#»◇« Midnight Gallery
hawberries · 11 days
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it is a citizen's divine right to draw a little Kaveh on her birthday
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post-it-notes7 · 24 days
Hmm, wait, is Mir Falspar trying to get Dark to convince him NOT to take the job?
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He thought it would go a little more smoothly than this
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withastorytotell · 3 months
I believe that the little things can change your life. Like when you decide to change your old orange toothbrush to a new purple toothbrush. Like when you notice that your music playlist makes you feel like ocean breeze instead of summertime sadness. Like when you notice the sunlight isn't harsh so a walk out might be good. When you comb your hair every night and brush your teeth before bed and apply your lipbalm and when you notice you are the only one who does. You know you care more for yourself than you think. That's how life changes. By noting the little things and making the slight changes. Notice how you deleted the contact instead of blocking it? How you wrote the shitty poem instead of forgetting it? How you studied for five minutes when that's all you could give? How you pray everyday now when religion used to be only a question? How about the times you decided to just sit close to your loved ones but without talking you just scrolled yt because words failed you? All these things that you did, the little changes you could afford, that feels like rain with grey skies amidst sunshine, a favorite scenery, your little life is decorated without your own knowledge. I think that's a little big thing.
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sofiathehooman · 1 year
Frans Gallery 2✨
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Badtale: @shorukarts
Underlust Detective Au: @feelisia
Midnight Sans x Frisk Au: @venelona
Artificialtale: @jjaydazo
Flameheart Au: @ladysm
Dauxtale: @nuvex
Faerytale: @shayromi
Frans Zombie Au: @the-writing-mobster
Swapfell Snow White Au: @fransfanatic
Genderbend Frans Au: @pingail-08
Laziest artist: Me☕
Man this took me a while welp here it is✨
Hope you guys enjoy it💖✨
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artaintfartwarriors · 10 months
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strawglicks · 11 months
Talking About Cathal's Flaws Because Why Not
cathal is my whole world my whole universe they are allowed to do anything they want they can end the world and i will stand by their side i adore them. ok now that i got that out of my system let me genuinely talk abt his flaws and analyze it a bit more in depth
To Be Real, He's Very Spoiled.
Now, it wouldn't be fair to demean Cathal to just some spoiled brat. But, to be fair, the only reason they've gotten as far as they have is because of their dad holding their hand through it all. Cathal's dad is the only reason he has a job, is the jr V.P, and hasn't gotten fired.
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Their dad wrote their personal statement to ensure they were hired.
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Their dad specifically makes sure, no matter how many disciplinary records they have, that Cathal doesn't lose their job. This line may actually imply that they HAVE almost lost their job (which makes sense due to the amount of rules they've broken) but their dad stopped it from happening.
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Not to mention, even when made aware of his son slacking around, Allan straight up lies to management. He claims he'll disconnect the cable immediately, but according to the following lines in Cathal's battle:
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...Allan didn't do anything about the cable like he said he would.
Due to all this, it makes sense Cathal is spoiled. They just have their whole future handed to them on a silver platter without them even needing to try. And because they're not even given the chance to learn, grow, or develop new skills, they wind up rather depressed and apathetic. Which leads me to another point.
Cathal is Extremely Apathetic/Careless, Which Affects Themselves and Everyone Around Them.
A huge aspect of Cathal's character is his laziness, procrastination, and carelessness. But I think it's important to dive into the "why" of these qualities.
Like I said before, Cathal has their career handed to them without even lifting a finger. There are several times he slacks off, doesn't show up to work, doesn't DO his work, etc., yet he keeps his job because of his dad and nothing is done about these problems. This is likely one of the biggest reasons he's so apathetic and doesn't care to get around to his work anyway. If there are no consequences, what's the point of following the rules?
And that's where most of this behavior drives from. "What's the point?"
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If the toons won't attack Cathal, what's the point of Cathal attacking the toons?
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If their dad just keeps getting repaired, what's the point of destroying him in the first place?
What is the point of any of this?
Cathal seeking a meaning and finding none leads to their apathy and carelessness, which then causes them to slack off and make things harder on their fellow coworkers. This is shown in things like this comic, featuring a skelecog who's overworked just to do a simple, minimal effort task just because Cathal didn't feel like it.
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What's the point of doing ANY work when he can have someone else do it instead?
Which leads me into another point-
Cathal is Quite Selfish and Doesn't Value Anyone's Time But His Own.
There are several instances of Cathal being pretty self-centered, specifically about their time being wasted. Almost like a certain someone...(graham. its graham. im talking about graham. these two are like two sides of one coin but thats another post for another day)
Many of these instances can simply be found in their fight dialogue.
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They give total attitude when you interrupt their shows, rushing to get back to it because they find it much more important than their actual job: fighting the toons.
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They're shown to generally be impatient and rude whenever they feel their time being wasted. (This handful of lines also displays some of Cathal's attitude and snarkiness, which I think goes WAY unnoticed in the community)
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Cathal doesn't even seem to have any shame in the fact he wastes time. As a matter of fact, he almost seems prideful of it, like no one seems to understand how pointless this all is except for him. It almost gives him a bit of an ego (almost like a certain someone.)
