#ʚ ₊˚◞ 🐞 ─ anon.
yuquinzel · 1 year
HANA HI I MISSED YOU!! b c l x for the asks :3
- 🐞
b) are any of my stories inspired by personal experiences?
not all no, all of my stories are just pure imagination and the result of 3 am thoughts when i can’t sleep :>
c) the character i identify the most with
megumi! hdhsjs even tho i haven’t posted any of my drafts for him, it is both easy and at the same time not — to write for him, we are a little too alike. but since i’m mainly writing for blue lock, i’d say it’s either nagi or chigiri :3
l) the weirdest au i’ve ever come up with
i haven’t really tried writing aus TT and when i do it is mostly normal ones, so i don’t really have an answer to this one
x) character i enjoy making suffer
reo and rin :’) something about making your favourite characters suffer is just so... powerful lol
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tteokdoroki · 11 months
I’m glad !! Always so excited to read your stuff, makes me feel so giddy 🫶🏻
I’m good!! I just clocked out of work and getting ready to go to Disneyland this weekend, so I’m super excited!
aww thank u!! im particularly excited for this next fic im going to post RAAHH !! but i hope your shift went well my love !!! and that you have an enjoyable weekend 🥺🫶🏾
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adiluv-moved · 2 years
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﹕₊˚ʚ❤️ɞ・[word count] 2060.
﹕₊˚ʚ🐞ɞ・[warnings] yandere character [obsessive behavior, stalking, kidnapping], mentions of ending 4, not edited/proofread.
﹕₊˚ʚ🖤ɞ・[adi moment] a request from 🐎 anon, which you can view here. this was a really cool concept to write [everybody thank 🐎 anon for coming up with the realest ideas!], especially since i’m a fan of seeing the more obsessed side of doe come into play! [and i apparently had a lot to say about this concept since it’s the first thing i’ve written to break 2000 words...] even though this isn’t a very fluffy post, i hope that you enjoy! (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)
also, just as a note, i don't support yandere behavior in real life! please don't take these headcanons as a justification for any of the actions that doe takes.
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╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Believe it or not, I actually do believe that it’s within the realm of possibility for Doe to become obsessed with an idol. Circling back to something that I had mentioned within a previous post, I personally headcanon that Doe has a large amount of admiration for humanity. And with the rise of the internet in our daily lives, I think it would make sense for Doe to consume a large amount of media, including content of you! I imagine that it would be a large coincidence. Maybe he was just watching some random videos on YouTube and managed to come across one of your interviews for a new album. Maybe your career had been doing quite well at the time and you had managed to make it onto TV, and he had seen you while idly scrolling through the channels. Regardless of how he had managed to come across you, he would have fallen for you instantaneously. I’m talking going down the rabbit hole, getting so close to the TV that his eyes might as well just be touching the screen, watching so much content of you that his recommendations are mostly filled with videos about you.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・This obsession would grow incredibly quickly, with all of the content he’d watch feeding it even further. He’d buy all of the merchandise you offer, whether that be from a collaboration or from something that you’d create on your own. He’d design shirts based off of the song and album covers you’d create, wearing them more often than others so he could show the amount of adoration he holds for you. He’d sing your praises both online and in person, whenever and wherever he could, annoying as many people as he could with rants and raves about how amazing you were. And his obsession would only continue to worsen as he’d find himself in deeper and deeper parts of the community, all of them sharing a similar obsession and justifying it. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・It would honestly get to the point where he’d start to believe that the two of you were destined to be together, soulmates that would stay together through thick and thin. The only issue that lay within his perfect fantasy would be the fact that you live outside of the Valley - the rest of the world that functioned entirely differently than what he knew. And he would mourn that fact, you know? Wishing that he could have a chance to meet you, to show you how much you two had in common, how you two were simply just two halves of a whole. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・I think he’d also start to grow jealous of fans that were able to see you at one of your shows. The Uncanny Valley, despite its growing population, wouldn’t necessarily be a place that idols would often visit, a claim that would hold through to you. No matter how many times you’d tour around the globe, it would seem that the Valley would never be graced with your presence, as even so-called ‘world tours’ would go out of their way to keep you from stepping foot in the place. So he’d have to force himself to make due with the recordings of those concerts posted online, with him watching you dance and sing around the stage as everybody cheered. He’d try to imagine himself standing there alongside everybody else, imagine you reaching out a hand, pulling him up to stand beside you where he longed to be.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・As such, you could imagine the absolute joy that he experienced when he learned that you would be moving to the Valley in order to take a short break from your usual lifestyle. He’d sit in front of the screen in disbelief, watching as you gave one final smile and wave to the paparazzi as you disappeared from their view. And as a smile crept upon his face, nothing could’ve stopped the belief that those gestures had been intended for him. And by that point, I doubt that anything could have convinced him otherwise.