#|| futsuku | head judge of central 46.
badmusejail · 10 months
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Futsuku dump!!
in the anime, their haoris are white, but in the manga they're very clearly colored; it's just not clear what color.
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lesserlovedlovelies · 4 years
Wheel of muses! (Anna)
Ah, the human world was so wondrous!  
Futsuku hadn’t the chance to visit it often, but every time he did, it was as if he stepped into an entirely different world each time.  So different and mysterious compared to their own world--and their own was one of magic!--that he couldn’t help but gape around at this and that.  
He soared through the world easily, hopping from here and there, invisible to the average human and without the threat of hollows to worry about. 
He passed through the wall of a building without issue, robes shuffling in the movement as he came to a halt beside a lady that appeared to be working on one of those cars.
Ah, the cars!  He didn’t understand the first thing about them--marvelous transportation machines, roaming here and there, seemingly controlled by humans that climbed inside of them!--but they were fascinating nonetheless.  
One hand rubbed at his chin as he observed, utterly clueless as to what was happened, but transfixed nonetheless.
...It never occurred to him that the lady may be able to see him, as humans with powers were wont to do.
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badmusejail · 10 months
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"Oy, things sure have been chaotic lately..."
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badmusejail · 1 year
H. Where is their favourite place to be? (both muses if that's okay?)
addendum: (in regards to my last ask that said "both muses", I need to correct, I meant all 3 Bleach muses, if that's okay? Sorry I typed too fast and didn't realize it wasn't complete.) Random Character Development
For Sasakibe, the place he's meant to be, the place he always wants to be, is by his captain's side, wherever that may be.
...England is, of course, a close second. But his trips to the area are too few and far between for him to have a particular place, as the human world changes drastically, quickly.
For Geoferd, his favorite place to be is likely a tie between the library and the cathedral in his hometown. The library is more of a personal choice, as he feels that's where he belongs, and where he can make the biggest difference, while the cathedral is simply a meaningful location to his culture.
Futsuku personally prefers the simplistic peace of the gardens at his home. While the chambers are nice, they also get very stuffy very quickly, and it's given him a greater appreciation of simple fresh air.
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badmusejail · 1 year
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I also encourage you to take a look at the introduction / headcanon page!
Futsuku Keohima
Name: Futsuku Keohima Age: 340 Birthdate: March 19th Residence: Central 46 Chambers Job: Head Judge of the Central 46 Gender: Cis Male Sexuality: Straight Height: 5’11” Weight: 160 lbs. Species: Human (Soul Reaper)
Futsuku is a rather unassuming man with somewhat messy, naturally grey hair framing his face and falling to his shoulders.  He’s rather nonthreatening and holds himself in a formal but neutral expression, usually having his arms folded in his shihakushō. He wears the same basic outfit all Soul Reapers do, but has a special haori designated his rank. He usually doesn't wear it outside of the halls, however.
Futsuku was born to a minor noble family.  Well-educated from youth, he quickly took an interest in law–finding interest in what were actually laws, what were merely traditions, what were rules, and how the punishments, if any, correlated to them.
It was really no surprise that he applied to and was eventually accepted to the Central 46 Training School, learning the law for judgment and enforcement in Seireitei.  When he was around 150 years old, he was finally selected to serve on the council.
Everything went fine–the greatest majority of the council’s work is boring but important, serving justice and ensuring fairness for all souls.
Approximately forty years into his service, he was elected the Head Judge of the Council, after the previous had to leave unexpectedly and he was the only one that met the requirement of having Bankai.
His peers approved of his promotion and he accepted it gracefully.
He held the position for about two years when Urahara Kisuke was found guilty of hollowfying his fellow soul reapers, sentencing him and his experiments to execution.
As per tradition, after such a landmark case, the current council was disbanded and replaced with a new council.
Futsuku thought a lot about that case.  The sentence brought him great sorrow, but it seemed the only way to proceed.
He spent the next 110 years in relative peace, living with his family, offering legal advice and teaching others the law.
When he heard of Aizen Sosuke’s betrayal, he felt cold terror run through his veins, compounded by the cold blooded murder of 46 of his associates.
A few of his closer friends got together and overlooked that nightmare case 110 years ago, but concluded that there was nothing else that could have been done.  They had no way of knowing.
They were merely all the tools of a madman.
In the emergency of the previous council being slaughtered, Futsuku was summoned back to the position of Head Judge.  It’s supposed to be a temporary position, but no one seems to be in a hurry to find the new council. Truthfully, he doesn't really want to serve again, but refusal isn't an option.
After hearing of the so-called Vizard and how they helped in the battle, one of the first things he did was expunge the previous case and reverse the exile.
And now he just continues trying to do the right thing … And hopefully not getting murdered.
Historically, Central 46 members aren’t meant to leave their chambers any more than necessary for protection and to reduce bias–but seeing as staying in the chambers didn’t help the previous council any, he and the current council adjusted the law to be less restrictive and he can be found regularly roaming Seireitei.
