#||joey vc: stoP THAT||
virtucvs · 2 years
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There are two kinds of Legions
@filthysmile​ @wiredsmile​
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asterssunzephyr · 5 months
New I see [My] Reflection in your eyes developmeny!!
Shelby literally rewrites history, so much so that the Crystal Cliffs and Grimlands still live in s2. Count Fwhip and Grand Wizard Gem have mastered transformation and now live as "Familars" in the Evermoore. Tortiose is Shelby's real familar, but everyone assumes Shelby's just a strong witch with three. Fwhip goes by "Count" in his "familar" form, while Shelby lies and tells everyone that her familar-cat is named Gem because of her eyes, not because of the Sun Princess.
Fwhip's form is a bat, while Gem's is a calico cat with more orange and white than browns and black.
The familars can talk but they only do so when theyre alone w Shelby.
Witches & Wizards get along after the history-fix, and theres two rumours of 1) A time travelling witch who lived between the Crystal Cliffs and the Grimlands, and 2) That the timetravelling witch was Grand Wizard Grim's apprentice (half-truth)
Gnomes can be seen every now again, after being found 500 years post s1 timeline. The Overgrown became GlimmerGrove and was never cursed.
Shelby is covinced Kat will choose Joey now that she isnt cursed.
The Sculkby arc happens different (will be in teal when I get there)
Tortiose's vc will be Grian in the sense that he's like Count & Gem, a human who can transform into an animal. (Tortiose doesnt look like Grian, its just the voice claim in this au)
s1 Joel is s2 Joel. They are the same person, Joel knows who Shelby is, who "Count" is, and the truth of Gem The Calico. Not his secrets to tell though.
Shelby wears the Xornoth Crystal, which begins to absorb the magic of sculk – no one realizes before its too late for Shelby. When She's corrupted, its like a haze for her. He doesnt remember what he does under the corruption, but everyone else does. The arc is longer, and still ended by Sausage stopping them but he's helped by Count and Gem The Calico. They tell him everything from Shelby rewriting history to the crystal corrupting them.
The overall timeline for this au is as so:
s2 takes place over 4 years. One of these years, Shelby goes missing and history is literally changed. The year after is when Shelby's corrupted (He's corrupted in December of the first year, Back To December (Taylors Version) is the song for Nature Wives (s2) in this au for multiple reasons that Ill explain in pink)
The last two years are with Shelby fixing themself and healing from corruption – this also leads to Nature Wives going on their coffee date. Rather than 10 years post s2, wcsmp would take place 6 years later:). Shelby's 18 at the start of this au, and 22 by the end!!
Back To December TV:
The Princess Tea Party takes place mid-december and Shelby's corrupted earlier that month. She's still corrupt by the time of the party, and it still leads to the canon "fight" between her and Katherine. at this time, Shelby still has half of his mind intact and thats why hes so confused and doesnt know what to do anymore. When Katherine offers help, its Sculked-Xornoth who leaks out and into Shelby's voice about "You cant even help yourself!"
Fast forward to Late December of the next year. Shelby's no longer corrupted and his hair is white now. They stand at the Glimmer Grove castle after a year of avoidance and one-sided hatred from them. (Both have been avoiding each other, Shelby's onesided hatred was unknown to Kat but known to them)
January of the third year is when they go on their coffee date.
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sweetcobaltblue · 22 days
@secondchxnceduelists :
Joey VC: "Yep, you act aloof and pretend you hate everyone. But once ya open up you're about as soft and fluffy as a kitten~."
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"But i do hate everyone. Did you not see dash chaos last year? That made me hate everyone...Joey stop..i''m not that soft-" Kaiba crossed his arms looking away stubbornly. Only Joey would get away with this comment.
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serendipitykismet · 5 years
"I still think you rely on luck too much for just about...everything. But I do have to admit that the crowds do seem to like it in a duel. Brings a... different kind of energy to the stadium that tactical strategy can't." [Seto]
     Joey actually flushed a little bit at Kaiba’s... backhanded compliment.
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       “Wait, nevermind, go back to insulting me. I don’t like it when you compliment me. It makes me not hate you as much and that’s terrible.”
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impulsknive · 6 years
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     let it be known: i’m dying for frank before      he can die for me. pass it on.
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After a good break, Yugi could finally get his rest in which Yami could benefit from as well. The physical exhaustion eventually went away. And the mind, too, could comprehend things much easier. Yami’s had no room for any new thoughts, so now he also got to catch up and process the happened rationally. While the battle against Leviathan played like a film record in his mind, there was another significant moment that occurred in between other memories.
Yugi lives up to his promise of attending the GC while Yami has been quiet for a bit. It’s as though Yugi knew what it was about all along. So when Yami had realized everything, a slightly excited ‘Yugi—‘ was sound from him and his Partner’s ‘yup’ followed to confirm it was definitely real and he heard it too.
Now that everyone’s gathered at the place, they’re waiting for Kaiba to show up.
“I think this is my queue!” says Yugi before swapping with Yami, although the latter didn’t quite expect it.
“Wh— Yugi!” the Pharaoh flinches, quickly snapping out of his trail of thought. Slightly panicked, Yami’s eyes widened before he glances around. He would guess this is Yugi’s way of teasing (or he would personally argue that if Yami won’t stop thinking about Kaiba for a second then he should be the one meeting him instead). All that pouting wouldn’t let Yami back in so he takes a second to prepare mentally. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal but it somehow— is, very much so. But he doesn’t expect anything to have changed. The most he expects is that he would probably exchange awkward looks with Kaiba. That and they wouldn’t talk about the happened. It’s difficult for Yami to accept the reality of it, so he could only assume it’s the same for Kaiba... Does Kaiba regret ever asking? // For Ori!Kaiba. 8) ... also Yami getting his revenge when Joey asks about the Underdog card. Yugi vc: Oh, very mature, Pharaoh >8I
There was rarely a break, for Seto Kaiba. The corporate world never rested, and while Kaiba had his company back from Dartz, it was in a sorry state. Stock prices and and reputation with the public had hit an all-time-low, as many still blamed the Duel Monster attacks on KaibaCorp's technology. Plenty of people blamed the entire almost-apocalypse on him. (Curse those stupid Orichalcos Soldiers for wearing something on their arm that resembled a Duel Disk.) Thus, as much as he'd love to rest, he had damage to repair. Publicity stunts to plan, business relationships to fix.
