#IC || Time for scribblins
@monochromaticoccultist liked for a starter from Cashmere!
    Cashmere stretched his jaw uncomfortably, his bones never seemed to set back quite right with the way that his body would change when his hunger got the best of him. There was a crack as it popped back into place. Finally.
    Cashmere had managed to stave off the hunger and madness for a while longer at least, though it never really got easier. At least for the time being he hadn’t had to live through the unpleasant crush of a human skull under his teeth. Admittedly, it didn’t feel great to have to wholesale slaughter Caribou either, but at least they didn’t come with the guilt of knowing that he was taking the life of a human and probably prying a family apart. It was always hard to fight that guilt unless he was really that far gone, and when he was it usually just meant blacking out and reeking havoc.
     His ears perked up though, the sound of snow crunching underfoot catching his attention. He had to question what person in their right mind was this far out in the wilderness during the dead of winter. They were liable to freeze-- and more than that, they were liable to mistake him for any other human and try to show him kindness that would likely be their end. 
    With a skill that no normal human should have, he leapt into the thick canopy cover of the fir trees above and climbed as high as would support his weight with a far too practiced ease, perching on a branch and peering around the area he could see for what might have cause the sound.
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serendipitykismet · 5 years
@monochromaticoccultist liked for a starter from Leon!
     Leon didn’t have much time for himself anymore, but that didn’t stop him from getting the itch for adventure. Still, he probably could have picked a better time to feel it than four AM before the sun had even risen, but he had to get out before the meat of his day started or he’d be too tired to even try.
    He shuffled through the long grass, his only light source was the torch clipped to his jumper, illuminating a line directly in front of him. He wasn’t looking for anything in particular, to be honest, mostly just wandering the vast wild area for the sake of seeing what was around which might catch his interest. Besides, stronger Pokemon tended to linger out later, which made for a better challenge. 
     He hummed, feeling something wet splatter onto his nose. He wiped at it, pausing for a moment and glancing up, watching for a long moment before realizing that snow had started to fall. He laughed, ready to dash out of the grass to get a better view, but it seemed life had other plans for him.
     He stepped down into a divot, his ankle twisting and sending him tumbling sideways down the hill. It wasn’t a far fall, but it was enough to wind him.
    “Fuck.” It was uncouth, but in all fairness he thought he was alone. He shifted slowly, but his ankle smarted, so he repeated: “Fuck.”
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kyutoryu · 7 years
Aaaay, ZoLu for the ask meme ofc
Who would win tickle wars:
luffy does, even though he’s REALLY ticklish, he can stretch so he can get zoro’s feets and his side at the same time. ultimately making him the winner, designated by the fact zoro flails and punches him.
Who would draw pictures of the other in their sketchbook:
luffy ilkes drawing more than zoro does, so Luffy! he just scribbles pics of all his crew and then shows them off to them. he has lots of little doodles of zoro’s face looking angry and then happy and then doodles of them together. hes in love.
Who would holds hands while walking:
luffy is a big hand holder. he swings their hands, squeezes zoros hand, lets go and then re-holds, he loves hand holding so it’s gonna be him. 
Who would gives cheek kisses:
zoro kisses luffy’s face at like any given moment. he mostly does it when they lay down and cuddle and kiss; zoro does it a lot as a greeting too. it’s cute. he loves him. it also makes luffy get a stupid grin on his face so zoro thinks thats a bonus
Who would start a snowball fight:
you can catch luffy pelting snow cannons at zoro
Who would slip the most on a date to go ice skating:
LUFFY CAN’T’ SKATE AT ALl so he slips a lot. Zoro just helps him up and then he falls 5 minutes later. he’s a mess.
Who leaves letter in the others locker:
luffy would, especially zoro’s gym locker! its usually just shitty doodles or luffy being bored in class and scribblin things to zoro
Who would bring lunch to school/work for the other:
zoro would always. luffy’s the hungriest! zoro will stop by baratie and get a to go meal from sanji and then drop it off to luffy, who then wants Zoro to stay and eat with him. zoro also has work. he stays anyway.
