#» ... STARTER ( ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈˢ ) / closed.
bledf1rst · 1 year
PETER PARKER / starter [...]
for @redhead-reporter
peter   will   admit   to   it.   sometimes?   his   spidery-ness   is   creepy.   he'll   totally   own   up   to   it.   he's   cool   like   that.   EVEN   hanging   outside   of   mj's   window,   a   steaming   cup   of   hot   cocoa   held   upside-down   in   his   hand,   sipping   carefully   at   the   rim.   he's   using   the   trick   he   showed   miles.
practice.   patience.   a   shiver   wracks   his   body   because   he's   so   damn   cold.
and   he   shows   up   unannounced.
"   -uh,   hey!   mj.   my,   uh,   HEATER   BROKE?   "
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vntea · 7 years
  ⌠   ☀   ⌡ —  to @iyaheel​
Taehyung held the phone in his hand, Hayi being one of the people he decided to give his attention to while he had time. Currently through his group’s world tour and travels in general, a small text through the popular chatting app was all he could manage. Curiosity about a certain subject only she could answer at the current giving moment, was lingering at the tips of his fingers, although he might be stepping over a line asking such a thing. Consequently, he had grown nervous, and he wasn’t even facing her and asking her in person. Sure, he had been chatting with her through KKT for a while today already, and even longer if you consider how long they have had each other added.
   「 kkt: 이하이 」   There has always been something I have wanted to ask you.    「 kkt: 이하이 」   As a YG artist and as solo artist. I am not sure if I will be crossing my line though or whatever, so prepare yourself!    「 kkt: 이하이 」   Is it hard? I mean, to be a solo artist? If you could choose, would you try be in a group instead, or do you believe solo benefit you more?    「 kkt: 이하이 」   Your voice is so strong, and unique, but it also sounds nice with other vocal.    「 kkt: 이하이 」   Curious V at your service 😅 😅
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bledf1rst · 1 year
NOAH EHRLING / starter [...]
for @borealist
she's glad for her hood. frigid rain beats down on gotham's roofs and there's already puddles that submerge noah's foot up to her ankle, pelting her shoulders with the keenness of hail. she tries not to stagger under the downpour when she's making decent ground, out of the upper westside district and towards crime alley, but she has a ways to go. she thinks about crashing at one of her safe houses- she has very few, but they're closer than home- but ultimately decides against it because of the STOLEN INFORMATION in her fist. the usb is only a few inches long, but it's enough for breach to put the sionis crime family to rest for good. she just needs to hold onto it long enough to put it to use.
of course, that's when it goes to shit.
FIRE CLIPS HER SHOULDER- they must have realized it was her, must of followed her all the way out here to put her down, and the shock of pain is enough to have her stumble when she launches into her next jump.
her foot doesn't make it to the rooftop. noah hits a fire escape on the way down but the rain makes it too slippery to get a decent hold. she falls about four stories, flat on her back, breath punched out of her lungs when she lands. the rain does a good job of washing away the red that pools under her shoulder, which she automatically clamps her hand over the wound to stem the bloodflow. the bullet had at least had the decently to go all the way through. she was FAR from being in the mood to go digging.
... and that's when she realizes the usb is no longer in her hand.
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bledf1rst · 2 years
ZAGREUS starter call [...]
for @stygicniron
"   i   suppose   you   would   fall   under   the   category   of   '   godling   '   as   well,   wouldn't   you?   i   was-   am   referred   to   as   such   because   of   my   mistaken   origins,   but   all   secrets   kept   by   gods   are   brought   to   light   eventually,   "   even   the   ones   that   zagreus   had   kept   himself,     once   upon   a   time.   when   he   smiled   it   was   with   all   of   his   teeth,   "   and   which   god   or   goddess   has   sired   you,   may   i   ask?   "
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bledf1rst · 2 years
LAURA KEARNEY plotted starter ➔
Laura didn't particularly feel at home in the busy cafe atmosphere anymore, some indie song tinging from the speakers and drumming against her ears. The coffee she'd ordered was still too hot to drink and she held onto it with both hands despite it being the tail end of summer, sweat licking up the back of her neck. She'd taken probably twelve showers before even considering calling Caroline and kept catching glances of what she thought was crusted blood under her nails.
But no. It wasn't. Couldn't be. She'd scrubbed her hands until water felt like acid instead of cool relief.
" ... So, I'm thinking of a career change, " She finally announced, bottom lip no longer worried by her teeth, " you know, just until Max figures things out. He ... didn't get accepted into the same school as me. It's a bummer. But we're getting past it. " it sounded like lies coming from Laura; she'd worked tirelessly to get into her chosen school, had wanted so badly to become a veterinarian since her mom got her her first dog. Whatever had happened over the summer was making her do a 180, taking back everything that had made Laura Laura.
