#» | × | Weissager&Nanami || Spoken Words Like Moonlight ; You’re The Voice That I Like ||
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nvrcmplt · 8 months ago
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It was a mutual hatred, an ire that could thrive on the pain field another day when the time came. He wasn't to fight the violence that battle will bring him, that's for sure. Weissager wasn't to seethe in that anger on his own for much longer though. Afterall, talking about his one in a lifetime bond with a human soul was nothing but a place of praise and joy. If one was even daring to state it as divine, fate-driven. Something that would of been presumed to set a demon alight for even daring to think of it in that way. Though it was far from the truth after all, it wasn't like the world was of sin and sinners, the punished and justice from above. It was a mesh of it all, and those who could claim one thing was good and the other as bad were not the authority the world thinks of them.
Instead, his attention rose from his thoughts of tearing that patchwork apart to instead stare and focus upon his love. To watch them, be like himself, fascinated. The flicker of colours in soul was caught but Weissager was not to watch it much more. Nanami's features were his favourite to hold, so he wanted that to remain so. The way he was sparkling within the mind, Weissager no doubts this man was just as hungry for knowledge as a past-self in their first days of meeting. Amusing it was. To smile upon the memory and nod his head once upon their words. "Yes, a long time ago. The soul you hold is something I claimed as my partner. Through death and rebirth… though the soul is whole, it can be broken, scattered into many new souls within the cycle. You hold a piece of that soul, and the strongest I've seen in my years of searching for you." It wasn't the man that Weiss was following. Nanami was of difference. The man they became wasn't due to the soul, nor due to the fates of the world.
Weissager loved them all the same.
Sat in wait for their shadow to welcome him.
Sometimes it never happened. Sometimes Weissager was too late. Sometimes Weissager didn't notice the fragment. It was a pendulum of luck.
"The physical sign is my sigil, on your skin." Weissager stated with ease. "A mark for you and you alone. To summon, talk or find me when you are without me in your sights. A summoning contract for only us." Red gaze moved to Nanami's body - searching for it, since it was a sigil that would be fixed to where Nanami would need it the most, the easiest to reach. "Whilst I can find you with scent and feeling, you may not be able to do the same. As I switch between realms, you can use the sigil to call me back here at anytime. I sleep in your shadow as granted permission to do so. That is the privilege of the soul-bond. My personal mark, your will, your call, your orders… I am devoted to obey with my heart for that is my choice and happiness."
THAT SNEER SPOKE VOLUMES to him without even having to hear a response to his question. So, Patchwork’s way of doing things must have vastly differed from hellhounds just by that reaction alone. So, what was a soul to them, then? How did they see such things in general? How was it that Weissager had recognized his as a fragment of someone that they had known so long ago? To him, all souls must have looked the same, yet to those who could see them, this was not quite the case. Honestly…never did he think that he’d be having a conversation like this with a being he would have thought mere fabrication. Now he just needed to see actual yokai and not curses based on them in the future and that would be quite enough to make him never question anything odd ever again. When Weissager began to speak again, he listened quietly – taking everything that was said and allowing it to sink in to be mulled over later on when he was alone. ❝So…in a way…it’s almost like finding seashells. Many may have similar shapes and even patterns, but no one shell is exactly alike.❞ Thinking of human souls in such a way was…interesting, he had to admit.
     When it was mentioned that many consider demons heartless, Nanami’s brows furrowed a little. Not once had he ever seen Weissager as anything but loving and protective. He didn’t go out of his way to harm anyone aside from those that attempted to harm him, or in some cases, those that Nanami knew if he asked the hellhound to look after them in his stead. ❝I see. This all makes sense.❞ Arms crossing over his chest, he leaned back against his seat, seemingly lost in thought for a moment. The other’s disdain for that curse that could touch and manipulate another’s soul was truly vitriolic. Even by a hellhound’s standards, Patchwork was a heinous being that should not exist and should be wiped away as a result. ❝They sicken me as well…❞ He could still see what he had done to this people…
     The shapes, the tears, the pain…
     And all the while they laughed as if they were playing with toys they found on the ground rather than living, breathing people. His only comfort, was that all of them died eventually, their bodies not able to handle the transformation for long. ❝If only I had been able to stop them that day…❞ But there was no point in lingering over that thought. All that mattered was trying to get rid of them as soon as possible before they evolved again. That Domain Expansion had already been terrifying enough. The mention of ‘soul bonding’ soon shifted his attention away from that monster, surprise flickering within his gaze. ❝This…soul bonding…have you done this with me?❞ The answer was obvious in his eyes considering Weissager’s dedication, although he thought to ask all the same.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
Shi made me think of something and honestly the best way to put it is, Weissager followed the fragments of a soul, of someone he once knew. The first being in creation that made him become more of what he is today. Gave him thought, emotions and understanding but mostly the drive to seek things out. The being that gave him the know-how on how to look deeper into himself and others and the world he was born within.
