw on one of the clauses of the contract that it said,  “Keep an appropriate reputation”.
You spoke up, “Have we been able to contact his brother in law?”
“Louis is currently on that”, Harvey said nonchalantly.  
“Louis?!?!”, the shock in your voice was not hidden at all as your hand went to cover you mouth,
“See even she is shocked’’, Mike gestured towards you as he closed his file. 
“Mike you are  going to have a deposition with Amir in about an hour and I got to prep you. As much as I'd rather have you do it,” Harvey eyes quickly glance at you before returning to the file in his hand, “I don’t have time to walk you through it, plus Jessica said I have to throw Louis a bone”, Harvey mumbles the last bit. 
You nodded, understanding that you were too green to already start interviewing people without supervision. 
After an hour of underlining and highlighting things they may be able to use against him, Harvey dismissed you and Mike to prepare for meeting Amir. You gave Mike a questioning look as you exited the office.
The door closed and you could have sworn you heard music playing. 
“He has a whole routine when he has a stressful case”, Mike said as he handed Donna a piece of paper to fax. 
“Whoa, you are just going to share Harvey’s secrets like that”, Donna added. 
“She is part of the group now, she deserves, nay she needs to know”, Mike defensively argued
Donna playfully rolled her eyes and all you can do is laugh. 
“Imma go to the conference room and set everything up”, Mike then turned on his heels. 
“Why are you meeting with Amir?”, you couldn't help the question come out of your mouth.
“Jessica and Harvey believe he is trying to get in our heads”, Mike causally stated like this is somehow normal, “anyway see you afterwards”. 
You headed down to the bullpen with a couple of files in hand for you to review. The bullpen was empty, you saw a memo on your desk that Jessica was holding a mock trial for the associates. You believed she was doing this to boost morale. It's been 3 weeks since the Jackson case was first assigned and every day the stress of the case becomes more evident in not only the partners but everyone. 
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All that can be heard was the click-clack of your keyboard as you diligently worked on a memo at your cubicle in. A man walked it, he didn't go unnoticed as he leaned against the wall, a smirk playing on his face.
"Working hard or hardly working, sweetheart?" he said with a smug grin.
Startled by his words, you looked up to fully take in this strange man, his eyes flickering with a hint of amusement. 
"What can I do for you?", you let out an annoyed breath. 
He wasn't unattractive, tall, seemed to be built, his dark hair slicked back and his tan figure was highlighted with a beautifully tailored suit. 
He ignored your attempt to deflect his trashy pickup line  as he leaned in, invading your  personal space. "You know, I am here to see Mike Ross, but I would rather be seeing you. What do you say we grab a drink sometime?"
You noticed a wedding ring on his hand and that added to your discomfort which was palpable, and  you glanced around, searching for a way out of the situation. Amir Jackson was standing right before you in all his dirty lawyer glory. Before you could respond, the familiar sound of a door swinging opening  caught your attention. Harvey Specter stormed into view, his expression colder than the usual glacial demeanor he reserved. 
"Amir, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Harvey's tone was razor-sharp, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation.
Amir straightened up, his confident facade faltering in the face of Harvey's iciness. "Just trying to get to know the beautiful talent that sits before me" he replied, attempting to play it off.
Harvey's jaw clenched, and he stepped forward, his presence dominating the small cubicle. "This is not the time or the place for your personal agenda. We're here to work, not to entertain your attempts at charm.", emphasis on the word attempt. 
Amir chuckled nervously, realizing he had crossed a line. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble, Harvey. Just thought we could all use a break."
Harvey's stare could freeze time itself. "Save your charm for the courtroom, Amir. Now get lost before I decide to make this a legal matter."
Amir hastily retreated, leaving the cubicle, heading upstairs to interview Mike. 
As soon as he was out of earshot, Harvey's gaze softened ever so slightly as he turned to you. "Are you okay?"
I nodded, grateful for Harvey's intervention. "Thanks, Harvey. I didn't know how to get rid of him.” You left a pause before continuing, “Though he was cute”, it was your attempt to lightened the mood
But it seemed that you failed as you could have sworn that Harvey’s eyes darkened. 
“Don't tell me he is your type?” Harvey glares, trying to play it off as a playful intrigue. Though behind those words were sharp undertones of jealousy. 
Was your type arrogant lawyers? Oh god, you thought to yourself. 
“I mean if we are being honest”, you were already regretting the words coming of of your mouth, “I wouldn’t mind drinks with him, if you know he wasn't-”
“A dirty slimeball”, Harvey interrupted.
“I was going to say married but hey your  words not mine”, You shrugged as you smiled, tilting your head up to look at him. 
Like a switch any sign of a normal human being verison of Harvey goes back to a cold exterior Harvey ", Get back to work. We have a case to win."
Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps shattered the silence. Louis Litt barged into the bullpen, a triumphant expression on his face. "I got it, I got it!" he declared, his voice echoing through the walls.
Harvey shot him a stern look. "What do you mean, Louis?"
Louis beamed, brimming with excitement. "I met with Amir’s brother in law and we have a plan"
"Louis, I don't like that look on your face. Well, actually, I don't like your face, period," Harvey retorted, his patience wearing thin but shot you a mischievous  look as you let out a small laugh. 
Just as Louis was about to unveil his plan, you received a text from Rachel, asking for assistance upstairs. Seizing the opportunity to excuse yourself , you made a quick exit, leaving Harvey to deal with Louis's eager revelation.
As you walked away, you overheard Louis saying, "Can I just tell you my plan?"
You missed Harvey's response that carried a tone of indifference, "Louis, I am a lawyer, not your babysitter. You don't need to run your ideas by me. Just do whatever it takes to win."
"Whatever it takes," Louis echoed, his enthusiasm undeterred as he practically skipped out of the room, eager to set his plan in motion. 
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The next day, as you were on your way to the copy room, Louis Litt beckoned you into his office. The air in the room felt different, an unusual tension hanging in the air. Louis, with a somewhat secretive smile, asked for your help with a deposition. He believed you were the perfect candidate to handle the client interview. He said he will be there to supervise it all. 
Despite the lingering suspicion about Louis's true intentions, you were eager to prove your skills and showcase your capabilities. With determination in your eyes, you took the file full of questions that Louis prepped for you into the conference room, ready to face the challenge. As you were coming round the conference room, Louis excused himself to the bathroom saying he was going to be right back and to start without him.
As you entered the room and set up the camera, you were met with the unexpected sight of Amir Jackson—the person you would be interviewing. Suppressing the internal alarm bells, you maintained a professional demeanor and focused on the task at hand.
"Good morning, Mr. Jackson. My name is Y/N, and I'll be conducting the deposition today. Please make yourself comfortable," you greeted, doing your best to project confidence.
Amir acknowledged you with a nod, “Oh trust me. I remember you.  I can't forget a face like that sweetheart”.
 You couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this deposition than met the eye. As you pressed record on the camera, a pit forming in your stomach as you felt that you were part of a bigger scheme that Louis had formed. But you continued on. 
The questions came to an end and Louis was nowhere in sight. You think you did a good job but you really hoped you would have some help guiding you. You were reaching over to turn off the camera when Amir made his way around the table, invading your personal space as he placed his hand on your thigh.  You felt disgusting, but you gritted your teeth and tried to remove his hand. His grip just got tighter. 
“Mister Jackson, you are married and I am not interested so please let go”, you remained calm. 
"This isn't the first time I've given in to another woman's temptation," Amir whispered, his hand slowly making its way up higher. . The situation escalated, and you attempted to stand up, desperate to distance yourself from his unwarranted advances.
Just as the discomfort reached its peak, Louis Litt stepped into the room, 
 "We got you now, Amir," Louis declared, a self-satisfied smirk on his face.
Louis revealed  that the entire encounter had been captured on camera, since the little red button was still going and Louis left his dictaphone as well. There was enough proof of the man Amir really was
The revelation startled Amir, who looked like he was ready to erupt in anger at being caught.
But a last Amir stammered trying to get his words together. 
“I think you should make some calls”, Louis said, his smile not faltering. 
Amir, now furious, stormed off, leaving you alone in the aftermath of the orchestrated confrontation. 
Anger boiled within you. You were mad at Amir, you wished you had the strength to have slapped him or yelled at him but you froze, your mind was whirling running 100 mph before you can truly comprehend what was going on. Now that it was over you were a teapot full of steam. Ready to blow. The more you thought about it, the more your frustration became directed at  Louis. 
His dramatic reveal. His smirk. This was the plan all along and you were just his puppet. He knew this was going to happen, he wanted this to happen. 
"Why the hell did you put me in that situation?" you snapped, the intensity of your emotions evident.
Louis, unfazed, responded, "It was Harvey's idea. We had to win the case, and trust me this”, he gestured to you and the empty door, “ sealed the deal”
Your anger shifted, now directed at Harvey Specter, the architect of this manipulative plan. The lines between professional strategy and personal boundaries blurred, they have been blurring. But this, this felt like the lines were being drawn all over again, You took a deep breathe as you were left grappling with the aftermath of an uncomfortable encounter.
You stormed  out of the conference room.You were shaken and in desperate need of someone to confide in. As you walked down the hallway your bubbling emotions made every step a struggle. In your mind, the need to talk this out with Rachel outweighed any confrontation you might have had with Harvey.
Focused on reaching Rachel's office, you were determined to leave the unsettling incident behind. However, Mike Ross, perceptive as ever, intercepted your path, concern shown across his face.
"Hey, are you okay? What happened back there?" Mike inquired, his voice laced with genuine worry.
The overwhelming emotions made it difficult for you to articulate your feelings. When Mike reached out to grab your hand, hoping to offer some comfort, a reflexive flinch escaped you. The subtle gesture spoke volumes about the impact of the encounter.
"Don't ask like you don't know," you managed to utter, your tone heavy with frustration and disappointment.
Mike was left dumbfounded, his attempts to provide support met with an unexpected defensive response. As you stopped in your tracks, you turned to face him, meeting the bewilderment in his eyes.
"I was Louis’s bait but if this was Harvey's idea, lord knows you were right there beside him. Batman and freaking Robin," you added, the accusation hanging in the air.
Mike's expression shifted to curiosity as he raced down the hall to Harvey’s office, needing an explanation. What the hell did you do now Harvey, Mike thought to himself. 
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You sought refuge in Rachel's office. Rachel offered a comforting presence. You recounted the events, finding solace in Rachel's understanding.
