#ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴛᴏ ϙᴜᴇᴜᴇ ᴀɴᴇᴡ ☾ ϙᴜᴇᴜᴇ
leroiloup · 4 years
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「    HIATUS NOTICE : I’m taking a little vacay for a short bit. I’ll check back in with my muse in a week and see if he feels like playing then. my bday is at the end of the month and since obviously nothing is happening irl for it, I’d like to back by then, so don’t worry, this won’t be another month thing.
in the words of Rocco : catch you on the flip side    」
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leroiloup · 4 years
► @twinfractured​
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      Wolfsbane Potion : it was a rare thing to have as it was difficult to brew. The volatile substances needed created a margin of error too large for most handle. A professor at Hogwarts who’s responsibility is to keep the students’ safety a priority doesn’t have a choice but to acquire the potion by any means necessary –– if that professor were a werewolf. Klaus Mikaelson, a former Slytherin student under Dumbledore’s tutelage, taught Defense Against the Dark Arts. A controversial decision for many since it was no secret that the morally ambiguous wizard had dabbled much in his past. Yet now a father,  he was given a second chance at life from Dumbledore himself, and the professor wasn’t about to screw that up.
Despite the rumors surrounding his past involvements in the dark arts, not a soul ( save for his daughter and the Headmaster ) knew about the lycan blood that ran through his veins. It was a secret he kept closely guarded, knowing full well that if word got out, there would be no option left for him to teach the students of Hogwarts. Getting his hands on the wolfsbane potion every month was paramount for his survival in the bigoted world that despised his kind.
With the fate of his very future hanging in the balance, Klaus knew full well the severity of the situation when he discovered that Josie Saltzman had heard far too much. 
“Your wolfsbane delivery, on time, just as requested,” the Potions master said as he set the bottle on Klaus’s desk. The classroom was empty, the students having all gone off to get ready for dinner. Picking up the bottle, Klaus quickly pocketed it.  ❝ And you shall have your payment in due time ; just as discussed, ❞ the wolf replied with a smirk. He watched the other professor head towards the door, but before he left, he turned and added, “How long has it been now since you last turned ? Surely that sort of thing doesn’t get –– pent up.”  With a knowing raise of his eyebrows, he was gone, leaving Klaus alone to contemplate the words.
Picking up his wand and a few books, the professor left his classroom with the weight of far too much on his shoulders. Just as he exited the door, that’s when he saw her. The young brunette was watching him with a look that made it clear : she heard everything.
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leroiloup · 4 years
► @ladyreckoning​  &  @sluething​
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       Riverdale may not be the most highly sought town for any vampire, but Klaus found the quaint burrow to his liking ; for the time being, as it were. With a high casualty count, the cause from its own mortal occupants, he was sure that a few more bodies to pile up wouldn’t exactly raise eyebrows towards the clandestine world of the supernatural. He never stayed in one place for too long, anyway –– always on the move, following any leads to find the ingredients to break his curse. That didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy himself from time to time. Being an immortal vampire in the modern world was a gift, he had decided. The world was his oyster ; the cities his playground. He refused to deny who he was in order to stay tethered to a world that never wanted him in the first place.
As the vampire stalked the darkened alleys of the town one night, he set his eyes on a brunette that looked far too delicious to ignore. She appeared to be waiting for someone, making her easy pickings in his opinion. Having a little fun with his flair for the dramatics, he remained concealed in the shadows as he worked the air around them to produce a thick fog to slowly roll into the alley. The air grew chilly, setting the scene of any clichéd horror film. The sound of rustling, of disembodied breaths could be heard without any sight of the mysterious figure who watched the young brunette.