Weissager got so attached to this being that the soul bound to their soul - even though it was against the wishes of everything he was born to be. Unlike Beschutzer and Atem, who's souls are whole and can follow each other forever - Weissager's soul-bound were broken and shattered to be reborn into different beings. A flower, a worm, a human, another dog - etc.
This soul never had a name, never had a face, never had anything beyond the warm and pleasure of teaching Weissager about what he was curious upon and when they were to be punished and torn apart by the wheels of life. Weissager could only howl in sorrow for them. Watching their light scatter and reform, to be scooped into another shape and blended until he could no longer smell them.
Nanami - is one of these fragments. He holds the same voice as his soul-bound and in that manner. Nanami has been and will be the closest thing to having that soul-bond again. Thus, Weissager being in different verses ( even if crack ) is kinda on point. He'll always follow Nanami's soul as it's the largest piece of that fragmented being he adored so much.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
❤  Whispering sweet nothings in their ear. (nanami to weiss!)
Astray they were from the group - though attentions were waning from whatever the leads were talking about in the compound of sorcerers and schooling life. Weissager, at the side of his human, stared with little wonder, after all this was the place Nanami grew with others was it not? The Six Eyes and the … lost one. The woman also, the healer - he will need to learn of her name again in the future but for now his mind was racing with interest. Turning his gaze towards the walls and pathways - picturing a younger Nanami trailing through with his peers. He had to wonder if Nanami was as stoic back then as he is now?
It did make his lips curve in a silent laugh to himself before he was spotted by Nanami. The look alone spoke his question of what he was laughing at, but Weissager found himself wanting to keep it private, and instead changed his thoughts a bit. "Just a thought of if you were as handsomely built as you are now, when you were here learning your methods." He spoke with ease, not really realizing that he's admitted to watching Nanami change several times when in his other form and the others' obliviousness to the true intellect he held.
So, when Nanami slowed his steps and leaned to his ear to speak words that did indeed make the composed canine, expand in brows to hair line and widening of the eyes. It was a comical scene for all. Though thankfully they were the only audience as Weissager's cheeks colour red. Nanami seemed bolder since they've kissed a few more times and well, Weissager couldn't deny he found it attractive in him. Still, he turned his features into Nanami's shoulder, close enough to embrace and whisper a conversation, but the closeness was enough to settle the Hound.
Though, upon them parting he did speak his own words in return to those in his ear. "Maybe if we have time, we can have a look into a private tutoring lesson for us." With a flick of his tail and smirk on pale lips, Weissager's frame returned to the path ahead - their group awaiting a few feet away from their own placement. Though half-way there, Weissager did turn again with mirth in his magenta gaze. "Unless we must turn in for an urgent lesson, right this moment?" Smirk.
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nvrcmplt · 28 days ago
"Weissager, do you still do your hellhound duties? I hope my presence doesn't interfere with your work." When Nanami thought about it, not once could he really recall catching the hellhound in the act of dragging wicked souls down into that fiery abyss. Maybe they did it when he wasn't around? When he was asleep? But he could swear that Weissager was often with him one way or another, and so he couldn't imagine when they would do any of this.
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As he mended one of the many ties of his mate, Weissager's fingers stilled upon their questioning. The needle gently rested upon his lap as the back straightens and head turns with a small smile upon his features. The other's concern for his work was rather... new, adorable in a sense, but it wasn't like he's explained to his love how he is able to be so... dutyless on the human realm. "I am not without a duty from Hell's needs, but I am not so needed for it to be completed." He blinked lightly, turning his gaze back to his favoured tie and mends the smallest of tears from their strenuous ... play in a bedroom.
"I am not bound by a deadline nor order to work until death. Many hounds roam this world, and we hunt only those of demons who have escaped their punishments. Humanities sins are punished by themselves and Angel's alike." He explained lightly, letting it be known that Hell wasn't the origin of these sinful antics, just a prison of punishment for those that succumb to them. "You needn't worry, Nanami. When I do return to my work, it is swift and without failure. My brother and I, are rather elite in that regard." Hence, they aren't being bothered by imps or ghouls to get on with quotas that the younger pups tend to have.