That All Being Said, I Don't Think Cathal Has Any Malicious Intent.
I think they're young, spoiled, and inexperienced in the workplace. Their only real jobs have been helping their dad with small chores around the office rather than working for a massive company as a whole (not to mention being next in line as Jr. Vice President of said company. it's a lot of responsibility to spring onto someone so inexperienced, and it's a big responsibility to just hand to someone who clearly has no interest or passion in it.)
Cathal's never been given a real chance to find something to be passionate about, or given any real motive to be passionate about the things he DOES have. I don't think it's an excuse for him to sit back and make everyone else's lives harder, but it is an explanation.
I think Cathal is an important character to mention when discussing Cogs. Inc and how capitalist companies like this tend to destroy people. All it's done for Cathal is drain him of any passion or motivation whatsoever, if he had any before. The one thing he seems to be passionate about is his Dad, which is why he puts up with all this in the first place.
Anyway that's all I had to say. Cathal's an extremely important character to me, my absolute top favorite from TTCC (alongside Graham) and is heavily underappreciated and underdiscussed.
Here's a drawing I made a bit back of Cathal gaming because. This has been sitting in my files and I haven't found an excuse to post it LMFAO
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angelogistics · 10 months
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do you make original art? have you ever submitted to zines/galleries and been rejected? feel like there's no place for your cool weird stuff on the internet? well, fret no more.
under the floorboards seeks to highlight artists that go unnoticed on the internet and uplift non-fanart pieces that don't get as much traction. UTF will be free to read & submit to forever and published online for the forseeable future.
officially opening submissions for under the floorboards vol 1! there's zero timeline and also i dunno how long a volume will be. each artist spotlight/ article will be posted somewhere, probably on a neocities site i'll host (or maybe mine until i get off my ass and make a second acct).
pls be open to communication either thru email or discord, as i'd love to have a casual interview component as well! shoot me a tumblr dm or email (in tags) if you're interested in being featured.
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okay so there's a lot of things that stick out about Midnight but here's just one
when Cinder first gets to the Glass Unicorn, the shock collar is already there waiting on the counter—
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—so Cinder was always going to end up with it one way or another, no matter what she did
(and who knows if it was bought new? maybe she wasn't the first child slave this hotel has seen; all three Tremaines act like this is business as usual when they meet Cinder)
but Madame doesn’t put it on her right away, just gives her a list of chores and leaves the room
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now, from a Doylist perspective, I'm pretty sure it's to save time that we don't see Cinder actually having the collar put on her; they had a whole lot of shit to cram into just a few minutes and that would have been unnecessary. but, from a Watsonian perspective: why?
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consider: Cinder literally just got here. she has no idea where anything is or how to do anything that's being demanded of her: cleaning up around a stable is a whole different ball game than being charged with the upkeep of an entire, enormous hotel at ten years old, maybe even younger depending on how much time passed between when she was first "adopted" and when she met Rhodes
there's no way she did everything perfectly, or even right, that first try (and of course her stepsisters weren't any help)
she's being immediately set up to fail, and more importantly, to be punished, to be shown exactly what her captors will do to her when they find her lacking
so: did Cinder have the shock collar put on her the first time she made a mistake, and have it framed as her own fault?
Cinder, years later, Realizing: hEY WAIT A DAMN MINUTE
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cizdimgaliba · 10 months
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Midnight Serenade (Van Gogh Style Painting by Stable Diffusion)
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midnights-rebloops · 4 months
These two little guys have been all over my tumblr. I scroll and almost every other post was these two.
But hey. Not complaining 😂
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redrabbitkreations · 11 months
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kazukurokun · 1 year
Midnight thought..?
Back then when i was at JP, i lucky enough to attend one of the Guerterna's Exhibition (i never read their announcement on Twitter lol i just by passed and then the poster lead to it appeared!). The waiting was long ofc, i got in the gallery with a little kid with their parents, they keep on saying "SO SCARY" or "THIS IS SO COOL"
Making me thinking how brave Ib is in the game, she literally do anything before Garry appeared which make me more adores her even more (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠) Man i would shit my pant out at her age if i were in her situation frfr
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post-it-notes7 · 1 year
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Let the party begin 
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withastorytotell · 8 months
You were yourself around me. You were the first time that someone spilled their mind and ranted about their life just for the sake of it. I loved listening to you. I don't think you understand how stupidly honourable it feels. I don't even know what to call it, what to call us. I take a picture with you and I fear that my desperation seeps through the cracks in my smile. I am afraid I might never see you again and I know we will never be the same again. There are sparkles on my hands.There are hearts in my eyes. I look at you like this, and how could you not know? How could you not know when I am bleeding with so much love for you? How could you not know that I love you?
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mrs-bluemarine · 2 months
The most important day in the world, my beautiful spouse's birthday!!! Happy happy birthday I love you mwah mwah!!! 💕💕💕🎂🎉🎊🥳
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They're so they're so they're so. 🥺🥺🥺🥺 The pose is so absolutely precious. Ur so nice for making me so much pretty art. And ending it all with THEMMM... Don't look at me I'm emotional
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cubitoyuri · 4 months
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