" I want to investigate the supernatural. Maybe even start a youtube channel. Max says it'll do great, but he's an optimist. I just wanna prove that it's all real, " She sipped her coffee, just shy of burning her tongue. The caffeine had an almost instantaneous effect, " -because it is. I've seen it. "
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bledf1rst · 1 year
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glenn sniffs and drags the back of his hand across his leaky noise- GROSS- weather brisk, flush high on his cheeks. his threadbare blanket barely covers his shoulders, but he strips it anyways. and puts it over beth's instead.
" . . . you should be inside, " he's stating, white fog curling around the words. he slumps forward with his forearms on his knees, the wooden porch digging into his tailbone. the sun's barely risen over the horizon, " what're you doing out here? "
@evolvingheartisms / closed starter [...]
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bledf1rst · 1 year
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peter talks around a mouthful, a shred of lettuce toppling into his lap. his mask is rolled up over the bridge of his nose, both fingers curled around the paper wrapping of a sandwich the crinkles every time he ducks forward to take another bite.
" i've actually fought a GIANT LIZARD before, " he admits, " so a werewolf is pretty low on my list of weird stuff i've run into. figures that supernatural stuff exists, science on it's own is pretty iffy. " the guy saying this got bit by a radioactive spider. he likes to think he knows what he's talking about.
" so? give me the details. what's it like? should i be worried or do you have it on, like, LOCKDOWN or whatever? "
@wirwolff / closed starter [...]
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bledf1rst · 1 year
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" work that sloppy's gonna get someone here killed. " but there's exasperation there instead of genuine venom, and rocket drags the mechanism over to HIS side of the work table and pops one of the plates open with a screwdriver.
" y'got some of your wiring crossed. c'mere, i'll show ya' how to FIX IT. "
@ravagercherri / closed starter [...]
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bledf1rst · 1 year
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her mouth twitches. an almost smile. she reaches over and ruffles his hair.
" you're such a dork, " she fondly claims, in response to something he'd said. she's balancing a cone of soft serve vanilla in her off-hand, the dollop wilting in the sun's berating heat. some of it gets on her fingers but she dutifully ignores it, too engrossed in their conversation, just short of skipping down the street, " -a glorified babysitter i am not, but if you're gonna go around punching whole drug cartels and webbing up muggers- " she stops walking to wrestle something out of her pocket. it's . . . a button.
" a panic button, " she clarifies, " it'll ping me you're exact location if you're in DIRE need of a team-up. it'll attach to anything you put it onto- a wristwatch, a bag, your shoelace. whatever. i want you to keep it on you, okay? AT LEAST when you're patrolling. "
@itsybitsypeterparker / closed starter [...]
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bledf1rst · 1 year
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" this is just, uh . . . a bit more COMPLICATED than i thought, i guess. " daisy meekly admits, turning over the bow over in her hand. also coming from someone who very recently held a gun. but daisy's wrists have always been a bit of a problem area for her, since the very moment she came into her powers. the hairline fractures she's accumulated over time had made more damage she'd care to admit, despite the top-of-the-line care she'd received in the aftermath.
" could be i'm just not cut out for it, " she passes the bow back, returns it to it's owner, " sorry. "
@redheadarcher / closed starter [...]
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bledf1rst · 1 year
EGGSY UNWIN / starter [...]
for @cloistress
"   well.   this   is   awkward.   "   eggy's   mouth   was   pressed   into   a   tight-lipped   grimace,   fingers   on   his   watch   to   use   if   need   be.   THANK   CHRIST   for   memory-erasing   technology.   he   just   hoped   he   wouldn't   have   to   use   it.
he   hesitated   mainly   because   this   woman,   this   person   he   stood   astride   to   in   some   glorified   supply   closet   looked   NOTHING   like   the   slimy   blokes   that   he'd   been   dismantling   for   the   better   half   of   an   hour,   nozzle   of   his   pistol   hot   with   use.   so   eggsy   hesitated-   at   risk   of   getting   himself   killed.  
