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ellieswr1d · 7 months ago
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matt elektra 🤍
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mildiouswag · 25 days ago
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More of these two!
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sad-lullabee · 4 months ago
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hexbimbo · 9 months ago
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What did you expect?? 🙄
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s4tvrnsays · 26 days ago
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She did warn you...
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violetpaiges · 1 month ago
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wisteriasymphony · 3 months ago
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these elves aren't even getting that big of a pay raise for saving christmas either. did you know the north pole is technically a company town? no osha regulations either. they've been trying to get an elves' union underway since 1602 but no dice. awful working conditions, man.
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yui-kimura · 9 months ago
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g0blintears · 9 months ago
[Yandere! Dead By Daylight x Reader]
Summary: You are a mystery to both the survivors and killers within the fog. A servant of darkness, a creature created by the entity itself, you are the shadow behind the scenes that provides the survivors with the necessities they need to survive, while also assisting killers with the weapons they need to sacrifice. You are a servant void of humanity, but not one that seeks out despair. An empty slate that perhaps just needs to be taught a little bit of hope and empathy to help the survivors escape once and for all.
Seven. Dark Sense
Time worked differently in the realm. Sunlight didn’t exist, and the sky was always painted a dark, inky black. Nothing was ever overgrown, and the survivors never knew when they were going to be summoned into a trial until they found themselves alone with only three other people in the middle of an abandoned campfire. If it wasn’t for the entity’s servant, who would often have a routine schedule for meal time, they wouldn’t have ever known when it was the appropriate time to eat and sleep.
Now having woken up from his rest, Felix, along with all the other survivors, found themselves sitting at various tables with their trays of plain bread and baked potatoes placed in front of them.
Currently, Felix sat in front of his childhood best friend, Élodie Rakoto. Wearing a loose fitted, long sleeve crop top that complimented the pendant wrapped around her neck, and dark black jeans that fitted for comfort, said woman with coily black hair and dark brown eyes was someone who usually carried herself with a smile of confidence and a face that always looked like she was coming up with mischief. However, as he whispered to her the current theories some of the other survivors had previously talked about, the woman couldn’t help but look at her blond friend in worry.
“You guys are planning to, what?” She asked in a whisper shout. Her eyes darted both left and right as she made sure to keep her voice low from wandering ears. “Are you guys actually doing this?”
“Well, the plan isn’t really in motion. We still want to gather more details and see if this is even worth working out. But, if they do show any signs of being capable to evolve, we will plan this out more thoroughly.” 
Élodie looked at Felix, dumbfounded before scoffing. With her fork, she dug into her potatoes. "You guys are crazy. So crazy." She muttered, her thick French accent seeping with each syllable. Stuffing her mouth with the unseasoned potatoes, she continued, "But if this plan of yours works, make sure the servant of darkness learns how to season. This shit tastes awful."
Felix sighed, “We’re being serious.”
“And so am I!” She exclaimed, pointing at Felix with her potato still attached to her fork. “Look at this! It’s not even cooked all the way! Last week Ace’s potato wasn’t even cooked! He and David ended up playing hackysack with it.”
Ignoring her words, Felix frowned. “I actually thought you’d be more optimistic about this.” 
Ever since he met Élodie on Dyer Island, Felix knew that she was someone who was stubborn and assertive. Élodie was always down for an adventure, someone who was willing to take risks. A troublemaker if you will. So imagine his surprise when his usually devious friend looked at him the way he usually looked at her whenever she had something crazy planned. 
Rolling her eyes, Élodie placed down her fork and sighed. “Look, we all want to escape, but trying to escape through the entity’s servant? That’s crazy! What if it backfires? We don’t know what happens to people that step out of line. It hasn’t been recorded. Hell, we don’t even know what happened to the people that were in this realm before us. All we have is that journal.” She then motioned to the book under Felix’s arm.
At her words, the man subconsciously gripped the leather binder. 
“And it hasn’t really been as helpful as we had hoped.”
Felix pursed his lips, “I know. But it’s a start, don’t you think?” The male’s grey eyes clashed with his friend’s dark brown eyes, his stare bored into her with desperation. “How long are we going to be here? How many more deaths are we all going to be forced to endure? If there is another way to escape this hell, why not take it? What exactly do we have to lose?” 
“We don’t know-” She began to answer, but was cut off by the blond.
“Exactly! We don’t know. Élodie, for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always been one to never shy away from the unknown. Back in Dyer Island, you were the one to encourage us to step out of our comfort zone. You were the one to tell us to accept ourselves, but to also be open minded to chance. You lead us to grand adventures, and that in itself should show how incredibly clever and brave you are. So why not take one more risk?” Although desperate, Felix’s words held his truth as he reminded his friend of their days back in their youth.