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・The Uncanny Valley isn’t a very large place, and all newcomers usually get to the city on the same bus. This is something that Doe would know relatively well, something that he would try to use to his advantage in an attempt to meet you. Depending on how far away you would’ve been before deciding to come to the Valley, Doe would go out of his way to try and calculate when you’d finally make it over, keeping tabs online for any updates and visiting the bus stop daily with a pen and a poster of yours on hand. And he would know for certain the day that you would be arriving, because as he would step closer to the platform he would see the appearance of a large crowd piling around the station. He would try to squeeze his way through the massive sea of fans, though he would be disappointed to find himself getting shoved back with each attempt. And all hopes of being able to make his way closer to you would practically be dashed the moment that the bus would’ve started to pull in, with everybody fighting each other to get closer as you finally stepped off. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・To make matters even worse for him, he would’ve only gotten away from the horde after taking some damage to both his faux body and his [no longer pristine] merch. In fact, the poor poster would be clinging to whatever life it had left after he had made his escape, with it being bent and ripped in ways that he couldn’t repair. And even though there were small dents and chunks missing from his faux body, leaving segments of hair peeking out, he’d be so deep in his infatuation that he wouldn’t even care. After he’d get over the initial feelings he’d have about the situation, I imagine that he’d try to take it as a lesson. Doe is a person that values being straightforward, though he’d realize that approach wouldn’t work due to how large your fanbase is. And much to his benefit, it turns out that you didn’t bring any bodyguards with you! Just… don’t ask him how he knows that.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・With all of that buildup out of the way, I imagine that Doe would be a rather devoted stalker. The fact that he’s inhuman would also come along to help his goals, with him not needing to leave your side in order to rest or sleep. This fact would also spell out trouble for you if you ever learned about his actions, seeing that [even if you tried to move to another hotel] he could just follow you around at any time of day. Once again drawing back to something mentioned in a previous post, I imagine that the scars littering his arms would be his way of counting the amount of days he’s been stalking you for, with him sitting near your current hotel room during the night as he’d tally another day of success. He would even leave gifts around your suite, ranging from some of the merchandise that he’s been stockpiling to the more bloody gifts that he leaves behind in the game. Interestingly enough, however, I think that the first gift he would leave you would be the crumpled up poster from the bus stop. You’d probably take it more as a threat than anything, though to Doe your fear would signal interest.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Of course, Doe wouldn’t be the only person who decided to take his so-called ‘loyalty’ to the next level. From other ‘regular guys’ to other types of entities - and possibly even some other humans, Doe would find himself surrounded by people who were desperate to get your attention as well. Sharing, however, isn’t something that he’d prefer to do in an ideal circumstance, and he’d be quick to try and find ways to keep you all to himself. Some weaker entities would be easier to deal with, with most of his tactics just involving misleading them away from you or scaring them off if they were more persistent. When it comes to the more troublesome ones, however, he prefers to leave that up to the proper authorities. Leaving a few pictures of those other stalkers near your door, or possibly giving the police a direct tip-off are his go-to’s, and he’s never close to feeling any remorse as he sees them get exposed. If anything, he sees it as something that they deserve, with their attempts of coming between the two of you. Besides, there’s no point in getting himself into a battle that he knows he can’t win.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・And, of course, he wouldn’t just stalk you without making attempts to get closer to you. And trust me when I say that he’d make good use of the information he’d gain while watching over you every day. Similarly to the events of John Doe +, Doe would likely take on a more normal looking form while approaching you, doing his best to come off as human-like as possible. You’d be shocked about how well the two of you get along, seeing how much you both have in common. And despite common sense telling you that you shouldn’t get too close with fans, you’d still find yourself saying yes when he’d ask you to a café.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Depending on how things go [and how strong Doe’s obsession is at the time], your little coffee run with him could go in one of two ways. One way is relatively normal, with things going well enough for you to not raise any suspicions against the figure. In that case, you’ll simply just assume that he has a compatible personality to yours, and the two of you will continue to hang out with each other as friends [leaving you unaware of his activities outside of your meetings]. On the other hand, assuming that his façade starts to slip up, Doe might end up unveiling the truth behind himself and trapping you in a similar way to ending 4. You would barely even register it happening, with you leaving the café at one moment and suddenly finding yourself in the strange, messy maze of his home. Everything would click as you’d turn around to find a familiar silhouette, leading to you rushing up to him and then reeling back in shock when he’d face you with his normal appearance. He’d hug you while practically yelling from excitement, telling you all about the ways that he had stalked you, how he had been your fan for so long and he had just known that the two of you were meant to be together - how when you came to the Valley he just knew that it was a sign! He’d talk about all of the other people that had been on your trail, too, chide you for not having anybody to protect you - but now he was here and you were with him and he wouldn’t let anybody hurt you!
