#{he truly is a foine man}
margoshansons · 2 years
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ALICENT-HIGHTCTWER’S 2.1K CELEBRATION ↳ requested by @jeonwonwoo
but long ago, he rode away
and where he dwelleth none can say.
for into darkness fell his star
in Mordor where the shadows are
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baby-tini · 12 days
I started following you when I read your Dabi content, but seeing you post Mikey/Manjiro Sano content is making me really want this man. I haven't seen Tokyo Revengers, I've only saw your writing and edits and omg MIKEY IS FINE FINE DAMMMMNNN. Enough thirsting though, should I watch it? Cause I've seen mixed reviews on the show...
YES OMFG HE'S SO FOINE DAYUM, NEED HIM SO FKN BAD AHHH Yes, you should totally watch it. I personally love it, it's my favorite right now and I'm binging it from season 1 to 3. It does start out a little slow and boring but it picks up pace pretty quick, it's truly so good. You can watch it dubbed on HULU, dub and sub on crunchyroll (you will have too pay) but animeowl and anime planet are free and there's sub and dub options.
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zaffrenotes · 2 years
I just saw the panel for Wheel of Time and one fan had a question for Daniel, which was about him getting a role like Lan where he's not underutilized after appearing in so many stuff where his character gets killed off, and she also mentioned watching kdramas that has him in it as well as asking what it's like being a sex symbol(which prompted a lot of cheers). If you saw his reaction, you can see how excited and a little flustered he was by that question
I've seen a few IG posts from NYCC and got super excited about the WoT S2 sneak peek trailer, but I haven't really been deep diving to find info (busy/weird week for me). I'm glad to see that Henney's finally in a role where 1) his character sticks around for a good long time 2) while Lan himself is rather stoic and stony as a character trait, Henney has been able to emote so much more, even with just a few seconds of screen time for some scenes (e.g. casting a knowing look to Moiraine, expressing disapproval/disappointment/sadness with a glance) and truly bring Lan to life 3) Henney is aging like a delicious, fine wine and we've seen the insane effort he put into training to achieve Lan's lewk, haha, bulking up his already fit physique....he should be proud of that! Man's looking FOINE
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anniefall · 2 years
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Modern Levi Vibes
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boytouya · 3 years
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘖𝘧 𝘈 𝘚𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦
WARNING: graphic depictions of violence, blood, angst, open ended/ambiguous ending, descriptions of death.
request: “Can i request sukuna x male reader. Where reader keeps reincarnating with each lifetime for a curse and every time he remembers sukuna, he dies after gaining memories back. You can choose if theres a good ending or angst. Thank you king! I fell in love with him especially after reading that one shot i had to watch jjk and hes hot! Thank you for turning me into a sukuna simp! Much love”
a/n: i went,,,overboard with this request 🗿 BUT IT'S ONE OF MY FAVORITESSIJEHSHE i’m honored to have introduced you to such a foine man
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When you were five, only then had you understood the curse deemed ‘Ryoumen Sukuna.’ A rather tall man with two heads, one of which had splattered blood onto your sneakers. You understood the concept of death, of course, but could never truly comprehend the feeling of nothingness after watching your life flash before your eyes until nineteen. But there you stood, clutching the loop of your shorts when you witnessed the murder of your entire village. You didn’t know evil could have a moral compass, but the tall curse seemed to exclude half of the women and children. After the widening of youthful eyes and curdling screams you learned the monster took likings to things too. Women, with shaking forms and broken spirits. He’d stop before them, stare at them with eyes that could- in fact- kill, if they truly wanted to. But then he stopped in front of you.
“Close your eyes, Brat.” Death's hands were just as large as your family painted them out to be, if not larger. Calloused and riddled with blood as they are placed over your ears. You do as he- it says, squeezing your eyes shut and enclosing your eyes behind the meat of your palms just to be extra careful. You can see stars behind your eyelids, just as you can feel the sickening twang of death lingering in the air. You were aware it would happen at some point, Death would find its place for you over and over and over again, you’d been told since the day you were born.
There’s another sound, only muted under large palms. You don’t need your sense of sight or hearing to know what it was, the warm chunks splattering onto your skin was enough. Immediately, you flinched. When you opened your eyes, there were piercing eyes staring straight into your own. It looked so human, but something was off. Uncanny, as if it took years to manipulate its flesh and bone to emulate humans to a T. But there was nothing human behind those eyes, instead a void of nothingness. Death itself. If Death could express interest, you’d have thought that was the expression it was imitating. It offers a hand, one of four. Larger than your face, with sharp claws that could almost be described as talons. Darkened by dirt and remains of your loved ones, if it truly wanted to kill you, it could. It could tear you limb from limb with the wave of a finger. And it knew that.