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"Japan, holds a curious state that ignites Hells interest, if you think of it in those terms, I am reconnaissance." His needle returns to sewing the fabric together, tugging the dim-mustard thread tight to fasten things without a stitch in its wake, he folds the mended piece back to its state for their drawer. "This country holds many powers, but it seems lacking in our... methods of ridding of entities that are too strong to contain in your methods." He continued as he proceeded to stand and offer the mended garment back to his mate. "Maybe, one era - this country will to be under our jurisdiction. Until then, we are visitors and curious."
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nvrcmplt · 7 months ago
Despite the gore that covered him from the curse he had slain, he still took the time to gently lift Weissager's hand and kiss his knuckles.
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Amusement in the eyes of the beast, as hand takes place in their touch and gaze watches their lips press to skin. Adoration eagerly wavers from the Hound - the distance too long for him to fathom it in human terms. Two whole months, he left his Soul bound, two. To think that in his time below and readjusting to human flesh and ligaments, his love was fighting daily and endlessly against curses that renew everyday. It made the Hound sombre to think that maybe, one day his return to the hellfire's below would make him return to a Nanami-less realm… And that was heart wrenching. Enough for him to understand now why his brother barely returned home. If this was the worry in his heart after doing something unknowingly - how could he do it again knowing now how long it really took for the smallest of absences?
Gentle, in tugging his fingers from their touch to instead turn them upside and cradling his loves jaw, the Hound rose their face to return the gesture to their lips. A sweet touch, gore licked from the corner of mouth and a smile finally on his features. Genuine and warm, as his fingers stroke over jaw and cheek, embracing them in his shadow to clean away the gore without harming the classic button up and slacks worn in that day. "You fight with ease, Nanami." A praise, though it shouldn't be at this point. These curses were once humans, once something loved and cherished. "Tell me who is next… I am your shadow, liebe."
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
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I need this redrawn w/ Nanami and Weissager. /throws my money
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
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To smile upon death...
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... allows the beast to weep.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
@zangyo ~ lil'drabble
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Fingers stroke through Nanami's hair, sitting at his side and watching the warmth dance on his features, the Hound soaked it up like a sponge. Every blemish, bruise and cut that lingered from a heavy work day but the safety of this human back in their den. The Hound continued to stare, feeling their breath on his features from just how close he was to them. Enjoying the moment, even as he knew the others' exhaustion was to be broken... Fingers stroke down the Human's cheek, resting at jaw to finally remove itself as his gaze trailed over the living area to the other figure in its corner.
Much like himself, blended in the shadows seamlessly with eyes that danced like open flames on a samhain night. Staring, Weissager could only bow his head before they spoke up; "Yours?" A simple word that held and meant so much to their kind. "Mine." With little room for error or debate, Weissager has marked them as Beschutzer's marked Atem.
"How long?"
"Since ... the burning."
"All of him?"
"A fragment."
Silence but with no tension nor awkwardness, but understanding that ever beyond the touch of their paws and out of reach of their fangs. They took every small morsel of what they claimed their own. Weissager moved to return to touching Nanami's features... Stroking his cheek and guiding the human closer to rest upon his shoulder. A heavy slumber for a hard worker but the divine trust Nanami held spoke wonders for this beast.
"Tomorrow, brother."
The figure removed itself with silence, as Weissager's attention moved back to his love. Stroking fingers now through his blond locks and sliding down the furniture to hold onto his human. Allowing his little grasp of control to slip away from Nanami's mind and body, instead, moving to hold the man in a manner seemingly out of Weissager's nature at first, but not something he's shy away from wanting to have all for himself.
Lashes flutter, lights flicker and turn off - a blanket pulled from the depths of the single-seater with a sharp whip of blood... Now, it was settled over Nanami's back as the Hound warmed him from below. Nuzzling into hair and shoulder, marking him with scent that his love's nose wouldn't pick up but his inhales in joy. "Tomorrow, love... You will meet my family." Whispers into the atmosphere, as his lips purse with a tingling need, and so he allows himself that possessive need to kiss upon Nanami's hair and crown - as his tail curves over his backside and thighs to lay on show.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
❛ you know my door is always open to you. ❜ [nanami @ weiss no matter what reality or timeline]
No matter the era… No matter the fragment found.
