scngbard · 1 year
Heyo, lovelies! I’m trying a new thing to get me back and consistently working on my multimuse. I gotta get myself involved and excited about things on here again, so. LIKE THIS POST TO PLOT A THING!!! If can be for Raine still, of course. But, if you’d like to plot something with a muse that will be on my multi, LET ME KNOW! Here’s a list of muses that will be active on my multi:
Elsa from Frozen
Luz and Hunter from Owl House
Lobo from Puss in Boots
Bluey from Bluey
Light Fury from HTTYD
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fenixburnedmoved · 2 years
*rattles cup* spare g.rishaverse interactions??? 🥺👉👈
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caitybellfics · 9 months
Weekend WIP Game
Thank you, @whimsymanaged, for the tag, I am sorry it's taken me so long to do this ha ha!
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more).
1. WIP List:
Do I include Drabble series I haven't quite completed? Do I include unposted fics? Original works I write on the side?
Damn, this is hard!
I'm just going to start and see where this takes me...
Here we go:
Chapter Fics Currently Being Posted:
Petals (Dramione, Fae AU, Fated Mates) - Petals just kind of ... happened. It was meant to be a quick five-chapter fic, but the chapters kept getting longer and longer and all of a sudden I have a 90,000+ fic on my hands. Definitely the longest chapters I've written for a book/fic. I tend to like to keep chapters no more than 7k long, but Petal's average is something like 18k. I have no explanation other than it felt right.
Sacred Blood (Dramione, Mafia AU, Alchemy instead of magic) - I absolutely love Mafia Romance, and so it was natural for me to be inspired to write a DHr Mafia fic. This story took a back seat while I got Petals out of my system, unfortunately, it's been a hard year and Petals has taken an age to finish. But I can't wait to get back to my murder bbies.
Wings ... and Other Romantic Things (Charmione, Second Chance Love, Mystery) - A little romcom-esque romp. Hermione is forced to work with Charlie (an ex-fling during the war) when local Veelas are being attacked. Charlie and Hermione must solve the crime and catch the attacker, all while past feelings come back in full force.
Drabble Series In Progress:
Think Of Me (Dramione, Pierced C*ck Draco, Curious Hermione) - I have literally one more chapter to this raunchy, crack fic. I swear I will get to it soon!
Games (Dramione, Panville, Bluna, Theo/Padma, Cho/Dean, Ginny/Harry, Ginny/Seamus, Magical Sex Toys) - I get this one requested to finish a lot (you filthy heathens). I have five more pairings to do!
Ferrets and Fun (Dramione, Ferret Animagus Draco, Fluff/Humor) - I adore Ferret!Draco. Truly. There is no real plot in this drabble series. Just whatever inspires me. I should write another installment of his shenanigans soon ...
Lucius Malfoy and the Eternal Struggle of Being Him (Dramione, Lucius POV) - Same as above, no real plot, just dramatic Daddy Lucius watching his son be in love with Hermione. He's not bad in these, just extra!
Fics I am Currently Writing But Have Not Posted:
Magic Finds A Way (Dramione, Jurassic Park AU) - This fic is an absolute delight. I am actually really proud of it and all the parallels I've made to the original JP book and the films. But it will probably be a while before I post it :(. It's gotta be almost completed before I start to post and it's got to be absolutely perfect to me.
Demagogue (Second Gen, OG MCs but descendants of Dramione, Hinny, and Voldy) - This is my Magnum Opus. And like Magic Finds A Way, will not be posted until I feel it is perfect. But it's a twisty one, with lots of action, mystery, and pining romance. I can't wait to start posting about it.
The Perfect Alpha (Dramione, A/B/O) - I go feral for A/B/O, so while I'm surprised I haven't written more of it (only one little drabble), I am also not surprised. This fic is a lofty one, and my ambition for it has caused it to be put on the back burner. :(
Sad Eyes: The Expansion Series (Dramione, Theo/Padma, Blaise/Luna, Panville) I have three spin-off short chapter fics based in the world of my Sad Eyes fic. All feature a different pairing, tackling different types of trauma and how they heal after the war.
Curses of the Sand (Panville, Adventure through Egypt) - I started writing this fic for a Panville fest but fell behind due to school. I love the story and setting and pairing, so I will definitely be posting it at some point!
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
Petals at 92,642.
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
Demagogue. POSSIBLY Magic Finds A Way.
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
Too difficult a question. I love all my fics for different reasons and it really depends on my current mood and place in life that decides what I want to work on. I'm going through a rough time right now, so I would have to say Petals because Hermione is also currently struggling and it's nice to not feel alone in that regard.
But, I daydream about Demagogue and the Sad Eyes Expansions the most, I would say.
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Magic Finds A Way. I am worried no one will care about it since it isn't the typical Dramione fic. It's science that has been twisted by magic and dinosaurs ha ha. And if it "flops" I would be devastated because I have literally worked so hard on the parallels between it and the OG materials and media.
I guess the same could be said about Demagogue. It's my baby, my most precious creation, and if no one reads it because it's second-gen and OG characters, with the main pairings fandom likes just being sided characters ... I would probably leave fandom lol, I'm being dramatic but also not really. I am not sure how I would take it if no one gave it a chance.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
Oh, well, read my answer to the question above!
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
Magic Finds A Way. I have two betas that have read the OG Jurassic Park, and also have a fandom friend helping me with the French Draco speaks.
I have the same betas for every chapter fic I write. They both encourage and rip apart my writing to help me flesh out every single aspect of my stories.
Drabbles? You get what you get 🤣 from me.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
I don't really get writer's block. I know exactly what I want to happen in all of my story ideas, but I do have periods of time where I am physically unable to write whether that be irl drama, my health, or a busy work schedule that leaves me exhausted.
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
Demagogue! Yes! So, In this fic, The Cursed Child does not exist and my MC is named Hallow and she is the abandoned daughter of Voldemort, adopted by Harry and Ginny after the war.
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
Well, that depends on what you like 😉
Creature fucking, particularly wing kink? Read Petals.
You into egregious smut? Read my Games series.
Sharp suits, hand kinks, and men who would literaly murder anyone who touches you---that does it for you? Sacred Blood is your jam.
When I finally post my A/B/O, I am sure it will take the cake for spice.
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Oh my gosh, Sad Eyes. Hand's down.
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
Demagogue. But, for a fic I am currently posting/have posted? Sad Eyes.
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
Magic Finds A Way - Isla Nublar (dinosaur island, like come on!)
Curses of the Sand - Egypt
Petals - Faerie Realm
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
Magic Finds A Way
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
I've kind of already said why, but Demagogue and Magic Finds A Way.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
Yes ha ha.
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
They all have different complexities and characterizations of the characters we all know and love. I try to change things up with every fic!