So you took the hand, and he became your second home.
When you were ten, you learned about the red string of fate. It could never be broken, and those connected by it would always reunite, no matter the circumstances. You often had nightmares, those of which filled with blurred faces and sharp pain that reached you in your lucid state. Dreams of talons, piercing eyes, and double headed monsters. You dreamt under the stars, tasted metal on your tongue, and choked on smoke that wasn’t actually there. You dreamt of facial markings, details that you couldn’t exactly place, a name that you couldn’t quite remember. It left your tongue feeling thick in your mouth, racked tremors through your body, and caused premature dark circles to accumulate under your eyes.
When you were nineteen, you experienced your last breath. The air was stolen from your lungs, crushed under years of heartbreak and terror, and snatched from you in the dead of night. Your eyes glazed over, and nothingness overtook you. It left you for someone else to find, cold and lifeless. A void, similar to the eyes you had finally placed. But that didn’t matter much then, you had already drifted away from your body.
And that was that.
Thus, the cycle repeated. Under different names, different ages, different genders. There was always something gnawing away at your conscience, you felt as though you were forgetting something. But when you finally remembered, it was too late. And there was nothing you could do about it.
It was almost like deja vu, stepping outside your home to find blood splattered on the concrete floor. It made your blood run cold, sent a tremor through your body and made you feel like you were five again. Small and defenseless. You take it as your best interest to go back inside before you pass out, but the second you whip your body around you meet something- someone?- large and sturdy.
“Sukuna.” That was it, the sour taste at the tip of your tongue, the lingering sensation at the back of your brain. Him. He didn’t look the same, no, much smaller with tufts of pink hair. There’s something behind his eyes this time, something almost irrevocably human. For some reason that’s much scarier than what you remember. What you think you remember. He’s much more human, but the way he looks at you is everything but humane. He looks frustrated, angry at something, as if he’ll implode any second and go on a rampage. Dread bubbles up in your stomach, nearly erupting through your mouth as bile. It felt as though something should be happening, like something usually happened when the itch went away. He chuckles, low in his throat as he cranes his neck to put his face uncomfortably close to your own. His hands, still large, find their way to your wrist, gripping your right hand uncomfortably tight. For a moment, you consider how long a trip to the hospital would be if he shattered the bone beneath his fingers. But instead there’s a jolt of electricity that would’ve had you yanking your hand back if he weren’t holding it.
“What? You look different.” He all but purrs, inspecting your palm with long nails. Not long enough to be talons, but longer than those of a claw. It was true, you did look different. He wondered if you spent your lifetimes looking exactly the same. That couldn’t have been possible, he would’ve found you much easier, then. Still quite boyish, as if the body you were in didn’t originally belong to you. Clearly grown out of cargo shorts and polos, much taller than you were before. There was no way he could have forgotten you, the way you jumped when the remains of your loved one splattered across your legs. The way you stared back at him with a look of acceptance, the way you grabbed his hand and allowed him to lead you out of the village. It explained the body memories perfectly, the feeling of large palms on your head and remnants of a brain splattering onto your knees.
“Last time I saw you,” He let’s go of your wrist with a bored expression, then replaces its spot with the top of your head. He shoves you down, and you make an effort to ignore the crack your knees make when they smack against the concrete. Then, he crouches down to stare you directly in the eye, just like he had the first time you met. His eyes were no longer dark, instead a deep shade of red that caught light from the moon. They reminded you of vials of blood. “You were this tall. Much cuter in this century.”
“And you were bigger.” Sukuna laughs as if hearing that was the funniest thing in the world. He leans his weight into you and uses you as a support beam, laughing until his ribs burn and beg for a break. But how could he laugh at a time like this? He didn’t think it was weird? He’s existed for centuries, murdered for millennias and only now has he seen you. That wasn’t how it worked, when you died, you died. But Sukuna was a walking oxymoron to that statement. When he died, if he died, he would return. He’d return through you, the last fragments of his soul would stay bound to yours until the end of time. Perhaps that’s how he knew, how he remembered. Perhaps that’s why he still took the time to find you, even after countless years of failure. It was peculiar, but not as much as being bound to Death himself. It was a sick game of turning the phrase ‘Til’ death do you part,’ because in your case it was literal.
