#{Crowned Tsesarevich of Zedessa} Emanuel Valdamir Urzici von Zedessanici XII
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LEGAL NAME: Emanuel Valdamir Urzici von Zedessanici XII DATE OF BIRTH:  N/A NICKNAMES:  Naslednik Tsesarevich Korolevstva Zedessa, 1st Prince of Zedessa GENDER:   Cis Male AGE:  Unknown(50-to-60 physically) SPECIES:  Age Immortal PLACE OF BIRTH:  Kingdom of Zedessa CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS:  Resident of Îngheţ Castle(Frosthill Castle) LANGUAGES:  Russian, Icelandic, German, English, French, Latin, Korean, Japanese, Chinese OCCUPATION:  Aristocrat CRIMINAL RECORD:  None DRINK I SMOKE | DRUGS LIKE[S]:  Coffee, hard alcohol, solitude, peace & quiet, the smell of burning wood DISLIKE[S]:  Discourteous people, rude people, too much noise
FEARS:  N/A PERSONALITY TRAITS:  Cold, blunt, uncaring, workaholoic HAIR COLOR:  Snow white EYE COLOR:  Dull gold HEIGHT:    6′8 Feet
SIBLINGS:  Younger Siblings - Tsarevich Skender Constantin Geza von Zedessanici, Tsarevich Evvann Dumitru Chirila von Zedessanici, Tsarevna Stela Imanuela Enache von Zedessanici, Tsarevich Teodor Flilip Dragonic von Zedessanici, Tsarevna Bianca-Cosmina Pirvu Niculescu von Zedessanici, Tsarevich Mihail Stan Iordanescu von Zedessanici & Tsarevna Rahela Bogdana Stefanescu von Zedessanici PARENT[S]:  Mother - Tsarina Aurika Alexandrescu Eliduca von Zedessanici, Father - Tsar Emanuel Valdamir Urzici von Zedessanici XI, StepMothers - Concubine Rahela, Concubine Sorine & Concubine Ruxandra Preda CHILDREN:  None PET[S]:  None
SEXUAL PREFERENCE:  Pansexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Single, verse dependent
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LEGAL NAME: Skender Constantin Geza von Zedessanici DATE OF BIRTH:  N/A NICKNAMES:  Chetvertyy Tsarevich Korolevstva Zedessa, 4th Prince of Zedessa, The Icy Shield GENDER:   Cis Male AGE:  Unknown(40-to-45 physically) SPECIES:  Age Immortal PLACE OF BIRTH:  Kingdom of Zedessa CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS:  Resident of Îngheţ Castle(Frosthill Castle) LANGUAGES:  Russian, Icelandic, German, English, Latin, Korean, & Japanese OCCUPATION:  Aristocrat CRIMINAL RECORD:  None DRINK I SMOKE | DRUGS LIKE[S]:  Coffee, long hikes, mountain climbing, keysmithing DISLIKE[S]:  Discourteous people, social drama
FEARS:  Returning to war PERSONALITY TRAITS:  Loner, akaward, slightly anti-social HAIR COLOR:  Snow white EYE COLOR:  Colbert Blue HEIGHT:    6′8 Feet
SIBLINGS:  Older Siblings - Tsesarevich Emanuel Valdamir Urzici von Zedessanici XII, Younger Siblings - Tsarevich Evvann Dumitru Chirila von Zedessanici, Tsarevna Stela Imanuela Enache von Zedessanici, Tsarevich Teodor Flilip Dragonic von Zedessanici, Tsarevna Bianca-Cosmina Pirvu Niculescu von Zedessanici, Tsarevich Mihail Stan Iordanescu von Zedessanici & Tsarevna Rahela Bogdana Stefanescu von Zedessanici PARENT[S]:  Mother - Concubine Rahela, Father - Tsar Emanuel Valdamir Urzici von Zedessanici XI, StepMothers - Tsarina Aurika Alexandrescu Eliduca von Zedessanici, Concubine Sorine & Concubine Ruxandra Preda CHILDREN:  None PET[S]:  None
SEXUAL PREFERENCE:  Pansexual, feminine leaning RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Single, verse dependent
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LEGAL NAME: Stela Imanuela Enache von Zedessanici DATE OF BIRTH:  N/A NICKNAMES:  Pervaya Tsarevna Korolevstva Zedessa, 1st Prince of Zedessa, The Fragile Ssnowflake GENDER:   Cis Female AGE:  Unknown(22-to-27 physically) SPECIES:  Age Immortal PLACE OF BIRTH:  Kingdom of Zedessa CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS:  Resident of Îngheţ Castle(Frosthill Castle) LANGUAGES:  Russian, Icelandic, & English OCCUPATION:  Aristocrat CRIMINAL RECORD:  None DRINK I SMOKE | DRUGS LIKE[S]:  Tea, flowers, learning new things, peace & quiet DISLIKE[S]:  Loud people, yelling, sudden noises & actions
FEARS:  Always being a failure, upsetting her mother PERSONALITY TRAITS:  Shy, nervous, easily frightened, skittish, submissive, quiet HAIR COLOR:  Snow white EYE COLOR:  Golden Yellow HEIGHT:    5′7 Feet