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
Lucius Malfoy and the Eternal Struggle of Being Him cracks me up. I love Lucius. And though Sad Eyes is about healing trauma and all that, I think there are some pretty funny moments and quips in that fic.
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
Lucius Malfoy and the Eternal Struggle of Being Him, Lucius' POV.
My Sad Eyes Expansion fics as well as my Games series are both diving into pairings I have never done before nor see often or at all!
Petals has POV parts from Narcissa's and it's a really cool way to create an even bigger picture in the aspect of court politics within the fae realm. It makes the stakes seem greater than just Draco and Hermione being mates, etc.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
I have a song for every scene of anything I write. Most of everything I come up with is inspired by music. If you ever ask me what song helped me write a scene/fic/drabble, I will definitely have one to share.
Tagging: Look, I have too many WIPs to tag, so I am not even going to try. I also think this challenge has already made the rounds since I am so behind on doing it. So I don't want to bother anyone by accidentally double-tagging them!
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blckebiiitch · 1 year
Hiii bbies, we've been in groups together before but I'm Anna Banana ! This is my bby Blake, I've played her in many, many groups over the years and below is some info on her.
Full name: Blake Penelope Marie.
Age: 29 yrs old - July 23, 1993.
Hometown: Gainesville, GA
Currently Resides In: Jacksonville, FL
Occupation: AEW Seamstress. She's worked for IMPACT Wrestling and she worked for NJPW in the past as well.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Relationship Status: Single. She enjoys having a good time, but she also guards her heart and herself from most people when it comes to that aspect of her life. Blake Marie was born in Gainesville GA to her parents Ted and Victoria Marie - her father is a successful lawyer and her mother owned a flower shop in town. Blake had a "picture perfect" family for most of her life and while her parents weren't physically abusive to her, they weren't exactly loving either. Often times she was the subject of a lot of mental and emotional abuse, her father cheated on her mother a lot with different women from the law firm he worked at. Her mother was never really fit to be a mom if she was being honest with herself, she had fallen pregnant, and Ted always hoped for a son but ended up getting Blake instead. Blake's relationship with her parents has always been rocky at best but she tries to make it work as best as she can.
When she was 12 years old, her grandmother taught her how to sew and it's been a passion of hers ever since. She's also always been big into professional wrestling and she knew that one day if she had it her way - she'd make it into the professional wrestling scene. She went to college at the Miami International University Of Art & Design for Fashion design and merchandising, that was where she landed some connections with local independent promoters around FL and eventually, she caught the eye of Impact Wrestling and spent 3 years with the company, after those 3 years were up, she ended up moving to Japan - where she got a job with NJPW. She worked for them until 2021 - when she ended up at AEW and has been there ever since.
Blake's hobbies / interests include: wrestling, shopping, food, makeup, making youtube videos, hanging out with friends, writing, reading, etc.
Blake is a pretty friendly person, she always goes out of her way to try and include people, she easily makes friends, and she's got a pretty loud out there personality that does sometimes get her into trouble.
She's open to any & all plots, shipping of course comes with chemistry, but everything else is up for grabs. Hit me up for my discord or hit the heart & I'll come bug you for plot ideas. <3
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rebelquilled · 2 years
in ahri’s new lines, she tells xayah something like “in another life, we could have been great friends” and i’m here feeling 🥹🥹🥹 emotional !!!
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yesss !!!  i’m sleeby so my thoughts here probably won’t be as coherent as i want... forgive lack of eloquence essentially but.  honestly ahri’s voice lines to both xayah and rakan feel telling to me, even if rakan’s come off very “obvious” for lack of a better word. to me if feels like rito is really trying to sell a bit of an evolution of ahri.  her voice is... happier now.  more peppy and fun versus the sultry and slick tone she had prior.  ( and, of course, everything i say here will revolve around league-specific ahri, so this isn’t me trying to speak on the terms of your lovely divergent and original version !!!  but since she is an inspiration, we still adore her and i have a lot of thoughts about league ahri and xayah’s relationship which semi impacts how our bbies relate obviously! :eyes: ) i derailed some - anyways!  aside from the tone of the voice in particular, the things ahri says to xayah and rakan to me are actually deep in their own unique ways.  the lines to xayah are more obvious in this and emotional as you’ve noted.  the possible friendship, even kinship the two could have or could have had ( since she says that line for killing xayah, it’s obviously somewhat of an “alternate take” on their relationship ).  meanwhile to rakan, she pretty much just references xayah being important to him and him to her, yatta yatta. but like.  i think these lines extremely highlight the comparisons and contrasts between ahri and the two birbs, as well as ahri’s personal growth and her stance on xayah’s rebellion. they really kind of start to push that ahri is the “unwilling monster” in a way.  this isn’t to say i don’t think ahri doesn’t enjoy killing her prey or being deadly... but league ahri loves humanity.  she enjoys and even craves their presence in a variety of ways.  the line for first seeing xayah about knowing who she is and what she has to do feels as though it’s essentially saying to xayah “i don’t agree with you” ( unless rito plot twists us, but i don’t think ahri would join xayah’s rebellion full heartedly unless xayah stopped being so antagonistic to innocent humans ).  ahri experiences humanity and even magic differently since how she draws her magic doesn’t parallel what the lhotlans experience.  ( and this all contrasts to xayah who very willingly is becoming a monster in the eyes of humans and even some of her own people due to her lack of care for innocents, essentially.  she isn’t actually a monster - and neither is ahri - but how they have to behave and present themselves form these perceptions.  rakan is the main reason xayah probably isn’t off the deep end in this regard while ahri’s unfortunate need to consume souls prevents her from shedding the monster label. ) it’s why rakan can still get behind xayah’s work despite liking humans... he’s still suffering from what is happening.  meanwhile, ahri literally gets energy and life and memories and all from them.  rakan likes humans but is still hurting... ahri likes humans and is learning to thrive again.  some humans even essentially worship her so she’s just got complete opposite experience esp compared to xayah. xayah and ahri’s lines to each other can almost be a back and forth.  if you take ahri’s line first ( “i know who i am and what i must do” ) and then xayah’s “you betray your heritage, ahri”...  it kind of unfolds what their relationship stems upon.  they don’t see eye to eye on humanity, and that’s a rift.  but unlike rakan, ahri can’t sympathize with xayah quite so much.  so, yes, in another life... they could be friends, because their personalities are actually complimentary.  their goals and values are just at odds, and that stirs up the trouble.  mainly from xayah’s end because she’s actually probably the more antagonistic one with her prejudice and bias. meanwhile look at ahri’s lines to rakan.  ahri and rakan probably don’t have a lot in common personality-wise if we’re honest.  however.  both of them are strongly tied to love.  so ahri speaks to rakan with joy and perhaps even a smidge of envy when she talks to him about xayah.  them being one heart, xayah would miss him if he died...  i’m sure there’s more that ahri and rakan could talk about and enjoy together if they really got  the time, but something tells me a purple birdy doesn’t like that, so ahri really only gets the surface level of the two of them and xayah definitely only learns the surface level of ahri ( i would like to argue that rakan’s keen perception actually allows him to understand ahri a bit deeper with only small exchanges ).  but regardless, ahri knows this one thing between her and rakan lives and it’s just that feeling of love.  rakan fights for his people, yes... but he fights a lot for xayah.  to keep her from going off the rails or getting herself killed.  ahri has her own love she’s fighting for in a way... and so she connects to rakan through that and that’s why she focuses on those things when she speaks to him. a clear contrast from the antagonism and difficulty to see eye to eye she has with xayah.  a difficulty that wouldn’t exist in another world ( or multiple worlds if sg and arcana and all aren’t explicitly telling us LMAO ). anyways, here was my random ramble about that, idk if you signed up to get this but you got it.  your ahri may not be league/rito ahri but even just talking about this is making me think of it in relation to your version of her, too, and i’m 🥰  again ignore how badly this is all written my brain is DEAD but i HAD to rant!