Futsuku is a simple man who really just wants to see the world be just.  He’s a mild-mannered, polite man who has some strength of his own, but, in general, is more likely to pale at an aggressive show of strength; greatly preferring to have the law behind him.
Futsuku would rather keep the peace rather than make war, hence why he studied the law rather than become a soldier.  
He is very great at what he does, knowing all of the laws pertaining to Seireitei and many not, often recalling even the section they appear under.  Other laws that escape his memory are quickly located in whichever law book they may apply to.
By extension, he also has a complete understanding of the loopholes presented by the law, and as he believes the law is written exactly as it’s meant, rulings may not always occur as expected.
Many of the laws are set up as “shall be punished by at least [punishment]” with a list of severity in the back of the book.  Due to this, Futsuku saw no issue with Rukia’s punishment, assuming that the evidence brought before Central 46 was much more dire than released was released.  
He also stands by the decision to execute the Vizards, but not for the same reason.  He’s quick to note that the law book technically makes no mentions of Hollows as evil or to be executed, so the ruling to execute should have been as dangerous individuals, not as hollows.  They had no proof that they would be able to regain control. Once they returned to Seireitei, he had no issue as they were no longer showing aggression, but maintains that any slips by their inner hollow would be held under their name.
Even though he only actually served on the council for a little over forty years, the position did weigh on him. Having to choose whether people lived or died was not something he handled well.
It also introduced a degree of loneliness into his life. It's hard to make friends when you may end up signing their execution order.
Being the Head Judge doesn't offer Futsuku any extra power; it merely puts the majority of the bureaucratic management of Central 46 under his responsibility. It does give him the legal right to break ties, but he usually prefers to send it back to discussion rather than do so.
His name and appearance as a member of Central 46 is public knowledge for those that bother to read about it, but his position within is not. It's not even released which members are judges and which are wise men, and even while ruling they make it difficult to tell who is actually who.
There are restrictions on who Futsuku is allowed to interact with outside of the council. Mainly, they are forbidden from interacting with anyone mentioned in their rulings in order to avoid bias.
...Though Futsuku is quick to point out that anyone could potentially come under their rulings, which makes it difficult to interact with most people.
Futsuku was designed in order to combat the hatred a lot of people seem to hold for Central 46.  When writing characters it’s important to remember that what we know isn’t necessarily what the characters know.  Central 46 had no way of knowing that Urahara was not responsible for the Hollowfication incident and was only doing what they had to do to protect the Soul Society.  Plus, they weren’t even responsible for Rukia’s execution–that was Aizen.  
Hand-to-Hand:  Futsuku has never trained in hand-to-hand combat.
Kido:  Due to the nature of the security of the Central 46 Chambers, Futsuku has a deep understanding of Kido spells, particularly barrier spells.  His offensive spells are far inferior, but he can still do damage if he needs to. 
Shunpo:  Futsuku has not trained much in Shunpo.  He can do it if he needs to, but he’s not particularly fast. 
Shikai - 滝楽園 (Takirakuen; Waterfall Paradise) 
Bankai - 静粛滝楽園 (Seishuku Takirakuen; Quiet Waterfall Paradise)
Takirakuen’s physical form takes that of a small spear, approximately 2 feet in length.  The spear head is sharp, though the handle is very fragile, as the Zanpakuto is not meant for melee combat.  
More importantly is Takirakuen’s ability.  It has an area of influence approximately 10 x 10 x 10 feet.  It has many different commands that result in different affects within that area, all water related.
To activate one of the effects, Futsuku must use the Zanpakuto to carve the respective kanji somewhere within the area.  
As of now, Futsuku has three effects,
雨 (ame; rain), which makes a raining effect in the area.  The water does not pool at the bottom, but rather constantly flows from bottom to top.
湖 (mizumi; lake), which fills the area to approximately 3 feet in depth.
洪水 (kozui; flood), which completely fills the area.  As the longest and most powerful, it is harder to activate and takes a lot of spiritual energy.
It is unknown if the zanpakuto has more.
Each effect also has three modes, which is specified by writing the mode prior to the effect.
[blank], by just writing the effect, nothing of interest happens.
障壁 ‎(shoheki, barrier), makes the normally nonexistent boundaries of the area become a barrier that prevents beings from passing through it.  The barrier is only as powerful as Futsuku can make it, however, and damage to it is reflected on him.  
修復 (shufuku, restoration), makes the effect have healing capabilities.  Right now the effect is miniscule, only healing minor scrapes and bruises.
Futsuku believes that the true power of Takirakuen lies in using Shoheki and Shufuku at the same time, but even as bankai capable, it is an ability that evades him.  
If Futsuku leaves the area of effect at any time, the effect disappears.  In theory, he is able to erase the previous command and write a new one, though leaving this option open would also give the enemy the ability to erase it themselves.
In bankai, Seishuku Takirakuen allows Futsuku to leave the area and set up many at the same time–limited only by how much his spiritual pressure can handle. Nonetheless, he still needs to be inside to influence the behavior.
