#{v: fire is catching}
sameschmidtdiffname · 4 months
Do you think Everlark got in a fist fight over who was taking who's surname when they got married
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ozzieinspacetime · 5 months
"Oh, She's more than smart," Says Beetee. "She's intuitive." We all turn to look at Beetee, who seems to be coming back to life. "She can sense things before anyone else. Like a canary in one of your coal mines." (Catching Fire, page 399)
Something something talking about Wiress brings him back to life,, Something something him trusting her with every aspect of their plan even when hes hurt and shes lost,, calling her a canary,, ough
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millennium-queen · 1 year
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Training Vs The Arena
Catching Fire p.270 Vs Mockingjay p.28
I was thinking about Suzanne Collins’ use of foreshadowing across the books and remembered how much this slapped me in the face on a reread
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kaleidoscope1967eyes · 9 months
you know when you get the head ouchie bc you stayed up too late playing the sims
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Thranduils armor in 4k
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moe-broey · 10 months
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Doodle that was. Supposed to be something else but I decided it would be funny to draw them scared pressed against the wall silly style (attempting to hide in plain sight)
Now what are they hiding from....? 🤔 And Why? 😳
Under cut! Is a process shot that would make an onlooker ask "Where are their clothes :/" but I actually really like the anatomy there so I wanna show it!!
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Omg nobody look!!! They're naked........ (mostly.)
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Halt and Catch Fire (2014-2017) season 1, episode 9 //
Lessons in Chemistry (2023) episode 2
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neiptune · 1 year
I'm longing for a hunger games renaissance
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kaerinio · 10 months
@messanique approached her grace: ❛ can’t sleep? ❜ / from rhaella?
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A quiet shake of the head ; even her tresses do not sing, for they have been bound, braided, and wrapped in sleeping silks. So lost in thought, she cannot even remember how long it's been since she dismissed her handmaids, urging them to partake in the festivities raging on in the audience chamber below. ‘Leave me and go enjoy yourselves. I shall expect the most riveting tales from all of you come morning,’ she had said, pressing sweet kisses to their cheeks, returning their girlish grins with a tight smile of her own. She ought to be celebrating, as well, lamenting aching feet and wine-stained fingers — — — and delivering the most elegant of toasts to the legendary Joso's Cock.
This victory, however, has all the flavor of spoilt fruit : sickening and soft and absolutely rancid. “Home,” the word, once welcome, once longed for, turns to ash in her mouth. “He sold me for the promise of home.” The same home she marches for now ; the same home she dreams of someday seeing ; the same home that . . . somehow, with each ticking second, feels farther away than ever. ‘How could you!’ the earlier cry clangs through her once more, and she blinks, eyes red-webbed and irritated. Betrayed for gold. Or love, which one? Which one? The urge to run her hands down her face arises, and is banished, the restlessness somewhat sated when she hugs her bare legs to her chest. Mournful gaze lifts, then, to meet her mother's in the moon-hazed darkness. “Mamma, will you sit with me and tell me stories of Westeros? I should like to hear of your dreams, of your joys.”
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51stvictor · 8 months
@fenixburned gets a thing for haymitch ♡
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did it make her a terrible person, to feel so grateful that peeta had volunteered and taken away the fate of the arena from haymitch? selfish, likely, but yet it couldn't be found in her to feel guilty for the thought. they'd already talked strategies, over the phone, and laid out rudimentary plans to fight as well as to protect katniss. the goal had not changed, simply the participants.
it was the first time since the phone call. a private moment in this lion's den of a city, with eyes on all of them. up until now, it had been a charade of well-crafted facades and walls put up, repelling capitol folk and avoiding drawing attention to what they hid so meticulously behind the scenes.
hands reached up to hold his face, ever gentle as thumbs stroked his cheeks. how she'd ached for and yet dreaded this moment, unable to hide the pained look in her eyes. rhea had volunteered, all on her own, with no prior agreements making her do so. she knew, like everyone knew, that katniss everdeen would be the only option for district 12. and for haymitch, she'd voluntarily walk straight into hell a second time to help protect another precious to him. love was like that. their love was like that.