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Getting away from Doe would be an incredibly hard feat, at this point, with him practically staying glued to your side all the time. Even in the rare instances that you would manage to get out of his sight, it would be incredibly difficult to navigate through all of the piles of garbage and seemingly endless maze of doors, rooms, and hallways. It didn’t help that the place had some strange affinity for blocking out your cell phone’s signal, or that every door you opened seemed to lead to some place that seemed much worse than where you were already. He’d at least bring you food and water, even if on an irregular basis, making you glad that the thing holding you hostage at least had some concern for your well being. He also didn’t seem to get upset with you, even after you’d try to escape, with him mainly seeing you wandering off as a game. Nevertheless, it would seem that you would have to adjust to life stuck within his weird home, at least for a while until you could devise a proper plan of escape. Whether or not that works, however, is purely based on luck. And even though Doe might not take escape attempts too seriously, I imagine that he’d certainly get more serious if you ever managed to get away.
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yuquinzel · 1 year
- 🐞
— HELLO MY LOVELY LADYBUG, omg hiii where have you beeeennnnn T_T
i’ve been meh, adjusting to my new school BUT WE’LL GET THROUGH IT TELL ME HOW HAVE U BEEN :D
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yuquinzel · 1 year
omg what series have you been watching?? I'm trying jdramas for the first time and they're pretty good :D
- 🐞
— scaramouche ❌ wanderer ❌ balladeer ❌
princess ✅ babygirl ✅ girlboss ✅
+ anonnn what jdrama have u been watching omg bc i recently watched the silent sea and black summer !! and I’m catching up to bsd as well :P ofc there are a ton of webtoons and manhwas i’n reading rn too
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yuquinzel · 1 year
IVE BEEN GOOD HANA I'm watching a lot of series and reading webtoons, we had a graduation ceremony yesterday and i was sick but it was super emotional coz I'm friends with a lot of my seniors 😭😭 CAN'T BELIEVE THAT'LL BE ME NEXT YEAR NONONONONO
- 🐞
+ heck omg i hope you’re feeling better now !! get some rest you must be tired,, graduation ceremonies are emotional if you’re close to them, i mean all sorts of goodbyes are melancholic :<
i had a sort of graduation party too except i WAS the senior and i was the only one who didn’t cry IT WAS SO AWKWARD T_T
graduation is scary in itself so don’t worry about yours just now and focus on making good memories for ur last year !!
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yuquinzel · 1 year
HANA HII !! i haven't been in your inbox for so long but don't worry i am back >:] your new theme is soo good oh my god how'd you make a transparent background 😭
- 🐞
and thank you omg when i tell you i was this 🤏 close to having a breakdown trying to make it transparent,, the background remover website really helped tho :>
+ I HAVE BEEN OKAY-ISH uh I'm preparing for the studies of our new session and it's not as hard as i expected so at least I'm having fun :D
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yuquinzel · 1 year
- 🐞
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yuquinzel · 1 year
+++ mine are reo first 😁 kurona second I LOVE HIM SO MUCH NO ONE TALKS ABOUT HIM ENOUGH and ofc sae my beloved :((
— HONESTLY IT'S LIKE MY “TYPE” ( i think it's fairly obvious by now LOL ) i just tend to go for the quiet traumatized and reserved ones 🤩
++ YESYES OFC U CAN BE LADYBUG ANON ITS SUCH A CUTE EMOJI ( the only insect I'm not scared of ;-; )
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tteokdoroki · 11 months
Ahh!! You’re so sweet 🥺
How is your day though!! I hope you’re doing well!Just thought to check in and see how you are !! 🫶🏻
Also it was a pink heart but I’ll change it to 🐞 bc my partner also calls me Ladybug ☺️
ladybug is so cute :((( ur so cute and lovely !!
my day has been going pretty good !! im doing some writing and im happy with how it’s turning out. how are you my love?
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adiluv-moved · 2 years
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﹕₊˚ʚ❤️ɞ・[word count] 1172.
﹕₊˚ʚ🐞ɞ・[warnings] mentions of ending 4, yandere character [technically; no yandere behavior demonstrated], not edited/proofread.