It wasn’t until Klaus was absolutely positive that he held her attention that he slowly walked out into the light. His peacoat flapped behind him in the wind and the fog parted in his wake. Dark eyes were locked onto his victim, feeling his veins quiver in anticipation for the feast to come.  ❝ It’s quite dangerous to be out –– - alone, ❞ he commented, his accented voice as smooth as velvet. Only when his face came into full view for her, standing only a couple feet apart, did he allow his features to contort into visage of the monster that he truly is. Veins bulged around his black and red eyes and he grinned wide to reveal two pairs of sharp fangs. He didn’t bother to compel her, wanting to make the hunt more interesting. Then he lunged for her throat –– -
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leroiloup · 4 years
► continued from here with @seesgood​
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       Folding his arms over his chest as he leaned back against the little table, half sitting on the edge, Klaus’s head tilted as he fixed Caroline with wide, surprised eyes.  ❝ Can you now ? Do you even know who you were talking to out there, love ? ❞  Now that they were in the safety of the compound’s courtyard, he felt no reason not to take his time with teasing the intrepid vampire.  ❝ Because you just happened to make friends with the head of the Tremé witches –– a known enemy of the Mikaelsons ; and truly, any vampire. And since everyone here knows that you’re my –– - guest, it paints quite a big target on your back. ❞  Mid-speech, Klaus had almost slipped up and called Caroline something else of his, but thankfully, he had stopped himself.  ❝ You both were laughing. What did you and Vincent get on so famously about anyhow ? ❞
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leroiloup · 4 years
「    continued from here with @astormofagirl​   //   chloe decker    」
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       The man who lay sprawled on the pavement was no mere victim of a mugging gone wrong. Klaus had been tracking the movement of a werewolf pack that he’d recently discovered. They were rare and based mostly in the west coast. Although the hybrid didn’t concern himself in the affairs of werwolves outside of New Orleans often, this particular pack was on the run from something nefarious. A child of their bloodline attended school with Hope –– until she recently turned up dead. Coincidentally, in the same manner as the poor fellow on the ground : their hearts removed. If there was a threat encroaching on the Salvatore School, then Klaus wanted to have all details. 
Eyeing the severe looking woman with a curious gaze, clearly not bothered by the gun in her hand, Klaus grinned and clasped his hands behind his back.  ❝ I’m Klaus Mikaelson. You can put that thing away. I’m here about my –– - friend, not you. Was this the first body to pop up like this ? ❞ he asked, gesturing towards the open chest cavity.
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leroiloup · 4 years
► @nexusvorti​
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       With Hell long since obliterated by Bonnie Bennet, Klaus was sent to a different place altogether after his death ; or rather, he was sent nowhere. Peace wasn’t his to have –– not even his self sacrifice to save his daughter could truly erase the thousand years’ worth of atrocities created by his own hand. There was also the matter of Hope : she who he sacrificed himself for. His death was meant to rid the world of the Hollow’s curse and usher in an era of wellbeing for his daughter. Instead, she was plagued constantly the tribulations of being a tribrid in a tumultuous world. As such, peace would never find the dead original hybrid.
The endless stretch of black nothing was Klaus’s only companion. Time quickly became irrelevant. At first, he welcomed the quiet, but soon found its constant meaninglessness full of despair. Through it all, though, if Klaus retained one piece of himself, it was his mind. Never once did his will waver, even as madness slowly began creeping in. Perhaps, he wondered, that was the benefit of living in such chaos for much of his life. He was well equipped to deal with the worst life held for humanity.
It was that very comfort that he clung to that let him know something was amiss. Before, there was nothing but the absence of light as far as the eye could see –– - then suddenly there was a forest. How he came to be traipsing through the woods, the original didn’t have a clue. A piece of his mind had finally succumbed to the corrosion of death, he figured. Unsure if it was a new limbo, or perhaps heaven, he continued his walking. It was as though his feet knew exactly where to take him. The moon was bright above in the night sky and he could hear the sounds of nocturnal critters all around. Klaus couldn’t help but wonder if this was in fact Valhalla or Fólkvangr –– but all such notions of whimsy were dispelled when he was able to register the smells around him.