"I can't believe he used you like that. I'm so angry on your behalf," Rachel said, her support unwavering.
As Rachel provided a comforting presence for you, on the other side of the office, Mike Ross stormed into Harvey's office, his frustration evident. Ready to give Harvey a piece of his mind for giving Louis the idea to use you as bait, Mike's accusatory words were poised on the tip of his tongue.
But Harvey, surprised by the accusation, defended himself. "What are you talking about, Mike? I didn't allow Louis to do anything."
Before Mike could continue, Harvey's tone softened. "How is she, Mike? Is she okay?"
Mike hesitated, admitting, "She's shaken up, Harvey."
Without sparing another second, Harvey stood up, determination etched on his face. "I need to find her."
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The atmosphere in Rachel's office was heavy as you sat there, still visibly shaken from the encounter with Amir Jackson. You found comfort in spinning your bracelet around your wrist.
Rachel, ever the empathetic friend, suggested a visit to the bakery you both loved, a subtle attempt to bring a touch of sweetness to the somber moment. As she left to fetch the cookies, you stayed seated at her desk chair, staring out of the window. 
Harvey stepped in to check on you. The air seemed to crackle with unspoken tension as you looked up, frustration written  across your face. You turned back to the window refusing to look at him. 
You couldn't hold back the surge of emotions that spilled out. "Fuck you"
You were always so poised, always so put together, Harvey couldnt and wouldnt lie that hearing your curse did something to him. But he scratched that out of his mind, returning to the matter at hand. 
Still taken aback by the force of your words,  he raised his hands defensively. "I had nothing to do with what Louis did. I wouldn't put you in that position."
But you weren't convinced. "Your motto is 'do whatever it takes to win,' right? I was just a pawn in your grand scheme of things. Last week, after the panic attack, I thought we were okay. I thought we were on good terms, but now I don't know what to believe."
Harvey's expression hardened as he tried to find the right words to reassure you. "You weren't a pawn, Y/N. I didn't know about Louis's plan, and I would never intentionally put you in a situation like that."
You scoffed, frustration and hurt evident in your voice. "Your actions speak louder than words, Harvey. I'm tired of being caught in the crossfire of your 'win at all costs' mentality.” 
Harvey, his usual composed demeanor faltering, tried to find the right words to reassure you. The weight of your accusations, was challenging the fragile trust that had started to rebuild between both of you. 
You continued to stare out of the window, refusing to meet Harvey's gaze. He could feel the tension escalating, and he knew he had to address the storm of emotions swirling within you.
"Look at me," Harvey said firmly, his voice cutting through the charged atmosphere.
You clenched your jaw, still refusing to comply. Unfazed, Harvey moved closer and he bent down  a little so he would be eye level with you and with a gentle touch, guided your head to face him. His touch ignited the fuel of your emotions, whether it be rage or something else entirely. There was a fire burning within you. 
"I don't like to repeat myself," Harvey stated, his eyes locking onto yours.
You met his gaze, still angry, a tempest of emotions brewing within you. He could see the fire in your eyes and sensed the need for an outlet. "Yell at me," he urged, guiding you to stand up.
You were now facing Harvey, an arm's length between both of you. You took this oppurtunity, you took a deep breath as you let it all out. 
"You are insufferably arrogant and stubborn. You're like a shark in a corporate sea, ruthless and cold-hearted. You wield your charisma like a weapon, and everyone else is just a pawn in your game. You  bend the rules until they are ALMOST at a breaking point", you go off on a mini rant. 
Harvey, with a measured tone, responded, "I don't disagree. The fact that I haven't interrupted you should tell you I take pride in who I am. But one thing you didn’t say and one thing I would never do is hurt the people I care about. Maybe I would occasionally push Mike in front of a slow-moving car, but that's as far as I'd go." 
You stifle a small laugh, trying not to give Harvey any satisfaction. But you nodded at him showing that you believed him.
His hand rested on your shoulder as his eyes looked at you with concern. "How are you?" he emphasized.
You shrugged, voicing your discomfort. "I feel kinda disgusting right now."
Harvey's jaw tightened as anger flared in his eyes. "I'm gonna kill Louis," he declared, ready to retaliate.
As he turned to leave you grabbed his arm. "Don't hurt him," you pleaded, your voice holding a mix of anger and compassion. Despite the hurt you felt, you couldn't bear the thought of Louis facing physical harm.
Harvey paused, looking down at your hand on his arm. "I can't promise that I won't give him a piece of my mind, but I won't hurt him physically."
You nodded, acknowledging the compromise.
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The celebratory feeling filled the air in Jessica's office as Harvey stormed in, anger etched across his face. Louis and Jessica stood there, clinking glasses in celebration of what they believed was a triumph in the Amir Jackson case.
"Join us, Harvey! Louis found a way for us to win this case. It's finally over" Jessica exclaimed, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing within Harvey.
Harvey's eyes narrowed as he observed Louis making himself small under the intensity of his gaze. Unable to contain his fury any longer, Harvey erupted, "Louis, you pretentious fucker! How dare you do that to her?"
Jessica, puzzled, looked between Harvey and Louis. "Harvey, what happened? Why are you so angry?"
Ignoring Jessica's inquiry, Harvey continued his tirade, directing his fury solely at Louis. "You used Y/N. You put her in a bad situation with Amir. That's a new low, even for you."
Jessica's confusion shifted to anger as she slammed her glass down. "What?"
Louis, feeling the heat of Harvey's wrath, defended himself, "You said to do whatever it takes to win."
" One, you know how I feel about cheating. And two, you know what yeah this is my fault. For half a second there, I thought you would be a lawyer, not try to pimp out my associate," Harvey placing particular emphasis on the word "my."
“Here's the deal," Louis began to explain his plan. "Amir's brother-in-law allowed him to join his firm under one condition: he behaves and doesn't cheat on his sister. Now, Amir signed his contract promising to behave because Amir’s brother in law has a list of evidence that could easily get him disbarred, but his brother-in-law promised not to expose him as long as he kept his promise."
Louis sighed as he continued, "Y/n was the bait, Harvey. She is one of the more attractive associates that Amir couldn't resist. So I  let the pawns fall where they should fall and we got it all on camera. Amir's brother in law is going to the association to get him disbarred as we speak. "
Jessica chimed in, "Louis, why couldn’t you let it so Y/N in on the plan.”
Louis nodded, ‘’ I didn't think it would be a big deal”
The room collectively groaned. 
"The only reason you don't have a broken nose right now is because she asked me not to hurt you...physically," Harvey declared, his rage simmering beneath the surface.
Jessica, ever the professional, butted in, “Harvey the case with Amir is over now, let me handle Louis” giving Louis a dirty glare before opening the door to her office moving Harvey out the door, “Tell everyone to go home for the night”. 
Harvey followed suit, leaving Louis to face the wrath of Jessica. As he closed the door he could hear Jesscia yell, “What were you thinking”
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Harvey's footsteps echoed through the hallway as he made his way to Rachel's office, seeking you out. Upon entering, he found you surrounded by Mike and Rachel, laughing at something as Mike shoved his face with cookies. The look on your face seemed lighter, you appeared more at ease.
Harvey addressed everyone in the room, "Alright, pack it up. Time to go home."
As he spoke, ​​his eyes lingered on you, and he added pointedly, "Especially you. Y/N.  No arguments this time, I am taking you home."
Your colleagues exchanged knowing glances, and Rachel and Mike gathered their things to leave. Harvey's directive made it clear that there was no room for negotiation this time; he was taking you home.
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The plush interior of Harvey's car surrounded you, and you couldn't help but feel a bit out of place in the luxurious vehicle. Harvey, however, seemed at ease as he turned to you and casually asked, "Put your location in the GPS."
You entered your apartment complex as the destination. The ride continued in relative quiet,
You were now three blocks away from your apartment complex, when Harvey abruptly took a sharp left. Confused, you turned to him with a puzzled expression, questioning his unexpected turn.
"Harvey, where the hell are you going?" you asked.
He glanced at you, a twinkle  in his eyes, and replied, "We both deserve to have some fun tonight."
You saw him pulling up to a bar, one that seemed too classy for you. You were too undressed for this. The doubt clouded your mind. 
Your eyebrows furrowed, and you couldn't help but ask, "A bar, Harvey, really?"
He looked over at you, the corner of his lips quirked up. "What do you say?" He was parked but hadn't turned off the engine, giving you an out.
You looked over at him and he had that stupid, handsome smug smirk on his.
Not wanting the "what ifs" to take over, you met his gaze and said, "I'm in."
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arminsumi · 1 year
░ 🕊️ Eren ░ 🐬 Armin ░ 🌹 Levi
Making 'em daddies for father's day!🥰
⚠️Cws; SMUT
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⚠️💦General smut cws; unprotected sex (creampie), daddy + breeding kink, dirty talk
░ 🕊️ EREN
⚠️💦Smut cws; 'pretty girl' and 'bitch', dom!Eren, dirty talk, light dacryphilia, 🐶position
"God damn, say that again f'me, pretty girl. You want my baby?" Eren slows his thrusts and smirks down at you. You nod in reply, fat tears spilling down your cheeks from how good he's been fucking you. "Shit, kinky bitch – wanna make me a daddy?" he chuckles, picking up his pace. Eren knows how to make your head spin, and how to wear the spring of the mattress down; he doesn't let up until he's cum enough times to be sure that you're getting knocked up. "There we go, pretty girl, take it." he groans, filling you up again. His creampies are so sloppy, you can feel them running down between your shaking thighs.
⚠️💦Smut cws; 'angel', lowkey size kink, mating position
"Wh-what?" he moans, stilling inside you all the way. His big dumb cock is so big but he's oblivious to the pressure it exerts on your gummy walls until you paw at his abdomen. "Y-you wanna have my child?" he gulps, waiting for your answer with bated breath. You whimper and nod. "Fucking hell. Okay, angel, I'll g-give you a child." he nearly whimpers himself. He pushes your legs far back, as far as they can go, and hits deep strokes until he creams all up inside you. It's so thick and creamy that it doesn't even spill out.