﹕₊˚ʚ🖤ɞ・[adi moment] a repost of my second general hc post [now deleted] since the formatting was all messed up. originally an anon request [which was also lost with the post]. hope you enjoy! („• ֊ •„)੭
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╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Not a morning person - at all. You honestly wouldn’t have expected it, with the fact that he got up relatively early during the time loops so that he could greet you. But now that the two of you have started dating, he’s been the type to try and pull you back to bed when you get out, even using his hair to reach you from farther distances. While you find it endearing, you do have a job to do and bills to pay, so you always promise to sleep in with him another time.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・You were really shocked to find out that John Doe has a job of his own. During the time loops, you had assumed that the only thing he really cared about doing was stalking you - but it even turned out that he had a house of his own. Apparently, he had trapped you in there a few times, which you don’t entirely doubt. However, everything clicked when he told you that he never actually went to work for even a day of his employment - instead using his psychokinesis to convince his boss that he has been showing up. He doesn’t even know what the job is, and You suppose that it really doesn’t matter, anyway. You do get a bit jealous, though, when you see the paycheck arrive in the mail.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Of course, he has offered to do the same thing for You, but you’d feel bad if you lied to your boss like that. You’re the only person who’s actually at the cash register during your shift, and you don’t want everything to fall apart in your absence. Doe’s tried to convince you that everything would be alright, but you don’t buy it from the guy that couldn’t even make a guess as to what career he’s in. Maybe one day, if more people are hired.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Continuing on the topic of his psychokinesis, he has used it quite a lot when the two of you had started dating. From high-class restaurants to the most extensive museums and exhibits, he was always finding beautiful places to take you. You were incredibly grateful, but you weren’t quite sure where he was getting the money to pull off all of these dates. It turned out that he was just using psychokinesis to ‘convince’ everybody that you definitely belonged in all of those fancy places.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・It took a while to get Doe to understand that he didn’t actually have to go out of his way to do any of those things - and that you’d be happy to go on a date no matter where it was. Besides, You were never really good in super fancy settings, and you’d been feeling awfully awkward and underdressed. Turns out that he was, too. It was a funny situation, but the both of you were glad to do something more relaxing, instead of forcing yourselves to look like “snotty rich people” in Doe’s own words.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・As for your current dates, you’ll often do more casual things - like watching movies together, or going on a picnic date. Doe will also take you around the city, knowing that You had only recently moved, and had dealt with a lot of weird circumstances which left you unable to really experience the city. Even though he tends to get agoraphobic, he tends to feel better when he’s with you. You’ve also taken him bird watching a few times, knowing that he loves the cute little creatures. They definitely don’t seem like birds outside the valley, but you’re just happy that he’s having fun.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Doe’s never been outside the valley. He could travel if he wanted, but he’s been in the valley for the entirety of his life, and he’s pretty scared of what awaits him outside. After all, Uncanny Valley is the hotspot for all sorts of eldritch horrors, and he does understand that things might not work the same outside. Despite this, he does still have plans to go for a special occasion, sometimes making jokes that you both should travel the world if you ever got married. Even if it’s just a joke, You would honestly do it.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・His favorite season is spring! He just loves, loves, loves when the flowers start blooming and the weather starts to improve. It does end up being a bit inconvenient for him, though, as his body isn’t quite able to handle the high amounts of pollen in the air. Be prepared for the constant sneezing. Turns out that his blinks aren’t the only things that get random sound effects… 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Does like to take walks during the spring rain. Of course, he has to make sure that he’s totally covered - but he enjoys how peaceful and quiet it is. It was an idea that you had first suggested to him, and you spent hours trying to make sure that there was no opening for water to slip in. He had never been able to walk in the rain whilst in his faux body, but the experience went well and only served to increase his favoritism for spring. You still remember how dilated his pupils were - almost as much as when you agreed to give him a chance. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・On the other hand, his least favorite season would have to be summer. His normal body temperature is already quite high, and so he doesn’t take quite well to the heats of the valley. There have been occasions where the two of you have gone out, only for Doe to start melting into a puddle in front of your eyes. Plus, his body can’t handle water, meaning that he couldn’t even participate in some of the more stereotypical summer activities. He can’t even be that mad, though, since he gets a free excuse to just stay at home and turn up the AC. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・He can, however, go outside safely during the cooler summer nights. The both of you usually go to the park, sitting on a bench together and watching the fireflies glimmer in the moonlight. You’ve also taken him to the playground there - which he really enjoyed. And even though it took you a bit to stop feeling embarrassed, you had a lot of fun, too. At one point, you both made it a competition to see who could push the other higher on the swingset. He won - but you swear that the competition was rigged - it’s cheating to shapeshift into a stronger version of yourself!
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Can crack his bones like glowsticks. I really just thought of this one on the fly, but I can just imagine it being so funny that he rolls his neck, cracks it, and then starts lighting up. It’s pretty convenient, though you actually started freaking out the first time he did it. You aren’t too sure how he managed to accomplish something like that, but you wouldn’t be surprised if he actually swallowed a few glow sticks. The glow naturally fades away in a few hours, but he can also make it disappear faster if he’d like.
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yuquinzel · 2 years
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タグ╎ ━━━━━ TAGS !
