#{Gosh I'm sorry darling!}
singsweetmelodies · 8 months
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you filling my cup (the sun coming up)
Pierre grips the phone hard enough that the plastic case cuts into his fingers. “You're telling me that if Charles doesn't get knotted soon, he could – he could literally die?” Suddenly, the sheer panic in Joris’ voice makes sense. “Why the hell haven't you gotten him to an alpha already?!” Pierre half-yells down the line. “That's the thing,” Joris says, and he sounds more stressed than ever. “He's only asking for you.”
The one where Charles’ drink gets spiked with the omegaverse version of a fuck-or-die drug. (Pierre helps.)
Written for the inimitable @hourcat - happy (very belated) birthday, my love <333
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cuubism · 1 year
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Déjà vu, Déjà connu
Chapter 3/11. 20k. E, Sexual Content, Secret Identities, Romantic Tropes, Developing Relationship. The "what if Eleanor was actually Dream in disguise" fic.
Chapter 3 - Eleanor, Part II.
The story of this marriage can't last forever. But Dream will enjoy it while it does.
Read from the beginning on AO3
[ cover image: The Kiss by Edvard Munch ]
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zaras22 · 10 months
i just read a super good kaeya fic and i'm thinking about his hangout again aahhyhdhxhdhchc
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heartfullofleeches · 15 days
[Suggestive, Sub/Masochist Yandere, hair pulling]
Timid Darling who wears rings panicking as their jewelry gets stuck in their boyfriend's, Sammy's, hair as they compliment its new growth. He's been growing out recently and it's so silky when he actually washes it they just have to touch it whenever they can. Sam's a gentle giant, but even a guy like him has to be losing his patience with how hard Darling is tugging on his hair. Soon as they get one finger free another ends up getting caught.
This whole while Sammy's just staring down at them. He's not even trying to help- It's like he wants them to nearly tear his hair out. He's pissed, isn't he?- He's just too polite to say it.
"O-oh, gosh... Sammy, I'm so so sorry. A-am I hurting you?"
He's always been quiet, but the heft of his quickening breath makes it near impossible to make his words out.
"h...harder.... Pull it til you break my neck..Its alright if.. It's alright if it's you.. Ngh.... Where did you get them?. the rings... Have to buy you more...."
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alastorss · 8 months
Gosh I love all of your posts! 😘 I was wondering what your thoughts would be on Alastor trying to court his darling? We all know he’s a gentleman at heart and is very proper. So how would he go about trying to win them over?
• He wouldn't tell anyone except for a very very small select few that he thinks he wants to be more with you. Maybe only Rosie honestly. The Great Radio Demon would never normally ask for help but this is uncharted territory for him
• Rosie would be so excited, acting like a gossiping wine aunt and doing her best to direct Alastor
"You know how you treat Vox? Don't do that."
"You know how you treat Lucifer? Don't do that."
"You know how you treat—"
"Rosie. I get it."
• He does his best to save you a seat beside him whenever he's lounging in the lobby. And even though he wouldn't let you into his bedroom, he would definitely let you know that if you ever need anything at all, you can come find him at any time
• Would know your favourite breakfast, lunch and dinner and regularly have it made for you. You technically don't have to eat anything to survive but he likes the way your eyes light up when you see what's waiting for you downstairs anyway
• Usually he hates when people get near him before he can do it to them—he likes the control he has invading other peoples' space and not when it happens to him
• But he actually enjoys the feeling of your hands and how gentle you are. Has 0 qualms about you being touchy with him because unlike when others get too close, he feels no malice from you. You make him feel comfortably safe
• Alastor would 100% be overprotective of you even if he's not directly hovering over your shoulder. Always keeping an eye on you when you go out and discreetly stepping in when others are too handsy with you
• He would play old tunes for you on the piano, staying up with you well into the night just to watch you sit on the back of it and listen with a smile
• You're not from the same era so he tries to learn about all the technology from your time, even though he despises it
• Eventually others get the hint that Alastor might see you as more than just a friend and try to set the two of you up in their meddlesome ways
"Here they come!" Angel sticks out his leg to trip you and you conveniently fall right into Alastor's arms. He would raise a brow but not question the help.
"I'm sorry!"
"Quite alright, darling."
• On that note, knows that you get a little flustered when he uses pet names so he makes sure to call you his dearest/darling often
• Has you fix his bowtie in the morning. Like, he purposefully leaves it a little undone so that when he sees you, you immediately have a reason to be near him
• When walking with him, he'll always link arms with you and treats you like royalty
• I can't imagine him actually asking you out or anything, he just started acknowledging you as a companion and you went along with it
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling @dragons-and-dwarves-are-nice @averylonelysea @bri22222 (send an ask to be added!)
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twizzie-lairs · 7 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 10)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 |
Part 9 | Part 10
Part 10:
Your head felt like it was splitting, you could feel your brain pounding against the outside of your skull.
"Ah shit... everything fucking hurts...." you can barely whisper out loud due to your dried-up throat.
You clear your throat and open your eyes, to your surprise, you weren't left for dead on the street.
Instead, you see two girls hovering over you. One held your hand clasped in theirs, and the other had a spear pointed at your throat.
"Oh my gosh, you're awake! Finally!" The girl holding your hand said, leaning closer to your face. The girl with the spear and an 'X' over one of her eyes squinted at you and nudged the blonde girl back with her spear, "Who are you, and why shouldn't I kill you?"
You try to sit up, but the spear gets shoved closer to your throat before you can move. You sigh, "My name is (y/n). I don't want to hurt anyone. I just... I need help..."
Your answer earns a glare from the girl with the spear, but the blonde girl just nudges her with her elbow, "See, Vaggie? I told you!"
The blonde takes both of your hands in hers, "Hi (y/n), I'm Charlie! Charlie Morningstar and you're at the Hazbin Hotel! We aim to help rehabilitate sinners and offer them a chance at redemption to go to Heaven!"
The girl you now know whose name is Vaggie glares at you, "Are you even interested in redemption?"
You look at both of the girls, "I... I don't know. I'm not so sure but... I don't have anywhere to go and I need help finding someone.." You trail off as you start getting teary-eyed thinking about your love, Alastor.
Seeing you near tears clearly startled Chalie and Vaggie, it wasn't a response they were used to when asking sinners to stay at the hotel.
Vaggie set down the spear, deciding that you clearly weren't a threat. She could see the look in your eyes, one she knew very well- love. Meanwhile, Charlie is sniffling and getting teary-eyed right along with you, "Oh my gosh, we will do everything we can to help you find that person! Who are they, how can we help?"
You look up at the ceiling and then look at Charlie with a weak smile, "The love of my life... I miss him so dearly... I know he has to be here in Hell too." You chuckle lovingly, knowing he'd forgive you if he ever found out you said that out loud.
The floodgates were blown wide open and Charlie started sobbing and wailing, "Vaggieeeee, VAAAGGIEEEEEEE, th-they! They're looking for their LOOOOVEEEEEEEE. IT'S SO BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!"
Vaggie walked over to Charlie and scooped her up, giving you a gentle smile, "Hey... (y/n), sorry about threatening you earlier... I gotta take Miss Princess and calm her down, and then inform the other residents of a new arrival. But if you need anything, just give us a holler, okay? You're still healing so... take it easy."