In general, Takirakuen seems to be a healing zanpakuto, with little offensive capabilities, minus locking the enemy in shoheki kozui in a suicide attack.  
Quirks/Habits:  Despite holding a rather lofty title, Futsuku is rather skittish and can be quick to frighten.  He fidgets a lot and doesn’t hold up well under pressure, preferring to have the law to back him up. Likes: The law, soul reapers, soul society Dislikes: Lying, breaking the law Alignment: Lawful Good
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badmusejail · 1 year
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Welcome to the BLEACH worldbuilding page, containing the overarching headcanons that connect my muses.
My BLEACH muses generally exist within the verse my (currently unpublished) fanfiction does, which expands slightly upon the universe and changes some things, mainly the depiction of the Spirit King.
I spent several years of my youth building on Kubo’s world, exploring and playing with different concepts, but above all, regardless of my feelings or how I shift things around for the sake of exploration, I fully respect Kubo’s decisions and refuse to insult his storytelling. 
I'm willing to change or adjust anything to fit your headcanons and will write in a strictly canon sense if asked! Nonetheless, here is a summary of the verse I write in, followed by more details.
Quincies were originally meant to safeguard humanity from 'demons,' entities that have broken free of the chain of Hell. Demons exist outside of the cycle of reincarnation, meaning they can be destroyed without consequence.
The exact circumstances and decisions that resulted in the Quincy abandoning their path as holy protectors of humanity and war/tension between them and Soul Society has mostly been lost to history, resulting in a scattered and corrupted version of the original Quincy.
A Quincy can become a Soul Reaper by inverting the flow of reiatsu through their soul and vice versa; Hollows and Demons have a similar relationship.
Demons are poisonous to Soul Reapers / average Souls in the same way that Hollows are poisonous to Quincy.
Demons have become much less common over the years, making the Quincy mostly obsolete.
Sasakibe was (and still is) an Quincy who learned the Soul Reaper arts and sought to befriend Yamamoto in an effort to prove that their people didn't need to fight. Though he managed the first goals, he never did actually reveal himself as a Quincy, but he did later fully abandon Yhwach as the king grew unstable.
Geoferd is a living Quincy residing in what is essentially the Quincy capital of the world, a neutral party that avoids association with both the Fallen King and Soul Society. Geoferd is essentially a historian, who watches the world and keeps note of things for future records. Although Geoferd will engage in combat, he's not particularly strong, and he will not use his powers on anything other than demons, well aware of the consequences.
Futsuku is the current Head Judge of the Central 46 and also the same judge that was ruling at the time of the Vizard's (attempted) execution. Futsuku had always been interested in doing good, but far too meek to be a warrior, so he pursued law. He served on Central 46 for about forty years before being rotated off after the Vizard's case. Normally, council members don't serve twice, but he was called back in on emergency after Aizen murdered the current council, and still holds the position.
Table of Contents
Species and Hybrids
Zanpakuto and Bogengeist
History of the Quincy
Additional note: While the fanfic mentioned above has different rules than canon for the Spirit King and Royal Realm and Guard, those headcanons are typically admitted for roleplay. Feel free to ask about them, though!
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A Demon is an entity that has broken free of the chain of Hell, granting them freedom and usually immense power.
A Quincy is an entity possessing a certain sort of reiatsu, commonly referred to as light magic.
This light magic infused in the Quincy offer them some unique strengths and weaknesses--while the demon energy is usually corrosive and poisonous to souls, Quincy are able to resist it. In turn, however, the emptiness of hollows are poisonous to them instead, making combat with them especially dangerous.
Soul Reapers are meant to exterminate hollows, Quincy are meant to exterminate demons. Quincy killing hollows is disastrous for the balance, and while a Soul Reaper killing a demon doesn't have much in way of consequence, it's akin to trying to tear down a brick wall with a butter knife. The purifying aspect of the zanpakuto does not work on demons, and they can only be struck down with one by pure blunt force. It's simply not the right tool for the job.
The relationship between these entities make their hybridization an especially fascinating concept. Hollows can shinigamify and soul reapers can hollowfy, and similarly, in the right conditions, a quincy could demonfy and a demon could quincify.
The adjacent entities tend to be more complicated, and much more unstable, especially given that certain entities are poisonous to others.
A hollow could quincify but hollowfication would kill a quincy; and a demon could shinigamify but demonification would kill a soul reaper. The final two sets are essentially opposites of one another: quincy pull in and manipulate external energy, while soul reapers exude and manipulate their own energy. Hollows are the result of an emptiness, and demons are the result of an excess. Thus, a hybridization of these sets are not supplemental to the original entity, but rather a complete rewiring of the intrinsic nature of the powers.
They cannot exist at the same time, and rather than requiring some external stimulus, a quincy could obtain soul reaper powers or a demon could obtain hollow powers just by training themselves to invert the powers they already have.
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Bogengeist and Zanpakuto spirits are, in essence, one and the same. An internal representation of the powers of the soul, the key to unlocking and understanding the true power possessed by the soul.