Who would want cuddle at the movie theater date:
luffy because he’d get warm in there in the seats and curl his legs up. at thsoe movie theaters with the BIG comfy seats, luffy just abandons his seat and lays with zoro in his seat. he’s small enough to fit it’s nice
Who would buy cheezy cliche gifts for each other on holidays:
the “ro” in roronoa stands for romance
Who would start an argument about what color curtains they should have at home
zoro, probably. he’s way more picky about that type of stuff than Luffy is.
Who would remember their anniversary:
THEY’RE the type who both write things down but just kind of remember halfway thru the day like. “didn’t we get married today?” “oh. yeah. huh.”
Who would blurt out how much they love the other in front of people:
luffy doesn’t shut hte fuck up about how much he loves zoro he’s literally saying it 24/7
Who would offer to wash the others back in the shower:
zoro does, because zoro is actually aware of washing while luffy is just in the bath to splash around.
Who would post up statuses about the other on facebook:
LUFFY!! luffy is in charge of all social medias. his snap story is filled with his day which mostly always includes zoro
Who would have the others picture as their phone background:
zoro’s phone background is a really pretty candid shot of luffy against a sunset on the beach. it makes zoro feel happy 
Who would take pictures of the other while they’re sleeping:
BOTH do. zoro has more tho because luffy is really cute when he falls asleep while luffy’s are more “HOW MANY OREOS CAN I BALANCE ON ZORO WHILE HE SLEEPS?!”
Who says I love you:
they both sayin it. both. al the time
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serendipitykismet · 5 years
@kaibacorpbros​ asked me for... not angst but its what they’re getting.
     Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
     Joey wanted to scream his anger into the sky because this couldn’t be fucking happening. He was furious, exhausted and tired. He wiped at his eyes, trying to keep them from watering because crying wasn’t going to do shit to help him anymore-- just irritate his already tired eyes and make his cheeks wet and cold in the frigid air. It didn’t matter.
     He slumped, not sure what to do with himself. He’d just gotten off work and wanted to go home and sleep and he’d finally looked at his phone and listened to his voicemail. As if he didn’t already have enough on his plate, it was a call from his landlord, and he knew what it was about before he ever even listened to it, and the dread that had filled him was rightfully placed.
     He was being evicted. His hands were shaking as he breathed out and tried to calm himself down and figure out what he was supposed to do from here. It wasn’t like he had the money to pay the fines that would come with trying to stay-- assuming his landlord was willing to even work with him any more than she already had. He was scraping by, between trying to support himself and help his dad and all of the shit that he had going on with him that Joey didn’t ever bring up to anyone around him, even Yugi. He couldn’t.
     “What am I even supposed to do...?” he mumbled to himself.
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serendipitykismet · 5 years
@tenaciousthief wanted to cause trouble
      It wasn’t perfect, but it felt like something. Joey had been offered a job at a burlesque club, and the work seemed more steady than what he’d been getting at the speakeasy, and it was honestly a relief. He knew that he wasn’t entirely out of the hole, but he’d take anything at this point. It didn’t stop the way he fidgeted with the uniform for the bartenders, something a bit fancier than what he was used to. At least he looked good, electing for a white button up and a red and black suit vest. He’s examining himself in the mirror carefully in the lobby, ready to be lead to the floor to actually begin work. He had a leg up because he knew how to make a lot of mixed drinks already, so that wasn’t so much of a worry.
     It seemed similar enough-- be polite and friendly with the guests, keep an eye out for anyone who seemed prone to cause trouble for the patrons (or dancers, that part was new), and use his common sense when it came to it. He could do that.
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serendipitykismet · 5 years
@monochromaticoccultist liked for a starter from Raihan
    He may have... overburdened himself just a touch. But, with Valentines day in less than a month, could you blame him? Applins were a very common desire around this time of year, and he would have much rather that the people of Hammerlocke sought them from him-- a qualified trainer and breeder who knew what went into handling an Applin-- rather than just running off to catch their own or try and buy them from someone who wasn’t going to prepare a young trainer at all for what went into raising one.
