peepingtoad · 4 years
🍺 oops?
(very old) meme asks; {x} || @asaraltu​
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🍺 - Get drunk and wake up completely naked cuddled up to my muse
It was deathly quiet when he woke up. 
That meant that whatever the hell had happened last night, he’d gotten smashed enough for the big guy to finally reach his limits and pass out. 
Probably more impressive, however, was the fact that once his dark eyes fluttered unevenly open to gaze upon a dim scene of carnage he had absolutely no recollection of (not unusual in itself), it quickly became apparent that he was still absolutely wasted. There was definitely at least four of everything he saw, and there was no telling whether the world was tilting, or he was, or both—so he soon gave up on pushing himself up onto his elbows and rolled over with a gravelly groan…
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… Which turned into a series of splutters and huffs as he was forced to rid his mouth of sudden… hair?
And an abundance thereof, no less. 
But more notable than that though, was the fact that his bare chest found itself pressed against an equally bare back, emanating warmth and expanding gently with each slow, soporous breath. Ohohoho, well fancy that! Looked like he'd bedded himself a gorgeous… (blindly and clumsily his hand groped, finding the slight curve of a hip, then traversing up the expanse of tacky flesh until, with an indulgent squeeze)… man!
With difficulty, Jiraiya forced his eyes open again, stuck shut as they were with the crumbling remnants of black kohl. The sticky residue of sweat he could feel coating him from head to foot also lent his unfamiliar partner a deliciously sleazy glow as he carefully coaxed him closer, rolling him onto his back, his head lolling towards him… which had his jaw going slack.
Well fuck… he’s gorgeous!
Greedily his eyes took the stranger in, multiple after-images and all, which perhaps enhanced what an absolute catch he’d somehow landed himself with. He was pretty damn sure this couldn’t just be a severe case of beer goggles, and as his gaze slid down the man’s supine form in all its lean beauty, so too did his hand follow, until the thin blanket that only just covered his modesty proved too strong a temptation to resist.
So he didn’t.
“Nice,” he mumbled out loud, nodding with approval.
There was, however, a niggling sense that there was something else he should be remembering here, something nebulous that was stirred into being as he peered shamelessly at that which was no longer hidden beneath the sheets in his grasp. Something about how the previous night started that made him think there was something very different about this guy, but…
Meh. Don’t care. Too drunk. 
Why trouble oneself over the details, besides, when there’s a perfectly good chest to lie on and a beautiful body to hold?
Hell, maybe when the guy woke up he’d even be up for another round!
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peepingtoad · 4 years
thread masterpost || @asaraltu
Main Verse (post-canon): Hi to Abura (all content)
Thread: A Wild Bastard Appeared
   || Mini interaction : 2 Idiots, 1 Coin    || Mini interaction: Intimidation    || Mini interaction: A Stronger Tolerance    || Mini interaction: Haircare 1 || 2    || Mini interaction: Personal Space
Thread: Ugliness
   || Related interaction: A Nightmare    || Related interaction: Sex Dream    || Mini interaction: Notions of Nudity
Thread: Hot Mess
Thread: Tribulations
   || Related interaction: A Nightmare    || Mini interaction: Secret Side    || Mini interaction: What’s For Dinner?    || Mini interaction: Happy Ending    || Mini interaction: Beautiful 
Thread: Snap ( still dunno why it’s called that, I think because I went ‘oh snap!’ )
Thread: Festivities
   || Mini interaction: Leave A Bruise    || Mini interaction: Not A Saint 
Thread: Wrong Impression 
   || Mini interaction: Take It Slow
Thread: Breakup/Reunion One Thread: It’s A Date
   || Mini interaction: A Rinne Festival Gift
Thread: Collapse
   || Mini interaction: Letters
Thread: Reunion Two
   || Related interaction: More Than Life    || Related interaction: Stay In Bed!    || Mini interaction: Commitment
Thread: Jealousy
Thread: Worthy
   || Mini interaction: Baby Fat    || Mini interaction: Madara’s birthday    || Mini interaction: A New Year’s Kiss
Thread: Sweet Submission 
Thread: Kiss & Tell
AU Verse (founders): Futsukayoi (all content)
Thread: A Night To Remember
Ship inspiration tag {x}
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