⚠️💦Smut cws; neck holding, 🐶position
Levi's so absorbed in the feeling of your pussy that your plea almost goes unnoticed. "Huh?" he furrows his brows at you, ceasing all movement. "Don't be stupid, I can't get you knocked up." he replies. You've really got to work for him to cooperate. He grits his teeth and winces at the feeling of your pussy clenching around him; he can't deny that he's tempted to just unload right there inside you. You begged and begged, so he pulled you flush against his torso by the neck. Seeing the erotic bliss on your face made him give in. "God damn, alright, just this once..." Levi says. He lets out a long, erotic groan and shoots hot ropes of cum inside you. His creampie spills right out since it was so shallow. You can bet he got hooked on creampies after that, and soon he was the one begging to put a baby inside you.
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voidvannie · 7 days
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⋆✩⋆ ─── 🎶 long drives, blue skies, straight to the horizon. dancing in the rain, even through all the lightening! 🎶 - Always Been You, Michael Sanzone
⋆✩⋆ ─── pairing : luke hughes x charlotte lazar
⋆✩⋆ ─── always been you masterlist main masterlist
⋆✩⋆ ─── in which . . . charlotte post about her life at nyu.
⋆✩⋆ ─── feel free to send in any request for things you want to see in this series, or in any of the other series on my page. Or if you just want to share some thoughts about what you read, or if you want to talk about oc's!
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charlie_lazar has posted .ᐟ
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liked by _quinnhughes, bboeser, collegefriend
charlie_lazar life as a college girl pt. 1
tagged collegefriend, collegefriend2, collegefriend3, collegefriend4
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bensonboone collegeeeeeeeeee girllllllllllll ↳ charlie_lazar singerrrrrrrrrr boyyyyyyy
_quinnhughes i didn't play uno in college @/charlie_lazar ↳ charlie_lazar that's cuz you aren't as cool as we are, quinner! @/_quinnhughes
jackhughes skip college and become my personal assistant. ↳ charlie_lazar yeah, i'll pass on that one for $400, jospeh.
collegefriend study date in the park again wednesday?
kouvr come back to la! i'll sugar momma you and you won't need to go to college anymore! ↳ charlie_lazar is that a promise? ↳ kouvr scout's honor! ↳ alexwaarren no she will not! @/charlie_lazar she's mine!
charlie_lazar has posted .ᐟ
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liked by lilmabu, collegefriend, curtislazar95, lhughes_06
charlie_lazar life as a college girl pt. 2
ft. the dormroom rapper you can't take anywhere!
tagged lilmabu
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username i didn't have lil mabu and charlie lazar being together on my 2023 bingo card.....
username lil mabu?!?! what are you doing in her instagram post? ↳ lilmabu living my best life!
jackhughes doesn't look like much studying gets done when your away at college, young lady!
lilmabu the fuck you mean can't take me anywhere?! you the one that took that duck from the pond! ↳ charlie_lazar shhhh, my brother follows me on here!
curtislazar95 please, whatever you do, do not get kicked out of college. i don't have the heart to tell mom.
collegefriend can't believe we had @/lilmabu in my dorm
username can't wait to see what the hockey gossip blogs are gonna say about these last few post. ↳ charlie_lazar me and you both!
lhughes_06 why am i almost cropped out of that picture?! ↳ charlie_lazar opps, my bad! @/lhughes_06
charlie_lazar has posted .ᐟ
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liked by lhughes_06, danielseavey, corbynbesson
charlie_lazar life as a college girl pt. 3
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username he's been on a lot of her post lately, wonder if they're dating? ↳ lilmabu . . . i think i just threw up🤮 she's my sister. ↳ charlie_lazar why would you accuse me of something like this?!
username now who do they know each other?! ↳ username charlie is taking film and photography at nyu, they met when he asked if she take pics at a concert he did in new york.
danielseavey answer my messagessss ↳ charlie_lazar sir, yes, sir!
lhughes_06 can you be my personal photographer? ↳ charlie_lazar what do you give me if i do? @/lhughes_96 ↳ lhughes_06 you've watched the summer i turned pretty way too much.
curtizlazar95 please, stop flirting with my teammates🙄 ↳ charlie_lazar i don't feel like it.
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keiskake · 2 years
i'll see you tuesday (chapter five - hawks)
takami keigo x quirkless f!reader (au chilhood friends // characters are aged up 21+)
warnings ~  swearing, pet names, mentions of abuse + trauma, spoilers about hawks’ backstory from the anime
wordcount ~ 2.190k
summary ~ you and takami keigo grew up together in a shitty hut with terrible parents. he disappeared one day when you were 6, but he never left your mind. the heavens entwine your destinies together, but it’s not a smooth journey you soon figure out.
a/n ~ unfortunately i've been shadow banned for about a week now. i'm currently waiting for my ticket to be reviewed, but until then i will continue to write on this account. though it is a little demotivating i will keep doing what i enjoy, and hopefully release things you guys will find enjoyable to read. thank you for reading, reblogs + likes are always appreciated. <3
˗ˏˋ꒰  previous   ꒱˗ˏˋ꒰  next   ꒱
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and there he was, right in front of you. raw in the fucking flesh.
he landed on the balcony and stood across from you with a small smile, hands in his pockets. tears slowly trickled down your soft cheeks and a cry escaped your lips, falling down onto your knees and your phone clenched tightly to your chest. all the disappointment and hurt had been bottled up, the lid finally busted open. the pain, the sorrow, the fear. it was free. you were free. the lacquered chains of despair had been shattered, releasing you from its torment.
he scooped you up in his arms and carried you inside the house, closing the balcony door with his foot. you held onto the opening of his yellow jacket, rubbing your cheek on the fluffy sides and taking his scent in. he was almost like a shield, keeping you safe from all the worries from before. he was so warm, so safe.
he sat you down on the couch with a reassuring smile, taking off his jacket and hanging it on one of the kitchen chairs. his eyewear was removed soon after and been left on the dinner table. he kneeled down in front of you, placing his hand on yours and his eyes holding a comforting gaze. the weariness you felt before seemed to drown out of you, pulling hawks closer to you and grabbing both his arms. he was on the floor, bent down and wedged in between your thighs. his arms easily wrapped around your waist tucking you closer to him, and your arms made its way draped around his neck.
you felt so warm and fuzzy, you felt safe and protected. it felt like home again. he looked up and gave you a little nudge to let him go. you hesitated, but eventually moved your arms away from his neck, allowing him to reposition himself next to you on the couch. he sat right beside you and pulled you into his embrace once again, his hand rubbing your back. it calmed you down, your breath steadying after a few more minutes. he finally broke the silence, “baby bird, hey i’m here alright? what’s going on, i’m all ears.”
your head dug its way out of his chest and met his eyes. they were soft. his softness didn’t just come from his eyes but his words, his chest, his wings. though you were unsure about telling him, scared he would judge you or tease you. your mind was on the fence, hawks was a tease for sure but he was always some what kind to you. looking at him once again made you see that his eyes were clear of judgment, filled with worry if anything. so maybe it was okay.
“w-why didn’t you answer me? or call? or text? or anything?”
he was taken aback by the sudden rush of questions you hurled at him, and with it a lingering hint of frustration and sadness. his hug loosened and his arms dropped to his side, your teary face staring right at him. his small smile was no more. his eyebrows furrowed and his lips straightened, his golden eyes darkening a little. did you say something wrong? you didn’t mean to strike a nerve, it was the last thing you wanted to do.
he cupped your face with his hands, “i’m sorry. i complained about you not calling me for a few hours but you wait for a week without a fuss. there’s no excuse is there?”
“were you busy hawks?”
“i was, but regardless if you like someone enough you’ll make time for them, and i couldn’t even do that for you.”
there was shame in his eyes. shame in his words. shame was hanging over his head. you understood that his intentions were not unkind or malicious in anyway. he never meant to hurt you, nor did he possibly think the outcome could be so emotional. you were relived to know he didn’t mean any harm but saddened to see the light in his eyes fade away. it was simply just human error.
you smiled at him, nuzzling your cheek against his hands. the clouds in your eyes started to disappear, your heart seemingly becoming lighter too. mistakes and misunderstandings don’t always mean someone is unkind. the outcome may not always be so grim and dull, but maybe bright and meaningful. if you wait long enough, there’s always hope at the end of despair. that was the mindset you wanted to keep.
“it was just a misunderstanding hawks, it’s okay i promise”
“...you forgive me just like that? a slap on the wrist?”
“well yeah i guess, what did you want me to do?”
“i wanted you to hit me. it’s what i’m used to when i make a mistake after all.”
you weren’t exactly fazed at what he said, but shocked that he said it. you knew the feeling all too well, being afraid to make mistakes and knowing the punishment that waited for you at the end of the tunnel. you and kei were always destined to meet the ends of those tunnels. you grew up later understanding that it was never right, that mistakes didn’t always mean punishment in the outside world. it was just normal inside the cage you and kei were trapped in.
the idea that hawks had experienced what you had once gone through stung a little. nobody should have to go through such pain and suffering. not him, not you, not anyone. you jumped on him, pushing him down on the couch. you hugged him tightly and plunged your face in his chest. you wanted to comfort him, the same way he did for you. your eyes didn't have the soft look hawks did and your voice didn’t sooth people’s worries, but your physical affection was more than enough in that moment for hawks to feel at ease.
his face was shocked, surprised, unsure. it happened all so suddenly without any warning or build up. but he placed his one hand on your head and another on your back, rubbing it up and down again. the warmth didn’t just come from hawks, but it was from the two of you. you didn’t need a fluffy cloud bed to make you feel cosy, you just needed him. and he needed you.
“m’not gonna do that hawks. it won’t do anything to change what happened, besides this was just a tad bit dramatic.”
“a tad bit, baby bird?” he chuckles, trying to cover it up with his hand.
“hey! i couldn’t help it, the embarrassment was killing me.”
“embarrassment of what? you mean the drunk call-”
“don’t. say. another. word.” you put your finger over his mouth, and a blush appearing quickly after that.
“it wasn’t all that bad sweetheart, but your wish is my command.”
“missed you hawks, i thought you never wanted to talk to me again..”
“i’m sorry, i really am." his eyes avoided you, his head tilted a little left.
you lifted yourself off of hawks chest, stretching your arms and letting out a sigh. you were glad that you didn't need to think about the drunk call ever again. you stood up, hawks still laying on the couch looking away from you. you assumed that there were things going on inside his head he didn’t want to share with you, and you weren’t going to press him to share. but you didn’t want to end the night off on a bad note. you wanted to take care of him, like he did for you earlier. you moved towards the kitchen and hawks sat up following you.
“are you hungry number two hero?”