“You’re still a brat.” His voice is closest to something fond, as if he’s reminiscing sweet memories. It was much different on your account, and part of you wondered if Sukuna understood that. He makes no effort to help you up (he explains that you’re “a big boy now”) as he invites himself into your apartment. Nothing special, he doesn’t care much for family photos or if you have them, but the stacks of letters and books on your table peak his interest. He tears apart envelopes as if he owns them, reads through the contents and discards them to the floor if he deems them useless. The way he sits nearly breaks your chair, and, honestly, you weren’t sure what to do with yourself.
So you sit beside him.
“You were so scared,” He says, almost as if he were bragging. But he was known to be arrogant and cocky, that was just his nature. He didn’t truly mean it like that, in fact, he looked quite reverent after letting the thought drift into the air. It was kind of funny, such a powerful thing fawning over past memories. But that wasn’t how this should go, you had your memory back, so why hasn’t anything happened? “When you grabbed my hand you stopped shaking.”
“It’s a shame I couldn’t keep you long,” He visibly frowns, the skin around his lips worry, but you can't tell if it’s genuine or not. He looks at you with something knowing the second the thought enters your head. “I looked for you, at first. You died young, for a human.”
Ninteen. ‘I should have been there,” he wants to add.
“Why aren’t I dying now?” You interrupt and let the panic sink in, the thought of impending doom sits on your shoulders because, really, it could happen at any moment. But this time, you don’t want it to. You remember accepting death when it came to your door at the young age of five, nineteen, countless times over and over. You had only ever gotten this far, you weren’t ready yet. You couldn’t start over, not now. “Sukuna?”
The question sours his mood in the blink of an eye, and instead of looking through your things, he raises himself from his seat to rest his palms on the table. It seemed he had a thing for staring down at people, making them cower under his stone cold gaze. You note the way his jaw clenches. You open your mouth to speak again, but he seems to have other plans. He squeezes your cheeks, making your lips purse together under the pressure of his large fingers. The movement feels familiar, like he’s done it before. The five years you spent with him were still a bit of a blur, but you remembered holding his hand quite often. He’d tell you to close your eyes if there was something he didn’t want you to see, he’d ruffle your hair a bit too hard, let you sleep on his back if he was out in the town. But that was all you remembered. He remembered it all.
“Respect your elders,” He lets go and sits back down as if he hadn’t just thrown a tantrum over you interrupting him. Sukuna was centuries old, but even then, he’d exhibit immature behavior sometimes. Living for so long had to get boring (and lonely) at some point, perhaps that was why he looked for you. He did consider you something close to family, after all. In truth, there were some lifetimes where you met. Some when you were friends, something more than that, and something inseparable. And that’s why you hadn’t died yet, you didn’t remember it all. “It’s rude to interrupt someone when they’re talking.”
“You’re much more handsome in this life.” His smile is much more intimidating than sweet, the sinister curl to his lips would only ever be associated with bloodshed in your eyes. But it was much more than that. Nights of sleeping together, days of laughter and flirtatious comments, soft moments that only you had seen. And it was bittersweet, because he knew the second he’d jog your memory you’d be gone. It wasn’t just a curse for you, but for him. Maybe it was his punishment for hurting so many people, dragging an innocent soul down with him and hanging them by the red string of fate. The comment makes your skin prickle with heat. Sukuna was quite the charmer when he wanted to be, easily picking at your weak spots with whatever you wanted to hear. But the comment was much more for the sake of his own, instead of yours.
Sukuna stands, hot on his heels as he holds out his hand one last time. If something were to happen to you tonight he’d make the most out of it, just as he did countless times over and over. So many years of starting over, getting to know you in various different bodies, realizing that being trapped away was the only way you’d get to live a full life, it was always on his mind. You were always on his mind.
So you take his hand. And for the millionth time, he’d become your second home.
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@ryoukuna @indigowren21 @cannedfoodisbestfood @junkwhoore @kissesdenji @sanderssidesangsttrash @i-d0g @kaito-asmr @jream-23 @princejasno @mel-bigia04 @mhasimp666 @onehellofasimp @corporeal-terrestrial @angelaturservice @shadows-of-nightmares @rinkindaugly
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charles-edwin · 2 years
Yoooo same! I am a huge lesbian too but Kang Yohan is like the finest man ever. Every time I see him on screen my brain just goes "man he foine!" I think it's the unhinged badass-ness he exudes
i mean????