You nod as a smile tugs at the corners of your lips, "It's okay... No offense taken... Thank you Vaggie, and thank you Charlie, for agreeing to help me.."
All you hear as Charlie is carried away is the sounds of wailing and crying muffled sounds over the words, "SHE'S HERE FOR LOVE... WAAAHHHHHH, IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL VAGGIEEE!!!!"
You try to sit up again, this time, no spear to bar you from trying to move this time. Your body groans in protest, though it doesn't hurt nearly as much as before, but as you assess the condition of your body, you notice you have bandages all over you. They must have been treating you while you were unconscious.
"Such sweet girls... they didn't even know me, yet they saved my life.... I need to remember to thank them again later.."
Very slowly, you swing your legs over the side of the bed and with a bit of effort, bring yourself to your feet. Hands holding yourself against the wall, you make your way over to what you assumed would become your bathroom during your stay here.
Your hands grip the sink as you look in the mirror when a small doubt enters your brain. You didn't look completely the same as you did when you were alive, which meant you had no idea if Alastor was even going to recognize you. Perhaps he even forgot about you... since it's been so many decades since you've been in Hell. Hell, you weren't sure you were even going to be able to recognize him...
"Enough of this... I'm sure he'll remember me.. he has to..." you whisper to yourself in the mirror as a crooked but tear-stained smile graces your hell-altered face.
After washing up your reddened face from all the tears, you made your way back to your bed. A deep sigh left your body as you plopped down gently on the bed.
Though you can't help but feel restless, as you sit there, just thoughts consuming your head.
In as bad of a shape as you might be, walking around even just a little bit helped you regain a little bit of strength, so you decided to make yourself decent after you had discovered that there was a change of clean clothes for you in dresser in the corner of the room.
Looking at yourself in the full body mirror on the back of the bathroom door, you smiled because it felt good to not look like a hot garbage fire- even though you could still see most of the bandages, at least you weren't all tattered and visibly bloody anymore!
Another deep sigh left your lips yet again, though this one was filled with determination. You turn the handle on the door and exit your room.
In your head, you thanked whoever built this hotel because you were so thankful that there were railings or some type of furnishing to hold onto whenever you felt yourself getting wobbly.
You didn't know where Charlie or Vaggie, or where any of the staff or other residents could be, hell, you didn't even know where the lobby was!
But on that last note, as you wandered around and regained some strength in your legs, you started to have an idea of where the lobby was located because you started to see more light and heard some voices talking.
Might as well go introduce yourself, right? No time better than the present to start making introductions, even if you still felt a little bit like shit still. You felt even shittier just laying around, you felt like if you weren't on the go constantly- you'd never make any headway on finding Alastor.
So there you were, slowly descending the stairs to the lobby when you heard Charlie call out your name, " (y/n)! Oh my gosh, you shouldn't even be up right now! Are you feeling okay??"
A weak smile creeps up on your face as you start to feel embarrassed that Charlie is fawning all over you in front of what seems to be her friends.
You chuckle, "Yeah, haha, just feeling kinda restless and thought i'd introduce myself is all!"
Charlie gently takes your hand and pulls you over to the rest of the group that had been chatting while seated on various sofas and armchairs that were centered around a coffee table- no TV's in sight, just a single radio perched on top of the mantle in this living room/lobby hybrid space.
"Guys! I am honored to introduce you to the newest guest to the Hazbin Hotel, this is (y/n)!!"
"Nice to meet cha, the name's Husk, the bartender."
"Hey there toots, bet ya look mighty fine underneath those bandages. Better not give me a run for my money as most gorgeous resident! Oh yeah, the name's Angel Dust, by the way."
"Hi, i'm Nifty! Nice to- BLEGH, you're a woman! Ew!" Nifty said before cackling as she scuttled away to stab some bugs nearby.
"Well, you already know me and Charlie," Vaggie said as she patted you on the shoulder gently.
"It looks like the only one who isn't here is Alastor. Shouldn't he be back soon?" Charlie said as she pulled out her phone to check the time.
To her, that seemed like such a mundane and normal sentence. But to you, it felt like time stopped and you froze upon hearing his name.
Alastor... here?
-> Part 11
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suiana · 2 months
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(yandere! teaching assistant x gn! reader)
"and that will be all for today, thanks for joining-"
before he could even finish his sentence, people were already leaving the zoom meeting. the male blinks, staring at his screen with a shocked expression before he sighs and juts his lip out.
"zero people are following you..."
the teaching assistant mutters, letting out a soft whimper before he covers his face in his hands.
damn it! why were kids so brutal? he was trying his best here... and not even a single goodbye?
"stop presenting..."
he sobs, peeking at the words on the screen before crumbling even more. his hand shook with each sob that came from his throat, his figure hunched up over his table. the camera records his every move, broadcasting his breakdown in front of a relatively empty zoom meeting...
that still had you in it.
but it seems that he was not aware, or had forgotten about your presence for he was muttering to himself, crying in front of his dusty camera that managed to capture each and every one of his movements perfectly.
you could only stare awkwardly as your teaching assistant breaks down into tears in front of you. i mean, what were you to do? he was crying his heart out! and as the teacher... should you help? i mean, you weren't even there physically with him!
so you did what you thought was best.
"h-huh..? 1 p-person is following you..?"
your teaching assistant looks up from his hands, eyes glassy as he stares at his screen in front of him. his eyes brighten considerably, a small smile creeping onto his features before he shakes in his chair.
"oh dear student! how great you are! you are here to say goodbye to me aren't you? how sweet of you-"
he rambles slightly, eyes curled into half moons as he clicks on the participants list, eager to thank the 'student' who had 'stayed to wish him goodbye'...
only to be met with your name. the teacher.
"a-ah?! you're still here?! oh god i'm so sorry-"
"it's fine. um... have a good rest of your day. you did well."
you watch in slight amusement as your teaching assistant fumbles with his glasses, muttering apology after apology as his cheeks grow even more redder than before. you let out a soft hum as he wishes you goodbye before quickly exiting the meeting.
'what a funny guy,'
you think to yourself, chuckling as you end the meeting and forget about what happened as you prepare for your next class.
meanwhile, your teaching assistant had decided to seek refuge in his pillows. gosh, his heart was beating so fast he swears it's going to burst out of his chest! you! his beloved darling! had told him he did well?! and stayed with him to wish him a good day?! this is the best day of his life!
what? you witnessed his breakdown?
eh, that's not that important.
what's more important, is the fact that you had stayed in the meeting together with him! and even wished him a good day! that practically means you love him too, right? that you love him? ah, he should start planning your wedding already! would you like a big one? a small one? do you want to wear a suit or a dress? a mix of both? oh, so many things to consider...