As he looked at his friend expectantly, Élodie chose to ignore his last question and instead crossed her arms over her chest and rose an eyebrow at the male. “Trying to use your flattery skills on me to get on my good side now, huh? Very sneaky of you, Ritcher.” 
For a moment, the male didn’t know how to respond. But as soon as he caught a glimpse of her smile, the male shook his head and let out an airy chuckle, “But it’s working, right?” 
Élodie hummed, “Very tempting, but I still think it’s a bad idea.” She then looked at Felix with a grimace on her face. “Plus, I don’t know how I can be of any help. You should know better than anyone that my memories and yours aren’t all there.”
Felix’s brows furrowed, the once laid back attitude he had with his friend diminished as he mulled over her words. 
“I know, but I still think you could help me explain some things to the others better. Unlike everyone else here, we at least grew up knowing of the entity’s existence before arriving here- especially you. You have at least some knowledge of creatures similar to the entity and its servant. That’s why we wanted to let you know what was going on. You can give us some more insight from your own experiences.”
Élodie looked around once more. Speaking of you and the entity made her skin crawl, almost as if you were listening to the two of them speak at that very moment.
“I don’t know…” She trailed off. Although she was unsure, Felix was right. They couldn’t go on like this. The pain of dying was agonizing, especially in the most brutal ways. At this point, she wanted to die and just stay dead. But of course, that wasn’t an option. So if they had to resort to wild theories, maybe it could possibly lead to somewhere better than here.
But there’s still a chance that this could end badly, very badly. She couldn’t think of what could possibly happen. Afterall, they’ve endured it all. What if there’s more though? Something worse? What could be worse than death in a form of recycled torture? 
She didn’t know. 
She wanted to take the risk, but at the same time, she felt hesitant. The last time she went into something without a plan, she had led her and her friends' parents to vanish. Her memories were foggy. She couldn’t remember much of that day, but she did remember that she was the reason the entity took them. She remembered the distraught and regret she felt once she exited that lab, but not with her parents. She remembered the spiral of obsession she went through trying to find them, all of it leading to where she is now. 
Into the unknown.
This plan, if gone through, could end badly. And she wasn’t sure if she could endure another incident like that again. Her once obsessed mind was now beginning to heal after all those years of guilt. Could she really go through it all again? Squeezing the fork in her hand, the woman shook her head. She couldn’t.
As though reading her thoughts, Felix reached out his arm from across the table, and squeezed his friend’s hand. Instantly, Élodie was brought out of her thoughts and gazed over at Felix with wide eyes. 
“I know what you’re thinking, and I promise we will be careful. You don’t have to help if you don’t want to, but I know your strengths and I know you could help us plan this out.” Giving the top of her hand one last squeeze, the male sent her a wink and a small smile. “Afterall, The Pariahs are smart and fearless, remember?”
Reminding her of their childhood friend group name, the woman instantly regained her confidence. She chuckled and shook her head, “Alright. Alright. I get it.” Pushing his hand away, Élodie went back to eating her now cold food. “Fine, I’m in.”
Brushing back his blond hair, the male grinned at his friend. “Good.”
Looking around for a bit, Felix watched as most of the survivors dispersed after their meals. One after the other, they all walked their separate ways until finally Dwight, Feng Min, Yun-Jin, Zarina, and Adam joined Felix and Élodie at their table.
Once the group was together, Felix spoke to the group.
“Élodie says she’s in.”
“That’s great! The more the merrier.” Zarina exclaimed, then clasped her hands together before gazing upon the group. “So, how’s this going to work?” 
“Well, we should figure out if this plan has the possibility of even working.” Adam interjected, “We don’t want to be too hopeful. We could be unintentionally screwing ourselves over by feeding the entity if we do so.”
“Mm, good point.” Min hummed, “Does that mean we shouldn’t tell the others?”
“Probably not.” Dwight muttered, and pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose. “We don’t want to give false hope to the others and as Adam said, feed the entity. So let’s try keeping this to ourselves.”
“Okay, so don’t tell the others and don’t be too hopeful. What else?” Min quirked an eyebrow, looking at the group that turned to Dwight and Felix.
Dwight cleared his throat, “Well, since Élodie‘s agreed to help us, we can review what we do and don’t know.” His gaze then went over to Yun-Jin who was sitting at the far end of the table. “Especially since we have a newcomer in the realm.”
All eyes went to Yun-Jin, who brushed back her hair to hide her discomfort.