These words were the highlight of it all.
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To stand before another slice of them, another piece, collecting them like shards of a shattered mirror - Weissager stood before this man no matter the world's end. To stare upon him and smile upon the invitation of true trust and devotion to a company long sought for in return. To witness Nanami's features change only slight, be it his hairstyle or clothing, sometimes, he wasn't alive at all but he was found at his last moment. To witness the change of wealth, of homes, of languages and more - Weissager's frame travelled without end. Connecting dot to dot with Nanami's soul and when it came to it this time once more…
Weissager smiled as the door was indeed left open for him, as the chaos of curses and life itself was on the verge of collapsing and war out breaking. The home that smelt like a fresh loaf with salads with seared cutlets awaited him away from it all. "I will open the door without knocking next time, Nanami."
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕧𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕠𝕕𝕪, 𝕗𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕙 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕓𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕪 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕨 ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕠 𝔸 𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕖
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
I have waited Paralysed by my own will Viciously reminding me still I'm born to believe And I am certain, no That you and I are crashing course Driven by a holy force I know you can see That you will be mine Yeah, you will be mine
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
"Weissager, if something happens to me, would you look out for the others?" He paused, arms crossing over his chest for a moment as gaze turned towards the window. "I can't help but worry." Upon realizing how grim his words might have come across, he was quick to turn focus back to the other, faintly apologetic if anything he said brought about unease. It wasn't his intent in the slightest. After all, since Weissager had assisted him with creating a domain, that certainly would have helped him tenfold in dealing with the more difficult, intelligent curses. "Ah, do not take it to mean in a more permanent sense. I merely mean if I happened to have to sit things out for a bit for whatever reason."
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The fear that ran through his veins like the ice of hellish 9th layer - the sensation was vile. It made his nose wrinkle and a growl bubble in discontent at the wording in his direction. Of course though - Nanami's apologetic stare was enough to still his baring of fangs in dislike for the topic only for his gaze to stare harder upon the other. The question was unneeded. As he moved to stand from his settled placement and take on his more human form. Stepping closer to Nanami, his hands reached out to gather the human's face…
"Do not speak as if death would be swift for you, Nanami. I will not allow his head to guide you to the next place. I will tear the Ferryman apart to keep you with me." He spoke with ease, stroking his thumb over the others cheekbones and resting his forehead upon their jaw with a saddened low stare at the others' chest. "Do not speak as if I would not do anything for you without question or order. If you must sit aside from exhaustion or pain, I will do my utmost to protect your pack as they are now mine also." He rose his gaze, retreating his head to allow his human to see it true in his features.
"Never speak in tongues of your death or harm, Nanami. I am a Hound. Duty bound and vicious to everything that I claim my own." Fingers stroke down the others' chest, tugging at their shirt before sighing out. Shoulders lowering from the tension removed before he nods his head either way.
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"Speaking nothing else of it, Nanami. I will protect your pups as if they are my own. Even the Six Eyes, the Crow Woman and the boy in the beanie. Even the human in the metal transport --- I will do my best to make sure they are alive and well in the times that call for my eyes upon them - but please understand, Nanami - I have spent eons searching for you… You will be my priority."
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nvrcmplt · 10 months ago
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A smile, fleeting but meaningful as the hound turns to face that bounded one. "As do you, Nanami. Though it matters not what you wear, you are handsome in whatever era it is."