if only he remembered that you couldn't end the meeting until everyone had left.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
nearly finished w the event now hehe
#tag later#i admire grimnir so much i really really like him oh gosh i swear characters like him mean so much to me#I LOVE THE OST SO MUCH GOD I LOVE GIRLS SO MUCH#WAIT SEEING EUROPA SMILE LIKE THIS . 😭😭#everything together. really is beautiful isn't it. yeah i v much agree :^)#hdfkajsdf forgiveness.. 🥹 <3#OH MY GOD GRIMNIR SHOWED UP N I IMMEDIATELY SMILED FUCK#I GASPED . THE ART LOOKS SO GOOD FUCK I'M#AHHHHH IT LOOKS SO SO GOOD I'M SO EMOTIONAL#SHIVA DEAREST W THE LIGHT IN THE BACK! EUROPA DARLING YOU LOOK SO ETHEREAL. ALEXIEL MY LOVE GIRLBOSS KISS ME#N THEN DJEETA OFC BB ILYVM N#GRIMNIR 🥹#LOOK AT HIM ON THE RIGHT OVER THERE#I'M SO HAPPY I'M SO HAPPY I'M SO STRESSED BUT THIS REALLY CHEERED ME UP SO MUCH#LOOK AT HIM MY BELOVED 😭😭#OH I'M AT THE ENDING NOW AAAA#SHIVA HFLSAKDFJSDLKF HIS THIRD EYE 🥺#FUCK THE ART OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I'M GOING CRAZY THIS IS.#THEY'RE ALL SO PRETTY I'M SO SORRY I'M. GRIMNIR HE LOOKS SO PRETTY. HDFLKASJFKLDSJ I'M NOT OKAY#all of them look so goddamn beautiful n this just. makes me so so happy aa#GRIMNIR MY LOVE#SHIVA'S SANCTUARY AAAAAA ><#GRIMNIR. I FEEL SO EMOTIONAL BRO SEEING HIM LIKE THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY#I'M EMOTIONAL WAIT NO I CAN'T DO THS#'maybe i should have relied on my friends more' oh my god . 'i tired doing everything alone' &. i can't write the rest anymore i#find peace even though. 'thank you' & 'i'm sorry.' oh i'm crying now 'i finally got to say it' oh this is personal#w the primal beasts that was. i really loved that. i'm a bit at a loss for words rn though oh dear#hehe grimnir w his freedom though 🥹 the wind..#now i'm smiling like an idiot. grimnir complimenting shiva but he used the words grimnir imparted to him#hdfkajd grimnir rlly is so charming.. WAIT AHHH EUROPA'S MAKING ME SHY OH MY GOD HELP NO WAIT
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marvelsswansong · 9 months
Imagine corio seeing a woman flirt with r he’s so confused cuz he’s used to disgusting men after her only
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no but like seriously 🌞👉👈
Corio isn't oblivious to the fact that there is a price for dating someone as beautiful as you. Namely, that others - doesn't matter if they're complete strangers or close working colleagues - will secretly want you, with some of them even being bold enough to try and entice you.
This is all much to his annoyance, as he tries being very public about the fact that you're his. Think constant arm around your waist, aggressive kisses in public, loudly calling you 'darling' from across the room. But that doesn't seem to deter everyone.
Especially not the types of men in the Capitol.
If he's feeling calmer that day, he might just stop at glaring at the man whilst pulling you away by the waist, or knocking the breath of you by suddenly grabbing your face and kissing you fiercely for the crowd of men to see. If he's in a sour mood, or it's been a hard week, you have to be careful to keep an eye on the blonde in case he flies into a fit of rage and his mind starts to scan the room for whatever is sharp and capable of causing damage.
"Sometimes I feel as if I have to babysit you." you would tease after one particularly harsh night, where you and Corio get thrown out of a house party after he smashed another man's face into the wall and then proceeded to twist the man's arm to the point of almost breaking a bone. Granted, the man had been extremely aggressive towards you and making very inappropriate comments, but it'd been rather awkward to see the stranger be carried onto an ambulance whilst the head of the household ordered the both of you out.
Chest heaving and knuckles still bruised from the impact, he'd just kiss you again, his tongue tasting of copper.
"Can't help it. You're too pretty." he whispers, and all your criticisms of him would fly out the window.
But Coriolanus is always less guarded when it's a woman around you. After all, you have so many best friends who are women, you spend so much time around grandma'am and Tigirs, and so on. He just associates women being around you with platonic love and comfort.
So when you leave him to go get some drinks at the bar, a fancy upper east side bar you've been begging to go to, he's too busy searching the room for potential men who approach you to notice the red haired woman beelining towards you. She bumps into you 'on accident', pink champagne spilling over the tip of the glass just a bit - a light splash on your jeans, but nothing too bad.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." she quickly says, grabbing a nearby napkin to hand it off to you. Coriolanus watches the interaction from the back of the club, the specifics of your conversation with her unintelligble over the loud music, but he doesn't think anything much of it. Even when the auburn haired woman's fingers brush against yours whilst exchanging the napkin.
He watches as you smile politely at her, probably telling her that it's okay, before turning around to the bartender to make an order. The woman next to you continues to talk to you through out the exchange, which again doesn't raise any red flags to Corio.
After all, women are very friendly by nature. It's normal that someone, especially a stranger who feels bad for spilling a drink on you, wants to continue to talk to you.
You don't think much of it either on your end, other than thinking that she - Clara, she tells you her name after a soft giggle - is very nice.
It's only when the drinks arrive and the woman stops you, lightly sitting you back down and brushing away the hair from your eyes, that Coriolanus starts feeling rather odd. The sudden wide eyes on your face and the red haired woman's smirk, before she slides you a piece of paper from her back pocket and lets you go, raises a lot of questions in his mind.
His top options? Something along the lines of bribery or illegal drugs. Or maybe she's using you to get something from him. Or maybe she wants something from your family.
What he doesn't expect, is for you to come back totally speechless, fingers deftly hanging onto the small piece of paper. You look somewhere between embarrassed and shocked, refusing to meet your boyfriend's eyes as you sit down next to him. He frowns at that, patting his lap instead.
Normally, you'd sit on his legs without a second thought. This time though, you hesitate.
"What'd she want? Drugs? Mone-" he growls, only to be cut off by the stranger.
"So you weren't lying. You do have a boyfriend." the red haired woman cuts into the conversation, now sitting on the velvet chair across from you. Coriolanus swears his jaw almost drops when the woman laughs seductively, winking at you whilst uncrossing her legs.
"You can sit on my lap instead, honey."
"I, you- I just-" Coriolanus starts speaking in an attempt to swear or scare her off, but his mind totally blanks.
You've never seen your boyfriend this flustered. His pale complexion breaks into a dark shade of red, his usually stern gaze darting back and forth between you and the woman, his speech stuttered and jumbled. It's YOU who ends up having the composure to let her down gently, holding out the paper with her phone number out towards her and informing her that you love your boyfriend very much and you're not that interested.
She pouts at that, and it makes your boyfriend's jaw clench so hard his face aches.
"Aw... alright, darling. But keep the paper. You know, just in case you wanna play."
With a wink and a hair flip, she disappears into the dark crowd of sweaty bodies and loud music. It's only then that your boyfriend snaps into action, taking the paper into his hands and shredding it to pieces.
"She called you darling." he snarls, angry. "Only I get to call you darling."
You just giggle, kissing away his sour expression, before tugging at his sleeves.
"Come on, forget about it. Let's just dance." you say, the alcohol in your veins still making you feel buzzed. He complies, never being able to say no to you, but the entire night, he can't help but hold you very close and glare at everyone who approaches you or even looks at you.
Regardless of their gender.
Now, he has to protect you from everyone, he thinks.
BONUS SCENARIO (later in the night)
You've had one too many drinks and yell into Coriolanus' ear that you really need to go to the bathroom. You clutch your handbag and stumble into the corridor, leaving your boyfriend alone by the bar. A stunning blonde woman slides into the empty seat next to him, glossy lips parting to ask a question.