The dirt of the forest floor, the aroma of the leaves on the trees, the blood that pumped through the veins of the animals around him –– -
           Klaus froze as true realization dawned on him. This wasn’t death ; this was LIFE.
The fact that he couldn’t recall how he got there, or where he was heading, deeply troubled the hybrid. Yet as he continued forward, he felt a pull towards a very specific location. As much as he wanted to deny it, he knew precisely where his target lie : Mystic Falls.
The Salvatore School was dark in the late hours of the night, but it was barely an effort for the resurrected hybrid to break in. Whatever wards were in place, didn’t seem to effect him, he noted. Although he should have no reason to know where the door he sought was, his feet continued to carry him towards the girls’ dormitories. 
He only stopped when he reached her room, and for a long moment, Klaus was wondering what he was doing. He was of perfect, sound mind in the Nothing –– but now he felt himself going mad. Everything was real, that much he was certain of. What he couldn’t calculate was how or even why. While it wasn’t impossible to resurrect a dead original, it would take great power. Yet, Klaus couldn’t recall a witch or a ritual. All he knew was that one minute he was dead, and the next, he was walking through the woods.
Blue eyes lifted to the door in front of him and he knocked, his heart pounding with uncertainty. Despite any unrest in his mind, there one thing that remained clear : he had to see her. Klaus had to see his daughter.
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leroiloup · 4 years
► continued from here with @thedevilwearspierce​
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     Of all the people who could have possibly showed up on the Mikaelson doorstep in New Orleans, the very last that Klaus could have foreseen would be the very woman whom he’d tormented and hunted for half a millennia. Yet there was Katherine, in his family parlor, sitting on the plush couch as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Because of her, Klaus knew that Hayley bore his child, and for that, he’d be forever grateful ; grateful enough to no longer hunt her down and demand retribution. Anything beyond that, the hybrid deemed unnecessary. 
From the first sarcastic words out of the vampire’s mouth, Klaus crossed his arms over his chest and shifted his weight from where he stood opposite the couch she was on. Though he listened to what she was saying, the expression etched into his features belied any sort of interest. The notion that he still owed her was enough to make him laugh, but he simply stared at her, eyebrows slightly raised. Katherine’s concession with the word ‘fine’ brought a smug smirk to his lips. She was floundering now and he enjoyed watching her squirm. The original could admit that he made her entire life a living hell and that she didn’t deserve the plight he bestowed – but his own life was wrought with so much that he didn’t deserve, so the pangs of sympathy within him simply didn’t resonate.
It wasn’t until Katherine attempted flirtation that Klaus actually rolled his eyes and dropped his arms to move to the bar cart.  ❝ If your tactic is flirtation, love, then I’m going to need a drink for this, ❞ he said as he poured two glasses of bourbon. Crossing the room, he handed one to her before taking a sip of his own, using the moment to think through his choices of responses.  ❝ For argument’s sake –– - and to save you from what was bound to be an endlessly embarrassing moment : let’s say I agree to help you. Purely out of the goodness of my heart. ❞  The devilish grin he gave her at the last words spoke of the exact opposite of anything ‘good’.  ❝ What exactly would I need to do ? ❞
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leroiloup · 4 years
► continued from here with @badasshybridqueen​
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     Crossing his arms over his chest, Klaus tilted his head and regarded Hayley with an arched eyebrow that said he wasn’t very amused.  ❝ Because she inherits her precocious side from you, making her yours when she exhibits such antics, ❞ he said matter-of-factly, gesturing with one hand before crossing it back with his other.  ❝ And believe me, love, she spoke with such conviction that I have doubt she knows. The last thing I wanted, though, was to hear such words on her innocent lips. Is this what they’re teaching at that school of hers ? So young ? ❞  The millennia old original actually had no concept of how old one normally was when learning about such ways in life. Raising children was vastly different when he was one coming up in the world.
