#||this is the law of the jungle; psa||
raisedbydirew0lves · 1 year
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tag dump!
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moonlitcomet · 11 months
Alright, I wanna know more about that plant thingy (if i recall its a plant) you mentioned in the tags of the nsfw lore post! Also are you not doing emotes right now?
Hiya, sorry I won't be doing emote commissions anymore because emote commissions are extremely draining and unfulfilling. However, I can indeed talk about the plant.
Minors, do not interact with this post. You will be blocked.
18+ text below!
The Vitis futuo, also referred to as the Loverbinds, are a sprawling, carnivorous mobile vine closely related to wild brambles. They spread seeds by implanting them inside creatures that pass by, which will then pass the seeds later and spread them to new locations. This is not without reward to their hosts, for the vine's sweet aphrodisiac nectar is full of nutrients.
No large host will ever come out of an encounter with Loverbinds with any significant harm, though smaller animals such as rabbits and hawks can be ensnared in the vines and dragged underground, where they will be digested by acidic juices secreted from the root system.
That isn't to say these aren't dangerous to people and large creatures like dragons though. While they will not go out of their way to harm a host, a Loverbind has enough coiling strength to be able to break bones and cut off airflow/blood circulation, even on a dragon.
In some cultures, such as faun and peacefur culture, Loverbinds go by other names such as daggervines or python vines due to the fact that they will always digest those smaller sophonts rather than using them as hosts. A common PSA taught to those fauns and peacefurs exploring the deep jungles and forests of the west is that if you're ever caught by one, don't struggle. Going limp is the best way to avoid getting eaten because the vines don't eat anything that doesn't move.
The seeds of the Loverbinds are rare and highly sought after by collectors, fetching a high fortune due to the vast utility of both the seeds and the vines- the vines themselves are fast-growing under partial shade and make for an excellent addition in soups and curries, the nectar is popular in high-brow perfumes and as an ingredient in substitute honey, and the seeds are delicious snacks when well-cooked.
Loverbind cultivation is an art in of itself, considering that these plants only flower in the spring and spread their seeds in the summer. All other times of the year, they prefer being truly carnivorous. Loverbinds prefer partial shade and warm weather, are pollinated only by a single species of hummingbird, and don't grow well in captivity even if the conditions are perfect.
While they can grow up to 30 meters in diameter in the wild, no captive Loverbind has ever surpassed 3 meters in size. Despite several centuries of attempted cultivation, it's still a mystery why these plants refuse to grow under human care.
Captive Loverbinds also flower and seed less, meaning their seeds and nectar are much rarer than the harvested vines and are often poached from the wild.
Loverbinds are threatened, near endangered, due to this poaching. Wildlife conservationists are lobbying for laws to be passed to prevent these special and unique plants from being harvested for parts.
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aisling1771 · 2 years
PSA-- I have no idea how this app works, but I guess asks are open and anything goes?? Laws of the jungle
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rpgse7enx4 · 8 months
All that glitters is not gold - The realities behind the image/story/object (a real life aspect): Colonel Jose Espejo's plot to rescue FARC hostages - By RPG.
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Painting of a FARC encampment/prison; where soldiers and civilians of Colombia were subject to brutal conditions and treatment.
The year was 2010:
Jose Espejo, an expert in the field of military communications with the Colombian Army, had a very major issue on his hands. Watching a grainy video filmed by FARC, a former far-left terrorist organisation, he saw the internal horrors in which the kidnapped experienced; soldiers with flesh-eating diseases, horrific insect bites that had developed into gangrenous patches being locked behind barbed wire fences.
Some of the hostages were in the camp for more than 10 years, under the careful and eager-eyed watch of FARC guerillas who only awaited the arrival of actual military forces.
It being 2010, Espejo was coming to the end of his 22-year-long career with the Colombian Army. With this, he couldn't settle with retirement when he knew full well his men were still in that camp suffering unimaginable punishments; He had to devise a plan to reunite Colombians with Colombia, and back with their families who so desperately missed them for all those years away.
There was one man who Espejo had faith in the most, Juan Carlos Ortiz. On the day of the plan, Juan was busy being a father to his children when he was called by Jose; Jose wanted Juan's skills as a naturally-talented advertising tactician to form a way for these missing troops to know that they would be rescued, and soon.