Other ones as well, he supposed.
Kaiba had felt the Seal of Orichalcos' magic-- not just on the receiving end. He'd felt the Seal's ultimate price, yes, and felt it inflicted on others. He saw the souls he collected, slowly filling up the copies of the card he took as trophies. And once he accepted that grim reality, it forced him to go back through his memory, at everything he'd previously brushed off as a trick. One big one stood out: How Yugi lost a duel with the Seal of Orichalcos, and stayed alive. Something he’d originally taken as concrete evidence that the whole thing was a myth!
He knew the answer already. Because, just like the man had tried to tell him once in the helicopter at Battle City, he's not Yugi. He's someone else. A spirit that lives within the chambers of the Millennium Puzzle. Kaiba didn't want to accept it. But... that's the answer. It had been natural, to ask what he should be called.
Yami. Darkness. How very dramatic-- Kaiba didn't think he'd ever seen that personality as Yugi's 'dark side,' with how often he preached about the Heart of the Cards and friendship. Though perhaps it did fit, looking back on some of their... past moments. The outcome of the rooftop duel at Duelist Kingdom suddenly made a lot more sense.
Thoughts lingered. Memories gained new context. Right up until the KC Grand Championship Tournament kicked off, what Kaiba had been working tirelessly on to boost his company's image. As it turns out, Yugi would be there. Heh, Yugi was the grand prize for the whole thing. Not that it would be Yugi participating in the duel, he's sure.
Kaiba entered the Duel Dome hallway where the other duelist was waiting-- perhaps not dressed quite how one would expect. By all accounts, he was wearing a normal suit. Tailored to fit him and no-doubt expensive, but no pointed shoulders, no overdramatic coattails, not even a KC logo in sight. Just a white suit, blue dress shirt, and dark blue tie. For once, he had decided to take the advice of his PR team-- this tournament was to promote KaibaLand and his brand, not himself. However, the moment he locked eyes with Yugi, he felt strangely unlike himself. It's not Yugi.
For a moment, he stopped and stared, frozen. "Looking for something?" Or someone? It seems he'd interrupted-- Yami looked like he was glancing around with wide eyes, just as Kaiba had entered. "... Greetings. Glad you could make it. Though from what Mokuba tells me, you and the rest of the dork parade didn't have much else going on."
A few steps closer. A small pause. Should he do it? Should he say it?
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"I'm surprised... to see you out-and-about already," he commented. Already, with the double-meanings. "... Did the others get lost again or something?”
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scullysexual · 4 years
Time Can Heal (7/ )
Season Two | Abduction Arc | Canon Divergence | Angst | 
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | AO3
Mulder realises his request for the truth costs too much.
Tagging: @today-in-fic @bevh78 @mypanicface @weseeusinthefall 
[In which it is a disaster]
- - - 
Voices escape through the gaps in the door as Mulder approaches the office. He hears Bocks’ laugh and the voice of a male agent he’s never heard before. It doesn’t sound like Colton but to be sure Mulder looks through the window.
It’s not Colton.
That bit more optimistic, Mulder pushes open the door. The two agents turn to him as he steps in. He nods towards Bocks and when he turns to introduce himself to the other agent the man has the look of awe and giddiness.
“Well shit,” the agent says, the biggest smile plastered across his face. “I knew there was a reason I was assigned to this case.” The man laughs while Mulder gives a questioning look at Bocks. The older agent shrugs, just as confused.
The younger agent finds this even more entertaining.
“You have know idea, do you?” he asks.
Mulder huffs. “No idea of what?” He’s in no mood for this agent’s games today.
The agent continues to smile gleefully. “That your girlfriend is also on this case.” He cocks his head towards the back room where they store boxes.
He doesn’t have a girlfriend, Mulder thinks. He looks towards the storage room at the same time as a small, red-headed woman exits.
Her hands cover her face but it doesn’t matter, Mulder would recognise her from a distance away.
He swallows, his throat dry, chest constricting, his legs threatening to give out beneath him.
It’s Scully.
She tries to recompose herself in this tiny room. The crime scene photos had hit her hard, their mutilated bodies causing her blood to stop cold. She could barely look at them but Davis and Agent Bocks were staring at her and she had to go through each one but each one was worse than the next and when Agent Bocks handed her another file she could hardly believe there was more like this. That was when she shuffled away into this room when really she wanted to shuffle away out of this state.
The room was still open, she could hear their voices loud and clear, talking about a football game coming up tomorrow and while Dana was glad it wasn’t the case how they could speak about something so normal when being presented with something completely abnormal was beyond her.
This had to be some punishment, why didn’t Fuller tell her about the case beforehand then she would have chosen not to go. Would she even have a choice or would he give her an ultimatum- working on this case or working for this department. Dana knows which one she would’ve chosen.
But she’s hear now, she can’t back down now. This can be her only slip-up and surely she’ll allow herself it, she was taken off guard, that won’t happen next time.
“Your girlfriend is also on this case.”
Davis’ words catch her attention and she realises that he’s talking about her. There’s another person in the room, somebody else she has to regain her posture around.
Her time up, Dana exits the room wiping the tears and redness away from her eyes. Another pair of feet stand by the entrance and Dana lifts her eyes up the body, lingering on the familiar disgusting tie right up to his face.
Her subconscious already knew who it was, there is only one other person Davis would ever refer to as she being their girlfriend, yet her conscious mind takes a moment to process it all.
Mulder is really standing before her and she momentarily forgets the violence of this case.
God, she has no idea whether she wants to cry or go running into his arms and never let go.
But she’s unable to do either of those things because Davis and Agent Bocks is watching them so she tampers down on both instincts and instead settles for a simple greeting.
“Hi,” Mulder replies back smiling. In his eyes she can see how overjoyed he is at seeing her again and it has her own smile spreading across her face.
