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domomir · 1 year ago
Chronique d’une Émas : une nouvelle étude ethnographique de Godefroy Lansade sur la politique d’inclusion scolaire
Cet article a été initialement publié dans l'Expresso du Café pédagogique du 12 septembre 2023.
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Après avoir suivi pendant trois ans le quotidien d’une Ulis en lycée professionnel – ce qui a débouché sur un livre passionnant : « La vision des inclus », l’anthropologue Godefroy Lansade s’est engagé pendant un an et demi dans le suivi d’une Émas (équipe mobile d’appui médico-social à la scolarisation des enfants en situation de handicap). Les premiers résultats de son étude ont été publiés dans le numéro 2023/2 de la revue Ethnologie française. Comme avec son précédent travail, cette recherche apporte un éclairage du plus grand intérêt pour tous les acteurs d’une école qui se veut inclusive.
Un environnement politique orienté vers la désinstitutionnalisation
Avant de nous exposer ses travaux, Godefroy Lansade rappelle le contexte politique et institutionnel de la création des Émas. La France s’est engagée depuis les années 1990 dans la politique internationale de développement de l’accès aux institutions scolaires de droit commun pour tous les enfants présentant des besoins éducatifs particuliers, dont notamment ceux qui sont considérés en situation de handicap. Il évoque à cet égard la Déclaration de Salamanque de 1994 (UNESCO), la Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées de 2006 (ONU), la loi du 11 février 2005 pour « l’égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées », la loi d’orientation et de programmation pour la refondation de l’école du 8 juillet 2013 (qui introduisit les termes d’inclusion scolaire et d’école inclusive dans la loi) et la récente loi du 26 juillet 2019 pour une école de la confiance qui prévoit diverses mesures pour le « renforcement de l’école inclusive ».
L’auteur souligne la logique qui structure tous ces textes de référence depuis la Déclaration de Salamanque : « les politiques d’inclusion scolaire revendiquent l’accessibilité de l’École en partant non pas, comme ce fût longtemps le cas, de l’inadaptation individuelle supposée des enfants reconnus handicapés, mais de l’inadaptation de l’environnement scolaire à ces derniers ». Il s’agit d’annuler les « freins à la participation et à la réalisation de soi occasionnés par le manque d’accessibilité de l’École ». C’est-à-dire : « tout ce qui impose des restrictions aux personnes handicapées, du préjugé individuel à la discrimination institutionnelle, des bâtiments publics inaccessibles aux moyens de transport inutilisables, de l’éducation ségrégative aux dispositifs de travail qui excluent ».
C’est donc dans ce contexte que se situe l’action publique qui cherche à rapprocher le secteur médico-social du secteur scolaire pour éviter les placements des enfants en institution spéciale comme cela s’est pratiqué pendant des décennies. Ainsi, avec plus ou moins d’efficacité et d’habileté, la France s’est engagée dans le mouvement international de « désinstitutionnalisation ».
Et l’État créa l’Émas
En 2017, par une circulaire relative à « la transformation de l’offre d’accompagnement des personnes handicapées dans le cadre de la démarche “une réponse accompagnée pour tous” », le ministère de la Santé a demandé aux établissements et services médico-sociaux de limiter les prises en charge au sein de leurs murs et de créer ou déplacer leur action et leurs unités d’enseignement au sein des établissements scolaires. Puis, en juin 2019, une nouvelle circulaire a créé à titre expérimental une soixantaine d’Émas chargées d’apporter un appui in situ aux établissements scolaires qui scolarisent des élèves handicapés. Très rapidement, cette expérimentation est devenue une politique généralisée de coopération au quotidien entre le secteur médico-social et l’École.
Mais dans cette coopération, les membres de l’Émas n’ont pas vocation à prendre en charge les élèves en situation de handicap ou à se substituer aux dispositifs et ressources qui existent : ils doivent apporter leur expertise aux acteurs qui font appel à eux. À cette fin, quatre missions leur sont assignées :
– conseiller et participer à des actions de sensibilisation à l’attention des professionnels des établissements scolaires accueillant des élèves reconnus en situation de handicap,
– apporter appui et conseil à un établissement scolaire en cas de difficulté avec un élève reconnu en situation de handicap,
– aider la communauté éducative à gérer une situation difficile,
– conseiller une équipe pluridisciplinaire d’évaluation de la maison départementale des personnes handicapées (MDPH).
Trouver sa place
La première tâche à laquelle ont été confrontés les membres de l’Émas suivie par Godefroy Lansade a consisté à trouver leur place dans le secteur géographique qui leur avait été attribué. Et cela n’allait pas de soi, car il existait déjà de nombreux acteurs engagés dans l’école inclusive. De plus, l’Émas fut rapidement confrontée à la polysémie de l’inclusion scolaire. Pour le secteur médico-social, cela ne concernait que les élèves en situation de handicap pour lesquels la MDPH avait reconnu un droit à compensation et avait donc produit un PPS (projet personnalisé de scolarisation, parfois encore réduit à une simple notification de droits accompagnée du GévaSco). Pour les professionnels de l’Éducation nationale, l’école inclusive concerne tous les élèves sans distinction qui peuvent présenter des besoins éducatifs particuliers (interprétation qui relève directement de la Déclaration de Salamanque de 1994 et qui répond aussi au Code de l’éducation et à la logique de non-ségrégation). Par exemple, entrent dans ce champ tous les élèves présentant des troubles spécifiques du langage et des apprentissages ou des troubles du neurodéveloppement, mais dont le degré d’expression n’a pas ouvert un droit à compensation par la MDPH (ou dont les parents n’ont pas saisi la MDPH par choix). Sont aussi concernés les élèves en très grande difficulté scolaire et les élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés, ou issus de familles de voyageurs. La situation de certains élèves HPI présentant des difficultés d’adaptation au système scolaire mobilise aussi la logique de la scolarisation inclusive.
Dans ce contexte, des services de l’Éducation nationale ont été déployés pour accompagner la scolarisation inclusive de ces élèves « atypiques » au-delà du seul public des élèves handicapés. L’Émas arrivait donc dans un carrousel d’acteurs spécialisés déjà engagés, alors que ceux-ci n’étaient pas systématiquement informés de l’existence et de la finalité de l’Émas. L’anthropologue constate que cette concurrence entre l’Émas et d’autres services internes à l’Éducation nationale s’est résolue par une assignation de l’identité de l’élève en fonction du service spécialisé qui l’accompagnait. Ce faisant, « l’acte de catégorisation prend ici le risque de produire ce qu’il désigne », tournant le dos au principe inclusif.
De plus, la mise en concurrence des acteurs qui ont chacun — et légitimement – leurs intérêts professionnels tend à générer un sentiment de méfiance. « Sous prétexte de laisser un maximum d’autonomie au fonctionnement territorial, le contraste est saisissant entre d’un côté la perfection formelle des circulaires, leurs protocoles impeccables et leur planification, et de l’autre côté, ce qui advient de leur mise en actes : un mélange inextricable de résistances, de mise en concurrence, d’improvisations, d’arrangements, de négociations et de bricolages permanents. »
Toutefois, dans ce mélange incertain, l’observation du terrain montre que « les Émas sont reconnues pour certaines spécificités, souvent inattendues, notamment celle de ne pas émaner de l’Éducation nationale, qui est devenu un argument de poids pour gagner la confiance des enseignants. »
Urgence vs accompagnement : le dilemme à dépasser
Mais ce qui joue le plus dans la manière dont l’Émas est considérée au sein du système scolaire tient à sa mission. En effet, elle intervient presque toujours pour répondre à une demande d’équipe scolaire confrontée à un cas très difficile auquel les services connus par cette équipe n’ont pas pu répondre. De ce fait, l’Émas doit agir dans l’urgence. Comme l’exprime l’un des membres de l’équipe suivie par Godefroy Lansade : « On est dans l’urgence, on vient débloquer des situations pour lesquelles les enseignants ne voient plus de solution possible. » Et pour près de 80 % de ces demandes, il s’agit d’élèves présentant des violences verbales ou physiques avec leurs pairs ou avec les adultes, d’élèves « agités », « perturbateurs », « qui font des crises » et « se montrent intolérants à la frustration ».
Les équipes sont alors en attente d’une orientation en établissement spécialisé. Or la mission d’appui à la scolarisation à laquelle doit répondre l’Émas est, par nature, contraire à cette attente. De plus, le fait d’intervenir en dernier recours, alors que la situation est très difficile, exacerbe la demande d’enseignants en souffrance : « En gros, c’est venez-voir comment l’élève dysfonctionne, à quel point il n’a rien à faire ici ».
En conséquence, l’équipe de l’Émas « doit faire preuve de diplomatie pour contenir la déception de l’équipe enseignante » qui constate qu’il s’agit « de faire en sorte que l’élève puisse rester dans l’école ». L’Émas constitue de facto un nouveau relais du discours du législateur. Mais cela ne suffit évidemment pas. Alors son équipe s’engage d’abord à éclairer la situation, à écouter tous les acteurs, à les comprendre et les reconnaître dans leur légitimité et leurs difficultés. Elle les aide à construire un étayage, souvent en mobilisant d’autres dispositifs, parfois inconnus des enseignants (comme les P��les de compétences et de prestations externalisées du secteur médico-social), mais aussi en diffusant de nouvelles normes de pratiques pour l’équipe enseignante, comme accepter qu’un élève soit « peut-être dans la classe, en collectif, sans apprendre, pour être disponible psychiquement pour entrer dans les apprentissages plus tard. Il faut juste accepter qu’il soit là ». Ce faisant, l’Émas est un dispositif « de ”capacitation“ dans le sens où, face aux situations problématiques toujours singulières de chacun des élèves, les acteurs sont (re)mis en mouvement et possiblement en capacité d’agir ».
Un problème fondamental : l’accessibilisation de l’École
Au terme de son étude, Godefroy Lansade constate que l’Émas n’a pas été conçue pour résoudre le problème fondamental de l’accessibilisation de l’École. Le législateur l’a créée comme un nouvel outil dans une panoplie de dispositifs correctifs déjà profuse, sans que leur mise en cohérence ait été pensée en amont – implicitement, c’est aux acteurs de terrain de trouver comment faire naître cette cohérence. Or, l’enjeu inclusif mobilise et fait s’entrecroiser des dynamiques peu évidentes : « lutte contre les inégalités de traitements illégitimes, rationalisation des dépenses publiques et reconfiguration des environnements scolaires et des pratiques pédagogiques pour les rendre accessibles ». Au final, c’est toute la pertinence de l’action publique pour l’école inclusive qui mériterait d’être appréhendée et repensée de manière systémique afin de dépasser l’accumulation d’instruments à laquelle on assiste.