Ortiz was infamous with advertising in America, and had a career with the company known for its Tony the Tiger adverts. He created an anti-drug public service announcement that became very widely known in Colombia, so far so that he became the first Colombian to win a gold Lion at Cannes returning to Bogota a national hero.
The success of his anti-drug PSAs had its affect on Ortiz, making him a major target for FARC-EP (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejercito del Pueblo) as they relied on the trafficking of drugs like cocaine to fund their campaign against the government of Colombia. As quoted by Ortiz, "They offered me the opportunity of paying them in exchange for my life". Having been mailed deeply threatening letters from FARC, Ortiz purchased a bulletproof car and even assisted law enforcement in sting operations to catch his blackmailers; and as the threats persisted, his employer moved him to a New York branch.
Military operations involving Colombian Special Forces were already being conducted, such as that of Operation Chameleon, where 300 soldiers secretly raided FARC compounds. For Ortiz to compilate a viable option to let these hostages know that they were not forgotten, they needed to make sure they mitigated any sort of deaths; FARC rebels were notorious for the killing of any hostages during any military raids.
One of the prior operations that the Army took up was a psychological operations sortie, on Christmas day, where soldiers would set up illuminated Christmas trees across the jungle to remind guerillas of what they were missing. Also, 7 million baby pacifiers were dropped into the jungle in efforts to encourage pregnant female fighters to defect.
The plan to use morse code in a hostage rescue environment wasn't unique, being used prior in the Vietnam War when Jeremiah Denton used morse code by blinking his eyes to spell out "T-O-R-T-U-R-E" and when soldiers got suspicious blaming the constant blinking on the light from the studio setup.
In September 2010, a song was recorded in a small studio in Bogota; by the Army and musicians in a secretive manner. The song incorporated Morse code within its chorus, which read at a rate of 20 words per minute fitting with the song perfectly; this was performed by Natalia Gutierrez Y Angelo who were fairly unknown in the music scene within Bogota. This song is known as "Better Days".
The operation turned out a major success, FARC ended up handing over 5 prisoners as a humanitarian gesture. The rest were rescued as on par with covert military missions in the area.
The story holds a meaning - That you can be in a dire situation but always retain hope, to keep a strong mind and to plan ahead. FARC presented themselves as a group that shouldn't be provoked, but there were those who saw just a shell that could easily be cracked.
"1-9 P-E-O-P-L-E R-E-S-C-U-E-D. Y-O-U A-R-E N-E-X-T. D-O-N-T L-O-S-E H-O-P-E" - The message that reassured the imprisoned that they would be saved.
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panthera-nigrum · 2 years
Characters Tags Update
Under the read more you'll find the tags I'll be using from now on for posts where other characters besides Bagheera are shown/mentioned
||singed jungle cat; shere khan||
||stripped cattle killer; lungri||
||there speaks the mans cub; mowgli||
||i have no right in your assembly; akela||
||old iron feet; baloo||
||the people without a law; king louie||
||the demon; raksha||
||we be of one blood you and i; kaa||
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littlewalken · 6 years
Spider-Man x Deadpool story starter
I start it, you finish it
Contains a hint of lemon
Spider-Man + Deadpool
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
Deadpool had to be smiling underneath his mask. He stood at the podium twiddling his thumbs, waiting. Peter Parker lifted his camera to his face and took a picture. There was still a good couple of minutes to stop this.
Being “the local leader” J3 Communications had been steadily building its footing with it’s independent television empire, and part of that included a local UHF channel which allowed anyone their fifteen minutes of public discourse-as long as it didn’t incite hatred, violence, or break any other FCC laws. 
So today it was the turn of the masked vigilante Deadpool to make his choice of chairs, tables, podiums, and fake plants and take to live air with a 90 delay. He had even left his weapons at security to show how serious he was about things. And he had to be serious because he hadn’t cracked a single joke. Well, he had, but they weren’t the zingers he was known for.
Even if Peter wasn’t the staff photographer required to get a few shots of everyone who appeared he would have been there n one form or another. Spider-Man’s presence might have set Deadpool off. At least he didn’t know who it was under the mask.
When it was time Deadpool took a deep a deep breath, “Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between and not. Fifteen years ago, last Valentine’s Day, that night exactly, I took your mother to pound town. Being the stupid idiots we were, we placed you for adoption in what was hopefully a loving family and not a Dickensian orphanage.