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blazewatergem · 2 years
Why havnt i unfollowed? *Unrolls scroll*
You're so sweet and nice? A sweetheart? And so smart and cool?! I barely know any robotics so listening to you talk about them or any of your other interests make brain go brr??
And you find the most on point of memes!?
You're willingness to dive into different w.i.p or works and parkour around them is so motivational and encouraging??
Im love your blorbos? Blorbi in law!
And i love you, you're adorable and id wanna give you a crushing bear hug (but i wont cause you bbi)
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🥺 Piiiiiiiiidgeeeeeeeeeee 💜💜💜 you said I’m nice 😭😭 I’m so worried I come off as detached some days I cannot stress how happy I am I am doggo you said I’m NICE —
I have so many interests :’D I’ll have to share some of the wilder stories, especially since I was in High School AND Middle School Robotics(actually was part of the FIRST MS team 😌) glad to know I haven’t been boring about those stories though haha
Oh, if Tumblr wasn’t adamant on one video only per post I have some great TikToks I would share 😂 plus when I can’t find writer memes, I can and will make my own
I mean, that’s what’s nice about Ao3 though and the community. I…I never really know if I can or will finish something, y’know? I’m always filled with ideas and daydreams and characters and plots, but since I never thought I could finish one I just let them build up and up. Now that I’ve chased off that fear(eh, 85% of the way) I feel a lot better, and I’m so much happier sharing my weird ass worlds and OCs. Like, the whole point of this is to make ourselves happy, it’s our sandbox and we can build whatever we want - as far as we want - however we want! Do the parkour Pidge! Let nothing stop you!!
And so nice to know you don’t mind the Blorbos :’3 from homemade to what I’ve found in canon works, I have many to offer XD
Gimme the hug! I can take it!! >:D
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yukikorogashi · 1 year
-puts on shades to hide my identity- I admit, there are times that I really worry about you and your health. I only want the best for you, and seeing you work so much and so hard makes me proud yet concerned. ONLY BECAUSE I LOVE YOU THOUGH, because I want you to thrive but want you to rest too, you deserve so much and more considering what you go through and have already been through. You're so sweet, still spending time and energy to make others smile and laugh when there are times you probably need it most of all. I only hope that we can do fulfill this for you, to give you the energy and good vibes you need to keep going, but you can always fall to us if you're struggling. I may be half across the world but THAT WON'T STOP MEEEE. Either way, I love you sooooooo MUCH, your creativity and energy is so contagious, I love talking and writing with you. Such a lovely, fun, kind, determined person that deserves the entire world. -HUGS AND KISSES-
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Blast me eyes, for those sunglasses made it near impossible for me to identify you! But I was determined to find out who these kind words belonged to sooooo... SMOL, of course it was you! 😭❤️💕
But aaaahhhh I appreciate your concern so, so much, Smol, I truly do! 💕❤️ Reading all of this (Several times now) made me actually place my hands over my own heart like 🥺. And I'm so sorry for worrying you though, because I know I tend to post a lot about how I keep getting my ass kicked by my health problems and how I am just, terrible at taking care of myself (But lord I try, I promise you this 😭). All of this means so much to me, that I simply can't express my gratitude enough enough when it comes to just knowing you and having you in my life. 🥺
But gaaahh thank you, THANK YOU. Thank you for just being such a wonderful, loving and supportive friend, all the time. You are always such a warm ray of sunshine, and I think I have boofed a few iterations of this by now-- but gosh, you just never stop shining, and that always leaves me in such awe and wonder about you and just how wonderful you are. ;u; And omg I'm so glad I can make you and others laugh and smile like??? Gaaah I'm so so glad to hear my silly posts and stuff are able to do just that. It makes me so happy to hear that we can all share in on the laughter like this. ❤️
You have already done so much for me, just by being my friend, Smol. ❤️ Thank you so, so much for always having my back. For always being so ready to help me get back up or keep me on my feet before they even have a chance of giving out. You do so much, you really do. You have so much love and kindness in your heart, and I'm so lucky I'm one of those that gets to be blessed with so much of it.
I love you so, SO MUCH TOO, okay? AND NAH, something as trivial as us living on opposite sides of the planet ain't gonna stop us! uwu I BET-- if we lived on different planets right now, that wouldn't stop us either SO auwheauwhe!!! But yes, all of this right back at you, m'darlin'! Your energy, creativity, passion, enthusiasm are all so splendiferously contagious, that it surely leaves anyone that interacts with you or just sees you smiling like a dum dum, like I'm doing right now!
I LOVE getting to learn about all of your muses and getting to write with them! Why, just the other day, when you were teaching me more about Suletta and sharing things that you love about her? It was such a joy, and I was so happy to learn more about her whilst we did some light plotting (AND NOW OUR SPACE BBIES ARE GONNA BE FRIENDS WHOO WHOO!!!)!
And you deserve the world too, okay? 🥺❤️
@wxtchpilot ❤️💕
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thekingsparty · 4 years
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aeliell · 5 years
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         PLOTTING CALL. like this post & i’ll chat you up for plots !!
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malika-carnelian · 2 years
send 💕 or ( ‘HEART’ ) for me to randomly pick one of my mutuals and write at least two things about why i love seeing them on my dash, writing with them, talking to them, etc.
And instead of picking one, Ihave the urge to pick at least three of my favourites ones in a wombo-combo hit!
The first one is absolutely @autobotmedic , which I always saw Blue mun in the distance since... ages? I've lost count! I always liked her stuff and how the mun moves the lovely andgrumpy but amazing Autobot Doc! It's reqlly like watching him from the show and manage to rp with her, evenif only on 2 or 3 threads is already a lot for me, as much as a honor. You might say "she is a normal person gurl" but I don't frigging care! For me it's amazing and deserves to be praised!