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leroiloup · 4 years
⚜   I may be on hiatus, but this muse is still strong. This came out of no where tonight and I just started writing it down as it came. Maybe I’ll write follow ups ? Maybe I’ll make it a verse ? Or maybe it’ll just be this one shot . . . I dunno, man.   ➥ Canon divergent any time after TO S3   ✥ Trigger Warnings: mild violence
             ❝ Heavy is the head that wears the crown.                                                                                             ━or so they say . . . ❞
Wind whistled through the darkened halls while tattered curtains fluttered in a dismal dance - giving breath to the haunted, ravished home. Where once a beacon of resplendent power and pride stood, the Abattoir now creaked and groaned under the weight of its own bones. Booted footsteps echoed in the hallway - the only sign of life as its tenant surveyed the wreckage of a world lost before him. A kingdom built from dirt and brick had stood the test of ages : illness, battles, magic, treachery, and even the cataclysmic fires set with the pernicious intent to erase all traces. Though commanded under a different banner for some time, the Mikaelsons had returned it to its former glory - ushering in a new era for what it means to be supernatural.
It wasn’t hard to imagine it : the green vines that entwined with the black iron balcony railings / the deep hues of red and purple and gold that filled every corner in the form of tapestries, paintings, and plush furniture / the silver of the lights that danced in the trees of the courtyard while crystal clear water splashed in the fountain. Even the sounds could be recalled on command. Where once there was yelling, now laughter echoed in the halls. Where once death reigned supreme, life had taken absolute control. A family brought together despite the strife and sorrows of centuries of battle to support and love, and have each others’ backs. A daughter, bringing hope to a legacy once thought too bloodstained to redeem. All of this seemed nothing more than an outlandish fairytale for a millennia, and yet Klaus Mikaelson had held it in the palm of his hand.
                                                 Until the winds changed . . .
As his careful eyes beheld the carnage of the remnants of his kingdom, he thought back to the details that spelled his downfall. Though he was blood soaked, clothes torn asunder, and barely clinging to life as his hybrid blood hurried to heal him - a new resolve was taking root in his heart. His family were taken from him, but in his still-beating heart, Klaus knew they were alive. Ever the master strategist, he knew that the only way to deal with an un-vanquishable foe such as he, was to bargain : his family for whatever this new enemy deemed fit for their benefit.
Making his way to the courtyard, walking amongst the dead who were strewn about from the battle, Klaus felt his anger churn into something he could use. The inexorable rage that fueled his every being since the time he was born had become his greatest weapon. Pausing at the fountain, he dipped two fingers into its waters and withdrew red tinged liquid. A normal man would weep at the sight he beheld, but Klaus was anything but normal. The devil danced upon his lips as he grinned - mirth alight in his dark eyes. 
This new enemy that dared think itself stronger than a Mikaelson made a grave error in their attempt on the throne. They looked at the monster - the original hybrid - and saw only what he had to take. They overlooked the monster himself and everything he is. 
Crowns are only heavy for those weak and alone, Klaus knew. He was neither of those things. The stalwart walls of the Abattoir had forged a family and with it, a force unlike any the world has seen. The enemy played their hand and while it seemed they’d gained the high ground, they also messed with one thing to truly and royally piss off the mad monster Klaus : his family.
He dragged his fingers horizontally across his forehead, letting the red water crown drip past golden lit irises. A promise was once made and now this enemy will know the true meaning of Always & Forever.
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leroiloup · 4 years
@thesacrificialxlamb​ : ( continued from HERE )
    Finn listened to the words leave his brothers lips. Words he never thought the hybrid would say. “–And here i thought you enjoyed ripping the lives from innocent people?” His words came out almost bitterly. “Watching as the light left their eyes? Every time does suck. The blood pulsing through their bodies, calling your name. Their heart beats getting louder and louder the more afraid they become. Yet you sink your fangs in anyways because it’s the only way to survive.. To kill, is the only way to survive. So yes, every time does suck. But you–you enjoy it.”