Thinking she's going to hit on him, he raises his right hand, stopping her on the spot.
"I'm not interested, sorry."
The woman scoffs at that, ordering a tequila shot and almost glaring at him.
"Neither am I, genius. I was just wondering if you knew the name of the cutie who just went to the bathroom."
The moment you come back, he practically drags you out of the bar and hails a cab back to the apartment.
He's had enough of women trying to steal you from him. At least for that night.
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a/n: hope you guys like this small type of blurbs too in between major fics hehe
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justlemmeadoreyou · 4 months
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okayyyy so here is something short n shitty on these new pics that my brain whipped up! tell me if you like this!
words: 1.3k~ish
warnings: flirting, fluff.
You loved coming out to this little nook to capture scenes of the city on canvas. Today felt especially inspiring with the beautiful spring weather.
You begin laying out your brushes and squeezing out vibrant shades of paint onto your palette. Losing yourself in the simple motions, you barely notice the passersby around you. That is, until a very familiar voice pipes up from behind.
"Excuse me, miss? Your paintings are absolutely lovely."
You freeze, brush hovering in the air. No, it couldn't be... Slowly, you turn around and your jaw drops. There, flashing his signature dimpled grin, stands Harry Styles himself. Your ultimate celebrity crush in the flesh, mere feet away.
"H-Harry? Harry Styles?" you stammer out, eyes wide.
He chuckles softly. "The one and only. I'm out on a morning stroll and I couldn't help but stop to admire your work. You've got a brilliant talent there."
Your cheeks flush bright pink. "Oh my gosh, thank you! You're—you're really here. I can't believe it!" 
Trying not to completely fangirl and scare him off, you take a deep breath to collect yourself. Harry Styles is complimenting your art. This is actually happening.
"Sorry, I'm just—wow, I'm such a huge fan of yours. Your music means so much to me."
He smiles warmly. "I'm glad you enjoy it, love. Say, would you maybe be interested in doing a little commission for me? Painting my portrait?"
You nearly drop your palette right then and there. "You want me to paint you? Like, really?"
"If you're up for it, yeah! I'd be honoured."
Nodding fervently, you scramble to set up a fresh canvas on your easel. "Yes, absolutely! I'd love to! Just...just tell me how you'd like to pose." 
As Harry arranges himself into a relaxed seated position, you take a moment to study his striking features. From the soft chestnut curls framing his face to those entrancing emerald eyes, he is perfect subject material. Your heart pounds rapidly in your chest.
"Okay, perfect, just like that. Stay right there and I'll get started!"
You take a steadying breath before putting brush to canvas, carefully mapping out Harry's form in broad strokes. The two of you fall into an easy back-and-forth conversation as you work, chatting about everything from his latest album to your shared hometown.
"I've gotta say, your Cheshire accent is pretty damn charming," Harry remarks at one point with a playful wink.
You giggle shyly. "Why thank you, kind sir. Yours isn't too bad either."
Harry throws back his head with a deep, raspy chuckle that has your toes curling in your shoes. "Is that so, darling? Well in that case..." He leans in close enough for you to smell his intoxicating cologne, voice lowering to a sultry murmur. "Perhaps later you'll allow me to read you a bedtime story?"
"Harry!" you gasp in flustered exasperation, half-heartedly swatting his arm as he cackles victoriously. The two of you are so caught up in your playful banter that you barely notice the small crowd starting to gather, whispering and snapping photos as word spreads that the one and only Harry Styles is getting his portrait done.
Harry waves jovially at his fans but remains focused on you, keeping up the easy banter.
"How's it looking over there, Picasso? Doing me justice?"
Glancing up, you smirk. "Well, it's hard to improve upon perfection, but I'm giving it my best shot."
He smiles, and swears he felt his heart skip a beat at your words. "Such flattery! And here I thought you were just a pretty face with those big doe eyes."
You roll said eyes dramatically as your cheeks flush. "Oh, stop trying to put me off, you flirt!"
Over the next little while, you alternate between studying Harry's striking features with lazer-like intensity and flushing furiously whenever he catches you staring. At one point, he pointedly clears his throat.
"You know, most artists usually start on the face when doing portraits," he remarks with a teasing lilt.
Cheeks flaming again, you force your gaze away from the rippling muscles of his forearms where you'd been fixated like a teenager. "Hush you, I'm simply taking my time with the background work first."
"If you say so," he chuckles but obediently returns to stillness, allowing you to slowly build up brushstrokes on the canvas.
Time seems to fly by as your brush strokes bring Harry's image vibrantly to life on the canvas. The swarm of onlookers grows steadily bigger, phones clicking away to document the scene. Several times you have to politely ask people not to get too close and obstruct your view.
With one last few delicate strokes to bring out the shine in Harry's eyes, you finally lean back with a satisfied smile.
"Well, Mr. Styles...what do you think?"
Harry rises from his pose and steps over to admire your handiwork, lips parting in an impressed grin.
"Wow...Y/N, this is incredible! You captured me perfectly!"
You beam proudly, butterflies erupting in your stomach at his praise. "I had some pretty gorgeous subject matter to work with."
Chuckling, Harry carefully plucks the canvas from the easel. "You've definitely earned your payment and then some. Name your price, love."
After some back-and-forth haggling that has the crowd laughing, Harry hands over a generous sum of cash and pulls you in for a warm hug.
"Truly, thank you for this. I'll cherish it forever!"
You bite your lip shyly as he pulls away. "You're more than welcome. Can't say I mind immortalizing that handsome face on canvas."
Harry tosses you one last wink before turning to greet his clamoring fans, the sea of people quickly engulfing him and carrying him off down the street.
As he's shuffled away, Harry feels a pang of disappointment that he didn't get a chance to ask for your number or make plans to see you again. He spent the whole time shamelessly flirting and getting flustered by your adorable blushes and quips. Now he may never get the opportunity to take you out on an actual date.
Once he's finally escorted into his awaiting car, Harry lets out a frustrated huff and runs a hand through his tousled hair. He'd been so wrapped up in your captivating presence that he didn't even think to get your contact information before being mobbed. Rookie mistake.
"Stupid, stupid," he mutters under his breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
Just as he's resigning himself to having let a potential connection slip through his fingers, something catches Harry's eye. He glances down at the canvas you had been painting him on, safely tucked onto the seat beside him, and a slow smile spreads across his face.
There, just peeking out from the backside wrapped around the frame, is a scribbled set of numbers. Hurriedly, Harry flips over the painting to inspect further. He lets out a delighted laugh at what he finds.
It's a phone number! Trailing below it in your handwriting are the words "In case you need your portrait updated ;) -Y/N"
feedback | masterlist |
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli
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@mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @daphnesutton @youcan-nolonger-run @chesthairrry
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Hi vivi it's me👹
(Aka lando's wife ofc)
first of all, CONGRATULATIONS ON 6K !! gosh it feels like somedays ago you had 5k 😭
Can i please request a lando fic where the reader is going feral with his wins, achievements, posts and what not and it's just slow burn to a point where they both (and us, the ones reading) can't take it anymore?
(It can be smut, fluff, angsty, humorous idm! All upto youu)
Congratulations on 6k once againnn !!!!