Same goes for @twcwheeler , seriously, are you two by any chance the original writers?! All the headcanons are so good that I'm always amazed by what you write! And as for Arcee, theurge of loving her and squeeze the love out of this mech goes beyond normality. Same amount of honor for bein able to rp with her, anddefinitely happy that we are going through a thread-plot where these two girls are going to have troubles with the other Oc decepticon (always moved from this mun, becauseI loved his pre-bio and totally be up into showing him more and more!)
And then here she comes, @legitconcrusher ! Dear God, jess almos made me die with my own laughs whenever I readed our threads and the answer she gave with Wheeljack. Always so on point, with a writing style that has it's own particularities and the actions... jeez they cackle me almost all the time, BUT! It's also a joy reading his Wheeljack even when interacting with others.
In less words, these three muns were the first one I got my eyes on when returned and never failed to surprise me, neither while they were answering to others or to myself.
I admire you bbies!
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helianskies · 2 years
13 and 15!
13. when did you start writing fanfic?
around 2017, i think? but i started using ao3 in 2018 which is when i started to take writing a bit more seriously, so i only consider my ao3 works to be my proper fanfic bbies (even if there are some i am less fond of :'v)
15. what is the fanfic you've written that you're most proud of?
there are too many options! i could say 'For Me?' for how it's taken me so far out of my comfort zone that there's no coming back. i could say the whole 'Bound' series because both the world-building and plot lines that we haven't even touched yet are some of my favourites. i could even offer up my favourite horror fic, 'Killer's Ridge', because this work was the one where i was finally like, i really can write horror! and then, of course, i can give the obvious answer: 'Alter Ego'.
it was the first proper multichapter i wrote! the whole project took about 16 months to finish, but i adore it. i took a pairing i loved that wasn't really seen anywhere and ran with them, gave them a story, gave them arcs, and wrote a crime novel that i never thought i'd finish. i'm proud of readers for sharing their theories with me as they read, i'm proud of my plot twists and curveballs (and the reactions they caused) and i'm just generally proud of myself for doing it. i saw a lot of development in my writing and met people through it, so for now 'Alter Ego' remains my magnum opus :3
ask game here!
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niightmvrex · 2 years
Hello everyone this is one of my new bbies that I’ve been enjoying playing as of late. Below the cut is just some small info on him and the backstory I’m giving for him! If you read it, thanks for taking the time! 
“ Because I’m the devil who’s searching for redemption.” 
full name: Cody Garrett Runnels 
birthday: 35 yrs old - June 30, 1985 
hometown: Atlanta Georgia 
Currently resides: Atlanta Georgia 
relationship status: currently going through a divorce. 
children: 1. Liberty Iris Runnels - 1 yr old. 
animals: Cody took Pharaoh in the divorce with Brandi. 
backstory/info: So to most looking in Cody was having one of the best years of his life, he had this epic WrestleMania return, the fans were loving him again (at least on the WWE side of things lmfao), he had the picture perfect family, the typical “american dream” but it eventually came crashing down when Cody found himself in an affair with another worker in the business (doesn’t have to be a wrestler, could be an OC). Cody had never planned on divorcing his wife or even telling her of his digressions but he eventually had no choice but to be honest with Brandi once the person he was having an affair with ended up pregnant. It tore his family completely apart and Brandi wanted nothing to do with him from that point on, the two still co-parent for their daughter Libby but Cody now struggles with the consequences of his own actions. 
So Cody is open for all kinds of plots and what not, I love writing so I’m always down for that! Ships are always chemistry based for me just because it wouldn’t be fair to try and force anything on me and I wouldn’t wanna do that to someone else either. So if you are interested at all in being apart of Cody’s story, just give this a like and I’ll come to you for plotting! 
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jikanet-tanaka · 3 years
So, throughout AC Valhalla, there aren’t a lot of consequences for some apparently plot-relevant choices, so… just for funsies, I tried to come up with different outcomes for all these choices, and how it might all affect the recruitment of Eivor’s different allies
(Who knows? Maybe the last fight against Aelfied’s forces could have been more difficult if you had less allies! Maybe there could have been a secret ending if you manage to recruit everyone! Just throwing some ideas here…)
(spoilers warning, just sayin’)
Saving Leofrith: In my heart of hearts, I’d like to think that sparing Leofrith’s life would end in him pummelling Ivarr to a mashed pulp before he could put his grubby, greasy hands on Ceolbert, but… that would change the ending of the Sciropescire arc rather significantly, wouldn’t it? Then again, wouldn’t that be such a bad thing…?
Killing Leofrith, of course, means letting the Sciropescire arc go as usual… and poor Ceolbert thus suffers a dire fate as a result of being failed by all the adults around him…
Sparing Rued: Basically, I think refusing to heed Oswald’s wish to spare Rued would make him act colder toward Danes in general. He would still be your ally (he’s a good, loyal bean, after all), but he wouldn’t consider Eivor like much of a friend. His grasp over East Anglia would be shakier (because Eivor practically ignored his first order as king in front of the people he’s supposed to lead) and his relationship with Valdis would be less warm (because Eivor’s actions caused him to believe that compromising with Danes is nothing more than a pipe dream). Since Valdis does not become pregnant so early in their marriage, he’s the one to go to Porcestre rather than Broder and Brothir (and thus he gets killed in Brothir’s stead, leaving East Anglia without a king once more).
If Rued is spared by Eivor after their fight in Burgh Castle, Oswald is more confident as king, and East Anglia is more peaceful as a result. His marriage with Valdis is also significantly happier, and she gets pregnant not long after the wedding. Since they have a young child, Broder and Brothir volunteer to lead the troops in Porcestre (and thus Brothir is the one who dies in that scenario).
Not allowing Ivarr to Valhalla: Basically, that time where Ubba shows up in Ravensthorpe all pissed that you lied about sending his brother to Valhalla? Well, other than coming to thrash Eivor’s ass, he’s there to rescind their alliance. He might understand why Eivor did it (Ivarr just didn’t murder an innocent boy, he mucked up the Ragnarssons’ alliance with Ceolwulf and the truce with the Britons, and Ubba pertinently knows that might bite them all in the arses later), but Ivarr’s still his lil’ bro, you know? Once a big bro, always a big bro.
Finding the true identity of the Vault: That one is rather straightforward… if you accuse Hjorr of being the traitor, then Ricsige does something drastic (kicking him off the council, exiling him from the city, even killing him, I don’t know, take your pick…) which also affects Ljufvina. Afterwards, Audun is revealed as the Vault during the Yule feast. Ljufvina is… well, at least a bit resentful toward Eivor, and refuses to come to help at Porcestre or against Aelfred’s forces. But in that scenario, Hjorr actually survives because he never comes to help in Hamtunscire!