“starving sweetheart“
“in the mood for some fried chicken wings?”
hawks beamed at the sound of ‘fried chicken wings’, you didn’t even need an answer from him to know whether he approved or not. you took them out of the fridge, preparing oil, batter and sauce. whilst you cooked, hawks stood behind you, wrapping his arms round your waist and resting his chin on your head. it felt so nice to have company, and company that you enjoyed nonetheless.
you ordered hawks to set the table if he wanted to eat, so he did that but not without whining and complaining that he was comfortable in his position prior. you set down a basket of fried chicken wings and an assortment of sauces. it wasn’t anything fancy, but it was delicious. but what made it so delicious was the conversation, the company, the excitement that filled the air. all of it put together just made the meal that much better. this is how every meal should be eaten. 
it made you want the heart warming feeling to stay forever, the feeling of not being alone and being next to someone you loved. it was so precious. nothing could replace it.
once the meal was finished, the both of you cleared the table and divided the workload of dishes. hawks cleaned the dishes and you dried the dishes. normally chores were mundane to you, essential but mundane. but tonight it felt different. you wanted to keep doing chores with hawks. you wanted to spend a little more time with hawks. you wanted to get to know him, learn about him, become someone he could trust. not to mention you wanted to be able to trust him too.
“what’s your name baby bird?”
“huh?” you stopped humming and turned around to face him with a shocked expression.
“we’re eating and doing dishes together yet i still don’t know your name. or better yet you haven’t told me your name.”
“my name is y/n, what’s your mr number two?”
“it’s hawks of course.” he smirked at you, still washing the plates and bowls.
“i severely doubt that, but hawks is fine with me.”
hawks turned the tap off and you dried the last few plates off before hanging the towel up. you tried to leave the kitchen but a big bird hovered over you, his hand holding yours. he just stared at you. it was like his eyes could speak, telling you to just stay with him like this a little longer. butterflies filled your stomach and your hands was unsteady. his intense gaze made you nervous, shy, red.
“w-what is it hawks?” you mumbled, trying to conceal your pink cheeks.
“you just look so cute y/n. you look like a girlfriend, my girlfriend.”
how could he say that with such a straight fucking face?! you were completely red like a tomato, your mouth was wide opened with no words to respond to him. “w-why did you say that? don’t tease me hawks!”
“i’m not teasing y/n i’m being serious, well half serious right now. maybe in a few months i’ll be completely serious.”
you looked away from him but your grip on his hand tightened, “sure...i’ll wait till your serious.”
he pulled you into a warm and hard embrace. one hand held the back of your head and the other was placed on your hip. you relaxed your body and snuggled yourself comfortably in his chest. he left kisses on your head whilst he played with your hair, and with every kiss came a ‘thank you y/n’. he really was just a gentle thing, being a bastard was just a mask to cover up his kindness. you didn’t know how many other people knew of hawks’ soft side, but being one of them made you feel so lucky and so trusted.
“it’s late baby bird, i should get going.”he pressed another kiss, but this time on your temple. pulling away reluctantly, he picked his stuff from the table and put them on.
you suddenly grabbed onto the back of his jacket, “you’ll come back right? or at least talk to me over the phone? please?”
“don’t worry y/n, i won’t make you wait this time i promise.”
“okay hawks, then i look forward to the next time we talk.” you let go of his jacket and took a step back.
“next tuesday lets go on a date, i’ll have my sidekicks and intern handle my afternoon patrols.” he faced you with a smile.
“then, i’ll see you next tuesday hawks!”
“i’ll take care of everything, so just relax sweetheart and wear that pretty hairclip for me okay?. goodnight y/n, thanks for the meal.”
“goodnight hawks, text me when you get home so i know you’re safe!”
he looked away and chuckled, his cheeks having a little taint of pink running across it. he opened the balcony door and stepped on the platform, his wings spreading out, ready for take off. hawks turned back to face you one last time and waved a goodbye at you, you waved back cheerfully. the tension that was there at the beginning of the night had long gone. it was filled with light, cheerful gleaming light. he flew off, heading home. your heart throbbed a little, he was gone. but you knew he’d keep his promise this time round, he’d do a better job than last time. besides, he was like light. and you trusted that light.
until tuesday, hawks.
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itzkingbo · 2 months
-ˏˋ⋆ no rain, no flowers ⋆ˊˎ-
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: ̗̀➛ bnha/mha fanfiction
: ̗̀➛ akari has spent seven years of her life, and more, alone. her quirk was feared by her family, causing them to neglect her and never teach her how to properly control it. so, for most of her life she lived by herself, never having real friends or lovers. what happens when she meets someone who tries to show her that emotions aren't always bad? what will she do when someone uses her for her quirk?
[warnings: mentions of abuse, trauma, burning, violence. Cursing and swearing. If these things trigger you please do not interact!]
[Word Count: 908]
[previous chapter: .01 - childhood]
chapter .02 - annoyance
The red-haired girl tilted her head to the side. "We? You're alone." Akari pointed out, her voice monotone. The man chuckled as he stepped forward. "Very observant." "Man, you're dumb." His voice fluctuated in pitch with either sentence. "I'm going now." The girl stated, turning on her heels to leave the alley. Once again she didn't get far. A hand came to rest on her shoulder and she looked over, seeing the same man. "Hear me out, would ya?" He said.
Akari sighed heavily and turned to face him. "Listen. Whatever you want, I'm not interested. I just want to go home and put away my groceries, alright." She said as she stepped away from him.
Apparently, no was not an answer for this guy. He followed her out of the alley, down the sidewalk, into her building, and through the front door of her apartment. Once inside, Akari ignored his presence and began putting away her groceries.
"So, what's your deal anyway? Who even are you?" She asked from where she stood, up on her tiptoes as she shoved instant ramen packets into her cupboard. The man behind her remained silent for a moment. "You've heard of the League Of Villains? Right?" This caused Akari to stop and turn around with a raised brow. "Of course I have. Anyone who hasn't is living under a rock. They attacked the USJ, the U.A. Training Camp.. probably some other things too."
Her arms crossed over her chest as she studied this masked man. "That's us. I'm Twice. Honestly, I was out scouting for recruits when I ran into you and those thieves." His response piqued her curiosity as he continued. "What exactly is your quirk?" Akari shrugged, slouching slightly. "Paralysis. It's only temporary." She said, waving her hand around. "Well, the boss would love to meet you, if you're interested." Twice stepped forward slightly as he observed her body language. It was nearly impossible to read her, to understand her. "Sure." The simplicity of her words scared him a bit. She hadn't even hesitated, didn't think about it.
"Alright. Well, do you have a phone? I'll give you my number and we can set up a meeting time." He reached into his pockets and pulled his phone out when she nodded her head. Akari took it, punched her number in, and saved her contact as 'Akari' before handing it back. With that, Twice left her apartment. He couldn't help but wonder about her as he walked down the halls and out of the building. Why didn't she think about the proposal? It was as if she held no emotion, which was strange to him.
Once he was gone, Akari felt relieved. She spent the rest of the day watching TV, but her mind would constantly wander to Twice's proposal. Truthfully, she didn’t care much for either side of life. Heroes felt overrated to her, constantly trying to do good to please their fans and earn this week's check. On the other hand, most villains didn’t try hard enough or tried too much. Regardless, by 8 pm she reached over and grabbed her phone off the coffee table. There was already a message from him waiting on her screen, begging for a reply.
She opened the chat and stared down at it for a few moments before shrugging her shoulders and sending him a message.
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Akari looked up from her phone with pinched eyebrows. “A few seconds..?” Her thoughts were then interrupted by someone calling her name from behind her. “Akari Mayako.” The voice almost sounded echoey. She turned her head, spotting what could only be described as a black hole with eyes. The girl remained frozen for a moment until she shrugged it off and stood up. “You’re that warp guy. Alright.” She said as she stepped forward toward the warp gate. 
As her first foot stepped through and landed on the other side, Akari felt a chill run up her spine. Once she was fully out of the warp gate, she blinked a few times to adjust to her surroundings. A large warehouse with crates and boxes scattered about stood before her. Multiple people stared at her as she looked at them.
“This is who you found, Twice? She looks. Bland.” This voice was hoarse and gruff.
“She may not look it, but she’s powerful.” “Yeah, she’s boring.” Familiar voices, that’s Twice.
“Well, say something. It’s rude to ignore us.” That gruff voice spoke again, and Akari looked over at him. His appearance was unsettling, to say the least. It made Akari wince slightly as he stepped closer. “I don’t really care what you think of me. Twice said you could use someone like me, so I'm here.” Her monotone voice echoed throughout the warehouse, causing the man to stop. “Then show us what you can do.” He said. Akari sighed and ran a bandaged hand over her face. “Okay, fine. I need a volunteer then.”
“Oh! Pick me!” A rather cheerful voice called out. A girl with blonde hair and a school uniform skipped towards Akari. The redhead began unwrapping her right hand and then shoved the gauze into her pocket. She then reached her hand out as the other girl invaded her space, placing it on her face and paralyzing her.
“That certainly is interesting. What’s your name?”
“Akari. I assume you’re the boss, Shigaraki?”
“That’s me. Release Toga and let’s talk.”
chapter .03 coming soon
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charlescoded · 1 year
“is now a bad time to tell you i’m claustrophobic?” for my claustrophobic ass? 😂 any pairing you want (side eyeing charles/jason for example 👀)
!!! ellie my beloved!!!!! you tempted me to write jason, how can i ever resist that~? can't believe it got this long tho, it took me like 3 hours to write 😅
FORCED PROXIMITY PROMPTS ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🐚 ꒱ -- found here!
“Aha!” Charles quietly celebrates, barely able to slip through the closing doors of the elevator. The rickety old thing would take forever to return to the bottom floor if he'd missed it, so, like he's been a lot lately, he'd made a mad dash to the doors when he saw someone step inside.
He gives himself a moment to catch his breath, flushing slightly when he sees someone looking at him. "Désolé," Charles mutters, and behind the book the guy is holding, he can see his lips quirk up in amusement.
"You're fine." He dismisses, his French slightly accented. Charles briefly wonders if he's from up north.
The elevator creaks as it starts moving and Charles rests his back against the wall, turning his attention to his phone. He barely gets the time to reply to some messages congratulating him on his pole position before the elevator comes to a sudden halt.
Charles frowns when the doors remain closed.
"Are we stuck?" He asks, not really expecting an answer.