In the case of hybrids, the Bogengeist and Zanpakuto spirit are literally one and the same, shifting along with the soul to represent whichever set of powers are active at the time.
A Quincy that obtains Soul Reaper powers would have a Bogengeist that matches their personality and a Zanpakuto spirit that opposes it; while a Soul Reaper that obtains Quincy powers would have the opposite.
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under construction/needs finalization and tweaking
The history of the Quincy has been lost.
Between Soul Society's destruction of the people, and the Wandenreich's own twisted interpretation of the Quincy arts, little to no history remains of who the Quincy really were, who they were meant to be.
Yhwach is known now to be the King of the Quincy; some say he was the first, some say he was one of many, others say he was a false king who usurped the people and used them for his own good.
Regardless of the truth, the Quincy kind were gifted with such knowledge as ancient spells, a new language (known in modern times as Old High German), and possibly secrets of the worlds to guard.  In addition, through various ceremonies, the power of the Quincy could be passed on.
The first ceremony is temporary, to instill powers into a single generation or to restore the lost powers.  By exhausting a creature mentally and physically then firing a Quincy arrow, infused with light magic, into a specific energy pathway near the heart.  This technique can restore lost Quincy powers and also gift the power of a Quincy onto a non-light being, though the secondary use is dangerous, not unlike the Soul Reapers’ ability to gift Soul Reaper powers.  It should be noted that this technique is on an energy level only, meaning that the recipient’s blood is not modified and the powers will not be inherited. 
The second ceremony can only be executed to its fullest potential by Yhwach, though there is nothing preventing another Quincy from doing so.  By drinking a small cup of the blood of a Quincy specially infused with a high concentration of light energy, that is the Quincy must specifically create this mixture—it is not contained naturally in their blood, a nonQuincy can gain the powers of for himself and all future generations.  This technique is meant to be deterring to all but those most dedicated to the cause, in order to prevent the creation of undedicated Quincy. 
Blood purity was considered very important in the older times, though it has since been realized that blood purity does not have any impact on the power level of the Quincy.  Some modern Quincy still follow the ideals, though these are mostly the arrogant ‘pure bloods.’  They are referred to as ‘pure’ (Echt) and ‘mixed’ (Gesmicht).  While many Quincy no longer care of these ideals, calling the wrong Quincy Gesmicht can result in a painful retaliation. 
??? years ago, the Fall of the Quincy
For reasons lost to all but whispered myth, Yhwach began to grow tired of his role of giver—of protector—a thankless role that got him and his people called many names, chased out of many towns.
Perhaps he wanted to claim Soul Society as a sanctuary for his people.
Perhaps he saw the hell that was Seireitei and wished to repair it.
Perhaps his goals were never anything other than greed. 
Perhaps he was like this all along.
Perhaps...something more sinister was afoot.
Nonetheless, Yhwach began to scheme: Quincy began to realize how to keep their powers after death, and the fact was exploited to create an army within the very place the Soul Reapers reside:  Soul Society.  Yhwach began scavenging the world for the remaining Quincy, offering sanctuary in a world that rejected their kindness and services. 
Yhwach’s technique for gathering his army should be noted.  Remember when it was mentioned that a Quincy entering Soul Society through a Senkaimon or similar portal, they possess their power after death.  By learning how to create such a portal, he was capable of bringing living (or soul) Quincy into the Soul Society, effectively bringing the battle to the Soul Reapers. 
In addition, because his blood runs quite literally in all Quincy, he is also capable of seizing control over this blood (or more specifically the energy within) and quite literally forcing the Quincy into doing whatever it is he desires.  The amount of energy and focus required to achieve the effect is excessive making the practical uses nil yet horrifyingly effective for the sadistic man wishing to thoroughly torture his Quincy.  The technique is more powerful the purer the Quincy is.  This ability is also one of the main reason no Quincy, fallen or otherwise, has ever (successfully) overthrown Yhwach.  He can also forcibly rip a Quincy’s powers from him, a generally fatal process.
1,000 years ago, Seireiteian/Vandenreich War
After years of amassing forces, the Vandenreich finally stormed Seireitei, resulting in a massive chaotic surprise attack.
When faced with an enemy that unabashedly cut through anything that crossed its path even if it was its own soldiers, Seireitei was at a loss.
The threat was unlike anything the Seireitei had ever faced:  Hollows were no comparison.  With the signature organized chaos of the darkness, the Seireitei was nearly obliterated in the course of a few days.  Not even Shigekuni Yamamoto could defeat Yhwach completely. 
At the very end, using a forbidden demonic spell, the Seireitei managed to pull off a desperate counterattack that managed to save what was left of the city and seal a majority of the Vandenreich’s forces, including Yhwach, into God knows where for a thousand years.  Those that were missed by the spell retreated shortly after. 
Seireitei had pulled through.
Up until this point, Soul Reapers were best described as heartless creatures that only protected humanity because it allowed them to hunt down hollows.  However, this battle was a changing point.  Yamamoto began to realize the necessity of an organized military system: hence, the Gotei 13 was born.  After this war, the Soul Reapers began to become more human; Soul Reapers not born in Seireitei began to join the system, eventually morphing the Gotei 13 into the (mostly) noble society it is today.  Yamamoto is still a merciless, cold man, but he is not heartless.