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❀˖° ─ hana writes. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ — [ all writings. ]
ʚ ˖˚◞ 💬 — han.text ! ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ — [ rambles / non writing posts. ]
「❀」 — megumi! ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎— [ he deserves his own tag :> ]
ಣ𐬹𝆬 ─ shared secrets.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎— [ answered asks. ]
ʚ ₊˚◞ ⌕ ─ anon. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎— [ all anons. ]
ʚ ₊˚◞ 📎 ─ moots.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‧₊˚💭 ─ from: name! — [ mutuals ]
𐑺 ˖˚ — the abditory. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✰⤸₊˚— gallery. — [ misc ]
ꕤ˖° ─ hanrecs: fandom!‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ 𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ icymi! — [ recs / srbs ]
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emoji anons: 🍁, 🌫️, 🐞, 🍡
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© yuquinzel2023 [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
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adiluv-moved · 2 years
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﹕₊˚ʚ❤️ɞ・[word count] 1141.
﹕₊˚ʚ🐞ɞ・[warnings] yandere character, yandere reader, not edited/proofread.
﹕₊˚ʚ🖤ɞ・[adi moment] thank you so much for the request, anon!! this was pretty fun to work on, and i hadn’t actually thought of writing something like this before!! i wasn’t sure if you wanted headcanons, a drabble, or a oneshot, so i decided to do headcanons and explore some different aspects of the relationship!! things are all over the place, but i hope you enjoy!! (๑•͈ᴗ•͈)
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╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・I imagine that Doe would have been stalking You for quite some time when the events of John Doe + take place. And I imagine that during this period of time, he would’ve been doing a lot to try and be as ‘normal’ and human-like as possible, thinking that it would help him gain your affections. That’s why it’s such a shock for him when he finds out that you feel the same ‘passion’ that he does! [He calls it passion, at least.] But of course, he’s not complaining! In fact, it’s something that would make him incredibly happy!
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Doe’s already a clingy person on his own, and would be the type to follow You around no matter what you’re doing. When the two of you initially started dating, he would be the type to try and give you some alone time in the assumption that it would make you happy. However, if You wanted him to stay by your side at every hour of the day, he would be overjoyed to! Free time is completely optional, to him at least! 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Though, with all of the affection that You let Doe give you, he might start to get worried that he’s being too overbearing. He might get scared that  he’s smothering you too much, and that you might get uncomfortable and want to break up with him. Please make sure to reassure your eldritch boyfriend! He loves you with his entire being, and even the thought of you leaving him breaks his heart. After all, you dating him is nothing less than a dream come true, and he doesn’t want to risk things turning into a nightmare.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Assuming that all of that gets smoothened out, get ready for heaps upon heaps of affection. I’m talking about amounts of affection that you wouldn’t even be able to imagine, amounts beyond your wildest hopes and dreams. He will absolutely cover you in kisses at any given moment, hold your hand and walk around with you no matter where you’re going, clinging to you like plastic wrap on a bowl. Even if you somehow wanted him to leave you alone at that point, he probably wouldn’t.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・When I’m talking about the two of you always being together, I mean it in the most literal sense. If you’re out somewhere, Doe is with you. If you’re in the bathroom, Doe is waiting right outside. If you’re visiting a friend’s house, Doe will be sitting on their couch right next to you. If you’re at work, Doe will always be relaxing with You and pretending to be a very loyal customer whenever your boss decides to pop in. Everybody in your apartment complex would know, and it would become one of those very open secrets that nobody talks about, but everybody knows.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・If You had ever tried to stalk Doe, I can one-hundred percent guarantee that he knew. He’s got eyes in all sorts of places, even if you weren’t aware. Though, I’m unsure if he would call it stalking, per se. He’d probably just assume it to be some normal form of human interest, which if anything, would only cause him to want to stalk you more. This would also lead to you upping the intensity of your stalking in the assumption that he likes somebody else in your apartment complex, which would just lead to an entire stalk-off. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・This is something he’d casually bring up one day when the both of you start dating. You’d be snuggling into his side while the two of you are binging horror movies, and there’d be a scene where the killer is stalking their victim. And then, out of the blue, Doe would bounce up and point at the TV screen and start reminiscing about the times that you were both stalking each other. You didn’t know he was aware of that beforehand, and you nearly fell off the couch in shock. You then listened to your boyfriend go on a passionate ramble of all the places you hid while trying to stay out of his view, even bringing up the time when you tried to sneak into his house. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・It was a risky idea on your part, but You weren’t expecting things to be too difficult. However, despite the events of your first day in the valley, you had yet to properly adjust to the true weirdness of the place. His home seemed like an impossibly big maze after you had entered, doors to all sorts of strange places littering the walls, floor, and even the ceiling. Cue comedic shenanigans as you try to find the door to get out while trying to make sure that you didn’t get caught - something that you thought you succeeded in, but apparently not.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・As for jealousy, I imagine that Doe’s wouldn’t actually be too severe. If any version of You were to date Doe, his jealousy would mostly be dissipated since he would trust that nobody could steal you away from him - even more so if You were also a yandere like him. To him, there’s no point in worrying if the two of you are already so madly in love with each other!