On ne peut que recommander la lecture de l’article de Godefroy Lansade : riche de références scientifiques dans de nombreux domaines, il nous présente des « instantanés » pris sur le terrain qui parleront à tous, enseignants, AESH, chefs d’établissements, inspecteurs, recteurs, membres des Émas, et même aux ministres concernés. En s’appuyant sur des faits tangibles et des descriptions claires, il nous invite à appréhender sérieusement « les questions fondamentalement politiques que pose la mise en œuvre de l’idéal inclusif en tant que nouvel horizon anthropologique ».
Dominique Momiron
L’article de Godefroy Lansade dans la revue Ethnologie française
L’école inclusive vue par les inclus, interview de Godefroy Lansade dans le Café pédagogique
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marianastudiesart · 1 year ago
ÉMA - brand identity
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toku-explained · 9 months ago
GARO Timeline & Continuity Theory
This is my attempt to infer a linear timeline of GARO, or at least the main series. Please note that this is largely speculation outside the obvious elements. I'm not going to explain flashbacks, except maybe some notes on full flashback episodes. Spoilers for everything.
EDIT: This got way more involved than I expected, it's now a timeline of each era, with the order theory at the end.
Anime timeline
The anime are simple to sort. Around Vanishing Line the producers confirmed the anime was separate from the Tokusatsu. I kind of wish they hadn't done that but I understand why.
Anyway, we know exactly what the order is, it goes RAIKOU -> LÉON -> SWORD, separated by centuries. More specifically:
Guren no Tsuki's bonus episode. I'm not sure when it takes place relative to SEIMEI's time with DOUMAN, as there's a period of like 8-10 years potentially all that could happen in.
At some point MICHINAGA exiles his relative TOKITADA, unaware he is the holder of the FUJIWARA clan's armour, ZANGA. Now living as the thief TENKAIMARU, he endeavours only to allow the Armour to pass to a fellow FUJIWARA who shares his ideals.
ABE no KIYOME's father dies sealing her mother KUZUKO-HIME after she is possessed by the HORROR RAIJU. KIYOME, raised by grandfather HARUKAKI will eventually make it her mission to turn RAIJU into her own Madou Tool. She later is apprentices to DOUMA, then ASHIYA DOMAN, alongside his successor, who gives her the name SEIMEI.
Guren no Tsuki main series.
At some point, RAIKOU and YASUSUKE earn the ability to summon GOTEN and REKKA
Usuzumizakura takes place an uncertain period after the end of Guren no Tsuki.
Centuries pass
ANNA's father is GARO, it's uncertain when he died relative to the purge, but he was still active when Mendoza was expelled, but the gap was probably at least a decade. Alongside his senior apprentice, RAFAEL BANDERAS, GAIA, he serves as a mentor to ANNA, her lover ROBERTO, ZORO, and BERNARDO DION, ZEX, as both of whom acquire the ability to use Madou Horses, GETSUEI and SENKAKU. RAFAEL and his master hide ANNA's sister, ESMERALDA, who is adopted by a noble family, and eventually marries King FERDINAND San VALIANTE, giving him a son, ALFONSO
MENDOZA is expelled from the Makai for killing humans in experiments, and creating the forbidden Naidu Took Zirkel's Ring, and is marked by a SENATE Priest as the Golden Knight and GAIA guard him. He finds a new life as advisor to FERDINAND, secretly using HORRORs to aid his military efforts. When his child is born bearing the same mark as him, MENDOZA kills the child and his wife, and swears vengeance on the Makai.
The Valiante witch purge sets the stage for Honoo no Kokuin. ANNA is burnt at the stake, LÉON is born. BERNARDO falls to darkness believing ROBERTO and ANNA to have already been killed, and will become MENDOZA's chief enforcer.
A few years after LÉON is born, ROBERTO visits the previous Golden Knight's Priest partner, GAEL, and his pupil, Makai Knight MARCELLO, seeking a way to control the flames that LÉON spreads, leaving ZARUBA with him, the Madou Ring having been inactive since before the witch hunts. Unfortunately, MARCELLO becomes obsessed with ZARUBA, believing he can claim it's power.
Makai Priest LUCIANO GUZMAN becomes troubled by the frequency of loved ones of those who became HORRORs becoming HORRORs themselves, and becomes possessed by ARABEL. The arrogant Makai Knights ÉMA works with dismiss her and wind up all killed, leaving her distrustful of Makai Knights in general. Seeking to seal LUCIANO herself, she begins a journey, eventually taking her towards SANTA BARD.
17 years after the burning, the events of Honoo no Kokuin play out. The bonus episode presumably takes place afterwards, but is uncertain. Per CR Another GARO Honoo no Kokuin, at some point while still Kokuin GARO, LÉON faces MANDULA. Per the Special Drama CD, after retuning from being PEPE LÉON meet ÉMA in a SANTA BARD market, while later, GÉRMAN and ALFONSO discuss RAFAEL.
Per CR Another GARO Honoo no Kokuin, sometime after the series LÉON faces the powerful Horrors GRAND MAGUS, BLOOD MOON with GOTEN, an enhanced OCTAVIA, alongside ALFONSO as GARO he faces GURONDO where both use GOTEN and with Heroic Sprits empowering him into SORETSU JUSHIN GARO, faces GERALGA. By this point, LÉON has gained the ability to use GOTEN, and ALFONSO can summon TENJIN.
DARIO MONTOYA, ZEM, rider of RAIMEI, is assigned to the small nation of VAZELIA. After crown princess SARA is scarred by a HORROR, in a fit of grief she destroys the kingdom, and DARIO blinds himself out of loyalty. SARA eventually commits suicide, and is possessed by NIGRA VENUS, causing DARIO to fall to darkness and start seeking a way to bring back the dead.
4 years after Honoo no Kokuin, DIVINE FLAME happens.
Centuries pass.
The backstory for Vanishing Line plays out. First Golden Knight Edward Ragnvald is killed, then the Makai becomes aware of the existence of El Dorado in the event that killed LIZZIE RAGNVALD. BOLG, CHRISTOPHER HARDEN, falls to Darkness, murdering his wife ADELAIDE, their son LUKE will reject the path of the Makai Knight because of this. Now known as KNIGHT, HARDEN joins with BISHOP and QUEEN in setting up KING's orders. Years pass.
About 8 years after KNIGHT's fall and LIZZIE'S death, programming genius MARTIN HENNES disappears, the only clue left for his sister SOPHIE is the keyword EL DORADO.
The events of Vanishing Line play out.
A year later the epilogue happens, by this point LUKE has become ZELOS. SOPHIE becomes GINA's apprentice.
The events of the Usuzumizakura Drama CDs take place in an extradimensional space outside normal time, but all characters are brought from after the latest point in their timelines (post Usuzumizakura for SEIMEI, RAIKOU and YASUSUKE, post DIVINE FLAME for EMA and LÉON, and post epilogue for SOPHIE, SWORD and LUKE.
The Tokusatsu timeline
GOUKI's story is obviously the earliest televised story but a couple of the stories in Hagane no Houkou are definitely earlier, at the very least the Horror Claw and Honoobito chapters are earlier in the timeline. I'd put the Introductory chapter earlier as well, as it seems to depict the moment the Golden Knight was first dubbed GARO, l but I can't remember if Ashura refers to Gouki as being the first Makai Knight to have his armour shaped by human will. Based on ZARUBA's absence in Ashura, the ZARUBA chapter is probably later, so I'd put the remaining past stories after as well.
As for the rest, we'll put the Saejima Era before anything else. Yes every live action series has more or less treated the world as matching the present day, but that include Raiga's stuff, which has to be at least 20 years after the film that came out the previous year. So stuff like modern technology or political landscape is irrelevant for discerning a timeline. What is helpful is the presence of KAORU's book in a flashback in YamiTera, meaning it has to be much later than Makai Senki. While you could try to argue the arcade machine in VERSUS ROAD being the PS2 game means something, it doesn't really, it's just a nod. I have seen arguments in the past time is only linear in Jinkai, and perhaps the reincarnation happened before the death, but aside from the definitive example of Eiris, I don't think this is proven. That said, at the very least time in the Land of Promises appears to run faster than in Jinkai, and between Makai no Hana and P GARO Saejima Kouga, certain individuals definitely moved through time.
With that, my attempt to breakdown thr Saejima Era would go something like this
Taiga Era
Based on Hagane no Houkou, it appears TAIGA inherited GARO from his father, and GONZA's father was in service to his family. At some point TAIGA married RIN, star pupil of GARAI, and befriended AMON. AMON creates the current incarnation of ZARUBA for TAIGA
Based on the machine including RIN, AMON and GONZA, but not BARAGO or KOUGA, the events of P GARO 11 Saejima Taiga would be around here. TAIGA goes on a journey to slay MESSIAH'S Sound, PARUDE, to do so acquiring the aid of the, fighting the Horrors TEMDAN, SISERA, DAIRASU and GYREKAN, and earning the aid of Sacred Beasts QILIN, SUZAKU, SEIRYU AND BYAKKO, and slays GENBU. Thanks to the beast transforming him into a unique version of Shinmetsu Jushin GARO, TAIGA defeats PARUDE. He has use of GOTEN by this point.
Per both Ankoku Makai Kishi Gaiden and Kiba Gaiden, though exact details differ, BARAGO's mother is cut down by his father, and he goes to train under TAIGA, around the same time, his father also dies. He appears to have stayed with TAIGA right until his fall, probably at least a decade.
KOUGA is born to TAIGA and RIN. While still and infant, his taken by the two to visit KANTAI. On a later visit when he's older KOUGA meets AMON's pupil JABI, although this could be after further events, I don't know how much AMON knew about the BARAGO situation.
BARAGO discovers the book of MESSIAH and makes the pact to become KIBA. To this end he overcomes Shinmetsu Jushin and absorbs his first HORROR, but not before TAIGA discovers him losing control.
GARO -THE BIBLE- happens. RIN is alive, but bedridden, and KOUGA is accompanying TAIGA on hunts, while BARAGO is absent. (I suppose you could argue this was earlier, but KOUGA looks around the same age as in the episode Taiga, and BARAGO being absent would need some justification.)
RIN dies. KOUGA has very little memory of her.
At some point, TAIGA saves MITSUKI YUJI, inspiring the creation of the picture book "The Black Flames + Golden Wind". If KAORU's dream is of a real event, on a later event, after the book was produced, TAIGA also saved a young KAORU. Alternatively, this could be a warped memory of BARAGO, in which case it was later.
TAIGA begins serious instruction of KOUGA, including a hatch but necessary lesson about HORRORS. Soon after, he is killed in battle with BARAGO, due to KOUGA's presence.
Kouga Era
ZARUBA agrees to a contract with KOUGA, acknowledging his intent to become the next GARO.
BARAGO marks 6 year old MITSUKI KAORU as the Gate of MESSIAH, and will monitor her development for the next 17 years. (As BARAGO has the Mark of Death, this is after killing TAIGA.)
In uncertain order, KOUGA is apprentices for some time under the Makai Knight KENGI, and also attends a training camp where he is under SHIJIMA WATARU, BARON, unfortunately the rest of his class are wiped out by RAIZON. Given his long history, WATARU probably already has use of the Madou Horse SHINGETSU.