600 years ago, rising of the Quincy of the Old Order
It took a very long time for any semblance of the Quincy culture to resurge.   Of those that did not get killed, even fewer remained good, and even fewer yet still desired to wield the power.  The survivors of the war were few and scattered and most of them put down their bow—some even going as far as undergoing painful removals of the power entirely—in response to the shame their King brought upon them.
The Pride of the Quincy was virtually nonexistent.
Though no human records of it exist, it is accepted as fact that the angels also turned their backs on the Quincy after the Falling. 
The Quincy were torn:  should they follow their king, their teachings, or abandon both?
Unfortunately, many chose the third option, growing bitter at the events that transpired. They felt abandoned, lost, and in return, they abandoned all that they knew. 
Surprisingly, very few outside of the Vandenreich decided to follow their king, mostly because they were outside his reign of influence.
Some Quincy even went rouge, either using their powers for their own sense of good or their own sense of evil.  This Quincy were the direct cause of the modern Quincy nearly 400 years later.
There were the fewest, however: Those that decided to step up and salvage the pride of the Quincy, and rebuild from scratch.
Like minded Quincy eventually gathered in modern day Germany, where they decided to start anew.  They dubbed themselves Quincy of the Old Order, referring to the style of Quincy that existed prior to the fall of the King. 
In a cruel twist of fate, the QOO find themselves essentially obsolete.  Demons are virtually nonexistent. Regardless, they will stand fast, ready to defend the worlds should they ever need them. 
500 years ago, Building of Shutzestadt.
Finally, the Quincy gather enough in order to begin building a new city.  Building churches, libraries, and schools that still stand today all dedicated to the light and heaven above.
Schutzestadt starts out small, with only approximately 200 inhabitants.  The city is blocked off from humans, powerful spells hiding the city from sight and essentially existence despite being just outside the edges of human civilization.  It is by word of mouth and by word of mouth only that new Quincy managed to discover the city; even experienced Quincy would have difficulty discovering the city on their own. 
Quincy have a love of bells, and as such nearly all important buildings have one of their own.  A very rigid schedule has been set for the bells, with various tones indicating times of the day, generally the sunrise and set, which is also a city-wide sense of opening and closing for public buildings, special holidays, and even a set for communication, such as alerting the city to an attack or other source of danger. 
The Quincy also employ a unique sense of architecture, with their spiritual abilities allowing them to create buildings that couldn’t exist by the human laws of physics.  Shops and other facilities are stacked upon each other, with Hirenkyaku allowing Quincy to reach their doors without large and cumbersome staircases. 
This city became the Quincy capital of the worlds, with a proud sign declaring itself as such to any who find its magnificence. 
Showing an outstanding degree of adaptability, the remnants of the war create a completely self-sustained city, complete with currency, government, and culture.  Currency became all sorts of ware and crafts, as some Quincy specialize in arts, others in clothing, others in weaponry, and so on; the government became a council, as no Quincy here dared to invite a new King to the top (plus Yhwach took the idea of ‘divine right’ to a whole new level); and the culture was a new adopted code based on the Quincy of the Old Order’s ideals of morality. 
Even as Quincy constantly brought everything they had of the so-called ‘Golden Years’ to the capital, a great majority of the Original Quincy culture was lost to the world, buried under the remnants of various villages, locked away in the depths of the Vandenreich, or forgotten in a temple by some deceased Quincy.
Even so, it is doubtful that this material is permanently destroyed, as they were protected by the light and are generally much more durable than even the Quincy who guide them.  Perhaps they will be unearthed again one day.
The Quincy of the Old Order do follow a path close to that of the original species, even if some of the details and abilities available to them vanished. 
In Schutzestadt, the designation of ‘Gesmicht’ was removed from official use, though the slang of the term does still exist as a grave insult. 
The Quincy survived to meet a new era.
250 years ago, rise of the Modern Quincy. 
Unfortunately, word of mouth was not enough to attract every Quincy as they travelled the world.  With communications cut and no way to find the rest of their kind, the QOO were powerless to stop various distorted forms of the art from arising.
One grievous case is recorded as the Modern Quincy, a group growing astoundingly quickly, embittered by the hollows that plague the world and the Soul Reapers who are not only negligent, but also hate their clan.
It cannot be said that the Modern Quincy were evil in any way, merely misguided and lost from their path of light and righteousness.  However, that does not prevent horrendous consequences for them. 
Almost all traces of demons were forgotten in this modern group.  Those that practice religion generally follow a human form.  At best, these Modern Quincy could be described as nothing more than a shadow of even the QOO. 
They even forgot the existence of their bow spirits, the literal meaning of the phrase ‘my soul is in my bow,’ merely operating on the metaphorical meaning that they used their powers to fight for what they believed was right and just.
In fact, they forgot the most important rule of all:
Quincy must only strike down demons. 