oneliner sc || @nvrcmplt
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❝You look really nice today, Weissager.❞
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nvrcmplt · 7 months ago
2024 - Ship Tags for COPYandPASTE - Part 3
» | × | Tatzel&Axel || Rough Fucks In The Open. Carpet Burns On My Elbows - Bitemarks On Your Neck. ||, » | × | Tsuru&Nezumi || I Want To Spend The Rest Of My Sunsets With You ||, » | × | Tyler&Howl || Oh For Fuck’s Sake Here We Go Again Just Get In The Blanket Fort ||, » | × | Tyler&Liam || XxX ||, » | × | Tyler&Lucio || Pillow Suffocation and Accidental Demon Summoning ||, » | × | Tyler&Nyarlathotep || In The Shadowy Solitude My Longing For Them Grew So Frantic That I Could Rest No More ||, » | × | Tyler&Rider || Meeting You Feels Like Walking Into A Dream ||, » | × | Tyler&Sebastian || Spring Cleaning Intervention or DVA Gets Thrown Out ||, » | × | Tzvult&Lysandra || Even Within War Did The Storms Bless The Chaos ||, » | × | Uekawa&Mayuri || Sweet & Sour Brainstorm ||, » | × | Uemura&Louren || XxX ||, » | × | Václav&Aina || XxX ||, » | × | Václav&SuJin || We Will Be Monsters Alone In This World With Only Each Other ||, » | × | Velkan&Vukaxin || Fearless Children Who Love The Old Gods ||, » | × | Vincenzo&Hector || A Love That Is Not Easily Buried ||, » | × | Vincenzo&Susano'o || Sitting On A Rooftop At Two Am & Talking About Life ||, » | × | Vuir&Jirou || You Were Wrong For Trusting Me ||, » | × | Weissager&Apollo || Of Soothing Downtimes Shared In The Bliss Of Company ||, » | × | Weissager&Nanami || Spoken Words Like Moonlight ; You’re The Voice That I Like ||, » | × | Widow&Láeg || New Achievement Unlocked! Spider Queen's Blessing - You Are Now Comrades! ||, » | × | Wingates&Thierry || I’m Hearing Your Echo And Whispers Calling My Name ||, » | × | Xevulum&Bear || Please Stop Framing Me For Murder I Didn’t Do That One This Time ||, » | × | Xiv&Nezumi || Fearless Children Who Love The Dark ||, » | × | Yanna&Kaede || An Old Witch And A Crazy Dog Step Into A Bar ||, » | × | Yanna&Nanami || What Came First: Humans Or Despair? ||, » | × | Yasushi&Nina || XxX ||, » | × | Yomi&Doflamingo || Like Art He Is Beautiful But Like Art He Is Also Complex ||, » | × | Yomi&Mitsuhide || Beat Your Stress Into Me ||, » | × | Yomi&Sailor || XxX ||, » | × | Yuriy&Elliot || Hard To Keep Hands Off The Nude Model ||, » | × | Zabnki&Mùyáng || Your Smile Lifted The World Off Of Me ||, » | × | Zackery&Solana || I understand you more than anyone else in this world ||, » | × | Zackery&Zahir || You Look Cute When I’m Doing You ||, » | × | Zateros&Ozymandias || The Viper In His Shadow ||, » | × | Zayde&Nina || Cotton Candy Paw Prints All Over My Heart ||,
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
Soul Bonding with a Demon.
It isn't rare, nor it is frowned upon. In fact, it's one of the most common things a demon can do with a human - after all, generational curses are a form of this method, a lesser soul bonding but a bonding nonetheless.
My Hell Hounds, soul bond with one being at a time, Beschutzer with Atem, and Weissager with Nanami. This is an act of adoration, full loyalty and complete obsession.
They love, adore, protect, want and more with this being more than their personal duty of serving hell and it's schemes. They are of a ranking that thankfully many demons won't be bothered by their bonding to a mortal but they can be teased about it. None has happened so far, however.
On one hand, being soul bond can be seen as a weakness, because now everyone will know that a Hound has a soul to attack - however, it can be seen as a blaring warning sign. The Hound has found their Soul - so they have nothing to fucking lose in a fight so they will be at a 110% from the get go instead of looking for a quick pummelling to run away for another time.
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The Pros of a Demon's Mark - the sigil of their Name and Species for a human is a hellish protection. Impurity will gather, but instead of harming the human, it'll protect them from others. Weissager's mark for example will null and void any impurities that include spying, scrying, observing with ill intent or perverse emotions behind it. Nanami will not appear on any form of a map that will be looking for him, because Weissager is a Seer - and thus, his foresight blocks that.
Beschutzer's Pro for Atem is a sixth sense of the battlefield or around anyone with ill intent. Beschutzer's status as a war machine, gives Atem a heightened sense to look after himself, to feel hostility, to read a room of enemies and friends alike. Gives him an edge of being in the wrong place at the right time. Thus - Atem is able to know that something will happen and when it does, he isn't spooked by it like most persons will be.
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The sigils for Demons, allows them to know exactly where their Bonded are. Location, time, their mood to a certain degree and most of all, if they are in danger. These markings are hidden from those that do not know what to look for, after all - to look into a demon's mark is like opening up a diary. It's rude and invasive, thus, don't mind the hound shadow that'll appear to growl, snarl and bark - warning those eyes to piss off.
The Bond's Cons are the attraction of lesser demons that will try to harm or plead their loyalty, the sensation of eyes on them when it's just the bonded checking in, the feverish dark energy that could cause some hallucinations if they are not of sound mind.