Unknown to KOUGA, his classmate FUDOU SIGMA also survived, and also believes himself the only survivor of his group. He returns home, but does not reveal the massacre to REO, who attended a different camp. The event distorts SIGMA's ambitions of Knighthood, and he starts contemplating adding Magic to the Knights repertoire. Wile both expect SIGMA to inherit RODO, both brothers make efforts to learn not just swordsmanship from their father, but Priest techniques their mother had used.
During this same period, to prevent the Mark of Death affecting him, BARAGO begins using a potion of face disguise, adopting the identity of psychiatrist RYUZAKI KARUNE, and with the help of the East Watchdog continues to hunt down and absorb HORROR, working towards 1000 total. During this period he kills many Makai Knights, including several battles with BADO, the senior disciple of ZERO. In one event he happens to save GODO AKIRA from a HORROR, but the boy is cursed with an ability to take on female form as MISAKI. BARAGO trains AKIRA to become a Makai Knight despite turning away from the path himself, but after his curse manifest advises becoming a Makai Knight wll be impossible as a woman, and eventually leaves him, leaving AKIRA/MISAKI to cope with their feelings for BARAGO. Despite BARAGO's warning, AKIRA is eventually able to become YAIBA, and partnered with GIRUBA, is assigned to the South District.
A Pregnant Priestess is possessed by a HORROR and dies, but her daughter miraculously lives. However, she possesses the unique ability to seal HORRORS within herself. Raised for a time by SHIDOU, her relative, the SENATE ultimately believes she is best kept as a Madou Tool for dangerous HORRORS, dubbing her MAGOU YURIGATA, or MAYURI. Her abilities kept in check by SHIDOU, she will be returned to the SENATE after any successful missions and returned to storage, losing her memories in the process.
The last of the ZERO bloodline, DOUJI, adopts orphans GINGA and SHIZUKA, and trains GINGA to succeed him.
KOUGA attains a HAGANE,, and subsequently attains the qualifications to finally become GARO, serving in the Eastern District as his father had.
FUDO GOKI chooses his younger son, REO over his elder, SIGMA, to succeed him as RODO, to both brothers shock. SIGMA leaves, deciding to be a Priest.
YAMAGATANA TSUBASA and RIN are orphaned when their adoptive parents are killed. TSUBASA trains as a Makai Knight, but his dedication makes him inflexible and distant to RIN. He trains in KANTAI alongside KAZUMA until he is forced to withdraw due to injury, and inherits the title of KANTAI protector DAN, alongside GORUBA, and takes two students, HYUGA and AKATSUKI.
SIGMA find the remains of MESSIAH's Fang, GYANON, and removes them from their resting place. Subsequently Makai Guide ELDA and her lover SHINJI arrive at the same location and are betrayed and murdered by their companions. BARAGO also comes here seeking to absorb GYANON, and kills the two Knights and revives ELDA as his servant.
After sometime as a HAGANE, GINGA successfully inherits the title of ZERO, accompanied by SILVA, at some point earning the use of GINGA.
KAORU starts seeing RYUZAKI as her psychiatrist, in some meetings MESSIAH possesses her, in one case forcing him to eliminate his remaining light triggered by BADO, represented as a battle with TAIGA and GOTEN while riding RAIGO.
Running low of the Potion of Disguise, BARAGO attacks DOUJI's estate to claim some from him, murdering DOUJI and SHIZUKA, GINGA barely witnessing. Based on his use of Saejima Family techniques, SILVA identifies the killer as possibly GARO, and GINGA takes the name SUZUMURA REI, seeking revenge, and is assigned to the West District.
The events of GARO take place. I would estimate Gaiden:Smile takes place about halfway through, before KAORU learns the truth about her fate. According to Ankoku Makai Kishi Gaiden, during this period AMON encounters REI, and KOUGA meets the school principal. AFTER his death BARAGO's spirit regrets his actions, and with TAIGA and AMON help ZARUBA enable KOUGA to summon GARO and defeat KIBA.
As KAORU travels to Italy for art study, KOUGA is assigned to the North, with REI taking over his territory in the the EAST. Whilst in Italy, KAORU encounters a reincarnated BARAGO, the son of a Makai Knight, evidently born before he died.
RIN is contacted by AMON's spirit, who aware of the Orin Arrow dulling and needing JABI to restore it, needs KOUGA sent to retrieve her from the Makaiju before the White Night.
The events of Byakuya no Maju play out.
According to CR GARO, KIBA revived, re-abducts KAORU. KOUGA journeys through MAKAI to save her, receiving aid from ZERO, DAN and JABI. He defeats a MAKAIRYU with GOTEN, and after defeating KIBA, escapes Makai with KAORU using the MAKAIRYU.
FUDO REO, acting as a Makai Priest instead of assuming the role of RODO, creates the GORYU, vastly enhancing Priest's ability to defeat HORRORs on their own, an accomplishment that will eventually see him assigned to the SENATE. SIGMA returns after sometime, and tougher with MIO they plan to create the ultimate GORYU, IDEA.
As a young girl, HIROMI ALICE finds the last DRAGON EGG and in a sense communicates with it. It is then forcibly taken by Priests to RUNE CITY, placed in a secure storage area.
The Demon Mirror KARMA makes a contract with KURUZU KENICHI, a man driven mad with grief over the death of his lover SHION, making him into a HORROR, alongside a recreation of SHION, to gather her prey. Many Makai Knights attempt to slay KARMA but are all killed, including KENGI. KARMA also charms lead Makai Priest in the area, AKAZA, into protecting her. Her father's death making her increasingly bitter about her inability to become a Makai Knight, REKKA goes on a training journey, spending some time in KANTAI under JABI, she leaves AKAZA behind with fellow pupil SHIGUTO.
The events of Yoseki no Wana. KOUGA encounters MISAKI, REI allows AKATSUKI, who has now earned a HAGANE, to join him and SILVA for a time. RIN is witness to, and informs TSUBASA and JABI of the theft of certain items from KANTAI. At the SABBAC, AKIRA attempts to revive KIBA, but is then redeemed, and gets to meet BARAGO's spirit. SUZAKU assigns KOUGA a special mission from the SENATE to slay the Apostle HORRORS.
Over the month or so leading to events of RED REQUIEM, KOUGA slays Dust HORROR DARODA and Thunder HORROR BAKUGI.
The events of RED REQUIEM play out, Tower HORROR BABEL is slain, REKKA defeats SHION, GARO defeats KURUZU, and with AKAZA's sacrifice the Mirror HORROR KARMA is slain.
Over the course another month or so, KOUGA slays Paper HORROR PARC, Needle HORROR NIDOL and Music HORROR UNIZON. For this accomplishment, he is set to be appointed to the position of Senatorial Knight.
According to CR GARO RED REQUIEM, KURUZU revives and captures REKKA in a mirror realm. KOUGA seeks to save her, receiving aid from AKAZA's spirit and recovering her flute, before deaf eating KURUZU using Ryujin GARO. REKKA is then abducted by the revived KIBA, who now has the ability to become KIBA Sumeragi to attack, and KOUGA continues through the Makai to rescue her, receiving support from JABI, KAORU in spirit, SHIGUTO, ZERO and DAN. Along the way, he and ZERO, riding GOTEN and GINGA, defeat a 2,000 HORROR army as a sequel to the 1,000 faced previously, and the 3 Knights face BABEL. Aided by a golden MAKAIRYU, GARO defeats a rampaging DAIGORYU, and the uses it to free REKKA.
By the events of MAKAI SENKI, TSUBASA has earned the right to use HAYATE.
Discovering SIGMA has been killing women to try and awaken GYANON's power in order to activate IDEA, MIO tries to stop him and is slain. REO discovers her body and realises what his brother has done, but does not report it to the SENATE, and still hesitates both in fighting as RODO and in consults ERUBA. At some point the records of the FUDO family go missing. SIGMA manages to tap into GYANON's power, becoming the Masked Man, and gains the ability to create a shadow copy of an armour as JAAKU, and creates the familiar GIGI. He marks numerous Makai Knights with the Seal of Destruction, almost all in the country. His penultimate victim is the Silver Fang. The only Knight he spares is REO.
The events of MAKAI SENKI play out. Based on CR GARO MAKAI SENKI HAGANE, GARO has a battle with the Madou Train unrelated to the events, fights a revived KURUZU with GOTEN, and uses a winged GOTEN and DAIGORYU against JAGANRYU, and around this period DAN battles GENOJIKA.
KOUGA leaves for the LAND of PROMISES to fulfill his debt to GAJARI, and will not return for several months.
If CR Makai Kessen GAOH is canon, this would seem the place for it, assuming it involves the characters we know. It does not depict the SABBAC, according to the rules of that contest, and the presence of KIBA and arguably BADO is troublesome no matter what, and indeed the true boss. In the story for that machine, GENBU, a SENATE Knight who is in fact OUGA, stands atop a tournament between the 8 Knights, YAIBA, DAN, BADO, RODO, KIBA, BARON, ZERO & GIGA. Aside from battles between the pairs, each pair also battles powerful enemies, DAN & BARON face LEGULES, ZERO & BADO face RIGURU, GIGIA & RODO face GRAU DRAGON and KIBA and YAIBA face KOKURYU. Atop their Madou Horses, ZERO, DAN & BARON face TORIGA.
During a HORROR hunt by Makai Knight KURODO and his Priestess wife IYU and their partner KAIN, IYU is believed dead after a HORROR attack. In fact she is saved by RING, entranced by her healing song and believing it will be the key to his community. IYU, blinded, will stay with RING, hoping to create a world where her daughter will not have to fear HORRORS.
Right before KOUGA's return from the events of Soukoku no Maryu, the SABBAC is held again. Tougen no Fue plays out right before the final match, between REI and TSUBASA. REI is the winner, and after choosing to meet TAIGA, encounters the returned KOUGA, and they have another rematch. Per CR GARO Makai no Hana, this may have lead to an armoured battle inside the SENATE building.
KOUGA reunites with KAORU.
Per CR GARO FINAL certain battles take place. It's possible that for KOUGA some of these occur during his journey back from the LAND of PROMISES. He battles NERO using Tsubasabito GARO, KARMA surfing on the Zanbaken, 4,000 HORRORS atop a flaming winged GOTEN, and Chou IDEA is battles with help from JAGANRYU. With TAIGA he battles KIBA again, and he uses a controlled SHINMETSU JUSHIN GARO to stop a rampaging SHINMETSU JUSHIN ZERO.
The Makai Knight KURODO is killed by RING, his arm severed, while investigating his COMMUNITY, witnessing IYU being alive as he dies. IYU does not realise KURODO is dead. The only witness, KAIN, will not reveal IYU's survival to her daughter YUNA, and other request implants KURODO's arm bone into her so she can wield his Makaiken.
The event of BLACK BLOOD take place.
Per CR ZERO, ZERO & GARO battle again in another realm, ZERO battles RING in MAKAI with GINGA, battles IDEA with GARO and DAN, and battle OKA GENRYU, SILVA's true form, as Tsubasabito ZERO.