" hi. " a weak greeting, with the faintest of smiles. " we'll get through this. i'm tough, aren't i? i'll look after the kids for you, it'll be alright. " it wasn't a lie if one didn't know whether they spoke the truth or not. still felt like one, any reassurance did in the face of the games' monstrosities. yet she could not help but want to try put him at ease.
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sgrspiced-a · 10 months
“ you had no fucking right. ” minerva's words flow like venom and if she had less respect for the woman in front of her she'd step forward in challenge. but even swearing at @sacrificus feels wrong, and minnie retreats into herself the second she speaks, as if she's the one who had been stung. she takes a step backward, averts her eyes and wrings her hands together. that unspoken hierarchy is palpable when she speaks again, voice trembling, “ i'm sorry. ”
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“ it would have been fine . you could've — you should have left me be . now i might have to live without both of you, and i — ” what is she going to say? she hates her? it's not true and it never could be, and she can't change fate now. but minnie's angry, as she so often is, “ you're leaving me. why are you leaving me too? ”
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citroncynique · 2 years
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a lil manuela charm design I did for the Manuela Zine over on twt!! 
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pyrrhk · 1 year
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"why did you give it to me?" i don't wear it around or anything, but most days the golden pin is on my person in some way. today it's tucked into the pocket of my jacket, my fingers curved around the edge of it but keeping it hidden. it feels like asking for trouble to flaunt it around while i'm here, like president snow can see it somehow all the way in the capitol. "the pin."
it has bothered me for a long while. why would madge give it to me? why me? why it in the first place? she knows the history of mockingjays, must have meant something by pressing it into my hand before i marched off to near-certain death. it's little more than luck that i'm here, and i just - want to know why. the pin isn't necessarily what made me...whatever i am, but it means something. it has to. @melnchly
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omniishambles · 2 years
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Fish Monet @imprvdente​
   Despite Effie’s warnings, it was difficult for Katniss to hide her true feelings. She’d never had much of a poker face, and despite having some practice under her belt in front of the cameras, she was getting pretty sick of painting on a smile. This party was too much, too many people calling her name, crowding around her, placing their hands on her. She wanted to scream, ball her hands into fists, knock over the gluttonously laid tables and run away into the darkness. 
   But being watched all the time, she had to grin and bear it.
   Peeta made it look so easy. Effortless, the way he shook peoples hands and graciously accepted their well wishes and congratulations. How he joked with them, a beacon of charm while she felt numb and afraid at his side. Desperate to give Snow exactly what he wanted. There was a gnawing sensation of dread in her stomach all evening.
   And now? She felt eyes on her again. As Katniss turned to meet the gaze that had settled on her, she felt something more familiar to her, more comfortable. Irritation. Instead of admiration or fawning, here was a woman practically glaring in her direction. Katniss was almost grateful for it. And as the other approached, she become even more recognizable.
   Fish Monet. One of the Capitol’s favourites, and another of District 4′s most triumphant former tributes. She’d won her games with charm. And proving deadly with any kind of bladed weapon, a weapon she’d eventually turned on a District 3 boy to earn her victory.
   Hadn’t there been some silly love story that year too?
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      “I’ve had enough of people staring at me for one night. I thought you’d understand that as a victor.”
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apocketfullofmuses · 1 year
@heroicpaths | Freddie & Peter
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Today was supposed to be a day just for them - and Prue - and so far it had been; Freddie wasn't worrying about her studies, and Peter wasn't worrying about Spider-man stuff, they were just being a couple taking their toddler out for the day. They'd stopped for ice cream on their walk through the park - the weather wasn't really warm enough for that yet, but that wasn't going to stop her. Prue had fallen asleep in her stroller, and Freddie wasn't about to suggest that they head back to Peter's place to put her down for a proper nap when the sound of someone screaming grabbed her attention. Looking up, she saw what looked like a mugging in progress.
"Peter, we've gotta do something," one look at her boyfriend's face told her he'd been thinking the same thing - but the park was very public, and very busy. "I can make a distraction if Spider-man needs to get over there?"
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voidsposting · 2 years
Katniss everdeen is aromantic pass it on
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