"...Might be, try some buttons?"
He moves to the panel and presses the open button. Then the button of the current floor. Then, when nothing seems to work, on the phone. A voice springs up, and to Charles relief, informs them that they're already working on the issue.
"Half an hour of waiting isn't too bad." He says once the call ends, turning back around.
The guy lets out a humourless laugh. "...Is now a bad time to tell you I’m claustrophobic?"
Charles finally looks more closely at the guy. Black hair with a white streak right at the front, sunglasses, a leather jacket, but... his skin looks unnaturally--almost sickly so--pale. Shit. That's not good.
"Uhm," He wrecks his brain trying to figure out what to do. "Distractions help, right?"
The guy smiles, uneven, and shrugs his shoulders. "I'll be fine." Charles isn't entirely sure if that's a lie or not, but he watches as he takes off his sunglasses first, and then his jacket. Charles would consider him quite handsome with his strong cheekbones and startling blue eyes if he didn't look so uncomfortable. Underneath his leather jacket, he's wearing a red sweater with a collared shirt, a stark contrast to the bad boy look he had earlier.
When he sits down, Charles joins him against the back wall. "What's your name?"
"Jason," The guy--Jason--looks at him, but Charles doesn't see any recognition. "Yours?"
"Charles," And to keep the conversation going: "What brings you to Monaco?"
Jason snorts. "What brings most people here? It's a beautiful city." For whatever reason, he sounds sardonic, like he's telling the truth, but there's something more to do it.
"Around this time of the year, most people come for the grand prix."
"To watch you race, yeah, I get that," Charles blinks in surprise. And here he thought Jason didn't know who he was. "Your face is plastered all over the city, it's kinda hard to miss." Jason adds when he sees Charles' questioning look.
"Oh, yes, of course, that makes sense." He rubs the back of his neck. "Do you watch, then?"
Jason shakes his head. "Haven't had the time in years. Alonso was still with Ferrari. I did get to see him take a podium in COTA, back then."
Charles grins at him. "Does that mean you're a Alonso fan, or a Ferrari fan?"
He rolls his eyes, but there's a small smile on his lips anyway. "It was both. Ferrari has always been the team to root for where I grew up," He explains, before switching to Italian, "Forza Ferrari, and all that."
"Your accent is really good," He replies, also in Italian.
"Thanks," Jason smiled a bit bemused. "How about my French accent?"
Charles opens his mouth to reply before shutting it again. What is that supposed to mean? "It is good, also..?"
Jason's eyes light up as he grins. "You thought I was French?"
He curses himself. "Your French is very good! How am I supposed to know?"
"I'm American," He says, in English this time. And when Charles' eyes widen in horror, Jason's grin widens further, delighted, teasing, "Oh that's cute, so you thought I was Italian after that."
Charles groans and rubs his hands over his red face. "I did not realise, okay? Your accent is very believable..."
At least, Charles thinks to himself rather sourly, at least the distraction is working.
"Pretty funny, though," He points out, and then laughs when Charles makes a face at him. "C'mon, it's not that bad. You could have--," The elevator jumps once, and Jason flinches harshly, grabbing hold of Charles' arm without warning.
Before Charles has the time to say anything, Jason lets go off him, the colour that had been returning to his face draining away again. "Sorry," He mumbles, voice slightly shaky.
"Hey, it's fine," He shifts closer until their shoulders are touching. "We're going to okay, you know this, right?"
Jason leans his head back against the wall. "Yeah, I know... Still don't like it, though. But," He clears his throat. "I'm glad I'm not alone."
Charles gives him a weak smile. "Will you be fine, once we're out?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I'll just need a moment. Drink something--Eat something too, that's even more important."
"Are you staying nearby?" He doesn't have anything food-related with him, but once the doors open, he can get something from his apartment if he needs to.
Jason nods slowly. "I'm staying in an apartment here, 8th floor. I'll grab a small snack and then cook a late dinner."
At the reminder that he hasn't eaten dinner either, Charles' stomach grumbles, and he lets out a soft groan of embarrassment. "Yeah, I should do that too."
The elevator creaks again, and this time, Charles offers his arm for Jason to grab hold off. The sound keeps going for a little bit, and then finally, finally, the elevator starts moving again.
"Oh thank fuck," Jason breathing out, and Charles lets out a startled laugh in response. The relief was palpable.
He gets up and offers his hand, which Jason takes, and he helps him up as well. Jason gives him a grateful smile in return.
When the doors open on their floor, Jason says something under his breath that sounds suspiciously similar to 'at least it's not as dramatic as bursting open a coffin' and they get out.
"Didn't take as long as they said," He comments, when he looks at the time on his phone.
"Thank the heavens for that." Jason grins at him, and he's still looking a bit pale, and now a bit tired as well, but it's better, much better than before. "Hey, how can I thank you?"
Charles blinks. "Thank me? I was just trying to help."
"How about I cook for both of us?" He offers.
"Oh, really, you don't have to do anything for me." Charles gives him a smile, not entirely sure why he'd want to.
Jason looks at him, his blue eyes scrutinising. "Well, I know that, but I'd really like to thank you for helping me, Charles, to show you my appreciation. That, and I'm a pretty good cook."
And oh. Is he flirting with Charles? He's not entirely sure, but he can't exactly say no to good food either.
"I'll be the judge of that," He says cheekily. "But fine, if you give me the time to go home and shower, I will come over after."
"Fine with me," Jason agrees easily. "I'm staying in 816, so I'll see you in a bit."
Charles smiles in return. "See you soon."
Huh. Maybe that rickety old elevator isn't so bad after all.
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evereinefaust · 1 year
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Kurapika Kurta X afab!Reader
Sypnosis: MC decided to invite the gang to visit her hometown. During the trip, they discovered MC's secrets and background.
Word Count: 2,669
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"Guys! I have something to tell you!" You announced as you came down from your room. "Hm? What is it?" Killua asked as he munched on his chocolate. "I would like to invite you to visit my hometown," You said with sparkling eyes. You sat next to Gon on the couch. "Sure, that would be great!" Gon beamed as he nodded to you. You smiled. "How about the rest of you?" You asked as you looked to Killua who was still busy munching on his chocolate, then to Leorio who was reading on the couch, and then to Kurapika who was reading too. "I would love to," Kurapika said as he closed his book and then looked at you, you felt your cheeks heat up at his eyes contact with yours. "I guess that it won't be bad, after all, we've been to Killua's home. I would like to see what this female assassin will show us" Leorio stated as he also closed his book. "Tsk! Mine wasn't that much fancy compared to Killua's!" You shouted at him as a tick mark appeared on your forehead.
The gang already knew that you were an assassin too. It happened during the search for the Phantom Troupe, Machi, and the other members successfully took hostage the three of you. Then they threatened to kill you if you don't tell them the truth. They already know that you are part of the [Surname] family, and because you have no power to fight back, you don't have a choice but to tell them. You told the troupe that you were truly an assassin, and this was heard by Killua. Killua confronted you after your escape from the troupe and then demanded to them all about you. You can't argue with that, then decided that you would them the truth. You were the same as Killua, the heir of the family, although you were different from him. 
You were raised by your grandfather who taught you nen when you were still young. But because you failed to be the heiress and lacked power. The title was sent to your younger brother, who resembles Killua. Your family died in an accident and the only one who survived is you. The riches remained in your hometown and the grave of your family members was there. It was believed that they were killed by the puppet master, Omokage. You wanted revenge, you knew that he was once part of the troupe and you swore to yourself that you would bring the troupe down.
You shrugged then took one chocolate from Killua. "You can take much as you want, Flower Freak" He stated coolly, but then you smacked his head and his chocolate fell down. "You dare call me that again or I'll torture you..." You threatened as he gulped. Everyone knew that you have a kind heart, but whenever you're angry, you don't hesitate to torture that person, even killing him. And everybody knew that that's why they don't anger you, except for Killua. He's kinda hardheaded. But you can't blame him, he's gone to torture after all. You just threatened him, that's all you can do to him.
"I-I won't say it again..." He said as he stopped eating his chocolate. "Good, let's get going" You smiled at them. "Now?" Killua asked. "Yes. Now" You commanded as you smiled an evil smile. Everyone gulped. You got out your phone then dialed your loyal servant, Tatiana, then waited for her to pick up the telephone. She answered a small "Yes, my lady?". You smiled and then told her to order five tickets for your departure to your hometown. She responded with a little "Yes, understood" and then you hung up.
"Who's that?" Gon asked as everyone looked at you. "One of my servants, you guys should get ready. We need to go within thirty minutes or we will be late for our departure" You replied to Gon's question then commanded them to get ready. After five minutes, they came back with their things. You smiled as you and the others traveled to the port. It only costs you guys for only fifteen minutes to get there. As you arrived, you went inside the blimp followed by the others. You sat between Kurapika and Killua and Leorio and Gon were in front of the three of you.
You and the others talked until the blimp was about to depart. "Say [Name], what does your place look like? Is it huge like Killua's?" Gon asked, earning your attention. "Hm? Well... Since Killua and his family own a mountain, my family owned a whole island" You replied. "Ehhh?!" Everyone was shocked as their eyes widened. "I thought that Flower Freak only own a small place. I was shocked, she beats my family" Killua said while he crossed his arms and then closed his eyes. You smack his head as a tick mark appeared again on your forehead. "What did I tell you about that?!" You asked him angrily. "Tsk! Whatever" Killua turned away. You held your fist high as you got pissed by his behavior.
Kurapika chuckled while the others laughed. He placed a hand on your shoulder as you calm down. You turned to him and then smiled. The trip to your hometown was one adventure. On the way there, Killua and Gon would buy anything they saw delicious on the streets. Of course, you can't help but smile because of it. They would start a food fight, throwing at each other the foods they bought. On one stall, you noticed a [favorite color] flower necklace. Your eyes glowed as you touched it. Kurapika spotted you near that stall and then walked to you. He saw you hold the necklace and then smiled to himself.
"What does bright red mean?" He asked, startling you in the process. "Oh. I don't know... I don't even know that my eyes glow when I touched it" You explained as you looked at him then your eye color returned to normal. You have a special ability in which your eyes will glow when certain things happened. Bright yellow means that you are on a killing spree. Bright green means that you became a Specialist and your powers increased. Bright blue means that you're being controlled, it happened once when Shalnark manipulates you during the auction. Bright orange means that you lost powers. Bright violet means that you remembered some things in the past, it happened when you encounter Kurapika again after you lost your memories. Everything that you remember something, your eyes turn bright violet.