“Every Father’s Day that goes by, every Christmas, every one of your birthdays, I think about you,” Deadpool wiped a tear from his mask. “I think about all the things I’ve missed out on, teaching you to ride a bicycle, teaching you how to lob grenades, and all that macaroni art!
“So, if you’re the fruit of my loins please come to meet me this Saturday at noon on Fog Hill. And remember to spay and neuter your pets and strange relatives!” 
With that Deadpool left the podium. The control room would repeat his message two more times and pad the rest of the time with PSAs. 
“Hey! Shutterbug! I’m ready for my close-up!”
Peter knew better than to look through the view finder as sure enough, Deadpool had bent over and was mooning the camera with his bare ass. 
“Think I should have invited mom to come along too?” Deadpool wondered aloud. “Naw, she’ll probably hear about this any way.”
“Are you really looking for a child you gave up for adoption?” Asked an intern who was still fresh to the world.
“Nope, sorry, too old,” Deadpool dismissed them. 
“That’s front page…” 
“Nope nope nope,” Deadpool teased. “I doubt Babypool would read it anyway. I can see them now, one of those sword carrying Fedora tipping pony pokers, pajama wearing cat hoarding, do you think they’re in a relationship with a waifu pillow or a cardboard cut out? What if they’re normal? OMFG my child could be an accountant!”
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
Peter Parker found his mind sent back in time, back to the April Fool’s Day after the Valentine’s Day Deadpool had spoken of. The day he had to make many adult decisions as the result of an adult choice he had made about six weeks previously. He would have to tell other people. 
Ned Leeds approached with a triumphant grin on his face as he held up his prize-a bag from a high priced jewelry store, even though it only had one handle and a mysterious stain. 
“Thanks, buddy,” Peter said as he took the bag and put it in his backpack.
“What do you need it for?” Ned asked in anticipation of being part of a great practical joke.
“Something… Something that I don’t think is that funny any more.” 
Ned could sense something wasn’t right with Peter. “Okay, but if it gets funny again please let me know. Or video it, okay?”
“You’ll know, everyone will know,” Peter said quietly. He could get one at the nurse’s office, she’d give him a pass for gym too. I’ll have to tell Mr Stark I can’t web sling for awhile. I’ll have to tell him. I’ll have to tell Aunt May.
Not wanting to tip anyone off Peter did his best to look green as he headed for the nurse’s office. The kid coming out made a comment asking if Peter had eaten a certain something at lunch too and he nodded. There were a few other queasy looking kids there. 
He had to write his request to the nurse on a note because he couldn’t dare say it aloud. Not that he didn’t already know. He just wanted a second opinion to know the first one was wrong.
It wasn’t wrong. 
And so, only a few months into being 18 and an adult, he had to figure out how to make it right. 
There was some stupid musical that had a song about taking away all the trappings of a magical evening and seeing things for what they really were in the daylight, and he was quite sure Joey McIntyre was involved with it. 
Deadpool had positioned himself on the roof of the park bathrooms in what he was sure was a sensual pose. After all the last time he and Spider-Man had been here things had gotten rather passionate. The poor kid had blubbered about his horrible Valentine’s Day, no tuxes left to rent in his size, melted chocolates, abandoned by his date, not wanting to intrude on friends who had gone off with theirs. 
It had taken longer to get through all the discouragement and consent then it took for the somewhat awkward masked sex. Please tell me there was at least one back of the car my parents are out for the evening something before this. 
“Couldn’t stay away, huh?” Deadpool asked when he thought he saw something moving on the roof. He’d already told two raccoons and what he hoped was a pigeon. 
This time it was a person dressed in a Spider-Man costume and holding a gift bag. 
“I got you something.”
“A present! For me!” Deadpool squealed as he hopped to his feet. “Oh, you shouldn’t have! What on earth could it be?”
Spider-Man held out the bag but he didn’t budge. Something was wrong.
“Is it a bomb, please tell me one of my arc enemies has forced you in to delivering a bomb to me or they’ll kill your parents!” 
Even that failed to get a reaction from Spider-Man. 
“Thank you,” Deadpool said as he took the bag. He looked inside, took out the object, turned it a bit to catch the yellow security light. “You Bedazzled it and everything.”
“I thought you’d find that funny,” Spider-Man said quietly.
“I love it,” Deadpool said in a soft tone. 