Fighting Faravid: If you accept Halfdan’s order and fight Faravid, then you kill him, and Halfdan pledges an alliance with you, simple as that. He shows up in Porcestre to help (and as a bonus, he would have some interactions with his bro Ubba, oh my! More Ragnarsson lore, please!). He doesn’t show up in Hamtunscire, ‘cause, uh, he died in 877 fighting in Ireland.
If you refuse to kill Faravid, then Halfdan throws a fit and refuses to become your ally, banishing Eivor from his city. Faravid is grateful for Eivor’s understanding, and decides to come help you in Porcestre. Maybe that way we could learn more about his character (like, does he have weird, lingering feelings for Halfdan since he shares his body with the wife of Halfdan’s past self? If Basim and Sigurd are respectively influenced by Loki and Tyr, how would that affects other Sages? And so on, and so forth).
Choosing Lincolnscire’s Ealdorman: Again, this isn’t very complicated… whoever ends up ealdorman between Hunwald and Aelfgar is the one who comes (and dies) in Hamtunscire. As an added bonus, if you chose Aelfgar and Hunwald is chilling in Ravensthorpe with his girlfriend, then Hunwald is made the new ealdorman of Lincolnscire after the end of the main campaign.
(...do I just want another of my poor bbies to survive...? maybe...)
Choosing Hemming’s successor: I think Vili will end up running to your aid regardless of what you choose to do with him (as Jarl or as one of Eivor’s raiders, he has plenty of reasons to want to help his old friend). The most important choice, I think, would be if you allow Trygve to commit suicide or not. Vili is a charming, lovable idiot, but I think he’s gonna need some help if he’s left to lead Snotingehamscire after his dad’s death. Maybe the shire goes to Hell if Trygve is gone, and Vili can’t come in Hamtunscire as a result?
Sparing Cynon and Modron: Killing Cynon means a less peaceful (so to speak) transfer of power to Tewdwr and no one to burn in the Wicker Man. I think in both cases it would lead to a less peaceful shire, and more discord between Christians and pagans (since Tewdwr would have been too bitter toward Cynon to have gone through the last part of his character development).
As for Modron… I don’t rightly know. Does Tewdwr ever realize she was the main instigator of the plan to kill him?? Would she leave him alone if she survives?? She seems really ride or die on the pagan stuff, would she really believe uber-Christian Tewdwr had a change of heart about that? Maybe if Cynon is killed and she’s kept alive, she murders Tewdwr as a result after Eivor is gone, who knows…
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snarkwrites · 4 years
01 | upside down, steve harrington ; stranger things
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Guess who fell head first into binging Stranger Things? Again? Yep. This bitch. And I kind of came up with this at some point during. I’ve been dancing around writing a Stranger Things fic for a while, but here I go I guess?
A few big cautions up front... There will be things that change/differ from the fic and the show. I’m gonna sort of loosely follow the timeline set forth. But I will be changing a few things here and there. I mean, if enough people enjoy this that I feel like writing more to it, idk yet... We shall see.
I swear to God, I’m going to update my CSI fics and my Riverdale one asap. This just kind of caught me by the nose and demanded to be written...
She moves back to Hawkins and manages to turn his life completely upside down. In the best of ways.
But how will everything play out between them? Also, can they handle all the weirdness ahead? We shall see.
loose canon compliance at best, total deviation at worst - this is just an up front catch all because sometimes, things happen that I don’t particularly care for (the senseless death of Barb, anybody?) and if you’re one of those canon only people, this is here to warn you that this is not the fic for you. language, occasional gore, monsters / fantasy elements, teenage drama and shenanigans - Obviously, teenagers are going to do stuff. They’re at that point in their life where not every decision they make is the best one. So if you’d rather skip over this kind of thing (teen drinking, fighting, etc) then yeah.. you’ve been warned. Slow burn / angst / mutual pining / eventual filthy good ness - because lets be real.. we’re all wondering when we’re gonna drop the plot and get to the good stuff. When this chapter occurs, I will flair it with an M. In the meantime, if you’re not into slow burn or mutual pining, then you’re probably not going to care about this.
Other Parts
[ soundtrack ] 
Other Stuff
[ faq - tag list doc ] 
There’s nobody on my list yet but... If you wanna be tagged for this, tell me pls. It will make me overjoyed. 
Throwing out a no pressure tag to @rampagewriting​ and @twistnet​ as well as @chasingeverybreakingwave​ just because. No pressure though bbies!
“Table six wants a burger and fries. Smothered for those fries, Jennie.” my nana’s voice shattered through my wandering thoughts. I closed the issue of Glamour I’d been reading and made my way out from behind the counter out in front, heading towards the dining area in the back. 
“Marlena quit again, Nana?” I inquired, shaking my head. Marlena quits at least once a year. Turns up a few weeks later, tanned and broke, begging for her old job back and it’s been that way since my mom and I lived here still, when I was around 6.
“Girl, what have I told you about callin me Nana?” my grandmother asked, laughing softly as she nodded. “Yeah. Said she’s headin out to California this time. Thinks she’s gonna be the next Brooke Shields.”
“Broke Shields is more like it.” I mumbled, taking an apron from the hanger on the wall. My grandmother spoke up again, giving me a nudge and smirking at me while nodding across the diner. “He’s baaack.”
“Nana!” I muttered, raising a hand to my mouth, giggling a little despite my best efforts not to.
“I’m just sayin is all. That boy is not comin in here for my good cookin, Jennie Bird.” my grandma shook her head and I eyed the booth where a lone Steve Harrington sat.
It’s only the thousandth time since I moved back to Hawkins in May.
And my nana is right. He’s probably not coming here for the food.
I’d just grabbed two of the orders and sent Steve’s order back to our short order cook Brett, -or the order I’m assuming was his, he always gets the same thing down to a T when he stops in, when a hand reaches out, grabbing my wrist.
I nearly jumped right outta my skin until I realized that it was Nancy grabbing my wrist and Barb laughing about it. They were sitting at our usual little booth near the window, nursing milkshakes as they waited on my upcoming 30 minute break. Just like we’ve been doing two or three times a week since May.
Come to think of it, it’s around that time that Steve started coming in too. I shoved the thought out of my head right around the time that Nancy and Barb noticed him. And naturally, the question arose...
“What’s Steve Harrington doing in here?” Nancy asked, glancing up at me. I eyed his table and shrugged, suck popping a cotton candy flavored bubble as I told her, “Cher, your guess is as good as mine. He’s been comin in here since I moved back.”
Nancy wiggled her brows and laughed. Barb spoke up. “My mom wanted to know if you wanted to go to the lake with us this weekend? She knows your grandmother is going out of town.”
I smiled and nodded yes, zero hesitation. After Nancy confirmed that she was going too, we made plans to go into the department store in town tomorrow afternoon to pick up some swimsuits.
Nancy’s eyes settled on my boots and she let out a low and appreciative whistle. “Are those the same boots that were in the mall last time we went? I wanted those.”