Various events in Makai Retsuden presumably take place around here. REKKA saves a girl from undead Makai Knights, WATARU and URUBA wipe out HORROR dens, REO acknowledges YUNA as a Makai Knight and Makai Priest like himself, SHIGUTO contemplates retirement, TSUBASA consults JABI.in finding KAZUMA, wanting to confirm if he has become a HORROR.
On the way to visit KOUGA alongside SHIGUTO, REKKA is abducted by ZAJI empowered by EIRIS. While SHIGUTO is unaware of what happens, the event leaves REKKA with foreknowledge of KOUGA's departure, and instead of making her visit she goes to prepare, creating a living portrait of an Infant MAKAIRYU she will gift to KOUGA.
Per Hagane no Houkou, a young RAIGA is told stories of the Makai and their history by GONZA, his family and friends.
Per GARO ASURUA, SAEJIMA KAORU terls her son RAIGA a story of GOUKI.
Now operating in RUNE CITY, still supported by BAR LUPO's BAKURA, REI fights the HORROR AKASHIC. REKKA has been assigned to the SENATE, with a team of Priests under her. Low level sibling Priests KAGOME and OKINA, and their sprite HANATSUMI, learn of the legendary ancient protector the DRAGON KNIGHT EDEL. OKINA believes if he can awaken EDEL he can help protect humanity, rushing to do so before KAGOME can stop him. Believing her Dragon Egg is in RUNE CITY, HIROMI ALICE journeys there herself.
The events of DRAGON BLOOD occur.
When RAIGA is six, his parents disappear. Based on Makai no Hana and Gekkou no Tabibito, KAORU is abducted by EIRIS' vines before their eyes, with KOUGA following into the unknown with a last tale of the Traveller. Per P GARO Saejima Kouga (some of the differences are probably explainable by laws regarding the featuring of minors in Pachinko), KUROMARU suddenly appears at the SAEJIMA estate and steals KAORU's paintbrush, seeking a way to restore his friends in the LAND of PROMISES, KAORU chasing after.
To find out where KAORU has gone KOUGA visits the Tower of Heroic Spirits in order to learn her location. Along with seeing she is in the LAND of PROMISES, he also sees that in 20 years RAIGA will make a bargain with GAJARI, and that the payment will be to wonder time and space fixing distortions for GAJARI. He requests to make the payment himself, and GAJARI agrees.
Aware it is a one way trip KOUGA heads to the Promised Land, after fighting past REI who tries to stop him, but sends him off with an Infant MAKAIRYU REKKA has prepared for this moment. KOUGA instructs REI to adhere to their previous agreement and train RAIGA when he turns 10.
KAORU starts helping to mend the Objects of the LAND of PROMISES, starting with RAUDO.
Per Makai Retsuden, at some point in his search for KAORU, KOUGA happens upon and saves REKKA and RIAN from ZAJI. He asks RIAN to let REKKA know he will definitely return, and continues his search.
KOUGA on his journey battles a Time-Space castle with aid from GOTEN and REKKA, FALCONIA using Orin GARO, AJURA as Ryujin GARO, battles MEDORICA alojgside DAN and ZERO on their Madou Horses, and battles BYAKKO, defeating it using a power received from the wishes of REI, KUROMARU and KAORU, Taigan Jushin GARO, and rescues a number of Objects, who reveal to him that KIBA has captured KAORU. He may also cut down 8,000 HORRORS.
KOUGA finds and confronts KIBA, defeating KIBA SUMERAGI using Taigan Jushin GARO enhanced by the wishes of the Objects, and reunites with KAORU in the Land of Promises with their allies KUROMARU, RAUDO and ESARUTO among other objects. Witnessing from there the eventual effects of EIRIS' awakening, they see a vision of RAIGA, who has only inherited a HAGANE, confronting EIRIS and being overpowered, and have KUROMARU create a gap in space-time they are able to send ZARUBA through to RAIGA.
You can maybe justify P Shin GARO's battles as fitting here. 3 are remixes of classic battles, ANGRAY, UTOK and ERUZU, the others are against the Ultimate HORROR BEAR and MENCAL.
Raiga Era
Age 6, RAIGA loses his parents, leaving him to be raised by GONZA. ZARUBA is either left behind, or sent back. He will come to believe his parents are dead.
At some point, RAIGA visits a glassworkers, and will create a wind chime he will keep with him.
Just before he turns 10 RAIGA still endeavours to become a Knight. After an injury a passing Makai Priest, AKARI, treats him.
The night he turns 10, RAIGA is taken by REI on a HORROR hunt so he may choose for himself if he truly seeks to become a Makai Knight. With RAIGA's heart set, he gives AKARI a gift of his wind chime as thanks for her treatment. At this time she is worried for the life of someone close to her leaving on a journey.
After completing RAIGA's training REI intends to leave to make sure everyone can come back.
Dark Slasher and originator of the Soul Insertion technique, ZESSHIN, is arrested after killing someone whose Soul Orb was not blackened. The SENATE will believe his family dead save one daughter, who will seek to live a normal life and escape her father's evil. Increased stress from the incident caused Dark Slasher co-founder BYAKKAI to attempt to abandon his duties, resulting in the SENATE placing him under House Arrest. His pupil BIKUU will continue to perform her duties. At some point BIKUU causes an injury to her brother, the Makai Knight IZUMO, that will have a lifelong affect on his combat.
RAIGA becomes a Makai Knight, and visits the Tower of Heroic Spirits, learning his father yet lives before the armour of GARO is released to him by KOUGA.
Senatorial Knight BUSUJIMA EIJI, GIRU, leader of a group of Shadow Knights that include KURO, who is partners with ORUVA distraught at his inability to save AKARI from disease, even after she gives him her treasured wind chime, comes up with a plan to use EIRIS to resurrect AKARI, planning to preserve her soul in MAGOU YURIGATA. Unknown to him, this plan was doomed to failure, as MAYURI could not contain souls, she simply said his name because she senses his desperation, however this instead convinces EIJI his plan will work.
Priestess MUTSUKI, desperate to save her son from a corruption, steals the Kaen spell and uses it to save him, imbuing him with it. Falling to darkness in the process, MUTSUKI is hunted down by BIKUU and slain, though BIKUU ensures her Madou Brush is returned to her family. Her son, KURUMA DAICHI, will not resent BIKUU for this, and even admires the Dark Slashers, instead resenting his mother for falling to darkness despite her doing it to save him.
EIJI unseals the ADY Slate, beginning the process of EIRIS' resurrection. The events of the Makai no Hana okay out. As EIRIS is fully awakening, it contacts ZAJI and makes a deal to snuff out the light across time.
Following EIRIS's defeat, EIJI is imprisoned by the SENATE.
Per CR GARO Makai no Hana, RAIGA battle LEGULES ZAN as Orin GARO, battles HUMPTY MAGNA atop GOTEN, 6000 HORRORs alongside KURO, and Cho MAKAIRYU first GOTEN, then as Shin Tsubasabito GARO.
The events of BIKUU occur. After, with ZESSHIN and BYAKKAI dead, BIKUU resists DAICHI's attempts to become her pupil.
Various events from Makai Retsuden presumably take place here. MAYURI visits ANNA to restore the MAKAIRYU picture, BIKUU encounters ERIKA, KURO confronts EIJI to redeem him, BIKUU gives DAICHI a test to see if she will continue training him as a Dark Slasher.
Over passing years, MAYURI turns her work towards growing magical plants.
KIBA is reawakened by the sound of newborn RAIGA's cry, his essence kills and possesses the Makai Knight SHIROKU, who wears a black Madou Ring resembling ZARUBA, and begins engineering a scheme to acquire the strongest Armour, OUGA, which he has learnt is stored within the Tower of Heroic Spirits.
The events of Gekkou no Tabibito play out.
Per CR GARO Gekkou no Tabibito, the following events occur, some of these may occur relatively earlier for TAIGA and/or KOUGA. KOUGA GARO & GOTEN get into a HORROR extermination/race/battle with ZERO & GINGA, DAN & HAYATE, BARON & SHINGETSU and KIBA & RAIGO. RAIGA has to cut down 9000 HORRORS. RAIGA battles KIBA, aided by KOUGA, allowing him wield two Garoken, KOUGA battles ASMODEUS, TAIGA supporting him with flame, TAIGA battles a Giant HORROR fusion, KOUGA helping create a flaming tornado to attack. The 3 SAEJIMA witness KIBA's last summon, the Sacred Beast SUZAKU. TAIGA and KOUGA merge with GARO to form GARO OUGA, and the finishing blow is achieved by transforming further into Kyoki Tsubasabito GARO OUGA Kanzen Kiniro
In the future, RAIGA and MAYURI will have a son, who is fated to inherit the title of GARO.
It took way too long just to cover the Saejima Era, but it is the most clearly defined. Moving on to discussing the Dougai era timeline.
RYUME, already a renowned Makai Priestess, finds her resolve in mastering a protective spell thanks to an encounter with shady Priests D RINGO and GINJI. The two escape arrest, with RYUME asking it be overlooked, and with renewed confidence, RYUME and her families FUJI and RAIJI head to HORROR den LINE CITY, where RYUME uses her spiritual power to purify the land.
As youths, Priests BURAI, HAKANA and OUMA visit the Tower of Heroic Spirits, and see interred there the stained black armour of GARO, the chief priest there tells them how the previous GARO lost his light in a terrible battle, it is unclear.if this Priest was a witness or not. HAKANA can sense that GARO wants to be restored to golden radiance.
AGOU, a humanoid Madou Tool created by Priest SOTATSU to fight HORRORS, both destroyed by DEGOL, reawakens after being struck by lightning. Over a few decades he undergoes self-repair, and, unknowing influenced by a portion of DEGOL within him, makes a plan to fulfill his and the Priest's dream to create a world free of HORRORS, by using another fragment of DEGOL to destroy humanity.
Makai Knight JINGA and Makai Priestess AMILY meet for the first time during an attempt by AMILY to deliver a REIJU pelt to HIKAGE and KAGAYA in HOMURO alongside KISARA, ZUNA and YUMEKA. The two promise to meet again, and will eventually marry.
KANESHIRO TOUSEI, illegitimate son of VOL CITY founder KANESHIRO KENSUI and KAREN, a member of a disgraced Makai Priest family, successfully uses a Madou Tool to summon a HORROR that kills everyone in the house. He begins researching ZEDOM, the source of Soul Metal, knowing VOL CITY is atop the burial spot of ZEDOM's head.
HAKANA and her son, DOUGAI RYUGA share the dream of restoring GARO. BURAI takes RYUGA, age 7, to an island to train with his familiar, RAGO.