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・He wouldn’t actually mind if you were the type to get jealous, though. If anything, I think he might just be a bit more on the flattered side of the spectrum. Now, he wouldn’t actually go out of his way to make you jealous, and he’d stop you from doing anything that you might regret, but he wouldn’t actually get upset about it either.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Doe would love to brag to other people about how in love the two of you are. Now, he’s not the most social person, and he doesn’t have a large group of friends outside of You - or… any at all, to be honest. Regardless, he’ll take any opportunity provided to him to talk about how cute You are, and how lucky he is to be in such a happy relationship with you - even if it’s just to some poor gas station customer that’s letting all of the words in one ear and out the other. Doe usually doesn’t notice, but you make sure to give the patron a sharp glare - just in case.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・I don’t think either of you would actually go as far as to do anything violent, at the end of the day. When it comes to it, I think the general possessiveness, clinginess, and possible jealousy on your end would be the most extreme that the relationship would become, especially seeing the fact that the two of you already have feelings for each other. Compared to the general weirdness of Uncanny Valley, I’m sure that the residents of the place wouldn’t really care, especially when you compare your relationship to the absolutely crazy things that take place on the island.
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1K notes · View notes
adiluv-moved · 2 years
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﹕₊˚ʚ❤️ɞ・[word count] 1268.
﹕₊˚ʚ🐞ɞ・[warnings] yandere character [technically; no yandere behavior demonstrated], not edited/proofread.
﹕₊˚ʚ🖤ɞ・[adi moment] thank you for the request, 🐎 anon!! this was honestly such a cute concept to think about, and i honestly had a lot of fun writing about it!! i hope you enjoy!! +:꒰◍•ᴗ•◍꒱:+
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╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Now, You had never expected to actually have children with Doe. You knew that him being inhuman wouldn’t pair well with actually reproducing, and it was something that you had come to accept. Besides, if the both of you really wanted kids at some point, it would be more than possible to adopt. So, it was pretty shocking when Doe walked up to you one morning with a tiny hairball in his hands, his eyes sparkling as his skin seemed to melt. And it was even more shocking when he set the tiny thing in your hands and started yelling about being a father. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・This was certainly not the first time that Doe had made a tiny hairball during the time of your relationship, with Doe making them fairly often in order to help with menial tasks around the apartment - or just as a way to stay closer to You whenever you two had to be separated. However, it was the first time that he had ever been this excited over one, and it would take you some time to calm him down enough to explain why. Turns out, he had forgotten to reabsorb this particular Doe-ball, meaning that it had already started to develop its own conscience. That is, you two would soon become parents. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・You were somewhat conflicted upon processing Doe’s words. On one hand, you weren’t really opposed to keeping the tiny little thing - though the entire news of this happening was… extremely sudden. And while Doe was extremely excited by the idea of having another addition to the apartment, he did understand if you would rather not keep it around. This would lead to a long talk between the two of you where you would discuss the roles and importance of parenthood, ultimately culminating in the decision of whether or not the Doe-ball would stay.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・The two of you would come to your consensus by the time the Sun started setting, in which it was decided that the doe-ball would stay, and that you two would accept the roles of being their parents. The initial happiness of having a new addition to your humble apartment would wear off rather quickly, however, when You realized how shockingly unprepared the place was for a child. You would spend your evening making many Boogle searches, which seemed to be some strange Valley combination of Bing and Google. Doe, however, would spend most of his time outside gathering materials to create a false body for the new addition, a task that he would begin after returning home for the night. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・You would spend the entirety of the next day at home with Doe, waiting for the new ball to gain a full sense of conscience and completely leave Doe’s mind. This was something that took the entire morning, though Doe was quick to alert you when he felt something slip out of his thoughts. Barely a few minutes later, and the eyeball of your new child opened up. You had to stop Doe from squeezing the poor thing to death in his excitement. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Moving away from an actual scenario to more spread out headcanons, Doe would honestly be a pretty good parent, even though he may not fully understand what he’s doing a lot of the time. He remembers just how tough things were for him when he had slipped away from the motherball, and how scary it was to try and escape its home in one piece. As such, he’d always do his best to make sure that his little Doe-ball is comfortable, especially at home.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Something that he would also strive for is the ability to give your little Doe-ball as normal as a life they can have. And while the standards of normal are incredibly different between the Valley and the rest of the world, You also do your best to help. After learning more about the stages of human aging, Doe would go out of his way to create new faux bodies for the little Doe-ball as they age, and he’d also sacrifice some extra mass to them in order to help them better fit into the new body. This would lead them to age in a very natural fashion, with some of your family and friends outside of the Valley even believing they were a human.