There was a silence waiting for the other to laugh and break the tension. 
“Do you think unplanned parenthood is still open?” Deadpool finally asked.
“It’s called Planned Parenthood,” Spider-Man said.
“I don’t think so, we definitely didn’t plan this. 
“Is it Ned?”
“It’s not Ned.”
“Is it Flash Thompson?”
“It’s no one from school.”
“Is it Tony Stark?”
“Is it Dr Banner.”
“It isn’t an Avenger.”
“So it was someone worth laying down with but not worth bringing home and introducing to me.” Aunt May returned to her larb. Of course she’d find the box to the home pregnancy test Peter had taken. He should have thrown it out at school but the positive result had shocked the sense out of him. 
“We kept our masks on,” Peter admitted. “He’s never asked who I am.”
Clunk, May’s fork hit the floor. The waiter brought her a new one. 
“I was going to take a gap year any way,” Peter said, the waiter still being close enough to possibly hear. 
“Are you going to keep it?”
“I don’t know.”
Tony Stark was taking the news harder than Aunt May did. He got up from behind his desk and marched to be face to face with Deadpool.
“Hey hey hey, he told me he was 42!” Deadpool joked. 
“Spider-Man,” Tony heavily emphasized the second word. “Can make his own choices. I just want to make sure that you…”
“Have already told my amazing baby mama that I will support him in what ever choices he makes with our prom night dumpster baby because it’s his body!” Deadpool snapped. 
“Halloween,” Spider-Man said. “That’s about when it’s due.”
“My bad math,” Deadpool said. 
Tony Stark still looked mad. 
Peter Parker looked at his phone, he was purposefully ignoring all of Tony Stark’s messages. All these years later, even after arranging the adoption, the subject of the Spider-Pool baby still pissed him off. He looked around at everyone who had gathered at Fog Hill in Central Park like Deadpool had asked and quite a few of them looked way to old. 
It was hard to pay attention to everything in general with the crowd, even Peter’s Spider-sense seemed to be going a bit crazy trying to sort its self out. When Deadpool finally arrived the crowd went wild. He climbed up on a rock and scanned the crowd.
Looking for a better line of sight the spider part of Peter’s brain directed him to a near by jungle gym. A couple of people who had been sitting there had gotten off to get closer to Deadpool but one kid remained. They were wearing a grey hoodie with goat ears and well worn sneakers. 
“Hey,” Peter said.
“Hey,” goat hoodie replied. 
His spider sense had never felt this way before. 
“It’s always fun and games until someone loses an eye.”
Spider-Man just shook his head. He had climbed up the sky scraper to think and Deadpool had followed.
“Do you think Tony Stark will tell you who it is?”
Spider-Man shook his head. 
“Because if either of our identities are compromised the bad guys could go after our kid and learn the identity of the other and all hell would break loose?”
Spider-Man nodded.
“Do you think our kid was even there?” Deadpool asked.
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46scoups · 7 years
PSA for the duration of law of the jungle im a Mingyu stan
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xrqgraig8696-blog · 7 years
The best ways to Be Actually PLEASANT Ft. @TheArtofCharm.
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Tyrese Gibson SLAMS Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson 'For Making The Fast And The Furious Franchise About YOU'
people always ask me if I've been getting Botox
Tyrese Gibson is officially pumping the brakes on his friendship with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
As we reported, the Fast and Furious actor begged The Rock not to sign on for a Hobbs spinoff movie because it would severely delay the release of Fast and Furious 9.
Gibson was apparently so desperate to keep this scenario from happening, he made his plea in the Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle star's Instagram comments.
Related: Tyrese SLAMS Ex After She Obtains Custody Of Their Daughter
Well, Gibson's worst nightmare has come true: The Rock signed on for his precious spinoff movie, and the release of Fast 9 has been pushed back -- *gasp* -- a YEAR!
Needless to say, Ty did not hide his saltiness over the issue. In a post sharing the film's new 2020 release date, the actor severely shaded Johnson for putting himself before the #FastFamily!
He wrote:
"#PSA Congratulations to @TheRockand your brother in law aka 7 bucks producing partner @hhgarcia41 for making the fast and the furious franchise about YOU - And like you, DJ even if they call I will not be deleting this post - Gn folks see you in 2020 April #FastFamily right? Nah..... it's about #TeamDewayne #3yrswill it be worth the wait? #NoShaw just Hobbs will this be another #BayWatch? Guys guys just relax I'm just a passionate film critic"
Damn. He even took a swipe at Baywatch! Why you gotta bring Zac Efron into this??