I smiled, lifting my foot so Nancy could see my boots better. Then I whirled around so she could see the fact that I’d made my favorite pair of Levis into cutoffs and sewn white cherry print fabric over the back of one of the pockets.
“I love those. I wish my mom would let me cut off my jeans.” Nancy pouted. I shrugged. “Ginger said it was cheaper than buying shorts, so I went for it. I did two other pairs too.”
“I’m bringing my old jeans over tonight.” Barb spoke up. I smiled, nodding. “Yeah. I’ll do you right up, hon.”
“I wish I tanned like you. Do you just live outside, Jennie?” Barb asked, pouting a little. I shrugged it off, laughing. Taking a deep breath as I nodded towards Steve’s booth as I gazed at my friends after finally managing to tear my eyes off of Steve. “I best get over to table six. Then I have to go pick up the bohunk’s order, I reckon.”
“What’s a bohunk?” Nancy giggled.
“Same as a himbo, I reckon.” I answered, wrinkling my brows because I didn’t actually know myself. I just knew my nana Ginger often called her long-time live-in boyfriend, Hank, the same thing and I could tell by her tone that it was a loving thing.
I made my way over to Ethel and Earl’s table, setting them up with their food. “Y’all need anything else? Just let me know. Marlena quit on us again, so I’m the server tonight.”
“We’re all set, dear!” they assured me and I made my way over to the second of the tables whose orders I’d picked up.
The next table was Jim Hopper. My mom’s ex boyfriend. He chuckled and shook his head as I approached. “I see Ginger put you right to work.”
“I put me to work, sir. I’m saving money for a Trans Am I found for sale in Rollins.” I smirked as I said it, twisting a strand of hair around my fingertip.
“Oh really now.. Let me know when you get it. So I can warn the rest of the guys and the rest of town to keep a wide berth when you’re behind the wheel.”Hopper teased, chuckling. I pretended to pout, but got him set up with the food he’d ordered before finally making my way towards the back again.
I had to walk right past Steve’s booth in the process, naturally.
I did my best to keep my eyes trained towards the front of the dining area, but Steve cleared his throat just as I walked past.
“Is tonight the night you finally say yes?” Steve flashed a grin as he asked me the question. I wanted to melt, lucky for me, common sense prevailed once again.
“Steve..” I complained, shaking my head. Pretending to pout at him.
“Aw, c’mon.” Steve chided, giving me that charmer smirk as he gazed up at me. I bit my lip, eyes locked on his, lost in the depths of his eyes for a few seconds. My nana’s calling my name had me coming back to the moment and I sighed. “I gotta go get your food, cher.”
I hurried up to the front, ignoring my nana’s pointed stare and nod as she mouthed, “Well? What’d he say, huh?”
I gave a mysterious shrug and picked up the tray containing his food. Started my journey back towards his booth. On my way over, Nancy gave me a thumbs up and Barb mouthed at me in teasing, “ Aww, you’re totally blushing right now.” to which I stuck out my tongue and shook my head no.
I was all business as I sat his food in front of him. Consulting my notepad that had his order scrawled on it in my Nana’s loopy scrawl. “That’s a loaded burger and smothered fries with a chocolate shake.” suck popping another gum bubble as I spoke.
“Yeah.” Steve answered, locking eyes with me. My hand raised, trailing over the loopy cursive of my silver necklace. I toyed with the cursive that formed my name and he chuckled, dragging his fingers through his hair, nodding to it. “You still have it, I see. The necklace, I mean...”
“Why wouldn’t I? My best friend gave it to me, cher.” I gave him a soft smile. I couldn’t resist it because believe me, I tried. I’ve been trying to resist the guy since May, actually.
“Oh. So you did think about me when you left Hawkins...Interesting. I mean… you’re still wearing the necklace I got you for your birthday...” Steve mused quietly. His eyes were absolutely fixed on me. Studying me. And I felt this warmth spreading through my entire being. Like that first sliver of sunlight on a cloudy and cool day. 
Then the calm. Be still my beating heart, the calm that took over when I dared to lock eyes with him as my own personal act of defiance. Popping another cotton candy flavored bubble as I did so. I bit my lip as I thought of the best way, read, least revealing way, to answer his question. This was venturing into very,very dangerous territory at present. Because if I said no I’d be lying and if I said yes, it would give him too much power. He’d know that maybe he was my first real crush back then. He’d know that maybe seeing him again after all this time had been like a burst of fresh air and somehow, felt as if maybe he’d taken all the air from me at the same time.
It was a huge risk. Huge.
“Maybe.” - it was the only word that would come presently. Blondie crooning Call Me from the old jukebox sitting at the back of the dining area shattered through the heavy lingering silence that followed immediately behind my answer. In a rush, I told him quietly, “I have other tables.”
“You’ve been on your feet all afternoon, little red. C’mon. Sit?” Steve nodded to the empty bench across from him.
I scoffed at him over my shoulder. Giving him a sweet but firm shake of the head no and smile. “As much as I’d love to sit, romeo. Sitting’s not what’s gonna put that sweet fire engine red Trans Am in my nana’s driveway by August.”
He pouted and called out as I walked away, “ I’m not giving up.”
This earned him giggles from the booth I usually filled with Nancy and Barb when I took my 30 minute break.
As I walked by them, Nancy teased out loud, “ Awww, look Barb! She’s blushing.”
“I am not.” I pretended to be offended by the suggestion. Mouthing to both of them as I fanned myself with some napkins in teasing and nodded in Steve’s direction, “Whew...He has gotten… Intense.” 
“That’s Hawkin High’s big man on campus.” Barb informed me. I went to clock out for my break and came back with a Diet Pepsi, flopping across the booth across from then. Someone put 867-5309 on to play on the jukebox and I grumbled through closed lids, “I hate that fuckin song.”
Naturally, Barb and Nancy started to sing along. Loudly.
I pouted at them both as I rose to a sitting position.
Steve wandered over, flopping himself down in the empty spot next to me. “Ladies.”
“You’re not at Hagan’s party?” Barb asked, a brow raised.
“Yeah, why aren’t you at Tommy’s party?” Nancy asked, shooting me a covert teasing smile.
Steve shrugged. Took a long sip of his chocolate milkshake, slurping it through the straw noisily. I eyed it.
“I’d kill for a strawberry one right now.” I mused, gazing at the cup in his hand. He muttered quietly, “It’s not strawberry, but…”  as he held it out.I eyed the styrofoam cup and him. Biting my lip.
Nancy and Barb were gazing at me intently. Teasing gleam in their eyes.
I sighed and reached out for it, taking a few sips. Holding it back out to him.
“I was there. Got bored. I like the scenery better here anyway.” Steve answered finally, shrugging.
“So you enjoy spending your Friday night in a diner packed with old people..” I muttered, locking eyes with him. Swallowing hard when I found him staring at me already. 