Over all, the soul bonds of my hellhounds have been 1-on-1, they are bonded to the soul and that if the body dies, the soul will still be branded, thus they can await their being to be reborn to find them again.
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It's possible for souls to fragment on their journey of rebirth thus, it's up to the hound to seek the pieces out or find the nearest one and hope for the best that this fragment either remembers them, turns dominant and reforges the missing parts from memories, or begins anew with what it feels like it should do.
Nine times out of ten, it's the last option, due to the lack of understanding from the humans part. Hounds will not force the bond to occur because it can backfire and turn into a generational curse of blood, instead of soul.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
//. @zangyo "Weissager," he said the other's name gently, waiting until their eyes met before he reached out and gently rested his hand upon their cheek. His thumb brushed against soft skin, Nanami quiet as if he was lost in thought. In truth, he was. There was a plethora of emotions that came to him, but one that he felt the strongest was the one that brought a small smile to his lips. "Next time, you should kiss me when I'm awake and also not when I'm in mortal danger. Until then…this time, I will be the one to give you one." He leaned in, his lips pressing against theirs, mirroring how he had been kissed on that quiet night within the warmth of their apartment. Was this the third time they had done this? Had there been more instances that Nanami was not aware of?
The first was so Weissager could save him from a Curse's poison. The second, from when he had been dozing peacefully. Nanami could think of no more instances save for those two moments and the one now. But none of that mattered. The amount of times didn't matter. At least not to him. Right now, he just wanted to focus on the now and nothing else. This was how he felt, and he wanted Weissager to feel the same amount of affection, the same amount of adoration he held his his heart towards them in full.
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Warmth held his cheek well, the weight of his head happy to rest upon Nanami's touch with little hesitation of trust. His skin cool but their palm as always akin to a warmed scarf. The sensation that held his attention at bay until his gaze rose from behind lashes to stare upon the man looking upon him as if he was a scripture to be read thoroughly. It was a wonderful feeling - to be seen. To be observed without malice or distrust and it made his old blood shudder with hope. One day - maybe this old soul will remember him as he remembered it before it fragmented. How that smile alone made his stomach twist in releasing butterflies, and his own lips curved ever-slight until his lashes did widen upon their movement.
Still as the wind, did the Hound become - their jest filled tone of being found out with sharing intimate kisses with prone figure before him. Weissager did more than just those two, but that was for him to know, was it not? Still, it didn't make them any better than this one - as he felt his lips purse and press upon Nanami's warmer ones. The sensation akin to a warm breeze over his skin - where hell flames once licked at his ankles, he felt nothing but a summer's touch. The world dimmed and dulled, but Nanami, Nanami himself glows like a church stained-glass piece, sturdy and high, tall to be held in revered and worshipped. Weissager couldn't deny those places looked beautiful, but Nanami? He held that praise and more.
The hound felt his fingers twitch before moving with confidence to hold onto Nanami's elbow of the arm that held his cheek in its palm and pinch a handful of his suit's open flap to ground his balance as Weiss' felt light and airy on his toes. It was a sensation he could commit forever into his body, even as he gently parted their lips with a heated breath to slip between them. His lashes flutter - having closed them without noticing, but not at all thinking it's wrong of him to miss their expression. Instead, his hands moved to guide Nanami's jaw down, so that he could press their foreheads together with more emotion than he has ever felt upon his features.
Relief, grief, happiness, atonement, longing, adoration --- just everything his heart once forgotten and his soul could no longer understand to its fullest. At that moment, Nanami was his everything once more - as his skin prickled and his tear ducts oozed crimson in tears. Weissager's hands remained firm as he smiled with gentle curves as they trailed down his cheeks but it mattered not. He wasn't harmed, the majority of his body fluids were blood. "Please say my name again, Nanami…" Because - that would be the finisher for his soul…
Since the moment Nanami would utter his name the second time - a marking on Nanami's own frame would form. A brand without flame, a mark without ink, a carving of Weissager's sigil - sacred and one of a kind - to be forever bound to that soul. Weissager's brows would furrow in pure delight, in giddiness with bloody tears spilling from his chin to the Earth, but the tracks upon his skin would too be absorbed into his skin. No one needed bloody drop covered suits here.
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"Thank you, Nanami." And it was once more sealed with a kiss, as Weissager's thumb swiped over Nanami's lips, smearing it with a touch of crimson before his own collided with them yet again.
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