So they can restore GARO's light for when RYUGA claims it, BURAI and HAKANA meet with brother and sister priests RIKYA and SARI, and Makai Knight SONSHI, at the site of ZEDOM's to harvest Soul Metal. The ritual is attacked by TOUSEI, resulting in HAKANA being filled with Madou Plant seeds, TOUSEI then turns SONSHI into a Madou HORRROR that serves him, who consumes SARI. TOUSEI takes HAKANA captive to harvest more plants. BURAI, separated from the others in the attack, finds RIKYA dying, and promises to ensure his daughter is safe, but does not learn the truth of what happened.
TOUSEI and SONSHI take HAKANA to VOL CITY, and the resting place of ZEDOM's head. Using the plants from HAKANA, TOUSEI turns influential people in VOL CITY into Madou HORRORS, with SONSHI acting as voice to them. The Madou HORRORS allow TOUSEI to secretly take control of VOL CITY, and make deals with Inga HORRORs to do his bidding in exchange for food, over the course of 15 years. Among those he makes into Madou HORRORs are RIVERA, lead spokeswoman for VOL CITY's NEWS TIME.
BURAI finds RIAN, informing her of her father's death and giving her his barrette as an heirloom. Initially he asks OUMA to take RIAN to KANTAI, and feeling responsible for orphaning both RYUGA and RIAN, attempts to kill himself in penance. OUMA stops him, and when RIAN witnesses RYUGA through BURAI's portal, her earnest intent to do her best, and encouragement to the boy she doesn't know but who shares her circumstances changes BURAI's mind, and he instead trains RIAN himself. Despite BURAI's intent to send RIAN there, by the time of GOLDSTORM Sho RIAN has ambitions to rebuild KANTAI.
KUSUGAMI AGURI trains to succeed the title of GUY. Initially peerless in archery, in his youth he meets a pair from TEIGEN village, BANBI and TENMA JUDO. TENMA's family also specialise in archery, and he becomes the one whose back AGURI always follows. AGURI will fall in love with BAMBI, but her love will always be JUDO's.
AKIZUKI DAIGO and HIBA SEIJI train together as Makai Knights and sworn friends, and both take the role of DOUSHI, training boys to become Makai Knights. DAIGO takes the title of GIGA
JINGA and AMILY arrive in a forest village with their son, YUTO, and save it from the HORROR that threatens it. Upon slaying the HORROR, they return to find YUTO murdered as sacrifice of appeasement, and in a rage murder the entire populace of the village, both falling to darkness. Their bloodlust not sated, they continue to attack other forest villages, their rampage only halted when a HOMURO priest uses a self-destruct spell, giving the sole survivors, brother and sister, directions to HOMURO.
JINGA and AMILY's spirits linger, and they both become HORRORs. Abandoning all pretense of humanity, the two maintain their Makai abilities, AMILY is able to enhance JINGA's HORROR form with a dark mirror. The two prefer to feed not on humans, but on HORRORs, encouraging them to feed on humans before consuming them.
The brother and sister after many days reach the hidden village of HOMURO, the brother having encouraged his sister HARUNA with a small puppet he crafted. The two are taken in by Makai Priestess HIKAGE. HIKAGE will give the boy the choice of training as a Makai Knight or Makai Priest, but hating Makai Knights due to the murder of his family, the boy will insist on being a Priest, inheriting the title of GARUDO, he who watches the seal of CASTLE RADAN. HARUNA will become a Priestess specialising in navigation and tracking, supporting GARUDO by speaking through a puppet replica. By the time of GOLDSTORM Sho the siblings are all that remains of HOMURO.
After training for 10 years, BURAI gives RYUGA his final task, forcing him to slay RAGO, and only then reveals to him HAKANA's death. Incensed both by being forced to kill RAGO and the deception, RYUGA loses all trust for BURAI. He keeps RAGO's fang as a memento, and is given ZARUBA by BURAI, and begins a life as a wandering Makai Knight. ZARUBA refuses to acknowledge RYUGA as GARO.
As adults and now Knights, AGURI and JUDO will both give gifts expressing their feelings to BANBI. Later, JUDO asks AGURI to accompany him in a duty to seal the EMPEROR that awakens every 200 years, as part of a guard to accompany him as he seals it. JUDO keeps secret the truth of the ceremony, until after firing his arrow at the EMPEROR, he is issued a choice by his enemy. Either he must surrender himself to darkness, or surrender the one he loves. Refusing to sacrifice BANBI to the darkness, JUDO entrusts her to AGURI and forcibly falls to darkness. AGURI fails to meet his conviction, leaving JUDO to be slain by the other Knights in attendance. After telling BANBI that if he were in JUDO's position he would have done the same, she leaves him forever.
BURAI produces a new RAGO familiar, and takes RIAN to VOL CITY, aware of its status as a HORROR den, and takes authority there, and also recruits JAKUZURE TAKERU, ZEN, they begin their work to attempt to liberate VOL CITY from the grip of HORRORS. AGURI comes to VOL CITY while trying to find BANBI, and stays to help liberate the city.
ENHOU becomes captain of SG-1, VOL CITY's security forces.
Based on CR GARO Konjiki ni Nare, RYUGA makes some use of a dragonic HIRYU as a mount and per CR GARO GOLDSTORM Sho, RYUGA as the blackened GARO battles TIGAN, FANERETE and MAJUNSA.
Feeling a need for more allies to help handle the VOL CITY situation, BURAI sends orders to RYUGA calling him to VOL CITY, 5 years after their last meeting.
The events of Yami wo Terasu Mono occur. Per CR GARO Konjiki ni Nare, METALLIC takes on HORROR form during the Bright Hope battle before GARO cuts him down, RYUGA cuts down 5000 HORRORs. In another battle with SONICLAUS GARO defeats it using a bow, defeats INVERGE again, and battles BOUQUERIA, now merged with a Goddess statue.
After ZEDOM's head is sealed, AGURI remains in VOL CITY to defend the Makai village ruins, instead of taking summons to the SENATE, TAKERU departs to the West, and RYUGA, RIAN and ZARUBA head to the South.
Per CR GARO Konjiki ni Nare, RYUGA meets with GAJARI, battles VIOLATOR in its clockwork realm, rides GOTEN to defeat BEGURU, alongside ZEN and GUY while all on HIRYUs they face ANDRAGO. In battle with ZAJI he is forcibly reverted back to Shikoku GARO, but receives power in the form of two infant MAKAIRYU from KOUGA, who could be a heroic spirit or just on his journey, and acquired the power of Shingetsu GARO to defeat Jaryu ZAJI. A Golden KIBA may have appeared.
DAIGO's pupil KOOKI acquires the title of ZANKO, that of senior apprentice to GIGA.
Over 2 years, RYUGA and RIAN make various changes to their arsenal, both in outfit while retaining certain keepsakes, and to their weapons, RIAN using a whole new Madou Gun, and RYUGA changing the design of the GAROKEN and affixing blades to the scabbard.
D RINGO and his partner YUKIHIME set up a kebab business in LINE CITY, D RINGO using SOUTETSU's emblem as the business logo. AGOU finally moves from his resting place, aiming to destroy humans to eliminate HORRORs.
The events of GOLDSTORM Sho the Movie occur. A small portion of AGOU is retained, enough to channel his power if need be. RYUGA and RIAN continue their own journey, with RYUGA now wearing GARO Sho, and ZARUBA now modified by RYUME with a cover to reach her Watchdog Centre. D RINGO and YUKIHIME also leave LINE CITY.
Per Makai Retsuden, RIAN briefly departs for another city in order to use moonlight to reinvigorate certain of their items.
D RINGO and YUKIHIME set up an antiquities business.
In order to awaken CASTLE RADAN, JINGA and AMILY abduct Makai Priest GIN, threatening to kill his daughter is he doesn't cooperate, in truth they have already killed her.
The events of GOLDSTORM Sho take place. With RADAN resealed, JINGA and AMILY slain, RYUGA and RIAN have now solidified their relationship.
Per CR GARO GOLDSTORM Sho, RYUGA again makes use of HIRYU on occasion, and is able to use GARO Sho's ZANBAKEN when riding the flaming GOTEN crafted of GARUDO's fire magic. He slays 7000 HORRORS, and visits the Tower of Heroic Spirits. He battles DEMONDO, GORADO, alongside GIGA he battles GRYSIS. He confronts the Sacred Beast QILIN, initially using GARO On to evade it's attacks, then by resisting an onslaught of QILIN's offspring absorbs them and becomes Ginyoku GARO to defeat it.
Per Makai Retsuden, GARUDO, wanting her to have a normal life, sends his sister to high school under the name HOMURO HARUNA. After a HORROR infiltrates her school and is defeated by GIGA, HARUNA chooses the path of a protector, forming a partnership with DAIGO.
While talking with YUKIHIME and D RINGO, RIAN is abducted by ZAJI, and meets a Makai Priestess very different to herself, and another era's Golden Knight.
Per KAMINOKIBA -MEZAME-, ASHURA rouses JINGA's spirit in MAKAI, he remembers only his hate for the Golden Knight. He begins gathering HORROR followers including YUBANGI. RYUME's pupil, RIKYO, who serves as the senior authority in HELL CITY, and her attendants RINRI, KIRIRI and KUMORI, sense JINGA's revival. After KOOKI and his Priestess partner NATSUKI slay HORROR MIDOUJI HAYATO, who then falls under JINGA in MAKAI, saving pupil Knight TEKKAN. Learning of JINGA's revival, KOOKI seeks to go to MAKAI to avenge his master's friend SEIJI, while NATSUKI seeks to repay the Golden Knight for saving her. KICHIYA sends the two to MAKAI, where they attempt to battle JINGA, but as he remembers and ASHURA reveals herself as AMILY, they betray YUBANGI and ultimately slay both KOOKI and NATSUKI, as KICHIYA, RIKYO and TEKKAN can only watch in shock and torment.
A group of HORRORs lead by RINZA and BOEL make a plan to use KAMINOKIBA to escape to the moon, for which they need a large gathering of HORRORS and a Makai Knight who has fallen to darkness. RINZA makes a deal with BAMBI, knowing of a ritual to resurrect a Fallen Makai Knight for one night, which is achieved by stealing Armours, and in exchange the resurrected JUDAU will launch KAMINOKIBA for them. BAMBI agrees, and convinces old friend AGURI to help her steal the armours, DAIGO is among those to have his armour stolen.
The events of KAMINOKIBA play out. RYUGA, AGURI and TAKERU go there own ways again.
Per P GARO GOLD IMPACT, GARO Sho battles HEDERIC atop a train, with ZEN he battles BOEL, with ZEN and GUY he battles RINZA, battles 10000 HORRORS with Fire GOTEN before switching to GARO On. A super enhanced JINGA can appear. GARO On confronts the sacred beast SEIRYU, before power from QILIN empowers him into Reijurin GARO to defeat it. In battle with a HORROR KAMINOKIBA, GARO, ZEN and GUY share the golden light again.
Immediately after returning to Makai after being slain again by GARO, JINGA decides to challenge the restored MESSIAH. The battle does not go well for him.