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     A small smile ghosted the lips of the hybrid, dimples giving away the physical attribute that he attempted to hide. Klaus was entirely amused by Finn’s antics, all too used to being berated and judged by merely surviving.  ❝ Oh, make no mistake brother. Of course I stop to enjoy the little things in life, ❞ he teased with a smirk before bringing his cup of hot tea to his lips. The return to New Orleans had been proving to allow his family to heal. Things were still a little strained between Klaus and Elijah, but the hybrid had hope that his family could be mended. With Finn in their presence again, it seemed only proof that this is what fate intended. He wanted to bond with the eldest Mikaelson brother, but Finn’s constant dour attitude made it difficult.  ❝ We are ushering in a new era for our family, though. Despite what self-loathing routine you have yourself stuck in, I think things will be looking up soon. ❞
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leroiloup · 5 years
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@haitibcrn​ said : “‘it’s rare to see a hybrid come to this place. How can I help you?”
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           It was a sunny and humid spring day in New Orleans. Gaggles of happy tourists flitted about and musicians obliged them, playing on every other street corner. It was the sort of day that would make the original hybrid proud to call this city his home - were he allowed the moment to indulge in such frivolity. No time for play, Klaus moved with purpose, driving out of the quarter to an area on the other side of the river. He knew of witches other than the quarter witches that set up business there, and sought to enlist some help in his current dilemma. Klaus’s disdain for witches in general - despite being born one - wasn’t a secret, but he knew that his family could use all the help they could get. With Hope’s life in the balance, he’d do anything at this point to keep her safe.
The black range rover pulled up outside a small shop. The usual trinkets and curios of hoodoo could be found in the window display alongside scrawling font that said 𝐻𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑉𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑜𝑜. While Voodoo was never Klaus’s area of expertise, he’d been in New Orleans long enough to know that there was a distinct difference between New Orleans Voodoo and Haitian Voodoo. Today, he sought the latter.
Straightening his black leather jacket, he walked into the shop - the bell on the door alerting the shop owner to a new potential customer. Blue eyes landed on the woman behind the desk, seeing nor hearing anyone else in the store. Her words pulled a curious look from him as he tilted his head.  ❝ I see my reputation proceeds me, even here. ❞  His voice was calm ; still collected even in a place could potentially be enemy territory.  ❝ All the same, I’m Klaus Mikaelson. Are you the owner of this little emporium ? ❞
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leroiloup · 5 years
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leroiloup · 5 years
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                                  ɪɴ ᴀ ʏᴇᴀʀ ᴏʀ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴄᴇɴᴛᴜʀʏ
                                  ( Indie & Selective Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes )                                         ( Loved By JT ( @leroiloup​) & Lia ( @seesgood ) )
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leroiloup · 5 years
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                               ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴋɴᴇᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ϙᴜᴇᴇɴ
                                                                 ⚜️                                    ( Indie & Selective Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall )                               ( Loved By JT ( @leroiloup​) & Cori ( @badasshybridqueen ) )
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leroiloup · 5 years
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klaus mikaelson aesthetic //
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leroiloup · 5 years
► @carebearxsunshine​ ║ continued from here
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                   Studying Caroline’s features, Klaus found what appeared to be doubt in her eyes. He’d admit that he’d given her a mountain of reasons to mistrust him, but he was sure that how he felt about her was made perfectly clear. It almost hurt to see her doubt him. He stood straight, keeping a respectable distance between them. It seemed every time he turned around, Caroline was getting kidnapped or tortured. As the stakes for the cure got higher, he started to worry about her. He shifted his weight casually at her question, giving her a matter-of-fact expression as he answered, ❝ I’d hunt down whoever hurt you, kill them, then kill everyone they’d ever met. ❞ It was a harsh threat - one he took to quite often - but the conviction in his voice made it no less believable.
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