"Do you want it? I'll buy it for you" Kurapika said as he looked at you. "Um... Well, I'll be lying if I don't" You told him then shrugged. "Okay, I'll buy it for you" Kurapika smiled, and you smiled back. After he bought it for you, he get behind you and then put on the necklace. You blushed then you and the others started to walk to your place. "I'm tired, can we rest already?" Leorio whined. "No, we can't rest yet" You replied as the other kept walking. "You can't just stay inside the house, you know? Walking is one good kind of exercise" Killua stated as he placed his hand behind his head.
After the long walk, you and the gang already arrived at your destination. "Is that the place?" Gon asked as he pointed at the large mansion. "Yup! It wasn't that large though..." You replied. "Teehee... It seems that it will break down soon" Killua snickered while he was away from the group. You punched him right on his gut, he yelped in pain as he held his stomach. "Serves you right..." You said as you dusted your hands.
You and the other stood in front of the large oak door as it was opened by the servants inside. "Welcome back, my lady" All the servants simultaneously greeted. "Wow! Such great place..." Killua said in awe after he saw the structure inside the mansion. Even though the outside seems very old, the inside looks new. The place was sparkling and there were many gems decorating the place.
"This way, my lady" One female servant bowed and then showed the way to the living room. You nodded then went to the room, the others followed you. You and the guys sat on the couch as the servants brought in the tea and some snacks. "Your mansion looks shining, [Name]. It's worth the money!" Leorio complimented as he talked about how the world was surrounded by money again.
"It's such a beautiful place, [Name]. I also thank you for the tea and snacks" Kurapika said then thanked you. You looked at him and then smiled. "You're welcome, Kurapika," You said then took a sip of your tea. You chatted with the boys for 30 minutes, they asked you about the mansion, how large it is, how many years it was here, about the gems, and so much more. After the afternoon snacks, you decided to amuse them by taking a tour through the forest.
Once you and the gang left the mansion, you went through the thick forest and neared a lake. "Hey, Killua! look over there! Something's shining!" Gon called on the silverette as he pointed at a thing on the other side of the forest. "You're right, Gon. Come on, let's check out!" They ran towards the other side of the lake as they observed the thing. "Hey! Gon! Killua! Don't rush!" Leorio called on the two boys as he crossed the lake.
"What are those things?" Kurapika asked then looked at you. "Let's check it out," You told him then smiled. You and Kurapika crossed the lake and then followed the three, you noticed that Killua and Gon were playing with the gem bunnies. Leorio was scratching his head while his other hand was on his waist as if thinking something very deeply. "I wonder if there are real rabbits like this..." He stated, you chuckled and then earned their attention.
"What's funny?" The tall male looked at you in confusion. "Nothing. But you know, there are some weird creatures here in this world. And those bunnies are one of them" You explained then kneel down, one emerald bunny came to you and you petted its shining green-colored fur. The two boys just stare at you. "How come your place has this kind of bunny?" Gon asked while petting a sapphire bunny.
"Let me tell you a story. My parents are both UMA Hunters, UMA means Unidentified Mysterious Animal. Even though we are a family of assassins, almost all of my family members are pro-hunters. During my parents' childhood, they wanted to discover new kinds of animal species, and that's why they became hunters. After they became hunters, they started a competition about who can first discover an unidentified animal species. And my mother won the competition, this was the place where she found the gem bunny. And this is the place they settled and build a home" You told them as they listened eagerly.
"They took good care of the bunnies and preserve them. Once, several animal hunters came to this place to kill animals to sell. They saw those unusual bunnies and try to steal them, but my parents killed them after they decline to leave the place and the bunnies. Both of my parents cared for those bunnies. Especially my mother... I still remembered the time when my mother first took me to this place..." You said then slowly muttered the last sentence, about how your mother cared for the bunnies. You felt that you're going to cry, remembering that your family is already not here. But you held back tears away.
"I understand that you missed your family. You and I are the same" Kurapika comforted you then sat down next to you and you smiled at him. After a while, you felt that 3 pairs of eyes were staring at the two of you. When you looked, it was Leorio, Gon, and Killua, they are grinning like idiots. "What a lovely couple these two are," Leorio said. "Oh, my dear Kurapika! Marry me!" Killua pretended to be you and tried to imitate your voice while he was acting like crazy, referring to Gon as Kurapika. "Of course my dear [Name]" Gon played the act as well as he gave Killua a rose he picked from a bush near them. After, the three of them laughed
The two of you blushed red at their teasing, but you wanted to chase them so you stood up, your body shaking in anger. "Yikes! Flower Freak is angry now!" Killua noticed your aura and then stopped acting while the other two stopped laughing. "You really dare to call me that again! I'm gonna kill you three!" You threatened them and then started to chase them. The three ran away fast before you can reach them. The four of you are just playing tag, running around in circles as you try to reach them. Kurapika smiled and chuckled as he watched the four of you act like a child.
A ruby bunny hopped near Kurapika as he noticed the creature near him. The bunny hopped on Kurapika's lap then the blonde petted the bunny's fur, in a moment, the bunny glowed and was noticed by you and the other three. You stopped chasing them as they stopped running, you and the three males looked at Kurapika in curiosity. The light got brighter and brighter as they shield their eyes from the light. The light slowly disappeared as the bunny turned into a real ruby gem.
Kurapika got the gem from his lap and then examined it. "Wow! A real gem!" Gon said in awe then walked towards Kurapika. "Gems are equal to money! I wanna get some bunnies here!" Leorio exclaimed as he entered his money fantasy. "Stop thinking about money, pervy old man," Killua said as he went to Gon with his hands in his pocket, Leorio had a tick mark on his forehead after he heard Killua's statement. "This ruby is real..." Kurapika said.
You stood far from them as you try to remember why they became a stone. Then, memories suddenly entered your brain as your eyes turned bright violet for a second. "I remember now..." You muttered to yourself as you went to them. "These bunnies have the ability to turn into a real gem after 5 years. My mother told me this when I was young, that's why she cared for these bunnies very much. And remember the gems inside the mansion, all of those are these bunnies" You told them as they looked at you. Kurapika stood up and then gave you the ruby. "I believe that this is yours," Kurapika said then gave you the ruby.
You noticed that Leorio was eyeing the ruby in your hands as he drools. You placed the ruby inside your pocket and then walked back to the mansion. "This ruby is not for you, Leorio," You told him as they followed you back. You and the gang went back to the mansion and entered inside. You went to the living room and then placed the ruby on the box placed in front of the picture of your deceased family members. You prayed for them as the other stones your servants picked from the forest were beside the ruby. After a while, you smiled at them. "Do you guys want some tea again?" You asked.
"Sure!" They replied.
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karasunology · 4 years
How about “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.” kuroo getting caught by his crush who's also his best friend HAHAH
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ kuroo tetsurou <3
[ trigger warnings ━ crackhead jae in the house writing at 3 am😔✋ ]
⇣ please read the RULES before requesting.
✎ . . . request a prompt from this prompt list and i'll answer 'em !
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➜ having a phat juicy crush😋 on kuroo was hard for you
➜ not only has it been going for awhile now, but it has also developed through the mid stages of your friendship
➜ but like ,,, who wouldn't lmao
➜ kuroo is literally such a good friend and somewhat flirty & affectionate to the point that the line between best friends and lovers was just a blur
➜ he would carry your bag for you, help you with your failing grades, reason #2525 why you don't got a significant other😔✋ a thread by jae, & even introduced kenma to you which actually seemed to enjoy your company even if it may not seem like it
➜ he cares a lot about you and does not hesitate to show it, but the problem being was that you didn't know what his intentions were
➜ were they friend based? or perhaps he had other intentions?
➜ these stupid questions that SHOULDN'T even be on your mind, raced along the folds of your brain as all that you could think about was kuroo
➜ and it pushed you in the brink of insanity
➜ and whenever you would hang out alone with kenma, either talking his ears out as if you were a podcast, while playing from his psp, and kuroo would walk in ─ kenma being the observant guy he was, noticed the change of your behaviour
➜ as he noticed that you would prefer hanging out with him alone now rather than with both him and kuroo
➜ being the good best friend he is, and being too tired of this bs and just DATE ALREADY FFS, he arranged a plan of getting you two to atleast be in the same room as each other
➜ and it didn't even take him a hot minute to think of it since bb boy was just too big brain energy and ugh
➜ the power he holds😍
➜ you : i'm so tired of this
➜ kenma : imagine how tired we are? imagine how tired we are of this
➜ the three of you were set to go out for shopping but kuroo and and you knew how kenma was kinda bad with crows so you guys separately offered to go with him not knowing the other was coming
➜ but it was only then when you arrived at a house and being welcomed by the sight of kuroo in casual wear and not of the sounds of kenma's game boy made you rethink all your life decision
➜ but then a storm said aight imma head in and you didn't have any choice but to accept kuroo's offer of you staying in his house until storm calms down
➜ ugh honestly, kenma + mother nature = matchmaker duo that nobody asked for but needed✋😔😩
➜ there was a weird stuffy and somewhat awkward atmosphere between you two & kuroo was aware of it
➜ you guys watched netflix but didn't chill😔👊
➜ we'll get em next time boys
➜ but doing these made you feel at ease, as you could FEEL the vibrations of kuroo's laugh whenever you would jump on a scene while you unknowingly scooted closer to him
➜ and of course kuroo being kuroo, he never lets this chance of teasing you escape from the window
➜ nosirrr
“ not gonna lie, you could have just said you wanted to get a bit closer to me and i wouldn't reject the idea of cou ─ ” you punched him as he shrieked in pain
➜ everything was going well and UGH i could even go as far as saying that you were cuddling, intentionally or not
➜ sadly, the storm decided it was enough fun for now and ceased, and now after hanging around with kuroo normally for the first time, you didn't wanna leave
➜ but of course you had no reason to stay
➜ as you walked to his front door ready to leave, you remembered you had forgotten your phone on his bed as he quickly went back for it
➜ while looking for your phone as he called it using his, he saw it under the overs. pulling it out to slide on the [ decline ] button, his face was met with a picture of both him and you, but of course all that he could see was him
➜ blinking, he closed the phone before opening it again, making sure that it wasn't just him seeing things
➜ and when it confirmed that he wasn't dreaming, he cover his face with the palm of his hand, burrying it there as he silently screeched with all his might not to come all undone with just that
➜ THIS BOY MAY SEEM LIKE A TOUGH HUGE DOM GUY THAT'S NOT AFRAID TO PUT YOU IN YOUR PLACE, but honestly mans is just a softie for you and is a huge dork don't @ me
➜ running down the stairs as fast as he could with a grin, he handed it back to you, but before you could thank him he spoke first
“ am i your lockscreen? ” his grin widened as he could see a blush tinting on your cheeks while you simultaneously averted your eye contact with him
➜ because suddenly, the most interesting thing as of rn was the wall
“ you're not supposed to see that. ”
➜ you regretted saying it once you saw the shit-eating grin yet bashful expression tugged on kuroo's face
“ uh anyays let me just go now um ─ ”
➜ you went outside his house as you strongly pull the front door shut on the way out, leaving kuroo in a lovesick haze as he grinned all the way back to his room dancing along the halls to a non-existent music, making sure to thank kenma
➜ because you bet that he was going to ask you about it the next day
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hajimesh · 4 years
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚊 𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚘̄ 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 // 𝟷.𝟺𝚔 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; 𝘶 𝘳 𝘢 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘧 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘶. 𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦, 𝘪'𝘮 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘱𝘭𝘴 𝘨𝘰 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺
𝐚/𝐧; 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵 𝘨𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 @animatedrapture 𝘣𝘤 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘮. 𝘪 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘢𝘱𝘴 𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘰
-ˏˋ𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 ♡
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The stands were filled with Inarizaki students –marching band, orchestra, and cheerleading team included– making their cheers reverberate all over the gym.