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the finest man
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truly an unhinged badass. we have no choice but to stan aldkkakdkskdkskdks
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kinksandkurlsss · 3 years
I'm gonna start off by saying that when I was younger Guy was not my favorite. But as I got older I came to appreciate this man. Like he is so sweet, funny, and caring and truly fell in love with him. Now that I'm older I've wanted nothing more than to ride him into the sunset so thank you for this beautiful segment 😂
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I couldn't find a better gif 😭😂
Ahahaha well, lemme start of by saying thank you for the feedback (!!) and I certainly second the sentiment about the GIF 😂😂
And also honestly the same about Guy. I def was not his biggest fan early on in the franchise, but he really grew on me. I loved his arc, and now that I’m older and have been around the block a lil 😜, I can also just appreciate how solid mans is as a person
Plus that man is foine lol
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dontshouta · 5 years
helloo love~ could i request smth pleease? i thought it would be really cool if bakugo or todoroki have like a huge crush on the reader and the reader is just so oblivious to that and one day they just come up to their desk and says 'i know why ur acting so weird! ur that really famous all might fanpage on social media!!' and theyre just like "e-excuse me??!!??! i love you?!????!!!???!?!" if its possible with a gender neutral reader please~ thank u so much and dont worry, u dont need to rush!!!!
i thought this was so cute bc deadASS these boys would be so obvious with their pining but i’d be like (:??? anyway i hope you enjoy this anonnie im sorry im so late hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Bakugou Katsuki:
You were sat in the dorm’s common room, a book in your lap as you mindlessly flipped through the pages. You didn’t notice when someone sat next to you, your mind elsewhere, completely submerged in your thoughtless head. You felt a hard poke jab against your rib cage, startling you.
“Ow-! Bakugou, what the fuck.” You pouted, rubbing your side dramatically. You didn’t realize he sat next to you. Since when did he ever want to sit next to you? The thought confused you, he never initiated conversations. You thought this was a gift from some divine spirit watching you from above. 
The boy rolled his eyes, his finger pointing accusingly in your face. “I’ve been calling your name for like 5 minutes, dumbass. I can’t believe you couldn’t hear me.” He scoffed, though his eyes were soft as he stared at you. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him look at you like that. Your stomach erupted with butterflies.
You scrunched your eyebrows in thought. Since when has Bakugou had the patience to sit and wait for someone to notice him? Usually he’d be asking for everyone’s attention without any further notice. This was new, what’s his motive? Does he want something from you? You bit your lip, delving yourself back into your own head.
“Yo! Y/N, I’m talking to you, fuck.” His tone suggested anger but his face still held a softness to it that had your mind reeling. You wanted to beat him up. With kisses. 
“Why though?” It didn’t hurt to ask, especially since the situation was so foreign to you.
The boy’s face suddenly turned a rosy hue, his lips set in a straight line while he silently appraised you. Your furrowed eyebrows deepened ass you took the flushed boy in. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him like this. You thought it was cute. And frankly, kind of annoying. No one was allowed to be that cute while simultaneously be so infuriating.
A thought popped into your mind, causing a smirk to rise devilishly onto your lips. 
“Oh, Bakugou, is there something you want to tell me?” You teased, taking a turn to poke into his rib cage. Bet he didn’t like that. Payback’s a bitch, huh.
“Hah? I ain’t got nothin’ to tell you, dumbass.” His face was even redder than before, this hands quietly fidgeting while he desperately tried to avoid eye contact. 
“I think I know your little secret, my poor, poor blasty.” Your smirk turned into a full blown smile, your finger risking another poke to his side. The poor boy was tongue tied, you couldn’t believe the state he was in. You wished you could record the whole endeavor so everyone could finally see Bakugou Katsuki in such a state.
“Oh yeah? Well tell me since you know so fuckin’ much.” 
“Yeah, I know why you’re acting so weird. I’ve got you alllll figured out. You run that All Might fanpage on Twitter, right? Ugh, my mind. I’m too smart. You can grovel at my feet now so I can keep your cute little secret.”
He was quiet for a minute. Like, frighteningly quiet. For a minute, you thought you had gone to far and wanted to take all your dumb small brain words back but it was too late. He looked like he was about to explode any minute.
“Are you fucking kiddin- no you idiot I fucking LIKE you. What the fuck.”
You stared at him. Your brain running a million miles a minute. Did he say what you thought he just said? Your ears weren’t deceiving you? Well, now you felt like a damn fool. What in the ever living heck were you thinking when you confidently declared he was the All Might twitter fanboy. You were embarrassed, to say the least. But also incredibly flattered.