The world has a very specific order, in which humans are allowed to live out their life on Earth and Soul Society, with death in one world leading to life in the other. Should a human lose touch with his humanity, the life of a hollow awaits him.
When striking down a demon, the balance is unaffected since they were already removed from it.  However, when striking down a hollow, soul reaper, or human, the balance shifts in favor of the other world.  Again, this event will not cause a problem occasionally, however, when you have thousands  of Quincy in the same general area taking out hundreds of hollows each, the balance begins to shift dangerously so.
The Soul Reapers were not blind to the issue, and knew that it needed to be corrected. 
It was decided that peaceful attempts would be attempted first (rather than deal with the morality of erasing an entire species from existence—the Modern Soul Reaper was much more morally inclined than the Old Soul Reaper).
Unfortunately, the Modern Quincy were not willing to negotiate on the necessary terms.
200 years ago, the Genocide of the Modern Quincy
After years of arguing with the Quincy and years of failing, it was finally agreed that the majority of the Quincy must be erased, preferably with their own powers, in order to ensure that they would never rise again (as the Soul Reaper’s understanding of the Quincy was minimal).
The war was bloody. 
The Quincy were overpowered quickly.  They may be strong, but without the spells and equipment of the ancients that made them truly powerful, the superior numbers, experience, and strength of the Soul Reapers quickly wiped them out.
Even those willing to negotiate would not do so on the terms necessary to preserve the balance of the world.  Those few Quincy who desired peace were destroyed, and those few Soul Reapers had to eventually cave for the sake of the world. 
A scant few of the Modern Quincy remained scattered throughout Japan, while the Soul Reapers remained blissfully unaware of the QOO’s existence, and said QOO would not learn of the genocide until it was far too late.
100 years ago, restructuring of Schutzestadt.
Whenever the QOO finally learned of the genocide, there was nothing they could do beyond sigh and mourn the stupidity of their kin. 
After all, in this situation, the Soul Society was truly blameless and their kin was at fault.
Though it may be since they had an emotional distance from the occurrence, they could clearly see that the Modern Quincy were at fault and should have listened to Soul Society, who did their best to avoid resorting to extremes. 
They made attempts to reach the remainders of the clan, they were mostly shut out and treated with suspicion: After all, what true Quincy could side with the Soul Reapers?
It was at this point that the QOO decided that there needed to be changes.  
Schutzestadt, the complete pride of the QOO, was nearly completely deconstructed: only the churches, temples, and schools remained untouched.  However, over the years, various stubborn elders hide secrets amongst the city, dying without ever revealing these secrets and even more of the original lore and magic fell to the wind, even if the morals were still kept.
The spell protecting their city finally came down after 400 years, being replaced by various smaller spells to protect their secrets from the average human.  Humans could finally step into the sacred ground of the Quincy as it still stands today. 
The Quincy appear as basic humans with a fascination with white, blue, and crosses, and many of the shops are open for trading and buying of (nonspiritual) wares and even the churches, temples, and schools can be accessed in the right conditions.
There are hotels, but Shutzestadt is a very closed community, with no nonQuincy being able to take up residence there.
Slowly but surely a mixture of human culture made it to the QOO, allowing them to adopt their inventions and mannerisms without ever losing that which made them Quincy.
The humans came and went, and eventually it became another one of Germany’s marvels, though spiritually aware beings can see the unnatural shops and activities that take place there. 
The previous council still exists, in order to deal with such things as spiritual issues.  It was renamed the Old Council, while an aptly named New Council deals with situations involving humans doing human things.
The Soul Reapers remain blissfully unaware of its existence. 
75 years ago, the outing of Mayuri Kurostuchi
And of course, no history of the Quincy could be complete without an honorable mention to the Quincy’s greatest fan, Mayuri Kurostuchi, infamously known for the brutal, torturous experiments performed on the Quincy.
Although most of the Soul Society wished to punish him for the actions, there was nothing they could do besides attempt to prevent further incidents, although it is almost guaranteed that Mayuri continued in the background. 
He got off on the simple loop that Soul Society didn’t have a law against it.  Yes, there were laws against the mistreatment of humans, though he had prepared a large case about why exactly the Quincy could not be considered human, which the Soul Society had to begrudgingly agree with.
This declaration successfully left Mayuri blameless, as Soul Society’s only laws required the destruction of any entity endangering the balance.  The law did not state in which way they must be destroyed, and no legal action was implementable against him.  The law was shortly after amended to call for the humane dispatch of enemies.
Unfortunately, he also cited reasons of research, as his research did reveal plenty of information about the spiritual archers, and Soul Society could not risk losing opportunities to gather information about enemies, so they did not place any restrictions on what Mayuri could and could not do.
This does not stop him from showing an interest in any other Quincy that crosses his path, regardless of whether or not he feels the information is complete.  Any Modern Quincy would kill him nearly instantly and he remains one of the few Soul Reapers the QOO honestly hate.
9 years ago, the “holy” selection, auswӓhlen.