Élodie nodded, “Right. Sorry, I never introduced myself.” She then sent Yun-Jin a brief smile and a curt wave of her hand, “Élodie Rakoto, occult investigator.”
“Oh!” Yun-Jin’s eyes widened at this new piece of information. That explains why the others were so adamant on scheduling another group meeting but with Élodie involved. “So you’re familiar with all this stuff?”
“Yes. Both Felix and I have a bit of knowledge on the realm since we both grew up together, me a little more since I decided to make a career out of it.”
“Wait, you two knew each other outside the realm?”
Élodie snickered, “Yes, our parents were part of the same group called Imperiatti.” She then rubbed her temple in thought. Her eyes screwed shut as she tried to recall any of her memories, but as always, came back with nothing but static.
“Honestly I wish I could tell you guys what they did, but as most of you guys know, neither Felix or I have any memories of our lives that involve the entity or its servant. We just know that our parents were part of some sketchy ancient council that had something to do with the entity.”
“It wasn’t like worship, right?” Yun-Jin cut in, eyes wide as she stared at Élodie. She didn’t mean to sound judgmental, but from her perspective, if the two grew up worshiping the entity, she knew she could not trust them. “You guys weren’t part of a cult, were you?”
Élodie turned to her with a frown, “No. Well, we weren’t at least. I can’t speak for our parents, but I highly doubt it. When our parents were taken, I remember how scared they were for us. They fought off the entity. I just don’t remember what they did, but they ward it away long enough for us to escape.” 
Min groaned, “So we don’t know anything other than the basics from the journal. Great.”
“Journal?” Yun-Jin repeated, just as Felix raised up the book for her view. A dark leather bound book with yellow tinted pages was in full display as he placed the book in the middle of the table.
“It’s a journal written by a past survivor named Benedict Baker.”
Yun-Jin’s breath hitched in her throat, “Wait, what do you mean past survivor? There were others before us?” She then focused her eyes on Dwight, “People were here before you? I thought you, Meg, and the others showed up here alone?”
“We were alone.” Dwight confirmed, “When the four of us— me, Claudette, Meg, and Jake, when we arrived here, we were here alone. No other survivors. Just us at the campfire with the servant to greet us.”
Yun-Jin brought her hands to cover her mouth, “Oh my god. So there is a way to escape? Right? If there were others here before, where did they go?”
The group looked amongst themselves. 
“We don’t know.” Zarina interjected, her voice soft as she gazed down at the journal. “The journal just stops after ten entries. He claimed that it was becoming too much. His sanity was slipping and his hope shattered, so he left the journal behind. He apparently wrote more, but pages have been torn out.” 
Yun-Jin ran her fingers through her hair. Just as soon as she felt the sense of justified hope, it all came crashing down. “So we don’t know what happened to them?” She whispered.
More silence ensued.
“Well, from what Benedict wrote, with each "death" we become weaker. Little pieces of our souls get consumed by the entity. By that alone, we can only assume that— well...” Adam struggled to find his words. His leg bounced from under the table as his mind jumbled as to what happened to those past survivors. 
Fortunately, Adam didn’t have to finish his sentence as Feng mumbled under her breath what they were all thinking.
“They were devoured.”
Yun-Jin wanted to cry. She wanted to scream and throw a tantrum. She thought that there was no possible way to escape, but apparently there was, but it wasn’t as good as their own predicament. 
“…what happens if you’re devoured?” She asked, her voice hushed as she glanced at the group with red teary eyes.
Élodie sighed, “We don’t know…we could be met with peace— no longer feeling pain or joy since we would seize to exist, or we could be sentient and still feel every single pain of every life force the entity has consumed. But from my own studies on dark magic, I would place my money on the latter.”
“Oh god, what if we get devoured by going through this plan?!” Yun-Jin shouted, her eyes glanced at the group in alarm.
“Keep your voice down!” Min hissed, “We don’t want you-know-who to hear.”
“How do we know they’re not listening right now?” Yun-Jin scoffed.
“I’ve already checked with them and they’re preparing for the next trial with the killers.” Dwight answered, “So we have nothing to worry about.”
Yun-Jin frowned, “How do you know? I thought they were like— I don’t know, otherworldly? How are you sure they aren’t eavesdropping right now?”
“They may be a cosmic being, but they are far weaker than the entity, so they do have their limits.” Élodie reassured, “We’ve since learned that their omnipotent abilities aren’t as vast as we had once thought. My guess is that they can hear and see all, but they don’t truly hear and see everything. Like when looking at a picture for a moment, do you truly see all of the details in the work? Every paint stroke and sponge mark? Or when you are in a crowd in a city, you can hear bits of every sound, but not every conversation to its fullest extent. Since being in this realm, that is at least the conclusion me and a few others have come up with for their abilities.”