      Though he probably looked silly, his hoodie on backwards and propped up by a backpack worn the wrong way ‘round so that he could keep the eggs close and warm with his body heat. He was (waddling?) on a stroll through the streets of Hammerlocke to help encourage the little creatures inside since they were close to hatching and occasionally cooing softly at them. It usually earned him some odd looks from tourists, but it would be a lie to say that this wasn’t a fairly common sight for the locals, especially close to the ‘romantic’ holidays. It wasn’t like he hadn’t posted about this very thing on his feed before anyway, and he really didn’t mind sort of making a fool out of himself so long as it ensured that an Applin would have a prepared trainer ready to make a commitment to owning one.
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@itsraiyninmuses liked for a starter from Joey!
    Joey stretched heavily, crumpling up his apron and laughing as he sloppily tossed it over the hook. He was too excited to get out of here to care about that right now -- there was a Duel Monster tournament getting ready to start and that meant he finally had an excuse to take some time off of work to go and just have fun. What he wouldn’t give to be living the good life, when he could do this all the time instead of kissing the heels of some unpleasant customers during the day.
    Soon. He reminded himself. He’d get there if he kept at it, he just had to be consistent and then he could pull himself out of this hole. He was in an amazingly good mood that morning and there was almost nothing in the world that could bring him down right now. Sure, he was covered in baking powder and flour, but he was alive and on vacation. At least, vacation of a sort.
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@monochromaticoccultist liked for a starter from Avery!
     Avery kneeled next to their Growlithe, fingers tangling in the creatures small ruff of a mane and scratching. It was nice to make camp after a long day, of course, though they would have preferred a nice bed as opposed to the rocky terrain of route 7 after spending most of the day on a train. Their pokemon were here to keep them company at least. It was hard to forget when their Vulpix was burrowing under the fabric of their shirt and reveling in the warm pocket that it had created.
     It was mostly quiet, the oldest members of their team had already settled in for sleep after dinner and the sun had set, leaving just Avery and the twin terrors climbing on them trying to find a place to nest for the night. They ached, so they appreciated the warmth more than usual. They hated trains, in all honesty, far too cramped for their tastes.
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serendipitykismet · 5 years
@alolanqueen liked for a starter from Leon!
     There was a storm brewing. Leon looked up toward the dark clouds that were forming in the sky and hoping that he’d make it inside in time to miss the heavens opening up in a torrent and drenching him and his partner. The Charizard was guiding him, one of his hands resting against the scales while he tipped his head back to look at the sky.
     “D’you suppose we’ll make it?” he asked Charizard as they walked, the creature giving a huff in response and urging him to hurry up, certainly not keen on getting wet either. Leon tried to walk faster to keep up with her, though the wind kicked up hard in that moment. His hat caught and lifted off his head, and Leon reached after it with a startled cry as it slipped between his fingers before going tumbling down the road. He twisted to run after it but nearly toppled over himself as another gale rushed past-- only saved by his Charizard steadying him with a wing. His partner gave an almost comically human groan and sigh as it looked over its own shoulder and followed his gaze. 
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@kaibacorp-bros asked for a starter from Jou!
     Joey hadn’t been to a proper arcade in years, so he may have been filled with an inexplicable childlike joy for a solid few minutes when he first walked into the building and saw the flashing lights, claw games and shooting gallery machines. It was a little bit of a funny look for a grown, adult man, but he really didn’t care.
     He’d been saving up for weeks just to come, because even every once in a while he needed some time off to himself to just enjoy himself. It still hurt a little as he loaded up most of his bank account onto his arcade card, but he’d been working himself to the bone, and he deserved this. Now to just decide where to start...
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serendipitykismet · 5 years
@zerosiixone liked for a starter from Leon
     Leon has spent basically his entire life learning how to put on an air of professionalism-- it was part of the job description-- but that didn’t mean that some days it wasn’t a struggle. Today was one of those days.