Clearly, Ty is really upset over all this. But hopefully, he'll feel better now that he's vented all his issues out on social media. That seems to be how the Fast & Furious cast lets out all their pent up aggression.
Ch-ch-check out the actor's full post (below):
#PSA Congratulations to @TheRock and your brother in law aka 7 bucks producing partner @hhgarcia41 for making the fast and the furious franchise about YOU - And like you, DJ even if they call I will not be deleting this post - Gn folks see you in 2020 April #FastFamily right? Nah..... it's about #TeamDewayne #3yrs will it be worth the wait? #NoShaw just Hobbs will this be another #BayWatch? Guys guys just relax I'm just a passionate film criticA post shared by TYRESE (@tyrese) on Oct 4, 2017 at 8:29pm PDT
[Image via WENN.]
all shit of items at home is why real celebrities even some cereal killers
from LL Celeb Fueads http://ift.tt/2kp4OCI via IFTTT
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latoyarubalcava3546 · 7 years
Tyrese Gibson SLAMS Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson 'For Making The Fast And The Furious Franchise About YOU'
Tyrese Gibson is officially pumping the brakes on his friendship with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
As we reported, the Fast and Furious actor begged The Rock not to sign on for a Hobbs spinoff movie because it would severely delay the release of Fast and Furious 9.
Gibson was apparently so desperate to keep this scenario from happening, he made his plea in the Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle star's Instagram comments.
Related: Tyrese SLAMS Ex After She Obtains Custody Of Their Daughter
Well, Gibson's worst nightmare has come true: The Rock signed on for his precious spinoff movie, and the release of Fast 9 has been pushed back -- *gasp* -- a YEAR!
Needless to say, Ty did not hide his saltiness over the issue. In a post sharing the film's new 2020 release date, the actor severely shaded Johnson for putting himself before the #FastFamily!
He wrote:
"#PSA Congratulations to @TheRockand your brother in law aka 7 bucks producing partner @hhgarcia41 for making the fast and the furious franchise about YOU - And like you, DJ even if they call I will not be deleting this post - Gn folks see you in 2020 April #FastFamily right? Nah..... it's about #TeamDewayne #3yrswill it be worth the wait? #NoShaw just Hobbs will this be another #BayWatch? Guys guys just relax I'm just a passionate film critic"
Damn. He even took a swipe at Baywatch! Why you gotta bring Zac Efron into this??
Clearly, Ty is really upset over all this. But hopefully, he'll feel better now that he's vented all his issues out on social media. That seems to be how the Fast & Furious cast lets out all their pent up aggression.
Ch-ch-check out the actor's full post (below):
#PSA Congratulations to @TheRock and your brother in law aka 7 bucks producing partner @hhgarcia41 for making the fast and the furious franchise about YOU - And like you, DJ even if they call I will not be deleting this post - Gn folks see you in 2020 April #FastFamily right? Nah..... it's about #TeamDewayne #3yrs will it be worth the wait? #NoShaw just Hobbs will this be another #BayWatch? Guys guys just relax I'm just a passionate film criticA post shared by TYRESE (@tyrese) on Oct 4, 2017 at 8:29pm PDT
[Image via WENN.]
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panthera-nigrum · 2 years
I'm writing this just so that nobody can say I didn't warn them. The ONLY human Bagheera tolerates without question is Mowgli, HE is a special case because he was raised by the wolves and she watched him grow up. She won't react to or behave around other humans the way she does with him, it took watching Mowgli grow up to reach the friendship and love she has for him. It won't be like that with other humans, at least not quickly, and ESPECIALLY when it comes to adults. The least harmful thing she will do if she encounters one is chase them back the way they came from. If they threaten her, they're DEAD.
She also has a personal vendetta against people who make money off wild animals, poachers and the like of them will DIE.
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panthera-nigrum · 2 years
I don't send multiple asks expecting the receiver to answer all of them. I send multiple asks to give the receiver variety to pick from because I know sometimes ideas just don't come easily for one prompt but might for another. I do not expect you to answer all the asks I send, and you don't have to give me reasons why you chose to not answer an ask, you are free not to.
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