He chuckled, shaking his head no. “I said I liked the scenery here, little red. Not the dining company. If you’d say yes and let me buy you a burger sometime…” he smiled at me as he went quiet.
I felt Nancy and Barb both fix their eyes on me.
“We’ll see.” I answered, shrugging mysteriously and smiling at him as  I did so. I wanted to say yes so bad it was killing me, but given that I know the history of my grandmother and my mother, I was… Definitely erring on the side of caution.
Besides.. It makes things interesting when you play hard to get. I guess I figure that if Steve gets bored and moves on, then it’s better than agreeing, falling head over feet, making any number of bad life choices that seem to plague the women in my family and ultimately, winding up heart broken.
Call me a hopeless romantic. Overly cautious. I just want to wait until I know something is a sure thing before I dive in over my head. I want something that’s going to last a while. Not be this intense and scary whirlwind that starts off strong and ends just as fast as it began.
“Hey, were we all going to go for a swim later? Figured it was hot enough. Besides, Ginger and Hank are going to Rollins later. They won’t be back until 2. Or two days from now.” I mused, glancing from Nancy to Barb.
“Sleepover in the treehouse?” Barb suggested. Nancy nodded, giving me begging eyes. “C’mon, it’ll be fun. It’ll be like when we were little.” 
“That’s actually not a bad idea!” I smiled, laughing.
After we all made our plans for the night, they left to go back into town and this left me with ten minutes in my break. Alone in a booth with Steve Harrington.
Hot Blooded came on the jukebox in back of the dining area and I grinned. Humming along with the song as I eyed the last of Steve’s fries. He chuckled, shoving them in front of me.
“You won’t let me buy you your own food… Yet you’ll eat mine.”
“Mhm.” I answered, dragging a french fry through gravy. Taking a bite thoughtfully. Groaning at the taste of the food because I realized just how hungry I actually was.
Steve chuckled, gazing at me. “Do I need to leave you two alone?”
I felt his arm go around the back of the booth. Brushing right against my shoulder. Normally, I’d politely move a little. But if I’m being totally honest here, I’m tired. So tired of fighting the way I feel. I managed to stop myself from resisting the urge to lean against his side though.
“That’s not so bad, is it?”
I sighed and gazed over at him. Smiling. “It’s not.”
From the kitchen, my nana called my name. Steve stood and I slipped out of the booth, making my way back. Clocking back in so I could finish waiting tables. By the time I’d done four more tables and was counting my tips for the night, Steve wasn’t sitting in the dining area anymore.
“You be careful getting home tonight, Jennie Bird.”
“Yes Nana.”
I didn’t have to look at her to know she was giving me a playful dirty look at what I’d called her. She sighed, the sound giving way to soft laughter. “Maybe get that handsome little beau of yours to give you a lift.”
“Nope. Absolutely not.”
“You are the most stubborn..” my grandmother teased gently, laughing as she shook her head.
I clocked out for the night, stepping out into the parking lot after counting down the drawer in the gas station area out front. Steve was standing outside, leaned against the cinderblock wall, his thumb hooked through his belt loop. Smoking a cigarette.
I glanced around to make sure my grandmother and her boyfriend weren’t looking or anything and I stopped beside him. Speaking up quietly. “Do you think you have another one of those?”
He chuckled, digging around in his pocket, producing a slightly crushed pack of Marlboro Reds. I took one and as I pressed it between my lips, he dug out a silver lighter and cupped his hands around the end, lighting my cigarette for me.
“You’re not afraid your grandmother’s gonna see?” Steve teased, grinning at me.
I laughed, shrugging as I exhaled, a plume of smoke creeping upwards into the sunset. “It’s more tame than her special brownies. I know for a fact it’s a thousand times tamer than anything my mom did at my age. I just don’t openly do it all the time around her because it’s a respect thing.”
“Ah. I get it, I think.” he nodded.
We stood there quietly. Staring up at the sky as the sun dipped lower. I really didn’t want to walk away, but one of us had to. I smiled, nodding towards the road. “I should probably get going.”
“I can drive you.” Steve offered.
“I’m fine. It’s only like a mile up the road.” I answered, swallowing hard. Dangerously close to caving, yet again. It’s getting so hard not to cave lately where he’s concerned and that kind of makes me panic just a little, truth be told.
“Yeah, but it’s getting late. And your feet have to be killing you by now.” he nodded to my boots. I shrugged, flashing him a smirk. “You’re a charmer, Steve.” I muttered as I rose up on my toes, fluffing his hair before stepping away, then turning to walk across the gravel parking lot and towards the road.
His BMW slowed to a stop beside me and he rolled down the window just as I started to walk towards my grandmother’s house. “C’mon.”
I eyed the car.
Then glanced at the road stretched out ahead. My feet were throbbing in these stupid boots because they weren’t broken in completely. I dragged my fingers through my hair, mulling it over.
“Take me straight home?”
“Anything you want, Jennie.” Steve promised, smiling at me. “Scouts honor.”
“You are a lot of things… Somehow I doubt boy scout was one of them, you charmer. Okay, fine.” I gave in, going around to the passenger side of the car and getting in.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he teased gently. I stuck out my tongue at him and reached for the dial on his radio until I found something other than his preferred usual pop station. He chuckled to himself, reaching out to lower the volume. “I missed you.”
“Aw, be still my beating heart.” I pretended to swoon. But something about the look in his eyes had me feeling like all the air escaped my lungs. Giddy. Lightheaded. And yet, underneath it all, that sense of calm.
The rest of the drive to my grandmother’s house was quiet. The air between us filled with this heavy and almost electric tension. Like I was waiting on something to happen, I just didn’t know what.
He pulled to a stop behind Hank’s beat down old Chevrolet truck and I went to open the door on the passenger side. I was about to get out, when he stopped me. “Same time Thursday?”
I smiled, nodding at him as I shut the  door to his BMW and started towards my front door on very shaky legs. Once I was inside, I pulled off my boots and flopped down on the sofa, letting out several long and shaky breaths.
“Heaven help me. That guy is… Something.” I drawled. Resting until I heard Barb and Nancy knocking at my grandmother’s door. I got up to let them in and we went upstairs to find towels to take down to the river with us.
Then we set off, walking through the woods. Laughter and conversation echoing in the night around us. Diving into the cold water with ear splitting shrieks. Splashing at each other noisily.
 We flopped onto our towels on the bank, gazing up at the stars as they started to come out. 
“I can’t believe summer’s almost over.” Barb lamented, shaking her head. “It seriously feels like school just ended.”
“I don’t want to go back to school yet. Yuck.” Nancy agreed, shaking her head. “I mean there’s another month and a half but it’s flying by too fast.”
“At least we got a few classes with each other. I’m dreading starting at a new school. I mean it’s not new, but still..” I sat up, facing the two of them.