Until it falters, a thought entering her head.
You lied. You never wanted to go.
Dana coughs, her smile gone and Mulder notices, frowning, his own smile leaving his face. She reaches for the folder, to hand it to him when Davis’ voice cuts through.
“We can leave if you two need to bang or something.”
Dana steels herself against the remark. Of course it was only going to worsen now that she and Mulder were working together. She wonders if they would be able to keep up the same repertoire now as they did when they were partners. Could they bounce off one another without Davis’ snide remarks?
While she’s now been able to ignore Davis’ comments- for the most part- she notices that Mulder hasn’t. His clenched jaw always giving his anger away no matter how much he tries to hide it. She wants to tell him that it’s no use, more fuel is added to Davis’ fire if you retaliate, it’s just best to ignore it.
So she tries to pull him away, bring his attention back to her, back to the two of them, by extending the folder towards him.
It works, his jaw relaxes as he takes it from her and flicks through it. Dana tries not to look at the photos instead keeping her attention on Mulder and watching as he digests the information.
He’s neutral. He’s seen it before, she realises.
“Think it’s aliens, Spooky?”
Right, time to bring out the nicknames. She throws Mulder an apologetic look as he places the folder down on the desk nearest to him.
“The name’s Mulder,” he says, voice calm and moving around Dana towards Davis. “Or Agent Mulder- whatever you prefer.”
She watches as Davis rolls his eyes.
“What should I call you?” he asks.
“Your girlfriend insists on calling me Davis but unlike you two, we at the Violent Crimes Section, believe co-workers should call each other by their first names so you can call me Joey.”
“Alright, Joey,” Mulder says, spitting out his name. Dana watches Davis shift uncomfortably and tries to hide her smile by looking down. “One other thing, Agent Scully isn’t my girlfriend, she never was, so you’ll pay her the respect she’s due and stop referring to her as such. Are we clear?”
Yet Davis still doesn’t seem to understand.
“You’re a field office agent now, Mulder. You’re not one of the big boys anymore.”
“You’re right,” Mulder says nodding. “But given that this is my field office you’ll start doing as I say. Clear?”
With nothing left to bite Davis grunts his reply.
“Good.” Mulder moves away, done with entertaining Davis. He picks up the folder again. “What’s your theory, Scully?”
It takes her a moment to realise Mulder’s asking what she thinks. So long being ignored, never being asked her opinion, when she is asked she’s never prepared.
“Um…” She takes the folder, breathing in to prepare herself before opening it up. Time to be an agent, Dana. You’re not a victim anymore. “I think…” She looks at the photos and tries to focus, her vision going blurry for a second. Blinking a few times. Come on…come on… “I think…”
“She thinks, she thinks!” cries Davis having gotten up from his chair and began pacing. “Well, spit out what you think then, Scully.”
She throws dagger towards Davis who misses them before turning back to the folder and regaining her thoughts.
“I think it’s just mutilations on corpses but it’ll probably escalate.”
“That’s right,” says Mulder, smiling at her.
Scully smiles back, pride running through her. She’s so compliment-starved it’s embarrassing.
“So he attacks dead people. Who cares? They’re dead anyway.”
Something within Scully snaps then. Her smile fades as she turns to Davis.
“Just because their dead doesn’t mean they don’t matter. They still mean something to people.”
Davis looks confused then sarcastically nods, like he’s figured it out.
“Ah right, the pathologist thing. This is why I told Fuller not to hire you, pathologists love dead people too much.”
Dana looks towards the floor again, her fire put out once more by a meaningless man’s meaningless words. She hadn’t even been thinking of this as a pathologist, she was thinking about her own father, of how he still means everything to her even though he’s gone, how she would detest something like this happening to him and an agent like Davis being put on the case.
“Alright Davis, that’s enough,” says Mulder, his voice hard and firm. Dana wants to sink away, back into a wall or the floor, just not be here.
“It’s late,” he continues. “Sleep will do everyone some good and we’ll continue tomorrow.”
Sleep, Dana thinks with a silent scoff. What’s that?
“That works with me,” says Agent Bocks who had remained quiet this entire time. It grabs his bag and his coat, says goodnight to Mulder and exits the office.
Davis makes some noise akin to agreeing and follows Bocks out the door.
Finally, it’s just the two of them.
And a silence.
Dana stays where she is, leaning against the desk, wanting to go but wanting to stay.
She’s tired and humiliated, scared and unsure about everything. It puts her on edge, has her catching Mulder through the corner of her eyes as he gathers up the files and places them into a folder on his desk.
“Well this is awkward,” he says once he’s finished his task. “I take it you have a motel to stay in?”
“Yeah,” is all Dana says.
Mulder nods. “Did you drive here?”
Dana shakes her head. “Davis drove us.” Which means he’s drove off now, leaving her stuck here. Great.
“Is Davis always this much of an ass?”
She scoffs. “They are all.” She occupies herself with fiddling with a pot of pens on the desk.
Mulder breathes out heavily, shaking his head and looking completely bewildered.
“VCS, Scully…”
Is this the time were he berates her? Tells her she’s siding with the bad guys? Not everything is about you, Mulder.
“I thought you would go back to Quantico, not to VCS.”
She’s done with people telling her what she should have done instead.
“Why? Because they there would be zero chance of you seeing me at all?” she snaps, turning towards him. “Why would a field office agent have any reason to go to Quantico?”
But he’s shaking his head at her. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Why not? You didn’t even have the decency to tell you where you were going now you try to decide where I should have went? Fuck you, Mulder!”
With that, she storms out of the office.
“Scully, wait!” Mulder shouts behind her. Her heeled feet clack against the floor and she walks quicker down the hall.
“Scully!” Mulder calls, having to run to catch up with her.
She throws open the doors, ignoring him.
“Scully, will you just hear me out, please.”
She spins, arms crossed. “What?”
He’s huffing and puffing and that’s so unlike Mulder.
“I’m not trying to tell you where you should have gone but I can see you’re unhappy and I don’t blame you, Davis is an asshole and, as you said, they all are. Why didn’t you leave?”