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HELLO MY DARLING! I'm so sorry this has been in my inbox for so long but I've decided to combine these requests bc... it felt like a good idea I suppose
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The first win was Miami. She was there. Of course she was there; Lando took her everywhere.
Her nails had been between her teeth since lap one. And then the safety car came out. An engineer had to hold her to keep her calm.
And then max was just behind him. But that gap kept building. And building. Every time it changed her heart was in her mouth and she wanted to throw up.
She hadn't meant to drop to her knees when Lando crossed the finish line on the last lap. But hearing the words "LANDO NORRIS WINS THE MIAMI GRAND PRIX" had simply been too much for her.
She was squashed against the barrier with the rest of the McLaren team, watching lando on the top step of the podium for the first fucking time.
She wanted to kiss him. When he jumped out of the car, when he pulled off the helmet, just before he jumped into the arms of his team. She would have kissed him then.
His next win was Silverstone, his home Grand Prix. It was a different story on track, a closer fight between him and Max, but Lando ultimately finished first.
It was the same story for her. Being crushed against the barriers by the team as he celebrated. This time Lando ran to her, pulled her into his arms quickly over the barrier. But he didn't kiss her.
She was so fucking happy as she watched him spray the champagne over Max and Catlos, don't get me wrong. But there was a little bit of disappointment settling in her heart.
Fuck, she wanted to kiss him. What an asshole (but, of course, she meant it affectionately).
His final win of the season came in Vegas. The race he'd crashed out of last year. It was rather cathartic, winning a race he'd never even finished before.
She was going to kiss him. Fuck everything else.
Lando climbed out of the car and did his usual celebration to the cheering crowd. And then he made his way over to the team, all of them celebrating together.
And then he made his way to her.
Fuck everything else.
As lando pulled her close, she grabbed his sweaty curls. He didn't have much of a choice as she kissed him. But Lando didn't let his surprise shock him into stillness. No, seconds later, he was kissing her back.
Letting go of his curls, she pulled away. "I've always wanted to do that," she said, just loud enough for him to hear.
"Do it again."
She did it again.
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Will Graham X Reader: Academic validation
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Warnings: smut, switch reader x switch will, use of pet names (darling, baby), drinking, fluff, making out, penetration (p in v), cowgirl, oral (f receiving), handjob, female anatomy, gender neutral reader no use of y/n.
Word Count: 2,5K
You really should be paying attention to the lecture. And boy were you trying to but his fucking hands. His fucking hands were driving you insane. Every time he fidgeted with them as he spoke or used them to point out a particular aspect of the crime he was analyzing you found yourself distracted.
It wasn’t hard to have a crush on Will. He was an attractive guy. An attractive slightly older guy who passed off a sort of touch starved vibe. You had a thing for guys like that. The only problem was that he was your teacher. All though you didn’t think that should matter. You were an adult who was capable of making your own choices and so was Will. The real issue was the way that your little crush had started affecting your learning. You tried to pay attention to what Will was saying but as soon as your eyes caught a glimpse of his lips you could help but think of kissing him. You were so deep in thought you didn't notice him finish his lecture. And you didn’t notice as your colleagues shuffled out of the classroom. Your head snapped up at the sound of someone calling your name. Your eyes found Will's frame. He was sitting on top of his desk, eyes locked onto you. You stared at him in silence.
“You okay?”
His brows furrowed in worry as he continued to observe you. Gosh he was cute like this. You shook your head letting out a small laugh.
“Yeah. Sorry Mr.Graham must have gotten caught up in my own head.”
“Will’s fine.”
“Sorry what?”
“Oh uh you can just call me Will.”
“Oh okay Will. I’ll get out of your hair.”
You picked up your textbook, shoving it in your bag before moving down the steps towards Will's desk. You gave him a small smile as you made your way to the door.
“Are you sure you're okay?”
His question made you freeze. You turned around so that you were facing him. His hands were pushed up against his desk drawing attention to his muscles. You bit the inside of your cheek forcing yourself to focus on his face.
“Why do you ask?”
“I just noticed you haven’t been yourself lately. You usually participate a lot in class. But you’ve been really quiet this past week. It got me wondering.”
“Can i be honest?”
“Of course.”
“I’ve had a lot on my mind the last few days and I'm having trouble keeping up in class. I didn't want to say anything because I know what everyone will say.”
“What will they say?”
“That I'm not cut out for this.”
Will let out an understanding hum. He pushed his body off the desk, turning his back to you as he made his way to his chair. You watched him, taking in how his body moved.  On instinct you found yourself moving towards his desk. It was as if there was some invisible force pulling you to him. 
“When I started teaching people thought I wasn't gonna last a week. They thought I was too odd. Too sensitive to handle a classroom dynamic. Do you know what I did?”
You shake your head. 
“I proved them wrong.”
Will grinned at you and you couldn’t help but grin back at him. A moment of silence passed over the room. Will was deep in thought. You could tell just by looking at him. You thought of going on your way but before you could move Will started to speak once more.
“Show me what you’re having a hard time with.”
“Oh no, I couldn't possibly do that. You have to go home and i-”
“Do you have plans?”
You didn’t, not unless you count eating dinner alone and watching a movie before bed as plans. 
“You’re sure I won't be a bother?”
“Not at all. Believe it or not I actually enjoy teaching. Could you just do me a favor first?”
“Yeah sure, what do you need?”
“Close the door will you?”
You placed your bag on Will’s desk before walking to the door. You stuck your head out looking at the empty hall. You shut the door carefully before turning around. Your eyes fell on Will's frame. He was sitting on his desk, his hand slicking back his hair as he waited for you.
You were stuck in a room with Will Graham. 
What had you gotten yourself into?
It turns out there was a lot more you’d missed then you had anticipated. Will didn’t seem to mind though. He went over every case you didn’t remember and never judged you for missing any clues. Even if they were kind of obvious. After a while the two of you drifted into other topics. You told Will about your life and he shared stories of his dogs. At some point Will had pulled out a bottle of whiskey from his desk and everything seemed to go downhill from there.
You were currently sitting on the floor desperately trying to breathe in between laughs. Will had just told you about the time Winston had run away and gotten sprayed by a skunk. 
“ I couldn't get the smell out of the house for a week. And the other dogs didn’t want to go near him. They treated him like he was contagious.”
“You’re kidding!” “I swear!” 
The sound of yours and Will's laugh filled the room again. He let out a deep sigh, finally managing to regain his breath. When you met his gaze he had a smile plastered on his face.
“What is it?”
“Oh nothing. It’s just been a while since I've done something like this.”
“What, gotten drunk in a classroom?”
“Had a fun time with someone.”
Your stomach did a flip at Will's words. You knew he wasn’t a typically social guy but you imagined he had friends. You’d seen him talking to Dr.Bloom a couple of times and couldn’t help but notice how he looked at him.
It was the same way you looked at him. 
Will placed his hand on yours leaning his head to the side.
“Did I say something?”
“No. Sorry. Just having a hard time believing you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Nevermind. I should get going. It's getting late.”
You rose from the ground. Will mirrored your movements, rising to his feet as well. You downed the last of your drink, placing your cup down on Wills desk. You accidentally knocked your bag down in the process, causing your things to go spilling out everywhere.
“Oh fuck me.”
“Here let me help.”
Will crouched down beside you helping you gather your things. The two of you moved without paying too much attention,  the alcohol in your system making you clumsy. Somehow you managed to knock your head into Will's nose.