“Awww,” You cooed, trying to fend off your obvious embarrassment by trying to fuel his. “Little blasty likes me??” You reached over to ruffle his hair but he suddenly stood, already making a grand escape.
“Oi, if you don’t like me back just say it, I don’t have time for this shit.” Your brain went into hyper drive, already deciding you were a dumb bitch and forcing you to follow quickly in his heels. You slammed into his back, your arms wrapping possessively around his waist.
“Noo, Bakugou, baby, it was a prank don’t be like this. I like you too! Please, I’m sorry for having half a brain cell.”
He clicked his tongue, his head turning to address you. “I guess that’s what I like about you, dumbass.”
Todoroki Shouto:
You were scrolling through your Twitter timeline while walking through campus, your attention fully occupied by the device in your hand. You were silently snorting to a thirst tweet by Kaminari when you suddenly bumped into something- or someone. You squealed in surprise, clutching your phone so you wouldn’t yeet it across campus.
“T-Todoroki! I’m so sorry, oh my goodness-” You were a blubbering mess, trying to apologize profusely while also not drool over the boy clad in his black turtleneck.
He smiled slightly, cutting you off. “Don’t worry about it, Y/n. I actually wanted to.. Talk to you about something.” His voice was smooth and quiet, making you weak in the knees. Damn this man. Damn him all to hell.
“Oh, sure, yeah. What about?” You pocketed your phone, wanting to give the boy your undivided attention. It’s what he deserves.
He scratched at the back of his neck, averting his gaze somewhere behind you. You were confused, but still kept quiet as he gathered his thoughts. The most you would do was give him your undivided attention. Not like it was a difficult task, that boy was foine.
You had been feeling like Todoroki had been acting sort of weird whenever you were around him. He’d never fully look you in the eye or address you directly. He seemed like he was nervous about something. Or hiding something. You just couldn’t figure out what or why. 
“Not to like, rush you or anything but, what’s going on?”
His cheeks turned pink, surprising you monumentally as you stared up at the taller boy. In all you interactions with him, you’ve never seen him once get flustered. He’s definitely hiding something.
“Oh my gosh, Todoroki, is this what I think it is?!” You yelled, taking his hand and shaking it about wildly. The flush spread from his cheeks to down his neck, disappearing behind the delectable turtleneck of his. “I can’t believe it- I’ve had my suspicions but I never thought you’d actually tell me! I’m truly honored to know your the person behind that famous All Might fan account on Twitter. Gosh, it was so obvious!”
Todoroki scrunched his eyebrows cutely, a small but confused smile growing on his lips. 
“Excuse me what? That’s not at all what I was going to say.”
His hand finally gripped yours, you didn’t notice you were still shaking his hand, and he brought it up to his chest. You could feel his erratic heartbeat once he finally made eye contact with you.
“Y/N… I like you.. I’ve liked you for a while and.. I just thought you should know.” His voice was so quiet you weren’t sure if you could hear him right. But his grip on your hand and the blush on his face couldn’t be any more obvious tells of his confession.
You felt your heart swell up in happiness as a big grin spread across your face.
“Oh my gosh, you dork, I like you too! I feel kinda dumb now for assuming you were that Twitter page.” If the Earth could open up a hole underneath you and swallow you up, you honestly wouldn’t mind.
“I thought it was cute.”
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magicjesuscup · 4 years
I dunno; it made me laugh
I saw this post:
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And it reminded me about a review (written by a user named Madeline) on  Goodreads about Le Morte d’Arthur by Thomas Malory.
I had to invent games to keep myself invested in the story, like "How Many of the Fight Scenes Can Be Interpreted as Gay Sex Scenes?" The answer, dear reader, is A Lot. "By that Sir Launcelot was come, then he proffered Sir Launcelot to joust; and either made them ready, and they came together so fiercely that either bare down other to the earth, and sore were they bruised. ...and so they rushed together like boars, tracing, raising, and foining to the mountenance of an hour; and Sir Launcelot felt him so big that he marvelled of his strength, for he fought more liker a giant than a knight, and that his fighting was durable and passing perilous. For Sir Launcelot had so much ado with him that he dreaded himself to be shamed, and said, Beaumains, fight not so sore, your quarrel and mine is not so great but that we may leave off. Truly that is truth, said Beaumains, but it doth me good to feel your might, and yet, my lord, I showed not the utterance." "And then they hurled together as wild boars, and thus they fought a great while. For Meliagaunce was a good man and of great might, but Sir Lamorak was hard big for him, and put him always aback, but either had wounded other sore."
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