Some years later, ZARUBA no longer has his face covering. RYUGA goes on a training journey an encounter SHIRAHANE GODOU, ZANGO and his Madou Ring IRUVA, who is on a journey to learn more about the GATE OF DESTRUCTION, that sits beneath his territory of CREACITY. Impressed by RYUGA's mastery of his own darkness, GODOU teaches him the SENKOKENBU technique, informing him of its opposite, the SENEIKENBU, and entrusts his son to RYUGA should they meet.
Returning to CREACITY, GODOU tells MUTSUGI, chief Priestess in CREACITY, who has familiars SHIPPU and REPPU, of meeting RYUGA. When SOUMA's attempt to use SENKOKENBU fails, GODOU helps stop him rampaging, and gives gentle encouragement.
MUTSUGI despairs after a man she saved from a HORROR murders many, and becomes fearful of letting any with Inga live. After reading of the Forbidden Fruit hidden within the Gate of Destruction, she joins GODOU, who has recovered the Stone of Darkness from SEKIGAN Forest, in the ARIVIS labyrinth. At the Gate of Destruction, to eliminate Inga.and the encouragement of the Seducer, she attempts to open the Gate of Destruction, to stop her GODOU seals it using ZANGO, consumed by his armour. The thin crack causes Parfum of Darkness to spread in CREACITY, chasing humans to succumb to HORRORs with far greater ease for the next 3 years. Not revealing the truth of GODOU's disappearance, she also doesn't send SOUMA off for further training, needing him to unseal ZANGO when the chance comes.
3 years after GODOU disappears, MUTSUGI, against the wishes of SHIRAHANE SOUMA who wears a HAGANE, has her pupil KOYORI summon RYUGA to CREACITY for what she claims to be a plan to ensure the Gate of Destruction remains closed. She also summons from the neighbouring territory the Swordsmen of AGORA, IGUSU and his pupils RON and OBI, who all wear HAGANE.
The events of Hagane wo Tsugu Mono occur.
With GARO needing urgent purification, RYUGA sets out, carrying with him a memento of the woman he is returning to. He leaves CREACITY in the capable hands of SOUMA, KOYORI, RON & OBI.
Jinga Era
Conjecture: AMILY emerges from a GATE decades ahead of JINGA reincarnating, and makes a deal with the Makai to become the Madou Ring of the MIKAGE family, the Knights of which hold the title of ROZE.
Following losing his battle with MESSIAH, JINGA is reincarnated into the MIKAGE family of Makai Knights as MIKAGE JINGA, son of MIZUTO and SAYURI, and will have a younger brother in TOUMA. As a boy he will meet FUSA, priestess pupil of YOYU, MIZUTO's best friend, the two will become partners.
Per KAMI NO KIBA -JINGA- TENSEI, in MAKAI, MESSIAH'S Breath TOMINO revives, her servants FUGI, RUKA and SASHA are concerned about the HORRORS that are loyal to JINGA, like MIDOUJI and PAKTORA, as AMILY prepares to change the game.
AMILY stabs MIZUTO with a HORROR dagger, turning him into a HORROR, he kills SAYURI and JINGA tries to stop him, not helped when TOUMA mistakes JINGA for the HORROR. JINGA manages to slay his father, and YOYU erases TOUMA's memories. Now forced to step up as ROZE, JINGA struggles for six months with the empathy he feels for those who become HORRORs, while trying to train TOUMA. He and FUSA are under the authority of Watchdog KERUS and her guards RUMIDO and RAMEDO. Also under her authority is the renowned Makai Knight ROZAN.
The events of KAMI NO KIBA -JINGA- occur.
Per KAMI NO KIBA -JINGA- TENSEI, both JINGA's encounter Priestess TOMOHA, causing her to view him as a saviour. PAKTORA and MIDOUJI turn on JINGA for reincarnating as a human, but then join him in wiping out TOMOHA's training site, lead by SIERA.
Per KAMI NO KIBA -JINGA- TENSEI, as KERUS tries to reclaim control of the situation after the mass HORROR outbreak, as TOMINO possesses TOMOHA and her servants oppose JINGA
VERSUS Road era
The present GARO and his wife, a Makai Priestess, are killed combatting a 500 year evil. Their daughter is born in this disaster, but is changed by the darkness her parents destroyed, and able to manipulate darkness in many forms. The girl is raised by Priestess KADOU as KADOU AZAMI, while with the GARO bloodline severed, the armour is watched over by the MONASTERY.
Around 15 years after the cataclysm, SUGO, head priest of the MONASTERY, alongside attendants NAIRU and AGIRU, and in agreement with KADOU, believe a new GARO must be found. Using MONASTERY technology to restrain & control HORRORS, at least those in the portion of MAKAI they control, they opt to recreate the ancient Makai Knight selection methods that inspired the SABBAC. 100 trainee Makai Knights are summoned to the monastery, and like at training camps are instructed not to use their names, instead being issued a number. Under SUGO and his cohort's ministrations, in accordance with the ancient traditions, the youths are to engage in duels to the death.
As the youths die, their Inga is absorbed into the GARO armour, and merges with the Soul Metal forming the mysterious Dark Metal within. Nobody is aware of this, except KADOU AZAMI, who is able to sense and manipulate it, in addition to her other abilities.
The last 4 left are Seven, Thirteen, Fifty-Five and Eighty-Four. The nature of the competition makes it hard for the boys to cooperate. When SUGO tests them by having a HORROR attack them, Thirteen slays it. Seven's pride is wounded, and unable to cope with the pressure and expectations in him as a relative of GARO's lineage, and he commits suicide.
In the final test, Fifty-Five murders Eighty-Four, enraging Thirteen into fighting him seriously. Already victorious, Thirteen cuts down his defeated opponent, and attempts to draw the GAROKEN unsuccessfully. (Conjecture: GARO rejected him due to his striking in anger his already defeated human opponent.)
With SUGO planning to just start again, Thirteen, furious at the waste of life for nothing, instinctively channels the Dark Metal just after AZAMI uses it to murder KADOU, and causes a devastating strike that wipes out the MONASTERY leadership. KADOU AZAMI and HAGIRI SHOUSETSU meet, and SHOUSETSU begins to desire the power of Dark Metal. He takes the still living Fifty-Five out of MAKAI with him.
Fifty-Five withdraws from the MAKAI altogether, becoming a florist.
KUON SENA and HOSHIAI SHORI are lifelong friends, KUON always protecting HOSHIAI from bullies. One day the two get matching charms as representation of their friendship. KUON will still be defending HOSHIAI into college, as HOSHIAI whiles away at game centres.
AMOU RYOSUKE and KANATA DAI are frequent rivals in street battles, occasionally fighting when AMOU is pressured to fight for the Yakuza to settle his debts, but they have a healthy respect for eachother. AMOU is trying to go straight, running his bar Meteor, while KANATA is leader to the upstart Hangere gang, clashing regularly with the Yazuka.
NAGUMO DAISUKE has an eidetic memory, and established himself as popular YTuber NAGUSUKE. Struggling with his abusive manager, he seeks to go independent.
NODA TAKESHI, struggling with years of bullying and abuse from his mother, and possibly in order to survive, snaps and kills some of his classmates. Eventually they reemerge as KOZUKI TAKANE, and start to establish them self as a Genderless Model, hiding their past.
HYUGA REN, an infamous serial killer, escapes custody, seeking a strong fight, the news regularly reporting on him.
20 years after their first meeting, SHOUSETSU and AZAMI meet again again the MONASTERY. Untouched since then, SHOUSETSU has taken over the facility, and seeking to use Dark Metal to create an armour to surpass GARO, dubbed VAIL, and so has created VERSUS ROAD, which will bring 100 souls into competition, supposedly for the right to claim GARO. To achieve this aim, SHOUSETSU has forced the humanoid Madou Tool SHUKA into the role of navigator, makes use of the controlled HORRORs, and employs the use of special items the "Knights" can shape into weapons. AZAMI, also wanting more Dark Metal, agrees to assist him, taking actions to ensure certain players stick with the game.
The day before VERSUS ROAD begins, KUON protects HOSHIAI from NAMIOKA JUN, and AMOU fights KANATA on behalf of NOWAKI KAZUYA.
The events of GARO: VERSUS ROAD takes place.
With all other players dead, and SHOUSETSU dead at AZAMI's hand, she assures KUON they will meet again, but leaves with her Dark Metal, while KUON, just wanting a normal life, leaves the GAROKEN on a snowy hillside.
The actual timeline conjecture
Pictured bellow is a photo I've taken of a timeline included in the 2019 Garopia. While one is also included in the 2024 edition, it is not as informative, dividing by media type rather than character.
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While not offering any information on VERSUS ROAD, the way the line continues from Gekkou no Tabibito to the bottom of the page, to me at least, implies acknowledging the later stuff is in the future rather than separate.
I feel determining a true order between the 4 distinct periods (Saejima, Ryuga, Jinga, Versus Road) necessitates a look at two major factors, those being the state of the order in general, and GARO's condition. I might look a little at political states and technology as well, but real world technology is not a good indicator.
First of all we have to treat the Saejima Era as the earliest point between them all, no questions. Anything in Ryuga's time that does imply a relationship indicates Kouga is in the past.
So here's what we know about that period. GARO has been in the Saejima family for at least 3 generations, probably more, and at least one more generation past Raiga. As for the state of the order, it's basically the strongest we ever see it. The Senate is definitely willing to do some shady things in the name of stopping Horrors (treating Mayuri as a Madou Tool is probably the best example), and the mere existence of the Shadow Knights and Dark Slashers could be seen as signs of corruption, but the Senate actually demonstrates shockingly little oversight over the Knights and Priests, let alone the Watchdogs.
The undersdanding we have of the Order during Kouga's time is that Japan(?) is divided into 4 territories each overseen by a Watchdog. The Senate itself also has at least two Watchdogs, Suzaku and Grace. The individual districts are then divided into various territories that have their own Knights or Priests assigned to them, they are expected to perform duties only within that territory unless ordered otherwise. Then there are Knights and Priests that serve directly under the Senate.
The order definitely has some organisational issues. Rei seems to have been accepted by the Western Watchdog without any confirmation of what happened to the previous ZERO, although it's possible Douji made some form of introduction. However we also have the case of Akira, who somehow was accepted by the Southern Watchdog and received the title of YAIBA, when his only links to the Makai were a man who was A: a traitor and B: believed dead. Although all that pails in comparison to the situation with Garm, whose only punishment for trying to summon Messiah was being split into Keil, Bell and Rose and confined to the Easter Watchdog Centre, and even then Kodama was free to leave to follow her orders. The Senate is still failing in security measures by the time of MAKAI SENKI, Reo was accepted as a Senate Priest for his achievements, a deserved appointment to be sure, but no background check seem to have been performed, as nobody knew of Sigma, knew the previous RODO had died, or realised the Fudo family records had disappeared until after the unmasking. While probably the responsibility of the Watchdog rather than the Senate, no Knight was assigned to replace Kengi after his death, and following Akaza's death Rekka and Shiguto seem to be the only ones assigned to the city.