“Oh shit sorry Will.”
“It’s okay.”
“No it’s not. You might be bleeding. Here let me take a look.”
You guided Will to his chair, your things forgotten on the floor. He sat down, his hand still applying pressure to his nose. You placed a hand on top of him, guiding him to let go. He understood your request. Your fingers moved carefully over his nose, trying to see if anything was bruised. Will hissed as you touched a tender spot.
“It’s okay.”
“I’m not a doctor but i don't think anything is broken. And you're not bleeding so you should be fine.”
Instinctively you placed your hand on Will's cheek. You watched him close his eyes, learning into your touch. Slowly Will opened his eyes. His blue orbs bore into you. He was looking up at you with puppy eyes. Your breath sped up at the sight. His lips parted slightly to whisper your name. Will's hand moved to the back of your leg. He pushed your body closer to his, hand wrapping around your thigh. You lifted your leg allowing him to guide you onto his lap. Will moved his head to the side, moving to kiss your wrist. Your chest rose and fell rapidly as he continued to kiss down your arm. A gasp left your mouth as Will pressed his face into your chest, his arms wrapping around your back as he desperately tried to be closer to you. You could feel his tongue though the fabric of your shirt. The feeling caused you to throw your head back as your hands made their way into Will’s curls. You heard him call your name again making you look down at him. He had his head against your chest, his beautiful blue eyes staring up at you.  
“Can I kiss you?”
Will pulled you down into him, allowing the two of you to be face to face. The kiss was gentle and far too quick for your liking. Your lips parted for each other. Will put his hand on your cheek. His thumb moved over your lips, caressing them. You opened your mouth, tongue darting out to lick the tip of his digit. Will let out a shuddered breath at the action. You smirked at him. 
“You should be careful darling. You don’t know who you’re playing with.”
“Oh yeah? Why don’t you show me?”
The grin that made its way onto Will's face could only be described as wolfish. Before you knew it Will had risen from his seat and placed you on the ground. He wasted no time working his way into your pants. You gasped as his fingers played with your folds.
“This wet already?”
“In all honesty i’ve been wet since we started talking.”
“Jesus baby.”
“I think about you a lot. In class. In bed. Anywhere really.”
“Oh yeah? And what do you think about?”
“Your hands, your back, what you’d look like naked.”
“So that's why you’re behind? Been to busy thinking of fucking me to pay attention.”
Will tugged at your pants, pulling them down your leg. You lifted your hips to help him out. He lent down, placing a kiss to your thighs and you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling. Will grazed his teeth against your skin and then continued to kiss the spot.
“Will, please.”
“What do you want?”
“Anything, just please give me something.”
“Only cause you’ve been good.”
A moan broke from your lips as Will's tongue moved over your folds. You placed your hand over your face, head turning to the side as Will ate you out. He was skilled. A lot more skilled than you’d imagined him to be. The way his tongue moved over your pussy had you screaming out for him. Your sounds seemed to spur him on because whenever you let out a yelp, Will would focus all his energy into that spot. His palm was splayed against your chest, fingers gripping at your breast.
You wrapped your hands around Will's wrist dragging his hand up to your face. You placed two of his fingers into your mouth sucking on them eagerly. Will let out a grunt at the feeling, his hips moving against the carpet for some much needed friction. You watched him hump the carpet like a dog in heat and you couldn’t help but want to pleasure him too. You wanted to make him feel as good as he was making you feel because he deserved it. But at the moment you were far more focused on cumming.
“Will, baby, I'm so close…”
“Yeah. You gonna cum for me?”
“Ah Will-shit ugh-please.”
Will seemed to know exactly what you were begging for. He placed a kiss on your clit as he inserted two fingers into you. The combination of his fingers inside you, his tongue on you and the sight of the blissed out look on his face had you cumming in seconds. You yelled out his name, your hand tugging on his curls as you came. Will laid down beside you as you came down from your high. His hand went to his dick, tugging at his pants in an attempt to get some relief. You tried to catch your breath, tilting your head to look at Will. You noticed how he fidgeted with his hard on. You called out his name, making him tilt his head to look at you. 
“What is it?”
“Touch yourself for me.”
Will hesitated for a moment, eyes searching for your approval.
“It’s okay baby, you can touch yourself. It’s your reward for making me feel good.”
It was funny how quickly you managed to switch roles and by the look on Will's face you could tell he enjoyed it. Will opened his zipper, his hand moving to free his member. You inched closer to him, nuzzling your face into the croak of his neck. Will whined as he started stroking his dick. You unbuttoned his shirt, placing your hand on his skin. You could feel the rise and fall of his chest as he continued to pleasure himself.
“That’s it baby.”
“Oh fuck. Want to…”
“Tell me what you need, Will.”
“Need to be inside of you.”
“Okay, since you’ve been a good boy. I’ll give you what you want.”
You pushed your body off the ground, moving to be on your hands and knees. You crawled over Will's body maneuvering yourself so you were hovering over his dick. You placed your hands on his chest bracing yourself. Will humped into you causing his dick to nudge against your cunt. 
“Ah ah patience Will.”
Slowly you sank down onto his dick. His hands gripped your hips instinctively. You let out a breath, trying to adjust to his size. You clenched around Will, making him grunt at the feeling. You lifted your hips before dropping back down. Will moved in unison with you, his hand playing with your nipples as you continued to ride him. Your nails dug into his chest as you moved, the sounds he was letting out only spurring you on. You could feel your upcoming orgasm causing you to fasten your movements. 
“Fuck i’m gonna cum. Gotta get out darling.”
Will moved to tug you on him but you sank your nails into his shoulders. He looked up at you with a startled look. 
“I’m on the pill. Cum inside just please…fill me up. I want you to fill me up.”
You had no idea what your words did to him but it became clear a few seconds later. You barely had time to register Wills orgasm before your own ripped through you. You sagged onto his chest exhaustion finally catching up to you. Will placed a kiss on your neck before nuzzling his nose into you. You caressed his chest as you two tried to recover.
“Think you’ll be able to pay attention in class now?”
“No fucking way.”
Will's laugh filled the room, his chest vibrating against yours. You couldn’t help but grin at the sound.
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pseudowho · 2 months
Yagi Toshinori/All Might x Reader
Fluff, suggestive
All Might was strong, and soft. You knew this before you started dating (which was an operation performed strictly in secret, so wildly publicised would it be, to be seen on his arm in public).
Candlelit dinners in Musutafu's finest, instead became quiet nights in, with faithful security guards ushering you to the Might Tower penthouse where Toshinori waited, fizzing with excitement.
Instead, Toshinori took delight in stealing your blushes through deliberately poorly-timed whispered compliments. His array of vintage pet names would sound corny, were he any less sincere. It hadn't taken Toshinori long to cotton on to the glee to be found in a secret love affair.
And it hadn't taken long for you to retaliate; which was how you found out how soft the powerful All Might really was.
"I set you free for the rest of the afternoon, young ones! Spend your study time wisely! Strive to be the best you, that you can be!" Toshinori boomed over the heads of the students, filing out before him.
He spun, turning and bending down to you with that familiar trademark grin...only, heartfelt and wicked now, instead of fixed. His voice lowered barely enough to escape the students' notice.
"Of course," he intoned, his breath grazing your ear, setting a shiver down your spine, "my honeybee is already the best she that she could be."