     He had an image to keep up as champion, and that meant he wasn’t supposed to cave into things like the weather, but it was miserably hot and the humidity wasn’t helping. He’s desperately fanning himself with a pamphlet from the train station, sitting in an undignified heap on his cape and hoping he wouldn’t be caught trying to fight off heat exhaustion. He wasn’t sure it really mattered at this point, he was seriously considering throwing himself into the bay.
     He couldn’t even think anymore, and he couldn’t even remember where he was supposed to be going or what he was meant to be doing. His head felt foggy and like it was spinning, and he wondered if he even had the strength to get up an move. 
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@itsraiyninmuses Liked for a starter for Kaiba
     Kaiba could already feel the headache setting in, frowning into his palms as he rubbed at his irritated eyes with the palms of his hands. His deadline for the implementation of his new duel disks system was rapidly approaching, and as was wont to happen during deadline season, new minor problems were cropping up almost hourly at this point. Easy fixes if not for the fact that it meant having to deal with incredibly agitating members of his employ and shareholders constantly barking at his door for updates.
    He’d already worked late several times this week (though the line between “working late” and “living at the Kaiba Corp office” was very thin), and it was starting to wear on his patience. He’d been trying to be better about this, he reminded himself, for the sake of his brother. He’d been trying to be more patient and less of a curmudgeon about everything, but it was extremely hard at times like this when it felt like the weight of his company was starting to crush in on him.
    He’d never cracked under pressure before, and he wasn’t going to now, though. Kaiba didn’t know how to fail at anything. Instead he dug around in his desk drawer, searching for aspirin so he could press on.
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serendipitykismet · 5 years
@kibanafuji Liked for a starter from Leon.
     Was this an ill-advised stunt? Most definitely, but that had never stopped Leon in the past and it certainly wasn’t going to start now. Besides, he had to have fun sometimes, and his ornery streak was certainly feeding into him thinking this was a good idea. Never-mind that he could possibly get injured or in trouble because of it, he needed to be a bit immature sometimes.
     Besides, if there was anyone on the planet he figured could take a joke, it was Raihan. He was just going to sneak himself into a corner of the castle, pop out, and give him a little scare. He fully planned on treating Raihan to lunch as an apology afterward. He just had to keep his rival on his toes. It was basically his job, right?
      So he’d hunkered down and prepared to pounce. Any time now.
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@justanaverageoc asked for a starter!
    Kaiba almost felt a little strange as he shrugged his coat onto his shoulders for the first time in what felt like forever. It had almost been a year, since he’d begun construction on the Duel academies, and that had meant being out of his tournaments for a year. It was an iconic look, though he’d spend the better part of the year in stuffy suits or turtlenecks. It was a bit like stepping back into his own skin. Still, things were fundamentally different -- Mokuba was old enough that he was off in school learning how to carve his own path, and it would be a lie to say that Seto wasn’t empty nesting at least a little bit.
     He didn’t give himself time to dally on the thought, he needed to be out and about now. After all, who was going to be the star player of the Kaiba Corp tournament if not him?
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serendipitykismet · 5 years
(LOUD BONG RIP) wym "embarrassing teenager"
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“No you’re right, you’re an embarrassing adult, I’m sorry.”
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@itsraiyninmuses liked for a Joey starter!      Joey stretched, lifting his arms high above his head and wincing a little at the feeling of his whole spine popping at the relief of movement. It was already well into the night, the bar closed at 2:00 am, so he would have guessed that his shift had actually ended at about 2:30 or 2:45 am. It had been a fairly quiet night -- it always was at the bar on a weeknight, but that had also meant he had spent most of the night stuck taking inventory and housekeeping instead of serving.
     He dug into his pockets, pulling out his pack of cigarettes. He knew he needed to make his smoke quick, it was freezing cold out tonight for still being early fall, and he hadn’t had the foresight to bring gloves. 
     At least it was a pleasant time to stop for a smoke. There was no-one around this late at night, especially with the weather. It was almost entirely silent, actually, most of the city already tucked into their beds for work in the morning. Joey was thankful he’d been scheduled for an afternoon shift at the Cafe, otherwise that’s where he’d be rushing to right now.
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