The thrill in the atmosphere was almost palpable.
Atsumu’s eyes raked the over the stands, choosing to ignore the squealing group of fangirls, and just focusing on the most familiar faces. Until something caught his attention.
It so happened that Suna was just walking by, the setter instantly gripping his shoulder and forcing him to stand next to him.
"Damn Suna, check it, that girl in the cheerleading team is hot."
Suna followed Atsumu’s stare, his eyes landing on you.
Wearing your cheerleading uniform, you stood with a radiant smile, your hands resting on your hips, and the red pom-poms shaking every time you moved around.
On the outside, Suna remained impassive. But on the inside? he felt as if he were having a war flashback.
He saw you skip down the hall and towards him, a scowl automatically appearing on his face.
You stopped in front of him, a fascinated look in your eyes. “Good job at last week’s game! Oh, you're such a good middle blocker!”
He answered with a tired sigh, it was way to early for your ridiculous comments.
“Ne, Suna-kun,” you whispered, inching closer to him. “Spike me next time, daddy.”
He groaned internally. Why couldn’t you be a Miya twins fangirl? Why did it have to be him?
You laughed when you saw his scowl deepening.
He had no idea of how much you enjoyed annoying him.
Suna was brought back to reality when he felt a hand clapping him on the back.
"I should ask for her number, dontcha think sunarin?" Atsumu’s eyes crinkled as he smiled.
Somehow, hearing the setter’s words irked him, making him speak before thinking twice.
“She doesn't like you."
He had never wanted to take back his words so badly, but the harm was already done.
"The fuck you mean? Of course she likes me!” Atsumu pointed at you with his finger. “She's a cheerleader for our team!"
A snarky smile made its way to Suna’s lips. "Sorry to break it to you, but she has a crush on me.”
Atsumu was left astounded, finding Suna’s comment oddly interesting while it bruised his ego at the same time.
Inarizaki won the match, no surprise. And after collecting your stuff, you made your way towards Suna, not missing the opportunity to tease him.
He saw you from a mile away and mentally prepared himself for whatever you were going to say to him.
You sported an elated grin, your hands clasped behind your back. “You were so good today, Suna-kun! Congrats on the win!”
To his surprise, you didn’t even give him enough time to shift his impassive face into a scowl, strutting off as your short cheerleader skirt swayed behind you.
As much as it pained him to admit it, he was not letting Atsumu get his hands on you.
- - - - -
It had been a few days after the game and Atsumu still had Suna’s words fresh in his mind. He spent the entire weekend thinking them over and over until he came to a verdict.
Suna was lying.
Because there’s no way someone as pretty as you would be crushing on him, right? Not on the expresionless middle blocker. Nope. It didn’t even make any sense.
Suna, observant as always, noticed the setter staring at him the entire practice. He brushed it off and continued with his own thing. He was bending down to fetch his water bottle when he heard him.
“Ah, Kita-san! Yer quite familiar with the cheer team, yea?”
Suna’s ears perked up.
What was Atsumu’s pea-sized brain thinking!?
Atsumu felt quite proud of himself for tying the loose ends. Kita had to know you, he was the captain after all.
Said captain looked confused but nodded, not understanding where Atsumu words were coming from.
“Ya know that girl with h/c hair? I think she has e/c eyes also, like, this tall?” he gestured with his hands as he described you.
Suna’s glare didn’t go unnoticed by Atsumu, whose grin widened when he saw Kita nodding in affirmation.
“That’s l/n y/n, same year as you. Top of her class too,” suddenly, the aura around Kita became threatening. “She’s a smart girl.”
Oh, right. Atsumu thought. L/n y/n, one of Inarizaki’s top students. Your name was always on the highest rankings in both class and school.
Yeah, Suna must be lying because there’s no way a pretty and smart, top of her class girl like you had a crush on him.
Suna wasn’t doing any better. He almost choked on his water when he compared Kito-san’s version of you against the version he knew.
“Suna-kun!” you came up to him with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
He glared at you, knowing that, by the way the apples of your cheeks flushed pink, it was going to be a bad one.
“Why don’t you be the iceberg and I’ll be the Titanic ship?” you said with a straight face, your voice lowering to a whisper. “So I can go down on you.”
That had to be the most disgusting yet amusing joke he had ever heard.
How and where the hell did you get the guts to say those things to him!?
His usual deadpanned expression faltered slightly, wanting to laugh so badly but he wouldn’t give you the satisfaction. So even if he was dying to laugh, he only rolled his eyes.
You finally started laughing, taking out the hand you had been hiding behind your back, and placing a jelly fruit stick on his desk. You waved him goodbye with a dashing smile and walked away.
Suna absolutely hated the way his heart seemed to skip against his chest, the words ‘you’re so annoying’ burning in his mouth.
- - - - -
Atsumu nudged Suna, “Oi, yer girlfriend’s coming here.”
He immediately looked towards the direction Atsumu had pointed, and indeed there you were. Walking from the bleachers towards them.
Inarizaki’s game was about to start and it shouldn't have been a surprise to see you there.
Suna flipped him off and looked away as he answered, “She’s not my girlfriend.”
He watched you from the corner of his eye as he drank from his water bottle. Your steps halted in front of Kita, your face all serious as you listened intently to whatever he was saying.
What could you possibly be talking about with Kita-san? Suna thought.
But his thoughts were interrupted when he saw you smile and Kita reciprocating the gesture.
Atsumu saw his chance and took it eagerly, walking to where you and Kita were. His classic confident demeanor made you raise an eyebrow.
“Hey, doll. I’m Miya Atsumu, nice to meet ya,” he flaunted a cocky smirk, especially because he knew Suna was watching.
“L/n-san, this is our team’s setter,” Kita introduced you.
With a smile and a hand-shake, you greeted him, earning a grin from the setter.
“Why don’t ya give me yer number? I want to take you out,” Atsumu casually asked.
Suna was still listening, waiting expectantly –just as the other two males next to you– for your answer.
Your head tilted to the side, pondering the offer but you ended up scrunching up your face.
“Nah, I don't want your fangirls after me,” with a shake of your head, you turned him down. Grinning back at Atsumu and the teasing tone evident in your voice.
Atsumu visibly deflated at your reply. “Just give me yer number then, let’s be friends.”
It was your turn to be stunned. Your stare became calculating, intimidating even, and that was when both second years suddenly understood how Kita and you were acquainted.
“Talk to me again next time and I might consider it,” you said with a genuine smile, so genuine it almost knocked Atsumu off his feet.
Atsumu smiled back at you with a nod and remembered why he even came near you, “By the way, Suna mentioned ya have a crush on ‘im, that true?”
You were caught off guard, he had made his question sound so innocent. Did Suna really mention you to his teammate?
“Did he now?” you say, finally looking at him from behind Atsumu and Kita.
Suna was fuming, ready to rip Atsumu’s head once he got a hold on him.
“That’s none of your business, Atsumu,” Kita sighed with an apologetic look towards you.
You giggled, brushing off the situation. Bowing before Kita, you started to take your leave. “Thank you, Kita-senpai, I'll relay the message to them!”
You waved at them, and then at Suna, goodbye. A satisfied smirk being the last thing he saw before you finally turned your back to him.
He growled under his breath because all he could focus on was the stupidly annoying, top of her class, pretty girl that was crushing on him.
And whom he might be feeling something for as well.
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rosemarypasta · 4 years
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➤  pairing : oikawa tooru x female reader (karasuno manager)
➤  chapter warnings : slowburn (?)
➤  summary : You just recently joined the Karasuno boy’s volleyball team as their first year manager. As you grow closer to your teammates, you also unexpectedly grow closer to one of their biggest rivals, Oikawa Tooru
➤ chapter word count: 1515
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-ˏˋ chapter five ˊˎ-
6:50 AM
The day after the practice match with Aoba Johsai, you woke up to a world filled with vibrant spring colors, overjoyed with the outcome of yesterday's match and advancement on your unexpected relationship with the Seijoh captain. At first, you felt irritated at the fact that you had to wake up much earlier than what you're used to before joining the club but, the image of Oikawa popped up in your head which immensely calmed you down and made your heart melt.
You got ready for school in a daze, to the point where you made silly mistakes a high schooler shouldn't make like brushing your teeth with hand soap and nearly going out the door without your bag in your hands. You were thankful that your family members weren't around to see you in the state that you're in and made sure to leave the house as quiet as you possible could, in hopes to not interrupt their sleep.
You walked out the door and began walking towards school but spotted a familiar black haired boy just a few feet away from your house. You rushed to catch up with him and walked to school together for the first time since you two met each other. Kageyama sulked the whole way to school, complaining how he overslept because of how much energy he used up during yesterday's match and how Hinata would probably already be in the gym, giving him the title of today's winner of the morning race the two first years had.