You slapped a handful of books down on the desk, a frisson of electric sending you erect as you turned to him with a warning look in your eye. The warning look quickly died, at his boyish smile and natural warmth, unable to fight a man that you knew absolutely meant it.
Later, you approached him in the busy corridor, schooling your expression to that of polite disinterest in greeting a passing colleague.
Toshinori jostled you, sending papers tumbling to the floor, and apologising profusely in a dramatic hush, bending with you to collect the scattered reports from the floor.
"I apologise-- I really am sorry-- gosh, what a mess!" As people channelled around you, Toshinori's fingers plaited briefly with yours, his voice lowering again. "Not that messy is something my pookie identifies with, though. Not yet."
You dropped the rest of your papers, stuttering as Toshinori scooped them up with a flourish, standing with you and bundling them back into your arms. You stumbled, blushing as he clapped an enormous hand onto your shoulder with a laugh, and a thunderous farewell, leaving you stranded and skittish in the corridor.
In the lunch queue, you felt a shadow darken your tray, and turned, looking up. This time, Toshinori barely even bothered to alter his tone, instead hiding behind the student and faculty's food-related distraction. He plucked a tiny steaming basket from the self-service window, dropping it onto your tray with a muted thmp.
"Dumplings...for my dumpling."
You snapped, grabbing his usual cold brew from the fridge, and popping it onto his tray, smiling sweetly up at him.
"I'm lucky to have such a cute guy choosing lunch with me."
A blush burned over Toshinori's cheeks like you had slapped it on him. You felt a roar of success as, when you were called forwards, you saw Toshinori fumble his tray with enormous hands, his coffee splatting to the floor to his stuttered apologies. You left with a flick of the skirt and a smirk on your lips.
Between lessons, in the stream of shouting students, you felt yourself scooped in one great palm and effortlessly shepherded aside, hearing Toshinori's gravelly tones announce your departure; "My dear, could I borrow a moment of your time to discuss a lesson plan?"
You loaded a bullet as Toshinori pulled you round the corner, sniping him before he could take his shot.
"Darling, I must say--"
"What's such a handsome bear needing with me, in a narrow little corridor?"
Toshinori gasped, a single broad palm pressed to his chest, staggered by the force of his b-dmp. His blush rose from the collar up. He reached one trembling hand out to you as you walked away, leaving him stunned in your wake.
As the day wound to a close, you entered the staffroom, to find Toshinori and Aizawa stood, talking at the window. Toshinori grinned, faltering just so as you approached him with a honeydew smile.
You looped your hand through the crook of his elbow as if you were in black and white, pecked his cheek in a chaste little kiss, and fired off the killshot.
"I've missed you," you chirped, "Hubby."
A strangled choke left Toshinori's throat, and he almost buckled, gripping the window frame hard enough to make it crack with another hand clutching his heart.
Aizawa shot you a look of despair as you walked away, looking between you and Toshinori, who had yet to regain his usual colour. Aizawa called after you as you left, sniggering.
"You can't just do that to him. Hey! Come back! You can't do that to an old man--"
"Aizawa-kun, please--"
You called back over your shoulder. "He had it coming, Shouta. Turns out he can dish it out, but he can't take it!"
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Hii! First time on youe page!Requests? Bet. A performance was demanded of me...And now I have delivered...ENCORE(I miss my fnaf phase ok?😭)
Well, here is the request. Yandere fatui harbingers with a darling who is on a hunger strike(bacically refuses to eat unless freed).
Ty 4 reading my request.
Kidnapping, no consent, killing, unhealthy obsession, torture, force-feed, needles
"Eat! Eat it!!" Scaramouche yelled at you annoyed while trying to force a spoon into your mouth. You refused. You wouldn't eat until they freed you from this miserable place. You didn't care if you starved. But you knew that they wouldnt let you starve because of their lovesick obessions. No way that you would starve on their watch.
"Eat it." Dottore said coldly, his voice making shivers run down your spine. The other fatui harbingers agreed as they stared into your soul. Gosh...you were sick of those lovesick smiles.
"I'm not hungry..." You said turning your head away and crossing your arms.
"Now now, come on dear, don't be like that now." Tartaglia stared at you, his eyes filled with lust and obsession. Pantalone agreed.
"Right, and then who would i spoil with gifts if you died from starvation?" He said, his smile wide as he enjoyed your scent, your beauty, everything about you.
"N-no. Not happening, I refuse..." It was obvious you were hungry, but you couldn't break your promise to not eat until they released you. All that starvation for what? To end your promise now? You wouldn't give up that easily. That's not you. You know better than that.
Everyone sighs deeply, as they glared at you.
"I'll only eat (a tiny amount) if you remove this chain from my ankle.." You managed to mutter out.
*The Fatui Harbingers eyes widened. The thought having you roam around free without them constantly gushing over you was ridiculous. It was obvious that you'd attempt to escape if they did remove the chain.*
"My dear, my dear. You leave us no choice." Arlecchino simply says, her eyes darkening as the others suddenly looked even more obsessive than they already were. You wondered what she meant by "you leave us no choice".
The Fatui Harbingers kiss you (without your consent) and leave the room. They make sure to have atleast 500 fatui agents outside of your room to prevent you from escaping. Even if you had a chain on. But they couldn't take the risk. Especially after your previous attempts.
1 Hour Later
The doors to your room opened and there they were. With fatui agents (the fatui agents were blindfolded because the fatui harbingers didn't want anyone to simply look at you, even the slightest.) carrying 50 dead corpses to your room. The corpses looked familiar...wait! Those were the corpses of your relatives and friends!!
"Now, let's make a deal my love. If you don't eat, we will kill anyone that's dear to you." Capitano smiles obsessively behind his mask.
You saw your mom and dad brutally tortured to death based of the injuries. You began bawling your eyes out as you felt a sharp pain in your back. It was Dottore. He injected a sharp needle that would make you faint and be unconscious for some hours. They forced your unconscious body to eat.
When you woke up you saw Columbina patting your head gently in bed as the other fatui harbingers watched you sleep. Their eyes never leaving. It made you really uncomfortable.
"Isn't it just better to obey us, love?"
(Im sorry if these are cringe and weird. Im still learning how to write proper yandere stories.)
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lovetei · 1 year
Can you write about the demon brothers reacting to MC attempting to flip a bottle and land it but before they do they say,
“If I land this, I’ll kiss Solomon.”
And when questioned why they had that very specific condition they respond with,
“Because I know I won’t land it.”
(Spoiler alert: They do land it and they’re like, “oh…anyways! Solomon wanna make out?”)
Idk why my brain thought of this but here
This have been in my drafts for ages... I'm sorry if this took so long... :')
I'll try to finish as much project and requests as I can promise :)
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MC playing filp the bottle except if they landed it, they go make out with Solomon
Warnings: Grammar errors, not proofread
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
He's sitting in his desk doing the usual
Work, eat, work, sleep
And you're there
Sitting in the floor like a child he needs to babysit
"Hey, Lucifer."
"If I land this flip I'm making out with Solomon-"
What flip?
There won't be any bottles to flip when he shot that plastic bottle with whatever dark energy that is stored inside him.
You just looked at the plastic bottle you're playing with that is now stuck in the wall with a black shadow pinning it.