I can’t tell you that, Mulder, because you were born with a penis. Even your empathy doesn’t extend that far to understand.
“Just take me to the motel,” she says.
She can see Mulder wants to push her further but he doesn’t, instead he resigns himself and leads the way to his car.
This was a disaster.
He just wanted to know why she went down that path against one that she’s already experienced in. He didn’t mean to dictate where she should have gone.
He climbs into the drivers seat and looks over at her- faced away, arms crossed. Please don’t close yourself off to me, Scully. Not me.
“I didn’t tell you where I was going because I didn’t want you to find me. I’m poison, Scully.”
All I do is hurt you. Look at you now, you’re angry and upset because of me.
“Enough of the self-loathing shit, Mulder, it doesn’t work.”
Her words sting. He slams on the breaks at a red light, causing her to jolt towards and toss daggers towards him.
“What am I meant to do here, Scully?” he asks, fire running through him, just as strong as hers. “I can’t do anything right, can I? I leave, you’re angry, I come back, you’re angry.” He laughs, unbelieving. “I can ring up my SAC right now, request to be taken off this assignment but let me tell you, he’s just as much of a dick as your partner so who knows if he’ll actually allow it.”
“Davis isn’t my partner.”
He looks at her, dumbfounded for a moment that that’s all she can say.
“Only you could ever be my partner, Mulder, but I don’t think you could say the same for me. It’s green.”
A horn sounds behind them and Mulder’s gaze is immediately directed to the lights, to where it is, in fact, green.
“I left a note,” he says. “In the basement. Did you read it?”
“Turn left.”
He turns left, taking it as a no.
“I was only reiterating what I said- I left to keep you safe, to know that you were okay now.”
She shakes her head, continuing to look away from him.
“I’m glad I look okay to you, Mulder.”
Sarcasm. She doesn’t look okay. She looks thin- thinner than he’s ever seen her, her skin paler, her hair frizzier.
You used to be so put together, Scully. Did I do this to you?
“The building on the right,” she says.
He pulls over, parking in the parking lot, puts the car into neutral.
She makes no effort to move.
Mulder sighs, looking around. He looks at the motel, he won’t be getting out with her today, he’ll stay in the car, drive back to his apartment with his heart heavy and guilt as his companion.
“I was being serious,” he says, looking towards her. She stares straight ahead. “Do you want me to request removal from this case?”
A moment of silence, Mulder hoping she doesn’t say yes.
“No,” she finally says, her stare breaking. She shakes her head. “I want you on the case, Mulder,” she mutters.
Relief spreads through him as he smiles slightly.
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.”
Scully nods, unbeginning to unbuckle the seat belt.
“See you tomorrow.”
Mulder watches her exit the car. He doesn’t drive off until she’s made it to the doors and inside the building.
His heads falls into his hands.
This was a disaster.
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sacrisomnia · 6 years
Don't worry Quentin. Frank's never been a cool kid, it's all just edge.
   “Sucks to suck, then, I guess.”
Quentin shrugged noncommittally. He could say something about Joey’s own dark, skull-faced, edgy get-up, but he could also live to see the campfire again.
He’ll just leave this between them.
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embcrry · 4 years
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ok thisss took wayyy longer than i’d expected . like it’s fucking midnight ? like guys im such a mess omfg . anywaysss * tana mongeau vc “ welcome to my trash bin daught or welcome back to my trash bin daughter ... what ? was ? that ? idfk . if you wanna plot with my overly tired ass give this post a like and i’ll love you down i promise !! also i apologize for how long this intro is going to be in advance !
new york’s very own  𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐄 " 𝐄𝐌𝐌𝐀 " 𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 was spotted on broadway street in 𝘓𝘖𝘜𝘉𝘖𝘜𝘛𝘐𝘕 𝘌𝘓𝘖𝘐𝘚𝘌 𝘉𝘖𝘖𝘛𝘚  . your resemblance to barbara palvin is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃  birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being guarded , but also dependable  . i guess being a 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be  𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘶𝘱, 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘫𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘯 + 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘸𝘬𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘴  .  &  ( female & she/her  )  +  ( faith , 21 , she/her , est . )
FULL NAME : emilie sierra berry . NICKNAME : emma , em , emma bear ( by her little sister ) . BIRTH DATE : march 1st , 1998 . AGE : 22 . GENDER : female ( cis ) . PRONOUNS : she + her . ORIENTATION :  pansexual ( attractions are equal ) , panromantic ( leans more toward women ) . BIRTH PLACE : brisbane , australia ( see home here ) . the family still owns this house but don’t use it much . HOMETOWN : new york city ( upper west side ) , new york ( see home here ) . her dad + little sister still live here today . CURRENT LOCATION : new york city ( upper east side ) , new york ( see home here ) . moved in one year ago after break up . EDUCATION LEVEL : highschool diploma .   OCCUPATION : olympic swimmer ( emulated after katie ledecky ) , socialite , escort ( no one knows ) . NET WORTH : 32million ( every year up until she’s twenty five she receives a percentage of her trust fund ) . FAMILY NET WORTH : 3.1billion ( father ) , 4.8billion ( mother + step - father ) . PARENTS : adrian berry ( father , 51 , hedge fund manager ) , natasha laffont ( mother , 48 , former super model + philanthropist ) , thomas laffont ( step - father , 50 ,  businessman + art collector ) . SIBLINGS : tatiana berry ( sister , 10 , student + ballet dancer ) , bradley laffont ( step-brother , 24 , new york rangers player ) . PETS : jagger ( ragdoll cat , picture ) , maggie ( pomeranian - husky , picture ) . NATIONALITY : australian - american . ETHNICITY : hungarian . CLOTHING STYLE : expensive yet casual ; alot of black , hoodies , leather is a staple , high end sneakers , boots , colorful suits . JEWELRY : gold ; dangly earring , cartier bracelet , tiffany rings , barbell nipple piercings. DIET : pescitarian , no dairy ( lactose intolerant ) . WORK OUT HABITS : six times a week ( mostly boxing + swimming  ) . PERSONALITY : guarded ; there is nothing emma hates more than talking about her feelings or letting anyone know who she’s feeling , she has trouble trusting people for good reason ( the girls trust issues have trust issues yall ) + dependable ; if you need anything in the world go to emma she will move mountains to get shit down for you , she’s very punctual , and super disciplined probably due to being an olympian + goofy ; she doesn’t take much too seriously tbh , ( similar to joey + phoebe from friends ) she can be a bit of a space cadet and that always ends in her making everyone laugh + stubborn ; one thing is for sure about emma she’s extremely hard headed , loves getting her way , and is incredibly unforgiving . 
𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘 ( in bullets )
her parents met during college , where they both attended princeton university . natasha , her mom , was in the middle of her modeling career completely blowing up while adrian was already setting the foundation of his investment company . they had a whirlwind romance and were married just a year after adrian graduated from princeton . both coming from old money , emma’s grandparents on both sides are extremely meticulous about the image of their family + so the same mentality was instilled in adrian + natasha .
 emma spent the first nine years of her life in brisbane , australia . her parents had moved out to australia just a couple years before she was born for the sake of making her father’s company an international success . 
with her parents always off doing something , emma was raised by her nanny + butler . when she was six she expressed her desire to get into swimming after watching michael phelps in the 2004 summer olympics . she was in absolute awe by him + wanted to be just like him . so the next day her nanny spoke to her parents and later that day she was enrolled into a local swimming program .
when she was nine her parents broke the news to her that they were moving to new york . at first she wasn’t all too mad about the move , she didn’t have many friends in school , wasn’t a big fan of her teachers , and knew the one thing she loved she could still do in new york . her outlook on the move changed when she found out that her nanny + butler would not be making the move across the equator with them though . how dare her parents steal the only people who’d ever taken care of her away from her ? she thought . she threw an absolute fit in protest ; completely wrecking the home + locking herself away in the bathroom in her room for nearly 20 hours before her nanny talked her into coming out . 
once in new york , emma was miserable . she had tantrums everyday and even stopped swimming for a few months . what inevitably pulled her out of her funk was a trip disneyland paris + her mom bringing her out to buy a whole new wardrobe . yall ever heard of a spoiled brat ?
once she was open to the idea of new york she kind of fell in love with the city , to be honest . she grew close to her new nanny + butler , of course and fell in love with her new swimming coach .
when she was fourteen her parents got a divorce and just six months later her mom was married to a billionaire living in connecticut with a son just two years older than emma . anyone with a brain could put together that her mom had been cheating on her dad , that was except for her dad who’d fallen into denial that his ex - wife would come back . 
[ trigger warning : alcoholism , child abuse , violence ] after months of listening to her father , emma broke , the two got in a huge screaming match about how her mom wasn’t coming back saying things like “this is so pathetic, stop graveling over a women who doesn’t want you” + “she doesn’t want you” + “just move on, she’s never coming back, she’s fucking an art collector in connecticut”. mind you she’s fourteen talking to her dad like this , yikes . he started spiraling after that , drinking heavily , doing coke more than just at events , and when emma copped an attitude he’d hit her . it started with just a rough slap , pushing her into the pool or down the stairs , and then it turned into punching her . it got so bad her coach started noticing during swim practices and inevitably threatened her dad , either he let her move in with him or he’d call the police . so , not wanting a tarnished reputation , her dad sent her off to live with her swim coach .
[ trigger warning : grooming ] life with her swim coach was cool , she got to swim alot more plus he was extremely high profile due to sending swimmers to the olympics as well acting in a few movies so she got to go to alot of events with him all across the world . she enjoyed her time with him more than she’d enjoyed the entirety of her life and then he got her to the 2012 olympics in london + her trust and appreciation for him sky rocketed . in her eyes no one int he world could or did love her more .
coming back from the olympics , her had fully sobered up and was ready to bring emma back home .  her and her coach weren’t completely gun ho for the move but she inevitably moved back home with her father .
[ trigger warning : statutory rape ] just a month after being back home , her coach started being a little too touchy with her . she felt uncomfortable by his advances but figured her was only taking care of her . then he kissed her and she was pretty creeped out so she asked what he was doing , basically the creep told her he was just missing her alot because she wasn’t living with him and reminded her about how he was really the only person who cared about her . she accepted what he said and soon after they started sleeping together regularly . he didn’t even have to tell her not to tell anyone , she innately knew if she ever told anyone he wouldn’t be her coach anymore and emma just wasn’t willing to lose the best coach she’d ever had . this continued for a little over a year until she went to the doctors and her mom went with her , her mom stayed in the room because the check up wasn’t all that invasive + then when her doctor asked her if she was sexually active her mom answered no but emma , not wanting to lie , stayed silent . she inevitably confessed at the appointment that she was sexually active . her mom freaked out and wanted to know who but of course emma didn’t spill that . she inevitably lied and said some guy she went to school with . within a week her mom found out she lied and refused to let emma go anywhere until she confessed who she was sleeping with . knowing her mom wouldn’t let up she told her it was her coach + that it wasn’t a big deal . but emma knew it was . her mom gave her coach an ultimatum he either quit coaching for good or she’d turn him in . she he quit and emma never heard from him again . 
she stopped talking to her more directly after that + stopped going back to connecticut for the weekends like she had been since her parents divorce . she was now sixteen without a swimming coach + completely mad at the world .  she’d had a rough few years , to say the least . she turned to partying , HEAVY , to cope with it all . she slept with anyone who so much as gave her a second look she didn’t care if they were older than her , had a girlfriend / boyfriend , if you were into her you could have her . it took her almost five months before she committed to a swim coach + they really whipped her back into shape . no more partying , emma went from school to practice and then home . it was awfully boring for the new party girl but she had one of the best coaches in the world + they promised to stop coaching her had she not listened to their every word . the only thing she cared more about then letting loose was going to another olympics . 
she attended a private school in manhattan where she completely smashed each and everyone of the school, districts , and state records in swimming . she was never big into her academics but she upheld a b average for the sake of being able to stay on the schools swimming team . if she received anything less than a b she would guilt her dad into giving her school a donation so they’d give her the grade she felt she deserved . 