“It won’t be that bad. You’ve got us.” Barb pointed out and I smiled, nodding. “Yeah, you’re right. It won’t be that bad.” I echoed her statement.
“Hey, Jennie?”
“Yeah, Nan?”
“Why won’t you just give in to Steve. It’s not exactly a secret you like him.” Nancy eyed me expectantly.
I mulled it over, shrugging. “Guess it’s just the fear I have that I’ll give in and then everything will go wrong and I’ll wind up losing my friend too.”
The truth was… so much more complex than that. And I couldn’t even begin to explain it to myself, let alone my two best friends. 
“I will say this much though.” I started, going quiet for a second or two and taking a deep breath, speaking up again after, “It’s getting harder to fight it off. I mean when I moved back here and we ran into each other again, that old crush came back and it came back ten-fold. Enough about my weird hangups.. Is there some reason you’re not finally going for it with Jonathan?” I eyed Nancy expectantly.
“Every time I try it’s like my brain freezes? I don’t know, okay?” she laughed, shaking her head about it. Barb smirked. “Both of you are cowards.”
“Excuse… Says the girl who almost threw up because Logan, the guy she likes, winked at her on the bus back from an away game?” Nancy teased and Barb scowled at her, sticking out her tongue. “I’ll have you know, ha freaking ha, Logan is actually taking me to a movie on Friday.”
“Oh?” Nancy eyed her, wiggling her brows.
“Oh my god, details.” I spoke up, tapping my foot as I gave her an expectant look. Barb launched into the whole thing and I smiled softly, content to listen. Catching up on what I’d missed in being gone so long.
“Y’all. We need to get back down to my nana’s. It’s getting dark thirty.” I stood, reaching down to grab hold of Barb’s hand, pulling her off the bank of the river. Barb pulled Nancy up and the three of us went running through the wood and back towards my grandmother’s house.
Once we got there, we ordered pizza and went out to the old treehouse we used to play in out back to set up for the night. 
And at one point, we wound up playing Truth or Dare.
And naturally, the first dare I was given was to say yes if Steve Harrington asked me out again…
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yukikorogashi · 2 years
Hey, girl, you deserve some recognition too. Thank you for always being so positive and uplifting during these times ♥ Seeing you on the dash is always, always a pleasure, no matter what it is you’re doing. You have such a beautiful heart and I’m beyond thankful to have you, such a talented, amazing, selfless gal, in my life. Don’t you stop being awesome, either. I’m so very proud of all you’ve accomplished this year alone. But, anyways - yes. We’re also so excited to see you return and write again ~ ^_^ I’m looking forward to what’s to come.
   As if my heart isn’t already about to burst from all the love I have for you, you gotta come in and do this when I walked away for a wee bit? P-PLEASE... I don’t know how much more I can take, auheuwh!!! But, oh my dearest bestie, thank you so much for taking the time to send this in. For filling my inbox with so much sweetness aaaaa! ;; 
   Though, it is I that should be thanking you, because lord knows it’s bbies like you that inspire me to better myself. 🥺 Like I told you before not too long ago. During some really tough times, I have found myself going “Okay, calm down... what would Jessica do here?” And... lord has it saved me so so many times now. ;; I tried following in your example. To remember to be as calm, kind and as patient as you... and truly... you have inspired me in more ways than you can possibly imagine. ;; ❤️
   And boy, don’t get me started on what a frigging amazing writing partner you are too (LIKE HECK, gestures at all the stuff you’ve been spoiling me with over these past days AUHEUAW!!!). The fact that we’ve been writing together for uh... about 7-8 years now? Like HOLYYYY TOLEDO! Like what did I do to hit the jackpot with you? To be blessed by your amazingness for YEARS now??? 🥺❤️ Writing pardners like you only come ever so often, and I can’t thank enough whatever unseen force it was that brought together, and for you to have found my RP sideblog (Because I was still too dumb to make a main RP blog ROFL!) that very day. 🥺 
   We have written so many amazing things together, so many bonds, so many ships, so many plots, so, SO MANY THINGS... And made so many things together RP and non-RP related for one another. AND ofcccc, all the casual chats that we get to have with each other... be it just about anime and video games, what’s going on both our ends (Work, school, etc.) and... ofc our plans to met each other one day and wear my Yakuza jackets while I take you on a tour around Singapore!!! 😤❤️ All while always having an absolute blast and being reminded of just how grateful we are to know one another and I’m just... 😭❤️💕
   But okay, I think this young-old lady has rambled on for long enough... I love you, Jessica. You are truly one of my bestest friends, and I will forever speak the universe of you. My funny, adorable, talented buddy bud bud, J. 😔❤️ I am so very proud of you too, especially with how far you have come. And I want you to always remember how I will always be here to support you in any way I can. ;; ❤️ AND BOY HOWDY are you most definitely one of the main reasons I keep getting more excited about writing more on here again!!! LOVE YOU, GIR!!! ❤️💕
@sinstained ❤️💕
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wrensinclair · 3 years
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alex fitzalan, bisexual, cis male + he/him ― hey look, it’s wren sinclair! they’re twenty-five years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for eight years, and they’re currently working at sunrise drive in & theatre. i heard they’re pretty facetious, but i think they’re so amiable at the same time. can they make it out alive? || m, 25, she/her
tw :  death
 hello  bbies,  happy  to  be  here  !   this  is  my  lil  babe,  wren.   you  can  give  this  a  like  if  you  want  to  plot  something  !
he doesn’t know much about his mother, never cared enough to ask about her once he realized he’d never know her. she’s never been in the picture, never even tried contacting him ( from what he knows ) and his sister's mom died during childbirth.
his father was in the military, had been serving since right after his sister was born. he would come home every so often but overall wren would see his dad once or twice every few months. when he did see his dad, it was for only a week at most. unfortunately, when he was twelve, his dad died overseas.
while his dad was stationed, he lived with his grandmother, until she died about a year before his dad did. because they had no other family to take care of them,  wren and his sister were forced into foster care after their grandmother died. they were bounced around often, never staying in a place for too long.
once wren turned eighteen, he legally was allowed to live on his own but decided not to leave his sister on her own, she’s the only family he has left and he would never leave her.  although, now at twenty-five, with the help of one of the families who almost ( couldn’t but wanted to ) adopted him he is now able to afford to live in a decent apartment.
wren has a hard shell, doesn’t really open up to people because nobody sticks around long enough and he doesn’t want to get close to someone who will leave.  he also doesn’t really take anything serious or personal, it’s hard to offend him. but he is usually nice, flirty and easy to get along with in general.
he has a major passion for photography and art, ( mostly painting. ) he is rarely seen without his camera, always taking pictures of nature, animals and people if they let him. when he’s at home he likes to wind down or pass time by painting, he has a whole room in his apartment for painting and his photographs on the wall.
character  inspo :  callie  adams  foster  &  jane  lane.
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