You looked at Lucifer and he's looking back at you like he didn't do anything
"Ha, MC... Why would you even want that shady sorcerer near you? Asking such specific consequences..." He sighed.
And you responded with a giggle
"I only said that because I know you won't let me land it."
I guess he fell for his darlings trap again.
Hey what are you doing?
Where did that bottle came from?
You have another one?!
Why, are you going to flip it?!-
You grabbed your phone to call Solomon and asked him something but
But before you can even dial his number the same thing that happened to the bottle happened to your phone.
"What are you grabbing MC?" He asked as if he didn't just ruin your phone.
You saw this flip the bottle challenge online when the two of you went to get some things from the human world
And you both decided to make it a trend in the Devildom
But of course you need to be unbeatable to this game first before letting others know about this
So you're in his room, continuously practicing
"If I land this you'll ask for Lucifer's credit card."
"If I land this I'm making out with Solomon."
Wait what?
What did you just say?
The bottle he just threw stopped mid air and the bottle you threw was stopped
It was about to do a perfect land but suddenly,
Coincidentally, a random fire ablazed out of nowhere causing the wind to change and disrupt the landing of your battle
He looked at you in disbelief, his bottle still mid air
"Why did you ask for that..?" He asked his voice low as the bottle slowly descended.
"Because I know you won't let it land, Mammon." You laughed out slowly making him chuckle too
Of course he won't
He's your first man after all, and your kisses are strictly restricted for him and him only-
Did that bottle just landed?
Is that your bottle?!
You better bet he's outside HOL waiting for that damn sorcerer like he's some criminal.
He's the hardest player to play with, to be honest
You don't know if he's good at this because he's a good player
If he's good at this because he can control the water
Or if he's good at this because he's just so lucky
You've been chanting the phrase "If I land this I'll make out with Solomon." For some time now
But the water just kept mysteriously moving mid air causing the bottle to lean sideways and fail to stand up
You look at Leviathan and he just avoided your gaze while sweating
So what you did is
You briefly kissed him on the cheek before saying the same phrase while his mind is lagging and you knew it
The bottle landed and he's just like "H-HWAH?!"
You're grabbing your phone..?
"W-Wait MC!" He tried to stop you from 'calling' Solomon
Well, you're not calling him,
You just put the phone in your ear pretending to do so
"I-I'll make out with you instead, please?!"
Why are you grinni like that..?
This bottle flip challenge is so stupid and so noisy
He just look at you with a book in his hands knowing damn well that the bottle won't land because the water is not enough
"If I land this I'll make out with Solomon!"
Oh wait, the bottle won't land.
He's nervous for a second he's glad he knows it won't land-
Where did that water came from?!
Why is the bottle suddenly half full?!
"MC you little..." He frowned at you, the book no longer important to him
"What I flipped the bottle? It's just fair-"
What bottle are you talking about?
The bottle that is standing before you is now squeezed
And the water 'coincidentally' squirted just enough to have your phone broken
Just as he thought
The bottle wouldn't land.
He's not actually playing with you, just watching you as he dries his nails
"Honey you've been flipping that thing since earlier, aren't your wrist tired?" He whined out.
You just shook your head
Not even bothering to verbally answer him
Except just continuing to flip the bottle
You then sighed before saying "If I land this, I'm making out with Solomon."
Now he's invested~
Oh it landed?!
"Wah~ I want to flip it too!" He suddenly said before grabbing the bottle and flipping it himself
What, he flipped it in first try?
Wait why is his eyes glowing pink?
Did he control it
"Come on now, MC! Call Solomon and tell him he needs to make our with two people!"
So that's how it is...
You're in the kitchen counter
Flipping bottles continuously since earlier
And he's just sitting in front of you on the other side of the counter
Watching you
"If I land this flip I'm making out with Solomon..!" You contracted
His eyes went wide
And before the bottle can even land you heard a crunch
"Tastes good."
Did he just take a bite out of the bottle?
That's one way to solve it...
He's just trying to sleep peacefully...
Stop making so much noise with that damn bottle please!
He's burying his head on so many pillows
You think he can't even breathe anymore
He can't hear you if you just whisper it right?
"If I land this flip I'm making out with Solomon..." You whispered to yourself.
Suddenly some tail hit the bottle and crashed it to the wall
Now there's a hole in the wall with a bottle stuck in it
"I just woke up MC... Don't mess with me." He said.
You just chuckled as you drop yourself on his bed.
You knew it.
Solomon won't stand a chance against a newly wake up Belphegor.
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dolcid · 1 year
Hugging Them ▪︎ Hogwarts Legacy
A/N: wanted to write for the HL boys as well cause I love them too ❤ (tried to keep it gn but 'my lady' is said in Garreth's)
Sebastian Sallow
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Seb would definitely freeze on the spot, cause he's only ever been hugged by his sister before, no one else (not even Omi, due to personal space). But he'd gratefully hug back after the initial shock, loving the feeling of your hands on him, and how safe and warm you make him feel.
Sebastian would be patiently waiting for mc, ready to head into hogsmeade together. It was a usual thing for the two, going into hogsmeade to either shop together or just relax, merlin knows they need it. Suddenly he'd hear an excited call of his name followed by fast paced footsteps, and before he has time to react, you're hugging him.
"Sebastian!" You shout excitedly, unable to contain your affection for him. He had that trick on you. Sebastian would just start turning around when you jumped into his arms, engulfing him in an embrace. Almost tumbling over, Sebastian manages to catch you and stay on his feet.
"MC?" He'd question, recognizing your scent and immediately smiling.
"Hey! Sorry about the random hug, I just...get so excited when I see you." Sebastian would smirk at the confession, chuckling lightly before pulling you in for another hug.
"It's alright darling, I don't mind."
Ominis Gaunt
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Ominis would be tense, not having hugged anyone before due to his familial issues. But once he realizes it's you, he'd slowly reciprocate the embrace, happy to finally feel what love is like, in a physical sense.
While waiting in the undercroft, Ominis would be standing waiting for you. You had asked him about how he read books, and he had wanted to meet up so he could show you. Once you enter the undercroft, he can sense it's you, but before he can get a word out, he's engulfed in a hug. Ominis would blush immensely, keeping his hands in the air as you hugged him, not knowing what to do. You'd mistake his unknowing for uncomfortableness and Immediately back off.
"Gosh, I'm so sorry Ominis, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." You'd say sheepishly, not daring to look up at him. Despite his blindness, he had a stern gaze. Ominis would gather himself before speaking.
"It's alright MC, I just....I've never been hugged before....can we try it again?"
You'd smile brightly and immediately pull him into an embrace, this time feeling his arms wrap around you too.
Garreth Weasley
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Garreth wouldn't be shocked at all. He was born into a HUGE family, so he expects random things like hugs. Well, either hugs or getting pranked, he was always prepared for one of the two.
Garreth would be walking to you in the courtyard. You had asked him to brew you some wiggenweld potions (despite knowing how to do it yourself, his were just better) and meet you in the courtyard. He'd smile once he meets your eye, watching as you smiled brightly, jogging over to him and pulling him into your arms. He'd hug back happily, even if a little blushy.
"Here's your wiggenweld, my lady." You'd laugh at the term and take them happily, stuffing them into your bag before pulling him into another hug.
"Thank you Garreth! You're a life saver."
Reblogs appreciated! These are so short I'm sorry 😓
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