It seems likely that things like the Barago and Sigma situations contributed to the decision to accept the creation of the Dark Slashers, despite the mistrust that materialised.
By Raiga's time the districts are now denoted by colour, which I assume means there's been come decentralisation, which does make sense. There's also less issues with not knowing stuff, although they apparently lost OUGA and had no idea it was in the Tower of Heroic Spirits.
Throughout this period, while the Order may maintain a lot of properties both isolated and within population centres, the Makai only community seems to be Kantai, which seems to operate solely under the authority of Garai, and it's unclear whether Kantai falls under any Watchdog's territory, although notably a different district is assigned to send backup for the White Night every time it comes.
We move now to the situation in Ryuga's time, and it definitely seems like there's been a decline in the Order overall. While the Senate apparently still exists, the Watchdogs seem to have essentially vanished. Ryume and her pupil Rikyo are close, including having what are essentially Watchdog Centres, and Ryume in particular holds the most authority of anyone we see in this era, but the two are both explicitly Priests, and tend to only deliver orders in serious situations, and Ryume's authority may also come just from her experience. However, what we see throughout this period is Priests being the senior authority within an area, Burai in Vol City, Ryume in Line City, Rikyo in Hell City and Mutsugi in Creacity. Ryume and Mutsugi also are shown to have familiars of uncertain nature in Ryume's masked attendants and Mutsugi's hooded priests. While Rikyo's female attendants may also fall into this category, Burai only has Rago, which I would not put in the same category. There's also more insular Makai communities, like Homuro, although given that forest also hosted a number of human settlements that might not be important, but Ryuga and Rian both seem to have been from Makai only villages as well. Another sign of some decline with the order is Kantai managing to fall in a space of about 15 years.
As for GARO, prior to Ryuga becoming GARO aged 17 and then restoring it's light five years later, there had been no Garo for some decades, probably before Hakana and Burai were born. A Priest at the time told them of GARO's last battle and how the light was drained, but it's unclear if this knowledge was firsthand. Whatever it was though left the armour stained black. One conjecture is the armours got bathed in large amounts of Inga and Jaki in the last battle, and was never purified. Whatever the circumstances, it has probably been about 3 generations since the last GARO fell, be that Raiga and Mayuri's son or a descendent.
Kami no Kiba -JINGA- has no presence of the Golden Knight, so the order is our only real point of conjecture. While I personally believe it to be the future, if BARAGO can be reincarnated at a point before he died, I see no reason Mikage Jinga cannot have been reincarnated from Jinga before Jinga was born or died. The state of the order is all we have to go on. There are actual Watchdogs, however the example we see, Kerus, has attendants in Rumido and Ramedo like Ryume does. I like to think this is an example of the order rebuilding, as while Kerus is a Watchdog, she lacks the somewhat ethereal qualities of other Watchdogs.
This leaves us with VERSUS ROAD. As the Order as we see it, and GARO itself are directly linked I will discuss together. For most of the series, we see no Horror activity not directly related to Versus Road, all we know is GARO is unclaimed and absorbing the players Inga, all the Horrors we see are restrained and only act by Azami's will, and she and Shousetsu are deliberately encouraging Inga generation. The flashback in episode 9 gives us most of our information. It tells us that the last GARO died 30 years before the series, with no obvious successor. I would assume the 500 year evil he was facing was battled in MAKAI, and the GAROKEN rests where he fell. Evidently no purification was done, I presume the Monastery took stewardship for it, and eventually attempted to find a successor, because of the proximity to their outpost. Aside from Azami's birth mother, who used a Madou Brush, every Priest we see uses magic which seems to have a slight technological aspect to it, I will treat this as the Monastery's specialty technique. Did the Senate approve the Monastery's actions in attempting to find a new GARO? I'm sure they agreed with the desire to find one, but we cannot know if they knew Sugo was reviving the ancient contests. If there were 100 families willing to send sons as candidates, we can otherwise infer the Order was in decent shape at the time, so maybe the fact we don't see any sign of HORROR activity outside Versus Road is because the Makai are dealing with it properly. Shousetsu definitely wanted his activity unnoticed by them.
Regardless of their status at the time of Versus Road, the Senate are unaware of what's going on, so we can only question what they know of the events of 20 years prior. I see 3 options: they know nothing, they have some idea, they know most everything. If they lost contact with the Monastery, they may have investigated, but it may well have been sometime before they did so,.and either way it seems likely they would conclude the whole monastery wiped out by Horrors, forcing them to write off GARO as lost. The only way they would have more concrete information is if Shousetsu or 55 reported to the Senate, and if he did, I imagine Shousetsu left out Azami and the Dark Metal. In any case, the Monastery is abandoned by the order until Shousetsu takes over in preparation for Versus Road, and the order are forced to consider GARO unobtainable.
My wild conjecture is that Versus Road is between the Saejima Era and Ryuga. I see two possibilities. One, if the priest who told Burai and Hakana about GARO's last battle spoke second hand, then he was describing the battle of Azami's parents, and after Kuon rejected GARO perhaps it automatically returned to the Tower of Heroic Spirits now that it was back in Jinkai, with all the Inga absorbed over the 30+ years leaving it stained black. The order has no knowledge of what happened in Versus Road so believe the blackening was due to the last battle.
My current theory
The alternate possibility is that someone eventually finds the Garoken on that snowy hillside and claims GARO, and their line eventually fails, possibly again due to the darkness that has stained it in the interim never being purified.
The big problem I see with this theory is Zaruba, who has no presence in Versus Road but was in the Tower of Heroic Spirits, and apparently well acquainted with Burai, in the backstory to Yami wo Terasu Mono. I can see two options, either he was moved to the Tower immediately after GARO fell to await the arrival of a newcomer, or he was destroyed, and Ryuga's is a new incarnation, or at least postdating Versus Road.
Saejima Era
Versus Road Era
Dougai Era
Mikage Era
I think I'm unlikely to move from this position unless we get new information, probably from something that picks up from the end of Versus Road. And plenty of people are happy to consider them all distinct anyway.
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carlaoboemiahofc · 2 years ago
lembro pouco de você mas muito mais dos nossos quases'na verdade, lembro que eu não valia nada e que você adorava mentir que me querialembro da sua respiração forte enquanto dormia de quando não gostava de me abraçar a noite ou que lhe chamasse durante o dia e era assim, nada eu podia lembro tão pouco de quem você émas muito mais do que talvez você seria.lembro pouco de você mas muito mais dos nossos quases'na verdade, lembro que eu não valia nada e que você adorava mentir que me querialembro da sua respiração forte enquanto dormia de quando não gostava de me abraçar a noite ou que lhe chamasse durante o dia e era assim, nada eu podia lembro tão pouco de quem você émas muito mais do que talvez você seria.lembro pouco de você mas muito mais dos nossos quases'na verdade, lembro que eu não valia nada e que você adorava mentir que me querialembro da sua respiração forte enquanto dormia de quando não gostava de me abraçar a noite ou que lhe chamasse durante o dia e era assim, nada eu podia lembro tão pouco de quem você émas muito mais do que talvez você seria.
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01jk · 5 years ago
blood, sweat, and tears! (also your header is so pretty!!)
hi thank u for asking!!! it is αίμα, ιδρώτας, και δάκρυα (pronounced éma, idrótas, ke dákria)!!! now u know how to say the title of a superior song in greek heheh 💘 also thank u for ur compliment, it's made by the wonderful @vjimin!!! pls go check out alex's headers they are incredible 🥰
send me an english word and I'll translate it to my native language!!
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perfektnagrafika · 3 years ago
éma ekológie a udržateľnosti rezonuje čoraz častejšie a výraznejšie aj sférou interiérového dizajnu a nábytku. V Nesii sme vždy cítili zodpovednosť voči nášmu životnému prostrediu a prispôsobovali sme mu aj naše aktivity a fungovanie. V posledných rokoch sa aj nám naskytujú nové možnosti, ktoré sa snažíme implementovať do výroby aj interiérového dizajnu a požiadavka výroby ekologického nábytku či udržateľného interiéru nám nerobí problém, ale naopak, teší nás. Ak sa chystáte zariaďovať, rekonštruovať interiér alebo len hľadáte nový nábytok, poradíme vám, ako to môžete urobiť lepšie, ekologicky.  O každom interiéri je dôležité rozmýšľať z dlhodobého hľadiska, pri ekológii takéto plánovanie však dáva ešte väčší zmysel. Výber eko materiálov je síce fajn skratka na to, aby ste mali dobrý pocit, že ste spravili niečo navyše, avšak tie materiály musia byť aj kvalitné a odolné. Zlaté pravidlo, ktorým sa snažíme vždy riadiť a takisto ho odporúčame aj našim zákazníkom, je prvoradá kvalita. Aj ekologický nábytok musí spĺňať vysoké kvalitatívne štandardy na to, aby splnil svoj účel. Ak o pár rokov (v horšom prípade mesiacov) stratí svoju funkčnosť alebo vzhľad, čo nás nakoniec prinúti k výmene, o ekológii nemôže byť ani reč. Investícia  do nábytku sedačky, pohovky sa preto oplatí nielen z finančného hľadiska, ale aj z ekologického. Kľúčová je dlhovekosť. Aby sme však vyhoveli rôznym požiadavkám, štýlom aj rozpočtom, vždy sa snažíme ponúknuť čo napestrejšie možnosti.  S plánovaním súvisia aj samotné trendy. Častokrát sú lákavé a odolať im nie je najľahšie. V rámci udržateľnosti však bude vašim najlepším spojencom nadčasová klasika pretože to, čo je moderné dnes, nemusí byť moderné zajtra. Elegantné dizajny, ktoré už prežili nejaké tie roky či dokonca dekády majú totiž potenciál do budúcnosti. Ak vás teda zlákalo napríklad dnes veľmi moderné buklé, skúste sa nad ním zamyslieť z dlhodobého hľadiska a zvážte napríklad alternatívne materiály, napríklad kožu. Je to desiatkami rokov overený materiál, odolný voči času aj trendom. Na kožu, ale aj ostatné látky v našom portfóliu sme veľmi hrdí, pretože pochádzajú od partnerov.  Nebojte sa klasiky a rozmýšľajte o interiéri v kontexte nasledujúcich rokov. Bude vás dizajn stále baviť alebo ste sa nechali zlákať trendami? Bude jednododuché s interiérom alebo s nábytkom pracovať v prípade zmien? Pri materiáloch dbajte na pevnosť, odolnosť, čo zabezpečí dlhoročnú výdrž. Stávka na istotu je masívne drevo, kvalitný kameň alebo koža.
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furoremisterio · 3 years ago
um planeta firmado com os pésnovo e delicado, sustenta-seno instante do passeio pelo arimpulso, pernas firmesprolongam-se com as bordasno entardecer, contemplotodos atentamente posicionadosdeslumbrados com a antigravidadeaquilo que é e não émas há de ser, mantenho omomento visionárioprosaico: uma partidade futebol, bobinhoum planeta-ovo a bolaem gira, seus horáriosdisfarçados de abril
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lasoffittadiste · 3 years ago
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angeldeluzescritora · 3 years ago
Britanny- eu não fiquei com nenhum.