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・In case it wasn’t already obvious, Doe is absolutely the more lenient parent. He would let his little Doe-ball get away with anything they wanted, even if it’s reckless or otherwise just not a good idea. You’re honestly pretty sure that he would help them cover up a crime if they ended up committing one… which is definitely something You do your best to counteract. It’s pretty difficult, however, when they start to take advantage of Doe’s ability to help them get a lighter punishment from you. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Would be the classic sentimental and protective father as the Doe-ball continues to get older. He would be melting into a puddle as you both wave them off to their first day of preschool, and practically already one with the floor when it’s time for them to enroll into kindergarten. It would take all of the strength you have to keep him from chasing after the schoolbus on their first day, and you would most definitely have to drag him back to the apartment after it gets out of sight. And trust me when I say that he’ll make that endeavor as hard as it could possibly be as he dramatically blows into a handkerchief that he just managed to find somewhere. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Doe’s sentimentality and protectiveness wouldn't change much as the Doe-ball continues into being a teenager, which would lead to him being a pretty clingy parent. His protectiveness and clinginess would probably only continue to get worse as they try to become more independent, and you would have to sit Doe down and have a long talk about children needing more space and personal time as they age. Even though it would take him a while to fully accept that your child is getting older, he would do his best to try and give them the space that they want, though he might not always be successful. It's a process, though your child seems more than happy to see him try, and that's honestly all you could ask for.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Doe would absolutely be the type of parent to try and get all of you to wear those sorts of matching clothes and stuff. And although You normally wouldn't be the type to participate in those sorts of things, it's pretty hard to say no when he's showing you all of the things that he found while staring at you with his big doe eyes. [I couldn't resist…] He would continue to buy matching things for the three of you for quite some time, though he'd stop if your Doe-ball felt uncomfortable or embarrassed doing it. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Doe would also be the type of parent who loves going on field trips. Without fail, the three of you would wind up in some random corner of the valley every weekend, usually with… less than positive results. From somehow sneaking you all into strictly private areas to nearly getting you all eaten by Maison [who, given your last encounter with him, would have certainly taken the opportunity], Doe just doesn’t have the best luck when it comes to selecting a destination. Luckily, you’d eventually manage to convince him to let you choose the places you visit, but there’s pretty much always some random hijink that takes things down a much more hectic path.
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872 notes · View notes
adiluv-moved · 2 years
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﹕₊˚ʚ❤️ɞ・[word count] 1522.
﹕₊˚ʚ🐞ɞ・[warnings] yandere character [technically; no yandere behavior demonstrated], might be a bit ooc, made pretty quickly / not proof read.
﹕₊˚ʚ🖤ɞ・[adi moment] here's the repost!! sorry that things didn't work correctly the first time, but hopefully things go better now!! this is based off of a headcanon from this post!! thank you for the request, anon!! ᕠ( ᐛ )ᕤ /gen
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╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Now, in case it wasn’t obvious, John Doe absolutely hates water. He won’t come near you when you’re doing anything with the stuff, and will even keep his distance for some time afterwards. And although it does tend to be a little bit funny, you do understand why he would have such a distaste for it.  Still, you can’t help but feel a little bit sad whenever it’s a rainy day - especially so in the spring.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・He’ll just sit on the couch and mope for the whole day. And you especially feel bad when you have to go out and just leave him there, sitting sadly on the couch and flicking through all of the channels, giving you puppy dog eyes in an attempt to get you to stay. He wouldn’t even go out until most [if not all] of the rain had dried out, and it’s times like those that you can’t help but wonder how spring even managed to become his favorite season. Especially with how unusually rainy the valley seemed to be. [You still didn’t quite understand the strange weather phenomena of the place.] Maybe he was just one of those people that wanted what he couldn’t have? Well, you supposed it would check out.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・You believed that it would be in your best interest to try and help Doe get over his fears. Though, You hadn’t yet known about the reasoning behind his aversion to the liquid, which would result in your misjudgement of the tasks’ difficulty. In fact, when you had tried to hold his hand after explaining your plan, you had found that it was melting in yours. In fact, his entire body was melting into the couch he had been sitting on, exposing tendrils of hair that ran beneath. It took him some time to re-solidify [and a lot of explaining - read: pleading], but he did eventually agree to your plans. [Granted, ‘agree’ was a strong word, but you decided to take it whatever you could get.]