she graduated from highschool in 2016 and although she was accepted into multiple schools across the nation , with athletic full ride offers from each school  , but she inevitably declined each school because she did want to spend another second behind a desk . knowing her dad would never approve of her not going to college , with his ivy league education ass , she lied to him and said she was attending nyu . 
she went to the 2016 olympics in rio and completely dominated ( 4 gold medals , 1 silver + breaking five world/olympic/american records in the meets ) . 
just months in 2017 her dad started to pick up on her lie about attending college . telling her she needed to enroll immediately or he’d cut her off . calling his bluff she didn’t enroll . she quickly learned that he wasn’t bluffing when he completely cut her off , telling her she had a month to find a place to live and move out .  
thanks to her olympics money + her endorsements with tyr sports + adidas she had enough money to get an apartment but her saving would deplete quick so she knew she needed to do something to make alot of money + quick .
desperate and running out of time emma joined seeking arrangements under an alias as sierra meyers . there were a few success and plenty of total blunders on the site but she got lucky with the first women she met with who offered to get her into escorting . emma didn’t even give it a second thought before she said yes , the only thing she asked is that the clientele not want her to attend highly publicized events with her as she's quickly get caught due to her socialite status   . 
within a year she’d made half of what her entire lifes work had made her , she grew obsessed with escorting and what made it crazy was there were people who would pay her half a million just to have dinner and talk with her . of course , those were the unicorns though because most wanted to sleep with her at the end of the night . 
when she turned twenty one her dad gave in and gave her back her blackcard + even offered to move her back into the house , she took the credit card but decided to continue living outside of his walls . 
she could’ve quit escorting right then and there , but she’d grown an addiction if you will to her work . there was something about the secrecy of it + her ability to make millions so easily that kept her going .
former roommate ; these two moved in together after her dad kicked her out + even though she moved in with someone else months after they signed the lease she payed them for her half of the rent for the rest of the lease , ex ; they dated when she was cut off by her dad + they inevitably moved into together they could of had a rocky or really good relationship by broke up around this time last year , the guy she “ lost “ her virginity to ; he didn’t actually take her virginity , in truth these two could very well have never even slept together but he’s the guy she lied to her about sleeping with to cover up sleeping with her coach he found out about her lie when emma’s mom asked his parents if he was sleeping with emma we can decide where things went from there between these two , suspicious friend ; they’re starting to pick up on her random disappearing + secrecy , maybe they start following her at some point and inevitably confront her about escorting or maybe they think she’s doing something else and accuse her of that ? , first girlfriend , more exes , people she’s slept with , someone who she slept with + they had a significant other , fellow olympians , travel buddy , podcast co-host ; these two came up with an idea recently to start a podcast , they haven't released it just yet but it’d be similar to call her daddy / impulsive !
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julien-schuester · 4 years
Julien prided himself on being great at auditions. He’d been trained by the very best since he was a kid and he knew all of the best tips and tricks. However, as he sat outside the Finn Hudson Auditorium waiting for his name to be called, it dawned on him that for the first time in his life, he wasn’t ready. After the muckraker broke the news that Julien and Joey hooked up, his whole world collapsed. He was paranoid, unfocused, and on edge. Because of this, he hadn’t been able to dedicate as much time as usual to prepping his audition. His mind was simply elsewhere. But the show stopped for no one, so he did his best to stifle any negative thoughts the second he heard Leo McCarthy disinterestedly call out “Julien Schuester.”
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He took a deep, steadying breath and hopped out of his seat, putting on a smile and quickly making his way down the aisle of the auditorium a few steps behind Leo. He stopped in front of the casting panel and casually greeted them before handing them his completed audition and conflict forms, along with his headshot and resume. It was a formality, obviously, because Blaine, Ms. Corcoran and Leo McCarthy were already well aware of who he was. After exchanging pleasantries, he made his way to the center of the stage and quickly found his light, clasping his hands together and flashing his million dollar smile. 
“Hi,” he started, “I’m Julien Schuester and for my song, I’ll be performing ‘Don’t Rain On My Parade’ from Funny Girl.” He clocked the look from the casting panel when he made that announcement and figured it was warranted. That song was a move, especially given its history with one Rachel St. James at McKinley, but that was exactly why he wanted to do it. He didn’t verbalize that he was open to any role because he’d already checked that box on his audition form. He also didn’t verbalize that he was interested in the role of Sam Carmichael because he figured his audition would speak for itself, even if it wasn’t as polished as he would’ve liked it to be.
He took a deep breath and glanced at the accompanist to signal that he was ready and just as the music started, Julien made eye contact with Blaine. Blaine was Joey’s dad. Suddenly, his hands were clammy and he was starting to sweat. Distracted by the sudden realization, he missed his cue. “S-sorry,” he said quickly, clearing his throat and turning to the student on the keys, “sorry, my fault, can we start that again?” he asked, chuckling nervously as he turned his attention back to the panel. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Julien had to chill out. He had to get his head in the game. After he got the okay from the directors to start again, he took another calming breath and gave the pianist his signal once again. He closed his eyes as the instrumentals started and this time, he didn’t miss his cue. “Don't tell me not to live, just sit and putter,” he sang, keeping his eyes closed as he got into the song. He wouldn’t let his nerves and all his real life drama get the best of him. He just wouldn’t. His confidence was low when he started the song, but Julien’s “low” confidence was still higher than most people’s “high” confidence. As the song built, he felt himself starting to get his groove back. 
He wasn’t sure when the switch happened, but suddenly he was in the zone. With his hands outstretched, he sang with every fiber of his being. Julien was a very theatrical performer, both in his blocking and his facials. In that way, he really was Will Schuester’s son. As he bounced around the stage, everything else going on in his life melted away. “One shot...one gun shot,” he froze, “and bam!” For a moment, it was just him and the stage. “Hey look at me world,” he took a deep breath and smiled as he sang, “here I am.” The performance was high energy and highlighted Julien’s boyish charm and indisputable talent. The rest of the song went by in a blur and he took a massive bow when he finished, completely caught up in the moment. When he came up, breathless, he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. 