SIBLINGS:  Older Siblings - Tsesarevich Emanuel Valdamir Urzici von Zedessanici XII, Tsarevich Skender Constantin Geza von Zedessanici, & Tsarevich Evvann Dumitru Chirila von Zedessanici. Younger Siblings - Tsarevich Teodor Flilip Dragonic von Zedessanici, Tsarevna Bianca-Cosmina Pirvu Niculescu von Zedessanici, Tsarevich Mihail Stan Iordanescu von Zedessanici & Tsarevna Rahela Bogdana Stefanescu von Zedessanici PARENT[S]:  Mother - Concubine Ruxandra Preda, Father - Tsar Emanuel Valdamir Urzici von Zedessanici XI, StepMothers - Tsarina Aurika Alexandrescu Eliduca von Zedessanici, Concubine Rahela & Concubine Sorine CHILDREN:  None PET[S]:  None
SEXUAL PREFERENCE:  Demisexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Single, verse dependent
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LEGAL NAME: Teodor Flilip Dragonic von Zedessanici DATE OF BIRTH:  N/A NICKNAMES:  Tretiy Tsarevich Korolevstva Zedessa, 3rd Prince of Zedessa, The Direwolf in Human Form GENDER:   Cis Male AGE:  Unknown(20-to-25 physically) SPECIES:  Age Immortal PLACE OF BIRTH:  Kingdom of Zedessa CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS:  Resident of Îngheţ Castle(Frosthill Castle) LANGUAGES:  Russian, Icelandic, German, English, Latin, Korean & Japanese OCCUPATION:  Aristocrat CRIMINAL RECORD:  None DRINK I SMOKE | DRUGS LIKE[S]:  Coffee, long hikes & mountain climbing, peace & quiet DISLIKE[S]:  Discourteous people, rude people, bystander’s syndrome
FEARS:  Leaving someone to suffer when he could help PERSONALITY TRAITS:  Cold, blunt, short tempered, caring, ‘grump’ HAIR COLOR:  Snow white with a Silver shine EYE COLOR:  Golden Yellow HEIGHT:    5′11 Feet
SIBLINGS:  Older Siblings - Tsesarevich Emanuel Valdamir Urzici von Zedessanici XII, Tsarevich Skender Constantin Geza von Zedessanici, Tsarevich Evvann Dumitru Chirila von Zedessanici & Tsarevna Stela Imanuela Enache von Zedessanici. Younger Sublings - Tsarevna Bianca-Cosmina Pirvu Niculescu von Zedessanici, Tsarevich Mihail Stan Iordanescu von Zedessanici & Tsarevna Rahela Bogdana Stefanescu von Zedessanici PARENT[S]:  Mother - Tsarina Aurika Alexandrescu Eliduca von Zedessanici, Father - Tsar Emanuel Valdamir Urzici von Zedessanici XI, StepMothers - Concubine Rahela, Concubine Sorine & Concubine Ruxandra Preda CHILDREN:  None PET[S]:  None
SEXUAL PREFERENCE:  Pansexual, feminine leaning RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Single, verse dependent
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LEGAL NAME: Bianca-Cosmina Pirvu Niculescu von Zedessanici DATE OF BIRTH:  N/A NICKNAMES:  Vtoraya Tsarevich Korolevstva Zedessa, 2nd Princess of Zedessa, The Shining Northern Star, The Aroura Princess GENDER:   Cis Female AGE:  Unknown(17-to-19 physically) SPECIES:  Age Immortal PLACE OF BIRTH:  Kingdom of Zedessa CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS:  Resident of Îngheţ Castle(Frosthill Castle) LANGUAGES:  Russian, Icelandic, German, & English OCCUPATION:  Aristocrat CRIMINAL RECORD:  None DRINK I SMOKE | DRUGS LIKE[S]:  Ice-skating, ballet, shopping, socializing DISLIKE[S]:  Discourteous people, rude people, people who don’t cow-tow to her, people stepping on her dresses.
FEARS:  N/A PERSONALITY TRAITS:  King, caring, always positive, upbeat, a little full of herself HAIR COLOR:  Snow white with a Silver shine EYE COLOR:  Golden Yellow HEIGHT:    5′7 Feet
SIBLINGS:  Older Siblings - Tsesarevich Emanuel Valdamir Urzici von Zedessanici XII, Tsarevich Skender Constantin Geza von Zedessanici, Tsarevich Evvann Dumitru Chirila von Zedessanici & Tsarevna Stela Imanuela Enache von Zedessanici & Tsarevich Teodor Flilip Dragonic von Zedessanici. Younger Siblings - Tsarevich Mihail Stan Iordanescu von Zedessanici & Tsarevna Rahela Bogdana Stefanescu von Zedessanici PARENT[S]:  Mother - Tsarina Aurika Alexandrescu Eliduca von Zedessanici, Father - Tsar Emanuel Valdamir Urzici von Zedessanici XI, StepMothers - Concubine Rahela, Concubine Sorine & Concubine Ruxandra Preda CHILDREN:  None PET[S]:  None
SEXUAL PREFERENCE:  Pansexual, male leaning RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Single, verse dependent
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