Jessi-Boca virgem.
Britanny -fica quieta Jessi ninguém sabe.
Jessi-como assim ela ficou chocada segurando nos ombros da amiga
Ela andaram,e ela começou a contar sobre paras meninas.
Britanny-Eu tive medo e vergonha,e eu não consigo.
Jessi-Mas você gosta de algum garoto?
Ela não queria contar qual mas jessi sabia qual?
Jessi-tyler moore.
Karol-Fica quieta Jessi.
para jessi.
Jessi-Está bem parei.
Britanny morria de vergonha,andando
Até que elas ouviram um barulho alto de música vinda de um carro,tocando deep purple highway star,britanny se virou e ficou olhando,ele pulava do carro junto com três amigos,e ele usava uma mochila de caveira e fumava cigarro jogando a fumaça no ar,ele usava uma jaqueta de couro preta,e olhava para frente não olhando britanny,e empurrando,. todo mundo que olhava ele.
Brianny sentiu uma arrepio percorrer seu corpo,e era um empurrào forte,e ela gritou .
Britanny-olha por onde anda,quase morri de susto me empurrando desse jeito britanny o encarou.
Ele parou por um instante e britanny engoliu em seco, olhando ele se virou para ela a analisando nos olhos,. Um silêncio naquele instante e ela sentiu o choque.
- Vai se ferrar garota,nào perco tempo com garotas futil como você ele a olhando ela de cima a baixo.
Britanny-sentiu o coraçào acelerar e chingou ele de volta vai se ferrar você..
Britanny nào ia levar desaforo para casa.
Quando resolveu,empurrar ele.
Britanny-Olha você por onde anda?seu imbecil .
Ele riu irônico enquanto os meninos riam enquanto ela andava,e olhava para trás o encarando.
Ele sorriu jogando os cabelos e jogando a fumaça no ar.
Will-Quem é essa garota ?
Disse seu amigo curioso enquanto todos olhavam a cena.
As garotas ao seu redor olhavam para ele.
Lucas-nào sei, quem émas quero muito saber,Esse ano vai ser maluco.
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syntax-forest · 7 years ago
Ér Gæ lus es qipæl án es laðjorn konjosk emra vértjota. Qo kæjo éfa áð kavéta, lofe migréska Sinare kól bé skulpéta, án ápo on takóskén estata. Fejá kæjo par es ikæjo lus qjota, "Uná, liðe supiran án rávus brákoljo." Án enæ klére, kæjo liðe þrata án pisa klémas ci þrata. Kæjo qjota emra, "Uná, polið ijén té án firpéritá étja þun jón firén péri finiran, án démjene éla ijén té supiran, án ér Gæ érpæ ázvésólik osk ejora næ."
Fejá Jáje pòlið án firpéritá étja gékáli kjer lus þujot finilan ijésk ci lo véta. Fejá Jáje qjota, "Ælá! Es tæjól es qipæl obka ita, án kæjo émat tosk estóska tota. Emra étjat tosk njésk ejota næ taljosk i næ. Uná! Lo vjéro án, étja qipæl kæjo par es ikæjo lus evésk ejota næ, kæjon qipæl epaqoljo." Éma ci, Jáje kæjot ér Gæ érpæ ázvéta án pólið finiskén sólilan. Áma ci, þu Babél éqósólik i, jeci Jáje ér qipæle ér Gæ lus ápo epaqjota, án ápo le Jáje ér Gæ érpæ kæjot ázvéta.
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diet-weight-loss · 5 years ago
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Belly Fat Workout – Messagerie – Éma Céleste – Outlook Do This One Unusual 10-… https://ift.tt/2HNXQQT
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sunwisher-blog · 6 years ago
Bob Azzam – Mustapha
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Bob Azzam – Mustapha
Call 1-855-637-4055 for our Psychic line as low as 66¢/min About Bob Azzam: BOB AZZAM (given name Waddie George Azzam) was an Egyptian singer and orchestra leader of Palestinian origin. He was born in Nazareth, Palestine on October 24, 1925, grew up in Egypt (Alexandria,Egypt?), and he died in Monaco on July 24, 2004. He witnessed a great success in France in the beginning of the 1960s. Bob Azzam had a passion for art, a degree in electronic engineering, and has been regarded as the man behind the chamber of echoes “Hors-studio” or “off-studio”. Bob Azzam began his career in Italy in the late 1950s, with his band, singing in Italian and in English. In 1960, he released two songs in France that clearly had the influence of arabic and oriental music, these were: Mustafa « Chérie je t’aime, chérie je t’adore, Como la salsa de pomodoro” and “Fais-moi du couscous, chérie”. The same year, he received the Grand Prix du Disque for the song Viens à Juan les Pins. Thus, he records many of the 45 rpm discs. After this era, his success began to decline. However, Bob Azzam continued his career by touring with his orchestra, and finally opened his own night club in Geneva. Jonathan Richman, Rachid Taha and most recently La Bande à Basile have all made covers for the songs “Mustafa” and “Fais-moi du couscous, chérie”. Bob Azzam & Miny Gérard, chant. Giorgio Susa, saxo ténor, flûte. Jack Sewing, basse. Hans Felka, piano. Gio Roselli, batterie. Helmer Olesen, vibraphone, trompette. lyrics: Chéri je t’aime chéri je t’adore, como la salsa de pomodoro. {2x} Y a Mustapha, y a Mustapha Anavaé badia Mustapha Ça va chérim faila attaarim Éronquérim matché éma hatchim. -1- Thala aya Mustapha yaémil quélam Hénéal quamé bémane avénéal quélam Where my live oh guest oh guest, yes my love Oh guest oh guest {2x} Y a Mustapha, y a Mustapha Anavaé badia Mustapha Ça va chérim faila atha harim Éronquérim matché éma hatchim. -2- Quand je t’ai vu sur le balcon Tu m’as dit monte et ne fait pas d’ façon. {2x} Chéri je t’aime chéri je t’adore, como la salsa de pomodoro {2x} Y a Mustapha, y a Mustapha Anavaé badia Mustapha Ça va chérim faila atha harim Éronquérim matché éma hatchim. -3- Tu m’as allumé avec une allumette Et tu m’as fait perdre la à tête {2x} Chéri je t’aime chéri je t’adore, como la salsa de pomodoro {2x} Y a Mustapha, y a Mustapha Anavaé badia Mustapha Ça va chérim faila atha harim Éronquérim matché éma hatchim. English TranslationDarling, I love you Darling, I adore you Like tomato sauce Darling, I love you Darling, I adore you Like tomato sauce Oh Mustafa, Oh Mustafa, I love you, Mustafa Seven years in the Atarin neighborhood Now we’re back at Maxim’s place Come Mustafa, you’re the son of El Sarhan These drugs are fresh and go to the neighbor And when he gets high He can take drugs as he likes Oh Mustafa, Oh Mustafa, I love you, Mustafa Seven years in the Atarin neighborhood Now we’re back at Maxim’s place When I saw you on the balcony You told me to come up and not in such a manner When I saw you on the balcony You told me to come up and not in such a manner Darling, I love you Darling, I adore you Like tomato sauce Darling, I love you Darling, I adore you Like tomato sauce Oh Mustafa, Oh Mustafa, I love you, Mustafa Seven years in the Atarin neighborhood Now we’re back at Maxim’s place You set me on fire with a match And you made me lose my head You set me on fire with a match And you made me lose my head Darling, I love you Darling, I adore you Like tomato sauce Darling, I love you Darling, I adore you Like tomato sauce Oh Mustafa, Oh Mustafa, I love you, Mustafa Seven years in the Atarin neighborhood Now we’re back at Maxim’s place ————- Other versions of this song include these lyrics in one of the verses: We been waiting but do not know know when you will be back Do not forget to write and make my eyes and my heart happy Come on, Mostafa, the son of our neighbors, come back. The Arabic lyrics are about a man named Mustapha, who has been away from home for a long time. The song asks him to come back soon — or at least write home. In the Turkish version, a young woman tells her boyfriend: “Let’s get married and put an end to this; I have a child in my belly!” Click here to return to positive music list Read the full article
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elvisegydrog · 8 years ago
Más kérdés, hogy a liberal arts nem liberális művészeteket vagy liberális tudományokat jelent, hanem gyakorlatilag az összes alapműveltséget adó tárgyat a filozófiától a matematikán át a csillagászatig. Nagyjából ugyanaz, mint amit Magyarországon szabadbölcsészetnek hívnak, kiegészítve olyan tárgyakkal, amik itthon nem tartoznak a humán műveltség körébe.
És mi lenne, ha nem a szabadbölcsészettel jönnénk, amit még sokkal többen utálnak, mint a ‘liberális’ dolgokat, hanem elmondanánk, h a liberal arts-t az artes liberales miatt hívják így, ami egyrészt latinul van, tehát tiszteletreméltó, nem úgy, mint a liberális dolgok, másrészt meg a középkori (amikor az egyháznak sokkal nagyobb befolyása volt, tehát sokkal jobb volt minden) oktatás trivium (ami szintén latinul van, és kicsit hasonít a partiumra, ami ugye magyar, és arról nem is beszélve, h benne van a ‘három’, ami meg a magyar igazság, tehát többszörösen is jó) és quadrivium (jó, ebben olyan liberális szavak vannak, mint a quad, de legalább ez is latinul van!!) felosztásából jött, és a ‘szabad emberhez méltó’ tudományokat jelölte, mi lenne, ha azzal basztatnánk Lázár Jánost inkább, h egyrészt egy ostoba, sötét fasz, aki az úgynevezett műveltségnek (ez ugye egy tök lexikális műveltség-éma, ami nagyjából az egyetlenféle ‘tudás’, amit ez az oktatási kormányzat fel tud fogni) a közelében sincs, másrészt meg azzal, h pléhpofával azt mondjuk: Lázár János ezek szerint nem akarja, h a magyar hallgatók ‘szabad emberhez méltó’ dolgokat tanuljanak, na miért lehet ez???
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bdpst24 · 5 years ago
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christianchild · 7 years ago
The Fruit of the Spirit (IGNACIANO: Bible NT)
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Galatians (Gálatas) 5:22-23
22 Vítisera, tiávahá­ca­havihi ema Espíritu Santo. Te vísapa éma, tíjara­ca­havihi eta vémuna­raivaya. Viúrisa­mu­re­re­ca­vayare, tinara­cainapa eta vipane­reruana máicha. Tíjara­cahavi eta vicaye­heraya paciencia. Vijapa­nu­rahiya máicha. Vicaji­rai­va­yareva máicha. Vítaura­hiyare. Vétaviuchaya eta viúrivayare. Tímica­ta­ca­haviya eta…
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ccmlbv · 7 years ago
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