andrea-lyn · 1 year
tragedy has struck bc I realized how well galavant & discworld would work as a crossover and then discovered that no such thing exists
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deepinthelight · 2 years
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Main characters of Galavant
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shirecryptid · 3 months
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r1ver-6 · 5 months
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These spot the difference games are getting harder and harder.
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Listen. Madalena from Galavant is aroallo. Gareth is acespec. My sources? "Let's Agree to Disagree," "I Love You (as much as someone like me can love anyone)," the entirety of Madalena's character, and "Love Makes the World Brand New," and my brain. Richard is also demisexual but that's not important at the moment
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skimblyshanks · 2 years
See the thing is King Richard should have kissed men.
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bucketwingthoughts · 7 months
Not a prompt, just for your amusement, this scene:
But Megastar and the Decepticons.
OMG this is so cute and if they got their shit together during the war this would be them omg. I have to draw something inspired by this later kajdlfja;
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
an accurate representation of when a medieval romance hero realizes he's in love
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30. Your pitch for season 3
Well we obviously need Gareth and Sid’s quest and Madalena’s redemption arc, they even said that’s what they’d planned for a third season so
I think it would be fun to see Richard struggling with being the king again, with Roberta by his side of course, also struggling with being queen (or future queen, I don’t think they’re married yet). Maybe he hires Vincenzo (and Gwynne) back.
As for Galavant and Isabella, they’d have to be pulled back from their peaceful life to fight– wait
TO FIGHT THE DEL (Dark Evil Lord)
All of them fighting the DEL in the finale (yes, all of them)
Oh and Gal and Izzy have kid(s) now and they have to find the balance between parenting and being heroes.
I’m actually so excited about this now I wish it was real
Thanks so much for the ask! 💕
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dreams-in-daylight · 1 month
What Am I Feeling, song from Galavant s2
“What am I feeling? Is it a feeling?
Could I be feeling somehow?
All this time I’ve never truly had one
Why would I be starting now?
If it’s a feeling, truly a feeling
Why is it hurting me so?
Could it be my first one is a bad one?
How am I supposed to know?
Is it meant to make your insides ache?
Meant to make your chest go tight?
Meant to make you sweat and shake?
How could anything like that be right?
If I am feeling some stupid feeling
Why can’t it just go away?
Why did all these feelings have to start
Tearing at my armor-plated heart?
What if, God forbid, they’re here to stay?
How can I unfeel the way I feel today?”
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Round 3
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Propaganda for Madalena:
Madalena's probably got enough brains, power and suspicion to last a good while. She gets rid of others before they can get rid of her.
She's got magic. That's bound to help.
c'mon now...
Propaganda for Gareth:
Gareth's loyalty to Richard would get him killed, since anyone wanting to kill or manipulate Richard would need to go through him first.
He'd last a while at least. He's badass and in s2 has the ability to summon an army, thanks to being king.
like 80% of his humour in S1 comes from him basically being a GOT character in the wrong genre
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
Gareth cutting those people's ears off to give Madalena their earrings was so adorable 🥹
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kiwiana-writes · 6 months
For the series/film game: Galavant!
My rating (1-10): 9. Points deducted for it being cancelled.
My favourite character: Honestly it's gotta be Madalena lmao. We stan a ruthless evil social climber.
My least favourite character: Galavant's dad. Even being played by Anthony Stewart Head (in s1) couldn't redeem him in my eyes lmao.
The character I think I'd be friends with: Steve Mackenzie, hundred percent.
The character I think I won't hit off with: I can't imagine Gareth and I would have a lot to say to one another lmao
My favourite episode/scene: Oh god. All of them? The fakeout at the end of the prologuey/intro bit (which I won't spoil) is just... hysterical and really sets the tone for the rest of the show. I Love You As Much As Someone Like Me Can Love Anyone cracks me up every damn time. But also every single part of this show is legitimately excellent.
Whose clothing style I like best: Again, Madalena. Get it babe.
Times I watched it (and if I would again): At least a dozen times all the way through, plus occasional episodes. OBVIOUSLY I would again.
[Send me a series/film!]
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I once dreamt an episode of Galavant Season Three and I forgot to share it with u all
Gareth came out as trans, so Richard took her to the Gender Wizard. My brain didn't want to invent a new wizard I guess, so the Gender Wizard was literally just Gandalf.
Gandalf cast his "switcheroo spell" on Gareth (she didn't want to change her name) and from then on the character was portrayed by Sabrina Cruz of the power metal band Seven Kingdoms. She is 4'11" and jacked as hell. Gareth was a little pissed at her height, but the Gender Wizard told her this was her true form and no refunds.
Sid and Gareth went off to rescue Madalena and when Madalena saw Gareth she was like "Queenie likey 😏". In the dream I was sitting on the couch with my husband watching the episode, and at that line I was grabbing his shoulder and shaking him around yelling LESBIAN SEASON LESBIAN SEASON
more stuff was happening with Richard and Galavant and Isabella but I remember none of it lol
So that's it that's how season 3 will open according to my subconscious.
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jodjuya · 7 months
Galavant s2e4
When Gareth gives Madalena the "exact same earrings those other queens had" and opens his velvet-lined gift case to reveal the two pairs of earrings still attached to their former owners' severed ears, oh lord help me I CACKLED!! 🤣🤣🤣
Gare Bear is SUCH a romantic! 😍🤣
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hashkath-skies · 5 months
I know 'evil aromantic' isn't great representation, but I'm STILL disappointed that Madalena fell in love with Gareth.
This was such relatable dialog, it made her getting mean after he keeps pressuring her cathartic:
King Richard: There was a moment tonight. It was a fleeting moment, but I saw it. You realized you could grow to love me.
Madalena: Oh, would you please stop putting me in this position? Don't make me always have to be the bad guy.
And 'I Love You (As Much As Someone Like Me Could Love Anyone)' just SPEAKS to me.
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