“I guess that makes sense.” Yun-Jin frowned, “Well, okay then, what if we get devoured, huh?” Yun-Jin snapped in frustration. “I thought you guys said that there was nothing to lose.”
“There is nothing to lose,” Min commented, sitting up straight and crossing her arms over her chest. “We get devoured if we go through with another escape plan or not. Might as well take the risk.”
“And we don’t know if those past survivors were devoured or not. For all we know, they may have escaped.” Zarina pointed out, easing the tension of the others.
Yun-Jin slowly nodded. Although she was still overwhelmed with all this new information, she at least could feel her worries ease as she was reminded that her survival was probable, she just needed the others to help.
“Fine then. What now?”
All eyes turned to Dwight. 
Said leader felt his face flush in embarrassment, but he covered it up by coughing into his fist. “Right. Well, now that we got most of the basics covered we should see if there is even a slim chance of the servant caving into an emotional connection.” His eyes then ventured to Élodie. “Is there a chance for them to rebel against the entity? Or at the very least, help us out?”
Élodie pursed her lips in thought, “Honestly? Yes, but a very slim chance. Back when I was collecting artifacts for my employer, he let me read up on ancient manuscripts, some of which described ancient gods called The Elder Ones. They were different forms of gods, some of which created the very concept of life and death. World eaters and realm creators. These gods would often create various sub species to play different roles.”
”One example of this being this really grotesque monster race that were built to be mountains of sorts, kinda like a living castle but with multiple mouths on its body. It was tanky, and at the very center of its core was where some of The Elder Ones would reserve their life force. They were usually seen as lower beings, and, well, they eventually gained consciousness and rebelled against The Elder Ones because of their lack of respect. Now it’s said that they peacefully reside as illusions of mountains and feed upon anything that stumbles across their backs.”
Élodie nodded to herself. Having read many manuscripts of different religions and tales, she often thought that maybe some of them were simply made up. However, being placed in the realm of the entity, having spoken to other survivors that come from vastly different times and worlds, she could undoubtedly say that it’s a possibility that some of those manuscripts told real lore of otherworldly places.
She just wasn’t sure how they could have possibly traveled from one realm to another.
“That’s just one example of the servant defying its role. There are many of these stories of creatures that would turn on their creators because they’ve either found a new purpose or were tired of the mistreatment.” Élodie bit her lower lip, “However, these creatures were always shown to be more…expressive than what we’re currently dealing with, so that’s why I think this theory can work to a certain degree.”
She then gazed up at the group, her eyes meeting Felix’s warm grey eyes.
“So you’re saying there is a chance?” He asked, eyeing his friend with a growing smile.
Élodie looked upon the group, all of them staring at her to give the final judgment. 
“Well, if there’s nothing to lose, I say let’s see if we can get a little expression on them.” She then grinned, the thought of this theory working actually sounded more and more real the further she thought on it. “If we can sway them enough, see if they have the capability to feel or even think to themselves, I think we have a pretty good shot.”
Looking at one another, the group found themselves feeling a wave of an emotion they haven’t truly felt in such a long time. It was a surreal feeling, and one that they all knew to be dangerous, yet they latched onto the feeling with an iron hold, refusing to let the emotion slip away into the entity’s grasp. 
They were going to get close to you. They had to.
The next trial was approaching, and so far, you hadn’t seen or heard from the killer who was supposed to be next to hunt.
Standing by the empty campfire, your dull [eye color] eyes watched as the flames of the fire pit flicker and dance. The crackling noise of the campfire burned as time went on, but it never once lost its flame. It continued to burn. Emitting a heat that you knew was nice for the mortals, but for yourself?
You took a step forward, your hand barely reached out to touch the flames.
It burned at your skin, but you couldn’t feel that. Instead, you watched as the fire engulfed your hand, not burning it and not causing it pain. Your fingers merely touched the flames, as though it was touching open air.
You couldn’t feel it. 
Suddenly, you put your hand down. Barely audible, you could hear breathing. Soft and scarcely present, but you could still make it out. It approached from the darkness of the forest. Despite knowing the intentions of the killer, you didn’t bother to move. Instead, you kept your eyes focused on the flames, awaiting the killer’s next move.
As quick as a shuddered breath, you could feel a presence loom behind you. One arm wrapped around your torso, and another holding out a knife in hand over your face.
The presence didn’t speak, but you didn’t need to see who they were to know who was behind you.
Your eyes glanced at the shining silver blade. A mirror image of yourself was present, along with the masked killer with a ghoulish appearance.