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・You decided to try and warm him up to the idea of going out in the rain by having him watch it first. And that too was a struggle in and of itself. From reassuring Doe that “yes, there’s no chance the window is going to suddenly disappear” to having to duct tape the entire panel with multiple layers, you had to do a lot to ensure that things went smoothly. And, they surprisingly did. It took him some time to get used to watching the rain [and to be entirely convinced that the window would be perfectly fine], but he managed to brave through the entire thing. Granted, he had squeezed your hand so hard that your fingers started changing color, but you were proud of him.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Even though he managed to get through the rain without running away into some hidden nook of your apartment, it didn’t seem like it had done much to help ease his fears. He was still incredibly displeased with the idea of even being in the same room as water, which didn’t exactly make you feel good about the situation. However, he didn’t have as severe of a reaction when You asked him to watch the rain with you again, so it did seem like you were taking a step in the right direction.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・Watching the rain actually started to become a bit of a ritual between the both of you, with Doe even gathering a bunch of pillows and blankets to create a fort you two could snuggle in. It took him a long time to become fully comfortable, but he trusted that you wouldn’t let anything bad happen to him, especially with you even offering yourself as a shield in case some rain magically came into the apartment. Sure, you knew it wasn’t going to happen, but it was the thought that counted.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・It took you some time to figure out what to do next, but you eventually settled on sitting with Doe by the door while the rain poured. He wasn’t quite ready to actually go on a walk in the rain, but watching the rain without a window to hide behind seemed like a decent stepping stone. It was something you had to ease into, seeing that Doe would absolutely refuse to get anywhere near the open door, regardless of the fact that the rain had virtually no chance of reaching you. [You were kind of grateful to the strange layout of your apartment complex, in that sense.] 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・This part of the plan didn’t go nearly as well, though not for the most obvious reason. While Doe had still had the tight grip on your hand [You kind of wondered how he was so strong], things had been going about the same as when you had him sit in front of the window. However, one thing you certainly weren’t accounting for was the decision of your next door neighbor to stop by for a chat. After taking their dog for a walk. In the rain, to clarify. While it made sense for the dog to want to shake off some of the water on its fur, it seemed like painfully bad timing for them to dry itself right. In front. Of Doe. 
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・While You managed to step in front of him before any water could make contact, Doe still recoiled - and screamed - as though he had been hit full force by each individual droplet. He went running back into your apartment, scrambling on your couch and sending the throw pillows you had carefully selected flying, a series of crashes being heard as he banged against every possible surface on the way to your shared room. Needless to say, it was a disaster. There’s still a hole in one of the spots Doe collided into, and that neighbor has been avoiding you ever since [what you’ve now deemed as] ‘The Incident’. Ever since, You made sure to only practice by the door in the dead of the night.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・A few weeks afterwards, You had finally gotten Doe back to the amount of confidence he had before, and then some. Sure, your ego was still kind of bruised, but it would all be worth it when you could see the happy look on Doe’s face. [For the sake of your sanity, you told yourself he would have a happy look on his face.] You started trying to plan out clothes for Doe to wear on his excursion, eventually setting on layers upon layers of clothes, all topped with a raincoat. You also took the liberty of getting him several pairs of gloves, which you also helped him layer onto each other. Things had already gone so far, and You didn’t want to risk messing things up here - something easily proven by the sheer amount of testing you had done using tomato sauce, which ran no risk of scaring your eldritch boyfriend. No good deed goes unpunished, though, as your local supermarket now bans you from purchasing more than three cans of the stuff per day. [And, even if You didn’t need a lot of it, the suspicious looks of all the staff when you try to stock up on groceries is quite uncomfortable.]
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・The walk took some time to get prepared for, namely because of the struggle to get Doe into all of the layers he needed and then out the door. He kind of reminded You of a certain tire mascot, but you decided to keep that information to yourself - though you imagine Doe must’ve been curious about the slight giggles you let out. You had both agreed to go out and test things during a drizzle, which would minimize the risk of water somehow breaching the layers and serve as a way for Doe to get used to the experience if he ever wanted to go out during the rain again. He was very stiff during the beginning of the walk, though he seemed to get used to it - and even liked it after some time. His pupils became incredibly dilated, and you had to physically stop him from getting too cocky and jumping into a puddle, lest all of your preparations be for nothing. The rain ended up letting out before you two had finished walking, and Doe was incredibly happy to get through the entire experience safely.
╰₊˚ʚ🔪ɞ・He ended up telling You the reason behind his aversion to water after you got home, and you actually felt a bit bad for pushing him to overcome his fears afterwards. Yet, he was actually more so thankful for you, and he felt honored that you would go through so much to help him - even if he was pretty scared in the beginning. While he doesn’t always go out for walks in the rain, he does quite enjoy them. You’ve both also found a few ways to lessen the amount of layers without compromising protection, meaning that the process is no longer as annoying for him. While love is definitely still not what he feels for water as a whole, he will admit that rain is quite pleasant.
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