Choosing a monologue was always a challenge for Julien because there were so many options to choose from. Had he not been so distracted by what had gone down with Joey, he would’ve spent more time choosing a monologue that allowed the directors to really visualize him as Sam Carmichael. However, since he had to scramble, he opted for a monologue he had in his back pocket—a Warren monologue from This Is Our Youth by Kenneth Lonergan. The monologue definitely had a young energy and maybe wasn’t the best for visualizing Julien as one of the male adult leads, but he ultimately decided that it would be a safer choice than trying to learn something from scratch given his procrastination. 
After he performed his monologue, he took a second to regroup before the dance portion of the audition. He opted for doing a dance number from a past WMHS production of Footloose, in which he played Ren McCormick. It was a dance heavy show, so he knew the choreography would impress the casting panel. Dancing was Julien’s favorite part of performing, randomly enough. He wasn’t the most skilled dancer, but he certainly knew how to enjoy himself while doing it. Everything went off without a hitch and when he was finished, he made his way to the center of the stage and nodded. “Thank you so much for your time,” he said gratefully, and just as he was about to walk off stage, Leo McCarthy piped up. 
“Julien” he called out, causing Julien to turn around curiously, lips pursed. He watched as Leo whispered something to Beth and Blaine and then turned back to Julien. “Great job so far, but would you mind reading the monologue for Sky?” Leo asked, pulling a piece of paper out of a folder in front of him and walking it up to him on stage. Julien stared for a moment in disbelief. 
“Sky?” he asked, almost incredulously. Was this some kind of joke? Sky had one song and it wasn’t even a solo! A dry laugh escaped him, but his face quickly dropped when he realized they weren’t kidding. “Oh,” he said, clearing his throat, “yeah. Yeah. Of course.” Julien took the piece of paper from Leo, who looked suspiciously smug, and read over the lines a couple of times before he did a cold read. Once he was finished and the directors told him the had what they needed, he thanked them with a smile and booked it out of the theater, his ego deflating with every step he took. 
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villrhjarta · 4 years
// Joey vc: Won’t know it’s the pen’s doing if I do it while you’re sleeping.
val vc: i guess it’s time for me to stop sleeping
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heroiclives · 4 years
siapsymud replied to your post: U GUYS STOP ENCOURAGING BARRY TO YEET HIMSELF INTO...
barry vc: i can yeet myself into the sun for free tho
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spellboxnd · 5 years
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               ⌜   CIS MALE, HE/HIM   |   castle on the hill by ed sheeran, gryffindor, enfp   ⌟    ⏤   meet JULIAN CHARLES HOOD ; a 36 year old who kind of resembles SAM HEUGHAN, don’t you think? they originally hailed from NOTTINGHAM, ENGLAND where they lived with their parents, ROBIN & MARIAN HOOD, but word is that they’ve been [ LIVING IN COLORADO, WORKING AS A CONSERVATIONIST ]. they’ve always been pretty MAGNETIC & GENTLE, but have gotten way more CUNNING & RECKLESS since they woke up. maybe their power/ability of PERSUASION can help in taking down the dome.
                                                           read his full bio
the eldest of the hood children, julian was always a bright and vibrant boy with a huge place in his heart for animals
he used to always sneak animals into the hood family house and try to hide them in his room (robin and marian always knew)
his parents told him that animals were always better off in their natural habitat, and the best thing you could do was respect them and their home
they taught him that so they’d stop finding bugs and snakes into their living room, but the lesson really resonated with him!!
it became a huge part of his core beliefs 
soon he started observing animals, interacting a little with them if they felt comfortable or needed help, but otherwise left them alone
and then he found a fawn caught in a bear trap 
he helped it escape and then brought it to the vet, where they patched it up and taught him how to nurse it back to health 
his parents let him help the fawn, and with his father’s help he converted the backyard shed to an animal sanctuary 
soon he started bringing in a multitude of animals — only ones who needed help, of course — until eventually releasing them back into the wild 
when it came time for college at walt disney university, julian decided on a major of ecology and a minor in conservationism 
as the reality of the state of the planet (and the dismissal of the government and large corporations) really began to set in, julian’s view of changing the course of the planet because less idealistic
basically he was bummed but motivated
he started volunteering with non-profits and stuff while he got his phd
and he started petitions and did research and tried to meet with government officials and ceos to make things happen
but they didn’t happen, or they didn’t happen how he wanted
eventually he started using his powers of persuasion to...help him along
he started getting large donations, getting them to agree to change the way they ran business, etc. 
every bit of it was ALWAYS for the environment, but he was doing shady stuff
he started getting blackmail on people so when his powers wore off, they’d want to keep their side of the bargain 
his methods aren’t even questionable they’re just downright wrong and illegal
but he’s never benefited from any of it. everything he gains through these trickster methods always goes right to either environmental non-profits, forest rehabilitation, or ecological research
he graduated from wdu with his phd about a decade ago so idk if anyone would know him from school, maybe if they also went to wda and knew him when they were freshmen 
the eldest hood (thomas is his younger brother so if ur character knew thomas chances are they either knew or knew of julian)
a good older brother, but also a typical older brother?
basically steve irwin, charlie weasley, newt scamander, and robin hood rolled into one whole dumbass
he’s so! gentle! with animals! 
likes them more than people tbh
just v gentle in general he very rarely loses his temper
when he does it’s a very righteous anger
sagittarius sun, scorpio moon, gemini rising
his whole natal chart is just bde 
chaotic good
has caused some not great companies to shut down 
was proud of that but also realized that his actions caused a lot of innocent people to lose their jobs
tries to justify that with the thought of the “greater good”
lives in essentially a shack 
most of his house is overrun by animals that are being rehabilitated 
plant daddy
v flirty, v charismatic, v romantic 
joey tribiani vc: how you doin’? 