It was Ghostface.
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amphiptere · 10 months ago
I just hope Jean can get a copy of that photo of himself and Elodie at some point
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ellieswr1d · 7 months ago
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élodie yung for the new york post
photographed by tom corbett
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cylee77 · 10 months ago
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Thomas Bangalter and Élodie Bouchez at the Paris Fashion Week, in Paris on March 5, 2024.
Photo by Geoffroy van der Hasselt
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mildiouswag · 9 days ago
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Élodie!!! In a cute coat!!
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jimmyeatsbread · 1 year ago
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redraw of élodie rakoto in her key art
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hexbimbo · 10 months ago
DBD Random Hc #2
Obsessions are always given the green light to escape by any means.
Entity purposefully fucks with both sides to heighten tensions. Causes food shortages, droughts, or purposefully triggers killers.
The Entity is unable to create a place or environment without drawing inspiration the real world. It just simply isn’t creative enough.
The Enitiy only takes talented/ interesting survivors who would’ve made an impact on the world. Dwight was accidentally taken.
Ironically, Dwight is who rallies the Survivors and causes the eventually down fall of the Entity.
Leading up to the downfall, Dwight would have to befriend and earn the loyalty of every survivor. ( I would honestly play a tell-tale game like this)
If Evan’s spirit wasn’t broken, he’d start a killer led rebellion.
The more loyal a killer is, better conditions are given. Food, mori’s, and sentimental items to name a few.
Killers who need to be tortured to kill are given the bare minimum.
I personally don’t agree with “ survivors losing their memory post-trial” canon. If they can’t remember, how exactly does that generate the fear or hope the Entity needs to survive? In addition, lost of memory would include not knowing how to do generators, how to counter certain killers, or how trials in general work. You’re seriously telling me a gambler and botanist who’s never left the house knows complex machinery like that?
Survivors 🔥✊
David isn’t out to the group. Scared he’ll be ostracized or purposefully thrown under the bus during trials.
Some of the more self-interested survivors tend to be less thought of in trails. Ace realized he was more likely to be left behind and started doing more for the team, Élodie took it as another reason not to rely on others, and Yun-Jin throws hissy fits because “why didn’t THEY bother to save her.”
Slowly learning each other’s language. Translating for each other is a doozy and often ends up miscommunicated. Hence, why they only point and motion towards themselves in trails. Ain’t no one got time to remember “Come help me with this generator” in Japanese. 😤
On that note, I think the pariahs communicated with broken English and simple gestures that they collectively knew.
Steve likes to pull the “I’m technically older than you” on modern survivors who chastise him.
Survivors eat community, volume meals. It’s a chore no-one likes to do and is assigned day-to-day. If they ever got a chef or cook survivor, that responsibility would be gladly passed to them.
Adam enjoys teaching and educating the younger survivors on little tib-bits. In addition, he will almost always have their back in trails and personal see that they live through it.
“ …and that’s why ‘No Longer Human” was greatly impactful on Japanese culture- don’t you roll your eyes at me! 😡”
Felix and Élodie aren’t on speaking terms at the moment. Keeps their prior friendship and knowledge of the Entity hush-hush. Somehow, both know that information getting out won’t look good for them.
Sable definitely had a “NLOG” phase. Cringes when she thinks back on it.
Jake is dyslexic and can only recognize certain words based on the surrounding context (Red STOP! Sign, do not enter sign on a chain link fence, handicap parking with the wheel chair symbol.)
Killers 🔪🩸
Max tunnels police survivors if they are in uniform. Believes ACAB.
HUX is annoyed by the sounds of breathing. And laughter. And blinking. Sometimes stands outside of the camp ground so it can make itselfs mad.
Trickster will sometimes, SOMETIMES let a survivor go if they praise him enough.
Kazan is in deep disbelief about the state of his family legacy. Refuses to believe it was his own doing that caused the curse and often blames history for painting him in a bad light.
Legion rock, paper, scissors for who goes next for a trial.
Had Rin survived the attack, she would’ve broken the family’s curse.
Anna was very scared during her first period ( her mother died way before they could have “the talk”.) Convinced herself it was a deadly disease. As she grew older and stronger, her periods became few and far due to her survivalist nature.
Jeffery is kept on a strict diet regarding his addictions. Only gifted booze, herion, and large amounts of food with good performance.
Danny obsessives over the survivors. Takes pictures in secret and writes news paper stories on their many ‘deaths’.
Onryō will never not be confused by Nic’s “Sadako! Not you!”
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s4tvrnsays · 6 days ago
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I feel like i forgot how to draw so have elodie as a warm up
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