"   ...   you're   not   with   these   guys,   are   you?   "   he   carefully   asks,   inching   closer   to   the   door.   his   off-hand   finds   the   knob,   "   are   you   with   another   organization?   "
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bledf1rst · 1 year
PETER PARKER / starter [...]
for @untodeath / felicia hardy
"   oh.   hey.   "   he   manages   to   suppress   a   mollified   squeak   at   the   sight   of   her,   but   she's   felicia   and   peter   is   peter   and   can't   really   do   a   good   job   of   hiding   himself   splayed   out   as   he   is   in   the   blue   and   red.   he's   nursing   superficial   wounds-   see:   peter   could   identity   ANY   would   as   superficial-   a   smattering   of   discoloration   across   his   face,   a   creak   in   his   ribs,   and   his   ankle   kept   twinging   when   he   landed   on   it   so   peter's   considering   himself   out   of   the   count,   UP   UNTIL   the   moment   his   police   scanner   buzzes   to   life   and   tells   him   all   about   his   next   destination-   what   crossroad,   what   crime.
peter   huffs   a   sigh   and   there's   a   grey   fog   that   filters   through   his   mask   due   to   the   cold,   and   it   dissipates   quietly.
"   ...   do   i   uh,   need   to   stop   you   from   doing   something   right   now?   i'm   kind   of   taking   a   break.   "
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bledf1rst · 1 year
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" -ah, shit. " mark lands clumsily with a leaky nose, RED running down his upper lip. he tilts his head down instead of up and there's the crinkle of glass as the remnants of his goggles litter into his palm, exposing his watery gaze to the moonlight. he lifts the lid to the nearest trashcan and drops the fragments in, wiping his discolored nose on the back of his hand. it's not the only thing that's bruised.
his ego is SHATTERED. he wonders if he should bother with the trip home, if all he's gonna get is bombarded with questions the second he comes in the door. he swears off the idea for now and grabs a soda from one of the only convenience stores that's open this late. when he sees the gun on the counter, in dubiously OBVIOUS view, mark realizes he's in gotham. huh. he must have flown farther than he thought.
he thanks the cashier and walks outside, pulling the tab on his mountain dew. his stomach settles when he takes the first few drinks of carbonation and wonders when the sun's coming up, but when he un-wedges his phone from the back pocket of his suit- it's shattered.
" you're kidding me, " he mutters, and returns to the alley he'd landed in. there's a faint dribble of blood, the only evidence he'd been loitering there before, and hops onto the garbage can that has his goggle pieces in it. he tries the power button again. and again. and again. mark puts his head in his hands, " can i have one night in, like, the REALM of normalcy? please? "
@messeduphood / closed starter [...]
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bledf1rst · 1 year
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mark pulls his fist out of the debris and the rest of the building goes with it in a cloud of smoke. the particles that get in his lungs makes him turn his head and cough, but it only lasts a few seconds before the burning need in his chest dissipates. when he sees who's watching- mark sheepishly shrugs his shoulders.
" sorry, " and he does sound it, " i've been trying to work on the property damage thing. it's not going too well. " underestimating his strength more like it, but at least the HULKING ADVERSARY he'd just been butting heads with was now buried under tonnes of concrete. unconscious.
@memorao / closed starter [...]
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bledf1rst · 1 year
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" we should be doing this more often. " yelena says, redness permeating her face the longer she's upside-down. she seems unbothered, jerking her shoulder to try and jostle the restraints. it does nothing but make them tighter, and she goes slack again with a huff.
IT IS DEFINITELY one of the more inconvenient positions she has found herself captured in, but they haven't checked in on by their captives for upwards of thirty minutes. yelena suspects maybe they've forgotten they're even there. that would be hilarious.
" do you have any ludicrous plans cooking in that head of yours? swinging maybe? "
@breaksmen / closed starter [...]
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bledf1rst · 1 year
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all peter's webshooters give is a spittle of his self-concocted formula when he tries using them, successfully STRANDING himself on the side of town he really has no business being in. the rock that settles in his stomach is dreary, and more than just a little bit uncomfortable.
right. parkouring his way home, then.
it's not the end of the world. but to peter- bone-tired as he is from patrolling all night, eyelids sticking together, tender ribs from where he'd been struck earlier in the night . . . ? it feels like a death sentence. almost. he shambles to the edge of the building he's on, plops down and- intends to land on the fire escape. what he ends up doing is sitting there for probably a GOOD HALF HOUR. staring into the distance like he'll just teleport across the city if he concentrates hard enough.
the temperature's dropped a couple degrees and he can see his breath fogging in front of him. he decides to lay down on his back, pea-sized rocks digging into the ridges of his spine and contemplates a quick nap. he indulges a long blink to see how easy it'd be and realizes his skin's buzzing. he's got that adrenaline-induced sluggishness that means sleep wouldn't come easy, even if he found a soft bed to curl up in. JUST HIS LUCK.
@riselazarus / closed starter [...]
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