covered in freckles
constantly sun-burned (ginger white boy always out in nature?? he screwed. loves the sun, it doesn’t love him back)
is a little insta famous
has been sued before and arrested for the shit he’s done
nothing stuck; in a court of law all he did was ask for things and receive them
wouldn’t ever hurt a fly, would never harm an innocent person (intentionally), has a big heart and would do everything in his power to help the underdog 
doesn’t always realize the long-term consequences of his actions
single af, focused on his career 
fosters puppies and kittens and helps them find homes 
literally so fucking tender and loving deep down
lowkey lonely, really wants someone to love 
loves animals instead (mood)
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fortvitous · 6 years
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WASSUP FUCKERS ! it me again , friendly neighborhood trash ~ mack , thts who .. this time w/ Lesbian Jesus Joey Parker ! LFDKSF i’v had her for a long time w/ just diff names but , i lov her unlike my hatred for someone else ... but YA ! ykno what 2 Do .. hit that fat ♡ . i’ll come to u for plots in discord ofc , eventually Maybe ... in the meantime , everything u need 2 Kno about her is under the cut uwu ~ 
?  ?  ?  WHOA  ! i've  always  seen  the  parallels  between  (  johanna ‘joey’ lee ),  the (  twenty one  )  year  old (  cisfemale  )  and (  tyche  )  plus ,  they  look  just  like  (  kim chungha  ).  from  their  (  elephant necklace  ), to  their (  clover tattoo  ),  some  would  even  notice  how  their  (  silver  tongue, adrenaline addiction and doe eyes )  connect  perfectly  ! i  don't  know  about  you  but  i  can't  wait  to  see  what  olympus  brings  to  (  her )   !
⦗○⦘ backstory.
hmm ok , so joey is far from a tragic story .. she’s full of life & love ! she was born in england actually , to a loving mother & father.. & she wasn’t the only one – she has five brothers which she lovs but also equally h8s 
her mother was the only person she kind of connected to growin’ up but tht didn’t stop her from attemptin’ to hang out w/ her brothers / do activities w/ her father ! as much as she was a girl, nobody culd guess tht she culd do a lot of things tht were meant for ‘men’ from a glance ! & equally enjoyed things tht were boys were only supposed to like !
however, growin’ up with a lot of boys around the house onli taught joey to stand up for herself & how to be even more confident .. despite that she was the only girl sibling in their family ):
tho, around the age of ten – the lee’s had decided to pack up & move to chicago only due to the fact that her father had gotten into some risky business ( gamblin’ ) & didn’t want anyone to come after his fam if he culd never pay w/e he owed back /:
so joey resided in chicago for most of her teenage yrs, where outside of the house – she became more ‘westernized’.. as in she hardly ever talked in korean or kept to her family traditions ; hence where her wildt side began to blossom
thru the ages of 13-17 , joey ran within a small group of people that enjoyed the rush of ( literally anything this group does ) tht made them feel lik they were livin’ their best lives ! ofc , peer pressure came into play & joey was thrusted into it however she did learn to adapt
despite tht , joey never drank too much or did too much drugs in fear of lettin’ her secret slip of why her fam actually moved to chicago  /: but she did make up for it in the adrenaline part , datin’ ppl she knew tht was bad for her .. doin’ dangerous things .. sometimes disobeying her parents bc ! why not ! her brothers always did , so why culdnt she ?
even tho she was a bit of a wildt child , her studies & education were always imp to her as she desperately desired to go to college ! in which she did , but however her parents desiried 2 send her back to where she grew up as they felt it wuld b right for her .. to settle down , figure herself out w/o the influence of her friends & for her to connect w/ her roots & other fam members !
which ! at the ripe age of 19 , she said fuk all dat shit .. i’m staying . 
⦗○⦘ present.
joey enrolled in college rite in the hort of chicago , & takes the train there n’ back !  her major is in economics , as she had always had a fascination w/ shit lik ! 
she works at a roller rink as an attendant , gathering & savin’ money up to continue to live comfortably ... yet , she also has developed a tiny bit of an addiction to gamblin’ jsut as her father however she Seems 2 never lose so . she’s got a bit of savings in her bank acc .. .
she currently lives in a small + dingy apartment , bc her fam isn’t the wealthiest of ppl & has lived there since she moved out ! despite how much she complains about it , she does find her lil apartment cozy & wuldnt trade it for the world + all the memories she’s made there from the past few yrs
⦗○⦘ personality.
ok uhhhhhh h h h … joey is heavily based off ramona from scott pilgrim vs. the world dlskfjsdlf as in she lives on the edge , does shit tht probs isnt the best for her but does so anyway bc she lovs the thrill , & has a personality tht is kind of alluring but once u get to kno her it’s either a hit or miss !
on the outside , she definitely appears lik a girl tht doesn’t enjoy gettin’ her hands dirty but bc of her brothers .. she enjoys dirt , she enjoys insects ( shes that bug girl ) .. has an interest in sports cars & last but not least …. lovs girls slkdfjd big lesbo alert ! !!
due to her need for thrill & an addiction to adrenaline , she often changes the tips of her hair .. one week it culd b blue & then the next week it culd be purple ! she’s wildt lik tht ..
as for her in depth personality: click here 4 dat :3
⦗○⦘ etc.
there’s not much else to say about her  …& her sexuality is .. she’s a [ janis vc ] big fat lesbian ! sorry boys /: ( aside from the one’s she’s dated ig .... maybe she says i kno dicc once in awhile )
joey is a wildt child as previously stated so it’s hard to tie her down , whether to a friendship or relationship .. one min she’s there & next she’s lik dust in the air sdkfjdsjkf
her bday is on the 31st , so ! she’s a halloween baby , lovs the big orange moon on her bday night !
i think tht’s it !!!
sorry i talk so fukn Much . . . anyway if u read tht ily ok Gudnite < 3
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inferno-fireblast · 6 years
“I would rather live the rest of my life destitute and on the streets, than watch you two work yourselves to death over me. I would rather die.”
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“What kind of life is worth living without my brothers in it?”
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theglowbun replied to your post ““Another day at Joey Drew’s, another day everyone is going on about...”
Grant vc: For the love of god make them stop
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“You and I both know not even God can stop these people. Better drink up.”
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