The crazed Vandenreich began to awaken.  Since the Fall nearly 1000 years ago, Haschwalth was in charge of them, which plays a large part in the fact that the nonsleeping members did not strike at Soul Society again.
Haschwalth told the soldiers that it would be unwise to make any move while their king was indisposed.
As Yhwach began to stir, he had differing plans.  He began a ceremony, a literally deadly spell that would summon the powers of the Gesmicht, by the old definition, Quincy back to him to speed his recovery.
An application of his ability to control the light energy in other Quincy, such a large scale required undiluted attention and a huge preparation and it is unlikely that such a spell will be carried out again in the life of the world, if Yhwach is even capable of doing so again.  It is unknown if he is capable of doing the same spell on Echt Quincy.  
The spell caused interworldal chaos, as the remnants of the Modern Quincy, the QOO, and even Quincy living in the Soul Society were suddenly and brutally killed.  Those that knew the legend cringed in shame at the actions of the man they call king, while those who did not were left to mourn the unexpected loss of those they loved.
Some of the few Modern Quincy continued to be deluded by the Quincy’s illusion of grandeur, believing the King and auswӓhlen to be the turning point of the Quincy, feeling as though their King would finally arise and avenge them, not knowing that the Quincy have fallen a long time ago. 
Yhwach rose to power.
The Quincy are still in existence, despite their lowered numbers and powers.  A majority of them reside in the shadows of Soul Society in the Invisible Empire, just waiting for the moment when their king is ready to strike.  Others, such as the Ishida in Karakura are mostly isolated, ignorant of the true path of the Quincy, and merely doing that which they feel is best.  The QOO has still opted out of any major affairs in the worlds.
Who will side with who, and will good or evil reign supreme?  None can tell…
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badmusejail · 2 years
11, 13, 15
Do you have any original characters on your multimuse? If so, tell us something more about them.
I have a few so let me focus on one that I think I’ve mentioned the least, Futsuku!
Futsuku is actually an OC from Bleach that I made oh hell probably close to like fifteen years ago at this point.  So as a quick rundown, Bleach is about the afterlife--and basically when you die you either pass on to Soul Society or turn into a soul-eating monster called a Hollow.  Soul Society isn’t a paradise and is arguably even worse than Earth.  The main group that oversees Soul Society is the Soul Reapers, and they also take care of the Hollows on Earth.
So in Soul Society, the judicial system is oversaw by a group called Central 46.  We don’t see them much and the fandom tends to seriously demonize them even though when you think about it, their rulings are pretty understandable if you take a moment to remind yourself that they don’t know everything we do as the audience.  
So I created Futsuku as a muse to fill this sort of gap; a muse who really wants the best for the world but really has to make some tough calls sometimes.  He could have some interesting interactions with some other muses but I think I’ve had a grand total of one thread with him?  LOL!
He’s usually a judge (though I have a habit of referring to him as a lawyer, which isn’t incorrect) and he’s unable to lie to save his life.  He’s also very easy to trick.  A very book-smartish guy who absolutely does not have the street-smarts to go with it, having lived a comfortable life.  
I’ve thought about moving him to a modern verse but I’m not sure how that’d impact his character.
In how many fandoms are you currently active?
Honestly none really since I just sorta skirt around the edges of them, but Pokemon, Undertale, and Avatar: The Last Airbender.  I have Bleach, Marvel, and John Wick too but I wouldn’t say I’m anywhere near those fandoms.
What is a fandom you wish to write in one day?
I’ve pretty much written everywhere I’m interested in at the moment.  But honestly I love crossovers so??  any sorts of muses from any fandoms are all welcome!
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badmusejail · 2 years
tag dump -- futsuku
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badmusejail · 2 years
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Hello!  This is a multimuse blog with a small variety of characters! You’ll find some more familiar characters like Giovanni (Pokémon), Ozai (The Last Airbender) and Gaster (Undertale) alongside a couple of original muses!
There’s not much that bothers me, but here’s my rules page!  The actual muse page can be found here with summaries below!  Take a look at this interaction guide too!
I don’t like sending memes to start the first meeting between muses.  You’re welcome to do so if that suits you, but more than likely, I will personally wait for a starter call or plotting call.  If you’re a new mutual, it’s nothing against you!  Please see my starter call or send me a message to get something rolling!
I go by Jessica or Donut, I’m 28, she/her and live in EST!
I exclusively use the new editor with XKit Rewritten, but you can use legacy.
Hope to write with you soon!
Shared Verses and AUs   
Starter Call  
Muse List
🟢 Active, 🟨 Uninspired, ❌ Fickle 1️⃣ Primary, 2️⃣ Secondary *
* Primary meaning a muse that I’ve put a lot of deep development into. * Secondary meaning a muse that I write on a surface level. It does not refer to how willing I am to write a given muse.
Where available, click the name for more information.
Almost every muse has generic modern and fantasy verses as well!
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🟨1️⃣ W.D. Gaster, Undertale:  Once the Royal Scientist of the Underground, now nothing more than a mystery in the wind. …That is, if he ever existed in the first place.  (Falling into a device intended to rip magical energy into particles will do that to you.)
