#{  Judge the Nany the brand new tv show }
wrathfl · 6 years
{ ooc new dawn. } One thing that I would want to know more about nd is that how Dep/Judge was acting around/interacting with Ethan. In one of the cut-scenes we can see that young Ethan speaks with Joseph and his idk maybe 12-13 old? So we can assume that Ethan was growing up with the Judge around him. 
I want to know if Judge was protecting him ( doing all the ‘nany’ tasks ) when he was a kid or simply watching him from afar reporting to Joseph everything that he was doing from speaking with others to picking flowers. 
As more I think about this, I just can’t stop imagining Mercy stalking young Ethan few meters behind, stopping when his stopping or running at the same pace as him. ( or ‘ Mercy trying to comfort Ethan as a kid after Joseph would ignore him by patting him on shoulder ’ )
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