You could barely understand what he was talking about. All you heard was tidbits of words from his rambles like "Hinata", "overslept", and "won. Your head was clouded by your upcoming date and the endless possibilities of how it would play out. So far you haven't even decided on the date and place where it would happen. Oikawa did text you once you reached home but he just made sure you were still down with the whole date idea.
The day went on as usual. Morning practice, lessons, break, lessons, lunch, lessons again and afternoon practice. Days like these go by like a blur when you have someone occupying your mind. During school hours you fiddled your fingers and sat on the edge of your seat, hoping to see a text notification on your phone every time you went to secretly check your phone but nothing came in. You figured since Aoba Johsai is a private school, their cell phone regulations must be tougher than the public school you're currently attending so you tried to soothe your worries and anxiety with that thought, though it did not prevent you from checking every hour you could. At one point in modern literature class, you felt your phone buzz softly through your pocket and you raced to the bathroom after getting permission from Takeda sensei. But to your disappointment, it was only a text from your mother informing you that she'll be out late. You went back to class with heavy shoulders and you sulked the rest of the period, spending the majority of the time with your head buried in your arms on top of the desk.
3:00 PM
The bell rang, dismissing the class from modern literature lessons and you slowly started to pack your bags for practice. You thought it would be nice if they had another practice match for you to watch and distract yourself from Oikawa but alas, it was a normal practice and you were sure you would find yourself spaced out, worrying about Oikawa as you watch the boys practice their serves from the sidelines.
"Y/N, your phone is buzzing." Your golden blonde classmate whispered into your ear, pointing to the vibrating phone on your desk, knowing it would immediately cheer you up from the downcast mood you've been in that she had to endure throughout the day. You averted your gaze from the stack of textbooks that you needed to organize to your phone with Oikawa's name on your screen. You felt like you could scream at the sight of the notification you have anticipated for the whole day but refrained from doing so to the best of your ability.
Oikawa: Are you free on Monday after school? 
You answered the text with no hesitation, your fingers tapped the letters "Y", "E" and "S" immediately and pressed send. You felt your fingers and cheeks were on fire, you clinged onto your phone as you watched Oikawa type in a response. 
Oikawa: 3 PM right? I'll pick you up at school :)
You felt your heart flutter at the sight of his signature smiley face. All your worries from the past handful of hours vanished at the sight of the simple text conversation and a smile crept onto your face until you realized your grave mistake.
You have practice on Monday afternoon.
But it was too late to change the date, you know how busy volleyball players must be, especially for Oikawa since he's the captain of a powerhouse school. You facepalmed yourself at your hastiness in responding to his text like a fool, it was completely your fault and changing the date would make things complicated. What happens if both of your schedules don't match up? Will the date never happen?
You bit your lip as guilt started to consume your conflicted body. Practice happens twice on a daily basis, surely missing one practice session won't hurt. Besides, there's Shimizu and it's not like your role as a first year manager is that significant. They will barely notice your absence.
You finished packing the rest of your things and jogged downstairs to join practice, planning to give your all in hopes that the lingering guilt will soon fade away the more sweat you break that afternoon.
In practice, coach Ukai made everyone practice their blocks, especially the first year middle blockers, Hinata and Tsukishima. You stood out of the court with a notebook in your hand to note the success rate of the blocks, the two brightly colored haired boys had. But of course, you had your phone in your other hand in case anything happens. You watched as Asahi hit a mean spike from the opposite side of the court the middle blockers were and cringed as you saw the ball hit Tsukishima's arm, leaving a raw bright red mark on his pale skin. Asahi stammered his apologies to his taller upperclassmen, "It's fine, please spike another one, Asahi-san." Tsukishima replied as he subtly tried to rub his arm, trying to not make the weak-spirited ace worry. The ace returned to his original position to wait for Sugawara to set a ball to him. 
You felt your phone vibrate against the notebook you were clutching onto and your eyes immediately scanned the screen to read the text that appeared on your screen. You expected a text from Oikawa but to your disappointment, it was just a text from your mother asking you whether you were going to be home late again since she still couldn't believe that you would be committed to going to practice everyday, even though you've already joined the club for two weeks now.
Immersed in your own disappointment, you texted your mother grumpily, not knowing what would hit you in the next few seconds. "Y/N watch out!" You heard Hinata scream your name in terror. You looked up from your phone as you pressed send and was greeted by a volleyball zooming right your way at an astounding speed of eighty miles per hour. Your legs refused to move, as if someone super glued your shoes to the floor. Your eyes filled with panic though all you could do was close your eyes and expect the upcoming pain you were going to have to endure.
You held your breath, waiting for the ball to break your nose but a few seconds have gone by and you didn't feel any pain and instead heard a blunt thud right on the tip of your nose. You slowly opened your eyes to the sight of Tsukishima's hand blocking half of your view. You watched from the seams of his fingers that the volleyball Hinata spiked ferociously ended up hitting his hand instead of giving you an unannounced nose job. The whole room went silent but collectively sighed in relief as they watched the ball slowly come to a stop after rolling on the ground for a while. 
Hinata, Shimizu, Sugawara and Daichi all rushed towards you to check if you were alright, to which you just nodded, overwhelmed with the surplus of attention given to you. You turned your head to the towering blonde to thank him but your eyes met his cold gaze. 
"You may not be a player but we didn't bring you here to just laze around, idiot." He spat though his voice remained monotone. Tanaka and Daichi hit him on his back in ways to scold him for his over exaggerated behaviour but his sharp words still sank deep in your heart.
next: -ˏˋ chapter six ˊˎ-
previous: -ˏˋ chapter four ˊˎ-
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ochazos-m · 7 months
@epitomees said: “ can you move? does it hurt? ” (from Aigis!) / injured memes - accepting
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There was a dull ringing in his ears. He could feel warmth trickle down his forehead. White hot pain spread over his body. For a brief moment, his vision darkened. He felt like he was falling. The hard ground beneath him meant nothing. He squirmed a tiny bit, pain shooting through his right side. A choked gasp left his lips.
Grey eyes flutter open for a moment, turning his head from where his face had rested against the ground. The Dark Hour painted the world in an eerie tainted light. Vision darkened and blurred. A memory like a nightmare strangled him. And for a moment, he was on the bridge crawling out of the wreckage of the car that had become his parents' coffin.
Is his life flashing before his eyes...?
Blood ran down his nose, his cheek, onto the ground beside him. A harsh blow had cracked his ribs and thrown him to the ground. His head had collided with it. Though the exact events felt hazy. Thoughts drowned by pain and injury. The world grows darker again...
And suddenly the pain increases tenfold. The sudden agony pulls from from the abyss. He chokes, bruised hand grabbing the closest thing. It was soft. Fabric. A ribbon? It unties in his hand before he thinks to release it.
"Aigis...?" He is alive. He is here, in this moment. He tries to clear his vision with a blink, and then another one. He couldn't afford to make mistakes. Their safety was his responsibility.
She had turned him over, pulled him into her arms. He stared up at her piercing blue eyes. They were comforting right now. It verified that he was at least somewhat safe. The increase in pain must have been when she moved him. He shuts his eyes, fighting the urge to whimper in pain.
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"It hurts..." He confirms. "I think... something's broken..." It hurt to breathe, like he was being stabbed with each breath. His head pounded with pain and he felt sick to his stomach. His body trembled and reminded him of his fragility. Despite how powerful he was, his body still responded like this...
"I can move...." He HAD to move. "H-help me up." His voice trembled. He was attempting to downplay his injury. He had to see them out of Tartarus. He could worry about his injury after.
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ochazos-m · 7 months
@segnisacfessis said: ‘  some days it’s easier to just stop fighting it  &  succumb.  ’
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"Oh..." he wasn't capable of offering comfort. after all, he was the same. How often had he simply drown instead of fighting against the current? His gaze drifts to the ground between them. "I used to do it too." He said softly. Chidori had been hurting herself before she met Junpei. He wondered if she had stopped entirely. "I won't tell anyone."
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ochazos-m · 7 months
@unrealization said: "Don't go… I love you." - Yukari / 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 - accepting (x)
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He pauses for a long moment. He had resolved to see things through, but now he freezes. He had intended to walk away for good. Leave Yukari to move on with her life. He was gone. He could never come back. Him just being here left Nyx unsealed. It was only a matter of time.
But she said she loved him. He never thought she would say it. Even if she felt it. He doesn't want to look at her. He needs to walk away. He needs to leave again. But he doesn't. He turns back and faces her.
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"Takeba..." He stops. His chest felt too heavy to breathe. His throat felt tight. His voice came out quietly. "Yukari... I..."
He didn't want to go. But he had to. He wasn't supposed to be here. He had only hoped they could all move on. But it wasn't so simple. He could have never imagined he'd mean so much to her or anyone.
"You know I don't have a choice... I have to go back..." He kept his distance, even though he wanted to get closer. But it was hard to imagine leaving if he did that.
"You know I'm not supposed to be here." He can't look at her. His lips tremble as he gazes at the floor. "I'm sorry... For hurting you again."
  Please hate me.
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ochazos-m · 7 months
@unrealization said: "Do you remember anything at all? - From Aigis / 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 - accepting
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He should say no. Cut the strings entirely. Pretend she confused him for someone else. It may work for any of the others... But not for Aigis. He knew better. He had hoped to avoid meeting any of them. He did not know what him being here would do or how long he could remain. He would break their hearts again.
Still.... he would try. He didn't want to hurt Aigis. But there was no way to stop it now. Either hurt her now and let her heal or cause more damage down the road. He wasn't optimistic about his future. He wasn't supposed to be here... And every second he is was a risk.
"Do I know you?"
0 notes
ochazos-m · 7 months
@unrealization said: "What are you doing out here by yourself?" - From Yukari / 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 - accepting
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It was dark. Every moment pushed closer to the Dark Hour. He tried to see the stars in the sky, but the light pollution blocked them out. He remembered staying elsewhere once, where he could see the stars every night. Sometimes it felt like the only friends he had back then. How childish he had been.
He didn't face Yukari when she spoke to him. Everyone else had been in the lounge or their rooms. Only Makoto stayed on the roof of the dorm. He didn't really have an answer for her. Sometimes he felt totally hollowed out and even breathing was difficult. He had run away to the roof to clear his head. He couldn't tell if he hated that she came to see him or liked it. He didn't know how to feel. He had never really had so many people concerned with his well-being before.
"I wanted some air." He replied. "Were you looking for me?"
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