🟨2️⃣ Iroh, The Last Airbender: A firebender that learned the error of his ways and wants to see the world flourish in peace. 🟨1️⃣ Ozai, The Last Airbender:  A firebender that wants to see the world in flames–with himself at the helm, of course.
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🟢1️⃣ Giovanni Marianelle, Pokemon:  Once a beloved hero and Elite Four to his region, now the leader of the insidious Team Rocket.  How does one fall so terribly?  Also has an ancestor named Gaevano for historical / Legends muses. 🟢1️⃣ Koga, Pokemon: Ninja-assassin with a love for poisons. 🟢1️⃣ Quentin Beck, Marvel Cinematic Universe:  A Quentin Beck hailing from a universe in which he was truly a hero and the Elementals really did destroy his reality.  Also has an AU by the name of Major Beck.
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🟨1️⃣ Sasakibe Tadaoki Chojiro, Bleach:  The lieutenant of the First Division.  He’s absolutely dead and absolutely not a Quincy in disguise. 🟨1️⃣ Futsuku Keohima, Bleach: The Head Judge of the Central 46.  He was the one who gave the Vizards their death sentence, and cycled out of the council after such a massive case.  He ended up taking the position once more after Aizen murdered the current council. 🟨1️⃣ Geoferd Alder, Bleach:  A Quincy living in Shutzstadt, Germany.  Unaffiliated with Yhwach and the Wandenreich.
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🟢2️⃣ Weird Octopus, Fandomless:  Originally an AU of W.D. Gaster but has no real relation.  A small octopus mermaid that exists only to cause chaos. 🟨1️⃣ Gemuse Heinzmann, Fandomless:  In a world where everyone is born with magic of some sort, this man was lucky enough to get the ability to manipulate ketchup.  He’s a spy for an agency that specializes in magical intelligence. 🟢1️⃣ Giothornéc Vannikthull the Vengeance, Fandomless:  Originally an AU of Giovanni but has no real relation.  A sentient, powerful, shapeshifting weapon that was specially crafted to defeat a demon lord, but deemed too powerful and sealed away.  Also an idiot.  
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badmusejail · 2 years
obligatory pinned post.
i mention it in the rules but--2022 has been really shitty and i’m trying to get by and enjoy roleplaying but please don’t take it personally if i seem distant.
Most of these muses used to be on their own blog, but my muse has just been too scattered so I’ve moved everyone here temporarily.
my rules are pretty basic.  it’s difficult to irritate me.  
feel free to specify a muse in starter calls / asks or i’ll pick randomly.
Since Tumblr hates mobile users, here’s a brief summary of my muses until I fix the situation.  Names lead to the mobile friendly bio if it’s available! 
* denotes the muse has a Pokemon verse. ^ denotes the muse has a modern earth based verse.
W.D. Gaster, Undertale OCish*^:  Let’s be honest, aside from a few key characteristics, the character might as well be an OC.  ... That is, if he ever existed in the first place.  (Falling into a device intended to rip magical energy into particles will do that to you.)
Weird Octopus, Fandomless OC*:  Originally an AU of W.D. Gaster but has no real relation.  A small octopus mermaid that exists only to cause chaos. Gemuse Heinzmann, Fandomless OC*^:  In a world where everyone is born with magic of some sort, this man was lucky enough to get the ability to manipulate ketchup.  He’s a spy for an agency that specializes in magical intelligence. Giothornéc Vannikthull the Vengeance:  Originally an AU of Giovanni but has no real relation.  A sentient, powerful, shapeshifting weapon that was specially crafted to defeat a demon lord, but deemed too powerful and sealed away.  Also an idiot.  
Futsuku Keohima, Bleach OC:  The Head Judge of Central 46.  Essentially, a lawyer for the afterlife. Geoferd Alder, Bleach OC:  A Quincy peacefully living in Germany.  In other words, a magical demon hunter archer.
Giovanni Marianelle, Pokemon^:  Once a beloved hero and Elite Four to his region, now the leader of the insidious Team Rocket.  How does one fall so terribly? Lieutenant Surge, Pokemon^:  Electric specialist! Samuel Oak, Pokemon^:  Evil!AU.  Based off of FireRed Rocket Edition.
Iroh, The Last Airbender*^: A firebender that learned the error of his ways and wants to see the world flourish in peace. Ozai, The Last Airbender*^:  A firebender that wants to see the world in flames--with himself at the helm, of course.
John Wick, John Wick*:  Retired hitman.  It’s best you let him stay retired. Quentin Beck, Marvel Cinematic Universe*:  A Quentin Beck hailing from a universe in which he was truly a hero and the Elementals really did destroy his reality. Major Beck, Marvel Cinematic Universe*:  Technically an AU of Quentin Beck, but a version that’s closer to the story he gave in the movie rather than a blend of movie canon and fake canon.
Soren, The Dragon Prince:  AKA a muse I want to take up but haven’t gotten around to yet.
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